Annual Report 2018–19 • Annual Report 2018–19 • Annual Report 2018–19 • Annual Report 2018–1
Annual Report 2018–19
How are we doing?
Every year we tell you about our financial performance. We also report back to you on how we measure up against the important service commitments we make to our customers. Financial reports, that include value for money statements can be found on our Group website Here is an at-a-glance guide to our performance in key areas.
Income and expenditure How your rent is spent
Value for money
The government sets the level of rents that we can charge and we work hard to ensure that the income we receive is well spent and gives value for money
84% of customers feel their rent provides value for money.
How each pound of your rent is spent:
Bringing our Staffordshire grounds maintenance service in-house enabled us to employ 12 local people, save £130k and deliver an improved service.
3p 9p 26p
We spent £9.4m (63%) of our Group budget with 180 suppliers in Staffordshire and Shropshire, helping to support and benefit local communities.
Investment in new homes
Staff costs and overheads
Interest on our loans
Repairs and services to our homes
Improvements to your home
Services to your home and communal areas
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