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Why a sad lamp should be at the top of your winter wish list
They’re a chic homeware staple, but boast potential medical benefits too… IT’S no secret that summer leaves us in an all-round better mood. It’s warmer, you wake up earlier with the natural sunlight, and will find it easier to stick to a daily routine – something that gets totally thrown off when it’s dark and cold. Research suggests that SAD (seasonal affective disorder) impacts one in three people in the UK. Lack of Vitamin D causes symptoms similar to depression, including low mood, feelings of hopelessness, and low energy levels to name a few. Recognise them? SAD lamps are being hailed as the new champions of combatting what was once known as the ‘winter blues’, and can provide an uplift that replicates real sunlight and helps put you in a better frame of mind from the comfort of your own home. These lamps, along with other light therapies have become increasingly popular as conversations around mental health and staying well become the norm. What’s more, most generate a whopping 10,000 lux of cool-white fluorescent light – twenty times more than your typical indoor light. Thanks to its strength, it encourages your brain to release serotonin, a feel-good hormone that helps you get back on track with your mood and regular routine with a sunrise and sunset function at the same time each day. And while it may sound medical, there’s no compromise on style. They function just as a regular alarm clock too, Winter wish listBLUSH | WINTER 2021 87 Maisie, 24, from Birmingham has suffered episodes of depression since being a teenager, and has found using a SAD lamp acts as the perfect companion. “It keeps me to a routine because I know what time the light colours change each day,” she says. “I wake up at the same time, and I know that if I have errands, that I should get them done before the sunset function comes on, which I then use as my time to switch off and relax.” Although there’s still ongoing research into their long-term benefits, doctors may now even suggest light therapy as a way of coping with symptoms you’re experiencing. It’s safe to say a brighter (and lighter) future could be on its way.
WINTER WISH LIST and come in a whole bunch of clean, modern styles that look effortlessly good. Brands such as Lumie are an Instagram favourite, and even boast bonuses such as nature sounds (including storms, rainforests, and waves) to wake you up gradually in the morning, rather than a blaring iPhone alarm – which let’s face it, is enough to send shudders down anyone’s spine. Explaining Lumie Bodyclock itsbenefits, Jonathan Spark 100, Boots, £79 Cridland, CEO of Lumie boots.co.uk says, “Using a SAD lamp for thirty minutes each day in the winter can replace the natural sunlight that is missing from our daily lives, helping people feel more energetic and uplifted.” blushmagazine.org.uk