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january 9, 2019 vol. 10 // issue 2
MOM On a MISSION SouthFloridaGayNews
Page 18
When parents of samesex couples refuse to attend their Wedding, this mom steps in
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Gay Marriage’s Next Battle: Spousal Benefits John McDonald
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Anthony Gonzales and Mark Johnson. Photo credit: Lambda Legal.
SSA contends couples must be married for nine months or longer to qualify for spousal survivor benefits. Lambda Legal, a national LGBT civil rights organization, filed a lawsuit in December on behalf of Gonzalez, 63. “Over the past three months we have filed lawsuits against the Social Security Administration in three different states -- Washington, Arizona and New Mexico – all underscoring the ongoing harm that a number of same-sex couples continue to experience from marriage bans, despite those laws having been struck down,” said MEMBER
Lambda Legal counsel Peter Renn, in a news release Dec. 13. Gonzalez married his spouse, Mark Johnson, an elementary school teacher, in 2013 immediately after New Mexico’s highest court struck down the state’s ban on samesex marriage. Johnson died in 2014. Lambda Legal maintains Gonzalez and Johnson were in a long committed relationship and SSA’s nine month marriage rule for spousal survivor benefits is unconstitutional. The Social Security Administration was created in 1935 as part of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal.”
Cover 1: Sara Cunningham. Photo via Sara Cunningham, Facebook. Cover 2: Gwilym Lee (Brian May), Rami Malek (Freddie Mercury), and Joe Mazzello (John Deacon) star in Twentieth Century Fox’s “BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY.” Photo credit: Alex Bailey/Twentieth Century Fox. Cover 3: Latrice Royale. Photo credit: Latrice Royale. MEMBER
Associated Press •
1 . 09.2019
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case in New Mexico challenges the Social Security Administration’s policy regarding spousal survivor benefits. In Gonzales v. Berryhill, a gay widower is seeking spousal survivor benefits. The Social Security Administration, which under the Trump Administration is without an acting commissioner, has denied those benefits because the men were not married long enough. “We were together for 15 years and got married as soon as humanly possible but I’m still barred from receiving the same benefits as other workers even though my husband worked hard and paid into the social security system with every paycheck,” said Anthony Gonzalez, an Albuquerque, New Mexico social worker. “The government tells me we weren’t married long enough, but we literally married the first day we could. How is that fair?”
Lambda Legal, a national LGBT civil rights organization, filed a lawsuit in December on behalf of Gonzalez, 63.
January 9, 2019 • Volume 10 • Issue 2
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2019 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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1.09.2019 •
LGBTQIA bites Bisexual
Formerly bisexual wrestler comes out again as gay
Anthony Bowens. Photo via Facebook.
Professional wrestler Anthony Bowens came out as bisexual two years ago, but on New Year’s Day, he came out again as gay in a YouTube video. While sitting next to his boyfriend, Michael Pavano, the 28-year-old said he no longer feels comfortable being labeled as bisexual, and now identifies as gay. He also stressed he did not come out as bisexual to hide his gay identity, he just did not come to the realization.
1 . 09.2019
“Most people who come out say they had a moment in their youth where they figured out something about them was different. They just knew they were gay. I never had one of those moments,” Bowens said in his video. Bowens said he was primarily interested in females for the majority of his childhood, but during high school he started to like men. Now, he says he can only see himself ending up with a man.
By Cameren Boatner
‘Love Island’ hasn’t changed application for intersex, non-binary applicants Producers of “Love Island,” a British dating show, put down claims they are encouraging intersex and non-binary individuals to apply to be featured on the next season. The Sun claimed the show was welcoming “male, female, intersex, and non-binary,” applicants, but the producers are saying the application hasn’t changed, according to Metro, they are just asking applicants to choose which they identify with. The show has received criticism from fans for not being LGBT inclusive, but producer Richard Cowles says he is “open to everything.” “We’ve had bisexual people in the show before. It’s a dating show and what makes that quite difficult is you need everyone to fancy everyone, so it’s quite hard to get people who are gay and heterosexual in the same place, because simply enough, they don’t fancy each
“Love Island.” Photo via Facebook.
other,” Cowles told BANG Showbiz. Cowles also mentioned he would be open to producing a second version of the show for same-sex couples.
Transgender military ban will stand temporarily
A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that restrictions on transgender individuals in the military will be allowed to stand. The court ruled that they cannot make policy decisions for military leaders, and that the restrictions are not a blanket ban because they would admit people who aren’t looking to transition, those without dysphoria, and those who would serve under their birth gender, according to the New York Times. And while the court sided with the
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Trump administration, transgender rights organizations are fuming. The decision is “based on the absurd idea that forcing transgender people to suppress who they are in order to serve is not a ban. It ignores the reality of transgender people’s lives, with devastating consequences, and rests on a complete failure to understand who transgender people are,” Attorney Jennifer Levi, director of the GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders transgender rights project, said.
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1.09.2019 •
news international
By Cameren Boatner
the world around
south america
Iceland to allow gay blood donation, limits may apply
Brazilian gay couples get married as homophobic president takes office
Iceland put a ban on blood donations from gay men, but in September, the health department said it would review the ban. Now, a chief epidemiologist is saying Iceland should lift the ban, but with restrictions. Þórólfur Guðnason, the epidemiologist, said there should still be restrictions on the law because this “group” is more likely to have HIV. “First of all, in this group, there is an increased chance that their blood could be carrying HIV or hepatitis C,” Guðnasonsaid, as the Reykjavik Grapevine reported. “There are individuals in this group who are practicing safe sex, and are therefore not at risk, while there are others, with a more liberal sex life, who are more likely to spread these kinds of infections.”
This directly contradicts an earlier finding from Iceland’s Directorate of Health, Gay Star News reported. The study found HIV levels in gay and straight men were nearly the same.
Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, was sworn in on January 1. He once said he’d rather have a dead son than a gay one, and he is “homophobic, with pride.” Gay couples are afraid Bolsonaro will revoke their right to marriage, which they’ve had since 2013, according to the New York Times. Now they are rushing to get married before he takes action. Carolina Zannata and her girlfriend are one such couple, they were married in December. “We got scared. We need to take advantage of our hard-won rights because we might not have them afterward,” Zannata said, as the New York Times reported. While one of Bolsonaro’s campaign promises was to reverse the law, legal
Carolina Zannata and Aline Foguel. Photo via Facebook.
experts are saying the Supreme Court will oppose his legislation. “There could be attempts to make same-sex marriage illegal, but the Constitution will prevail,” Jose Fernando Simao, professor of civil rights and family law at the University of Sao Paulo said.
middle east
Canadians sign petitions to ban conversion therapy
Israel’s Chief Justice calls ban on gay male surrogacy unconstitutional
Canadian citizens are getting behind two petitions to ban conversion therapy nationally. The petitions collectively have nearly 70,000 signatures. It Gets Better Canada, a non-profit organization that benefits LGBT youth, is petitioning for the government to develop policies that prevent anyone from trying to convert a minor’s sexual orientation, or gender identity, according to BBC. “It’s such a deep, deep transgression and violation of the gay person, the lesbian person, the trans person, it cuts to such a deep level physically and emotionally,” Peter Gajdics, an activist against conversion therapy, said, according to BBC. Gajdics has been campaigning against conversion therapy for 20 years and is
Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe
1 . 09.2019
happy to see the topic finally coming to light, as it has been condemned and discredited by major medical associations and the World Health Organization.
During a court hearing over whether gay men should be allowed to use surrogacy, Israel’s Chief Justice Esther Hayut said the law could be “blatantly unconstitutional.” As it stands now, only women with medical problems are allowed to use surrogacy, according to Gay Star News, but Hayut is questioning why men can’t as well. “We are asking about a constitutional principle of equality, whether it is being undermined or not. Why are women allowed and men are not?” Hayut said, according to Gay Star News. The state’s lawyer said that by allowing gay men to use surrogacy, demand could exceed supply of surrogates. But Hayut still did not believe that was grounds for disqualifying the group.
Israel Chief Justice Esther Hayut.
Hayut announced there will be no more hearings, and the state has 30 days to answer whether the law discriminates.
1.09.2019 •
NEWS national
Globes Go Gay The LGBT community was well represented at this year’s ceremony
Darren Criss, winner of Best Actor - Limited Series or Picture Made for Television at the 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards. Credit: Paul Drinkwater/ NBC
Nick Adkins
he LGBT community was well represented on Sunday at this year’s Golden Globes Awards.
Out of the 27 categories at the 94th Golden Globe awards, 7 of the category winners were for leading LGBT roles, producers, or films featuring major gay subplots.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Darren Criss
(“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Darren Criss won Best Performance for his role as gay serial killer Andrew Cunanan. “This has been a marvelous year for representation in Hollywood and I am so enormously proud to be a teeny-tiny part of that,” he said in his acceptance speech. The former “Glee” star (where he also played a gay character) has already been hailed by the Emmy awards for his performance as the man who killed famed designer Versace. Criss thanked plenty of people, including his mom, “a firecracker of a Filipino,” as he gave a nod to the importance of representation in Hollywood.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Ben Whishaw
(“A Very English Scandal”) Ben Whishaw, who came out in 2014, won for his performance as Norman Scott in “A Very English Scandal,” which tells the true story of Scott and the British politician Jeremy Thorpe, who were secret lovers in a scandal ending in blackmail. “He’s a true queer hero and icon, and Norman this is for you,” Whishaw said. Whishaw added that Scott “took on the establishment.” Backstage, Whishaw was asked by the press corps if he shared the same acting philosophy as Darren Criss when it comes to playing LGBT characters. “I want to make sure I won’t be another straight boy taking a gay man’s role,” Criss said at the Clorox event What Comes Next in New York. “I really believe that actors can embody and portray anything, and we shouldn’t be defined only by what we are.” Whishaw also called for “greater equality” and exclaimed, “I would like to see more gay actors play straight roles. That’s where we should be aiming,” according to Deadline. Ben Whishaw (center) in the trailer for “A Very English Scandal.” Image via Youtube.
1 . 09.2019
Best Original Song in a Motion Picture
“Shallow” (“A Star Is Born”)
“Shallow,” a ballad from the “A Star Is Born” soundtrack, won for best original song. “As a woman in music, it is really hard to be taken seriously as a musician and as a songwriter,” Gaga, who is bisexual, said in her acceptance speech. Co-writers of the song Lady Gaga and Mark Ronson accepted the award.
Best Motion Picture - Drama
“Bohemian Rhapsody” “A Star Is Born” was the odds-on favorite, but the story of the rise of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury ended up winning the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama. “Thank you for showing us the power in embracing your true self,” Producer Graham King said in homage to Mercury. King worked a decade to bring the story to the big screen. Director Bryan Singer, who was fired from the biopic reportedly after an on-set fight with star Rami Malek (though the director insists that he was caring for an ill parent), retained his director credit, and also apparently decided to make himself a part of the Globes celebration through Instagram. “What an honor. Thank you,” Singer captioned on a photo of himself in the director’s chair on the film set.
NEWS national Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
Rami Malek
(“Bohemian Rhapsody”) Rami Malek was awarded for his performance as Freddie Mercury, who was bisexual, in “Bohemian Rhapsody.” “I am beyond moved. My heart is pounding out of chest right now,” he said, as he accepted the best actor award. Malek thanked his mother, family and Queen “for ensuring that authenticity and inclusivity exists in the music and in the world and in all of us.” His final “thank you” was for Freddie Mercury, whom he played in the film. “I love you, you beautiful man,” Malek said. “This is for and because of you gorgeous.” Malek beat out Lucas Hedges, of the queer film “Boy Erased.”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Olivia Colman (“The Favourite”)
Olivia Colman won for her performance as Queen Anne in “The Favourite,” a film featuring the Queen’s same-sex affair with her confidante, played by Rachel Weisz. She thanked her “bitches” - Weisz and Emma Stone, who acted alongside her in the film. “Every second of working with you girls was such a joy,” she said.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Christian Bale (“Vice”)
Christian Bale won best actor for his performance as former Vice President Dick Cheney in “Vice.” The Cheney biopic tells the story of how the vice president to George W. Bush “became the most powerful man in the world” and reshaped “the country and the globe in ways that we still feel today,” according to a description from the studio. Outside of politics, in the film Cheney comes to terms with his younger daughter Mary coming out as gay. Though Cheney develops ambitions to run for president, he decides to retire from public life to spare Mary from media scrutiny. Bale thanked Adam McKay, the Oscar-winning screenwriter of “The Big Short,” for hiring him for the part. “He said, ‘I’ve got to find someone who can be absolutely charisma-free and rivaled by everybody ... thank you for all the competition. I will be cornering the market on charisma-free (sic),” Bale said. Bale went on to thank “satan...for giving me inspiration on how to play this role.”
Olivia Colman, winner of Best Actress - Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy at the 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards. Credit: Paul Drinkwater/NBC
1.09.2019 •
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1 .09.2019
NEWS white house watch
Senator Elizabeth Warren. Photo via Elizabeth Warren, Facebook.
Warren Announces Presidential Exploratory Committee John McDonald
he 2020 Presidential campaign Before entering the political realm, kicked off New Year’s Eve with the Warren was a law professor at Harvard announcement that U.S. Senator Law School, where she taught courses on Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) was bankruptcy, contracts and commercial forming an exploratory committee. law and authored four best-selling books. In a video to supporters, Warren said Warren, 69, is married to fellow Harvard Law “America’s middle class is under attack.” School professor Bruce Mann and has After announcing her exploratory three grandchildren. committee, Warren gave her Meanwhile, 10 LGB first interview to MSNBC people — all Democrats journalist Rachel Maddow, — were sworn in to the calling President Donald 116th U.S. Congress Trump an “accelerate” on Thursday. They for corruption. are: Senator Tammy Warren told Maddow Baldwin of Wisconsin, she hoped candidates in Senator Kyrsten the Democratic primaries Sinema of Arizona, - Elizabeth Warren would “link arms” in Congressman David Senator (D-Massachusetts) solidarity of grassroots Cicilline of Rhode Island, funding over billionaire Congressman Sean Patrick benefactors. Maloney of New York, First elected to the Senate in 2012, Congressman Mark Pocan of Warren is widely credited for helping create Wisconsin, Congresswoman Angie Craig of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Minnesota, Congresswoman Sharice Davids She has been ridiculed by President Trump of Kansas, Congresswoman Katie Hill and over claims of Native American heritage, Congressman Mark Takano of California which DNA tests proved were false. At rallies, and Congressman Chris Pappas of New Trump dubbed Warren, “Pocahontas.” Hampshire.
“America’s middle class is under attack.”
A “TOP 10”
1.09.2019 •
NEWS national
Pelosi vows to pass Equality Act as
new House speaker Chris Johnson
Washington Blade
ouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), returning to her position Thursday as presiding officer of the U.S. House with a new Democratic majority, identified the Equality Act as bipartisan legislation she will seek to pass in the upcoming Congress. Pelosi referenced the Equality Act, eulogies, tributes and tears. Today, I single out comprehensive legislation that would ban anti- one of his great achievements: working with both LGBT discrimination under federal law, when Democrats and Republicans to write the Americans identifying other measures with bipartisan support With Disabilities Act into the laws of our land.” she’d seek to pass, including gun background Chad Griffin, president of Human Rights check legislation and the DREAM Act. Campaign, praised Pelosi in a statement for “We will make America fairer by passing the vowing the pass the Equality Act in the upcoming Equality Act to end discrimination against the Congress. LGBTQ community,” Pelosi said. “Now is the time to move equality forward Although the Equality Act had a modicum of by advancing the Equality Act to ensure bipartisan support in the previous Congress, the LGBTQ Americans are able to go to work, raise two Republicans in the House who co-sponsored their families, and live their lives free from the bill — former Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of discrimination,” Griffin said. “Far too many LGBTQ Florida and Scott Tayler of Virginia — are no people face unfair and unjust discrimination each longer serving in the chamber. and every day with only a patchwork of protections Asked by the Blade what Pelosi meant across the country. We are thankful for Speaker by bipartisan support for the Pelosi reaffirming her commitment Equality Act in the current 116th to advance this critically important Congress, Drew Hammill, a Pelosi legislation and seize this historic spokesperson, said, “The bill has moment to make full federal LGBTQ and will continue to have bipartisan equality a reality.” support.” Pelosi made the remarks after Although the Equality Act now formally winning on the House has a good chance of passing the floor the vote to become speaker House with Democrats in control in the 116th Congress. The San of the chamber, the legislation Francisco Democrat won 220 votes, faces significant roadblocks with an easily beating out House Minority expanded Republican majority in Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). the Senate and President Trump in However, 15 Democrats declined to the White House. vote for Pelosi on the House floor. But as evidence that divided Sarah Kate Ellis, CEO of the LGBT government can accomplish media watchdog group GLAAD, also - Nancy Pelosi big legislative achievements, hailed the incoming Democratic House Speaker Pelosi invoked the memory of majority. the late former President George “It is a welcome relief that fairH.W. Bush, who signed into law the Americans minded, pro-equality lawmakers have returned With Disabilities Act after it was approved by a to the majority in the U.S. House, and now it’s Democratic Congress. time for them to roll up their sleeves and get to “I close by remembering a cherished former work for all marginalized communities, including member of this body, who rose to become a LGBTQ Americans,” Ellis said. “As the Trump beloved President of the United States, and who, administration continues to rollback equality in an last month, returned to the Capitol once more to effort to erase LGBTQ Americans from the nation, lie in state,” Pelosi said. “That week, we honored we need allies like Speaker Pelosi fighting for us in President George Herbert Walker Bush with Congress.”
“We will make America fairer by passing the Equality Act to end discrimination against the LGBTQ community.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore.
1 .09.2019
1.09.2019 •
NEWS local
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Campbell Foundation Gives Out ‘Holiday Hugs’ Zachary Winograd
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he Campbell Foundation recently manner and so appreciate the foundation’s held its annual end-of-year Holiday generosity.” Hugs event giving out $30,000 to local The Campbell Foundation itself also had organizations to assist those living with HIV. something to say about its generosity this Since its founding 24 years ago, the year. Campbell Foundation has given over $14 “While funding HIV research has been our million to foundations like SunServe and main focus since 1995, we also realize there The Poverello Center (with $1.3 million is a significant need in our community for being put towards direct services), making critical social services including housing, it one of the community’s biggest supporters food, education and counseling,” said the of continuing HIV research. The Campbell Campbell Foundation’s Trustee Bill Venuti in Foundation is a huge help to foundations a press release. “This is especially true today like SunServe and Poverello, who often feel as nonprofits across the spectrum struggle the stress of having dwindling with obtaining donations.” funds during the busy holiday Ken Rapkin, the Executive “Over the years, Director of the Campbell season. Poverello, which focuses Foundation, continued his it’s been an on providing food and loving colleague’s sentiments. enormous help care to those living with HIV, “Our Holiday Hug program in our work couldn’t be more grateful for the allows us to invest in vital Campbell Foundation’s help. programs in our community to serve those “We serve far more people and around the state of Florida with HIV in our than we receive grant money that are helping those live and community.” to feed,” said Kevin Clevenger thrive with HIV,” Rapkin said. of Poverello. “Anything like the “We’re proud to have directed - Kevin Clevenger Poverello ‘Holiday Hug’ the Campbell about $2 million in direct Foundation gives us each year support grants over the last 24 helps fill those gaps. Over the years, it’s been years. AIDS is still with us and South Florida an enormous help in our work to serve those leads the country in new HIV infections, but with HIV in our community. We’re so grateful with our community partners, we can ensure for their generosity toward our community.” support and services remain strong.” SunServe, which provides social services Since its founding in 1995, the Campbell to economically disadvantaged and Foundation has sought to continue the vulnerable members of the LGBT community research of HIV by supporting nonprofit shared Poverello’s sentiments. foundations that conduct clinical, “SunServe uses the Campbell Foundation laboratory-based research into the treatment Holiday Hugs gift to subsidize mental health of HIV and related illnesses. Now, nearly 24 services for HIV-plus folks, both seeing a years later, the Campbell Foundation still therapist or our Psych Nurse,” said Mark believes in providing the community with Ketcham, when asked what the organization the grants necessary to bring much-needed was planning on doing with their grant attention to the issues that still affect the money. “We have always used this gift in this LGBT community.
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1.09.2019 •
NEWS national
Ellen DeGeneres meeting with Kevin Hart. Image via YouTube.
Ellen DeGeneres Under Fire The comedian’s support for Kevin Hart has activists enraged
Mariah Cooper Washington Blade
llen DeGeneres is facing backlash for thing but we want him to host. Whatever we supporting Kevin Hart and actively can do we would be thrilled. And he should campaigning to have Hart host the host the Oscars,’” DeGeneres says. Oscars. She continued to explain that she thinks Hart was tapped to host this year’s Oscars Hart has learned from his mistakes and but stepped down after old homophobic deserves to come back as host. jokes and tweets resurfaced. “As a gay person, I am DeGeneres invited Hart on sensitive to all of that. You’ve “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” already expressed that it’s not to talk about the fall out with being educated on the subject, the episode scheduled to air on not realizing how dangerous Monday. However, DeGeneres those words are, not realizing and her producers were how many kids are killed for apparently so impressed by the being gay or beaten up every interview that the episode aired day,” DeGeneres says. “You have on Friday instead. grown, you have apologized, In the interview, Hart you are apologizing again right explains that he has repeatedly now. You’ve done it. Don’t let apologized for the jokes, which those people win — host the were made 10 years ago, and Oscars.” viewed the situation as an attack Some people criticized - Ellen Degeneres on his character and an attempt DeGeneres for labeling people to ruin his career. DeGeneres let who took issue with the jokes Hart know that she fully supports him and “haters” and “trolls.” There were also people even called the Academy on his behalf. who didn’t believe Hart was being genuine “I called them, I said, ‘Kevin’s on, I have no with his apology. idea if he wants to come back and host, but DeGeneres appeared to notice the backlash what are your thoughts?’ And they were like, as she tweeted, “However you feel about ‘Oh my God, we want him to host! We feel this, the only positive way through it is to like that maybe he misunderstood or it was talk about it. Thank you for being here, handled wrong. Maybe we said the wrong @KevinHart4real. “
“However you feel about this, the only positive way through it is to talk about it.”
Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.
1 .09.2019
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1.09.2019 •
’ s g u H ‘Free Mom
fuse to attend re s le up co x se em sa rents of
When pa
this mom steps in
their Wedding,
AJ Willingham CN N
Sara Cunningham. Photo via Sara Cunningham, Facebook.
our years ago, when Sara Cunningham came home from a pride festival in Oklahoma City, she was covered head to toe in glitter. She had spent the day offering free mom hugs or high-fives (“Not everybody’s a hugger,” she says) to passersby, and the love and joy she felt was palpable. Unfortunately, so was something else. “That day, I went home with real horror stories,” she says. “I was broken from hearing from the community -- kids who had been living out of their cars, kids who had been kicked out of their churches or homes for just for identifying as LGBT.” Cunningham’s son is gay, and her experience at that festival led her and other ally mothers to form what is now “Free Mom Hugs,” a nonprofit organization that offers mother-like support to LGBT youth. In July 2018, that spark of support and celebration became a flame. Cunningham, frustrated with continued stories of parents rejecting their gay children, sometimes during the most important times in their lives, wrote a simple Facebook post. “PSA. If you need a mom to attend your same sex wedding because your biological mom won’t. Call me. I’m there. I’ll be your biggest fan. I’ll even bring the bubbles.” In a matter of days, the post went wildly viral. Cunningham knows exactly why. “When people ask us about Free Mom Hugs, they usually say, ‘How can I join,’ ‘What can I do,’” Cunningham says. “That’s what made the post go viral. It was people all over the world saying, ‘I want to do that, I can do that, I’ve been doing that.’” Since the post, Cunningham has been asked to attend several weddings, and the post sparked
1 .09.2019
“To them saying, ‘I’m not coming to your wedding,’ it’s just devastating. And I can’t imagine hearing those words out of a mother’s mouth.” - Sara Cunningham
something of a movement -- one that ties back to the most important goal of Cunningham’s work: Acceptance. “Everyone needs acceptance,” she says. “And when we fall in love, it’s a profound, sacred special time of our lives. To not have the validation for recognition from your parents, from people who are so important to you, you may think you can handle it.” “But when it comes to the final blow,” she continues, “To them saying, ‘I’m not coming to your wedding,’ it’s just devastating. And I can’t imagine hearing those words out of a mother’s mouth.” Before, a difficult journey Cunningham knows what kind of pain can come from not being accepted by your own family, because initially, she and her family struggled to come to terms with her own son’s sexuality. It’s a pain Cunningham is trying to relieve from other children, and their parents.
“We must learn to celebrate our LGBTQ children, or we will suffer with them,” she says. “My biggest regret is not celebrating him and what was important to him, earlier -- even during his high school years, and not being able to look past my own fears and my own ignorance to see him.” She says the key for parents who are struggling is education -- and an open heart. “There is so much information out there, so many ways to get educated, so many ways to learn [about LGBTQ issues]. To be honest, the only other choice is to remain in fear and ignorance. And I use those words respectfully, because I was there once.” And now, a new one of love Honestly, Cunningham wishes Free Mom Hugs didn’t exist. She wishes her presence at weddings, either as a stand-in mom or an officiant (she got ordained in 2016 to officiate the same-sex wedding of two friends), wasn’t necessary. “I hope some day that our organization won’t be in existence anymore, that we can help change the social norm,” she says. And to all of those people who commented or shared her viral post, she has two words of advice: Show up. “That’s the key,” she says. “Just show up. And when I say showing up, I mean we as parents, as friends or allies. I’m not the first mom to offer free mom hugs or attend weddings as a stand-in. But when we show up for any group that’s marginalized, that’s how we can make sure they really know they are loved and celebrated.”
1.09.2019 •
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PBCHRC. Photo via PBCHRC, Facebook.
LGBT Rights in Palm Beach County The Year in Review from PBHRC
From PBCHRC November 2018
July 2018
The Town of Ocean Ridge enacts an LGBT-inclusive civil rights ordinance.
The Village of Royal Palm Beach adopts an LGBT-inclusive civil rights resolution.
Michelle Sylvester, an out lesbian, was elected to serve on the Board of Supervisors of the Palm Beach County Soil and Water Conservation District.
April 2018
The School Board of Palm Beach County amends its Commitment to Students policy to prohibit discrimination and harassment by educators based on students’ sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. October 2018
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1 .09.2019
The School Board of Palm Beach County adopts an Equity Policy, to show the Board’s commitment to eliminating race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or socioeconomic status as predictors for academic success. September 2018 The West Palm Beach City Commission adopts an LGBTQ-inclusive resolution affirming its commitment to address and eliminate bullying at city facilities and in city programs.
The Lake Worth City Commission unanimously adopts an LGBTQinclusive Welcoming City resolution designating the City of Lake Worth as a Welcoming City. February 2018 Peter Cruise, an openly gay man, is appointed to the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics. January 2018 Myra Koutzen, an out lesbian, is reelected without opposition to serve as Mayor of Palm Beach Shores. Andy Amoroso, an openly gay man, is re-elected without opposition to serve as a Lake Worth City Commissioner. December 2017 Palm Beach County becomes the first county in Florida -- and the largest county in the United States -- to enact a ban on conversion therapy for minors.
Business SPOtlight Welcome to Business Spotlight, the column that thanks advertisers who support SFGN. We invite you to support them, because without their outreach to us, we would not be here to reach out to you. We are a free newspaper that survives on the success of our advertisers so we encourage our readers to support those who support us.
The History of Grieco Automotive Group T
he Grieco story begins when Michael Grieco, Sr. ventured into the automotive industry in 1975 when he opened his first collision center in Rhode Island. With a philosophy based on the simple commitment of delivering 100% customer satisfaction, Michael’s success motivated him to open Vantage Motor Sales in 1979. By exceeding his customer’s expectations, he acquired his first new car franchise in 1995 called Metro Honda, now known as Grieco Honda. As the years passed, acquisitions of more franchises brought about the creation of the Grieco Automotive Group. The Grieco family lives by its Mission Statement: “The Greico Difference Is the guarantee that guides our actions and unifies us in outstanding service and results for all. It defines our philosophy towards our family of Customers, Team Members, Community, and the Manufacturers we represent.” They’ve received multiple #1 rankings for volume sales, certified pre-owned sales and
service. Many of the Grieco franchises have also won numerous manufacturer awards including those for customer satisfaction as well as President’s Awards. Grieco Automotive Group now boasts six dealerships throughout New England, with six more here in South Florida – including Mazda, Kia, Ford and Chevrolet dealerships in Delray Beach; and Greico Chevrolet and Grieco Ford in Fort Lauderdale. And Grieco gives back! For almost two decades, Grieco Automotive Group has been giving back to local communities, raising millions of dollars for charities such as: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Special Olympics, Humane Society, Toys For Tots, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Community Food Banks and Soup Kitchens, Feeding America, Best Foot Forward, Re-Focus Inc., Home & Hospice Care, Water For Cambodia, Local Youth Organizations, Employee Community, and Outreach Programs.
Meet Mike & Louis Mike Doyle General Manager
Grieco Chevrolet of Fort Lauderdale 1300 N. Federal Highway 954.607.4358 What was your first car? 1995 Dodge Stratus What was the first new car you bought? 2005 Honda Accord What brought you into the car Business? Growing up in North Providence, Rhode Island, I went to work for an in-town family-run Ford dealership. I was there until the Greico family brought me to Grieco Chevrolet here in Fort Lauderdale – just a few months ago. Does Greico have a diversity training program for its employees and sales teams? Yes. A very thorough one we are proud of. What is your favorite new model out today? 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe. What is the most popular model you have on your lot? The new Volt sells out. As soon as they arrive, they’re sold.
Louis Izquierdo
General Manager
Grieco Ford of Fort Lauderdale 1333 North Federal Highway 954.607.4303
What was your first car? 1976 Chevy Monza 2+2 What was the first new car you bought? 1979 Corvette L82 What brought you into the car Business? After graduating from the University of Miami with student loans, I needed a job that helped pay these bills off. I was hired as the Business Manager at Tropical Chevrolet in Miami Shores. What is your favorite new model out today? 2019 F150. It’s really an amazing truck. What is the most popular model you have on your lot? F150 truck, our highest volume seller as a store and also 42 years leading the market as #1 selling pick up.
What would you like people to know about Greico Chevrolet of Fort Lauderdale? We house the Greico Collision Center that services all the Grieco dealerships in South Florida, and our facility is 100% green eco-friendly! Our Center has a water-borne paint system that reduces hazardous waste to our recycling efforts for thinners, solvents, aluminum, batteries, and bumpers. It’s really quite cool.
What would you like people to know about Greico Ford of Fort Lauderdale? Grieco Ford of Fort Lauderdale is a 78,408-square-foot facility on 6.9 acres, with a service department that is second to none. We have express service to get you in and out fast, complimentary loaner cars, extended service hours, and complimentary car washes when you service your vehicle with us.
“Stop by for a better way to shop for a car. We want to make sure we always exceed your expectations.”
“Come see us. We will do whatever it takes to make sure you’re completely satisfied!” 1.09.2019 •
Publisher's Editorial
More Ruminations, Rants and Rules of the Road Chairman Norm’s second New Year’s Column
Norm Kent
ome young congresswoman has caused a national firestorm by stating on her first day in office that she wanted to impeach Donald Trump, calling the bastard president a ‘mother fucker.’ Imagine that. Anyway, the swine in the oval office, the president who has brought vulgarity in the White House to a new level of low called her remarks “disgraceful.” Please, he is the rat who brought everyone into the gutter. Now he meets someone who fights him on his own terrain, and he cowers like a screaming pig. Which he is, so screw him. Free speech he can’t deal with. Gotta love it. A new congress composed of strong women who will speak out against his nasty narcissim, cruel deeds, and outright lies. Tough luck, Donald Duck. You made this world happen. You can dish it out. Can you take it? The president is a fucking pesticide, a cancer on the country, even worse than Athlete’s Foot. He is the national emergency, but it’s nothing America can’t deal with. After all, we survived Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle. Let’s face it. Swearing is offensive, but all of us are guilty sometimes of doing it, usually when we are put on hold by Comcast for an hour. I just don’t think any of us ever contemplated a president who would go on a social media tool like Twitter on a Saturday morning and call out his political adversary a childish name by employing crude four-letter words. Things can and have been worse in America. You have to know our history. Vice President Aaron Burr once shot Alexander Hamilton. Two hundred years later a Latin guy won a Tony for it. Then he got deported by a guy who two hundred years from now will be remembered as a White House man whore. Listen, the best way to protect your rights is to use them. No good citizen always trusts their
government. Yes, it can happen here. People forget Adolph Hitler was elected. Question authority before it questions you. Standing up for your rights has got to be more than a 1960’s reggae song. It has got to be your life’s mantra. The harsh reality of 2019 is that the blondehaired White Aryan in the White House has the maturity of a chipmunk in heat. It is just a matter of time until, like Richard Nixon, he starts talking to the statues of Abraham Lincoln late at nite in the East Wing. Therefore, yes, I have no problem with a new congresswoman calling to impeach the motherfucker. It’s the least we can do. He is a crook, a con artist, and a criminal who kidnaps kids and blackmails women. Screw him before he does you. Now, let’s move in to what really matters, like SFGN’s 9th Anniversary Party, Wednesday, Jan. 23 at the Grille on the Drive in Wilton Manors. From 5 to 8 p.m., I will be holding court and we will be giving away manly foods like free tiny cocktail hot dogs and Swedish meatballs in a fancy bourbon sauce. There will be a cash bar, live entertainment, and the Grille will offer a price fixed dinner afterwards, which will include the restaurant’s mouthwatering skirt steak. Your mom may not have cooked it, but you can even trust the Grille’s meat loaf. It’s the new hot place in town. Everyone is invited. Now it is time for Chairman Norm’s Rules of the Road. Record them religiously, because unlike the Bible they do not require you to slay your brother if you catch him sleeping with a sheep. I don’t care what your station in life is. If you try to cut corners, eventually, somewhere, someplace, you will inevitably hit a curb. Tow the line. While your hands may get coarse, there is no knot you won’t ever be able to untie. Things take time. Learn patience. But don’t
If you try to cut corners, eventually, somewhere, someplace, you will inevitably hit a curb.
1 .09.2019
expect it today. The impossible is reachable. Every kid from New York knows that thin little trees can grow through concrete sidewalks, but life is still slippery. Wear rubbers. Don’t let someone else getting angry ruin your day. Their ignorance should not govern your life. You have your lover for that. If your French fries are cold, don’t shoot the cook. They were hot when they came off the stove. Trip the waiter instead. It is OK to take a day off now and then, but not during your first week of work. Remember, your grandmother can only die so many times. Still, don’t work too hard. The chances are you will never meet anyone whose dying words were, ‘I wish I spent more time at the office.’ Love life, live each moment as if it is your last, but keep a piggy bank hidden under your bed just in case. Believe in and DO NOT ever sell yourself short. Behind your back, other people will do that for you. Have some class. Don’t wear sandals to theater openings. Don’t worry if you miss your ex. Over time, your aim will get better. Remember that good work ain’t cheap, and cheap work ain’t good. And the good you do will come back to you. But damn, be careful. So does the bad. The thing that matters most of all is that to accomplish anything, you must stay alive. It really beats the alternative. Therefore, avoid gargling with muriatic acid or pulling a pit bull’s tail. Visit Mykonos, lie naked
with the Greeks, and remember that there is life without Barry Manilow. Do Fantasy Fest in Key West at least once. Keep in mind that just because something is popular does not make it right and what is right is not always popular. Like that medical joint by your desk. You used to go to jail for that. In places like Pensacola and Pennsylvania, people still do. So don’t celebrate by the shore while some people are still drowning in the ocean. Half the world does not have shoes. Don’t complain about the color of your laces. Choose your friends carefully, because fair or not, some dogs have fleas. If you lie with them, you may get up with them. Don’t be foolish. The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior, so don’t hang out with OJ Simpson. The motherfucker was so guilty… Finally, for today, America is a land of second chances. But we don’t live in Mayberry anymore. You can open your heart, but lock your doors just in case. And like Baseball Hall of Famer Yogi once said, “you should go to your friends’ funerals or they won’t go to yours.” See you on the 23rd at the Grille on the Drive. You should be able to make it there despite the national emergency of grandmothers and their 8-year-old children massing a force of barefoot immigrants on our nation’s southern border. We will have them outside the restaurant valet parking. Anyone can drive better than Floridians.
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Mike Luckovich
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1.09.2019 •
Trans Talk
You Don’t Have to be Around People Who
Don’t Accept You
Atticus Ranck
his year is the year I start accepting the love I deserve, and that means letting go of a lot of people who don’t love and accept me. Just like many trans people, I have some family members that aren’t accepting. My family is very religious and many of their reasons for not accepting me are faith-based. One of the worst moments came at Thanksgiving 2017 when my uncle wrote on Facebook that my then-girlfriend (who is now my wife) wasn’t allowed at his house for Thanksgiving by writing, “We are unable to entertain [deadname]/Atticus’s girl/ male friend, to keep ‘all’ family members in a comfort zone.” My uncle had never met Sebastian at that point and still hasn’t. This split the family for Thanksgiving that year. My dad, who has come so far in supporting me, said they won’t be going there for Thanksgiving now, so my parents hosted a Thanksgiving at their house and whoever was accepting was welcome to attend. We had a great Thanksgiving at my parent’s house with my siblings and their children, my dad’s dad, and one of my cousins. Only one cousin decided that he wouldn’t stand by what my uncle said and decided to come to my parent’s house instead. Other family members disagreed with his statement but not enough to not attend. To me, to continue to go to my uncle’s house after that statement made you complicit. I have a female cousin I was close to growing up but we recently had a falling out over my identity that was a long time coming. Ultimately she feels that my identity is a choice and doesn’t agree with my choices. It wasn’t until recently that I learned how to stand up for myself. I’m older, bolder, and I have a fierce and supportive wife by my side and I’m not going to allow anyone to disrespect me anymore. I’m tired of being kind to people who don’t accept me exactly as I am. I’m tired of compromising my mental health for the sake of not rocking the boat at family gatherings. I’m tired of being around people who are nice to
It’s OK to cut people out of your life. It doesn’t mean it won’t hurt.
1 .09.2019
my face but then say to my parents, “I probably wouldn’t go to their wedding even if I was invited.” My dad accurately told this person, “Well, you weren’t invited.” I’m tired of people who spew hate and then hide behind the bible as their defense. My wife is helping me learn that I deserve love, respect, and acceptance. I don’t need to accept tolerance or a nice facade. It really hurts when my family members don’t accept me. It really hurts me to tell my cousin not to talk to me
anymore because I can’t have her toxicity in my life. I know that it’s the right decision for me, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I lost a friend. It’s OK to cut people out of your life. It doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. You don’t have to feel bad because the mere presence of you and your wife splits the family at Thanksgiving. It’s not your fault they don’t accept you and you don’t have to take the blame. It’s their fault for hurting you. It’s OK to prioritize yourself and your mental health. You can choose to only surround yourself with people who love you and accept you exactly as you are.
Atticus Ranck is the Health Programs & Supportive Services Manager for Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Transgender Services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Atticus is a trans man who advocates for the LGBT community through his work, trainings, presentations, and everyday encounters.
Feature pets
A Better Life
Five-year-old Duke (ID 606963) is also looking for a family to love. Sadly after having a home his entire life, his owner found himself homeless and was living in his car with Duke. He wanted a better life for Duke and made the difficult decision to give him up. This fellow is described as a big lap dog at 87 pounds. He is a strong fellow and could use some leash work so he learns not to pull. Duke gets along with big dogs and cats, and enjoys the theme song from Game of Thrones. Oh and be sure to have lots of treats on hand, Duke loves them!
The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $100 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.
1.09.2019 •
lifestyle photos
2019 Red shoe drop Every new year’s eve, a crowd gathers in front of the Bourbon Street Pub for the annual Key West “Red Shoe Drop.” famous drag queen Sushi, whose real name is Gary Marion, once again seated herself in the sparkling footware throne as guests counted down optimistically for the year to come. Larry Blackburn
Sushi steps forth from the red shoe, ready to perform.
1 .09.2019
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.
1.09.2019 •
Christ Lutheran Church 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306
Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service
Divine Mercy Chapel 2749 NE 10th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-567-1930 - DivineMercy.church Service Time: Mass, Sunday 10:30am St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@ stnicholasfl.org Service Times: Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
Fort Lauderdale Friends Meeting
Simplicity Peace Integrity Community Equality Sustainability
Meets for Quaker silent worship Sunday at 11:00 AM SANCTUARY 1400 N. Federal Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale
Your Community Synagogue
Friday Night Shabbat services ● Contemporary & Classic Films ● Classes on Jewish Thought & History ● Social Events ● Holiday Celebrations
2038 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors ● On the Pride Center campus 954Ͳ564Ͳ9232 ● www.EtzChaimFlorida.org Proudly serving our community since 1976
1 .09.2019
LISTINGS Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. 33306 (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
Be kind...
all year long Rabbi Noah Kitty
he holiday season is concluded for another year, the menorahs and creches and candles and lights put back in storage, and our attention wanes regarding the list of resolutions we so recently and resolutely made. Now we return to our daily lives, and instead of being offered a smile and a blessing we are greeted with the middle-finger salute from the guy on a bicycle weaving in-between cars on Federal Hwy. I miss the holidays. And I also understand how folks who are not members of a faith community do not miss the holidays. During that time they are surrounded by sayings and symbols that are meaningless in their world, and are driven to distraction by the umpteenth repeat of “Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas.” I get it, although I still miss Burl Ives. I think the problem with having a “Holiday Season” is that it urges us to concentrate our ability to be pleasant to strangers and kind to each other six weeks a year, leaving the other forty-six to the whims of appetite and attitude. That’s a shame. It’s a shame, because by doing so we have split our thoughts and actions into the categories of “religious” and “secular,” due to our mistaken belief that religion is boundaried by holidays and secular is everything that is not religious. So I thought I would offer a partial list of religiously chosen behaviors to hopefully lessen the
distance between the two. We Jews call them “mitzvot.” Our mystical literature teaches that they are the resources we use to perfect ourselves and by extension the world. I have no doubt that other faith traditions have similar instructions. Here is a sampling of them: 1. To honor the old and the wise (Lev. 19:32) 2. Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16) 3. Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17) 4. Not to cherish hatred in one’s heart (Lev. 19:17) 5. Not to take revenge or bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18) 6. Not to leave a beast that has fallen down beneath its burden unaided (Deut. 22:4) 7. To leave the corner of the field or orchard for the poor (Lev. 19:9) 8. Not to delay payment of a hired person’s wages (Lev. 19:13) 9. To treat parties in a litigation with equal impartiality (Lev. 19:15) 10. Not to leave something that might cause hurt (Deut. 22:8) John Kessler, in Old Testament Theology describes the mitzvot as a sacred dynamic of Divine challenge and human response. To me the most important word is dynamic, meaning the challenge to humans to be better humans is never frozen or static; we are always being challenged to be our better selves. So for those with lots of religion or none, may you enjoy a happy and healthy rest of the year, and have a holly, jolly time!
1.09.2019 •
lifestyle homo history
A History of Poppers in South Florida Graham Brunk
hey relax muscles, increase your heart rate, and create a heating sensation that launches into a few minutes of excitement with every inhale. Poppers or Alkyl Nitrites (or sometimes in variation they are Amyl or Butyl Nitrites) are probably among the most controversial legal (but not really legal) recreational drugs in existence. The LGBT population was primarily responsible for their rise to popularity in gay discos in the 1970s. Until the 1990s they were a staple for sale in most gay bars or clubs but in the last 20 years the legality issues have caused them to fade somewhat in popularity. Poppers were created by French Chemist Antoine Jerome Balard in 1844 as a relief for chest pain. It isn’t really known when poppers started to be used recreationally but men in San Francisco gay clubs reported using them as early as 1963 according to a report by the Canadian Psychiatric Association in 1978. The name “poppers” probably comes from the way they are sold; in small Their use for sexual ampules with tops that you simply activity greatly “pop off” for use. The FDA attempted to regulate use of poppers as a recreational increased by 1980 drug in the late 1960s by requiring it to and soon there were be over the counter but because there are so many slight variations of what we call brands saturating poppers manufacturers could use that the gay community wiggle room to create a product that did not fall into the FDA’s over the counter with names such guidelines for the product. The Disco Drug
as “Hardware,” “Climax,” “Locker Room,” and “Bang Bang Bang!”
Poppers gained notoriety with the rise of disco clubs in the mid 1970s where they became known as “the disco drug.” Unlike in prior decades disco clubs were the first places with the traditional DJ, loud bass, light shows, and dance floor. Brands like “Jungle Juice” were found on the dance floor where club patrons would pass around the inhalant for a euphoria-like experience that went well with dancing to loud booming music that was growing in popularity. In the late 70s their usage began to surge, but not only for their use on the dance floor. The gay population found that poppers worked well to relax key muscles, like the sphincter of the anus, and increased sexual libido in addition to the sudden rush. Advertising towards gays was an especially lucrative move. Appearing in local publications like David, Alive!, and TWN (The Weekly News), they often conveyed the message that by breathing in the chemicals you’d have bulging muscles and a butch/sexy demeanor. Their use for sexual activity greatly increased by 1980 and soon there were brands saturating the gay community with names such as “Hardware,” “Climax,” “Locker Room,” and “Bang Bang Bang!” Some advertised themselves as being scented with a specific aroma such as mint. Their affordability made them far more
1 .09.2019
Poppers. Photo via Claude Truong-Ngoc / Wikimedia Commons.
attainable than other “club drugs” like heroin or cocaine. Because of that they quickly became seen as an integral part of gay identity. HIV and Poppers
At the close of the disco era in 1980 the popper industry was reeling in upwards of $50 million a year and the drug was widely seen as a relatively harmless way to have fun. The 1980s however would not be as friendly to the popper industry. In 1981 all three counties in South Florida experienced their first cases of HIV. It didn’t take long for health experts to catch on thinking there may be some sort of scientific connection with the use of poppers and the spread of HIV. HIV was mostly found in white gay men in urban areas…the same demographic to most likely use poppers. The flaw in the study naturally was that use of poppers often was concurrent to sexual activity so there was no proof that poppers were a link and the gay media was quick to defend that notion since popper manufacturers were a huge source of income for many of the magazines and newspapers. In 1983, publications like the Bay Area Reporter and The Advocate at a national level as well as our own local TWN ran advertisements and editorials defending this accusation with all sorts of “alternative” government research. Much of it was vague or unfounded, therefore Congress still took action.
Poppers Are Outlawed A further blow to the industry happened in April 1985 when a 43 year old Lake Worth woman bought a brand of poppers called “Primo” from a local adult bookstore with her boyfriend and fell into a coma after accidentally drinking the bottle… despite the evident warning labels stating they should not be consumed. Nevertheless her case influenced the Sun Sentinel to write a large expose questioning the product’s safety. Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Toxicologist Tom Carroll told the newspaper that this was not the first time someone in the area had a bad reaction to the drug. In 1978 a West Palm Beach man died after inhaling a bottle and in 1981 another man from Lake Worth died after ingesting a bottle. Through the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 poppers were made illegal to sell for the purpose of recreational use but they could still be sold for commercial use. Manufacturers began to rebrand their products as “video head cleaners” or “room odorizers.” Their ads soon vanished from all LGBT media; replaced by products finding more wide use during the HIV crisis such as condoms. You’d have difficulty finding them for sale in any gay bar or club today. Their popularity has certainly plateaued but still…there must be a market for them. Nearly every adult store in South Florida has them, usually in a locked case. Just ask where the room odorizes are.
Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGBTQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com.
1.09.2019 •
lifestyle food
Seafood Festival
Last week I reviewed Blue Moon Fish Co., now take a look at some other seafood places to check out
Rick Karlin
n last week’s column I reviewed one of my favorite new (well, new to me) seafood restaurants, Blue Moon Fish Co. (if you missed it you can find it and all of my past columns at SFGN.com/Food). This week I thought I’d discuss some of the many other seafood restaurants in the area. Blue Moon was definitely at the higher end of the price spectrum, but there are good seafood restaurants to be found at most price points. I’ve divided them into three categories, from least expensive to break-thebank splurges. I realize that there are many folks out there who can’t afford even the most inexpensive places. Seafood is expensive, but I’m not about to review the Filet-O-Fish at McDonald’s.
your gut, early bird dining specials include dessert and are a terrific bargain. Some folks mistake quantity for quality.
($25 or less per person) Kelly’s Landing, (1305 SE 17th St., 954-760-7009, KellysLanding.com) is the local outpost of a Boston chain, and the connection is milked for all it’s worth. The daily specials are a real deal (on Tuesdays it’s three lobster tails for $20). That’s if you can get in, they don’t take reservations and the lines can be exceedingly long. Southport Raw Bar (1536 N. Cordova Rd., 954-525-2526, SouthPortRawBar.com) is up the street a couple of blocks from Kelly’s and revels in its casual style (rolls of paper towels instead of napkins, plastic gingham tablecloths). There’s nothing more than $15 on the menu (except a huge platter of oysters) and happy hour specials make it an even better deal.
1 .09.2019
For a twist on the usual seafood restaurant check out the punnily named SpiceSea (3811 N. Federal, 954-564-4422, SpiceSeaFL.com). Asian influences fill a menu that would be considered extensive for a restaurant this size. Turn the page and discover even more offerings and you’ll find what makes SpiceSea so unusual: its Asian take on a New England boil. The boil options include seafood only (priced by the pound), or as a combo with side dishes (potatoes, corn on the cob and sausage). Each combo boil easily serves two, or four, for those with smaller appetites. The #4 combo boil, which includes one pound each of shrimp and clams and a choice of king crab legs or two lobster tails is $55. When you figure that’s dinner for two, it’s not a bad deal, split it three or four ways and it’s downright cheap.
Catfish Dewey’s is known for its all you can eat deals.
Catfish Dewey’s (4003 N. Andrews, 954-566-5333, CatFishDeweys.com) is known for its all you can eat deals. All you can eat catfish is offered for $16.95 daily, then there are additional all you can eat deals each day of the week. On Monday and Tuesday, it’s large shrimp (fried or peel-n-eat) for $21.95. Wednesday is the only non-seafood special, BBQ ribs, for $21.95. Thursday and Sunday, Alaskan snow crab legs are at market price, and Friday it’s sea scallops for $25.95. If you really want to pig out, save your appetite for Saturday when it’s a Louisiana special - all you can eat mélange of fried oysters, fried clam strips and boiled crawfish, available for $27.95. If you prefer a deal that won’t bust
Seafood platter at Truluck’s.
Mid-Level Dining
Coconuts faces the water, leaving its sister restaurant G&B Oyster (429 Seabreeze Blvd., 954-525-2421, CoconutsFortLauderdale. com, gandboysterbar.com) with a lovely view of the parking lot. Both places offer a nice balance between super-casual and fine dining. The prices, presentation and service reflect that. That’s not to say the service is bad or unfriendly, quite the contrary, but it lacks the polish and sophistication of a white linen dining experience. G&B Oyster was designed for sittin’, sippin’ and nibblin’ and the menu
reflects it. Most of the dishes are made for sharing. Or kick back and check out the nearly two dozen wines by the glass, or extensive tap beer options, while you enjoy oysters on the half shell. At 15th Street Fisheries (1900 SE 15th St., 954-763-2777, 15StreetFisheries.com) dine upstairs for dinner ($40 average entrée) or more casual downstairs at Fisheries Dockside (main dishes $15-$20) for sandwiches and salads. Rustic Inn Crabhouse (4331 Anglers Ave., 954-584-1637, RusticIOnn.com) is famous for its garlic crabs. At this casual spot you’ll pay $50 to beat your dinner with a mallet. If I don’t sound like a fan, it’s because I’m not. If I’m paying more than one hundred bucks for dinner for two, I want someone waiting on me and presenting food that is ready to eat. There are also plated dinners and sandwiches, similarly over-priced.
Hungry for more?
Fine Dining Truluck’s (2584 E. Sunrise, 954-396-5656, Trulucks.com), is the local outpost of a chain of high-end restaurants where dinner can easily run up to $150 a person (without drinks!) There’s great attention to detail here, with each dish looking like a page from a cooking magazine. Not only is the seafood delicious, they do a damn fine job with a steak, as well. Lobster Bar Grille (450 E. Las Olas, 954772-2675, BuckHeadRestaurants.com), is a white linen restaurant that offers indulgence without going over the top. It’s still expensive, you’ll pay between $80-$100 per person, but that’s a bargain for fine dining. If you want to sample the luxury of these high-end spots stop by for lunch, when you can easily enjoy the benefits of fine dining for about $25 a person.
Visit SFGN.com/FOOD!
Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.
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1.09.2019 •
FOR THE WEEK OF january 10, 2019 - January 15, 2019 • WWW.SFGN.COM J.W. Arnold
He’s back!
theater Bette Midler and Barry Manilow have decided to do a concert together…or rather, Island City Stage associate artistic director Michael Leeds imagines what it would be like if they did, in the world premiere of “Bette & Barry: From Bathhouse to Broadway,” opening tonight and running through Feb. 10 at Wilton Theater Factory, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Tickets at IslandCityStage.org.
dance Miami City Ballet continues its season with “Dances at a Gathering,” tonight through Sunday at the Arsht Center in Miami. The program includes Jerome Robbins’ stunning ballet set to Chopin and “Brahms/Handel,” his collaboration with Twyla Tharp. The program is repeated at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, Jan. 18 – 20, and Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, Jan. 26 – 27. Tickets at MiamiCityBallet.org.
Leslie Jordan often ponders why he “keeps getting trotted out like an aging show pony.” The answer is pretty simple: He’s hilarious…every time. The Emmy Award-winner returns to South Florida tonight as part of the Outlandish performance series at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The “Will & Grace” and “Sordid Lives” star will share stories from his childhood and career in a new show, “Exposed,” starting at 8 p.m. Tickets at OutlandishFL.com. Photo Credit: TheLeslieJordan.com.
1/12 SUN
1/13 MON
1/14 TUE
Tony Award-winning actress and singer Jessie Mueller (“Carousel,” “Beautiful,” “Waitress”) opens producer Mark Cortale’s Broadway cabaret series at the Parker Playhouse, 707 N.E. 8th St. in Fort Lauderdale, in an evening of music and conversation with pianist, Sirius XM personality and the unofficial “Mayor of Broadway” Seth Rudetsky. Tickets start at $37 at ParkerPlayhouse.com.
Aventura Arts and Cultural Center, 3385 N.E. 188th St. in Aventura, opens its Broadway concert series with not one, but two leading ladies, Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley, tonight at 8 p.m. Skinner is known as one of the most versatile and engaging performers on Broadway, while Ripley won a Tony for her role as a bipolar mom in the rock opera “Next to Normal.” Tickets start at $45 at AventuraCenter.org.
The glamorous and sharp-tongued Queen of Meme, Miss Nicolette, is your hostess-with-the-mostest on Monday nights at The Pub, 2283 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors. Log out of Grindr, put down that iPad and head to the drive to play the Meme Game, beginning at 10 p.m. When you win, you take home cold, hard cash and that’s more fun than hours wasted staring at a screen. More information at ThePubWM.com.
The Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd. in Jupiter, presents the feel-good ABBA jukebox musical, “Mamma Mia!,” opening tonight and running through Feb. 10. A daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings back three men from her mother’s past, accompanied by a peppy soundtrack of the Swedish pop groups’s greatest hits from the 1970s. Tickets start at $60 at JupiterTheatre.org.
1 .09.2019
BOX OFFICE: (561) 5752223
JUPITERTHEATRE.ORG 1001 East Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL 33477
“Magico” Visual Concerto January 22, 2019 • 7:45 pm BROWARD CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Big screen images through ground-breaking performance art, features symphonic photochoreography to familiar classics by noted photographer & multi-media artist, Nicholas Bardonnay, who has premiered works with over 180 orchestras worldwide.
1.09.2019 •
A&E opera
South Florida Symphony to Present Gershwin’s Opera, ‘Porgy and Bess’ PIER TOP, PIER SIXTY-SIX HOTEL & MARINA
J.W. Arnold
Rafael Padron & Friends: Paganini to Piazzolla Sunday, Jan 13, 2019 • 5:30 pm
Rafael Padron – guitar | Orlando Forte – violin | Eglise Gutiérrez - soprano An eclectic evening featuring the music of Rodrigo, Piazzolla, Villa-Lobos and Paganini among others.
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1 .09.2019
he artistic and administrative team at the South Florida Symphony are definitely not afraid to tackle a challenge. Case in point: Last season, the symphony collaborated with the famed Martha Graham Dance Co. on a critically-acclaimed world premiere ballet by South Florida composer Tom Hormel, “The Legend of Bird Mountain.” This season, Maestra Sebrina Maria Alfonso, symphony president Jacqueline Lorber and their board of directors have set their sights even higher—George Gershwin’s quintessential American opera, “Porgy and Bess”—and assembled a dream team to guide the production. While Lorber was faced with perhaps the biggest challenge, raising the nearly $500,000 necessary at a time when federal and state support for the arts is shrinking, the creative team set about reimagining Gershwin’s drama, set in a seaside slum in Charleston, South Carolina, for the vastly different stages of the Tennessee Williams Theater in Key West, Arsht Center concert hall in Miami and Au Rene Theater at the Broward Center. Richard Jay-Alexander, the Broadway impresario who stages Barbra Streisand’s concerts and is now a Miami resident, is directing the folk opera. “Porgy and Bess” is one of the musical world’s greatest pieces ever created. Gershwin and all those fantastic characters, in a heartbreaking and thrilling story. It’s not done very often because, quite honestly, it is a daunting task,” the director explained. “I want to tell that story and break everyone’s heart with the humanity of these people. I love this piece and have some history with it, so it’s a bit of a dream come true. We are doing a unique presentation, with the full orchestra on stage,” he added. “That will be very interesting, showing off the ‘pure Gershwin’ of it in all its raw power. The staging will also be unique because, unlike most operas, this one moves at a very rapid pace and I want to engage every single ‘moment’ I possibly can. I can see it in my mind already, but am very excited to get into rehearsal and up onto the stage!” Alfonso is overjoyed with the opportunity to conduct Gershwin’s rich and rhythmic score: She said, “Gershwin’s music makes my soul
Neil Nelson and Brandie Sutton star as the title characters in the South Florida Symphony’s upcoming production of George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.” Courtesy of the South Florida Symphony Orchestra.
dance. There is a rhythm that is just human and whoever hears it cannot ignore its power. Gershwin dared to write an opera that did not represent European opera. He represented American music and especially music which has definitely influenced American music and that is music of African-American heritage.” The performers also look forward to the show. Neil Nelson, who plays Porgy, believes the show has endured for one reason: “It is filled with amazing music!” And, because the entire cast is African-American, he also appreciates the opportunity to share the stage with so many other talented black performers. His costar, Brandie Sutton, agreed, “Honestly, what I love most about being part of any ‘Porgy and Bess’ production is the sense of family I get with the rest of the cast. It’s always a very laidback process and so much fun.”
The South Florida Symphony presents George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess” at the Arsht Center in Miami on Jan. 16, the Tennessee Williams Theater in Key West on Jan. 19 and the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale on Jan. 23. Tickets are available at SouthFloridaSymphony.org.
A&E arts
Fashion designer Carlos Marrero is one of dozens of local artists featured at the ArtExplosion opening reception this weekend at ArtServe. Photo via ArtExplosion.
Local Artists Celebrate 20th Anniversary with ArtExplosion, Month-Long Festival J.W. Arnold
rtsUnited, the local visual, performing and literary arts organization, isn’t just planning a party to celebrate its 20th anniversary. The group will mark the occasion with a special month-long festival, including exhibitions, poetry readings, book signings and artist roundtables in locations across Fort Lauderdale, Oakland Park and Wilton Manors. “Our membership includes more than 120 artists representing virtually every discipline—from painting, sculpture and photography to poetry, fashion design, music and dance,” said ArtsUnited president Chuck Williams. “We’re especially proud to showcase so many talented artists at our 20th annual ArtExplosion. We are offering something for every art lover.” The festival officially kicks off this Saturday at 7 p.m. at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale with an evening of art, fashion, music and entertainment. Guests at the gala opening reception will be treated to an exhibition of dozens of beautiful art works representing a variety of different media and created by local, national and international artists. A special, one-night-only erotic art show will be on display and award-winning airbrush artist and reality show star Avi Ram will turn musclebound models into walking works of art. Photographer Dennis Dean, a longtime ArtsUnited member, said the erotic art is always popular and one of the biggest draws at the show. Later in the ArtServe auditorium, Fashion Reaction, hosted by local fashion expert Max
Tucci from “America’s Next Top Model,” will showcase formal, casual and swim wear created by local designers, including the Carlos Marrero Collection, Isaac Martinez’s IM Project, Laurie Phoenix’s Skitzophrenic and Paul Michael’s GETT WETT. Singers Chad Johnson, Lenora Jaye and Drew Acevedo will also perform throughout the evening. “It’s going to be a wonderful evening,” promised Siegi Constantine, the organization’s secretary, public relations chair and selfdescribed cheerleader. A patron of the arts and LGBT ally, she added, “Our membership includes so much more than just painters and photographer. Our goal is to change that perception during our 20th anniversary season.” Other highlights of the festival schedule include “A Sense of Pride: Thou Art Woman,” an artists’ roundtable on Jan. 11 at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale; “Nightbirds: Photos of NYC’s Dynamic Club Culture Personalities, 1986 -1995” by Michael Fazakerley, opening Jan. 20 at the Stonewall National Museum Wilton Manors Gallery; a book signing featuring artist Timothy Leistner on Jan. 22 at the Oakland Park Library; and the official closing party and winners exhibition on Jan. 26 at Yule Lounge in Wilton Manors. In addition to ArtExplosion, ArtsUnited also mounts monthly exhibitions featuring member artists at the Bona Italian restaurant gallery in Wilton Manors and produces a major LGBT-themed show each June for Pride month.
Tickets for ArtExplosion are $15, including the opening gala, Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. A $25 VIP package includes a special reception at 6 p.m. with champagne toast and reserved seats for the Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. Tickets and a full schedule of ArtExplosion events are available at ArtsUnitedFlorida.com. 1.09.2019 •
A&E theater
Latrice Royale Comes Home The RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4 contestant talks love, life and….drag! Michael Cook
t’s not often you see almost an entire workroom upset to see a fellow competitor go home on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, but that is exactly what you saw when the much beloved and den mother extraordinaire Latrice Royale was eliminated during the most recent episode of All Stars. While others see this as one of their last chances to make an impact on Drag Race fans, Latrice has carved out a very special place in the hearts and minds of fans since her Season 4 appearance; this uber professional queen has business to tend to! I caught up with Latrice post-elimination and we talked about her time on All Stars, her intolerance for unprofessionalism; and the upcoming pivot in Latrice’s career.
Latrice, you are RuPaul’s Drag Race royalty, and as one of the twists of the season, returned to the workroom with your former All Stars 1 partner Manila Luzon. How did it feel to get to shock the whole workroom when you guys walked back in? Twisted! [laughs]. It felt just like it looked. It was good, I was excited about it and coming back and giving the girls a little bit of a scare, you know? Do you think that you could have stood out more in the “Jersey Justice” challenge that ultimately sent you home? Sure. I wasn’t going to stoop to their level though; I just can’t do it, I cannot do it. I am used to working with professionals, and that is all tea and all shade. I am used to working with people who understand comedic timing and when it’s your turn to talk and when it’s time to let other people talk, you know what I mean? There is none of that; it is all “look at me AGGGH”[laughs]!
nature, for me it’s not within my mechanics to go “to the left.” I am not going to join you on your level, I can’t. The only way to be above it is to be above it and that is where I am at. When you came back into the workroom is there anyone that you were surprised not to see? I definitely thought I would see Mariah Balenciaga, but she wasn’t there. There had been a lot of buzz about her, but she wasn’t there [laughs]! Now that one half of Season 1 All Stars team “Latrila” is out of the competition, please tell me that we may get a sequel to your amazing single “The Chop” that was done after your Season 1 All Stars elimination. Ohhhh! Well look, that would depend on Manila, we would have to figure that out, maybe give you guys a follow up. A sequel!
As one of the most seasoned and professional queens to ever walk through that workroom, how do you stay composed when you have interactions with queens that are exceedingly unprofessional, such as what happened with Gia Gunn during this year’s “Snatch Game of Love” challenge?
You come from South Florida, where the drag is legendary. So many girls would absolutely kill it on RuPaul’s Drag Race and each of them have their own unique flavor to offer the show. From Athena Dion to Daisy DeadPetals to Tiffany Fantasia to TP Lords, there are countless girls to choose from in the Sunshine State. Who do you think would absolutely kill it on Drag Race?
That is the part that people don’t understand. It is not as easy as it looks; if it’s not within your
Right, all of them! I think TP would be amazing on the show, I think that Daisy would be great
“The only way to be above it is to be above it
and that is where I am at.” - Latrice Royale
1 .09.2019
Latrice Royale. Photo credit: Latrice Royale.
in all of those challenges, she is kooky like that. I think Athena would be good, and Tiffany Fantasia is a hoot! I keep wondering why more girls from there have not made it on, I don’t know if they aren’t sending their tapes in or what. I know they’re traveling internationally also; we just got Athena booked in London; she’s the Queen of Mykonos!
And more. I never thought that it would be, so it definitely surpassed that, you know? It was never something that was on my radar, but now that it has happened it has made us better. We really try harder at being good for each other and the best that we can be. Even when we have gone through it, we have tried to bring it back home real quick. It’s healthy!
“Here’s To Life” was your one woman show that you traveled with and it was absolutely spectacular!
As a Drag Race superstar who travels the world now, it must be comforting to have that port in the storm who you can come home to and truly be yourself and not have to always be Latrice Royale.
Now, I am going to continue and develop more of my one woman show. I have toured with “Here’s To Life” in Europe and the U.K., but I have not done to much here in the United States, a proper stateside tour, so that is on the horizon. I also want to do more television, more scripted movies, I am kind of transitioning out of the nightclub scene, so you won’t be seeing me there as much. I am too old for that, you know when you get close to a certain age and you’re still in the nightclub you need to reevaluate your life [laughs]. So now you get to come to the theater to see me honey, yes darling! Your pictures from your wedding were glorious, and hearing you talk about you husband Christopher on the show was heartfelt and a great peek at the kind of love that can come when you are being your most authentic self. Is married life everything that you thought it would be and more?
It really does help to have someone who gets it. It takes my own angst away to know that I don’t have to put on airs and I can just relax and just chill and just “be.” It’s the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall and World Pride is coming up. What gives you the most pride for yourself now? What gives me the most pride is the fact that I can use my voice, which I thought I did not have, to make change happen. I can use it to inspire and motivate people. I am most proud of the fact that I do have that effect on people. The fact that my message is being heard makes me proud, and that is all the validation that I need. The fact that people are listening and they hear it and see it and they want better and that they want better for themselves. That is all that I want.
F O R T I C K E T S A N D I N F O R M AT I O N S O U T H F L O R I DAS Y M P H O N Y. O R G | 9 5 4 . 5 2 2 . 8 4 4 5 1.09.2019 •
Theater Tucker Berardi
*Broadway Masterclass with Hamilton Cast Members
Monday, January 21 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. This masterclass with Hamilton actor Tyler McKenzie is for young performers in South Florida. Using material straight from the Tony Award-winning smash hit written by Lin Manuel Miranda, McKenzie will guide students in an unforgettable musical theatre dance workshop, followed by a Q&A about getting started in the industry. Tickets $20. Visit NextStopBroadwayCS.com.
Bette and Barry: From Bathhouse to Broadway
January 10 and 11 previews with public opening January 11 at Wilton Theater Factory Mainstage, 2304 Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors. Picture all those memorable songs like “Wind Beneath My Wings, “Copacabana” “The Rose” and “I Write The Songs” sung by Bette & Barry and backed by the legendary Harlettes. “It’s A Miracle” you say. “Could It Be Magic” you ask. Bring your “Friends” and find out! Tickets $38, visit islandcitystage.org
January 9 - January 15 broward county *Broadway Masterclass with Hamilton Cast Members
Monday, January 21 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. This masterclass with Hamilton actor Tyler McKenzie is for young performers in South Florida. Using material straight from the Tony Awardwinning smash hit written by Lin Manuel Miranda, McKenzie will guide students in an unforgettable musical theatre dance workshop, followed by a Q&A about getting started in the industry. Tickets $20. Visit NextStopBroadwayCS.com.
Bette and Barry: From Bathhouse to Broadway
January 10 and 11 previews with public opening January 11 at Wilton Theater Factory Mainstage, 2304 Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors. Picture all those memorable songs like “Wind Beneath My Wings, “Copacabana” “The Rose” and “I Write The Songs” sung by Bette & Barry and backed by the legendary Harlettes. “It’s A Miracle” you say. “Could It Be Magic” you ask. Bring your “Friends” and find out! Tickets $38, visit islandcitystage. org
spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
palm beach county
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music
The stars of Superior Donuts, Roderick Randle and Mark Kroczynski, get up close and personal on opening night. Photo via Main Street Players, Facebook.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach
* Denotes New Listing
Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county Superior Donuts
January 3 to January 20 at Main Street Plyers, 6766 Main Street, Miami Lakes. Arthur Przybyszewski owns a decrepit donut shop in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. Franco Wicks, a black teenager who is his only employee, wants to change the shop for the better. This comedy-drama explores the challenges of embracing the past and the redemptive power of friendship. Tickets $25 to $30. Visit mainstreetplayers.com.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
1 .09.2019
PORN pulse
‘Bird Box’ Bottoming Meme Goes Viral
The Criminal Defense law CenTer of souTh floriDa
Hunter Houston
ith the caption “Me giving my bottom ‘the speech,’” gay adult film star Austin Wilde tweeted a video of Sandra Bullock’s character’s opening speech from the Netflix horror film Bird Box - in which she warns her children about deadly monsters. “It’s going to be rough, it’s gonna feel like it’s going on for a long time, so it’s gonna be hard to stay alert. It’s gonna be even harder to be quiet, but you have to do both. You have to do every single thing I say, or we will not make it,” Bullock’s character “Mallorie” said in the Twitter clip. The 35-year-old gay porn star’s post has racked up more than 33,000 retweets and likes, surprising Wilde himself, who tweeted that his app was freezing and crashing under the pressure. “‘So it’s going to be hard to stay alert’ fucking kills me” Wilde later added was his favorite part of the joke.
Many people told Wilde to “yell at me daddy” and informed him: “I’m ready.” Other Bird Box reactions arising since the film’s release include the dangerous joke challenge in which people blindfold themselves and try walking around avoiding injury, according to Pink News. This led Netflix to posting a warning on Twitter Jan. 2, tweeting “PLEASE DO NOT HURT YOURSELVES WITH THIS BIRD BOX CHALLENGE.”
Porn Pulse is a weekly column featuring news and tidbits on the gay porn industry. Have a tip? Send Hunter Houston an email at HunterHoustonSFGN@gmail.com.
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January 9 - January 15
Broward Support Services
Tucker Berardi
Top Picks
*CONCEPTualism 2019 Opening Reception
Saturday, January 12 at 7 p.m. at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach. The collaborative team of artists will transform the 4000 square feet exhibition space creating a paradigm where their interdependent thoughts and concepts are woven together literally and metaphorically. Free to attend.
*GFLGLCC January Mixer
Tuesday, January 15 at the Costa Hollywood Beach Resort, 777 N. Ocean Drive. oin us as Reyka Vodka Presents the January Mixer for the GFLGLCC - Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce at Costa Hollywood Beach Resort. $10 for nonmembers. Visit gogayfortlauderdale.com
*Music at Mickel Concert Series
Friday, January 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Mickel Park, 2675 NW 7th Avenue, Wilton Manors. Start the new year off right with live music and a fun-filled night! Escape to Margaritaville with the Caribbean Chillers and dance the night away with your family under the stars. Enjoy food trucks and a cash bar, which will be on-site for those who want to purchase refreshments. Free to attend.
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
Wednesday, February 13 at 11 a.m. at 751 S.W. 121 Ave, Davie. Funds raised at this year’s Women of Vision Luncheon will directly benefit YAA FOR ALL which creates an inclusive, nonjudgmental environment for children and adults with autism. Call 954-424-5018.
*GFLGLCC January Mixer
Tuesday, January 15 at the Costa Hollywood Beach Resort, 777 N. Ocean Drive. oin us as Reyka Vodka Presents the January Mixer for the GFLGLCC - Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce at Costa Hollywood Beach Resort. $10 for nonmembers. Visit gogayfortlauderdale.com
*Music at Mickel Concert Series
Friday, January 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Mickel Park, 2675 NW 7th Avenue, Wilton Manors. Start the new year off right with live music and
1 .09.2019
They have all been drawn from the Clark Collections at Mia, the only collection in the world to feature this extraordinary new form. Tickets $9 to $15. Visit morikami.org.
Coloured Art Exhibit
Family Nights with Food Truck Invasion
December 14 to February 8 at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach. The exhibition Coloured designates a culturally-specific space for checking out how color is set down on canvas, paper and wood to convey diverse renditions of contemporary African diasporic visual culture.Free to attend.
Arts and Crafts Wednesday Happy Hour
Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a two-for-one ‘freestyle’ painting session with hands on assistance as needed. Tickets $20. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com
palm beach county *CONCEPTualism 2019 Opening Reception
Saturday, January 12 at 7 p.m. at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach. The collaborative team of artists will transform the 4000 square feet exhibition space creating a paradigm where their interdependent thoughts and concepts are woven together literally and metaphorically. Free to attend.
Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival * Denotes New Listing
broward county *Young at Art Museum’s Annual Women of Vision Luncheon
celebrate individuals and families whose generosity of time, talent and resources make a significant impact on South Florida’s LGBT community.
a fun-filled night! Escape to Margaritaville with the Caribbean Chillers and dance the night away with your family under the stars. Enjoy food trucks and a cash bar, which will be on-site for those who want to purchase refreshments. Free to attend.
*J. Cohen’s Day Spa Grand Opening
Saturday, January 12 at 6 p.m. at J. Cohen’s Day Spa, 3045 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 42, Fort Lauderdale. The event will include a meet and greet, followed by music, food, wine and product giveaways. Free to attend.
Our Fund LGBT Philanthropy Awards
Saturday, February 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Tower Club, 100 SE 3rd Ave 28th floor, Fort Lauderdale. Join us for a special evening as Our Fund Foundation hosts its inaugural South Florida Philanthropy Awards to
January 20 to February 12 at AMC CityPlace 20. 29th annual The Donald M. Ephraim Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival will present movies from around the world, opening with PAPA, a heart-warming movie about an adopted son searching for his biological parents. Ticket prices vary, visit PBJFF.org or call 877-3180071.
Coffee Clatch at Compass
First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth. A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in community projects. Free to attend, email joekolb@compassglcc.com for details.
Hard Bodies: Contemporary Japanese Sculpture
September 29 to March 31 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the thirty works by sixteen artists comprise the first-ever comprehensive exhibition of contemporary Japanese lacquer sculpture.
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sunset Cove Amphitheater, 8802 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach. The event features rotating entertainment activities and a large collection of Food Trucks on site! Admission is free.
miami-dade county *Monica Lewinsky
Saturday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple EmanuEl, 1701 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach. Lewinsky will be discussing our online culture of humiliation, offering advice on how to overcome bullying, and drawing from personal experience. This event is open to the public, but will be a closed event to press and media. As such, the speaker’s remarks and Q&As will be off the record. Tickets $75 to $200. Visit tesobe. org/monicalewinsky.
Dinner & Dancing in Downtown
December 31 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores. Bring in the new year with some bubbly and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a five course meal and wine pairing. When the night nears midnight, get ready for dancing, music, the ball drop and more! Tickets $175. Visit mtcmiami.org.
Zoo Lights Miami
November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami. Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami.org.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
key west Gay Key West Trolley Tours
Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.
1.09.2019 •
Business Directory
Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com
law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net
Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970
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420 EAST CONSIGNMENT High-End Furniture & Accessories
Trantalis & Associates attorneys Dean J. Trantalis, Esq. 2301 Wilton Drive Suite C1-A, Wilton Manors, 33035 954.566.2226 TrantalisLaw.com
954-451-5295 420eastconsignment@gmail.com 420 E. OAKLAND PARK BLVD Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida 2040 North Dixie Hwy, #218, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
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accomodation wanted LOOKING FOR Quiet Private Home/Apartment - Single Gay Male, 70+, Looking For a 2 bedroom 1 bath. Close proximity to Wilton Manors or surrounding area. A/C, private entrance style home. I have excellent references. Text Doug 954.261.9073.
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