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International club takes meeting online
Parleen Kaur The Communicator CCS club still meeting via Zoom, chatting, playing games, more for students across the world
Because of the sudden outburst of COVID-19, things are feeling out of place lately. Community Colleges of Spokane are handling the situation composedly, and students are seen to support the college clubs.
With the classes going online for this whole spring quarter, many activities are left behind. The spring quarter is known to be the best and most happening academic quarter of the year.
Students from both colleges said that they miss going to International Club meetings.
“I usually felt like I was traveling to all those countries just by imagining what I’m told by my fellows,” said Kenyan student Prince Mayan, who attends Spokane Community College.
The International Club is known to connect Americans and students from other countries to promote likeliness, cultural diversity and to help international students feel at home. These clubs conduct different activities where international students can get to know Americans and vice versa.
“When I return back from Japan, I would like to attend the meetings and experience fun stuff at school,” Spokane Falls Community College student Yuka Kaneko said via video chat. Like Kaneko, many students went back to their own countries for a short period of time due to coronavirus while continuing their studies online.
Global Education Program Coordinator Christiana Hennings said, “Ashley had fun Zoom sessions scheduled throughout April, and I will continue to hold Zoom sessions for students throughout the end of the quarter to chat, play games, talk to other peers and ask any questions they have in a relaxed … environment.”
Christiana added by saying that a graduation party will possibly be held for international
Courtesy of CCS Global Education The International Club and staff pose for a photo in the Spokane Convention Center before coronavirus took over.
-Yuka Kaneko, SFCC student who returned to his home country to continue his studies amid coronavirus
students soon, carried out and planned by Global Education and American Success. The team still checks with the students to make sure they feel at home.
The Global Education Program Coordinator Julie Hands from Spokane Community College is conducting online Zoom club meetings too.
“Let us use this time to work on ourselves, spread and share the love and hope that we always have as individuals and stay safe,” said second-year Spokane Community College student Elysee MK, who comes from the DRC Congo..
Everyone is remaining positive in this crucial time and putting their efforts to extract the most out of it.
“There’s only about one month left of spring quarter! Push through, don’t give up, and reach out to me or any staff member if you’re having trouble with anything. We’re in this together! I am rooting for you!” said Christiana Hennings.
Interested in SFCC student leadership? Clubs aren’t the only way to get involved on campus. ASG leadership applications are available online at sfcc.spokane.edu/ For-Our-Students/Student-Engagement/Leadership