local name global coverage january 23, 2019 vol. 10 // issue 4
Trans military ban reinstated • Page 20, 22 An open letter to craig jungwirth • Page 26 Grindr shuts down online news site - Page 14 SouthFloridaGayNews
Begins on page 28
NEWS highlight
Assassin’s Creed Game Makes Gay Characters Go Straight Nick Adkins
Jesse Monteagudo
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Dana Rudolph • Ric Reily • Terri Schlichenmeyer
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free to craft their own adventure; choosing their character’s gender, playing either as Alexios or Kassandra, and then defining their sexuality with the game’s varied cast of romance options. But the “Legacy of the First Blade, Shadow Heritage” downloadable content, released on Jan. 15, has seemingly taken that choice away. No matter the players’ decisions, their characters are forced to have a straight relationship with another key character and conceive a baby with them. Having the baby unlocks the “Growing Up” game Achievement. “Lesbian and gay players are part of your demographic and after all the hype made on ‘choice’ for this game, being blind sided by a forced heterosexual relationship and a CHILD is a pretty powerful and hurtful statement” twitter user @Bloodwrit wrote. “Hey girl, you’re not gay, you just needed to find the good man and have a baby ! Thx a lot Ubisoft for this revelation... AOC dlc is
pure fake. One step forward, then three steps backwards. But our money is yours,” user @otter_proof added on Twitter. “We have read your responses online and taken them to heart. This has been a learning experience for us. Understanding how attached you feel to your Kassandra and your Alexios is humbling and knowing we let you down is not something we take lightly,” AOC creative director Dumont wrote in a statement addressing the backlash Jan. 17. Dumont explained that the intention of the storyline was to explain how the character’s bloodline has a lasting impact on the eponymous Assassins, but looking through the responses the company realized they “missed the mark” with its execution. “We’ll work to do better and make sure the element of player choice in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey carries through our DLC content so you can stay true to the character you have embodied throughout,” he went on to state.
Cover 1: Sfgn’s 9th anniversary. Cover 2: A protest against the transgender military ban in New York City in 2017. Photo credit: Jere Keys, via Flickr.
Associated Press •
1 . 23.2019
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli piero@sfgn.com Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
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he latest installment of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is forcing gay characters to go straight. Yup, you read that right. The video game world is already notorious for its lack of LGBT representation, so the game stood out by allowing players to choose their gender and sexuality. Not anymore. In the game’s latest downloadable content your character is forced to partner with someone of the opposite sex in order to conceive a baby. That decision was met with outrage from players. “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey [is] drawing queer players in with ‘you can play a character who is 100% uninterested in the opposite sex!’ only to force a heterosexual pairing with a baby” twitter user @dgcatanisiri wrote, using one of the hashtags, #NotMyOdyssey, that many other players protested the forced relationship with. The roleplaying video game, set in Ancient Greece, is based on the idea that players are
January 23, 2019 • Volume 10 • Issue 4
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NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2019 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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1.23.2019 •
LGBTQIA bites Bisexual
‘Gay’ carved into bisexual man’s stomach
A bisexual Kyrgyzstani man has been forced to flee his country after two consecutive brutal attacks, one of which involved his attackers carving the word “gay” into his stomach. In November, the man, identified by PinkNews as A.D., was with a friend, waiting for a cab when three men attacked him. A.D. contacted the police about the incident, and later that month, the three men came back for revenge. The men forced vodka down his throat,
1 . 23.2019
and he ended up in the hospital with the carving on his stomach. “I want the evil leaders of our country to be ashamed of the fact that they cannot protect the rights of citizens of their country,” A.D. told PinkNews. “They caused us pain that we will never forget. Even if we die I want to be heard.” In Kyrgyzstan, 84 percent of the LGBT community reported physical violence.
By Cameren Boatner
UK government attempts to better understand intersex people
The Government Equalities Office will seek out the views of intersex people to better understand their experiences in the U.K. They are going to ask respondents what they go through at school, at the doctor, and their views on medical operations on intersex people, according to PinkNews. Susan Williams, minister for equalities, says the call for evidence is a chance to learn more about people’s everyday lives.
“It is concerning to think that people in the U.K. may be afraid to visit the doctor or feel unable to take part at school because they are not receiving the support they need or deserve,” Williams said, according to PinkNews. They will also ask about medical intervention at birth, which includes surgeries on intersex children and sex assignment. The response form will close on March 28, 2019.
New York to ban gender identity discrimination
Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Credit: Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit, via Flickr.
New York lawmakers voted to ban conversion therapy and gender identity discrimination, according to the Associated Press. The decision now goes to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is expected to sign the bills into law. He praised the bills on Tuesday when they were passed. “This is an issue of basic fairness and today marks an historic day for those in the LGBTQ community who fought
tirelessly for the passage of this bill,” he said in a statement, according to AP. The first bill would stop licensed therapists from attempting to alter a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The second adds gender identity discrimination under hate crime laws, according to the New York Times. This would make it illegal to deny a person housing, accommodations or education based on gender expression or identity.
1.23.2019 •
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1 . 23.2019
NEWS local
Local Bedroom Box Owner Launches GoFundMe to Pay for Cancer Treatments Nick Adkins
ake Gerard, the local owner of the online adult store Bedroom Box, and recently featured on SFGN’s “A Day in LGBT South Florida,” has launched a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help pay for his Lymphoma cancer treatment. “I will be going thru 6 chemotherapy treatments - 1 every 3 weeks then, 4 weeks of radiation 5x a week. It will be hard on friends, family, and I so any help will be most appreciated,” the page states. Links to Gerard’s GoFundMe have been posted on the Wilton Manors Facebook page by his associates. Gerard states on the page that, unable to work during treatment, he will have to suspend his business and move into his family’s house for the six to seven months of treatment. At the time of writing, Gerard has met $670 of his $5,000 goal.
Jake Gerard, as he recently appeared on the cover of SFGN’s ‘A Day in LGBT South Florida’ issue. Photo credit: Nicholas Adkins.
Visit bit.ly/2QTRz7X to donate to his cause.
A “TOP 10”
news international
By Cameren Boatner
the world around
Eastern Europe
Latin america
Chechnya cracks down on gay people again
A rundown of Brazilian president’s homophobic policy
A Russian rights group said Chechnya has renewed its crackdown on gay people. So far, officials have killed two and detained 40, according to a report from Russian LGBT Network. Back in 2017, the region’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov was under fire for a similar crackdown, and has denied accusations that it happened, saying there are no gay people in Chechnya, according to the New York Times. Now, the rights group has received numerous calls from Russian families asking for help. Amnesty International has backed up their report. “News that the authorities have resumed the crackdown is absolutely spine-chilling,” Marie Struthers, a regional director at Amnesty, said in the statement, according to the New York Times. “With lives in jeopardy, there
is an urgent need for an international response.” The director of Russian LGBT Network also said the detainees have been tortured and sexually assaulted.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has quickly rushed in new policy he promised during his campaign, including discriminatory action against the LGBT community. The campaign promise is part of his attempt to restore Christian values to Brazil, by appointing evangelical policy makers. One of his policies is for his human rights minister to ignore all concerns from LGBT people, according to the Associated Press. Bolsonaro didn’t say he had any intention of restoring another organization to handle these concerns. “The human rights ministry discussed our concerns at a body called secretariat of promotion and defense of human rights. That body just disappeared, just like that. We don’t see any signs there will be any other government infrastructure
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.
to handle LGBT issues,” LGBT activist Symmy Larrat told the AP. A guide to STDs for transgender people has also been taken off the government website since Bolsonaro took office.
Chinese artist protests against conversion therapy
Australian gay party apologizes for racist, sexist rules
An artist from Shenzhen is protesting conversion therapy in China, by going to conversion therapy himself. Wu Qiong, 28, organized a series of protests to drive three trucks to hospitals that still offer conversion therapy last weekend, according to South China Morning Post. On the sides, they read, “Treating a ‘disease’ that doesn’t exist,” “Chinese classification of mental disorders still includes ‘sexual orientation disorder,’” and “For 19 years, why?” He also has associates in surrounding cities protesting in other ways. One artist, Nut Brother, opened a clinic offering to turn straight people gay. “There are more than 100 clinics that claim to convert homosexuals, but not a single one that converts heterosexuals,” Brother told South China Morning Post.
Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe
1 . 23.2019
Wu Qiong. Photo via Ode to Art, Facebook.
Both of their demonstrations have received attention online, with the truck protests getting seven million views, and the clinic being searched hundreds of times.
Poof Doof, a gay event in Australia, has been under fire after a picture leaked of their rules for photographers. Some of them include only taking pictures of men, muscular men with good skin in particular, and no photos of “indi boys,” a reference to indigenous people, according to the Advocate. Poof Doof’s organizers issued a statement via Facebook, apologizing for their policy, and saying they’ll change. “If you have ever felt discrimination in our space, that’s not good enough and we are taking full responsibility to fix it,” the apology said. Though the manager of Poof Doof claims the guidelines haven’t been in practice for eight years, photographers have seen them as recent as 2014.
Photo via Poof Doof, Facebook.
1.23.2019 •
NEWS white house watch
Democratic Presidential Field Continues To Grow
Senators Gillibrand, Harris announce campaigns
he Democratic field continues to grow with two more Senators entering the U.S. Presidential campaign. New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand entered the presidential campaign last week, declaring her intentions to seek the Democratic nomination. The 55-year-old attorney condemned President Donald J. Trump in a visit to Iowa over the weekend. Gillibrand said Trump had brought “darkness” to America with “his racist message.” Gillibrand used words such as “heartless,” “immoral,” “inhuman,” and “beyond disgraceful” to describe the Trump administration’s first two years. Gillibrand has served in the Senate since 2009, when she was appointed to replace Hillary Clinton. She previously served in the U.S. House, representing upstate New York. She is proposing a “Medicare for All” health care system and wants to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. On Monday, California Senator Kamala Harris declared her intentions to run, becoming the first black woman in the field. Harris chose Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to make her announcement, imploring supporters in a video to “claim our future.”
John McDonald
As a prosecutor, Harris, 54, has gone after transnational gangs, gun runners, drug dealers and human trafficking. She gained attention with hard questioning of former U.S. attorney general Jeff Sessions during Senate intelligence committee hearings on Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential campaign. Prior to election to the Senate, Harris served as California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017 and was district attorney for San Francisco from 2004 to 2010. Harris and Gillibrand join Senate colleague Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard and former Housing & Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro as declared Democratic presidential candidates.
Kirsten Gillibrand (left) and Kamala Harris. Photos via Facebook.
LGBT Winners of The Week: 1. Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: New commissioner Nikki Fried added sexual orientation and gender identity to the department’s workplace protections. The policy change, affecting an estimated 4,000 employees, was hailed as historic and a first for a Florida governmental agency.
2. Kate Brown, Oregon Governor: Brown was sworn in to her second and final term as Oregon Governor. She identifies as bisexual. Her husband pitched in during the federal government shutdown to clean the bathrooms at Mount Hood National Forest Sno-Park. He sent the $28 bill to President Trump.
White House Watch is a weekly column taking a look at the state of the 2020 Presidential election.
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NEWS state
Compass staff pose with their funds received from Smart Ride. Photo via Facebook.
Smart Ride Distributes Funds to Beneficiaries Jason Parsley
mart Ride, an annual two-day 165- Wellness & Community Centers, $152,256; mile bicycle ride from Miami to Key and Miracle of Love, $132,094. West, recently distributed the funds “Funds raised from The Smart Ride are it raised from its event in November to the crucial resources for our Care Coordinators beneficiaries. and Support Workers. Every dollar raised The 2018 ride was the can be quickly applied to help our organization’s best year families at the moment they need to date in terms of it most. Our patients never fundraising, with about have to make the choice to $1.2 million raised. forego medical care and Since its inception set back their health,” it’s raised about said Dr. Ana Calderon, $10.4 million. Executive Director of “It feels CDTC. “The Smart Ride incredible from the is an amazing resource standpoint of how for the CDTC and the much money we’ve community we serve. raised over the years,” The lives of our patients - Glen Weinzimer Founder of Smart Ride founder Glen Weinzimer are forever changed and said. are so much better thanks to Last year the ride also the participants’ devotion and celebrated 15 years. dedication to helping those in need and to The top recipient was AIDS Help of finding a cure to this devastating disease.” Monroe, which received $171,369. In addition to the monies above, $117,000 Here are the rest of the recipients: was added to the ride’s 10% Lifeline program. Pridelines, $139,267; Children’s Diagnostic That money will be distributed to various & Treatment Centers, $135,298; Compass, agencies throughout the year that need help. $154,223; Broward House, $160,147; Metro
“It feels incredible from the standpoint of how much money we’ve raised over the years.”
The next Smart Ride takes place Nov. 16-17. To learn more about the annual bike ride visit TheSmartRide.org.
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1.23.2019 •
NEWS local
Latinos Salud Celebrates a Decade of Service with
Anniversary Gala Martin Gould
fter serving South Florida’s gay population for a decade, providing HIV education and treatment services throughout South Florida, Latinos Salud determined that this milestone anniversary would be the perfect time to stage its first fundraising gala. “We owe it to our partners, organizations and the communities we serve to commemorate and celebrate 10 years of service,” said Latinos Salud’s Executive Director Stephen Fallon. On Feb. 2, Latinos Salud will hold its firstever Gala, celebrating its 10th Anniversary at the Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA) in Dania Beach. “We’re expecting 300 people,” Fallon said. “About half the tickets have already been sold.” The Gala will be a full evening, with open bar, hors d’oeuvres, local Hispanic musicians and performers, a fullcourse plated dinner and gift bags. Unlike Latinos Salud’s DiversiSAFE events, which offer free entry for sharing educational updates about HIV, there is a charge to attend the anniversary gala. “We’ve made ticket prices as low as possible and we’re offering discounts for those who purchase tickets early,” Fallon said. Early bird VIP tickets are $200, which includes a preview cocktail hour with open
bar, passed hors d’oeuvres and a meet-andgreet with Project Runway All-Star winner Mondo Guerra, who will also participate in an “Actor’s Stage” discussion, reflecting on his own HIV-positive status. NBC 6 News Anchor Roxanne Vargas will emcee the Gala. Early regular tickets are $150 through Jan. 25. Both prices increase Jan. 26, so guests are encouraged to reserve their spots early. “This is like putting on a wedding,” Fallon said. Like almost all its programs and activities, Latinos Salud’s choice of venue is also unique. “We wanted a place where we could set our own theme and bring in our own caterer and decorations,” Fallon said. “We’re using two atriums at DCOTA for the program. We’ll have a DJ plus live singers and musicians.” SERVING THE WHOLE COMMUNITY While Latinos Salud’s focus is on Latinos, it serves the whole community, including
Photos via Latinos Salud, Facebook.
all persons living with HIV, and anyone around clients’ busy schedules. Latinos who identifies as transgender. The agency’s Salud also reaches out to the community three locations are anything but clinical. at night, via mobile vans that are out in “Many of our clients each county one or two are new to South Florida, nights a week as late as or even to the U.S., and 3:30 a.m. By staying open they often arrive confused late, those who would about services, in dire not normally be seeking financial situations. Many health services will come come from countries in for evaluation and where there was no sex treatment, or for one of education, and medical the agency’s socialized care was only for the programs that help wealthy. Rather than just establish rapport and giving patients referrals, a sense of security. All our staff puts in the of the organization’s - Stephen Fallon extra time to help clients services are free. “We Executive Director of Latinos Salud navigate the system, give our clients the tools complete paperwork, to stay HIV negative, but and even accompany them to their if they are positive, our goal is to get them appointments.” into life-saving care.” The agency operates non-traditional And that’s more than reason enough to hours, staying open until 9 p.m., to fit hold a tenth anniversary gala.
“We give our clients the tools to stay HIV negative, but if they are positive, our goal is to get them into care.”
IF YOU GO WHAT: Latino Salud 10th Anniversary Gala Celebration WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. (VIP event at 6 p.m.) WHERE: Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA) 1855 Griffin Rd., Dania Beach. Free parking. TICKETS: LatinosSalud.org or call 954-765-6239. 12
1 .23.2019
BREAKING NEWS state State Senator Joe Gruters. Photo via Joe Gruters, Facebook.
Florida Republican Introduces Workplace Nondiscrimination Bill LGBT advocates are hopeful this bill will succeed where others have failed Jason Parsley
bill to protect LGBT people in Florida LGBTQ Floridians — discrimination in from workplace discrimination was the workplace,” said Hoch, President and introduced in the Florida Senate Founder of the PBCHRC. “Achieving this first on Tuesday by State Senator Joe Gruters step will open the door, enabling us to move (R-Sarasota), who is also the chair of the forward to protect our community in every Republican Party of Florida. part of Florida and in every area of our lives.” This is not the first time a bill to protect The bill was a collaboration between LGBT people in Florida from discrimination Gruters and SAVE Florida, a coalition that has been introduced. The first such piece of includes SAVE, PBHRC, Translatina and legislation was introduced in 2007. the Conservatives on the Right of Equality. “This is different because it’s focused on Former said State Representative David just workplace protections for Richardson (D-Miami Beach) the entire community,” said also provided assistance with Tony Lima, executive director of the bill. SAVE. “We have a responsibility “For the past decade, passing to our community and our protections for the LGBTQ donors to push a bill that has a community was not made a chance of movement. We can’t legislative priority. Continuing continue to push a bill that to rely on a failed strategy — flounders.” and a bill that has floundered Lima and Rand Hoch from for years — no longer makes the Palm Beach County Human sense,” Richardson said Rights Council believe this in a press release. “Policy piece of legislation will have a change is often incremental. stronger chance of becoming I applaud Senator Gruters for law since it was introduced by his fresh approach which is - Tony Lima Executive Director the newly elected chair of the fully inclusive of the LGBTQ of SAVE Republican Party in Florida. community.” “This will send a strong Lima said a similar bill in the message to other conservatives,” Lima said. Florida House of Representatives would be The bill, the Florida Inclusion Workforce introduced in a few weeks. Act (FIWA), would add sexual orientation When asked if he believed newly elected and gender identity to Florida’s Civil Rights Republican Governor Ron DeSantis would Act. sign legislation protecting the LGBT “[This] bill is sharply focused on the community Lima said, “There is a possibility. key economic discrimination faced by We have hope.”
“We have a responsibility to our community and our donors to push a bill that has a chance of movement.”
1.23.2019 •
NEWS national
Grindr Shuts Down Its
LGBT News Site Nick Adkins
NTO, the online LGBT magazine owned and operated by gay dating app Grindr, laid its editorial staff off this week, effectively ending the digital publication’s 17-month run.
“The company will be refocusing its efforts well as the app’s head of communications, on video and as such, the editorial and social Landon Rafe Zumwalt. teams were let go this morning,” a joint “After a thoughtful and collaborative statement from several INTO process, we decided to modify employees said. “We feel that INTO’s content mix to rely more “I refused to INTO’s closure is a tremendous heavily on video. This decision loss for LGBTQ media, was driven by the high user compromise journalism, and the world.” engagement and development my own values An anonymous source told we see through channels such or professional Out Magazine that Grindr as video and YouTube,” the President Scott Chen laid off integrity to defend layoff announcement email both INTO’s editorial and social a statement that read. staff Tuesday morning without “We aimed to give a voice to goes against warning. those who need one now more INTO, which launched in than ever, a platform for them everything I am August 2017, published news see themselves represented and everything I to articles, op-eds and advice wholly,” the staff responded in believe.” columns geared toward a statement. LGBT readers. The site’s Grindr’s dismissal of INTO’s - Landon Rafe journalism won awards from editorial staff comes just six Zumwalt the National Lesbian Gay weeks after the site broke the Former Grindr head Journalism Association and the story about Grindr President of Communications Transgender Legal Defense and Scott Chen’s controversial Education Fund. comments about same-sex This follows the departure of Grindr’s marriage. chief content officer, Zach Stafford, who also “Some people think the marriage is a holy served as the publication’s editor-in-chief, as matrimony between a man and a woman, and Scott Chen, Grindr President. Photo via Linkedin.
1 .23.2019
I think so too. But that’s your own business,” Chen wrote on Nov. 26 in a Facebook post. “Some people think the purpose of the marriage is to have a child carries your own DNA. But again, this is your own business.” Chen, who has been an executive at Grindr since Chinese gaming company Kunlun took over the app in 2017, shot back at INTO’s story in the comments section, saying the Grindr-owned news source took his marriage comments out of context. Chen’s comments, however, led to at least one executive leaving the company in protest. “As an out and proud gay man madly in love with a man I don’t deserve, I refused to compromise my own values or professional integrity to defend a statement that goes against everything I am and everything I believe,” Grindr’s then head of communications, Landon Rafe Zumwalt said after stepping down. All three of the publication’s full-time editorial employees are affected by the
layoffs, including Managing Editor Trish Bendix and Politics Reporter Nico Lang, as well as all contract writers. “Working in LGBTQ media (or maybe even just media) can make you feel like a stunt queen living for the drama with announcements such as this. I am, as my now former colleague Nico Maupin has coined, ‘pivoting to unemployment’ with this news,” Bendix said on Facebook. “I am sad for LGBTQ content creators who are now without a platform and a place to pay them fairly and quickly for highly-specific and personal stories, and for faithful readers who seemed to appreciate our worldwide approach to underreported queer and trans issues.” When asked about the layoffs of INTO’s editorial staff, Zumwalt said he was not surprised and called it “extremely sad for the queer community.” When asked whether he thought the closure could be related to INTO’s Chen article, Zumwalt said “no comment,” according to NBC.
NEWS national Meagan Hunter. Photo via the ACLU.
Lesbian Quits Chili’s Over Dress Code John McDonald
he American Civil Liberties Union more femininely, wear make-up, have her has filed a formal complaint with the hair styled and wear jewelry.” U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity “The court recognized that Hopkins, a Commission on behalf of an Arizona lesbian senior manager, was stuck between a rock who said she experienced sex discrimination and a hard place – out of a job because she while working for Chili’s. was considered too ‘macho’ and out of a job “I’m out of a job because my if she wasn’t seen as macho boss didn’t think I look like a enough,” writes Tabacco Mar, woman,” reads the headline of of the ACLU’s LGBT and HIV a statement by Meagan Hunter. project. Hunter, an ex-host, expeditor In a press release, Chili’s and cook at a Phoenix, Arizona parent company, Brinker Chili’s, states the division International contends manager offered a promotion “absolutely no mention was on one condition: Dress more made of any need to conform gender appropriate. to gender-specific clothing.” Instead of accepting the offer The company stated Hunter Hunter quit in protest, leaving a was offered a promotion to the job she said she enjoyed and cocertified shift leader program workers she considered family. and feedback was given about - Meagan Hunter “I couldn’t continue to work manager dress code guidelines at a place where my willingness that apply to all regardless Former employee to conform to a stereotype was of gender identity or sexual more important than my job orientation. performance,” Hunter said. “We will not and do not tolerate ACLU senior staff attorney Ria Tabacco discriminatory behavior at Chili’s,” the Mar cites a 1989 Supreme Court decision company stated. that was intended to help Hunter. In Price Chili’s is a corporate restaurant chain with Waterhouse vs. Hopkins, the high court locations around the world. The first Chili’s ruled in favor of a woman who was told her opened in 1975 in Dallas, where an old post “professional” problems would be solved if office was “converted into a funky little joint only she would, “walk more femininely, talk named Chili’s.”
“I’m out of a job because my boss didn’t think I look like a woman.”
1.23.2019 •
NEWS local
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Alibi Goes Pink to Finger Prostate Cancer Hosts Pink Nails Fundraiser Wednesday, Jan. 30
Denise Royal
rostate cancer is the second most to promote awareness about prostate common cancer among men. cancer. As the Pink Nail Society According to the American continues its mission to give prostate Cancer Society, about 1 man in 9 will cancer the finger, it is holding a countrybe diagnosed with prostate music themed fundraiser. cancer during his lifetime. It takes place on According to Prostate cancer develops Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. mainly in older men and at Georgie’s Alibi Monkey the American African-American men. Bar in Wilton Manors. Cancer Society, The average age at the time The event will feature of diagnosis is 66 years old. live performances, a 50/50 about 1 man Prostate cancer can raffle, a photo booth, silent in 9 will be present unique challenges auction, and more. A $20 to patients and physicians donation is needed for VIP diagnosed alike. There are differing access. The silent auction with prostate opinions about the age opens to everyone from men should begin prostate p.m. cancer during 7-10 cancer screenings. Unlike The mission of the Pink other cancers that have Nail Society is to raise his lifetime. a specific road map for awareness about prostate treatment, prostate cancer cancer in Fort Lauderdale generally revolves around opinions and and the surrounding areas, collaborate biases. with community partners, and Those are some of the reasons why contribute money to prostate cancer the Pink Nail Society works tirelessly research.
Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar is located at 2266 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Visit PinkNailSociety.org for additional information. 16
1 .23.2019
1.23.2019 •
NEWS local
Unity and Fellowship on Full Display at first
Ujima Networking Social Deon C. Jefferson
he LGBT community is notorious for showing unity in various ways. The Ujima Men’s Collective started off the new year by showing unity through a networking social. What better place to have an LGBT networking mixer than at The Stonewall Museum, located in the heart of Wilton Manors on Wilton Drive. The mixer was a chance for creatives and Elephant” Movement at the 1310 Gallery business experts to fellowship together, in Fort Lauderdale. Glenroy James, MBA meet new friends, and connect generations. and insurance agent from New York Life “Our first Ujima Men’s Collective Insurance. James aims to help individuals networking Social was an amazing become millionaires by the time they hit opportunity to meet other black 65, sometimes sooner. Jamie LGBTQ entrepreneurs and from ATG Print House also leaders from South Florida,” made an appearance. Jamie said Lorenzo Robertson spends her time creating art the Ujima Men’s Collective for her clients through screen Coordinator. “It was great to printing, embroidery, graphic have a space to share to put design, vinyls, and even into practice the Principles of promotional flyers. Kwanzaa. To recognize and to Several of the guests that support our people. A space to were in attendance spoke unapologetically Black.” about working with each During the early stages of other on future projects the mixer, everyone had the and collaborating at various opportunity to speak as they community functions. stood in a circle, introduce One guest, Ederick Johnson, themselves, share cool facts who serves as the Minister of about their business, and pass Music of the Historical St. John out business cards. AME Church South Miami Although the Ujima and former Coordinator of Collective is a male initiative, the KiKi Project at the Pride women were also allowed to Center, was there in good - Ederick Johnson Minister of Music of the attend the event. Some of the spirits as he met new people Historical St John AME guests included Eric Runyan, and caught up with old Church South Miami President of the Front Runners friends. of Fort Lauderdale. The “In this community we organization promotes running, walking, lack togetherness and unity,” Johnson said. and all-around socializing. “To be in a room with so many influential Creative Artist and LGBT Advocate persons from our community was amazing. I Nikki Lopez, who is well known in the Fort also went to support Lorenzo Robertson who Lauderdale art community, was also present. has committed a lifetime to the betterment Lopez is the creator of the “What’s Your of our society.”
“To be in a room with so many influential persons from our community was amazing.”
Nikki Lopez speaking at the networking social. Photo by Carina Mask.
The mixer was a chance for
creatives and business experts to fellowship together, meet new friends, and connect generations.
1 .23.2019
For more information on how you can be involved in the next networking session, contact ujimamen.net.
NEWS local Photos by Carina Mask Nikki Lopez.
Lorenzo Robertson (left) and Ederick Johnson.
To see many more Ujima photos, visit SFGN on Facebook.
1.23.2019 •
NEWS national
Supreme Court Reinstates
Trans Military Ban – Kind Of SCOTUS overturned 2 of the 3 injunctions making their way through the courts. The third injunction still stands. Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
he U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday granted the Trump administration’s request to temporarily vacate two national injunctions that have prevented a ban on transgender people in the military from going into effect. But the order denied the administration’s request that the Supreme Court immediately take up the matter of whether President Trump’s proposed ban is constitutional, and some LGBT legal activists say an injunction in another case keeps the ban intact. “As a practical matter, this is bad for transgender people currently in service,” said Jennifer Levi, director of the Transgender Rights Project for the GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (aka GLAD). She said it “strengthens the government’s position that it may be permitted to exclude people from serving,” but she said the order is “very limited” and declined the Trump administration’s request to have the high court hear arguments on the constitutionality of the ban itself before the litigation winds through the normal court process. “This is a very narrow, limited ruling from the Supreme Court that allows the cases to
“We will keep fighting this ban in the courts below and believe that it ultimately will not be allowed to stand.” - Jennifer Levi Director of the Transgender Rights Project for GLAD
1 .23.2019
A previous protest outside the White House. Photo credit: Ted Eytan, via Flickr.
proceed on the merits in the lower courts,” Levi said. “We will keep fighting this ban in the courts below and believe that it ultimately will not be allowed to stand.” Tuesday’s order affected three of the four lawsuits challenging President Trump’s proposed ban on transgender people in the military: Karnoski v. Trump, Stockman v. Trump, and Jane Doe v. Trump. Only two of those cases (Karnoski and Stockman) had injunctions in place against the ban. Both are pending argument before the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court order did not affect an injunction granted in another fourth lawsuit, Stone v. Trump. Shannon Minter, legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said, “The Stone injunction is still in place so the government cannot yet enforce the ban until it takes some further action to get out from under the Stone injunction.” There is some confusion on that last point. Numerous media reports say Tuesday’s order sets the Trump administration free to implement its ban. Peter Renn, attorney for Lambda Legal, which is representing service members in Karnoski v. Trump, said the order allows the Trump administration “to begin kicking
openly transgender troops out of the armed services and to deny transgender people the opportunity to enlist.” But Renn acknowledged the order is “perplexing to say the least.” “On the one hand, [it is] denying the Trump administration’s premature request for review of lower court rulings before appellate courts have ruled and rebuffing the administration’s attempt to skirt established rules,” said Renn, “and yet, on the other, allowing the administration to begin to discriminate, at least for now, as the litigation plays out.” Renn said that, while Tuesday’s order did not affect the Stone injunction, the U.S. Department of Justice will probably move very quickly to urge the district court in that case that it should stay its injunction now, too, given the Supreme Court’s order today. GLAD’s Levi said that “no one has a crystal ball to know what the district court will do in Stone.” But she acknowledged that “it’s fair to predict that, whenever the question gets back up to the Supreme Court on whether the injunction will stay in place while the challenge proceeds below on the merits, that the Supreme Court is likely to grant a stay in Stone as it did in Karnoski and Stockman.” NCLR and GLAD are representing numerous transgender service members in
two of the cases involved Tuesday: Stockman v. Trump in Los Angeles, which is awaiting action by the Ninth Circuit appeals court, and Jane Doe v. Trump in Washington, D.C., which is pending before the federal appeals court for D.C. The third lawsuit involved in the January 22 order is Karnoski v. Trump, another Ninth Circuit case, led by Lambda Legal. The Stone v. Trump case is being led by the ACLU on behalf of service members in Maryland and will eventually come before the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. The Jan. 22 order from the Supreme Court indicated that the vote on the Karnoski and Stockman petitions had been 5 to 4, with Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan saying they would have denied the petitions. LGBT legal groups had argued against the Trump administration petitions to vacate the injunctions, saying that it was too soon for the Supreme Court to become involved in the litigation. They noted that no federal appeals court had yet to rule on the constitutionality of the proposed ban or on the injunction against the ban. Three federal appeals courts made preliminary rulings that the injunctions could stand until a full hearing on their merits and the ban could be played out. The fourth case, Stone, is still before a district court.
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SFGN Editorial
THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT WRONG It’s Trump, not trans people, who should not serve
Norm Kent
he U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war. The President, however, is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. He has been congressionally empowered with enormous latitude regarding matters of military readiness. The powers are expansive, with too few constraints. They were vested in our chief executive even before the 9/11 attacks on America. They have grown since then. They need to be restrained, and the president’s powers need to be harnessed. Accordingly, the revelations last year that President Trump was going to ban America’s entire transgender population from serving in the military was deeply troubling. Emboldened by new conservative Supreme Court justices, he could likely prevail in the High Court. Yesterday, by a 5-4 vote, he did. Despite professional recommendations,
1 .23.2019
military advice, and a Rand National Defense Research Institute study, the transphobia of Donald Trump has been given a judicial seal of approval. It is a sad day for our country, and a slap in the face for everyone in our community. SFGN condemns and censures the impeachable president for his wicked shortsightedness. All of the studies discussing the participation of transgender populations serving in our armed forces have reached a conclusion that their status does not impede or impair military readiness in any fashion. The Supreme Court decision is morally wrong and socially unacceptable. It is from another century
long since past. A transgender person who is fit should be allowed to serve in America’s armed forces. Ironically, it is President Trump who is unfit, and should not be allowed to serve in the White House. Any American who wants to serve and can meet the military’s standards should be afforded the opportunity to compete to do so. It is an all-volunteer force built upon having the most qualified Americans. It is supposed to be based on honor and trust, not arbitrary and capricious classifications molded by presidential neanderthalism. The National Center for Transgender Equality
Ironically, it is President Trump who is unfit, and should not be allowed to serve in the White House.
estimates that more than 15,000 transgender people are serving in the military. The ban destroys dignity and unjustly demeans many lives. It is the president who should be so dishonored, not loyal souls capably serving our country. The permissive and perverted president who brags about grabbing “pussy” has screwed us once again. Discrimination based on gender identity is sex discrimination at its worst. It is an unconscionable policy, which rightfully came to an end under the administration of Barack Obama. Abandoning an enlightened policy to move back in time is yet one more reason to bring an end to the era of Donald Trump. Americans who serve in the military are called upon to defend our beliefs, in war and peace, black or white, rich or poor, in uniform, or not. It doesn’t matter. If equality is a principle everyone can fight and die for, it ought to be a principle everyone should live by.
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Andy Marlette
1.23.2019 •
Trans Talk
Haircuts and Barbershops
as a Trans Person
Atticus Ranck
air is an important part of the way someone presents to the world. A haircut can say a lot about someone, whether you want to appear professional, maybe carefree, or predictable, hip and trendy, etc. Socially, hair can also say a lot about someone’s gender. For a long time, I had curly hair that was down to about my shoulder blades. I usually always wore it in a ponytail, partly because I was an athlete and partly because I didn’t like being feminine. When I was in my sophomore year of college, I was ready to cut it off. I even sat down in the salon chair but I couldn’t quite do it. I finally got up the courage a year later. I started to want shorter hair when I felt like it just wasn’t working for me anymore. I was presenting masculine in my dress and appearance but my hair was still too long and feminine for my taste. I didn’t like how it looked when I wore a shirt and tie. But my hair was a big part of my identity, too. It was part of what defined me. The biggest change I ever did to my hair was when I grew out my bangs (side note: bangs and curly hair did not work for me! Thanks, mom) in seventh grade and then changing it from a middle part to a side part in ninth grade. I had never dyed it or cut it in any way out of the ordinary. So to go from the same hair I always had to a very short haircut was a huge change and I was nervous about how people would react. However, by the time I finally cut it off, I was more than ready. It was liberating and it solidified my identity as a lesbian - I looked the part! Of course, not all lesbians have short hair, but for me, it made a statement to the world that let everyone know I was a masculine lesbian. I was here and I was queer. For the first few years of having short hair, I had only gone to one hairstylist. She was the one who initially cut my hair short and I kept going to her for 3 years until I moved. When I moved to Florida for graduate school, I started going to the barbershop on campus. I figured I had short hair like a man, why should I pay the women’s prices for a haircut? (Seriously, why are women’s haircuts, even if they have short hair, so much
The haircut was instrumental to helping the world see me as the man I started to feel I was.
1 .23.2019
more expensive?) When I first went there, I was nervous. I had never even been inside a barbershop and I perceived these spaces as exclusive to men. I continued to go to this barbershop as I transitioned. The haircut was instrumental to helping the world see me as the man I started to feel I was and that trumped any anxiety I felt. Luckily, my anxiety was all in my head. When my beard starting coming in, the barbers treated my peach fuzz like the burgeoning beard it was. Even though I’ve moved multiple times since then and since I pass as a cisgender male, I can get my haircut at any barbershop now without wondering, “Will this barber see me as a woman or a man?” “Will the haircut he gives me reflect how I want the world to see me?” Even though I pass, I still get anxiety about going to a new barber, not just because I want my haircut to look
good, but also because I still perceive barbershops as uber masculine spaces and I always feel like an imposter, like they’ll know I’m not one of them. I recently got my haircut at a barbershop I’ve never been to before. As he’s cutting, he asks me where I came from. I told him I work just down the street. He asked me where I work. I panicked because I work for an LGBT community center. Do I tell him? What if he treats me differently? Do I lie? Then I remembered that it’s 2019. Even though violence against trans people is very real, I thought I should give him the benefit of the doubt by not making an assumption about his beliefs. “I work for an LGBT Community Center.” He said, “Oh cool.” And then proceeds to ask me if I know of someone who he knows who is heavily involved in the LGBT community in the next city. I did happen to know him and we made small talk while he cut my hair in exactly the way I asked him to.
Atticus Ranck is the Health Programs & Supportive Services Manager for Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Transgender Services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Atticus is a trans man who advocates for the LGBT community through his work, trainings, presentations, and everyday encounters.
Community press release
‘The Rising of the Sun’ Charity Ball Imperial Sun Court of All Florida
he Imperial Sun Court of All Florida is hosting their first Charity Ball, Coronation One “The Rising of the Sun” Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019 at 7 p.m. at Embassy Suites in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to the crowning of Florida’s first Sun Emperor and Empress, The Court will also be disbursing almost $20,000 of
funds raised for local and state charities. There are over 15 out of state courts that will be in attendance, including Queen Mother One of The Americas, Empress Nicole Murry Ramirez and Emperor One of The Americas, Emperor Terry Seidi. Tickets can be purchased online at www. imperialsuncourtfl.org.
SHOULD BE AS DIVERSE AS EVER Whether you are in the bisexual or transgender
communities, are asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, or maybe you still aren’t sure, SFGN is proudly here to connect you with
the rest of our colorful community.
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Publisher's Editorial
An Open Letter to Craig Jungwirth Take Down Your False Ads for Beach Bear Weekend
Take down this ad, Craig! Take down this ad.
Norm Kent
Dear Craig, I know. You are back. But Arnold Schwarzenegger, you are not. People are bumping into you all over town. Unfortunately. Also, we see you are now advertising online, for money, a barbecue at the Sebastian Street beach in Fort Lauderdale on Pride Weekend. You were attempting to sell tickets to the event for $49.95. Craig, my newspaper has a problem with that. You see, it is and was a fraud. First, you are using the logo of Pride Fort Lauderdale to promote it. That’s bullshit, and you know it. They did not give you that right. You are knowingly committing this fraud with the complete knowledge it is a lie. Pride Fort Lauderdale’s director has asked you to take it down. So have I. You ignored both of us. Bad boy. Here is the thing that troubles me about this scam. You own the site and logo for Beach Bear Weekend. You not only purchased it, you went to court to fight to protect the right to use that name. Keep it. You have tainted it beyond repair. No one else wants it, anyway. However, by your own history in fighting to protect the name “Beach Bear Weekend,” you are telling the world that you know the importance of having a domain, a logo, a website and a brand you control. In fact, you acquired a trademark and copyright for it. Congratulations. Good luck with that. But guess what? Pride Fort Lauderdale also acquired a trademark and copyright on theirs. Now, today, your website’s misleading advertisement is illegally infringing on their rights. You are tainting their good name with your bad name. Unlike your ad implies, no Craig, Pride Fort Lauderdale is neither sponsoring nor partnering with you on your phony event. They want nothing to do with you. In fact, no one does. We all know you are perpetrating a fraud. Craig, we also know you were “selling” a Pride Fort Lauderdale barbecue for $49.95 on the Sebastian Street Beach at A1A. But Craig, for your information, that is potentially a federal crime — wire fraud.
1 .23.2019
There are a few other lies in your online promo. First, the “public” beach is free for anyone to go to anytime they want. It is not for sale. Second, the city did not give you a permit to sell food on the beach. We checked. For your information, the city requires any proposed vendors to fill out an application, pay a fee, and make a formal request. You have done none of those things. Whoops. Slipped up a little there, didn’t you? You know, if you really believed in your Beach Bear Weekend, you would honestly promote it, instead of wrongfully passing off your “parties” as ones that are embraced by Pride Fort Lauderdale. They are not, and you know that. Craig, this is the same scam and phony game you played a few years ago. It did not work then, and we are putting an end to this now. Everyone will know “Beach Bear Weekend” is not affiliated with any legitimate promotional event for Pride Fort Lauderdale. SFGN will see to that. Blame me. When your similar attempt at this venture failed a few years ago, you went and got yourself arrested for allegedly making online terroristic threats. You were accused by federal authorities of stating that you were going to orchestrate a “Pulse” like attack against gay residents in Wilton Manors. Where did that get you? Oh, yes, a year in jail, in federal custody, with no bond, until the case was not prosecuted. Your other past conduct of committing stupid misdemeanors, like not paying for your lunch in a local restaurant, earned you a year’s probation, which you violated by not paying restitution. More jail time, and then you wound up with court ordered mental health counseling. Wonderful. Since the federal allegations were cleared, you have done very little to persuade anyone that there were any judicial miscalculations to begin with. Now here we are again, back where we started, with you marketing a phony event, and threatening the people who tell you to cease and desist. Really, man, do you want to spend your life
on bond? Even your own mother has now charged you with domestic violence. You can’t even go home again to Orlando, which is no fun for all of us down here in South Florida. You are on a road to nowhere; to ruin rather than restoration. Is this the life you envisioned for yourself when you entered MIT? Are you the same guy who once told me you were going to turn your life around by working on an “innocence project” for wrongfully jailed inmates? It appears not. Instead, you appear to be the same guy who had multiple restraining orders imposed against him for stalking charges by four separate circuit court judges in three different states even before you moved to Florida. We create the world we live in by our choices each day. We can use our talents for good or evil; to heal and help, not hurt or harm. The good you do in life comes back to you, but so does the bad. Look which direction you are headed in. Get help now. Turn it around. I would rather be writing about all the good things that Pride Fort Lauderdale is
doing rather than the bad things that you are wasting my time on. However, my duty and obligation as the publisher of South Florida’s community LGBT newspaper is to protect our readers from scams and scoundrels. That’s you Craig; that’s you. The next time you read this so will the 50,000 weekly readers of SFGN, along with who knows how many thousands nationally and internationally. It did not have to be this way Craig. You are just a meteor on his way to burn out. I celebrate my 40th anniversary as a lawyer in South Florida this year. I have seen countless guys like you over four decades, mostly in my role as a criminal defense attorney. They wind up in prison, man. They wind up in prison. Our community cannot afford gay visitors coming here from all over the country to be fooled by you or any other scam. We can’t be silent. Our newspaper reports on our community’s victories, but also has a duty to report on its warts and wounds. You are forever a wart.
1.23.2019 •
From local to world wide,
our reporting never stops...
Year 9
anniversary SFGN takes a look back at our journey throughout the years.
1 .23.2019
12.12.2018 •
FEATURING Anne Burrell David Burtka Giada De Laurentiis Tyler Florence Alex Guarnaschelli Neil Patrick Harris Robert Irvine Adam Richman & Many More
Preferred Card
DRAG BRUNCH PRESENTED BY BARILLA hosted by Alex Carr and Elvis Duran part of the CRAVE Greater Fort Lauderdale Series presented by Capital One
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 Featuring a special performance by Billy Porter
Confirmed sponsors as of December 2018
1.23.2019 •
9 Years
f o s r a e y e n i n n o ith a look back
s ew n c i r histo
w y c a g e l s t i s r o SFGN hon 2010: The revolution starts now
SFGN Staff
2011: Michael MUSTO
2015: LGBT & Religion
2012: A lust to bust
2016: orlando united
2013: we do, too
2014: meth epidemic
2017: trans & Visible
2018: Here comes
the rainbow wave
1 .23.2019
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1.23.2019 •
9 Years
First ‘A Day in LGBT South Florida’
100th Issue December 28, 2011
December 2012
First Issue
January 25, 2010
Justin Wyse
hired as a sales associate. He is currently the Sales Manager.
April 2012
SFGN.com The Magazine June 2011
Launch of the Guide June 2012
First Best Of
Cafe Vico
Dec. 2011
Week of Thanksgiving 2009 Norm Kent and Pier Angelo meet to discuss launching a brand new LGBT newspaper in South Florida
Jason Parsley
hired as its managing editor. He is now the Executive Editor.
February 2011
Launch of The Mirror January 2012
SFGN.com The Magazine is rebranded as The Mirror.
1 .23.2019
Launc L
Launch of New Website
Launch of the Gazette
March 2013
August 6, 2014
SFGN launches its twice monthly supplement, the Wilton Manors Gazette, that will cover all things Wilton Manors including the city government.
First Out50
SFGN Staff
February 2014
New Front Page Design
400th Issue
August 19, 2015
September 20, 2017
ch of New Logo
Brendon Lies hired as the Art Director.
July 3, 2014
ary 20, 2013
1.23.2019 •
n e h t , s ew aks the n
s d r a w a e h t t u eaks o
sfgn bre
SFGN Staff
e don’t write for the awards, but every now and then South Florida Gay News pits its stories, designs and features against other publications to see how well we’re doing. It turns out there’s no shortage of excellence at SFGN. In the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sunshine State Awards, SFGN carried off 12 winning places, while in the Florida Press Club Excellence in Journalism Competition, our staff has collected a total of 22 placements. Last but far from least, in the Florida Press Association, SFGN took one more award. In total we’ve received 17 first place wins which are listed below.
Society of Professional Journalists, 1st place 2014
Commentary & Criticism – Arts
J.W. Arnold, Dance, Theater and Opera Reviews, South Florida Gay News
Florida PRess Club, 1st place
Beat Reporting – Minority Issues
Christiana Lilly, Christiana Lilly’s LGBT Reporting, South Florida Gay News Community News
Best Single Issue
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News
Jason Parsley, The Mirror, Fall 2013 Student – Best Profile – Low-Frequency Papers
Regina Kaza, Mandi Hawke Raises Awareness for LGBT Youth with Her Life Story, South Florida Gay News Profile Reporting
Christiana Lilly, The Real Doogie Howser: At 16 Jack Andraka Invented a New Way to Detect Pancreatic Cancer, Mirror Magazine
Community News Writing
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News
Dylan Bouscher, Trans Student at FAU to bring LBT Sorority to Boca Raton Campus, South Florida Gay News 2016
Writing – Minority Reporting
Best News Story (Low Frequency)
Nicole Wiesenthal,
Writing – Religion
Jillian Melero, Will Marriage Equality in Florida Render Domestic Partnership Obsolete, South Florida Gay Best Coverage of LGBT Issues
Jillian Melero, Transgender Day of Remembrance 2015, South Florida Gay News
1 .23.2019
South Florida Gay News
Christiana Lilly, South Florida Gay News
Health Writing
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News Minority Writing
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News 2017
Illustration – Info-graphic Presentation
Brendon Lies, South Florida Gay News 2018
Writing, General News
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News Writing, Minority Reporting, Class C-D
Jason Parsley, South Florida Gay News
South Florida Gay News SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews
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9 Years
s d r a Aw n o o den Sp l list of awards
Golfood critic, Rick Karlin, presents his annua SFGN’s
s SFGN celebrates another anniversary, it reminds me that the newspaper business is probably only slightly less volatile than the restaurant business. Both have numerous factors working against them, but those outstanding businesses not only manage to survive they thrive. In preparing for our anniversary issue, I looked through my files and thought that those places offering exemplary dining experiences deserved an award. Here they are folks, my
Outstanding New Spot (Wilton Manors)
“Golden Spoon” Awards for 2018. A bit of explanation, these awards honor only those places I happened to write about in 2018. Think of it as the Oscars for South Florida restaurants; honoring wonderful dining experiences of the past year! Rather than tout any candidate as “Best” I prefer to use the term “Outstanding,” as each of these dining experiences was memorable in its own way. After each award, I quote a sentence or two from my original review.
2018 Golden Spoon Awards
The Grille on the Drive
2000 Wilton Dr. 954-530-3361 TheGrilleOTD.com Few places have been as anticipated with such fervor and for a large segment of our community, the stakes have seldom been higher. The Grille managed to make the old Tropics space hip and attractive, bringing in a younger crowd, yet remaining welcoming for those who have gathered there for decades.
Outstanding New Spot (Fort Lauderdale)
El Vez
401 N. Ft. Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-414-8336 EvezFTLauderdale.com Try the blood orange and classic margaritas, carnitas or chicken tacos, burgers, nachos or smoked red snapper tostadas. Oh, did we mention, every seat overlooks the beach and, it’s in the W Hotel? Given the prime location, the prices are crazy low!
1 .23.2019
R ick Karlin
Outstanding New Spot (Palm Beach)
320 Belvedere Rd., West Palm Beach 561-557-7875 EatDrinkBasque.com Basque in the historic Hotel Biba, has got to be one of the best dining experiences, not just in the area, but in all of South Florida. What’s even more amazing is that the majority of the food is prepared and served out of a food truck. This is not just any food truck, it is a 22-foot custom designed mobile kitchen.
Outstanding Happy Hour Special
Himmarshee Public House
201 SW 2nd St., Fort Lauderdale 954-616-5275 PublicHouseFTL.com It’s not just that the food is good, and the portions are enormous, or the fact that the servers are terrific, it’s that all appetizers and drinks are 50 percent off. Let’s just say that two appetizers were enough for a table of four hungry men. Make certain to order the crazy nachos.
Outstanding Early Bird Special
Christina Wan’s
664 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-228-7100 ChristinaWans.com The “Sunset Special” served from 3-6:30 p.m. includes a choice of soup (egg drop, hot and sour or won ton) brown, white or fried rice, and a spring roll or egg roll. The entrees include your choice of chicken, beef, shrimp, pork or tofu (depending upon entrée selection) in a variety of sauces and preparations and are priced between $13-$16.
Food Outstanding Happy Hour Special
El Camino
817 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-530-1188 ElCaminoFTLauderdale During Taco Tuesday at El Camino, all tacos are $2 a la carte. I ordered five tacos and the meal was almost more than I could finish. Crispy fried fish got a nice kick from tomatillo salsa and chipotle mayo and a pleasing crunch from shaved cabbage. The Gulf shrimp were a tad small, but perfectly cooked and topped with salsa, charred tomatoes and guacamole. The spicy chicken lives up to its name with an achiote rub, arbol chiles and scallions, which are tempered by a healthy portion of cotija cheese. Barbacoa highlights meaty chunks of brisket with cilantro and queso fresco, while the carne asada pairs slices of steak with ranchero sauce and sweet corn. With the exception of the fish, all were served on corn tortillas. A large basket of chips and two kinds of salsa were more than worth the $3 charge and easily served four of us. Stop in during cocktail hour when drinks are discounted as well.
Outstanding Sandwich Joint
4520 North Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-870-7197 LunchRoomSandwiches.com Lunchroom is the latest (for now) offering from the be nice restaurant group (Top Hat, Coconuts, G&B Oyster Bar, Foxy Brown, Red Cow) and ranks as its top spot in my book. It serves up unique breakfast and lunch fare in a fast/casual setting. How unique you ask? How about a ramen stuffed burrito or a tuna poke hoagie? Sandwich options range from decadent (the porchetta showcases herb-roasted pork, braised kale and sautéed onion all topped with provolone, pecorino, Romano and Parmesan on toasted ciabatta) to health-conscious (a toasted hoagie roll plays host to a generous helping of sushi-grade ahi tuna poke, mango, avocado, cucumber, cashews and scallions bathed in a soy-ginger-lime vinaigrette) to exotic (tempura battered cauliflower tossed in spicy buffalo-blue cheese sauce atop banana pepper slaw on a toasted bun).
Outstanding Breakfast Joint
Country Ham & Eggs
2671 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 754-202-0253 CountryHamnEggs.com There are more varieties of eggs Benedict than you knew existed, featuring the traditional as well as versions swapping out the Canadian bacon with; spinach, sautéed veggies, turkey breast, pork roll, Italian sausage lox, steak, or fried shrimp.
Outstanding Waterfront Dining
Backflip @ Plunge Hotel
4660 El Mar Dr., Lauderdale-by-the-Sea 754-200-3346 PlungeBeachHotel.com This is the ultimate laid-back beach bar, serving local brews and rum-fueled cocktails in a thatch-covered hut that would make Hemingway smile. The menu highlights street-style eats such as tacos, sandwiches and some fresh salads, served right on the beach. Nothing fancy, just good food, served by friendly people. Eat with your toes in the sand.
Outstanding Fusion Cuisine
Kubo Asian Fusion Street Food and Sushi
753 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale 954-533-9017 KuboAsianFusionStreetFood.com Kubo’s menu is exactly what it advertises, a fusion of Asian street food (with an emphasis on Filipino fare) and, in keeping with Florida’s tradition, sushi. In this case excellently prepared, exceedingly fresh, sushi… More unusual fusion offerings range from curries to such Filipino favorites as pancit (clear noodle stir fry), adobo (spicy bbq) and sisig, (fried rice with crispy pork, pig ears, onions and garlic mayo served on a sizzling plate).
Outstanding Comfort Fare
Betty’s Soul Food
601 NW 22nd Rd., Fort Lauderdale 954-583-9121 BettysSoulFoodRestaurant.com Betty’s is a staple of the community… Entrée options include beef stew, ham hocks, fried turkey wings, barbecue ribs or chicken, smothered or fried wings, meatloaf, oxtails, pigs’ feet or tails, smothered or fried chops, stewed chicken, liver & onions, fried chicken or sirloin steak. Fish and seafood selections include; shrimp, catfish, scallops, tilapia, grouper, snapper, trout or swai, all either baked, grilled or fried. Side dishes of yellow or white rice with or without pigeon peas are available, but the servings are so large you won’t need it. Besides, you’ll want to save room for desserts such as; cakes (red velvet, pineapple-coconut, old fashioned chocolate, caramel pound), pies and cobblers (sweet potato, peach, lemon cream) and, on weekends, banana pudding with vanilla wafers.
Outstanding Fast Casual
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Hollywood)
Go Bistro
2035 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 754-263-2826 EatGoBistro.com
Go Bistro is a tiny storefront that brings together all kinds of folks. Hipsters, families and hipster families. Foreigners, tourists and foreign tourists. Gays and seniors and gay seniors. It seems everyone loves Go Bistro’s inventive takes on classic Japanese comfort foods, and not just ramen, but sushi, and fusion dishes that will blow your mind.
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Oakland Park)
El Guanaco
331 NE 44th St., Oakland Park 954-351-0792 ElGuanacoOaklandPark.com
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Miami)
Lolo’s Surf Cantina 161 Ocean Dr., Miami Beach 305-735-6973 LolosCantina.com
On the Flip Side
1823 E. Commercial, Fort Lauderdale 954-328-2695 EatBowlicious.com The fastest growing trend in fast casual dining is the bowl-based meal, featuring a choice of grains or green for a base, various veggies and a protein. The latest entry into the super bowl competition is the best yet.
Of course, it’s not all delicious food and attentive service. Occasionally, I stumble into a situation where, if I wasn’t writing a review, I’d get up and walk out. Two places managed to be that unpleasant. They are the recipients of my “Flying Fork Award.” The other two places get the award for just annoying me.
Outstanding Rehab
Flying Fork Awards
Food Court at Aventura
If your idea of the food court at the mall is Panda Express and Sbarro’s, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the new Treats Food Hall at Aventura. Gleaming at the top of a bank of escalators, it is a place to see and be seen. The restaurants flank the sides of the sun-filled dining hall. Wood furnishings and marble countertops, adorned with Moroccan tiles, offer a mix of communal tables, individual banquettes, and high-top tables. It’s all very high-end, more like a buzzy restaurant than a food court. Then there are those places, that you never knew existed until they are suddenly revealed to you. They may be tucked away in unusual locations, as two of these spots are, or they may be someplace you pass every day without a hint as to the wonders inside. Discovering and sharing these hidden gems are the real joy of doing this job.
Wipe Out on Wilton
Maria’s Cantina Sea & Olive 2400 Wilton Dr. 2390 Wilton Dr. Although I reviewed these places in 2017, I’m including them in this year’s Flying Fork Award because both failed so spectacularly in 2018. Here’s what I wrote; “It’s not unusual to have new restaurants opening on Wilton Drive, but when two places opened across the street from each other at the same time, that was something to note. I was excited to see a Mexican restaurant going in the storefront that used to house a bakery. I also discovered that the prime location that was home to Thirteen, would focus on Mediterranean seafood… Neither seems to be operated by people who know anything about how to run a restaurant… based upon my initial visits, I’m not certain either place will be around that long.” It seems I was right.
1.23.2019 •
9 Years
e n i N p o t s ’ n g f s t A look back a
s ver o c g n i k a bre 2018 SFGN Staff
January 31: SFGN broke the story of a former teacher who preyed on his students at an all-male school.
February 21: Florida was once again struck by the tragedy of mass gun violence after a shooting took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
March 28: Tuesday’s Angels, an early HIV activism group, disbands after announcing that they are no longer needed in the fight for HIV healthcare.
1 .23.2019
July 4: The nation celebrates its Independence Day, even as protests and uncertainty fluctuate throughout the nation.
July 18: “Chutes & Ladders Transition Edition” was an interactive guide, complete with a game board inside, on the ups and downs of transitioning.
August 22: SFGN covers how a former gay porn star fights to prove his innocence in a murder case 9 years after his conviction.
October 3: Two decades after the horrific murder of Matthew Shepard, the LGBT community honors his memory and the activism born from anger.
October 24: Pompano Bill, the locally-famous photographer who stole the hearts of countless people, passed away after a long vibrant lifetime of authenticity.
October 31: SFGN’s voting issue encouraged the LGBT community to vote, a week before Democrats took back the House of Representatives.
1.23.2019 •
9 Years
s er k a m r u o Meet
a g e b l l a IT e r e h w vico, e f a c t a g in in D o r Angel
P CEO d n a t n e K m r Publisher No
1 .23.2019
Pictured: Norm Kent (left) and Piero Guidugli seated at Café Vico, the restaurant where SFGN was conceptualized in 2009.
f f a t s SFGN e h t f o nd meet the rest
... a
Brendon Lies
Jason Parsley
Justin Wyse Sales Manager
Executive Editor
Art Director
Anthony Pennetti
Advertising Sales Assoc.
Kerri Covington Copyeditor
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WMG Correspondent
Clark Rogers
Eddie Neimann
Tucker Berardi
Senior Advertising Assoc.
J.R. Davis
Carina Mask Photographer
Distribution Services
Distribution Services
Rick Karlin
J.W. Arnold
Jesse Monteagudo
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Senior Photographer
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A&E Editor
Social Media Manager
Nicholas Adkins
Senior Advertising Assoc.
Lee Curtis
Senior Features
Office Assistant
Rocky Bowell
HIV Editor
Justin Musial
Digital Content Director
H.R. Department
Kristen Grau
Palm Beach Editor 1.23.2019 •
Christ Lutheran Church 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306
Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service
Divine Mercy Chapel 2749 NE 10th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-567-1930 - DivineMercy.church Service Time: Mass, Sunday 10:30am St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@ stnicholasfl.org Service Times: Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
Fort Lauderdale Friends Meeting
Simplicity Peace Integrity Community Equality Sustainability
2038 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors ● On the Pride Center campus 954Ͳ564Ͳ9232 ● www.EtzChaimFlorida.org Proudly serving our community since 1976
1 .23.2019
Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. 33306 (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am
SANCTUARY 1400 N. Federal Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale
Friday Night Shabbat services ● Contemporary & Classic Films ● Classes on Jewish Thought & History ● Social Events ● Holiday Celebrations
Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m.
Meets for Quaker silent worship Sunday at 11:00 AM
Your Community Synagogue
SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Check out the Spirituality Section each week to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
The Written
Rev. Patrick Rogers, MDiv
t United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale, the 4 Sundays of January 2019 have and are focusing on the theme of “New Beginnings”. During worship on the first Sunday of January we traveled alongside the seekers who had a “divine” encounter with the Baby Jesus and it was so insightful and impactful for them and us we left on a new and different spiritual path and decided not to look back. The second Sunday, we wrote a word or drew a symbol on a piece of paper. The words/ drawing represented what we had allowed to affect our lives in a negative way that had prevented us from living “fully” and as “free” spiritual beings on a journey of growth and fulfillment of God’s plan for us. We tossed that fear or roadblock in to the fire of the burning bowl and let go. The third Sunday, we re-affirmed our baptism and were reminded that the Holy Spirit lives within us and it is that light which makes us powerful and inspires us during this earthly journey. We cleansed our hands with the sacred water and renewed our commitment to work for justice and to serve others. This Sunday, Jan. 27 is the last step of our “New Beginnings 2019” spiritual journey. During worship, we will each write a private/ confidential letter to God. Yes, using a real piece of paper and a pen/pencil (no laptops or printers allowed). During the last three United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
weeks we have gone through a discernment process. We have been seeking to connect with God’s plan for us. We have explored our personal spiritual gifts and discerned how these gifts can be used to service others and worship God. We have let go and released all fear and doubt that has surrounded these gifts and will name them, embrace them and free them for use in the coming year. On the top of the stationery you will receive this Sunday will be the date “January 27, 2019.” Under that will be the words “Dear God.” You are invited during worship time to write YOUR letter to God. The letter may contain words of gratitude, commitment for the new year, need for spiritual direction, request for healing and/or whatever is on your heart to say. After you finish the letter, you will be provided an envelope to use. You will fold the letter and place it in the envelope and address it to yourself. It will be stamped and given to an onsite postal clerk. The letter will be put under lock and key and on July 1, 2019, that letter will be put in the mail for you. When you receive it, trust me, it will be a spiritual experience. A private, confidential, intimate experience between you and God. Use the next few days to pray and meditate about what your letter will say. The “Written Word” is indeed powerful. Dear God… 954.563.4271 www.UCCFTL.org Facebook: UCCFTL
Aaron’ s
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Free Notary Services 1.23.2019 •
Jesse’s Journal
Sunshine Cathedral MCC. Photo via the Sunshine Cathedral, Facebook.
Communities of Faith Jesse Monteagudo
rganized religion has not been kind to the LGBT communities. Traditional Judaism, Christianity and Islam treated sexual and gender diversity as “abominations” worthy of death or worse. This did not prevent LGBT people from expressing their spirituality, either within the faith that they were raised in or in other spiritual directions. Queer communities of faith are found all over the world, even in countries that do not welcome us. Some of us worship in mainstream temples, churches and mosques while others have joined or formed spiritual groups with a specificallyLGBT outreach. The largest LGBT-friendly religious organization in the world is also one of the oldest. The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches was founded by Rev. Troy D. Perry in Los Angeles on October 6, 1968. According to the web site (MCCChurch.
org) the MCC “has been at the vanguard of civil and human rights movements” and “was the first to perform same-gender marriages.” According to historian Fred Fejes, “the MCC congregation was often the first visible gay organization formed in a number of cities. It had a rapid growth and by 1977 there were over eighty active congregations across America, making it the largest national gay organization at the time” and for decades after. The Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale’s MCC affiliate (SunshineCathedral. org), is large enough to be considered a megachurch, even by mainstream standards. Founded in 1971 as the Church of the Holy Spirit MCC, the Sunshine Cathedral grew under the leadership of four energetic pastors: Rev. Ted Calloway, Rev. Elder John Gill, Rt. Rev. Grant Lynn Ford and Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins. Today the Sunshine Cathedral has gone
Queer communities of faith are found all over the world, even in countries that do not welcome us.
1 .23.2019
beyond its original outreach, ministering to heterosexuals and non-Christians and serving the community as a whole as a venue for the performing arts. Though the Sunshine Cathedral MCC is one of our community’s triumphs, its southern sister, Miami’s Christ MCC, was not as successful. Christ MCC was founded in 1970, making it one of the first churches outside California. According to Fejes, “by the end of the year it had over two hundred members and served as the hub of a growing, visible community.” Under the leadership of Rev. Keith Davis and Rev, Joseph H. Gilbert, Christ MCC supported the then-unsuccessful attempt (1977) to bring sexual minority rights to Miami-Dade County. Rev. Gilbert, a veteran of the MCC and the gay rights movement, was one of two MCC ministers who honored me by being my friend - the other one being Rev, Grant Lynn Ford. (See Rev. Gilbert’s biography in
LGBTReligiousArchives.org.) Soon after the Miami-Dade debacle Gilbert left Christ MCC over a dispute with the board and briefly ran his own church, Emmaus MCC, on Miami Beach. As for Christ MCC, it managed to exist for two decades until it finally dissolved. Though Christ MCC is gone, its Jewish stepchild, Congregation Etz Chaim, continues to flourish today. According to historian James T. Sears, the synagogue began its career in 1974 when, “through the support and encouragement of Keith Davis, Bob Basker along with B. Jay Freier and his roommate, Phil Wallach, helped form the Etz Chaim - the Tree of Life - congregation.” For many years CEC also went by the name of Metropolitan Community Synagogue in honor of the group that helped give it birth. Like the Sunshine Cathedral, Congregation Etz Chaim’s outreach goes beyond LGBT Jews, serving spouses, parents, families and friends as well as anyone who feels at home in this community of faith.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
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3 0 5 . 6 7 3 . 3 3 3 1 | n w s .e d u / p u l s e Pulse White Out - SFGN 4.875x10.75.indd 1
1/15/19 • 4:374 PM5 1.23.2019
lifestyle two guys and a dog
What Makes a Family Try this exercise and decide for yourself
Brian McNaught
A true family. Brian McNaught (right) with Ray and their good dog, Lincoln.
incoln is asleep between Ray and me in bed. His head touches my leg because it assures his connection. He’s on his back, with his splayed legs across Ray’s. My husband of 43 years is snoring softly. This is my family, my real family, two guys and a dog, all in love. For a workshop exercise some years ago, I was given a page of drawn circles, the smallest being in the center, and others progressively larger around it. The task was to spontaneously place in the circles the names of others, in the order of their significance to us. The first circle was easy. It was Ray and Brit, our dog at the time. It never occurred to me to put my own name in there too. Why would I see myself as a significant person to myself? Learning to know, love, and take care of myself is a work in development. After I put Ray and Brit in the center The first names of the paper, it was an eye opener for me what names I put close to the little circle, that came to and the names I put in the outermost my mind were spaces. In some cultures, I might have been kidnapped, and killed in shame, for not those of people putting the names of my biological family who loved and in the closest possible circle. enjoyed me for But they weren’t there. Some didn’t even make the page. The souls have always been family, along with Jeremy’s, But, why? who I am, and first names that came to my mind were Brit’s, and Lincoln’s. And Jeremy, Brit, and Lincoln Is there a right to family succession, even when you’re of those who I those of people who loved and enjoyed might not have been dogs. of the mind that your closest souls don’t share your blood, me for who I am, and of those who I loved If I lost you a couple of paragraphs ago, it doesn’t and that your blood members don’t necessarily understand, loved because because they touched my soul with their matter. Most of us who live in open cultures readily much less share your soul? Maybe it’s because most friends they touched my admit the difference between biological and don’t stay constants in our lives, but family is always in the innate goodness. It seems strange to me that at funerals, soul with their logical families. Some of us celebrated the holidays picture. Their names and birthdays are tattooed across our biological family members are given the with friends before making the trek to see family. conscious mind. And yet, in my soul migration, I’m not sure innate goodness. That doesn’t mean that we don’t love our family, I want to have my next human experience in the company of seats up front. The real friends of the deceased usually sit rows back asking each we just don’t always like some of its members, or all of my family members. other, “Who’s he?” “Oh, he’s the brother who hasn’t spoken to enjoy the dramas that play out each time we get together. I It’s a conundrum to me. Why would I feel compelled to take him for years.” know there are families that are very tight, but it ought not a long, expensive trip to attend the funeral of a person who I’ve made it clear to Ray who I want allowed in to say “good- be presumed that, even within a close family, everyone is didn’t make it into any of my circles? But with people who bye,” and who I want blocked at the door to my hospital or enjoying themselves as much as the others. were closest to my heart, I’d feel that at least I had a choice? bedroom. If I was in a king size bed, I’d want my favorite people I’m thinking about this a lot because Ray, Lincoln, and I Expectations make me uncomfortable. I want my heart and to climb in and join Ray, Lincoln, and me. are downsizing our possessions (yes, Lincoln is too), which soul free of such clutter. I want my behavior to be in sync Some people, such as myself, believe that when our bodies requires me placing in other’s hands the things we don’t feel with my heart, and not with my head. die, our souls enter a vibration of peace, love, and awareness. It’s the desire, or need, to keep. Lincoln has moved over so that I can now roll onto my side, in that environment of complete acceptance and forgiveness Although it’s freeing to clear the decks of clutter, the and fall asleep, but I leave you with the recommendation of for every soul that we see clearly all things, including how we question that disturbs me is, “Who should get the ‘treasures’ drawing the concentric circles, and see whose names go didn’t live our most recent human experience in sync with the we’re ready to pass on?” My first thoughts, as is true with our where. It might surprise you, and help clarify the members of Universe/God/Love. wills, are of family members, mostly nieces and nephews. your true family. We then feel compelled to give it another try. This happens over and over until our souls are a complete and perfect representation of our divine nature. Some people also believe, and I’m open to it, that we come Brian McNaught has been a leading educator on LGBTQ issues globally since 1974. He has back in the company of the same souls with whom we had our made his many books and DVDs available for free at Brian-McNaught.com. The New York previous human experiences. In other words, Ray’s and my Times named him “The Godfather of gay diversity training.”
1 .23.2019
First they came for the Mexicans, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t mexican.
Then they came for the immigrants, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t an immigrant.
Then they came for Muslims, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t muslim.
Then they came for transgender people, but I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t transgender.
when will
you speak up?
1.23.2019 •
e c n a D T Aqua
al gathering. Fund for a free soci ur O ith w ed er Zheno. rtn n for Women pa n, and featured DJ tio tio da ca un lo Fo te a ua iv Aq pr e a sted at On Jan. 20, th The dance was ho Carina Mask
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 48
1 .23.2019
Business SPOtlight
The Greatest Glass Show on Earth Coming Feb. 2-3
Welcome to Business Spotlight, the column that thanks advertisers who support SFGN. We invite you to support them, because without their outreach to us, we would not be here to reach out to you. We are a free newspaper that survives on the success of our advertisers so we encourage our readers to support those who support us.
adies and Gentlemen, children and gays of all ages — “The Greatest Glass Show on Earth,” is coming for a two day only engagement at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, 1801 NE 6th Street in Pompano Beach. Under the “Big Top” on Feb. 2 and 3 will be 22 national dealers of some of the most unique American glass and pottery spanning from the Depression Era up to the 1970’s. Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Mid-Century Modern designs will be displayed and for sale. Examples of American pottery such as Fiesta, Roseville, Hull, McCoy and Hall will be represented as well as 1950’s dinnerware and barware. The main “tent” has items that range from kitchen kitsch to bourgie elegant glass to impress. Oddities, glass freaks and nudes, both male and female can be found on the floor. There will be animals in glass. Please do not feed the bears. There are “side shows” of amusement games of chance and lectures on collecting glass.
Meet the glass world’s newest author Peter Lehman, who’s book “New Martinsville Glass Manufacturing Company” will be available for purchase and autographing. Bring in your glass for repair, identification or appraisal. The promoters: The South Florida Depression Glass Club note this is their 45th show and sale and are giving the first 100 paid attendees a free gift and the Ringmaster has door prizes every half hour. Doors open Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $6 or $5 with any show coupon or ad. Early buying admission is at 9 a.m. for $10. Sunday hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
More Info: Greg Xiggoros Show Chair 561-767-5233 or xiggy58@live.com www.sfdgc.com www.facebook.com/sfdgc
The South Florida Depression Glass Club’s purpose is to promote an awareness and appreciation of American depression era glassware and to promote glass collecting as a hobby. Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month in Wilton Manors. We welcome guests and new members. For more information visit the club membership booth at the show, or visit www.sfdgc.com. 1.23.2019 •
FOR THE WEEK OF january 24, 2019 - January 29, 2019 • WWW.SFGN.COM J.W. Arnold
Operatic Opener
Burlesque Nearly 100 local performers will take it off, so to speak, at “Broward Bares It!,” a sexy cabaret fundraiser tonight at 7 p.m. at the Venue, 2345 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors. Enjoy ripped dancers, acrobats, singers, comedians and more at this evening of bawdy burlesque. Proceeds benefit Latinos Salud and Deliver the Dream. Tickets start at $40 ($75 gets you into the “splash zone”) at BrowardBares.com.
concert The Cleveland Orchestra opens its annual Miami residency at the Arsht Center tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. with an evening of Mahler. Music director Franz Welser-Möst conducts the Symphony No. 2, Mahler’s famed “Resurrection” symphony, with soprano soloist Joélle Harvey and mezzo-soprano Sasha Cooke accompanied by the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus. Tickets start at $43 at ArshtCenter.org.
Palm Beach Opera opens its 2019 season with Giuseppe Verdi’s classic grand opera “La Traviata,” this weekend, Jan. 25 – 27, at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. “La Traviata” is Verdi’s heartbreaking story of a Paris coutesan’s impossible choice between love and moral obligation. And, like so many operas, a lifethreatening illness may keep her from the promise of true love. Tickets start at $20 at PBOpera.org. Photo Credit: Palm Beach Opera.
1/26 SUN
1/27 MON
1/28 TUE
With her unique voice, actress, activist and LGBT advocate Fran Drescher (“The Nanny”) will share poignant and hilarious stories from her career, travels and other misadventures in “Schmoozing with Fran Drescher,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Hear about “fat” Fran, “thin” Fran and “every-in-between” Fran, too. Tickets start at $50 at OutlandishFL.com.
GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables, presents Paula Vogel’s award-winning play “Indecent,” Jan. 26 through Feb. 24 at the Biltmore Hotel. The story was inspired by true events surrounding the controversial 1923 Broadway debut of Sholem Asch’s “Gods of Vengenance,” a play seen by some as a seminal work of Jewish culture and others as shameless homosexual pornography. Tickets at GableStage.org.
Monday nights are traditionally quiet as theaters and performing arts centers are dark, but that’s why God invented DVRs and streaming services. Don’t forget to set your device to record Fox’s live performance of “Rent” on Sunday evening and then you can watch it tonight at your leisure. Who says you have to miss the tea dances and other events on Sunday night? Check local listings for show times and channels.
Gulf Stream Brewing Co., 1105 N.E. 13th St. in Fort Lauderdale, is offering an evening of drag OFF of Wilton Drive. On Tuesdays, the ambitious microbrewery in the trendy 13th St. corridor is presenting Miami-based drag queen Jupiter Velvet hosting drag bingo. Balls drop at 8 p.m. and it’s always free to play, with prizes and beer specials all night long. Are you feeling lucky tonight? More information at GulfStreamBeer.com.
1 .23.2019
1.23.2019 •
A&E theater
South Florida Native Draws on Experiences Living in New York J.W. Arnold
laywright Jason Mitchell was a selfdescribed “theater kid.” The Plantation native attended the magnet performing arts program at Dillard School of the Arts in Fort Lauderdale, spent his summers working in local theaters and went on to major in theater at the New World School of the Arts in Miami. It was no surprise that he packed his bags and headed to New York City upon graduation, determined to make his place on Broadway. Life in the Big Apple was exciting for the young gay man and those experiences would eventually make their way into his play, “The Boys Upstairs,” a runaway hit at the 2009 New York Fringe Festival. “It was inspired by the life I was living,” Mitchell recalled. “I was young and new to New York, navigating new friendships, seeking a career and dating life.” His story centers around three roommates living in Hell’s Kitchen: Seth is dating an older man and seeks approval from his single best friends. Ashley is playing the field, enjoying the variety, availability and accessibility of men in Manhattan. Josh finds inspiration from their antics, but focuses instead on developing a new phone app. Then, an incredibly hot neighbor moves in downstairs and they find their worlds upended as they ponder his sexual orientation over craft cocktails. Village Voice critic Rex Reed called his play, “Sex in the City meets Boys in the Band,” and productions would follow in Los Angeles, London and Chicago. “It’s definitely a comedy with a lot of heart. I’d even call it a romantic comedy. It’s the second play that I wrote; the first was a historical drama about homosexuals living in the holocaust. I wanted to write something much lighter in tone that reflected the life I was living,” he said. A decade later, “The Boys Upstairs” is getting its Florida premiere at Empire Stage in the playwright’s home town. Mitchell is 10 years older and his characters are still 25. But, he pointed out, they’re not frozen in time, as he always feels free to update the play for each production. “The fun thing is that it was always meant to be reflective of being 25 in New York City, but it takes place in 2019. So much has changed in a decade. Oh, my god, I feel so old,” quipped Mitchell. “I’m not living that life anymore.” Audiences will quickly notice references to
Playwright Jason Mitchell. Photo credit: Jason Mitchell.
the political climate and current events that would have been unimaginable in 2009. Dating has also changed with the advent of hookup apps and, of course, there’s the legalization of same-sex marriage in the intervening years. There’s so much material, Mitchell has considered adapting his story and characters into a television series, but, in the end, stuck with the theatrical setting, primarily because of the opportunity to collaborate closely with other creatives. “I love every time this happens—a new director and a new set of actors—seeing what new life we bring to the piece,” he explained. “I, as a writer, can discover [nuances] I’ve never noticed before.” Mitchell’s storytelling isn’t limited to the stage. As a struggling writer in New York City, he supplanted his income as an event planner and eventually became a celebrity wedding planner. Five years ago, he penned “Getting Groomed,” the first wedding guide for gay grooms, and now he splits his time in Los Angeles, planning glitzy ceremonies and receptions for stars of stage and screen. “They’re just like shows,” he said. “Each couple brings a new story and then I get to write the script. It’s a wonderful combination.”
“The Boys Upstairs” will be performed Jan. 31 – Feb. 27 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at EmpireStage.com.
1 .23.2019
The South Florida Depression Glass Club's 45th Annual Show & Sale BR
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L 1.23.2019 •
A&E festival Jousting marches are one of the more traditional demonstrations at the Florida Renaissance Festival, opening Feb. 9 in Deerfield Beach. Photo Credit: Debracey Productions.
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1 .23.2019
Renaissance Festival Broaches Worlds of Fantasy, Cosplay J.W. Arnold
hether ye be kings or queens, vikings or knights, wizards or even muggles, your attendance is requested at the 27th annual Florida Renaissance Festival at Quiet Waters Park in Deerfield Beach, a modern town crier might declare. For the fourth year in a row, the popular festival will offer seven themed weekends that offer an escape to the 15th century and beyond. In addition to the traditional jesters, jugglers and jousting knights, more than 100,000 people are expected to immerse themselves in the fantasy themes, said founder and producer Bobby Rodriguez. “We try to change it up enough so no one can ever say, ‘Been there, done that,’” he said. The festival opens Feb. 9 – 11 with a “Game of Thrones” weekend as the great houses of the Seven Kingdoms battle for domination before winter comes. “Time Travelers/ Steampunk” weekend, Feb. 16 – 18, invites guests to journey back to a Victorian era of steam engines, goggles and top hats. The shores of Quiet Water Park will then be overrun by axe-wielding “Vikings and Barbarians,” Feb. 23 – 24. “Wenches Weekend,” March 2 – 3, celebrates the power of women—maidens, damsels and trollops, too—during the Renaissance era, while a nautical theme calls for “Swashbucklers and Sirens,” March 9 – 10, attracting pirates, buccaneers and scallywags from across the region. The culture of the Celtic tribes is highlighted March 16 – 17 during “Kilts & Colleens,” with the blaring of bagpipes echoing throughout the festival site. The festival wraps up with the surprise hit of last year, “Magic, Witches and Wizards,” March
23 – 24, a theme that appeals to Harry Potter fans. Muggles are welcome and magic wands are a must to ward off the dementors. Until recently, the pirates theme was the most popular. With the final season of “Game of Thrones” coming this summer, Rodriguez expects that weekend to be a particular draw, along with the closing “Harry Potter” weekend. “It’s not Renaissance, but we take liberties,” he explained, after many years of strict adherence to the historical theme. The first festival only attracted 3,000 people, which Rodriguez said, in hindsight, was a huge success for a new event, but the recent popularity has been surprising. “For the first eight or 10 years, we had some patrons who came in dressed up, but nothing like now. Over the past few years, it’s become hard to tell our [professional] performers from some of the patrons,” Rodriguez commented. “The investment people put into their costumes is just amazing.” Organizing the festival is practically a year-round job for Rodriguez, who planned corporate events and weddings before taking on the Renaissance Festival. “I was always fascinated with it, even though I didn’t know the difference between the Medieval and Renaissance eras. I was in my 20s when I first went to Medieval Times and loved it,” he recalled. “I started doing more research and spoke with the owners of other festivals who were kind to share information.” Rodriguez obviously hit on a winning formula because Biz Bash magazine consistently ranks the festival among the top events in South Florida.
Business SPOtlight
Duncan Theatre Welcomes Broadway Stars Mandy Gonzalez and Josh Young The actors will kick off the theater’s new Broadway series Welcome to Business Spotlight, the column that thanks advertisers who support SFGN. We invite you to support them, because without their outreach to us, we would not be here to reach out to you. We are a free newspaper that survives on the success of our advertisers so we encourage our readers to support those who support us.
he Duncan Theatre’s stage is going to light up with two stars of Broadway’s best, Mandy Gonzalez and Josh Young as the Duncan Theatre introduces their new Stars of Broadway Series. Mandy Gonzalez will be performing Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. at the Duncan Theatre featuring her new solo debut album “Fearless” and lots more. Mandy possesses one of the most powerful and versatile contemporary voices of our time. She is currently starring in the hit Broadway musical “Hamilton,” and is best known for her emotional portrayal of Nina Rosario in the Tony Award winning, Lin-Manuel Miranda Broadway musical “In the Heights,” a role she originally created Off Broadway at 37 Arts and which received a Drama Desk Award for Best Ensemble. She also starred as Elphaba in the Broadway production of “Wicked,” blowing the roof off of New York’s Gershwin Theatre each night as she belted out the signature song “Defying Gravity.”
Josh Young.
TRAVEL THE WORLD. WITH MUSIC. FEBRUARY 3, 2019 Michael Stern Guest Conductor Sharon Roffman Violin Soloist
Mandy Gonzalez.
The series continues with superstar, Josh Young. Josh Young will be performing the best of Andrew Lloyd Webber on Friday, March 29 at 8 p.m. at the Duncan Theatre. After his triumphant runs in “Evita” as Che and “Jesus Christ Superstar” as Judas at Canada’s renowned Stratford Festival, which led to a Tony nominated performance in the most recent Broadway revival of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” Josh Young is taking his love for all things Andrew Lloyd Webber on tour celebrating some of the most famous music for the stage of this generation to the Duncan Theatre. Come hear all your favorites and a few surprises too!
MAHLER BEETHOVEN • ADOLPHE “Michael Stern is one of America's finest conductors….. he shapes music with uncommon attention to detail…”
“The most striking attribute of [Ms. Roffman’s] performance was the degree to which she addressed each of the composers on her program with a distinct sound…”
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Tickets are $45 or $75 for the series. Tickets can be purchased at the box office by calling 561-868-3309 or online at www.DuncanTheatre.org 1.23.2019 •
Theater Tucker Berardi
*The Producers
January 18 – February 10 at the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center, 3800 NW 11th Place, Lauderhill. Mel Brooks’ classic cult comedy film The Producers is now a big Broadway musical. Enjoy a show filled to the brim with in-yourface humor. Tickets $48 to $58. Visit LPACFL.com
*The Spitfire Grill
February 1-24 at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach. The Spitfire Grill, a warm and uplifting show by James Valcq (book and music) and Fred Alley (book and lyrics) about starting over and second chances, forgiveness and redemption. Tickets $15 to $75. Visit palmbeachdramaworks.org.
*‘We Will Not Be Silent’
February 7-24 at the Heckscher Stage theater space in Parliament Hall, Boca Raton. “We Will Not Be Silent” tells the true story of Sophie Scholl, a German college student who led the only major act of civil disobedience to the Nazis during the Second World War. Tickets $25 to $35. Visit fauevents.com
January 23 - January 29 broward county *The Producers
January 18 – February 10 at the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center, 3800 NW 11th Place, Lauderhill. Mel Brooks’ classic cult comedy film The Producers is now a big Broadway musical. Enjoy a show filled to the brim with in-your-face humor. Tickets $48 to $58. Visit LPACFL.com
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county *The Spitfire Grill
February 1-24 at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach. The Spitfire Grill, a warm and uplifting show by James Valcq (book and music) and Fred Alley (book and lyrics) about starting over and second chances, forgiveness and redemption. Tickets $15 to $75. Visit palmbeachdramaworks.org.
‘We Will Not Be Silent’
February 7-24 at the Heckscher Stage theater
The Spitfire Grill. Photo via Facebook.
space in Parliament Hall, Boca Raton. “We Will Not Be Silent” tells the true story of Sophie Scholl, a German college student who led the only major act of civil disobedience to the Nazis during the Second World War. Tickets $25 to $35. Visit fauevents.com
* Denotes New Listing
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
Want a more personal look at what’s hitting the stage? Take a look online at SFGN.com/sfgn-articles/AE
1 .23.2019
PORN pulse
Gay Quadriplegic Man Realizes Porn Dream Hunter Houston
enneth Connin may be quadriplegic, Paris, called “Facefuck Me,” features Connin but he wasn’t letting his disability stop kissing and giving oral sex to his co-star. him from acting in his Himeros studio was created first gay porn scene last week. by out Youtube personality “Just because I’m injured Davey Wavey to film “sensual, and I have certain limitations, more intimate” gay porn. [it] doesn’t mean that I don’t “This is something I’ve still enjoy pleasure and I always been interested in,” don’t still enjoy touch,” he Connin wrote to Davey told Davey Wavey, creator of Wavey. “No other company Himeros studio. “Outside of has ever given me a spotlight my wheelchair, I’m just like to create a platform in this everybody else.” industry [and] your company The 27 year old has been a and yourself are all about quadriplegic since he was 18. body positivity.” When Connin was involved Connin added, “I want - Kenneth Connin in a competitive cheerleading able-bodied people to know porn star accident, he sustained a spinal that just because someone cord injury and lost feeling in has a disability, that doesn’t his body from the biceps down. mean they no longer have a sex life,” after Connin’s scene with adult film star Pierce filming his scene.
“Outside of my wheelchair, I’m just like everybody else.”
Kenneth Connin. Photo via Facebook.
“There’s not really anything in the adult film genre that isn’t like fetishizing someone [with disabilities],” Connin told Out. “It’s not of any interest to me to be someone’s fetish. But if I’m someone’s partner and equal contributor to a great time, that’s what sparked my interest.”
The video’s description reads “this isn’t a video about disability or wheelchairs or feeling sorry for anyone. It’s a video about two men who share an ecstatic connection.” “Touch is a powerful thing, and you should enjoy it just as much as the person next to you” Connin posted to his Twitter.
Porn Pulse is a weekly column featuring news and tidbits on the gay porn industry. Have a tip? Send Hunter Houston an email at PornPulseSFGN@gmail.com.
1.23.2019 •
January 23 - January 29
Broward Support Services
Tucker Berardi
Top Picks
Tuesday, January 29 at 7 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 N.E. Eighth Street, Fort Lauderdale. Electrifying entertainers in costumes featuring wireless lighting literally light up the stage. iLuminate blends music, art and state-of-the-art technology to tell a story of magic, romance and adventure through dance styles ranging from contemporary, hip-hop, Latin, and breaking. Tickets $27.50 to $67.50. Visit ParkerPlayhouse.com
*Sisters of Commonwealth Photo Exhibit
Friday, January 25 at the Stonewall National Museum, 2157 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. The “Sisters” artfully manifest into “avatars” of social activism with the goal of inspiring acceptance, compassion, and the desire to shift intolerant perspectives while supporting and raising money for charities within the LGBTQ community. Suggested donation of $5.
*Mardi Gras Ball
January 26 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. Enjoy complimentary cocktails, dinner, dancing and live jazz from New Orleans jazz legend Kermit Ruffins. Tickets $150.
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county *Sisters of Commonwealth Photo Exhibit
Friday, January 25 at the Stonewall National Museum, 2157 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. The “Sisters” artfully manifest into “avatars” of social activism with the goal of inspiring acceptance, compassion, and the desire to shift intolerant perspectives while supporting and raising money for charities within the LGBTQ community. Suggested donation of $5.
*Panther Pride Night
February 1 at 7 p.m. at One Panther Parkway, Sunrise. Come out to support the Panthers as they take on the Nashville Predators, and enjoy special access to the Pride Party at the Coors Light Cold Zone. There will be special Pride-inspired performances and giveaways. Tickets start at $24, and a portion of the proceeds go to SAVE. Visit www.save.lgbt
1 .23.2019
Sinbad Comedy Special
Thursday, January 21 at 8 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 N.E. Eighth Street, Fort Lauderdale. Ranked by Comedy Central as one of the “100 Greatest Standups of All Time,” actor and comedian Sinbad performs at Parker Playhouse. Tickets $35.50 to $78. Visit ParkerPlayhouse.com.
Tuesday, January 29 at 7 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 N.E. Eighth Street, Fort Lauderdale. Electrifying entertainers in costumes featuring wireless lighting literally light up the stage. iLuminate blends music, art and state-of-the-art technology to tell a story of magic, romance and adventure through dance styles ranging from contemporary, hip-hop, Latin, and breaking. Tickets $27.50 to $67.50. Visit ParkerPlayhouse.com
January 16 to February 8 at the Claudia Castillo ART Studio, 2215 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Art, music, wine, art and community. Call 954-272-7047 for details.
Young at Art Museum’s Annual Women of Vision Luncheon
an adopted son searching for his biological parents. Ticket prices vary, visit PBJFF.org or call 877-318-0071.
Coffee Clatch at Compass
Wednesday, February 13 at 11 a.m. at 751 S.W. 121 Ave, Davie. Funds raised at this year’s Women of Vision Luncheon will directly benefit YAA FOR ALL which creates an inclusive, non-judgmental environment for children and adults with autism. Call 954424-5018.
First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth. A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in community projects. Free to attend, email joekolb@compassglcc. com fir details.
Our Fund LGBT Philanthropy Awards
Hard Bodies: Contemporary Japanese Sculpture
Saturday, February 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Tower Club, 100 SE 3rd Ave 28th floor, Fort Lauderdale. Join us for a special evening as Our Fund Foundation hosts its inaugural South Florida Philanthropy Awards to celebrate individuals and families whose generosity of time, talent and resources make a significant impact on South Florida’s LGBT community.
palm beach county *Mardi Gras Ball
January 26 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. Enjoy complimentary cocktails, dinner, dancing and live jazz from New Orleans jazz legend Kermit Ruffins. Tickets $150.
FAU Presents ‘Bodies of Design’ Conference
January 24 to 25 at the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton. C onference presentations will include such topics as virtual reality, interactive design, technological design for user experience, and the uses of technology in art, sport, and cosmetics such as fragrance. Free to attend. Register by emailing bodymindculture@gmail.com.
34th Annual Palm Beach International Boat Show
March 28 to March 31. Attendees will enjoy live music and refreshments at the show’s famous floating cocktail lounges. Guests are invited to come by boat and may tie up to free docks located south of the in-water displays. Tickets $18 to $52. Visit PBboatshow.com.
Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival
January 20 to February 12 at AMC CityPlace 20. 29th annual The Donald M. Ephraim Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival will present movies from around the world, opening with PAPA, a heart-warming movie about
September 29 to March 31 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the thirty works by sixteen artists comprise the first-ever comprehensive exhibition of contemporary Japanese lacquer sculpture. They have all been drawn from the Clark Collections at Mia, the only collection in the world to feature this extraordinary new form. Tickets $9 to $15. Visit morikami.org.
miami-dade county Monica Lewinsky
Saturday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple EmanuEl, 1701 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach. Lewinsky will be discussing our online culture of humiliation, offering advice on how to overcome bullying, and drawing from personal experience. This event is open to the public, but will be a closed event to press and media. As such, the speaker’s remarks and Q&As will be off the record. Tickets $75 to $200. Visit tesobe. org/monicalewinsky.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
key west The Tea Dance After Party
Sundays from 7 p.m. until close at Mangoes, 700 Duval St. Upstairs Ricky Ricardo Room. Boogie the night away with a little help from delicious drinks, great music and free admission.
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Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
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Receive a free American Standard Cadet toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Showe one per household. Must be first time purchaser. See www.AmericanStandardBathtubs.com for other restrict *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. CSLB B982796; Suffolk NY:55431H; in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY.
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