local name global coverage January 24, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 4
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January 24, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 4
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
Undetectable equals Untransmittable Pride Center hosts panel to discuss HIV care and prevention
John McDonald
ast year the Centers for Disease Control released a letter that many consider a paradigm shift in regards to HIV/AIDS. “People who take ART daily as prescribed and achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner,” reported the CDC’s Division of HIV/ AIDS Prevention in a letter dated September 27, 2017. ART is antiretroviral therapy – a combination of medicine designed to suppress and stop the virus. “Scientific advances have shown that antiretroviral therapy (ART) preserves the health of people living with HIV,” wrote Division Directors Eugene McCray and Jonathan Mermin. “We also have strong evidence of the prevention effectiveness of ART.” Seeking to shine more light on these findings and spark a dialogue locally, Pride Center at Equality Park will host a “U=U” town hall next week. U=U stands for Undetectable equals Untransmittable. The program is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the main hall of the Schubert Building. “The Pride Center has been approached by various community organizations to present on the U=U message and as a source for accurate, timely information the Center felt it was important to bring well-rounded balanced information to the community about
Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Designer • Char Pratt Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com
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this topic,” said Dr. Robert Shore, Pride Center the criminalization laws no longer reflect the Testing & Outreach Manager. “Rather than science of transmission and also impact the having the Pride Center staff offer a response, willingness of community members to get we have gathered experts in the various fields tested.” The CDC reported in 2014 that 49 percent to help the community understand the U=U of the 1.1 million living with HIV had a message more fully.” The panel of experts includes Bruce suppressed viral load. In a proud note, Ratliff Richman, Founder and Executive Director of points to a 2016 Florida Department of Health report showing 64 percent of the Prevention Access Campaign; Broward County cases had Dr. Ana Puga, HIV specialist “We hope to suppressed viral loads. for CAN Community Health; get the U=U “When ART results in Alejandro Acosta of Equality message out viral suppression, defined Florida and Sonja Richards with to help combat as less than 200 copies ml/ the Florida Department of Health or undetectable levels, in Broward County. HIV related it prevents sexual HIV “We hope to get the U=U stigma and transmission,” the CDC letter message out to help combat HIV to encourage reads. related stigma and to encourage folks living The CDC’s Division of HIV/ folks living with HIV to start and with HIV to AIDS Prevention came to this stay on treatment,” said Shanna start and stay conclusion based on three Ratliff, Pride Center Prevention with Positives Manager. on treatment.” different studies of thousands of serodiscordant couples Acosta will speak on criminal - Shanna Ratliff having sex without condoms transmission of HIV. More than Pride Center Prevention with Positives Manager or pills such as Truvada, aka 30 states, including Florida, have PrEP. laws that criminalize different Unfortunately, in the same letter, the CDC behaviors of HIV positive individuals. “Like so many issues that impact society, also noted too many gay and bisexual men are there is often a knee-jerk response to not in treatment. “Among gay and bisexual men living with criminalize something that society sees as diagnosed HIV, 61 percent have achieved viral a ‘problem’ in the hope that Mcriminalization EMBER will be a deterrent and thus lead to suppression, more than previous years, but resolution,” Shore said. “In the case of HIV, well short of where we want to be.”
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Cover photo: Norm Kent and Piero Guidugli at Café Vico, photo credit: Brendon Lies. MEMBER
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
1 . 24.2018
NEWS local
Michael Cruz
Pride Organizers Will Pursue Embezzled Funds After This Year’s Festival Michael d’Oliveira
ride Fort Lauderdale organizers will until his death. But, he added, there is still wait until after their annual festival money that is owed to Pride and the rest of on Feb. 11 to pursue the $13,000 they the LGBT community and he and the other are legally-owed by Michael Cruz after his board members owe it to the community to see that all the money is paid back. death. “I can’t just dismiss it. It was stolen from In June of 2011, Cruz, who died last summer, was convicted of stealing $46,591 the community . . . Nothing against him or his partner. They knew there from Pride. Cruz, the former was a bill,” Martorell said. director of the then-named “I can’t just When Cruz was convicted, Pride South Florida, was a lien was placed against him sentenced to one year in jail dismiss it. It by the court to ensure he and ordered to make monthly was stolen paid Pride back. According payments of $400 to Pride to from the to Broward property reimburse the organization. community records, Cruz and a man Court documents also show named Emmanuel Stringos that Cruz was ordered to . . . Nothing purchased a home in Fort attend Gamblers Anonymous against Lauderdale in 2000 for meetings. him or his $87,490. The home was sold “I’ve kind of hit a road partner. They in July of 2017 for $215,000, block [on finding out about knew there but Stringos was the only the remaining money owed to name on the title at the time Pride],” said Pride President was a bill.” of sale. Miik Martorell. “Hopefully, - Miik Martorell A spokesperson for the after Pride, I can make this Pride President Broward County Records, happen. It hasn’t fallen off Taxes and Treasury Division the charts. It just hasn’t progressed.” With all his organization’s said that Pride might have to go to court time and effort going into February’s Pride, to get the remainder of its money, possibly Martorell said he hasn’t had the time to from what Stringos made from the sale of the home that was owned by he and Cruz. pursue the matter properly. In August, Martorell told SFGN that Multiple attempts to reach Stringos were Cruz had made every monthly payment up unsuccessful.
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1.24.2018 •
NEWS local Dean Trantalis Photo: Facebook
Gay Candidates Come Out On Top in Fort Lauderdale Primaries Michael d’Oliveira
lthough the races for mayor and said Roberts should concede. “He’s 19 points the Dist. 2 commission seat weren’t away. I’m only three points away. If we won outright Tuesday, the city’s gay get Charlotte’s votes, we’re in.” SFGN was candidates came out as the night’s clear unable to speak with Roberts by press time winners and strongly positioned to win in Tuesday night. March. Many members of the LGBT community Dist. 2 Commissioner Dean Trantalis won in attendance at Trantalis’ election night 46 percent of the vote in his bid to be the party, held at Thasos Greek Taverna, were city’s first openly-gay mayor. Vice Mayor optimistic about Trantalis’ chances since Bruce Roberts got 31 percent of the vote. before the first returns were posted by the Former commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom Broward Supervisor of Elections. got 21.9 percent of the “When Dean announced his vote. Because Roberts and candidacy, right away we knew Trantalis failed to get 50 this would be a horizon race percent plus one of the for the LGBT community. It’s a vote, a runoff will be held breath of fresh air. This is what between the two men on we need,” said Joe Saunders, March 13. senior political director for In the race for Dist. 2, Equality Florida. Steve Glassman, a gay man, “I think it’s amazing we have won 34 percent of the vote two candidates from the LGBT compared to 25 percent for community in the race,” said former commissioner Tim Wilton Manors Commissioner Smith. The two will also Tom Green. face off in the March 13 Dist. 3 candidate Robert runoff. McKinzie, who got 51 percent - Tom Green Gay candidate George of the vote, and faced off Castrataro, the other gay against Donna Guthrie, and candidate, won 20 percent of the vote. Chad Marie Huntley, is the only candidate who Maxey got 18 percent, and Lester Zalewski won’t have to compete in a runoff. got 1 percent. Benjamin Sorensen, who got 42 percent, “I’m very excited for our community and and Warren Sturman, who got 31 percent, our city. It shows people are really engaging will face off in the runoff for the Dist. 4 seat. in this process,” said Trantalis. Trantalis Walter Duke III got 26 percent.
“I think it’s amazing we have two candidates from the LGBT community in the race.”
1 . 24.2018
NEWS coffee and conversation
Older Israeli Lesbians Find Joy In Beshela This week's Coffee & Conversation
John McDonald Tuesday morning’s coffee and conversation program at Pride Center included a moving presentation from A Wider Bridge. The Israeli LGBT organization was represented by three speakers – Sara Sweiry, Robin Rosenbaum and Chen Arieli. The women are part of Generation Zahav, an LGBT seniors’ advocacy group in Israel. “I kicked the closet doors open at age 55,” said Sweiry, leader of Beshela, a social support group for lesbians over 45. Sweiry is a second generation holocaust survivor with three children and nine grandchildren. “I feel like a free happy bird,” she told a standing room only crowd. Rosenbaum, 63, moved to Israel at 17 and she described the experience as like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. “I totally fell in love,” she said. Rosenbaum credits Beshela with helping her reinvent her life. “It’s a social group for older lesbians on a national level in Israel,” Rosenbaum said. “We have social events. For people in crisis – financial
Photo: A Wider Bridge Facebook
or emotion – we help them. We’re building a community so as we age we have a community around us to support us and the women are finding a lot of joy in this community and that’s really important.” Arieli is the chairwoman of the Israel LGBTQ Task Force. She spoke about falling in love with an older woman and how that changed her advocacy efforts. “Our generation in Israel is getting older and we need to start addressing that issue,” Arieli said. For more information, visit www.awiderbridge.org/beshela
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Lesbian YouTuber Gets Engaged After winning Revenge Porn Case Against Ex-boyfriend
By Ryan Lynch
Gospel Singer Aaron Thomas Comes Out as Bisexual Photo: Facebook.
Chrissy Chambers, one half of the YouTube singing channel BriaandChrissy, won a case against her ex-boyfriend after he submitted explicit videos of her to the internet. The YouTuber sued for breach of confidence, misuse of private information and harassment at the High Court in London, according to PinkNews. The court awarded her “substantial” damages as a result of the ruling. After winning her case, Chambers proposed to her YouTube partner Bria Kam. “I could not be more elated to announce that I won my revenge porn case and also asked the most incredible girl to marry me,” Chambers tweeted. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world!!!!!”
1 . 24.2018
Photo: twitter.
Aaron Thomas will be stepping away from gospel music to become an R&B singer after coming out as bisexual. The artist, who previously was on talent search show American Idol, decided to step away from spiritual music after feeling distant from it, according to NewNowNext. Thomas said he struggled to “feel at home” singing gospel.
“The expectations of the gospel industry is to present yourself as this perfect person, when I was far from that,” Thomas said to Philadelphia Magazine. “The gospel industry always made me feel like I wasn’t good enough.” Thomas will now perform as Terrance Stone.
Gender Neutral
Abercrombie & Fitch to Release Gender Neutral Clothing Options for Kids Clothing chain Abercrombie & Fitch will be making a chain of gender neutral fashion options for kids. The line, called the “Everybody Collection,” will include 25 separate options for kids, according to a release. The company said the change was asked for by parents who didn’t want to be restricted to certain styles and colors for their kids. “Parents and their kids don’t want to be confined to specific colors and styles, depending on whether shopping for a boy or a girl,” Abercrombie and Fitch Brand President Stacia Andersen said. “Our Everybody Collection is one assortment, in one size run, that covers the trends we are seeing in both color and style.” Abercrombie is not the first retailer to make the change. Retail chain Target previously made its toy aisle
Photo: Facebook.
gender neutral in 2015 and added gender neutral decor to its children’s collection in 2016, according to Today.
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NEWS local
Miami Beach Drag Queen Handcuffed and Manhandled by Police on MLK Day Officers handcuffed Tiffany Fantasia — wearing makeup in male clothing — because she matched a description of a wanted perp Jose Cassola
“I was just put in handcuffs!”
weight. Just a black man with a grey shirt and blue jeans. Fucking ridiculous,” an Henry Williams — better known for his emotionally-charged Williams said on drag persona Tiffany Fantasia — screamed to Facebook live. “Then they wonder why we his followers on a Facebook live video Monday [African American males] feel the way we do evening, as he recounted the story of how he towards the police department... because we had just been stopped by Miami Beach police all go through this shit! My dad went through and placed in handcuffs because he matched this shit, I’m going through this shit. Many the description of a black male of interest in African American males go through this shit and get treated like shit in the process.” possession of a knife. Williams went on The incident happened at to say that “it’s so the intersection of Española fucking aggravating,f so Way and Euclid Avenue in annoying when all you’re front of Williams’ apartment trying to do is be a good building on Martin Luther person. And the sad part King Day. is that this isn’t the first Williams said he parked time this ever happens his car around the corner of to me. It’s always a vague his apartment building, in ass description from the between drag gigs. He had police department...no just left Palace Bar on Ocean where near what you Drive and was on his way to look like but you’re a Hotel Gaythering on Lincoln suspect! Because of the Road, where he hosts color of your fucking Karaoke Mondays, when he skin. Don’t make any - Henry Williams went home to change out of fucking sense.” his “boy clothes,” his face a.k.a. Tiffany Fantasia Williams said he was still “painted.” eventually let go when Williams stepped out of the car with a McDonald’s bag in one hand officers realized they had the wrong man. The and a cell phone and keys in the other. Then, real culprit, according to an incident report, police came out of nowhere, asking Williams was a black male fitting William’s description for his picture ID, eventually placing him in who had threatened a white female at a store on 14th Street and Washington Avenue, then handcuffs. “No positive description, no height, no followed her to 14th Street and Pennsylvania
“No positive description, no height, no weight. Just a black man with a grey shirt and blue jeans. Fucking ridiculous.”
1 . 24.2018
Court and attacked her, punching her in the chest. The victim then flagged down a police officer at the corner of 14th Place and Euclid Avenue and reported the attack. Officers detained Williams at the 700 block of Española Way because he fit the physical description and clothing description of the culprit. According to the report, Williams was momentarily handcuffed “for his safety and the safety of the officers.” When the victim was transported to the scene where Williams was being detained, she confirmed he was not her attacker. Williams was immediately un-handcuffed and released, but not before Sgt. Sosa, the officer who detained him, told Williams to pick up his trash (the McDonald’s bag), or else he’d be cited for littering. Shortly thereafter, the real subject was apprehended and taken into custody. Williams was none too pleased with the treatment or lack of an apology from the officers. “I have never been so disgusted with Miami Beach Police Department. The way they handled the situation was horrible,” Williams said in a separate Facebook post Monday evening. “They handcuffed me out of nowhere while walking down my own block with a McDonald’s bag, cell phone and keys saying that I matched the description of somebody with a knife. And then when I asked why [they were] handcuffing me, they’re telling me to be quiet and listen with my ears.... I did nothing wrong! Obviously, from a mile away, you could tell I wasn’t the
person! And some of you wonder why black people have a problem with y’all.” As upset as Williams was after the incident, he still changed into his drag clothes to host the karaoke night at Hotel Gaythering. “Yes, I did. The show must go on. I was taught that at as a young entertainer,” he said. Williams met with Miami Beach Police Chief Daniel Oates Tuesday afternoon to discuss the situation and then posted the outcome of the meeting on his Facebook page, along with a group picture with Oates and fellow officers. “Growth comes from understanding both sides of the coin. Thank you, Police Chief Daniel Oates, for explaining what was going on that night, hearing me and my side of the story and trying to come up with a solution to the problem,” Williams said. “He and his team heard me as a citizen and as an African American male. I hope this can lead to a better understanding and growth.” Ernesto Rodriguez, Public Information Officer for the Miami Beach Police Department, provided South Florida Gay News the following statement via email: “Chief Oates, Deputy Chief Clements, Major Guerrero and I met with Mr. Williams this afternoon. This was a private conversation where we all openly discussed our concerns and the incident. We feel the meeting was very positive and Chief Oates reassured Mr. Williams that he and the Miami Beach PD is always available should he have any questions or concerns, we even took a group photo at the end.”
in memoriam
Courtesy Steven Shires
Celebration of Life for John Emmet SFGN Staff
Celebration of Life for John Emmet, who died Dec. 23, will be held on Thursday, Jan. 25 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the main hall of Building B at The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N. Dixie Hwy., Wilton Manors. Emmet worked as Stork’s general manager and was called the “driving force behind” its catering department and had an extensive background in restaurants in New York City before coming to South Florida in 2011. Greg Giancola called Emmet a “happy, loving, and kind” person, who “shared his love for physical fitness” and was a hard worker who made Stork’s his “pride and joy.” Giancola and Emmet were friends for
the past 10 years. “He was phenomenal. He had such a huge heart. He was just a very good friend, very supportive. He was always there for me . . . there for anyone. He will be very missed.”
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1.24.2018 •
NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
129 Anti-LGBT Laws Introduced in 2017; 12 Became Law
Study: Many Queer Girls Don’t Know They Can Get STIs From Each Other
Porn Pulse: Report - Gay Porn Star Matthew Rush Arrested Again, Enters Drug Program
2017 Deadliest Year Ever for LGBT People in Brazil
2017’s LGBT Pride Parade in Belo Horizonte Brazil. Photo by Upslon via Flickr.
Facebook’s Updated News Feed Could Allow Homophobes to Vote LGBT Media Sources ‘Untrustworthy’
6. Laverne Cox Becomes First Trans Woman on Cover of Cosmopolitan 7. Dating App Tackles Racism and Body Shaming 8. Overwatch League Pro Suspended For Slurs Against Gay Opponent Left: Félix ‘xQc’ Lengyel, photo via Twitter / @xQc. Right: Austin ‘Muma’ Wilmot, photo via Twitter / @Muma.
9. Indonesia Plans to Ban Gay Apps 10. Grindr Meetup Becomes Armed Robbery in Panama City
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NEWS national
Marchers Protest Trump’s First Year
Chris Persaud
or the first time in months, President Donald Trump refrained from vacationing at his Palm Beach home, Mar-a-Lago, where he has spent one-tenth of his first year in office. If Trump had not been forced to stay in the White House due to the federal government shutting down, he would have been greeted by an anti-Trump march early Saturday afternoon. A few hundred protesters walked south Palm Beach’s beachfront Ocean Avenue from noon to 3 p.m. on a cloudy, windy 71-degree Saturday afternoon. Two anti-Trump groups, United Against Trump Pence and Pop Up Protest South Florida, organized the so-called Impeachment March on the one-year anniversary of Trump’s presidency. “We’re going to work on get out the vote, protests, mending fences and more,” said United founder when asked what his group has planned for 2018, which has a series of big and small elections in Palm Beach County. Laura Cain, a leader with anti-Trump group Palm Beach Indivisibles, had a similar message. “We’re educating our members on how to register people to vote,” she said. Palm Beach Indivisibles is the local chapter of the national
“They said we couldn’t get civil rights by marching, and they were wrong.” - Pam Keith 12
1 .24.2018
Protesters in West Palm Beach. Photos credit of Chris Persaud.
Indivisible movement, whose members have flooded town hall meetings of their Republican Congress members over the past year. Palm Beach Indivisibles has partnered with affiliates in the Treasure Coast to protest and lobby GOP Congressman Brian Mast, who represents Florida’s 18th district, a purple region that stretches from northern Palm Beach County through Martin and Saint Lucie Counties. The group plans to partner with Florida 18, a grassroots group, to oust the freshman Republican in November’s midterm elections. “We’re going to do what’s called deep canvassing,” said Cain, “That’s where we target registered voters who have not voted in the past two election cycles.” One of Mast’s Democratic challengers, Pam Keith, called for Trump’s impeachment at the march, despite naysayers. “They said we couldn’t get civil rights by marching, and they were wrong,” Keith shouted into a megaphone. For impeachment to happen, a majority of the 435-member House of Representatives would need to vote to charge the President with a crime. But Trump would not yet be kicked out of office. The Senate would then hold a trial, after which 66 out of 100 senators would have to vote in favor of finding Trump guilty. This has never happened even when one party held two-thirds of the seats in the Senate. If Trump was removed from office, notoriously antiLGBT Vice President Mike Pence would become President. The notion of President Pence did not sit well with Mary Lenkersdorf, a mother who brought her two enthusiastic daughters and waved a sign reading “Does conversion therapy work on racists?” For Lenkersdorf, who has health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, each day of Trump’s presidency has been worrisome, she said. “Each day it would be, ‘Will they put it to a vote or won’t they?’ This is the worst freakin’
president in the history of ever. Even worse than [George W.] Bush, and I would give money to have him back.” Cain said that one of her group’s members makes sure to inform the rest of the group about upcoming races. On March 13 cities across Palm Beach County will hold elections for mayor and other local offices, including West Palm Beach, Delray Beach and Boca Raton. “Local government can help stop what Trump wants to implement,” Cain said. West Palm passed a pro-immigrant rule in April telling city police not to hassle immigrants. “Last year, we were all about resistance,” said Cain, “This year we’re about getting out the vote.”
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NEWS miami-dade
Get Your ‘Queer’ On Check out these monthly LGBT parties in Miami
Jose Cassola
o many parties, so little time. Contrary to popular belief, Wilton Manors is not the be-all, end-all of the best Tea-dances, bars, clubs and pop-up events in South Florida. Miami is also a force to be reckoned with — offering drag shows, live music, performance art and even free barbecue and drinks on a monthly basis. South Florida Gay News compiled a list of some of the must-go-to parties to check out. Next week we’ll look at the weekly parties. The following are the standouts:
MOMoNstTarHe upLYcomingPthiAsRweTekIES Gender Blender at Las Rosas 2898 NW Seventh Ave., Wynwood 9 p.m., last Sunday of every month.
OUT Miami’s Gay Bingo at Hotel Gaythering 1409 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach 8 p.m., last Thursday of every month.
Play fun-filled games of good ol’ fashioned bingo while supporting some charitable causes in the community. Up to $400 is up for grabs. Winners receive cash and prizes from OUT Miami Foundation sponsors. In the spirit of the nonprofit’s commitment to philanthropy, all winners split their jackpots with a charity of their choice. Bingo card packets are $25 for four cards; $5 per additional card. Early bird pricing is $15 for four cards until midnight on the Sunday before the event or while supplies last. The event is free for members of OUT Miami Foundation. Find out more at www.outmiami.org/member, email Jaime Bayo at jaime@outmiami.org or call 305521-9050, ext. 1. The next event is Jan. 25.
1 .24.2018
Above: Gender Blender at Las Rosas. All photos courtesy of Jose Cassola.
Cardi B. This month’s party is Super Mariothemed and is pitting queens in the form of Mario vs. Luigi and Princess Peach vs. Princess Daisy. Miss Ultimate Miami drag queen Athena Dion serves as hostess. Party open to 18-and-over entrants. RSVP for free at https://tfl.events/mia. The next event is Jan. 27.
Counter Corner co-creator Sleeper Speaks is the mastermind behind Gender Blender, a monthly party featuring drag performances, live music and performance art by queer artists. Under a year old, the event started at Churchill’s with partners Ian “Neon” Brown and Karloz Torres, then moved to Las Rosas in Wynwood. The next Gender Blender is Jan. 28.
This Free Life Presents: Celebrity Deathmatch at The Hangar 60 NE 11th St., Miami 10 p.m., last Saturday of every month.
Who doesn’t like to see drag queens square off in a wrestling ring? But instead of putting each other in a headlock or executing a body slam, these queens are doing the ultimate lip sync for your life. Launched in December 2017, the first event attracted RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Shangela and pitted performers against each other in the likeness of pop and R&B divas, such as Madonna vs. Lady Gaga, Britney Spears vs. Christina Aguilera and Nicki Minaj vs.
Not Your Standard Bingo with Shelley Novak at The Standard 40 Island Ave., Miami Beach 7-10 p.m., last Sunday of every month.
The name of this event says it all. This isn’t your standard bingo. Started three years ago, drag comic legend Shelley Novak hosts the monthly party with tunes by DJ Jody McDonald. Prizes include a one-night stay at The Standard, day passes and spa services. What’s more, it’s free to play. The next event is Jan. 28.
Counter Corner at 1306 Miami 1306 North Miami Ave., Miami 10 p.m., third Sunday of every month.
Originally started in 2014 at the Corner Bar in downtown Miami, Counter Corner was created by Miami artist Sleeper Speaks and performance artists Gio Profera and Josue Garcia, better known for their Hialeah chonga drag personas, Juleisy y Karla. The trio created the monthly queer party for LGBT folks who were “over” the traditional Miami gay scene and were looking to enjoy some “gender non-conforming fun.” In the summer of 2017, the party moved to a larger venue, 1306 Miami, and it has become the monthly must-go-to venue to see the likes of bodybuilding drag entertainer Miss Toto or death-dropping, splits-taking Dang-Ho Yu Sickning with music mixes by DJ Zehno. Good news for the younger 21-and-under crowd: the party is open to 18-and-over entrants. No cover.
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1.24.2018 •
NEWS miami-dade
Miami Bartender Mixes Drag Queens With Rock & Roll
Check out these two weekly events, Drag Mondays and Gender Blender Photos courtesy of Karloz Torres.
ne of Kill Your Idol’s resident bartenders is Karloz Torres, a native Colombian who moved to the United States when he was 14 years old and started tending bar at 19 to pay for college. When Torres went to work in his field — computer technology and graphic design — he discovered he hated it, “plus it didn’t pay well.” So Torres went back to tending bar. And now the bartender is the producer and host of Drag Mondays at Kill Your Idol, 222 Española Way, in Miami Beach, which celebrates its second anniversary Feb. 12. Drag Mondays features The Eye Dolls, a group of upand-coming drag queens managed by Torres. The group, Torres says, is known for doing things most others don’t, such as weekly choreographed numbers and monthly theme parties. “I created The Eye Dolls to make sure we had a solid team [of drag entertainers] and it has been working out great ever since,” Torres said. “We bring in new guests every week but The Eye Dolls are the main stars.” Torres said The Eye Dolls have come a long way. “All my dolls work all over town,” including Señor Frogs, R House Wynwood, Palace, Twist and Molto. “They have won so many pageants. Their make up, their costumes, their performances all have improved tremendously,” Torres said. “We don’t have the girls
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Jose Cassola
“We don’t have the girls we started with… but we have invited those past cast members to come back and perform. The love never goes away.” - Karloz Torres we started with… but we have invited those past cast members to come back and perform. The love never goes away.” Monday drag nights at Kill Your Idol has been going on for seven years now. Originally called Glitter Box the party started at Kill Your Idol back in 2010. “Drag Mondays at Kill Your Idol is the biggest little party in town,” Torres said. “I took over two years ago, and it really has become a staple of Miami Beach.” At only 33, Torres has a long history in the South Florida gay club scene, including Twist, where he worked for five years; Cathode Ray in Fort Lauderdale; and The Vagabond, “where we had all sorts of fun weird events like ‘Backdoor Bamby.’” Torres also represented Florida
in Stoli’s Key West Cocktail classic. Besides Drag Mondays, Torres also hosts a joint party with comic drag legend Shelley Novak — Karaoke Circus Thursdays at Kill Your Idol — and throws a monthly event called Gender Blender, which takes place on the last Sunday of every month at Las Rosas, 2898 NW Seventh Ave., in Miami. “We are the only queer event focused on live music and performance art,” Torres said. Torres said Ian “Neon” Brown, a co-organizer of the event, is “amazing and well known in the punk scene. He knows all about amazing bands.” Brown is the one who initially approached Torres to host a queer punk night. “After the first time we did it, I saw the opportunity to create something bigger,” Torres said. The event relaunched the following month as Gender Blender. “I’m surrounded by awesome people who are trying to make an impact in the Miami queer scene. I couldn’t do it alone,” Torres said. “Counter Corner proved the need for more than your standard gay party. There’s a bigger spectrum to our culture and that’s what Gender Blender is about. We like to get weird.”
The next Gender Blender is Jan. 28 at Las Rosas.
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The GFLGLCC is Moving to Wilton Manors, Florida The GFLGLCC - Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is Moving to Wilton Manors, Florida Expansion Plans Include a Visitor Center and Member Office Space Keith Blackburn
(Wilton Manors, Florida) – January 10, 2018– Six years after they moved to office space located at 4044 NE 7th Avenue in Oakland Park, Florida, the chamber is excited to announce their expansion and move into Wilton Manors, Florida. The 1,200sf space at 2300 NE 7th Avenue in Wilton Manors was previously occupied by J Miles and most recently, Al & Chuck Travel. It is located behind Sun Serve and next to The Shoppes of Wilton Manors. The move will take place later this month. “We are thrilled to be able to transition into office space that will bring real value to our business community,” says Keith Blackburn, GFLGLCC President and CEO. The new space will house the chambers offices, conference and meeting space where members can meet clients and more. “Through an open floor design, we will provide our members with space to collaborate, connect and grow their business. By using the modern work environment we will reduce the footprint required for staff work and provide work, meeting and conference space for member programming and services.” Opening later this year, plans are underway for an LGBT focused Visitor Center, which will assist tourists and spur business in the community. Once open, the center will operate in front of the office space. About GFLGLCC - Greater Fort
Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce: The GFLGLCC is a 501 C (6) Non Profit independent organization affiliated with the NGLCC – National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, dedicated to promoting business and economic opportunities for the LGBT and LGBT-friendly community in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area. To be an advocate and resource for all member businesses that promotes equality and to promote tourism with a unified approach, by working with appropriate and related organizations. About NGLCC - National LGBT Chamber of Commerce: The NGLCC is the business advocate and direct link between lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) business owners, corporations, and government, representing the interests of more than 1.4 million LGBT businesses and entrepreneurs. The NGLCC is committed to forming a broad-based coalition of LGBT owned and friendly businesses, professionals, and major corporations for the purpose of promoting economic growth and the prosperity of our members. For more information about the GFLGLCC, or to become a member please visit www.gogayfortlauderdale.com or contact Keith Blackburn at 954-523-3500 or via email at: Keith@gflglcc.org for media coverage, press kits, membership kits and live interview requests.
Contact: Keith Blackburn, President / CEO keith@gflglcc.org, (954) 523-3500
1 .24.2018
The winners are here!
COME SEE WHO YOU VOTED FOR! All your favorite South Florida businesses
Throughout August our readers nominated their favorites in each “Best Of” category, and in September they voted for the finalists. Make sure you don’t miss it!
Visit sfgn.com/BestOf2017 Best Restaurant Best Take Out Best Pizza Best Guest House Best Neighborhood Bar Best Nightclub Best Place To Shop
Best Happy-Hour Best Pet Groomers Best Coffee Shop Best Drag Queen Best Movie Theater Best City to Live In Best Non-Profit
Best Gym Best Live Theater Best Business Group Best Beach Best Hair Salon Best Spa ... And many more!
1.24.2018 •
Publisher's Editorial
A 2018 Open Letter to Our SFGN Readers Norm Kent
outh Florida has become the heartbeat and soul of a proud queer community. The newspaper you hold in your hand has spent the last eight years and 400 issues illuminating LGBT lives. The paper is free. We only survive because of our advertising and the support of our readership and business community. Many of our advertisers are gay owned and gay friendly establishments. They are almost our silent partners. Their commitment helps get the paper to your door. The proprietors are professionals reaching out to you to share their pride and their products. It is my hope that you will support them as they do us. I would like to think we are still here because those sponsors get bang for their buck. There is a reason we print over 10,000 copies weekly and have over 400 distribution points in 4 counties. People pick our paper up, and read it. You rely upon it, which is great. Thank you. From our ‘best of’ issues to our ‘Out 50,’ we have become South Florida’s newspaper of record for the LGBT community. It’s no easy task. All of us who ever ran a business knows what it is like to encounter issues, face unsuspected obstacles and rise to challenges. That’s life.
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Having said that, and reviewing this week’s making a good home and successful living paper, I really don’t know how many people for themselves. Most importantly, we are give a damn that it is our 8th anniversary finding ourselves at the core and center of Thursday. It will be nice having a party at those communities. We are the mayors and the mentors, the Hunter’s, but like most businessmen, I am more concerned about making payroll on makers and shakers populating all walks of Friday. In this emerging digital age, we are life. Because we are out and proud, there are fortunate and grateful that we still can. In the meantime, enjoy the buffet from Beefcake’s. no shadows for us to hide behind. What does that mean? It means that a good newspaper Heck, it’s free. The truth is we thrive and survive because does not cover up the truth, it uncovers it. of who you are and what you do. Our writers A popular myth in LGBT publications for years has been that we were simply breathe life into your under some sort of unwritten achievements. Our paper catalogues our wins and our A popular myth in obligation to print just ‘good’ news. No, journalism, like warts; when we succeed or LGBT publications life, does not work that way. how we may fail. That is our for years has You take the good with the mission and our motivation. bad. A credible newspaper been that we The LGBT community generating conscientious were under some has had to fight its way to journalism is not here just equality. We have overcome to puff up how good we are. sort of unwritten a disease that could have Our duty is to also share how obligation to print destroyed us and a society careless we can be. Having that sought to demean us. said that, gay South Floridians just ‘good’ news. We found out we were not have much they can be proud No, journalism, the ones that needed electro of. shock therapy. We found out From Key West to Palm like life, does not that bullying was bad and Beach, there are LGBT citizens
work that way.
dignity for gender equality was right. We uncovered the truth that we were lied to for too long. Gay is good. Hate was bad. A good gay newspaper has to expose lies and prove up the truth. We have to be more than a 2 for 1 special, so while you will find restaurant reviews on our pages, you will also read riveting stories of LGBT teen homelessness or meth addiction and alcoholism in the gay community. Real news is not today’s invention. It has always been a newspaper’s calling, today as much as ever. This is no time to be complacent or comfortable. From the White House to the state House in Tallahassee, there are people in power who hate you and will hurt you. If they could, they would roll back rights you have won, protections you should have always have had. And a person named Caitlyn Jenner would never have been a Time cover story. My parting message to you is what I tell my writers. Take nothing for granted. Question authority. Be ready to stand up and be counted when it counts. Be conscientious and diligent. Understand that one day you may be called upon to stand naked before a dragon. Blow him away. The freedom you save may be your own.
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Andy Marlette
1.24.2018 •
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. . . d e pp o st r e v e n g n i t r o p The re
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SFGN revisits its most popular stories over the past year.
Year 8
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8 Years
y e l i a B e u l B h t i W p U g n i school law s e Catch finish star Retired gay porn
ahmod David-Elijah N
FGN originally interviewed Blue Baily in 2014 in an article “Life After Porn: Controversial Blue Bailey Talks HIV And Barebacking.” It quickly became one of SFGN’s most read stories and remains so today. His unabashed views on bareback sex and his performance in ‘Viral Loads’ made him one of the most controversial porn stars around at that time.
When we last chatted with retired gay porn star Blue Bailey he was getting ready to start attending law school. A lot has happened since then. “I graduated from UC Hastings Law School (in San Francisco) this past May,” Bailey told SFGN. “The first year was nerve-wracking. Being thrown into a class full of extremely smart students from fancy schools all over the world was intimidating. On top of that, everyone competes against each other for a curved grade. I felt inadequate and out of place on several occasions. I took a lot of time and perseverance to slowly gain may confidence.” His perseverance paid off. “I served as president of the student LGBT group ‘OUTLAW’ and Managing Editor of the ‘Hastings Women’s Law Journal,’” he said. “Through the journal, I produced two symposia concerning the HIV and LGBT communities, and I even published my first work as a legal scholar. My note, “Sex Panic and Videotape,” detailed California’s Proposition 60 and AIDS Healthcare Foundations failed power grab to dictate the choice of adult entertainment performers.” Bailey was referring to the AIDS’ Healthcare Foundation, a non-profit health clinic, and its support for a now defeated California ballot measure which would have forced California porn models to use condoms in all scenes. That was only the beginning.
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“Since graduating, I was elected to serve on the Board of Directors for Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, the nation’s oldest and largest LGBT bar association,” he said. “I was recently appointed to the position of Mister Friendly Leather SF 2018, which allows me to showcase MrFriendly. org’s mission at the Mister San Francisco Leather 2018 contest. For those who may be unfamiliar with Mr. Friendly, Mr. Friendly is an international, yet grassroots movement to reduce stigma of HIV, encouraging testing for HIV, and improve quality of life for those living with HIV in friendly ways.” Bailey said intellectual property is his field of expertise. “I want to continue working with artists and people who create,” he said. “Classes such as copyright, trademark, and privacy peaked my interest because they combined my passion for media and the law.” Bailey has yet to decide if he’ll join a firm or start his own private practice. “I still have some time to make this decision,” he said. “The idea of starting my own practice intrigues me and I’ve been looking at a few incubator programs that UC Hastings and the State of California offer. I want to be an advocate and activist for the LGBT, kink, and HIV-positive communities, and working for myself may best allow me to pursue these goals.” One thing is for certain: Bailey will remain involved with
the adult film industry, albeit as an advocate. “I am knowledgeable and passionate about the adult entertainment industry and issues concerning freedom of expression,” he said. “I was recently re-reading ‘The Handmaids Tale’ and one of the first items that the government outlawed was pornography. Pornography and the kink community often lie on the outskirts of the mainstream LGBT collective conscious, which makes them easy targets, I would love to continue my work of being an advocate for these marginalized voices.” Now that it’s behind him, Bailey said that he has no regrets about any of the videos he’s made and doesn’t think his past will have any impact on his future career goals. “At the end of Madonna’s Human Nature music video, she says ‘absolutely, no regrets”--that is how I try to live my life,” he said. “Every mistake I have made, and trust me I have made many, is an opportunity to learn and grow. My goal in life is to grow and hopefully not make the same mistake twice. I loved working in the adult entertainment industry, and it afforded me several once in a life time moments. Surprisingly enough, I interned at the Federal Communications Commission--which regulates indecency and obscenity--during my 2L summer. I would absolutely consider a career in politics or government work, and I don’t think dreaming of such things are naive.”
Whether you are in the bisexual or transgender communities, are asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, or maybe you still aren’t sure, SFGN is proudly here to connect you with the rest of our colorful community.
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8 Years
do (L) and Lauren Fos
ss e lln e W for r e nt e C Q T B G L s ’ Miami Dr. Christopher salga
s n o i t a t c e p x eeds E
t’s a transgender patient’s big day, a surgery they’ve been waiting years to happen. But even with the excitement, nerves set in as they think about the money, the pain, and the recovery. “Every surgery that Dr. Salgado does, I come to the hospital early at like 7 o’clock,” said Lauren Foster. “I sit at their bedside and I tell them the story about my surgery and my bedside experience… it calms them down. This is the biggest moment in their lives, basically.” Foster is a transgender woman and the director of concierge at the University of Miami’s LGBTQ Center for Wellness, Gender and Sexual Health, where her colleague Dr. Christopher Salgado performs surgeries. Open since last spring, the center provides a one-stop shop for LGBTQ patients for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Almost a year old, the center has exceeded expectations — the next opening for a surgery is October 2019. More staff has been hired to accommodate the drove of people seeking services, including a nurse practitioner to take on Salgado’s overflow patients and endocrinology. While the entire LGBTQ community is served, most of the patients who come to the center are transgender. One of the goals the staff had last year was to create a support group, and since then Trans Trend Miami was
Christiana L il
formed. On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, people meet to discuss a plethora of topics at The Hub at the LGBT Visitors Center in Miami Beach. “We had too many patients who couldn’t get to any kind of support,” Foster explained. “They’d have to drive to Wilton Manors or to Palm Beach.” A topic of conversation that has been rampant among transgender patients is the fear of losing their health coverage under the Trump administration. With Republicans rolling back the Affordable Care Act, movement is underway that would allow health professionals to turn down patients based on moral or religious objections. Namely, performing abortions or doing surgeries on transgender patients. With that, one of the goals is to get more surgical time in at the center. Currently, surgeries are only done two days a week. “A lot of our patients are very nervous … they’ll call me pleading and begging, ‘See what you can do, is there a cancellation?’” Foster said. “With insurance and that fantastic President Obama, all these [patients] can now fulfill their dreams and their authentic lives. They’re terrified that Trump is going to take that away.” On the plus side, staff has been pleasantly surprised with the number of young LGBT patients coming in with their
A topic of conversation that has been rampant among transgender patients is the fear of losing their health coverage under the Trump administration.
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parents — the earlier that a patient is able to seek medical treatment or a positive support system, the better. Beyond bringing the center to fruition, the University of Miami has been supportive in having Foster host sensitivity training for employees and students twice a month. She also takes part in speaking engagements. It’s all rewarding, but it’s those moments bedside with a patient that Foster can really see the difference the staff is making. “These guys come in and they’re all crouched over and the reason they’re crouched over is they don’t want anybody to see their breasts. You take off their binders and some of them had duct tape .. they’re black and blue,” Foster said. “After Dr. Salgado gives them their top surgery, when the takes the bandage off, they have a grin from ear to ear. They’re so happy.”
What: LGBTQ Center for Wellness, Gender and Sexual Health Where: University of Miami West Building, 1321 NW 14th St. in Miami Phone: 305-689-3100 Website: surgery.med.miami.edu/plastic-andreconstructive/gender-affirmation
8 Years
s ’ N G F S s a r a e My First Y
r e t r o p e R History k Graham Brun
was surprised when my first column dealing with LGBT history in South Florida last summer became one of the most viewed stories on our website that week. It was a modest first choice. That article was about a rest stop that existed in the 1970s in Boca Raton just before the Broward County line. It had become a major gay hangout for hooking up and it became so problematic it is said to be one of the reasons the Dept. of Transportation scrapped plans for 3 other rest stops along I-95 in South Florida. Personally I thought the story was comical, however the story did bring out a lot of interesting memories from some of our readers since I soon received a few emails from some recollecting stories about rest stops in South Florida. I was then inspired to write about Dr. David Acer, the Treasure Coast area dentist accused in the mid 1980s of transmitting HIV to several of his patients. No medical professional has done this since then and it appeared to me his name should have a bit of vindication which is what I set out to do. All the patients seemingly had other sources for their positive status and there was definitely financial incentive for them to blame Dr. Acer. I don’t think we will ever really know what happened but that story I wrote seemed to gain attention. Readers emailed me and I was surprised to learn that it appeared that most people seemed to agree with my thoughts; the CDC had no answers and pinned it on the dead gay guy, it was easy to do since everyone else was doing it and how could he defend himself? As someone who has grown up in West Palm Beach I am surrounded by the lasting influence that is architect Addison Mizner so you can imagine how exciting it was to research the rumors of him being gay. In the
end it proved pretty hard to do, but I did find that just prior to his Palm Beach arrival in the late 1910s he had spent time working in the New York City firm of known gay architect Standford White and his many known gay associates. If Mizner was not gay he would have been the only straight one in this circle of men. In the end I don’t think many were surprised Mizner was likely indeed gay. I watched comments poor in on social media about the murder that started it all. When Eastern Airlines flight attendant William T. Simpson was mysteriously murdered in a storybook incident in a “lovers lane” area of Miami in 1954, it created wide spread panic when a Miami News reporter focused on Simpson’s sexuality rather than the crime. His series of articles following the investigation alarmed Miami residents when they realized for the first time the gay population in Miami was probably in the tens of thousands rather than just a few people as many had amusingly assumed. I do believe all the big stories are important, Anita Bryant’s campaign to the rise of human rights groups, AIDS, and gay marriage but sometimes I think it’s easy for us to forget some of the smaller stories that helped shape our community and that is the goal I set out each time I attempt to write something new. I noticed one of my columns this year was followed by on the next page long time South Florida LGBT writer Jesse Monteagudo’s recollection of the Marlin Beach Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. I can only hope my writing has been able to contribute the informative, thought provoking, yet entertaining, nostalgia a story like that one does. It’s a new year and I have a lot of great irons in the fire. Let’s keep them coming!
Sometimes I think it’s easy for us to forget some of the smaller stories that helped shape our community.
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Off T
8 Years
he W all
Pier A ngelo
“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1787
s we at SFGN proudly celebrate our 8th Anniversary others think that reading and supporting a newspaper is a thing of the past. Gov. Sarah Palin in 2008 made it clear that she did not read newspapers. Why should she? She can get all the news she needs from Tweety Bird. Not to be undone President Trumputin has repeatedly called the press “thieves and crooks.” He has referred to the New York Times as: “failing-sick-a disgusting fraud- a joke – dishonest - unfair and biased” among other things. But in his manic schizophrenic way the only thing worse than negative coverage in The Times is not being covered at all. Many have been predicting the end of this format for years. The irreplaceable role of newspapers, to dissect, stimulate, expose, organize and analyze the public debate, is threatened by a free for all chaos led by social media’s anarchic way of spreading information without any editorial revision process. They are platforms & pulpits for personal propaganda & agendas without any concern about what is true or not. Some of the largest websites are aggregate news sites, meaning they simply pull news from other sources. Newspapers all over the world are suffering, or closing, and reporters are dwindling through downsizing. Who will dig up corruption, white-collar crimes, exploitation, abuse of minorities, collusion, lies, political scandals, obstruction of justice and big business cover-ups when there are no more reporters? This past year alone more than 81 reporters have been killed worldwide while bearing witness to unfolding events, violence and harassment against media workers has skyrocketed. Many fear for their lives. And now the term Fake News has become a global
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subject. It was widely introduced to billions during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As many as 126 million Facebook users saw divisive, misleading and untrue content posted by the Russians seeking to interfere with the 2016 elections. Numerous political commentators and journalists wrote and stated in the media that 2016 was the year of fake news and as a result nothing will ever be the same in politics and cyber security. Governmental bodies in the U.S. and Europe have begun looking at contingencies and regulations to combat fake news especially when part of a coordinated intelligence campaign by hostile foreign governments. Online tech giant Google started putting in place means to combat fake news as a result of the phenomenon becoming globally known. Facebook has been experimenting with a fact-checking function to keep its news feed honest, but these efforts feel lukewarm and condescending. The truth is that the fuel that powers a healthy democracy — is increasingly endangered. Since the early days of his presidency, President Trump has appropriated the term “fake news” to refer to traditional news media, singling out CNN, (and leaving out Foxymoron News), but what it boils down to is that President Trump childishly uses the term “fake news” to describe any news, however legitimate or responsible, with which he may disagree or take offense to. Sadly when you throw enough crap on the wall some will stick as his ramblings stick to his core followers like shit on Velcro. At SFGN we are trying to prove that it’s still doable in a credible and honest way. Thanks to our publisher Norm Kent and Executive Editor Jason Parsley, we have featured international, national and local news, the crystal meth
epidemic, cutting-edge editorial content, breaking stories, police harassment, exposed crooks, con-men & swindlers who hurt members of our community, and we made you part of all this by allowing your comments to be read by all as if it was an open forum. Yes, today we are giving ourselves a little pat on the back, seems self-serving but it feels right. In closing, as the CEO of this great paper, I want to seize the moment to express my gratitude to all of our loyal readers, advertisers, and of course our dedicated staff, led by our sales manager Justin Wyse, for allowing us to be the voice of this beautiful and colorful community’s ongoing story. In these complicated times, truth matters, journalism matters and your vital support matters, you are an inspiration, you give us purpose and much appreciated emails of praise like the one that follows, left on our web site a year ago by our reader A-Jay, thank you! Grazie! aff well and ce to wish the st offi GN ing SF e th onally for keep “I stopped by d the gang pers an ity. o, un er m Pi m , co m e or thank N very divers a in e iv al n ab io adit e memor le an historical tr er with us as ar ng lo no is DA d, TWN, Scoop, While the AGEN ations like Davi ic bl pu ul rf de Today’s SFGN other won springs eternal. frontier of pe ho c. et , in ta enduring The Foun foundation of an ive staffers are the r media flame al ou ep ke at th s al du e vi bl e favora likes spirited indi d downs and th an e s up e th of ar about over th regardless we read and he at y th ck lu es ik ur sl yo di h on and hars ons SFGN ar. Congratulati me.” course of the ye any more to co m yan m yan m d an 7th year
1.24.2018 •
Photo: B Square Burgers & Booze, via BSquareBurger.com.
8 Years
s d r wa A n o o p S n e d
Gol my favorite reviews of the last year Here’s to
s SFGN celebrates another anniversary, it reminds me that the newspaper business is probably only slightly less volatile than the restaurant business. Both have numerous factors working against them, but those outstanding businesses not only manage to survive they thrive. In preparing for our anniversary issue, I looked through my files and thought that those places offering exemplary dining experiences deserved an award. Here they are folks, my “Golden Spoon” Awards for 2017. A bit of explanation, these awards honor only those places I happened to write about in the past year. So, for example; l believe
R ick Karlin
that Hot & Soul is the best fusion restaurant in South Florida, but it’s not included because I didn’t write about it 2017. Before anyone screams, “Unfair!”, I’d like to point out that this criteria for judging allows other contenders to get the respect they deserve. Think of it as the Oscars for South Florida restaurants; honoring wonderful dining experiences of the past year! Rather than tout any candidate as “Best” I prefer to use the term “Outstanding” as each of these dining experiences were memorable in its own way. After each award, I quote a sentence or two from my original review.
2018 Golden Spoon Awards Outstanding New Spot (Wilton Manors)
2150 Wilton Dr. 954-626-0722 Menu highlight: “The “shrimp boat” appetizer; nine large shrimp, sautéed in garlic butter, resting on a bed of crispy fried eggplant… Eat’s secret weapon though, is the delightful server Jamie. This woman knows how to take care of her boys.”
Outstanding New Spot (Fort Lauderdale)
Naked Crab
1140 Seabreeze Blvd, (in B Ocean Hotel) 954-564-1000 “As tempting as everything else is on the menu, you MUST try the tuna nachos! This dish is one of the best things I have eaten; anywhere, anytime!... The Geisha Martini, is quite refreshing and goes down dangerously easily.
Outstanding New Spot (Oakland Park)
Tatts and Tacos
3200 NE 12th Ave., Oakland Park 954-533-0907 tattsandtacos.com “The fare is a blend of Mexican-American fare and traditional Mexican street food, such as elotes; corn grilled on the cob, slathered with aioli and sprinkled with cotija cheese and a bit of cayenne.” “The patio has the look of a typical trailer park yard (complete with a trailer!), a loungey area, thumping music from a DJ (at least on weekends) and a menu of micro-brewery beers and craft cocktails add to the appeal.”
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Outstanding Comfort Fare
Outstanding Burger Joint
B Square Burgers + Booze 1021 E Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-999-5216 BsquareBurger.com “Burgers feature hormone and antibiotic-free beef, unless of course, it’s made with tuna, duck, turkey or the veggie version, which combines black beans and brown rice. In addition to the standard burger combinations, check out some of the restaurant’s special concoctions. The “Big Daddy,” is topped with pastrami and melted matured cheddar, while the “Dad Bod,” features melted Maytag bleu, truffled mushrooms, caramelized onions and a sunnyside-up egg.”
Outstanding Fusion Cuisine
Viva Tokyo Mexican and Japanese 1538 E Commercial Blvd., Oakland Park 754-216-1663 VivaTokyoRestaurant.com “Pleasant surprises that await you inside, from the cheery décor and service to the fabulous fare that is as attractive as it is delicious.” “The spicy tuna burrito features sushi-grade tuna, field greens, cilantro, cucumber, carrots avocado and spicy mayo rolled in a 10” flour tortilla. They even toss in a little Korean kim chee to amplify the spice and fusion levels.”
New York Grilled Cheese 2207 Wilton Dr. 954-564-6887 NewYorkGrilledCheese.com Although they’ve gussied up the grilled cheese, the tomato soup is just like Mom used to make, with the spice-level quotient notched up about 40 percent.
Outstanding Fast Casual
Beehive Kitchen
6312 N. Andrews, Fort Lauderdale 954-541-8787 Beehive-Kitchen.com “This fast-casual restaurant brings the customized assembly-line process to delicious, yet healthy food. Beehive Kitchen offers customizable bowls, with creatively combined flavorful ingredients, in a bright laboratory like setting…”
Outstanding Rehab
Bona Italian
2468 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-565-7222 BonaItalianRestaurant.com New owners, Glen and Mark have breathed new life into this Wilton Manors landmark. Upgrades in the menu and better service, to say nothing of the freshened-up décor, have made this a popular dining destination.
Food Then there are those places, that you never knew existed until they are suddenly revealed to you. They may be tucked away in unusual locations, as two of these spots are, or they may be someplace you pass every day without a hint as to the wonders inside. Discovering and sharing these hidden gems are the real joy of doing this job.
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Wilton Manors)
Voo La Voo 2430 NE 13th Ave 754-200-5285 VooLaVooCafe.com
Hidden inside Eucalyptus Gardens (which many longterm Wilton Manors residents don’t even know exists), this place is a garden of earthly delights. “Everything that’s wonderful about French food; the attention to detail, the wonderful sauces, the flair in presentation is all there. What’s missing is any air of pretention or inflated prices.”
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Oakland Park)
Cucina Caruso Italian Market 4165 N Dixie Hwy., Oakland Park 954-630-8855 CucinaCarusoItalianMarket.com
“… the real reason folks come here is for the little café set up on one side of the store. Pulling into the non-descript strip-mall you’d have no inkling as to the culinary treasures to be found inside, and those treasures are only matched by the charming staff, who all exhibit a joy and pride that is infectious.”
Outstanding Hidden Gem (Fort Lauderdale)
Jet Runway Café
5540 NW 21st Terr., Fort Lauderdale 954-958-9900 JetRunwayCafe.com “While the view is breathtaking, it’s the food that keeps folks coming back. It’s nothing fancy or inventive, but it is all well-prepared and artfully presented.”
Finally, how can I give out a Golden Spoon Award without acknowledging Angelo Elia? He runs nearly a dozen restaurants and each one is delightful, from the upscale Casa D’Angelo, to the casual Angelo Elia Pizza and Tapas to Angelo Elia Bakery Bar.
The Midas Touch Outstanding Achievement Award 4215 N. Federal, Ft. Lauderdale (additional locations in Doral, Coral Springs & Weston) 954-561-7300 angeloeliapizza.com
Casa D’Angelo Ristorante 1201 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-564-1234 casa-d-angelo.com
Angelo Elia Bakery Bar
2104 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-566-6100 angeloeliabakery.com
“Angelo Elia’s culinary acumen and inviting attitude has earned him tremendous praise and recognition from local and national media and has garnered him numerous awards.”
Photo: Voo La Voo, via Facebook. 1.24.2018 •
Liza Minnelli is among the most memorable entertainers SFGN’s A&E editor J.W. Arnold has interviewed. Source: Speakerpedia.
8 Years
My Eight Most
s w e i v r e t n i LE B A OR MEM J.W. A rnold
’ve been covering and arts and entertainment in South Florida for more than a decade and had the honor of writing for SFGN beginning with the very first issue eight years ago. Over that time, I’ve had the opportunity to interview hundreds of actors, artists and musicians from international stars to local sensations. This anniversary issue offered the perfect opportunity to reflect on some of the most memorable conversations I’ve had—most for SFGN, others for its predecessor, Express Gay News:
Liza Minnelli
Liza—can I call her that now?—missed two appointments for a short “phoner” and I was starting to feel put off. She was a huge star and, admittedly, I wrote for a relatively small niche publication (meaning I carried a chip on my shoulder), albeit a paper read by her most devoted (gay) fans. The third time proved to be the charm and she was just as gracious and chatty as I could have ever imagined.
Nichelle Nichols
Nichols, best known as Lt. Uhura on “Star Trek,” has shared the story about how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked her out of quitting the series countless times over the past half century, but it still brought goosebumps to this Trekkie. She was a courageous pioneer, the first AfricanAmerican woman in a primetime role on network television, and remains an important role model for all.
1 .24.2018
Rue McClanahan
Unfortunately, I was expecting Blanche Devereaux on the other end of the phone. That happens sometimes when an actor becomes so closely identified with such a flamboyant character, I guess. Instead, McClanahan was a thoughtful, but softspoken artist who appreciated her “Golden Girls” fans and viewed the iconic role as just that, one of many in a long career.
William Shatner
William Shatner had primarily done TV westerns when he signed on as Capt. James T. Kirk for “Star Trek.” He didn’t imagine the cult status the series would attain, especially when it was cancelled after only three seasons. Unlike other actors faced with the same dilemma (I’m thinking “Batman” Adam West), the classicallytrained actor embraced his defining role and became a hero for generations to come.
Lynda Carter
Valerie Harper
Cloris Leachman
Patti LuPone
I was in second or third grade when “Wonder Woman” first hit the airwaves. I fell in love with the statuesque Carter and, like so many gaybies, wanted to be just like her. I was giddy when the opportunity came to speak with Carter and my nerves got the better of me. It’s not good when a journalist gets tongue-tied during an interview! Her surprisingly dry sense of humor didn’t help the situation, either. I spoke to Leachman around the time of her “Dancing with the Stars” appearance. The “Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “Phyllis” star flaunted her carefree personality, but I was not prepared. After I politely asked how she was, Leachman responded with a haughty chuckle, “I just got out of the tub and I’m lying on the bed naked.” The interview went downhill from there (in a good way, of course).
Valerie Harper, Rhoda on the “Mary Tyler Moore Show,” was coming to town to perform in West Palm Beach as the gay icon Tallulah Bankhead in “Looped.” Usually, these kinds of interviews last 10 or 15 minutes at the most, but my conversation with Harper lasted just over an hour. We chatted about everything! She was charming and funny and personable and just as interested in me as I was in her. I interviewed LuPone shortly after the 2007 incident in which “pirates” chartered a boat out of Miami and killed the crew. We talked a little bit about her upcoming performance at the Arsht Center, but she was simply obsessed by the bizarre tale. I don’t know if she regularly charters boats while on tour, but I was pretty sure she didn’t on this particular trip to South Florida.
Photo by Shirin Tinati, courtesy of Asia Kate Dillon.
8 Years
he Non t is n o l l Di e t a Asia K
n e e r c S r e v l i S e ilblazer of th rrendi
ast year, the world saw the first openly non-binary identifying actor land a role in a major television series. As Asia Kate Dillon discovered their gender identity, their character Taylor was already secure in their pronouns “they,” “them” and “their.” Likewise, viewers of HBO’s “Billions” grew an understanding of people who don’t necessarily fit into the gender binaries of male and female. SFGN’s coverage of Dillon was one of our top stories of 2017. In celebration, we invited Dillon to an interview discussing their discovery of their gender identity, reactions from castmates and fans, advice to people who look up to Dillon and their goals for the future. SFGN: On your segment with Ellen DeGeneres, you mentioned you didn’t identify as non-binary until you learned about Taylor in “Billions.” When did you first realize you didn’t fall under existing gender binaries? AKD: I felt ambiguous about my gender identity from a young age. I remember shortly after seeing the film “Oliver!” understanding so badly that I wanted to play that part, but that I would never be able to because I was a ‘girl’ and Oliver was a ‘boy.’ Following up on that, how did you identify yourself prior? I’ve always known I didn’t fit within the gender binary but prior to being cast in Taylor I didn’t have words to identify myself. I identify with the LGBTQIA community so [I] used that broad spectrum when asked. How were you treated on the set of “Billions” and your other roles in terms of identity? That is to say, have you experienced issues with incorrect pronouns, whether intentionally or accidentally? How do you handle that sort of thing? This is a new concept for a lot of people so
Brittany Fe
I expect a bit of a learning curve whenever I’m on a new set. But I must say that I feel very supported from everyone on the cast and crew to the show runners who created the character of Taylor. I don’t mind when someone accidentally misgenders me. If someone says “she” or “he,” and it’s unintentional, I can tell if it’s coming from a place of love. It’s only when someone misgenders me on purpose that it becomes hurtful. How was your experience with fan reaction over playing a non-binary character? The fan’s reactions have been inspirational. Many people had not been introduced to the concept of non-binary and it helped them understand themselves or others in their life. Just being able to represent I think is helpful. Sometimes you have to see the thing to know that it exists. Maybe there’s a queer person in a town but they don’t feel comfortable or safe coming out, frankly, and the only representation they feel that they have or connection they have is on television or in a movie, and that’s really powerful. What advice would you give to young people discovering their identity? Just remember that you’re not alone. We are all unique but we share the same hopes, fears, dreams and insecurities. Reach out and connect with people, whether they are in your own community or halfway around the world on social media. What’s next? Do you have a next goal to strive towards? I’m committed to all of my work continuing to support and uplift historically marginalized and historically disenfranchised people. I want to keep honing my craft and look forward to other meaty roles, whether it is on television, in film, or back to my theater roots. 1.24.2018 •
8 Years
o r e i P d n a Norm The Right Reasons ll A or F rship e artn A Successful P
Tony Adams
“An Italian businessman and a Jewish lawyer walk into a restaurant…” sounds like the start of a joke, but in 2009 that is exactly what happened when Piero Guidugli and Norm Kent agreed over dinner at Café Vico to start a gay newspaper. Their enduring and endearing partnership has since produced 400 issues of South Florida Gay News (SFGN). As they prepare to celebrate the paper’s eighth anniversary, the two men shared with me their motivations and memories. 2009 was not a good year for gay media. Local and regional gay papers around the country had been gobbled up by a conglomerate called “Unite Media.” That juggernaut had begun to collapse. Norm was suspicious. “I started Express Gay News in 1999. I sold it to Unite Media in 2003. When I was invited in 2009 to their lavish cocktail part on the roof of the fabulous Delano Hotel in Miami Beach, I knew something was wrong. I knew what it cost to run a newspaper. I knew they couldn’t afford a bash like that. Four days later Unite Media filed for bankruptcy in federal court. ” Knowing that publishing a gay newspaper is not guaranteed to be lucrative, why did Norm and Piero start SFGN? They credit an inability to stifle their innate and passionate activism. For Piero, his activism is traced back to Anita Bryant. In 1976, he left his native Italy to escape religious oppression and to seek tolerance and acceptance. “At that time, the United States was to me a beacon of freedom. I didn’t know the United States, but I had a conceptual feeling about it. I was convinced that it would be better than Europe for me as a gay man. I came for college, combining my escape with my education. I was very deeply in the closet at that time, even in this new country.” In 1978, the antigay persecutions of Anita Bryant obliterated Piero’s starry-eyed perception of America, and spurred his own need to come out of the closet. “I couldn’t understand how it could be happening. I felt
1 .24.2018
panic and danger. I woke up one morning with a sudden resolve. I sat down at my typewriter and started writing my coming out letters to family and friends. I remember the great relief I felt when I put those letters in the mailbox and knew there was no turning back.” Piero then joined a number of small collegiate activist clubs. He obsessively collected anything he could find in print about gay issues, focusing on the injustice of how they were reported. “I had six or seven scrapbooks of those clippings. In those days, there was no internet and no Google. That effort helped me come to terms with myself. What Anita Bryant did pissed me off! She was an affront to what I believed about America. If not for her, I might have
“I made the observation to him that this case won’t get the attention it deserves in the mainstream papers, and that if I could find the money, I’d start up another newspaper because we needed a voice.” - Norm Kent
Publisher of SFGN
remained in the closet. In 1992, I moved to Florida where I met my first partner who introduced me to Wilton Manors. There, I joined a gay business network involved in social issues including AIDS.” “Vietnam,” was Norm’s one-word answer when asked about the ignition of his activism. “There was transparent injustice everywhere. That is when I learned that no good citizens ever trust their government. Go see the new film ‘The Post” in theaters today, about the Pentagon Papers. Governments lie.” Norm continued, “When I started the Express Gay News, my objective was to record the gay and lesbian history of South Florida. Broward County was then emerging as the epicenter of the LGBT community. Ten years later, gay history and culture were once again in danger of becoming invisible in print. Our community needed another real newspaper.” Remembering the injustice that brought him and Norm together, Piero said, “Norm had written about a case of police entrapment. In those days it was not uncommon for police to deliberately persecute gay men in public parks. I contacted Norm who was representing one of the victims, and said I would like to get involved.” Piero added, “Norm invited me to meet him in court. I got so upset with what I saw that I offered to pay the legal expenses of the guy who was entrapped.” Norm added, “Piero underwrote the cost of the prosecution in that case of entrapment. We won the case, and secured a settlement. I made the observation to him that this case won’t get the attention it deserves in the mainstream papers, and that if I could find the money, I’d start up another newspaper because we needed a voice. ” A few months later, Norm told Piero he was looking for investors . Piero added “ I said I was interested, but with
Norm Kent (left) and Piero Guidugli seated at Café Vico, the restaurant where SFGN was first conceptualized.
one stipulation. I wanted to write an occasional column about gay history. We met at Café Vico Thanksgiving weekend in 2009, and he laid out the plans for SFGN. I liked it and accepted.” Piero compares their partnership to those of Lennon and McCartney or Simon and Garfunkel, saying, “We both brought individual strengths to the table, but together we were even better. Of course, there were disagreements, but we always agreed on priorities.” At this point in their recollections, both Norm and Piero seemed to forget that there was anyone else in the room as they spoke about the early years of SFGN and the amazing people who came their way with a need to have their mistreatment exposed. In telling the stories of those first issues, Norm and Piero are clearly men whose satisfaction with SFGN is entirely
derived from rectifying injustice. In SFGN, they exposed a five-year long program of entrapment by two West Palm Beach policemen who had entrapped more than 300 men. They championed a Hollywood police officer, Mikey Verdugo, who had clashed with his superiors over gay issues. Hollywood found a way to fire him, citing the fact that he had not disclosed his past in gay porn. They investigated financial mismanagement by the developers of the condominiums at Wilton Station, helping to get a conviction. They protested the firing of drag queen Tiny Tina (Ray Fetcho) whose thirty years of social work included performing at facilities for the elderly. A change in employment laws brought to light an old lewd act conviction. Decades earlier, Tiny Tina ran a wet jockey
shorts contest at a gay club in which she would throw a pitcher of water at the performers. The police did not like the transparency of wet white cotton. A plea of no contest to the charges against her had come back to haunt her. Ultimately, Florida’s Board of Nursing granted an exemption and a return to work as a licensed practical nurse. Back in the moment, Piero said, “It is amazing that we are producing a print newspaper in this digital age. We’ve managed to have some profitable years, but neither of us will ever recoup our investment. We do this for our community.” Norm has the final word, saying, “Exposing the truth is all I ever wanted to do. Report reality, and let the chips fall where they may. Sunlight is a disinfectant.”
1.24.2018 •
8 Years
of ars e y ight e on a look back
s w e n c i r histo
with y gac e l its SFGN honors
SFGN Staff
2010: The first issue
2011: Michael MUSTO
1 .24.2018
2013: we do, too
2014: Meth Epidemic
2015: LGBT & Religion
2016: Orlando united
2017: trans & visible
8 Years
Members of the Miami Beach Bruthaz in 2015. Photo by J.R. Davis.
z a h t Bru h c a e B Miami
s a e S e h t Takes to J.W. A rnold
n our fifth anniversary issue, SFGN and cultural programming, as well as highlighted our most clicked story discussions about health and HIV-related to date, a feature about an upcoming issues in minority communities. Miami Beach Bruthaz (now called MBB) Smith cited shifts in the Miami Beach weekend, the annual gathering of gay men club scene and rising hotel rates for the of color and their admirers founded by decision to reimagine the event. Tampa resident Ian Smith. Another three “So much on the beach has changed in years later, that same story still remains 10 years. In 2006, it was a very different one of our most read posts. world,” he explained. SFGN reached out to For 2018, MBB will take Smith, who was startled their celebration to the by the news, especially high seas on a Royal since his event hadn’t Caribbean cruise been held on Miami departing from the Beach since 2016, port of Tampa and when it celebrated its including calls in Key 10th anniversary. West and Havana, “Wow, it is a Cuba. The cruise will surprise,” he responded sail on July 28 and - Ian Smith when contacted by return Aug. 1. Founder of Miami telephone. “We didn’t know what Beach Bruthaz MBB began as an we wanted to do and our impromptu gathering of 30 team kept thinking through friends and quickly grew into an ideas,” he said. “We hadn’t heard of a lot international gathering, drawing hundreds of gay groups going to Cuba, so there was of participants from the U.S., Australia, something historical, new and exciting for Europe and South America, but Smith us with the cruise.” always considered it a “boutique” event, While onboard, he plans conversations unlike the circuit parties that draws tens of with participants about the future of MBB. thousands of partiers. “We hope this is the beginning of an MBB’s schedule included social evolution,” Smith added.
“So much on the beach has changed in 10 years. In 2006, it was a very different world.”
Cabins are still available for MBB 2018: The Cuba Experience cruise, July 28 – Aug. 1, sailing from Tampa about Royal Caribbean’s Empress of the Seas. For more information, go to MBB2016.com.
1.24.2018 •
8 Years
n e v e s top s ’ sfgn A look back at
s r e v o c g n i ak e r b 7 201 SFGN Staff
March 22, 2017: SFGN continues its focus on the search for a cure for HIV and AIDS, turning its attention towards the Florida AIDS Walk.
January 25, 2017: Shortly after the inauguration of President Trump, women across the nation take to the streets to protest the inequality and turmoil taking over the government.
1 .24.2018
April 19, 2017: This special edition was a score for the gamers in the LGBT community, featuring local groups and events for the geeks.
September 13, 2017: Floridians braved the winds of Hurricane Irma, a storm that called for evacuations across the state’s coast and devastated Key West.
August 23, 2017: SFGN focused an entire issue on the everongoing fight for women’s equality, as well as groups and resources.
May 31, 2017: After LGBT athletes gathered from around the world, a last-minute cancellation of the OutGames in Miami left many stranded, confused, and frustrated, yet the local community stepped in.
December 13, 2017: A deep-dive investigation by SFGN detailed the rise and fall of SFGN’s most honored former competitor, the Florida Agenda.
1.24.2018 •
WOMEN Take over WYNWOOD On January 21, 2018, women (and their supporters) gathered across the nation to mark the one year anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. The protest in Wynwood alone saw thousands unite under a new slogan; ““In 2017 we marched! In 2018 we act!” Carina Mask
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.
1 .24.2018
How do you speak to the LGBT community? Through the publications they know and trust.
Representing the “best of the best” in LGBT media, with over a million readers weekly in print and online. 212-242-6863 info@nationallgbtmediaassociation.com www.nationallgbtmediaassociation.com
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1.24.2018 •
THIRD ANNUAL YOUTH ICON AWARDS The Third Annual Youth Pride Coalition’s ICON Gala took place on January 20 at the Signature Grand in Davie. The icon awards honor those who have “empowered, supported, promoted and engaged youth in educational, civic, and or cultural activities” Carina Mask
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.
1 .24.2018
in memoriam
Photo: Facebook.
SFGN Mourns the Passing of Brian C. Connelly SFGN Staff
his week the community honors Brian Connelly, a well-known security guard who has kept his watchful eyes over the Boardwalk for many years. Connelly was a Marine veteran who lived in Wilton Manors, but was formerly from Southampton, New York. He studied business and finances at the College of Insurance in New York. He will be remembered as a friend and a mentor to those both young and old within the local community.
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1.24.2018 •
J a n u a r y
J.W. Arnold
J a n u a r y
3 0 ,
2 0 1 8
W W W . S F G N . C O M
They’re Back…Literally!
2 5
concert Classical music hits the street in a crackling performance by Black Violin tonight at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center. The duo of Kev Marcus and Wil B, classically-trained musicians from Fort Lauderdale, have created an entirely new sound, a “classical boom.” This distinctive combination of virtuosic string talent mixes with a driving beat, energy and contagious enthusiasm. Tickets start at $15 at BrowardCenter.org.
comedy YouTube and social media sensation Randy Rainbow comes home—that’s right, he’s originally from South Florida—to perform on the Outlandish comedy series tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. He’ll be sharing his newest videos, along with stories, some song and dance numbers and much, much more. Tickets start at $35 at OutlandishFL. com.
“RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” returns to VH1 tonight at 8 p.m. with a 90-minute episode, featuring a new cast of competitive queens and celebrity judges, including Vanessa Hudgens, Kristen Chenoweth, Marc Jacobs, Todrick Hall and, yes, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. All Star rules are in effect each week as two girls lip sync for their “legacies.” Who will you be rooting for? Check local listings for channels and additional show times. Photo Credit: LogoTV.
1/27 SUN
1/28 MON
1/29 TUE
Florida Grand Opera presents Richard Strauss’s “Salome,” an opera that was so shocking when it debuted that it was banned in Vienna and London. Today, this opera about the depravity of King Herod’s court in ancient Jerusalem is just as powerful and disturbing. See the opera at the Arsht Center in Miami, Jan. 27 – Feb. 3, and at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, Feb. 8 – 10. Tickets at FGO.org.
It’s a fantastic weekend for opera lovers! This weekend, Palm Beach Opera presents Giacomo Puccini’s masterpiece “Tosca” at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. In addition to a moving love story, the Italian composer’s classic features rich and captivating arias and plenty of orchestral drama. Performances on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets start at $20 at PBOpera.org.
We’re in the middle of awards season. Tonight, catch up on all those films you’ve missed. We recommend the beautifully filmed coming out story “Call Me by Your Name,” the unconventional sci-fi love story “The Shape of Water,” the disturbing psychological drama “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” and “Ladybird,” a creative coming of age story. Check local listings for theaters and show times.
Shen Yun Performing Arts returns to the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale tonight and Wednesday, Jan. 31 with a stunning program that celebrates more than 5000 years of Chinese culture. The cast include a live orchestra, musicians on traditional instruments and dozens of actors and dancers who demonstrate traditions that date back to the country’s earliest dynasties. Tickets start at $60 at BrowardCenter.org.
1 .24.2018
One of the most original and innovative forces in modern dance, this all-male company features 10 exceptional young dancers in an exhilarating evening of two explosive works, Serpent and Fallen.
Tickets: 954.462.0222 BrowardCenter.org
Tickets: 786.573.5300 SMDCAC.org
1.24.2018 •
A&E theater Jacqueline Laggy, Kim Ostrenko and Jenna Wyatt star in “Communion,” opening Jan. 24 at Empire Stage. Photo Credit: Lloyd’s Studio.
Provocative Drama Explores Complicated Family Dynamics J.W. Arnold
any families have some occasional clock, according to the play’s synopsis. drama, but most don’t approach According to Garsson, MacIvor “writes the level of dysfunction revealed in fantastic women’s roles. The dialogue fits these Daniel MacIvor’s play “Communion.” three women like a glove. He (also) seems to Primal Forces theater will present the focus on characters that are so independent, GLAAD award-winning play Jan. 24 – Feb. 11 there’s rarely any kind of reconciliation or at Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale and artistic agreement between them.” director Keith Garsson predicts audiences He added, “All the paths he takes are may breathe a sigh of relief as fascinating and, in a way, these they exit the theater. plays are designed for tiny black “All the paths box stages,” like Empire Stage, “I hope they will watch this show and say, ‘Wow, my family he takes are the company’s new home after isn’t as disjointed as this…if they Andrews Living Arts shuttered fascinating can come to terms, maybe we unexpectedly last fall. “If we had should be able to.’ I hope folks and, in a way, done incredible sets, it would whose moms are still around will have been wrong. His plays these plays go home and call their mothers,” require unpopulated stark sets, are designed it’s really about the three actors he said. The family includes a lesbian and the characters.” for tiny psychiatrist, an alcoholic mother Garsson credits friends in black box and her evangelical daughter, Toronto for alerting him to the who form a tense triangle. gay Canadian playwright’s work. stages.” The distance between “I have friends who live all - Keith Garsson recovering alcoholic Leda (Kim over who are theater people. DIRECTOR Ostrenko) and her born-again If they see some offbeat, crazy daughter (Jenna Wyatt1) is filled thing, they’ll send me an email,” with silence, anger and humor: he said. “So often they’re not producible Upon the advice of a therapist (Jaqueline or too big, but that can send me off into Laggy) dealing with her own host of troubles, another tangent, looking into other things the Leda tries to bridge that distance and prepare playwright has done…and that’s exactly what her daughter for the calamity just ahead. happened with (‘Communion’).” “Communion” explores the inescapable dark After some reflection, Garsson offered a places of relationships and what is needed surprising assessment of the provocative to repair a familial bond under the pressures drama: “This may be one of the slightly more of religion, recovery and a proverbial ticking conventional plays we’ve done.” Primal Forces presents Daniel MacIvor’s “Communion” Jan. 24 – Feb. 11 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $30 at PrimalForces.com.
1 .24.2018
A&E news Flamenco guitarist and ‘70s pop icon Charo will be appearing at Pride Fort Lauderdale on Feb. 11. Photo courtesy of Charo.
‘Love Boat’ Star, Grammy-winner to Headline Pride Festival By J.W. Arnold
ride Fort Lauderdale recently announced the entertainment line-up for the 41st annual festival on Sunday, Feb. 11. Charo, the Spanish-born Flamenco guitarist and singer who appeared regularly on the ‘70s TV show “The Love Boat,” will share the Swiss Navy Stage on Fort Lauderdale Beach with Grammy-winning British singer and songwriter Estelle. A pop culture icon (“cuchi cuchi”) and competitor on the last season of “Dancing with the Stars,” Charo will debut the dance version of her new single, “Fantastico!,” from her upcoming album “Guitar on Fire.” “I’m excited to join all my friends in South Florida to celebrate Pride Fort Lauderdale,” said Charo. “I’ve always supported my LGBTQ friends and continue to fight against discrimination in every form. Love is love, so let’s all cuchi cuchi together!” “We’re thrilled to welcome a star of such magnitude as Charo come to Fort Lauderdale to give the world premiere of her new single,” said Miik Martorell, president. Charo’s history with “The Love Boat” also inspired the volunteer Pride board of directors with the theme for this year’s festival. “When we realized we were celebrating Pride on Valentine’s Weekend and Charo was going to be performing, we knew ‘The Love Pride’ would be the perfect theme.” Fans will have the opportunity to meet Charo at the official Pride kick-off party on Friday, Feb. 9 at the B Ocean Fort Lauderdale resort, adjacent to the festival site. Tickets for the party are still available for $65 in advance at PrideFortLauderdale.org and $75 at the door.
It’s been a decade since British singer and songwriter Estelle burst onto the music scene. Her single “American Boy,” featuring Kanye West was nominated for Song of the Year and earned her a Grammy for best rap/ sung collaboration. She was nominated again in 2013 for best R&B performance for “Thank You.” More recently, she was featured in David Guetta’s anthem “One Love,” which has gained popularity with the LGBTQ community. John Legend summarized her sound as “a unique blend of hip hop, R&B, reggae and soul.” As an actress, Estelle guest starred on Fox’s hit series about the music industry, “Empire,” and made a cameo appearance as herself in the 2017 film “Girls Trip.” “It’s an honor to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community as we share this beautiful human experience with pride,” said Estelle. Also appearing will be Laith Ashley, transgender model and singer who was featured in the reality series “Strut” on the Oxygen network, and transgender activist and model Carmen Carrera; popular circuit DJs Tracy Young, Deanne and Power Infiniti; and the LGBTQ cirque company Air-otic. The festival will conclude with a fireworks display. Organizers expect up to 60,000 people at the free festival, which runs from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Proceeds from Pride Fort Lauderdale fund grants to local non-profits serving the LGBTQ community. Last year, $10,000 was donated to organizations offering social services and health care, musical performances and visual arts exhibitions, and educational and cultural programs for seniors.
Pride Fort Lauderdale will be held on Sunday, Feb. 11 from noon – 8 p.m. at Fort Lauderdale Beach Park, 1100 Seabreeze Blvd. For more information, go to PrideFortLauderdale.org. [Editor's note: J.W. Arnold currently serves on the board of Pride Fort Lauderdale] 1.24.2018 •
January 24 - January 30
Theater Christiana Lilly
Jan. 24 to Feb. 11 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A lesbian psychiatrist works with an alcoholic mother and her born again Christian daughter. Call 954-6781496 or visit EmpireStage.com.
Raise the Roof Benefit Concert
Jan. 27 at 5 p.m. at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 390 Sequoia Drive South in West Palm Beach. Singers and instrumentalists perform musical theater, opera, and tunes from The Great American Songbook in a concert benefiting the church rebuild. Tickets $30 for open seating, $50 reserved seating with hors d’oeuvres, wine, and artist meet-andgreet reception. Call 561-686-8128 or visit MIWPB.com.
Jan. 27 to Feb. 3 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. A princess’s erotic dance leads to her destruction in this opera so controversial it was banned in Vienna and London when it first appeared. Performed in German with English and Spanish subtitles. Tickets $25 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county The Soap Myth
Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. An investigative reporter encounters a World War II survivor and is torn between different accounts of the same story. Tickets $33 to $63. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse. com.
1 .24.2018
* Black Violin
Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Kev Marcus and Wil B mesh together classical and modern music. Tickets $15 to $59.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* Musical Thrones: A Parody of Ice and Fire
Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Journey through seven seasons of “Game of Thrones” with comedic music. Tickets $22.23 to $44.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.com.
* Miami City Ballet: Program Two
Jan. 27 to 28 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Miami City Ballet performs “Circus Polka,” “In the Night,” “The Cage,” “West Side Story Suite,” and more. Tickets $20 to $195. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* Shen Yun
Jan. 30 to 31 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Celebrate ancient Chinese culture with an astonishing display of music, dancing, and acrobats. Tickets $60 to $200. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
ZANNA DON’T! A Musical Fairy Tale
Through Feb. 11 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. In an alternate universe, where homosexuality is the norm and heterosexuality is gaspworthy. Tickets $42. Call 954-519-2533 or visit IslandCityStage.org.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county * Jane Austen’s Sense & Sensibility
Jan. 25 and 26 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. A romantic comedy surrounding sisters Elinor and Marianne. Tickets $39 and up. Call 561832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Tosca
Jan. 26 to 28 at the Kravis Center, 701
The cast of Island City Stage’s first musical, “Zanna, Don’t.” Photo Credit: George Wentzler.
Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. When Floria Tosca and Cavaradossi are torn apart as lovers, they take on the police sergeant Scarpia. Performed in Italian with English subtitles. Tickets $55 and up. Call 561-8327469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Hamlet
Jan. 27 and 28 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The Aquila Theatre performs the classic from The Bard. Tickets $39. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Paint Your Wagon
Through Feb. 4 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s May 1853 and Ben Rumson strikes gold and creates his own town. More men come to get their share, and the town grows - but with no women! Tickets $29 and $35. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county * Tapestry, the Carole King Songbook
Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Culture Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. Celebrate King’s legendary 1971 album, “Tapestry.” Tickets $33.02 to $45. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.
* Clark Gable Slept Here
Feb. 2 to 25 at Main Street Players, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. The night of the Golden Globes, the staff of one of Hollywood’s biggest stars is scrambling to figure out what to do with the dead male prostitute in his room. Tickets $30. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.
Wrongful Death and Other Circus Acts
Through Feb. 4 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Personal injury lawyer Laura Mendes chases after cases after a fatal plane crash in this play that examines worth we place on people. Tickets $50 and $55. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter. org.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
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Top Picks
Undetectable = Untransmittable
Jan. 25 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn more about anti-HIV medications and how it can decrease your viral load. Experts from CAN Community Health, Equality Florida, the Florida Department of Health, and the founder of U=U will be present. Free. Call 954-4639005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
Miami Beach Pride Presents “Soirée By The Sea”
Jan. 26 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the Marriott Biscayne Bay, 1633 N. Bayshore Drive in Miami. A VIP cocktail reception to raise funds for the 2018 Pride parade and festival. Includes cocktails, light bites, entertainment, and more. Tickets $50 with proceeds benefiting Miami Beach Gay Pride. Visit https://soiree2018.bpt.me.
The Ars Musae: Odyssey Frieze
Through Feb. 4 at the Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. A 40-foot mural installation by Italian artist Marzia Ellero Ransom as a part of Palm Beach Art Week. Free. Call 786-521-1188 or visit TheBoxGallery.info.
January 24 January 30 Broward Support Services PFLAG
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth. com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county * Movie Night: Weekend
Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Russell picks up Glen at a gay nightclub, expecting a meaningless one-night stand, but instead they spend the weekend doing drugs, having sex, telling stories, and creating a bond. Suggested donation $5. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
* Art Fort Lauderdale
Jan. 25 to 28 throughout Fort Lauderdale. Take a water taxi along the Intracoastal to five destinations featuring artists and their artwork of varying styles. Visit ArtFortLauderdale.com.
* GLASEN: Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educator’s Network
Jan. 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Stonewall
1 .24.2018
National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Network with interested teachers, support staff, and others in education. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
* Traveling Plate
Jan. 31 from 7 to 10 p.m. at C&I Studios, 541 NW First Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A part of Arc Broward’s pop-up dining series, Chef Adrienne Grenier of 3030 Ocean and Chef Paula DaSilva of Burlock Coast are aided by students of Arc Culinary to create a delectable meal as a fundraiser. Tickets $75. Visit ArcBroward.com/events.
* Fort Lauderdale Historical Society’s “Harry Potter Book Night: Fantastic Beasts”
Feb. 1 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the History Museum of Fort Lauderdale, 231 SW Second
January 24 - January 30 Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Begin the evening by finding out which Hogwarts house you belong to with the sorting hat, then enjoy a butterbeer mixology introduction, scavenger hunt, potions classes, all with the backdrop of Fort Lauderdale’s 1920s history. Tickets $10 children, $20 museum members, $25 nonmembers, and $100 VIP. Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harrypotter-20th-anniversary-and-book-nighttickets-41537887941.
Mascara, Mirth & Mayhem: Independence Day on Fire Island - Photography by Susan Kravitz
Through March 11 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Photographer Susan Kravitz’s exhibition chronicling the Invasion of the Pines. Exhibit closes March 11. Suggested donation $5. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Voices of Pride
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com for rehearsal details.
palm beach county Transcendence
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.
Sober Sisters
Out of the Closet NA Group
Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.
miami-dade county Miami Jewish Film Festival
Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.
Through Jan. 25 throughout Miami. The festival returns with films from around the world chronicling the Jewish experience, past and present. Visit miamijewishfilmfestival. org.
Out of the Closet, Into the Light
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.
Positive Connection
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Men who are HIV positive are invited to come together for support, education, and advocacy. Closed group. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
POZCONNECT Support Group for Spanish Speakers
Mondays 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. A support group
for HIV+ people, in Spanish. Free. Call Eddie at 305-571-9601, ext. 105 or visit Pridelines. org.
Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.
POZCONNECT Support Group for Gay and Bi Men
Tuesdays from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. A gay and bi men’s roundtable HIV+ support group. Free. Call Eddie at 305-571-9601, ext. 105 or visit Pridelines.org.
key west Aqua Idol
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.
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Business Directory
Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com
law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org
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