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Two prominent Democrats were arrested April 3 in Tallahassee while peacefully protesting Florida’s proposed 6-week abortion ban.
Nikki Fried, chair of the Democratic Party of Florida, and Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book were among about a dozen protesters who were handcuffed and arrested according to the Tallahassee Democrat.
The protesters were taken away by police while sitting in a circle and singing “Lean on Me.”
According to the Tallahassee Police Department, the protesters were asked to leave, but refused to do so.
“After multiple warnings throughout the day, protesters acknowledged they understood that anyone refusing to leave the premises at sundown would be subject to arrest,” a spokesperson for TPD wrote, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. “This evening, after sunset, the majority of the crowd left the property while 11 people refused to leave despite numerous requests.”
“Tallahassee PD just arrested peaceful protesters outside the Capitol who were advocating against the abortion ban,” Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, tweeted. “Florida is now where freedom goes to die.”
Fried and Book were released later in the night.
“I’m out. And not ever backing down,” Fried wrote on Twitter. “Just fucking vote @ FlaDems!”
The school’s board chair, Barney Bishop, defended their decision to oust the principal to Huffpost.
“Parental rights trump everything else,” Bishop told the outlet. He added the pandemic gave parents an inside look at their children’s education. “They didn’t like the woke indoctrination that was going on. We don’t use pronouns. We don’t teach CRT and we don’t ever mention 1619 — those are not appropriate subjects for our kids.”
The school’s education philosophy is modeled after Hillsdale College in Michigan — a small Christian school that focuses on classical education curriculum.
Hillsdale quickly cut ties with the school after the controversy unfolded.
“This drama around teaching Michelangelo’s David sculpture, one of the most important works of art in existence, has become a distraction from, and a parody of, the actual aims of classical education,” Emily Stack Davis, a Hillsdale spokesperson said in a statement to Mlive. “Of course, Hillsdale’s K-12 art curriculum includes Michelangelo’s David and other works of art that depict the human form.”
Ironically, David is rooted in the Old Testament of the bible and depicts him preparing for his fight against the giant Goliath.
According to Mlive.com Hillsdale partners dozens of charter schools across the country to provide its K-12 curriculum, which focuses on a classical approach to math, science, literature and history.
NPR reported tourists are flocking to the statue in Italy ever since the sculpture made headlines.
“Florence’s Galleria dell’Accademia, which
“It’s part of history,” Isabele Joles from Ohio, who is studying French and Italian art with her school group, told NPR. “I don’t understand how you can say it’s porn.”
Bishop gave an interview to Slate where he told the magazine there are no safe spaces at their school.
"Our education model] is about moral values, civic values,personal responsibility. Those are the things that aren’tbeing taught in schools. Along with history, science, math,art, music. We don’t have safe spaces for kids so theywon’t be offended by a Halloween costume. We don’t use pronouns. We teach them phonics. We teach Singaporemath. They learn to speak Latin. Every student learns amusical instrument."
The reporter then followed up with: “You say you don’t have safe spaces for kids to be offended by, say, a Halloween costume, but aren’t you just protecting kids, giving them a safe space, from Michelangelo’s David?”
Bishop’s response: “Come on, Dan. That’s ridiculous.”