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11:30 AM – 1:20 PM


President Randall Coleman called the meeting to order at 11:30 AM.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Randall Coleman, Jason Fettig (PresidentElect), Matt Temple (Vice-President), Rebecca Phillips (Immediate Past President), and Scott Tobias (Executive Secretary-Treasurer).

MEETING AGENDAS: President Coleman reviewed the agendas for the next day’s NBA Board of Directors Meeting, Division and State Chairs Meeting, and General Membership Meeting to ensure that all needed topics were included for discussion.

NBA MEMBERSHIP PINS: President Coleman led a discussion about options for a possible new membership pin design. It was decided that Executive Secretary Scott Tobias would gather information on vendors and design options and would report back to the committee at the next executive committee meeting to be held in February.

New Business

NBA JOURNAL: President-Elect Jason Fettig asked about the possibility of offering a digital version of the NBA Journal to members in place of the printed version. This new option could save on printing costs and also present the Journal in a format becoming more frequently used by other organizations and publications. A discussion of pros and cons ensued. It was decided that Executive Secretary Scott Tobias would explore options that might allow for members to indicate their preference of receiving a print version or digital version of the Journal. Additional discussion is to take place at the next executive committee meeting.


President Coleman announced the creation of a new award named the NBA Presidential Medal of Distinction to be awarded to outstanding members of the National Band Association. The executive committee discussed the exact wording for the award, the criteria for recipients, and the process for selection of recipients. The approved wording will read:

Your professional service as a member of the National Band Association and your pursuit of musical performances of distinction serve as a model for others. Your record of dedication to our profession is one of which you may be justifiably proud, and your commitment to excellence is evident by the quality of your actions and integrity of your intent.

The selection criteria and process will be finalized in the coming months and posted on the NBA website.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM.

Nba Board Of Directors Meeting



President Randall Coleman called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM and asked everyone to introduce themselves.


Diane Koutsoulis (At-Large Representative), Mike Miller (Music Industry Representative), Don Schofield (At-Large Representative), Michael Burch-Pesses (Community Band Representative), Lowell E. Graham, Col, USAF (ret) (At-Large Representative), Alex Kaminsky (Student Member Chair), David Gregory (AWAPA Chair), Tracy Leslie (Elementary/Middle/Junior High School Representative), Dan Toven (Military Bands Representative), Corey Spurlin (Southern Division Chair), Craig Aarhus (At-Large Representative), Wolson Gustama (Foster Project Representative), Danh Pham (Western/Northwestern Division Co-Chair), Nate Seamons (Western/Northwestern Division Co-Chair), Susan Creasap (NBA Foundation), Andrew Yozviak (Eastern Division Chair), Tiffany Hitz (Elementary/Middle/Junior High School Representative), Arris Golden (College/University Representative), Thad Driskell (North Central Division Chair), Adam Dalton (Marching Band

Chair), Jerell Horton (High School Representative), Bobby Lambert (High School Representative), Amanda Siegert (Student Representative), Susan Waters (Elementary/Middle/ Junior High School Representative), Audrey Murphy (Alfred Young Band Composition Contest Chair), Chad Kamei (High School Representative), Myra Rhoden (Programs of Excellence Chair), Randall Coleman (President), Jason Fettig (President-Elect), Matt Temple (Vice-President), Rebecca Phillips (Immediate Past President), and Scott Tobias (Executive SecretaryTreasurer).

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Scott Tobias reported that membership was at 2435 members as of December 15. This marked the sixth straight year that membership in the association has increased. See the full report in the NBA Journal

FINANCIAL REPORT: Scott Tobias reported as of November 30 there is a balance of $63,667.56 in the NBA bank account. This balance included a part of the Midwest Clinic 2022 expenses. A full financial report may be found in the NBA Journal.

NBA FOUNDATION: Susan Creasap reported that the current balance in the Foundation account is $53,764.00. This amount is down due to the current economy and market trends. Money in the account has been moved to a more conservative portfolio until the economy begins to stabilize.

NBA YOUNG COMPOSER JAZZ COMPOSITION CONTEST: President Coleman announced that this year’s winner is It Matters by Clint Bliel. The piece will be performed by the United States Air Force Airmen of Note on their concert tonight. President Coleman thanked the University of Florida Bands for their sponsorship of this contest and for providing a $1,000 prize for the winner.

NBA/ALFRED YOUNG COMPOSITION CONTEST: Audrey Murphy reported that 23 entries were received for this year’s contest. She thanked the committee for their work in selecting a winner. Chris Bernotas and Alfred Music were also thanked for their continued sponsorship of this contest. This year’s winner is PROXIMA B by Steven Pyter.

Nba Merrill Jones Composition

CONTEST: President Coleman reported that the Merrill Jones Composition Contest selection committee was meeting at the same as the Board of Directors meeting. Contest chair Paul Popiel sent word that the number of entries were up this year. A winner will be announced at this afternoon’s General Membership meeting.


COMPOSITION CONTEST: President Coleman presented a report on behalf of contest chair Matt McCutchen. This year saw the highest number of applicants in contest history with 95 entries. The winner will be announced at the General Membership meeting this afternoon.

DIVISION AND STATE REPORTS: The Board heard brief Division reports from Andrew Yozviak (upcoming band symposium with US Coast Guard Band), Thad Driskell (monthly Zoom meetings, successful CBDNA-NBA joint division conference), Corey Spurlin (multiple symposia and workshops, successful CBDNA-NBA joint division conference), and Nate Seamons and Danh Pham (student leadership, professional development, mentoring). President Coleman presented a report on behalf of Dustin Seifert (focus on membership growth). President Coleman and President-Elect Fettig thanked the Division Chairs for their work this year. See the full report of Division and State activity on the NBA website at nationalbandassociation.org/ history-archives.

COMMUNITY BANDS: Michael Burch-Pesses reported that thanks to the easing of pandemic restrictions over the past year, community bands are returning. The Association of Concert Bands reported 589 member bands last year and 624 this year. Congratulations were offered to the two adult/community bands performing at this year’s Midwest Clinic – the Brooklyn Wind Symphony and the Spring ISD Alumni Band. See the full Community Bands report in the NBA Journal.

CORPORATE RELATIONS: President Coleman reported that Gary Smith is working on re-establishing corporate members and sponsors who took a break from their involvement during COVID. To assist in this effort, the Executive Committee approved the lowering of dues for Corporate Members to $250 for the upcoming year.



Wolson Gustama reported that six individuals had been selected as division recipients of the Foster Community Development Award. These individuals were chosen from 75 nominees. These recipients, along with the schools receiving the Foster Project Award of Excellence, will be recognized at this afternoon’s NBA General Membership meeting and at tonight’s Midwest Clinic Diversity Reception. They will also be recognized later in the week at the CBDNA Forum.


COMMITTEE: Matt Temple reported on two primary projects undertaken by the committee this year. The first was the development of a welcoming statement for the association which reads:

“The National Band Association acknowledges and embraces that our organization is strengthened by diversity. We welcome all peoples, inclusive of their culture, economic status, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and abilities. The NBA is committed to including all voices in our organization and invites everyone to join us in the advancement of our mission and education purposes.”

This statement was approved by the Executive Committee and will be added to the website and other documents. The second project was proposed revisions to the NBA’s educational purposes. These revisions will be discussed later in the meeting under New Business.

MILITARY-PROFESSIONAL BANDS: Daniel Toven shared the good news that the premier military bands have resumed touring. The United States Marine Band recently toured Eastern Europe. The United States Navy Band traveled to Oslo, Norway. The United States Army Field Band performed in Scotland at the Edinburgh Tattoo. Additional good news is that there are no planned cuts to funding for the military band programs, and leaders are currently working on reversing previous cuts. During the past year, the United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” celebrated their 100th anniversary, and the Army Blues jazz band celebrated 50 years. In 2023, the United States Marine Band “The President’s Own” will celebrate their 225th anniversary.

NBA Board of Directors Meeting, cont.

MUSIC RESEARCH: President Coleman reported on behalf of Brian Silvey who was unable to attend. The committee received one grant proposal which was approved by the Executive Committee to receive $500. One research article in currently under review for potential inclusion in the NBA Journal.

MUSIC INDUSTRY: Mike Miller stated that the past three years have been interesting and challenging for the music industry; however, things are starting to look up again. Supply chain issues continue to impact companies, but progress is being made. With steady improvement, companies seem to be positive that 2023 will see significant returns back to normalcy.


Arris Golden reported that a committee slightly larger than in the past has been formed to accommodate broader perspectives from all levels. A first meeting is scheduled for January.





Don Schofield reported that the committee will be working on coordinating efforts to match selection criteria between the concert list and the march list for greater consistency.

MARCHING BANDS: Adam Dalton and Bobby Lambert reported that the NBA has offered support to a recently distributed philosophical statement regarding the limiting of electronics and amplification use in marching bands. This statement was based on a DCI proposal submitted by Carolina Crown. Looking ahead, the committee is working to set goals for ways in which the NBA can assist directors with marching band activities, e.g. articles, resources, video tutorials, etc. Plans are underway to expand the committee to include a broad range of directors and styles of marching band.

NBA STUDENT GROUPS: Alex Kaminsky and Jason Fettig reported ongoing work to update guidelines for student groups and/or chapters. Part of the updates involve clarifying language and ensuring all legal issues are covered. The ultimate goal of the formation of student groups is to encourage young music education majors to join the NBA while in college with the hope they will remain members once in the profession. Alex Kaminsky introduced VanderCook College of Music student Amanda Siegert who President Coleman has appointed as the new Student Representative on the NBA Board of Directors.


MENTOR PROJECT: President Coleman read a report from Linda Moorhouse on the very successful 2022 YCCMP which took place in June in Washington, D.C. The NBA would like to thank Colonel Don Schofield and the United States Air Force Band for serving as hosts for the event. The next YCCMP will take place in 2024 and will once again be hosted by the United States Air Force Band. It was announced that Mark Camphouse has decided to step down from his role as coordinator of the composer portion of YCCMP. For 2024, Frank Ticheli has agreed to assume that role.

“NEED A MENTOR” PROJECT: Susan Creasap reminded the Board that a link exists on the NBA website for individuals to either request a mentor or to offer to serve as a mentor. The number of requests being received has decreased in recent years. This appears to be due to a transition to a more local level with increased mentoring options existing within the Divisions.

NBA AWARDS: President Randall Coleman reported on behalf of Awards Chair Heath Nails. During the past year, the NBA presented 132 Citations of Excellence, 111 Certificates of Merit for Marching Excellence, 4 Outstanding Jazz Educator Awards, 37 Outstanding Jazz Student Awards, 18 Band Booster Awards, and 99 Outstanding Band Musician Awards.

Programs Of Excellence Blue

RIBBON AWARD: Myra Rhoden reported that Division Recipients had been named and announced. They are, from the Southern Division: Hagerty High School (Oviedo, Florida), Brad Kuperman and Brian Kuperman, directors; Walton High School (Marietta, Georgia), John Palmer and Chris Johns, directors; Leon High School (Tallahassee, Florida), Lee Commander and Curtis Newson, directors; from the Southwestern Division: Artie Henry Middle School (Cedar Park, Texas), Robert T. Herrings, Katherine Norris, and Aaron Sanchez, directors; and from the Western Division: Rancho High School (Las Vegas, Nevada), Clinton Williams and Andrew Smouse, directors. The schools receiving the National Award will be announced later in the day at the NBA General Membership Meeting.


DISTINGUISHED LEGACY AWARD: Rebecca Phillips reported that two individuals have been selected for the award this year. They will be announced later in the day at the NBA General Membership Meeting.

HALL OF FAME OF DISTINGUISHED CONDUCTORS: President Coleman reported on behalf of Tom Fraschillo. The formal induction of the three most recently elected members to the Hall of Fame of Distinguished Conductors will take place on Saturday, February 4, 2023, at Troy University. An announcement will be made this afternoon at the NBA General Membership Meeting regarding the newest elected member(s) to the Hall of Fame.

AWAPA COMMISSION: David Gregory reported that Bruce Leek (elected in 2021) will not be able to join us for this year’s NBA General Membership Meeting to receive his award. Thank you to Lowell E. Graham, Col, USAF (ret) who recently presented the award statue to Bruce at his home on behalf of the NBA. David Gregory will announce the 2022 recipient(s) later this afternoon at the NBA General Membership Meeting.

reported that work continues on a new design for the NBA membership pin. It is hoped that the pin will be ready before the 2023 Midwest Clinic.

Project Grants And Booth

REQUESTS: Matt Temple reported that eight project grant requests were received this year, and all were funded. Four booth requests were received and have been approved. New materials are being developed for inclusion in the booth.

New Business

Old Business

D-DAY ALL-AMERICAN BAND: Matt Temple reminded the Board that the NBA will be providing $20,000 in financial aid to students participating in the inaugural event scheduled to take place in the summer of 2023. NBA members will be serving as staff for this project which is being coordinated by Historic Programs and led by Colonel Tim Holtan.

NEW PIN DESIGN: President Coleman

NBA JOURNAL: President Coleman thanked Matt Talbert and Nash McCutchen for their work on the NBA Journal. All Board members were encouraged to contribute articles for publication. President Coleman informed the Board that the Executive Committee was discussing the possibility of offering an option for members to choose to receive the NBA Journal in either a print or digital format. More information would be shared in the near future. Additionally, the Division and State Reports that have traditionally appeared in the Winter edition of the NBA Journal will now be available on the website instead.

NBA CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT: President Coleman informed the Board that the Executive Committee had approved the proposed changes to the NBA’s Educational Purposes as presented by the IDEA Committee.

NBA Board of Directors Meeting, cont.

These proposed changes had previously been sent to the Board by President-Elect Jason Fettig. The floor was opened for discussion. Hearing none, a motion was made and seconded to adopt the proposed changes. The motion passed unanimously and will now be brought to the membership for a vote of approval this spring. The proposed educational purposes would read:

• To promote and empower band performances throughout the world

• To encourage and promote the commissioning and performance of new wind band music

• To provide inclusive and authentic professional development opportunities and resources for everyone

• To acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of bands, educators, performers, and band support organizations

• To promote pride, commitment, and enthusiasm among band directors and performers

• To encourage lifelong involvement in music and to support interested students in pursuing musical careers

• To promote an inclusive community among directors, performers, the music industry, and all other band support organizations


President Coleman announced the creation of a new award named the NBA Presidential

Medal of Distinction to be awarded to outstanding members of the National Band Association. The Executive Committee has approved the following wording for the award: Your professional service as a member of the National Band Association and your pursuit of musical performances of distinction serve as a model for others. Your record of dedication to our profession is one of which you may be justifiably proud, and your commitment to excellence is evident by the quality of your actions and integrity of your intent.

The selection criteria and process will be finalized in the coming months and posted on the NBA website.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 AM.

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