Interesting Benefits of the Crystal Ball The crystal balls have been used as divination tools for thousand of years. You can keep them in your home or sacred place when they are not in use. It is also advised to keep your crystal ball shrouded with a black cloth to stop the light from reaching it when it is not in use. Using a crystal ball to explain the tree of life
Every level of the tree of life had a specific symbolism images and voices included in it. Some parts of the spirit resound with each level of the tree of life. When you decide the information that you would like to get from the specific tree level, then all that is needed is to align harmoniously with the part and focus there for scrying. For example, when you want to get a greater sense of your spiritual journey, then you would stare into your crystal ball and explore a timbre with Binah. The messages relayed will be particular to your tree.
Some crystal balls operate very well with a specific type of vitality. These crystal balls are not expensive to have several crystal balls running in all the 10 levels. The sizes of the each ball work from the large marbles to the softball or small size balls. These types of balls can be clear citrine or rose, quartz, necessarily any type of crystal ball will work as long as its crystalline. Crystal balls and how they affect our lives
Currently, the crystal balls are used by Fortune tellers, psychics, clairvoyants, magicians and sorcerers in their trade or business. They have powers and abilities to watch into the present, the past and the future world of humans. Basically, the quartz crystal balls are firstly use in Britain. The British is believed to encourage their use in estimation. However, at present they are utilized all over the world in enjoyment traditional medicine architecture psychology and internal design.
Many designers have utilized crystal balls in internal design in the 21 st century. They have been useful in selecting lamp posts and chandelier balustrade decor. Many Magicians use crystal balls in enjoyment as props for performance and assist them in generating illusions. Their luminous nature gives the ability to watch the present, past and the future. In the Chinese community, The crystal balls are utilized as elements that are symbolic of the earth's powers.
They work relying on their color, size and the tactical locations placed. The crystal balls are beneficial in psychology, in helping heal tranquility and relaxation. Modern science and technology has commended our minds and lives. Though, these traditional practices are beneficial on from generation to generation. Reference