Student Employee Appreciation Week Ideas Food Ideas: • Full-time staff bring in treats/lunch for student workers • Each day bring something different – cookies, popcorn, candy, etc. • Fill goodie bags with small packs of crackers, cookies, candy, chips, etc. • Pot luck • Fill a bowl or individual mini bowls daily, inexpensive yet tasty Other Ideas: • Take pictures of your student employees and post around the workplace, listing what makes them great • Send a note to the family of your student workers, letting them know what the student does, how their work impacts your department, and how terrific the student is for your department • Create silly awards: best telephone voice, best copier, etc. • Spray paint a light bulb gold, screw into a jar of play-dough and make a label around the jar naming who is receiving the “Bright Idea” award • Fill plastic Easter eggs with goodies and give out with “Good Egg” certificates, listing what the student did to deserve it • Provide gift cards to fast food places, restaurants, SAA movies, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. • Make up certificates and have them framed (Find decent frames at a dollar store or Wal-Mart) • Send your students a e-card stating your appreciation • Buy wooden back scratchers for staff. Attach a note that says "Thanks for the helping hand!" • Have a secret pal that does/provides little things throughout the week. At the end of the week, host a lunch and reveal our secret pals. Candy Ideas: • “Kudos to you!” • “You are worth 100 Grand!” • “You are out of this world!” (Mars or Milky Way) • “You deserve a Sweet Escape for all you do!” • “Thanks for the Mounds of work you do!” • “Thanks for putting up with us Ding Dongs!” • “You are O'FISH'ally awesome!” (Gold Fish) • “We love you!!! XOXO” (Hershey's Hugs and Kisses) • “You deserve an extra Payday!” • “Thanks for always being willing to do Extra!” (Gum) • “You are a Joy!” (Almond Joy) • “We are Nuts about you!” • “Thanks for ‘pudding’ up with us!” (Snack pudding) Free Ideas: • Draw an outline of your hand on a piece of paper and photocopy enough copies for all students in your office; on each hand write a note that tells the student why they deserve a “Pat on the Back” • Use this week as an opportunity to start an award recognition program. Find a white elephant item and name the item for the award: Employee of the Month/Week, Great Idea Award, Gotcha Award (catch someone in the act of doing something good), etc. and then make the presentation of it during Student Employee Appreciation Week. • Make a banner to hang for the whole week in your office • Decorate an office bulletin board or the office door for the week in recognition of your students • Invite student employees to your home for dinner – there is nothing better than a home cooked meal for a student! • Use YOUR imagination… A simple THANK YOU for all they do will go a long way! Theme Ideas: • "Chip, Chip, Hooray! Our staff is the best!" or "You're all that and a bag of chips!" (Serve bags of chips) • "Our student workers never dip down below our expectations!" (Serve dips) • "Our staff is red hot!" (Serve chips and salsa) • “Our staff floats above the rest!” (Serve root beer floats) • "We’re nuts about our staff!" (Serve nuts assortment) Have additional ideas or pictures displaying your appreciation efforts? Share them with us at and we'll post it on the Student Employee Appreciation Week website!