FAAWO.ORG info@faawo.org
FAA ABOUT Florida Association of Animal Welfare Organizations (FAAWO) is a nonprofit membership organization open to animal welfare agencies interested in working together to increase positive outcomes for Florida animals and communities.
AWO VISION FAAWO advocates for the betterment of animals and their communities.
MISSION FAAWO is a statewide leader in animal welfare and shares knowledge, expertise and support to increase lifesaving efforts and advocacy for animals in Florida.
~Mattie Stepanek
FAAWO OBJECTIVES FAAWO CONNECTS animal welfare professionals with each other, providing a valued source of knowledge sharing and collaboration on important issues that affect change on local and state levels.
FAAWO PROVIDES mentorship through its board members based on their areas of expertise.
FAAWO COLLABORATES with the Florida Animal Control Association (FACA) and other state of Florida agencies.
FAAWO ADVOCATES for state legislation to strengthen FL animal protection laws.
FAAWO COORDINATES and monitors preparedness and response with its member agencies in times of disaster.
FAAWO PROMOTES professional animal sheltering through training opportunities to affect lifesaving work.