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NBA Revelli Composition Contest Winners


1977 JeromeSorczek–Variations for Band 1978 NoAwardGiven 1979 HarryBulow–Textures 1980 ByronTatte–Between Worlds 1981 DavidGillingham–Concerto for Bass Trombone and Band 1982 NoAwardGiven 1983 GregoryYoutz–Scherzo for a Bitter Moon 1984 ArthurGottschalk–Concerto for Wind and Percussion Orchestra 1985 MichaelColgrass–Winds of Nagual 1986 NoAwardGiven 1987 AnthonyIannaccone–Apparitions for Symphonic Band 1988 MartinMailman–For Precious Friends Hid in Death’s Dateless Nights 1989 GordonRing–Concerto for Piano, Winds and Percussion 1990 PaulEpstein–The Adventures of Matinee Concerto, as Broadcast Live from the Late 20th Century, with Notes 1991 MarkCamphouse–To Build a Fire 1992 RonNelson–Passacaglia (Homage on B-A-C-H) 1993 JamesSyler–The Hound of Heaven 1994 JeffreyHass–Lost in the Funhouse 1995 DonaldGrantham–Bum’s Rush 1996 WalterMays–Dreamcatcher 1997 WarrenBenson–The Drums of Summer 1998 DonaldGrantham–Fantasy Variations 1999 DonaldGrantham–Southern Harmony 2000 DavidKechley–Restless Birds Before the Dark Moon 2001 JosephSpaniola–Escapade 2002 DeanRoush–Illuminations 2003(tie)David Dzubay – Ra! Sam Hazo – Perthshire Majesty 2004 JosephTurrin–Illuminations for Solo Trombone and Wind Symphony 2005 PhilipSparke–Music of the Spheres 2006 FrankTicheli–Symphony No. 2 2007 StevenBryant–Radiant Joy 2008 StevenBryant–Suite Dreams 2009 JohnMackey–Aurora Awakes 2010 StevenBryant–Ecstatic Waters 2011(tie) ScottLindroth–Passage Kevin Walczyk – Epitaphs Unwritten 2012 MichaelSchelle–The End of the World 2013 OliverWaespi–Audivi Media Nocte 2014 WayneOquin–Affirmation 2015(tie) PaulDooley–Masks and Machines John Mackey – Wine-Dark Sea 2016 PhilipSparke–A Colour Symphony 2017 JamesStephenson–Symphony No. 2, “Voices” 2018 WayneOquin–Song for Silent Voices 2019 OmarThomas–Come Sunday 2020 BrianBalmages–Love and Light 2021 FrankTicheli–Lux Perpetua

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