Winter 2013 Sire Summaries

Page 1

Winter 2013-2014

Young Sire Sampling

Because your business begins

at Conception

Holstein Top 10

Megasire Gilby Doc Neptune Aspire Beaconator Manziel Mador Ezra Justincase

NAAB Code Name 151HO00680 151HO00655 203HO01351 151HO00668 151HO00657 203HO01359 151HO00643 203HO01344 151HO00656 151HO00629

Megasire Catapult Manziel Lolo Danger Justincase Durango Benhart Doc Cross


NAAB Code Name

0.07% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% -0.01% -0.05% 0.03% -0.02% 0.01% 0.02%


151HO00680 151HO00635 151HO00656 151HO00660 151HO00620 151HO00618 203HO01351 151HO00664 151HO00666 203HO01359

NAAB Code Name

940 839 799 783 765 763 760 727 725 724

NAAB Code Name 151HO05826 151HO00642 203HO01353 151HO00653 151HO00640 151HO00660 151HO00654 151HO00680 151HO00668 151HO00657

2120 lbs 1881 lbs 1866 lbs 1858 lbs 1807 lbs 1803 lbs 1796 lbs 1696 lbs 1659 lbs 1620 lbs 58 lbs 58 lbs 56 lbs 53 lbs 52 lbs 51 lbs 50 lbs 50 lbs 49 lbs 49 lbs

151HO00641 203HO01254 151HO00643 203HO01119 151HO00652 203HO01351 151HO00657 151HO00639 151HO00651 151HO00680 151HO00644 151HO00680 151HO00655 151HO00459 151HO00656 151HO00635 203HO01351 203HO01359 151HO00637 151HO00668

NAAB Code Name 151HO00680 151HO00668 203HO01351 151HO00655 151HO00657 203HO01359 151HO00643 151HO00656 151HO00666 151HO00641

Moses-Red Absolute Sacho RC Delorean Petersburg Neptune Atlas P Megasire Lolo Danger

PTAT +3.68 +3.57 +3.33 +3.13 +3.12 +3.03 +3.02 +2.98 +2.96 +2.96

Parker Drew Durango Trib Dustin Manziel Danger Denby Pascale Megasire

Megasire Lolo Manziel Catapult Danger Justincase Durango Doc Ezra Parker

Compose Megasire Catapult Brigade Doc Gilby Manziel Justincase Orlando Lolo

838 778 750 748 725 720 711 698 674 666

NAAB Code Name 151HO00641 151HO00640 151HO00668 151HO00667 151HO00655 151HO00643 203HO01344 203HO01359 151HO00577 203HO01330

PTAF% PTAF 0.18% 0.12% 0.19% 0.32% 0.05% 0.03% 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.02%

NAAB Code Name 151HO05826 203HO01328 151HO00654 203HO01353 151HO00477 151HO00642 151HO00680 151HO00660 151HO00668 151HO00630

NAAB Code Name 151HO05825 151HO00654 151HO00680 151HO05832 151HO05826 151HO00642 151HO00668 151HO00459 151HO00657 151HO00639


+6.9 +6.6 +6.2 +6.1 +6.0 +5.8 +5.8 +5.6 +5.5 +5.4

Atwell-P-Red Atlas P Megasire Hitman-Red Moses-Red Absolute Lolo Brigade Danger Denby

86 lbs 79 lbs 79 lbs 79 lbs 78 lbs 75 lbs 75 lbs 74 lbs 73 lbs 72 lbs

Moses-Red Eclipse Atlas P Sacho RC Acme*RC Absolute Megasire Neptune Lolo Marco


+2.90 +2.78 +2.73 +2.64 +2.61 +2.58 +2.56 +2.44 +2.39 +2.35

Parker Petersburg Lolo Achilles Catapult Durango Benhart Justincase Diamond Mojito

3.38 3.37 3.29 3.05 2.94 2.78 2.76 2.73 2.68 2.65


+2.48 +2.50 +2.52 +2.52 +2.52 +2.59 +2.61 +2.62 +2.62 +2.64

NAAB Code Name 203HO01181 151HO00577 151HO00655 151HO00680 203HO01344 203HO01027 203HO01251 151HO00657 151HO00642 151HO00666

Soldier Diamond Catapult Megasire Benhart Tea Garet Danger Absolute Ezra

NAAB Code Name 151HO00680 151HO00668 151HO00655 151HO00657 151HO00666 151HO00660 151HO00656 203HO01351 203HO01344 151HO00643

NAAB Code Name 151HO00666 203HO01255 151HO00577 151HO00567 151HO00569 203HO00376 151HO00618 151HO00630 151HO00680 151HO00641

Ezra Arnold Diamond Walker Pavetheway Ernesto Beaconator Marco Megasire Parker

Megasire Lolo Catapult Danger Ezra Neptune Doc Manziel Benhart Durango

DPR +2.4 +2.2 +1.9 +1.9 +1.8 +1.7 +1.5 +1.4 +1.4 +1.3


NAAB Code Name


Beaconator Dustin Aspire Gilby Lolo Doc Mador Eldo Drew Neptune


151HO00618 151HO00652 151HO00620 151HO00635 151HO00668 151HO00656 151HO00664 151HO00631 203HO01254 151HO00660


NAAB Code Name

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs

2512 2366 2321 2297 2285 2282 2272 2268 2253 2245


4.2% 5.1% 5.4% 5.4% 5.5% 5.7% 5.7% 5.9% 6.3% 6.3%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO1

Holstein 151HO00680

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


BUTZ-HILL MEGASIRE-ET Reg#: USA 000071088720 DOB: 11/20/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 243

Sire: Dam:



Seagull-Bay Supersire-ET Morsan Man D Missy-ET 2-02 2x 365d 28,480m 3.8% 1082f 3.0% 854p Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET TV TL VG-85 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+3.31 +1.89 +1.67 +1.63 +0.69 +2.27 -0.40 +2.66 +2.86 +3.04 +2.73 +3.89 +3.58 +2.61 +2.84 +0.75 +1.00 +1.05

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+0.73 +0.75 +0.57 +1.66 -1.11 +1.56 -0.77 +2.88 +2.60 +2.70 +3.36 +4.58 +4.21 +1.59 +2.08 +1.96 +1.86 -2.37

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.61 +1.34 +1.23 +1.45 +0.48 +1.71 -0.18 +0.99 +1.70 +1.63 +2.48 +2.98 +2.74 +2.37 +2.24 +1.55 +1.92 -0.02

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.63 +0.90 +0.86 +1.75 +0.60 +1.61 -0.37 +2.68 +2.17 +2.70 +3.23 +3.45 +3.17 +2.94 +2.14 +2.89 +3.29 -1.97

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.50 +1.17 +1.50 +2.47 +0.58 +1.82 +0.46 +2.13 +2.01 +2.44 +2.96 +3.07 +2.82 +2.16 +1.87 +2.21 +1.81 -0.74

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+1272 lbs M 0.12% 79 lbs F 0.07% 58 lbs P SCS +2.70 PL +5.4 DPR +1.9 NM$ 838 CM$ 940 G Type +2.98 UDC +2.76 FLC +2.73 GTPI 2512 SCE 6.3%



ST GENOMICPRO LOLO-ET Reg#: 840 003008461834 DOB: 09/13/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 432

Sire: Dam:



Shema Jeeves Cameron-ET MSWelcome Observer Laura-ET VG-85 02-01 2x 168d 13,510m 4.0% 534f 3.3% 441p De-Su Observer-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-86

+1807 lbs M 0.02% 72 lbs F -0.03% 48 lbs P SCS +2.52 PL +4.8 DPR +0.8 NM$ 778 CM$ 783 G Type +2.96 UDC +2.68 FLC +2.56 GTPI 2366 SCE 7.9%



LARCREST CATAPULT-ET Reg#: USA 000057187887 DOB: 06/02/2012 RHA: 99% aAa: 423

Sire: Dam:



Amighetti Numero Uno-ET Larcrest Crimson-ET TY EX-91 GMD DOM 2-02 2x 365d 36,060m 4.7% 1710f 3.7% 1351p Ramos TV TL GM

+742 lbs M 0.19% 79 lbs F 0.05% 38 lbs P SCS +2.52 PL +5.1 DPR +1.9 NM$ 748 CM$ 839 G Type +2.57 UDC +2.21 FLC +1.42 GTPI 2321 SCE 8.2%



ST GENOMICPRO DANGER-ET Reg#: USA 003008461594 DOB: 06/18/2012 RHA: 100% aAa:

Sire: Dam:



Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 OCD Bogart Derby-ET VG-88 02-03 2x 365d 27,403m 4.3% 1190f 3.3% 903p Macomber O-Man Bogart TR TV TL TD

+982 lbs M 0.12% 69 lbs F 0.02% 34 lbs P SCS +2.68 PL +5.8 DPR +1.4 NM$ 725 CM$ 765 G Type +2.96 UDC +2.45 FLC +2.39 GTPI 2297 SCE 6.7%



ST GENOMICPRO EZRA-ET Reg#: 840 003008461866 DOB: 10/27/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 321

Sire: Dam:


De-Su D Mayfield 893-ET VG-85 Nova Garrett Edict-ET 02-00 2x 141d 12,030m 3.5% 418f 3.0% 364p Schillview Garrett-ET TV TL TY GM


+1564 lbs M 0.01% 59 lbs F 0.01% 49 lbs P SCS +2.71 PL +3.9 DPR +1.3 NM$ 674 CM$ 701 G Type +2.80 UDC +2.21 FLC +2.06 GTPI 2285 SCE 4.2%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO2

Holstein 151HO00660

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


APPEALING H NEPTUNE-ET Reg#: USA 000070803503 DOB: 05/09/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 351

Sire: Dam:



Amighetti Numero Uno-ET Appealing Planet Hestia-ET VG-87 02-00 2x 365d 33,560m 3.5% 1185f 3.0% 995p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.19 +0.72 +1.01 +2.31 +0.34 +1.40 +0.43 +1.74 +2.09 +2.33 +2.72 +4.10 +3.77 +2.41 +2.68 +0.96 +1.29 +0.14

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.82 +1.00 +1.59 +3.06 -0.07 +2.35 0.00 +1.86 +1.35 +2.02 +1.94 +2.88 +2.65 +2.45 +0.83 +1.83 +1.96 -0.72

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.32 +0.41 +0.37 +1.50 +0.72 +1.54 +0.64 +2.12 +1.21 +1.81 +1.99 +2.96 +2.72 +1.90 +1.99 +1.02 +1.05 -0.76

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.65 +1.46 +1.50 +1.28 +1.07 +1.16 -0.93 +1.48 +2.49 +2.29 +3.25 +3.08 +2.83 +0.15 +2.65 +0.47 -0.81 -0.07

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Wide Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.28 +1.24 +1.58 +2.41 +0.35 +1.56 +0.87 +1.08 +0.86 +1.44 +3.12 +3.71 +3.41 +2.43 +1.68 +2.59 +2.54 -1.45

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+1620 lbs M 0.04% 70 lbs F 0.01% 53 lbs P SCS +2.70 PL +4.5 DPR -0.4 NM$ 661 CM$ 699 G Type +3.03 UDC +2.73 FLC +1.96 GTPI 2282 SCE 9.5%



ST GENOMICPRO DOC-ET Reg#: USA 003008461593 DOB: 06/18/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 342

Sire: Dam:



Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 OCD Bogart Derby-ET VG-88 02-03 2x 365d 27,403m 4.3% 1190f 3.3% 903p Macomber O-Man Bogart TR TV TL TD

+1803 lbs M 0.05% 78 lbs F 0.01% 56 lbs P SCS +2.73 PL +4.0 DPR +0.6 NM$ 698 CM$ 725 G Type +2.69 UDC +1.62 FLC +1.68 GTPI 2272 SCE 6.5%



SULLY ROBUST MANZIEL-ET Reg#: USA 003008167884 DOB: 08/15/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 321465

Sire: Dam:


Roylane Socra Robust-ET TR TV TL TD Sully Planet Manitoba-ET GP-83 DOM 2-03 2x 365d 33,290m 3.9% 1306f 3.1% 1041p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

+1408 lbs M 0.09% 75 lbs F 0.03% 50 lbs P SCS +2.77 PL +5.8 DPR +0.5 NM$ 750 CM$ 799 G Type +2.18 UDC +2.03 FLC +1.54 GTPI 2268 SCE 6.6%



REGANCREST TABBER BENHART Reg#: USA 000066625749 DOB: 06/24/2009 RHA: 100% aAa: 243

Sire: Dam:


Regancrest-PJ Tabber-ET TV TL Regancrest M Benisha-ET VG-87 2-11 2x 365d 34,110m 4.0% 1357f 3.3% 1133p Regancrest-HHF Mac-ET TV TL EX-92 GM

+1017 lbs M 0.07% 55 lbs F 0.06% 46 lbs P SCS +2.61 PL +4.0 DPR +1.8 NM$ 641 CM$ 727 G Type +2.48 UDC +2.19 FLC +2.09 GTPI 2253 SCE 8.0%



ST GENOMICPRO DURANGO-ET Reg#: USA 003009730163 EU DOB: 12/29/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 321

Sire: Dam:


Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 Heritage-E Debbies Dots-ET VG-85 2-00 357d 24,772m 4.0% 1000f 3.2% 800p Picston Shottle-ET TV TL TY EX-95 GM

+1057 lbs M 0.11% 67 lbs F 0.02% 37 lbs P SCS +2.59 PL +6.2 DPR +0.6 NM$ 711 CM$ 760 G Type +2.79 UDC +2.33 FLC +1.06 GTPI 2245 SCE 8.1%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO3

Holstein 203HO01359

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


DE-SU JUSTINCASE-ET Reg#: USA 000070625831 DOB: 10/02/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 234165

Sire: Dam:


CO-OP O-Style Oman Just-ET TR TV TL TY De-Su 8024-ET GP-84 DOM 2-00 3x 365d 32,840m 3.8% 1263f 3.2% 1044p Sandy-Valley Bolton-ET TV TL EX-90

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.51 +0.19 +0.07 +0.94 +1.39 +1.40 -0.37 +1.53 +2.12 +1.95 +2.41 +3.06 +2.82 +0.22 +1.76 -0.28 -0.22 +0.38

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Wide Wide Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.91 +1.44 +1.17 +1.85 -0.38 +2.01 -0.11 +2.11 +2.31 +2.32 +3.12 +4.25 +3.91 +1.04 +2.11 +0.75 +0.33 +0.10

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.57 +1.26 +1.37 +1.88 +0.16 +2.37 -0.02 +2.12 +1.31 +2.30 +3.46 +3.75 +3.45 +2.83 +2.33 +3.31 +3.29 -2.98

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.80 +0.62 +0.78 +2.14 +0.65 +2.45 +1.00 +1.83 +0.93 +1.60 +2.80 +3.74 +3.44 +1.73 +1.94 +0.06 +0.29 +0.15

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.29 +0.70 +0.80 +2.02 +0.10 +1.54 -0.78 +2.71 +1.90 +2.67 +2.75 +3.56 +3.28 +2.58 +2.08 +2.43 +2.11 -1.76

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+1484 lbs M 0.08% 74 lbs F 0.02% 49 lbs P SCS +2.62 PL +4.7 DPR +1.1 NM$ 720 CM$ 763 G Type +1.74 UDC +1.75 FLC +1.79 GTPI 2240 SCE 7.7%



MORNINGVIEW MADOR-ET Reg#: USA 000069791477 DOB: 06/10/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 312

Sire: Dam:



Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul-ET TR TV TL TY TD Morningview Super Megan-ET TY VG-85 2-08 2x 175d 16,911m 3.7% 618f 2.9% 482p Charlesdale Superstition-ET TR TV TL TY

+1796 lbs M -0.01% 61 lbs F -0.02% 50 lbs P SCS +2.70 PL +4.3 DPR -0.6 NM$ 628 CM$ 631 G Type +2.87 UDC +2.47 FLC +2.11 GTPI 2221 SCE 7.1%



RONELEE SHARMCK DELOREAN-ET Reg#: USA 000141733065 EU DOB: 01/05/2012 RHA: 100% aAa:

Sire: Dam:


Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET TV TL EX-91 2E 5-03 3x 365d 44,530m 3.6% 1612f 3.1% 1397p Comestar Outside-ET TV TL EX-95 GM

+1588 lbs M -0.02% 54 lbs F -0.02% 41 lbs P SCS +2.87 PL +5.2 DPR +0.4 NM$ 619 CM$ 603 G Type +3.13 UDC +2.64 FLC +1.86 GTPI 2213 SCE 8.3%



GILLETTE BEACON BEACONATOR Reg#: CAN 000011087870 EU DOB: 04/07/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 234

Sire: Dam:


End-Road Beacon-ET VG-85 Gillette S Planet 2nd Snooze VG-86 1-11 2x 365d 41,461m 3.7% 1549f 3.2% 1347p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

+2120 lbs M -0.11% 50 lbs F -0.05% 51 lbs P SCS +2.79 PL +5.1 DPR +0.6 NM$ 646 CM$ 613 G Type +2.37 UDC +2.25 FLC +1.29 GTPI 2201 SCE 5.7%



ST GENOMICPRO DENBY-ET Reg#: USA 000070867732 DOB: 02/04/2012 RHA: 100% aAa:

Sire: Dam:



Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 OCD Bogart Derby-ET VG-88 02-03 2x 365d 27,403m 4.3% 1190f 3.3% 903p Macomber O-Man Bogart TR TV TL TD

+1313 lbs M 0.01% 51 lbs F -0.02% 35 lbs P SCS +2.79 PL +5.6 DPR +0.8 NM$ 639 CM$ 638 G Type +2.84 UDC +2.41 FLC +2.35 GTPI 2198 SCE 7.4%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO4

Holstein 151HO00630

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


GENIE-J OBSERVER MARCO-ET Reg#: USA 000070156814 DOB: 06/04/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 231

Sire: Dam:



De-Su Observer-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-86 Markwell Goldwyn Mitzi-ET VG-88 02-00 3x 365d 26,840m 4.2% 1120f 3.4% 906p Braedale Goldwyn TV TL GP-84 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.13 -0.03 +0.73 +3.27 +0.77 +1.98 +2.11 +1.14 +0.44 +1.76 +3.42 +3.54 +3.26 +2.26 +2.62 +2.10 +2.12 -2.23

Tall Frail Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.30 +0.27 +0.43 +1.45 +1.42 +2.14 +0.19 +2.04 +1.33 +2.09 +3.11 +3.16 +2.91 +2.36 +2.74 +1.88 +1.97 -1.80

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.96 +1.03 +1.41 +2.37 -0.30 +1.72 +0.62 +2.53 +1.54 +2.39 +2.06 +2.75 +2.53 +2.27 +1.22 +1.42 +1.44 -0.06

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.58 +0.33 +0.45 +2.30 +0.67 +1.46 -0.20 +1.96 +1.50 +2.17 +2.01 +3.33 +3.06 +2.42 +0.94 +1.84 +2.33 -0.57

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.82 +1.28 +1.30 +1.68 +1.16 +1.91 +0.45 +1.10 +1.11 +1.54 +3.22 +3.10 +2.85 +3.08 +2.04 +2.68 +2.46 -1.40

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+980 lbs M 0.13% 69 lbs F 0.04% 41 lbs P SCS +2.84 PL +3.7 DPR +0.2 NM$ 600 CM$ 657 G Type +2.93 UDC +2.65 FLC +1.04 GTPI 2174 SCE 5.9%



REGANCREST O PASCALE-ET Reg#: USA 000066626309 DOB: 12/05/2010 RHA: 100% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:



De-Su Observer-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-86 Rabur S Padora-ET EX-92 DOM 2-02 2x 365d 32,310m 3.7% 1204f 3.2% 1041p Picston Shottle-ET TV TL TY EX-95 GM

+1421 lbs M 0.00% 51 lbs F 0.00% 43 lbs P SCS +2.70 PL +5.5 DPR -0.3 NM$ 626 CM$ 648 G Type +2.54 UDC +2.55 FLC +1.73 GTPI 2172 SCE 8.2%



MR GENOMICPRO PARKER-ET Reg#: USA 000069206212 DOB: 11/16/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:



Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET EX-90 All-Riehl Planet Phenice-ET TY 1-11 365d 26,924m 3.3% 888f 2.9% 781p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

+1321 lbs M -0.05% 35 lbs F -0.04% 30 lbs P SCS +2.48 PL +6.9 DPR +1.0 NM$ 666 CM$ 660 G Type +2.46 UDC +1.74 FLC +1.99 GTPI 2165 SCE 6.3%



DEBOER BOOKEM GILBY Reg#: USA 000057163019 DOB: 09/12/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 321

Sire: Dam:



De-Su 521 Bookem-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-86 Schillview Elegant Ginikry VG-87 3-06 2x 365d 37,020m 3.6% 1333f 3.2% 1179p Honeycrest Elegant-ET TV

+1858 lbs M 0.03% 75 lbs F 0.01% 58 lbs P SCS +2.87 PL +2.4 DPR -0.5 NM$ 598 CM$ 622 G Type +2.28 UDC +1.77 FLC +1.82 GTPI 2156 SCE 7.4%



STONEHURST SHAMROCK CARL-ET Reg#: USA 000070805575 EU DOB: 10/08/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 315

Sire: Dam:


Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 Larcrest Chessa-ET VG-87 2-08 2x 305d 22,060m 4.4% 977f 3.7% 809p Lylehaven Lightning TR TV TL TD EX-91

+841 lbs M 0.10% 56 lbs F 0.04% 37 lbs P SCS +2.81 PL +4.1 DPR +0.8 NM$ 579 CM$ 639 G Type +2.64 UDC +2.38 FLC +1.21 GTPI 2153 SCE 7.7%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO5

Holstein 151HO00629

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


LARCREST CROSS-ET Reg#: USA 000057187353 DOB: 11/15/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 132

Sire: Dam:



De-Su Kramer 715-ET TR BY TV TL TD Larcrest Chenda-Ets VG-87 2-04 2x 305d 30,740m 4.2% 1279f 3.5% 1071p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.07 +0.34 +0.76 +2.18 +1.59 +1.46 +0.84 +1.23 +1.15 +1.67 +1.96 +1.93 +1.78 +0.92 +2.30 +0.63 +0.44 -0.57

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+0.91 +1.24 +1.41 +1.86 +0.15 +1.59 -0.36 +1.63 +1.03 +1.91 +1.60 +1.54 +1.42 +1.72 +0.79 +2.37 +2.42 -2.38

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.00 +1.01 +1.48 +2.91 +0.20 +1.44 +0.08 +2.83 +1.76 +2.71 +2.78 +3.89 +3.58 +2.56 +1.58 +2.15 +2.05 -0.47

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+3.40 +2.68 +2.59 +1.68 +0.88 +2.67 -0.56 +2.39 +2.79 +2.40 +2.86 +3.68 +3.39 +1.64 +2.12 +1.96 +1.29 +0.15

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+0.88 +0.99 +1.21 +1.60 -0.07 +1.16 -0.43 +0.69 +0.99 +1.04 +2.18 +2.58 +2.37 +1.99 +0.77 +1.80 +1.65 -0.81

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+818 lbs M 0.15% 69 lbs F 0.06% 41 lbs P SCS +2.74 PL +4.8 DPR +0.4 NM$ 638 CM$ 724 G Type +2.19 UDC +1.72 FLC +1.28 GTPI 2151 SCE 7.5%



RONELEE SHAMROCK DUSTIN-ET Reg#: USA 000141733074 EU DOB: 01/08/2012 RHA: 100% aAa:

Sire: Dam:


Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET TV TL EX-91 2E 5-03 3x 365d 44,530m 3.6% 1612f 3.1% 1397p Comestar Outside-ET TV TL EX-95 GM

+1881 lbs M -0.06% 54 lbs F -0.04% 45 lbs P SCS +2.67 PL +6.0 DPR +0.1 NM$ 650 CM$ 625 G Type +2.23 UDC +1.12 FLC +1.53 GTPI 2141 SCE 6.9%



MR GENOMICPRO PETERSBURG-ET Reg#: USA 000069206208 EU DOB: 11/10/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 315

Sire: Dam:


Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET EX-90 All-Riehl Planet Phenice-ET TY 1-11 365d 26,924m 3.3% 888f 2.9% 781p Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET TR TV TL TD EX-90 GM

+1472 lbs M -0.07% 35 lbs F -0.03% 37 lbs P SCS +2.50 PL +5.2 DPR -1.0 NM$ 587 CM$ 589 G Type +3.12 UDC +2.31 FLC +2.29 GTPI 2134 SCE 6.8%



STANTONS SNOWMAN EA COLTON Reg#: CAN 000011230528 EU DOB: 07/10/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:


Flevo Genetics Snowman-ET TV TL Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG-88 DOM 2-01 2x 365d 38,610m 3.9% 1497f 3.4% 1324p Picston Shottle-ET TV TL TY EX-95 GM

+1609 lbs M -0.09% 36 lbs F -0.02% 42 lbs P SCS +2.79 PL +2.7 DPR +0.9 NM$ 462 CM$ 455 G Type +2.80 UDC +2.42 FLC +2.35 GTPI 2115 SCE 7.8%



LARCREST COMPOSE Reg#: USA 000057187355 DOB: 11/14/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 342

Sire: Dam:



Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 Larcrest Cinder-ET VG-86 02-02 2x 365d 24,950m 5.1% 1265f 3.4% 840p Regan-Alh Dragon-ET

+1087 lbs M 0.18% 86 lbs F 0.01% 36 lbs P SCS +2.77 PL +4.1 DPR +0.2 NM$ 640 CM$ 669 G Type +2.02 UDC +1.54 FLC +0.92 GTPI 2114 SCE 6.4%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO6

Holstein 151HO00625

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


SAINTVILLE ROBUST MITCH-ET Reg#: USA 000070721094 EU DOB: 07/21/2011 RHA: 99% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:


Roylane Socra Robust-ET TR TV TL TD Saintville Shottle Masie VG-86 3-00 2x 365d 35,970m 3.7% 1319f 3.0% 1091p Picston Shottle-ET TV TL TY EX-95 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.43 +0.23 +0.67 +1.99 +0.79 +1.17 +0.73 +2.03 +1.61 +2.30 +1.62 +2.21 +2.03 +1.10 +1.27 +1.34 +0.87 -0.46

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+4.08 +3.29 +3.03 +1.26 +0.58 +3.10 -0.76 +2.15 +2.83 +2.17 +2.58 +3.13 +2.88 +1.46 +2.06 +1.15 +0.88 +0.92

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

+1589 lbs M 0.05% 72 lbs F -0.01% 46 lbs P SCS +2.89 PL +3.4 DPR -0.2 NM$ 584 CM$ 589 G Type +2.02 UDC +1.46 FLC +1.86 GTPI 2099 SCE 6.9%



STANTONS SNWMN EA ELDO Reg#: CAN 000011373041 DOB: 06/17/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:



Flevo Genetics Snowman-ET TV TL Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG-88 DOM 2-01 2x 365d 38,610m 3.9% 1497f 3.4% 1324p Picston Shottle-ET TV TL TY EX-95 GM

+1696 lbs M -0.03% 53 lbs F -0.02% 47 lbs P SCS +2.85 PL +1.2 DPR +0.3 NM$ 419 CM$ 417 G Type +2.72 UDC +2.16 FLC +2.22 GTPI 2095 SCE 7.8%



PINE-TREE GNMCPRO ORLANDO P Reg#: USA 003008461580 EU DOB: 03/16/2012 RHA: 99% aAa:

Sire: Dam:


De-Su 521 Bookem-ET TR TV TL TY TD VG-86 Hickorymea Signif Ohio-P-ET PP 02-01 2x 305d 29,910m 3.8% 1148f 3.2% 972p Burket-Falls Significant-ET PO TV TL TY

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.05 +0.79 +1.53 +3.03 +0.58 +1.45 +0.09 +1.48 +1.22 +1.57 +2.16 +3.13 +2.88 +2.70 +1.21 +1.47 +2.27 +1.84

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+3.22 +1.67 +2.08 +2.68 -0.45 +2.06 -1.07 +2.64 +2.33 +2.90 +3.42 +4.21 +3.87 +1.78 +2.59 +0.92 +0.71 +1.15

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+1.33 -0.05 +0.67 +2.80 -0.28 +0.93 +0.94 +2.19 +1.74 +2.30 +1.37 +2.94 +2.70 +2.27 +0.57 +1.48 +1.85 -1.00

Tall Frail Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

+1420 lbs M 0.08% 73 lbs F 0.02% 47 lbs P SCS +2.79 PL +2.7 DPR -1.2 NM$ 549 CM$ 582 G Type +2.50 UDC +1.84 FLC +1.34 GTPI 2088 SCE 7.6%



ST GENOMICPRO ABSOLUTE-ET Reg#: USA 003009730166 EU DOB: 12/31/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 312

Sire: Dam:


Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET EX-90 Lady-Alicia Jeves Amaya-ET VG-86 01-11 2x 305d 20,880m 3.5% 738f 3.1% 647p Ked Outside Jeeves-ET TV TL

+286 lbs M 0.05% 24 lbs F -0.01% 6 lbs P SCS +2.64 PL +3.5 DPR +1.4 NM$ 410 CM$ 419 G Type +3.57 UDC +2.78 FLC +2.58 GTPI 2032 SCE 7.0%



MR MORNINGVIEW ASPIRE-ET Reg#: USA 000069791571 DOB: 07/11/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 234

Sire: Dam:


Roylane Socra Robust-ET TR TV TL TD Morningview Toystory April VG-87 2-03 2x 365d 36,980m 4.0% 1482f 3.2% 1167p Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory-ET TR TV TL



+1866 lbs M -0.07% 51 lbs F -0.01% 52 lbs P SCS +2.95 PL +2.4 DPR -0.6 NM$ 500 CM$ 493 G Type +2.17 UDC +1.43 FLC +1.90 GTPI 2026 SCE 6.5%

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HO7

Holstein-Red 151HO05833

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs

JOLLYRANCHER-RED WEST PORT JOLLYRANCHER RED Reg#: CAN 000009927703 EU DOB: 08/06/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 312

Sire: Dam:


Hunsberger Alchemy-ET Wikkerink Acme Jolena Red 03-06 2x 365d 34746m 3.6% 1243f 3.2% 1102p Khw Elm-Park Acme-ET EX-90

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+2.22 +0.70 +1.36 +1.79 -0.59 +1.89 +0.33 +1.84 +1.69 +2.33 +2.73 +2.71 +2.49 +1.20 +2.83 +0.71 +0.45 -0.27

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Short

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+3.45 +1.21 +1.83 +3.45 -1.08 +2.81 +1.59 +3.05 +2.40 +3.18 +3.80 +5.00 +4.60 +3.73 +3.14 +2.35 +2.85 +0.45

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

+504 lbs M 0.06% 34 lbs F 0.05% 27 lbs P SCS +2.75 PL +3.8 DPR +0.7 NM$ 468 CM$ 533 G Type +2.31 UDC +2.26 FLC +1.89 GTPI 2022 SCE 8.3%



MILK&HONEY DESTRY MOSES-RED Reg#: USA 000071277714 EU DOB: 01/29/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 312

Sire: Dam:


Scientific Destry-ET RC TV TL VG-88 Horstyle Elmpark Moy-Red-ET VG-88 2-04 2x 365d 31,940m 3.7% 1177f 3.2% 1023p Dudoc Mr Burns RC TV TL VG-85

+811 lbs M 0.00% 28 lbs F 0.05% 37 lbs P SCS +2.89 PL +0.4 DPR -1.1 NM$ 309 CM$ 368 G Type +3.68 UDC +3.38 FLC +2.61 GTPI 2010 SCE 9.4%



OUR-FAVORITE LOU P-RED-ET Reg#: USA 000141240868 DOB: 04/22/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 231

Sire: Dam:



Arron Doon West Port Magna P RC Scientific Gold Dish Rae-ET RC TV VG-88 DOM 2-05 3x 365d 35,210m 4.1% 1427f 3.6% 1253p Braedale Goldwyn TV TL GP-84 GM

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+586 lbs M 0.12% 52 lbs F 0.02% 24 lbs P SCS +2.73 PL +2.4 DPR -0.6 NM$ 417 CM$ 461 G Type +2.00 UDC +1.93 FLC +1.76 GTPI 1911 SCE 8.5%



CRESCENTMEAD HITMAN-RED Reg#: USA 000142052853 DOB: 09/08/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 423

Sire: Dam:



Lookout P Redburst TV TL TY TD Miss Real Hot-Red VG-87 2-02 2x 305d 20210m 4.8% 980f 3.4% 697p Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red TV TL VG-88

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+11 lbs M 0.08% 21 lbs F 0.03% 8 lbs P SCS +2.90 PL +2.8 DPR +0.4 NM$ 329 CM$ 365 G Type +2.75 UDC +2.56 FLC +2.64 GTPI 1887 SCE 7.4%



OUR-FAVORITE ROAR-RED-ET Reg#: USA 000141372824 DOB: 06/16/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 324

Sire: Dam:


Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red-TW PO TV TL TY TD Scientific Gold Dish Rae-ET RC TV VG-88 DOM 2-05 3x 365d 35,210m 4.1% 1427f 3.6% 1253p Braedale Goldwyn TV TL GP-84 GM


Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+186 lbs M 0.05% 19 lbs F 0.04% 17 lbs P SCS +2.69 PL +3.7 DPR +0.9 NM$ 384 CM$ 446 G Type +1.88 UDC +1.79 FLC +1.38 GTPI 1872 SCE 7.7%

*Polled +1.34 +0.13 +0.30 +1.24 +0.65 +0.45 +0.72 +1.70 +2.02 +2.03 +2.49 +2.63 +2.42 +1.13 +2.21 +0.23 +0.06 +0.38

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

+2.30 +0.01 +0.65 +2.21 +0.89 +1.70 -0.27 +3.31 +1.87 +3.11 +2.80 +3.79 +3.49 +1.69 +2.59 +0.84 +0.75 +0.06

Tall Strong Deep Open Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

*Polled +1.08 +0.85 +0.48 -0.12 +1.03 +0.20 -0.14 +0.87 +1.84 +1.53 +2.87 +3.07 +2.82 -0.28 +1.91 -0.22 -0.88 +1.66

Tall Strong Deep Tight Sloped Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Weak Shallow Wide Wide Long

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HOR8

Holstein-Red 151HO05808

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


SELLCREST MIDAS-RED-ET RC B/R PO Reg#: USA 000065871579 EU DOB: 10/01/2009 RHA: 100% aAa: 132

Sire: Dam:


Aggravation Lawn Boy P-RED B/R PC TV TL TD EX-93 GM MS Missys Adv Miata-Red-ET VG-88 2-01 365d 29,401m 4.2% 1249f 3.2% 943p KHW Kite Advent-RED-ET TV TL TD EX-94

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+317 lbs M 0.06% 27 lbs F 0.06% 26 lbs P SCS +3.11 PL +2.1 DPR +0.1 NM$ 309 CM$ 372 G Type +2.47 UDC +2.10 FLC +2.03 GTPI 1860 SCE 6.6%



ST GENOMICPRO ATWELL-P-RED-ET Reg#: USA 003009730150 EU DOB: 12/19/2011 RHA: 100% aAa: 312

Sire: Dam:


Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red-TW PO TV TL TY TD Far-R-La Atwood Angelie-ET RC VG-86 1-11 2x 305d 25,900m 4.0% 1026f 3.0% 772p Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood TR TV TL TD EX-90

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+700 lbs M -0.04% 16 lbs F 0.00% 21 lbs P SCS +2.77 PL +1.8 DPR -0.8 NM$ 283 CM$ 299 G Type +2.73 UDC +2.33 FLC +2.90 GTPI 1855 SCE 8.1%


+1.41 +0.31 +0.47 +1.77 -2.43 +1.64 +0.91 +2.00 +1.51 +2.73 +2.47 +4.05 +3.73 +2.05 +1.19 +0.40 +0.84 +0.23

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

*Polled +2.11 +1.24 +1.40 +1.29 -0.63 +1.25 -0.95 +2.94 +3.00 +3.13 +2.90 +3.40 +3.13 +1.18 +2.26 +1.07 +0.97 +0.35

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long

PARMA-PP-RED *Homozygous Polled GOLDEN-OAKS PARMA-PP-RED-ET Reg#: DEU 000353649969 EU DOB: 09/22/2010 RHA: 100% aAa: 324156

Sire: Dam:


West Port Arron Doon Mitey P RC PO TV TL GP-82 Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red-ET PC EX-90 1-11 3x 365d 31,030m 3.7% 1161f 3.4% 1041p Burket-Falls Perk-Red-ET PC PC

Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

-433 lbs M 0.07% 3 lbs F 0.05% 0 lbs P SCS +2.84 PL +2.5 DPR 0.0 NM$ 165 CM$ 226 G Type +2.12 UDC +2.02 FLC +1.85 GTPI 1687 SCE 10.1%



+2.38 +0.97 +1.11 +0.96 -0.38 +3.34 +0.40 +2.11 +1.66 +2.18 +2.75 +2.19 +2.01 +0.71 +3.04 -0.48 -0.68 0.00

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Wide Wide Long

MAJOR PP-RED *Homozygous Polled WEST PORT MAJOR PP RED Reg#: CAN 000009927705 DOB: 08/20/2012 RHA: 100% aAa: 315

Sire: Dam:

Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red-TW PO TV TL TY TD West Port Goldwyn Marble P


Braedale Goldwyn TV TL GP-84 GM


Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View R. Legs-R View Foot Angle F & L Score F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Rear Teat Placement Teat Length

+286 lbs M 0.11% 40 lbs F 0.06% 24 lbs P SCS +2.91 PL -0.8 DPR -1.5 NM$ 151 CM$ 222 G Type +1.88 UDC +1.21 FLC +1.45 GTPI 1659 SCE 9.8%

+2.03 +1.18 +1.53 +1.18 -0.70 +0.52 +1.26 +1.00 +1.72 +1.90 +1.74 +2.14 +1.97 +0.82 +1.06 -0.52 +0.05 +2.07

Tall Strong Deep Open High Pins Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Wide Close Long

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209HOR9

Jersey 203JE01407

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


MVF VALENTINO BINGO 1948-ET Reg.: USA 000067441948 DOB: 02/04/2012 aAa: 531

Sire Dam


All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET Wilderness Jace Lotto EX-92% 3-08 2x 305d 21640m 4.8% 1035f 3.4% 744p Windy Willow Montana Jace

+1757 lbs M -0.16% 52 lbs F -0.08% 48 lbs P SCS +2.74 PL +3.9 DPR -0.3 NM$ 518 CM$ 516 Type +2.30 JUI 4.94 GJPI 218



AHLEM DOMINICAN HOBBIT 21931 Reg.: USA 000071199746 DOB: 07/20/2012 aAa: 126345

Sire Dam


Sunset Canyon Dominican-ET Ahlem Legal Havs 35561 VG-85% 1-10 305d 2x 16380m 5.0% 814f 3.6% 5997p Tollenaars Impuls Legal 233-ET

+1262 lbs M 0.03% 63 lbs F -0.01% 44 lbs P SCS +3.10 PL +5.0 DPR +0.8 NM$ 530 CM$ 554 Type +1.30 JUI 3.72 GJPI 212


LEGAL PROMISE CRF LEGAL PROMISE Reg.: USA 000117722352 DOB: 08/12/2011 aAa: 534162

Sire Dam


Tollenaars Impuls Legal 233-ET Hawarden Jace Pixy EX-90% 1-10 305d 2x 13,590m 5.5% 745f 4.2% 571p Windy Willow Montana Jace

+802 lbs M 0.05% 46 lbs F 0.03% SCS +2.96 PL +5.9 DPR +1.3 NM$ 543 Type +1.90 JUI 5.33 GJPI 205


34 lbs P CM$ 586


DUTCH HOLLOW VOLCANO CHARLES Reg.: 840 003008461617 EU DOB: 07/22/2012 aAa: 342

Sire Dam


All Lynns Legal Volcano-ET Dutch Hollow Louie Charity VG-86% 2-10 3x 305d 26,150m 4.7% 1232f 3.4% 896p Sweetie Plus Iatolas Bold

+1560 lbs M -0.06% 60 lbs F -0.04% 49 lbs P SCS +2.97 PL +3.1 DPR +0.2 NM$ 476 CM$ 491 Type +1.50 JUI 2.64 GJPI 200



AHLEM VALENTINO MAUI 21838 Reg.: USA 000068951472 DOB: 11/02/2011 aAa: 453

Sire Dam


All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET Ahlem Headline Maid 34174-ET EX-90% 1-09 2x 305d 15,200m 5.1% 771f 3.5% 536p Schultz Rescue Headline

+1455 lbs M -0.15% 36 lbs F -0.07% 38 lbs P SCS +2.88 PL +4.7 DPR +0.2 NM$ 490 CM$ 478 Type +2.60 JUI 6.30 GJPI 199

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+2.00 +0.90 +1.60 +1.10 +0.80 0.00 +0.80 +1.70 +2.30 +1.80 +1.10 +1.40 +1.90 -0.10

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+0.50 +0.40 +0.90 +0.60 +0.10 +0.80 +0.40 +1.40 +1.10 +0.90 +0.70 +1.60 +1.70 -0.90

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+0.40 +0.70 +1.20 +0.20 +0.30 -0.20 +1.20 +1.60 +1.70 +1.30 +1.70 +1.80 +2.20 -0.60

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Posty Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+1.20 +0.40 +1.40 -0.20 +0.70 +0.20 +0.40 +1.40 +1.60 +1.30 +0.10 +0.70 +0.80 +0.10

+1.20 +0.90 +1.50 +0.80 +0.70 -0.40 +1.00 +2.60 +3.20 +2.50 +0.40 +2.40 +1.30 +0.20

Tall Strong Open High Pins Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Posty Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209JE1

Jersey 203JE01388

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


JER-Z-BOYZ CRIS-P-ET Reg.: USA 000118125701 DOB: 07/18/2012 aAa: 156324

Sire Dam


Schultz Legal Critic-P Jer-Z-Boyz Maximum 25062 VG-85% 3-00 2x 305d 21,490m 5.9% 1274f 3.9% 846p Sunset Canyon Maximum-ET

+893 lbs M 0.18% 73 lbs F 0.04% SCS +2.95 PL +3.3 DPR +0.1 NM$ 501 Type +1.30 JUI 4.51 GJPI 197



MULTI-ROSE PLUS BONUS Reg.: USA 003004599482 DOB: 08/05/2010 aAa: 243

Sire Dam



Sweetie Plus Iatolas Bold Cal-Mart Impuls Binney 9053 VG-84% 2-08 305d 3x 24,440m 4.8% 1171f 3.8% 934p ISDK Q Impuls

+1266 lbs M 0.03% 65 lbs F 0.02% SCS +3.01 PL +1.8 DPR -0.4 NM$ 441 Type +1.50 JUI 2.18 GJPI 190


39 lbs P CM$ 558

50 lbs P CM$ 492

CONSULTANT-P SUNBOW CONSULTANT-P Reg.: USA 000118148904 DOB: 08/19/2012 aAa:

Sire Dam


Schultz Legal Critic-P Sunbow Vibrant Syria VG-84% 1-09 284d 2x 11550m 4.6% 537f 3.7% 422p All Lynns Restore Vibrant-ET

+1297 lbs M -0.14% 32 lbs F -0.02% 42 lbs P SCS +2.86 PL +3.6 DPR +0.2 NM$ 430 CM$ 454 Type +1.30 JUI 4.22 GJPI 189



TOLLENAARS RENEGADE MANSO Reg.: USA 003007737257 DOB: 01/12/2011 aAa: 243615

Sire Dam


BW Renegade-ET Tollenaar Matinee 5092 VG-83% 3-00 2x 305d 19,310m 6.1% 1185f 3.7% 717p Sunset Canyon Matinee

+812 lbs M 0.27% 90 lbs F 0.07% SCS +2.94 PL +2.4 DPR -0.1 NM$ 491 Type +1.00 JUI 0.67 GJPI 182


42 lbs P CM$ 569


GR JER-Z-BOYZ GURHKA-ET Reg.: USA 000117848678 DOB: 12/08/2011 aAa: 654132

Sire Dam


PR Oomsdale Rocket Goose-ET Jer-Z-Boyz Maximum 25062 VG-85% 3-00 2x 305d 21,490m 5.9% 1274f 3.9% 846p Sunset Canyon Maximum-ET

+1533 lbs M 0.05% 82 lbs F -0.04% 48 lbs P SCS +2.90 PL +1.7 DPR +0.3 NM$ 454 CM$ 472 Type +0.90 JUI 0.34 GJPI 181

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

*Polled +0.70 +0.60 +0.50 -0.10 +0.20 +0.40 +0.60 +1.60 +1.10 +0.80 +1.00 +2.20 +1.10 +0.20

Tall Strong Open High Pins Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

+1.90 -0.20 +2.00 +0.20 +0.60 -0.30 +1.10 +0.70 +2.00 +1.50 0.00 +0.30 +0.50 +0.10

Tall Frail Open Sloped Wide Posty Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

*Polled +1.00 -0.10 +0.90 +0.60 +0.20 -0.10 +0.80 +0.90 +1.60 +1.30 +1.20 +1.50 +0.80 -0.10

Tall Frail Open Sloped Wide Posty Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

+1.20 +0.60 +1.40 +0.90 +0.60 +0.60 +0.40 +0.60 +1.10 +0.90 +0.20 -0.70 +0.90 -0.20

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Deep Close Short

+2.30 +1.90 +1.00 -0.50 +1.70 +0.20 +0.70 +0.80 +0.30 +0.30 0.00 -0.20 +0.10 +1.10

Tall Strong Open High Pins Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Deep Close Long

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209JE2

Jersey 203JE01366

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs


BW SOLEIL Reg.: USA 000117965306 DOB: 03/18/2012 aAa: 135246

Sire Dam


Hawarden Impuls Premier BW Avery Katie ET121-ET EX-93% 6-06 305 3x 31,710m 4.8% 1516f 3.2% 1010p Bancrest Lester Avery

+777 lbs M 0.06% 48 lbs F 0.00% SCS +2.94 PL +5.8 DPR +1.5 NM$ 498 Type +0.90 JUI 4.05 GJPI 179


28 lbs P CM$ 523


JER-Z-BOYZ VALHALLA Reg.: USA 000118138121 DOB: 07/14/2012 aAa:

Sire Dam


All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET Jer-Z-Boyz Hallbrook 30905 EX-90% 2-09 299d 2x 22630m 4.8% 1089f 3.7% 840p Deerview Hallbrook

+1530 lbs M -0.12% 46 lbs F -0.04% 47 lbs P SCS +2.91 PL +1.3 DPR -0.7 NM$ 352 CM$ 367 Type +1.80 JUI 4.27 GJPI 178



SUN VALLEY RENEGADE HOMERUN-ET Reg.: USA 000117818042 EU DOB: 11/18/2011 aAa: 324

Sire Dam


BW Renegade-ET Sun Valley Impuls Holly-ET EX-92% 6-07 2x 305d 22,810m 4.7% 1068f 3.8% 859p ISDK Q Impuls

+869 lbs M 0.15% 69 lbs F 0.07% SCS +2.97 PL +1.9 DPR +0.3 NM$ 419 Type +1.10 JUI 0.96 GJPI 172


PREMIER EVENT BRADYS PREMIER EVENT Reg.: USA 000117950050 DOB: 02/25/2012 aAa: 123654

Sire Dam


Hawarden Impuls Premier Bradys Action J908 VG-88% 1-11 275d 2x 11,600m 5.0% 584f 3.4% 399p Forest Glen Avery Action-ET

+479 lbs M 0.11% 42 lbs F 0.04% SCS +2.94 PL +4.7 DPR +1.9 NM$ 459 Type +1.90 JUI 5.62 GJPI 172


43 lbs P CM$ 494

23 lbs P CM$ 498


AHLEM VALENTINO FIRE 21913 Reg.: USA 000071199728 DOB: 05/20/2012 aAa: 216543

Sire Dam


All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET Ahlem Tbone Finesse 33268 1-09 267d 2x 16930m 4.4% 737f 3.7% 633p Richies Jace Tbone A364

+878 lbs M -0.02% 34 lbs F 0.02% SCS +2.79 PL +3.2 DPR -0.3 NM$ 402 Type +1.90 JUI 4.56 GJPI 170

35 lbs P CM$ 452

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+1.80 +0.60 +0.10 +0.30 +0.60 +0.30 +0.20 +1.50 +0.90 +0.70 +0.40 +2.50 +0.20 -0.10

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+2.30 +1.00 +2.00 +0.90 +1.10 +0.20 +0.60 +1.60 +2.20 +1.70 +0.50 +1.40 +1.60 +0.10

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+1.30 +0.90 +1.80 +1.20 +0.70 +0.40 +0.30 +0.70 +1.40 +1.10 +0.20 -0.70 +1.20 -0.30

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Deep Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+1.50 +0.80 +1.30 +0.10 +0.60 +0.10 +0.90 +2.00 +1.90 +1.50 +1.30 +2.20 +1.30 +0.40

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+0.90 +0.30 +1.40 +0.80 +0.50 +0.40 +0.80 +2.00 +2.20 +1.70 +0.70 +1.40 +1.60 +0.30

Tall Strong Open Sloped Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209JE3

Brown Swiss 151BS00224


HARTS WUNDER ET *TM Reg.: USA 000068123590 DOB: 05/14/2010 aAa 342

Sire Dam



Top Acres C Wonderment ET TM Bail-Mik P Lady Liberty-ET VG-86 2-03 305d 2x 32,760m 4.6% 1508f 3.4% 1130p Sun-Made Garbro Prestige-ET M

+1190 lbs M 0.03% 55 lbs F -0.02% 34 lbs P SCS +2.84 PL +2.8 DPR +1.4 NM$ 457 CM$ 463 Type +0.70 UDC 0.27 GPTI 182 SCE 3.0%



SDF VIGOR CLASS ET Reg.: USA 000068136768 DOB: 06/11/2011 aAa 426351

Sire Dam


Sun-Made Vigor-ET TM Mile Away Zoldo Casey EX-91 2E 7-05 2x 365d 39,801m 5.8% 2319f 3.5% 1412p Emory Tammys Zoldo TW

+486 lbs M -0.01% 17 lbs F 0.06% 28 lbs P SCS +2.75 PL +5.4 DPR +1.0 NM$ 473 CM$ 543 Type +0.20 UDC 1.44 GPTI 170 SCE 6.1%



SDF YAAL RIVER CHACAL ET Reg.: USA 000068134823 EU DOB: 09/01/2011 aAa 123

Sire Dam


Alegria Ensign River-ET EX-90 Mile Away Zoldo Casey EX-91 2E 7-05 2x 365d 39,801m 5.8% 2319f 3.5% 1412p Emory Tammys Zoldo TW

+713 lbs M -0.06% 15 lbs F SCS +3.01 PL +0.1 DPR -0.3 Type +0.30 UDC 0.42 GPTI

-0.03% 18 lbs P NM$ 116 CM$ 103 72 SCE 5.8%

Sexed Semen for your Sampling Needs Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+1.50 +0.50 +1.30 -0.70 +0.30 +0.50 +0.30 +1.00 +0.80 +0.50 +0.10 +0.50 +0.80 +1.30

Tall Strong Open High Pins Wide Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Long

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

-0.40 -0.50 +0.20 -0.10 -0.70 +0.20 +0.30 +0.90 +1.30 +0.90 +0.90 +1.70 +1.50 -1.50

Short Frail Open High Pins Narrow Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Short

Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width R. Legs-S View Foot Angle F. Udder Att. R. Udder Ht. R. Udder Wid. Udder Cleft Udder Depth F. Teat Place Teat Length

+0.30 -0.30 +0.20 -1.20 -0.10 0.00 +0.30 +0.80 +0.60 +0.40 -0.60 +0.70 -0.50 -0.20

Tall Frail Open High Pins Narrow Sickle Steep Strong High Wide Weak Shallow Wide Short

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209BS1

Alternative Dairy Bulls Dairy Crossbred (F1 JE x HO) 203XD01183



Reg.: 840 003005174751 DOB: 02/20/2010 aAa 435126

Sire Dam



England-Ammon Million-ET Sunset-Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET EX-93% 5-02 2x 365d 30,508m 7.0% 2150f 4.3% 1302p Isdk Fyn Lemvig Tenn Haug E Maid EX-93% 6-00 365d 26,014m 7.0% 1820f 4.3% 1107p ISDK Fyn Haug Tenn Index GHD Maid VG-80% 6-01 305d 17,180m 6.9% 1181f 4.6% 784p

Dam: Sunset-Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET



Reg.: 840 003005174752 DOB: 02/21/2010 aAa 543612

Sire Dam


England-Ammon Million-ET Sunset-Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET EX-93% 5-02 2x 365d 30,508m 7.0% 2150f 4.3% 1302p Isdk Fyn Lemvig Tenn Haug E Maid EX-93% 6-00 365d 26,014m 7.0% 1820f 4.3% 1107p ISDK Fyn Haug Tenn Index GHD Maid VG-80% 6-01 305d 17,180m 6.9% 1181f 4.6% 784p

Dam: Sunset-Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET

Milking Gyr 203GY905



Reg#: 613171 DOB: May 23, 2006

C.A. Sansao G134 Tasa

Bred by: Rancho Agua Fria

C.A. Everest C.A. Huereca Impresor Greta

* Out of the number one Gyr Sire in the World * His mother Tasa produced 6,039 kg of Milk in 305 days 203GY907



Reg#: 592514 DOB: February 6, 2005 Bred by: Rancho Agua Fria

Benfeitor Raposo Cal G51 Lara

Raposa de Cal Umidade Oasis Figura

* Out of one of the most renown Gyr Sires in the World * His mother Lara produced 5,673 kg of Milk in 305 days

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131204AL1

Breeding Alternatives Black Angus 203AN992


Reg#: 14385395 DOB: 01/21/03

G A R Precision 1680 C A Miss Power Fix 308

C A Future Direction 5321 B/R Blackcap Empress 127

Bred by: Wm H & Barbara A Rishel, North Platte NE

B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 8183

* Top 1% for Marbling * Top 1% for $B * The Perfect F1 Maker!





































-12.20 $B



Reg#: 15680259 DOB: 01/01/07

Bred by: Lauren A Grimes, Hillsboro OH

B/R New Design 036 G A R Ext 4206

G A R Predestined G A R Predestined

Bon View Bando 598 G A R Lucys Boy G158

* Top 2% for WW and $B * Top 3% for Marbling and Milk * Top 5% for YW CED






44 5050 0109










+104 Fat



+0.8 $W










Reg#: 16929397 DOB: 09/09/10





-22.23 $B


B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706

G A R New Design 5050 Lesikar Lucy T291

Bred by: Steve Hillhouse




Rito 1/2 of 2536 Rito 6/6 Premium Gold Lucy 313R

* Top 10% for CED * Top 5% YW and Milk * Top 3% for $B CED














+109 Fat






-0.26 $F












-26.37 $B


Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131204AL2

Proven Bulls Holstein Bulls NAAB CODE 151HO00562 203HO01105 203HO01027 203HO00376 151HO00477 151HO00559 151HO00459 151HO00561 151HO00489 151HO00565


PTAM +912 +1501 +295 +426 -62 +1145 -62 +1228 +793 +641

Winter 2013 PTAP% PTAP PTAF% PTAF PL DPR SCS CM$ 0.00% 28 0.04% 43 +2.7 -0.9 +2.75 422 -0.04% 34 -0.11% 25 +1.1 +0.6 +2.68 322 0.04% 19 0.06% 26 +3.1 +1.7 +2.82 474 0.07% 32 0.02% 20 +0.8 -0.2 +2.86 410 0.08% 18 0.09% 21 +3.2 -0.2 +3.12 371 -0.03% 27 -0.02% 36 +3.8 +0.7 +2.87 371 0.10% 23 0.32% 79 +0.4 -1.5 +2.84 475 -0.05% 24 -0.01% 41 +0.6 +0.6 +3.15 219 0.04% 34 0.03% 37 +0.8 -0.6 +3.08 305 0.03% 28 0.08% 44 -0.8 -1.1 +2.93 216

Red Holstein Bulls NAAB CODE 151HO05800 151HO05709 203HO00977 151HO05685


Jersey Bulls NAAB CODE 203JE00939 203JE01033 203JE00722 203JE01026 203JE00967 203JE00765 203JE00607 203JE00918 203JE00950


PTAM PTAP% PTAP PTAF% PTAF PL DPR SCS CM$ -197 0.09% 17 0.07% 13 +1.4 +0.8 +3.14 238 +25 -0.01% -4 0.08% 23 +0.6 +0.2 +2.92 124 +258 0.06% 24 0.03% 17 -0.1 -1.5 +2.98 172 -298 0.07% 8 0.17% 33 +2.7 +0.3 +2.92 367

MRel NM$ PTAT UDC FL TRel 83% 152 +1.76 +1.29 +1.35 80% 96% 139 +1.59 +1.59 +1.29 94% 93% 103 +1.98 +1.30 +1.27 88% 92% 292 +0.36 +0.37 -0.17 90%

PTAM PTAP% PTAP PTAF% PTAF PL DPR SCS CM$ +1153 0.02% 44 -0.08% 39 +2.8 +0.3 +3.01 391 +778 0.06% 38 0.08% 51 +0.9 -0.4 +2.93 384 +1013 0.04% 44 -0.03% 41 -2.0 -1.0 +2.97 245 +413 0.00% 15 0.00% 20 +4.0 +1.1 +2.85 385 +610 -0.01% 19 0.02% 33 +1.7 +0.7 +3.18 227 +819 -0.04% 23 -0.05% 28 +0.7 -0.4 +3.03 168 -145 0.09% 12 0.42% 71 +3.3 0.0 +3.01 422 -28 0.04% 6 -0.01% -3 +2.1 +0.2 +3.03 161 -340 0.00% -11 0.13% 8 +2.2 +0.9 +3.03 143

MRel NM$ PTAT JUI TRel CY$ JPI 93% 349 +0.10 0.35 90% 167 148 83% 316 +1.20 0.31 73% 158 135 94% 186 +1.30 3.37 95% 169 132 76% 366 +1.30 4.84 68% 62 130 76% 230 +1.60 3.63 71% 85 106 91% 175 +1.00 2.71 93% 94 93 99% 357 +0.40 -0.59 99% 93 91 92% 134 +1.30 5.27 90% 16 63 87% 150 +1.60 5.38 88% -28 41

Brown Swiss Bulls NAAB CODE 203BS01137 203BS01124 203BS00984 151BS00220 203BS00534

MRel NM$ PTAT UDC FL TRel TPI SCE DCE aAa 95% 402 +1.96 +2.32 +2.01 92% 1916 9.5 7.5 423 99% 344 +2.16 +1.29 +2.11 94% 1899 6.3 5.7 324165 84% 421 +1.28 +1.66 +1.90 77% 1876 6.8 6.9 453621 99% 323 +2.24 +2.27 +1.76 97% 1871 5.7 5.2 126345 98% 295 +2.73 +2.94 +1.52 97% 1865 6.8 7.1 312 84% 391 +1.37 +0.87 +0.09 77% 1819 8.5 6.9 432 87% 365 +1.54 +1.18 +2.44 85% 1816 7.6 7.3 234 85% 274 +1.64 +1.47 +0.88 76% 1775 7.5 4.6 231 88% 264 +1.84 +0.99 +1.43 84% 1757 9.0 7.2 312 83% 176 +2.09 +1.40 +1.13 78% 1725 9.1 7.1 342

NAME PTAM PTAP% PTAP PTAF% PTAF PL DPR SCS CM$ THUNDER +1784 -0.01% 58 -0.06% 58 +3.3 +0.9 +3.00 552 PARSON +528 0.05% 30 -0.01% 18 +2.8 +0.2 +2.82 400 AXEMASTER +533 0.05% 29 0.07% 36 +1.6 +1.6 +3.05 342 APACHE +23 0.09% 21 0.05% 12 -0.1 +0.8 +2.94 246 WINNING PILOT -326 0.00% -11 0.10% 8 +1.5 +0.3 +2.86 99

TPI SCE DCE aAa 1650 9.0 9.2 234 1610 7.8 5.5 312 1600 8.9 8.4 342156 1550 6.1 9.8 162

aAa 651423 135264 156234 123645 234156 231456 516342 612543 264153

MRel NM$ PTAT UDC TRel CY$ PTI SCE DCE aAa 68% 530 +0.50 0.31 62% 227 241 3.8 4.4 541632 71% 330 +0.40 0.86 67% 107 143 4.8 4.2 264153 74% 290 +0.20 0.19 64% 118 130 5.8 4.3 243615 72% 158 +0.50 1.09 70% 73 95 5.0 4.6 423 79% 96 +0.60 1.39 74% -28 24 5.8 4.6 321465

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. 20131209Pr1

Recommendations for Using Sexed Semen Sexed Semen is a product that allows you to predict the gender of your calves with 90% accuracy.

Benefits of Using Sexed Semen 1. Rapid increase of the female herd. 2. Improve the genetic value of the herd by selecting replacement heifers from a larger group of animals. 3. Decrease calving difficulties.

4. Producers can choose to produce females or males. 5. Increase marketing capabilities by allowing producers to target specific markets.

Important Considerations for Using Sexed Semen

1. Sexed semen is packaged in ¼cc straws (French 6. Use sexed semen in well established AI straws); it must be used with ¼cc or universal programs and preferably by experienced AI guns. technicians. 2. Sexed semen needs to be thawed using 7. The herd needs to have very good nutritional, temperature-regulated thawing units sanitary, and reproductive programs. and utilizing a thermometer to monitor 8. Avoid using sexed semen in animals that are temperature. Water temperature should be under any kind of stressful situation that might between 95°F and 98°F (35°C and 37°C, compromise conception rates. respectively). The thawing process should last at least 45 seconds and no more than 15 minutes. 3. It is recommended to only use sexed semen in virgin heifers or in cows with an excellent record of conception OP! THE T M TO A R G through AI. RO ING P BREED YOUR E-RED M 4. It is recommended to AI 12 hours after the LI B TAKE ACME SU EBERA LA WA first signs of standing heat. Use in animals that show a clear sign of a good heat. 5. Avoid using sexed semen in animals that have had more than two or three services.

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5. 2953 US A W7652 Hwy 151 South Fond du Lac, WI 54937

Office: (800) 525-2953 Fax: (920) 921-5850

Product of the USA

Sexed Semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and is patented as partially represented by pending US patents: 6263745, 6357307, 6372422, 6524860, 6746873, 7195920, 7371517, 7723116, 7771921, and 7820425, with additional patents and patent applications pending in US and foreign markets.

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