2 minute read
Supported living options to improve
The supported living sector has received a welcome boost with the announcement that Reside Housing Association has joined forces with Progress
Housing Group.
THE new partnership is excellent news for people with complex support needs who require high-quality housing and service. As two specialist housing providers with over 45 years of combined expertise in the field, the new organisation, Reside with Progress, will become the UK’s leading provider of supported living accommodation for people with support needs such as learning disabilities and autism.
“Reside’s purpose for nearly 20 years has been to respond to the often bespoke needs of people who require support,” says Diane French, Chief Executive Officer at Reside.
“By working with Progress Housing Group, a values-led provider like ourselves, we will be able to house more people and enhance our specialist offer, enabling people to live their best lives, promoting independence and supporting social care commissioning.”
There has been a great deal of work around governance to enable a smooth transition for the two organisations. The respective Boards carried out a robust due diligence process and approval. Both organisations are highly rated by the Regulator of Social Housing. “We believe that this partnership will be a significant and welcome development for the sector,” says Diane French.
Progress Housing Group is responsible for more than 3,000 supported living tenancies, whilst Reside owns or manages almost 1,500. The number of people with support needs who will benefit from the two organisations working together is significant. Reside with Progress has a key role to play in meeting the huge need for high-quality supported living accommodation. It will deliver more new homes and invest in even better services for its tenants.
Currently, Progress Housing Group and Reside offer a variety of supported living housing options for people with support needs such as learning disabilities and autism. Some tenancies feature a ‘shared living’ arrangement for example, where people rent a room in their home and share communal areas with other tenants. There are also specialist adapted housing options for tenants with highly complex needs who require 24-hour support, with a sleep-in room for support workers, too.
Support teams at both organisations ensure that tenants have the right support package in place and will guide people through their rights and responsibilities, reporting repairs and sharing feedback about the service they receive. They also manage the housing benefit application process, liaising with care providers and local authorities.
“I am delighted that our two organisations have joined and that, as one organisation, we will play a major part in meeting the huge need for high-quality supported living accommodation. Our partnership will enable us to deliver more new homes and to deliver even better services for our customers,” says Jacqui De-Rose, Group Chief Executive at Progress Housing Group.
To find out more about the work we do with tenants and read their stories, visit: residehousing.com and progressgroup.org.uk or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.