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june 5, 2019 vol. 10 // issue 23


Todrick Hall Will Headline Second

‘Our Night


“RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge to lead an evening of arts Page 36

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June 5, 2019 • Volume 10 • Issue 23

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COVER: Singer, choreographer and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge Todrick Hall will headline the second annual “Our Night Out” celebration on Friday, June 14. Photo via Todrick Hall, Facebook. MEMBER

Associated Press


6 . 5.2019

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NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2019 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.


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6.5.2019 •






Mike Tyson fights rap manager for alleging Tupac was bisexual

By Cameren Boatner


Swiss Court blocks hormone treatment rule for intersex runner Caster Semenya. Photo via Facebook.

The photo, shared by x Wack 100, allegedly showing Tupac (above) with another man.

Boxing icon Mike Tyson and Wack 100, rapper The Game’s manager, fought over whether the slain rapper Tupac was bisexual. Wack 100 posted a photo of Tupac and another man laying his head on him in bed, with the caption “Sooooo Tupac is bisexual,” according to The Sun. Tyson was on Wack’s podcast when they got into an argument over the rapper’s sexuality, which then turned violent. Wack later shared a photo of him, co-host Eben

Britton, and Tyson after the fight. "Just know this Wack wasn’t giving up shit and Mike still quick with his hands! @edsbritton sorry you had to see what you saw but it’s what brothas do when we can’t solve the problem with reason !!” Wack wrote in the caption. Tyson and Tupac were friends before he was murdered in Las Vegas in 1996. Some have suggested the image of Tupac and the man in bed was photoshopped.

Caster Semenya, an intersex track star from South Africa, was barred from running by the track and field governing body unless she undergoes hormone therapy. But she won a temporary reprieve in front of a Swiss federal court that will allow her to run without lowering her testosterone levels, according to The New York Times. However, Semenya’s case remains unresolved, and it could stay that

way until the Tokyo Olympics in July 2020. “I am thankful to the Swiss judges for this decision,” Semenya said in a statement, according to The New York Times. “I hope that following my appeal I will once again be able to run free.” If the case is still open during late July and early August, Semenya could presumably run in the Olympics for her third title, the Times reported.

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6 . 5.2019




Transgender identity no longer considered a mental illness


The World Health Organization (WHO) released the latest classification of diseases called ICD-11, which state that being transgender is no longer a mental illness. The term replacing the previous ICD10’s “transsexualism” is called “gender incongruence,” according to Forbes. This is when a person experiences a long-term incongruence in their gender and their assigned sex. It has been moved out of the disorders section, and into the sexual health conditions section. “The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD,” The WHO stated, according to Forbes. The revisions under ICD-11 will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2022.


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6.5.2019 •


news international

By Cameren Boatner

the world around



Philippines president says he ‘cured’ his homosexuality

Russia censors ‘Rocketman’ gay sex scenes

President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines said he used to be gay, but that he had cured himself. He implied during his speech on May 30 that homosexuality was a disease that needed curing, according to Rappler. Duterte also mocked Sen. Antonio Trillanes' movements because he thought they looked "gay." He said he was gay once, but implied that by marrying his ex-wife Elizabeth Zimmerman, he became straight again. "Good thing Trillanes and I are similar. But I cured myself," Duterte said, according to Rappler. “When I began a relationship with Zimmerman, I said, this is it. I became a man again… Duterte is gay. So I am gay, I don't care if I'm gay or not.” President Duterte has conflicting

President Duterte. Photo via pcoo.gov.ph.

views of homosexuality, once saying that gay people should have been recognized in the Bible, and later saying marriage should be between a man and a woman.

The Russian-language version of the Elton John biopic “Rocketman” removed “all” gay sex and kissing scenes, as well as some drug use scenes, according to the Moscow Times. John himself denounced the censorship for the Russian market, according to HuffPost. The Russian film distribution company Central Partnership said the scenes, totaling five minutes, were cut from the movie to comply with the law, the Moscow Times reported. “That the local distributor has edited out certain scenes, denying the audience the opportunity to see the film as it was intended, is a sad reflection of the divided world we still live in and how it can still be so cruelly unaccepting of the love between two people,” John said in a

statement, according to HuffPost. "Rocketman" premiers throughout Russia on June 6.

South America


Gay Brazilian man in a vegetative state after assault

Australian rugby star dropped following homophobic post

Jefferson Anderson Feijo da Cruz, a gay Brazilian man, 22, was robbed and “brutally” assaulted after a night out in Moreno, Brazil. He was left under a slab, unconscious, and bloodied, according to a fundraising Facebook post from Cruz’s family. The post said the reason for the assault was homophobia. Cruz was left in a vegetative state, but he has started responding to stimuli, according to another post from the account. “Jeff is 22 years old, he's ... a young man full of dreams and plans, passionate about life, friends and family, [an] Exceptional friend, drooling uncle, dear cousin and beloved son, who had his dreams and plans interrupted by a monster,” the post reads. Cruz’s family met its initial


Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe

6 . 5.2019

Jefferson Anderson Feijo da Cruz. Photo via Facebook.

crowdfunding goal and opened a new fundraiser for his continuing care.

Israel Folau, an Australian rugby player, will be cut from Rugby Australia following a homophobic Instagram post in April. A three-person board decided on May 17 that the post broke the code of conduct, and that his contract should be terminated, according to CNN International. The post reads “Warning. drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters," reading underneath, "Hell awaits you." Folau is a devout Christian, and paraphrased a Bible verse, but added two words not mentioned in the verse that eventually got him dropped: “warning” and “hell,” according to the Daily Telegraph. "The Christian faith has always been

Israel Folau (right) during the 2017 Rugby Championship. Credit: David Molloy Photography, via Flickr.

a part of my life and I believe it is my duty as a Christian to share God's word. Upholding my religious beliefs should not prevent my ability to work or play for my club or country," Folau said in a press conference, according to CNN.






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NEWS health

Local HIV Leadership Shifts Sean McShee


arlier this year, Joey Wynn resigned as chair of South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN). Greg Beltran has agreed to succeed him as chair. Wynn began to work with SFAN in 1997. Beltran began his work in early 2018. Since 1990, Wynn, a Gen Xer, has been out as a person living with HIV. Born in 1989, Beltran, a Millennial, would have been 7 years old in 1996 when HIV became manageable. This transition marks a generational shift. SFGN recently spoke with both Wynn and Beltran about this shift and this moment in HIV. These interviews have been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.

meet the needs of people.” As an example of a problematic bureaucracy, he mentioned the Department of Health. His problem was with bureaucracies, in general, rather than with the Department of Health, in particular. Beltran felt the increasing numbers of new HIV cases was the biggest challenge facing Broward. He said “We continue to see an upward trajectory of new infections, despite PrEP and countless outreach efforts.” Generational differences

Three, maybe four, generations are involved in HIV work: Boomers, Gen X, SFAN’s changes, accomplishments, Millennials, and Gen Z (those born after and challenges 1996). Wynn noted the generational difference Wynn described SFAN’s networking between him and Beltran. “I know he thinks opportunities as its greatest achievements. differently than I do. I am mentoring him, In his eye, SFAN provides a key entry point now that he has become the chair.” for people needing to know about HIV in According to Wynn, generational tension Broward. Wynn urged people at risk for HIV has less to with generations than with to learn about available services. changes in the epidemic over time. “Even if you can’t do it on a regular basis, get Wynn said “Yes, he [Beltran] comes at it at informed and get connected.” a very different angle. He stressed that anyone may We meet often. We talk encounter someone whose life a lot. He has a different depends upon their needing to approach That’s a good know about HIV. SFAN provides thing.” the best opportunity for Beltran expects knowing “where to guide them tensions between to help.” generations. Beltran felt For exact locations and times that Millennial-Boomer of SFAN meetings, people can tensions arose from visit the calendar at http://bit. different generational ly/2JL1hu9. experiences. Surviving Greg Beltran. For Beltran, SFAN has Boomers lived through achieved something similar. the worst of the He considers SFAN’s greatest epidemic. Many made strength to be its ability to “to bring people personal sacrifices. Many lost whole sets of from all aspects of HIV care to the table.” friends. Millennials benefit from medical Beltran places a high value on transparency advances in HIV treatment. They have and he offered to be available. “If anyone ever always known that HIV can be managed. needs someone to talk to, or has questions Some Millennials may be unaware of the about sexual health, or HIV questions, please “sacrifices and history behind HIV.” feel free to reach out to me by email: Gregory. Beltran described Millennial-Gen X Beltran@aidshealth.org.” tension differently. He thought that Gen X had a certain amount of disdain from for Challenges Millennials. This disdain centers around issues concerning “HIV/AIDS and sexual Wynn felt that bureaucracies were the health.” He feels people from Gen X think biggest challenge. He said that generally “a “Millennials feel invincible to HIV/AIDS and bureaucracy is slow to change and slow to other STI's/STD's, whereas the Gen Xers had


6 . 5.2019

to watch their friends and family die.” Beltran described this moment as a “Millennial opportunity.” Rapid HIV testing, PrEP/PEP, and Treatment as Prevention (TasP) drive this opportunity to bring the epidemic under control. Rapid HIV testing allows programs to rapidly bring the newly diagnosed into treatment. A second prevention option, PrEP/PEP, now exists. TasP allows people living with HIV to know that are unable to transmit the virus. Beltran stated, “We, Millennials, have a real opportunity to change the hand of history.” Beltran said that the impact of HIV on ethnic minorities crosses generational lines. Many more ethnic minority gay and bi men are acquiring HIV. Current state of HIV treatment in South Florida Wynn placed HIV treatment in South Florida in the context of HIV in the South. “Compared to other regions of the South,” he explained, “we are dramatically better.” Compared to the Northeast or the West Coast, South Florida is much worse. The South as whole gets less money than the Northeast or the West Coast. Wynn argued that the South doesn’t get its fair share of funding. California and the Northeast fund people to be in D.C. all year. He continued, “It’s hard in the South for people to get funding to travel to D.C. to be at meetings and be heard.“

According to Wynn, the biggest local achievement has been educating doctors about the importance of early access. "I think Test and Treat helped to get people on medications quickly,“ he said. Wynn said “The impact will be seen in the years to come terms of dramatic reductions in infection rates.” The current administration SFGN asked Wynn about the current administration in D.C. “I was at the national CDC prevention meeting, in Atlanta two or three weeks ago.” He replied, “I will give them this: they knew the language to speak. They were very conversant in the topic of HIV-service delivery which surprised me. I’m not naïve I have my reservations.” He continued, “They know what the issues are. They talked about Black and Latino [people] and the South. They talked about and gay and bisexual men. They did not use the clinical term ‘MSM,’ which I hate.” Wynn explained that he hates the term MSM because “it’s clinical and it dehumanizes gay and bisexual men.“ In contrast, Beltran had little hope for the current national administration. “Their archaic views seem similar to how the government treated HIV/AIDS in the 80's, and early 90's. I truly hope things change, and the only way that will happen is for us to fight.“


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NEWS white house watch

DNC raises debate bar, Trump Recognizes LGBT Pride Month Florida Representative Laughs Off Stoning Gays Question


s President Donald Trump continues to hold campaign rallies to the music of Elton John and the Rolling Stones, Democrats prepare for their first debate. There is still the threshold matter with as many as 23 viable candidates – at last count. In order to appear on stage at this fall’s Democratic National Committee debates, candidates must have 130,000 individual donors and tally at least two percent in four qualifying polls. The first round of debate is scheduled for June 26-27 in Miami. South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in good position to make the cut. Buttigieg is polling in the top five. His husband Chasten is scheduled to speak at the annual Florida Democratic Party Leadership Blue, June 7-9, at Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club. “For those who ask (they already have and they always will) why we celebrate #Pride, remind them that the closet kills people and that it didn’t get you. That’s reason enough

to march and celebrate your existence,” Chasteen Buttigieg tweeted. Meanwhile, President Trump recognized LGBT Pride Month with two tweets. “As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort,” Trump tweeted. The president's recognition of Pride month was a first for his administration. Sadly, not all Republicans got the memo. At a town hall, Florida Rep. Mike Hill laughed at the suggestion gays be stoned to death. The Pensacola Republican, who has a history of homophobic tweets, was

John McDonald roundly condemned by members of both parties in Tallahassee. Republican Speaker of the House Jose Oliva said Hill’s “callous indifference to an outrageous question is unacceptable, runs contrary to our founding principles and in no way reflects the beliefs of the Florida House.” Oliva has asked Hill to apologize while others are calling for resignation. Stephen Gaskill, president of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, released the following statement: “It’s appalling enough that Representative Hill believes LGBTQ people chose to be who we are. It’s disgraceful and beneath the office he holds to laugh and even encourage the execution of his own LGBTQ constituents. This is no laughing matter. With antiLGBTQ violence on the rise, elected officials should be protecting, not attacking, their constituents. Representative Hill should resign today,” Gaskill said.

Mike Hill via Facebook.

White House Watch is a weekly column taking a look at the state of the 2020 presidential election.


6 .5.2019

LGBT Field Notes:

In a bizarre turn of events, Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, declared he “used to be gay” but has been “cured.” Duterte made the remarks in an appearance in Toyko, Japan last week. Duterte, 74, is a former mayor of Davao City, who rose to power with a tough on crime campaign, often voicing support for the extrajudicial killing of drug users by death squads. In his Toyko remarks, Duterte kissed women, awkwardly some say, and went on to declare he preferred beautiful women to handsome men.

NEWS national

Photo: Facebook

Minor League Baseball goes to bat in Largest Pride Celebration in Pro Sports Nick Adkins


inor League Baseball has announced LGBT organizations across the country, the launch of MiLB Pride, the largest including You Can Play — an organization documented Pride celebration in that advocates for equality and respect for professional sports, with nearly 70 MiLB all who connect with sports, regardless teams hosting Pride Nights or of sexual orientation and/or events this season. gender identity. "Sports can bring people "You Can Play is grateful “MiLB Pride is together and help transcend to be partnering with Minor differences. MiLB Pride is putting the power League Baseball as it continues putting the power of sports into to serve as a model for diversity of sports into action and building bridges to and inclusion," said Brian Kitts, the LGBTQ community that action and building president of You Can Play. "We didn't previously exist," said share a commitment to growing bridges to the Minor League Baseball Director a great sport by making locker of Diversity and Inclusion LGBTQ community rooms and stadiums safe for Vincent Pierson. "Launching every baseball player and fan, that didn't this program is a proud moment including those in the LGBTQ for the game of baseball and we previously exist.” community." look forward to building on this “I love watching all the fossils - Vincent Pierson in the future." freak out. Being inclusive Minor League Baseball MiLB Pride events will and accepting is being a true Director of Diversity and Inclusion include teams holding LGBTAmerican. Being an ally is the themed nights, incorporating right thing,” a user on Facebook Pride into scheduled promotions, providing commented on the announcement. discounted tickets to LGBT organizations, Elsewhere in the game, when the Major and/or engaging with the LGBT community League team Oakland Athletics announced “both in the ballpark and beyond." its first ever "LGBT Pride Night" on social Some teams will also be giving back media in 2015, it got backlash from fans on to their local communities by donating a Twitter and Facebook including "Parents, portion of ticket sales to LGBT non-profit please note this is not a game you want to organizations in their area, according to the take your kids to," and "What other fetishes MiLB website. are we going to recognize at ballgames?" The program includes teams forming according to the San Francisco Chronicle. partnerships with more than 150 local

6.5.2019 •


NEWS National

Mixed Signals from SCOTUS

Over Trans Rights Lisa Keen Keen News Service


t was a discernible ray of light flashing across an otherwise dark and stormy sea: The U.S. Supreme Court last week declined to accept an appeal from a group of students challenging a public school’s policy of allowing transgender students to use the high school restroom and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. After weeks of escalating attacks on a restroom of the gender with which the the rights of transgender people by the students identify. Trump administration, the Supreme Court In the Virginia case, said Mar, the announcement in Doe v. Boyertown felt like transgender student “was asking for a victory to LGBT activists. his school to allow him to use the same “This is an enormous victory for restrooms as other boys.” The Pennsylvania transgender students across the country,” lawsuit was “the inverse,” she said because said Ria Tabacco Mar, senior staff attorney it asked that “school districts be forbidden for the national ACLU’s LGBT & HIV from allowing boys and girls who are trans Project. The ACLU represented a coalition to use the same restrooms and locker rooms of LGBT youth groups which intervened as other boys and girls.” in the lawsuit to support the John Doe and other Boyertown, Pennsylvania, students challenging the “In the few school district’s propro-trans Boyertown policy transgender policy. argued that it violates their challenges that But it’s also a confusing right to privacy and amounts have arisen to development. While Tuesday, to sexual harassment. the Supreme Court left intact “No court has accepted transgendera pro-transgender student the notion that transgender inclusive policies, people are a threat to policy, two years ago, it courts have essentially vacated one. others,” said Mar. “In the In the 2017 case, the few challenges that have uniformly allowed high court vacated a Fourth arisen to transgenderthose policies to Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals inclusive policies, courts ruling in Gloucester v. G.G. have uniformly allowed those continue.” in which the lower court policies to continue. Today’s - Ria Tabacco Mar ruled that Title IX of the announcement from the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project senior staff attorney Education Amendments Act Supreme Court reflects that of 1972 — which prohibits consensus.” discrimination based on sex by federally Eden Heilman, legal director for the funded educational institutions — also ACLU of Virginia which is representing prohibits discrimination based on gender the transgender student in the second-goidentity. The Fourth Circuit ruling would round of the Gloucester case, said Tuesday’s have allowed the transgender student in Supreme Court action in the Boyertown a Gloucester, Virginia, to proceed with his case is a “victory for trans students because challenge against the school district’s policy the [lower] court upheld a decision that of requiring students to use a restroom that found trans-inclusive policies do not violate corresponds with the gender listed on the anyone else’s privacy rights.” student’s birth certificate. But she said the ACLU will continue to In the current case, the high court simply press the Virginia case “because we are refused to hear the appeal of a Third Circuit asking the district court to decide schools U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that upheld are not only permitted, but required, to treat the constitutionality of a Boyertown trans students equally under the law.” school policy that allowed students to use Asaf Orr, Transgender Youth Project staff


6 .5.2019

attorney for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, also called Tuesday’s Supreme Court action a “major victory” for transgender students. “The vast majority of people in this country support equal treatment of all students, including those who are transgender,” said Orr. “The lawsuit challenging Boyertown’s supportive school policies was a political stunt brought by an anti-LGBTQ organization whose agenda is to strip transgender people of basic legal protections. The lower courts rightly rejected that hateful agenda, and we are relieved that the Supreme Court has allowed their decisions to stand.” Tuesday’s action stood in stark contrast

to a long litany of attacks by the Trump administration against transgender people, including students. In May alone, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed to revise regulations under the Affordable Care Act that would allow discrimination based on gender identity in health care. Earlier in the month, HHS finalized a rule to enable health care providers to refuse certain services by citing personal religious and moral beliefs. And the Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed a rule to allow homeless shelters receiving federal funds to turn away transgender people seeking help.

6.5.2019 •


NEWS national Joe Biden in Iowa. Photo via Joe Biden, Facebook.

Biden says Equality Act will be No. 1 priority as president Chris Johnson

Washington Blade


n the first day of Pride month, religious freedom as an excuse to license Democratic presidential candidate discrimination.” Joseph Biden declared passing the “It’s wrong and it is immoral what they’re Equality Act to ban anti-LGBT discrimination doing,” Biden said. would be his No. 1 priority if elected to the In terms of LGBT issues, Biden listed White House. the anti-LGBT attacks from the Trump Speaking before 730 attendees at a Human administration that have come just within Rights Campaign dinner in Columbus, Ohio, the past two weeks leading up to Pride Biden said passage of the Equality Act would month. The former vice president them as “send a message around the world” the the “latest in a long list of moves targeting United States supports LGBT rights. the sick, the homeless, children.” “I promise you if I’m elected president Recent news items include a proposed rule that’ll be the first thing I’ll ask gutting transgender protections be noted,” Biden said. at homeless shelters, a proposal As Biden noted, the U.S. “I promise you seeking to abolish transgender House approved the Equality protections in if I’m elected non-discrimination Act last month on a bipartisan health care and a report that the basis with a united Democratic administration is poised to issue a president caucus and eight Republican rule allowing adoption agencies to that’ll be the refuse to place children with samelawmakers. But Biden said to finish the job “we need to couples. first thing sex“This elect a Democratic Senate” is beyond the scope of to replace the Republican anything remotely from what we’ve I’ll ask be majority chamber, where seen before,” Biden said. noted.” passage of the LGBT bill is Invoking the five known - Joseph Biden highly unlikely. transgender black women who Presidential Candidate Biden’s 30-minute speech were killed in 2019 alone, Biden hit on a range of topics said of anti-trans violence, “It must, pertaining to LGBT issues. Although Biden it must, it must end.” took on the Trump administration, the 2020 “The fastest way to end it is to end the hopeful never mentioned any of his rivals Trump administration,” Biden added. for the Democratic nomination. Biden, however, concluded his speech Criticizing President Trump for creating with a note of optimism, asserting the nation “literally a bully pulpit” at the White will change after Trump leaves the White House, Biden faulted him for his reaction House. to the white supremacist demonstration in “Notwithstanding it all, I remain Charlottesville, turning away asylum seekers optimistic because I believe in who we are as and appointing a vice president who “uses a country,” Biden said. Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.


6 .5.2019






6.5.2019 •


Palm beach datebook Saturday, June 22 18th Compass Annual Stonewall Black and White Ball, 7 p.m. to midnight Harriet Himmel Theater 600 South Rosemary Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 This special night benefits Compass Community Center and celebrates the important contributions of this year’s honorees who work hard to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) community. Every year, the Ball raises funds for Compass’ fundamental programs and services, including the youth and HIV/AIDS services. Art After Dark Fridays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Norton Museum of Art 1450 S. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach View an exhibition, attend a talk, participate in an art activity, enjoy a performance, concert, or film, sip cocktails, and dine in the museum’s elegant new bar and restaurant. Free admission. Visit Norton.org. Coming Out Support Group Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth Get support as you explore your sexual identity and be your true self. Call Forrest at 561-479-8313. Palm Beaches Prime Timers Second Saturdays at 3 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth An active fraternal and social organization dedicated to bringing together mature gay and bisexual men for friendship, activities, support, and personal growth for the best times of our lives. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com. STD Testing and Flu Vaccinations First Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth The Department of Health comes monthly. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com. Free Friday Concerts Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.


6 .5.2019



Long-term Survivors With HIV Deal with Numerous Struggles Denise Royal


his year, 2019, is the first time when nearly half of all people living with HIV in the U.S. are over 50 years old. By 2030 that number is expected to increase to 70 percent. June 5 is HIV Long-term Survivors Awareness Day. Long-Term survivors are those who were diagnosed before most of the breakthroughs for HIV treatments. These are the people who made it through the epidemic. They spent years not knowing if they would live or die. They buried loves ones. They marched, cried, supported, and survived, when many others did not. Today, many face challenges related to their physical and mental health. Many also struggle with feelings of isolation and financial issues—30 years ago there was no reason to plan for a future because it didn’t seem like one was possible if you had HIV. ‘The needs of people who are long-term survivors are unique,” said Chris Lacharite, himself an HIV long-term survivor. “We are the first generation of people with AIDS who are now growing old. And our lives are complicated by aging and ageism and lack of money and resources.”

Chris Lacharite (left) with Eric Robert Miller and Robert Dynak. Photo via Chris Lacharite, Facebook.

Lacharite is also the program manager of an HIV long-term support network in Palm Beach County. “We’re providing social events and educational opportunities and other kinds of things that help promote wellness and connections with each other,” Lacharite said. “We have twice monthly dinners, and we go to the museum, and all kinds of outings that bring people out of isolation.” The theme of this year’s HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day is Empowered to Thrive. “So much of the focus on the epidemic now is on a cure, and as a manageable chronic disease,” Lacharite said. “But for long-term survivors and people aging with HIV, it’s not so fabulous. A lot of us take between eight and twelve medications a day, there are lots of side effects, and there are issues with adherence. We want the voices of long-term HIV survivors to be heard, understood, and honored.” June 5 is a day set aside to honor the longterm survivors and increase awareness of their challenges. “A lot of the long-term survivors are the real heroes of this epidemic,” Lacharite said. “They are the ones who had to put up with all the bullshit with health care providers and funeral home directors; they are the ones who volunteered for clinical trials, and protested in ACT UP marches, they are the

“We are the first generation of people with AIDS who are now growing old. And our lives are complicated by aging and ageism and lack of money and resources.”

- Chris Lacharite

HIV long-term survivor

ones who stood vigil for their friends and loved ones who were dying. That’s what HIV Long-Term Survivor Awareness Day is all about.” On Wednesday, June 5 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Lacharite facilitates a panel discussion about what it means to be a long-term HIV/ AIDS survivor. It takes place at Compass—201 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, FL 33460. The event is free and includes dinner. Register if you plan to attend at www.notoveryet. eventbrite.com.



Pride Month in Full Swing for Box Gallery Deon C. Jefferson

Via Facebook.


GBT activists and artists will come together next week to celebrate Pride month with The Box Gallery’s annual West Palm Beach Pride exhibition. On June 15, the free exhibition will feature work from LGBT artists like Earle and James “Jim” Goodman, as well as the late Connie Kurtz. There will be live music from Boynton Beach-based DJ Li’l Marsh and an auction, with the proceeds benefiting Compass Community Center, the LGBT center of the Palm Beaches. The exhibition will be sponsored by Accomplice Brewery and Ciderworks, a brewery in West Palm Beach. “It was an amazing honor to feature six of the top contributors to [the] Palm Beach LGBT community during Pride fest 2019 in Lake Worth,” said Rolando Chang Barrero, owner of The Box Gallery. “Now to honor three major LGBT contributors to the arts in West Palm Beach in an exhibition will be another pleasure.” The Goodmans have previously made their artistic mark in Palm Beach County — they are responsible for the interior design of the Compass Community Center. Earle will be showcasing his original drawings

“It was an amazing honor to feature six of the top contributors to [the] Palm Beach LGBT community during Pride fest 2019 in Lake Worth.” - Rolando Chang Barrero The Box Gallery owner

and paintings, while Jim will be contributing a sculpture. Kurtz and her wife, Ruthie Berman, have made more than an artistic impact. They were both born in Brooklyn, and changed history when they successfully sued the New York City Board of Education for domestic partner benefits in 1994, which granted more rights to LGBT couples in New York City. Barrero will also contribute a project to the exhibition. His project consists of postcards and mailed art of some of the community’s favorite LGBT members. The postcards are the latest installments of Barrero’s Spectrum project, a three-part series of profiles, portraits, and postcards that was recently featured at Palm Beach Pride as well as Compass. The main objective is to highlight the meaningful impact of the LGBT community as seen through the eyes of the general public, Barrero said. There will be a broad spectrum of color, race, politics, and religion represented. Many of the postcards that will be included are by local individuals and groups like Compass and Inspire Recovery, the first LGBT-specific drug and alcohol recovery center in West Palm Beach. The first installment of the Spectrum series is currently on display at Compass. “I’m super excited to see the many postcards on display,” said Dylan Brooks, HIV testing and empowerment coordinator for Compass. “Gathering everybody from the community to decorate postcards was a cool idea. It was fun watching people respect the theme and watching them brainstorm for design ideas.”

The free exhibition will take place at The Box Gallery on June 15 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. The Box Gallery’s address is 811 Belvedere Rd, West Palm Beach, FL 33405.

6.5.2019 •




Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m.


LISTINGS DARSHAN CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION 1410 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, Fl 33305 917-579-3750 www. darshancenterwiltonmanors.org RevDrGTelesco@gmail.com Interfaith Spiritual Services on Sundays 6:30PM Spiritual Study Group Thursdays 7PM

Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@stnicholasfl.org Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am

First Congregational United Church of Christ 1415 North K Street, Lake Worth 561-582-6691 - fcclw.org office@lakeworthchurch.org Service Time: Sunday 10:30AM

Church of our Savior, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM

United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Fort Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)

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6 .5.2019



FAITH & PRIDE spirituality

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une is PRIDE Month! Around the world, we celebrate the freedom to love. Today, especially in the United States, this translates to parades and really big parties. Like other celebrations, we seem to have lost the serious origins of our festivities. We forget the six days of protest (read rioting) after a police raid on the Stonewall Inn in New York in 1969. We forget the violent arrest of people who were wearing fewer than three items of “gender appropriate” clothing. We forget that a large proportion of the clients of the bar were drag queens who were not welcome at other gay and lesbian venues. We forget that, along with the efforts of activist groups (The Mattachine Society, Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), the Council on Religion and the Homosexual and many others), those six days brought the issue of LGBTQ freedom into the larger public arena. Since then, the LGBT community has made progress, even in religious organizations. Since MCC was founded in 1968, many churches have become welcoming. We no longer need to be closeted to worship in these spaces. Even so, many churches still treat us as second-class. (It’s okay to come, but don’t expect a leadership position or matrimony.) And many churches still want us to undergo therapy to change who we are. Outside North America and much of Europe, LGBT organizations meet in secret. People can still be executed for appearing to be gay or lesbian. PRIDE parades are attacked.

Here in the U.S., we are starting to see push-back, both socially and politically. Recent laws and court decisions allow business owners to deny services to LGBT people because of “close-held religious beliefs." This has been extended in some places to medical personnel. I worry that soon we will return to the time when transgender people are allowed to die on the street or remain untreated in emergency rooms because the medical personnel have those “close-held” beliefs. Of course, those religious organizations who have always pushed back, continue to do so. If we truly believe, in Rev. Elder Troy Perry’s words, that “God made us the way we are and God loves us the way we are,” then it is time to push back against the pushback. That means that those of us who remember 1969 need to come out of our “elder closet” and let young people know that PRIDE is much more than a party. We need to help them to understand the history and that history repeats itself. We can help them know that what has happened can happen again. This means that religious, community and other organizations need to step up. We need to remember. One way may be to attend Church of Our Savior’s showing of The Upstairs Inferno on June 29 at 7 p.m. Another may be to discuss Gilbert Baker’s creation of the PRIDE Flag as a symbol of diversity, not only in the LGBT community, but in the greater community. Celebrate, remember and take action!

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6 .5.2019

WMG Volume 6 • Issue 11 June 5, 2019

Wilton Manors Gazette Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette


Challenge Fitness 'Challenged' Again Activist fails to persuade Commission

By Sallie James A noisy gym that’s been operating complained to the city about lighting for more than a year without a business issues, drainage problems and noise from tax receipt — despite complaints from the Pride Center property for the past neighbors — got another pass last month year. The plat originally designated the from the city. City commissioners voted 3-2 on May current land use as industrial. The 28 to approve a revision to a previously changes designate 60,000 square feet of OK’d plat (map for the site) amendment, community (30,000 square feet of existing paving the way for Challenge Fitness to and 30,000 square feet of proposed); 4,000 square feet of office; 6,000 square legally obtain a business tax receipt. The property at 2040 N. Dixie Highway feet of commercial; and 48 mid-rise is the future home of a nearly $15 million, units and accessory residential uses. 48-unit LGBT-friendly affordable housing The city approved the plat amendment last year but had to revisit project for seniors to it last month due to minor be built by Carrfour language changes requested Supportive Housing Inc. by the county. The gym is located on The plat amendment property owned by the now makes it legal for the Pride Center. noisy business to continue “The current retail operation. occupant, a violation Commissioners Paul Rolli of the current plat and Gary Resnick voted “no.” restriction, and “I am very concerned we unlicensed, has been are going to be expanding a nuisance since its the ability for the uses of inception. The Pride this property that are going Center has refused - Paul Rolli to be inconsistent with to intervene in this Commissioner the residential units next nuisance,” neighbor door and create more of a Matt Dreger, president of the nearby Townhomes of Riverside nuisance to them,” said Resnick, who Homeowners Association, told the also suggested delaying the vote. “I have Commission. “After 13 months and absolutely no evidence that they are nearly $7,000 costs to the city, the only willing to comply with our code so I’m not compromise was how much noise can we in favor of supporting this today.” Commissioner Julie Carson stand.” Dreger implored commissioners to sympathized with Dreger but voted for delay their vote without success. He has the plat revision anyway.

“The real issue is we don’t have a landlord or property owner that commands the tenants.”

Photo via Challenge Fitness, Facebook.

“Part of my difficulty is balancing what business tax receipt. “The real issue is we don’t have a landlord or our ordinances say and what we are required to do and also making sure we preserve the property owner that commands the tenants. integrity of the neighborhood,” Carson said. The Pride Center is a community center She assured Dreger his concerns did not “fall and their business is to provide community services,” Rolli said. “It seems to be they are on deaf ears.” Dreger is also upset because the project more in the real estate business than providing proposed by Carrfour routs stormwater community services. They are leasing out across the Homeowners Association’s land. x their land to build affordable housing, they The easement agreement does not allow flow lease a lot of their office space. So are we in the from any new drainage infrastructure on the real estate business or in community services? adjacent property through the Association’s My concern is about the future. Is that going to property and they are unwilling to revise the be an impact on the neighborhood?” Dreger expressed similar sentiments. agreement so far out of fear additional water “This property is supposed to be the gay and flow will cause flooding issues. The Pride Center has no plans to upgrade its lesbian community center, not a multi-rental money grab for the Pride Center,” Dreger stormwater system, Dreger said. Rolli said the issue is much bigger than noted. “The Pride Center has not conducted concern over a business operating without a business with a good neighbor policy.” WMG

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •2 1 6.5.2019 •


The People’s Advocate By Sal Torre  Photo: preview of pridecenterflorida.org.

This past week left me pondering what role our elected officials and community non-profits should be fulfilling here in our Island City. This quandary is complicated by the circumstance of having a mayor who vociferously proclaims himself as the “People’s Mayor” and a non-profit that touts itself as the LGBT community center here in Wilton Manors. If one looks at the seven revolving pictures on the homepage of the Pride Center’s website, none really show an engaged community center. The first picture is an advertisement for office space with Robert Boo’s name listed as if he were a commercial real estate agent working on commission instead of the director of a community center. The next photo is that of a real estate development, followed by a corporate advertisement for Amazon, then a list of businesses that have paid for the right to solicit LGBT customers from our community, and then a picture of the Pride Center’s newsletter. The cover of the newsletter offers no comfort, with pictures of two well-dressed gentlemen who paid far more than most people in our community could afford for the privilege of attending an exclusive soiree co-hosted by the Pride Center. In comparison, if one looks at the website of Palm Beach County’s LGBT Community Center, “The Compass,” one is welcomed by a collage of photos of a vibrant community working and celebrating together. Looking past this welcoming introduction, one is quickly informed of the great work being done in the community and shown a running total of counseling hours provided, of free and safe space given to the youth of the community, of lives saved, of HIV testing, and much more. The Pride Center looks like a commercial website selling office space, advertising local business, and providing a directory of those paying for access to our community. Compass’ website portrays a community coming together offering services, a safe space, and resources for those in the LGBT community. A very telling comparison. Now on to our elected officials. This past week Mayor Justin Flippen acted

WMG June 5, 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 11 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli piero@sfgn.com Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com News Editor • Sallie James


Sal Torre • James Oaksun

Staff Photographers

J.R. Davis • Carina Mask • Steven Shires

Sales & Marketing For ad placement in the Wilton Manors Gazette, contact 954-530-4970

more like the Pride Center’s mayor than the "People's Mayor." When one proclaims the title of "People's Mayor," one must accept being held to a much higher standard by residents who seek the advocacy of such a representative. Being a proclaimed Flippenite, my words are not adversarial in nature, but of a colleague delivering an honest observation. Commissioners Gary Resnick and Paul Rolli were ready to hold the Pride Center’s feet to the fire over the continuing failure of the Pride Center’s management to appropriately deal with the surrounding community’s concerns. However, Mayor Flippen and Commissioner Julie Carson were verbally tripping over each other in their rush to defend the interest of the Pride Center. The people’s advocate should be more attentive to the concerns of the surrounding community, a community whose residents have had their lives disrupted for years due to issues stemming from the operations of the Pride Center. To make matters worse, the rest of us taxpaying, law-abiding citizens have been totally marginalized by the Pride Center, who so boldly allows and continues to collect rent from an illegal commercial business operating on their campus, while at the same time the Pride Center comes before our elected officials looking for our Affordable Housing funds and other benefits with all the chutzpah of someone deserving of royal treatment. Our city staff knows how to get someone to pay their bills. Those who have neglected to pay past due utility bills have their water turned off. When this happens, one can watch

the rush of people descend upon City Hall ready to pay their delinquent bills and get their water turned back on. Commissioner Resnick and Rolli were ready to use this same tactic on the Pride Center at our last commission meeting: place a hold on all the requests by the Pride Center needed for their real estate development plans and see how quickly the issue of the illegal business and the complaints of neighbors would be dealt with. Unfortunately, our City Commission by a 3 to 2 vote decided to continue giving candy to a bully instead of drawing a line in the sand and taking the side of the residents of our Island City. These actions leave me wondering the meaning behind community advocacy and serving the people of the community. The Board of Directors of the Pride Center might want to learn from our community partner to the north on how a community-based organization should operate. We have been insulted and treated badly by the Pride Center. They have allowed an illegal business to operate on their campus. They have turned a blind eye to the concerns of their neighbors for years over parking issues, noise issues, code violations and much more. If not now, then when do we ask our leaders to hold this community partner responsible for their actions? Only when our elected officials and community partners truly advocate for residents’ concerns will life be just better here. WMG

Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Clark Rogers clark.rogers@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


Associated Press MEMBER


Copyright © 2019 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

Mark your calendars! The 20th Annual Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors Parade and Festival takes place on June 15, 2019. Photo via The City of Wilton Manors, Facebook.

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June 5, 2019

Rules of Thumb?

Real Estate

By James Oaksun

Every now and again, I perform a refresh on a project I commenced shortly after moving to South Florida and becoming a realtor. Oftentimes I hear realtors discuss relative property values in terms of the statistic “price per square foot.” Perhaps you have heard such discussions yourself – or even participated in them. My questions in the process are twofold. First, since literally everybody is using this measure, it must be a pretty good predictor of value… Isn’t it? And second, if it’s really not that great a predictor, is it possible to construct something better? As always, we start with the data. I looked at all single family home sales in Wilton Manors

Oftentimes I hear Realtors discuss relative property values in terms of the statistic “price per square foot.”

in the 12 months ending April 30, 2019. Then I analyzed the relationship between sale price and square footage. The result is the chart included here. The dots are all the actual values. You can see there is somewhat of an upward trend with the dots, which is what you would expect. A larger home would generally cost more to buy. I then (well my software truth be told) put in a line to show the best fit among all the dots. That’s the thick red line here. You should notice something. Yes, the line slopes up and to the right, just like the dots. However, there is a pretty wide variation in the distances of some of the dots from that bestfit line. And what that means is very simple – price per square foot is not a “one size fits all” measure. It is only a ballpark number and should always be used and presented as such. Of course, this doesn’t happen, and I probably won’t change things in everyday practice with just one SFGN column. But I can still try. (I am correct, after all.) That red line has an R-squared (a statistical measure of goodness of fit) of 54 percent. (100 percent would be perfect.) To wrap up this week’s episode: Well, if you

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were going to use just one measure to make an assessment of value, price per foot would be the best one to use. But it’s really not all that great. So the follow-up question is: Can we come up with something even better – a calculation that will move that R-squared thingie closer to 100 percent? And what factors are most important?

June 5, 2019

Tune in next time for the answer. WMG James Oaksun, Florida’s Real Estate Geek(SM), is Broker-Owner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).

6.5.2019 •


Letter to the editor


Boomerangs Got Shafted by Wilton Manors Photo via Boomerangs, Facebook.

BAD HAIR DAY: A Fort Lauderdale police officer and a local resident collided on NE 26th St. in Wilton Manors in front of the Wilton Station apartment complex June 3 at 3 p.m. Everybody seemed to be OK, and the boys in blue and the trucks in red responded in force. Who got the ticket? Photo credit: Norm Kent.

The Criminal Defense law CenTer of souTh floriDa

What an infuriating article. Let’s look at it objectively. Boomerangs has given to our community in huge dollar amounts and supported our pets for many years. They’ve helped our pet family personally in ways that cannot be measured. What is their reward? Rent being raised 50% and the high-hatted Mr. LoGrande who poo-poohs their contributions. “Charity shops” provide much needed funds to underfunded groups in our community. They need to be supported and lifted up to help their work. Do you think Wilton Drive will be like

Las Olas Blvd. someday? I don’t think so. Meanwhile Wilton Manors redevelopment project was planned as being adequate for traffic from one engineer’s faulty conclusions? It will look pretty but the empty storefronts still predominate. Boomerangs site will likely be one of those for some time, unnecessarily. Glad that the Cat Cafe has its’ next life at least. Thanks to all at Boomerangs for their incredible service.

Let your voice be heard! 

William Burnworth

This letter remains unedited.

Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com

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6 .5.2019

4 •

June 5, 2019

#knowyourstatus Get tested. Get PrEP. Get treatment. At Midway Specialty Care Center with Dr. Howard A. Grossman #knowyourstatus #knowyourstatus tested, Get get treatment Get tested. GetPrEP PrEP. Get treatment. “BeingGet transgender is or not just a medical at Midway Specialty Center with At Midway Specialty Care Care Center with transition. It’s discovering who you are and Howard A. A. Grossman Dr.Dr. Howard Grossman living your“Being lifetransgender authentically. Loving yourself is not just a medical “Bienvenidos a todos. Come as you are. transition. It’s discovering whotowards you are and other and spreading that love We speak Spanish, Portuguese, and living your life authentically. Loving yourself people accepting one other another English to provide HIV andand spreading thatcomprehensive love towards care andand PrEP to ourdifference.” community.” people accepting one another no matter their no matter their difference.”

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2500 NE 15th Ave | Wilton Manors, FL 33305 6.5.2019 •




Celebrating Five Decades of QueerInclusive Books for Children and Youth Dana Rudolph


his year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots — but it also marks the decennial anniversaries for several groundbreaking LGBT-inclusive books for children and young adults in the U.S. Walk through the decades with me. Shortly before Stonewall, in April 1969, Harper & Row published John Donovan’s “I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip,” generally recognized as the first young adult novel to include a same-sex relationship, one between two teen boys. The book made the Washington Post’s 1969 Honor Roll of Spring Children's Books and gained starred reviews in the influential Kirkus Reviews and School Library Journal. Other reviewers were less enthusiastic. In The Atlantic, Martha Bacon said the book “would not meet the needs of the initiated and might arouse in the unconcerned unnecessary interest or alarm or both.” Queer people today may look askance at the book’s intimation that the boys’ relationship was just a phase (though some have argued Donovan leaves it an open question), and that it was both caused by and caused tragedy in the protagonist’s life. Regardless, the book inspired many young queer people who first saw a reflection of themselves in print. Ten years later came “When Megan Went Away,” by Jane Severance, the first picture book with clearly LGBT characters. In it, a young girl named Shannon expresses sadness after her mother’s partner moves out but feels better after she and her mother talk. Now out of print, “Megan” was published by the small, feminist collective Lollipop Power Press, based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The same year, Lollipop Power also published “Jesse’s Dream Skirt,” by Bruce Mack, the first book about a boy who wants to wear a skirt or dress to school. (It had originally appeared in a slightly different version two years earlier in the short-lived gay magazine Magnus). In the book, Jesse’s mother helps him make his desired dress, but cautions that other children may make fun of him — and they do. His teacher is supportive, however, even wrapping a piece of cloth around his waist in solidarity. In the end, the children


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all dress up in their own ways and parade around the room. Although out of print, the story holds up remarkably well. Perhaps it’s not surprising that several much later books about gender-creative children have very similar plots. That may speak to the resonance of the storyline — but may also indicate we need more stories about other aspects of gender-creative children’s lives. Also published in 1979 was Tomie dePaola’s "Oliver Button is a Sissy,” whose protagonist “didn’t like to do things that boys are supposed to do.” The book, based on dePaola’s own childhood experiences, has had more staying power than the others from 1979. Part of that may be the skill of the award-winning dePaola; part may be that Oliver’s gender and family don’t stray as far as the others’—Oliver likes to dance, but does so in traditional boys’ clothes. He also has a mom and a dad. In 1989, as AIDS was decimating the queer community, came the first picture book about a person with AIDS, MaryKate Jordan’s “Losing Uncle Tim.” Tim is not explicitly gay, but is unmarried and runs an antique store; it’s easy to assume he was imagined as a gay man. That year, too, came Lesléa Newman’s “Heather Has Two Mommies,” the first picture book to show a happy, intact family with same-sex parents. It was also the first to describe assisted insemination (although that part was removed in later editions to focus on the core message of family acceptance). Newman and a friend had published it themselves after over 50 publishers rejected it. The next year, LGBT publisher Alyson Publications bought the rights to “Heather” when it launched a line of children’s books. “Heather” brought queer-inclusive children’s books into the public eye — but also faced numerous challenges from those who wanted it removed from schools and libraries. It remained popular enough to go through several editions, however, most recently one from Candlewick Press (2015) with updated illustrations and text. Heather’s moms now also wear matching rings as a nod to marriage equality. Controversy also lay behind the 1999 publication of the photo essay “Love

Makes a Family: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents and Their Families,” edited by Peggy Gillespie, with photographs by Gigi Kaeser. The book was based on the groundbreaking traveling exhibit from what would become the nonprofit Family Diversity Projects. When the exhibit of LGBT parents and their children was first shown in schools in 1995, several communities responded with outrage and one sued. A federal court dismissed the case, however, saying the exhibit was protected under the First Amendment. The year 2009 gave us the first LGBTinclusive board books for the very youngest children, also by Newman: “Mommy, Mama, and Me and Daddy, Papa, and Me.” They each depict a child with two moms or two dads enjoying everyday activities such as

playing in the park. These are far from the only important LGBT-inclusive children’s books — just ones celebrating decennial anniversaries this year. And today? In January 2019, when the American Library Association’s GLBTQ Round Table announced its Rainbow List of recommended, LGBT-inclusive children’s and young adult books from the past year, the selection committee wrote on its website that they were “overwhelmed by the explosion of content in all age groups” and noted the number of #ownvoices titles, those whose author shares a marginalized identity with the protagonist. From what I know of upcoming titles, 2019 could be equally impressive — and that will benefit all children as they see themselves, their families, and their world reflected.

Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.


Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

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By Andy Marlette

dy mEn



@wiltonmanorshandymen www.wiltonmanorshandymen.com 6.5.2019 •



Jesse’s Journal

Photo by Halanna Halila on Unsplash

A Coven of Witches Jesse Monteagudo


y My dictionary defines a witch as centered faith, Wicca, “the craft of the “1: one that is credited with usually wise one” (wicce) attracts many women malignant supernatural powers; who reject patriarchal faiths like Judaism, esp: a woman practicing Christianity or Islam. usu. black witchcraft often “Women want to with the aid of a devil or change the internal I interviewed Will, familiar ... 2: an ugly old picture [they] have a gay male witch woman ... 3: a charming or of a male god in alluring girl or woman.” heaven so that these who lived in South As sexist and incorrect women will no Florida. Will as that definition might longer accept rule by defined the Craft as males on earth,” said be, it reflects popular attitudes toward witches Goldenberg, “the worship of the Naomi and witchcraft. To most a religious studies forces that keep the professor at the Americans, witches are either child-stealing devil University of Ottawa universe together worshipers, hideous old in Canada. The craft life and death.” women like the Wicked is also popular with Witch of the West, or “changing men” and lovable enchantresses like the sisters in the with LGBTQ people of all genders and television series “Charmed.” persuasions. But witches do exist, though they are There are many definitions of witchcraft. nothing like the malevolent sorceresses Back in my The Weekly News (a former of popular legend. Witches are followers gay South Florida newspaper) days I of a centuries-old religion which traces its interviewed Will, a gay male witch who roots to the Celts and other pre-historic, lived in South Florida. Will defined the matriarchal societies. craft as “the worship of the forces that keep As a Goddess-worshiping, woman- the universe together - life and death.”


6 .5.2019

Some witches believe in literal deities while others view them as “symbols of the forces of the universe.” Though often accused of immorality by their enemies, witches have their own code of ethics, the Witches Rede, which Will called “the single most important law” of the craft. “Do as you will so long as it harms none.” Will described himself as a Gardnerian witch, a follower of a sect founded in the last century by Gerald Gardner out of older traditions. Witches gather in covens, groups who convene for religious or magical or psychic purposes. Covens meet weekly (esbats) or seasonally (sabbats). The greatest of eight seasonal sabbats, Samhain, falls on the eve of Nov. 1 and is the precursor to Halloween. Unlike traditional, patriarchal faiths, the craft accepts sexual and gender variance. As with other nature-centered faiths, spiritual leadership is often held by

LGBT people. The Radical Faerie movement is, to an extent, a gay male product of Wicca and other neopagan traditions. According to Will, his adherence to the craft is closely tied to his status as a gay man. Raised as a Presbyterian, Will “felt at home” the moment he encountered his adoptive faith. Will later became a thirddegree priest, the highest rank within the Gardnerian sect. Like other LGBT witches, Will integrated his religious beliefs with his sexual orientation, and found acceptance from other members of his coven and from the craft in general. Even so, Will believed that, in America, it’s easier to be queer than to be a witch. Two decades later, we still have a long way to go before the craft gains the recognition and the acceptance that it deserves, whether or not you believe in it.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.


Artsunited 20th anniversary

To celebrate 20 beautiful years, ArtsUnited gathered at Lips on May 30. The celebration featured a special appearance from Dean Trantalis, mayor of Fort Lauderdale and longtime supporter of Arts United. J.R. Davis

Hostess Nicolette (left) and ArtsUnited President Chuck Williams join Mayor Dean Trantalis as he gives a proclamation from the city.

Michael Goodman performs as Cher.

Andy Perrott and Louis Pedraza.

Mark Byrd and Glen Weinzimer, founder of SMART Ride,



6 .5.2019

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.

June 28, 1969:

February 1987: June 1999:

September, 2011: June 26, 2015:

May, 2016:

The Stonewall riots spark the LGBT movement.

nonprofit AHF is founded in los angeles

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military is struck down.

Obama publicly supports Trans students.

first annual Stonewall Pride Parade and festival

Love wins! Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the U.S.



Photo credit: OutClique.


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6.5.2019 •


lifestyle food

Veg Out

Check out these meat-free eateries Rick Karlin

Copper Branch

Photo via The Copper Branch, Facebook.

1515 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale 754-312-5183 EatCopperBranch.com


f Paul Revere were alive today (and living in South Florida) he might be riding through the streets shouting, “The Canadians are coming! The Canadians are coming!” Except in this case, it would be joyous news. Copper Branch, the Canadabased restaurant chain, has opened a location in Fort Lauderdale and vegans and vegetarians (and some meat eaters, as well) will rejoice. The fast-casual dining spot, which joins a slew of other vegan and vegetarian restaurants along Southeast 17th Street, serves only 100 percent plant-based dishes. Many are also organic and GMO-free. There are also gluten-free options. However, as far as I’m concerned, none of that matters if the food being served isn’t delicious and Copper Branch succeeds in that category. The menu is focused primarily on sandwiches and bowls. The sandwiches tend to be a bit pricey (they’re priced about $10 each and that doesn’t include a side. Burgers are served in a choice of organic kamut bun, glutenfree bun, collard green wrap or organic spelt wrap. Among the choices are a spicy black bean burger, The Copper Burger (made with beets, organic brown rice and pea protein), and a shiitake teriyaki or portobello mushroom. On the evening of our visit, special vegan crab cake patty was available. It was so good that our friend kept insisting it was real crab meat. The bacon maple tempeh sandwich will satisfy any barbecue lover and the crusty roll managed to support the tempeh and all the mango-based sauce. There

are also two wraps chock full of veggies, including one with vegan feta cheese. The chain’s Power Bowls are filling meals, and all are priced $10 for a small and $15 for a large (which is enough to serve two). For the bowls you choose your base (organic brown rice, organic quinoa, konjac noodles or mixed lettuce) and top it with your choice of protein (organic tempeh, organic smoked tofu, shiitake teriyaki mushrooms, carrot keftedes or organic tofu scramble). There are vegan cheeses and sauces you can add on to create your own bowl or you can choose from a variety of suggested combinations such as Mediterranean, Asian fusion, Latin, Greek or the General Copper house combo. For those going carb free, there’s a zucchini noodle bowl. Appetizers and sides include a variety of soups and chili and spicy Buffalo wings (soy protein with hot sauce, sriracha coleslaw, and aioli sauce or hot sauce). Side dish options feature cubed, roasted white or sweet potatoes or those same potatoes as the base of a poutine with cremini mushroom sauce. The large order is enough for two as a dinner or four as a side and features the perfectly browned potatoes topped with the rich sauce and mozzarella style shreds. Other side possibilities are a mixed lettuce salad, carrot keftedes, organic spinach hummus, sriracha coleslaw, and nachos. The breakfast menu is available all day and showcases such favorites as avocado toast, a gluten-free waffle, tofu scramble, organic quinoa with shredded coconut and fruit compote, granola bites, and of course, smoothies.

The chain’s Power Bowls are filling meals, and all are priced $10 for a small and $15 for a large (which is enough to serve two).


6 .5.2019

It’s Easy Being Green If you want to check out some other vegan and vegetarian options these places should be on your radar. Green Kafé 2400 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-314-7703 GreenKafeManor.com

Green Bar & Kitchen 1075 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale 954-533-7507 GreenBarKitchen.com

Clovermint Café 3233 Griffin Road, Dania Beach 754-888-9766 CloverMintCafe.com

Green Wave Cafe 5221 W. Broward, Plantation 954-581-8377 GreenWaveCafe.org

Hummus House 900 NE 20th Ave., Fort Lauderdale 954-314-7686 TheHummusHouseFTL.com

Hungry for more?

Visit SFGN.com/FOOD!

Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.


6.5.2019 •



F O R THE W EE K O F J u n e 6 , 2 0 1 9 - J U n e 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 J.W. Arnold

Beats From Bronx




comedy One of the greatest comic recording artists of all time, “Weird Al” Yankovic comes to the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale tonight with his Strings Attached tour, a high-energy rock and comedy production featuring his original band, costumes, props, a video wall and—get this—background singers and a full symphony orchestra. You’ve never heard “Eat It” like this! Tickets start at $49.50 at BrowardCenter.org.



theater What could go wrong when a broken young hustler heads out to meet another trick? Find out in Dan Ireland-Reeve’s gritty thriller, “Bleach,” playing through June 15 at the Foundry at Wilton Theater Factory, 2306 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. The hot young British playwright stars in his own show that is guaranteed to have audiences on the edge of their seats. Tickets are $35 – $50 at RonnieLarsen.com.




“A Bronx Tale,” opening tonight and running through June 23 at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, transports audiences to the stoops of the Bronx in the 1960s—where a young man is caught between the father he loves and the mob boss he’d love to be. Based on the novel and film by Chazz Palminteri, the Broadway hit bursts with high-energy dance numbers and original doo-wop tunes. Palminteri told SFGN, “This show has got a lot of heart…It’s been an amazing journey to bring it to the stage.” Tickets start at $40 at BrowardCenter.org. Photo Credit: Joan Marcus.













John Cameron Mitchell, the Tony Award-winning, Golden Globenominated co-creator of “Hedwig & the Angry Inch,” performs songs and shares stories from his groundbreaking rock musical in “The Origins of Love: The Songs and Stories of Hedwig,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Arsht Center in Miami. It’s going to be an unforgettable night of post-punk, neo-glam rock. Tickets start at $35 at ArshtCenter.org.

For many gay guys, the annual Tony Awards broadcast is almost as exciting as Christmas or Halloween. Celebrate Broadway’s biggest night with Island City Stage tonight at the Pub, 2283 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors. The local LGBT-centric theater company hosts its 2nd annual Tony viewing party fundraiser beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 at IslandCityStage.org and include a complimentary buffet dinner.

The Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride parade may still be days away, but Pride events are in full swing all week long. Tonight, TransConnect hosts a potluck dinner beginning at 7 p.m. at Midland Medical Wellness and PrEP Center, 1421 E. Oakland Park Blvd. #200 in Oakland Park. RSVP at TransConnectPotluck. Eventbrite.com. A complete list of Stonewall Pride events can be found at WiltonManorsStonewall.com.

If laughter is the best medicine, then Comic Cure is the pharmacy! The local comedy producers continue their weekly series at Club Silver, 2209 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors, tonight with incredible mentalist Remy Connor at 8 p.m. Don’t miss this storytelling "Curator of Curiosities." No cover, two drink minimum. Reserved seating available with online registration. For more information, go to ComicCure. com.


6 .5.2019

A&E theater

Christina Groom, Ben Sandomir and Laura Hodos star in Rich Orloff’s political comedy, “Veronica’s Position,” currently playing at Island City Stage. Photo by George Wentzler.

Review: ‘Veronica’s Position’ is a Funny Reminder of a Bygone Era in Politics J.W. Arnold


rrational tweetstorms and blatant attacks on our institutions may be the norm in our nation’s capital today, but turn the clock back three decades and the controversies of the day seem almost quaint in comparison: Collusion with foreign adversaries was unthinkable and conservative ideologues were obsessed with government funding for the provocative creations of artists like Robert Mapplethorpe. Republican politicians could still successfully play both the roles of the Southern gentlemen and aggrieved, if cynical, defenders of moral decency. This long forgotten “culture war” serves as the backdrop for Rich Orloff’s 1994 comedy “Veronica’s Position,” which opened last weekend at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors. In the midst of the political machinations, famous film actors—and exes—Veronica Fairchild (Laura Hodos), nervously making her stage debut, and Phillip Wilder (Ben Sandomir) have come to Washington, D.C. for an out-of-town tryout of a Broadwaybound production of “Hedda Gabler.” It’s a convenient engagement for Veronica, who happens to also be dating conservative Republican Sen. Harvey Johnson (Steve Carroll). If this scenario sounds familiar, it should. The plot and characters are loosely based on the simultaneously steamy and fiery onstage/offstage antics of Elizabeth Taylor and longtime love Richard Burton who reunited for a critically disastrous Broadway production of Noel Coward’s “Private Lives” in 1983. Orloff had a friend who worked on that production and whispered the real drama to the playwright years later. Rounding out Orloff’s cast of characters are the upstart director with a passion for

Ibsen, Mallory Dascomb (Christina Groom), Veronica’s omniscient gay assistant, Alan (Stephen Kaiser), and his newest love interest, Ezekiel Barrows North (Jordan Armstrong), a photographer with a penchant for taking artsy photographs of well-endowed penises and petunias. Orloff’s play is somewhat complicated, even convoluted at times, but director Michael Leeds and his experienced cast manage to keep the pace brisk. The best scenes are those with the entire ensemble assembled and lobbing witty one-liners across the set, an elegant Washington, D.C. hotel suite designed by Natalie Tavares. (Thanks to the girl power anthem-inspired sound design by David Hart, on entering the theater, the set immediately evoked memories of the ultimate ‘90s political comedy, “Murphy Brown.”) Sandomir often steals the show as the suave Brit and Groom is once again a perky powerhouse with plenty of comedic punch. Carroll is a practical doppelganger for former Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran, who passed away last week — oozing with charm that masks the pol’s more nefarious motivations. If anything, all could camp it up just a bit more. Deep down, Orloff’s play cries out to be just a little more over the top, on the verge of a farce. No slamming doors a la “Boeing Boeing,” but just a little more self-indulgent fun for all. And, while it’s been 25 years since the play premiered, a serious edit might yield a more effective piece without sacrificing the backstories or the still prescient message. The two-hour, two-act play could easily be just as successful in 90-minutes and one act. Despite a few flaws, “Veronica’s Position” offers a much-needed diversion from the 24hour news cycle and nostalgically reminds audiences of an era before fake news.

Island City Stage presents “Veronica’s Position” by Rich Orloff through June 30 at Wilton Theater Factory, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $38 at IslandCityStage.org. 6.5.2019 •


A&E Arts

Singer, choreographer and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge Todrick Hall will headline the second annual “Our Night Out” celebration on Friday, June 14.

Todrick Hall Will Headline Second ‘Our Night Out’

J.W. Arnold


inger, choreographer and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge Todrick Hall will headline “Our Night Out,” an interactive evening of the arts, on Friday, June 14, organizers announced last week. “Our Night Out” originally got its start four years ago as a coordinated marketing campaign to build audiences for the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida, Island City Stage and Stonewall National Museum & Archives and funded by the Knight Foundation. Last year, the Wilton Manors event was introduced with the encouragement of the city to kick off the Stonewall Pride weekend. Hundreds of locals and visitors packed The Venue. The Community Foundation of Broward stepped up with funding in 2019 to make the second annual “Our Night Out” bigger and better, Gay Men’s Chorus executive director Mark Kent told SFGN. The evening at the Venue in Wilton Manors will once again begin at 7 p.m. with visual arts exhibits created by the members of ArtsUnited, the South Florida LGBTQ arts collective celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, as well as fashion shows, acrobats and aerialists, and interactive pop-up arts experiences. The concert by Hall, “America’s Got

Talent” contestant Yoli Mayor, singers Heather Lundstedt, Jonathan Hawkins, Elle Emenopé and more will round out the program. VIP ticket holders will enjoy prime viewing for the performances later and meet-and-greets with performers. Lightship Productions, the Oakland Park video production and creative agency, was charged with conceiving and producing the event. Lightship’s Andy Perrott promised an unforgettable musical and visual journey of LGBT expression, featuring unique experiences, stunning lighting effects and creative projections that all lend themselves to a dramatic theatrical experience. The best part, Island City Stage’s artistic director Andy Rogow emphasized, is advance tickets start at $20, allowing almost anyone to enjoy an evening of exciting music, dance and art. Following the show, guests may remain and dance the night away to the beats of a special guest DJ at the popular nightclub. While “Our Night Out” has already become one of the most anticipated events of the Stonewall weekend, both Rogow and Kent agreed that the opportunity for the diverse local LGBT arts organizations to collaborate is definitely the most satisfying result of the effort.

Tickets for “Our Night Out” on Friday, June 14 at the Venue, 2345 Wilton Dr.in Wilton Manors, are $20 general admission and $80 VIP at Facebook.com and Eventbrite.com.


6 .5.2019

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June 7 - August 18, 2019

Personify brings three-dimensional figurative art to life through the humorous marionettes of Pablo Cano; an immersive installation by Jim Hammond; an installation by Jeanne Jaffe about the life and inventions of Nikola Tesla; sculptures by Israeli artist Gili Avissar; and much more. Create your own puppet in the Interactive Room!

Personify is funded in part by a Cultural Tourism Program grant from the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council and Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau; the Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency; and Visit Florida. The Art and Culture Center/ Hollywood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported in part by its members, admissions, private entities, the City of Hollywood; the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council; the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture; the David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation; and the Josephine S. Leiser Foundation. We welcome donations from all members of the community who wish to support our work.

1650 Harrison Street Hollywood, FL 33020 954. 921. 3274

Visit artandculturecenter.org

6.5.2019 •





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Keep your eyes on

South Florida Gay News

LGBT Non-profits BROWARD Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors (954) 463-9005 www.pridecenterflorida.org

Compass GLCC 201 N Dixie Hwy (561) 533-9699 www.compassglcc.com

Latinos Salud 2330 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors (954) 765-6239 www.latinossalud.org

PBCHRC P.O. box 267, West Palm Beach (561) 346-1263 www.pbchrc.org

Poverello 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors (954) 561-3663 www.poverello.org Sunserve 2312 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors (954) 764-5150 www.sunserve.org Care Resource 871 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale (954) 567-7141 www.careresource.org Broward House 2800 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale (954) 568-7373 browardhouse.org Stonewall Library 1300 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale (954) 763-8565 www.stonewallnationalmuseum.org World AIDS MUSEUM and Educational Center 1201 NE 26th St #111, Wilton Manors (954) 390-0550 worldaidsmuseum.org



6 .5.2019

MIAMI Go Gay Miami 1130 Washington Ave, Miami Beach (305) 397-8914 m.me/LGBTVisitorCenter Pridelines 6360 NE 4th Ct, Miami (305) 571-9601 www.pridelines.org SAVE 4500 Biscayne Blvd # 340, Miami (305) 751-7283 www.savedade.org

KEY WEST Key West Gay and Lesbian Community Center 513 Truman Ave, Key West (305) 292-3223 glcckeywest.org

SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews


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Feature pets First they came for the Mexicans, and I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t mexican.

Then they came for the immigrants, and I didn’t speak up

Hello Bright Eyes

because i wasn’t an immigrant.

Then they came for Muslims, and I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t muslim.

Then they came for transgender people, but I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t transgender.

when will

you speak up?


6 .5.2019


Magnificent Milo (ID 612030) is three years old and 16 pounds of cuddles. He loves to play with ALL toys, especially those with feathers. Milo has an amazing personality and gets along with other cats, and people of all ages. With all the younger kittens, he has a lot of competition, but hopes you’ll stop by and meet him because Milo knows you’ll fall in love with him.

The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $125 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.



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