1 minute read
The Reverend Grant B. Wiseman Rector, Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church and School
Saint Mark’s the Evangelist Church and School is a vibrant and diverse place that is intentionally welcoming. Having moved from a small town in South Carolina where Sunday was probably among the most segregated days of the week, to Fort Lauderdale and Saint Mark’s, I can say that our church reflects our community. The Episcopal Church has a motto of “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You”, and our church lives that motto and strives to be inviting and inclusive. We would describe our church as being very LGBT friendly.
Saint Mark’s School is our largest ministry, and we serve more than 500 students during the school year and provide an incredible education from PreK1-8th grade. Our academic programs are among the most innovative around. We have a tidal Sea Lab that is the only one of its kind in the country.
Coming out of COVID, many things have changed in how we gather, worship, and serve our local community. We became technologically savvy and have a live stream of our services. We have people from all over the world watching our streams. We are working hard to find reasons to gather in the community because of the pandemic, and we recognize that people were isolated and are starving to be with people.
We invite you to join us for our Holy Week services. We will have Morning Prayer on the beach at the end of Commercial Blvd. and A1A at 8:30 on Monday of Holy Week, and services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Our Easter services begin with the Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday evening and two Easter services on Sunday.
Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church invites and welcomes you to connect with other travelers on our Easter Journey.