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In January, hundreds of fliers were distributed throughout South Florida with the claim that Jewish people were behind the COVID-19 response and included hate speech. At the end of February, a “day of hate” was planned to target the Jewish community in South Florida.
Unfortunately, antisemitism isn’t going anywhere, and to address recent incidents Palm Beach County Mayor Gregg K. Weiss hosted a No Hate in Palm Beach County panel of experts and advocates on March 2.
“It scares people because they don’t believe it can happen here, that it can happen to them,” said Alan Poland, community security director of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.
“You need to understand and get out of this mindset that it can’t happen here.”
And while it feels like there’s an uptick in antisemitism, Patrick Franklin, the president and CEO of the Urban League of Palm Beach County, said it’s been here for years. However, what has changed is that the behavior has become accepted and “without any retribution from anyone else because it’s OK.”
“Good people need to stand up and say, ‘I have had enough of this,’” he said. “What I see right now is good people being quiet, sitting on their hands.”
Aiko Jones declared they couldn’t possibly date when she first met her future wife. Jones believed that coming out would never be possible for her because she was a top-tier collegiate athlete from a famous sports family in conservative Jamaica, where homosexuality is still against the law.
So much was at stake and everyone stood to lose too much. Then, though, something unexpected occurred.
After falling in love, Aiko is currently happily engaged to Carolann. To show she was committed to their relationship for the long term, Aiko proposed to Carolann on her birthday. They have already met the parents of each other and frequently post on social media.
“I found this amazing partner,” Jones told Outsports. “I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and it’s not fair to ask her to live in secret. I think she’s great. It’s not fair for the world to hide her from the world, either.”