ome of the top companies in the U.S. that show public support for the LGBTQ community have donated thousands of dollars to the politicians behind a piece of Florida legislation opponents deemed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
The bill, which has versions in both to Legum and two other reporters, Tesnim the Florida House and Senate, would Zekeria and Rebecca Crosby. ban classroom discussions about sexual The Blade reached out to several orientation and gender identity that are representatives at Comcast but did not not “age-appropriate” in schools — though immediately receive a response, nor did it is not clear what is considered “age- Popular Information. appropriate.” It also includes a provision Comcast has publicly supported the LGBT that could effectively “out” LGBT students to community in recent years. “Some people their parents without their consent. may think the LGBTQ rights journey is done Despite opposition from Democrats and and the struggle is over, but it isn’t. Our job is LGBT rights advocates, the “Don’t Say Gay” to continuously educate,” said Yvette Miley, bill is gaining momentum in the Republican- senior vice president of MSNBC and NBC controlled Florida Legislature. News, on its website. Two weeks ago, Florida UnitedHealth Group has Republican Gov. Ron donated at least $200,000 to DeSantis appeared to voice DeSantis since 2020 despite support for the “Don’t Say his public support for the Gay” bill, saying at a press “Don’t Say Gay” bill and event that it was “entirely other anti-LGBT legislation, inappropriate” for teachers according to the article. and school administrators The healthcare company to have conversations with has received perfect scores students about their gender from the Human Rights identity. Campaign, the nation’s “I know the ramifications largest LGBTQ organization, “I KNOW THE of a bill like this could be Corporate Equality Index. RAMIFICATIONS detrimental to our LGBTQ Its chief talent officer, youth,” out Florida state Ryan Craig, has also said, OF A BILL LIKE Senate candidate Eunic Ortiz “Strengthening the sense THIS COULD BE told the Washington Blade. of community among our Yet, a recent investigation LGBTQ+ employees and DETRIMENTAL from Popular Information, a allies” makes the company TO OUR LGBTQ political Substack newsletter stronger. run by veteran progressive UnitedHealth Group did YOUTH.” journalist and political not immediately respond - Eunic Ortiz staffer Judd Legum, found to the Blade’s request FLORIDA STATE that some of the nation’s top for comment. Public SENATE CANDIDATE companies — like Comcast/ Information’s request also NBC Universal, UnitedHealth went unanswered. Group, Duke Energy, AT&T Duke Energy, one of the and Walgreens — have donated to the largest electric companies in the U.S., has politicians behind the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. donated $34,000 to Florida legislators Comcast/NBC Universal, for example, behind the “Don’t Say Gay” bill since 2020, donated $1,000 to state Sen. Dennis Baxley, including $25,000 to DeSantis and $1,000 to the main sponsor of the bill in the Senate. Baxley, according to the investigation. In addition, the company gave a total of The company has also received perfect $28,000 to the top supporters of the anti- scores from the HRC’s Corporate Equality LGBTQ legislation since 2020, according Index.
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“We are guided by our vision of an inclusive environment where employees feel a sense of belonging,” Cameron McDonald, Duke Energy’s vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement. “We make sure to integrate diversity and inclusion into everything we do.” The Blade attempted to reach Duke Energy representatives by phone and email but has yet to receive a response. Legum’s team also couldn’t contact the company for comment. AT&T has donated $86,000 to the politicians behind the bill, including $80,000 to DeSantis and $500 to Baxley, Popular Information reported. The company has supported the LGBT community on social media, partnering with the national LGBTQ youth suicide group the Trevor Project during last year’s Pride Month.
“At AT&T we understand that unity starts in our own community, and we are committed to being a company that recognizes, embraces, and standings with LGBT+ people,” it said in a statement. Warner Media, the company that owns AT&T, did not immediately respond the Blade’s request for comment. Walgreens has donated at least $28,000 to DeSantis and four lawmakers who have voted in favor of the bill, according to Popular Information. For Pride 2021, Walgreens Boots Alliance, its parent company, said it “created and encouraged everyone … to use a special Pride month background when they appeared on video during meetings to express their allyship.” The company also did not respond to the Blade’s request for comment.
Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.