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Collaborating amidst coronavirus cont.

COLLABORATION Continued from page 6


“One night, me and a friend, we were just playing around with the idea and we ended up making five or six beats that one night. That’s probably around the time when I realized, ‘Oh, this is probably going to be an actual project.’”

The closing track “Distant” marks the emotional peak of the album, partly because of the collaborators that made it possible, said Tareski.

“I was basically just speedrunning my entire life in one song. It felt really personal to me,” he said.

“Making the beat, I was just like, ‘This is probably going to be a little more emotional song.’ I started writing the lyrics, started recording everything and I was like, ‘Yeah this is going to be a little emotional.’”

“I had this idea that at the end of the song, a lot of my friends just send me audio clips of them saying their favorite childhood memory and just kind of have a B-role of it playing at the end of the song, and then that’s how the album ends.

“I think probably my favorite memory was getting all of these different memories from different people, seeing what their childhood consisted of. It was just a really heartwarming kind of thing.”

Courtesy photo Music artist Zachary Hartman posing for a photo.

Courtesy photo Hartman’s artwork for his song Stars To You features a beautiful dusk photo of a rooftop with hand-drawn stars and cursive lettering.


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