2 minute read
Guaranteed this won’t be published.
SFGN Co-Founder Norm Kent didn’t die! He lives on in current editor Jason Parsley continuing to publishing lies, blocking a conservative voice, perpetuating hysteria misleading the Gay Community with false narratives in his “Gay Rag.”
How many articles on the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill? Weekly.
How many articles published on the FAILURES of #46? NONE
How many articles published of the DEPLORABLE infrastructure in Ft. Lauderdale lead my Gay Mayor Dean Trantalis? NONE
How many articles published on #46 disgusting economy affecting disposable income, cost of living, housing prices and rentals, fuel cost, energy cost, and food cost within the Gay Community? NONE!

How many articles on the open borders’ crisis with HUGE amounts of Fentanyl coming in killing Broward residence? NONE!
Children and eliminating Woke ideology in our schools? NONE!
See folk’s, Norm Kent NEVER EVER published a positive word or acknowledged any POSITIVE impact’s that Conservatives have contributed to the Gay Community, but instead threw us under the bus and wished we had been thrown in the oven too! Sadly, Jason Parsley continues this disingenuous tradition as Publisher of SFGN and sadly carries Norm’s torch!
Ican’t help but think Steinbeck must have had a hand in creating Norm, who at least left an indelible stamp on anyone he met. Norm navigated the world with equal parts audacity and charm, ambition and burned bridges, brilliance and obstruction. In my time working for him, I often found myself trying to win his affection and approval while hoping to evade his very notice.
Norm gave me my first full-time job in journalism, but it took a competing offer to get it. Norm had lofty dreams for his humble newspaper and would often keep us at the office late into the night, meticulously scrutinizing the smallest of details. He was the boss who would entertain my quixotic story ideas while simultaneously assigning us seemingly aimless pieces that, much to our surprise, actually resonated with readers.
Understanding Norm’s place in the world — from SFGN’s wonderfully chaotic office to his substantially felt presence in Wilton Manors — meant embracing the legendary tapestry of his life. His was a narrative filled with triumphs and heartbreaks, some poignant and some (justifiably) beyond belief.

During my time at the paper, I developed a reporting system to improve our bottom line. It was effective enough that I inadvertently reported myself out of a job. I still remember the day Norm waved around my reports, explaining to me why he could no longer afford me, which was true. The irony wasn’t lost on either of us — in true Normian fashion, he never let it show.
When I found a new gig, Norm called to congratulate me. He said he had been just about to offer me my job back, surely another Normian exaggeration. Ever unpredictable, he expressed his gratitude, and we caught up on life. He asked about my family, said something or another about baseball, and was suddenly distracted by someone, abruptly ending the call.
That’s how I imagine — and sincerely hope — Norm lived every moment of his life: fully immersed in it right up until he wasn’t. And then, with his characteristic flourish, he’d just as enthusiastically move on to the next adventure.
How many articles on Brenda Fam strong stance advocating for Broward School
Column Letters To The Editor
Andrew R. Brett, Past President Log Cabin Republicans of Broward. Founder SOFLA GAY (GREAT AMERICAN YOU) Conservatives.