Your M&S issue 39

Page 1

Quality creators The brains behind some of our innovative products tell us how they are delivering the ‘M&S Difference’


Spotlight Awards

Retail career path

We chat to four employees who are helping to shape our new website

How you’ve been going the extra mile for customers

Learn more about your role and how you can reach for the stars

Keeping you in touch September / October 2013 01 Cover V2 M&S Iss39.indd 1

06/09/2013 08:34

Inside 9



M&S employees have raised £1.7 million for Macmillan since 2010


Close-up 4 Britain’s leading ladies Our inspirational new campaign and your chance to feature in a photoshoot

5 In Touch

Customers send their praise

6 Our first e-boutique

A look at our exciting new Amsterdam store

7 Three cheers

Employees thank each other

8 Fashion focus

Two pages of stylish news

Magazine heroes

We couldn’t have created this issue of YOUR M&S without these colleagues

Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning takes place for the 23rd year


Calls a week are answered by the Macmillan Support Line


12 Celebrating innovation Five M&S technologists tell us about their products


The amount that will be donated to Macmillan from every cup of coffee sold at this year’s Coffee Morning


M&S is aiming to raise £1 million in 2013 to help ensure that no one has to face cancer alone



17 M&

An insight into our new website and the people who have been working on it

20 Retail Career Path

An in-depth look at some of our in store retail roles

24 Meet the experts

An interview with three of the people behind our In Store Bakeries

26 Winter warmers

A taster of the new season’s gorgeous grub

30 Your letters

Spotlighting your ideas, plus puzzles and prizes

22 Spotlight on service

Employees who have been going the extra mile

‘It’s encouraging to see our people progressing through the Retail Career Path and taking greater ownership of their job responsibilities.’ SIMON MARSHALL, HR BUSINESS PARTNER

‘Hearing from employees who work on the new M& website and learning what it means to them and our customers has been really inspiring.’ LISA HOLMES, COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER

‘Our technologists are usually hidden away behind the scenes, so it’s great to see them – and their innovative products – in the spotlight.’ JO GORDON, INNOVATION DELIVERY MANAGER

Hello! Welcome...

QUALITY CREATORS Five of our amazing product technologists tell us about their inspiration

15 Go online now! Look out for the digital version of the YOUR M&S employee magazine. It has all of the fantastic stories from your regular magazine, plus some extra articles for you to read, enjoy and share with your colleagues. See Today@M&S for details


If you have an idea for a great news story, please ask your BIG rep to send it to us. Clare Goulty, Editor – extn 183283 Internal email: Internal Communications External email: Internal.Communications2@ Post: Internal Communications, Marks & Spencer, Waterside House, UG East, 35 North Wharf Road, London W2 1NW



In this issue of YOUR M&S, we turn our attention to innovation , one pillar of our Clothing Quality Charter. Inside (p. 10), we chat to five technologists who have helped us to deliver the ‘M&S Difference’ with some of our GM products. We also introduce you to some of the people behind the new M& website (p. 15), which you will get a sneak preview of soon. And, of course, with the change in season comes an excuse to indulge in some soul-warming food. Turn to page 24 to find out more. Happy autumn everyone, we hope you are as excited about it as we are.


Picture credits

Cover photography: Levon Biss Hair and make-up: Gina Best Styling: Charlotte Ellis Other images this issue: Hannah Edwards, Ben Gold This magazine is printed on 50% recycled paper. Please do the right thing by passing it on to someone else or recycling it after you have read it.

Story to te ll? Email Inte rnal.Communica tions2@marks-and-spe nce

Close-up BU S I N E S S

Dear colleagues...

I’m often asked what makes M&S special, and my response is that it’s our people. Particularly special to M&S are our teams of product developers and technologists, whose job it is to come up with new, first to market Food and GM products and innovations that our customers will want to buy. In GM, we have a team of technologists who work hard to deliver the M&S Difference – under our new Clothing Quality Charter – season after season, year after year. You can see some of the team’s exciting innovations in store and online now – like our No Peep™ shirts, our Insolia® footwear and StayNEW™ Technology. Product innovation is a key part of our heritage and has been evident in GM as far back as 1926, when we were the first retailer to sell bras. In Food, we were first on the high street to sell what are now staple products, including chilled chicken, ready meals and prawns. In this issue, read about colleagues who are working on the development of new products. At M&S we’re constantly striving to give our customers better value for money, and our commitment to product innovation helps us achieve this. But you don’t have to be a technologist or a product developer to get involved. Keep a close eye on Knowledge to Share, stay up to date with our latest innovations and tell your customers, friends and family about them. We should all feel proud of our products and we can all play our part to help make the ‘M&S Difference’.

Marc Bolland, CEO


Are you one of M&S’s leading ladies? An Oscar-winning actress, an inspiring nurse of the year and the survivor of an acid attack. These are just a few of the women who, as you will know by now, are involved in our new Autumn/Winter Womenswear campaign. Despite being very different people, the inspirational achievements of these 12 British women have propelled them to success. Be it physical strength, dedication to helping others, overcoming adversity, or simply

sheer determination to be the best they can, each woman is truly inspiring. Now, we want to turn our attention to you. We know that we have some incredible women working for us, and we want to hear about you. Do you or one of your fellow employees have an extraordinary story to tell? Write in and tell us (see below for more details), and you could win the chance to star in the Christmas cover shoot for YOUR M&S.

Competition The campaign includes ( from left to right): Katie Piper, burns To enter, write to survivor and charity campaigner; Monica Ali, award-winning internalcommunications2 author; Tracey Emin, artist and Professor of Drawing at the @marks-andRoyal Academy; Karen Elson, supermodel and singer; Grace and tell us Coddington, creative director of American Vogue; Helen Allen, your story (300 words max please) by Nurse of the Year 2011; Nicola Adams, Olympic gold-winning 24 September. boxer; Helen Mirren, award-winning actress; Laura Mvula, breakthrough singer/songwriter; Ellie Goulding, award-winning singer/songwriter. Not pictured: Jasmine Whitbread, CEO of Save the Children International, and Darcey Bussell, retired principal ballerina at The Royal Ballet. September / October 2013

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05 YOur M&S


seRv iCe

food l a belling

What a natural!

Every day, we receive emails and letters that demonstrate how M&S employees are In Touch with our customers. Here’s a selection of the stories we loved…

The Store Manager at Eden High Wycombe store has had customers stop him on the sales foor to compliment him on Womenswear Customer Assistant Karen Tannis. They are always delighted with her friendly and positive approach when addressing queries and she has a real natural ability to connect with the customer. An ambassador of In Touch.

explained that she was wearing the wrong size bra. Lucy took the time to get a variety of styles of bras for the customer to try on, remaining incredibly informative and friendly throughout.

Our labels are a-changing

Smiles all round

What has changed?

Malvern store consistently receives letters of praise about Karon Earp, pictured left, who works in Lingerie. Karon works tirelessly and always goes the extra mile to ensure that every customer leaves not only satisfed, but with a smile on their face. Customers come back time and time again to be ftted by Karon as they know they will enjoy outstanding service.

Tactfully does it A customer recently reported that Lucy Robins from Bournemouth tactfully


Play your part Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place from 28 September until 31 October. During this time, 10% of sales from our specially designed products will be donated to the charity. We’ve been working with Bra, T81/8583P, £16; Thong, Breakthrough Breast Cancer since 2001, raising T81/8583T, £7.50 more than £19 million for Breakthrough’s vital research, campaigning and education work. September / October 2013

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Nutrition and allergen labelling will be changing soon because of new European laws. It will take a few months, so both the old and new ones will be in store for a period of time. Here, we have highlighted some key changes.

Front of Pack (FOP) nutrition labelling l The layout of the FOP panel has changed and FOP labelling will be found on more products. l The term Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) is now Reference Intake (RI). l There will be some changes to the colours because of changes in the criteria. However, the recipes for these products have not changed. Allergen labelling l Allergens will no longer be listed in the blue Allergy Information box, but will be found in bold in the ingredients list. A ‘not suitable for’ statement will be used if there’s a risk of cross contamination l It’s now even more important for those with allergies to check the ingredients list to help identify suitable foods.

Bracelet, T06/8238, £7.50

Bedding from £11

To f d out mn ore

please v isit marksa ndspen cer. com/he alth

04/09/2013 06:35

Cose-up I N T E R N AT IO N A L

Amsterdam’s e-boutique When we opened our 500m2 store in Amsterdam earlier this year, its centrepiece was a world first: a virtual clothes rail. The rail – comprising three stacked 46-inch screens and three physical rails, each holding 50 clothing samples – showcases the latest trends. It sits alongside order points where style advisers equipped with iPads can help customers order from the website, which has local payment and delivery options. The store also has a range of 1,400 food lines, including sandwiches, salads and wine, as well as ready meals and traditional British goods like Earl Grey tea and crumpets, popular with Dutch locals and homesick expats alike. S H A R E S AV E


Share in our success Sharesave is a fantastic way to save and be part of the future success of M&S. You can save between £5 and £250 each month for three years, and then buy M&S shares at a 20% discount or get your money back. Full details will be sent to your home address in October. M&S BANK

Happy Birthday! M&S Bank celebrates its first birthday on 26 September. To find out more about the Bank and what it can ofer employees, visit Perks.

Hopefully, you will have seen your weekly vodcasts by now, helping you to stay in touch with what’s going on across the business. Each week, Jacqueline Mudge (right), our star presenter and Customer Assistant Engagement Manager, will keep you up to date with the Tune in every Monday key things happening in store, M&S My Store Workspace > products featured in intouch toolkit > staying the press and intouch weekly update everything else you or via the Knowledge need to know. to Share App. September / October 2013

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Pick of the bunch Our gorgeous poppy brooches return to stores on 10 October. This year is even more exciting as we will have a brand new design and even more styles, including a bracelet, to choose from.



Three cheers


Marching on... Many of you, including Meadow Hall store, pictured below, shared your inspirational stories from our Fashion Camp cascades on our private social network site, Yammer. For more information about Yammer, see www.

‘Our very own models arrived in Meadow Hall this weekend! Real M&S ladies of all shapes, sizes and ages... The customers loved them, but they loved the product even more! #winninginwomenswear.’


Your opportunity to thank your colleagues for their support, dedication, efficiency and humour – or simply for just being themselves

Coach Christina Caygill (pictured top right) has taken such a proactive approach to coaching and sharing knowledge across the store. She drives the agenda, manages her time and supports the management team, all with a smile on her face. Nominated by JAMES BARCLAY, Store Manager, Eden High Wycombe Customer Assistant Hannah Williams (pictured bottom right), who works on Lingerie, was recently asked to do a bra fitting for a French lady. Hannah can’t speak French and the customer didn’t speak any English but, undeterred, Hannah used the


Are you the host with the most?

translate facility on the iPad to communicate with the customer. Well done, Hannah, for using such initiative! Nominated by REDHILL BIG Customer Assistant on Lingerie, Rita Rogers, was nominated for her exceptional service when fitting a lady who had just had a mastectomy, having suffered from breast cancer. The customer’s husband followed up their visit with a letter commenting on the incredibly sensitive service and how much his wife’s mood had completely lifted by the time they left the store. Nominated by KINGSTON PARK BIG


Purse protection With contactless payment on the increase, we have created a purse that protects your bank and credit cards. A first on the high street, the purse blocks all RFID (radio frequency identification) and shields sensitive information stored on RFID chip-embedded credit cards and passports.

Practically magic Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning takes place on 27 September, and you can do your bit for the charity by using your volunteer day to help out. For the first time ever, the cafés that host the most impressive coffee mornings will be nominated for a Plan A Award in 2014. Cancer is the toughest fight most of us will ever face. No matter how simple or fancy you make your coffee morning, you’ll be raising money to make sure that no one will have to face cancer alone.

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Look out for our innovative new umbrellas. One changes colour when wet and reveals a rainbow under the cloud, and the other comes with a handy torch on the end!

05/09/2013 08:01

Close-up FA S H IO N F O C U S

Best of British We are proud to present two exclusive collections to celebrate the best in British design and manufacturing

GORGEOUS GLOVES Add a touch of glamour to your autumn outfits with these chic gloves. Made with the finest leather, they are fully lined and water-resistant with a hand-stitched cuff. No wonder they are a best-seller.

M&S Collection gloves, T01/3013, £17.50


Combining rich heritage and modern styling, Best of British is an exclusive collection celebrating British design and manufacturing. Comprising womenswear and menswear ranges, the collection uses an array of high-quality British fabrics and places an emphasis on true British craftsmanship and quality. The collections also mark the launch of a three-year partnership between M&S and the British Fashion Council. For more details, see

It’s a wrap

Wool Week returns to M&S for a third year on 14-20 October. Both menswear and womenswear jumpers have been designed by students at Leeds University, specifically for Wool Week, and will be sold online and in Leeds and Marble Arch stores. A donation of 5% from each sale will be given to the Campaign for Wool. Throughout the week, stores will be able to promote any products with a 50% or more wool content.

We love these trendy Best of British woolmix scarves, available in three colours for £45 (T01/8676). September / October 2013

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Did you know? Boyfriend jeans



Our Indigo Collection denim jeans are designed to have straighter outer seams for a flattering, slimmer silhouette.


Skinny jeans

NO MORE DENIM DILEMMAS Indigo Collection – our casual chic range with denim at its heart – offers a head to toe wardrobe with the perfect mix of style and great value. Jeans are made from quality denim and are lovingly engineered to be modern, feminine and trend aware. Autumn sees the launch of a destination denim shop within Indigo Collection, which will showcase our range of jeans. Styles found in stores now include:

Boyfriend: from £29.50. Relaxed slouchy fit for an authentic casual look

Straight: from £19.50. Straight through the hip, thigh and hem

Jeggings: from £25. Super soft and super

stretchy, the perfect engineered fit

Skinny: from £19.50. Flattering skinny silhouette with comfort stretch

Slimboot: from £19.50. Cut slim from

Every pair of shoes that we sell this autumn will be touched with innovation, from Footglove – with flexible soles for extra comfort – and Insolia® in heels, to ‘zip stretch technology’ in many of our boots. Read more about innovations in our products on page 10.

Sleek biker boots, T02/0927, £45

Chelsea boots, T02/0117, £185

Riding boots, T02/1857, £99

September / October 2013

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& sole

the thigh, with a slightly flared hem

Bootiful! September is the key buying season for boots. Here’s a quick guide to the top trends this season, so you can help customers pick out their perfect pair…

Wedge point boot, T02/2747A, £69

Heeled shoe boots, T02/4036P, £109

Introducing... Indigo and per una launch their own shoes this Autumn. Indigo will offer leather shoes and boots, while per una will focus on occasionwear.

04/09/2013 07:31

Close-up LINGER IE

A very Rosie occasion We celebrated the first anniversary of our Rosie for Autograph range by launching a gorgeous new collection, which included vintage-inspired kimonos, chemises and bra and underwear sets. ‘I can’t quite believe it’s been a whole year since the Rosie for Autograph launch, it’s gone so fast,’ Rosie said. ‘For my one year anniversary collection, I’m loving the new shapes and, as well as including my signature soft colours, I’ve experimented with a darker, richer palette that’s perfect for the autumn season.’


Keeping up appearances

Our beauty department keeps going from strength to strength, with even more lines added recently, including REN, Emma Bridgewater and Bliss. Here’s a few of our favourite products... REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask 50ml, £30 bliss® Hot Salt Scrub™, 400g,

Emma Bridgewater


Live Well Look Well Tea & Oranges Room Diffuser, £18


Come cook with us We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Cook With M&S range, which lends a helping hand to provide cooking solutions to help customers create culinary masterpieces at home. We love the the Paella Sauce (£1.99), a reduction of onions, garlic, stock and all the signature paella herbs and spices. Simply add rice and your choice of meat, seafood and vegetables for an authentic taste of Spain, ready in just 40 minutes. COMPET I T ION W IN N ER

Why not try

Baking figs with thyme and honey, then serving with goat’s cheese?

Royal winners Neil Pettitt from Brotherhood Peterborough store was the lucky winner of our grand prize draw to celebrate the royal birth. Neil and

fellow employee Ann Clark won a personal tour of Buckingham Palace, which included an overnight stay in London. September / October 2013




Trick or treat! What a H A L L OW E E N


We love these ghoulish goodies, perfect for the witching hour

Cat Pyjamas, T86/4231C, from £13

Scaredy Cats, 120g, £1

Spooky Skull Chocolate Brownies, 190g, £3


Witches Hair

Blood Orange &

120g, £1

Cranberry Presse, 750ml, £1.99

Plush Monster,

Mummy Outfit


from £9, T86/3516

Skeleton Onesie from £9, T86/3620


Colourful counting

A big thank you to everyone who helped to support the Butterfly Conservation by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count from 20 July

to 11 August. The results will be announced soon. For more information visit


City slickers

An idea that was devised as part of a project for the Business D- Development Programme in 2012/13 is being turned into a reality. The team worked up an idea to take our menswear suit offering to a new

audience, and their suggestion – to create pop-up shops in key City locations and offices showcasing our Savile Row and Sartorial ranges – is currently being developed. Watch this space!

Privilege We have launched a brand new online Privilege ‘club’ for our per una customers. Privilege members will receive regular per una news and inspiration via email and be the first to preview our new-season per una collections at M& These regular updates will help our customers to wear the latest styles with confidence, as well as have fun with our per una beauty and accessories ranges. We’ll take a behind-thescenes look at what inspires our designers, while our resident per una Fashion Consultant, Hilary Alexander , will be on hand to answer their wardrobe dilemmas. We’ll also be handpicking offers especially for Privilege members. Customers can sign up to the club online, or employees can lend a helping hand by signing them up using the Privilege icon on our in store iPads.


Quality Charter

Hi Heel™ Hosiery

Th e

Wearing high heels all day can be painful, but with our clever new tights, sore feet can be a thing of the past. The secret pads sewn into the bottom of the feet act as comfortable cushions to relieve pain on the balls of the feet.

Lisa Mulube, Technical Manager ‘The inspiration for this product came from a trip to Japan, where one of the team discovered a rather odd foot accessory that had a foam pad on the bottom. When it arrived in the office we started working on something similar to ease the pain of wearing high heels. The real USP is that the foam pad has a small stitch to stop it moving about. The tights have a no-bulge waistband, too, to eliminate “muffin tops”.’

Dress, T42/0594, £45; Shoes, T02/9208B, £19.50; Hi Heel™ Hosiery, from £6

September / October 2013



Quality charter

e people

behind the products We chat to five M&S employees who are responsible for dreaming up products you’d never think possible

No Peep™ shirt The No Peep™ shirt has a registered design that prevents gaping. With a hidden placket and concealed extra buttons, the technology helps you to relax, confident in the knowledge that you’ll always look smart.

From day one, M&S has been built around a sterling set of principles that promises customers both quality and innovation. Thanks to this philosophy, we have become one of Britain’s best-loved retailers, and these principles are still at the heart of the company today. Jo Gordon, Innovation Delivery Manager, told YOUR M&S: ‘Dotted around the business are our brilliant product developers who are constantly working away on their latest creation. We can now boast more than 170 fantastic customer benefits, from machine-washable cashmere, silk and suits, to jeans that lift and sculpt your derrière (should you so wish).’ In this feature we showcase some of the best product innovations we currently offer and share with you some of the wonderful stories behind them. We also venture to one of the stores that took part in some product testing with a difference. Turn to page 14 to see employees from Orpington’s Nugent Park store experimenting with Stormwear jackets. We hope that all of this will inspire even more brilliant ideas to help us remain the most innovative retailer on the high street.

Niamh de Frinse, Product Technologist

No Peep™ shirt, T43/1603, £27.50; Skirt, T57/4363, £17.50; Shoes, T02/2438, £49.50

‘Most women know what it’s like to experience that embarrassing gaping on a shirt – lots of us have tried safety pins, or pulling the shirt down to conceal our modesty. We even encountered the problem when fitting models. Our solution ended up being incredibly simple: two concealed buttons that fasten inwards to guarantee security. This isn’t just technology for ladies with fuller busts, either, everyone can experience the gaping, regardless of age or size. From spring 2014 the innovation will be on all shirts in M&S Collection and will be rolled out to shirt dresses. We’ve even heard that Menswear are considering it too, but positioning the buttons lower to conceal fuller tummies.’

September / October 2013

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Tom: Boys’ jumper, T76/7009, from £20; Pack of two polo shirts, T76/2038, from £6; Trousers, T76/4620E, from £8; YOUR M&S Shoes, T72/1816, from £16; Sarah: Skirt, T76/0112R, from £9; Pack of two shirts, T76/6013, from £8; Cardigan, T76/1329, from £8; Tights, T64/5710C, from £9

12 14

Quality charter

Schoo l unif orms Our school uniforms are bursting with technology – from Stain Away™ to ink-resistant inside-chest pockets. They also feature Expandicuff ™ and Easyclose collars, allowing kids to get dressed without help. Great news for parents!

Chinthaka Mandawela, Product Development Technologist ‘We are all painfully aware of how messy kids can be – they love rolling and climbing and getting covered in mud – and they spend more time in school uniforms than any other clothing. We want to let kids be kids, but at the same time make sure they still look presentable (at least some of the time...). We also want to make life easier for parents. Many of us in the Schoolwear department have children ourselves, so we know the challenges that this involves.’

Competition If you were a technologist for the day, what would you invent? Email us at by 18 October 2013. You might win the opportunity to pitch your idea to the team

Our Cl o thing Qual it y Ch arte r

Shirt, T11/0500Y, £19.50; Jeans, T17/2976A, £39.50, Shoes, T03/6439, £65

We created a Clothing Quality Charter to ensure that the ‘M&S Difference’ is delivered to each and every one of our customers. It is divided into seven areas – fit, fabric, fast, finish, fair, feel and fashion – and is affectionately known as the Seven Fs.

September / October 2013

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Shirt, T25/2418M, £25; T-shirts from £7.50

DID YOU KNOW? In 1926, M&S was the first retailer to start selling bras. We won the Queen’s Award for Innovation in 2000 for our Secret Support and our machinewashable and tumbledryable suit. We were also responsible for the high street’s first ever carbonneutral bra.

S tayNEW™ Technology Everyone knows that bobbling on clothes can be unsightly and ages garments, so our goal when developing StayNEW™ Technology was that clothes would look as good after 30 washes as they did the day you bought them. The technology that we created reduces fading and pilling and keeps clothes looking vibrant and colourful.

Phil Townsend, Product Technologist ‘I’ve worked at M&S for 20 years now, in men’s essentials and formalwear, kidswear and ladies coats. I’m incredibly passionate about the innovations that we offer, like StayNEW™ Technology, which excites our current customers and reaches out to new ones.’

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04/09/2013 07:03


Quality Charter

Orping ton Nuge n t P ark st ore te st Stormwear...

It’s hoods up all-round as the hosepipe is turned on, operated by Store Manager, Tom.

But look how our incredible Stormwear technology repels the water!

Monique, Dee and Maz are still smiling, despite the experiment. What good sports! Jumper, T38/7157, £35; Shoes, T02/9286 £29.50

Insol ia® There’s no need to compromise on looks or comfort when wearing shoes made with Insolia® technology. This exclusive innovation, for shoes with heels above 40mm, redistributes your weight evenly in your heels. The result is increased stability and less pressure on the balls of your feet – and improved comfort for your legs and back too. Your feet are in the optimal position for standing or walking, your body’s alignment is improved, and equally as important, the shoes look just as good as any others.

Rachel Pedley, Footwear Technologist ‘I studied footwear design at Cordwainers, which is one of only two places in UK where you can specialise in the subject. I have always worked as a footwear technologist managing quality and fittings, and since I started at M&S a year and a half ago my role has included innovation, too. Insolia® was already in existence when I joined, but part of my role has been to roll it out further. It started in Autograph and has now been rolled out to all ranges apart from Footglove. We are all really proud of Insolia®, it has even been approved by the College of Podiatry, the UK’s leading foot health experts, as an aid to foot health and comfort. Most women want to wear high heels for longer without discomfort, and hopefully with Insolia® we offer the answer!’

DID YOU KNOW? Insolia Flex® has been introduced to all flat shoes (apart from Footglove) ensuring correct foot positioning and making them even more comfy.

May / June 2013




SPINNING A NEW WEB We take a glimpse at the new website that we’ll be launching in spring 2014, and talk to some of the many M&S employees who are either building it or preparing to use it

The way that people shop is changing. In a world that’s more connected every day, customers expect to shop how, where and when they like. And here at M&S, we are determined to make that possible. That’s why we need a new website to present the very best of M&S through our new 24/7 shop window. The new M& site is due to launch to our customers in spring 2014 but as an M&S employee you’ll get an exclusive preview of it before it goes live to our customers…

1. Fit for our future

Gorgeous new photos


We want our new website M& to be the best shopping experience it can be. We’re taking greater control of our future with our new M& by replacing the technology underneath our existing platform. We will therefore be better placed to react to our customers’ changing needs by managing the site ourselves.

2. Showcasing style The new website will give us a fantastic opportunity to really bring the M&S brand to life. We’ll make sure that we showcase the right products with stylish photography, clearer product features and greater detail. (continued on page 16)

Great product features

DID you know?

56% of M& orders touch stores. That’s multi-channel in action!




of ladies shoes that we sell are online exclusives

in the past year schoolwear sales have grown by 40% on M&S.COM

We currently sell 21,589 different products online

Himanshu, Multichannel Production Manager Being part of the team responsible for building the new M&S flagship has been very exciting; there’s been a real buzz surrounding it. Everyone has been very eager to see how it has been coming together, which is great. We have been building the pages for the new website since April. I’m involved in setting up the content on our new platform. Now that we have our own platform, we have greater flexibility and can be the masters of our own destiny! We are using the very latest software to create the pages, and making our filtering capability stronger, meaning that it’s easier for customers to find the products that they are looking for. The new site will be more flexible, faster with more impressive content and a better shopping journey for customers. We can’t wait to show it off.

3. Smarter surfing

How can you help?

Like you, our customers are busy people who want to choose how and when we deliver their orders. For our customers who know what they want, our new search function really works and gets them to the products they are looking for quickly and easily. For those customers who are browsing by brand, product or trend, our new features will inspire them to buy more. We want the shopping experience we’re giving our customers to be the best it can be and, with your help, we are confident that our new website will achieve this.

The new site will be available exclusively to you to shop from later this autumn, and we’ll tell you more about how you can access it closer to the time. To help us get it ready for our customers, we need you to start using the site and tell us of any glitches that you find. We’d also love to hear any ideas that you might have to improve it. Although we won’t be able to act on them right away, we’ll review them all once the site has gone live. We can then take the best ideas and build them into our new flagship.

The site goes live for customers in spring 2014, but you will get a preview later this autumn

September / October 2013





Selina, Customer Assistant, Stratford store I was introduced to the new site recently and I’m looking forward to becoming more familiar with it. It’s much easier to use, and more informative, which will be great for new starters. I like the idea that it’s our flagship; M& has the biggest range of our products and it’s all at your fingertips. It’s going to be so refreshing to finally see the same website as our customers – I will feel more confident about cross-selling and it will really help us all to be expert advisers. There’s much more information on each product too, which will be really useful for all of us in store. I’m particularly fond of the style and fashion features that M& will offer customers, like tips around outfit building.

Sarah, Retail Customer Services, Your M&S Customer Service For the first time, all employees in contact centres will be working from one system, so as a team, we’ll all see the same correspondence with each customer that we chat to. This may seem simple but for us it’s a great leap forward! We will also be viewing the exact same website as our customers – another first. We’re introducing new tools and processes into our contact centres, which will help to make sure everything runs smoothly and that we offer an even better customer experience.

September / October 2013

Lottie, Trend Content Manager, GM Taking inspiration from the media, blogs and style websites, we work with all our GM products to create editorial content – such as our Style Edit – to inspire customers. We’ve already had great feedback on this part of Style Edit, so I’m excited to have it as a central part of our customers’ experience. A big focus has also been on outfit building – displaying outfits in a way that shows customers what goes with what, being sure to take into consideration similar price points, as well as silhouettes, layering and accessories. The new M& will give us a great opportunity to add fashion messages to our clothes and increase our style credentials.


Retail Career Path

On the right path How you can understand what part you play in the business, and know what your next step might be

Our Retail Career Path was relaunched in January of this year to ensure that everyone in retail understands the purpose of their job and how it fits in with the other roles in store. It is a one-stop-shop to show you how what you do on a day-to-day basis fits in with the business, and what an important part you play. It clearly sets out the job purposes and accountabilities of every role in retail, and is there to let you know how to do your job effectively and how you can progress. Here, we take a look at some of the roles and responsibilities in Retail, and hear from employees who have used it effectively.



SECTION C O O R D I N ATO R Ensures that the right people are in the right place at the right time and supports individuals and teams.

Gives great service and sells to our customers directly and by doing the jobs required.

C OAC H Trains and coaches employees in service and sales. Coaches will attend a workshop as part of their training.

‘As a Section Manager, I use the Retail Career Path to help people-manage the Section Coordinators in our outlet. It’s been an invaluable guide and I’ve really enjoyed looking at it with them and using it to help them decide what they want to do. I’ve also been using it recently for my own career and as a reference for my own personal development plan. I hope to become a Store Manager, and the Retail Career Path has helped me to understand what I need to do to progress.’ Amy Cox, Section Manager, Ashford outlet

September / October 2013



Retail Career Path

‘I started at M&S as a Customer Assistant and after university and some travelling, I decided that I was keen to train as a Section Manager. I have followed the Retail Career Path, and found it very helpful as a way of knowing what the next steps should be for me. I have found the job profiles incredibly useful to show me the key areas in which I need to develop in order to move on in the business. There are so many great opportunities within M&S, and I want to achieve my maximum potential.’ Nabila Freeman, Section Coordinator, Marble Arch store

TRAINEE SECTION M A N AG E R Line manages their team. Training – such as workshops – will help them make the next step.



Helps to drive store profitability, line manages their team and stands back and ensures that the section runs effectively.

Ensures M&S processes and values are in place, leads the store and the team, creates a productive working culture.

‘I worked my way up from a Customer Assistant to Store Manager in the space of five years following the Retail Career Path. The tools and support network that I was provided with were outstanding, but I very much drove the progression myself. I’m keen to help employees that I work with mirror my progression and support them like I was supported: we work on their development and I make sure they are being upskilled. The tools are all there to help them progress, but they have to have the drive and input; the hunger to succeed has to come from within.’ Stephen Maguire, Store Manager, Clapham Simply Food store

September / October 2013


Spotlight Awards


Spotlight on service

It’s that special time of year when we take the opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to our employees for the outstanding customer service that they provide, both in stores and in offices Our Spotlight Awards Dinner was held at Waterside House in London, where the winners and runners-up received their prizes and celebrated together. YOUR M&S chatted with a few about their stories of going the extra mile for customers

“I want customers to leave my store feeling knowledgeable and passionate about the flowers we sell.”

Jackie Darton, Customer Assistant Solihull store winner

Jackie works in Horticulture in her store and demonstrates exceptional knowledge and passion when it comes to flowers. She is enthusiastic, not just about the product, but in making sure that the right flowers are readily available for customers and are presented in the best possible way. Thanks to her hard work, over a period of five days around Mother’s Day her flower department took £45,000. At one point, thanks to Jackie, every customer in the queue for the tills had a bunch of flowers in their basket. September / October 2013

“People always comment on my personality and customer service, but I just see it as doing my job.”

Justice Osagioduwa Omofonwan, Customer Assistant Cheshire Oaks Outlet winner



Spotlight Awards

Our winners

Justice consistently receives Spotlight nominations for his exceptional customer service. He is engaging yet gentle and always goes the extra mile. One customer recently reported that even though he was about to leave the store empty-handed, thanks to Justice’s helpful attitude and product knowledge, he ended up finding just what he needed and spending £600.

“I love the challenge of being confident and helping people find what they want.”

Greg Linton, Customer Assistant Aberdeen store winner

Greg works in Home. Recently, he spotted a customer browsing and offered to help. The customer – who ended up buying more than £500 worth of goods – had no car, so Greg ordered a taxi and helped him with his shopping, despite having finished his shift. The customer sent an email stating that it had been a long time since he had received such excellent service and that he would be back to shop at Aberdeen store again.

Anne Milner, Customer Assistant Newton Abbot store winner

“The customer wanted inspiration and I was more than happy to draw on my experiences to help.”

Annie works in GM, but was nominated by a Section Manager for helping a customer in Foods. The customer wasn’t sure about what she was looking for, so Annie approached her and discovered that she needed nibbles for a gettogether. Annie explained what items complemented each other, demonstrating superb cross-selling skills, and that she was ‘In Touch’ with the customer. September / October 2013

*Jackie Darton, Justice Osagioduwa Omofonwan, Sandra MacDonald, Tracy MacFarlane, Rachel Biggs, Sarah Robson, Kimberley Brunning, Kathy Carson, Irina Iskenderova, Deidre O’Reilly, Natalie McLaughlin, Amol Pandit, Annie Milner, Josephine Moore, Liz Flyn, Greg Linton, Heather Dillon.

Our runners-up

*Stephanie Simon, Richard Davies, Julia Dunkeld, Laura Gill, Sharon Davis, Matthew Chrimes, Jacqui Hayward, Liz Hawkins, Toby Venning, Justine Fewkes, Daniel Revels, Kathy Richards, Sylvia Carr, Julie Yung, Karen Lenton, Mark Bradbury, Suzanne Priem, Benson Kpaka, John Ratcliffe, Alison Robinson, Kim Stern, Yvonne Stephens. *Not all the winners and runners-up are pictured and the names do not correspond with the order of the line-ups.



Meet the experts

Meet the experts

In Store Bakery Assistant Ingrid Emolo, from High Street Kensington store, spends time chatting with Product Developer Katy Patino and Bakery Technologist Mark Waples Mark and Katy: What is the bestseller in your store? Ingrid: The baguettes, because of

how adaptable they are. On the In Store Bakery counters, we often offer samples of the baguettes along with tasters – of balsamic vinegar or jam, for example – to show customers what they can pair them with. My personal favourite is the Cranberry and Toasted Pecan Baton. I love the combination of sweet and savoury and always recommend it if customers are looking to try something different. Mark and Katy: What do you enjoy about your job? Ingrid: I have worked in the

bakeries at M&S for eight years now and I love the interaction with customers, as well as being able to offer them such an excellent range of great products. Mark and Katy: What feedback do you get from customers? Ingrid: They love the new bakery

concept and often comment on how beautiful the drop-down counters look. They often remark that they look like traditional bakeries, despite being in the middle of the Food Hall! Customers are also very complimentary about the products, too – their freshness and quality. We also get a lot of requests for gluten-free products.

M&S BAKERIES: THE STATISTICS We have now opened 390 new In Store Bakeries Our biggest In Store Bakery opened in August in Newcastle store. It’s an incredible 40ft long We sell 2,169,966 croissants a year, weighing the equivalent of 20 London buses If you lined up all the baguettes that we sold last year – 1,009,105 – end to end, they would reach around the world one and a quarter times We have trained more than 1,000 colleagues through the In Store Bakery Hero Retail Workshop

Interview swap Ingrid: Where do you find inspiration for our In Store Bakery products? Katy: We pay a lot of attention to

new food trends – such as healthy breads and sourdoughs – and keep an eye on what artisan bakeries, such as St John in London, are doing. We also travel to get inspiration. Some of the development team went to Mexico recently, and I was in Chicago earlier this year. Ingrid: Mark, what does your job as a Technologist in the bakery department entail? Mark: I work closely with our

suppliers to ensure that they adhere to our quality standards and that our bakeries work to our codes of practice. I am also responsible for driving technical innovation by looking for new processes and ingredients, as well as responsible sourcing. Ingrid: What have you both been working on recently? Mark: We have just launched a

new range of chilled dough products in some of our largest stores. These are exclusive to M&S and include bloomers and rolls. We are incredibly proud and passionate about them as they give our bakers in store the chance to cut and finish our bloomers in

front of the customer, then bake them in our deck ovens. This technology was 18 months in the making, during which time we worked with suppliers on brand new innovations in raw materials. Katy: I’ve been working towards next year’s launches, which will include global flavours and naturally healthy breads, which are full of seeds and grains. A key part of my role is ensuring that we have a full range of products and work quickly to fill any gaps in our ranges. As Ingrid mentioned, the demand for gluten-free alternatives is growing, so we’ve been developing new products. We launched two new Gluten Free Breads in September and are adding more products soon, including crumpets, muffins, pizza bases and scones. Ingrid: Mark, what training did you receive for your particular role? Mark: I started my career when

I was 14, working in a local bakers before training in Sheffield and Leeds. I then moved into a role with a supplier to M&S, where I worked in innovation. During this time I built up a relationship with M&S, then jumped the fence from manufacturing to retail 18 months ago. I can’t imagine not baking now. You do have to love the product, though, or you wouldn’t be able to stomach the early mornings! September / October 2013

From left to right: Katy Patino, Ingrid Emolo and Mark Waples




With the change of the seasons upon us, we can’t wait to rustle up a meal in minutes with Cook With M&S, or enjoy one of these delicious prepared dishes from our Gastropub, Modern Indian or Traditional ranges…

D O I T YO U R S E L F !

Cook With M&S Scallops and Chorizo with Sea Salt Butter, £6. “Our exciting new range, Cook With M&S, covers a wide range of products, giving customers everything they need to create delicious homecooked meals. From stir-fry kits to flavoursome pastes, Cook With M&S is full of inspiration so that our customers feel empowered to cook from scratch. My personal favourite are these Peruvian scallops and chorizo. Simply pan fry, add some linguine and serve with warm crusty bread.” Oliver Davis, Brand Marketeer

September / October 2013




Goan Chicken, £3.29. Tender pieces of chargrilled chicken in a rich, spiced coconut, tamarind, ginger and poppy seed sauce with roasted spiced cauliflower and coriander. “This September, we are excited to introduce the wonderful flavours of India in a delicious new range. Modern Indian is an eclectic and contemporary range of dishes, reflecting the recent trend for a modern approach to a classic cuisine. Expect aromatic, fragrant flavours and tasty updates to old favourites.” Caroline Crumby, Product Developer C E L E B R AT I N G G A S T R O G R U B

Slow Roasted Duck, £9.99 (serves two). Tender oak smoked duck served with roasted potatoes, mushrooms and kale. “This first-to-market recipe uses unique cooking methods to deliver an amazing well-balanced, smoke-flavoured duck on a bed of crispy roasted potatoes, creamy kale and a rich balsamic jus. Part of our Gastro Gold range, this truly delivers restaurant-quality food for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.” Amy Roberts, Buyer


Handcrafted Chicken and Leek Pie, £3.49. Tender pieces of British chicken cooked in an indulgent creamy leek and wholegrain mustard sauce. “This October, as part of the upgrade work on the pie shop, we are introducing a range of artisan pastry pies. We love the chicken and leek pie, which is handcrafted in Yorkshire using the finest ingredients. It is encased in all-butter pastry that has been generously filled to satisfy even the hungriest diner.” Matt Dawson, Product Developer September / October 2013




Our Cook With M&S products help customers whip up dishes from scratch, with a little helping hand‌

September saw the launch of our Cook With M&S range, which provides the ideal way for customers to create culinary masterpieces at home. Take this delicious Banoffee Pie; it’s a quick and easy recipe that is sure to impress, and every ingredient that you need is available to buy at M&S. S I M P LY. . .

Combine M&S Salted Caramel Sauce with two chopped bananas, then pour into a Cook With Pastry Case. Top the creation with whisked mascarpone and sprinkle with grated chocolate to finish.

September / October 2013




t a h t h is d y An eas impress! to e r u is s September / October 2013

Lucy Randall of corporatee communications finds the answers to your questions

Your letters A more comfortable stay

I was very pleased to see our Simply Food Outlet so busy at the Fort Valley Hospital in Larbert, Stirlingshire. This got me thinking – could we add nightwear, slippers, toiletries and leisurewear to these hospital outlets? This would help patients who are in hospital for a few weeks and would also help those who have been admitted in an emergency. Linda Grant, Falkirk store

Star Letter In April, the Northern Irish government introduced legislation that made it a legal requirement to charge 5p for all single-use carrier bags. This has caused issues in store, mainly at the Shop Your Way desk when customers collect orders. To eradicate the embarrassment of asking customers for 5p, could we please give online shoppers the option of buying a bag when they pay for the order?

Thanks for your suggestion, Linda. This is something that we have considered; unfortunately there is some complexity in delivering this successfully. These are very small stores, operated by our franchisees, and have not been designed to have a GM offer. However, this is something that remains firmly on our radar as both a good opportunity and great customer service.

Pauline Barrow, Belfast store

You’re not the first person to query this, Pauline. One of our teams is currently working on a solution to this very problem. Packaging is being developed for products delivered to SYW desks, which will also mean we can cut back on waste. This packaging will be a hybrid of a mailing bag and a store carrier bag with built-in handles. You will be able to open and reseal the packaging so that customers can check their products. We are also looking to introduce a new ‘carry out’ strap that can be fixed to boxed goods – removing the need to place boxed parcels into another bag and ask for additional payment. These developments are currently being trialled and should be launched by the end of September. All of this should be good news for our customers and our Plan A commitments.

A £10 M&S gift voucher for every question featured and £25 for the Star Letter*. We really want to hear from you – we’d love to know what’s on your mind. Please send your letters to the address on p3 of this magazine. *Letters may be edited for publication.

Help us help them I am a New Starter from the Cribbs Causeway store. I’m an iPad seller, however a lot of our customers don’t realise this as the cover is black, which is the same colour as my uniform (we don’t have the new updated ones yet). I wondered if we could change the cover to something more noticeable, and perhaps have some words printed on the front cover, such as Place Your Order Now? Tracey Stone, Cribbs Causeway store

don’t you? This is a temporary measure while we redesign the cases for the introduction of chip and pin for iPads around September.

Arm candy Why don’t we sell more ‘chic’ Bags For Life? We could use the talents of Marcel Wanders, Conran and Kirsty Allsopp. I’m sure these would be popular with our customers and help cut down on plastic bag use. Penny Simms,Talke Outlet store Thanks for your question, Penny. You are right to flag this up as a point of interest. We are always trying to cut down on the use of plastic bags and want to encourage customers to make the change by enticing them with interesting and novel designs. We often get feedback from our customers that our iconic designs are the most popular, such as the Strawberries & Cream and Soldiers & Egg bags. These have both sold exceptionally well. With this in mind, we have introduced this new Bag for Life to celebrate Percy’s 21st birthday this summer. We are always looking for new ways to keep this fresh so we will definitely keep your idea in mind.

This is a great idea Tracey. From June this year, we started issuing new straps and stickers to go over all iPad cases. We think they make the iPads stand out a little better,

September / October 2013

26 Letters M&S Iss39.indd 26

30/08/2013 07:54

Sit back, relax and play these games There are 12 items of clothing hidden in this grid. Starting in the shaded square, can you trace a path that finds them all? You can only visit each letter once, and the path goes up, down and sideways, but not diagonally. The last letter of one item is adjacent to the first letter of the next. To help you, the items in order begin with R, S, T, S, J, T, B, S, J, C, S and C.

WIN! A gorgeous collection of accessories Get your wardrobe ready for the new season. Email us to enter with your name, store or office details, at the email address below by 18 October

Let us entertain you... Why not try this Sudoku for a quick lunchtime brain workout? Good luck.










Terms & conditions Entries must be received by 23:59 on Friday 18 October 2013. The prize draw is open to employees of the Marks & Spencer Group of Companies who are permanent residents of the UK and ROI and are aged 18 or over only. Only one entry per person is permitted. No responsibility will be taken for late, lost, indecipherable or misdirected entries. One winner will be drawn at random on Monday 21 October 2013 under the supervision of an independent person. The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable, subject to availability and there is no cash alternative. The winner will be notified by Friday 25 October 2013 by phone. M&S reserves the right to substitute the prize for one which is, in its sole discretion, of equal value. M&S reserves the right to cancel the prize draw at any stage if deemed necessary due to circumstances outside its control. M&S is not liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation to the winner or other entrants that is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control or by any act or omission of any third party. The name and county of the winner will be available by sending a stamped addressed envelope to YOUR M&S magazine at the M&S Office at Waterside House. The prize draw shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. The promoter of the prize draw is Marks & Spencer plc.


Raincoat, stockings, trousers, skirt, jacket, tights, blouse, socks, jumper, cardigan, shorts, culottes.

To celebrate the changing of the season, we have gathered together a bumper goodie bag of accessories, perfect for transforming your wardrobe. The prize, which is worth more than ÂŁ200, includes an Autograph bag, leather boots with zip stretch, a stunning scarf and stylish watch. For more stylish news, turn to page 8, and for a chance to star in your own fashion shoot in YOUR M&S, turn to page 4.


Do y ou have som ething to sa y? Email Intern al.Communications2@marks-a nd-spe

27 Puzzles M&S Iss39.indd 27

29/08/2013 04:45

r a e w m r Sto * ! n o i t in ac

*Orpington store puts Stormwear to the test 28 Back Cover Stormwear M&S Iss39.indd 28

30/08/2013 07:59

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