June 15, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 24
#OrlandoUnited SouthFloridaGayNews
Photo credit: The White house.
Obama Proclaims June LGBT Pride Month A Proclamation
The President Of The United States Of America
ince our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice. Last year’s landmark Supreme Court decision guaranteeing marriage equality in all 50 States was a historic victory for LGBT Americans, ensuring dignity for same-sex couples and greater equality across State lines. For every partnership that was not previously recognized under the law and for every American who was denied their basic civil rights, this monumental ruling instilled newfound hope, affirming the belief that we are all more free when we are treated as equals. LGBT individuals deserve to know their country stands beside them. That is why my Administration is striving to better understand the needs of LGBT adults and to provide affordable, welcoming, and supportive housing to aging LGBT Americans. It is also why we oppose subjecting minors to the harmful practice of conversion therapy, and MEMBER
why we are continuing to promote equality and foster safe and supportive learning environments for all students. We remain committed to addressing health disparities in the LGBT community -- gay and bisexual men and transgender women of color are at a particularly high risk for HIV, and we have worked to strengthen our National HIV/AIDS Strategy to reduce new infections, increase access to care, and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV. Despite the extraordinary progress of the past few years, LGBT Americans still face discrimination simply for being who they are. I signed an Executive Order in 2014 that prohibits discrimination against Federal employees and contractors on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. I urge the Congress to enact legislation that builds upon the progress we have made, because no one should live in fear of losing their job simply because of who they are or who they love. And our commitment to combatting discrimination against the LGBT community does not stop at our borders: Advancing the fair treatment of all people has long been a cornerstone of American diplomacy, and we have made defending and promoting the human rights of LGBT individuals a priority in our engagement across the globe. In line with America’s commitment to the notion that all people should be treated fairly and with respect, champions of this cause at home and abroad are upholding the simple truth that LGBT rights are human rights. There remains much work to do to extend
the promise of our country to every American, but because of the acts of courage of the millions who came out and spoke out to demand justice and of those who quietly toiled and pushed for progress, our Nation has made great strides in recognizing what these brave individuals long knew to be true in their hearts -- that love is love and that no person should be judged by anything but the content of their character. During Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, as Americans wave their flags of pride high and march boldly forward in parades and demonstrations, let us celebrate how far we have come and reaffirm our steadfast belief in the equal dignity of all Americans. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.
June 15, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 24 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com
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– Barack Obama In Memoriam
SFGN Winner of
• 6.15.2016
And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year
Associated Press
& 3 Florida Press Club Awards
Dennis Jozefowicz Internet Director 2010 - 2016 South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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news highlight
UN AIDS Report Shows Global Plan Working In Africa John McDonald
new report from the United Nations is declaring a dramatic reduction in HIV/ AIDS cases among children in Africa. In a joint announcement with the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the U.N. reports a 60 percent drop in new infections among African children. The two global organizations are claiming to have prevented 1.2 million new HIV infections in 21 priority countries since 2009. “These astounding results show that the world is on the Fast-Track to eliminating new HIV infections among children and ensuring that their mothers are alive and healthily,” said U.N. AIDS Executive Director Michael Sidibe, in a news release. “It is beautiful to know that we could soon have a generation free from HIV.” The report was released on Wednesday at a general assembly meeting in New York. Titled “On the Fast-Track to an AIDS-free generation,” the report shows great progress in the subSaharan region of Africa. Seven countries,
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the report discloses, have reduced new HIV infections among children by more than 70 percent. Uganda leads the way with a reported 86 percent reduction. Since the U.N.’s global plan for HIV/AIDS was launched in 2009, 21 countries have been designated priority. Six of those countries (Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Uganda) achieved a goal of 90 percent or higher of pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS having access to antiretroviral medicines. “This shows what is possible through the combined power of science, communities and focused action,” said Deborah Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, in a news release.
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6/9/16 4:41 6.15.2016 • PM 5
“HIV, you won't stand between me and a long, healthy life.” Eddie - Miami, FL Living with HIV since 1987.
Encouraged by the love of my HIV-negative partner, I started HIV treatment 27 years ago. I’ve seen first hand the dramatic advancement of HIV care. When I first started treatment, I had to take 30 pills a day. Now, I just take 3 pills a day with few side effects. Initially, I started treatment to protect my partner from getting HIV. Now, I know that being healthy, taking my medication, exercising, and eating well are the reasons I have a full and productive life today.
• 6.15.2016
Get in care. Stay in care. Live well. cdc.gov/HIVTreatmentWorks 6.15.2016 •
Photo: Facebook.
news local
Girl Noticed
Project aims to shine a light on female accomplishments Denise Royal
local artist is using her work to highlight the accomplishment of women who make a positive impact on others. The artist, Lori Pratico, is also a nationally recognized muralist and portrait artist, who’s been touring the United States as part of the Girl Noticed Project. Girl Noticed is a nationwide charcoal mural project aimed at bringing attention and awareness to the important role females play in our society. With our large expressive murals, and powerful message, we hope to empower women and help girls recognize their value. The murals are created in charcoal and while they are temporary, their messages are meant to be permanent. “I originated the project about a year and a half ago after being part of a fundraiser for an organization called Girl Rising,” Pratico said. “It was through one of their stories of a young Haitian girl who despite the many tragedies and adversities in her life believed her life had value and she was capable of rising above the low expectations of her country and family if just someone would notice her. I reflected on my own childhood and how although my challenges were very different that I too was a little girl that knew I was supposed to be more than what was expected of me, and it was the encouragement of just a handful of people in my life that helped nurture that belief. So I set out to do some noticing myself, and to use my artwork as the vehicle to do so. The project is expected to span the length of 3-4 years and I plan to visit all 50 states. So far I have been to 7 - Florida, California, New York, Washington DC, New Jersey, Indiana and Michigan. We are scheduled for Colorado and Nebraska this summer.” This year during the Wilton Manors Stonewall Festival and Parade, Pratico will
create a mural of Dr. Sonia Mitchell, president of Florida Youth Pride. Dr. Mitchell is also a counselor and life coach. “It is honestly very difficult to put into words the effect Sonia has on the people she not only works with but encounters on a daily basis,” Pratico said. “Her positive energy and outlook on life is infectious. Though she is not a stranger to struggle and adversity. She just chooses in her own life as well as teaching others that it is those very things that we can use as building blocks for strength and success. It is my honor and privilege to paint and notice her.” The first Girl Noticed mural was created in Hollywood, Florida back in 2015. “It is wonderful to see communities in different states come together to witness this project,” Pratico told SFGN. “I travel with photographer Elizabeth Sanjuan who is documenting our experiences. Each place we go is completely different and our experience although always wonderful is completely different. Sometimes it’s the fact that an entire community comes together to support, like in DC where the school band welcomed us. Other times its that one person who shows up and stands out from the crowd, who tells us her story of feeling unnoticed and how this project means so much to her, as we all sit with tears in our eyes. When hearts are touched that way, you really can't ask for more.” This year’s Stonewall festival is on June 18. “I chose to do a mural for Stonewall because it is important for me as a lesbian with a daughter who is also gay to support the community that supports me. Garnering support is of the utmost importance these days. Resources are running low and Pratico is seeking sponsorships and donations to continue traveling to spread the Girl Noticed message.
More information on the Girl Noticed project is available at GirlNoticed.com. 8
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news local Photo: J.R. Davis.
Bars Step up to Provide Entertainment for Stonewall Michael d’Oliveira
lthough the June 18 Stonewall festival is a public affair, organizers have left the entertainment to the private sector. Jeffrey Sterling, CEO of Wilton Manors Entertainment Group, the organization working with city officials to run the event, said the bars can do a better job at providing entertainment. “Providing entertainment is an expensive proposition that has bankrupted all the other Stonewalls. That money is better spent on items to improve the festival and keep it financially solid. Remember that last year was the first year in over six years [Stonewall] did not lose lots of money and this year will be in the black again.” And the bars say they’re happy to do it. “The community supports us all year and
it’s kind of a way of giving back and giving them a great show,” said Nick Berry, co-owner of Rumors Bar & Grill. It’s also a point of pride for Berry. “We try to put on the biggest and best event. I don’t know if its [because of] competition but it’s just conducive for us to have a big entertainer, big stage. A lot of the other bars only have the street and can’t [do something big in front of their businesses].” “If the bars don’t do it, nobody will. We always have. It’s just part of being in the community. It’s good for everybody . . . a fun event,” said Matt Auslander, owner of Matty’s Wilton Park. The Stonewall Family Friendly Village will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hagen Park. The main event goes from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. along Wilton Drive. Visit wiltonmanorsstonewall. com for more information.
Progress Bar 2440 Wilton Drive
Hosted by female impersonators Jasmine Lords and Willow Bierce Austin, Progress Bar’s entertainment includes DJ D-STU from noon to 6 p.m., DJ Aulden Brown from 6 to 11 p.m., and DJ AJ Reddy from 8:30 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Matty's Wilton Park 2100 Wilton Drive
Power 96 is scheduled to be a part of Matty’s Wilton Park’s Stonewall entertainment with Dipping DJ slated for 2 p.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. The headliner will come on at 5:15 p.m. but owner Matt Auslander said he hasn’t confirmed yet, saying only that he or she will be affiliated with the Broward Center for the Performing Arts.
Rumors Bar & Grill 2426 Wilton Drive
Rumors’ headliner is former X-Factor contestant Carlito Olivero. He will perform at 10 p.m. Female impersonators Erika Norell and Mia Patricyk will perform at 7:30 p.m. Velvet Lenore and Company will perform at 11:15 p.m.
The Manor 2345 Wilton Drive
The Manor’s entertainment will begin at 3 p.m. with DJ JPS. He will perform until 11 p.m. After that, DJ Dan Slater will go from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.
Alibi & Hunters 2266 Wilton Dive
Alibi & Hunters share the same shopping center, The Shoppes of Wilton Manors, and will share the same stage during Stonewall. VJ Cliff R will host a pre-festival warm up from 2 to 3 p.m. Starlet Skye will perform from 3 to 4 p.m. Kat Riggins & Her Blues Band will be from 5 to 6 p.m. Mistey Eyez, serving as emcee, will be on stage from 6 to 7 p.m. VJ’s Cliff and Andy will do the Spinoff Dance Party from 7 to 8 p.m. Divas Celebrated with All Star Live Talent will be from 8 to 10 p.m. VJ Dance Party & Fantasy Light Party featuring VJ’s Cliff R and Andy Fiacco will start the finale at 10 p.m. 6.15.2016 •
news local
Colohatchee Park Again a crime scene
John McDonald
hat was thought to be a sleepy community dog park became another crime scene recently as authorities arrested a young man for aggravated assault. Wilton Manors police arrested a 30-yearold male on May 1 on two charges – aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and simple assault with intent threat to do violence. In a Wilton Manors Police Department report, Logan Broliath, 30, was arrested at Colohatchee Park, 1975 N.E. 15th Avenue, Wilton Manors. The park has a long and well documented history as a meeting place for people to engage in outdoor sex. In the report, Broliath is alleged to have approached an unnamed victim with “hands balled into fists, and clenching his jaw.” Broliath, reportedly, yelled at the victim he was going to “kick his ass.” Broliath is listed as a 6-foot-2, 170 pound white male with a Fort Lauderdale address. The deadly weapon Broliath is accused of wielding is a black switchblade knife. He reportedly chased the victim around the park threatening to stab him.
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Photo: John McDonald.
The victim, authorities say, gave a sworn taped statement to police and signed a prosecution affidavit. This is the second reported incident in May at Colohatchee Park, an 8.5 acre community park – with an additional seven acres of Mangrove preserves -- located in the city’s eastern boundaries. On May 12, an undercover detective for the Wilton Manors PD arrested two men for lewd behavior in plain site on the park’s boardwalk.
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lgbtqia bites
Finding Dory doesn’t feature a lesbian couple after all (EDGE) The Internet exploded last month when fans speculated Disney Pixar would feature its first same-sex couple in the upcoming "Finding Nemo" sequel, "Finding Dory," citing the film's trailer, which shows two women with a baby. But, according to Variety's sources, the women in the trailer are not a lesbian couple -- or not explicitly so. The publication says its "spies" attended an early screening of "Finding Dory" and note the women in question "make a blink-or-you'll-miss-it appearance in the sequel," Variety wrote. "It's up to viewers to decide just how they know each other, as the camera scurries past them." USA Today spoke with "Finding Dory" directory Andrew Stanton Wednesday and reported he would neither confirm nor deny the women's relationship. "They can be whatever you want them to be," Stanton told USA Today. "There's no right or wrong answer." Producer Lindsey Collins added, "We
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never asked them." She added: "We have not asked that of any of the couples in any of our shots in any of our movies," Stanton said. The speculation came after Disney fans urged the Mouse House to give "Frozen" character Elsa a female love interest in the upcoming sequel to the popular animated film. "Finding Dory" hits theaters on June 17. Check out the trailer, which has earned nearly 3 million views on YouTube, below. You can see the women in question around the 1:07 mark.
Compiled by Tucker Berardi
Bi and Gay men misled on blood donations
Men who have sex with other men (MSM) cannot legally donate blood if they have had sex in the last year. Many people are encouraging donations in response to the mass shooting in Orlando LGBT club that took place early Sunday morning. However, the MSM population is unable to assist the victims of this tragedy by donating blood. A false news story claimed that the ban on MSM blood donations had been temporarily lifted, according to Pink News.
A tweet from OneBlood in response to the fake story read: “All FDA guidelines remain in effect for blood donation. These are false reports circulating that FDA rules were being lifted. Not true.” Other rules also apply – you may not be allowed to donate if you are pregnant, on certain medication or suffer from high blood pressure. For more information on donating blood or where to find a location, visit https://www.oneblood.org/donate-now/ or call OneBlood at 1-888-936-6283.
lgbtqia bites
“Fox and Friends” mocks high school trans athlete
Photo: Facebook.
On Tuesday’s edition of Fox and Friends, co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade joined Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham in labeling transgender high school track athlete as a “confused gender bender,” according to the Gaily Grind. Viewers of the show did not receive meaningful conversation of the subject, but instead were told that the student was “confusing kids who are already pretty confused in this culture.” The transgender athlete was born male and now identifies as female. She competes with the girls’ high school track team and finished third at a state competition.
“Is this fair to the other girls competing?” Ingraham asked. “I mean, I don’t think it’s really fair.” “This is just more gender bending,” the news contributor said. “It’s not fair. Until parents make their views known, this is just going to keep getting worse.” “In an environment where people are taking performance enhancing drugs to do better in sports you know we’re going to be in the situation where, well, we’d like to win our first state championship so let’s let a few men – excuse me, some boys play with the girls’ team and then take the controversy and also take the trophy.”
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politics out on the trail
Local Politicos Visit White House John McDonald
ort Lauderdale residents Jason King and Dean Trantalis attended a LGBT Pride reception at the White House last week. King, the legislative affairs manager for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Southern Bureau, gave an interview to SFGN about his experience. “It was a wonderful,” King said. “They really put on an elegant party.” King and Trantalis were invited by U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings. President Barack Obama attended the reception and encouraged the 300 attendees to keep up the fight for equality. “He (Obama) reminded us that our rights could be taken away and that we must maintain the fight for equality, awareness and education,” King said. The Florida Democratic Party is holding a leadership conference this weekend in Hollywood and King said he plans to participate. Earlier this year, he campaigned to be a delegate to the DNC Convention in Philadelphia. Pledging his support to Hillary Clinton, King came up short in his delegate campaign in Florida’s congressional district 22. “It was a humbling experience,” said the 29-year-old lobbyist. “It taught me to get serious about what value I can bring to the community
Photo by John McDonald.
and if there is an appetite for younger people to get involved in politics.” King said he intends to apply to be a committeeman in his home precinct. He also praised Trantalis’ response to the Orlando massacre, noting his friend was the only Fort Lauderdale Commissioner to attend Sunday evening’s vigil at Equality Park.
politics white house watch
Clinton Celebration short-lived
John McDonald
Photo credit: POOL, CNN.
ormer Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton clinched the Democratic Party’s U.S. Presidential nomination with last week’s victories in California and New Jersey. Clinton, 68, becomes the first female to win the nomination of one of America’s two major political parties. The celebration was short-lived due to the tragic shooting in Orlando. Clinton, in a speech in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday, condemned gun violence and assured LGBT Americans they would be protected. “You have millions of allies that will always have your back and I am one of them,” Clinton said to rousing applause. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald J. Trump also issued a condemnation of the Orlando massacre. Trump said the Pulse Nightclub attack was an “assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.” Prior to Sunday morning’s tragedy, Clinton and Trump had exchanged aggressive tweets with Trump continuing to label Clinton “crooked”
and referring to U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) as “Pocahontas.” Clinton responded to Trump’s latest social media barrage with three simple words: “Delete Your Account.” As both parties prepare for their national conventions, speculation shifts to running mates, primary elections and down ballot tickets. The Republican National Convention is July 18-21 in Cleveland followed by the Democratic National Convention, July 25-28 in Philadelphia. As for the threat of terrorism lingering over Florida, Clinton said “the Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. And we must attack it with clear eyes, steady hands, unwavering determination and pride in our country and our values.” 6.15.2016 •
news state
Cannabis Conference Lands In Fort Lauderdale John McDonald
eople dressed in business attire with jackets and suits. Many women wore dresses but they were of dark color fabric, projecting a serious image. The Viridian Cannabis Investment Conference, held last week in Fort Lauderdale, was not for your average, run-of-the-mill pot smoker. Business leaders, Wall Street investors, entrepreneurs and attorneys made up the conference hosted by the Westin in northern Broward County. Florida is poised to become the first state in the South to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. A constitutional amendment is, once again, set to appear on November’s ballot, asking Floridians if they approve of the substance. Last time it was on the ballot it got 58 percent, just short of the 60 percent it needed to pass. “We can’t count the chickens before they hatch,” warned NORML Vice Chairman Norm Kent, making a reference to his farmer friend Arnold from New York’s Catskill Mountains. “We can’t be opening up stores before the votes are counted.” Kent was one of many speakers at Viridian Capital Advisors event. Sue Sisley, a medical doctor, addressed the situation with veterans and
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post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dr. Sisley owns a letter of commendation from former U.S. President Bill Clinton. “Twenty-two veterans a day are lost to suicide,” Dr. Sisley said. “This is a public health crisis.” Dr. Sisley is conducting a cannabis study in Arizona and Maryland in relation to veterans who suffer from PTSD. She said the veterans she has seen were “like zombies.” The veterans’ hospitals, Dr. Sisley said, are “pouring pills down their throats.” Scott Calhoun, a Gulf War vet, agreed. “The VA prescribed me 75 pills,” Calhoun told a press conference at Wednesday’s event. “Big Pharma wants to see me drugged out.”
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6.15.2016 •
news national
Clinton, Trump Spar Over Orlando The two candidates address the massacre, but in vastly different ways Photo: Facebook
Lisa Keen Keen News Service
epublican presidential nominee Donald Orlando attack. Gregory Angelo, president of the national Log Trump said Monday that LGBT people should support his proposal to ban Muslims Cabin Republicans group, said Trump’s speech was “historic” because it marked “the first time in from the U.S. because Islamic groups promote history a Republican presidential nominee made a violence against gays. direct and explicit appeal to the LGBT community.” “Ask yourself, who is really the friend of “Only time will tell if that translates to actual women and the LGBT community,” said Trump, speaking on the campus of Saint Anselm College votes,” said Angelo, “but, in key states that will be decided by slim margins, a few extra votes from in New Hampshire June 13. He said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “wants to LGBT Americans could make all the difference.” Log Cabin Republicans has not yet endorsed a allow radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our presidential candidate, and Angelo underscored country—they enslave women, and murder gays. that his group “opposes an outright ban on all I don’t want them in our country.” Muslims simply because of their “America must do more – religion.” much more – to protect its While Trump’s speech citizens, especially people who argued that the attack on the are potential victims of crimes “I want to say this to all the LGBT people Orlando nightclub Pulse was based on their backgrounds or the result of a “dysfunctional sexual orientations,” Trump grieving today in immigration system,” Clinton said. Florida and across blamed it on a failure to restrict In what is being called the worst mass shooting in U.S. our country: you have the availability of assault weapons. history, American citizen Omar millions of allies The gunman was able to Mateen, 29, a security guard who will always shoot a large number of patrons from Fort Pierce, Florida, entered at the Pulse by using an AR-15 an LGBT nightclub in Orlando have your back. And I assault rifle, a rapid-fire weapon at 2 a.m. Sunday and shot 102 am one of them.” developed for use by the people, killing 49 before police military that can discharge up killed him. While Mateen - Hillary Clinton to 30 rounds per magazine clip. called 911 during the attack and Federal law banned the sale of declared his allegiance with the such weapons to civilians until Islamic State (aka ISIS or ISIL), 2004. President Obama said Monday Noting that the shooter had been questioned by there was not yet any “clear evidence” that the shooter was “directed externally” by any terrorist the FBI as a suspected terrorist, Clinton said, “If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, organization. you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with “It does appear that, at the last minute, he announced allegiance to ISIL,” said the president, no questions asked. And you shouldn’t be able to “but there is no evidence so far that he was in fact exploit loopholes and evade criminal background directed…There is also no direct evidence that he checks by buying online or at a gun show.” “The terrorist in Orlando,” said Clinton, in a was part of a larger plot.” Both Trump and Clinton delivered speeches speech Monday, “targeted LGBT Americans out of hatred and bigotry. And an attack on any American Monday to address the implications of the
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Photo: CNN
is an attack on all Americans. I want to say this to all the LGBT people grieving today in Florida and across our country: you have millions of allies who will always have your back. And I am one of them.” Trump said that Clinton “can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.” “She can’t have it both ways,” said Trump. “She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress them….Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people here—in vast numbers—who reject our values? Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities.” Clinton has expressed support for allowing 65,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. in an effort to help with alleviate “the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II.” President Obama has called for the U.S. to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees. Trump has likened Syrian refugees to a “Trojan Horse” and said the U.S. should not accept any. The Orlando attack and the two major party candidates’ starkly different responses to that attack promise to ensure that immigration and gun control will be prominent issues in the presidential contest between Clinton and Trump. The attack will also likely focus continued attention to religious-based hostilities toward LGBT people. Noting that the gunman appeared to have been “inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the internet,” President Obama said Monday that organizations like ISIL “target gays and lesbians because they believe that they do not abide towards their attitudes towards sexuality.” “Clearly there are connections between the attitudes of an organization like this and their
attitudes towards tolerance and pluralism and the belief that all people are created equally,” said Obama, in remarks to a White House pool reporter in the Oval Office. “There are connections between this vicious, bankrupt ideology and general attitudes towards gays and lesbians and, unfortunately, that’s something that the LGBT community is subject to not just by ISIL but by a lot of groups….” Numerous media outlets quoted Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, as suggesting his son had expressed hostility toward homosexuality and had been angered recently by seeing two men kiss. CBS News reported that Seddique Mateen had himself posted a video that showed him saying, “God will punish those involved in homosexuality.” But Seddique Mateen told CBS his son did not have the right to harm anybody. A friend of the gunman told the Washington Post that Mateen was “quite religious” but never mentioned any allegiance to the Islamic State. The shooter’s former wife told reporters Mateen was not a devout Muslim. But the FBI investigated Mateen’s connection to a man at his mosque in Fort Pierce, Florida, who executed a suicide bombing in Syria. Media also reported patrons of the Pulse as saying they had seen Mateen at the LGBT nightclub on several occasions and some believed he was interested in meeting men. Mateen’s parents immigrated from Afghanistan, but Mateen himself was an American citizen, born in New York and attended high school and a small state college in Florida. He had a state license to carry a concealed weapon, worked as a security guard, and had extensive training in the use of firearms. The White House announced Monday night that President Obama will travel to Orlando Thursday to “pay his respects” to the families of the victims “and to stand in solidarity with the community as they embark on their recovery.”
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6.15.2016 •
• 6.15.2016
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• 6.15.2016
Congressional Candidate Comes Out As HIV Positive Brittany Ferrendi
ob Poe, running for election to the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida's 10th District, has come out as HIV positive. "Eighteen years ago, I was diagnosed with HIV," Poe stated in a press release. "Don't worry - I'm perfectly healthy, and I feel great. But, that's largely because I got tested - and as soon as I was diagnosed, I started treatment." If elected, Poe may be the first openly HIVpositive person in Congress. According to Poe, there is "a lot of fear, shame, and stigma surrounding HIV - and it's totally unnecessary." He added: "I've always said, if you want to make a difference, you have to be the difference. And I didn't want to wait until I get to Congress to be that difference." There are few openly HIV-positive politicians, and Poe will be the second to run for Congress. "Bob shattered 18 years of stigma when he publicly disclosed his being a person living with HIV," Michael Emanuel Rajner, chair member of the Broward County Human Rights Board, told SFGN. "He knows first hand the burden of keeping one's HIV status a secret and fearing
Photo: Facebook.
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rejection and the harmful impact that can have in preventing someone from seeking out the care, treatment and support needed to beat HIV." In 2013, Poe helped Rajner by organizing a meeting between him and Governor Charlie Christ to talk about HIV. "I realize how powerful of a moment that was to have Bob be a champion and find some way to have the courage to make sure HIV was on the agenda." "Having a person living openly with HIV to serve in Congress would be incredibly powerful to begin to change the course of HIV not only in Florida and the United States, but also globally."
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Horror, Sympathy as World Reacts to Orlando Mass Shooting Katie Hunt, Bryony Jones and Angela Dewan
(CNN) The mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, has prompted an outpouring of sympathy across the globe, with people unfurling rainbow flags and holding vigils in tribute to the victims. Many of the most passionate reactions to the deadly attack have come from gay social media users. In a flurry of posts, gay people around the world have shared pictures of themselves posing, kissing and holding their partners' hands in a celebration of their sexuality, using the hashtag #GaysBreakTheInternet. The worst mass shooting in U.S. history, which left at least 49 people dead and more than 50 wounded, has been described as both a terror attack and a hate crime by leaders and experts. In a riposte to the attack, Twitter user @norlicious of Sweden posted pictures of herself kissing other women, saying "because our rights aren't a debate issue." Instagram user epyloniana from Germany posted a picture of herself and another woman wearing pink tank tops with "legalize gay" across them. Others used #LoveWins and #OrlandoStrong to show their support. 'We're queer, we will not live in fear' A massive crowd gathered Monday outside London's the Admiral Duncan pub, one of the city's best-known gay bars, which was the site of a bomb attack in 1999. Three people died and scores were wounded when neo-Nazi David Copeland detonated a nail bomb in a sports bag. In the packed street, people held up rainbow flags and umbrellas, bouquets of flowers and balloons to show their solidarity with victims. Banners and signs read "Love Wins," "Not afraid" and "Love Trumps Hate." "We're here, we're queer, we will not live in fear," the crowd chanted. A minute's silence was followed with a round of cheers and applause as helium-filled balloons in rainbow colors were released, floating off into the skies above Soho. The London Gay Men's Chorus burst into song, serenading the crowd with renditions of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." "There are no words to articulate the horror of what has happened to these people," said Jerzy Kierkuc-Bielinski, who was at the vigil with his partner, Don Lickley. "It's all the more poignant that we're standing here with our brothers and sons, sisters and daughters outside the Admiral Duncan on Old Compton Street, which has experienced the horror of this kind of attack in the past, on people who were just meeting with friends, having fun -- just existing, not provoking." Edwin Sesange, originally from Uganda, said the attack was a "wake-up call ... to remind us that we need to do more to change attitudes, to reach out to people." He added, "if something like this can happen as a reaction to seeing two boys kiss, then it shows more work needs to be done."
'Cancer of radicalization' World and religious leaders were also quick to stand in solidarity with the United States, as the nation reeled from its worst terror attack since 9/11. Omar Mateen, the U.S.-born shooter, pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call during the attack. Queen Elizabeth II, who celebrated her 90th birthday this weekend, led tributes in the UK, saying on Twitter that both she and Prince Philip were shocked by the events in Orlando. And British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was "horrified" by reports of the shooting. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement to President Obama that "we are connected in deep mourning." "But even in the face of such cruelty, we will stick to our values and beliefs ... We will not give up our freedom, our lives rooted in humanity and charity and our enjoyment of the community. Our open societies are stronger than any rabid hatred," Merkel said. Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that shooting didn't "represent the will of a vast majority of Muslims." "It is just another representation of a cancer of radicalization -- one that we promise to fight every day of our lives," he said in a statement. Chinese President Xi Jinping, India's Narendra Modi, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Singapore President Tony Tan were among the leaders that expressed their condolences and offered sympathy to the victim's families. Days after a terror attack in Tel Aviv, Mayor Ron Huldai tweeted an image showing City Hall lit up in rainbow colors and the colors of the U.S. flag. In Seattle, a rainbow flag flew at half-staff on the Space Needle, while the One World Trade Center in New York was among a number of U.S. buildings lit up in rainbow colors. In France, members of the lesbian and gay community gathered at an art center in downtown Paris on Sunday, placing burning candles in the shape of a heart and draping themselves in rainbow flags. "We are here to express our solidarity with the victims and their families, with all the victims who were injured," one woman who attended the vigil told CNN affiliate BFM TV. "We have a lot of solidarity as well as a lot of sadness." The attack took place during Pride month -- "a time of joy and celebration" for the gay and lesbian community -- said the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex association (ILGA), which advocates for equal rights and represents 1,100 groups worldwide. "It is hard not to fear that this was a targeted attack against a community, and this is a dreadful reminder of the price far too many LGBTIQ persons, all around the world, have to pay simply for being who they are," the ILGA said in a statement. In China, 51 LGBT groups issued a collective statement expressing "condolences, solidarity and love." Blued, China's largest gay dating app, changed its loading screen to honor the Orlando shooting victims. Gay and lesbian groups planned a candlelight vigil for Monday evening in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.
Photo: Photo: Facebook.
Pope's 'horror' In unusually vivid language, the Vatican said Sunday that Pope Francis reacted in "horror" and "condemnation" after learning of the nightclub massacre. "We all hope that ways may be found, as soon as possible, to effectively identify and contrast the causes of such terrible and absurd violence which so deeply upsets the desire for peace of the American people and of the whole of humanity," the Holy See Press Office said in a statement. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull offered condolences to the bereaved and sought to reassure his own countrymen and women, saying that Australian intelligence and security agencies "had the tools" they need to keep people safe. "We are rigorous in our efforts to ensure that guns are not illegally imported into Australia and that our strong gun control laws are strictly enforced," Turnbull said. From Sydney, Australia, Twitter user @sethdarby posted a picture of a vigil from Taylor Square, the heart of the city's gay community and nightlife. The Sydney Harbor Bridge was lit up in rainbow colors, while Australians in Melbourne also attended vigils. "I just feel incredibly sad about what has happened," one woman told CNN affiliate Sky News Australia in Melbourne. "I was meant to be going into work and I thought, nah, I need to come here and spend time with my community." CNN's Amir Ahmed and Marilia Brocchetto in Atlanta, Shen Lu in Beijing and Chieu Luu in Hong Kong contributed to this report.
For daily news about the Orlando massacre, visit us online at SFGN.com 28
• 6.15.2016
#OrlandoUnited Photo: Facebook.
Couple Slain in Orlando to Have Joint Funeral (CNN) Instead of saying "I do" together, starting a family together or growing old together, Christopher "Drew" Leinonen and Juan Guerrero will lay together as their families say their final goodbyes. Lienonen, 32, and Guerrero, 22, were both killed in the Orlando shooting, and their distraught loved ones told TIME they are planning a joint funeral to honor the men's lives. "I think my son wanted to do that. That's why," said Guerrero's father, also named Juan Guerrero. "I don't care what the people think. I don't care." Guerrero's sister Aryam Guerrero said the couple were "so in love," and were supported by loving families on both sides. The arrangements are a devastating foil to what could have been. "If it's not a funeral," she said, "They were going to have a wedding together." An Instagram photo posted by Guerrero in December shows the two young men posing with their respective families. "Christmas was perfect," he wrote.
Photo: Facebook.
On the top part of the picture is Leinonen's mother, Christine. Following Sunday morning's shooting, she became one of the first faces of the tragedy when she spoke to ABC News about the agonizing wait for news about her son. "It could be hours and hours before we find out. The hospital said there are some bodies at the hospital that came in and they died and they're not identifiable yet either," she said through tears. A few hours later, she would find out her son didn't make it, and neither did the man he loved.
Mom Beats Cancer Twice, Gunned Down in Club
(CNN) Brenda Lee Marquez McCool had already fought the battle of her life -- twice. The 49-year-old mom of 11 had beaten two bouts of cancer -- breast and bone -- so it was especially devastating for friends and family when they learned she was killed in the Orlando nightclub shooting. McCool went out dancing Saturday night at Pulse with one of her sons. He survived the shooting. Another son, Farrell Marshall, said she often did this. "She just went out last night and said goodbye to her children" said Marshall, who started a GoFundMe page seeking donations for
the family. A few hours later family members got a call saying she'd been hit by two gunshots. McCool's last post on her Facebook page is a video she put up a few hours before the shooting -- people dancing the night away at Pulse, unaware of the horrors that await. Family friend Wilson Cruz paid tribute to her on social media as a "fighter," noting the battles she had won over cancer and her advocacy for the LGBT community. And wow, could she dance, they said. "She was hilarious and loving and tore up the dance floor when salsa or anything was playing," he said. "I can't believe she's gone."
6.15.2016 •
Wilton Manors Mourns Orlando Massacre
Michael d’Oliveira
Photos by Steven Shires
n the wake of the mass shooting that resulted in the murder of 50 people at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick promised that the city would take extra steps to ensure a repeat did not occur at the upcoming Stonewall festival on June 18. He said that the city had been working with the FBI and BSO “long before” the shooting but that more would be done in the days to come. “We cannot allow that kind of hatred. [The shooter] lived in Fort Pierce. He could have come anywhere in Florida – one of our bars,” Resnick said. More details, he said, would be released later in the week. Resnick pledged more would be done Sunday night at the vigil, held at The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, for the victims who died at Pulse nightclub in Orlando in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 12. “Today, we are all LGBT. All of us,” said Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who said the country must remain vigilant and focused in the face of terrorism. Wasserman Schultz was joined by other local, county, state and Congressional leaders, including Broward Sheriff Scott Israel and Congressman Ted Deutch. Israel echoed Wasserman Schultz and vowed to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of violent criminals. “If you see something, say something.” Terry Stone, CEO of CenterLink, an organization that
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supports LGBT community centers across the country, asked the crowd to shout out the word most on their mind. “Love” was the overwhelming response. Kristofer Fegenbush, chief operations officer of The Pride Center, said the LGBT community was “pissed off” and grieving. “But we are not bowed,” he said to unanimous applause. “We will not be shaken.” Fegenbush also called for love to be used in response to hate. He wasn’t the last. Rabbi Noah Kitty of Congregation Etz Chaim said the response to the event was a show of faith, even for those who aren’t religious. “It takes a deep sense of faith to believe in yourself . . . against all the hatred and ugliness.” Wilfredo Ruiz, communications director for the Council of American Islamic Relations, said the Muslim community’s “deepest sorrow” was with the victims and their families. “Today, we are all in grief. These acts do not belong to our religion. It is Muhammad Ali that represents us. [Not this shooter]. God bless the United States.” Fort Lauderdale Commissioner Dean Trantalis challenged Muslim leaders to go back to their communities and become better advocates against violence. “I’m not ready to forgive. It could have been me. It could have been you,” he said, pointing to the crowd. He also challenged the crowd to become more involved in their communities and oppose the type of ideas and hatred that lead to violence. “Silence equals death.”
For more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook. 6.15.2016 •
• 6.15.2016
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• 6.15.2016
lifestyle tech
Love Wins Dating Hopes to Break Through the Hook Up Apps Alexander Adams
ollowing the legalization of gay marriage last year, a new online dating site is connecting people all over the world in hopes of developing lasting and loving relationships. With over 100,000 members already registered, LoveWinsDating.com aims to break down the boundaries of the gay dating scene by pushing out the infamous hook-up culture that has branded the online dating community for so long.
"Our members are looking for the perfect person, that forever partner, to form a strong and loving relationship with," said Daniel Woolmer, PR and Marketing Manager for Warehouse Dating and love blogger for The SWExperts. "That in itself is what separates us from other sites where people are going to just hook-up." Initially launched in July 2015 by online dating business Warehouse Dating, the new site encourages the growth of strong lasting
According to DatingAdvice.com, Grindr, relationships by offering its members features Scruff, Tinder and Match.com are some of such as reading and sending messages, sending gifts to members you like, an online the most popular dating sites in use today. These app-based dating sites have picked up member chat forum, mobile alerts and a a notorious hook-up stigma. The same stigma personalized dating diary. According to Woolmer, the time for a love- that has been attached the LGBT community driven dating site for the LGBT community is for so long. But, LoveWinsDating.com is important now more than different from these sites in the ever before. fact that it is not available in app “I believe that LGBT According form. According to Woolmer, have not been given a solid to Woolmer, the quick and easy access of an chance to really express how app promotes quick and easy we feel for who we naturally the time for relationships. are attracted to, until now a love-driven “If you’re serious about finding with the acceptance with a relationship you need to take the marriage equality and the dating site time to look. Also the site is set progression of the LGBT for the LGBT out very differently than most and community as a whole,” said community is asks you much more information Woolmer. “Things are on so you can get the best match the change and long lasting important now results,” Woolmer said. relationships will be a more more than ever Despite this, the love site is still seen thing for the LGBT accessible via a mobile device. community.” before. LoveWinsDating.com continues Woolmer believes that to gain momentum as the world the community has not had begins to embrace the LGBT community. a chance to truly commit to one another Since the marriage equality ruling, because they have not been able to fully commit to themselves whilst living in a LoveWinsDating is quickly gaining members, according to Woolmer. society that did not see them as equal. When asked how can someone find love That, coupled with not having enough time to dedicate to another individual who through LoveWinsDating.com, Woolmer put if very simply. is not involved with work, friends or family, “This may sound silly but the simplest way is something that has hindered the LGBT community from building strong bonds with to make a site like Love Wins work for you is to sign up in the first place,” Woolmer said. a mate, according to Woolmer. 6.15.2016 •
Victoria Kennedy/CNN
This is a photo at the big vigil at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando honoring the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Florida on June 12, 2016.
Terror Finds its Way to Florida “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” Norm Kent SFGN Publisher, Editorial
ou thought the hate was far away. You thought when I wrote about ISIS fighters throwing gay men off rooftops in Syria it did not affect you. Think again. Hate has always been around the corner. A culture of hate against the LGBT community has been cultivated for centuries, advanced by preachers and politicians who think you have always been less than a whole person. You were deviant and suffered from mental disorders. You were not allowed to teach in the schools, serve in the military, or access the same benefits as straight couples. Marry? Forget about it, you are lucky they gave you domestic partnerships and civil unions. IRS benefits? No chance, no way. You have always been second-class citizens. Heck, you have never been equal as humans. Your acts have been perverted, your sex queer, and your lifestyles aberrant. Oh, all that, you think, is a relic of the past. No it’s not, not when there are religions still teaching that gays are subhuman. No, it’s not, not when there are countries like Bangladesh still lynching us . No it's not, not when we can't give blood, but our blood still flows. America is better than it used to be, but we are not so perfect either. We ostracized AIDS patients like Ryan White and killed Matthew Shepard. Getting bullied and battered in schools today is mild compared to the electro shock therapy we got yesteryear. And gay bar patrons have been rousted
• 6.15.2016
- Harvey Milk
and raided for decades, even right here in South Florida. We are celebrating Stonewall with a parade this weekend. How quaint. Guess what? Stonewall was no parade. Stonewall was a riot against the police, launched by drag queens and gay bar patrons who simply had had enough. No more abuse, they said; no more beatings. They fought back. Today, it falls upon us to fight back again. We need advocacy, not apathy. We can't just make a world safe for ourselves. We have to insure that it is safer tomorrow. First and foremost, we have to be intolerant of intolerance. We can't look the other way when we are degraded or demeaned. We have to be accepted unconditionally, not tolerated pleasantly. Nightclubs are our private palaces, secret sanctuaries, our homes away from home, our rights of passage into our own ecosystem. They are where we first came out, met our partners, lost our virginity. Yes, they were indulgent, but they are the places where we could express ourselves, be ourselves, and enjoy ourselves dancing the night away and partying into the daytime. Whether we are doctors or deadbeats today, we all did it once. Some of you who were on that cruise just a few weeks ago are still doing it today. We lived for years as victims of violence, but recently, we have been celebrating with court victories and legislative
achievements. The shootings in Orlando are a vicious reminder that the path is not yet so clear. The road still needs to be paved, the street widened. Together, we will get there. The Orlando 49 will not have died in vain, and like Harvey Milk, they will not be forgotten. But like Harvey Milk, history will record them as part of our fallen. However, we won't publicize the bastard who did this in our paper. We are a community, and we will memorialize and remember the lost. We have a niche that we have carved, a spirit that is unique. We have survived abuses before, from beatings to bombings, from bullying to burnings, and we will rise above them today. We will not be silenced and we will not go quiet into the night. Once we said 'Act Up.' Once we said 'we are here, we are queer, we are everywhere'. Once we said 'Loud and Proud.' Today we say 'Orlando Strong.' We have always fought back, and we always will. Because just like your parents taught you, where there is a will, there is a way. Mark it down that Orlando will not doom us. It will unite us. We will walk again, not in sin, but under the sun, side by side, proud of who we are, and honored by what we have achieved. Justice and righteousness is in our corner, and history is on our side. Hope, not hate, will prevail. It always has; it always will.
'We can't look the other way when we are degraded or demeaned.'
WeStandWithOrlando www.pridecenterflorida.org 6.15.2016 •
Photo: Facebook.
Dr. Cheatham, Chief Surgical Quality Officer for Orlando Regional Medical Center
Doctors: Orlando Shooting Victims Arrived by 'Truckloads' Associated Press
RLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The first victim of the nightclub shooting to reach the hospital was relatively stable, and doctors working the overnight shift hoped any others would arrive in a similar condition. Then five more came, in much worse shape. And then more, and more still, until people bleeding from gunshot wounds were lining up inside the Orlando Regional Medical Center. "They were dropped off in truckloads, in ambulance-loads," said Dr. Kathryn Bondani. The trauma bay quickly overflowed, forcing doctors performing triage to move critically injured people elsewhere and focus on those whose lives were most in danger. Luckily, the Pulse nightclub isn't far from the region's main trauma hospital, but its emergency room staff usually gets advance word that severe cases are on their way. In this case, victims started arriving within minutes of the
shooting, and the staff had to scramble. Choking up a bit, Dr. Chadwick Smith described how he and others called for reinforcements. "I said, 'please come, please come. We need your help,'" Smith said. "This is not a drill. This is not a joke," he told them. "'I need you as fast as I can.' Every answer I got was, 'I'll be right there.'" Nurses and technicians also arrived, many without being told to come, turning much of the hospital into emergency response areas. Doctors quickly expanded from two operating rooms to six, performing surgery after emergency surgery. Another eight operations were scheduled for Tuesday. Angel Colon was shot several times in his leg, and his bones shattered as he was trampled in the crowd. Then he was hit again, in the hand and hip, as the gunman shot the injured,
'We can't look the other way when we are degraded or demeaned.'
• 6.15.2016
apparently "making sure they're dead." Later, as a policeman dragged him to safety, his body was cut by shards of broken glass. Appearing at a news conference Tuesday in a wheelchair, Colon turned to the doctors and nurses who treated him and said: "I will love you guys forever." The trauma center is used to handling four or five people each shift. A total of 44 patients arrived that night, with all manner of bullet gunshot wounds, broken bones and other injuries. Nine of them were too far gone to be saved, said Dr. Michael Cheatham. Of the rest, 27 remained hospitalized Tuesday, including six in intensive care. Two of these patients may be permanently disabled, but no patient has succumbed since the nine who were pronounced dead on arrival, he said. Eleven victims were treated at other hospitals, and most of them have been released, Cheatham said. "It was singularly the worst day of my career and the best day of my career," Smith said. "And I think you can say that of pretty much every person standing up here."
6.15.2016 •
Photos by Carina Mask
he last 36 hours have been sobering. I don't know that I knew any of the victims, but am sure there will only be one degree of separation between us. I was so thankful that the City of Miami Beach was quick to act in putting together last night's beautiful vigil. Now, our community must use this moment to get the federal government to completely lift the ban on gay men donating blood. And we must sadly get ready for dozens of funerals for dozens of young people.”
— Scott Galvin, North Miami City Council
oday we are grieving for the victims on Orlando, but my heart is full to see the enormous response from the community in solidarity and love. Only by standing together will the LGBTQ community make it through this incredibly difficult time, and on behalf of SAVE, I offer my deepest condolences to the victims and their families.”
— Tony Lima, Executive Director of SAVE
• 6.15.2016
For more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook.
Memorials, Tributes and Vigils Planned For This Week Wednesday
Coral Springs Charter School 3205 N University Dr, Coral Springs Hosted By SGA members 7:30 p.m.
“United with Orlando: Standing for Equality” Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th St. Hosted by City of Fort Lauderdale 1 p.m.
Guests will be welcomed to sign a special scroll and share their feelings. The scroll will be sent to the City of Orlando in remembrance of the tragedy. A host of political leaders will address the rally ‘United for Equality.'
Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton campus in the College of Medicine, building 71 Room 128 3:30 p.m. Sunshine Cathedral 1480 SW 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale 6-7 p.m. Featuring local spiritual leaders.
Sunday NSU Museum of Art 1 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale Hosted by Our Fund and SFGN 6 p.m. Memorial featuring the South Florida Symphony and Gay Men’s Chorus, along with Broward Coutny Public Defender Howard Finkelstein.
6.15.2016 •
Should This Gun Be Legal? The AR-15 has become synonymous with mass shootings
SFGN Staff Dec. 2, 2015 — The AR-15 was one of the weapons Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik used to kill 14 people and wound 22 more in an attack on the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif. Oct. 1, 2015 — Christopher Harper Mercer used an AR-15 to fatally shoot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. June 7, 2013 — John Zawahri was armed with an AR-15 when he went on a rampage at the Santa Monica Community College outside of Los Angeles. He killed five people and wounded four before he was killed in a shootout with cops.
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Dec. 14, 2012 — Adam Lanza used an AR-15 purchased by his mother to murder 20 first graders and six staffers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. He used a handgun to kill himself as the cops were closing in. July 20, 2012 — The AR-15 was part of the arsenal when James Holmes opened fire during the midnight screening of "The Dark Night Rises" at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.
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• 6.15.2016
6.15.2016 •
Lake Worth Remembers Orlando Deon C. Jefferson
Photos by Char Pratt
ate Monday evening, hundreds of members from the Lake Worth community gathered to mourn the lives that were lost this past weekend in Orlando. Although sorrow and fear remains in the hearts of many, it did not stop the resounding support from a number of presenters including Dr. Reverend Lea Brown of the MCC Church of the Palm Beaches, Vice Mayor of Lake Worth Andy Amoroso, and Reverend Dr. Sheila Guillaume from the Union of Congressional United Church of Christ. Mayor Pam Triolo of Lake Worth was almost in tears as she greeted the packed crowd. “Tonight I want to talk to you about courage, and the true spirit of the American people,” Mayor Triolo declared. Her words added comfort to the supporters and she provided a sense of hope. “My parents gave me the best advice as a child, it doesn’t matter what happens to you, it’s how you respond to it, God Bless America.” One of the highlights came from Tony Plakas, Chief Executive Officer for Compass Community Center. "I don't want to be OK with what happened in Orlando, declared Plakas as the crowd cheered on. “I’ve had to be politically correct on every damn show that I had to go on today. I don't want to do that right now." Plakas highlighted his love for the community, expressed his sentiments to those in mourning, and gave a special shout out to longtime lesbian activist Elaine
• 6.15.2016
Noble. Plakas also mentioned the Upstairs Lounge Fire that took place over 40 years ago. "After the fire parents did not want to claim their children, they did not want to acknowledge the bodies. If there is one thing that I can pull from this crap, it’s that over the past couple of days I've seen moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and friends all wanting to know if their loved ones were safe. We all should love unconditionally," Plakas said. Plakas continued, "Please keep in mind that the killer did not have to go to Orlando, he could have come to many of our events here in Lake Worth, or even to Pride.” During the vigil, people from all walks of life, including a woman wearing an “All lives Matter" shirt, and several supporters wearing "Orlando Pride" shirts. The crowd was treated to a stirring acoustic rendition of "Amazing Grace" by Florida State University Theater Performance Major Keri Young. Lake Worth supporters also had the opportunity to see photos and selfies from lives that were taken during the massacre. The table was filled with rose petals and illuminated candles that represented the light of love. "I personally think that the best way to fight against this is through education," mentioned Elise Body, 24, of West Palm Beach. “A lot of this anger comes from people being misinformed about what this community represents and who we really are. We belong here and we are human beings."
For more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook. 6.15.2016 •
Editorial Cartoons
Editorial Cartoonists Unite in Condemnation of Attacks Norm Kent
ictures say a thousand words. They convey universal truths. They reach our heart and soul visually and viscerally before we can even process something intellectually. Creators.com, the editorial syndicate that SFGN contracts with, has empowered us to display a cross section of the nation’s finest cartoonists depictions of the tragedy in Orlando. The cartoons are anything but. They commemorate the lives lost, the evil manifested, and ultimately, the pain suffered, the anguish endured; the gross senselessness of it all. There is no right or left leaning with these
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cartoons. They show our shared bonds are greater than our perceived differences. They demonstrate our shared humanity, the fragile links which hold us together as a community, as a nation, as a planet. The evil gunmen could have gone south instead of north, could have struck Andrews Avenue instead of Orange County. There, but for the grace of god, go we all. Truly, it is not just the LGBTQI community of South or Central Florida that endures this tragedy. It is our community of gay brothers and sisters across this globe. Today, we are one with Orlando. Today, Orlando is one with the world.
6.15.2016 •
San Francisco Stands With Orlando David-Elijah Nahmod
undreds gathered in San Francisco's gay-centric Castro District to mourn the loss of LGBT life in Orlando. The vigil tool place at 8 p.m. on June 12, the day news of the mass shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub made headlines. The vigil was supposed to take place at Harvey Milk Plaza at the corner of Castro and Market Streets, but so many people showed up that the vigil stretched across the street into Jane Warner Plaza, a small parklet named after the late San Francisco police officer Jane Warner, who was a lesbian. People wiped away tears and held candles as the speakers took to the stage. Openly gay San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener, who represents the Castro District said that guns were "a disease." "The country is awash in guns," Wiener said, speaking from the podium. "I'm angry. We are here to recommit the fight to end antiLGBT violence and to force congress to do something about the damn guns." Supervisor David Campos, who is also gay, represents San Francisco's primarily Latin Mission District. "It's a very difficult day," Campos said. "As a gay Latino man this is shocking to me – we must make sure that the Latino community is not forgotten in all of this." Most of the victims at Pulse were LGBT Latinos. "We've gotten complacent," Campos continued. "People of color are often marginalized within the LGBT community. We don't want to be remembered just when
we're massacred. We want to be remembered every day." Campos reminded the crowd that Congress did nothing after school children were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Pastor Megan Rohrer, the first openly transgender pastor to be ordained as the leader of a Lutheran congregation, also addressed the mourners. "We are Queer, we are fabulous, we are beautiful," the Pastor shouted. "We must act up and stand up. Out of the bars and into the streets. Out of the churches and into the streets!" "The NRA is a powerful group," said San Francisco's interim police chief Toney Chaplin. "I'm looking at a more powerful group. Get out and vote! If you see something suspicious, say something! San Francisco resident Sal Navarrette, who is gay, spoke to SFGN. "The hate that's out there saddens me," he said. "I don't want people who hate to make me fearful. I want them to know they're uniting us." Brandy Jane Rose, a 22-year-old transwoman, said that the killings in Orlando would not make her fearful of attending San Francisco Pride in two weeks. "I cannot not give a shit anymore," she said. "The fight is not over. We cannot back down. We cannot let them win." The vigil concluded with the mourners singing the Civil Rights anthem We Shall Overcome, which was followed by a march down Market Street to San Francisco City Hall.
David-Elijah Nahmod is SFGN’s correspondent in San Francisco.
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Latinos Suffer Brunt Of Attack John McDonald
he horrific massacre at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub occurred on “Latino Night” and many of the victims were indeed of Latin descent. “Our grieving is minuscule to what those families are facing,” said Stephen Fallon, executive director of Latinos Salud, a South Florida based HIV/AIDS service organization. Fallon said the suppression by media outlets of the shooter’s decision to target Latinos at the LGBT club adds to all the hurt his staff is feeling. News reports were quick to link religion and sexuality to the shooting, but the Latino angle has largely been ignored, Fallon said. According to authorities in Orange County, 90 percent of the fatalities are Latin. “Make no mistake: self-appointed cultural vigilantes come armed not only with the bullets in their guns, but also with hate in their hearts,” Fallon wrote in a newsletter to supporters. “They are fired up by rhetoric that exploits people’s
fears, rhetoric that we have heard aimed at Latinos, immigrants and members of the LGBT community all too often.” Founded in 2008, Latinos Salud was designed to give Latino gay guys, their partners and friends a safe space to meet and access resources. The tragedy in Orlando is most certainly having an impact in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, Fallon said. “It’s sinking in slowly,” Fallon said. “Some of our staff members have said they do not feel safe for Stonewall this weekend.” Latinos Salud offers “informal” grief counseling, Fallon said. Visit LatinosSalud.org for more information.
Murphy Blasts Trump Speech John McDonald
.S. Congressman Patrick Murphy said Republican leader Donald Trump’s response to the Orlando massacre was wrong and dangerous. Murphy spoke to SFGN via telephone Monday evening from Washington, D.C. where he was receiving briefings from the House Intelligence Committee. “Donald Trump’s response follows a series of knee-jerk reactions that does nothing but incite more fear and hatred and endangers our country,” Murphy said. Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive Presidential nominee, gave a speech in New Hampshire on Monday where he again called for a ban on Muslims immigrating to America. The New York businessman called on Muslim communities in America to turn in their “bad guys,” said President Barack Obama did not know what he was doing and the burden of providing an effective immigration screening process was on Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and presumptive Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. “Why don’t we have an effective screening system?,” Trump asked in his speech. “We don’t. We’re being laughed at all over the world.” Murphy, a Democrat from Jupiter, dismissed Trump’s comments as unhinged once again. “Remember this all started with him pushing the birther movement and believing in every conspiracy theory under the sun,” Murphy said. Also on Monday, the head of the Federal Bureau
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of Investigation refused to name the shooter. James B. Comey, FBI director, told reporters he did not want to give any fame or glory to the man who committed the mass killings. The gunman was from Fort Pierce in St. Lucie County – part of Murphy’s district. “The bottom line is in a post 9/11 world, federal agencies are not getting enough information to local authorities,” Murphy said. “Local agencies are our ears on the ground. At the end of the day, they might know something.” A lone wolf is tougher to track, Murphy said, and the gunman was on a watch list for “some time” but was taken off the list. The shooter took his own life along with 49 others at Pulse Nightclub. While Murphy acknowledged it is a tragic time for the LGBT community, he urged Floridians to remain calm and go about their daily lives. “This will not tear America apart,” Murphy said. “We are strong as one. We cannot let extremism divide our country. People need to be aware of their surroundings, but not succumb to fear.”
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IN MEMORIaM All Photos: Facebook.
Akyra Monet Murray, 18
Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28 52
• 6.15.2016
Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, 25
Amanda Alvear, 25
Antonio Davon Brown, 29
Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49
Christopher Andrew Leinonen, 32
Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz, 24
Cory James Connell, 21
Darryl Roman Burt II, 29
Deonka Deidra Drayton, 32
Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, 30
Edward Sotomayor Jr, 34
Enrique L. Rios, Jr, 25
Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36
Frank Hernandez, 27
Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez, 50
Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, 25
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Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25
Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19
Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, 27
Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, 35
Jerald Arthur Wright, 31
Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega, 24
Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37
Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22
Kimberly Morris, 37
• 6.15.2016
Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
Luis Daniel Conde, 39
Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37
Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20
Luis S. Vielma, 22
Martin Benitez Torres, 33
6.15.2016 •
Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26
Miguel Angel Honorato, 30
Oscar A AracenaMontero, 26
Paul Terrell Henry, 41
Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33
Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33
Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez, 31
Stanley Almodovar III, 23
Tevin Crosby, 25
Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35
Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24
• 6.15.2016
6.15.2016 •
#OrlandoUnited West Palm Beach.
Dear LGBT Community, Let's Stay the Course of Peace Anthony Beven
woke up Sunday to a series of text messages, phone calls and Facebook messages asking if I was OK. I opened the Facebook app on my phone to post after post about the Orlando Pulse - initially it was 20 dead and double that injured. Throughout the day that number climbed to 50 dead and 53 injured - the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, according to media outlets. A number of things ran through my mind on Sunday: "This is intense. I'm thankful no one I know was killed or injured, and my heart hurts for the friends and families of those who were." "Why didn't Pulse security stop this individual before lives were lost and people were injured?" "How could so many people have been shot and killed by one shooter without a group within the crowd trying to overpower or stop him?" "We've come so far as a community, but there's still work that needs to be done within the sub-cultures that make up the American culture." "People will confuse Islam with radical Islam, and confuse all Muslims as terrorists. This incident isn’t going to help." "Is this a hate crime? Is this terrorism?" "Was this part of a coordinated effort to target other LGBT events during Pride Month?" These questions or ones similar to it probably ran through the minds of many of you as well. As a journalist, it's my job to put things in perspective, to investigate, to confirm, to report. Here are responses and answers to my questions (and maybe yours): A friend of mine, Angel Colon, a resident of Orlando, was shot three times and trampled as club-goers tried to escape the terror of the events of early Sunday morning. He was supposed to go to Detroit Pride with me this weekend, and it didn't work out. I wish that it did work out that way, and
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he was safe and unharmed. He survived and is on the road to recovery, thankfully. During Detroit Pride, there was a cover charge of $5 to cover the cost of event security. You were wanded for any weapons before you could enter. In addition, there was a strong security presence inside the Pride downtown event. The point is that even though we should be able to do what we want to do in a free society, we have to be cautious and take extra security measures to try to prevent tragedies like this. Like it or not, many Muslims are Americans. That means they were born here. They are part of America, just as much as Italians, Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Asians, Jews and any other racial or ethnic group. However, there needs to be a national campaign to integrate and educate Muslims on homosexuality. Many Muslims are strongly against homosexuality, and in some Middle Eastern countries, they are executed if found out as gay. In some other countries, such as Iran, homosexuality is considered a mental disorder and sex changes are paid for by the government. Islam is not a radical religion. In fact, Islam shares many similarities with Christianity and other major religions of the world. In the Catholic religion, many priests over the years were convicted as child predators and rapists. Did we label all Catholics as such? No. Similarly, we can't label all Muslims as terrorists. Additionally, ISIS is not even a part of the Muslim religion. I'm from Detroit, so I grew up around one of the largest Middle Eastern populations in this country. I'm grateful, because I know that a majority of Muslims are sweet, caring, honest, God (Allah) fearing people. If you get the chance to talk or befriend a Muslim, do so. Just like we've helped break down barriers and eliminate misconceptions about the LGBT community, let them do the same for us about them.
This was a hate crime and it was an act of terrorism. The shooter was investigated by the FBI previously for terrorist connections. It wasn't one or the other. It was both, and we should have an open discussion about why it was both, and the importance of keeping it equally labeled. It's so hard to talk about lessons or what could have been differently when lives are lost, and people have been injured. For me, it all comes down to one thing. And, this one thing is something that our community - the LGBT family - does better any other race or ethnicity in this country. That thing is love. So let's not stop loving ourselves, each other or our neighbors, which includes Muslims. The only solution to hate is love, so let's keep using the same weapon we have for years against homophobia and violence against our community. Also, we can't and shouldn't stop going to gay bars, having pride events or showing each other affection in public. It's been reported that the gunman became upset after seeing two men kiss recently in front of him and his family. Like my Aunt Trina always says, and it's cheesy but appropriate, I think: We're here and we're queer. We're not going anyway. We aren't going to hide. We aren't going to back down. We are going to continue to lead by example and intelligently push past homophobia, as we have always done. Stay safe. Stay vigilant. Stay the course for peace. For those of you interested in donating to Angel's recovering fund, you can visit https://www.gofundme. com/29eusrqs.
This was a hate crime and it was an act of terrorism.
Anthony Martinez Beven covers Miami-Dade County for SFGN. He can be reached at anthony.beven@sfgn.com
The City of Fort Lauderdale will honor the victims of the Orlando tragedy at a special Memorial Service
Standing for Equality FridAy, June 17, 2016 | 1:00 pM parker playhouse | 707 northeast 8th Street | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Join us as we show our support for the City of Orlando, the LGBT community, and all who have been affected by this horrific act. As we unite against violence, terror, and hatred, let us promote healing through tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance. If you would like this publication in an alternate format or if you need reasonable accommodation to participate in this event, please call (954) 828-4755 or email publicaffairs@fortlauderdale.gov.
6.15.2016 •
For more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook.
Vigil Held in West Palm Beach for Orlando Alexander Adams
ore than 100 people, including community leaders and one member of Congress, gathered Sunday night in West Palm Beach to pay tribute to the victims of Saturday night’s gay nightclub massacre - now the deadliest mass shooting in American history. One attendee, Ariana Flemming, said she was devastated by the events, but that she had regained a sense of hope for the future after coming to the vigil. “My community is hurting, but I know this will make us stronger than ever,” Flemming said. “You can take our lives, but you can't take our pride.” The candlelight vigil, organized by local LGBT activist Eric Harazi, first emerged online in the form of a Facebook event after first news broke about the gunman who shot and killed 50 people and injured 53 more at the popular gay Orlando nightclub Pulse. Later that night at 9 p.m., people gathered in front of the Harriet Himmel Theatre of City Place in West Palm Beach where speakers called for an end to gun violence, urged the LGBT community to stay strong and offered their deepest condolences to everyone affected. “After I heard about what happened in Orlando, I knew we had to have some type of coming together as a community,” said Harazi just before the event began. “I
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Photos by Michael Cushman
thought this would be a great way to pay respect to the Palm Beach. “It's not enough anymore… It's about time victims who were just going out to have fun.” our Congress took action and banned assault weapons.” The shooting, as well as the murder of singer Christina The strong stances on gun control were followed by Grimmie in the same city just one day earlier, has brought even stronger stances with the LGBT community. the issue of gun control back under “Lead your life with freedom, lead your the national spotlight. This was a key life in open and love who you want to topic discussed by the guest speakers love,” Frankel said. “Be proud that we are The shooting, as at the vigil. all American.” well as the murder Congresswoman Lois Frankel was One patron, Imani Smith, who identifies one of the speakers who told the as a transwoman, came to pay tribute to of singer Christina crowd of patrons that gun violence the victims and to show her support the Grimmie in the needs to end and that it starts community. same city just one by holding our elected officials “We need to have respect and show accountable. respect. Show love,” said Smith who is day earlier, has “It is time for congress and for still waiting to hear back from her friends brought the issue our state legislators to stand up to in Orlando. “Please keep everyone in your the NRA and start doing something prayers.” of gun control about this,” Frankel said. At 9:15 p.m. everyone paused for a back under the According to Frankel, firearms moment of silence for the victims. killed more than 13,000 Americans Singer Raquel Williams ended the vigil national spotlight. last year. with a rendition of “Amazing Grace” and Speakers that followed echoed “America the Beautiful.” The crowd sang Frankel’s call to action. along, some of whom began to cry. “We always say our thoughts and prayers are with you, Rainbow flags were being waved and candles were but enough already,” said Jeri Muoio, the mayor of West being raised as the crowd ended the night.
6.15.2016 •
#OrlandoUnited $4 Million Raised for Orlando Victims
After Orlando Shooting, Gay Men Still Banned Michael d’Oliveira From Donating Blood
s hundreds lined up to give blood in response to Sunday morning’s Pulse nightclub shooting, they discovered that the FDA’s rules governing blood donations from gay men are still in effect. Despite rumors, OneBlood, which collects and distributes blood donations, per FDA regulations, is still not accepting blood donations from gay men. “All FDA guidelines remain in effect for blood donation. There are false reports circulating that FDA rules were being lifted. Not true,” wrote OneBlood on Twitter. HIV/AIDS activist Michael Rajner said the 12-month deferment period is highlighted and made all the more hurtful by the tragedy in Orlando – one that prevents healthy gay men from helping their own community when needed or forces them to lie to do the right thing. “We are discriminated against unjustly through a homophobic policy by the FDA.” Previously, the FDA had instituted a lifetime ban on men who were sexually active with other men but altered that policy in 2015. The American Red Cross and America’s Blood Centers opposed the lifetime ban as being “medically and scientifically unjustified.” According to the FDA, men are prohibited from donating if they had sex with another man in the past 12 months. Women must also wait 12 months to donate if they had sex with a man who has had sex with another man. The rules put gay men on
par with other groups the FDA considers to be high risk for HIV/ AIDS, including individuals with a history intravenous drug use and those who have received tranfusions of whole blood or blood products. “In reviewing our policies to help reduce the risk of HIV transmission through blood products, we rigorously examined several alternative options, including individual risk assessment,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., deputy director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in an online statement. “Ultimately, the 12-month deferral window is supported by the best available scientific evidence, at this point in time, relevant to the U.S. population. We will continue to actively conduct research in this area and further revise our policies as new data emerge.” But while the National Gay Blood Drive, an organization focused on giving the LGBT equal treatment in blood donation opportunities, applauded the move as a step in the right direction but asked the FDA to go further. “While this is a big success, there is still a long road ahead and a lot of work to do. We will continue to encourage the FDA to consider all the evidence until they arrive at a non-discriminatory policy and discrimination based on sexual orientation is eliminated from the blood deferral process altogether,” reads National Gay Blood Drive’s December 2015 statement.
Visit http://bit.ly/236QOJj for a list of places to give blood. Editor's note: As SFGN went to press, we received a press release from representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) announcing that she would like to speed up the FDA's efforts towards changing the policy that currently prevents gay men from donating blood.
Jason Parsley In just over two days more than $4 million has been raised through two GoFundMe pages set up to help the victims and families of the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, which has claimed 49 lives so far and has left more than 50 others injured. The main page, set up by Equality Florida, has raised more than $3.7 million as of 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday. “We are heartbroken and angry that senseless violence has once again destroyed lives in our state and in our country,” the page reads. “Gay clubs hold a significant place in LGBTQ history. They were often the only safe gathering place and this horrific act strikes directly at our sense of safety. June commemorates our community standing up to anti-LGBTQ violence at the Stonewall Inn, the nightclub that has become the first LGBTQ site recognized as a national monument.” A second page, set up by the LGBT center in Orlando, meanwhile has raised more than $336,000. “We are saddened and shocked at the tragedy that took place Saturday night at Pulse Nightclub,” the page reads. “The Center is partnering with MBA, Hope and Help, Two Spirit Health, Zebra Coalition, Rollins, and various other GLBT organizations throughout Central Florida to provide an emergency hotline and crisis counseling.” The funds will be used to pay for medical expenses, funeral arrangements and other costs. As for why there are two separate pages. “We are working together and will be pooling the money so it all gets to where it needs to be,” said Terry DeCarlo, Executive Director of The Center in Orlando. “Some people felt more comfortable donating directly to the GLBT Center than a political organization, but please let everyone know that we are working together and are going to look to start distributing the money today.”
Westboro Baptist Church Celebrates Attack on Gay Club Jason Parsley
s most of the country was in a state of shock and horror over the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando on Sunday, the Westboro Baptist Church took to Twitter to celebrate, not condemn, the attacks.
WBC is well known as an anti-gay group who originated the slogan “God Hates Fags.” In 1998 when Matthew Shepard was murdered during an anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming they rose to infamy when they picketed the funeral. In one tweet they threaten to picket outside of the funerals of the Orlando victims.
Visit http://bit.ly/28B6l8g to donate money to help the victims and their families.
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Photo by Charlie Fredrickson
MCC of the Palm Beaches Vigil
e must gather together like this again and again, because we cannot be together enough when something like this happens. This is what we are hard-wired as human beings to do: be there and comfort one another. What happened was all about hate and violence. It had nothing to do with God or faith or any one spiritual tradition. Don't let this cut you off from your spirituality or from reaching out to others who are different from you. Reach out to one another - it's the best way to heal and to affirm life in the face of such horrific death.”
— Lea Brown Senior Pastor of MCC Church of the Palm Beaches
Loves Takes Over Corner Known for Hate Jason Parsley
onday night the LGBT shooting. She was just diving by and didn’t community in Fort Lauderdale even know what was happening,” Runyan claimed hostile territory as said. “I hugged her and hugged her. And their own as they gathered on the corner she was just crying. This is why we were of US1 and Oakland Park Blvd. near here to be able to provide some outlet to let Target. The corner, which people vent their feelings.” is known for anti-gay Local activist Michael and conservative rallies, Rajner also attended Local attorney became a beacon of hope and was moved by the and activist and spreading a message of community response. Tom Runyan love to the community. “It was a much needed Local attorney and affirmation for so many organized activist Tom Runyan LGBT individuals who have the event in organized the event in less been beaten down from than 8 hours with more Sunday's massacre at Pulse. less than 8 than 200 people showing There was tremendous hours with up. power to hear car after car, “The message of the including a fire truck, honk more than rally is love always wins,” their horn in solidarity. We 200 people Runyan said. “This corner stood on the corner unified has always been a corner with those who drove showing up. of hatred. Today we took it past,” Rajner said. “There back.” was also tremendous irony Attendees held rainbow flags and “Love as this corner is usually occupied by Tea Always Wins” signs as cars honked in Party activists and their leader Danita support. Kilcullen died on Sunday, June 5th, the One car though stopped and joined in 35th anniversary of the first report of after realizing what was going on. AIDS in 3 gay men. Danita was rabidly “This young lady was here from Orlando. homophobic and often thought all LGBT She had friends that passed away from the folk deserved to die of AIDS.”
• 6.15.2016
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lifestyle finance
Smile, and be proud!
The Prudential LGBT Financial Experience Survey An overview of the demographic data
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• 6.15.2016
This three part series takes a look at the Prudential LGBT Financial Experience Research Studies of 2013 and 2016. Analyzing demographics, data and expectations derived from the studies this series will deliver a high level look at how LGBT in each of the four primary groups is faring financially and how we have changed in the past three years. Visit SFGN. com/Prudential to read the series.
n 2012-2013 Prudential did a survey of LBGT persons to determine how the community feels it is doing financially and how it is actually doing, and to compare LGBT financial performance and attitudes with that of the general population. Again in 2015-2016 a similar survey was conducted with results being made public in the weeks to come. Prudential’s methodology set broad parameters for participation in an effort to generate diverse results from a broad community representation. While looking at the community as a whole, Prudential’s study also looked at how each component of the LGBT community performed. Participants in the 2012-2013 survey were aged 25 to 68 and identified themselves as a member of the LGBT community. Interestingly, a full 36 percent of respondents identified as at least somewhat closeted, leaving 64 percent identifying as completely out. Gay men comprised 47 percent, lesbians 45 percent, bisexual 5 percent and transgender 3 percent. Every state and DC are represented and states of residence distributed along strikingly similar lines to the 2010 US Census, allowing results data to be reasonably compared to the general population. LGBT is a common community grouping yet is inclusive of many whom though sharing common challenges maintain separate perceptions, beliefs and financial directions. Lesbians have more children than gay men while transgender people usually face significant financial discrimination compared to others in the LGBT community. The survey did not require personal financial information to participate and respondents were rich, middle class and even many struggling to pay their bills. The Prudential LGBT Financial Experience report included respondents of whom 49 percent were single, 7 percent in legally
recognized relationships, 34 percent living together without legal protections, and 15 percent who are parents of which 27 percent are single. These demographics are broadly similar to the general population. In diversion, financial independence is much more important to same sex couples than it is to the general population. Same sex couples are more likely than the general population to keep separate banking, investing and retirement accounts, create financial plans and work with financial professionals. We may yet be mired in pre Obergefell times as it remains important to us to protect assets from greedy family members in the event of the passing of a partner. Now we enjoy the benefit of settled marriage law, which includes transfer of assets on death, presuming we took advantage of the new opportunity to be married which along with its benefits brings new challenges. Our community is more concerned about financial issues closer to home such as LGBT financial rights and Social Security benefits for same sex couples. We are less concerned about national financial issues. Equality wins over economics. Confidence in the future is moderated by concerns of the present mostly related to equality. Gen Ys living in major metro areas employing financial professionals are the most confident group. Boomers, those living in rural areas and those going it alone financially are less confident in their financial futures. That differentiation is actually sensible in that Gen Ys still have time to earn and accumulate while Boomers are on the cusp of retiring without the opportunity to earn more in the event of a financial meltdown that once again collects its pound of flesh in the fleecing. Happily, for Boomers who have planned well, cycles always cycle back and average is always the new normal.
Next week: who we are and our financial performance
6.15.2016 •
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• 6.15.2016
6.15.2016 •
lifestyle food
Rick Karlin
Submitted photo.
Taste the Rainbow Pride Brunch Recipes
kittles may use the phrase “Taste the Rainbow” to promote its candy, but it really should be used for LGBT Pride treats, and I ain’t talking about the boys in the underwear riding the floats!
4x4 Breakfast Casserole
This has got all the ingredients of a classic diner breakfast platter. Make certain to use frozen potatoes; fresh potatoes are too watery and the dish won’t hold together as well.
When we lived in Chicago, the Pride Parade took place on Sunday, stepping off at noon. What else do LGBT folks like to do on Sunday mornings? While I’m sure that, “Go to church,” is the answer for some, I prefer to attend services at Our Lady of Perpetual Brunch. The LGBT community may not have invented brunch, but we sure perfected it, and every Pride morning there were always brunch parties taking place so that everyone could get fed (and liquored up) before the parade. Now, you want to have at least one thing
Crab Cake Soufflé
This spin on the traditional treat is a no-fail “soufflé” that is perfect for brunch because you make it the night before and just pop it in the oven the morning of your party. It can also be baked in cupcake tins for individual servings.
1 bag (32.-38 oz.) cornbread stuffing mix 16 oz. crabmeat, picked and cleaned 8 oz. grated jack or pepper-jack cheese 1 oz. fresh chopped flat leaf parsley 1 tsp. Old Bay seasoning salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup cream 1 dozen eggs, room temp.
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that’s got a rainbow theme, but don’t overdo it. One or two dishes get your idea across, and you want to do it with something where you don’t have to put odd things together to make the rainbow colors. Try a tray of Jello shots in the colors of the rainbow or a platter of macarons. If you simply must make something, divide your favorite white cake batter (boxed will do) into six parts, color with food dye and bake in separate pans. Stack and frost. Here are a few of my favorite brunch recipes, all can be made ahead of time and I’ve even included a couple of rainbow colored items.
Toss stuffing mix crab and grated cheese (reserve 2 oz.), herbs and seasoning to mix thoroughly. Whisk eggs and cream together. Pour over stuffing mixture, until mixture is absorbed and coats the top layer. Spray an oven-safe soufflé dish with non stick spray. Fill soufflé dish with mixture, cover and chill overnight. Preheat oven to 375°. Remove soufflé from refrigerator, uncover and top with remaining grated cheese. Bake 25-30 minutes or until soufflé rises and browns. When thoroughly baked, a skewer inserted in the center should come out clean.
8 eggs 1 cup cream 1 large bag (32 oz.) uncooked frozen potatoes for hash browns 8 ounces ham, cut in cubes 12 strips of bacon, cooked and chopped 16 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
Rainbow Treats
You could make this childhood favorite with rice cereal dyed different colors and layered, or with just the fruit flavored cereal. I prefer the plain rice cereal studded with rainbow rings, it just looks more festive.
1 large bag of marshmallows, about 7 cups 1 stick of butter
Beat eggs and cream together, add potatoes, ham, bacon, and cheese (reserve ½ cup) and fold in until thoroughly mixed. (everything up to this point can be done ahead and kept refrigerated). To bake, place in a 350° oven and bake for 3545 minutes, top with reserved cheese the last five minutes of cooking. This dish will be slightly runny, allow to sit five minutes before serving and it will firm up. Alter the ingredients to your taste; try onions, green pepper and ham and make it a Denver casserole.
3 cups Rice Krispies 3 cups of Fruit Loops coarse ground sea salt (optional)
Mix cereals in a separate bowl. In a large pot melt marshmallows and butter together. Stir blended cereal mixture into marshmallow-butter mixture. Press into a 9”x12” pan. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt if desired. Allow one hour to set. Cut into squares and serve.
Pride Kabobs
24 cubes honeydew 24 blueberries 24 purple grapes Bamboo skewers
What says LGBT Pride more than fruit on a skewer? This is the recipe for noncooks 24 small strawberries or large raspberries 24 cubes cantaloupe 24 cubes pineapple
Add 1 piece of each fruit to the skewers, Cover and chill until served.
lifestyle food If you simply must make something, divide your favorite white cake batter (boxed will do) into six parts, color with food dye and bake in separate pans. Stack and frost. Rainbow Flatbread
This can be prepared as a flatbread, or add a layer of provolone to the crust before piling on the veggies and it becomes a pizza. It’s the drag queen of appetizers!
1 large purple onion, sliced 3 large red potatoes Blue food coloring 1 large green bell pepper 1 yellow squash, sliced 1 large orange bell pepper, diced 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes 1 pre-made flat bread or pizza crust Sliced provolone cheese (optional) 4 Tbs. pesto (regular or sun-dried tomato) Olive oil 1 pinch coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
Start a small pot of water to boil, add blue food coloring. Peel and slice the red onion and sauté until wilted in olive oil. Peel and dice the potatoes, drop into boiling water and boil until softened slightly, drain and dry on paper towels. Sautee peppers and squash separately, drain on paper towels. Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and pepper, and roast in a 350° oven for 20-30 minutes, or until blistered. Drain on paper towels. Lightly coat flatbread or pizza crust with pesto. Add cheese if desired. Visually divide crust in sixths. Starting from left; fill each section with vegetables, starting with tomatoes, orange peppers, yellow squash, green peppers, potatoes and onions (if using a round crust divide as you would the hours on a clock with 1-3 being tomatoes, 3-5 being yellow squash, etc.). Drizzle with olive oil, add salt and pepper and warm in a 350° for 15-20 minutes or until the crust crisps.
6.15.2016 •
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J.W. Arnold
theater “Be Our Guest” as the stage production of Disney’s Academy Award-winning animated classic, “Beauty and the Beast” comes to the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale through Saturday, June 19. The story has thrilled more than 35 million people worldwide since its Broadway premiere in 1993. This production stars Miami’s own Ryan Phillips and Danny Burgos. Tickets start at $35 at BrowardCenter.org.
opera Opera Fusion presents the new opera, “Not In My Town,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Composed by Michael Ross, the drama tells the tragic story of gay Wyoming college student Mathew Shepard, who was brutally beaten and left tied to a fence in 1998. Gordon Roberts conducts. Tickets are $38 and $100, including VIP reception, at OperaFusion.org.
The magic of Disney’s musical classic, “Beauty and the Beast,” enchants the stage of the Broward Center through Saturday, June 19. Photo Credit: Matthew Murphy.
6/18 SUN
6/19 MON
6/20 TUE
If you’re not inclined to face the crowds at the Stonewall Street Festival in Wilton Manors, perhaps you might enjoy “Hot Pants,” a night of theatrical shorts by women tonight at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Empty Closet Theater presents this collection of 10 minute plays written by local women playwrights at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Hwy. in Lake Worth. Tickets are $15 at EmptyClosetWomensTheater.com.
Maksim and Valentin Chmerkovskiy, the world class (and hot) Russian ballroom brothers on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars,” will heat up the stage of the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach tonight at 8 p.m. “Maks and Val Live on Tour: Our Way” is the creative and passionate story of their lives that they’ve dreamed of performing since they were boys first learning to dance. Tickets start at $25 at Kravis.org.
If you’ve already binge-watched the new season of “Orange is the New Black” on Netflix, here’s a documentary to check out. Tonight at 9 p.m., HBO premieres “Suited,” a fascinating profile of the staff and clientele at “Bindle & Keep,” a New York tailor shop that, instead of catering to rich Wall Street clients, serves the unique clothing needs of the transgender community. Check local listings.
Celebrate gay pride with Sheba Mason, who brings her variety show, “The Sheba Mason Comedy Show: Gay Pride Edition,” to Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale, tonight at 8 p.m. Sheba, the daughter of famed entertainer Jackie Mason, will be joined by the popular South Florida cabaret diva Jennifer McClain, lesbian comedian Bear Clarke Webb and more. Tickets are $25 at ShebaMason.com.
• 6.15.2016
6.15.2016 •
a&e music
Photo: Lisa Nalven
The 1989 cult film, “Heathers,” comes to the Broward Center stage in a musical adaptation presented by Slow Burn Theater
“Heathers” is Campy Trip Back to High School J.W. Arnold
n the 30 years since graduation, I’ve tried hard to block out memories of the daily torture that was the high school experience-the cliques of mean girls and dumb jocks, the taunts and bullying. Well, those horrors all came thundering back last weekend at the Broward Center in Slow Burn Theatre’s production of “Heathers the Musical.” The Off Broadway hit, based on the 1989 cult film starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, is less dark comedy and more campy collision, featuring an R-rated book and music by Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy. Veronica Sawyer (Abby Perkins) is the brainy and beautiful teen misfit who hustles her way into the most powerful school clique at Westerberg High, the Heathers. Heather Chandler (Leah Sessa), Heather Gay (Heather McNamara) and Heather Duke (Cristina Flores) sadistically rule the school, tormenting Martha (Stephanie Trull) and the other misfits, and Veronica becomes a willing party. Along the way, a brooding transfer student, J.D. (Bruno Faria), connects with Veronica and together they become entangled in a twisted plot to knock off the mean girls and their complicit enablers. While the show could stand some editing, clocking in at nearly two and a half hours with a 15 minute intermission, the ‘80s inflected musical numbers are fun with titles such as “Freeze Your Brain,” sung at the 7-11 where Veronica and J.D. meet over a Slurpie, and “Prom or Hell?” Veronica’s opening to Act II. Perkins soars as Veronica and Sessa, Gay and Flores are delicious as the sadistic Heathers. Faria, a recent FAU grad who first grabbed our attention as the smoldering Clyde Barrow in Slow Burn’s production of “Bonnie & Clyde”
• 6.15.2016
last season, is equally sensational as the school sociopath. The supporting cast also excels, most notably the fantastic physical comedy of buff Domenic Servidio (Kurt Kelly) during an opening fight with J.D., and the hilarious duet sung by Noah Levine and Ben Sandomir, the dads who reveal their own forbidden love in “My Dead Gay Son.” One of the most touching moments comes late in the second act during Trull’s showstopping “Kindergarten Boyfriend,” a song that is guaranteed to touch everyone in the audience as Martha naively sings of the childhood crush who has grown up and now mocks her. Under the musical direction of Manny Schvartzman, the ensemble belts out the many chorus numbers, another trademark of the spunky company’s productions. All of the production numbers are accentuated by director and choreographer Patrick Fitzwater’s signature high energy ‘80s dance moves, perfectly matched to the period and tone of the show. As director, Fitzwater also milks every comedic moment, blunting the very serious issues of bullying a bit, but never at the expense of the larger life lessons that are never lost on the audience. Playing to a sold out house on opening night, this show promises to be one of the hottest tickets this summer in South Florida. Make sure to escape back to Westerberg High before the “semester” ends on June 26.
Slow Burn Theatre presents “Heathers the Musical” through June 26 in the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $45 at BrowardCenter.org.
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6.15.2016 • 75 6/3/16 1:51 AM
Living d u o L t Ou
Pioneer Gay Chorus Anniversary Season Finale
To close its 30th season, the original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus celebrates Living Out Loud, the commissioned work that lends its name to the concert title. Also including some favorite pieces from the last 30 years, this show is not one to be missed!
Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus in New Venue
Come enjoy the concert Saturday, June 25, 2016, at All Saint’s Episcopal Church (333 Tarpon Drive, Fort Lauderdale 33301) at 8pm. For tickets and additional information visit our website www.theftlgmc.org, email us at info@the ftlgmc.org or call 954 832-0060.
$25 General Admission & $40 VIP
June 25th, 2016 8pm
Tickets available at www.theftlgmc.org or by calling 954.832.0060.
All Saints Episcopal Church
For updated information on our concerts, events or joining our chorus, please visit our website www.theftlgmc.org or call 954.832.0060.
Funding for this organization is provided in part by the Broward County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.
15 Minutes From The Beach or I-95 754-779-7007
Two Locations!
• 6.15.2016
paid content
Celebrates 30 Years of Gay Singing Fred H. Johnson, Jr
hirty years ago there was not a single gay men’s chorus in the state of Florida. Now there are at least three in South Florida alone, with more elsewhere in the state. Dr. Gary Keating pioneered this change when he founded the original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus in 1986 as the first gay performing arts organization in the state, under the name of the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida. Out of respect for other choruses that were founded subsequently, it later changed its name to the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus. (Another chorus has since taken the original name.) Now the FTLGMC is about to culminate its 30th Anniversary year with a season finale that is sure to please all who hear it. The celebratory event is augmented by the Chorus’s move into a new concert home, All Saints Episcopal Church just off Las Olas in downtown Fort Lauderdale. In its spring concert there, the Chorus recently debuted the new LGBTQ and Allies Honor Choir, making this the second concert the Chorus has given in the new venue. All Saints is home to many musical events by various musicians and organizations and is highly prized for its virtually unparalleled acoustics, both for concerts and as a recording space. Audiences for the season finale will be able to appreciate that as well as the abundance of free parking. This season finale, entitled Living Out Loud,
will feature the Chorus’s stunning nine-song commission piece of the same name. (Trust me when I say that audience members will be very glad to know that the Chorus recently recorded the commission piece on a CD that will be available at the concert.) The piece looks at the everyday realities of LGBT life and the changes that have come in the last few decades. While occasionally glancing back at some of the dark realities so widespread before Stonewall, the work joyfully celebrates LGBT progress since that legendary event, mixing some poignancy with a great deal of joy and celebration. In addition to the commission piece, the concert will include a number of other choral pieces, solos, and duets that revolve around the same theme of the realities of LGBT life in the changing context of the last 40-plus years. All the pieces on the program (including an arresting choral piece by Eric Whitacre, Lux Aurumque) will be performed with the unparalleled musicianship and superb sound for which the Chorus has been justly known under Dr. Keating’s direction. That unique sound will only be enhanced by being performed in the acoustically unique space of All Saints Church. And as is always the case with the FTLGMC, the program will include a variety of musical styles and a spoonful or two of the entertaining whimsy for which the Chorus is known.
For tickets to the show at $25 general admission, $40 VIP seating, visit www.theftlgmc. org. The venue, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, is located at 333 Tarpon Drive, which veers off Las Olas towards the south nearly opposite where 12th Ave. comes in from the north. Plenty of free parking is available at the church!
Editorial sponsored by Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Broward Center and 102.7 The Beach Present
AEG Live and Broward Center Present
JULY 8 • Au-Rene Theater
JULY 27 • Amaturo Theater
Au-Rene Theater
TICKETS at BrowardCenter.org • Ticketmaster | 954.462.0222 Broward Center’s AutoNation Box Office • Group Sales | 954.660.6307 Follow us:
6.15.2016 •
a&e music to benefit the production of
The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus celebrates its 30th anniversary with “Living Out Loud” on June 25
Photo: Steven Shires Photography
the new musical drama based on the life of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man who was bullied, beaten, and left to die
Chorus Conductor Reflects on 30th Anniversary J.W. Arnold Words and Music by South Florida’s own
Michael W. Ross
Major Highlights from Not In My Town Together with Opera and Broadway Favorites Performed with Orchestra Gordon Roberts, Conductor Ardean Landhuis, Director
Friday, June 17th, 2016 8:00 pm The Walter Lawrence & Stephen Lewis Performing Arts Center, Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale 33315
for tickets: operafusion.org General Admission $38 6 PM Dinner & Open Bar plus 8 PM VIP Seating $100
An official Wilton Manors 2016 Stonewall Festival Celebration design: anne djupedal, woodhilldesign.com
• 6.15.2016
t’s pretty emotional to think in terms of 30 years ago having started this,” reflected Dr. Gary Keatiing, founder and current artistic director of the Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus (FLGMC). Since the earliest days of the gay rights movement in the late ‘60s and ‘70s, music has played an important role at Pride parades and protests. And, as the AIDS epidemic hit the community in the ‘80s, the sounds of gay men’s choruses soothed mourners and raised awareness. Choruses celebrated marriage equality and, just a few days ago, were equally saddened by the horrific massacre of 49 men and women reveling at an Orlando nightclub only to be struck down by a crazed shooter. Keating and his chorus have marked many of these milestones—both happy and sad— with song and on Saturday, June 25 at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale will celebrate their own 30th anniversary. “When I started the chorus in 1986, it was the first major ‘out’ organization in Florida since Anita Bryant,” recalled Keating, noting the successful efforts of the former beauty queen to thwart gay rights in the 1970s. “We still have many fights to fight, but many have already been fought and won.” One battle that the LGBT community continues to struggle with is the AIDS crisis. While the tragedy is just a memory for many, gay men’s choruses in major cities gained national prominence at the time. “I’ve heard of people who were sick, moved to San Francisco and joined their chorus, only for the reason the chorus would be singing at their
funerals one day,” Keating said, adding that in the first three years since its founding, his South Florida chorus sang at 41 services. The FLGMC also served other important personal functions for its musicians: One of Keating’s singers used a performance as an opportunity to come out to his parents. The vocalist sent tickets to his parents and after the performance met them in the lobby, with Keating there for support. “It really was a testament to the power of the music, the words, the performance,” the conductor said. “We have the power to change the hearts and minds of people.” Just in the past year, the FLGMC has expanded its program with a youth chorus made up of 14 singers between the ages of 14 and 18. The young LGBT and allies singers performed with the chorus at the March concert and Keating has high hopes to double the number of young people for performances next season. The anniversary concert program will feature “Living Out Loud,” a major work commissioned five years ago, “a fantastic piece of music that will really speak to the audience,” Keating promised, along with many favorites drawn from the 30 year history of the chorus. The chorus will also be releasing a recording of “Living Out Loud,” on CD and iTunes to mark the occasion. Keating called the chorus, “a wonderful, safe, nurturing, creating space for men to be able to come together to make music and develop a community. I don’t think we had any idea how long it would last and the impact that would be felt over those year, but it has certainly been felt by me.”
The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus presents its 30th anniversary concert, “Living Out Loud,” at 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 at All Saints Episcopal Church, 333 Tarpon Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $25 and $40 at TheFLGMC.org.
6.15.2016 •
Theater Christiana Lilly
“East Light & Jack Madigan” Reading June 18 at 8 p.m. at Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. Jack and Laurie are excited to be moving in together, when Jack’s dad Bill, a chain-smoking alcoholic, decides to visit. Tickets $10. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com. Hay Fever Through June 26 at the University Theatre and Studio One Theatre, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. A couple is looking forward to a quiet weekend in the country, when their children show up. Tickets $20. Call 800-564-9539 or visit FAUEvents.com. Feeding the Bear Through July 3 at the Abyss Theatre, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A gay, single teacher is struggling with body dysmorphia on top of caring for his father suffering from Alzheimer’s. Tickets $35. Call 954-519-2533 or visit IslandCityStage.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county Disney’s Beauty and the Beast June 15 to 19 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The fairy tale comes to life in a way only Disney and Broadway can do, with showstopping dance and music numbers, intricate costumes, and impressive sets. Tickets $35 to $75. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. Heathers: The Musical Through June 26 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort 80
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June 15 to June 21 Lauderdale. Based on the 1989 movie, Veronica Sawyer makes her way into the popular crowd, “The Heathers,” then falls in love with the new kid at school. Tickets $45. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county * Keith Urban June 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The Australian country star is joined by Brett Eldredge and Maren Morris. Tickets $40 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre. com. * Maks & Val Live on Tour: Our Way June 19 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Brothers Maksim and Valentin Chmerkovskiy, known from “Dancing With the Stars,” tell their life story through dance. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561832-7469 or visit Kravis.org. Free Friday Concerts Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-2437922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county * “Always in Disguise” Play Reading June 20 at 7:30 p.m. at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Set in the Big Apple at the turn of the century, a
man comes into power, impacting his wife, an immigrant girl, and a sexual educator. Free. Call 305445-1119 or visit GableStage.org. Brookdale Through June 25 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. A live theatrical and video performance of a man heading home and struggling through insanity. Tickets $25. Call or visit MTCMiami.org. The Royale Through June 26 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Jack Johnson, a black boxer, rises to the top of the game despite the struggles the Jim Crow era throws at him. Tickets $45. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org. Summer Shorts Through July 3 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd.
in Miami. The annual short play festival of the best in the country, including 10-minute musicals. Tickets $39. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org. PAMM Outdoor Music Series Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org. The Big Show Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
porn pulse
Photo: Twitter.
Kinkster Feared Dead Hunter Houston
(New Patrons Only)
625 E. Dania Beach Blvd Dania, FL 954-921-9893
riends of porn actor Chris Burke are telling news organizations he is dead. Gay Star News, Edge Media Network, Frontiers Media and Instinct Magazine are reporting Burke died “suddenly” at his San Francisco apartment on May 29. On his Twitter account, @ChrisBurkeXXX, the actor is described as a “Freshman in porn world” in addition to a “Partyer” and “Kinkster.” The cause of Burke’s death has yet to be revealed. Combing through his social media accounts, it appears Burke had an interest in S&M play, bondage, ropes and rubber. Kristopher Weston, founder of BoundJocks.com, issued the following statement of Burke’s passing: “He was a sweet man and a kinky man who was very comfortable in his own skin,” Weston said in a news release. “He loved sharing his lifestyle and fetishes with the world with no apology or shame. You will be sorely missed my friend.”
Mention this ad and get a free drink on us!!
OPEN 7 DAYS FULL LIQUOR POOL, DARTS, & MORE Burke’s profile on BoundJocks.com lists him at 5-foot-9 and 165 pounds with an 8-inch cut penis. He is identified as a triathlete with Southern roots and versatile sexual tastes. Burke also participated in dungeon scenes for GuyBone.com, sources say, where he would often assume the role of a “slave dog.” On his Tumblr account, KinkyAntics. tumblr.com, Burke can be seen in videos demonstrating electric tit clamps. “We only had the privilege once but we’ll never forget your charm, smile and incredible personality. RIP @ChrisBurkeXXX.” Tweeted @GuyBoneMedia on June 2.
Come Enjoy Our Relaxed, Laid-Back Environment!
6.15.2016 •
Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks Sexual Outlaws, Rebels, & Renegades -- Hidden Heroes of the Gay American Experience
June 16 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum -- Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Learn about LGBT heroes like Billy Strayhorn, Romaine Brooks, and Billy Tipton. Free. Call 954763-8565 or visit StonewallMuseum.org.
Creative Collaborative
June 18 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. At 1 p.m., queer writing, poetry, and how to express yourself. At 3 p.m., joined LJ Woolston for an artist workshop. Call 305- 3978914 or visit GoGayMiami.com.
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.
Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email ijasher@aol.com
SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county * GLLN Happy Hour
June 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mod Wine Lounge, 1828 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy two-for-one drinks and free appetizers. Visit GLLN.org.
* Documentaries and Debates
June 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A screening of “TRANSLivesProject” and “OUT Loud” as well as a trans in the media discussion. Call 954-463-9005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
* United and Proud Artist’s Reception
June 17 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Enjoy artwork from the annual show, as well as light snacks and drinks.
• 6.15.2016
Tickets $10, includes a free drink. Visit Facebook.com/events/1036344996448761.
* Stranahan Stories: “Moving History” with Sandy Casteel
June 20 at noon at the Fort Lauderdale Woman’s Club, 220 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale., Casteel has spearheaded many historical restoration projects, including moving the KingCromartie House down the New River in the 1970s. Free. Call 954-524-4736 or visit StranahanHouse.org.
* Annual Pride Run/Walk
June 22 at 7 p.m. at Holiday Park, 1200 G. Harold Martin Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Join the LGBTQ running/walking social club to celebrate Pride Month -- wear a rainbow item to show your solidarity and receive a free gift. Free. Call 954-247-8642 or visit FrontRunnersFortLauderdale.org.
June 15 to June 21 * TRANSART Artist’s Salon
June 23 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum -- Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. See a showcase of the works by local transgender artists. Free. Call 954763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
palm beach county * Stonewall Black & White Ball
June 25 at the Harriet Himmel Theater, 600 S Rosemary Ave. in West Palm Beach. Celebrate pride and recognize community members who have made an impact. Tickets $35 to $75. Visit CompassGLCC. com.
Zumba Fitness
Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
Sober Sisters
Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North,
18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.
Out of the Closet, Into the Light
Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.
Voices of Pride
Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com
Youth Group
Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Open for LGBT teens and allies ages 12 to 19 -- come out and meet new friends and discuss issues that are important to you. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
miami-dade county * TRANSART Evening Reception and Presentation
June 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Betsy Hotel B Bar, 1440 Ocean Drive in South Beach. Enjoy artwork and poetry, as well as the unveiling of the “TRANSLives Project” documentary. Call 305-531-6100 or visit TheBetsyHotel.com.
* TransBodies Photography Exhibit
June 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Join the artist reception of TransBodies. Call 305- 397-8914 or visit GoGayMiami.com.
* Gender Fluidity and Faith Community Workshop
June 19 at 1 p.m. at Miami Beach Community Church, 1620 Drexel Ave. in Miami Beach. Faith leaders discuss how society, politics, and the media have shaped our perspective of transgender issues. Call 305- 538-4511 or visit MiamiBeachCommunityChurch.com.
Yoga in the Park
Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. at Bayfront Park’s Tina Hills Pavilion, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older are invited to a yoga session taught by a certified teacher. Classes will be moved indoors in the event of rain. Bring your own mag, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html
The Flying Trapeze School
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Soar through the air like a member of the circus with trained trapeze experts. Call 786-239-8775 or visit TheFlyingTrapeze. net
Free Rapid HIV Testing
Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud, 555 Washington Ave. Suite 235 in Miami Beach. Receive the results of your free, confidential HIV test in minutes. Call 305-397-8967 or visit LatinosSalud.org
6.15.2016 •
Business Directory health
movers B & M MOVERS A Full Service Moving Company Free Estimates call 754-702-8081 SOUTHFLORIDAMOVING@OUTLOOK.COM WWW.SOUTHFLORIDAMOVING.NET
Coast Chiropractic Injury & Wellness Center 2608 NE 16th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954.463.3036 www.coast-chiropractic.com
Lane & Eriks Dental Associates 1831 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.771.3331 Laneanderiksdental.com Oakland Park Dental 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Levitt Oaklandparkdental.com Andrews Dental Care 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com
Wilton Manors Dental 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com
Island City Dental 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com
Emerald Elite 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite 3, Wilton Manors, FL 954.629.1377 Emeraldelitehomehealth.com
Dr. Tory Sullivan 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com
American Pain Experts 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com Simply Men’s Health 5405 Okeechobee Blvd #205, West Palm Beach, FL 561.459.5356 Simplymenshealth.com Natura Dermatology 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 Coolsculptingnaturadermatology.com Mark Engebretson Palm Beach & Boca Raton 561.400.9297 heartofthemystery.com
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 legal
Law Robin 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net
professional services Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 Kalis-McIntee Funeral & Cremation Center
2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com American Tax & Insurance Small Ad Gay Publication :Newspaper 8/17/15 1:56 PM Page 1 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL Ad Cont. Emerald Home Cleaning 954.302.3228 3 Hours for $60.00 Americantaxandinsurance.com Use how you wish (Hand Scrubbed Floors) 954-524-3161
Selzer & Weiss 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
Law GC 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com
Miami/Broward/Palm Beach Paint/Caulk/Remove Grout/Yard Work Fix Drips & Switches/Debris removal Assembles Furniture & Appliances Repair or Fix Call "Avrom" Keith 786-227-9981
The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare Where we welcome and appreciate diversity.
101 NE 3rd St Fort Lauderdale FL 33301 Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:30 AM Ecumenical Catholic 954.731.8173
BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com
J. Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com
Ernie's B-B-Q 1843 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636
Peace Pipe 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl
Daoud’s 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com
The Best Cellar
Boutique Wine Shop & Wine Bar The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 8:00 p.m. ONLY $15 PER PERSON! 954-630-8020 1408 N.E. 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33334
Have you made your wishes known?
Baptisms • Weddings • Memorial Services
Pre-Arrangement Discounts For All Our LGBT Friends • 6.15.2016
Storks Bakery 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com
We’re here to help.
ORLANDO In our hearts forever
retail Estate Auction Co. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com
Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org
Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
Dr. Pierre B. Bland, DVM 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com
Income Tax Preparation
•Individual •Small Business •Free Consultation Doug Turner, Enrolled Agent Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive bestbooksandtaxes.com
Call today for appointment
●Monthly Lawn Service
●Install Hedges
●Hedge Trimming & Removal
●Install Trees
●Debris Removal
●Install Grass
●Tree Trimming & Removal
●Install Rocks & Stones
●Stump Grinding
●Install Mulch
●Sprinkler Repair
●Outdoor Lighting
●Fence Repair
●Fertilize Grass
6.15.2016 •
SFGN Classified$ attorney
final arrangements
JOE PUNDAI Pre-Need Counselor
Call For Your FREE No Obligation Consultation
To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com
licensed massage AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293
piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.
INCREDIBLY AWESOME BODYWORK IN WPB - 1st TIME CLIENTS SAVE $25 PER SESSION. In-calls at a private studio 15 minutes west of PBIA. Intuitive, experienced licensed massage therapist offers affordable rates 7 days, early to late. Calls only 561-254-8065 for the very best massage experience you can get HANDS DOWN! #MA51008
Email: joseph.pundai@neptune-plan.com
cleaning services CLEAN IT RIGHT! - The best cleaning for your buck. 1BD $60, 2BD $70, 3BD $80 and up. Excellent rates & references. 10 years in business. Serving Broward, North Miami-Dade & S. Palm Beach. Call Manny 954-560-4443
entertainment JAZZ TRIO AVAILABLE - 25% DISCOUNT TO SFGN READERS!!!!!!! - Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida is available with her trio for your special event,party or corporate fundraiser.Booking now for the balance of 2016 and into 2017 so reserve today.Recent performances include JAZZ IN THE PINES and WALK ON WEDNESDAY MUSIC SERIES. I work with South Florida’s finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonble rates. 25% Discount when you mention you saw ad in SFGN CLASSIFIEDS.Call Cindy at 954-298-8158. www.myspace.com/cindycurtisandcompany I can’t wait to sing for you!
HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com
handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com
apartment wanted NEED A STUDIO OR ROOM SHARE - Cheerful (athletic)"Positive Attitude" single gay man seeks 1 BR, studio apartment or room to rent. Need by 7/1 Very clean/neat!! Excellent references. No Priors. Call Brian at 954-529-3490.
moving & storage ICON MOVING SERVICE.. PROMISES/ DELIVERED - ICON MOVING SUPPORTS THE LGBT COMMUNITY AND SENDS ITS DEEPEST SYMPATHIES TO THE FAMILIES AND VICTIMS OF ORLANDO! We are your Local, Long Distance, and Overseas moving company! We have extensive corporate and local moving experience with A+ rating from BBB. Call for a free estimate! 561-338-3157
music lessons
VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575
folow the action.
sfgn.com painting
GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972.
pool service
COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.
• 6.15.2016
rentals fort lauderdale FORT LAUDERDALE RENTALS - Looking for a great rental in FORT LAUDERDALE? One bedrooms starting at $900. Two bedrooms starting at $1,000. 1st/last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam. com 954-627-1222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)
rentals wilton manors RENTALS IN WILTON MANORS - Looking for a great rental in WILTON MANORS? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,200. 1st/last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam. com 954-627-1222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)
rentals furnished housing *PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS* 4 WEEK + SPECIAL FROM $395/WEEK Intimate 7 unit Liberty Garden Suites offering all the comforts of home. for your Vacation or Temporary Housing Needs. Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One BR Apts. with Full Kitchens, in lush tropical Gay Resort setting. 5 Min south of Airport in Dania Beach. Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. Incl. WI-Fi, laundry,private parking, utilities, cable, tel. Gay Owned & Operated.Longer term Monthly rates available for 3 months+ Stays. Pets Always Welcome. Celebrating Our 19th Year. Call Joe or Jack at 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites. com
rentals oakland park
OAKLAND PARK RENTALS - Looking for a great rental in OAKLAND PARK? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,400. 1st/ last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam.com 954-6271222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)
MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533
classified advertising works!
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rentals - vacation BUNGALOW RETREAT IN BLUE RIDGE MTNS - Bungalow is nestled in the mountains of
North Carolina. Enjoy cool nights and comfortable days in this 2 BD cozy cabin.Hot tub, very private & rustic. Weekly- $800; monthly-$1600.Fully equipped and 45 mins. from Ashville. Call Steve (203) 7220558.
WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL - Our $89 midweek rack rate is now even lower. NEW summertime lowered rates only good Sundays through Thursdays. One price for any room, any two consecutive nights, only, total price $139.00 plus taxes additional nights $69 Guest must mention this ad when making reservations or during walk in. Based on availability. A major non debit major credit card required. Wes Leigh, 954605-3561
6.15.2016 •