1 minute read
John Hayden
The women who have made Broward County the place it is today are being recognized and celebrated for Women’s History Month. History Fort Lauderdale is debuting an exhibit at Galleria Mall titled: Women Trailblazers Champions of Change. The goal is to show how early residents impacted Broward County and women working today. The multi-generational exhibit pairs a woman from today with someone who did similarly impactful work back in the day.
“Each year we link a modern woman who is a leader in her industry, with a woman from Broward’s past who was often not recognized at all for her trailblazing efforts,” History Fort Lauderdale Executive Director Patricia Zeiler said.
Champions of Change is just the latest History Fort Lauderdale event hosted at Galleria Mall. People who are coming for a phone accessory or a new outfit may be surprised to see a cultural exhibit.
“We view the exhibitions as an added bonus to enhance the shopping experience or another reason to visit the property to enjoy our variety of stores and restaurants,” Galleria Mall’s Melissa Milroy said. “We have done several exhibitions and will continue to do them since our shoppers like them.”
The exhibit will feature dozens of pictures of eight amazing women. Four prominent women of today and four of their historical female predecessors.
The event debuts March 9 at 5:30 p.m. at the Galleria Mall.