MD: i'm lovin' it.

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To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure. It was born out of a desire to play with pretty pictures of food, and has since become a sort of experiment involving colors and words and reflective musings. I've always loved food and believed in its importance and healing powers. Tastes and smells evoke memories, soothe the soul, and relieve weariness. The right meal or drink can expedite bonding between new friends, spice up a first date, ease the sorrows of disappointment, and make staying up all night to write a paper much more bearable. So, I figured it would be fun integrate something that is near and dear to me, with some of my thoughts related to course material and discussions. One of the biggest take-home points for me has definitely been the importance of taking care of oneself throughout the process of becoming a doctor -- and beyond. This of course includes the physical sense, where food plays a maj or role, but also extends into the mental and emotional realms. After all, trying to take care of someone else before you've got yourself figured out j ust seems impossible and irresponsible. As well, I think I've concluded that taking care of yourself doesn't necessarily mean that perfect balance can ever actually be achieved. Instead, what matters most is effort and mindset -- and allowing room for risks, mistakes, and guilty pleasures. McDonald's came to mind because of its relationship with efficiency, and appealed to me as a theme because I could integrate something commonly perceived as lowbrow with one of the most prestigious of professions. (I shamelessly stole photographs and nutritional information from their website, but am a student with no intention to profit, so I believe this is in compliance with their copyright policy.) Using some popular menu items, I hope to tell the story of one ordinarily extraordinary woman who experiences life as a patient, a doctor, a daughter, and a mother. From early childhood to old age, the struggles and questions she faces will be personified by the particular food item of choice. These metaphorical snapshots relate broadly to some of my opinions about maj or course themes, but are also highly specfic on a narrative, human level. After all, you are what you eat! I hope this compilation is both entertaining and thought-provoking. If it also makes you hungry, then my work is done. Enj oy! :)


In the old days, there would be hot griddle, batter made from scratch, and fresh syrup from a maple tree Mom serving Sunday brunch the entire family gathered 'round talking and laughing and being silly Now, in place of an apron and oven mitts are a Blackberry and stylish pencil skirt This is what the little girl sees I come fresh off the gas-guzzling minivan encased in unromantic styrofoam the handiwork of a sullen teen trainee So the presentation is lacking and the taste rather subpar but don't be so quick to denounce me The loving smile and maternal touch are one and the same This is what the little girl sees Homemade or not, hotcakes are hotcakes it is the warmth that is key Change is constant, Efficiency is elusive. I can't be everything But I can be the best I can be. Mother adds a syrup smiley and the little girl sees yes she loves me


I am the box of possibility // I look different I am different I am still the same // I am a symbol I am a trophy I epitomize normalcy I am contained I am inaccesible I am oh-so-covetable I am unhealthy I am a bad decision I am so trivial, really. I am her dream I am the other kids I am the other kids' // Little things matter to little people (and to big people, too!) She watches Toy Story She wants my toy She wants to write her own story And all the tubes and beeping monitors can't keep her from running away from the trays filled with Bland and Blander Even if j ust for a second before returning to resting position she wants me The box of possibility


If nothing else, this much is certain: I myself am composed of contradictions and curiosity. How did I become a chocolate sundae, and not a simple vanilla cone or a messy Oreo McFlurry? Why are we separated by these lines and plastic walls, when we are all j ust frozen dairy treats at heart? And how did she choose to order me, j ust me, when vanilla and strawberry sundaes are both oh-so-delicious too? Am I worth this price exactly, not more or less? Is she sure of her decision? Will she regret it? Such a difficult choice to make, based on j ust pictures. Or hearsay, ads, a mere whim, even? Not much time, and no real chance of return. Definitely not an ideal situation. Still, she makes up her mind to embrace the unknown. After putting in due time waiting out the long line unperturbed by the rowdy noontime crowds she approaches the register at last Putting it on credit signing on the dotted line... (laying it all on the line) The deed is done. She advances. Will she be able to handle the shock from the rude clash of ice cream with hot fudge? Will I burn her, will I freeze her, will I swirl her into confusion? I wait. I am hopeful.


Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? Lettuce see what we have here: I've been chicken that girl out, and cheese-us crouton, she looks fine! Well-rounded like a cherry tomato topped off with a smile and a dash of ranch. It all comes from eating salad, I tell you. At first, they come to me for j ust looks. To lose weight, to keep up, to reach those glossy magazine goals. Nothing wrong with that, lighten the load lessen the burden. Green is the new black, after all. And with the time she saves and the energy she gains that's fuel to shape up her resume too. So don't hide behind greasy donuts and leftovers Show the world your crisp new salad Own it. Work it. Plus, true beauty goes beyond that -Stop tossing and turning when you find the right salad you won't have to pick out the olives or shove the celery underneath your plate. There might occasionally be a stray bit of cheddar among your beloved Parmesan, But all the zany ingredients and zesty flavors will mix and match into unexpected harmony A beautiful base Side dish or main course Starter or standalone The choice is yours.


Nearly two decades ago, I was first introduced to the classic five paragraph essay. This trusty template has served my owner well, from elementary school book reports to high school research essays to the occasional last-minute college paper. However, I never imagined that she would still be in school after all these years, and need to call upon my trusty sidekick and I. She has always worked hard, but medical school is proving to be especially challenging.

In such times of need, I feel proud to rise to the occasion. Not only am I a tasty side dish and a filling snack, I am the perfect finger food for all those times when stamina alone is not enough. Rather than being forced to interrupt productivity to deal with the inconveniences of cutlery and complex two-handed eating motions, she can simply place me at her side, in my portable, iconic package, and refuel while working.

To improve customer experiences, I am available in different shapes and sizes to suit every need, but my crispy golden goodness remains unchanged regardless of format. But do you feel guilt at the thought of so much grease? To this I can only respond: desperate times call for desperate measures. something else out elsewhere.

More importantly, indulging a bit here simply means cutting The best things in life are worth fighting for, and worth

sacrificing for!

After all, I am not claiming to be a maj or food group or even a daily staple. I realize my role as a treat and a guilty pleasure.

I am not to be consumed in excess, but enj oyed in

moderation. So good for you, because it's bad for you. And such indulgences sometimes necessary, despite knowing better and generally having good goals -- j ust like those late nights that I often find myself fueling.

In conclusion, I truly believe there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't envy the early risers with their hash browns and scrambled eggs. Don't think about the fancy steak dinners with finely scalloped potatoes. Focus on the task at hand, with your goals in mind, and be thankful that you have yummy fries to munch on.


The clock strikes twelve, marking the beginning of a long night the first of many. I have enormous responsibility relied upon for clear j udgment and superhuman stamina 1:00 She is alone Left to her own devices A rush of power, quickly replaced by crippling fear 2:00 A doubleshot of caffeine cascades into mounting doubt. Differential diagnosis? Dammit. 3:00 A stolen nap over before it even began A second j olt of sudden understanding 4:00 Drop by drop like the sweat of an Olympic athlete She builds endurance 5:00 The odds are improving I bear witness to beautiful transformation There is no end in sight but she can see the light. 6:00 Dawn. I am drained. She is too. 7:00 Refill. Recharge. Resume.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

[ not just a sandwich ] From afar, there are striking similarities vertically stacked circular layers food staples in cheese and meat wrapped up in one easily portable package

[ not yet a burger ] But upon closer inspection, the curvature of the ends betrays a dirty secret these are English Muffins, not sesame wheat buns! and that meat is no beef patty, but a sausage imposter

[ not just a sandwich ] Most bizarrely: what is that egg!? broken down and beaten reformed under high heat

[ not yet a burger ] It certainly adds something A characteristic morning freshness Something invigorating

[ not just a sandwich ] Earnest in its simplicity Not as glamorous as lettuce Or as acidic as tomato You'll get the calories, miss out some fiber

[ not yet a burger ] Breach the activation barrier The first step is rate-limiting Catalytic Catastrophic


Let me tell you a little secret. I am widely known as the biggest, baddest burger around. Piled high and stuffed full with hearty goodness A minor feat of balance and ingenious engineering Layer upon layer of collective knowledge and community traditions Did it take years to make me? Does it take effort to keep it all together? Does the world look different from higher up? Yes and no. I don't feel all that different from my humble cheeseburger days A bit wearier and a tad less self-deprecating, perhaps But every day I walk a fine line between confidence and competency The lettuce still needs to be ruffled j ust so The meat grilled to exacting specifications And heaven help the one who grabs the wrong cheese I can tell. Really, though, it's still about feeding the family Providing a reliable meal when things get busy Filling a need; solving a problem A treat for a hungry son A relief for a fasting patient An incredulous expression on a young child's face Pure j oy Gratitude Open wide Say "Aahh" Smile!


A good life, fond memories Began with a blur of Caramel apples and cotton candy Dancing to Disney songs Elephants at the zoo and Following the butterflies Good times never to be forgotten Helped tide over the darker days I was a childhood favorite Juice could never compare Kool-Aid a distant third Lazy summers became busier More things to do, more people to meet New York, Nepal, and everything in between Opened a world of possibility Premed, from potential to positive -- so many Questions with no answers "Run with it!" they said So she did the best she could Taught and was taught, healed and was healed Until the very end, now, with Vanity interrupted, independence interrupted Worked with a heart - the kind in X-rays, and the one that reaches Zen // A return to the start Beautifully blended and Cold, Creamy, Deliciously dreamy. Easy drinking: the Final straw: Goodbye (you say) Hello (I say)


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