Sfera Politicii - Numar special, iunie 2021 - COVID & Societate

Page 121


Argument ....................................................................................................................... 3 COVID & Society Alfred Bulai What will change and what will not in the Romanian post-pandemic society ....... 5 Radu Carp, Cristina Matiuța Reflections on the Pandemic in Political Thought................................................... 15 Gheorghe Carp Hospital Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Good Practices in Bihor County ......................................................................................................... 25 Alexandra Chipăilă, Bianca Blaja Attitudes of Romanian Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic ......................... 31 Georgeta Ghebrea Remodeling a model? The European social model, change and stability during the pandemic ................................................................................................ 40 Claudia Gilia COVID-19 Pandemic – an Endurance Test for Democracies .................................... 45 Constantin Hlihor COVID-19 Pandemic and International Politics: Some Considerations in Terms of Strategic and Geopolitical Shock Theory ............................................. 57 Cristian Preda The Evolution of the Romanian Political System in 2020 ........................................ 68 Mihaela Stănciulescu Freedom in Rights in Times of Pandemic ................................................................. 75 Gabriela Tănăsescu Exceptional measures in the antiviral “war“ and the responsibility of the authorities ...................................................................................................... 85 Ionuț Vulpescu Culture, an essential field in a post-Covid society ................................................. 104

Review The Response of European Countries to the Democratic Dilemma, in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Ionela Gavril) .................................... 110 Sarah Engler, Palmo Brunner, Romane Loviat, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Lucas Leemann, Andreas Glaser & Daniel Kübler, Democracy in times of the pandemic: explaining the variation of COVID-19 policies across European democracies

Index of authors ...................................................................................................... 117 Summary .................................................................................................................... 119

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