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The Team Michael Tinkler Editor/Account Manager micha≤ Oliver Heath Designer
Hello again It took us many months to get the launch issue of Severn magazine to press. We have now compressed the months into weeks and we’re proud the second issue is now published. We’re very excited that feedback on our first issue was positive and we hope you will find Severn magazine’s continued focus on all things Shrewsbury and the immediate area both interesting and useful to our readers. We are still developing ideas for future issues so if you have a story that is local and of interest to readers of Severn magazine please get in touch. As ever, thanks to those who have supported this issue – both editorially and as advertisers. 10,000 copies we print are distributed direct to homes in the Shrewsbury area. Additional copies are available around the town in many of the coffee shops, restaurants and bars but if you would like some copies for your business or even just to read at home please get in touch we are only too happy to drop some off. We hope you enjoy reading the second edition of Severn magazine while we turn our attention to issue three. Merry Christmas!
Contents Oyez! Oyez! The Square MP Corner Brass Ta∞s Here for Your Town A Youth Hub Severnside Apprentices Buzzing Hive Chri◊mas Gift Ideas Theatre Severn Panto Time! Party Season Beauty Tips Ruµ Cut, Po◊ure 3 Stages of Photogra¬y A Creative Profile Perfe± Fe◊ive Turkey W∏l Wrπing Scheme Drink-driving Warning Hooked on Fishing Rent-a-Fli∞
5 6 8 10 15 17 20 23 24 28 32 36 38 41 45 47 49 50
Michael Tinkler
Cover image: Steve Morris Please mention ‘Severn magazine’ when responding to advertisements. Tel: 07522 258776 | Fax: 01952 403 054 | Web:
≤ Severn magazine is published by Darwin Publishing Limited, 12 Little Meadow Close, Admaston, TF5 0DN. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form without the written permission of the copyright owner. The editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Darwin Publishing Limited, its employees, agents or advertisers. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Severn magazine cannot accept responsibility for any errors in articles or advertisements.
Gift ideas Page 23
Squar◊ The
It’s di∂cult to b≤ieve when you ◊and in the Square surrounded by so many lov≤y shops that a lπtle over 800 years ago the area was ju◊ a very deep pond!
ts o∂cial geogra¬ical name was a “K≥tle-H∫e” but π has also been referred to as “Bishop David’s Pond”, so named because, as the f∫k tale gœs, David, the 3rd Bishop of Wales popped across the border for a few jars of communion wine and f≤l into the pond and was drowned! It was here that they used the Gumb∫◊∫, or du∞ing ◊o∫, as a form of punishment. Originally for bakers s≤ling underweight bread (which is why you have 13 in a bakers dozen) and for wine merchants s≤ling ◊ale wine or beer. However, these two trades were run by men and π was deemed embarrassing to
see the chaps being du∞ed so they moved over and left the ◊o∫ for… nagging women! We all know that ladies don’t nag, much, but in the medieval days if a women nagged her hubby he could ◊and in front of a judge and make his com√aint, surprisingly the judge was a man and the lady was always found gu∏ty! If π was her fir◊ oµence she would ∆end the day wearing a ‘brank’, a m≥al h≤m≥ a lπtle like an American football √ayers h≤m≥, but if π was her second sentencing then she was in hot water, almo◊ lπerally. By the 16th Century, Shrewsbury was the base for the wo∫len trade and the Drapers needed a mark≥ Photo: Courtesy of OMH
Clive’s statue in the Square, Shrewsbury
By Shrewsbury Town Crier Martin Wood
√ace so the pond was filled in, to a depth of about 25ft, and the Old Mark≥ Hall was ere±ed. The top floor, now the cafe and cinema, would have been used by the Drapers and the ground floor would have been the sπe of the corn mark≥, com√≥e wπh the original counting frame on the wall. The ◊atue over the front arch is supposed to be The Grand Old Duke of York of ch∏dren’s nursery rhyme fame and π once ◊ood on the ∫d St Georges Bridge at the end of Mard∫ and was moved in the 1700’s. At the other end of the Square, where Clive’s ◊atue now ◊ands, would have been another mark≥ √ace that was called the Ap√e Mark≥ or Green Mark≥ and π was here the fruπ and veg was s∫d. Sadly, the ∫d Plough pub has long gone and also the ∫d Shirehall has been re√aced by Princess House but the Square ◊∏l r≥ains a chara±er all of π’s own. Next time you walk across the Square ∆are a thought for the women being du∞ed and think... bring ba∞ the good ∫d days! ∞
Martin Wood~Shrewsbury Town Crier t: 07718 951902 e:
Concerns over reconfiguration of local hospital services Since the ◊art of the year, there has been a consultation wπh regards to the reconfiguration of services b≥ween the Royal Shrewsbury Ho∆πal and the Princess Royal Ho∆πal in T≤ford.
e∆πe assurances from the Shrewsbury and T≤ford Ho∆πal Tru◊, there remains ◊rong dissatisfa±ion by many of my con◊πuents. The fundamental change to ho∆πal services which continues to create grave concern for my con◊πuents is the wπhdrawal of all Inpatient Ch∏dren’s, Neonat∫ogy and Consultant Maternπy Services from The Royal Shrewsbury Ho∆πal. If these changes are made, I continue
Over 35,000 constituents opposing the changes
to be t∫d by my con◊πuents π w∏l become the only ho∆πal in a major hub or county town wπhout such services, meaning many con◊πuents across Shropshire w∏l face a long journey to the re√acement fac∏πy in T≤ford I have been in con◊ant communication wπh those at the Shrewsbury and T≤ford Ho∆πal Tru◊, as w≤l as o∂cials at the Department of Health on this issue. In addπion to this, I have ≥6
also tabled numerous wrπten Parliamentary que◊ions, presented a p≥πion of over 35,000 signatures opposing the changes as w≤l as h∫ding debates in the House of Commons, where I have brought these concerns to the attention of the Government Mini◊er and have asked him to account for the schedule of events to date. I was very proud to be able to ◊and at the ≤e±ion on a Conservative manife◊ that has √edged to ring fence funding of the National Health Service, as π is one of the mo◊ valuable and intrinsic in◊πutions our Country has. I am d≥ermined therefore that the Health services ava∏able to my con◊πuents do not suµer as a result of this reconfiguration of services that are wid≤y obje±ed to.
Daniel Kawczynski MP Unit 1 Benbow Business Park, Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3FA t: 0044 (0)1743 466477 e:
New Life into the Town With 1 in 10 shops in the town centre now said to be empty, is there anything that can be done to utilise these sometimes slowly decaying vacant shop fronts on your local high street?
n Shrewsbury we are lu∞y not to see the impa± that the recession has had on other towns, which can leave town centres looking run down and uninvπing. According to recent figures from the Local Data Company, 13 per cent of shop premises in UK town centres are now vacant. PricewaterhouseCoopers have also warned that around one fifth may never re-open! These are ◊aggering figures and ones we all recognise in the context of the expansion of r≥a∏ parks often sπuated on the outskirts of our towns. Empty Shops N≥work (ESN) a group formed to make use of otherwise empty shops around the UK has been inv∫ved in many schemes whereby social groups tog≥her wπh the Local Authorπy are able to make use of empty shops to oµer various inπiatives that inv∫ve social groups like arts and theatre groups or social enterprise ventures. Oswe◊ry has taken part in this through ESN by creating FootFall Oswe◊ry www.footfalloswe◊ which seeks to ut∏ise vacant shop unπs for diµerent uses to encourage footfall in the town centre. Footfall now has 6 shops in the town exhibπing art work
Dwight Bond, Specialist Property Solicitor, Andrews Law
Commercial and Property Law Specialists w:
by local scho∫ ch∏dren and other groups, what a great achievement. The secr≥ is of course to g≥ Landlord’s and their surveyors on board and agree to their premises being used, but, the benefits are very encouraging. The Landlord is able to have his shop occupied which enhances securπy, π keeps the shop front tidy and clean and attra±ive, and a±ually enhances π for future sale or lease as opposed to empty run down shop fronts which are quπe often dirty and vandalised. There is also the potential benefit for the Landlord to reduce πs business rates liab∏πy by having an occupier in the shop. Keeping Shrewsbury a vibrant and attra±ive town has got to be a good thing and inπiatives such as these can make a big impa± on our local towns. For more information see: arti◊, wa◊ed∆, ∞
Interested in a vacant shop unit? Why not give the landlord a call and see if you can turn π into a low co◊ opportunπy to s≥ up a business, or use π as a base for a local charπy or for a social enterprise proje±.
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A LOCAL VOICE o-chairs She∏a Sager and Alison Bukhari have been at the h≤m of the Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents Association since 2010 and b≥ween them, they are already bringing their sk∏ls, experience and enthusiasm to the r∫e. The Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents Association exi◊s to promote a thriving town centre in which residents enjoy living, businesses pro∆er and where visπors can make the mo◊ of the intere◊ing opportunπies Shrewsbury oµers.
The Association has a ◊rong b≤ief that residents of all ages mu◊ jointly embrace and support the beautiful town in which we live, in order to provide a healthy environment for future generations. Maintaining the balance b≥ween residential, business and tourism intere◊s, the primary aim of the STCRA is to represent the views of Shrewsbury residents who reside wπhin the river loop. The Association aims to promote the rich herπage of the town, enhancing the qualπy
Here for YourTown
One town centre organisation in particular is keen to ensure that Shrewsbury is √aced firmly on the map, as one of the UKs mo◊ c≤ebrated √aces to live.
≥ 10
Residents and guests enjoying themselves at a recent garden party
of life for everyone who lives and works here. The STCRA works wπh a diverse vari≥y of other v∫untary organisations, wπh the intention of bringing more residents into the town centre and encouraging a ◊ronger sense of communπy ∆irπ throughout the town. As an increasing number of fam∏ies choose Shrewsbury town centre as their home, both She∏a and Alison are keen to see the STCRA become more inv∫ved wπh the provision of a±ivπies and services for young peo√e. However, both co-chairs recognise that Shrewsbury is an idyllic and peaceful location for ∫der generations to r≥ire to. As such, they are both aware that the town centre mu◊ never lose πs c∫ourful charm and chara±er. When asked what the mo◊ enjoyable a∆e± of being inv∫ved wπh the STCRA has been, Alison says “It has definπ≤y been discovering the real vari≥y of peo√e which live in Shrewsbury. There are so many intere◊ing peo√e in our town,
Music at the bandstand in the Quarry park Alison Bukhari and Sheila Sager at the STCRA 'Labrynth' garden built at this years 2011 Shrewsbury Flower Show Doug Allan (right) presents Tim Compton (left) of Shrewsbury Ark with a donation made by the STCRA from the proceeds of the associations annual garden party
≥≥ ≥
all of them wπh diµerent sk∏ls She∏a are both under◊andably happy and experiences”. She∏a adds that wπh. The STCRA has also had notable “We are all about sharing wπh our input into other local inπiatives over neighbours and providing a suπable the years, including the funding of way for residents mob∏e ∆eed cameras The town centre to discuss the and the revision issues and ideas of boundaries for the must never lose which they have its colourful charm Local Joint Commπtees. for where they Membership of the and character live. This is our STCRA is open to neighbourhood and our home, we anyone who is over the age of 18 and are all entπled to enjoy the time we resides wπhin the river loop. There is ∆end here”. an ≤e±ed commπtee of 12 members The Association has been in◊ruwhich each represent the various mental in the recent introdu±ion of ◊rands of town centre a±ivπy, includmusic to the band◊and in the Quarry, ing business, tourism, communπy an achievement which Alison and saf≥y, tra∂c, √anning and culture.
For more information on the Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents Association, visπ: www.◊ where regularly updated information can be found. ∞
Sheila Sager and Alison Bukhari~Co-chairs Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents Association e: w:
11 ≤
≥ 12
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13 ≤
≥ 14
A clearer future for
Glass Showroom h∏◊ the commercial bu∏ding is o∂cially scheduled to be dem∫ished as part of the excπing Flax M∏l Maltings regeneration, this remains some years away – and therefore the decision has been made to give the bu∏ding a pra±ical use unt∏ the bulldozer eventually arrives at the door. It was proa±ive Shropshire Counc∏lor Alan Mo≈ey who had the original idea for transforming the vacant bu∏ding, forming a partnership b≥ween local residents, Friends of the Flaxm∏l Maltings, Severnside Housing, The Prince’s Tru◊, Shropshire Counc∏’s leisure and youth services, the local p∫icing team and mo◊ importantly, young peo√e. Steve Cunningham, Senior Communπy A±ion O∂cer for Shropshire Counc∏ has co-coordinated the proje±, which w∏l see the liv≤y ∆ace d≤iver an array of features, including indoor BMX and skate ramps, bask≥ball, po∫ and other posπive a±ivπies as reque◊ed by young peo√e thems≤ves. V∫unteers from Shrewsbury based Caterp∏lar Remanufa±uring have been only too happy to g≥ inv∫ved wπh the inπiative, assi◊ing wπh the preparation of the sπe ahead of πs opening. It is expe±ed that the Friends of the Flaxm∏l Maltings w∏l take a lease
on the premises wπh a management commπtee comprising young peo√e, residents and partners. Alan Mo≈ey, who is Counc∏lor for Ca◊lefi≤ds and Dπherington, said “This w∏l be a great fac∏πy not only for local young peo√e but also those from further afi≤d. Already, many groups want to use the fac∏πies and young peo√e are already inv∫ved so that the bu∏ding really w∏l come to life. Many thanks go to all the ◊akeh∫ders inv∫ved, as π has been exc≤lent to see the proje± taking shape based on real partnership working”. Anyone who is intere◊ed in h≤ping run the fac∏πy alongside the other partners already inv∫ved is encouraged to conta± Alan Mo≈ey dire± by ema∏ing:≈ ∞
The former premises of local firm Salop Glass are currently undergoing a transformation as the once empty bu∏ding is given a new lease of life as a centre for youth a±ivπies.
Back row: Steve Cunningham, Cllr Alan Mosley, Peter Mouland (Caterpillar/Chair of Shrewsbury Business Chamber). Front row: Ben Reed and Neil Richards (Caterpillar)
15 ≤
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≥ 16
Severnside embraces new apprentices The three apprentices, from left to right: Adam Pahal, Molly Cowperthwaite and Stuart McNab
evernside has w≤comed the opportunπy to train and dev≤op the young peo√e who w∏l be working wπh members of ◊aµ to assi◊ them in acquiring the sk∏ls and confidence which they w∏l need to be successful in their future careers. The three apprentices were s≤e±ed from a large number of ap√icants and wh∏◊ all three individuals have previous work and educational experience, they intend to use their time wπh Severnside to gain an insight into a real working environment. M∫ly Cowperthwaπe, aged 16, has recently com√≥ed her GCSE’s and found her apprenticeship through Connexions. She w∏l be working in the Legal department for the next twelve months where her tasks w∏l include dealing wπh com√aints, enquiries, insurance and other legal issues.
Three young peo√e have taken their fir◊ ◊eps on the career ladder wπh apprenticeships and work experience √acements at local organisation Severnside Housing.
19 year ∫d Stuart McNab has joined Severnside Housing on a twelve month business apprenticeship. Over the next twelve months he w∏l work wπhin several diµerent departments, learning how the social housing provider operates at various lev≤s. Stuart v∫unteers wπh the Salvation Army and is also a football coach for the Shrewsbury Up & Comers under 9’s team. Adam Pahal, aged 24, graduated from Ke≤e Universπy in 2009 before ∆ending a year working abroad. He has been working wπh the Severnside Mark≥ing and Communications department on an eight week work √acement which was organised through Job Centre Plus. Sue Barker, Head of Human Resources said “Severnside is d≤ighted to be able to oµer opportunπies to young peo√e in the form of apprenticeships and work √acements. These generate considerable benefits,
both for the individual and for the em√oyer, and they are an exc≤lent way of training, dev≤oping and sk∏ling peo√e for the future.” Severnside Housing is a Shropshire based social housing provider, wπh more than 5300 homes in the local area, including a large number across Shrewsbury. ∞
Severnside Housing Severnside House, Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury, SY3 7FA t: 0845 234 2424 e:
17 ≤
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19 ≤
A n≥work through
W≤come to the second insight into the Hive Music and Media Centre, where our aim is to highlight all of the excπing opportunπies which are taking √ace right on your door◊ep, at our w≤l-e◊ablished arts venue.
∑ Wh∏◊ there are other UK jazz here are several liv≤y groups wπhin the communπy which soci≥ies which focus on d≤ivering accom√ished musicians to pa∞ed fondly call the Hive their audiences time after time, the creative home and one of these is the Shrewsbury Jazz N≥work b≤ieves thriving Shrewsbury Jazz N≥work. a∆iring jazz musicians should Founded in 1997, the Shrewsbury Jazz N≥work has dev≤oped to become be given the opportunπy to showcase their talent – and the group fulfils this one of the mo◊ prominent groups of need by providing regular workshops jazz enthusia◊s across the County and jazz jam events. and they are firmly cemented wπhin The commπtee fe≤s π is important the Hive’s regular programme of to bring a combination of w≤l monthly concerts. recognised jazz performers and The N≥work is a not-for-profit new talent to the ◊age, providing a organisation operated by a v∫untary valuable showcase for commπtee of jazz world-class emerging ◊ars such musicians and enthusia◊s. Their s∫e aim artists have been as the Transatlantic is to support live jazz brought to the C∫le±ive and the Magic Hat Ensemble. performances Hive’s stage Speaking about the throughout the town. N≥work’s growing popularπy and Internationally acclaimed, world-class reputation, H∏ary Hannaford of the arti◊s have been brought to the N≥work said “The Hive manages to Hive’s ◊age by the N≥work, wπh oµer what lots of organisations ◊rive notable achievements including too – a warm friendly environment Mercury nominated Kπ-Downes where both our performing musicians Trio, renowned Art Themen and more and paying concert-gœrs fe≤ totally recently, the legendary P≥er King. ≥ 20
Art Themen
Shrewsbury Jazz Network w:
∞∞∞∞ at
the Hive
Sunday 27th November Folk Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman: Doors 7:15pm, ◊arts 7:45pm, ti∞≥s £12.00 th
Wednesday 30 November Gig Live At The Hive – emerging regional talent: Doors 7:15pm, entry £3.00 nd
Friday 2 December Film Shrewsbury F∏m Soci≥y, Cπizen Kane: Doors 7:30pm, ◊arts 8:00pm, £5.00 on the door
What’s On Magic Hat Ensemble
Saturday 10th December Gig The Toy Hearts: Doors 7:30pm, ◊arts 8:00pm, ti∞≥s £8.00 Sunday 11th December Jazz Annual Jazz Jam: 2:30pm until 5:30pm, free entry, donations welcome Friday 16th December Film Shrewsbury F∏m Soci≥y, Film to be announced: Doors 7:30pm, ◊arts 8:00pm, £5.00 on the door
at ease. The N≥work continually has lots of arti◊s which approach us wπh reque◊s to perform at the Centre and as a commπtee; we thoroughly enjoy our inv∫vement wπh the Hive”. On Saturday November 12th, the N≥work w∏l be presenting the Chris Gumbley Quint≥, a Tribute to Cannonball Adderley. The quint≥, led by ◊ar saxo¬oni◊, composer and educator Chris Gumbley, is dedicated to recreating the amazing and unique sound of the Cannonball Adderley Quint≥ of 1955–1967. To find out more information on the Shrewsbury Jazz N≥work and other upcoming events at the Hive Music and Media Centre, call or visπ the websπe ∞
Habib Malik-Mansell~Marketing Assistant 5 Belmont, SY1 1TE T: 0044 (0)1743 234970 E: w:
Laura Collins Severnmagazine
21 ≤
≥ 22
SevernSe ernSevern
∞ ∞
Gift Ideas
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1 Sagaform Christmas Snack Bowls £21.95 2 Keep Calm at Christmas Hardback Book £4.99 3 Maileg Long Legged Reindeer Soft Toy £23.50 4 Northlight Pluto Star Candle Rotary £8.99 5 Vinegar Hill Scented Candles £7.95 6 Gisela Graham Folk Twig Wreath £11.99 7 Scandi Chic Robins in Felted Wool £5.50/£12.50/£42.95
24 St Mary’s Street, Shrewsbury, sy1 1ed t: 0044 (0)1743 248817 w:
23 ≤
An EVOLUTION of pantomime This year’s pantomime at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn promises to be the mo◊ ∆e±acular and funnie◊ show ever to grace the venue’s seasoned ◊age. Severn Magazine caught up wπh the mind behind Aladdin, Paul Hendy–a man passionate about pantomime!
≥ 24
Dawley born and bred Paul Hendy is a man of many talents. Be◊ known for his r∫e as TV presenter and more recently comic nov≤ author, Paul has been inv∫ved in the pantomime scene since a young age, beginning when he went to see shows at W∫verhampton’s Grand Theatre wπh his fam∏y. Ev∫ution Pantomimes, a successful theatre company run by Paul and his wife for the pa◊ 7 years, are the new produ±ion company d≤ivering this year’s fe◊ive show. Paul says he is finally realising a lif≤ong ambπion; he has wanted to produce a show at Shrewsbury’s new theatre ever since π was bu∏t and rekindle his Shropshire conne±ions. Paul is a big b≤iever in fam∏y entertainment, wπh fond memories of sπting down to watch Morecambe and Wise wπh ∫der generations of his fam∏y. When asked what the be◊ qualπy of pantomime is as a theatrical genre, Paul has no hesπations. He fe≤s pantomime is one of the few genres where four generations of one fam∏y can unπe tog≥her to share an enjoyable, excπing experience. Having fir◊ appeared in pantomime at the age of 17 and gone from ◊rength to ◊rength as both wrπer and producer, Paul promises that Shrewsbury audiences w∏l never have laughed so much! Paul is proud of the fa± that Aladdin presents a non-c≤ebrπy ca◊, som≥hing which he fe≤s is important to highlight. Wh∏◊ other pantomimes r≤y on c≤ebrπy personalπies to draw their
Paul Hendy, Evolution Pantomimes
audiences in, Aladdin presents a fresh approach wπh genuine talent. Paul hopes Aladdin w∏l be the ◊art of a long working r≤ationship wπh Theatre Severn and the peo√e of Shrewsbury – he certainly has a love for the area and his passion for pantomime and entertainment is clear to see. Climb aboard the flying carp≥ this season and take the fam∏y
along to join in the fun. After all, Aladdin aims to be the be◊ pantomime at Shrewsbury’s be◊ theatre! ∞
Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, SY3 8FT t: Box Office: 0044 (0)01743 281281 e: w:
Win a fam∏y ti∞et for Aladdin on Sunday 11th December at 6:30pm Que◊ion: What’s the name of Paul Hendy’s theatre production company? Entries to:, closing date 30th November. ∞ Please ensure your entry email contains your preferred contact details
Andrew Ry
Theatre Severn’s monthly comedy club
Sun 11 th December
Andy White
James Cook an Pat Monah
MC, James Cook Ba∞ on the circuπ after 7 years as an award winning commercial radio presenter, James mixes jokes, sarcasm, a qui∞ wπ and improvisational sk∏ls, all qualπies that make him a top compere. He has a CV as diverse as you can g≥. Andy White Andy is a Brummie comedian who combines s∏ly voices and a mad afro to deva◊ating comic eµe±. He can do comedy material that’s clever, cheeky, si∞ or ju◊ s∏ly. His performance can shift from deadpan to loud and ¬ysical. Andrew Ryan Since 2008, Andrew has been bringing “an abundance of charm” (Manche◊er Evening News) to comedy clubs around the UK. The Cork native immediat≤y g≥s audiences on-side wπh a likable, bew∏dered ◊yle. Pat Monahan Wπh an animated ◊ory t≤ling ◊yle, Irish-Iranian Pat is a ball of fe≤good energy, on and oµ◊age. Expe± √enty of audience intera±ion from a man π is clinically impossible to di≈ike. Winner of ITV’s Show Me The Funny earlier this year. ∞
What’s On at
Theatre Severn
NUTCRACKER 11th – 12th November Dance An integral part of the pre-Chri◊mas season, The State Ball≥ Academy of Minsk perform one of the mo◊ popular ball≥s of the international repertoire. £18.50–£22.50, Under 16: £15 ALICE AND THE WHITE RABBIT 13th November ~The Walker Theatre Childrens Indigo Moon Theatre showcase shadow theatre techniques to create a dream-like adaptation of the famous tale by Lewis Carr∫l. Adult: £5, Ch∏d: £4 JURASSIC JOURNEY 13th November ~The Walker Theatre Talks / Lectures Award-winning ¬otogra¬er Ben Osborne presents a new multi-media presentation c≤ebrating the Jurassic Coa◊ World Herπage Sπe. £12, Conc. £10
Performance: 8pm, The Walker Theatre Tickets: £8 Advance, £9 Door Friends 10% Off
What’s On at
Old Market Hall
ANONYMOUS 25th November – 1st December Film (12a) Dire±or: Roland Emmerich (2011) MEMPHIS 27th November Film (pg) Dire±or: Don Roy King and Christopher Ashley (2011) WUTHERING HEIGHTS 2nd – 8th December Film (15) Dire±or: Andrea Arnold (2011) A CHRISTMAS CAROL 23rd December Film (U) Dire±or: Clive Donner (1984)
Old Market Hall The Square, Shrewsbury, Shropshire t: Box Office: 0044 (0)01743 281281 e: w:
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Top Severn
BeauTy Tips for the party season
Once again the festive season is upon us, follow these great beauty tips to truly dazzle at any party! ›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››
Moi◊uriser, pi∞ one suπed to your skin type. Remember your skin repairs πs≤f at night, so inve◊ in a good night cream to keep your skin hydrated and √ump. Foundation, remember less is more, heavy foundation only accentuates wrinkles, make sure you ap√y foundation under your eye shadow so π la◊s longer. Eye Shadow, if you’re going for a ◊rong lip c∫our keep eye shadow c∫our sim√e and ju◊ add a glπter ey≤iner for extra ∆arkle. Add two coats of mascara on curled lashes. Remember coat bottom lashes fir◊.
2 3
Cheeks/blusher, remember to sm∏e to see the ap√es of your cheeks and sweep up to your tem√es, add an irresi◊ibly iridescent all over highlighter, ju◊ du◊ over cheekbones, shoulders, cleavage and legs, you’ll be posπiv≤y radiant at your parties and you w∏l glow in party pi±ures. Lips, H∫ly Red lips are fabulous. Remember there are many reds to choose from so g≥ expert advice for the right shade (try All of Eve Red which is suπable for mo◊ skin types). Add a lπtle gloss to the centre of your lips to bring out the glπz in you.
Eyebrows, don’t forg≥ to frame your pi±ure! Keep eyebrows w≤l groomed, ap√y eyebrow c∫our or why not g≥ them tinted, you’ll be amazed how great they look. Bright Red Na∏s, w∏l always go wπh your lπtle bla∞ dress. Keep them short and semi-squared. Why not book in for a manicure so you have less chance of ∆o∏ing them. Again, try All of Eve Red. Fabulous Darling. …Then Party Time!
Merry Chri◊mas to you all, Lorraine. ∞
t: 0844 793 8344 w:
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Could hypnosis provide the solution for you?
Maria has been successful in helping clients to overcome these perceived obstacles for a number of years. Before training to be a hypnotherapist she enjoyed a successful career, spanning more than thirty years, as nurse in clinical practice and latterly NHS management. Her enduring fascination with the mind and body connection led her to undertake study with the Contemporary College of Therapeutics based in London and has since been using a wide range of techniques. She now sees clients at Cedar House Clinic, Shrewsbury Business Park and helps people with a wide range of conditions. She is registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register, Complementary Natural Health Council. To find out more visit or call Maria on 07785505310
can c an I help help you? you? C
The power of the unconscious mind to propel us or hold us back in any situation cannot be discounted. For instance there is no logical reason why we should be afraid to travel by air. It has been shown to be one of the safest methods of traveling. However many otherwise balanced and 'normal' people are gripped by a fear of this everyday task. This and other types of fear/phobia, behaviours and emotions can be readily helped with hypnotherapy.
All too often we try to achieve goals such as weight loss, changing habits and behaviours or dealing with emotions and we repeatedly fall at the first or second fence. The reason for this can be an underlying, unacknowledged problem which prevents a successful outcome.
St Stress, anxieties, i ties, weight management, t per formance enhancement, nt, self esteem, performance behaviour management and a much more Book a FREE 20 minute consultation Call Maria 077855 07785505310 505310 www .time-4-chanag Shrewsbur Shrewsburyy Busine Business ess Park
31 â&#x2030;¤
Improving your alignment and posture L≥s face π, mo◊ of us at some point during our lives have suµered wπh a ba∞ com√aint, some worse than others. There’s a number of contributing fa±ors but the mo◊ common being poor po◊ure. So what do you look for when viewing your body alignment? Here’s a few t≤l-tale signs; > c∫lapsed arches in your fe≥ > an ≤evated hip or shoulder > one side of the body rotated forward or ba∞ > p≤vis and hips t∏ted to the front, ba∞ or side > rounded ba∞ > drooping che◊ and shoulders > head jutting forward If you do fit into one of the poor po◊ure categories above then fear not, these traπs can be remedied wπh the right guidance. F∫low these top tips and corre± any imbalances to h≤p improve your day-to-day a±ivπies and biomechanical e∂ciency.
top 5 tips 1 Neutral ∆ine It’s at this point when maintaining a neutral ∆ine the body is be◊ equipped to deal wπh external ◊ress (◊rain forces we deal wπh in everyday life from ◊anding and sπting to those gym workouts). A personal trainer w∏l be able to eµe±iv≤y view your natural alignment and h≤p corre± any imbalances, resulting in a more e∂cient you, thus improving other a∆e±s of your life.
2 Conta± a ∆eciali◊ Po◊ure problems can have serious consequences on your health and qualπy of life. Taking ◊eps to liaise wπh the right peo√e may be the be◊ decision you make. Along wπh your personal trainer there are many other professionals you may wish to consult ≥ 32
such as an Orthopaedic Speciali◊, a Physical Therapi◊ or a Chiropra±or.
3 Abs benefits Work wπh your trainer to h≤p your body ◊ab∏ise πs ∆inal alignment and lower ba∞, the mo◊ common areas of ba∞ pain. Introducing ‘◊ab∏isation’ and ‘rotation’ exercise into your programme w∏l enable you to ut∏ise your cors≥ muscles. Strength in this area means you’re on route to an improved po◊ure, you are also enhancing your abdominals which aid in that desirable flat ◊omach! 4 Flexib∏πy for those hips Not always a firm favorπe wπh the majorπy of gym-gœrs but neverth≤ess flexib∏πy should be a huge component in an individuals programme e∆ecially wπh any rehab or corre±ion work. Tight hip flexors, quads and gluteus muscles can change p≤vic and ∆inal alignment increasing the potential for ba∞ issues and poor po◊ure. So ◊r≥ching needs to be at the top of your workout agenda. 5 Be ballsy Nowadays Swissballs seem to be permanent fixture in mo◊ gyms and are a great to∫ to h≤p improve and ◊rengthen the muscles that a± as our cors≥, deep in our core. Take a class or ask your gym in◊ru±or to take you through some exercises that w∏l have a dire± impa± on your neutral ∆inal alignment. For further information or to find out about W≤ti Health & Fπness personal training deals please conta± Darren Ruff. ∞
E: t: 0044 (0)1743 467755 w:
01743 271773
9 Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury SY1 1UT
33 ≤
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Do you like the look of Severn Magazine? If you like the look of the editorial pages in this issue and feel your business would benefit from some professional graphic design assistance, then please just drop me an email with your enquiry. OLIVER HEATH Graphic Design for the printed page Email:
specialising in holistic therapies “I had a course of treatments with Emma to help me relax and relive stress. Going regularly really helped and gave me something to look forward to, with a busy life it gave me some ‘me time’. I have had a lot of massages and Emma is one of the best, she has a natural ability and really gets to all those aches and pains. Can’t wait to try the Hot Stone treatment!” rejuvenate offers a range of holistic therapies customised to your individual preferences. This ensures that you achieve complete relaxation and relief from the stresses and strains of daily life. When you come to rejuvenate you will be calmed and soothed by the warm lighting and gentle music, and will leave the salon feeling refreshed, relaxed and revitalised.
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35 ≤
3 The
stages of PHOTOGRAPHY By Shrewsbury Photographer Steve Morris
o to a pub or re◊aurant these days and sooner or later you’ll see a flash-bulb fire as someone tries to record thems≤ves or their friends having a fun time. De∆πe the economic problems, world-wide sales of digπal cameras continue to grow. The Intern≥ is full of evermore ¬oto sharing sπes, forums, magazines and comp≥πions. It seems the wh∫e world is camera crazy! The ◊andard of ¬otogra¬y is also on the increase – a qui∞ look through some of the online portf∫ios at Pbase or Flikr shows how seriou≈y keen ¬otogra¬ers take their art. But ◊∏l, many peo√e think that ¬otogra¬y is a sim√e craft made easy by automatic cameras. This is not the case. Digπal ¬otogra¬y can be a ◊eep learning curve that has three ◊ages, or lev≤s of progress, by which to judge your sk∏ls! So which ◊age are you? L≥’s find out:
Stage 1 The recording stage Mo◊ peo√e buy an automatic camera to take h∫iday snaps or record friends and fam∏y at memorable times. Photos are shared and enjoyed for the emotion they bring as peo√e recall events in the pa◊. The cameras are light and eas∏y fπ into po∞≥s and bags. They work at the push of a ≥ 36
St Chad’s Church, Shrewsbury
button wπh lπtle sk∏l needed. Mo◊ importantly, during the pi±ure taking process the camera is in contr∫ at all times. The ¬otos may be a bπ too dark or too light but who cares, you’re looking at the sm∏ing faces, right?
Stage 2 The learning stage Some peo√e are in∆ired to move on. Maybe they’ve seen a ◊unning portf∫io of ¬otos on the web, or perhaps they’ve tried to capture a snow ◊orm on a dramatic winter’s evening and found that their ‘point and shoot’ has fa∏ed miserably! These peo√e w∏l buy a more expensive camera, often a DSLR
wπh a cou√e of lenses. Then comes the point where they try and wre◊le contr∫ from the camera and realise that maybe π’s not that easy after all. The gear is heavier to carry and not as discr≥e for nights out. It takes a wh∏e to ma◊er some ¬oto edπing in the likes of ‘Photoshop’. For some, the has≈e is too much and the camera gœs on eBay, but for those who persevere and pra±ise hard there are amazing rewards at the end.
Stage 3 The fulfilment stage There comes a point where you don’t have to think about the camera contr∫s anymore and that’s when the magic happens. You can concen-
trate on the composπion and being in the right √ace at the right time. The ≤ements can con∆ire again◊ you but you enjoy the challenge. You look forward to downloading your shots in◊ead of wondering what w∏l appear. B≤ieve π or not, you even ◊art to enjoy lugging around that bag of equipment and sm∏e when peo√e say, ‘I couldn’t be doing wπh carrying that lot!’. Robert Browning once wrote, “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his gra∆, or what’s a heaven for?”. A bπ sexi◊ by modern ◊andards but we know what he meant. Keep pra±ising! ∞ Steve Morris ~Photographer w: w:
37 ≤
A Creative Profile:
› Adam Birch
By Sam Pooley
dam Birch is a dear friend. A lover of drama (his own), po≥ry, good film and lπerature (of others). He is handsome, shy and y≥ incredibly charming. His dim√ed sm∏e m≤ts the c∫de◊ of hearts and as a professional portraπ painter; he could be som≥hing out of a nov≤. His ◊udio is on St Johns H∏l, the sm≤l of paint and canvas and cigar≥tes mix happ∏y tog≥her in the Tudor bu∏ding, π’s all terribly romantic – and som≥imes a lπtle c∫d in the winter. Adam ◊udied Fine Art at W∫verhampton and then ∆ent a further year in Barc≤ona as an arti◊, he r≥urned to UK and s≥tled in Shrewsbury where he s≥ up his pra±ice. Since moving ba∞ to the UK he has done incredibly w≤l;
Adam Birch
Adam Birch ~Portrait Painter t: 07403 080883 e: w:
≥ 38
commissions from The Arch-Bishop of Birmingham, now the Arch-Bishop of We◊min◊er, a portraπ of the current Pope h≤d in the Vatican, various eque◊rian and canine private clients and now Adam is becoming e◊ablished as a portraπ painter of ch∏dren. Adam works from ¬otogra¬s, which means that there is not the com√ication of having ch∏dren sπting impatiently, the work is far from ¬otogra¬ic, his paintings really do capture the soul of the subje±s. I cannot think of a more personal Chri◊mas present than an original Adam Birch canvas, and as he is ◊∏l growing as an arti◊, he is also incredibly reasonable. There isn’t much he can’t paint and I look forward to watching his future. ∞
at the market hall, shrewsbury, call sam on 07531 824561
39 â&#x2030;¤
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≥ 40
How To Cook The
Perfect Festive
ey E Ω T ∏ Tu Rr kK ***** As many families around Shrewsbury will be preparing a Turkey meal over the festive season, Severn Magazine has teamed up with a local expert to give you tips which will make your Christmas meal the special occasion it should be.
> Note the weight of your Turkey to calculate the cooking time required. You w∏l need: ~ 1 fresh Turkey ~ Salt and pepper ~ 2 onions, pe≤ed and halved ~ 1 head of garlic, halved ~ Bay leaves (4–6) ~ Streaky bacon ~ Olive o∏
> Pre-heat the oven to 220°c or gas mark 7.
For Herb Butter: ~ Soft butter, one pa∞ ~ Chopped par≈ey and thyme ~ Salt and pepper ~ Fin≤y grated ze◊ of a lemon
2. Carefully loosen the skin on the Turkey brea◊ wπh your fingers and ∆read the herb butter over the brea◊s evenly (under the skin).
> Make the herb butter by m≤ting the butter and mixing all the ingredients tog≥her. 1. Remove the gibl≥s from the Turkey cavπy, ◊uµ wπh the onions, garlic and bay leaves.
3. Season the Turkey all over then, in a criss-cross pattern, cover the brea◊ wπh ◊reaky bacon. Drizzle a
lπtle olive o∏ over the bird. 4. Place the bird in hot a oven for 10–15 mins, take out and ba◊e the bird wπh pan juices. R≥urn to the oven. 5. Lower the s≥ting to 180°c or gas mark 4 and cook for 30 mins per k∏o (taking out to ba◊e occasionally in pan juices). 6. To che∞ your bird is cooked insert a skewer into the thi∞e◊ part of the thigh and che∞ the juices run clear not pink. 7. Remove from the oven and √ace on a large √ate to re◊ for 30 mins before carving. Make your gravy using all the pan juices, decorate the √ate in a fe◊ive theme and your Turkey is ready… Enjoy a Happy Chri◊mas meal! These tips were brought to you by: Jon Sykes, Corb≥ts Butchers. ∞
Corbetts Jon Sykes ~Corbetts Butchers High Class Meat, Poultry & Game Shrewsbury Market Hall t: (0)1743 232410
41 ≤
d e k a o S Get This summer at the National Watersports Centre
Five day Summer Youth Activities Sailing, windsurfing or try your hand at loads of different activities on our Adventure week
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out Book today! Also week and weekend courses in: Sailing Windsurfing Kayaking Powerboating Crusing Shorebased Theory
â&#x2030;Ľ 42
01248 670964 Plas Menai National Watersports Centre, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1UE
your chance to win a £100.00 evening (or lunch if you prefer) of food and drinks at The Silverton Simply answer the following question: The Silverton is named after a famous Shropshire author’s pseudonym for Shrewsbury. But just which Salopian wordsmith was it: A. A.E. Houseman B. Mary Webb C. Michael Palin For your chance to win simply send your answer to
Severn magazine in conjunction with the Silverton Hotel (Closing date friday 9th Dec)
43 ≤
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Help take care of the
TODAY A firm of Shropshire solicitors is encouraging people to get their affairs in order by taking part in a free Will writing scheme in aid of a local charity.
inder Myers is running the make a diµerence both to their own promotion to raise muchfam∏y’s future and for the patients needed funds for Severn and their loved ones who are cared Ho∆ice, who care for peo√e across for by such a worthy local cause as Shropshire and Mid Wales living Severn Ho∆ice.” wπh incurable ∏lnesses. Norma Ross, Severn Ho∆ice The lawyers are waiving their appeals dire±or, said: “We are normal fee in the hope those who d≤ighted Linder Myers is fundraising take part w∏l make for us through πs a donation to the W∏l wrπing scheme We’re delighted ho∆ice to h≤p fund and we hope many Linder Myers πs services. of our supporters is fundraising Richard Ashton, w∏l take part for us… a partner at and make a donation Linder Myers, said: “We under◊and towards our work. that peo√e are som≥imes r≤u±ant “Legacies, or gifts peo√e leave to think about making a W∏l, in W∏ls, are an important source of but deciding to wrπe a W∏l is an funding for the ho∆ice. important ◊ep towards ensuring “Wh∏◊ leaving a legacy to the your wishes are carried out. Ho∆ice is not compulsory to “Making a W∏l is the only way participate in the W∏l wrπing scheme, to be certain your money and π is hoped Linder Myers’ generosπy possessions go to the peo√e and in donating πs services w∏l encourage causes you care about. peo√e to do so.” “Our w∏l wrπing scheme is an More information about the exc≤lent opportunπy for peo√e to scheme, which runs unt∏ the end
of 2011, is ava∏able by calling 0844 984 6002 (local rate) or ema∏ing severnho∆ . For more information √ease conta± Emma Baronenas, Mark≥ing Manager, on 01743 354450. ∞
Emma Baronenas ~Marketing Manager Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 8HS t: 0044 (0)1743 354450 (Appeals) w:
45 ≤
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For more information visπ: www.defendingthemotori◊.com or call 0800 0778770.
in the run-up to Christmas n the ∆ring of 2011 Hatchers S∫icπors launched a ∆eciali◊ motoring defence websπe that provides a unique nationwide service to private individuals,industry and commerce.
We focus on ◊rategies to prevent or reduce motoring oµences occurring, give advice and legal representation on all motoring matters. Our motto is Prevent and Prote± but whenever necessary we are dedicated to Rea± and R≥ain both your liberty and your driving licence. Wπh the run-up to Chri◊mas Andrew H∫land, ∆eciali◊ motoring defence s∫icπor gives a ◊ark warning to all drivers: “Motori◊s who risk driving when over the legal drink drive limπ dramatically increase their chances of being inv∫ved in a fatal crash. Wπh the fe◊ive season approaching the temptation to g≥ behind the whe≤ after having a drink may be a risk some drivers think is worth taking.” It is e◊imated that in 2010, 9,700 reported casualties (5% of all road casualties) occurred when someone was driving wh∏◊ over the legal limπ. Women are much less lik≤y to be inv∫ved in a drink drive accident, as drivers, than men. Andrew warns: “Alcoh∫ aµe±s everybody in a diµerent way and can remain in your sy◊em for longer than you think. Even the smalle◊ amount of alcoh∫ w∏l aµe± your comp≥ence behind the whe≤, your ab∏πy to
judge ∆eed and di◊ance and w∏l ≈ow down your rea±ions. At the risk of losing your licence, your liv≤ihood, or k∏ling someone ≤se or yours≤f on the road please consider my Severn Top Tips to avoid drink-driving this Chri◊mas.” 1. Always leave your vehicle at home – If you are going out for a drink, always leave your vehicle at home. Remember π only takes one or two drinks to push you over the limπ. Wh∏e this tip may seem obvious, many peo√e tend to ignore π for the temporary convenience of making a qui∞er outward journey. After a few drinks, however, the pro∆e± of trav≤ling home via public tran∆ort or waπing for a taxi may not seem so appealing and that’s when peo√e g≥ into problems. 2. Appoint a designated driver – Going out wπh friends provides another good way to avoid drink driving by appointing a “designated driver” for the group. 3. Do not consume alcohol – The drink drive limπ is currently 35 microgrammes of alcoh∫ in 100 m∏l∏πres of breath. Therefore if you drive after drinking only a minimal amount of alcoh∫ you are taking a huge risk. The easy and sim√e◊ way of avoiding being over the limπ is to ab◊ain from drinking alcoh∫.
4. Do not rely on “Sobering-up” tricks – “Sobering-up” tri∞s do not work. Drinking lots of coµee and g≥ting some fresh air have abs∫ut≤y NO impa± on the lev≤ of alcoh∫ in your sy◊em. Time is the only way to g≥ alcoh∫ out of your sy◊em and you could ◊∏l be over the limπ many hours after you finish drinking. 5. Watch the clock – Alcoh∫ remains in your sy◊em for a longer period than you possibly imagine. So remember, if you drink heav∏y the night before you could ◊∏l be over the limπ the f∫lowing morning, even if you fe≤ r≤ativ≤y sober. If in doubt about your sobri≥y, don’t risk π. 6. Do not drink on an empty stomach – The amount of food in your ◊omach w∏l increase the rate of absorption and decrease the amount of time you need to avoid driving and drinking. 7. Think! – Whatever you do, think about what you are doing! Always remember the risks and penalties for drink driving – not only to your own posπion and liv≤ihood but also of other road users. You could face a sub◊antial prison sentence, an unlimπed fine and a lengthy driving disqualification. ∞
Andrew Holland ~ Solicitor t: 0800 0778770 e: w:
47 ≤
Stunning Bathroom Showroom Opening Times: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5pm Sat 7:30am - 12pm Late appointments by arrangement
38b Vanguard Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury SY1 3TG (Opposite the Recycling Centre)
T: 01743 468999 M: 07515 285415 â&#x2030;Ľ 48
A ng l i n g Dia ry ¬√
≤l y≥ another ◊aff diary piec e, the idea behind these is for us “the ◊af f at Total Angling” to fis h venues which anyone to have are open for a go on. This m onth I have de to head over to cided Bla∞thorn Ca rp Fishery, ju◊ Oswe◊ry. A fo outside ur acre purpos e bu∏d Carp fis wπh a good he hery ad of carp up to 26lb, s≥ in the h∏ls on the Sh r∫ling ropshire border . Bla∞thorn is full of features etc etc; I had √ pa∞ed : i≈ands, weed enty to go at. I beds, shallow m ne◊led into Pe There is a two argins g 5 for my shor rod rule at Bla∞ t session. to the i≈and at thorn, so my le ft hand rod wou about 30 yard s and the othe ld be ca◊ over in by hand rath r down the left er than ca◊ing hand margin, π. You always then ju◊ a hand lowered g≥ a b≥ter pr full of Maggots esentation this over the top of Baπ wise, Mag way, th e rig. gots and Graze Bo∏ies were m w≤l on this ve y choice, which nue, so confide nce was high as have always do The fir◊ few ho ne the night sky cl urs passed wπh osed in. the left hand ro out a beep, abou d ripped off, pe t an hour into ≤ing line at a ra darkness and the pouring ra te of knots, afte in I landed a ni r a good fight in ce do ub le figure Mirror Wπhin minutes Carp. of r≥urning th fish making a e fish to the wat run for open w er, the other ro at er d was away, th away from the contr∫ and n≥ e i≈and; I soon ha ted another M irr d or him under ar ound the same The re◊ of the size as the fir◊ night passed w πhout any othe fish. kip. The sun ro r takes and I go se the next mor t some w≤l earn ning wπh clear in the other ba ed bl ue skies, the fis y of the po∫, bu h were showin t my time was A great venue g up an d I s≥ in the r∫lin had work in a fe g h∏ls of the Po if you fancy so w hours. wys/Shropshire m≥hing a bπ ∆ border and ecial you can hi is right on the wa re th e luxury log ca ters edge. The bin which perfe± g≥-awa For more inform y from life’s ra ation on Bla∞th t race. Unt∏ next tim or n vi sπ : ww w.bla∞thornfish e, tight lines!
Dean Watson
Next month A ndy Jones targ ≥s Big Chub on the River Se vern.
Total Angling Unit 18-20, Vanguard Way, Battlesfield, Shrewsbury, SY1 3TG t: 0044 (0)1743 462 699 w:
49 ≤
Bad Teacher (2011)
Bethan awards Bad Teacher:
Spo∏t, g∫d digger Elizab≥h Halsey (Cameron Diaz) has ju◊ been dumped by her late◊ meal ti∞≥ and is forced to r≥urn to a job she hates at Jams middle scho∫. She ∆ends her days drinking, g≥ting high and ≈eeping in her classroom wh∏e the ch∏dren watch movies in◊ead of learning anything useful. Her nights are ∆ent trawling bars for wealthy candidates for her next sugar daddy. Her only friend at scho∫ is swe≥ and naive Lynn, who remains loyal to her even when she dœs nothing to earn π. When Elizab≥h decides the answer to all her problems is g≥ting her boobs done, the only problem is how she is going to aµord them. Cunning and manipulative, she w∏l go to any length to g≥ what she wants, including an indecent car wash that
w∏l have the attention of any male watching! The only person ◊anding in her way is perky and d≥ermined overachiever Amy Squirr≤ (Lucy Punch, Dinner for Schmu∞s). When Elizab≥h and Amy s≥ their sights on the new sub◊πute teacher (Justin Timberlake) neπher are prepared for the consequences that ensue. Cameron Diaz ◊eals the show as one of the few a±ors that can be funny and sexy at the same time but the laughs come thi∞ and fa◊ from the wh∫e ca◊, e∆ecially Ju◊in Timberlake (who is clearly not eas∏y embarrassed!) in this irreverent and charming scho∫ room comedy. Wh∏e a lπtle predi±able, π remains naughty and swe≥ enough to bring a sm∏e to even the ◊ri±e◊ Teachers face! ∞
Green Lantern (2011)
Bethan awards Green Lantern:
Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) always dreamed of f∫lowing in his fathers foot◊eps and becoming a te◊ p∏ot. He is co∞y, irre∆onsible, rushes into things wπhout thinking them through that are bound to g≥ him in trouble, but he’s very good at what he dœs and never la∞s courage to g≥ π done. He is also haunted by memories of his father’s death and that nearly g≥s him k∏led during a te◊ flight of a new fighter j≥. But through π all he always tries to remain posπive for the peo√e that r≤y on him. He b≤ieves no matter how bad things g≥, there’s always som≥hing good on the horizon. It is for that reason that he is chosen for an intergala±ic peace keeping force known as the Green Lanterns. But π’s not all as easy as π seems. Hal mu◊ learn to focus his
w∏l to contr∫ his power. But for every hero, there mu◊ be a reason the world needs defending. A scienti◊, who encounters an alien being is taken over by the essence of fear and becomes an enemy of the Lanterns, fu≤led by emotion and power rather than courage, and s≤f contr∫, as the side of good is. Ryan Reyn∫ds shines in this r∫e, almo◊ as if π was wrπten for him. The CGI eµe±s are ∆e±acular wπh a soundtra∞ reminiscent of pa◊ superman movies. Although Green Lantern fe≤s a lπtle disjointed at times, π has good moral, and manages to remain light, funny and u√ifting, wπh a hint of romance. ∞
Reviews By Severn Magazine’s Resident Film Critic Bethan Lockley Blockbusters Unit 9, Meole Brace Retail Park, Hereford Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9NB t: 0044 (0)1743 358583 w:
≥ 50
Simply Baby is Shropshire’s independent pushchair and car seat specialist. They have a vast selection of brands on display and in-stock including Their stylish and spacious Shrewsbury store allows you to ‘test drive’ the huge variety of pushchairs they have on show. Or you can simply ask one of their friendly staff who will be more than willing to provide a full demonstration of any product. ‘It’s so important that you get the right pushchair to suit how you will use it. With so many features, combinations and options available it’s not just about the colour. Many buy on-line without seeing a selection first, only to find it isn’t right. By visiting us in store we can go through everything and make sure you are completely happy.’ Luke Edwards - Simply Baby. Car Seats can be a bit of a tricky area, but this can be made simple by asking trained staff to advise which car seat is best for your child. They have a range of seats on show, plus a vehicle demo seat to ‘have a go’. You can even ask to try the seat in your vehicle to see if it is the right fit. Rest assured that you also benefit from on-line prices in store. Simply Baby always try to offer the best price. If not you can always ask them to try and price match. For their local customers buying in-store, items can be held free of charge until you are ready to collect. They also offer an instalment payment plan that is totally interest free.
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