6 minute read

Outstanding live-in care for clients with clinical needs

Eximius Live-in Care Ltd is a nationwide company providing exceptional 24 hour live-in care. We are fully managed and rated “outstanding” by CQC. With our carers support, people recovering from a life changing accident or living with a long term condition can safely return to their own homes. Our dedicated live-in carers are led by our clinical team to ensure they have the right experience and training to care for the clients they are placed with.

Eximius is a family run company with extensive experience in Spinal injury care and acquired brain injury care. Because we are a smaller company we are extremely flexible and able to be quicker and more innovative than many larger companies. We know all our clients and their families well and are able to give them the personal attention that they deserve.

During the covid pandemic we were able to facilitate several clients needing to return home after long stays in hospital. One such client was a young lady with acquired brain injury following a horrific road traffic accident. We were approached by her case management team several months prior to her anticipated discharge. She had been in hospital for a year but due to having a young family all involved were keen to get her home. Her care requirements were extensive, including Peg feeding, person handling, support with special braces, repositioning every 4 hours (Including night), specialist diet and fluid support. The client was doubly incontinent and their communication was limited, mainly through gestures.

We liaised with all health professionals and the discharge team over the following months to develop an appropriate person centred care plan for the clients return. As the client needed 2 carers during the day and one at night this would have been an excessive intrusion on their family life. We took the initiative and rented a 3 bedroom house 5 minutes away where the carers live when not working – this has worked brilliantly for all involved.

We have an internal bespoke training programme that all our clinical carers go through. This includes but is not exclusive to, training on bowel management. Autonomic dysreflexia, tissue viability, neurological conditions and respiratory care. We also liaise with external companies for specialised training if needed.

So, Whether you are a Case

manager, health professional,

family member or anyone looking for clinical care, then talk to us about how we might help. We offer a no obligation assesment and an exceptional service.

Tel: 01494 424222 Web: www.eximiussupport.uk Email: info@eximiussupport.uk

Rated outstandingRated outstandingRated outstanding for caring by CQCfor caring by CQCfor caring by CQC

Supporting people with brain Supporting people with brainSupporting people with brain or spinal injury to live at home or spinal injury to live at homeor spinal injury to live at home

At Eximius we provide highly trained, dedicated live-in carers so someone who is recovering from At Eximius we provide highly trained, dedicated live-in carers so someone who is recovering from At Eximius we provide highly trained, dedicated live-in carers so someone who is recovering from a life changing accident or living with a long-term condition can return safely to their own homes a life changing accident or living with a long-term condition can return safely to their own homes a life changing accident or living with a long-term condition can return safely to their own homes with outstanding care support in place. Whether you are a Case manager, health professional, with outstanding care support in place. Whether you are a Case manager, health professional, with outstanding care support in place. Whether you are a Case manager, health professional, family member or anyone looking for clinical care, then talk to us about how we might help.family member or anyone looking for clinical care, then talk to us about how we might help.family member or anyone looking for clinical care, then talk to us about how we might help.

Our clinically led team can:Our clinically led team can:Our clinically led team can:

L Liaise with health professionals and discharge teams iaise with health professionals and discharge teams Liaise with health professionals and discharge teams to ensure comprehensive care plan in place prior to to ensure comprehensive care plan in place prior to to ensure comprehensive care plan in place prior to discharge.discharge.discharge.

Work with physios, OTs, community nurses to ensure Work with physios, OTs, community nurses to ensure Work with physios, OTs, community nurses to ensure rehabilitation and physical development plans are rehabilitation and physical development plans are rehabilitation and physical development plans are adhered to.adhered to. adhered to.

Manage all aspects of care needs including medication, Manage all aspects of care needs including medication, Manage all aspects of care needs including medication, personal care, peg feeding, bowel management.personal care, peg feeding, bowel management. personal care, peg feeding, bowel management.

Our carers are fully trained in all these areas: Our carers are fully trained in all these areas:Our carers are fully trained in all these areas:

Acquired brain injury and neurological conditionsAcquired brain injury and neurological conditions Acquired brain injury and neurological conditions

Autonomic dysreflexiaAutonomic dysreflexia Autonomic dysreflexia

Bowel managementBowel management Bowel management

Continence care (including catheter care)Continence care (including catheter care) Continence care (including catheter care)

Emotional and mental health changesEmotional and mental health changes Emotional and mental health changes

Medication administrationMedication administration Medication administration

Paraplegia and tetraplegiaParaplegia and tetraplegia Paraplegia and tetraplegia

PEG tube or nasogastric feedingPEG tube or nasogastric feeding PEG tube or nasogastric feeding

Pain managementPain management Pain management

Respiratory care (including tracheostomy and ventilation)Respiratory care (including tracheostomy and ventilation) Respiratory care (including tracheostomy and ventilation)

Tissue viabilityTissue viability Tissue viability We create a bespoke care plan based on the actual needs of the individual, both physical and emotional. We create a bespoke care plan based on the actual needs of the individual, both physical and emotional. We create a bespoke care plan based on the actual needs of the individual, both physical and emotional. We then identify a suitable carer, or it may need a team, including hoisting and night care. We can even We then identify a suitable carer, or it may need a team, including hoisting and night care. We can even We then identify a suitable carer, or it may need a team, including hoisting and night care. We can even arrange housing for the care team nearby to a clients home, to ensure that the client can protect their arrange housing for the care team nearby to a clients home, to ensure that the client can protect their arrange housing for the care team nearby to a clients home, to ensure that the client can protect their privacy and family space, while still receiving safe and exceptional support. privacy and family space, while still receiving safe and exceptional support.privacy and family space, while still receiving safe and exceptional support.

Please call us for a confidential chat to see if we’re the right company for you. Please call us for a confidential chat to see if we’re the right company for you.Please call us for a confidential chat to see if we’re the right company for you.

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