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Gazette Wilton Manors
February 3, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 5
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f l o r i d a
you're a loSer, chump
g a y
n e w s
Page 22
the oPeNiNG liNe Photos: Facebook.
Pride ceNter SeVerS tieS With GardeN cluB oVer PlaNt Fair
comments from SFGN’s
online outlets
Compiled by John McDonald
duck dyNaSty Star callS oN ted cruZ'S SuPPorterS to rid the PlaNet oF GayS
Scott caetano –
Worse than women!
Jackie lupinacci –
Sean devaney –
Hate is the real sorcerer of evil is right. This a supporter of Cruz who himself doesn't go to church much and donates nothing? We need to come together as a country. Black, white, straight, gay whatever. We need to stand together. Close the borders and bring business back to the states. Trump 2016.
The Pride Center provided the venue for the garden club to operate.
dave954 –
Some perspective from outside the city limits: bloody typical for WilMa...the same kind of childish, vicious, petty bickering more suited to a couple old queens in a bar snit. Pride Center vs. Garden Club? Really? The same kind of pathetic, self-destructive behavior that's destroyed Pride. Now, I don't know any of the players in this contrived drama but, in his position, I'd certainly expect a lot better from Mr. Boo than some adolescent, public cat fight...with a garden club, for chrissakes. To his credit, Mr. Jones seems to be the only adult in the room. "Community" my ass....
Gregory austin – And he's so handsome....lol
Jack Finley – The anti-Christ!
iNVeStiGatioN reVealS NeW Beach Bear WeekeNd orGaNiZer haS Sordid PaSt Stefan a Solis –
Skeletons in closets even happen in the LGBT world also.
les mcrae –
Great journalism as always!
FEBRUARY 3, 2016 • VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 5 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943
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ryan dixon –
Ha! Good job Fourth Estate.
Donald Trump. Photo by Gage Skidmore. MEMBER
• 2.3.2016
And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year
Associated Press
South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
news highlight
SuNShiNe cathedral to hold columBarium oPeNiNG Denise Royal
n Wednesday, Feb. 10, the Columbarium and Memorial Chapel on the campus of Fort Lauderdale’s Sunshine Cathedral will formally open. The columbarium is a consecrated memorial for the cremated remains of loved ones and their pets. This new location will serve as a place for bereaved individuals to honor and remember their loved ones. “We felt it would answer a need that our LGBT community had - to find a sacred place to place the remains of our loved ones, including our pets,” says Dr. Keith Muller, Chair of the Sunshine Cathedral Foundation. “While other facilities were available none are as close to our LGBT community as Sunshine Cathedral. Therefore the Sunshine Cathedral Foundation elected to proceed with this project.” The response so far has been very positive. The new burial space has 141 spaces so far 40 have been claimed. “People are very pleased to have this option at our church,” says Muller. The columbarium is located in the courtyard next to the social hall and chapel. Most niches
are large enough for two urns and smaller ones large enough for one urn. The niches are available with either a glass or marble front. While the columbarium is on the grounds of the Sunshine Cathedral and those who are active in the Sunshine Cathedral community and their loved ones are given preferential consideration for securing a niche, anyone who wishes to be interred at the Sunshine Cathedral Columbarium and Memorial Chapel may inquire about the possibility. “We hope to extend our reach to the larger community beginning with the dedication ceremony on Feb 10th. The space will allow us to expand as needed,” Muller adds.
I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my work laptop. Because that’s where I want it to be.
The person depicted here is a model.Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.
2.3.2016 •
news national The National LGBTQ Task Force in Chicago at its annual Creating Change Conference.
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• 2.3.2016
more actiViStS coNdemN aNti-iSrael ProteStS at taSk Force coNFaB Jason Parsley
ore than 50 LGBT activists signed a letter directed to the National LGBTQ Task Force to “unequivocally express our collective and deep concern” about antiIsrael protests that disrupted the opening reception to its annual Creating Change Conference. Many LGBT activists felt the protests had anti-Semitic overtones. Some examples include one Jewish man being called a “kike”; the protestors chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which many Jewish people believe is a call for the destruction of Israel; and another protestor yelling “we are going to challenge these Zionist racist motherfuckers.” Some of these incidents were caught on video. The opening reception was hosted by A Wider Bridge, an organization seeking to bolster “LGBTQ connections with Israel. A representative from Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance was one of the featured speakers. The protestors believe AWB fosters “pinkwashing,” which is a so-called public relations strategy that uses Israel's good record on LGBT rights to deflect from its treatment of the Palestinians. Queer anti-Israel activists complained about the opening reception before the conference and the Task Force initially cancelled the event. But within a day they had reversed their decision after many other LGBT activists spoke out against the cancellation. Signatories on the letter included Roberta Kaplan, lead Counsel on U.S. vs. Windsor; Edie Windsor, plaintiff, U.S. vs. Windsor; Barney Frank, former member, U.S. House of Representatives; and Evan Wolfson, former executive director, Freedom to Marry. Local activist Lee Rubin, former board chair of the Task Force also signed onto the letter (page 26). The protestors meanwhile released a statement (page 27) calling the actions of the Task Force racist and made several demands, which include: 1. The Task Force publicly endorse the Palestinian Right To Return 2. The Task Force endorse BDS, the
boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement 3. An apology from the Task Force “We should note that this is not the first time that the Task Force has been criticized for marginalizing people of color or cultivating racism at Creating Change,” the letter reads. In the letter they expressed pride that they were able to accomplish some of their goals. “A few of our goals were accomplished, namely that we shut down the pinkwashing reception and raised the national visibility of pinkwashing as a Zionist tactic,” the letter continued. One of the protest organizers disputed the claims made by first hand observers. Bashar Makhay told the Washington Blade that “we heard no reports” of anti-Semitic language while adding “If that language was used, people should be held accountable for that.” In a strongly worded statement after the conference wrapped up the Task Force condemned anti-Semitism.
“I want to make this crystal clear: the National LGBTQ Task Force wholeheartedly condemns anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic statements made at any Task Force event including our Creating Change Conference. It is unacceptable. Hate speech of any kind is unacceptable whether it’s directed at Jewish or Muslim people.” The protestor’s letter then blasted the Task Force’s response:
“The Task Force conflates anti-Zionism and indeed all criticism of Israeli policy with anti-Semitism, which trivializes the very meaning of anti-Semitism, and exploits the term in order to silence political debate and distract from occupation and colonialism, which are at the heart of this issue. We are extremely disappointed by the unaccountable, racist actions of the Task Force as an institution. We will continue to press them on our demands and move forward in our work to confront pinkwashing and push LGBT organizations to name and reject their complicity in colonial occupation.”
2.3.2016 •
Compiled by Jillian Melero
if elected, trump may dump Same-Sex marriage
reedom to Marry Launches Legacy Website
(FreedomtoMarry) As it comes closer to ending operations February 29, Freedom to Marry launched a new website that will serve as a central resource for telling the story of the marriage movement while providing lessons and materials for other organizations, movements, and causes. The website is part of Freedom to Marry's strategic wind-down, which also includes an oral history project hosted at UC-Berkeley, the donation of archives to Yale University, and an upcoming film by Eyepop Productions to be completed in spring 2016. The new legacy website can be found here: http://www. freedomtomarry.org. The new site includes: • A long-form narrative history of the most significant milestones in the marriage movement that tell the story of how we won • Resources on best practices for winning legislative, ballot, and court victories, and how those types of campaigns differ
Pursuing the issue, Wallace asked Trump to clarify his position. "Are you saying that if you become President you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?" he asked. Sunday's comments mark a reversal on the position for Trump, who in September said, "You have to go with it. The decision is the law of the land." In January, conservative gay group Log Cabin Republicans touted Trump on their Facebook page as being gay-friendly by pointing to a Slate.com article about his previous stance on LGBT issues. "Donald Trump simply has no reason to be homophobic," they wrote.
• Detailed chronology of the work in each state toward winning the freedom to marry • The national strategy – what Freedom to Marry called the Roadmap to Victory – that guided the movement and led to the climactic Supreme Court rulings in 2013 and 2015 • Analysis of the marriage movement's messaging development, messenger recruitment, and most effective ads • Powerful personal stories from the many voices who were part of the movement that achieved the profound change of hearts and minds In addition to the new permanent website, Freedom to Marry has donated its collection of documents, media, and electronic files to Yale University, to be made accessible to research historians and journalists starting this summer in the Manuscripts & Archives division. The records document the history, structure, and activities of Freedom to Marry.
Reported Trans Murder of 2016 First Occurs in Texas
(EDGE) In 2015, at least 23 trans women were murdered in the U.S. and now the first known homicide of a trans woman in 2016 has been reported, according to Jezebel. Monica Loera, 43, was shot in front of her home in Austin, Texas on Jan. 22. She was taken to the hospital where she later died. Police responded to a call at 3 a.m. and found Loera lying on the ground with an apparent trauma. The Austin-American Statesman reports James William Rowell, 28, was arrested four days after the killing and is charged with first-degree murder. He is currently being held on a $250,000 bond. Police said Loera's roommate thinks she might have stolen something from Rowell, which sparked an argument. "It took only three weeks for the initial quiet of 2016 to be shattered by the murder of another trans person," Trans Pride Initiative said in a Facebook post. "Our thoughts and sympathies
• 2.3.2016
Photo: POOL / CNN.
are with the family and friends of Monica Loera, and our outrage is centered squarely on the oppressive and willfully disrespectful police and media systems that continue to erase our identities and further victimize our communities and our families." The Austin Police Department released a statement on Loera's passing and as BuzzFeed notes, the authorities misgendered Loera, using male pronouns and referred to her by her birth name. Jezebel notesthe newspaper the Austin-American Statesman makes the same mistake in an article about the shooting. One of Loera's friends described her as funny and beautiful in a statement to the Austin Chronicle. "I never saw her as David, I saw her as Monica. She loved Madonna and she loved to cook" they said. Monica Loera
Photo: Facebook.
(EDGE) The Log Cabin Republican's "pro-gay" presidential candidate said that he would consider appointing justices to the Supreme Court who may overturn the decision on same-sex marriage. In an interview Sunday with Fox News' Chris Wallace, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump expressed his displeasure with the United States Supreme Court's 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage. "They have ruled on it," Trump told Wallace. "I wished it had been done by the states. I disagree with the Supreme Court from the standpoint that it should be a [state’s] rights issue and that's the way it should have been ruled on, Chris. Not the way they did it. This was a very surprising ruling. And I can see changes coming down the line frankly."
Donald Trump
News Briefs
arlem's Hate Pastor's Church May End Up Housing LGBT Youth Rev. James Manning
Photo: Facebook.
(EDGE) "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." - Martin Luther King, Jr. The bitter saga of the notoriously anti-gay church in Harlem, famous for its message of hate against the LGBT community, may have a happy ending after all. Call it karma or poetic justice, but the property that for years housed a sign with messages like "Jesus would stone homos," may end up providing refuge for homeless LGBT teens. In the wake of Thursday's news that the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem would be put up for auction in February as a result of years of unpaid bills by its notoriously anti-gay pastor Rev. James Manning, an online fundraiser has been set up to secure the property for the Ali Forney Center, a charitable organization dedicated to helping homeless and at risk LGBT youth. "The biggest reason our youths are driven from their homes is because of homophobic and transphobic religious beliefs of their parents," said Carl Siciliano, founder and executive director of the Ali Forney Center. "Because of this, it has been horrifying for
ichael Sam Will Give NFL 'One More Shot' Michael Sam.
Photo: Facebook.
us to have our youths exposed to Manning's messages inciting hatred and violence against our community. It has meant the world to us that so many Harlem residents have stood up to support our young people, and are now urging us to provide urgently needed care at the site of so much hatred." A donation page has been set up to raise the $200,000 needed to secure the property. Siciliano added that turning the property into a center to help LGBT youth would "truly be a trump of love over hatred." Stacy Parker Le Melle, founder of Harlem's "Love Not Hate" movement that has protested Manning's church in recent months spoke with the Huffington Post. "When the ATLAH story broke on Thursday, immediately I heard from neighbors: Wouldn't it be amazing if an LGBT group could acquire the property?" Le Melle said. "What if it were the Ali Forney Center? We all knew that this would be poetic justice. We need to care for those kicked out of homes, often on religiousbased grounds. We need to care for those most vulnerable to ATLAH's hate speech." Donations can be made online on the Ali Forney Center's website.
(EDGE) His dreams of making it big may not be over yet: Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted into the NFL, said he will try to become a regular season player one more time, the New York Daily News reports. Someone on Twitter asked Sam, 26, about his future in football and the athlete replied that he's "going to give it one more shot." Sam came out before he was drafted to the St. Louis Rams in 2014. He also was on the Dallas Cowboys' practice squad for a brief time before appearing on the ABC reality competition "Dancing With the Stars." The defensive end eventually teamed up with the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian
Football League but left the team in August due to concerns with his mental health. Around that same time it was reported Sam and his longtime boyfriend/fiance split up. The NYDN notes Sam was invited to the NFL veteran combine last year, before he joined the Alouettes, but was not offered a contract. Sam expressed his frustrations with his career, saying he thinks he'd be in the NFL if he never came out. "I'm not going to say...but it probably would have been better for me if I didn't come out, I would be on a roster," he said last year. "But, as I said, I have no regrets whatsoever." 2.3.2016 •
Compiled by Jillian Melero
rentboy.com ceo indicted by Federal Grand Jury (EDGE) The saga of former gay male escort website Rentboy.com continued Wednesday when its founder and CEO, Jeffrey Hurant, 51, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Brooklyn on charges of money laundering and promoting prostitution, Reuters According to The New York Daily News, the indictment contains several new allegations against the now-defunct mega escort website, including a claim that the company was not stringent about verifying escorts who were over the age of 18. It is also alleged Rentboy.com did business with an escort agency indicted in Florida for luring Hungarian men into sex slavery. "The government's charges against Mr. Hurant are unwarranted," Hurant's lawyer Michael Tremonte said in a statement. "He ran
rganizers of Michigan Gay Rights Initiative Suspend Efforts
(AP) Supporters of amending Michigan's constitution to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender are suspending efforts to get the measure on the November ballot. The Fair Michigan ballot committee was seeking to gather roughly 315,000 valid voter signatures by summer to put the initiative on the statewide ballot. Dana Nessel, one of the lawyers who helped win a historic legal battle to strike down the state's gay marriage ban, has been organizing the effort. She says during a taping of WKAR-TV's "Off the Record" show that it's "not the end of Fair Michigan." MLive.com reports Nessel cited finances as a reason for suspension. Major gay rights advocacy groups such as Equality Michigan and the American Civil Liberties Union opposed the 2016 measure because they worried voters would defeat it.
• 2.3.2016
Jeffrey Hurant
his business openly for nearly 20 years, and it makes no sense to single him out for criminal prosecution. Mr. Hurant plans to contest the charges and looks forward to full vindication at trial." Rentboy.com, which was founded in 1996, grew to be what authorities are calling the largest online male escort website. The website flew above the radar during its time in business and even presented and hosted an annual [escorts’] awards show called "The Hookies." According to The News, the indictment also seeks forfeiture of more than $1.5 million seized from Rentboy's Manhattan office and various bank and brokerage accounts. Additionally, authorities intend to permanently seize the Rentboy.com domain name.
Sarandon Slams Susan Clinton on LGBT Rights
Photo: Facebook.
(EDGE) During a speech at Bernie Sander's Iowa rally on Thursday, January 28, actress Susan Sarandon called presidential candidate Hillary Clinton out on her history of LGBT rights, saying she was late to the party. In an article in Pink News, Sarandon accused Clinton of voting for the Iraq War, taking Wall Street money, and "equivocating" on same-sex marriage. "It's one thing to be for gay rights and gay marriage once everybody else is for it. That's not difficult," said Sarandon, calling Clinton a "johnny-come-lately" on marriage equality. After her rousing speech, Sarandon, whose son Miles is identifies as genderfluid, continued her praise for the "untainted" Sanders, saying, "He has managed to consistently be on the right side of every issue the correct side of every issue that reflects my concerns." "There's a number of issues where she has come around but she very clearly equivocated or was not there in the beginning," said Sarandon. "It's great that she came around, but wouldn't it be great to be a leader instead of a follower, especially if you're going to hold the highest office in the land?" In an article in USA Today voter Kellie Craig, 52, of Forest City, Iowa, said she plans on caucusing for Sanders, choosing him over Clinton because of his record. "Hillary changes with the popular vote," Craig said. "A lot of the things that Bernie's been talking about, she's starting to talk about now." Actress Susan Sarandon introduced Sanders in Mason City, saying she endorses him because of his consistency. "For me, gender is not what's important. Issues are what's important," Sarandon said. "I want a candidate who has the courage to stand and do the right thing when it is not popular."
Moot Gay Marriage Ban Nebraska's Could Go to Voters Again
(AP) Nebraska's defunct same-sex marriage ban could once again go before voters under a measure that seeks to remove it from the state constitution. Sen. Burke Harr of Omaha told a legislative committee Wednesday that his proposed amendment would ensure the constitution stays consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that allowed same-sex marriage. Voters approved the state's marriage amendment in 2000, but the court's decision rendered it unenforceable even though it remains in the constitution. Conservative family values groups opposed the measure, with one calling it needlessly divisive. Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha says he supports the amendment but raised concerns that "bigoted" voters would keep it in place, harming the state's reputation. Even if voters kept it, the ban would still be unenforceable.
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news state
SyriNGe exchaNGe Bill StallS iN Florida houSe Sean McShee
he bill to establish a needle exchange program in Miami-Dade (HB-81) has stalled in the Florida House. The bill would authorize for five years a needle exchange program in Miami-Dade, as a demonstration project. Sponsored by K. Edwards (D-Broward), HB-81 has passed three committees in the Senate and one in the House. This stalling could kill the bill with no votes cast, as the legislative session ends at the end of February. Rep. McBurney (R-Duval), Chair of the Judiciary Committee, has failed, as of January 28, 2016, to schedule a key vote in that committee. Rep. McBurney (R-Duval) has previously received awards from the Florida Christian Coalition, the American Conservative Union, and Americans for Prosperity, founded by the Koch brothers. McBurney’s office was unable to respond to requests for comments by press time. As this bill bars state and local funding, this exchange would not cost the state money. It would rely entirely on private funding, which might not be that difficult to find. For example, David Poole, Director, Legislative Affairs for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation stated, “AIDS Healthcare Foundation would welcome applications for grant funding for these services, if this bill passed.” While it would not cost the state money, it could save the state money. Other needle exchanges have reduced their state expenses for Medicaid and Indigent Care. The sharing of needles transmits costly diseases such as HIV and Hep C. When clean needles become available, transmissions, and their related costs, decrease. Exchanges can also reduce costs through auxiliary services, such as distributing alcohol swabs to sterilize the skin at the injection site. This decreases abscesses and cases of endocarditis. Dr. Hansel Tookes, Internal Medical Resident, Jackson Memorial Hospital, describes needle exchanges as similar to primary care
clinics. AmfAR found that needle exchanges provided the following services: distribution of alcohol swabs, referrals to drug treatment programs, HEP C testing, STD Testing, and vaccinations for Hep A and B. These auxiliary services transform needle exchanges into syringe service programs or outreach clinics for hard to reach populations. Needle exchanges also decrease the number of used needles found in public places. Tookes compared used needles found on the streets and in parks in San Francisco and Miami. San Francisco has an exchange, but Miami does not. Tookes found 8 times the number of used needles discarded on the streets in Miami as in San Francisco. Heroin, cocaine, and meth users are not the only people to use needle exchanges. Arianna Lint of the TransLatin@Coalition reported that hormone “pumping parties” for low-income transgender women put them at risk for sharing needles. She reported that needle exchanges could benefit these low-income transgender women. Tookes dismisses the charge that needle exchanges will increase drug use, “it’s ridiculous. Just because someone hands me a syringe doesn’t mean I will use it to inject heroin.” The reverse may also be true. The difficulty of getting needles has not stopped people from injecting drugs. Instead, this artificial “needle shortage“ may have driven them to share needles. "We have these syringe service programs known to prevent disease that can reduce disease. Florida is withholding a treatment known to prevent disease from its people and that is morally unacceptable.” Tookes continued, “Everyone should call their state representative and ask them to support this bill. Call Rep. McBurney, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, and urge him to schedule this bill (HB 81) for a vote. Miami-Dade is number one in new HIV cases. We can change that.”
To read the Florida Fiscal Impact Statement, please visit http://bit.ly/20h3DmQ To read the AmfAR issue brief, please visit http://bit.ly/1QB8VSj To read Tookes’ study comparing Miami with San Francisco, please visit http://1.usa.gov/1SlwG4u
• 2.3.2016
2.3.2016 •
lgbtqia bites
chileaN oFFicialS oPPoSe GeNder aSSiGNmeNt SurGery oN iNFaNtS
Photo: Facebook.
elleN PaGe challeNGeS hollyWood'S douBle StaNdard oN homoSexuality
Compiled by Jillian Melero
(EDGE) In a recent interview with Elle U.K., actress Ellen Page argues that there is a double standard in Hollywood when it comes to homosexuality and the roles LGBT people take on, The Guardian reports. Page, 28, said she is often asked if she fears she will be pigeonholed to gay roles after coming out in February 2014. "Zachary Quinto is out and he stars in one of the biggest blockbuster franchises ['Star Trek']," she told Elle magazine. "I have four projects coming up -- all gay roles. People ask if I'm concerned about getting pigeonholed.
• 2.3.2016
No one asks: 'Ellen, you've done seven straight roles in a row, shouldn't you shake it up and do something queer?" Page told the magazine that her sixyear struggle to bring her gay rights film "Freeheld," starring Julianne Moore, to the big screen helped her come out two years ago. "It was part of it," she said. "What blows my mind is how my own personal journey paralleled the development of that movie. It felt wildly inappropriate to be playing this character as a closeted person. Coming out was a long process, though."
(SFGN) The Chilean government issued a document to the Ministry of Health expressing opposition to the “unnecessary ‘normalization’ treatments of intersex children” including “irreversible genital surgeries until they are of a sufficient age to make decisions about their bodies,” the Washington Blade reports. The document was supported by the Undersecretary of Health Jaime Burrows and Undersecretary of Assistance Networks Gisela Alarcón. Chilean LGBT rights advocate, Camilo Godoy Peña, says the document contains specific recommendations for each branch
of the country’s public health system, including the creation of an advisory board of endocrinologists, psychiatrists and other specialists to determine each specific case in the best interest of the child. Godoy lauded the document as the first example of clear instruction on the treatment of intersex children. “From this point forward there is a concrete tool to use to enforce the human rights of a group of people who have ‘been made invisible,’” wrote Godoy on Facebook. “For decades they have been victims of violence, torture and ignorance.”
lgbtqia bites Bisexual
Federal court to hear arGumeNtS iN traNSGeNder reStroom caSe
Photo: Facebook.
youtuBer StartS Bye-BiPhoBia camPaiGN
(SFGN) Rachel Whitehurst, 23, from Seattle has launched the #ByeBiphobia campaign on YouTube with four episodes and thousands of viewers so far, according to the Daily Mail. “As an out bisexual woman, my sexuality is constantly being questioned by other people,” says Whitehurst in the first episode of the series, titled Stop Proving Your Sexuality. Whitehurst received a surge of positive feedback from viewers when she went on to say that it’s not necessary to have had sexual experiences with men and women to know that one is bisexual.
Whitehurst’s second episode deals with coming out as bisexual, a decision of hers that many questioned because she has a boyfriend. But Whitehurst says she believes that staying in the closet and not being true to yourself will only hurt you in the long run and no matter the struggles you will be happier out. Her third episode deals with the negative stereotypes of bisexuals as promiscuous and hyper sexualized. Episode four is a Q&A among Whitehurst and her viewers. All episodes can be found by searching #ByeBiphobia.
(AP) A federal appeals court will hear arguments in a Virginia transgender student's lawsuit challenging his school's restroom policy. The hearing before a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is set for Wednesday morning. A ruling is expected several weeks later. Gloucester High School junior Gavin Grimm was born female but identifies as male. In December 2014, the School
Board barred Grimm from using the boys' restrooms. The board adopted a policy requiring students to use either the restroom that corresponds with their biological gender or a private, single-stall restroom. Grimm says the policy is stigmatizing and discriminatory. The U.S. Justice Department has taken Grimm's side, but a judge ruled against him in September.
2.3.2016 •
Photo: Facebook.
news miami-dade
At left is drag performer Marytrini (Alexis Fernandez) with dance and salsa artist Lucy Grau during the Gay8 Festival. The Jan. 17 community event, which was held in Little Havana, brought together 17,000 locals from all ages, ethnicities and genders. Approximately $100,00 was raised in donations from attendees to help improve the festival for next year.
Gay8 FeStiVal iN miami deliVerS diVerSity iN BiG NumBerS Anthony Martinez Beven
f there was one standout moment for Miami-based filmmaker, writer and Gay8 festival co-organizer Joe Cardona, it was "looking into a sea of people as far as the eye could see. It was a beautiful snapshot of Miami. People of all races, ages, ethnicities and orientations. It punctuated the event." On Jan. 17 Gay8 (or GayOcho!) was touted as the first LGBT art, music and food street festival in Little Havana's SW 8th Street (Calle Ocho), but it became much more than that, according to the other co-organizer, Damian Pardo, a LGBT community activist of 30 years. "You have all these groups here, and they really don't mix. They are all in their own spaces. It was something that was disturbing to me and Joe," Pardo said, noting Gay8 broke down barriers to bring together 17,000 people from all walks of life in Little Havana. Cardona added that while Miami is one of the most racially and ethnically diverse cities, it's also one of the most "segregated" cities. Cardona, who is heterosexual, said the LGBT community has the blueprint down for inclusion. "I think all communities have something to learn from the LGBT community," Cardona said. "And, a lot of people haven't ventured into Little Havana in years. It gave people a chance to go into this beautiful part of the city, and all under the guise of the LGBT community." Pardo, who is Hispanic (as is Cardona), said two other important reasons for choosing Little Havana as the place to hold the festival were its historic appeal and to change perception of Hispanic and Latinos. "We thought Hispanics get a bad rap for homophobia, and we wanted to show how open Hispanics and Latinos are," Pardo said. The event's main sponsors were Barcardi, which provided all the bars, and SAVE, South Florida and Miami's leading LGBT advocacy
and equal rights organization. SAVE supplied the volunteers for the festival, which numbered in the hundreds, Pardo said. "Without those organizations, we couldn't have done it," Pardo said, adding he was grateful for additional donor support from Coca-Cola, Morgan Stanley, Jackson Health System and Cigna Health Insurance. It's estimated that $100,000 was received in donations from attendees. Donated funds flow through the festival's fiscal agent, the Miami Foundation. "We did this because we wanted to make sure people felt comfortable donating," Pardo said. The funds will be used to make the festival better for next year, which both Pardo and Cardona said is going to happen after the success of this year's festival. "We want to have better offerings, and perfect our little festival," Cardona said. "Maybe one day it grows into a bigger festival." Pardo added that the festival offers an alternative to other gay-themed events. "We think there is a thirst for this type of participation," He said. "I think people were there to spend time with each other, listen to cool music, and eat some good food." Pardo added, "Sometimes, I think people go to entertainment venues to escape, and that's where you see more of the drugs and that type of participation." Both Pardo and Cardona are happy with the results. "Thank God it was very well received by the community, and we were humbled by the spirit during the festival," Pardo said. The festival was preceded by "The Pa'Lante Awards" on the evening of Friday Jan. 15 honoring: civil rights community leader H.T. Smith; lesbian activist Julia Dawson; South Beach creator and visionary Louis Canales; and champion of LGBT rights and one of the founders of SAVE, Richard Gonzales.
For more information, visit Gay8Festival.com.
• 2.3.2016
Gay Rags A Survey of LGBT Periodicals
February 18 – March 6
Stonewall National Museum – Wilton Manors Gallery 2159 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305
local name, global coverage
2.3.2016 •
politics out on the trail Carlos Guillermo Smith
Guillermo Smith Gets Firefighters Endorsement John McDonald
arlos Guillermo Smith, an openly gay man running for the Florida House of Representatives, on Jan. 29, received the endorsement from the Florida Professional Firefighters organization. “We believe (Carlos) will honorably serve the citizens of Florida, and the interests of the men and women employed in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services, who have made the protection of life and property their life’s work,” said FPF President/CEO Jim Tolley, in a news release. The Florida Professional Firefighters, is a state association chartered by the International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO-CLC. Founded in 1944, the organization claims a membership of more than 24,000 paid, full-time professional firefighters and EMS personnel. Guillermo Smith, seeking House seat 49 in Orlando, called the endorsement
“incredible” and his campaign released a childhood photo of the candidate holding a fire hose at a demonstration. “Even as a kid, I admired the hard work of our firefighters,” Guillermo Smith said. “Now, I am honored to have the support of these everyday heroes who have committed to protecting Florida’s citizens and creating a better future for our state.” The governmental affairs manager for Equality Florida, Guillermo Smith said it is important first responders receive fair compensation and benefits in exchange for their sacrifices. “It takes real courage to enter burning buildings and save lives,” Guillermo Smith said. If elected, Guillermo Smith would become Florida’s first openly gay Latino man to serve in the House of Representatives. He is currently running unopposed.
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• 2.3.2016
politics white house watch Ted Cruz.
Photo: Adam Rose / CNN.
cruZ WhiPS uP Gay hate iN ioWa John McDonald
ed Cruz walked into the lobby of the Des Moines Marriott Downtown late Sunday evening in a slow yet deliberate pace. His months’ long effort to engage Iowa caucus goers was coming to an end and Cruz, the freshman U.S. Senator of Texas, did not break stride as he passed a lobby packed with journalists and political operatives. “I think Cruz has got this,” said Kyle Hackel, an analyst from the nonpartisan PolitiGuide. Hackel was indeed profound as Cruz captured the most support among Republicans in Monday night’s caucus. Hackel and his business partner Julian Rudolph had been in Iowa for a week following the candidates and handing out copies of PolitiGuide, an informative book that explains the issues at hand from each party’s perspective. Gay marriage certainly played a part in Iowa. In the run-up to the caucus, Cruz shared a stage in Iowa City with reality television actor Phil Robertson of the “Duck Dynasty” program. Robertson urged the crowd to back Cruz and used his microphone time to condemn gay people. Calling gay marriage “evil” and “wicked” to wild cheers, Robertson went on to say it, “We have to run this bunch out of Washington, D.C. We have to rid the earth of them.” Cruz ran all of the Republicans out of Iowa, capturing 28 percent support, eight delegates and forcing one-time front-runner Donald Trump to concede defeat. In terms of money spent per vote though Trump was the clear winner spending only $300 per vote compared to Rubio who spent $600 per and Cruz spending $700 per. “My experience in Iowa was a great one. I started out with all of the experts saying I couldn’t do well there and ended up in 2nd place. Nice,” Trump tweeted. Trump finished with 24 percent support and seven delegates.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida placed third, garnering 23 percent support and collecting seven delegates. Matt Peterson, a Rubio supporter from Michigan canvassing the Iowa State Historical Building, said he was working for the Miami man because of his story of coming from a working class background. “He knows what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck,” Peterson said. Meanwhile, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee threw in the towel, failing to inspire voters, but leaving the race with fond memories of appearing on stage with embattled Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis. “Obviously the voters are sick of me and I need to acknowledge that,” Huckabee said Monday. On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont were virtually identical in the running, both candidates received the most support with former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley suspending his campaign after generating little interest. The U.S. campaign heads to New Hampshire next with a primary election slated for Feb. 9 in the small New England state. Sanders and Trump held polling leads going in but at least one challenger is not giving up. Recent polls in NH have Trump up by as much as 24 points while polls show Sanders up as much as 33 points setting expectations high for both candidates. “Show time is over,” said New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Sunday night at Wellman’s Pub in West Des Moines, Iowa. “It’s game time now. We are not electing an Entertainer-in-Chief, we are electing a Commander-in-Chief.”
Out Now! © 2015 Peter Max. Used by permission.
John McDonald reported on this story live from Iowa. 2.3.2016 •
Ruth Berman and Connie Kurtz.
Photo: Facebook.
news miami
SaGe aNd aQua FouNdatioN to hoSt uPcomiNG miami eVeNtS Anthony Martinez Beven
mong upcoming LGBT events are SAGE and Friends Miami, and the AQUA Family BBQ. These events raise awareness with local leaders and promote community building in Miami. The Miami metro area ranks as the 17th most populous LGBT area with 4.2 percent of residents who identify as LGBT, according to a 2012-2014 Gallup poll. On Feb. 6, the NYC-based Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) will host “SAGE & Friends/Miami 2016.” The event will be held at The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables on Feb. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. The highlight of the event is “The Pioneer Award,” which recognizes LGBT older adults who have paved the way for equality and the allies who have supported such efforts. This year's award will be presented at the event to Ruth Berman and Connie Kurtz. Young housewives when they met in 1959 in Brooklyn, Ruthie and Connie became fast friends, community leaders, and in 1974, more than that—they fell in love, according to a press release from SAGE. Struggling with both internal and
• 2.3.2016
social homophobia, the women left their marriages for one another. They sued the New York City Board of Education for domestic partner benefits in 1988 and won in 1992. They established a PFLAG chapter for retirees in their new Florida home and were the subjects of the critically acclaimed documentary, "Ruthie and Connie: Every Room in the House." On Feb. 7, the Aqua Foundation for Women (AFW), which serves and supports the LBT community in South Florida through grants, scholarships and initiatives, will host the LGBT Family BBQ. The event is sponsored by Olivia Travel, Jackson Health System, Elizabeth F. Schwartz, Rotella & Hernandez, LLC and Coca-Cola. The event, which will be held from noon-4 p.m. at Greynolds Park in North Miami Beach, will feature complimentary food and drinks, in addition to activities for kids, including face painting and a bounce house. Although the event is free, RSVP is requested via EventBrite: www. Eventbrite.com/e/aqua-lgbt-family-bbqtickets-20746134246
2.3.2016 •
Photos: Adam Rose / CNN.
news national
Politics Pulls Gays In Different Directions
John McDonald
ith more and more rights secured, the LGBT community is becoming harder to herd into one corner. The 2016 U.S. Presidential election is an example of this evolution. Once considered a lock for Democratic Party support, more gays are beginning to identify as Republicans. Eric Gilbert is a 48-year-old bisexual man from Boca Raton who vocally supports Donald J. Trump. Gilbert, who says his line of work is sales, does not believe the government’s employment numbers. “Underemployment is really somewhere around 40 percent,” Gilbert said, in a telephone call to SFGN. “Where are the good paying jobs? I know so many people that gotta drive Uber cars just to get by.” Gilbert said he doesn’t buy into the hype that Trump is a bigot, instead insisting the billionaire businessman was one of the first to implement workplace protections for gay and lesbian employees at his Atlantic City, N.J. casinos. “The country’s in deep trouble and Mr. Trump is the only one who can turn things around,” Gilbert said. Gilbert said he has received a harsh backlash from other gay men because of his support for Trump. “I’ve had some guys defriend me on Facebook,” he admitted. Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, has passionate gay support too. Mitchell StollbergAppleyard, a married gay man from Oakland Park, is actively campaigning for the avowed socialist. “Bernie has been consistent with his values throughout his career,” Stollberg-Appleyard said. “He has stood up for and defended the LGBT community before it was the accepted thing to do.” Stollberg-Appleyard said he has been
• 2.3.2016
phone banking for the Sanders campaign and is confident the former Mayor of Burlington, Vermont will win the Democratic Party’s nomination. “He’s going to surprise people,” StollbergAppleyard said. Elsewhere, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has no shortage of gay supporters. One of those is Noah Kim, a volunteer for the Clinton campaign in Iowa. Days before the Iowa Caucuses, Kim introduced former U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband retired Naval Capt. Mark Kelly to a room full of canvassers in Des Moines. The couple spoke of the need to reform America’s gun control regulations, with Kelly saying Clinton was the right person to “make it happen.” Afterward, Kim, a gay Asian American who lives in Virginia, said it is “common sense” to enact better legislation on firearms, adding “tightening” the gun show loophole is possible. As for Clinton winning the Presidency, Kim said count on it. “We are very confident in our ground game,” Kim said. “We’ve had volunteers out every weekend through sub-zero temperatures, through bad weather…if that doesn’t show a supporter base and a grassroots volunteer base as enthusiastic, excited and committed to electing Hillary Clinton as our next President I don’t know what does.” Caucus results from Iowa show Hillary Clinton beating Bernie Sanders by less than one percentage point. Participation remained high in the Midwestern state. “It was exciting, a bit chaotic, but it got organized,” said Julie Joyce, a lesbian from Des Moines, who pledged her support for Hillary Clinton at Polk County’s precinct 55. “She’s the best candidate for the LGBT community,” Joyce said. “Most Republicans make me cringe.”
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2.3.2016 •
Where Voices Get heard
Norm Kent
you are a loSer, doNald
ou lost, Donald. You bragged that you were going to ‘run the table’ from Iowa to the convention, but they ran you out of town instead. You have spent so much of your time as a candidate criticizing others; you may have forgotten that voters still have the right to humble you. In Iowa, on Monday, they did. Did they treat you unfairly, Donald? Are you going to demean and disgrace them as you have your colleagues in the presidential primary? Exposed to the light of a presidential campaign, you have proved yourself to be an intellectual featherweight who uses a loud mouth and large pocketbook to push around the people who stand up to you. Let’s look at some of your critiques, and how they impact our society. When you are married three times and oppose gay marriage once, you support advancing homophobia, not hope. When you say you would appoint ‘conservative’ justices who might roll back the same sex marriage decision of the Supreme Court, you are not making America great again; you are making America more hateful. When you wrap yourself in the endorsement of the vile Duck Dynasty star and Jerry Falwell’s son, what does that say about you embracing equality for all the citizens of this country? When you mock Ted Cruz for being subservient to Goldman Sachs for a loan he paid back, what does it say about you that you filed bankruptcy to avoid paying back the loans you took out? When you circumvented the Vietnam War as a deferment-seeking draft-dodger, how to you dare make fun of a presidential candidate who fought, was captured, and tortured in that same war?
• 2.3.2016
When you mock Marco Rubio as being too inexperienced to be president, what does it say about you that he paid for and worked his way through school with odd jobs, but you were given a quarter million dollar hand-out by your dad? When you say you are going to be a strong defender of the Constitution, how do you reconcile that with the fact that it would be patently unconstitutional to round up eleven million Americans and throw them out of the country without due process? When you brag that you donate frequently to charities, do you purposely mimic and degrade individuals with physical disabilities? When you say the Mexicans are rapist and murderers, what makes you think any of their leaders will want to ever talk to you again? Aren’t these the same immigrants you employed in constructing buildings with loans you got from banks you now say you can control? When you say that you are a dealmaker, but all you do is belligerently attack world leaders and policy makers, why would any of them want to sit down and talk to you? When you can’t stand up to a female reporter, how can we believe you can stand up to a dictatorial leader? When you say you will be the best president on Earth for women, but you have demeaned and belittled females personally and professionally with misogynistic comments, why should anyone conclude anything other then that you are a hypocrite? When you say you are going to appoint to your cabinet known leaders with a national reputation, will you stand by your endorsement of Sarah Palin as such a leader, in the time she has when she is not bailing her wife-beating son out of jail?
A world leader inspires dignity not disgrace, he aspires to greatness, not grandiose humiliation of his adversaries. Last week, you found out that the polls lie and people, voters, have the ultimate power. Everyone understands that you don’t want to be ‘politically correct.’ But when it comes time to vote, you will learn that no one at
editorial cartoon
all appreciates you being fundamentally indecent. As I wrote in a column about you a year ago, you have proven yourself to be a clown who cannot engage an adversary intelligently, only belittle them abusively. That’s not debate or discussion. It’s disgraceful, and time for you to get off the stage.
By andy marlette
column of the Week
calliNG out iNSeNSitiVe, aNti-Semitic ProteSt Mark Segal
hen I was a boy of 13, my “creating change,” and change occurs grandmother took me to my first with communication. However, the event led opponents of Israel to protest; such civil-rights demonstration to teach protesters essentially urge people to boycott me about racism and social justice. She knew those issues well: Our family fled from any LGBT event relating to Israel, not due to the pogroms in Russia, others in our family its LGBT laws, but because of how it treats perished in the Holocaust and Grandmom Palestinians. They use terms like “apartheid” and “racism.” even fought for women’s rights. Here’s what they don’t state. While Israel On that day, I marched with Cecil B. Moore is welcoming to LGBT people, Palestinian and Robert N.C. Nix. Five years later, in 1969, law criminalizes homosexuality. If you call I’d be a member of New York’s Gay Liberation the Palestinian Authority at the UN Office Front and, in the name of justice, we’d march and ask about LGBT rights, with The Black Panthers to as I did, you’ll be treated to free Angela Davis from her hang-ups (first call), laughter arrest and detention, chanting Fight first for and a “Don’t you understand “Hey hey, ho ho, House of D our community’s our culture?” question (second [New York’s Women’s House rights, since if call) and finally, “We don’t of Detention] has to go.” But we do not, nobody talk about that.” A fourth call last week, when I heard LGBT offered a phone number in the activists at the National LGBTQ else will. LGBT Palestinian state for me to call. Task Force’s Creating Change Palestinians can’t The protesters want us to conference in Chicago using speak out in their support people who laugh at part of that slogan against our homeland, and and criminalize us. They don’t own community, it was a sad your protests explain that LGBT Palestinians day. And it sickened me to the only embolden escape to Israel for protection. pit of my stomach. those who keep It is so unsafe that the group Creating Change is the them from fighting for Palestinian queer largest gathering of LGBT speaking out. rights is located in Israel. activists across the nation. Why? The Hamas-controlled Typically, all issues affecting Gaza Strip has declared our communities are homosexuality punishable by death. Hamas discussed, with people being able to agree to disagree with respect. But a major controversy co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar has said, “You happened this year. And what usually is and in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept should be a place for dialogue became unsafe. This incident was at the very least insincere, homosexuality. And now you criticize us?” I’ve visited and written about the region and at its worst anti-Semitic. A Wider Bridge, which promotes ties on many occasions. In fact, I spent time with the first out LGBT organization in Beirut, between LGBT Americans and Israel, was writing about lesbian women in Jordan and scheduled to have a reception at Creating Change. But some conference participants the oppression in Egypt, among other topics. complained about an event featuring a I know the people on both sides well. I was group with ties with Israel. Presto, the Task embraced in Beirut and spit on in Jerusalem. I was at Creating Change to speak about my Force cancelled the event. This led to a just-published memoir, which speaks of my debate about anti-Semitism, apartheid and political correctness. Eventually, conference numerous arrests and nickel rides fighting for social justice. In many of the cities on my organizers did the right thing and reinstated book tour, a young LGBT person asks, “What the session. After all, this conference was about can we do today to create activism?” So I
appreciate many in that crowd at the protest who were there wanting to do something. Unfortunately, they weren’t given the facts. They were misled into what became an ugly anti-Semitic rally. The first question we should ask protest organizers is: If you’re suggesting a boycott of Israel because of non-LGBT issues, why not speak out about Palestine’s antigay laws? Why not explain that many LGBT people have had to escape antigay violence in Palestine? If you were fair, the position should be boycott both, but instead you single out one. And that one place has become a safe haven for LGBT Palestinians. That is anti-Semitism, with a dose of self-hatred. Supporting those who wish LGBT people — us — dead is the definition of self-hatred. The next question to ask protesters is even simpler: Why are you not protesting the anti-LGBT position of the Palestinian state? Do you approve of the draconian laws of Putin’s Russia, or those of Uganda? Palestine is equally as, if not more so, antigay as those countries. Then there’s the issue of racism. That same term has been used to describe our country by the “Black Lives Matter” effort. Have you called for an international boycott of the United States? No, you single out one entity: Israel, the Jewish State. Yes, “Jewish.” We all know why Israel was created, as a safe haven for Jews. We also know how Palestinians have fought Israel, at times suggesting it be wiped off the face of the earth, along with its people, the Jews. Yasser Arafat coined that into a slogan: “From the [Jordan] River to the Sea.” To Jews, that slogan represents extermination. Now, imagine being a Jew in a room with 200 people outside banging on the doors yelling that slogan, or wrapping a Palestinian flag over the head of a Jew trying to make his
way into the room. That is what happened in Chicago. Windy City Times did a great job of capturing most of the demonstration on video (ow.ly/XByz1). Many of us would gladly protest Israeli treatment of Palestinians — I myself support a Palestinian state, the so-called “twostate solution” — but that is different than supporting the Palestinian government that wants you put to death if you’re LGBT and live on the Gaza Strip. But trapping Jews in a room yelling what is as close to a death slogan as there is … Does that conjure something? Look up “Kristallnacht.” Insensitive at the very least. It’s great to see this generation wanting to protest injustice, but they need to understand the issues and the lessons of our early fight for equality. Fight first for our community’s rights, since if we do not, nobody else will. LGBT Palestinians can’t speak out in their homeland, and your protests only embolden those who keep them from speaking out. The Task Force acknowledged its mishandling of the situation and said it will work to prevent future incidents. While they may have been unprepared, protest organizers are the ones who need to apologize — not just to those in that room who were forced to leave through a back door for safety, but to the entire LGBT community for their insensitivity and for supporting those who support our oppression. The term these individuals use is “pinkwashing.” From this time on, pinkwashing equals self-hating anti-Semites. We members of Gay Liberation Front have varied views on Israel and Palestine, but one thing we would never do is act with such insensitivity and suggest support for those who wish to put LGBT people to death or eradicate an entire race of people. Shame on you!
Mark Segal is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. His memoir “And Then I Danced, Traveling the Road to LGBT Equality is available online or at your favorite bookseller.
2.3.2016 •
Jesse's Journal
iSrael - a Wider BridGe creatiNG chaNGe
Jesse Monteagudo
and chanted controversial slogans, including he National LGBT Task Force’s annual Creating Change conference is often one proclaiming that “From the [Jordan] River grounds for controversy and this year’s to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine Will Be conference, held at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago, Free” (a slogan used by Hamas to declare the was no exception. The most contentious event impending doom of the Jewish State). Though on its schedule was a reception organized there were reports of altercations between protesters and guests, no arrests by A Wider Bridge (AWB), a were made. The protest finally group that foster relations ended when a Hilton staff between the State of Israel More than 200 member threatened to close the and the LGBT community, conference. with representatives from noisy protesters Many activists on the left view Jerusalem Open House for gathered outside A Wider Bridge as a propaganda Pride and Tolerance. of the Israeli government This did not sit well with the hall where arm and accuse it of “pinkwashing”; many activists who view the reception that is, exploiting Israel’s proIsrael as an apartheid state LGBT record to distract others that persecutes Palestinian was to be away from the Jewish State’s Arabs, and they pressured the held, forcing harsh treatment of Palestinians. Task Force to cancel the AWB “For several years the Israeli program. This led to protests the organizers government has attempted from queer Jews and other to once again to use propaganda about the supporters of Israel, which led freedoms some LGBTQs in that Task Force Executive Director cancel the country have as a cover for their Rea Carey to reschedule the event. increasingly brutal rule over event. Palestinians,” read a statement Not surprisingly, the AWB from Chicago’s Gay Liberation program never took place. Network. Black Lives Matter Chicago took time More than 200 noisy protesters gathered off from demanding the resignation of Mayor outside the hall where the reception was to Rahm Emanuel to protest this event, linking be held, forcing the organizers to once again the plight of Palestinians with that of African cancel the event. As protesters entered the Americans. room, the Open House reps were escorted out On the other hand, AWB Executive Director a back door “to ensure their safety.” They accused Israel of racism; held up signs Arthur Slepian defended his group. Smelling a whiff of anti-Semitism, Slepian argued announcing there is “No pride in apartheid”;
• 2.3.2016
that the idea that Israeli queers “would be disenfranchised because of something that their government does is disgraceful. They’re saying that their lives as LGBT people are not valuable stories because of the actions of their government.” Israel is far from perfect. Its policies against the Palestinians, especially by the current rightwing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who apparently learned his politics from his friends in the U.S. Republican Party) are deplorable. And I do not agree with those who, like Slepian, think that any criticism of Israel is antiSemitic. However, for all its faults, Israel is the most gay-friendly country in the Middle East. In spite of the influence that homphobic, UltraOrthodox rabbis have over Israeli society and government, homosexual acts were legalized as far back as 1988, when many American states still enforced their sodomy laws. Israeli lesbians, gay men and bisexuals were given the right to serve openly in the Israel Defense Forces at a time when the U.S. military still had “don’t ask, don’t tell.” (Protesters would argue here that the IDF is only enlisting LGB people to help in its anti-Palestinian campaign.) Israel is the first country in Asia to recognize
co-habitation between lesbian or gay male couples. Same-sex couples are allowed to jointly adopt children. And while same-sex marriages are not performed in Israel, it recognizes those marriages performed elsewhere. Tel Aviv, “the gay capital of the Middle East” (according to Out magazine) is one of the gay-friendliest cities in the world. Meanwhile, other Middle Eastern countries actively persecute its LGBT people, some going so far as to execute both men and boys for committing homosexual acts. Does A Wider Bridge promote Israeli propaganda? Of course it does, but no more than any other organization connected with any other country, including the United States. The State of Florida has a dismal record when it comes to its treatment of minorities, LGBT people included. Does this mean that promoters of LGBT tourism in Key West, Fort Lauderdale or Orlando should be barred from queer conferences? One can criticize the policies of the Israeli government, as I often do, and still support the Jewish State. On the other hand, there is a thin line between shouting anti-Israeli slogans and wishing to wipe it off the face of the earth. This is a line that LGBT activists should not cross.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
tony's talks
Photo: CNN.
marco ruBio iS No keNNedy catholic Tony Adams
or the last fifty years, Roman Catholic politicians have been talking “ChristianLite” when invoking God. That changed in the last Republican presidential debate before the Iowa caucus, when Marco Rubio boldly worshipped his “Jesus Christ, who came down to earth and died for our sins.” Most of us have not heard that kind of theology since the days when, as children, we had to memorize the answers to all those perplexing questions in the Baltimore Catechism. Little Marco obviously learned them well, and his pious proclamation on the floor of the debate should put tears of joy in the eyes of every American cardinal and bishop who have in him a candidate they can control. We have had all sorts of Christian presidents, including one – Taft – who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. We have had a few who were disinterested in religion – Andrew Johnson, Hayes, Lincoln – and we have had exactly one Roman Catholic president - John F. Kennedy - who adored Marilyn more than Mary. In Rubio, we would get the real Catholic deal, and this should be frightening to any God-fearing American man or woman who is disinclined to bind
the country under the yoke of the papacy. The most startling aspect of Rubio’s debate proclamation is his clear belief in the pre-existence of Jesus Christ. Rubio believes that the son of God existed somewhere in the universe (in heaven maybe?) before he “came down” to earth to fix the mess we have made. In Rubio’s belief, Jesus wasn’t just a twinkle in the eye of God but rather a real guy waiting in the wings, or on the bench, for his chance to be born and die. Like God the father, Jesus had been around for all eternity, killing time with his dad somewhere outside the boundaries of time itself, until he got the irresistible urge for his brief Middle Eastern saga. When I was a child in Catholic grade school and menaced by the Sisters of Mercy, I did not cotton to this bit of theology. It seemed to me to be downright stupid for God to pre-arrange something like the passion, death and resurrection of his only son. The script of any episode of I Love Lucy made more sense to me, concurrently schooled as I was by early television, than did the idea that the life of Jesus Christ was, in literally excruciating detail, inevitable. I kept this heretical opinion to myself, and recited the words of the Creed just like all
the other kids, figuring that they had not yet realized the nonsense of it all. There is a second aspect of Rubio’s debate proclamation, the notion that Jesus had to come down here to take on our sins. As a child, I had serious problems with this. Why couldn’t God just snap his fingers to clean up our sins the way ladies on the television make their kitchen appliances sparkle with a quick swipe of something new? Why couldn’t he just clear the table in his workshop? Like every other kid in my hometown, I had an Etch A Sketch with which I could make any design I imagined and then simply flip the toy upside down to erase it and start over again. Surely God in his infinite brilliance could do even better than that. Also, I never felt that I had been born bad, or that without redemption by Jesus I would go to hell. In second grade, I pestered Sister Josephine about the idea of baptism. “You mean we were born with sins already inside us?” When she nodded yes, I could see in her eyes that she knew I would be trouble. (She eventually left the convent, married and had her own kids. I wonder if she had them baptized.) The seven-year old heretic, I kept my
reservations private while I made my first Confession and received my First Holy Communion, carefully keeping the host from touching my teeth because Jesus, who had been floating eternally in space and had then taken on human flesh, was now a piece of bread that I had to eat in order to get to heaven where all of this stuff would finally be explained. How would we do with a president who energetically spouts his belief in the literal particulars of Roman Catholicism? Not well. He would have to dismantle same-sex marriage. He would have to say that it is OK to feel gay urges, but sinful to have gay sex of any kind. He would have to make sure that children are adopted only by couples consisting of one man and one woman. He would have to get LGBT teachers out of classrooms. He would have to insist that Americans keep every sex act open to the possibility of procreation. He would have to reverse Roe v. Wade and instruct all Americans that abortion is murder. Worst of all, he would appoint Supreme Court Justices guided by “Jesus Christ, who came down to earth and died for our sins.” So many awful words to be added to the Pledge of Allegiance. 2.3.2016 •
column letters to the editor
letter to the lGBtQ taSk Force Below is a letter sent to the National LGBTQ Task Force over the anti-Israel protests that occurred at the opening reception of the Task Force’s annual Creating Change Conference. To read the story see page 4.
n the days since the #CancelPinkwashing action at the reception hosted by A Wider Bridge at this year’s Creating Change conference, media has been abuzz with claims about the alleged heir complicity in colonial occupation. We send this letter as members and leaders of the LGBTQ community. Some of us are Jewish; some of us are not. Some of us have spent time visiting or living in the State of Israel; some have not. Indeed, like the population of Israel itself, we have diverse, and often sharply conflicting, views about the difficult issues raised by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the best way to resolve them. What we all do share is our history and experience in connection with the struggle for LGBTQ equality in the United States and elsewhere. Many of us have not only contributed significantly to the enormous strides that have been made towards LGBTQ equality in recent years, but have devoted our lives and careers to that cause. The purpose of this letter is to unequivocally express our collective and deep concern about what transpired at the Task Force’s 2016 Creating Change Conference in Chicago, Illinois (CC16) on Friday, January 22, 2016 with respect to A Wider Bridge, an organization that fosters relationships between Israel and the LGBT community (AWB), and the Jerusalem Open House of Pride and Tolerance (JOH). While some of us were at the conference to witness the events of January 22, there were also a number of published reports. More than one hundred protesters succeeded in physically intimidating and ultimately shutting down a reception organized by AWB featuring Israeli speakers from JOH. It has been reported—and videos taken contemporaneously confirm—that the protesters chanted slogans like “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,” which necessarily suggests that the State of Israel should no longer exist. Another protester shouted, “We are going Sincerely, Aaron Belkin, Founding Director, Palm Center & Professor, San Francisco State University Dana Beyer, Executive Director, Gender Rights Maryland The Reverend Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Senior Pastor, Cathedral of Hope Rabbi Lisa Edwards, Ph.D., Congregation Beth Chayim Chadashim Rabbi Denise Eger, Congregation Kol Ami & President, Central Conference of American Rabbis of the Union of Reform Judaism Lillian Faderman, Author and Professor, California State University— Fresno The Honorable Barney Frank, Former Member, U.S. House of Representatives Frank Giaou, President, World Congress of GLBT Jews
• 2.3.2016
The Honorable Deborah Glick, Member, New York State Assembly Emily Hecht-McGowan, Interim Executive Director, Family Equality Council The Honorable Brad Hoylman, Member, New York State Senate The Honorable Corey Johnson, Member, New York City Council The Reverend Susan Hrostowski, Ph.D., LMSW, Vicar, St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church & Associate Professor, and Chair, Institutional Diversity Committee, University of Southern Mississippi Vincent Jones, LGBT Activist and Philanthropist Miryam Kabakov, Executive Director, Eshel Roberta A. Kaplan, Partner, Paul Weiss LLP & Lead Counsel, U.S. vs. Windsor Idit Klein, Executive Director, Keshet Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum,
to challenge these Zionist racist motherfuckers.” There were also reports of altercations between the protesters and the reception guests. Witnesses saw a man get into a scuffle with the protesters and have his yarmulke knocked off his head. In a separate incident, there is a report of an individual who was called “kike.” We applaud the fact that the initial decision by Task Force staff to stop AWB and JOH from hosting a reception in the CC16 was reversed by the Task Force. We are aware that the 100–200 protesters were among a conference of 4,000 participants and have no reason to believe that what transpired outside the reception on January 22 reflects the views or experiences of the majority of the 4,000 conference goers. We also know that there is a Jewish Movement Building Working Group as part of the Task Force’s Creating Change conference, which has, for many years, done important work ensuring Jewish voices are an integral part of the conference and conversation. Nevertheless, the events of January 22 in Chicago were unacceptable and not in accord with the Task Force’s values of pluralism, inclusivity and thoughtful debate. The targeted organizations’ reception was disrupted and shut down by protesters (including people not attending the conference) with such hostility and aggression that speakers and attendees at the event were justifiably terrified and felt physically threatened. We are united in our belief that what transpired at CC16 was dangerous, deeply disturbing, and given the use of epithets like “kike,” clearly anti-Semitic. The larger question posed by all of this is where do we as a progressive social movement go from here? What is the Task Force’s responsibility in this situation? What values does the Task Force wish to embody? We understand that the Task Force has undertaken to conduct a review of its policies in this regard and Congregation Beit Simchat Torah Rabbi Michael A. Latz, Congregation Shir Tikvah Arthur Leonard, Professor, New York Law School & Editor, LGBT Law Notes The Honorable Mark Leno, Member, California State Senate Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Congregation Bet Haverim Amichai Lau-Lavie, Spiritual Leader, Lab/Shul NYC Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives: Building a Progressive Jewish Community in Brooklyn Seth Madnick Marnin, Associate Director, ADL Legal Affairs & Civil Rights Regional Counsel Melanie Nathan, Executive Director, Africa Human Rights Coalition Reverend Elder Troy D. Perry, Founder, Metropolitan Community Church
The Honorable Christine Quinn, Former Speaker, New York City Council & CEO, Women in Need Nicole Murray-Ramirez, Chair/ Executive Director, International Imperial Court Council of USA, Canada and Mexico Lee Rubin, Former Board Chair, NGLTF Steven Rudner, Chair, Board of Directors, Equality Texas Robert Saferstein, Founder, Eighteen:22, A Global Network for Change. The Next Chapter of LGBTQ Jewish Life Andrea Shorter, Co-Founder, Bayard Rustin LGBTQ Coalition Melissa Sklarz, Former Co-Chair, National Stonewall Democrats Andrew Tobias, Treasurer, Democratic National Committee Rabbi Rachel Timoner, Congregation Beth Elohim Robin Tyler, Executive Director, The Equality Campaign
we congratulate that decision. We believe that the review should be conducted by an outside, independent party charged with determining what happened, how it happened, and what will be done to ensure that it will not happen again. We also believe that the Task Force as well as all other LGBTQ organizations need to consider and adopt some form of an “active pluralism” policy with respect to these issues. Such a policy, while respecting the free speech rights of individuals and groups, would not allow protesters to effectively censor the speech of other groups, much less threaten the physical well-being and safety of those with whom they do not agree, including Jewish and Israeli LGBTQ groups. Given the concentrated and organized hostility that is so often displayed against Jewish and Israeli LGBTQ groups, and the stark rise in global anti-Semitism, it is even more important that we as a community promote civil and respectful debate. It is intellectually, politically and morally dishonest to claim that in the name of freedom, liberation, or some other progressive ideal, there is a right to target and exclude Jewish/Israeli groups, to foment physical intimidation and harassment, and to encourage anti-Semitism. There is a long and ugly history of this kind of censorship where individuals with controversial ideas and viewpoints have been silenced in the name of the “greater good.” We should know by now that such censorship results in fewer (not more) good ideas and greater (not lesser) oppression of us all. Indeed, given that we come from a movement where LGBTQ people were effectively shut out from participation in the public discourse for so many years, what happened at CC16 was extremely dangerous. If we as a movement really believe in the values we profess to hold dear, then it is time to put an end to this. Alan Van Capelle, Former Executive Director, Empire State Pride Agenda Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D, President, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College/Jewish Reconstructionist Communities The Honorable Scott Weiner, Member, San Francisco Board of Supervisors Edie Windsor, Plaintiff, United States v. Windsor Evan Wolfson, Former Executive Director, Freedom to Marry Additional Signatories: Jayson Littman, Founder, Hebro Judy Gold, Entertainer Oliver Rosenberg, Founder, Or Chayim Ari Ezra Waldman, J.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law, New York Law School, Member, Board of Directors, Tyler Clementi
Foundation, Legal Editor, Towleroad Joe Goldman, Policy Co-Chair, Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, Public Affairs & Civic Engagement Manager, Jewish Community Relations Council Matt Dorsey, Secretary, San Francisco Democratic Committee Joshua Friedes, Former Executive Director, Equal Rights Washington, Director of Rabbinic and Synagogue Engagement, J Street Tony Varona, Academic Dean and Professor, American University Washington College of Law, First General Counsel and Legal Director, Human Rights Campaign Rabbi Aaron S. Weininger, Adath Jeshurun Congregation Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers Rachel Lavine, Co-Founder and Chair, NYS Democratic Committee Progressive Caucus
Photo: Facebook.
column letters to the editor
Pride ceNter Should recoNSider PlaNt Fair deciSioN
PoSt creatiNG chaNGe T Below is an open letter from the anti-Israel protestors at the Task Force's Creating Change Conference. Read more on page 4 & 26.
n the days since the #CancelPinkwashing action at the reception hosted by A Wider Bridge at this year’s Creating Change conference, media has been abuzz with claims about the alleged violence of the protestors, supposed anti-Semitism at the conference, and more. We are issuing this statement, as the collective at the heart of #CancelPinkwashing, to dispel myths and refocus on our central demands and goals moving forward. Our evening began with a queer, anti-Zionist Shabbat service organized by Jewish Voice for Peace—Chicago, Committee for a Just Peace in Israel-Palestine (CJPIP), and other campaign partners in response to a real need for spiritual space that did not conflate Judaism with Zionism. Other groups, in coordination with A Wider Bridge, held their own Shabbat service elsewhere at the hotel. Contrary to Zionist media framing, both Shabbat services completed without interruption. Once our Shabbat service had ended we invited the community in the room to prepare for the protest and several hundred of us began marching through the Hilton from our space on the lobby level to the third floor just outside where the A Wider Bridge reception was taking place. We chanted various pro-Palestine, antiZionist, anti-racist and anti-pinkwashing critiques. One that has received a lot of attention is “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Amongst our demands we also included that The Task Force publicly endorse the Palestinian Right To Return, that is that Palestinian refugees and their descendants have a right to return, and a right to the property they themselves or their forebears left behind or were forced to leave in what is now Israel and the Palestinian territories. For those that are unsure of geography, that is from the river to the sea. Our other demands, including our call for the Task Force to endorse BDS, the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement, can be found here. During the course of the action, four protesters rushed the stage at the reception and shared our core messages while the remaining others occupied the hallway outside. During this time, Zionists exited the reception, shouted at the protestors and pushed and physically intimidated several. Police were called by the Hilton hotel and towards the end of the action, they escorted members of A Wider Bridge outside the reception room and down the back
stairs, effectively shutting down the reception. We, the protesters, then made our way back down to our original location. To our knowledge there were no arrests made during the action, and some of our protesters sustained injuries due to the action of Zionist agitators and security staff. A few of our goals were accomplished, namely that we shut down the pinkwashing reception and raised the national visibility of pinkwashing as a Zionist tactic. We also actively pushed back on the overall complicity of Creating Change and the Task Force. We should note that this is not the first time that the Task Force has been criticized for marginalizing people of color or cultivating racism at Creating Change. In fact, these criticisms and protests are commonplace at the Conference. Whether this year or in the past, the Task Force has invited both police and ICE—with blatant disregard for many, many queer/trans activist communities of color. We call on the Task Force to take a firm stand against colonialism, racism and apartheid and refuse to host pinkwashing events by Israel advocacy organizations, ICE or the police. At this point, the Task Force has not apologized for or addressed any of the concerns raised by activists around pinkwashing at the conference. Instead, they issued a statement to “condemn anti-Semitism”, saying “Hate speech of any kind is unacceptable whether it’s directed at Jewish or Muslim people,” with no reference as to why that is a relevant concern in this situation (except, of course, as a response to Zionist agitators and media). In doing so, The Task Force continues to accept and endorse the false narrative that the Israeli occupation of Palestine is a “religious conflict” rather than a political and economic colonial project. We also believe that by releasing the statement, the Task Force conflates antiZionism and indeed all criticism of Israeli policy with anti-Semitism, which trivializes the very meaning of anti-Semitism, and exploits the term in order to silence political debate and distract from occupation and colonialism, which are at the heart of this issue. We are extremely disappointed by the unaccountable, racist actions of the Task Force as an institution. We will continue to press them on our demands and move forward in our work to confront pinkwashing and push LGBT organizations to name and reject their complicity in colonial occupation.
o the Editor: In the January 27, 2016 (p. 4) article titled “Pride Center Severs Ties with Garden Club over Plant Fair,” Director Robert Boo made some revealing statements. He acknowledges that “the Tropical Plant Fair was Chuck Nichols’ idea… We supported that fundraising event.” At the time Mr. Nichols was acting as President of the Garden Club. Boo justified appropriating the Tropical Plant Fair fundraising to the Pride Center “because Chuck is not leading the organization….” Boo denied the Garden Club the ability to organize its Tropical Plant Fair on Pride Center property and claimed sole future control of the event. Adding injury upon injury he doubled the rent being charged to the Garden
Club for its monthly meetings. This behavior clearly indicates Mr. Boo: 1. Punishes an organization for any deviation from his personal choice of who runs it. 2. Decides which organizations get preferential rates, without stipulating any qualification. 3. Usurps an organization’s developed fundraising event to exclusive benefit the Pride Center. The Board of Directors needs to reconsider and disavow Mr. Boo’s alienating style of management. Asking: “Who will be next?” all using the Pride Center should pay close attention.
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2.3.2016 •
lGBtQ PareNtS creatiNG chaNGe Dana Rudolph
spent last week at the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Creating Change conference in Chicago, joining 4,000 activists from across the spectrum, of all ages, colors, and backgrounds, to learn, network, and plan for the future. Here’s a look at some of the family-related highlights I observed. The conference started with a plenary panel on “Black Feminism and the Movement for Black Lives.” Panel member Barbara Smith, a founder of the Combahee River Collective that produced the classic 1977 statement of intersectional feminism, related to the audience at one point: “I was told Black homosexuality would be the death of the race. I said, ‘What about these children we’re raising?’” It was a reminder to me that these “modern families” of ours really aren’t all that newfangled—nor as White as most media depictions would have us believe. And if we are to support LGBTQ families, we must also believe—and act on the belief—that Black Lives Matter. On the second day, a workshop by author Andrew Solomon (Far from the Tree) and the Task Force’s Julie Childs explored the ways some of our families incorporate more than one or two parents and their children. Childs and her wife are co-parenting their two girls with their sperm donor. Solomon and his husband John Habich are raising a child who
• 2.3.2016
is biologically Solomon’s and whom they created with the help of a surrogate. The surrogate is herself raising two children with her wife, for whom Habich is the biological father. And Solomon is the biological father of the child of a college friend, who is raising the child with her male partner. He considers all of them to be part of his family. The session raised the question of whether we are doing enough to protect families with such sprawling structures as well as the ones who now have greater security because of marriage equality. Both Solomon and Childs also said that they had once thought they had to choose between coming out and having a family. They reminded me that our visibility as LGBTQ parents is important not only for our own children, but also for many LGBTQ young people who may be hesitant to come out for fear of abandoning a dream of parenthood. Not that all LGBTQ people (or people in general) should necessarily be parents—but those who want to should not have to give up their own authenticity for it. In another workshop, speakers from several organizations dedicated to familyfriendly workplace policies (Strong Families, Pride @ Work, A Better Balance, and Family Values @ Work), discussed the ways they and others are using cross-movement organizing
and the power of collective bargaining agreements to ensure that benefits such as paid sick days and family leave are extended to encompass all important family relationships. They spoke of encouraging employers to use a definition of family by “blood or affinity,” as the federal government does for its employees. Expanding benefits in this way would help a variety of families, such as those co-parenting with a donor or surrogate or those in which siblings are caring for each other. And using such language may also be a way to help polyamorous families, since it may be less off-putting to many people than words like “polyamory.” The speakers also shared examples of efforts in Oregon, New Mexico, and Chicago towards this expanded vision of family recognition. In Oregon, for example, organizations led by people of color worked in partnership with LGBTQ groups on a 2014 campaign around paid sick days. They did not achieve the full “blood or affinity” definition, but did get some expansion, such as paid leave to care for grandparents. Now they are building a bigger crossmovement coalition. And in Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has created a task force to look at the issue of paid family leave, build consensus, and make recommendations.
If I were to distill one theme across all of this, it would be “supporting families in all our variety.” Marriage equality may be won, but there is work to do—legislatively, socially, in the courts and in the media—to ensure that all families, in their sometimes complex webs of love, are better understood, respected, and supported. Change comes not only from established organizations, political task forces, or even activist conferences, of course. We each create change every day simply by being visible in our communities, speaking out on the issues, big and small, that we believe in, and passing on our values to our children, who will have their own impact in the world. That is why, in my opinion, the best familyrelated event at the conference was not any of the workshops, but rather the more social gathering of parents and prospective parents on Saturday night. In the end, it is our connections with other families, our shared stories of challenges faced, and our celebration of both similarities and differences that give us strength and sustain us in creating change. Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.
Gazette Wilton Manors
Volume 3 • Issue 3 February 3, 2016
Twice-Monthly Neighborhood Outlook
Business Briefs
Workshops and Water Meters News briefs from around Wilton Manors By Michael d’Oliveira
New Water Meters More Efficient
Color Theory Workshop Artists can learn how to better use color during the Color Theory Workshop on Feb. 20 and 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Art Gallery 21, 600 NE 21 Ct. Those who attend will explore hues, values and intensity, monochromatic, analogous, complementary color schemes and more. “Learning how to make those can make colors play on a surface of a painting. It’s a little bit of an illusion, this whole color thing,” said Janet Onofrey, the Broward College art professor who
will be teaching the course. Onofrey is the recent recipient of a fellowship from the South Florida Cultural Consortium. The color workshop is latest put on by Art Gallery 21 founder Constance Ruppender. “We’ve been doing about one a year. I hope that we can increase that number,” said Ruppender. “Whenever we can find somebody who is willing to do it we put ‘em to work.” The cost is $150 per person and limited to 12 spots. To sign up, visit ArtGallery21.org or call 954-661-4740. WMG
Early Voting
The Wilton Manors Commission Chambers, 2020 Wilton Drive, will be used as an early voting site from March 5 to 13 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. As a result, the March 9 city commission meeting will be held in the Hagen Park Community Center. Visit Browardsoe.org for more information. WMG
The city’s new coded water meters are more efficient and will provide more information on water usage, say officials. “We only have to physically read them when we send someone once a year,” said David Archacki, the city’s emergency management / utilities director. Except for that, monthly meter readings will be done automatically by a device attached to garbage trucks. The device uses a radio signal to collect information from each meter. The trucks will read the meters once a month. Homes west of Andrews Avenue have already received the meters, installed by Avanti Company and U.S. Bronco. The rest of the city is expected to be finished by May. The cost of $1 million, spread out over two budget years, won’t save the
city a lot of money but Archacki said the current meters, installed in the '80s, are at the end of their lifespan and needed to be replaced. The new meters will also give officials the exact times when water is used. The meters will also allow the city employee, who previously read the meters, to focus on other work. The meters will be able to save water and help eliminate uncertainty over what causes unusual spikes in water usage. Included in the meters is a leak detection feature. Archacki said that recently a homeowner denied having used a large amount of water in a house they weren’t occupying at the time. But when the times of the water usage were revealed, the realtor trying to sell the property remembered that they had left a hose on to water plants during those times. WMG
Budget Workshop Wilton Manors’ Quarterly Budget Workshop meeting is scheduled for Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 2020 Wilton Drive. Several workshops will be held until a final budget meeting is held sometime in September. WMG
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February 3, 2016
2.3.2016 •
Go Green…
By Sal Torre Commissioner Tom Green was definitely the star of the show at our City Commission meeting last Tuesday night. The agenda included ordinances creating a Green Building Code and regulations for vacation home rentals, two items long championed by Commissioner Green. Once the lone voice on the Commission when it came to discussing a stronger and more substantive Green Building Code here in Wilton Manors, Commissioner Green can now be both proud and happy that the entire Commission voted in favor of the new ordinance creating the Wilton Manors Green Building Program. Since our last municipal election and the addition of Commissioner Flippen to the dais, Tom Green gained a strong ally in his pursuit to pass such an ordinance. Good, forward-thinking policies such as these demonstrate that municipalities across Florida are stepping up to the plate and taking the necessary steps to protect our environment and place greater pressure on our regional and state governing bodies to take similar action on a grander scale. However, discussion between Commissioners Green and Flippen was not so harmonious when it came to the next ordinance up for business. The Regulation of Vacation Home Rentals, up for First Reading, is another issue that Commissioner Green has been championing for a number of years. In the past, most calls for action were dampened by the reality that the state greatly restricts local governments in regulating vacation home rentals. With a number of municipalities recently passing restrictions based on code-related issues, and with very limited court challenges, we can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. The cities of Fort Lauderdale and Lighthouse Point have already passed similar ordinances, which set the stage for our residents to demand action from our city officials. And, listen they did! Our Mayor and City Commissioners support taking much needed action to create some set of rules, some guidelines, some protections to deal with this growing menace to our neighborhoods. Commissioner Flippen voiced concern at language that seemed to demonize all vacation home operators in our city, taking issue with the wording in the ordinance that vacation home rentals are “injurious to our community.” This sympathetic view toward the so-called “good guys” out there fails to understand a basic reality, so clearly stated by Commissioner Green, that “a business/ vacation rental has no place being in a zoned single-family neighborhood.” These words were met with enthusiastic applause from residents in
PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943
the Commission Chambers. Commission Green is totally correct. We already have special zoning areas for businesses, for Bed & Breakfasts, for multi-family and mixed use. Our zoned single-family neighborhoods are not the place for transient lodging businesses. Hopefully the free ride for many of these operators will be coming to an end as neighbors and communities are made aware of what can and cannot be done when dealing with short term vacation home rentals and to make sure that these properties are properly registered, paying their taxes, and not homesteaded. The view that the “good guys” are doing benevolent acts by taking run-down properties and turning them into a “nice place” that is better for the surrounding community is just wrong! With the rise in home values the past few years, do we really think that no one else would have purchased and improved these properties? Realtors and other property investors have done a wonderful job in renovating older homes and selling them to buyers who are now part of our community. The vacation home operator is running a business to make money, and they are doing that at the expense of our quality of life and our zoning regulations that are supposed to protect our single-family home neighborhoods. I love meeting new people from all walks of life and from different places, but I can do that at the many businesses along Wilton Drive and throughout our city. Unfortunately, with short term vacation homes popping up everywhere, more and more residents of our city don’t even have to go out, they can meet all these new people as they check in to the rental right next door each and every week. I would rather build a lifelong relationship with a good neighbor, his partner, and their dogs, or the new couple who moved in a few houses down with two young children who wave hello everyday on their way to school. I want neighbors who build community, not strangers looking for a good time. Community is what we need to protect as we move ahead and make ourselves a stronger and better city. ‘Cause life is just better here… WMG
Wilton Manors Approves Pride Flag, Hopes to Create “Iconic” Spot By Michael d’Oliveira
In approving the permanent display of the LBGT pride flag at Jayce Park at their Jan. 26 meeting, commissioners said they hope to create an “iconic” spot that will help differentiate Wilton Manors from Fort Lauderdale. “It will create a sense of place,” said Commissioner Tom Green. He added that he hopes the park, located across from city hall at the corner of Wilton Drive and Northeast 21 Court, will become a tourist spot where many photos are taken. Mayor Gary Resnick said raising the flag is an important symbol because there’s still a lot
Gazette Wilton Manors
of progress to be made in regards to LGBT rights and acceptance. Specifically, he cited some of the Republican GOP presidential candidates saying they would overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of gay marriage if they were elected. “I think it’s going to be important for Wilton Manors.” Commissioner Justin Flippen said the flag represents the “significant impact on the community” that LGBT individuals have had. When commissioners first discussed the idea of permanently raising a pride flag on city property last October, residents for and against made their opinions known. Those for gave
reasons similar to what Flippen said. Those against praised the contributions of the LGBT community but said raising the pride would be offensive to many residents and elevate the LGBT community above the rest of the city. But when the commission voted on the issue on Jan. 26, only one resident briefly spoke out. Resnick said the issue seemed controversial earlier but “we have gotten past that. We have consensus as usual.” Resident Paul Kuta said he’s worried a precedent could be set and that a more controversial group could soon come asking to raise their flag on city property. He also asked
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that the pride flag, which he prefers be called a banner, should not be on the same pole with any other flags because it is not an official flag. “I know that this is not the flag of a nation, but it’s more special to some people,” Green said. The estimated cost to purchase a flag pole is $2,000, not including the associated engineering costs. But instead of funding it through the city, Resnick asked city staff to look for sponsors among the residents and business owners. WMG
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• 2.3.2016
2 •
February 3, 2016
Sleep Well, Realtors Good news for WilMa
Real Estate Geek
By James Oaksun I write this from Orlando. Industry leaders are here at the Florida Realtors midwinter business meeting. Recently I was speaking with a good friend and colleague about the role of the Realtor in real estate transactions, especially in light of national TV advertisement by certain websites that imply the prospect of a lesser or nonexistent role. Being an odd fellow this got me to thinking. What would be the test of this? Transfer of real estate title is a public record and must be filed with the county. So I could: • make a database of all property transfers in a neighborhood; • make a database of all Multiple Listing Service (MLS) sales; • compare the percent of MLS sales to total transfers over time. Now there are situations where a deed transfer might not be a “sale” per se. For example, if someone transfers a property into a trust, that would be registered but is not a sale. Sometimes in a divorce a property may change title. But those occurrences should be relatively constant over longer time frames.
I took a quick look at the last four calendar years' (2012-15) transactions in the three WilMa neighborhoods (West/Center/East), as well as in the adjoining Fort Lauderdale neighborhoods of Poinsettia Heights, Middle River Terrace and South Middle River. From 2012 to 2015, in all six neighborhoods, there was a significant decrease in the proportion of property transfers that went through MLS! What could explain this? 1. Problems with the county data. 2. More “By Owner” sales (FSBO). The reports from the National Association of Realtors always say nearly everybody who tries FSBO fails and eventually uses a Realtor. But as I constantly complain at conferences like this (and in my writing), all real estate is hyper local! National statistics mean little to nothing at the ground level. 3. More “exclusive” or “informal Realtor” sales. There is a trend in the industry toward “branded super agent” and “branded team” approaches to business independent of any brokerage umbrella. The branded agents/teams know each other and prefer doing business with each other, and control of the listing is
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February 3, 2016
critical. One branded agent talks to another and says, oh I'll have a listing in a couple weeks at such-and-such, the sale happens and MLS never knows. Or you get a listing and have a buyer in the pocket yourself or in your brokerage. Same thing. 4. Transfers between “sophisticated investors” who don't need Realtors. This is a really notable development, folks! It is going to vary by county, by city, by neighborhood, even by property value. The macro statistics will miss it, until it is too late. WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate GeekSM, is a Realtor with the Wilton Manors office of RE/MAX Preferred. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a graduate of the Realtors Institute (GRI).
2.3.2016 •
City to Regulate Vacation Rentals
Carriage House Gets Fundraising Boost From City By Michael d’Oliveira After a successful fundraising campaign to renovate and restore the Carriage House, the Wilton Manors Historical Society has found another source of funding: the city. At its Jan. 12 meeting, the commission voted to approve spending $66,000 to build a courtyard and canopy attached to the Carriage House. The city’s contribution will take care of most of the costs and the Historical Society will pay for the rest. In its campaign, the group raised $76,000 in cash and in-kind donations from private donors. “We are really very grateful for the tremendous interest and support shown by the community in this project,” said Mary Ulm, president of the Historical Society. Built in 1925 and located in Richardson Historic Park and Nature Preserve, the Carriage House is believed to be the city’s oldest structure. Originally part of E.J. Willingham’s nursery, the property was sold to George Richardson, Sr., who bought the 40 acre-site in 1938 and turned it into a nine-hole golf course – the third in the county. Later, a large portion of it was developed into what is now the Manor Grove condo complex. In 2007, Richardson Park was opened to the public after it was sold to the city by Richardson’s son, George Richardson, Jr.
By Michael d’Oliveira
“It has the ties to our history here, but also it’s a wooden structure and that’s a rarity. It has some of the original Dade County Pine in it. It’s got historic features we didn’t want to see lost,” said Ulm. But it’s not just about preservation. The structure has been renovated to include a bar to enhance the features available for individuals and groups that rent the park for events. The canopy and courtyard are also part of that enhancement. “We thought, if we could turn it into a venue that people could enjoy that would be a great way to benefit the public and preserve our history,” said Ulm. Ron Ulm, project manager for the Historical Society, estimates the canopy and courtyard could be finished by March depending on weather. “We just really don’t know until we get further along.” WMG
Nominations Now Accepted for Community Spirit Awards By Michael d’Oliveira Know someone who volunteers a lot? Want to see them recognized for their efforts? Now’s the chance. Nominations are now being accepted for the first-ever Community Spirit Awards. For years, the city has recognized residents and business owners who have volunteered and assisted the city. But this year, Johnnie Goodnight, assistant to the city manager, said members of the Community Affairs Advisory Board [CAAB] decided the city needed to recognize people who have made contributions not connected to the city. Contributions that “maybe aren’t quite as visible” – even for something as small as mowing a neighbor’s lawn. “We’re excited to launch the Community Spirit Awards to engage local residents and business owners to acknowledge those who deserve recognition for their spirit of giving,” said Deborah Allen, chair of
CAAB. “We encourage the community to nominate qualified candidates as we know there are many deserving individuals.” The Volunteer of the Year will be an award given to the resident “who has consistently demonstrated his or her dedication to the community through civic or charitable volunteer service during 2015.” The Volunteer Business of the Year will be given to an “outstanding business, business association or not-for-profit organization located in Wilton Manors or one that provides direct service to area residents.” Those nominated can’t receive compensation for their service and it must be unrelated to their job. WMG
Nominations must be 250 words or less and are due by March 21. For more information, visit WiltonManors.com/ documentcenter/view/1487 or call 954-390-2120.
City commissioners have unanimously approved new regulations on vacation home rentals but stopped short of going as far as some residents would have liked. The regulations were approved Jan. 26 and include registering with the city as a vacation rental, providing contact information of the person responsible for overseeing the property, waste disposal, occupancy limits and compliance with inspections. The regulations will be sent to the Planning and Zoning Board for approval before being sent back to the commission. It’s estimated that Planning and Zoning will vote on the regulations at its Feb. 9 meeting. Resident Constance Ruppender, who has three vacation rentals on her street, said the regulations create “some balance but do nothing to cap the number of rentals [in a certain area].” Resident Kate Donohue said homeowners just want “peace and quiet in our homes. With this ordinance, something can be done.” One vacation rental owner, who said he tries to be responsible, expressed sympathy for homeowners. “I would not want to be one of my neighbors in West Wilton Manors,” said Jared Cashner. “I wouldn’t want four or five on my block,” said Vice Mayor Scott Newton. But there’s something keeping the city from putting a cap on the number of vacation rentals on a street. In an official response to Wilton Manors, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi wrote that municipalities could not restrict vacation rentals from operating in residential areas. City Attorney Kerry Ezrol said, based on some recent court decisions, that the city could enact some regulations as long as it doesn’t get too restrictive. “The more regulations that are imposed . . . that is where the potential for litigation exists,” said Ezrol. “Based upon some cases that have been
decided, we can regulate them.” Recently, the Florida Fifth District Court of Appeals supported a ruling in favor of Flagler County’s vacation rental ordinance. Commissioner Julie Carson said she wants to make sure city staff are more proactive, enforce the regulations and have a list of vacation homes ready at any time for commissioners to look at. “I want our city on top of this.” Mayor Gary Resnick urged residents to call their state legislators to support home rule for cities that want to regulate vacation rentals. “You think they don’t listen to you but they do.” In contrast to the rest of the commission, Commissioner Justin Flippen took exception to language in the regulations that stated all the vacation rentals were “injurious” to the community. Flippen said many responsible vacation rental owners contribute to the local economy by bringing in tourists and increasing property values by fixing up some of the dilapidated homes. He cited Ed Lugo Resort, located near Wilton Drive, as a good example. “I understand the need for regulations [but I don’t want] a couple bad apples” to ruin things for the other vacation rental owners who are responsible. “I can’t deem all of these injurious because some of them are.” Commissioner Tom Green said Ed Lugo was a bad example because it is in an area zoned for lodging. “I will never accept the fact that some [vacation rentals] are nice,” said Green. Flippen said that no one wants a big hotel and that the vacation rentals adds to the “bedroom quality” people like about Wilton Manors. Green countered, “I would love a hotel in Wilton Manors. I just would not want it next to someone’s house.” WMG
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• 2.3.2016
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February 3, 2016
2.3.2016 •
transforming Gender
Glaad turns its Back on independent mediamakers (again)
Rebecca Juro
Awards, with the organization claiming that LAAD, the LGBT media watchdog organization, has always had something they can’t tell the difference between a blog and of a checkered history, particularly with a mainstream news site, lumping them all under grassroots community media. It took GLAAD the category of digital journalism. That’s right. The organization that holds itself many years to acknowledge the work of LGBT out as a watchdog and the arbiter of quality LGBTbloggers and independent content creators. Over the years, GLAAD has rightfully been relevant media says that it can’t tell the difference between independent blogs like TransGriot and repeatedly called out for its tendency to promote Back2Stonewall and mainstream the glamorous celebrities their corporate media sites MSNBC. major donors love seeing at com and Buzzfeed. Seriously. their galas while preferring to much like the As you might expect, this downplay or even ignore the human rights has the effect of rendering work of lesser known content independent bloggers invisible creators. campaign, and unrecognized as few, if any, I don’t say this to bash GLAAD. they have an unpaid bloggers who create their They do good work and have annoying habit work in their spare time can been an unquestioned leader compete with the professionallyamong nationally-focused LGBT of focusing on staffed and well-resourced advocacy organizations in putting the corporate content created by mainstream trans people into their leadership. big shiny and corporate media outlets. Nevertheless, they are who overlooking So, it’s no surprise that all of the they are, who they’ve always nominations in this year’s digital been. Much like the Human the grassroots media category went to sites like Rights Campaign, they have little guy (and Vice, Mashable, and Buzzfeed, an annoying habit of focusing gal). without the work of even a on the corporate big shiny and single independent blogger overlooking the grassroots little being nominated. After all, since guy (and gal). Also like HRC, they have an unfortunate tendency to spend GLAAD is the sole judge of what’s recognized by years building up community credibility, only their awards, that’s obviously the way they want it. to squander whatever progress they’ve made by Frankly, I think it stinks. Many of the voices doing something that validates the most negative writing for LGBT commercial media today, perceptions of the organization. including myself, got their start on the blogs. This year the category of “Outstanding Blog” What GLAAD is clearly saying by no longer has been dropped from the GLAAD Media
• 2.3.2016
choosing to recognize independent bloggers is that this kind of grassroots journalism doesn’t matter, that only the content published by rich, slick, mainstream media organizations deserves to be recognized. GLAAD’s move isn’t sitting well with many in the LGBT media community. Bil Browning, the founder and publisher of The Bilerico Project, the LGBT blog site, which I contributed to for about eight years, didn’t mince words. "GLAAD has dumped the Outstanding Blog category this year after we fought so long to have it included. Instead, they say independent bloggers should compete with mainstream paid news outlets like the New York Times because it's all "online journalism." What horse shit. The award was meant to honor the smaller folks who put their heart and soul into doing the work without all the monetary rewards of paid journalists. But as [My Fabulous Disease creator Mark S. King] says, this is all about the ticket sales. When they wouldn't even present the award on stage to the winning blogger, it was never about honor as much as appeasement apparently." Nor did Pam’s House Blend creator and principal writer Pam Spaulding. “It's shameful, considering independent voices
(including Pam's House Blend, nominated once), helped shape the political gains over the last decade.” This is why, try as they might, no matter how much trans-relevant media they nominate or how many trans people they put on staff, our community remains as wary of GLAAD and their motives as we are of HRC. It seems very likely to me that Mark S. King is right and what this is really about is maximizing gala ticket sales, generating cash for the organization, not honoring worthy LGBT media. In my opinion, it’s not a coincidence that the content creators who make the least, or nothing on their work are the same group who are being rendered invisible in favor of the people who make the most and therefore can afford to fill expensive awards gala tables with their friends and supporters. On the top of the front page of GLAAD’s website appear the words “accelerating acceptance.” It’s a nice sentiment, but these days GLAAD only seems to apply it to those wealthy enough to afford it. For grassroots independent content creators who can’t afford the steep price tag of that acceptance, GLAAD has apparently decided to slam on the brakes instead.
Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat. Email: rjuroshow@gmail.com Twitter: @beckyjuro
2.3.2016 •
Guest column
Photos: facebook
the oFFicial iNdictmeNt oF reNtBoy.com’S FouNder Will iNFuriate you Human trafficking issues are raised to make site operators look bad, but the charges don't match Scott Shackford
ive months after arresting the chief executive officer and several employees of Manhattan-based Rentboy.com, a site that hosted men offering escort services to other men around the world, the Eastern District of New York has finally gotten federal indictments via a grand jury. The indictments are only against founder and CEO Jeffrey Hurant and the company, Easy Rent Systems Inc., which controlled Rentboy.com. None of the other employees have been indicted, but a spokesperson told Reuters that criminal complaints against former employees are pending (one assumes, after they agree to plea deals in exchange for providing ammunition against Hurant). I’ve got plenty of observations about the contents. There are three charges in
• 2.3.2016
the indictment. The first is promotion of prostitution against Hurant. Hurant is accused of running a business enterprise that violates New York’s prostitution laws. But yes, this is a federal indictment. The U.S. attorneys are invoking the federal Travel Act, which allows the Department of Justice to turn certain state-level crimes like gambling, prostitution, bribery, and arson into federal crimes if it involves interstate or international communication. The second and third charges are money laundering conspiracy and money laundering charges for obviously taking money to host the escort ads at Rentboy.com. Those are the only charges in the indictment. This will become relevant as I explain the actual content included in the indictment.
Some things to note:
hat Rentboy.com prohibited text advertising sex for money is presented as evidence of promotion of prostitution. The indictment notes that Rentboy warned escorts in advance of police prostitution stings and told escorts they could not actually offer sex for money, because that was illegal. What they could offer was their time in exchange for money. That Rentboy.com was advising its clients that they could not advertise prostitution and warned them whenever there were police anti-prostitution activities in their area is apparently proof that they were promoting prostitution. At one point,
in response to police actions in Miami, Rentboy.com warned “ESCORTING IS LEGAL as long as you are offering your time and companionship, or non-sexual massage in exchange for money. OFFERING SEX FOR MONEY IS ILLEGAL. You cannot offer sexual services in exchange for money.” None of us are naïve about what Rentboy. com actually did. Clearly the clients it hosted often provided sex for money. Nevertheless, it is telling that the indictment puts such an emphasis on how Rentboy.com tried to make sure its clients were not advertising prostitution essentially as proof that Rentboy knew that prostitution was going on. The indictment attempts to tie Rentboy.com to human trafficking cases, despite no human trafficking charges. When Rentboy.com’s
Guest column offices were raided, the initial complaint gave no indication that anything non-consensual was happening through Rentboy.com’s advertisements that Rentboy.com knew about. There was no implication of human trafficking or forced participation. The absence of such claims in an environment where police and prosecutors are quick to insist (often inaccurately) that women are being trafficked against their will for heterosexual prostitution was telling. As a result, critics of the Department of Justice’s behavior (myself included) blasted a crackdown and arrests for behavior that all appeared completely consensual and prosecution that appeared on the surface to be driven by puritanical attitudes toward sexual interactions between men, complete with lurid descriptions of sexual practices. Apparently this criticism did not go unnoticed by the attorney’s office. Obviously an order went out to find any evidence that Rentboy.com might have facilitated any sort of non-consensual human trafficking. Between the period where Rentboy.com was raided and yesterday’s indictment, Florida saw a very high-profile forced gay sex trafficking case. Three men stand accused of luring men from Hungary to the United States and forcing them into sex work. It’s a very serious, horrifying case. One man has already been convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison. According to the indictment, these men advertised their victims on Rentboy.com (and elsewhere). Rentboy.com does not stand accused of knowing that these men were being trafficked or participating in the trafficking in any way. Hurant is not charged with violating any human trafficking laws. The kidnappers met their victims through a completely
different site. It’s a transparent attempt at guilt by association. The indictment notes that one employee (apparently not Hurant) said in an email, upon hearing about the sex trafficking arrests, that he highly doubted the victims were sex slaves. What does this personal opinion have to do with the actual charges against Hurant? Very little. Additionally, the indictment has a lengthy section criticizing Rentboy’s less than stellar handling of possibly underage male escorts in advertising originating from Asian countries. I don’t want to dismiss the concerns here, because if these accusations are true, the company, at Hurant’s and managers’ urging, did not adequately apply their own standards for proof of age for escort ads originating from Asian countries. One email (the indictment doesn’t make it clear who sent it) said “In Asia ok to approve them … unless you see a baby … :)” So, that’s not very good, and yet the indictment fails to provide any actual evidence that ads for underage escorts appeared on the site, and again, neither Hurant nor Rentboy. com are facing any human trafficking charges, though it wouldn’t surprise me if the DOJ were trying to hunt some of these escorts down for proof that they were minors. The DOJ wants a payday. The final four pages of the indictment list everything the U.S. attorney’s office wants to seize and keep from Rentboy.com. It includes $71,000 taken from Rentboy.com’s, office, about $228,000 from four different bank accounts (including Hurant’s personal bank account), approximately $1.2 million from two Ameritrade accounts held by Hurant and Easy Rent Systems, and ownership of the Rentboy.com Internet domain name.
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2.3.2016 •
feature hiv
iNterNatioNal hiV adVocateS to Watch iN 2016
from around the world. They are the 16 HIV advocates to watch in 2016, and they inspire and humble me. It is such a privilege to share their stories with you and highlight their important work. Their twitter handles and other social media links are included whenever available; I urge you to follow them so these advocates can inspire you all year long! And now, it is my honor to present…
HIV. Kenny founded Is Anyone In Africa?, an online community for African gay men and those living with HIV. It has helped over 500 men and women receive care without fear of being outed since being launched only one year ago. For 2016, Kenny has a simply goal: to see a more empowered gay community living in homophobic Sub-Saharan Africa. Pioneering African gay rights clergyman Jide Rowland Macaulay, founding pastor of House of Rainbows, has a unique understanding of
Kenny’s journey. “Kenny coming out about his sexuality and HIV status has made many of us come to a place to be realistic and reconcile the odds against discrimination,” Jide says. “As a child of Nigeria, he has by default positioned himself carefully as heroic, it is my hope that the nation would find in her heart to celebrate him.” Whether or not Nigeria is ready to celebrate the return of Kenny Brandmuse remains to be seen. His work visa expires in 2018.
Photos: Facebook
Continued from last week
hey come from nearly every corner of the world. They are engaged in local communities and on the international scene. They include mothers, artists, a fugitive, a performer, and a drug smuggler. They are speaking out, acting up, and in some cases risking their personal safety and liberty. Last week we showcased 6 HIV advocates to watch in the U.S. This week are 10 more
Kenny Brandmuse Lagos, Nigeria
f and when Kenny Brandmuse returns to his home of Lagos, Nigeria, the reception might not be a welcome one. Shortly before he left two years ago (escaped might be a better word), he was receiving threatening phone messages from anonymous strangers. “They wanted me punished for my sexuality,” says Kenny. “I was already being investigated by the court, and I had to stop attending the hearings because the unfriendly crowds outside the court were becoming larger.”
The threat to his safety became too great, so Kenny managed to get to the United States by seeking an advanced degree at a Baltimore college. Then he found the ideal job – and a work visa – with the Baltimore Health department to design programs for gay black men that address HIV stigma. He loves the work but can’t help but feel anxious about the future, once the visa ends. “It’s like walking on needles,” Kenny says. Part of his troubles in Nigeria were due to Kenny being an outspoken gay men living with
Joey Joleen Mataele
Nuku`alofa, Kingdom of Tonga 38
• 2.3.2016
Photos: Facebook
n Tonga, when a transgender person (known as “leiti”) is seen walking down the street, someone might use a cruel shorthand to refer to them. They simply call them “AIDS.” It is in that discriminatory environment that Joey Joleen Mataele founded the Tonga Leitis Association in 1992, and she hasn’t stopped fighting for her community ever since. An active figure on the HIV awareness scene, Joleen has witnessed firsthand the harassment and discrimination suffered by LGBTIQ people in Tonga and the South Pacific. But Joleen had a not-so-secret weapon: her own visibility as a singer and entertainer. “The culture of the pacific is open to humor, song and dance,” Joleen says. “So, I founded the Miss Galaxy Queen Pageant to raise awareness and to support our community.” The pageant event became an enormous phenomenon, raising crucial funding and even garnering the support of Her Royal Highness
Princess Salote Lupepau’u Tuita. Joleen, who is also raising five adopted children at home, is just as ambitious in her goals for 2016. “I want to strengthen the Tonga Leitis community advocacy to effectively address the health, rights and well-being of Tongans and Pacific Islanders of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities,” she says, “and to provide an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity in all forms.” “Joleen has been a beacon of hope for those living with HIV and AIDS in the region,” says Resitara Apa, former secretariat of the Pacific Diversity Network. “She works to ensure that the people of Tonga are educated about HIV so they stop discrimination and start caring and loving those living with HIV. Keep an eye out for her in 2016 and see her make changes for those who have no voice.”
Photos: Facebook
feature hiv
Greg Owen
London, England
f the photo of Greg Owen strikes you as sexually provocative, then he’s just doing his job. The London-based advocate likes starting conversations about sex. “It is incredibly important for us as gay men to remain not just sex-positive but to keep reaching and working towards a complete sense of well-being. Emotional, mental, sexual and social,” says Greg. “When we are looking after ourselves, we become
more resilient in dealing with the curveballs that life sometimes throws.” Greg faced a major curveball only months ago, when he decided to begin taking PrEP himself (because Truvada as PrEP isn’t yet available in the United Kingdom, Greg acquired the drug from a friend who had stopped taking it as an HIV treatment med). Everything was in place, until Greg got tested before beginning PrEP and
discovered he had become HIV positive since his previous test. His own decision to start PrEP was just a few months too late. His idea to write and share his own “PrEP Diaries” instantly became his “Diagnosis Diaries.” His activism did not skip a single beat, culminating with his popular site, “I Want PrEP Now.” Gus Cairns, the enormously influential editor of AIDSMap, is duly impressed. “What I
particularly like about Greg is that although he knows what he’s doing, he is conspicuously not a saint,” he says. “He knows instinctively that the best way to sell HIV prevention is via sex, not by finger-wagging about it. He lives his life rather nakedly in public and is both an inspiration to others but also, now and then, a burden to himself because of it. I follow his activist career with a paternal eye.”
Nicholas Feustel
erman activist and filmmaker Nicholas Feustel is committed to his PrEP advocacy body and soul. In fact, with no other options available, he is using his body as a quality control measure. Nicholas has already made an enormous contribution through his video production work, creating documentaries on HIV criminalization, prevention, and living with HIV. But it was the advent of PrEP that re-energized his efforts, leading to his documentary on the groundbreaking PROUD study on PrEP. Even so,
Photos: Facebook
Hamburg, Germany
he still saw roadblocks to bringing the drug to Germany. “I realized there is a big language barrier,” Nicholas says. “All the latest and useful information comes out in English first. So I translated articles, wrote my own, and launched the first German website on PrEP. I’ve been trying to make people here in Germany understand what PrEP is all about, that it is so much more than just taking pills.” As a direct result of Nicholas’ efforts, Germany’s leading AIDS service organization, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, is pro-PrEP
after a period of skepticism. But a huge barrier remained: Truvada as PrEP is not approved in Germany. That’s when Nicholas got really creative. Nicholas learned he could legally import, without a prescription, a generic version of Truvada from India if it was shipped to the United Kingdom. He retrieved it there, began the regimen himself, and then had his blood levels tested for Truvada’s active ingredients to be sure the generic version was legit. It was. Anyone familiar with early HIV treatment activists leaving
the country in pursuit of effective medications will appreciate Nicholas’ ingenuity. Edwin Bernard, the internationally renowned coordinator of the HIV Justice Network, holds Nicholas in a special kind of awe (in a match made in HIV advocacy heaven, the two are longtime partners). “Nick always goes the extra mile in his PrEP advocacy,” Edwin says, “including turning his own body into a political petri dish and posting his own drug blood levels online whilst on cheaper generic Truvada.
check out sfgn.com/HIVadvocates for stories on the other six. 2.3.2016 •
lifestyle photos
SFGN celeBrateS Six yearS J.R. Davis
to See more PhotoS, ViSit SFGN oN FaceBook!
SFGN held its 6 year anniversary on January 27 at Hunters Nightclub in Wilton Manors. The party doubled as a benefit for Poverello raising more than $2,400 for the organization.
See more Next Week! 40
• 2.3.2016
2.3.2016 •
lifestyle food Submitted photo.
Salsa Fiesta
Rick Karlin
taco loco
Check out these places on your next Taco Tuesday adventure
he big trend in the foodservice industry in the past few years has been to offer gourmet versions of simple foods. Gastropubs have popped up all over the country offering gourmet takes on such lowly food as burgers, grilled cheese, fries and mac and cheese. The reason for this trend boils down to simple economics, with the downturn in the economy, folks aren’t willing to pay exorbitant prices for gourmet meals in upscale restaurants. However, charging almost double for a gourmet version of a simple dish is easier for them to swallow (pun intended). Restaurateurs rarely spend much more to prepare these gourmet treats than they would for a standard version, so profit margins go way up. I suppose it was only a matter of time before tacos got the gourmet treatment. Food trucks on the west coast started the trend, offering fusion tacos, tortillas stuffed with Korean bulgogi and the like. The simple street food takes well to offering unusual combination of proteins, veggies and sauces, so why not jazz them up? With the opening of a couple of new taquerias, it seemed it was time to examine the scene in Fort Lauderdale.
two grilled flour tortillas filled with melted cheese, finely chopped onions and cilantro. The menu states that this dish is served with pineapple and a side of guacamole (neither of which was offered nor served). My husband the vegetarian had precious little from which to choose. He did manage to find a vegetable quesadilla on the menu and it was adequate. Taco Bar also offers a choice of three specialty tacos for $3.99 each or three for $9.99, however, if you want to mix and match you must order them separately, which ups the tab to almost $12. In addition to tacos, tortas and enchiladas, breakfast is also served. The tacos are served on small metal sheet pans lined with paper. If you do want some chips, you’ll have to pay $3.99. Service was friendly, perhaps too much so, we sat and watched the one server on duty chat with other customers while we waited to place our order. After that, it was a good 15 minutes before our lonely tacos arrived, delivered by the chefs. I give this place three months, tops.
taco Bar
2306 E Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale 954-909-4213 TacoBar.menu
2306 E Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale 954-909-4213 TacoBar.menu The owners of the latest entry into the field, Taco Bar, might want to work on a few things if they plan to survive. I’m willing to cut them a little slack as they’d only been open a week or so when we stopped in. There’s no denying the food is good, but the prices are a bit high, for what you get. When you order tacos, that’s all there is. No chips, no beans, no salad, no rice. That wouldn’t be bad if they only charged a couple of bucks per taco. But the average price is $4 for a taco. Granted, for that you get a freshly made-on-site tortilla and some tasty fillings, such as the fresh fish in the Cabo fish tacos which featured grilled fish (the selection varies daily) served on three warm corn tortillas topped with a delicious chipotle mayo slaw and a sprinkling of cilantro. The Gringas showcased shaved slices of marinated pork between
• 2.3.2016
SalSa FieSta Grill
At Salsa Fiesta, according to its signage, you “Step up to the counter, order and pay for your food and then have it delivered to your table.” Well, that’s what the sign says. On the night our large group stopped by, a “server” (and I use that term loosely) showed us to a table and took our orders, entering them on an iPad, which is the way many restaurants are doing things nowadays. The computerized system is great, when it works. Either the wifi wasn’t cooperating, the restaurant’s server was slow or the employees don’t know how to operate the software. It took at least 30 minutes to place our order and then, when the plates were delivered, the server had no idea who ordered what. That aggravation aside, the food was quite good. We started with chips and guacamole which could have used some salt and spices, but was quite reasonably priced at $3.99 and provided enough for four. Much of the usual Mexican restaurant fare is available, but we
focused on the tacos. Taco Bar should take note that these tacos are priced $7.99 for two or $8.99 for three with a choice of proteins (although there is a $1 up-charge for steak or fish) and you are allowed to mix and match and the plate comes with chips and a salad topped with pico de gallo. There’s also a salsa bar with a vast array from tongue scorching hot to sweet and mild. I chose fish for the Guerrero taco, which melded nicely with the cabbage, mango, onions and cilantro cream sauce toppings. For the Mero Macho I chose steak, which arrived lightly dabbed with chimichuri and topped with beans, sour cream and cheese. Chicken nestled in slices of poblanos, corn and grated cheese in the Spicy Tangy Taco. Each was perfectly prepared in my choice of tortillas (made on premises). I wasn’t surprised when trying to pay the bill became a whirlwind of confusion. Again, not certain if it was a software, network problem or the server just didn’t know what she was doing, but it didn’t matter – the system doesn’t work. This company has chains throughout South America and is just entering the U.S. market with a half dozen locations in South Florida. check out the tacoS at theSe other SPotS, maNy oF Which celeBrate taco tueSday With SPecial diNiNG dealS:
aGaVe tacoS
Locations in Davie and Doral Soon to open at 2949 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-560-0954 Agave-TacoBar.com
rocco’S tacoS
1313 E Las Olas Blvd., Ft Lauderdale 954-524-9550 RoccosTacos.com
tacocraFt taQueria &teQuila Bar
204 SW 2nd St., Fort Lauderdale 954-463-2003 TacoCraft.com
2.3.2016 •
fe b r u a r y
fe b r u a r y
9 ,
2 0 1 6
W W W . S F G N . C O M
J.W. Arnold
shopping The Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA) concludes its year-long 30th anniversary celebration today with Wintermarket. Stop by the interior design emporium, right off I-95 at 1855 Griffin Road in Dania Beach, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for demonstrations and, most importantly, shopping at the designer showrooms. Events are free but RSVP is requested at DCOTAWintermarket2016.eventbrite. com.
theater If you’ve never experienced Arts Radio Network Theater’s nostalgic, staged classic radio productions, then don’t miss “Casablanca” tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Broward Center’s Abdo New River Room. Revisit “Rick’s Café” and enjoy a light meal and drinks as the cast recreates the timeless struggle between love and war, complete with authentic sound effects. Tickets are $25 at BrowardCenter.org.
The Supremes are just one of the iconic groups featured in “Motown the Musical,” playing this week at the Arsht Center in Miami and next week at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. Photo Credit: Joan Marcus.
2/6 SUN
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ArtsUnited, South Florida’s LGBT arts organization presents its annual juried show, “Art Explosion,” through Feb. 19 at ArtServe, 1850 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Stop by the gallery tonight from 6 – 9 p.m. for the opening reception and take a look at the paintings, sculptures and mixed media, dance to the music of DJ Frankie Fox and enjoy refreshments. A $10 donation will be accepted at the door.
“Motown the Musical,” the story of Motown Records founder Barry Gordy and his musical revolution in Detroit concludes its run at the Arsht Center today before heading up the road to the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, Feb. 9 – 14. You’ll be singing along to the hits of Diana Ross, The Jackson Five, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson and more. Show times and tickets at ArshtCenter.org and Kravis.org.
Get thee to a theater! Actually, “Hail, Caesar!” isn’t about the ancient Roman Empire, but rather a look at the world of 1950s Hollywood and the headaches facing a studio “fixer” who must deal with a disgruntled director, singing cowboy, a beautiful singer and handsome dancer. Or, there’s always “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” How can you go wrong with zombies? Check local listings for theaters and show times.
Like a million years ago, we thought Tony Danza was hot as the “manny” on TV’s “Who’s the Boss?,” but the hunk—and yes, three decades later he’s still a hunk—is actually a Broadway song and dance man. Danza brings his one man cabaret show to Palm Beach’s Colony Hotel Royal Room, 155 Hammon Ave., this week. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, mostly you’ll swoon over him. For reservations, call 561-659-8100.
• 2.3.2016
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CALL TODAY: (800) 592-9058 www.AquafestCruises.com 2.3.2016 •
a&e t.v.
tV laNd'S youNGer returNS Season Two Offers Lesbian Storyline
David-Elijah Nahmod
he second season of TV Land's Younger is now bravery and lust for life," the actress said. "She lives— underway. The comedy-drama points a satirical fully, fast and furious!" finger at the issue of aging, and questions the Bernard further describes Lauren as "a feisty realities of how women are treated in the workforce. fashion publicist without any inhibitions or Sutton Foster heads the cast as 40-year-old Liza boundaries." Miller, a divorced single mom. Saddled with a loser "She is a pan-sexual goddess," Bernard added. of an ex who leaves her in debt, Liza tries to get a job "She passes no judgment. She’s an open book and in publishing. It's only when best friend Maggie (Debi always has insane and creative solutions to any Mazar) gives her a makeover that Liza is able to land a problem. She has her finger on the pulse of all social dream job--by lying about her age and passing herself media and digital communications. She is extremely off as a 26-year-old hottie. practical, very smart and simultaneously wild. I think "I definitely think it’s problematic that Liza has the thing that makes her tick is that she is purely to pretend to be a hot young twenty-something to about experience. She’ll try anything once, and she’s have a good job, but I think that is the message of kicking ass at her career all the while!" the show," said Molly Bernard, who plays Lauren, Bernard gives high marks to on-screen girlfriend Maggie's girlfriend. "The show highlights this very Debi Mazar. "Working with her is a gift!" She problem with every episode. The writers and creative exclaimed. "She is beyond generous, and we always team are constantly exploring how to navigate that make sure our scenes are playful and honest. The issue situation by situation." two of us are always looking for The actress added that we live moments where we can really in an age obsessed culture where connect in our scenes, large and women are validated based on small." their age and physical appearance. Bernard told SFGN that her "I think it’s important to expose grandfather had been co-artistic the absurdity of that value director of the Lee Strasberg system," she said. "I think Younger Studio in Hollywood. Strasberg does a fantastic job illuminating today is best remembered for his this issue. It’s never too heady, and Oscar winning role as Hyman Roth it’s always done in a good-spirited in The Godfather Part II (1974) and fashion. I do love that Empirical for being Marilyn Monroes's acting is an office filled with mostly teacher. It was in this environment - Molly Bernard women! And badass women at that Bernard took her first acting that!" classes. As Younger's second season "I learned how to read going to continues, viewers will see that while some things my Grandfather's acting classes," she recalled. "He remain the same, other things have changed taught me from a young age that acting is a craft and considerably. When Ellen DeGeneres--and her TV that one must always work to hone it. I still operate character--came out in 1997, headlines were made under these principles, whether I’m in a play, or as shock waves reverberated across the country. In auditioning, or filming a scene for Younger. I graduated Younger, the lesbian relationship between Lauren with an MFA from the Yale School of Drama, which and Maggie barely raises an eyebrow, was incredibly helpful in me understanding that "We have come a long way since Ellen’s coming out, good acting is linked to good being. Yale taught me thank goodness," said Bernard. "I think Lauren as a to get comfortable with the not-knowing. So much of character is actually very impressive. The structure of the fun I have on set is finding the scene with my castwho she is and how she functions is rare for TV, in my mates from a place of curiosity. As soon as I think I’ve opinion. She is openly gay, straight, and pansexual! figured it out, it changes!" Lauren is the character who best represents all of the Molly Bernard's career is definitely on the rise. In societal and cultural changes that have happened addition to Younger, she recently filmed scenes for and that are happening now without exploiting any the upcoming film Sully. She'll appear in the film with of them." Tom Hanks--cinema legend Clint Eastwood directed. A character like Lauren, Bernard feels, is very much "It was an incredibly special moment in my career needed on the TV landscape. "In my mind, Lauren is to work with two of the greats!" she said. "I am so less defined by her sexuality and more defined by her excited to see it on the big screen!"
"She is a pan-sexual goddess... She passes no judgment."
• 2.3.2016
New episodes of Younger are now airing Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. on TV Land. Past episodes can be viewed at: the show's official website: http://www.tvland.com/shows/younger. TV Land's Newest original "Younger," stars Tony(R) Award winner Sutton Foster ("Bunheads") Hilary Duff ("Lizzie McGuire"), Debi Mazar ("Entourage") and Miriam Shor ...
a&e music
Submitted photo.
Dave Koz returns to South Florida this Friday with Barry Manilow’s “One Last Time” tour at the BB&T Center in Sunrise.
SaxoPhoNiSt reFlectS oN muSical leGeNdS J.W. Arnold
n a phone interview two weeks ago, I was supposed to discuss smooth jazz saxophonist Dave Koz’s upcoming appearance on tour with Barry Manilow at the BB&T Center. But, the conversation quickly turned to musical legend David Bowie, who suddenly died just a few days earlier, sparking worldwide reaction. “It’s funny. People who have been around for a long time, you take them for granted for a long time,” Koz said. “It’s a reason to take another look at the body of work they have created.” Koz, who is openly gay, genuinely admired Bowie, who was bisexual and brought down many sexual identity stereotypes through his alter-ego, Ziggy Stardust. “It’s amazing to look at how courageous this man was. He was genre-busting and fearless. What he stood for was so powerful at a time when nobody had the guts,” he explained. “David Bowie brought about a massive amount of change.” Ironically, Bowie’s last album, “Blackstar,” was released just two days before his death. A parting gift to fans, the album included a single, “Lazarus,” named after the Biblical character raised from the dead by Jesus. “That’s the spirit of musicians. It keeps you young, always searching. That’s where the real inspiration comes from,” Koz said of his musical hero. The smooth jazz saxophonist, who regular appears in the region on his annual “Dave Koz & Friends” Christmas tour, returns to South Florida with another hero, Barry
Manilow, on the singer and songwriter’s “One Last Time” tour. Koz, who appeared with Manilow in 30 cities in 2015, said the experience was an honor. “I grew up listening to Barry’s music,” Koz said. “When I was 13, 14, 15 years old, that was the music I loved. I really was a pop kid. Even though I played saxophone, I was raised on pop music. I remember looking at him and listening to him and absorbing his music.” Now, Koz is on the road with the icon, taking advantage of the opportunity to “see how he works,” adding, “Barry is a great performer, but he’s also a great musician. The side people don’t see is he’s always tinkering with the music to make it sound fresh every year.” Manilow may be 72, but Koz says he shows up to every performance and gives it “every bit of what he is. I want to be doing that for another 20 years. If I have breath, I want it to be going through a saxophone.” Koz himself celebrated the 25th anniversary of his own first album last year and his career continues to be “a dream.” He toured mainland China for the first time last year and was “completely blown away” by the number of fans who attended his concerts. His smooth jazz cruise of the southern Caribbean later this year has already sold out and he’s planning another in 2017 in the Mediterranean. Another album is also in the works. But, in the meantime, he’s just enjoying the opportunity to bring a little musical joy to audiences with Barry Manilow.
Dave Koz appears with Barry Manilow on Friday, Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster.com.
2.3.2016 •
a&e interview
Michael Cook
Photos: Submitted
mo’NiQue “I Love You Back. And Thank You”
rom the sitcom hilarity of “The Parkers” to the raw drama of “Precious,” Mo’Nique is a powerhouse every time she hits the screen. Recently seen in "Blackbird” and “Bessie,” Mo’Nique’s love affair with the LGBT community shows no sign of letting up. Mo’Nique recently sat down with us to chat about a “difficult” reputation, what inspires her today, and shares where her love affair with the LGBT community truly began. How does it feel to be back on the road? “Queens of Comedy” seems like ages ago at times. It feels absolutely amazing. Any time you get to walk in your dream it feels amazing. I don’t care if it’s solo, with a group, or how it works out. Any time i get to walk out onto a stage you’re looking at a little girl with a brush in her hand saying “one day.” Words like that could gives me chills! Honey, I give myself chills. Because I’m forty-seven and I’m still dreaming! Your comedy and lead roles in “Shadowboxer” and “Blackbird” bring a strength and rawness that some other actresses would be hard pressed to be able to channel. How do you think you are able to reach down and grab a strength that raw? I get asked that question so much, but I really think it’s genetics; I think it’s in our DNA. I don’t think I’m doing anything unique or different. I think that just genetically it’s in me. From this little girl, I was molded to be this person that says “I won’t back down.” I’m not one of those people who went to school and studied acting, although I
• 2.3.2016
definitely applaud those people. It takes a lot, but I was not one of those people. I love the play of it. I love saying to myself that when the director says “Action!” you’re now that person. How much fun is that? I think for “Precious” playing that character (Mary) was easy, because I knew her; it was my brother. I didn’t have to go to these faraway places because I knew what he looked like through my eyes as a child. To bring her to life was fun, to in the content of what they were talking about, but to say “wow I can do that.” I can be Nikki Parker, I can be Mary Jones, I can be Claire Rousseau; I can be these people and play. That’s how I look at it. You did not have to live under a rock to know that you are an absolute gay icon; the LGBT community has adored you from day one. What I can say is that that is an honor. When people ask me about trophies and awards, it cannot compare to Stacy Layne Matthews come out on that stage (on “RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Snatch Game” challenge) and be Monique. There is no award that you can give me that tops that; when someone pays enough attention that they have every move that you do down.
Baby, that community loved me when no one knew who Mo’Nique was. It was a group of beautiful young black boys who took in this little fat black girl and made me the center of attention before anyone knew who I was. When you tell me that I am an icon in that community, it fills me up. I am just saying to a community that loves me, I love you back. And thank you. I was insecure and felt that I was the underdog, a little fat black girl from Baltimore, who was an just average girl in school. I really didn’t get the attention that the popular girls got. Now when I came around my gay babies, you all embraced me in a way that I never wanted to leave you!
to hearing the word “yes,” especially from people that look like me; you don’t question what we’re saying, you don’t say no to our offers. Now, because I am doing that, you’re considered “difficult." It’s “difficult” that you won’t accept these low offers. It’s “difficult” that you won’t allow us to give you anything we want to give you. So, I don’t fight it when they say it anymore. I used to try to fight it and my husband Sidney had to explain to me, “Mama, the word no can be difficult to people; especially when they’re used to hearing yes.” The thing also is that whenever anyone was saying that I was being difficult, they never said how I was actually being difficult. It’s easy to throw that out there and in a society that gravitates to negativity, it was easy to grab onto. Those are the conversations that no one wants to have. They would have to say, she simply told us no. How does that make her difficult? Well, they would say “we’re simply used to hearing yes.” No one wants to have those conversations out loud. When people say it now, I accept it. Louis Gossett Jr. once wrote this; “In
“Honey, I give myself chills. Because I’m forty-seven and I’m still dreaming!”
None of us are the same people that we were when we were younger. For some people, growing pains may equate to different life lessons and a “hardness” of sorts, which can equate with being difficult. That is a word that has been thrown about with you, mostly unwarranted. Why do you think it’s so easy to stamp the title of “difficult” on someone? You know what, I understand why they say it. The word “No” can be difficult. When you’re in an industry where they’re used
a&e interview Hollywood, when one won’t do it, another one will.” That’s why we are still in this position in 2015. It’s history that Viola Davis wins an Emmy award for Best Lead Actress. You want to say “but it’s 2015”! It’s because of those very reasons that a lot of conditioning has not changed. It’s not that they’re bad people, its just that they’re conditioned to think that way. So, when you have someone that says that they are no longer willing to accept that conditioning, you’re “difficult.” Even when people say, for example, with gay marriage. You know how you knew it was coming? At one time it was illegal for black people to marry white people. You know that they are coming, but we have to be willing enough to be patient enough, yet unafraid to speak loudly enough, that we have to change our hearts and our minds. That’s all it is. You recently played "Ma Rainey" in HBO’s “Bessie.” What was that experience like? Honey, I had a ball! Every time that director, Dee Rees, who was brilliant who wrote that movie, every time she said “Action!,” I said to myself “Ma Rainey, give me your words”…So I take none of the credit. That woman came on that set and said please allow me to tell that story and that’s what we did. Having a solid inspiration is such a strong backbone of any artist’s foundation. What inspires you? My husband. My children. And their children to come, I have no idea when that will be. When I go out there, I love to make
my family proud. You’ve won a number of awards, but I recall you saying in an interview on “The Wendy Williams Show” that some different trophies are much more important to your family? They are behind me right now. My babies weren’t interested in football, they are some gentle giants. My oldest son Michael loves it, he’s all over the field. My youngest though, they like flowers. They still love Sesame Street, they didn’t care about football. When they called them for the trophies, we were like “Yes!” Those football trophies are the most important trophies in our home. What’s left for Mo’Nique to accomplish now? You know, I am a talk show host all through my body. When we had the Mo’Nique show, my husband and I, along with (co-executive producer) Marilyn Gill, we were just floating every night. We said that we wanted people to go to bed feeling good, and we were able to accomplish that. When you ask what’s next, I’m a talk show host. That’s what I came to Hollywood for. Acting was something that literally fell into my lap. I’m gonna have another talk show. I can’t tell you when, I can’t tell you how, I can’t tell you where; but I can tell you it’s comin.’ If you had to take one word to sum up where Mo’Nique is in her life right now, what would it be? Simply Amazing.
2.3.2016 •
a&e theater
Photo Credit: Joan Marcus.
The cast of the first national tour of “The Book of Mormon,” from the creators of “South Park” and “Avenue Q.”
caStiNG keePS mormoN FreSh J.W. Arnold
have to admit I groaned just a little bit when the 2015-16 Broadway Across America season was announced. Yes, “The Book of Mormon” was returning to the region again. I can’t begrudge the producers and local performing arts centers for wanting to cash in. Broadway touring productions are the biggest money makers for the centers and the Tony Award-winning best musical sold out a nearly four-week run at the Broward Center in 2013 and returned to Miami’s Arsht Center and the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach for successful shorter runs in 2014. “The Book of Mormon”—penned by “South Park” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone and “Avenue Q” composer Robert Lopez is wickedly funny—but I wondered if South Florida audiences would be subjected to the commercial wonder every season just as we have with that tween sensation “Wicked.” Now, I’ve seen “Wicked” at least five times over the years and admittedly will puke if I have to listen to that screeching green witch one more time. Will “Mormon” come to elicit the same involuntary response? After catching the musical one more time, I venture to say no! While green make-up can transform just about any good soprano into Elphaba, “The Book of Mormon,” with an army of spit-shined singing and dancing missionaries and a village of shit-talking Ugandan tribesmen can’t rely on gimmicks to make its sell. It became apparent during the opening number of the second national tour, which made a stop at the Broward Center last week and continues through Sunday, that brilliant casting would save the day, offering audiences a performance that was worthy of the original Broadway production. Here’s the “Cliff’s Notes” summary for the couple of South Florida queens who didn’t rush to the box office the first or second go
arounds: The show tells the story of a team of mismatched young Mormon missionaries, the pious Elder Price (Ryan Bondy) and the naive Elder Cunningham (Chad Burris) who has a slight issue accurately recounting the stories in “The Book of Mormon.” The pair are sent to Uganda to proselytize the natives and encounter a vicious warlord, General Butt Fucking Naked (David Aron Damane). Along the way, they learn a few lessons about life and faith from the locals—hint: “It’s a metaphor!” The clear standout on press night was Burris, an understudy who finally got his night in the spotlight. With perfect comedic timing, his Elder Cunningham was dimwitted, goofy and downright lovable, capturing the hearts of the audience early in the show. He lent a star quality to the screw-up missionary that I hadn’t seen from other actors before. Burris may be a character actor, but was great as that character. Another outstanding performance was offered by Daxton Bloomquist as Elder McKinley, the mission leader who struggles to “turn off” his feelings for boys as he tap dances—sequins, jazz hands and all—around the team’s village quarters. And Candace Quarrels proved she had the vocal chops for the female lead, Cunningham’s love interest Nabulungi. Any cast has plenty to work with, from the irreverent script and tuneful songs to director Casey Nicolaw’s brilliant choreography, but this cast made my third time at “The Book of Mormon” as wonderful as the first. As a quick aside, I chuckled while flipping through the Playbill and noticing three full page ads from the Church of Latter Day Saints encouraging audiences to “read the book.” I have it on good authority if you visit the link and leave your information, the church will have two missionaries at your door within 48 72 hours. They sure are cute young men.
“The Book of Mormon” plays at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale through Sunday, Feb. 7. For show times and tickets, go to BrowardCenter.org.
• 2.3.2016
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2.3.2016 •
FeB. 3 to FeB. 9
Theater Christiana Lilly
Barry Manilow
Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. Get ready to sing along to “Mandy,” “Can’t Smile without You,” and “Copacabana.” Tickets $19.75 to $179.75. Call 800-7453000 or visit thebbtcenter.com.
Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. Singer Nelly Lenz has survived the Holocaust, and she is ready to restart her life after facial surgery and searching for her love, Johnny. Tickets $11. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.
Motown the Musical
Feb. 9 to 14 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The true story of Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown, as he left behind boxing and went into the music biz, launching the careers of the likes of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson, and other legends. Tickets $27 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
man choosing between the woman he loves and fighting the Nazis is told in the style of radio theater. Tickets $25. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* I Love You Because
Feb. 5 to 28 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. A modern twist on Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” Tickets $39.22. Call 954-344-5999 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.
* Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling and Michele Balan
Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. Martling is best known for eliciting laughs on “The Howard Stern Show,” and is joined by Balan, a finalist on “Last Comic Standing.” Tickets $38.92 to $60.12. Call 954-344-5999 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.
* Masters of Illusion: Believe the Impossible
Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A show of illusions, escapes, dance, and more will have you wondering, how did they do that? Tickets $33 to $53. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* The McCartney Years
Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. A tribute to The Beatles’ Paul McCartney’s career in the mid 1970s, as performed by Yuri Pool. Tickets $36.04 to $78.44. Call 954-344-5999 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.
broward county * Gold Coast Jazz: Delfeayo * An Evening with Under the Streetlamp
Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Cast members of “Jersey Boys” perform doowop, Motown, and rock n’ roll. Tickets $39.50 to $49.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.
* Black Violin
Feb. 5 at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. The local, classically trained violinists play jazz, hip hop, funk, and classical music. Tickets $7.20 to $55. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.
* Casablanca
Feb. 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The classic story of a
• 2.3.2016
Marsalis Quartet
Feb. 10 at 7:45 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Marsalis joins his father, Ellis Marsalis, Jr., as a part of their “The Last Southern Gentlemen Tour.” Tickets $50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
palm beach county * Long Day’s Journey
Feb. 4 to March 3 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. A look at one day in the life of the Tyrone family, who is suffering from addiction and the impact it has on the whole clan. Tickets $64. Call 561-514-4042, ext. 2 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.
* 2Cellos
Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Luka Sulic and Stjepan
Hauser, both from Croatia, made it big after rocking the cello on YouTube. Tickets $29 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Yanni
Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at Coral Sky Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Hailing from Greece, Yanni has captured the hearts of music lovers for years with his melding of genres. Tickets $80 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.
* Penn & Teller
Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The duo mix together magic and comedy in a way no one else has before. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
Feb. 7 at 2 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The orchestra is joined by Chloe Hanslip on violin and lead by conductor JoAnn Falletta. Tickets $35 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* PostSecret: The Show
Feb. 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Three actors guide the audience through an exploration of our deepest secrets. Tickets $30 and up. Call 561832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Other Desert Cities
Through Feb. 14 at Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW Ninth St. in Delray Beach. Brooke Wyeth surprises her family with news that she is planning to write a memoir about a painful part of the family’s history. Tickets $30. Call 561-272-1281, ext. 4 or visit DelrayBeachPlayhouse.com.
miami-dade county * New World School of the Arts: Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2
Feb. 3 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The symphony is lead by conductor, Alfred Gershfield, and joined by pianist Christopher O’Riley. Tickets $20 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
* Franz & Albert
Feb. 3 to 21 at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. Playwright Mario Diament imagines the meeting of Franz Kafka and Albert Einstein in Prague, 1911. Rotating schedule with “Footprints” Tickets $26. Call 786-573-5300 or visit New-Theatre.org.
* Always… Patsy Cline
Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A story of Cline’s friendship with Louise Seger, a fan from Houston. Tickets $40 to $45. Call 305466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.
* A Band Called Honalee
Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. The band brings alive the sounds of ‘60s folk music. Tickets $40 to $45. Call 305-4668002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.
* Jazz Roots: Patti LaBelle
Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The musical legend is joined onstage by Ashleigh Smith, winner of the Sarah Vaughan Vocal Competition. Tickets $40 to $130. Call 305949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
* Footprints
Feb. 5 to Feb. 21 at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. Florida pioneers Mary Barr and Kirk Munroe’s love for one another is only heightened in their mission to save the Paradise Key Everglades. Rotating schedule with “Franz & Albert.” Tickets $31. Call 786573-5300 or visit New-Theatre.org.
* Ball Room: South Beach Style
Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A night of salsa, merengue, rhumba, mambo, and more. Tickets $45.50 to $49.50. Call 305466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.
* Denotes New Listing
2.3.2016 •
community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks
Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
Pre-Valentine Zumba Party
Feb. 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Salvation Army, 4051 Kirk Road in Lake Worth. Get your body shaking with a fun Zumba class benefiting the opening of an adult activity center for seniors. Tickets $10. Call Rose Mary Rosa 561-602-9577.
Farm-to-Table Dinners
Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at The Cafe at Books & Books at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Chef Allen serves a vegetarian dinner inspired by the book of Buenos Aires, Argentina as well as an optional wine pairing. Tickets $25 for dinner, plus an additional 14 for the wine pairing. RSVP to 786-405-1745 or visit thecafeatbooksandbook.com/arsht-center. html.
PrEP Town Hall
Feb. 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Find out more about PrEP -- and why are so few people taking it? With Dr. Steven Santiago at Care Resource, Christopher H. Bates of the Florida Department of Health, and Dr. Lee Anisman. Free. Call 954-4639005, ext. 210 or visit PrideCenterFlorida. org/PREP.
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county * Old Town Untapped
Feb. 5 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bailey Contemporary Arts, 41 NE First St. in Pompano Beach. Attend the inaugural craft beer tasting with live music by Chain Reaction, food trucks, art exhibits, and more. Call 954-786-7824 or email shannon_ benson@copbfl.com.
* Treat Your Sweet
Feb. 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bailey Contemporary Arts, 41 NE First St. in Pompano Beach. Bring your sweetheart to the Green Market for free bouquets of flowers, mimosas, and gift wrapping with purchase. Call 954-7867824 or visit GreenMarketPompano.com.
* Vegas Night
Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. at Rumors, 2426 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Celebrate the third anniversary of Rumors with Blackjack, Texas
• 2.3.2016
Hold’em, Roulette, Craps, money week, and slow machines, as well as champagne toasts and a balloon drop at midnight. Call 954-5658851 or visit RumorsWiltonManors.com
“The Indestructible Lee Miller”
Through Feb. 14 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. An exhibit showcasing the work of the first female combat photographer during World War II. Museum entry $8 to $12. Call 954-262-0204 or email moareservations@moafl.org to RSVP to the art talk. Visit NSUArtMuseum.org.
* Free In-Person Tax Preparation for Seniors
Tuesdays through April 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. People 50 and older can benefit from tax help from professionals. Free. Call 954-463-9005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
FeB. 3 to FeB. 9 palm beach county * French Film Festival
Feb. 3 to 29 at FAU’s Performing Arts Building, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. A series of French films, such as “Mood Indigo,” “Girlhood,” “Hiroshima Mon Amour, “La French,” and more. Contact Roderick Cooke at 561-297-0307 or email cooker@fau.edu.
* 30th Annual Outdoor Juried Art Festival in Mizner Park
Feb. 6 and 7 from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. in Mizner Park, 327 Plaza Real in Boca Raton. An exhibition of paintings, sculptures, jewelry, ceramics, photography and more from 200 artists. Free. Visit BocaMuseum.org.
Free Museum Admission
Feb. 7 from noon tto 5 p.m.at Boca Raton Museum of Art, 501 Plaza Real in Boca Raton. Enjoy art of all kinds -- for free! Visit BocaMuseum.org.
* Jazz in the Museum
Feb. 11 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Boca Raton Museum of Art, 501 Plaza Real in Boca Raton. The Marshall Turkin Classic Jazz Ensemble performs at the museum for an evening of jazz and art. Museum admission $12. Visit BocaMuseum.org.
Queer Alternatives
Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. An all encompassing social group, those 18 to 29 who consider themselves to be lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, questioning, or anything in between are welcome to join! Free. Call 561533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
Compass Entourage
Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Free. Gay and bisexual men ages 18 to 29 are invited to socialize and meet new people with different planned activities, such as movie nights, volleyball games, discussion groups, nights out, and more. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
Green Market
Saturdays 9 a.m. to noon at West Palm Beach Waterfront, 101 S. Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach. A relaxing morning of shopping through green vendors and live entertainment. Contact Katrina Resch 561822-1520 or KResch@wpb.org.
Boynton Beach Art Walk
Fourth Thursdays from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Boynton Beach Art District, 404-422 W. Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach. Art studios will be open for the public to view, as well as food, music, dancers and live performances. Call 786-521-1199.
miami-dade county “Maximizing your Membership Benefits” Networking Breakfast
Feb. 4 from 10 to 11 a.m. at LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Learn more about the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and meet members of the community. Free. RSVP to GayBizMiami. com, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com or 305-673-4440.
"Leveraging GayBizMiami. com to Attract Customers and Build Your Brand” Networking Breakfast
Feb. 4 from 11 a.m. to noon at the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Learn how you business can benefit from GayBizMiami.com and network with other business owners. Free. RSVP to GayBizMiami. com, scott@gaybizmiami.com or 305-6734440.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Bayfront Park’s Tina Hills Pavilion, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Learn the Brazilian art of capoeira, a mix of dance and martial arts, with Mestre Ze Com Fome. Free. Call 305-989-6628 or visit mestrezeomfome.com.
Modern Buddhist Meditation
Mondays and Tuesdays at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Find inner peace with instruction on meditation with Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu. Cost $10 and $5 per class. Call 786-529-7137.
Yoga in the Park
Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. at Bayfront Park’s Tina Hills Pavilion, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older are invited to a yoga session taught by a certified teacher. Classes will be moved indoors in the event of rain. Bring your own mag, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html
The Flying Trapeze School
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Soar through the air like a member of the circus with trained trapeze experts. Call 786-239-8775 or visit TheFlyingTrapeze.net
porn pulse
Photo: Facebook
Rubio Pal Managed porn House Hunter Houston
arco Rubio, the young and ambitious Presidential candidate, has been indirectly linked to the gay porn underworld by the Miami New Times. In a report, released Thursday, Jan. 28, the alternative news weekly reveals Rubio’s high school friend, Angel Barrios owned a property management company that rented a house to a gay porn production studio. The studio, reportedly, produced live, real time sex scenes featuring desirable Latino and Black models. The site in question, CocoDorm.com, appears to still be active. Meanwhile, Miami New Times decided to dig deeper into Rubio’s relationship with Barrios following a Jan. 21 report in the Washington Post detailing the early years of young Marco. The two were arrested in a crime-ridden park in May of 1990. “When he was 18 years old, he violated a municipal code for drinking beer in a public park after hours,” Rubio strategist
Todd Harris told the newspaper. “He was never taken into custody, never hired a lawyer and never appeared in court. Why the Washington Post thinks this is a story is beyond me.” Barrio, likewise, is deflecting attention. He told the New Times it was his understanding, Flava Works, the firm responsible for signing the rent checks, was a “digital media company.”
2.3.2016 •
Business Directory chiropractic COAST CHIROPRACTIC INJURY & WELLNESS CENTER 2608 NE 16th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954.463.3036 www.coast-chiropractic.com
LANE & ERIKS DENTAL ASSOCIATES 1831 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.771.3331 Laneanderiksdental.com OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com
health AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com SIMPLY MEN’S HEALTH 5405 Okeechobee Blvd #205, West Palm Beach, FL 561.459.5356 Simplymenshealth.com NATURA DERMATOLOGY 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 Coolsculptingnaturadermatology.com MARK ENGEBRETSON Palm Beach & Boca Raton 561.400.9297 heartofthemystery.com
legal LAW ROBIN 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
JIMENEZ LAW 100 SE 3rd Ave #1514, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 954.848.3111 Jimenezlawoffices.com
professional services
2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com
health EMERALD ELITE 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite 3, Wilton Manors, FL 954.629.1377 Emeraldelitehomehealth.com
DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com THE FLORIDA HOUSE EXPERIENCE 505 S Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 800.778.6792 Fherehab.com
SELZER & WEISS 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com LAW GC 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com
GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net
1:56 PM
Page 1
STORKS BAKERY 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com THE FLORIDIAN RESTAURANT 1410 E Las Olas Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.463.4041
NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.5631 Nakedgrapewinebar.com BEEFCAKE’S 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 Boardwalkbar.com
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• 2.3.2016
J. MARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com ERNIE'S B-B-Q 1843 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636
$250 A YEAR
BARTON & MILLER CLEANERS 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314
AMERICAN TAX Publication & INSURANCE :Newspaper Ad Cont. Levitt Small Ad Gay WILTON MANORS DENTAL 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.302.3228 954-564-4746 Americantaxandinsurance.com Wiltonmanorsdental.com ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970
PEACE PIPE 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl DAOUD’S 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com NATURAL SLEEP 3040 N 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020 954.951.2678 Naturalsleepfd.com
POVERELLO THRIFT STORE 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.561.3663 Poverello.org MODERN HOME 2 GO 4000 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.530.5650 Mh2go.com ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com
retail ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com
FT LAUDERDALE GAY MEN'S CHORUS PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org ANDREWS LIVING ARTS STUDIO 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com KRAVIS CENTER 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
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DR. PIERRE B. BLAND, DVM 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com
The Best Cellar
Boutique Wine Shop & Wine Bar The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 8:00 p.m. ONLY $15 PER PERSON! 954-630-8020 1408 N.E. 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33334
Income Tax Preparation •Individual •Small Business •Free Consultation Doug Turner, Enrolled Agent Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive bestbooksandtaxes.com
Call today for appointment
2.3.2016 •
SFGN Classified$ accounting - finance
HEALTH & LIFE ADVISING INC - 14 years experience. Guaranteed issue 25K critical illness insurance rates at $36 and $50 including accidental injury coverage. Best rates for life guaranteed, from limited med to full medical underwriting. Term/ROP/ WHOLE/FINAL EXPENSE/ACA HEALTH PLANS WITH SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE. CALL 954-2000140, ask for Brian
HAROLD J BLOTCHER,EA - Tax Preparation and Representation for Individuals and Small Business. Help with Same Sex Marriage Issues. Call 781-363-5519 or 561-429-3592 or visit our website at www.haroldjblotchertaxes.comwww. haroldjblotchertaxes.com
cleaning service
BUTLERS IN THE MANOR - 25 years of cleaning experience.Our cleaners are the best in the area. Customizing your visit from cleaning to laundry to pet care, Butlers in the Manor We're waiting for your call 954-812-8005 www.butlersinthemanor. netwww.butlersinthemanor.net
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• 2.3.2016
HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com
To place a Classified Ad, call Cindy Curtis at 954.530.4970 or email at cindy.curtis@sfgn.com
employment positions wanted AIDE/COMPANION,HHA/CNA AVAILABLE Experienced Aide/Companion, HHA/CNA available for hourly,dailylive-in or substitute position. More than 10 years experience, licensed, background check available. Excellent recent references. Tri-county. phone or text 754-207-7476
employment part time
IT SUPPORT ANALYST, CITY OF WILTON MANORS - Part-time technical-level position supporting the City's enterprise hardware, software & network infrastructure, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, printers, copiers, telephones, & active directory accounts. Visit www.wiltonmanors.com and follow CAREERS link to position description and application and submission instructions.
for sale
TOSHIBA SATELLITE LAP TOP COMPUTER FOR SALE - Toshiba lap top for sale, Windows 7,, good condition....since a few letters stick you need a keyboard which you can get for $25.00 at Best Buy, etc.. please call Cindy at 954-298-8158 for any other info..$100 or best offer. I can email you pic. Local Ft. Lauderdale area
folow the action.
help wanted PART TIME ASSISTANT WANTED - Seasoned Commercial Realtor seeks part-time assistant to help with basic research, mailings, and maintaining a database. Must be clearheaded, have a good phone voice, and be knowledgeable with Excel, Word & Mailchimp. Call Rich at 954-279-6243 EARN $300+ PER DAY - Activists Needed To Collect signatures to get Medical Marijuana on ballot. Earn $300+ per day. 954-616-7736; 754204-0114 Make own hours. HELP WANTED! - New full service gym located on E. Sunrise Blvd., looking for part time front desk help (Tues & Wed 5am- 10am and 8am-2pm every other Sat &Sun) and fill in as needed. Contact Julian via email julian@stamina1640.com. SEEKING FRONT DESK PERSON FOR DENTAL OFFICE - Looking to hire full time 8-5 front desk person for receptionist, answering phones, filing, making appts. Full time position with benefits and fun, relaxed working atmosphere for the right person. No previous dental experience needed. Willing to train if you have good attitude and work ethic. To apply, email opdentalung@aol. com.
WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.
painting GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-8705972.
pool service
COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.
rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533
handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com
licensed massage
INCREDIBLY AWESOME BODY WORK - Incalls at a private studio 15 minutes west of PBIA. Intuitive, experienced licensed massage therapist offers affordable rates 7 days, early to late. ASK ABOUT WEEKLY SPECIALS! Calls only 561254-8065 for the very best massage experience you can get HANDS DOWN! Call for New Year's Specials! #MA51008
licensed massage
AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293
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WILTON MANORS AREA - Stunning 2,300 sq. ft. Townhome with FLex loft for 3rd bedroom or large office. Energy upgraded windows. Large eat-in LED kitchen with Quartz countertops.Living room with vaulted ceilings. Beautiful dining room. 2 car garage,large patio. References and F,L and Security required. $2,175/month. Call 954-8068821.
roommates ROOMMATE WANTED - 3bdr, 2.5 bath condo at the Tennis Club. $550 per month all inclusive. Must have job, transportation. No Smokers. Ideal for tennis player. Contact George.Alvan@yahoo.com 57 Y/O GWM SEEKS ROOM FOR RENT - Seeks preferably furnished room in greater Ft. Laud/WM area. Prefer to share with only 1 other GM. Quiet and laid back. No drama. I collect disability and a pension so rent is never late. Bill 954-588-4659
employment full time LOOKING FOR A BARTENDER WITH AN UPBEAT PERSONALITY - If you are energetic and have an upbeat personality this could be a perfect opportunity for you. Send resume to smartypantsftl@aol.com or stop by to fill out an application at our location: in the Times Square Plaza: 2400 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale
2.3.2016 •