3/14/18 V9i11

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local name global coverage March 14, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 11

Vatican vice Italian Male Escort Outs 40 Gay Priests in Italy page 20

A Profile in the Courage of Ted Deutch â—? page 16 SouthFloridaGayNews



NEWS state


Woman Sues Tampa Bay Restaurant, Drag Queen for $1.5 Million Claiming Injury by Performer’s Breasts


suffered from “excruciating pain” as a result of the incident and later had to go to the hospital. She also claims it took several months for the restaurant to get back with insurance info, which she said was not enough to cover her injuries. Hamburger Mary’s, which has advertised itself as an LGBT ally, regularly puts on drag shows and are also a sponsor for season nine of RuPauls Drag Race, according to PinkNews. “It’s not a good thing for anyone to go up to someone and perform that way,” Molina said about D’Hod to the Tampa Bay Times. “There are a lot of people who have medical issues. I wasn’t aware that this was going to happen.”


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Gays for Trump Founder Running for Office in North Carolina founder of the “Gays for Trump” movement is trying to get a seat in the North Carolina House of Representatives. Peter Boykin, who founded the group and also has a radio show “MAGAOne,” will run for the District 58 seat for the state house, according to PinkNews. Boykin’s platforms on his website include “MAGA for everyone” and the support of religious freedom. “Let me make this plain and simple I’m a gay man that voted for Trump,” Boykin’s website said. “Why? I don’t want to die at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.” Boykin, who was born in Florida, said that transgender people do not belong in the same

group as lesbian, gay and bisexual people. He said he prefers “lesbian, gay, bisexual and Allies,” over LGBT. “They have their own agenda,” he said to Triad City Beat. “We can support it, but we can’t let them interfere with what we have accomplished. Truly I don’t consider transgender to be gay.” Boykin also supports Trump’s position that transgender people do not belong in the military. “It was more of an economic thing to make sure the military didn’t pay for the transgender surgeries, which are elective,” he said. MEMBER The election Boykin will be participating in will happen on Nov. 8.

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Ryan Lynch

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Ryan Lynch Denver woman is suing a drag performer and a restaurant in Tampa Bay after she claimed she was injured by the performer’s breasts. Neldin Molina has filed a lawsuit in Hillsborough County Court against chain restaurant Hamburger Mary’s and Amanda D’Rhod after a performance which she said led to permanent injuries, according to Pink News. Molina is looking for $1.5 million in damages. In the lawsuit, Molina claims that she had her face slammed into the performer’s breasts several times. She said she had turned her back to the performance to ignore it before D’Rhod interacted with her. Molina claims in the suit she later

March 14, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 11

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Peter Boykin, founder of Gays for Trump, is running for the North Carolina House of Representatives. (Washington Blade photo by Wyatt Reid Westlund).

Equality Florida Cover: Photo credit of Carina Mask. Vatican Vice Cover: Photo courtesy of Francesco Mangiacapra. MEMBER

Associated Press

SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.


3 . 14.2018


NEWS national

Man Threatens to Kill Grindr User and ‘85 Faggots at a Gay Club’ Brittany Ferrendi


Photo via Columbus Division of Police.


fficers arrested a man on Wednesday for threatening to kill a user on Grindr and dozens of LGBT people at a gay club. News came to light when suspect Me’Shach Israel-Miller spoke to the victim over social networking app Grindr, claiming he would kill him and “85 faggots at a gay club.” The victim posted screenshots of the conversation on Facebook, according to Columbus Division of Police in Ohio. The victim’s Facebook post went viral, prompting the CPD to investigate the threat. They arrested the 27-year-old at his home on Tuesday, charging him with inducing pain and aggravated menacing. “The LGBT community asked that I express their appreciation for the extra resources from Zones 4 & 5 that were placed in the Short North this weekend due to the threat,” said Sgt. Nick Konves, the department’s LGBT Diversity/Inclusion Liaison. He added

he will reach out to the prosecutor’s office to “look at the filing of the Columbus hate crime” statute, according to the CPD. Israel-Miller’s threat calls back to the massacre at the Pulse Nightclub, an LGBT club in Orlando – the deadliest attack against the LGBT community in the U.S. The June 11, 2016 mass shooting took the lives of 49 people and injured 53 others. At the time, it was the deadliest mass shooting by a single shooter in U.S. history, until the Las Vegas Massacre killed 58 people and injured hundreds the following year.

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3.14.2018 •


NEWS national

March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month Social media campaign seeks to affirm bi identity, health and progress x

Damon Scott


very March for the past five years, the Boston, Massachusetts-based Bisexual Resource Center has organized a national campaign: “Bisexual Health Awareness Month.” BHAM uses the power of social media to tell stories of the challenges associated with bisexuality, and to promote services and resources for those who identify as such. SFGN talked with Laura DelloStritto, BHAM program lead, about the campaign and about the challenges that exist for bisexuals in today’s world. How has the campaign evolved since 2014?

and validating their identity. For starters, believe that bisexuals exist and speak up when they are being excluded by others, which can unfortunately even happen in LGBTQ+ spaces. Follow and engage with our campaign @BRC_Central on Twitter for more research, resources, and action steps related to #BiHealthMonth.

BHAM was founded in 2014 by former Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) board member Julia Canfield, in order to raise awareness of health disparities specifically affecting the bisexual community and highlight action steps to How is bisexuality defined? reduce them. Past themes Does one or two sexual have been “Bi The Way, encounters with the opposite Our Health Matters, sex qualify? Too,” “Mental Health,” “Bi+ Youth,” and “Social A person can be considered Health.” To celebrate behaviorally bisexual, the campaign’s fifth particularly in certain research year, “BHAM’s 5-year Bistudies, if they have sexual ography” will highlight encounters with people of recent progress for the different genders. However, bi+ community and ideas our focus at the BRC is on to shape our future. people who actively selfEach year, the number of identify as being attracted to partnering organizations - Laura DelloStritto more than one gender. We and level of engagement BHAM program lead use “bi” and “bi+” as inclusive with the campaign on terms for those who are nonsocial media continues to monosexual/non-monoromantic and can increase. include those who identify as bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, fluid, queer, twoWhat are some of the most common spirit, and asexual, among other free misconceptions about bisexuality? identifiers — including those who do not There are dozens of negative stereotypes wish to use a label. about bisexuals that are not worth perpetuating by repeating, that contribute Do some identify as bisexual because to worse health outcomes for people who it’s more acceptable than being gay or identify as bisexual. The twofold aim of lesbian? Society puts unnecessary pressure on BHAM is one: to remind bisexual people to celebrate their identity in a society where all of us to follow certain norms that may it is too often invalidated or defamed, and be completely arbitrary — think about two: to encourage people who are not pointlessly gendered products, like branded bisexual to do what they can to improve shampoo for men, as if men should not use the health of their bisexual friends, family, shampoo that is not specifically labeled for them. partners, and community members. While for some gay or lesbian people We can all play a role in improving the health of bisexual people by supporting falsely coming out as bisexual might please

“We can all play a role in improving the health of bisexual people by supporting and validating their identity.”


3 . 14.2018

Logo credit: Kate Estrop. Photo of Laura DelloStritto courtesy of BRC.

certain people in their lives who hope they may end up in a straight relationship, it can also be a challenge for bisexual people to come out. Bisexuals may fear that people will judge them negatively based on stereotypes or assume they must not be truly bisexual, but instead actually gay or lesbian or straight, as if bisexuality does not exist. Fear of judgment from others makes it difficult to even consider the possibility of identifying outside of the norm, whatever that norm may be, which may contribute to why some people come out as bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender later in life. We all need to do what we can to stop perpetuating these norms so that they don’t continue to confine us. Does pop culture contribute to many of the misconceptions?

either cause harm by perpetuating negative stereotypes of bisexual people or they can be a force for positive change by shattering such stereotypes and identifying bisexual people as bisexual — not as straight allies, gay, or lesbian. I’m hoping that we’ll see a trend toward the latter in the coming years. What’s your background? I studied biology in college and then pursued a masters in public health with a dual concentration in social/behavioral science and maternal/child health. I now work as a project manager in the health care field. I have been involved in the LGBTQ+ community in Boston since coming out as bisexual in 2011, and I’m passionate about empowering LGBTQ+ people to improve their health outcomes. I joined the BRC board in 2016 and have since coordinated our annual BHAM campaign each March.

Popular culture and mass media can

More is at BiHealthMonth.org.

3.14.2018 •


NEWS online

Action Online

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‘Call Me by Your Name’ Director Discusses Upcoming Sequel

Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer heat up the big screen in “Call Me by Your Name.” Credit: Sony Classics Pictures.

‘The Voice’ Makes History With First Trans Contestant

Angel Bonilla. Photo via YouTube Still.

Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill is Back — and Trump Has Promised to Sign

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) has reintroduced the First Amendment Defense Act, or FADA. Washington Blade photo by Michael Key.

Transgender Activist Runs in El Salvador National Elections

Alex Peña is a transgender man who was a candidate seat in the San Salvador Municipal Council. Washington Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers.

Mo. Students to Show Support for Gay High School Football Player Ahead of Westboro Baptist Church Picket

Photo via Fox 2 Screenshot.

Fort Lauderdale Elections... See The Results! SFGN went to press on Tuesday before the results of the Fort Lauderdale election were released. Among the candidates were members of the LGBT community, including Dean Trantalis (pictured left) in the mayoral race against Bruce Roberts. To see the results of the election and find out if we’ve made history, visit SFGN.com for an up-to-date analysis.

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3 . 14.2018


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3.14.2018 • PM 7 9/26/17 2:13

NEWS miami-dade “Reprise,” the latest dance performance by the Pioneer Winter Collective, includes a diverse cast of performers, including Frank Campisano, Hector Machado, Niurca Márquez, Lize-Lotte Pitlo, June Romero, Katrina Weaver and Pioneer Winter. Photo courtesy of Pioneer Winter Collective.

‘Reprise’ Next Dance Performance by Pioneer Winter Collective Latest work, premiering March 22-23, contains challenging themes and nudity Jose Cassola



ioneer Winter Collective — Florida’s only dance company to focus on LGBTQ and other marginalized communities — premieres its latest dance performance, “Reprise,” at 8:30 p.m. March 22-23 at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium, 2901 W. Flagler St. “Reprise” will contain challenging themes and nudity. Director and choreographer Pioneer Winter says the performance looks at the intersectionality of being “queered” and also questions the “nature of allyship.” “How are we allies to one another, to other marginalized groups? The LGBTQIA2-plus community often tries for radical inclusivity, but we still have issues with supporting all members,” Winter said. Winter adds radical inclusion “creates the need to have difficult discussions that sometimes cause us to dismantle tradition.” “If people aren’t willing to dismantle systems that exclude, then what makes an ally? Our treatment of people of trans experience, our treatment of people of color, our inclusion of non-binary folks, people living with disabilities, etc.,” Winter said. “I acknowledge my privilege and use the Collective, as a group of allied bodies, to use dance and performance as a nonthreatening way to explore topics that we sometimes prefer not to discuss.” The ensemble includes a diverse cast of South Florida performers, including Winter, Frank Campisano, Hector Machado, Niurca Márquez, Lize-Lotte Pitlo, June Romero and

Katrina Weaver. Following the performance, audience members are invited to meet the artists. Winter says this latest work features “some of the most powerful artists with whom I’ve had the opportunity to work with.” “‘Reprise’ uses contemporary dance and physical theater to explore queerness, memory and marginalization and how our lives intersect,” Winter said. “As Florida’s only dance company focused on the LGBTQ community and social justice, I feel the content of ‘Reprise’ is incredibly timely.” Through its mainstage choreographic explorations, as well as projects like the queer youth program, LEAP, and the professional artist program, Grass Stains, Pioneer Winter Collective promotes dance as an anchor for social change and deep community engagement by providing a platform for risktaking and progressive performances. Winter says his dance company “democratizes performance through the unexpected.” “[We] champion unexpected bodies, telling unexpected stories and personal histories, in unexpected and hidden places,” Winter said. “[We] are believers in the beauty of vulnerability and humanness.” Ticket sale proceeds and any additional donations made during the “Reprise” performances will go toward future Pioneer Winter Collective programming, including its queer youth LEAP Summit, which will be held in April.

Tickets are $30, including performance and cocktails, and may be purchased in advance on Eventbrite at www.reprise.eventbrite.com. Tickets also available at the door at MDCA via Ticketmaster.


3 . 14.2018


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3.14.2018 •


NEWS miami-dade

Olympic Medalist Gus Kenworthy Named Grand Marshal of Miami Beach Pride Jose Cassola



lympic silver medalist Gus Kenworthy is joining NBC6 anchor and host Roxanne Vargas for Grand Marshal duties at this year’s Miami Beach Gay Pride, which celebrates its 10th anniversary from April 2-8. The two marshals will lead the parade down Ocean Drive beginning at noon Sunday, April 8, following a week of events that include the sixth annual Miss Miami Beach Gay Pride Pageant on Monday, April 2. Mark Fernandes, chairman of the Pride board of directors, said Kenworthy and Vargas were chosen as this year’s Grand Marshals because they are “two preeminent public figures who well represent and support the LGBTQ community.” “Gus for being a role model as an out and proud sportsman who excels at his craft and Roxy for being a prominent ally for the community and equal rights,” Fernandes said. Kenworthy first represented the United

Judas Elliot (left) and Dolores T. Van Cartier. Gus Kentworthy. Photo via Instagram.

States in the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, bringing home the silver medal in slopestyle. Since then he has earned seven World titles and five X Games medals and is known for being the first Olympic free skier to ever perform a double cork 1080 and right side 1440 in a halfpipe, a double flip on a hip jump and a flip off a rail. In 2015, Kenworthy came out as a gay man in an ESPN Magazine cover story. His on-camera good luck kiss from his boyfriend at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang recently went viral around the world.

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Next Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida to be crowned March 19 Pageant is seventh under the ownership of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alum Latrice Royale Jose Cassola



t’s time to crown the next Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida. The Mr. and Miss South Florida Pride Pageant, going on the third year for male entertainers and the 15th year for female impersonators, is owned and operated by Fort Lauderdale resident and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” season 4 finalist Latrice Royale. The event takes places at 8 p.m. Monday, March 19 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St., in Aventura. The competition will award the winners a cash prize, a custom crown and a contract with LRI Talent & Management. Cash prizes will also be awarded to the winner of each category, including Creative Presentation (with a “Show Your Pride” theme), Swimsuit, Talent, Evening Wear and Question & Answer. Contestants will be judged by a nationallyrecognized panel of qualified judges. Reigning Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida 2017 Judas Elliot and Delores T. Van-Cartier will be present to relinquish their crowns to the next winners. Scheduled performers include pageant owner Latrice Royale, Wendy MccownWilliams, Tayanna Love, Missy Meyakie Le Paige, Elishaly D’Witshes and Jeffrey Kelly Abess. Special guests include Miss Florida F.F.I. 2017 Kalah Mendoza, former Miss Florida F.F.I. at Large TP Lords, Mr. Florida M.E. 2017 Antonio Edwards and Tommie Ross. Nikki Adams and Sasha Sommers will be the hostesses and emcees. Also scheduled to appear is Diva, who is returning for her 25th anniversary as Miss Pride South Florida.

As the reigning queen and the prior year’s runner-up, Van-Cartier knows a thing or two about what judges are looking for and what it takes to win the crown. “The judges are looking for prideful consistency. In the presentation for ‘Show Your Pride,’ everything you wear and say has to mesh together and make sense,” VanCartier said. “A talent can go from a solo production to 10-15 dancers. It just depends on the individual and the individuality and of course, the budget, so everyone is judged equally.” In an interview with Broadway World’s Trevor Durham, Royale said she’s excited to continue the legacy of one of her first major pageants. “It means so much to me...To be able to bring [the pageant] back and create a platform for these artists who are now trying to further their careers, it gives me an opportunity to give back,” Royale said. “To put focus, energy and, honestly, finances, behind people who are trying to grow their careers, it makes me feel good.” This year’s Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida is the seventh under Royale’s ownership. She said she is trying to rally up the community to come out and support the local queens, adding the pageant “doesn’t have to have that TV brand on it to make it a worthy event.” “It’s for the community. It’s for the people. It’s for all ages,” Royale said. “It’s a night of really extravagant entertainment and glamour and humor and just a really good time.”

For more information, contestant packets or to purchase tickets, visit PrideSouthFL.com. 10

3 .14.2018

3.14.2018 •





Tennis Player Alison Van Uytvanck Comes Out as Lesbian


By Ryan Lynch Bisexual

Bisexual Scene Left Out of DVD Release of Thor: Ragnarok

Alison Van Uytvanck in 2014. From The Fearless Defenders #1 Cullen Bunn, Will Sliney/The Fearless Defenders.

Alison Van Uytvanck announced her sexuality publically on a TV show in her native Belgium. The professional tennis player is currently dating fellow pro Greet Minnen, according to OutSports. The appearance on Belgian TV was Uytvanck’s first time ever addressing her relationship, which has popped up over the past several months in Instagram posts. “Nobody has to justify why they are

lesbian or gay, it is not a disease,” she said. “We are very open about our relationship and my parents are proud about it. That’s important because the support made us feel good.” Uytvanck has been ranked as high as no. 44 in the Women’s Tennis Association rankings and currently sits at no. 50, according to OutSports. Greet has been ranked as high as no. 323 in the rankings.

Marvel had a scene depicting bisexuality from the extended cut of Thor: Ragnarok left on the cutting room floor. The film included bisexual superhero Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson, who has a female love interest come out of her room, according to PinkNews. Thompson said in an interview with Rolling Stone she had pushed for the scene, but it was removed “because it distracted from the

scene’s vital exposition.” Another shot featured Valkyrie mourning a fellow female warrior. According to Thompson, the scene helps signal her character’s sexuality despite not saying it explicitly. “There’s a great shot of me falling back from one of my sisters who’s just been slain,” she said. “In my mind, that was my lover.”


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Study Finds Over Half of Transgender Teachers Harassed at Work

A new study of transgender and nonbinary teachers found many are facing some form of harassment at work. NPR asked 79 teachers in the U.S. and Canada about their experiences, of which 56 percent said they experienced some type of harassment. That includes 20 percent facing some form of verbal harassment and 17 percent being asked to change how they present themselves

while working. “I was horribly harassed by a coworker and very little was done about it,” nonbinary educator Lauren Heckathorne said. “The focus was on making [the harasser] more comfortable.” Forty percent of those teachers find the kids they teach more supportive of their gender identity than the adults they work with.

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3.14.2018 •


NEWS miami-dade

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School GSA Members Honored by Equality Florida Organization’s Miami gala also recognized SAVE and the Huizenga Family Foundation Jose Cassola



quality Florida held its 2018 Miami “It is for us the combination of the gala Saturday, March 10, at the Eden oppression we face in the LGBT-plus Roc Hotel in Miami Beach, honoring community along with being students who members and groups in South Florida are told to listen rather than to speak, the who are making a difference in the LGBT unsatisfyingly short period of times which community and beyond. Among the we are allowed to be our true selves and a honorees were students, staff and faculty million other reasons that has contributed to of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, us jamming our feet in the door of the media whom received the Voice for Equality Award and refusing to stand back in this time of for their activism on gun control in the senseless tragedy,” Gonzalez said. “Now that aftermath of a mass shooting Feb. 14 that left we know that we have the power to call ‘BS,’ 17 dead at the school. nothing can stand in our way of using it.” Diane Wolk-Rogers and Mario Caicedo, Nadine Smith, executive director of sponsors of the gay-straight alliance at Equality Florida, said the organization Stoneman Douglas, accepted the award wanted to recognize the “efforts in the on behalf of the club and members of the community that are creating a better Florida Never Again movement, who for us all” and that includes the are planning the March for students from the Stoneman Our Lives in Washington, D.C. Douglas GSA. March 24. “Somebody asked me do “Their determination and I think these students from their resiliency is absolutely an Marjory Stoneman Douglas inspiration to all of us,” Wolkare our future leaders and I Rogers said. said no, I don’t think they are. Student and GSA president I think they are our leaders Emma Gonzalez spoke at the right now,” Smith said. “[They] gala, starting her speech by have been among the most asking attendees to observe prominent leaders to step a moment of silence for the forward demanding sensible victims of Stoneman Douglas gun reform in the wake of and Pulse Orlando. this terrible tragedy, and - Diane Wolk-Rogers “Just over three weeks ago, we wanted to honor them sponsor we experienced a tragedy that and their advisors for their has been described as many heroism.” things but for right now I’m going to go with Smith gave an update on equality in the unnecessary,” Gonzalez said. “We lost 14 state of Florida, noting more than 60 percent classmates, three faculty members, and there of the population live in places where sexual are plenty of individuals who are injured orientation and gender identity protections and are still in the hospital...It’s important to exist at the local level. remember these individuals when we fight “I’m hopeful right now, in part, because for gun safety and gun control, as well as all I know our victories have not been built on other individuals affected by gun violence in something thin and flimsy,” Smith said. “It’s America.” been built on us standing in those difficult Gonzalez said she and her fellow GSA places, being the first to run for office, members were grateful and humbled to be being the ones who speak up not just in the honored by Equality Florida. She said many progressive areas in our community but in of the members of her GSA this year have the rural places like where I grew up, where “for the first time found a place where they it’s tough.” can be themselves freely and can experiment Other groups whom were honored with names and labels while learning about Saturday included SAVE, which received a culture that is widely ignored in text books the Community Partner for Equality Award, and curriculum.” and the Huizenga Family Foundation, which

“Their determination and their resiliency is absolutely an inspiration to all of us.”


3 .14.2018

Equality Florida Deputy Director Stratton Pollitzer, presents the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with the Voice for Equality Award. Photo credit: Carina Mask.

received the Service and Leadership Award for its sponsorship of Equality Florida’s Safe and Healthy Schools project. The foundation recently made a three-year commitment to help grow the program, which aims to protect and support LGBTQ students. “From our very earliest days, making schools safe for our LGBTQ young people was a core program at Equality Florida,” said Stratton Pollitzer, deputy director of the 21-year-old organization. “Our vision is not simply to help a single student or a single school but to shift forever the culture in our schools in support of LGBTQ young people... Today, every single high school in MiamiDade and Broward has a GSA, and many of the middle schools have resources, as well. This is the environment we hope to create where our young people have the support and encouragement that they can rise up and become incredible leaders.” Tony Lima, executive director of SAVE, accepted the Community Partner for Equality Award on behalf of SAVE, which for 25 years has done its part to protect LGBTQ people from harassment and discrimination. The organization has led efforts to pass and defend dozens of local ordinances and were plaintiffs in the federal case that brought

marriage equality to Florida. SAVE identified tens of thousands of proequality voters and was instrumental in LGBT candidate David Richardson’s history-making run for the Florida House. More recently, the organization launched a project to ban conversion therapy that is gaining support statewide. “This is SAVE’s 25th year in South Florida fighting for not only the rights of the LGBTQ community but for the rights of all of us that are marginalized,” Lima said. “LGBTQ means women, immigrants, people of color, people of faith, young people, basically everyone. We are the entire community and we will not stop until equality is a reality for us all, not only in the state of Florida but in our neighboring states and country as a whole.” As the executive director of SAVE for the last five years, Lima says it’s been his “very great fortune to help bring this organization to a place where we are that much closer to enjoying full equality.” “It is such an incredible time for us all,” Lima said. “It’s important for us to continue to work together. It’s important for us to continue to have partnerships, and it’s important that we continue fighting the fight.”


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Publisher's Editorial


The Congressman Does Not Have to Yield Norm Kent

A Profile In the Courage of Ted Deutch

norm.kent@sfgn.com x


n the past month since the Parkland positions, policies, and practices. He even Massacre, several very vocal students at supported medical marijuana before other Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School politicians realized so did 75 percent of their have risen to national prominence. constituents. Like Emma Gonzalez, who happened to be I salute Ted today because of the things the President of the Douglas High School Gay he said and did yesterday, long before the Straight Alliance, you have seen them featured massacre in Parkland. Given chance and locally and nationally on television, boldly opportunity, he was a voice to end gun speaking about the need to end gun violence violence in Congress year after year. in America. As a matter of fact, two years ago, he The person I write about today though is gave a speech decrying the weak laws her congressman, Ted Deutch, a firm, fit and controlling handgun sales and distribution progressive voice; a man who has also risen in Florida, publicly declaring that because in stature and prominence this past month, to of Congressional inaction and ineptitude, the national stage and the epicenter of the gun “Florida’s most shameful and shocking export control debate in America. is gun violence.” That was a month – one Within the halls of Congress, where Deutch month – before the Pulse nightclub shooting. has served for eight years, he had already won Deutch was ahead of his time when he stood the respect and admiration of his colleagues for on the floor of Congress on May 29, 2016 and his professionalism, decency, stated, “Mr. Speaker, my and class. In the wake of the home state of Florida has shootings in Parkland, that some of the worst gun laws polite but polemical charge has in the country, and Florida’s won liberal acclaim. legislature has done nothing The clear majority of his to stop it.” His words went constituents are Jewish retirees unheeded and 30 days later living in condominiums like 39 young men and women Century Village in Boca. perished in Orlando. You would think that while It was not Deutch’s advancing an agenda that first time down that road. protected Israel and the elderly, Mass shootings haunted his name and game plan would him. Two years before, he not be controversial. He did gave an interview with the not have to worry about too Sun-Sentinel giving what many opponents, and most you would reasonably of his constituents share his anticipate was the standard - Ted Deutch beliefs. litany of liberal answers, congressman But his voice has a new expressing support for measure today. same-sex marriage, which Before serving in Congress, he was a Florida our community would win two years later in state senator, where as a member of the the Supreme Court. National Young Leadership Cabinet of United Deutch also reaffirmed his commitment to Jewish Communities, Deutsch organized Israel, Obamacare, Social Security, and as a over 2,500 people to march on Capitol Hill in member of the House Judiciary Committee, his Washington, D.C., with the intent of pressuring support for protecting women’s reproductive Congress on a slate of issues affecting children rights from judicial interference. and the elderly. He was always an advocate for But I am not here today to talk about that an honorable cause, but those issues are not either. what I am writing about today. Congressman Deutch was even asked what While I am usually the critic who can find conservatives he admired in the House, and he a little bad in the best of things, on issue complimented Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, after issue, I have always admired Deutch’s stating that if house members listened more to

“... We have let down those families and we’ve let down the people of this country by failing to do anything to move gun safety legislation.”


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her “on issues affecting the LGBT community, then the American community would be more inclusive than it is today. So, I absolutely admire a lot of Republicans, but it’s the 10 to 15 percent of the House that prevents the thoughtful, the majority really of Republicans who are thoughtful from being able to work to get things done.” However, as I just stated, even though SFGN is the voice of LGBT South Florida, I am not here to talk about that today either. As the 2014 interview wrapped up, the congressman turned to the reporter and offered his own, unsolicited opinion about the issue that had caused him more angst in office than any other, after—at that time—only four years on his job. Here are those words: “There is one issue that so frustrates me. Every morning I walk past an elementary school in my neighborhood in Washington.

And it’s usually about the time that the parents are dropping off their kids,” he added. “And I can’t help thinking about what happened at Sandy Hook in Connecticut, and the thought that we still haven’t even been able to have a vote on a piece of meaningful gun safety legislation that’s supported by Democrats, Republicans, and even NRA members.” Ahead of his time, but stopped by a Republican congress bent on being supplicant to the NRA and gun lobbyists, Congressman Deutch concluded: “Of all the things that are happening here, my frustration about the power of special interests blocking our ability to do meaningful things for the American people can really be summed up in that issue and the fact that we have let down those families and we’ve let down the people of this country by failing to do anything to move gun safety legislation.” Spoken four years before Parkland and two

Convictions Publisher's Editorial Convictions You see, as we debate whether kids should get assault rifles, or bump stocks should be outlawed, we have almost conceded that reforming the second amendment entirely is not an option. It should be. years before Pulse, those words were still not heard in Tallahassee or the Oval Office last week. Both portals of power think that an AR-15 should rightfully be in the hands of an 18-year-old; you know the ones whose driver’s license they suspend if they are caught with a .01 breath alcohol level while driving a car. The congressman was up front on this issue in the state capitol even before that. It was January 31, 2013 that he stood before television cameras at a press conference in Tallahassee and spoke these words: “We must have laws which better restrict high powered weapons and legislation that compels universal background checks. There has been a lot of talk in this country about what we can do,” Deutch said. “This is something that has to be acted upon.” I don’t know where we measure up today, but back in 2013 Florida ranked 49th in the nation amongst all states for mental health funding. I am guessing our lot has not improved under Governor Rick Scott. As a congressperson representing South Florida, Deutch has spoken out about gun violence before the headlines brought the national media to his district in Parkland, to the students whose courage is changing the national debate. Now it is up to us to support him. We have seen all too often how unchecked and uncensored the gun lobby has had its way. Nothing better reflects their continuing success than the playing field on which the dialogue is today framed. You see, as we debate whether kids should get assault rifles, or bump stocks should be outlawed, we have almost conceded that reforming the second amendment entirely is not an option. It should be. That is why our forefathers called them amendments. They foresaw a Bill of Rights that might alter the constitution on one hand, but still preserved our fundamental freedoms on the other. Unfortunately, we are no longer fighting about the thousands of handguns and daily shootings that are slaughtering our nation. We are just saying we will be happy if we can take AK 47’s and AR-15’s off the playing field. Amazingly, we are no longer fighting about eliminating guns; we are just fighting over the size of the ones we are going to hang up over our fireplace. And thanks to the NRA, we are

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon By Andy Marlette

not even winning that battle. There was a time when the debate was different. Hell, at the start of my legal career in Fort Lauderdale I sued then mayor Virginia Young for brandishing a hand gun in a campaign poster, saying it violated a new “anti-pornography” ordinance in the city, because people dying from handgun violence was a lot more obscene than people reading “dirty” books. The book stores Fort Lauderdale closed in four years, but the gun shows have gone on for forty. I pretty much had forgotten about that episode 40 years ago, but then last week the students of Stoneman Douglas went to Tallahassee to fight for new gun legislation, and what did they encounter? A group of legislators debating an anti-pornography bill, that’s what. Deja’ Vu. And the biggest show in town last weekend was Stormy Daniels at the Booby Trap. Some things never change. So how far have we regressed if we have not progressed in all these years? Ted Deutch, with his constituency, should not be debating massacres and gun violence with Jake Tapper on national television. He should be schmoozing with bagels and lox on a Sunday morning at the Delray Beach Democratic club. Although as a vegan, I am not sure he does nova lox any more. Anyway, we sat next to each other at a political event two months ago; a Dolphin Democratic awards ceremony honoring long time LGBT pioneers. We laughed. We joked. We smiled. We had not yet lived through Parkland, an episode that will now forever etch its way into the soul of America’s tragedies. Out of that adversity, a group of young students under Deutch’s aegis are becoming their own pioneers, the next generation of leaders. With their passion and their protests, they have won the hearts and souls of America’s conscience. By their side, Ted Deutch has become an eloquent spokesman, a good man doing his job well, a principled voice for our children, courageously and conscientiously advocating bipartisanship and fraternity. It’s something this country desperately needs. We sure are not going to get it from the madman in the Oval Office. We are lucky to get it from the gentleman representing South Florida.

3.14.2018 •


lifestyle tony’s talks

Tony Adams


n Naples, Italy, handsome young Francesco Mangiacapra is a self-identified “marchettaro,” a male prostitute servicing gay men. The Cardinal Archbishop of Naples is 74 year-old Crescenzio Sepe, who was made a Cardinal by Pope Saint John Paul II, and had a terrific Vatican career before his star crashed when he was farmed out to Naples by Pope Benedict XVI under a cloud of financial corruption Recently, Mangiacapra sent Sepe a personal 1,200 page dossier exposing 40 Italian priests as his clients, Sepe did not bother to consult with Saint Gennaro. Instead, he forwarded the dossier to Pope Francis, who may have it on his nightstand, on top of “The DaVinci Code.” Mangiacapra and Sepe are two typical players in the everyday drama that is Naples, a city guided by its patron Saint Gennaro whose blood has, for the last six centuries, liquefied on his feast day, Sept. 19, to indicate good things, or, remained dust to indicate his disapproval of something. Cardinal Sepe is charged with announcing what the saint’s blood is doing. Having spent a considerable amount of time in Vatican City in the 70s where I had sex in the papal household, I contacted Mangiacapra who was more than happy to do an interview about the dossier. We are both sufficiently bilingual to get into trouble on either side of the Atlantic, but Mangiacapra gave me permission to brush u He also asked me to shout out his book published on Amazon in 2017 in Italian, “Il Numero Uno. Confessioni di un Marchettaro.” Now that you know what a marchettaro is, no translation needed for a title like that. I asked Mangiacapra the obvious question: why give Cardinal Sepe a dossier exposing 40 gay and sexually active priest-clients? His response morally transcends what you might expect from a prostitute talking about hypocritical priests. “I released this dossier because I wanted to expose the ‘bad apples,’ not to throw mud at the Catholic Church but to help her get rid of the rot that contaminates the healthy part. The behavior of these priests is, in many cases, the fruit of bad leadership in which priests are allowed to do the opposite of what

VATICAN VICE Italian Male Escort Outs 40 Gay Priests in Italy; 1,200 Page Dossier Implicates ‘Active Homosexuals’

they preach,” Mangiacapra said. “This kind of ‘schizophrenic’ morality is typical of the hierarchy. The paradox of my relationship with the clergy is that there is a role reversal in which I am a sinner denouncing the priests who are the supposedly moral leaders but are committing sin. Those priests throw stones from their glass houses and the bishops make sure that all those stone-throwers are never exposed! In my book, and now with this dossier, I demonstrate that there is a real lobby of gay priests, a freemasonry, an underground.” Mangiacapra continued that “because they know each other, help each other and support each other together with their wide circle of sympathetic friends, I do not pass judgment on priests because they are gay. I like to think that the priests who have sex with me are not souls to be saved but only hearts and minds to be liberated from their hypocrisy. Basically, my sex work is a ministry similar to that of priests, but more scrupulous.” What did Cardinal Sepe do when he received the scandalous dossier? “Cardinal Sepe responded that the priests I denounced were not part of his territorial jurisdiction. This a laughable response, as if the real problem were one of legal jurisdiction rather than widespread immorality. I turned to Cardinal Sepe because he personifies for me the whole institutional Church. I suffer because he viewed my complaint in terms of jurisdiction rather than morality,” Mangiacapra said. “As always, the hierarchy responds only when bad headlines force them to react. But how will they respond? Sadly, the most that will probably happen will be a shuffling of guilty priests, as if they were pawns on a chessboard. That will be the extent of their disciplinary punishment. In this game, the hierarchy creates the rules and then hides the players who break those rules, with the Church losing all credibility,” he added. When I asked Mangiacapra what he hoped to achieve by releasing his dossier, he said, “I am not under the illusion that my revelations will end the nonsensical ecclesiastical system in which the manhood of priests is mutilated and distorted because they are forced into

His response morally transcends what you might expect from a prostitute talking about hypocritical priests. 18

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Photo courtesy of Francesco Mangiacapra.

lives that are unnatural. I throw light on the situation and force the hierarchy to view it with honesty.” Is Mangiacapra, despite his sour experience of hypocritical priests, still a practicing Roman Catholic? “I have always considered myself to be a rational atheist. It took me several years to request and obtain the removal of my name from the baptismal records of the Catholic Church.” After all, the Catholic Church uses those records to proclaim the size of its worldwide membership that is, in reality, much smaller. It is close to impossible to force the Church to remove your name from that registry. Just try it. Contact the church in which you were baptized and brace yourself for some serious frustration. Mangiacapra feels that his renouncing of baptism is a “symbolic gesture that clarifies the difference between spiritual and secular authority.” He would very much like to see the Catholic Church evolve to embrace a world that is vastly different for what it was hundreds of years ago. Despite the modern marketing practiced by Pope Francis, he is not optimistic about serious change. I asked Mangiacapra, who is trained as a lawyer, if he plans to continue pursuing that career. He responded, “Probably not. I would rather sell my body for a fair price than sell my heart and mind for peanuts.” Having been on both sides of this bed – first as a Catholic priest for five years, and then, very briefly, as a Manhattan hustler – I find myself empathizing with Mangiacapra who also says that while prostitution is fast money,

it is not easy money. I know a little about this also from my own experience more recently in Naples, where I am a tour guide for gay men (HEtravel.com/tony) “If it was easy,” Mangiacapra said, “everyone would do it.” Meanwhile, it’s the latest sex scandal to cause convulsions in the Italian church and the Vatican, and it has made waves in the international press all month. When I left the active ministry, the first thing my angry bishop did was to discontinue my health insurance and try to coerce me to pay back my student loans. He re-assumed that obligation only when I threatened to contact the local newspaper about it. He did not care about the fact that I had no money and no income. Having been trained to respond to the sexual overtures of older priests, I took the logical route in my new circumstances. While interested in marketing himself and his book, Mangiacapra’s moral posture is convincing and seems to be authentic. I believe that the names of the 40 priests in his dossier constitute just the tip of the iceberg of those leading double lives. While I do not expect that Mangiacapra’s revelations will change the hearts and minds of the hierarchy, I think his juicy dossier will help Catholics in the pews see their priests for the not-so-celibate men they really are. According to the Associated Press, Mangiacapra came forward with his list because he wanted to expose the priests’ alleged hypocrisy. That he does most assuredly. It will make for a continuing saga for us to cover as Mangiacapra’s whistleblower story unfolds on the worldwide stage.

3.14.2018 •


lifestyle homo history

Greg Dranda Bartender, Model Graham Brunk


reg Dranda was a small-town guy with a big heart whose life was cut too short. He was a regular fixture on the cover of David Magazine in the 1970s and early 80s. I came across Greg as I was thumbing through a collection of old magazines where I kept noticing his handsome face and perfectly sculpted body on several of the covers. I was sure there was more to him than just a photo so I started digging. Greg was once a bartender at The Copa and Backstreets in Fort Lauderdale. Originally from the small-town of Zanesville, Ohio, Greg always had an interest in fashion, acting, and performing. After his 1965 high school graduation he served two years in the army. When he returned he appeared in a few local television commercials. His first big break came when he was asked to be in the showcase role in a film titled “The Killing of Jack Riley.” Greg, with his vicious smile and serious look, played the killer. The local newspaper described him as a “dark, smoldering sex symbol” with a big career ahead of him. Acting, though, it turned out would not be Greg’s thing. Instead he turned to modeling and was able to land some big gigs. Around 1971 he left his Ohio small town life for a modeling contract in Atlanta. In the couple of years he spent there he would appear as the focal point in everything from national commercials to magazine ads for major clothing lines. He even appeared in a Coca-Cola calendar ad. It took two weeks of him waking up in the early morning to capture the perfect mist scene. He hated it. His “boy next door” look took him from city to city, and contract to contract, but after a couple years he returned home to Ohio. In 1973 he traveled to Florida and was photographed by Mark III Studios in North Miami for a spread in the then Jacksonville based David Magazine. During his short stay he fell in love with

South Florida and would relocate to the area. Having had some experience in banking, Greg found a North Miami apartment at Summer Winds and got a job at a local bank. It was around this time that he came to terms with his sexuality publicly and began to explore the local gay circuit scene. Keith’s Cruise Room in Hallandale, Tops and Teejay’s in Hollywood would be among the places you’d find Greg on a Saturday night. Sometimes he could even be found in Miami Beach’s Pin-Up Lounge or up at West Palm Beach’s Turf Bar’s. After a stint learning to bartend he found himself working “the Pitts” at The Copa. It was at this time Greg began entering, and winning Mr. David, Mr. Fort Lauderdale, and Mr. Florida contests. He even gained some more national notoriety in 1979 when he became Blueboy Magazine’s man of the year. His body became such a famous sex symbol in Fort Lauderdale’s disco era that when “Alive! Magazine” photographed him (without showing who he was) for a story about giving the perfect massage, readers immediately wrote in stating “they’d recognize those pecks anywhere.” Greg never participated in what he called “tacky take it off” style contests, but did do a handful of artful nude photo spreads for several magazines, including “Alive!” He always said his success was due to his intelligence, poise, smile, and incredible ability to resist telling his age. He was once quoted saying “As long as you have a good body and people want to pay you to photograph it, you should let them. You won’t look that good forever.” In all seriousness, he felt his appreciation and sensitivity to others was really key, more so than his good-looking body. And it is that legacy that lives on today. I spoke to Keith Allen of Fort Lauderdale who knew Greg quite well. He told me Greg was a big model train collector. When you went inside his North Miami apartment there would be

The local newspaper described him as a “dark, smoldering sex symbol” with a big career ahead of him.


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model trains in all directions everywhere. “When you looked at Greg you would see the masculine muscular handsome hunk of a man, but when you would go inside his home you would see a sensitive, caring, mothering type of a man,” Allen said. Allen told me when Backstreets opened in 1981 in Fort Lauderdale, Greg left the Copa and finished out his career there and moved to the Victoria Park area with his partner, Steven, the only partner Allen had known Greg to ever have. In 1984, Steven died of AIDS and Greg sank into depression. With AIDS beginning

to appear in all corners of the gay world in South Florida it wasn’t long before Greg himself realized he too had the virus. Knowing that he probably didn’t have many years left he traveled home to Ohio and back to Atlanta to put his affairs in order. Greg Dranda died due to AIDS complications on December 11, 1986. He was 39 years old. His name is commemorated as a patch in the AIDS Memorial Quilt. He will forever be remembered as what David Magazine called him, “A perfect example of what today’s groovy guy should be.”

Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGBTQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com.

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3.14.2018 •





The 25th Edition of the Winter Party Festival held The Beach Party with booming success on Sunday, March 4. The celebration, full of wild and enthusiastic guests, was sponsored by the National LGBTQ Task Force. J.R. Davis

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.



3 .14.2018




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Good morning,

Vietnam Rick Karlin


ne of my favorite types of food is the sharing and blending of cuisines. Vietnam is a perfect example of such a blending. When France occupied Vietnam the Vietnamese people incorporated some aspects of French cuisine into their own rich culinary legacy and created entirely new foods such as the banh mi (a sandwich using a crispy baguette as its base) and the crispy cross between a crepe and an omelet known as banh xeo.


SFGN.com/FOOD to read the rest of this article.

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3 .14.2018

3.14.2018 •



F O R T H E W E E K O F m a rch 1 5 - M a rch 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 • W W W . S F G N . C O M J.W. Arnold

Come Share The Love




dance Get out your boots because the South Florida Mustangs, the world’s first LGBTQ square dance club, is offering beginner classes on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. Get in touch with your inner cowboy or cowgirl while meeting new friends at Island City Park Preserve, 823 N.E. 28th St. in Wilton Manors. No partner necessary. Cost is $5 per person at the door. For more information, go to SouthFloridaMustangs.org.



concert Dr. Gary Keating leads the Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus in a musical salute to Broadway legend Stephen Sondheim tonight at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church, 333 Tarpon Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Lisa Vroman (“Phantom of the Opera”) and classical mezzo soprano Martha Bartz join the chorus in a program of the composer’s biggest hits. Tickets start at $25 at TheFTLGMC.org.





The OUTshine Film Festival hosts a free screening of “Love, Simon,” the first mainstream film to feature an LGBTQ character as the lead role. “Love, Simon” is a sweet coming-of-age tale that is relatable to anyone who’s ever felt like a misfit and that they don’t belong. Jennifer Garner, Josh Duhamel, Katherine Langford, and Nick Robinson star. Tonight at 7 p.m. at O Cinema Wynwood, 90 N.W. 29th St. in Miami. Tickets required; reserve at OutShineFilm.com. Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.


3/17 SUN

3/18 MON

3/19 TUE






She’s back! Miss Richfield 1984 returns to South Florida with her new show, “Born Again,” this time harnessing “old time” religion to heal our divided world. With all-new songs, videos and unique audience activities, Miss Richfield unites people of all faiths in 2018. Atheists are especially welcome! Tonight at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets $30 at OutlandishFL.com.

Get down and give back with Flo Rida at the 2018 Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival. Thousands will walk to raise money for local HIV/ AIDS organizations and return to Fort Lauderdale Beach for entertainment by the popular rapper, DJs and bands. It’s not too late to sign up to walk or support your friends and neighbors with your contributions. For more information, go to FloridaAIDSWalk. DonorDrive.org

Latrice Royale’s 2018 Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida competition moves to the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 N.E. 188th St. in Aventura, tonight at 8 p.m. The region’s most talented LGBTQ female impersonators and male entertainers will compete, along with performances by the reigning 2017 Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida, Judas Elliot and Delores T. VanCartier. Tickets start at $10 at AventuraACC.org.

Florida Atlantic University and Pride Fort Lauderdale present a special screening of “Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America” tonight in the Abdo New River Room at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. The documentary tells the story of Moises Serrano, an undocumented immigrant and gay man living in rural North Carolina. The screening is free. More information at PrideFortLauderdale.org.


3 .14.2018

APRIL 15-19

Symphonie Fantastique Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique Ravel: Piano Concerto In G Aldo López-Gavilán, Piano Borenstein: If You Will It, It Is No Dream

B O CA RATON | FORT LAUD ERDALE | K EY WEST | M I A M I � SO U TH FLO R I D A SY M P HO NY . O R G � 9 54 -52 2 -8 4 4 5 3.14.2018 •


A&E music The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus sings Sondheim this weekend. Photo Credit: FTLGMC.


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3 .14.2018

Gay Choruses Sing Sondheim, Shank in Special Concerts J.W. Arnold

Two local gay men’s choruses have special programs planned for South Florida audiences over the coming weeks:


he Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Gary Keating, will present a musical salute to legendary Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim at All Saints Episcopal Church on Friday, March 16 and Sunday, March 18. Joining the 25 singers are special guests Lisa Vroman and Martha Bartz. Vroman has portrayed Christine Daae in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “The Phantom of the Opera” more than any other actress, while Bartz is a classical mezzo soprano soloist who has appeared with orchestras and choruses around the world. Both also have long friendships with Keating. He hired Vroman as an apprentice singer with the Miami Opera in 1984, one of her first professional gigs. Keating and Bartz were both students at the University of Miami and remained in touch over more than 30 years. Both responded enthusiastically to his invitation to sing in Fort Lauderdale. Together they will explore Sondheim’s works from his lyrics to “West Side Story” and “Gypsy” to his compositions from “A Little Night Music” and “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.” “We started with a list of 122 songs,” he said. “We had to whittle that down to those special songs that simply had to be a part of the program.” Among the highlights of the program is a powerful arrangement of “Send in the Clowns” sung by the chorus. “We’re having to work our butts off,” he said, promising an entertaining evening.

The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida, under the direction of Harold Dioquino, will perform “Two Boys Kissing,” composer Joshua Shank’s musical adaptation of the Lambda Literary Award-winning novel by David Levithan. The chorus will perform the dramatic work featuring six narrators, small ensembles, full chorus and instruments on Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24 at the Sunshine Cathedral. “Two Boys Kissing” presents the story of Harry and Craig, two seventeen-year-olds who are about to enter a 32-hour kissing marathon in order to set a new Guinness World Record. While the two increasingly dehydrated and sleep-deprived boys are locking lips, they become a focal point in the lives of other teens and family members dealing with the universal questions of love and acceptance. “When I first heard (“Two Boys Kissing”), I thought it was a powerful and beautiful work, but as we prepare for the concerts, I’ve also realized just how challenging it is. It’s a very distinct work, very learned, everything that (Shank) has created was for a reason. Joshua Shank is brilliant in taking the story from the book and making it into a musical in this style.” The composer will participate in special 20-minute concert talks with Dioquino and chorus production manager James Smith and moderated by Our Fund’s David Jobin at each performance.

The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus performs “Our Time with Sondheim,” featuring Lisa Vroman and Martha Bartz, on Friday, March 16 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, March 18 at 4 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church, 333 Tarpon Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets at TheFTLGMC.org.

The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida performs Joshua Shank’s “Two Boys Kissing” on Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24 at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets start at $35 at GayMensChorusOfSouthFlorida.org.

A&E music Erich Bergen will be performing on March 24 and 25 at Lynn University in Boca Raton.

‘Madam Secretary’ Co-Star Makes Florida Concert Debut in Boca J.W. Arnold


y musical tastes run all over the place,” said Erich Bergen, who will be performing in concert at Lynn University next week. “I listen to everything from Frank Sinatra to Helen Reddy to Jay-Z.” As an only child growing up in New York City, he turned to albums and music videos for companionship. That’s where he first became fascinated with Michael Jackson and “all things MTV.” But, he quickly qualified his statement: “I don’t turn myself into a playlist, but everything that I sing still goes through my filter, which is basically the Great American Songbook, plus a few years.” The 32-year-old actor may be best known for his role as Blake Moran on the hit CBS series “Madam Secretary,” but he’s equally comfortable on the stage. He toured with “Jersey Boys” as keyboardist and composer Bob Gaudio and was later cast in the role for Clint Eastwood’s big screen adaptation. He’ll be singing selections from “Jersey Boys,” backed up by a seven-piece band led by “American Idol” music supervisor Michael Orland, as well as songs by Peter Allen, Elton John, Billy Joel, Barry Manilow and others who inspired his career. “I have a great show planned with stories and songs from my career, all with fabulous arrangements,” Bergen said. “I’ve been doing concerts for the longest time and I have yet to make it down to Florida, which is odd considering how many friends and family I have there.”

It’s difficult to squeeze in these gigs given his hectic filming schedule. “I don’t know if there is a way to balance it out fully, that’s the weird thing on a TV show,” Bergen said. “When you’re a lead, you know that each weekday—no matter what—you’re going to be working some crazy hours. You set up your life to live with that. When you’re not the lead, as I am, it’s different each week depending how much I’m in the episode.” Fortunately, Bergen has a challenging role as the personal assistant to Tea Leoni’s Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord. Last season, Blake revealed that he was bisexual. “When I first took on the role, I was under the impression that Blake was gay. Blake plays his entire life very close to the vest and even before the bisexual outing, he just didn’t discuss his personal life at work,” Bergen said. He noted that Hollywood more commonly portrays women as bisexual. “We never see that on television with men…we don’t think about bisexuality in women as a threat or as anything substantial—at least men don’t—which is its own bag of issues. There was something interesting to me about being about to do this,” he elaborated. In the meantime, he’s content to be in the cast of the critically-acclaimed show and keeping his eyes open for the next opportunity to squeeze in more performances on stage.

Erich Bergen performs on the Lynn University Live at Lynn Series, Saturday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 25 at 4 p.m. in Boca Raton. Tickets start at $50 at Lynn.edu/events. 3.14.2018 •


A&E D V D s

Queerly Digital LGBT cinema on DVD/Blu-Ray, a monthly column

David-Elijah Nahmod

Sebastian and Don’t Call Me Son elcome to Queerly Digital, a monthly column for cinema lovers from across the LGBT spectrum. All titles are available on DVD, Blu-Ray, or both. This column will as the months progress, be sure to include titles which honor all LGBT experiences.



“Don’t Call Me Son”

Director: James Fanizza 80 minutes • Wolfe Video

Director: Anna Muylaert 82 minutes • Kino Lorber


Almost as lovely as the Oscar nominated “Call Me By Your Name,” James Fanizza’s romantic drama “Sebastian,” shot in Toronto, comes to DVD courtesy of lesbian owned Wolfe Video. The film poses the question: what do you do when your soulmate turns out to be your cousin’s boyfriend? Sebastian (Alex House), who lives in Buenos Aires, is


3 .14.2018

visiting his Canadian relatives. He meets Alex (writer/ director Fanizza) for what’s meant to be nothing more than coffee. The attraction between them is instantaneous and irresistible—it’s love at first sight. The pair is forced to confront two realities: Alex is dating Sebastian’s cousin, who he has no feelings for, and Sebastian is due to return to Buenos Aires in a week. The film follows their week-long relationship as the bond between them grows stronger and deeper. When Alex’s boyfriend catches them together, all hell breaks out. Alex and Sebastian briefly break up but get back together a day or so later—they are simply unable to resist each other. When the time comes for Sebastian to return to Argentina they have to decide what to do. Will they split up for good, or will they find a way to stay together? House and Fanizza have amazing chemistry together. The screen literally sizzles when they kiss, and even when they do nothing more than look at each other. Fanizza’s mature script does not villainize them for hurting Sebastian’s cousin—they in fact meant no harm. Alex was planning on breaking up with him anyway—several scenes early in the film make it clear that it was always a one-sided relationship. Brian McCook (aka Katya Zamolodchikova from Drag Race) is on hand as Alex’s best friend—the casting of McCook is the film’s one flaw. McCook’s character Xenia is never properly developed and is little more than a decorative role. We see Xenia performing drag in the local gay bar. Other than that, Xenia urges Alex to follow his heart. It’s a thankless part which anyone could have played. But overall “Sebastian” is a sweet romance. Anyone who’s ever felt the exhilarating joy and pain of love can relate to what Sebastian and Alex are feeling. We give the film three out of four kisses.


Kino Lorber offers Anna Muylaert’s “Don’t Call Me Son,” an intense drama from Brazil. The film is about Pierre, a bisexual 17-year-old whose life is thrown upside down when he learns that both he and his sister were stolen out of a maternity ward by the woman they think is their mother. While Mom sits in jail, Pierre is returned to his biological parents, who insist on calling him Felipe, the name they had chosen for him. They don’t pay attention to his insistence at wanting to be called Pierre and ignore his obvious resentment at being torn from the only family he has ever known—this is the film’s main storyline. Kino Lorber’s box cover suggests that the film has more Queer content then it actually does. Pierre/ Felipe’s bisexuality is made clear—he’s seen having sex with a girl and kissing another boy. These are throw-away scenes which have nothing to do with the film’s plot. Towards the end of the film Pierre/ Felipe begins to cross dress in front of his parents. He appears to not be a drag queen nor trans—he’s doing this to piss his biological family off as he doesn’t consider them family and doesn’t want to be with them. Though not quite a Queer themed film, “Don’t Call Me Son” is still a well done if dark drama. Naomi Nero gives a wonderfully layered performance as the angry young man who just wants his family back. Dani Nefussi is particularly good in the dual roles of both mothers. If you want to see a film that will offer a look at a young bi kid’s struggle with sexuality, then look elsewhere. But if a drama about family loyalty sounds interesting to you, then “Don’t Call Me Son” will definitely be of interest to you.

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march 14 - march 20


Theater Tucker Berardi




Cabaret Convert & Open House

March 18, 2018 at 1 pm at the Stage Door Theater, 3800 NW 11th Place, Lauderhill. Enjoy performances from your favorite Stage Door stars, a pre-show reception and an exclusive first look at a gorgeous new theater of residence. Tickets are $10. Call 954-777-2055.

*“Memphis” comes to Slow Burn theater

Thursday, March 22 to Sunday, April 8 at the Broward Center for Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Avenue Fort Lauderdale. See the story of a 1950s radio DJ who wants to change the world and a club singer who is ready for her big break. Tickets are $47$60. Buy tickets online at BrowardCenter. org or call 954-462-0222.

*Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox

Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30 pm. Listen to modern pop hits and past favorites reimagined in a soulful and fun style reminiscent of the 1920’s. Tickets from $40 to $160. Visit TheCenterCS.com.

broward county *Opera at the Museum

Tuesday, March 27 at 2:30 pm at the NSU Art Museum, One East Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauder-dale, Fl 33301. Enjoy traditional afternoon tea followed by a performance by Florida Grand Op-era Young Artists. Tickets from $10 to $40. Call 954-2620258.

Staged Reading of ‘Rights’

Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors, 2304 N Dixie Hwy. Playwright Bruce Karp presents a three-part stage reading dealing with pressing issues like abortion, gays in the military and same-sex marriage. Tickets are $10. Call 954-519-2533.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit Fri-dayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county *Maks, Bal & Peta Live on Tour: Confidential

Thursday, March 29 at 8 pm at the Kravis Center. ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ finalists Kiki & Koko are hitting the stage with a dazzling cast of the industry’s best

dancers in this new show. Tickets start at $25. Call 561-831-7649.

Million Dollar Quartet at the Crest Theater

March 17 - 18 at the Crest Theater at Old School Square 51 N. Swinton Ave, Delray Beach. Watch the Tony awardwinning Broadway musical inspired by the electrifying true story of four young musicians who became legends. Tickets $75 to $85. Call the box office at 561-2437922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

Amadeus Live

Wednesday, March 14 at 8 pm at Dreyfoos Hall at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach. Watch the award winning 1984 motion picture following the life of Mozart on the big screen as his greatest pieces are performed live in sync by a full orchestra, the FAU Chamber singers and the Delray Beach Chorale Chamber Ensemble. Tickets start at $25. Visit kravis.org for tickets.

World Premier of Joseph McDonough’s ‘Edgar & Emily’

March 31 at the Don & Ann Brown Theater, 201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach. Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson have a fateful meeting of bantering and bickering that slowly gives way to their respective deeper sides as they provide each other with encouragement and courage. Tickets from $15 to $90. Call 561-514-4042 or visit www.palmbeachdramaworks.org.

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3 .14.2018

* Denotes New Listing Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county If I Forget

Through March 4 at GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Three Jewish American siblings come together to celebrate their father’s 74th birthday. Tickets $45. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-3753000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

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Community Tucker Berardi Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks *GLLN Happy Hour

Thursday, March 15 at 5:30 pm at Sane’s Place, 210 SW 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301. Free admission, free drinks and free appetizers at this networking event.

*Student Juried Exhibition at FAU

March 26 through April 6 in the Ritter Art Gallery, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton Campus. Students may submit up to three works of varied media to be put on display for the public in a showcase representing the talent of Florida Atlantic University’s student body. For more information visit fau.edu.

*Gus Kenworthy to Grand Marshal Miami Pride

Sunday, April 8 at noon at Ocean Drive in Miami Beach. This year’s Miami Beach Pride parade will be grand marshaled by gay Olympic medalist Gus Kenworthy. For more information visit miamibeachgaypride.com.

march 14 march 20 Broward Support Services PFLAG

Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county Business for the Arts of Broward Cultural Tour

March 16 from noon to 5 pm. Participate in this guided tour around Coral Springs, Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale to see the cultural treasures Broward County has to offer. Tickets are $50. Call 954-940-5344 to register before March 13.

Florida AIDS Walk & Music Festival

Sunday, March 18 at Fort Lauderdale Beach. Join us in the 2018 march or donate! Donations will benefit the Pride Center for use in vital HIV programs. Visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

Mascara, Mirth & Mayhem: Independence Day on Fire Island - Photography by Susan Kravitz

Through March 11 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Photographer Susan Kravitz’s exhibition chronicling the


3 .14.2018

Invasion of the Pines. Exhibit closes March 11. Suggested donation $5. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Voices of Pride

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC. com for rehearsal details.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Lauderdale Bridge Club Lessons and Games

Mondays at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 401 SE 15th St. in Fort Lauderdale.

march 14 - march 20 Join the club for bridge lessons and try your hand at some games. Cost $4. Call 610-4016475 or visit MarpleBridgeClub.com.

reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

Care Resource Recovery Group

palm beach county

Mondays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Care Resource, 3160 NW Ninth St. in Oakland Park. A weekly meeting with licensed behavioral clinical counselors on healing one’s entire being in the recovery process. Visit CareResource.org.

Rest Your Mind

Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.

Man2Man Discussion

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact Lewis Shena at klezmerman2@gmail.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive

LGBTQ Teen Support Group

Tuesdays from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Falk Center for Couseling, 22455 Boca Rio Road, Boca Raton. Join experts in a support group that addresses discrimination, coming out, depression, PTSD and how to deal with these stresses as an LGBTQ teen. Call 561483-5300 to register in advance.

The Young People’s Guide to Broadway

Friday March 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the Crest Theater, 51 N Swinton Ave, Delray Beach. See a theatrical, entertaining and educational show celebrating the art of musical theater past to present. Tickets $25. Call 561-243-7922.


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

miami-dade county *Miami Beach Gay Pride

Monday, April 2 to Sunday, April 9. Partake in this week-long event that features a beach party, festival and parade with more than 125 LGBT-friendly vendors and businesses, celebrities, performances, refreshments and more. For more information visit miamibeachgaypride.com.

Feast With The Beast at Miami Zoo

March 16 from 7pm to Midnight at the Miami Zoo 12400 SW 152 St, Miami Fl 33177. Enjoy delectable bites, open bars, live entertainment and VIP animal encounters plus more in this memorable celebration. Tickets from $250 to $500. Contact aobregon@zoomiami.org or visit zoomiami. org for ticket info.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCen-ter.org/en/Visit/Dining.

POZCONNECT Support Group for Spanish Speakers

Mondays 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. A support group for HIV+ people, in Spanish. Free. Call Eddie at 305-571-9601, ext. 105 or visit Pridelines.org.

key west Vincent Zito’s Bernstein on Broadway

March 15 - 16 at 7 pm at the Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton Street. Conductor Vincent Zito leads a stellar cast in celebration of the 100year anniversary of the birth of the beloved American composer, Leonard Bernstein. Tickets $35 and up. Call 305-731-0581.

* Denotes New Listing

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3.14.2018 •




Business Directory



Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com

law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida 2040 North Dixie Hwy, #218, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

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SouthFloridaGayNews It’s about time. It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page.

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3.14.2018 •




Business Directory

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3.14.2018 •


NEWS state

Florida AIDS Walk to Raise

FundsRapper and Awareness for 13th Year and Miami native Flo Rida to headline the music festival Jose Cassola



eople who wish to improve HIV/AIDS awareness and raise money to support those affected by the disease can join the fight and take part in the 13th annual Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival at 9 a.m. March 18 on Fort Lauderdale Beach. The 5K walk starts at South Beach Park (the southern part of Fort Lauderdale Beach), heads north along A1A, then returns back to the park at 300 S. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd. Participants can enjoy food trucks, tents in the sand and a concert by rapper Flo Rida and other entertainers. Online registration closes at 9 p.m. March 17. Imara Canady, regional director of communications and community engagement at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s southern bureau, said AHF, which coordinates the Florida AIDS Walk every year, continues to receive “great support and interest from the community and our partners.” The organization matches dollar for dollar every amount that is raised. In recent years, attendance has ranged from 2,000 to 3,000 people. “But equally as important as attendance or the ability to raise funds is to create a greater awareness and education component around the HIV/AIDS epidemic,” said Canady, who is also the chair of the Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition. “HIV/AIDS in South Florida has Florida AIDS Walk in 2017. Photo courtesy of AHF.

reached a level of crisis, and we owe it to ourselves and our community to fight the spread of the disease with testing and education, while caring for those who are living with it.” An estimated 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV, and AHF reports at least 15 percent of them don’t even know it. Canady says while much progress has been made, Florida is still disproportionately affected and the rate of new HIV diagnoses is back on the rise. “We have to normalize the conversation around HIV/AIDS and remove the stigma and shame associated with it,” Canady said. “Many people are not revealing their status as a result. Access to healthcare is also an issue. More healthcare providers need to make HIV testing part of the regimen.” This year’s big headliner at the music festival portion of the walk is rapper Flo Rida, a native Miamian who grew up in Carol City. The singer inked a deal with Atlantic Records in 2006, founded his own management company in 2009 and launched his own record label in 2011. Even with all his musical success, Flo Rida still finds time to give back to the community with his nonprofit foundation, Big Dreams for Kids, which helps inspire future leaders. “We’re very excited about having Flo Rida again,” Canady said. “He has participated in the past and is just amazing to work

Flo Rida. Photo via Facebook.

with. He’s a tremendous talent who is For the fifth year in a row, Ferbeyre very connected to our message and able to will be the opening act at the Florida engage the audience like no one I’ve seen in AIDS Walk and Music Festival. The local recent memory. Attendees are in for a great DJ is no stranger to playing large music time.” festivals. He has performed at Winter Also on the entertainment Music Conference, Gay8, roster is Miami/Fort Miami Beach Gay Pride, Lauderdale DJ and remixer White Party, Winter Party Alex Ferbeyre, drummer Festival, Art Basel, Gay Days David “Jody” Hill of the Deep Orlando, NYC Gay Pride, Gay Fried Funk Band and the Hip Days Fort Lauderdale, Pride Hop Kidz dance crews. With Fort Lauderdale and the their mission statement “No Stonewall Street Festival. Drugs, No Violence, Just Ferbeyre says he is Dance,” the Hip Hop Kidz “extremely grateful and dance program offers more humbled to be part of” the than $30,000 in scholarships Florida AIDS Walk and each year to underserved and Music Festival every year underprivileged children and to have the opportunity - Imara Canady regional director, AHF and teenagers. The company to give back to AHF. helps young dancers achieve “They help so many their dreams by giving them friends and family and our free dance lessons, clothing and shoes. community at large,” Ferbeyre said. “The Hip Hop Kidz dancers have appeared in Flo energy of the AIDS walk is very tangible, Rida’s videos “Going Down For Real” and and I love the goosebumps I get from all the “Once In A Lifetime.” smiling faces.”

“We have to normalize the conversation around HIV/ AIDS and remove the stigma and shame associated with it.”

For more information on AHF or the Florida AIDS Walk, visit FloridaAIDSWalk.org.

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