local name global coverage april 4, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 14
Kentworthy winter olympian hits the beach for
miami’s gay pride SFGN Interviews Gus Kenworthy • Page 14
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SouthFloridaGayNews.com Bruce Williams.
April 4, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 14
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
Celebrating Bruce Damon Scott
ruce Williams has received recognition before. His 2016 commentary in The Advocate, “LGBT Seniors Shouldn’t Die Penniless and Alone,” garnered thousands of views online and thousands of more shares and comments on social media. He’s been written about on the pages of SFGN as a consummate advocate for LGBT seniors. Friends and colleagues say Williams deserves the credit he has gotten and the attention he has received. More kudos are about to come his way. “There aren’t many people in the world who have done as much to directly support our LGBT older adults,” said Jerry Chasen, the director of legacy planning at SAGE. SAGE (Service and Advocacy for GLBT Elders) is one of the country’s oldest and largest organizations dedicated to issues of those who are older. The group is hosting a fundraising gala that will honor Williams on April 12 in Fort Lauderdale. “Believe me when I tell you I know what I’m talking about,” Chasen said. “We’re in this business all over the country and what Bruce has done in Fort Lauderdale is truly extraordinary.” Williams has been very outspoken about his own life, including being fired at a job in Houston because he is gay. His weekly “Coffee & Conversation” at The Pride Center
SAGE gala to honor ‘extraordinary’ LGBT senior advocate
Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Designer • Char Pratt Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com
Senior Features Correspondents
in Wilton Manors, where he is the senior services coordinator, attracts hundreds of attendees on most Tuesdays. Williams, 71, tackles many of the issues that LGBT seniors face, such as being twice as likely to live alone and not partnered, and three to four times more likely to not have kids. LGBT seniors are also more likely to experience disability and depression than their counterparts in the general population. His background is steeped in helping those in his own demographic. Williams has been a caseworker for a county department of social services; a social worker in an acute-care hospital; an executive director in an independent living and assisted living organization; and a licensed nursing home administrator. “[The] experience has allowed me to view a full spectrum of adulthood, ranging from living completely on one’s own, to the plethora of health, psychological and financial issues that we face as we continue through our second 50 years,” he said. Williams has seen the number of seniors participating in programming at The Pride Center increase over the years. “[Coffee & Conversation] used to be 25 to 30 individuals,” he said. “The basic reason for the jump in attendance is that MEMBER we now afford a greater opportunity for the attendees to socialize with one another MEMBER
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[and] we do a series of brief announcements of community events.” The social time is important because LGBT seniors as a group, said Williams, are far more isolated in their later years. “They often have little if any biological family support and generally fewer psychological, financial and community resources,” he said. “Attendees gather for fun, but at the same time, they are also exposed to a constantly growing number of valuable community resources.” Williams would like to see people deal with the issues facing LGBT seniors in a more compassionate and holistic way. “Sadly as a society we generally deal with our old age only on a crisis basis. As a result of what I have witnessed, I am absolutely convinced that a planned future is an enhanced future,” Williams said.
For more: SAGE & Friends Fort Lauderdale April 12, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Event is at the home of Scott Bennett (address provided upon registration) SAGE CEO Michael Adams scheduled to attend Website: sageusa.org (click on “events”)
Cover Photo: Gus Kenworthy. Photo credit: Mitchell Haaseth, NBC Sports. MEMBER
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
4 . 4.2018
Brian had his HIV under control with medication. But smoking with HIV caused him to have serious health problems, including a stroke, a blood clot in his lungs and surgery on an artery in his neck. Smoking makes living with HIV much worse. You can quit.
HIV alone didn’t cause the clogged artery in my neck. Smoking with HIV did. Brian, age 45, California
4.4.2018 •
NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
Denver Businesses Fundraise for Permanent Rainbow Crosswalk
Proposed rainbow crosswalk, via broadwayrainbowcrosswalk.weebly.com.
Conservative Christian Colleges Face Legal Questions Over Beliefs
RuPaul’s Drag Race Exit Interview: Kalorie Karbdashian-Williams
Same-Sex Marriage Supporter Easily Wins Costa Rica Elections
Carlos Alvarado Quesada. Photo by Luis Madrigal Mena via Wikimedia Commons.
Poll of U.S. Adults Gives Trump Poor Numbers on LGBT Rights
A recent poll of U.S. adults give President Trump poor numbers on LGNT rights. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)
6. Pentagon Pledges to Retain Trans Troops Regardless of Trump Policy 7. Griffin Again Urges Trump to Condemn Chechnya Anti-Gay Crackdown Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)
8. Popcake the senior cat, a bashful boy in need of a home at www.humanebroward.com (ID 589316) 9. Screen Savor: A rupture in time 10. ‘Will & Grace’ Creator Says He’s Donating John Oliver’s Gay Bunny Book to Every Grade School in Ind.
Visit SFGN.com to stay up to date on all the news across the web! Twitter.com/SoFlaGayNews
4 . 4.2018
NEWS international
Grindr Sends HIV Testing Alerts to Users Ryan Lynch
year after adding HIV status and last test date to user profiles, Grindr will now periodically send testing alerts for users. The alerts are opt-in and can be activated to go off every three or six months, according to NewNowNext. The alerts will also guide people to their nearest testing center for HIV. Grindr will also provide free advertising to all HIV testing sites. Allentown, Pa. was one of 15 underserved areas receiving the ads in a trial period. “With free ads for our services running on Grindr, we’ve been able to target users in our community and raise awareness for our center and HIV testing services,” Adrian Shanker of Allentown’s BradburySullivan LGBT Community Center said to NewNowNext. “We have seen a dramatic increase in use of our HIV testing site over the last two years, particularly in people that have never been tested before.” According to the Centers for Disease
Image via Grindr.
Control and Prevention, sexually active gay and bisexual men should be tested at least once a year for HIV. “All effective efforts to increase testing are welcome,” Jonathan Mermin, the chief of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases at the CDC, said to the New York Times. “The more organizations and people involved in this effort, the better.”
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4.4.2018 •
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NEWS palm beach
An Apology to Tony Adams
Photo: Gay Polo League, via Facebook.
SFGN Staff
FGN apologizes to Tony Adams for a headline that he feels was personally and professionally damaging. The headline in the March 28, 2018 issue, “Tony Adams Is The Hypocrite” does not reflect the opinion of SFGN but was intended to reflect the content of a letter to the editor. Since Tony Adams no longer writes for SFGN, he may be contacted at www.Facebook.com/FatherTonyAdams
PBCHRC Uses Gay Polo Event to Fight for LGBT Rights Michael d’Oliveira
“We turn out the vote so we can elect people who will support us. So, any way we can gather data is wonderful.”
4 . 4.2018
t the Land Rover Palm Beach But, added Hoch, it’s also a chance to International Gay Polo, the field is have fun. where the action is. But there’s also Amidst the fanfare of the ponies, there some political action on the sidelines. are crisp polo shirts, fancy sunhats, and During the 9th annual polo event, 12 creative tailgate displays, PBCHRC’s to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April tailgate will feature an open 7 at the International Polo bar, hors d’oeuvres, and Club Palm Beach, 3667 120th shirtless bartenders. Avenue South, Wellington, “Our two male the Palm Beach County bartenders haven’t worn Human Rights Council shirts in years. That attracts [PBCHRC] will hold its some of the guys and some annual Tailgate Party – 1 to women,” said Hoch. 4 p.m. The polo event itself But, other than that, is organized by the Gay Polo Hoch said the tailgate League. will be “pretty sedate” It’s a chance for the because he doesn’t want PBCHRC to network and to compete with the other make new allies in their tailgate displays. Previous mission to defend the rights tailgates have included a of the LGBTQ community. British double decker bus - Rand Hoch PBCHRC “We turn out the vote so and 50s-themed hair salon. we can elect people who “We don’t want to compete will support us. So, any way we can with anyone else who is out there to do gather data is wonderful,” said Rand this [for the sake of competing in the Hoch, PBCHRC president and founder. tailgate contest].” “We’ve had a close relationship with Tickets start at $30 and parking starts Gay Polo for years. Back when they were at $10. To purchase tickets, visit gaypolo. trying to build their organization, they com. gave us half the proceeds for promoting Chip McKenney, founder and president [their event]. It’s really been a mutually- of the Gay Polo League, declined to be beneficial relationship.” interviewed for this article.
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4.4.2018 •
LGBTQIA bites Lesbian
Lesbian ‘The Voice’ Contestant Speaks Out against Kelly Clarkson’s Comments A contestant on the singing reality show “The Voice” spoke out against her comparison to other lesbian artists. Kelly Clarkson, who is on the show’s panel of judges, compared competitor Molly Stevens to other lesbian artists Melissa Etheridge and the Indigo Girls, according to PinkNews. Stevens took to Instagram in a since-deleted post to address what she thought was a “stereotyped” comparison. “While I’m extremely honoured to be in that category of talent I do believe that comment did us a disservice and only threw us into a labelling trap,” Stevens wrote. “It felt small minded to me and exactly what I feel we need to bring attention to the world.” Clarkson later commented to clarify her stance. “Wow. This really bums me out,” Clarkson said in response. “I need everyone 2 hear me & hear ALL OF
4 . 4.2018
By Ryan Lynch Bisexual
Aaron Carter Claims Bisexual Comments Were ‘Misconstrued’
Aaron Carter, via Youtube.
Molly Stevens, via Twitter.
THE WORDS I SAY. I compared Molly to Melissa Etheridge, Patty Griffin (a name that was left out conveniently), & the Indigo Girls purely because of the rasp in her voice & that she’s an amazing storyteller.” Stevens later apologized in a subsequent post.
Aaron Carter is now stating he may have been mislabeled as bisexual. The singer had come out as bisexual on Aug. 5, 2017 in a since-deleted tweet, according to LGBTQ Nation. His announcement created support from the LGBT community. “This doesn’t bring me shame, just a weight and burden I have held onto for a long time and would like lifted off of me,” he said in the deleted tweet. “I grew up in this entertainment industry at a
very young age and when I was around 13-years-old I started to find boys and girls attractive.” Carter said in an interview with Hollywood Life his words were interpreted wrong. He said that he is very open to having a female partner and a family. “Yeah, no,” he said. “It was more so just a story that happened when I was like 17 with somebody, and I can find men and women attractive, but when it comes down to it, I think it was a little misconstrued.”
Transgender Woman Attempted to be First to Skateboard Across United States
Calleigh Little, via Facebook.
A woman attempted to skate across the country from Bend, Oregon to Boston to attempt being the first transgender person to accomplish the feat. Calleigh Little started skateboarding long distances after a DUI took away her license, according to Buzzfeed News. She decided to go on the journey after being let go from a communications job and being forced to work in fast food in March 2017. Little later faced several challenges,
including running out of drinking water in Wyoming, contracting a bacterial infection, an ankle injury and later having to hitch rides after her skateboard was jammed up by winter weather. Despite not breaking the record, she crossed the finish line at her home 48 days after she started. “I crossed the finish line and I didn’t even know I was over it,” Little said. “And I was like, oh my god, I did it!”
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4.4.2018 •
NEWS local
A Movement that Unites Communities Through Water
Submitted photos.
Lynare Robbins
ith summer approaching and South Florida learn more about the Everglades. The movement operates temperatures once more reaching a boiling point, through a series of actions, events, workshops, prayers, and water consumption will be even more crucial. excursions into the heart of the Everglades with the goal of Water consumption in South Florida is dependent revitalizing community participation for global action to on the Everglades, a wetlands preserve that spans over protect sacred land. one million acres throughout the southern part of the On a Love the Everglades Movement excursion, one can state and provides drinking water to over seven million find themselves on board an airboat journeying deep into Floridians. Although the Everglades provides the source of the heart of nature with a diverse range of guests. Along the life for people, its ecosystem has experienced threats since journey the excursion is narrated by organizers who inform 1882 when Pennsylvania land developer, Hamilton guests not only about the ecological background of Disston, attempted to drain the Everglades to the land, but also the spiritual background as construct the first canals in the area. Though the Everglades is sacred homeland to the unsuccessful, efforts to decrease the size Miccosukee people. of the Everglades for land development “We started this work by way of field has steadily taken place since then. trips and developed a framework of However, these enterprises have been storytelling with an itinerary of places met with opposition. to visit so people could see the vast In 1947 Miami Herald freelance landscapes, walk over the muddy tree journalist and conservationist, islands, and interact with some of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas, authored animals in the River of Grass,” said the non-fiction book, “The Everglades: Houston Cypress, who serves on the - Houston Cypress River of Grass.” Douglas was well known board of directors for the organization. Otter clan for her defense of the Everglades against Cypress, a two-spirit Miccosukee poet efforts to drain it for land development. A and activist from the Otter Clan says that question that she would often ask was, “What out of everything that people search for to use are you doing to save the Everglades?” One group as a catalyst to unite communities, water has that in South Florida who has answered the call and is working power. “People are all intimately linked to the water cycle. to motivate people to respect and care for the Everglades The water that we take for granted, flows so effortlessly through education is the Love the Everglades Movement. from our taps.” Cypress maintains a number of traditional “Water is Sacred and Water Unites Us” is their core villages located on tree islands scattered throughout Water message as they bridge talents, imaginations, and energies Conservation Area 3A, the area known as the historic of diverse South Florida residents from every background River of Grass, and called “Kaahayatle,” by the Miccosukee
“We hope to see you out there on an airboat with us one day soon.”
4 .4.2018
community, which is translated as “shimmering waters.” Cypress says that they work in solidarity with the indigenous communities who live in and depend on the greater Everglades to sustain their cultural practices. “When we respect the sovereignty of the Miccosukee and Seminole communities, and we are privileged to share in their spiritual philosophy of the Circle of Life.” Cypress said that the ability for indigenous communities to thrive in the Everglades is key for all communities. “Thriving conditions benefit all other communities, through cleaner water, thriving economies that embrace tourism and entertainment, and the general feelings of inspiration and wonder that people can experience when they explore these places.” Cypress said that the excursions have inspired compelling artwork, research proposals, school lesson plans, direct actions in many communities, and beautiful prayers. Upcoming excursions, referred to as “heart-opening experiences,” will begin after the beginning of the New Water Year in May 2018. Cypress says about the experience, “you are going to be a very important person after you visit these remote places. We take guests to places that most people will never get to visit and a lot of information about the ecology of these places. We also highlight the cultural history and continued practices of the Miccosukee and Seminole communities. We hope to see you out there on an airboat with us one day soon.” If you are feeling stressed out from the “hustle and bustle,” you can go to the Love the Everglades Movement website at www.LoveTheEverglades.org and find an excursion to restore yourself in the Big Cypress Forest; or participate in one of their many other programs.
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4.4.2018 •
NEWS miami-dade
Fashion Underwear Swim Show Delights Crowd The event served as an opportunity to support the the Gay Vista Social Club and a locally gay-owned business Jose Cassola
he Gay Vista Social Club held their second annual fashion show called FUSS — The Fashion Underwear Swim Show on Thursday, March 29 to premiere the new looks of the Creative Male Spring Collections — just in time for Miami Beach Gay Pride. The night kicked off with complimentary Bruce and Ben. Support a gay-owned themed vodka cocktails such as “What and operated business and keep them in the FUSS?” And “Shut the FUSS Up,” business, because without your support, provided by Creative Male at its store at this just can’t happen.” 3227 NE Second Ave. in Midtown. Then, Horwich says when he and Lyman GVSC models strutted their stuff through moved to Miami 18 years ago, they didn’t the store, showcasing the latest Spring know anybody. trends ready to wear at Pride, presented “Now 18 years later, we have a store that in three categories: we’ve had for 10 years here. Fashion, Underwear I’m the vice chair of Miami and Swimwear. The Beach Gay Pride,” Horwich “Support a event served as both a said. “We know a lot of people gay-owned and GVSC Logo Apparel and now. We knew no one and now Membership Community operated business we know a lot. So I guess the Partner support shopping to everybody is to get and keep them in message event. Customers who out there, meet people, join a spent $100 or more business, because club of some kind like [GVSC], received a free pair of logo or do something to help a without your swim shorts or a sleeveless charity. Get out there and do support, this just shirt tank. something.” Jonathan Barrio, former Gay Vista Social Club can’t happen.” executive director of started out as a group of gay - Jonathan Barrio GVSC, said last week’s 20-somethings looking to Former Executive event at Creative Male was interact with other people in director of GVSC two-fold. Not only was it their age bracket that didn’t a chance to check out the involve the nightclub or bar latest underwear and swim fashions and life scene. The club has more than 800 support the Gay Vista Social Club, which members and has grown to serve all was founded to build a safe and fun space age groups as a newly-recognized 501c7 for the LGBT community. It was also an nonprofit organization consisting of a opportunity to shop at a locally gay-owned board, leadership council, a chapter and an business, such as Creative Male, which interest group. celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The vision of the club is to establish a The store, which sells shorts, swimsuits, social environment through programming clothing, jewelry and accessories, is owned and service “built on the premise of and operated by partners Bruce Horwich promoting an inclusive, empowered and and Ben Lyman. Horwich sits on the board respectful brotherhood.” of Miami Beach Gay Pride. “The Gay Vista Social Club builds “It’s so important to support locally friendships throughout South Florida,” says gay-owned businesses. It’s a travesty to Erin Atwood, current executive director. see that this store isn’t supported as much “By providing programs and supporting as it should be from our community,” other local LGBTQ organizations, GVSC Barrio said. “I implore all of you to support strives in creating a sense of community,
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Photos courtesy of Creative Male.
forging meaningful relationships and developing social interaction among gay, bisexual and queer men.” Sean Long, a three-month premium member, says events like FUSS bring a lot of people together, and “networking is a big part of what we do.” “I love what GVSC stands for. We stand for bringing unity, bringing people together and making sure to bring possibility to those who don’t know possibilities are available,” Long said. “We’re here to let you know your dreams can come true, let you know that no one can discriminate against you and let you know that we are behind you every step of the way. That’s what we’re all about — possibility and change.” Robyn Ludy, volunteer director for Miami Beach Gay Pride, was present at the FUSS show to recruit volunteers for Pride. She said for anyone who puts in “just a couple of
hours,” they get to attend the Sponsor and Volunteer Appreciation Reception from 7-9 p.m. Saturday, April 28 at the Lincoln Center Courtyard, 670 Lincoln Road. There will be music and complimentary cocktails and appetizers. RSVP by April 21 at volunteer@miamibeachgaypride.com. To view volunteer opportunities at Pride, visit MiamiBeachGayPride.com/volunteermiami-beach-gay-pride. “This is our 10th year anniversary. When we started, about 5,000 people attended the festival. Now, we’re at over 150,000,” Ludy said. “Imagine what it takes to put this kind of thing on. It takes a wonderful staff and people who volunteer their time to make this event happen. If you put in just a couple of hours, you get a T-shirt and you get to come to our party on April 28 at the Lincoln Center Courtyard. So give back. Play hard and give back.”
4.4.2018 •
NEWS miami-dade
Olympian Gus Kenworthy Reflects on Pride
Out athlete is the Grand Marshal at Miami Beach Gay Pride Sunday, April 8 Jose Cassola
lympic silver medalist Gus Kenworthy is joining NBC6 anchor and host Roxanne Vargas for Grand Marshal duties at this year’s Miami Beach Gay Pride, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this week. The two marshals will lead the parade down Ocean Drive beginning at noon Sunday, April 8. Kenworthy and Vargas will also be featured in the Pride VIP gala, which takes place from 7:30-10:30 p.m. Friday, April 6 at the Faena Forum, 3300 Collins Ave. Comedian Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard of the “People’s Couch” and the podcast, “Dumb Gay Politics” will be the hosts of the gala with music by DJ Adora. Mark Fernandes, chairman of the Pride board of directors, said Kenworthy and Vargas were chosen as this year’s Grand Marshals because they are “two preeminent public figures who well represent and support the LGBTQ community.” He adds Kenworthy is a “role model as an out and proud sportsman who excels at his craft.” Kenworthy first represented the U.S. in the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, bringing home the silver medal in slopestyle. Since then he has earned seven World titles and five X Games medals and is known for being the first Olympic free skier to ever perform a double cork 1080 and right side 1440 in a halfpipe, a double flip on a hip jump and a flip off a rail. In 2015, Kenworthy came out as a gay man in an ESPN Magazine cover story. His on-camera good luck kiss from his boyfriend at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang recently went viral around the world. SFGN spoke with Kenworthy to get his feedback on his role in this year’s Miami Beach Gay Pride and in the LGBT community overall. Here’s what he had to say. Gus Kenworthy. Submitted photo.
Welcome to Miami. Have you visited here before? What are you most looking forward to doing while you’re staying here? I’ve never been to Florida. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Miami Beach so I’m excited to make it down there. I think I’m most looking forward to the beautiful men, the beautiful weather and obviously the beautiful celebration of pride. How do you feel about being selected as this year’s Grand Marshal for Miami Beach Gay Pride? What is the significance of these pride events to you and the LGBT community? Pride means owning who you are and wanting to share yourself with the world. I think it’s important to celebrate Pride because for so long (and still today in many parts of the world) LGBTQ people have been
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forced to live in fear for their safety, and being “out” and “proud” weren’t even options. As the Grand Marshal, I just hope to celebrate and share that experience with everyone in attendance. What prompted you to come out at the time you did? Do you feel we are finally getting to a place where openly gay athletes are accepted? It was just time for me. I wanted to help others and I did not want to live with the lie anymore myself. I hope it is more openly accepted, but there still seems to be a lot of work to do. Do you feel your coming out has given LGBT youth and others the courage to live their lives openly? Do you feel you are a role model? I just hope it encourages anybody and
everybody, whether they’re LGBTQ or not, to live their life as honestly and authentically as possible. Take time to recognize who you are and the things that make you that person. Embrace those facts about yourself and then share them with the world. There’s nothing more fulfilling than getting to live your truth, and I think only then can you hope to find happiness. How active are you in the LGBT community? What causes are near and dear to your heart? I feel very active. It is part of who I am, and I am so happy to have represented my
country and the LGBTQ community at the Olympics. I am very supportive of all causes, but both the Trevor Project and Happy Hippie Foundation are two organizations that are very dear to me. What’s next for Gus Kenworthy? What goals do you hope to accomplish personally and professionally? [I’m] still considering the next four years and making a run at the 2022 Olympics. We will see how that plays out. I am also exploring other career opportunities and taking it all in right now to see what I might like to do next.
Want to hear more from Gus Kenworthy? Join Miami Beach Gay Pride from 1-2 p.m. Saturday, April 7, at Lummus Park, on the sand off 11th Street and Ocean Drive, as he and Ally Grand Marshal Roxanne Vargas are asked questions in an unscripted-style Q&A from the moderator, the media and Pride guests. The press conference is free and open to the public.
4.4.2018 •
NEWS national
Commission on the Status of Women tackles lgbt rights Randy Boissonnault. Submitted photo.
Lynare Robbins
he sixty-second session for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) was recently held at the United Nations in New York from March 12 through the 23.
Representatives of Member States, Stern said that many adversaries to LGBT UN entities, representatives from Non- rights ask if they are calling for “special Governmental Organizations from all corners rights.” Stern explained that they are not of the world attended official meetings advocating for special rights. “We’re here with and side events. Established in 1946 as a a panel of experts and government leaders to platform for women to observe, inform and explain how we want to see intersections in advocate for causes focused on economic, government functions and civil society so educational, health, and civil rights of that we can advance better together.” women; the commission is a proactive place One of the panelists, Helena Dalli, Minister for intersecting issues to questions to be for European Affairs and Equality of the addressed and answered. Republic of Malta, stated, “I believe that it One such side event session, “SOGIESC is very important that more is done here at in Gender-Mainstreaming Measures,” was the Commission on the Status of Women to hosted by the Permanent Mission of Malta to promote equality for LBTIQ women.” the United Nations, and sponsored by the U.S. Randy Boissonnault, Canadian member based, international LGBTQI Human Rights of Parliament and Special Advisor to Prime NGO, OutRight Action International. Co- Minister Justin Trudeau on LGBTQ2 Issues, sponsors were the governments explained “When the Canadian of Argentina, Australia, government talks about Canada, Germany, Norway and gender equality, we’re talking the European Union Delegation about it in its largest and most to the United Nations. expansive form and we want The panel was moderated to make sure that no one is by Jessica Stern, Executive left behind.” MP Boissonnault Director of OutRight Action described the efforts that International. “Some people the Canadian government come to the session because has made to apologize they don’t understand why and make amends for the we’re talking about LGBTQI persecution, interrogation rights in a conference that’s and forced outings of 9,000 focused on the Commission Royal Canadian Mounted on the Status of Women. And Police forces during the 1950’s maybe some people come through the 1990’s where - Randy Boissonnault Canadian member of because they are concerned many had committed suicide. Parliament that we are here to take A 145 million Canadiansomething away from women’s dollar class action lawsuit was rights,” stated Stern. Stern emphasized that launched with reparations to the community, this is not the case. “We’re here because the service medals and a permanent exhibit at definition of woman is expansive. LBTIQ the museum of human rights. “A heritage women are women too.” program will air on television, so the next Stern explained to the audience that many generation knows this history so that it won’t of the root causes of gender-based oppression happen again.” that restricts women’s access to employment, Panelist Sjoerd Warmerdam, Senior education, health care and freedom of Policy Advisor for Gender Equality and mobility are the same issues that restrict the LGBTQI Equality for the Government of the safety, security and dignity of LGBT people. Netherlands discussed how gender justice
“A heritage program will air on television, so the next generation knows this history so that it won’t happen again.”
4 .4.2018
and LGBT justice efforts initiatives are intertwined in the Dutch government. “We used to have two teams, but we saw that we had to use an intersectional approach. Warmerdam explained that mainstreaming gender and LGBTQI policies is much more effective in government and working with stakeholders. “We see that the two groups face the same problems with similar root causes, stereotypes and expectations,” said Warmerdam. Panelist and Nigerian activist, Xeenarh Mohammad added that intersectionality has to be included for progress and success. Kimberly Zieselman, Executive Director of InterACT, an NGO that advocates for intersex youth, added to the intersectionality that intersex women are women too. Zieselman explained that intersex is a broad definition that describes a person born with physical sex characteristics that do not line up with what society or the medical community thinks of as either male or female. “The number one advocacy issue for
intersex is fighting against irreversible and medically unnecessary surgeries and medical interventions that happen to infants and children and results in a lot of trauma,” Zieselman said. Senior Legal Advisor at the NGO Madre, and Clinical Law Professor at the CUNY School of Law, Lisa Davis, described her efforts working with women’s groups in Iraq to incorporate LGBTQI advocacy into their mission after an influx of gay men fleeing honor killings from ISIS came to their attention. “The group in Iraq sought guidance on how to handle the situation,” Davis said. As a result, the groups partnered with OutRight Action International to confront this crisis. “We started doing trainings to document human rights abuses against LGBTQI people and launched a campaign to create advocacy messages.” Today the group operating in Iraq is prominent and outspoken for LGBT rights with extensive programing. “The intersecting premise is that everyone has a right to life. No one should be killed.”
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Get in care. Stay in care. Live well. cdc.gov/HIVTreatmentWorks 4.4.2018 •
NEWS local
Anna Rexia (left) and Jason Shervinski. Submitted photos.
‘Drag Kickball’ Bounces to Wilton Manors’ April 14 Damon Scott
nstead of RuPaul’s “lip-sync for your life,” this one would be: “kick-ball, for your life.” Those who have played kickball know it simulates baseball, in that a pitcher throws a ball to a “batter” who kicks it to fielders with no gloves. In this particular match, however, participants won’t be in athletic gear, either. (Although you’ll likely see some wigs, fake eyelashes and sequins). “We are excited to announce the Drag Kickball game, in celebration with Varsity Gay League: Fort Lauderdale and SFAAA,” said organizers of the event in a social media blitz. Varsity Gay League (VGL) is a national LGBT recreational sports organization with a chapter in Fort Lauderdale that began last year. The focus is on hosting games, socializing and building community relationships. It began in Los Angeles and has been in operation since 2007. The SFAAA is the South Florida Amateur Athletics Association of Fort Lauderdale — an LGBT softball league. Jason Shervinski is the general manager of VGL-Ft. Lauderdale. He said kickball was the group’s first offering and it has also expanded to include dodge ball.
“We are looking forward to bringing this and many other fun community events to the greater South Florida area as we grow.” - Jason Shervinski
general manager of VGL-Ft. Lauderdale
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“Many of our players also play on non-VGL leagues, so one of many ways we can keep our players engaged with our community, and with other LGBTQ sports leagues, is through ‘Drag Kickball,’” Shervinski said. Like the SFAAA, VGL-Ft. Lauderdale is “an inclusive space for all LGBTQ people and allies,” Shervinski added. What attendees at the community event can expect is a friendly game of kickball in drag, between the VGL kick-ballers and SFAAA soft-ballers. Shervinski said the hope is to make the event an annual one in the spring. He said other sports organizations, such as flag football, might be invited to participate in future years. Both SFAAA and VGL will have information tables at the event for their respective leagues. “We do plan to make this a charity event after a few runs,” Shervinski said. The event takes place April 14 at Mickel Park, located at 2675 NW 7th Ave. in Wilton Manors. The gate opens at 2:30 p.m. and the game is schedule to run from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The “Mistress of Ceremonies” is South Florida drag queen Anna Rexia. “We are looking forward to bringing this and many other fun community events to the greater South Florida area as we grow,” Shervinski said. Sponsors of the event include Gym Sportsbar and Wilton Live! More on VGL is at varsitygayleague.com. For more on the SFAAA, go to sfaaasoftball. com. Editor’s note: For more on VGL-Ft. Lauderdale and Shervinski, see SFGN’s May magazine.
NEWS miami-dade Elishaly D’witshes. Submitted photo.
Elishaly D’witshes Crowned Miss Miami Beach Gay Pride 2018 Jose Cassola
lishaly D’witshes — the Puerto Rican On hand to congratulate and crown the drag queen known for performing new queen was Miss Miami Beach Gay outrageous stunts, such as jumping off Pride 2017 Joanna James, along with former a double decker bus and landing in a split title holders Tiffany Fantasia (2013), TP — has been crowned the new Miss Miami Lords (2014), Athena Dion (2015) and Kalah Beach Gay Pride 2018. Mendoza (2016). D’witshes swept most of the In the Question and categories at the sixth annual Answer portion, D’witshes Miss Miami Beach Gay Pride delivered a moving speech pageant Monday night at the about overcoming her biggest Faena Hotel, 3201 Collins downfall — her mother’s death Ave., before being crowned — and finding her purpose in the ultimate winner. Pageant life. Earlier in the evening, she contestants competed in such said “Pride has no language. For categories as Presentation years, we fought for respect. For (Show Your Pride), Swimwear, years, we fought for equality. Evening Gown, Questions and For years, we have fought for Answers and Talent. our rights. When you push me, D’witshes bested fellow I am free. I am freedom. I am drag entertainers Nelly Norell, happy with myself.” Angie Ovahness Pryce and As one of her first duties as - Elishaly D’witshes Mhi’ya Iman LePaige, who was Miss Miami Beach Gay Pride, drag queen the first runner-up. The winner D’witshes will join Fantasia and received the title of Miss Miami Ally Grand Marshal Roxanne Beach Gay Pride 2018; the Pride crown Vargas Wednesday morning on the set of designed by Joey Rolon from Funky Sexy “NBC6 in the Mix.” She will also participate Couture; a matching jewelry set of ring and in other events throughout Pride week, walk earrings designed by Michael Egnor from in Sunday’s parade and be introduced from Beauty & Elegance Designs & Tittle; $1,000 the Grand Stand Stage and perform at the in cash and $1,000 in prizes. Main Stage.
“For years, we have fought for our rights. When you push me, I am free. I am freedom. I am happy with myself.”
4.4.2018 •
NEWS health
Photo: Marcus Q
Bottoms Beware!
Anal fissures are a real pain in the ass
Damon Scott
ew York-based doctor Evan Goldstein said that while anal sex is an important part of many gay men’s lives, injury is usually inevitable at some point — even if precautions are taken. So for those gay men that bottom, anal fissures, small tears in the lining of the anal canal, are a reality. Don’t let the word small fool you either, just because the tear is small, the pain can be enormous. Things like passing a hard stool can cause the tear. But it is often the case that the tear is associated with the trauma of anal intercourse. Symptoms include pain, discharge, bleeding or the development of a skin tag. Goldstein, through his medical practice Bespoke Surgical, provides some numbers and insight into how gay men prepare, or don’t prepare, for anal sex. His recent survey of 600 Americans showed most gay men prefer to be a top (39 percent); followed by versatile (33 percent) and then bottom (29 percent). He found that 39 percent of gay men have anal sex a couple times a week; 24 percent engage a couple times a month and 13 percent have anal sex every day. “The issue with our culture and community is that most people don’t learn the right way to ‘bottom,’” said Goldstein, 42, a gay man who lives in New York City’s Upper West Side with his partner Andrew Yu and their twin five-yearold boys. Goldstein’s data show that 41 percent of gay men have experienced tearing or other damage from anal sex. “We want injury prevention — the right way to engage — to gradually get somebody to the point where they can receive,” Goldstein said. “It’s the bottom who needs to learn positioning and engagement and its incumbent on the tops
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to engage the correct way so injury doesn’t happen.” Goldstein said education about anal sex is key, whether it’s preparation, diet and hygiene, positions, transitioning from being a top to being a bottom, sensations while bottoming (the good, the bad and the ugly, he said), anal ailments, treatments, aftercare and cleanliness. As part of his practice he, not surprisingly, teaches a class: “The Art of Bottoming.” Goldstein’s top tips for injury prevention for bottoms include:
Investing in an anal kit with three gradual dilators to allow “complete neuro-muscular control with precise relaxation.”
Use of anal plugs in a stepwise fashion over four to six weeks. “With minimal use, a few times weekly for five or so minutes, one can achieve the desired outcomes,” he said.
Implementing anal toys, such as anal plugs, into foreplay with lots of lubricant, not only lubricates the entire anal canal — minimizing injury — but also “truly dilates the anal sphincter,” which allows penile penetration.
Proper positioning is key for entry and throughout the initial stages the bottom needs to be in continued control. “The first step is best achieved with the bottom on top, allowing the bottom to control how deep and fast they’re being penetrated,” he said.
If you are a petite bottom, be cautious of both length and girth. Two places of common friction and potential injury is the over distension of the external skin and the underlying muscle. If one takes something beyond any of those capacities, tears can occur, limiting engagement.
Goldstein hits a lot of the same notes as those of Dr. Elie Schochet, a colon and rectal surgeon at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. Schochet is well known in the community (he’s been at Holy Cross for almost a decade). He’s also known for his previous “Happy Hiney Health” lectures at The Pride Center, where Schochet talked about South Florida’s (and the gay community’s) above average anal cancer rate and everything from removing foreign objects from patient’s anal canals to treatment for constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and STDs. Schochet said there are several myths associated with anal fissures. “[One of the top myths is that] you can work through the pain,” Schochet said. “Anal fissures overlie the anal sphincters. When they’re in spasm, nothing is getting in or out without significant pain that may shoot to the back, or legs, or torso,” he said. Schochet suggests “heat and patience” to reset the sphincters, such as a hot shower just before a bowel movement to help pain and spasms. Schochet said other myths are that hemorrhoid cream will help, and that you can ignore an anal fissure if it doesn’t hurt. “Sometimes fissures will stop hurting, but
not heal. Any fissure that doesn’t heal with basic measures needs to be evaluated by a specialist for possible biopsy,” he said. Goldstein gives his patients a variety of options if they think they have an anal fissure. “Whether you have one is always a tough question,” Goldstein said. “The reality is we’ve all been at that stage — irritation and mild bleeding. It’s different if you have ridiculous anal pain, a large amount of blood, swelling in the area, things persisting,” he said. Goldstein said the… um… bottom line is that if you’re seeing a positive trajectory in two to three days, you can wait and watch. If there is worsening or persistent pain — see somebody. “Acute fissures can heal without anal fissure surgery with an appropriate bowel regimen, as well as with the use of topical creams, suppositories, and refraining from intercourse,” Goldstein said. “However, most anal fissures that become chronic and nonhealing will require surgical intervention,” he said. Goldstein said he began his practice (with offices in New York and Los Angeles) because he saw a need for nonbiased, nonjudgmental care for the gay community — both preventative work and surgical correction.
For more Bespoke’s website, bespokesurgical.com, has lots of information about all things anal. Goldstein also has a large presence on social media (Facebook, Instagram) where you’ll find “Tales from the Tail” — real examples of patient problems and how they were corrected. Contact Schochet at the Holy Cross Medical Group Colorectal Surgery Practice by calling 954-772-4553 or at medicalgroup.holy-cross.com.
Syphilis is
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4.4.2018 •
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4 .4.2018
WMG Volume 5 • Issue 6 April 4, 2018
Wilton Manors Gazette
City May Terminate Partnership with Anti-Recidivism Program By Michael d’Oliveira Wilton Manors may terminate of the city and owner of Katharine its collaborative agreement Campbell Counseling & Consulting, regarding the Preventing Recidivism located in Wilton Manors, expressed through Opportunities, Mentoring, her support for PROMISE. She said the program serves various Interventions, Supports & Education program [PROMISE]. Other parties youth groups, including LGBTQ which have signed onto PROMISE, students, and that the program is which began in 2013, include the 90 percent effective in its goal of preventing future bad NAACP, various local law behavior. She also said enforcement agencies, that the Stoneman and the state attorney’s “had the Douglas shooter was not office. shooter been a part of PROMISE. “As As part of the a clinical social worker, agreement, when a directed to and someone whose student commits a nonPROMISE we may provided services to violent misdemeanor have not even marginalized youth in within the school our community, had the system, Wilton Manors be having this shooter been directed to police officers are conversation... PROMISE we may have directed to attempt to We need to do not even be having this find an alternative to conversation . . . We arresting the student. more, not less.” need to do more, not The student still faces less.” consequences, but - Dr. Katherine Campbell Katharine Campbell In a recent interview the purpose is to keep Counseling & Consulting with the Sun Sentinel, the student out of the Broward County Public criminal justice system. The issue was on the March 27 Schools Superintendent Robert said the commission agenda, but commissioners shooter was not part of PROMISE. In a delayed a decision. After the meeting, 2015 Sun Sentinel article, data about Vice Mayor Justin Flippen said he PROMISE showed that 90 percent of didn’t have enough information on the students who went through the program program to make a decision at the time. did not commit another offense. In an interview, Wilton Manors Police Dr. Katherine Campbell, a resident
Photo via BrowardPrevention.org/Behavior/Promise.
Chief Paul O’Connell said that he and other police chiefs wanted to see changes made to PROMISE. Specifically, O’Connell said he thinks the students get too many chances
[20] and the principals of the students who qualify for PROMISE, “rather than the bureaucracy,” should get more discretion over what happens. WMG
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April 4, 2018
4.4.2018 •
Meet me in the Island City WMG By Sal Torre
April 4, 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 6 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington
Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira
Correspondents James Oaksun
Staff Photographers
The Goals & Objectives Workshop marks the beginning of the municipal budget process for the next fiscal year. Two weeks ago, our Mayor and City Commissioners came together with city department managers to discuss upcoming needs, capital expenses, wish lists, and priorities that might be included in the proposed budget document. One bit of sad news reported at the meeting was that the Wilton Drive Shuttle has not been successful and will not likely be funded in the next budget cycle. What’s sad is that the city went about operating a mediocre service and expected something other than mediocre results. For a thriving, hip, and happening bar and restaurant scene, people will not embrace a soccer mom’s passenger vehicle to whisk them around The Drive. To make the shuttle service work, we needed something with a bit more glitz and glamour. Unfortunately this is yet another missed opportunity to bring something unique, special, and fun to our Arts & Entertainment District. Back about 2009, when the Island City Art Walk was under the direction of its original founder, a name I cannot recall at the moment, a Sun Trolley operated up and down The Drive on that evening, and people loved it. This is what our city needs for the Wilton Drive Shuttle, a big fun trolley, clearly visible to all, decorated with lights, easy for riders to enter and exit, and with plenty of room for people to enjoy their ride, meet new people, and have some fun along the way. Instead, the city used a boring small passenger van that was hard for people to get in and out, had no pizzazz or wow factor, and was doomed to fail. Advertising revenue could have been generated, along with sponsorships for the trolley from the local business community and perhaps the Wilton Drive Improvement District to help cover the cost. A thriving commercial strip along The Drive is vital to our city’s future. Moving people around to maximize existing parking, creating an atmosphere where customers can easily park, be picked up, and then dropped off at various businesses all along The Drive still sounds like a great plan. Unfortunately, it looks like the shuttle will end after this season, and clang, clang, clang goes the trolley into Neverland. Moving on now to last Tuesday’s City Commission Meeting, it was great to see the chambers packed with past and present local honorees of our city’s celebration of National Women’s Month.
Vice Mayor Justin Flippen initiated the program when he was first elected to the City Commission. Now, during the month of March our elected officials each select an outstanding woman to be recognized and honored for their work and service to our city and community. This year’s honorees were Captain Lillie Harris, Katherine Dunkel, Judge Betsy Benson, Nancy McGivern, and Sheryl Chesler. Our community is such a better place thanks to the work and commitment that these fine women do each and every day in and around our Island City. Many thanks and congratulations to all of you. One item on last week’s City Commission agenda remains a mystery to many of us, since it had to be tabled because the Chief of Police was not available for testimony. At the request of Mayor Resnick, the motion listed under the Consent Agenda, called for the termination of the PROMISE program agreement between our Police Department and the Broward County School Board. With no information included in the back-up material and without any testimony given by our Police Department, one was left to wonder why a program aimed at keeping disadvantaged youth out of the school to prison pipe-line was highlighted by our Mayor to be terminated. Having quickly done some research on the topic after the meeting to accommodate my curious nature, it seemed that the PROMISE program was being blamed for creating the environment that allowed the Parkland school shooting to happen. Really? How about the failure of the Broward County Sheriff’s Department along with the FBI for ignoring multiple red flags that went far beyond the protective cover of the program, to school safety officers assigned to protect students on campus but failed to follow procedure? While there is plenty of blame to go around, blaming a program that helps keep our youth in school, offering them a chance to achieve and to become productive members of our community, just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. Mentoring and supporting youth is a far better choice than incarcerating them. As we welcome Spring with Easter, Passover, and Spring Solstice holidays, let’s try and cultivate a better community that looks to help those in need, that builds on our sense of community, and that continues to bring out what is best in all of us so that life in our Island City will always be … just better here. WMG
A thriving commercial strip along The Drive is vital to our city’s future.
J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires
Sales & Marketing For ad placement in the Wilton Manors Gazette, contact 954-530-4970
Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Clark Rogers clark.rogers@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER
Associated Press MEMBER
Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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April 4, 2018
On Value… And Values
Real Estate
By James Oaksun This column might get me in a little trouble. But that’s all right. What is it that Austin Powers said – “Danger is my middle name”? Well, maybe not that risky. As a realtor, I am a member of the National Association of Realtors – the largest trade organization in the U.S., with more than one million members. And I am also a member of the state and local realtor associations. Every realtor is (which separates us from those who just have a state real estate license). The Preamble to the Realtor Code of Ethics states that “the interests of the nation and its citizens require,” among other things, “the preservation of a healthful environment,” and that these interests “impose grave social responsibility and a patriotic duty” upon realtors. (In other words, at our best, it’s about a whole lot more than just getting paid.) Realtors are generally active in the communities in which they live and work, and that interest and activism extends into the political process. We pay very close attention to government issues that affect our fellow realtors and the society at large. When it comes to taxes, development, zoning regulation, and property rights, you can be sure that realtors have a position and work within the process to have our voices heard. And of course that includes endorsements and campaign contributions to elected officials and candidates who are supportive of our perspectives. Well, as you know, it’s an election year. And so the realtors will be speaking with determination, endorsing candidates and directing resources, including financial resources, accordingly.
I read something a few days ago that I want to throw down as a challenge, both for realtors and for those who know and have contact with us (meaning basically everybody). In essence I am seeking to amplify a point made by an important observer and reporter on our business, driven by recent events. Locally we are all aware of the tragedy a few weeks ago in Parkland. A community and nation are heartbroken by events in a place of learning, where safety should be assumed. Now, as realtors we really cannot get into discussions of relative merits of one specific neighborhood or location versus another on certain metrics. We can point clients and customers to the appropriate sources, but cannot do what is referred to as “steering.” And certainly I don’t counsel that. But I believe there are superordinate issues that cut across all neighborhoods, all locations – quality of life and lifestyle – for which Realtors can and must take a stand, beyond tax rates, trust fund allocations, or particular zoning rules. Of course we need to watch the traditional measures, while also understanding that there is more we can and should do. I think realtors can and should be at the table and part of the discussion when it comes to matters of gun safety and the security of our public places. And I think, further, it would be entirely on point for us to ask politicians – particularly at the Federal and state level – for their constructive insights on that topic, in advance of endorsement decisions. And I would even go beyond that. Consider that more people in the U.S. now die of opiate overdoses than from gun violence. Entire counties, regions of states, are being decimated
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April 4, 2018
by this scourge. We must insist that politicians go beyond the “boilerplate” on this also. And finally – what responsibility do we have as realtors to ensure that our communities are open and welcoming to all people? In the past, realtors have offered endorsements and political contributions to politicians who, arguably, have taken hostile and negative positions legislatively on issues that directly affect certain members of our communities – including the LGBT community. Should the fact that such candidates are pro-development and have a good tax plan offset the pain and damage that some of their other votes and positions cause to others? At our best, realtors are here to change people’s lives for the better – to make their dreams come true. Improving the overall quality of life – for everyone – needs to be a part of that equation. We have a tremendous – and oft-overlooked – opportunity to do that. WMG James Oaksun, Florida’s Real Estate Geek(SM), is BrokerOwner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).
4.4.2018 •
City’s New Parking Lot Opening Soon
Wilton Manors Hotel Up in the Air By Michael d’Oliveira
By Michael d’Oliveira The city’s new parking lot is expected to be open sometime next week. Finance Director Bob Mays estimated the 23-space lot would be open sometime between April 13 and 15.
The city purchased the parking lot, which is located at Northeast 23 Drive and Northeast 11 Avenue behind Bona Pizza, in September of 2015 for $447,000. The final cost of paving the lot is $270,000. When the city purchased the lot, it was estimated the cost to pave it would be between $180,000 and $240,000. Commissioner Scott Newton was the only commission member to vote no. He said the cost was too much. But the good thing, he added, was that the money came from the parking fund and not from taxpayers. Vice Mayor Justin Flippen said the city needed to act and buy the lot to provide parking for businesses on Wilton Drive. “It’s incumbent upon us as policy makers to act. This land is available. We have to act,” he said. When the lot opens, there will be no meters. Motorists will have to use the city’s parking app to pay for parking. Paid parking, like the city’s other lots, will be from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. daily. WMG
In March of 2017, Coconut Grove-based Grass River Property announced plans to possibly build a hotel at the Shoppes of Wilton Manors. But now, a hotel in the near future seems less like a possibility. “My partners and I desperately want to build a hotel on the property,” said George Spillis, of Coconut Grove-based Grass River Property, last year. At that time, Spillis said the plan was to build a hotel with 120 to 125 rooms. At a recent Central Area Neighborhood
Association [CANA] meeting, Grass River developers said they were putting the hotel on hold, but had plans to construct a building on the corner of Wilton Drive and Northeast 7 Avenue, and make some improvements to the shopping center’s façade. That’s according to Paul Rolli, president of CANA. Multiple messages left with Grass River were not returned. The Shoppes of Wilton Manors is currently owned by High Acres Tic, LLC. WMG
City Moves to Fund Wilton Drive Landscape/Streetscape Plan By Michael d’Oliveira To improve the aesthetic look of Wilton Drive, once the Florida Department of Transportation reduces the number of lanes from four to two, Wilton Manors has hired Metro Consulting Group. Under the contract, the first phase of which will be funded with $20,000 from the city’s budget, Metro will create a landscape and streetscape plan for Wilton Drive. The purpose is to decide what types of shade trees will be planted along the street and where they will be planted. “The pretty side of it,” said City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson. At a later date, Henderson said the city would look to other sources of revenue, including the county’s tree program and the Business Improvement District, a special taxing district which was established to generate addition funding for Wilton Drive by levying additional taxes on Wilton Drive property owners.
“The Metropolitan Planning Organization [MPO] is funding the roadway construction and the basic widened sidewalks. The city will be responsible for all costs related to design and implementation of “amenities,” including color and theme, landscaping, trees, and street furniture. Importantly, the city will also be responsible for the maintenance of these items,” wrote Assistant City Manager Pamela Landi. WMG
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4 •4 September • April 4, 2018 6, 2017
Let Us Help You Be yOUr Best
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April 4, 2018
4.4.2018 •
City Moves to Foreclose on Former Pawn Shop Property By Michael d’Oliveira Calling it an eyesore, commissioners voted at their March 27 meeting to start a foreclosure procedure against the owner of 2901 N. Andrews Ave., formerly Lev’s Pawn Shop. “I drive by it every day. It’s been a nightmare for many, many years,” Mayor Gary Resnick said. According to the Broward Property Appraiser’s website, the owner, LLIJMASG, LLC, purchased the property in March of 2013 for $600,000. The property is currently appraised at $1.1 million. According to code enforcement officials, $656,000 in code fines have been levied and accrued against the property. The fines include violations for accumulation of junk, deteriorated fencing, deteriorated parking lot striping, deteriorated seal coating, and unlawful storage of trailers. The fines go back to at least October of 2015 and have been accruing daily, at a cost of between $100 to $250 per day, depending on the violation, every day since. The fines are continuing to accrue. Commissioners directed City Attorney Kerry Ezrol to file the foreclosure procedure. He said the cost to file and serve the documents to
Check out what’s happening
Around Town By Michael d’Oliveira
Marine grants Wilton Manors officials will submit a grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District [FIND] to fund the purchase of a motor for the city’s marine barge. The grant request is $10,000 and, if approved, the city will have to provide a 50 percent match. The city also applied for a $40,000 grant to purchase a marine patrol boat. If approved, that grant would also require a 50 percent match by the city. WMG the property would be between $1,500 and $2,000. He said additional costs to pursue the case would depend on how much the owner fights the city. Mayor Gary Resnick suggested city officials could also possibly start a foreclosure procedure on another piece of property owned by LLIJMASG – the billboard on Oakland Park Boulevard which is adjacent to I-95. “That’s a valuable piece of property,” Resnick said. The Gazette was unable to contact LLIJMASG for comment. WMG
Woof & Wine Woof & Wine will be held Thursday, April 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Island City Park Expansion, 811 NE 28 St., Wilton Manors. Attendees are encouraged to bring their dogs. All dogs must be on a leash and have all required vaccinations. WMG
Nite Life Law If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.
Commission honors women
Kent & Cormican
As part of Women’s History Month, commissioners honored five women who have contributed to Wilton Manors. Each commissioner picked one woman to honor. Mayor Gary Resnick chose Sheryl Chesler, Vice Mayor Justin Flippen chose Nancy McGivern, Commissioner Julie Carson chose Captain Lillie Harris, Commissioner Tom Green chose Judge Betsy Benson, and Commissioner Scott Newton chose Katherine Dunkel. WMG Photo courtesy of the City of Wilton Manors.
Criminal Defense Law Center
Norman Elliott Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 www.NormKent.com
4 .4.2018
Music at Mickel Concert Series The Beatles tribute band, Across the Universe, will perform at the next Music at Mickel concert performance – Friday, April 20 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Mickel Park, 2675 NW 7 Ave. The event is free and open to the public. Food and beverages will be for sale. WMG
• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • 4 •6 September • April 4, 2018 6, 2017
4.4.2018 •
Publisher’s Editorial
The Disaster Waiting to Happen on NE 24th Norm Kent
friend of mine built the Metropolitan, and it is as nice a residential apartment project as has ever been constructed in Wilton Manors. Just east of the railroad tracks on NE 24th Street, its residents are modern, fit and urbane, and the buildings aesthetic and eye pleasing. Just west of the complex, across from the Brightline trains now speeding through the town are the upgraded railroad tracks now used routinely for residential routing. Of course, it is also across the street from Manley’s huge tree-cutting trucks and Detail Roofing, populating the area with a half dozen commercial vehicles. Also at the railroad tracks are warehouses, constantly used by commercial trucks and vans, storage units for businesses, including SFGN. It is the location of our warehouse and multiple other local businesses, where large vans park along the side of the road everyday, blocking and obstructing pedestrians and cars, forcing everyone into the roadway. Just around the corner you have the city’s most popular and humongous recycling units, two large green metallic structures which are an entry and exit point every single day for dozens of trucks, vans, and residents carrying containers and cardboard, dumping and leaving trash and recyclables by the truckload at all hours. If all this was not enough to make the area
4 .4.2018
This One is for Rescue
unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists, walkers or kids, you have Mike Verdugo’s cross fitting gym, where each day their runners routinely and unsafely engage in the dangerous practice of jogging down Dixie Highway and around the corners, sweating and negotiating their way between moving cars and vans where one ton vehicles carrying trees, roofing materials, and newspapers just don’t see them. This has to stop before someone gets run over. It is going to happen otherwise. It is inevitable. This is no place for them to run and there is no place for them to run there safely. The area’s geographic dangers are compounded by an intimate beautiful playhouse and theater where patrons are coming out onto the highway at night in the dark and way too few spaces in the street for them to park safely. Thank goodness that new facility just west of Dixie is opening soon. A welcome addition to the neighborhood, it is still not on point for this street, though. Mayors are running for re-election but citizens in this mess on 24th will still be running for their lives because there is absolutely nothing safe about the nightmare they are creating. Actually, it is just as bad in the daytime as the nighttime. It is a 24-hour potential catastrophe. What makes things worse is that the street is only two blocks south of the traffic debacle at Five Points, and is a through street connecting North Dixie Highway to Northeast 15th Avenue. I know about through streets from my 12-year tenure as a traffic judge and magistrate in Fort Lauderdale. It is a code word for speed street, short cut, and let me speed through it as quick as I can. They are unsafe. This is despite the well-meaning speed bumps that already present safety hazards for bicyclists and pedestrians coming out of the Metropolitan because there just isn’t any safe part of the roadway for them to negotiate passage. Baby carriages should not compete with speed bumps and railroad crossings. But they do, and present a hazard. Finally, did I mention that the new homes at the corner of NE 24th and NE 15 avenue were so negligently allowed to be constructed so close to the turn lanes and intersections that within the next six months someone
Rescue, 2009 - 2011.
making a left turn onto NE 24th, where there is no stop sign or slow down warning, is going to drive right through the house and into someone’s living room? It’s going to happen. Or someone’s dog is going to get run over. I have had my newspaper very close to this burgeoning roadside disaster for eight years. I have some skin in the game. My Labrador was run over and killed at one of these corners 8 years ago. His ashes still sit on my desk. I see them every day. And I see week after week and month after month a city administration making poor decisions on traffic and parking, roadways and construction, throughout the Manors. Meanwhile, I put out my paper. But if we can save a life here or there, it may be worth it. Please, oh wise city officials. Do something somehow and some way soon. You are creating a monstrosity. There is a traffic disaster waiting to happen. A recycling truck
is going to hit a baby carriage. A jogger from the gym is going to be hit by a driver. Someone coming out of Manley’s tree service is going to not see a car coming out of a driveway where you have managed to combine residential homes, apartment complexes, duplexes and large commercial industries on a street that has become a business and residential and pedestrian thoroughfare. It’s one small street in one small town, but it’s our town, and it was my dog. Please save the next one. It may be an old man jogging or a little kid in a carriage. Both deserve saving, a lot more than any commissioner’s bid for re-election. The tenants of the Metropolitan and the local homeowners have beautified and upgraded the street and surroundings. Let’s make it safer and more secure too so we encourage more projects with their class and sense of community.
Mayors are running for re-election but citizens in this mess on 24th will still be running for their lives because there is absolutely nothing safe about the nightmare they are creating.
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Andy Marlette
A “TOP 10”
GET INTO THE MOMENT Follow SFGN.com on Facebook and see all the places you’ve been. We post photos from events across South Florida. From business gatherings to political protests, we’re right there with you.
Facebook.com/SouthFloridaGayNews 4.4.2018 •
Off The Wall
Do you have the guts to delete your Facebook account? Pier Angelo
“I’d rather have a rectal examination on live TV by a fellow with cold hands than have a Facebook page.” – George Clooney Eons ago I signed up on Facebook. The whole experience lasted exactly three hours. The moment my account was registered I was flooded with requests to become a “friend,” my entire email address book became public property and I was instantly inundated with solicitations and messages, even people I didn’t know wanted to be my “friends.” I have never been so popular. Passing acquaintances, strangers, long lost family members I didn’t care to communicate with, co-workers, people with my same last name, I had no idea who they were, and why were they writing me from Brazil, Venezuela, Italy? I quickly realized my privacy was on parade and proceeded to delete my account. It has never been revived. One of the best decisions I have ever made. FB to me is email on crack. Now Facebook is in hot waters. It turns out the company let a “research spider” crawl through its social network and spawn
a web collecting information on 50 million people. The data was used to target likely Trump supporters. As if it wasn’t enough that the Russians used Facebook to spread disinformation/misinformation during the last presidential elections. The end result is that our Democracy is on its knees and the sense of control over our destinies has been crushed. Ironically, with all this “we are now more connected” than ever technology, I don’t think we’ve ever been farther apart. Europe is far ahead of us. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation will go into effect May 25th and tightens the rules for handling employee and consumer data which includes addresses, photos, financial records, travel plans, web search history and more. The most serious violations can result in fines up to $25 million. Do we trust our Congress to bring about the same type of regulation? Do we trust
Congress to use a corkscrew to open a bottle of wine? Facebook is irresponsible, unethical, arrogant, dangerous, greedy and should be severely punished and repudiated. They are the new polluters, they are spilling toxic brain poison in our thinking reservoirs. Since nothing will ever come out of Congress (btw: I have seen better cabinets at Ikea), the punishment should come from
its users. The phrase #DeleteFacebook has flooded social media, and for the first time daily user counts are falling and the time spent on the site plummeted by 50 million hours a day. That is good. The seeds of a digital revolution. Do you have the guts to delete your Facebook account? If yes follow the instructions below and take back your life..
Deactivating your Facebook account If you decide that you no longer want to use Facebook, it’s easy to deactivate your account. When you deactivate your account, you’re hiding all of your information on Facebook. No one will be able to contact you on Facebook or view the things you’ve shared, including your Timeline, status updates, photos, and so on. If you decide that you’d like to return to Facebook, you’ll still be able to reactivate your account and recover your old information. To deactivate your account:
4 .4.2018
Click the drop-down arrow on the toolbar, then select Settings.
The settings page will appear. Select General > Manage Account, then click Deactivate.
Select a reason for deactivating the account. If you want, you can add more details in the text box below. When you’re done, click Deactivate.
Select Deactivate Now.
Your account is now deactivated. You’ll have the option to reactivate your account at any time by signing in to Facebook with your old account information.
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4.4.2018 •
column letters to the editor
Tuesday’s Angels Will Be Missed Photo via Facebook.
Dear Editor:. I want to thank Damon Scott for doing a comprehensive article “A Bittersweet Farewell to Tuesday’s Angels (March 28, 2018,Vol.9//issue 13). I have enjoyed the last 21 years on the board of this great organization. This represents one-fourth of my lifetime evolved with an endeavor that I have thoroughly enjoyed over the years. Yes...this is also a very bittersweet period for me. The Tuesday’s Angels organization has had great community support over the years. Our 100% Bike Ride was a model for the current Smart Ride whereby all funds donated went to help those with HIV/AIDS. Bike rides in the past generally had significant overhead. I am proud of our many bikers, support teams and other volunteers that helped make this a success for 13 years. There were other firsts that I was happy to either organize or be invoked in. We were the first organization to hold the first fund raiser at The Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art for the Princess Diana exhibit. Following the opening there were 80 organizations that hosted events while this exhibit was in town. Another first was the Fort Lauderdale premier of the classic movie Brokeback Mountain. The Gateway Theater was very generous in lending their support to Tuesday’s Angels. I also want to thank Don Clark for his support in designating Tuesday’s Angels as the beneficiary for the Boxers and Briefs event held annually for the past 12 years. This is a fundraiser that brings together most of the bars in the area for a common cause. The Celebration Of Friends (Tom Pence) events primarily held in Fort Lauderdale has also helped us grow and provide needed services to our clients. The South Florida Gay News also provided us with proceeds from many anniversary dinners over the years. Members also enjoyed listening to Norm Kent when he spoke at our dinners. There is one individual in particular that I would like to thank for giving much exposure and publicity to our organization. No amount of dollars could have given our organization (with no overhead) what Pompano Bill has done with his camera. His skillful eyes have captured the work that we do and made it known to our South Florida Community. I along with three current members of the Tuesday’s Angels board will continue to be Agents (Trustees) with the Our Fund organization and will aid in the distribution of funds for the coming years. Donations will continue to be accepted by the Tuesday’s Angel’s Fund at Our Fund.
Sincerely, Chuck Nicholls Vice President and Immediate Past President
Let your voice be heard! Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com 34
4 .4.2018
SFGN takes a look back in time at local news to see what was happening this week in history.
STAGE GO BEHIND THE SCENES Every week, SFGN brings you an inside look on what’s hitting the stage near you. From interviews with producers to exclusive peeks at new performances, we’re here to make sure you’re ready for every show.
4.4.2018 •
Care Resource Commemorates its
30th Year of AIDS Walk Miami!
Sunday, April 22, 2018, marks the 30th anniversary of AIDS Walk Miami at SoundScape park located at 500 17th Street in Miami Beach, FL.
Much has changed in 30 years. 30 years ago, the Surgeon General published the government’s first major statement on HIV prevention; Cleve Jones created the first panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt, and the FDA had yet to approve any drugs for the treatment of AIDS. HIV/AIDS is now a manageable illness, with a host of medications allowing people to live longer, healthier lives. What hasn’t changed is that people are still getting HIV, more than 40,000 every year and people living with HIV/AIDS still need services that are funded by AIDS Walk Miami. Jorge Bernal, television presenter for La Voz Kids, Suelta La Sopa Telemundo and NBC Universal is serving as Grand Marshall. According to Bernal, “It is an honor to serve as the Grand Marshal for the 30th Anniversary of AIDS Walk Miami. Advances in treatment and new prevention strategies have now made “Getting to Zero” – zero new infections, zero deaths, zero stigma – an achievable goal! Getting to zero still requires the efforts of everybody. I have been a resident of Miami for 38 years, this is my city, this is where I met my wife, this is where my kids were born… Miami is my home. 3 years ago, there were almost 26k people living with HIV in Miami-Dade, 44% of them Hispanic. As the Grand Marshal this year I hope to raise awareness on AIDS, clear the misconceptions and overall educate on how we can bring those numbers down. “ Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber is serving as Master of Ceremonies. “We can all help make HIV/AIDS a thing of the past. MiamiDade County is ranked #1 in the country for the number of new HIV and AIDS cases. That needs to change. This walk is a key part of that effort. It shows that our community is not only inclusive but also committed to helping those affected by HIV/AIDS and becoming better educated about the virus. Together we can truly change the course of this epidemic and get to zero new infections, zero deaths, and zero stigma.” - Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber
A Post Walk Celebration During the post-walk ceremony, a community health fair with a variety of activities for families and the community is available for attendees. The community health fair, shortly after AIDS Walk Miami, performances, free wellness screenings, HIV testing, carnival games, fun giveaways, dozens of booths with information about available Medical and Support Resources and more. Walkers are encouraged to visit every station at the health fair and complete a “health passport,” which they obtain after
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the walk. Each participant receives prizes and incentives for their participation. “While advancements have been made in medicine to reduce the risk of contraction, we are still on our journey to end AIDS. Working cohesively with my friends at Care Resource is an honor and I am looking forward to celebrating the progress we’re making together as a community.” – Daniel Patrick Ellis, AIDS Walk Miami performer, Recording Artist “I support AIDS Walk Miami because I am my brother’s keeper. It is as simple as that. See you on April 22nd at SoundScape Park in Miami Beach!” – Janae Catt, AIDS Walk Miami, Stage Vocalist The is a 5K (3.1 miles) walk-a-thon fundraiser benefiting Care Resource and the Food-for-Life-Network.All funds raised from AIDS Walk Miami are used in Miami-Dade and Broward to help diverse communities in need including case management services, housing assistance, food assistance, counseling, prevention outreach and education, and other support services. Care Resource also offers free, confidential HIV testing. The Walk starts outside SoundScape park located at 500 17th Street in Miami Beach, FL. Registration begins at 8:00 am. The walk begins promptly at 9:00 am. To register online, visit www.aidswalkmiami.org.
About Care Resource Care Resource is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). The health center has seven (7) facilities located in Midtown Miami, Little Havana, Miami Beach, Coconut Grove and Fort Lauderdale that provide comprehensive health and support services to address the full health care needs of our pediatric, adolescent and adult populations. For more information, please visit www.careresource.org.
About Food For Life Network, Inc. Food For Life Network, Inc. is a 501[c](3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing food and nutritional assistance for those living with chronic illnesses in Miami-Dade County since 1987. For more information, please visit foodforlifenetwork.org.
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4.4.2018 •
lifestyle food
Rick Karlin
Thai One On
Why does Wilton Manors have so many Thai restaurants?
hen people find out I am a many complementary dishes shared by journalist covering the restaurant all. The dishes are all served at the same industry for SFGN one of the first time, including the soups, and it is also questions they ask me is, “Why are there so customary to provide more dishes than many Thai restaurants in Wilton Manors?” there are guests at a table. Dishes should The answer is, “Why not?” There are form a harmonious contrast of flavors and more than 100 Thai restaurants in South textures as well as preparation methods. Florida, so three in our town is not that Traditionally, a meal would have at least surprising. Thai cuisine is one of the most five elements: a dip or relish for raw or popular ethnic foods in the U.S. A survey by cooked vegetables a crucial component of the Kellogg School of Management in 2003 any Thai meal. The other elements would showed that Thai cuisine ranked fourth include a clear soup, a curry or stew, a deepwhen people were asked to name an ethnic fried dish and a stir-fried dish of meat, fish, cuisine, after Italian, French, and Chinese seafood, or vegetables. Condiments, such cuisine. as spicy chili sauce, relish or dip are served The first Thai restaurant in Broward alongside the meal. county, Wilton Manors’ own Siam Cuisine, Traditional Thai cooking places great opened in 1979 when Wilton Manors was emphasis on a pleasing appearance of decidedly less gentrified than it is now. dishes, which accounts for the intricate The restaurant was opened by brother and carved vegetables used to garnish a plate. sister team Sam and Patty Suwanpiboon, The art of vegetable carving is said to have who grew up in Bangkok, Thailand where originated nearly 700 years ago. A plate of their mother owned a restaurant. Sam raw vegetables and herbs, together with a moved to New York in 1969, where he dip, is often served as a free complimentary studied cooking and hotel and dish at southern Thai restaurant management. Patty, eateries. Cucumber is a cook in Thailand, joined sometimes eaten to cool him in 1972. The success of the mouth with particularly their restaurant encouraged spicy dishes. other Thai immigrants to open Thai cooking places restaurants nearby, so that’s an emphasis on strong the solution to that mystery. aromatic components and a Sam and Patty were like a spicy edge often combining lot of Thai immigrants who disparate elements to create came to the U.S. following a harmonious finish. Like the Vietnam War, in which most cultures, Thai cuisine Thailand was an ally of the U.S. offers regional favorites, and South Vietnam. Records as well as influences show that in the decade by outside cultures. between 1960 and 1970, some Bangkok cuisine, from the - Khanya Moolsiri Founder of the Thai5,000 Thai people immigrated country’s metropolitan American Association of to the United States. In the area, is perhaps what most South Florida following decade, the number Westerners recognize. increased to 44,000. From 1981 Southern Thailand is to 1990, approximately 64,400 Thai citizens bordered on both sides of the island by moved to the United States. tropical seas and its food shows Hainanese The Thai population has been growing and Cantonese influences. Northern Thai rapidly in South Florida -- having more cuisine dishes show influences of Burma, than doubled since the 1990 census. Now, northern Laos, and the Yunnan Province an estimated 3,000 Thai-Americans live of China. Northeastern Thai cuisine is in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach influenced by Cambodia and Vietnam. Chili counties. peppers, originally from the Americas, were “The area is popular because the weather introduced to Thailand by the Portuguese and geography is very similar to Thailand,” and Spanish. The cuisines of India and said Khanya Moolsiri, founder of the Thai- Persia, brought first by traders, and later American Association of South Florida. settlers from these regions, with their use Thai meals typically consist of rice with of dried spices, gave rise to Thai curries.
“The area is popular because the weather and geography is very similar to Thailand.”
4 .4.2018
Thai dishes are often accompanied by sauces and condiments, either brought to the table by wait staff or present at the table in small containers. Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in Thai cuisine and imparts a unique character to Thai food. Fish sauce is prepared with fermented fish and provides a salty flavor. Thai dishes use a wide variety of herbs, spices and leaves. Kaffir lime leaves are frequently combined with galangal and lemongrass. Fresh Thai basil, with stems that are often tinged with a purple color, are used to add fragrance. Spices and spice mixtures used in Thai cuisine include five-spice powder, curry, fresh and dried peppercorns. Northern Thai larb uses a very elaborate spice mix, which includes ingredients such as cumin, cloves, long pepper, star anise, prickly ash seeds and cinnamon. Like most other Asian cuisines, rice is the staple grain of Thai cuisine. Noodles, a basis for many Thai dishes, are usually made from either rice flour, wheat flour or mung bean flour. Thai noodle dishes usually come as an individual serving and are not meant to be shared and eaten communally. Thai iced tea is made with strongly brewed black tea sweetened with sugar and condensed milk and served chilled. Evaporated milk, coconut milk or whole milk is generally poured over the tea and ice before serving. The lactic acid in the milk douses the heat from chilies and spices.
If you haven’t tried Thai food, you owe it to yourself. Check out one of these local favorites. Siam Cuisine 2010 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-564-3411 siamcuisinerestaurant.com Tee-Jay Thai Sushi 2254 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-537-7774 teejaythaisushi.com Galanga Thai Kitchen & Sushi Bar 2389 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-202-0000 galangarestaurant.com Lemongrass Asian Bistro 3811 N Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-564-4422 lemongrassasianbistro.com Beg For More 2831 E Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-900-3082 begformorethaisushi.com
Volunteer to be an Ambassador on April 26th
il 26
18 th, 20
, Apr rsday
Help recruit/ share restaurant contacts who may want to participate
Dine Out and invite others on April 26th at one of our participating restaurants. If you dine at one of our restaurants on any day, thank them for supporting the community!
Media Sponsor 4.4.2018 •
F O R T H E W E E K O F a pr i l 5 - a pr i l 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 • W W W . S F G N . C O M J.W. Arnold
Everybody Loves a Parade!
concert Have you ever wondered how an organist manages to coordinate two hands and two feet on a massive console with all those keys, pedals and knobs? Now imagine two organists navigating the same console—four arms and four legs like an octopus! David Baskyfield and Thomas Gaynor will do just that tonight at 7:30 p.m. the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach in a program of orchestral transcriptions. Tickets $30 at Kravis.org.
dance Miami City Ballet concludes its 2017-18 season with Program IV this weekend at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. They’ll dance Balanchine’s “Apollo” and “La Valse” and present the company premiere of Ratmansky’s powerful “Concerto DSCH.” The captivating program will be repeated the Arsht Center in Miami, April 13 – 15, and Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, April 28 – 29. Tickets at MiamiCityBallet.org.
More than 120,000 people are expected along Ocean Drive this morning as Miami Beach Gay Pride celebrates its 10th anniversary. Out (and very hunky) Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy and spunky NBC6 anchor Roxanne Vargas are the grand marshals for the parade. Later, singer Betty Who takes the main stage at the festival, which opens on Saturday at Lummus Park. For a full schedule of events, go to MiamiBeachGayPride.org. Photo Credit: Miami Beach Gay Pride.
4/7 SUN
4/8 MON
4/9 TUE
Arts United, an acclaimed collective of LGBTQ artists, presents “The Naughty Show,” a collection of new erotic art by talented local artists on display tonight through May 11 at Tedds Art Works, 2422 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Be sure to join the artists for the official opening reception tonight from 6 – 9 p.m. at the gallery. A $10 donation is requested at the door. For more information, go to ArtsUnitedFlorida.org.
Max von Essen, handsome star of “Anastasia” and “An American in Paris” on Broadway, brings his new cabaret show to the Aventura Arts and Cultural Center, 3385 N.E. 188th St., for one performance only at 7 p.m. Von Essen will sing his favorite songs, accompanied by famed pianist and musical director Billy Stritch, and share some stories about life on the Great White Way, too. Tickets start at $45 at AventuraCenter.org.
Enjoy a staged reading of Bruce Karps’s new play, “Rights,” tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. In three scenes entitled “Life,” “Liberty” and “The Pursuit of Happiness,” issues of abortion rights, gays in the military and same-sex marriage are navigated by a mother and the son she gave up for adoption after they are reunited years later. Tickets are $10 at IslandCityStage.org.
Tune into CBS tonight at 9 p.m. for “Elton John: I’m Still Standing – A Grammy Salute.” The Recording Academy celebrates the career of the gay singer who has recorded 35 gold and 25 platinum albums (more than 300 million records) over more than three decades. Miley Cyrus, Kesha, John Legend, Keith Urban and Sam Smith are just a few of the artists performing. Check local listings for channels and show times.
4 .4.2018
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Ticketmaster | 954.462.0222 Group Sales | 954.660.6307
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The Parker Playhouse 2017-2018 season is presented by the Broward Performing Arts Foundation.
Amaturo Theater
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The Broward Center 2017-2018 season is presented by the Broward Performing Arts Foundation.
4.4.2018 •
A&E theater Jordan Armstrong and Sahid Pabon star in “The Radicalization of Rolfe” at Island City Stage. Photo Credit: George Wentzler.
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ou can admit it. After either reading Gregory Maguire’s book “Wicked” or seeing the big Broadway adaptation, you never watched “The Wizard of Oz” the same way. In Maguire’s telling, the mean old Wicked Witch of the West was a misunderstood victim of her circumstances. Now, playwright Andrew Bergh has lent the same treatment to the beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music” in the world premiere production of “The Radicalization of Rolfe” at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors. In his play, Bergh imagines the upstairs/ downstairs intrigue at the von Trapp villa that wasn’t a part of the well-known story based on Maria von Trapp’s memoir. Eldest daughter Liesl’s handsome young beau, Rolfe Gruber (Jordan Armstrong), a telegraph delivery boy, is being recruited by the scheming local Nazi party leader, Herr Zeller (Michael Kerr), to provide information about the loyalties of World War II naval hero Captain Georg von Trapp. Rolfe is not the only pawn in Zeller’s plot. The von Trapp’s “loyal” if wily butler Franz (Laurence Buzzeo) is also providing information and working to turn the housekeeper Frau Schmidt (Carol Caselle). Franz’s mission is to sabotage the budding romance between the Captain and his young governess. The plot takes an unexpected and sexy twist when the audience discovers Rolfe in the arms of Johan Schmidt (Sahid Pabon), a leftist university student who spends his afternoons in the athletic club and sipping beers with other men after his “workouts.”
Like most teens, Rolfe is certainly conflicted. He’s 17-going-on-18, a man who yearns for a career, family and glory. He’s also a horny kid whose hormones get the best of him, sending back to apartment of his friend for acts of deviancy. He is forced to make some hard decisions that will forever change his life and the lives of his loved ones. Armstrong’s Rolfe is compelling, a naïve young man desperately seeking the approval of the adults around him. Pabon, as Johan, is charismatic and full of life, a carefree spirit who seems to understand the consequences of his choices. At times Buzzeo and Caselle evoke those intimate and familiar scenes in “Downton Abbey” when Carson and Mrs. Hughes must deal with the continual turmoil of the family upstairs. Unfortunately, their storyline at times overshadows that of Rolfe and his struggles. Thankfully, director Andy Rogow keeps the pace moving in the two-hour, two act play, especially in those moments where Bergh merely scratches at the surface of the most emotional developments. A particularly powerful exchange occurs between Rolfe and Johan, arguing over whether a homosexual can be happy and lead a dignified existence, the type of conversation many of the older men in the audience have surely engaged in during less open times. Ardean Landhuis’ minimalist set, a riser with a backdrop of backlit mountains and flanked by imposing Nazi propaganda posters, provides a flexible backdrop for the various locations in and around Salzburg. The cheery polka rhythms of brass bands, selected by sound designer David Hart, effectively belie the tensions brewing throughout the play.
Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors, presents the world premiere production of Andrew Bergh’s “The Radicalization of Rolfe” through April 29. Tickets are $35 at IslandCityStage.org.
4 .4.2018
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4.4.2018 •
Wednesday, April 18th Networking, Nosh, Exhibits, 5:30 -6:15 Program 6:15-7:30
A&E literature
History of Queer Miami Snags Top Literary Honors
At The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N. Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors RSVP Appreciated by April 13th 954-382-1997 or hjosephs@fl-elderlaw.com
Speakers: Stephanie L. Schneider, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Linda Bucilli, CLTC, Northwestern Mutual Dr. Leonard Hock, Jr, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Trustbridge Palliative Care Sponsors Law Office of Stephanie L. Schneider PA
Northwestern Mutual The Striano Financial Group
Coral Shores Realty Brian S. Bedigian PA, Realtor
Dependable Senior Care
Fort Lauderdale Behavioral Health Center
Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Neptune Memorial Reef
J.W. Arnold
ulio Capó Jr.’s new book, “Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami Before 1940” was recently named a finalist for a prestigious Lambda Literary Award. The finalists, announced on March 6, were selected from nearly 1,000 submissions. Entries came from major mainstream publishers and from independent presses, from both long-established and new LGBT publishers, as well as from emerging publishon-demand technologies. Capó, a Miami native, graduate of Florida International University and former broadcast journalist with local affiliates WSVN and WPLG, is now assistant professor of history at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. He originally began studying history as a non-degree-seeking graduate student, but ultimately fell in love with the past. “Having been a journalist gave me a great background for how to interview people and research and even how to archive,” Capó said, “bridging my two loves and my two experiences. It happened really serendipitously. I’m grateful, Miami has been a great home.” Capó, whose research and teaching interests include the intersection of gender and sexuality with ethnicity, race and class in the Caribbean and Latin America, began researching the book while conducting postdoctoral studies at Yale University. “I feel like so much of what we know about queer history has been very coastal—and big city coastal. We think of everything gravitating toward New York or San Francisco or Los Angeles,” he explained. “I knew Miami had very different origins and a history that was fascinating to me…it was a labor of love, not just personal for me. I’m gay, I’m Latino, I’m a Miami boy. This is a history that needs to be told.” The queer community in fledgling Miami (founded in 1896) was influenced heavily by the cultures of the Bahamas, Cuba and Puerto Rico. As the city grew and matured, a sizeable gay community began to develop, fed by tourists seeking fun in the sun and in secluded drag clubs. “A lot of queer folk carved out their own spaces, especially during the high tourist
Dr. Julio Capó Jr. Submitted photo.
season. That’s what fueled much of the economy, it was the Las Vegas of the day. What happens in Miami stays in Miami.” Ironically, Capó’s first book also made history in its own right. “Welcome to Fairyland” is the first in more than two decades to be awarded three separate awards by the Florida Historical Society in the same year: best scholarly book on a Florida history topic; best book relating to Florida’s ethnic groups or dealing with a significant social issue from an historical perspective; and best book based on investigative research that casts light on historic Florida events in a manner that is supportive of human rights, traditional cultures, or the natural environment. “I’m so incredibly humbled, honored, and grateful,” Capó said. He’s currently working on a history of the Pulse nightclub massacre and a companion volume chronicling gay history in Miami post-1945. Capó also continues to contribute to Time magazine, the Miami Herald and Washington Post.
The winners of the Lambda Literary Awards will be announced at a gala ceremony on Monday, June 4 in New York City. “Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami Before 1940” (University of North Carolina Press) is available for purchase ($29.95) or download ($9.99) at Amazon.com.
4 .4.2018
2018 4.4.2018 •
A&E D V D s
Queerly Digital LGBT cinema on DVD/Blu-Ray, a monthly column
David-Elijah Nahmod
100 Men: Charting Gay History elcome to Queerly Digital, a monthly column for cinema lovers from across the LGBT spectrum. All titles are available on DVD, Blu-Ray, or both. This column will as the months progress, be sure to include titles which honor all LGBT experiences.
n “100 Men,” his new and unusual documentary, “I got a letter back saying how devastated they were New Zealand filmmaker Paul Oremland, now in his about the smoking, and that they didn’t care about the 60s, looks back upon forty years of gay history by gay,” David said. interviewing men he’s had sex with over the years. “100 Men” reminds us how lonely it was for many When Oremland was growing up during the 1970s, people in those days. Oremland remembers his visits coming out was not an option. It was a different world with an older man who lived alone and who was more then--homosexuality was generally viewed as an interested in talking than in having sex. aberration. Oremland recalls gazing upon beautiful “This is my future,” Oremland thought at the time. surfer boys on the beach, knowing he would never be It was when Oremland was living in the UK that like them. “They’re going to have happy lives,” he recalls things began to change. The AIDS crisis began, and himself thinking. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a fierce opponent Chris, one of Oremland’s first interviewees, speaks of homosexuality, convinced Parliament to pass Clause of a time when there was “nothing out 28, a law banning talk of homosexuality in any there.” He remembers looking up educational environment. A furious community homosexuality in an encyclopedia. took to the streets--suddenly there were Pride “I used to look at it all the Parades and angry protests as people were time for the definition of educated about safe sex. homosexuality,” Chris “The outrage that people felt that here said. “And it talked about we were in the middle of this atrocious homosexuality as a disease epidemic and instead of our government that could be cured with treating us with compassion it chose electric shocks.” that moment to attack,” said Chris. “And “What did you do about I think that pushed people out of their it?” Oremland asked. comfort zones and onto the streets.” - David featured in “100 men” “I tried to seduce all my “100 Men” takes viewers on a journey schoolmates,” was Chris’ response. across the decades, from a time when gay “And successfully, actually.” rights weren’t considered a possibility, to For the next 90 minutes Oremland today’s era of gay marriage and a level of visibility travels the world, reconnecting with people that was unimaginable when Oremland was a young from his past. Forty years of gay history unfolds as man. The film covers a lot of ground, at times jumping Oremland counts down and chats with his most from one interview to the next a little too quickly, memorable tricks. He speaks of meeting people on the making portions of the film slightly difficult to follow. beach, in parks, and in public restrooms. In his youth he But the film’s value as a historical documentation of briefly considered becoming a preacher, thinking that the changes that have taken place over the past forty God would “cure” him. years cannot be discounted. Many of today’s young “Did you believe, did you have faith?” he asks another people take their rights for granted. Coming out is not a interviewee. struggle for them. They consider HIV to be a non-issue. “Yeah, I considered going to bible college as well,” says “100 Men” should be required viewing for them so they the other man as they both laugh. can learn about the hard fought battles which got us to But even in those less tolerant days, there were people where we are today. who had happy stories to share. A man named David speaks of writing to his parents, telling them that he’s “100 Men” is now available on DVD. gay and that he’s begun smoking.
“I got a letter back saying how devastated they were about the smoking, and that they didn’t care about the gay.”
4 .4.2018
Filmmaker Paul Oremland, via Facebook.
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4.4.2018 •
Theater Tucker Berardi
*Works by Rod Faulds and Isabel Gouveia
April 5 through April 30, with reception Wednesday, April 11 from 7 pm to 9 pm at FAU’s Theater Lab Space. This is a two-person exhibition by artists who employ photography and digitally-based technologies to create works resembling fine art prints or abstract paintings.
*Be Here Now
Through April 22 at FAU’s Theater Lab in Boca Raton. Two lost souls come together under unusual circumstances — Bari, an overworked center employee meets a man who makes art out of trash. Can love bring Bari out of the dumps?
Staged Reading of ‘Rights’
Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors, 2304 N Dixie Hwy. Playwright Bruce Karp presents a three-part stage reading dealing with pressing issues like abortion, gays in the military and same-sex marriage. Tickets are $10. Call 954-519-2533.
april 4 - april 10 broward county “Memphis” comes to Slow Burn Theatre
Thursday, March 22 to Sunday, April 8 at the Broward Center for Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Avenue Fort Lauderdale. See the story of a 1950s radio DJ who wants to change the world and a club singer who is ready for her big break. Tickets are $47-$60. Buy tickets online at BrowardCenter.org or call 954-4620222.
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox
Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30 pm. Listen to modern pop hits and past favorites reimagined in a soulful and fun style reminiscent of the 1920’s. Tickets from $40 to $160. Visit TheCenterCS.com.
Reggae Meets Soul Showcase
Sunday April 8 at 6:30 pm at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855, Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. This inaugural concert celebrates the history and unity of Jamaican and American popular music. Tickets $40 $60. Call 239-601-2639.
Staged Reading of ‘Rights’
Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors, 2304 N Dixie Hwy. Playwright Bruce Karp presents a three-part stage reading dealing with pressing issues like abortion, gays in the military and samesex marriage. Tickets are $10. Call 954-5192533.
Reggae Meets Soul Showcase. Photo courtesy of the Coral Springs Center for the Arts.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county * Works by Rod Faulds and Isabel Gouveia
April 5 through April 30, with reception Wednesday, April 11 from 7 pm to 9 pm at FAU’s Theater Lab Space. This is a two-person exhibition by artists who employ photography and digitally-based technologies to create works resembling fine art prints or abstract paintings.
* Be Here Now
Through April 22 at FAU’s Theater Lab in Boca Raton. Two lost souls come together
under unusual circumstances — Bari, an overworked center employee meets a man who makes art out of trash. Can love bring Bari out of the dumps?
*Feedback Open Mic Night
Thursday, April 5 at 8 pm at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. April is National Poetry Month and the Arts Garage is celebrating with an open mic poetry night. Tickets are $5. Call 561-450-6457.
April 12-29 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave, Lake Worth, Fl. Come see the award-winning musical adaptation of Dicken’s classic novel Oliver Twist. Tickets range from $23 to $35. Call 561-586-6410 or visit lakeworthplayhouse.org/oliver.html
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
Full Charge Bookkeeping Services
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustThe-Funny.com.
* Denotes New Listing 48
4 .4.2018
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4.4.2018 •
Community Tucker Berardi Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks * Basement Pride KickOff Party
Friday, April 6 from 11 pm to 5 am at the Basement at the Edition Hotel, 2091 Collins Ave, Miami Beach. Kick off Pride Weekend at Miami Beach’s hottest mega-venue. Enjoy superior lighting and sound and over-the-top live acts and beats. Tickets $25 to $69. Visit miamibeachgaypride.com.
*Feedback Open Mic Night
Thursday, April 5 at 8 pm at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. April is National Poetry Month and the Arts Garage is celebrating with an open mic poetry night. Tickets are $5. Call 561-4506457.
Miami Beach Gay Pride
Monday, April 2 to Sunday, April 9. Partake in this week-long event that features a beach party, festival and parade with more than 125 LGBT-friendly vendors and businesses, celebrities, performances, refreshments and more. For more information visit miamibeachgaypride. com.
april 4 april 10 Broward Support Services PFLAG
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county * TASTE of Oakland Park
March 21 - April 8 at the Empire Stage, 1140 N Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale. Imagine Sex and the City on a golf course! This fun and fast-paced tale of friendship kept aloft in the secrets and surprises of retirement. Tickets $39. Visit pigsdoflyproductions.com or call 866-811-4111.
GLNN Social Luncheon
Business for the Arts of Broward Cultural Tour
April 5 from 11:45 am to 1:15 pm at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale. Bring friends and colleagues to enjoy this social luncheon with the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network. Tickets $30-$35.
*Wild Tales Zoo Miami Speaker Series
April 14 from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 142 St, Miami. Meet Patti Ragan, founder of the Center for Great Apes in 1984, a sanctuary for chimpanzees and orangutans, as she shares stories of her experiences with these animals. Tickets $10. Visit zoomiami.org
4 .4.2018
* The Ladies Foursome
Friday, April 27 from 6 pm to 9 pm at Jaco Pastorius Park, 4000 N. Dixie Highway, Oakland Park. A grand tasting celebration of food and drink for locals by locals. Tickets are $15 and include food and drink samples from all vendors. Free for children under 12. Visit oaklandparkfl.gov.
March 16 from noon to 5 pm. Participate in this guided tour around Coral Springs, Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale to see the cultural treasures Broward County has to offer. Tickets are $50. Call 954-940-5344 to register before March 13.
Florida AIDS Walk & Music Festival
Sunday, March 18 at Fort Lauderdale Beach. Join us in the 2018 march or donate! Donations will benefit the Pride Center for use in vital HIV programs. Visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
april 4 - april 10 Mascara, Mirth & Mayhem: Independence Day on Fire Island - Photography by Susan Kravitz
Through March 11 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Photographer Susan Kravitz’s exhibition chronicling the Invasion of the Pines. Exhibit closes March 11. Suggested donation $5. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Voices of Pride
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC. com for rehearsal details.
palm beach county * Food Truck Invasion
Wednesday, April 4 & 18 at 5 pm at the Sun Cove Amphitheater, 20405 Amphitheater Circle, Boca Raton, FL. Every first and third Wednesday partake in rotating entertainment activities and on-site food trucks! Free admission.
* Southern Jam
Saturday, April 14th at 4 pm at the Sun Cove
Amphitheater, 20405 Amphitheater Circle, Boca Raton, FL. Music Jam Productions presents a country music extravaganza featuring Trace Adkins, Marty Stuart and Sammy Kershaw. Tickets $75 to $80. Visit http://bit.ly/2Ea1m3g.
Student Juried Exhibition at FAU
March 26 through April 6 in the Ritter Art Gallery, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton Campus. Students may submit up to three works of varied media to be put on display for the public in a showcase representing the talent of Florida Atlantic University’s student body. For more information visit fau.edu.
7th Annual KeroWACKED Multimedia Fest 2018
Sunday, April 8 from 3 pm to 10 pm at the ActivistArtistA Gallery, 402-422 West Industrial Ave, Boynton Beach. Artists, musicians, poets and other creatives will provide the community with a funfilled day themed around homages to underrepresented women. Free Event. Visit BoyntonBeachArtDistrict.com
LGBTQ Teen Support Group
Tuesdays from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Falk Center for Couseling, 22455 Boca Rio Road,
Boca Raton. Join experts in a support group that addresses discrimination, coming out, depression, PTSD and how to deal with these stresses as an LGBTQ teen. Call 561483-5300 to register in advance.
Saturday, April 7 from 10 pm to 7 am at Score, 1437, Washington Ave, Miami Beach. Join the official Saturday night party of Miami Beach Gay pride. Tickets $45 to $95. Visit scorebar.net.
miami-dade county
Friday, April 6 from 11 pm to 6 am at Space, 34 NE 11th St Downtown Miami. One of Miami’s most popular gay dance parties is returning to its original location after twelve years. Tickets $25. Visit orbitmiami.com
* Redland Blues and BBQ Festival
April 14 at 10 am and 15 at 5 pm at the Fruit and Spice Park 24801 SW 187th Avenue, Homestead, Fl. Lots of BBQ and incredible blues and country music. Featuring a classic car and motorcycle show as well as kid’s pony rides. Tickets are $8, free for kids. Visit Redlandfruitandspice.com.
* Basement Pride KickOff Party
Friday, April 6 from 11 pm to 5 am at the Basement at the Edition Hotel, 2091 Collins Ave, Miami Beach. Kick off Pride Weekend at Miami Beach’s hottest mega-venue. Enjoy superior lighting and sound and over-the-top live acts and beats. Tickets $25 to $69. Visit miamibeachgaypride.com.
* URGE Proud at Score Productions
* Orbit with DJ Abel
* Pride Pool Party
Saturday, April 7th from 12 pm to 8 pm at the Clevelander Pool and Patio, 1020 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach. Have fun in the sun right on Ocean Drive and make a splash with beats by Italy’s Danny Verde. Tickets $25 to $90. Visit matineemiami.com.
key west Tea Dance: A Key West Tradition
Sundays at 4 p.m. at La Te Da Hotel, 1125 Duval St. An early evening dance in the Key West tradition. Call 305-296-6706 or visit LaTeDa. com.
* Denotes New Listing
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Ryan Tannehill
4.4.2018 •
Business Directory
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Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida 2040 North Dixie Hwy, #218, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
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4.4.2018 •