9 minute read

Pride Returns To Embassies



Michael K. Lavers

Washington Blade

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said he will once again allow U.S. diplomatic installations to fly the Pride flag.

The New York Times and Foreign Policy reported they obtained a cable from Blinken that announced the policy.

The Trump administration in 2019 banned U.S. embassies and consulates from flying the Pride flag on official flagpoles. Georgia Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-Ga.) has introduced the Old Glory Only Act, which would “prohibit the flying of any flag other than the U.S. flag over U.S. diplomatic and consular posts.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic James “Wally” Brewster — one of the openly gay men who served as ambassadors during the Obama administration — on Friday applauded Blinken’s decision.

“As one of the constant supporters of Human Rights and LGBTQ rights throughout his life, President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken are showing the commitment to fighting for the rights of the marginalized around the globe,” Brewster told the Washington Blade. “So proud of our global leadership once again!”

President Biden in February issued a memorandum that committed the U.S. to promote LGBT rights abroad.

Blinken is among the administration officials who publicly acknowledged the Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31.

Pictured is an LGBT flag that flew outside of the Embassy of the United States in Uruguay in 2018. Photo via the Embassy of the United States in Uruguay, Flickr.

The State Department has also disbanded the Commission on Unalienable Rights that LGBT activists sharply criticized.

“Sec. Blinken is committed to the rights and prosperity of our LGBTQ+ community, both our employees at State and all around the world,” said State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter on Friday in response to the Washington Blade’s question about Blinken’s cable during a press briefing with reporters.

“The department issues Pride guidance to our missions on a regular basis,” added Porter. “Overseas facilities actually don’t require Washington approval. However, flying the flag from the same flagpole as the U.S. [flag] actually doesn’t require approval as well.”

“In prior years the department has issued a blanket authorization or requested that posts request permission from Washington to fly a Pride flag from the same flagpole as the U.S. flag,” Porter further noted to the Blade.



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Glen Flaherty. Courtesy of Tim Jordan.

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COVER: Heather Moraitis. Photo via Vice Mayor Heather Moraitis, Facebook. Edited by Brendon Lies.

April 29, 2021 • Volume 12 • Issue 17

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Photos by J.R. Davis

Husbands Lenny and Alan Brooks from SERVPRO of Fort Lauderdale South. Napier Velazquez and Raymond Kawski, realtors for LoKation Real Estate.

Keith Blackburn, president and CEO of the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce, with Broward County Commissioner Dr. Barbara Sharief and Richard Gray, managing director of the LGBT Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau. Fort Lauderdale Captain Bill Schultz with the new Chief Of Police in Wilton Manors Gary Blocker.

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John Hayden

Celebrating friendships has never been more important. The past year put physical and emotional distance between even the closest of friends. But one group with a mature attitude towards relationships has kept in touch, and is ready to party. A Celebration of Friends (ACOF) is a group for senior men (and their younger admirers) to mix, mingle, and make friends.

Through the pandemic the group took the mixing and mingling virtual. Their weekly Saturday Morning Klassic Coffee Klatch moved to Zoom. ACOF President Tom “Tomcat” Pence said that it has made events more interesting. “I’ve learned more about my friends because on Zoom there’s no breaking off into seperate little groups. Everyone is given a chance to speak and everything they say is heard by everyone else. It has brought us all somehow closer.”

The virtual meetings happened after members first got lonely, then got restless.

“When our frustrated members started looking for their pitchforks and lighting their torches to come after our board to solve this worldwide loneliness problem, we decided to take on the entire world,” Pence said.

Taking on the world has brought in an international crowd.

“Suddenly we’re all face-to-face with men from Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and the rest of Europe,” Pence said. “Residents


- Tom “Tomcat” Pence

ACOF PRESIDENT Tom “Tomcat” Pence in Key West. Photo via Facebook.

from India, China, and Japan also join in along with people as far away as California, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and many of the other 50 states.”

ACOF is designed to be a group for older men to meet other men in an environment different from the often youth obsessed culture. Their mission is to promote selfworth, dignity, kindness and friendships within our senior population. But that doesn’t mean you have to be ready to receive a monthly Social Security check to be part. Anyone over 21 can join the Saturday Klatch.

While the virtual Klatch is fun, ACOF members are ready to party, and they’re going to party in paradise: Key West.

“Over a hundred gay senior men and their admirers are looking forward to sun and fun at the end of the road,” Pence said. “There will be parties, games, costume contests, food, and fun for all, with maybe a pirate or two in attendance. Did I mention, grog? Plenty of grog will be available in Margaritaville. It’s a good time for all to let your hair down.”

The get-together is set for June 10-13, and hotels are filling up fast. To learn more about their Key West party or sign up to join the Klassic Coffee Klatch, you can check out their website at CelebrationOffriends.org.

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