7/6/16 V7i27

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July 6, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 27

Begins In Center

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

Independence for all Page 16 - 18

President Obama's LGBT accomplishments Montreal's MultiLingual pride Page 34


LGBT Experiences at SuperCon Pages 9, 25




Senior Features Correspondents


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Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams

July 6, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 27 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305

May 2016 • Vol. 5 Issue 3

Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943


Publisher • Norm Kent



Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Your Wilton Complete Guide Manors, Fort La to What’s uderdale Hot & Beyoin nd...




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Barack Obama with his wife Michelle, and their two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha.


• 7.6.2016


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Associated Press

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NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

State Department Designates New Terrorist Organization John McDonald


he United States has identified a new enemy. In response to several nefarious incidents, the U.S. State Department on Thursday designated al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) a Foreign Terrorist Organization. AQIS has claimed responsibility for an attack on a naval dockyard in Karachi, Pakistan and the murder of the publisher of the only LGBT magazine in Bangladesh. The United States also designated AQIS leader, Asim Umar, a foreign terrorist. This designation prohibits Americans from “engaging in transactions” with Asim Umar and pledged members of the group. On April 25, AQIS directed an attack on the headquarters of Roopbaan, Bangladesh’s LGBT magazine. The attack resulted in the murder of well-known gay activist and U.S. State Department employee, Xulhaz Mannan. The Washington Blade reports Mannan was hacked to death and had his eyes gouged out by the terrorists. “In the LGBT community in Bangladesh we

don’t have any power,” Mannan’s longtime friend Abul Kalam Azad, seeking asylum in Montréal, told the global news organization Fusion. “But Xulhaz was involved in the U.S. embassy and his cousin is the top leader of the Awami League, the ex-prime minister of our country. So we thought he was quite well connected, well established, and secured. But that person being targeted and being attacked, we are surprised and afraid.”
AQIS announced formation in a video released in September of 2014. Five people were killed in its attack on the magazine headquarters in the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka.

7.6.2016 •


Photo: Facebook.

Submitted photo.

news local

Chris Rudisill, Michael Goodman, Sue Gunzburger, and Daniel Copher

Funding Arts Broward Awards $19,000 to Local LGBT Organizations Dori Zinn


on-profit arts organization Funding July 2017 and include exhibitions "Gay Arts Broward (FAB!) recently awarded Destinations of the Northeast Where We’ve more than two dozen local groups Found Solace," "BODY WORK," "HOME," with art grants as high as $12,500. Three "GAME ON: Lesbian Sports," "You Can’t LGBT organizations were among the Show That," and "VIDEO, part of YOUR recipients. Story." Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida SNMA does not charge admission, (GMCSF) received $6,000 for the Season but Rudisill said donations are greatly Seven Concert Series beginning in 2017. appreciated. Because it’s free to visit, the Mark B. Kent, the executive director of museum relies on not only donations, GMCSF, said the grants have been a key but grants like the one from Funding Arts factor in helping put on concerts from the Broward to continue operations. chorus. Island City Stage in Wilton Manors “FAB! grant funds have received $5,000 for The become an important Goldberg Variations. They “We are happy to part of the overall funding are the only resident, nonstrategy that allows profit professional theater join the ranks us to keep admissions company in Broward of other premier affordable, engage quality County that details the arts and cultural talent, expand our reach lives, loss, and love of and impact more people the LGBT community, organizations with our messages of love according to Island City. throughout and inclusion,” he said. According to Funding Broward County Arts Broward, the This is the third year organization has now that GMCSF has been using the arts distributed more than $2 awarded a grant from FAB! to elevate the million to community arts. to help fund the concert “FAB! is proud to support series. community.” deserving organizations “The Gay Men’s Chorus - Chris Rudisill Executive which present impactful of South Florida continues Director of the Stonewall visual and performing to grow and thrive, National Museum & Archives arts programs in Broward reaching more and more County,” said Elaine audiences each season,” Blattner, president of FAB!, in a press release. Kent said. For the first time, Stonewall National Twenty-six local organizations were awarded Museum & Archives in Wilton Manors grants ranging from $5,000-$12,500. In this received a grant from Funding Arts Broward. cycle alone, $200,000 was awarded. Each SNMA Executive Director Chris Rudisill grant that was awarded went toward an said the $8,000 will fund the 2017 gallery upcoming program in Broward County. The awards presentation, held on May exhibition series Icons and Outliers: 2 at Northern Trust in downtown Fort Frontiers of LGBT Visibility in America. “We are happy to join the ranks of other Lauderdale, had nearly 150 guests in premier arts and cultural organizations attendance. Other grant recipients include throughout Broward County using the arts Seraphic Fire, Symphony of the Americas, and Gold Coast Jazz Society, among others. to elevate the community,” Rudisill said. The season will run from January through


• 7.6.2016

7.6.2016 •


Photo: Facebook.

news local

Jodi Reichman, Coordinater of Transgender Services at the Pride Center.

What About Trans?

Panel discussion aims to educate on trans questions you’re afraid to ask Dori Zinn


ith more than 1 million Americans self-recognized as transgender, do you know or even understand what it’s like to be trans? On July 12, The Pride Center and SunServe are teaming up to present Everything You Wanted to Know About the “T” in LGB but Were Too Afraid to Ask — an open and informative panel discussion on all things trans. The Pride Center’s Transgender Services Coordinator, Jodi Reichman, said even within the gay community, there was a lack of knowledge about transgender people. “I found that there was a gap where the ‘T’ was concerned due to lack of knowledge and understanding,” Reichman said. “This gave me the idea to try to bridge the gap and work on creating a knowledgeable and yet informal educational opportunity.” With this panel, she hopes to educate not just the gay community but the community at large about what it means to be trans, and how to ask questions without being insensitive. “People will ask sensitive questions and although it may seem that they are overstepping bounds, I believe that they basically want to know in order to understand,” she said. “The people picked for the panel are 100 percent open to answering all types of questions without feeling ridiculed or made fun of.” Atticus Ranck, Director of Transgender Services at SunServe, will be one of more than half a dozen people on the panel. He hopes this panel serves as a safe space for those who want to understand transgender

people but are scared to ask questions. “There are a number of misconceptions about the trans community,” he said. “One is that all trans people are gay. Another one is that all trans people come out as gay first, which is also not accurate.” The discussion is aimed to educating everyone on the many legal and cultural discriminations that transgender people face. Ranck said intolerance goes far beyond the personal level, it’s also on a professional level. “It’s not that trans people aren’t capable of being employed or doing certain jobs but many employers don’t understand trans people or think it will cause issues with customers,” he said. “Some employers don’t know someone is trans until they have to see their legal ID and their name and gender hasn’t changed yet. Rather than educating themselves, they’ll simply dismiss the trans person or not hire them.” In Florida, it is still legal to fire a person for being LGBT. According to the Williams Institute, about 1.4 million Americans identify as transgender. Florida has the sixth highest amount of selfidentified transgender people in the country. With the risk of health and safety, Ranck said there are some issues that go overlooked by the larger community. “There are many things trans people still have to worry about that cis people take for granted,” he said. “Everywhere trans people go they have to worry about their safety, if they’ll be respected in a restroom, if their family and friends will use the right names and pronouns, who they’ll date and if they’ll be seen as the person they are.”

If You Go

Everything You Wanted to Know About the “T” in LGB but Were Too Afraid to Ask Tuesday, July 12, 6:30-9 p.m. The Pride Center: Schubert Building Main Hall 2040 N. Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors


• 7.6.2016

sports baseball

Photo: Facebook.

Marlins Pride Takes The Field

John McDonald


he Miami Marlins are stepping up to the plate and showing their pride. South Florida’s Major League Baseball franchise announced plans for a LGBT themed “Pride at the Park” July 9 when the Marlins play host to the visiting Cincinnati Reds. First pitch for the Saturday game is scheduled for 4:10 p.m. at Marlins Park (501 Marlins Way, Miami 33125) in Little Havana. Under new manager Don Mattingly, the Marlins are a competitive team this year, currently battling the New York Mets for second place behind division leading Washington. Miami owns a 43-40 record heading into Tuesday night’s game in New York. The matchup with the Reds on “Pride” day comes with an interesting twist. Marlins’ outfielder Ichiro Suzuki recently

became Major League Baseball’s all-time leader in base hits. Ichiro, a 42-year-old outfielder from Japan, dethroned Pete Rose for the title. Rose, banned from professional baseball for gambling, played the bulk of his career for the Cincinnati Reds. Rose, 75, is not taking the news lightly. He has called into question if Ichiro’s statistics while playing in Japan should count, adding the Japanese media is trying to make him the “Hit Queen.” A portion of the proceeds from “Pride at the Park” will be donated to the Florida Disaster Fund in dedication of those who lost their lives in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. VIP packages are available for $55. More for more information, visit Marlins.com/pride



Each year, Tools for Schools Broward distributes nearly $500,000 in free school supplies to teachers in low income schools. Yet, the need for supplies continues to grow. Please help by bringing any of the following needed supplies to this reception:


Composition Books (100 pg) • Two-pocket Folders • Glue Sticks Pink Erasers • Crayons (24 Pack) • Filler Paper • Dry Erase Markers Pencils • Colored Pencils • Pencil Cases


If you can't shop prior to the event, we kindly request a minimum $10 donation and we do the shopping for you. I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H



J U LY 1 4 TH, 2 0 1 6 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PRIDE CENTER AT EQUALITY PARK 2040 N. Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors 33305



Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, State Senator Gina Duncan, Equality Florida Fred Livingston, PNC Bank Carlos Molinet, Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau Stratton Pollitzer, Equality Florida

J U LY 19



doug@ftlchamber.com or 954.462.2570


Suzanne Bogdan, Fisher Phillips

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Register online until July 13 at www.ftlchamber.com RSVP Contact: Doug Frens


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Members: $40 Future members: $50


Register online until July 18 at www.ftlchamber.com PHOTOGRAPHY BY:

RSVP Contact: Doug Frens

doug@ftlchamber.com or 954.462.2570

7.6.2016 •


Photo: Facebook.

news state

Equality Florida Launches #ForThe49 Campaign Spreading love, protection, and justice

Dori Zinn


early a month has passed since 49 people were shot dead at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. As the deadliest mass shooting in modern history, families of victims and survivors are continuing to cope with this tragedy. Immediately following the shooting, Equality Florida launched a GoFundMe donation page to raise funds for the victims and the victims’ families. To date, the campaign has raised nearly $7 million from almost 120,000 donors. On June 30, the LGBT civil rights organization launched #ForThe49 — an online pledge spreading love, protection, and justice. According to Hannah Willard, Policy and Outreach Coordinator for Equality Florida, the campaign is the next phase in the organization’s work in Orlando. “We’re moving into another year where we expect more anti-LGBTQ legislation to be passed, not just in Florida but across the country,” Willard said. “This is just the beginning of a larger campaign to move equality forward.” As donations to the GoFundMe campaign continue to come in from around the world, Willard notes that the page started with a small goal in mind. “The first day we set the goal at $100,000,” she said. “I don’t even know how many times they’ve raised [the goal] now. Generosity has come from around the world with 120,000 donors from 120 countries.”

The global response has hit new heights, with celebrities and musicians donating money and sharing the link. Hillary Clinton’s campaign tweeted the link to the donation page as well. With benefit concerts, in-kind donations, and other creative donations, Willard said that many celebrities are taking inventory of what they have and how they can contribute. With the new #ForThe49 campaign, new allies can band together for a common purpose. “There are folks that never considered themselves an ally and others that didn’t think they needed to be vocal. These are the people who are coming together to end this senseless and heartbreaking violence,” Willard said. “We must uproot hatred and homophobia and end discrimination in the LGBTQ community.” To take a stand, first sign the pledge at EqFL.org/ForThe49. Then post a photo or video on social media of yourself explaining why you stand #ForThe49. Then continue using the hashtag on social media to spread the message. Don’t forget to tell friends, loved ones, and neighbors that you support them. “There is a choice in front of every single American: are you going to take a stand or are you going to remain silent in the face of the largest mass shooting in United States history?” Willard said. “We’re hoping this campaign will give folks that first step in taking a stand and making a difference.”

Want to take the pledge? Go to EqFL.org/ForThe49 to sign the pledge and spread the word. 8

• 7.6.2016

news local

Photo Credit: John McDonald.

Gay Comic Geek “Reverses” Convention John McDonald


t’s lonely being a gay comic geek. Paul Charles says his tribe lacks the numbers he sees from others at conventions. On Saturday, inside the Miami Beach Convention Center, Charles dressed in tight fitting, red and yellow colored spandex to re-create the appearance of the Reverse Flash. The young man walked through a sea of people in a convention center filled with well-known entertainers and science fiction fans. “He doesn’t belong to any one specific league or group,” said Charles when describing the Reverse Flash. “Some people consider him to be a rogue villain.” Villains were in charge Saturday as thousands of people participated in what is billed as the 11th Annual Florida SuperCon. The program featured appearances by television and movie stars such as Henry Winkler, William Shatner and Mickie James. James is a wrestler who has worked in the past for Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment. She had a booth just a few blocks down from Headlocked, a wrestling comic backed by the self-professed “King” of wrestling, Jerry Lawler. “I enjoy wrestling,” said James, an athletic female. Charles, however, could care less. He’s gay and he let the officials at Florida SuperCon know it. “I don’t like how they did the cover of this program,” Charles said having unmasked for the day. In the copy they handed out for Saturday’s session only feminine characters were highlighted on the program’s cover. This irked the Gay Comic Geek. “I told them on Facebook there should be

more men,” he said. “And then they deleted my comment.” Charles has created a loyal fan base through his website and many social media platforms. His appearance as the Reverse Flash had folks asking to take pictures. Some parents even had the villain pose with their kids. Charles gladly agreed. He’s attended many “cons” before and placed Miami’s near the top – just below San Diego. “It’s big,” he said. For screen legends like Winkler and Shatner, stage time was given inside the Fillmore Miami Beach Jackie Gleason Theater. Winkler, who gained television notoriety playing “The Fonz” on Happy Days addressed the famed “Jumping the Shark” episode. Winkler’s leather jacketed cool guy jumped on a jet ski for the shoot. “Newspapers… back when we had those,” he said to laughter. “Newspapers showed my legs. And I had great legs.” Shatner, of Star Trek legend, took the stage next. People were lined for questions before his routine and they stayed that way after he was finished. Shatner recounted tender moments with his friend DeForest Kelley, joked about working with Winkler and boxer George Foreman and assumed the role of a Southern Baptist minister to “heal” an audience member. “Science Fiction is really mythology,” Shatner said. “It seeks to explain dark matter and time travel.” For Charles, it was all about “reversing” the situation. “Reverse Flash is from the future,” he said. “He can break thermal time barriers and assume identities.”









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7.6.2016 •


Compiled by Tucker Berardi

LGBT Gun Group Membership Spike after Florida Shooting (Edge) Memberships have more than doubled in a national LGBT pro-gun rights organization since a gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Florida, killing 49 people. Pink Pistols Utah chapter President Matt Schlentz said Pink Pistols membership has grown from 1,500 to 4,000 since the June 12 rampage, the Salt Lake Tribune reported (http://bit. ly/29p0eMI). "It's really sad that something on this scale had to happen for people to realize this is a need for our community," Schlentz said. "But the reality is, we still get attacked for kissing our partners or holding hands in public. We get windows smashed for having an equality sticker on them." Schlentz owns semi-automatic rifles similar to the Sig Sauer MCX that Mateen used, and said he gets mixed reactions from people who learn he's a gun rights advocate. "Obviously, as a gay man, I have to have some liberal views socially. But on this one point, I have very conservative views. The reality is what it is - the world is a violent, terrible, scary


place, and people do wish me harm based on who I love." Pink Pistols organized in 2000 in response to a series of violent incidents like the murder in Wyoming of gay college student Matthew Shepard. Some early slogans were "Queers bash back" and "Pick on someone your own caliber." Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah is another pro-gun LGBT group. "As awful as Orlando is, I feel like this is a huge eye-opener for a lot of people that the world is not a perfect place, especially for a group that's at risk for this kind of violence," said Scott Mogilefsky, the group's president and an Army veteran. There was an increase in people inquiring with the group after Orlando, he said. "Security should be armed at all gay nightclubs, and all employees should run through a defensive shooting course once a year," Mogilefsky said. "When you think about supremacist groups, a gay bar is an easy target. And the shooter knew that. It was like shooting fish in a barrel."


Carolina Lawmakers Students Subjected to Unfair School North Bathroom Law Largely Intact LGBTQ Discipline, Increasing Drop-Out Rates According to a new report, LGBTQ students experience high rates of school discipline, such as detention and suspension, as well as expulsion from school. The report from GLSEN, the leading national educational organization focused on assuring safe and affirming school environments for all students, revealed that compared to non-LGBTQ students, LGBTQ students were much more likely to have experienced multiple forms of discipline, often as a result of the harassment and discrimination they face daily at school. “It is abundantly clear that LGBTQ students face disproportionately high levels of school discipline due to hostile school climates that ultimately deprive many of them, not only of their education, but also at the success in life that education affords,” Dr. Joseph Kosciw, GLSEN’s Chief Research and Strategy Officer, said. “Given the findings of Educational Exclusion, we must redouble our efforts to create supportive schools for LGBTQ students, particularly transgender and gender nonconforming students, students experiencing homelessness, students with disabilities and students of color.” GLSEN also put out a series of recommendations to schools in order to keep LGBTQ students enrolled and out of the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Some of these recommendations include teachers incorporating positive representations of LGBTQ people and topics into their curriculum, laws and policies specifically protecting LGBTQ students from harassment and discrimination, and staff training on LGBTQ bullying prevention.


• 7.6.2016


(CNN) North Carolina's controversial bathroom law survived largely unscathed after last-minute wrangling at the close of the state legislative session. Late Friday, the General Assembly passed a slightly tweaked version of House Bill 2, repealing only a workplace lawsuit provision, according state Rep. Chris Sgro, a Democrat who opposes the measure. The law was modified to restore workers' rights to use state law to sue over employment discrimination. It now goes to the desk of Gov. Pat McCrory, who had requested the change. Still, most of the provisions that outraged gay rights advocates, entertainers and business leaders remained in the bill -- such as the requirement that people use the bathroom corresponding to their gender at birth in government facilities. "I am woefully embarrassed that this is the result of two and a half months of conversation about the most disastrous piece of legislation in the state's history," Sgro said of the modifications, according to CNN affiliate WRAL. The revision was a far cry from what LGBT groups and other critics demanded: a full repeal of the law. "Legislators shamefully walked away from their job ... without fixing the deeply harmful and outrageous mess they created with HB2," JoDee Winterhof with the Human Rights Campaign said in a statement. "Lawmakers may have run out the clock on this short session, but they won't be able to run away from North Carolina's voters in November." And it's unclear whether the revised measure will affect a pending lawsuit from the federal government over the law. The Justice Department lawsuit seeks declaratory relief and

threatens to curtail federal funding to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the University of North Carolina. After the law's initial passage in March, musicians Bruce Springsteen, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, and the bands Pearl Jam and Boston canceled concerts in the state. Those cancellations have cost one major venue nearly $200,000 in ticket sales.


Blocked from Enacting Mississippi Anti-Gay Law

(OFO) U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves has struck down a recent Mississippi law that discriminated against same-sex couples. He ruled that Mississippi circuit clerks can’t cite their own religious views to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Roberta Kaplan, the attorney who represented Edie Windsor in the case that found parts of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, also represented two lesbian couples in the state’s marriage equality lawsuit in 2014. She filed a motion in the marriage equality case. Reeves found in favor of marriage equality and after the Obergefell decision, his ruling was certified by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The new “religious liberty” law would have gone into effect on July 1. Kaplan argued the law would create uncertainty for same-sex couples who wouldn’t know which clerks would stand in the way of their constitutional right to marry. The state shouldn’t be able to continue to create new legal barriers to marriage, she argued. According to the Jackson Clarion Ledger, Gov. Phil Bryant recently received an award from the Family Research Council for signing the bill into law.

news national

Sen. Casey Talks Strategy on Equality Act

Sen. Bob Casey

(PGN) U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said lawmakers could find new ways to push the Equality Act with lessons they learned in recent weeks — through a House sit-in on gun reform and a Senate Democratic proceeding involving Judge Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court nominee whom Republicans have refused to consider. “We’re getting smarter and more effective at using other strategies that other people have used in years past to create attention and focus,” Casey told about 50 LGBT advocates gathered June 27 at the John C. Anderson Apartments. The senator spent an hour at the LGBTfriendly senior apartments listening to community concerns about LGBT homeless youth, funding for programs and passing nondiscrimination protections at the state and federal levels. Casey wanted to connect with the LGBT community in the wake of last month's shooting at an Orlando LGBT nightclub. The Scranton Democrat said it’s critical to get media attention for LGBT bills without being prompted by a horrific incident. He added the Equality Act — which would ban LGBT discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations and other areas — has not yet had a committee hearing, the first step before it reaches the Senate floor for a vote. “The best way for us to keep the Equality Act in front of people and to really advocate for it is to do things at home,” Casey said, “to do things in states and congressional districts across the country so people know what we’re talking about.” As a lawmaker, Casey pledged to make the case for the Equality Act not just in Philadelphia, but also in places of the state where there is less support. “Part of this is challenging people to disagree, but also engaging them and trying to persuade,” he said. “We’ve got to go to places where there’s an argument.” Deja Lynn Alvarez, director of the Divine

Light LGBTQ Wellness Center in North Philadelphia, wanted to know what Casey thought of the state legislature pursuing three separate nondiscrimination bills. She said many think the community should settle for antibias protections in housing and employment, but forgo public-accommodations protections. “The trans community will be the ones hit the hardest if public accommodations are not covered,” Alvarez said. “I find that a little difficult for myself and my community to swallow." Casey said the federal Equality Act still outlines comprehensive protections from discrimination. “At this time I don’t think there’s any strategy that would involve truncating it or only focusing on some of the titles in the Civil Rights Act as opposed to others.” In terms of funding for LGBT initiatives, Casey said it’s been about a decade since legislators were able to earmark small dollar amounts for projects. He said it used to be a way to give a seal of approval to a project in hopes of further government or private funds. Casey added he would have his staff look into grant options for specific projects. Chris Bartlett, executive director of the William Way LGBT Community Center, wanted Casey’s office to guide him and the directors of the seven other LGBT centers in Pennsylvania on applying for federal funds to make their buildings more secure. “We don’t want to be fortresses,” Bartlett said. “But we can look at things that would make the center safer for our community. I think we’re really finding that’s a top priority.” According to FBI data from 2014, hate crimes disproportionately affect LGBT people. “Orlando is a wake-up call,” Casey said. “It’s not some theory. We have numbers that back up that [LGBT people are] a huge target for a lot of hate and a lot of violence. We need to use that as leverage to seek those dollars.” 7.6.2016 •


News Briefs



oogle Gives Everyone the Chance to Walk in a Pride Parade Photo: Google.

Pride is more than just a word. When we took to the streets one year after the Stonewall riots, Pride became synonymous with people standing up for what they believe in, surrounding themselves with those that share the same values, and a minority taking to the streets to declare visibility and change. Every year, as the spring months warm up into summer, cities across the globe celebrate Gay Pride Month with rallies, parades, and celebrations of life. But, not everyone can join in on the love. No matter the circumstances that prevent these queers from Pride, it is a celebration that should not be missed. That’s why Google has you covered with their new #PrideForEveryone virtual reality Pride parade. The immersive footage features LGBT Google employees taking part in Pride parades from around the globe in 25 different countries. You can participate in celebrations like Brussels, Tel Aviv, Sao Paolo, and Australia. “This year we gave it a lot of thought how we bring Pride to people who can’t physically not attend or are not really that comfortable



• 7.6.2016

in attending Pride,” Arjan Dijk, Google’s vice president of growth marketing and executive sponsor of Gayglers told USA Today. “We are bringing Pride to millions of people who can march in a virtual way and be part of it all.” “When you are at Pride, you get this sense of excitement and this sense of a community coming together. What we are aiming to do is bring this sense of excitement and this sense of community to people who normally would not be able to get to do that.” He added: “I do think after Orlando this message is even more relevant, that people should be proud of who they are and who they love and Google as a company fully supports that. In light of Orlando, it’s very important that we celebrate life.”



ew Estimate Doubles the Number of Transgender Americans

(OC) Almost 40,000 Ohioans identify as transgender, according to a new national report that doubles previous estimates of the national population of trans Americans. The report released today by the Los Angeles-based Williams Institute estimates that 1.4 million Americans – 0.6 percent of adults – identify as transgender. In 2011, when much less data was available, it was estimated that 0.3 percent of Americans were transgender. The estimate for Ohio, based on residents’ answers to a 2014 federal survey of health and other issues, is that 0.45 percent of the state’s population is transgender. Estimates range from 0.3 percent of the population in North Dakota to 0.78 percent in Hawaii. “The findings from this study are critical to current policy discussions that impact transgender people,” Jody Herman, one of the authors of the study, said in a Williams Institute news release. “Policy debates on access to bathrooms, discrimination and a host of other issues should rely on the best available data to assess potential impacts,

including how many people may be affected.” Ohio was one of 19 states that asked people their sexual orientation or gender identity when surveying residents for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Researchers used U.S. Census Bureau data for estimates in other states. Nationally, the percentage of people who identify as trans is highest among those 18- to 24-years-old and lowest among those 65 and older. That statistic is the same in every state as well. More than 5,500 Ohioans between 18 and 24 identify as transgender, which is 0.5 percent of that population. Interestingly, states with transgender populations above the national average include some of the most socially and politically conservative: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Almost 45,000 people identify as trans in North Carolina, where lawmakers and the governor approved a law dictating which restrooms transgender people must use.


Submitted photo.

Oakland Park Mayor Remembered For Compassion John McDonald


arry Gierer is described as a man who truly cared for his community. “He put the passion in compassion,” said David Rafter, Public Information Officer for the City of Oakland Park. “He was energetic and served the city with pride and passion.” Gierer, a former two-term Oakland Park Mayor, died Saturday at his home following a long illness. He was 60. “Personally, I appreciate and am thankful for Larry’s compassionate and dedicated service to the people of Oakland Park,” wrote sitting Oakland Park Mayor Tim Lonergan in an email to SFGN. “He will be greatly missed!” First elected to the City Commission in 2001, Gierer served twice as Mayor until his public service was term limited in 2009. He is remembered for spearheading several projects, most notably a commitment to performing and cultural arts programs. “He was part of the team that brought us Oktoberfest, which has really become the city’s signature event,” said Rafter. The current revitalization Oakland Park is experiencing, Rafter said, particularly around

the Dixie Highway corridor is a result of Gierer’s vision. “The fruit we enjoy today is because of the firm seeds Larry planted,” Rafter said. Gierer’s impact extended to public safety where he served on the United Way’s substance abuse committee and championed a single sale initiative. The initiative, Rafter said, was an effort to “curb under age drinking and eliminate driving under the influence.” Gierer is survived by his spouse, Carlos Lobo, his mother in St. Louis and numerous siblings, nieces and nephews.

7.6.2016 •


lgbtqia bites


Compiled by Tucker Berardi



Highly-Anticipated Lesbian Web Series Put on Hold Due to Brexit


‘Elle’ Is Making History with Trans and Bisexual Women on Dual September Covers

Photo: facebook.

Investors have pulled out of a highlyanticipated web series because of the unstable UK economy following Brexit. "Different For Girls," an adaptation of Jacquie Lawrence’s novel of the same name, is a drama following a group of lesbian and bisexual women in West London whose lives revolve around children, marriage, betrayal and divorce, according to Pink News. Rachel Shelley from "The L Word" and Heather Peace from "Lip Service" were to be the stars of the series, and filming was expected to start this month.

The web series was projected to be a response to television’s “Dead Lesbian Syndrome (DLS) – the increasingly high rate of lesbian characters being killed in television shows,” Lawrence said. “In reality the constant ‘disposal’ of lesbian characters has an acute impact on younger viewers who are struggling with their sexuality.” Lawrence is confident that the series will eventually enter production. “Different For Girls is not dead. Director Campbell X, producer Fizz Milton and myself see a bigger, bolder, bolder and better Different For Girls.”

This year, "Elle UK" will print four different September covers, one of which will feature Amandla Stenberg who recently came out as bisexual and nonbinary, according to Style. Mic. Another cover will feature transgender actress and model Hari Nef. Beyond her acting career, Stenberg has become a voice for young women, especially those of color, using her Tumblr page to speak out against race and homosexuality. She said that she would prefer to use “they” pronouns privately, but uses “she” and “her” for public use.

“As someone who identifies as a black, bisexual woman, I’ve been through it all and it hurts and it’s awkward and it’s uncomfortable.” said Stenberg. In a Tumblr Q&A she said, “I cannot separate my gender from my race from my sexual orientation. They’re all interconnected and they’re all intersectional.” Stenberg and Nef hope that these covers are a step toward bringing other marginalized identities to the center of the fashion world.

lgbtqia bites




Two Trans Women Win Congressional Primaries Misty Snow (left) and Misty Plowright (Photos: Facebook).

DV) Two trans women won primaries on Tuesday, June 28, and will be on the ballot for a U.S. House and a U.S. Senate seat. Oddly, both are named Misty. Utah Democrats chose Misty Snow to run against incumbent U.S. Sen. Mike Lee. Democrats in Colorado’s 5th Congressional district, which includes Colorado Springs, chose Misty Plowright as their nominee. The district includes the headquarters of the anti-gay hate group Focus on the Family.


• 7.6.2016

Snow won by 20 points after her opponent came out in favor of restrictions on abortion rights. Plowright is an army veteran who beat her opponent by 16 points. Both are considered long shots in the general election. Outside of Salt Lake City, Utah is a solidly Republican state and the Colorado Springs area is extremely conservative, even if the rest of the state is not.




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Obama Administration’s Record of

the LGBT Community The president will leave the White House with a long list of achievements [Editor’s note: This is the latest Fact Sheet on the Obama administration’s record on LGBT rights]

“We are big and vast and diverse; a nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love, America is a place where you can write your own destiny.”


- President Obama, June 26, 2015

ince taking office, President Obama and his Administration have made historic strides to expand opportunities and advance equality and justice for all Americans, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Americans. From major legislative achievements to historic court victories to important policy changes, the President has fought to promote the equal rights of all Americans — no matter who they are or who they love. That commitment to leveling the playing field and ensuring equal protection under the law is the bedrock principle this nation was founded on and has guided the President’s actions in support of all Americans. And the progress the Administration has made mirrors the changing views of the American people, who recognize that fairness and justice demand equality for all, including LGBT Americans.

The Obama Administration’s record on social progress and equality includes: Preventing Bullying and Hate Crimes against LGBT Americans ● Overcoming years of partisan gridlock, the President worked with Congress to pass and sign into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law in October 2009, which extends the coverage of Federal hate crimes law to include attacks based on the victim’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. ● The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) collaborated with five other federal departments to establish a federal task force on bullying. One of the results was the creation of the website – www.StopBullying.gov. The site includes resources and assistance for LGBT youth, including examples of community groups that offer support and options to seek counseling. As part of the first-ever White House Conference on Bullying Prevention, the task force also funded a video called “It Gets Better” to address LGBT youth who have been bullied and are at risk of depression and suicide. ● The U.S. Department of Education hosted five summits on strategies for protecting students, including LGBT students, from bullying and harassment. These events included an LGBT Youth Summit in 2011 and a meeting with transgender students in June 2015, with a sixth summit scheduled for August 2016.

Supporting LGBT Health ● In June 2009, President Obama issued a directive on same-sex domestic partner benefits, opening the door for the State Department to extend the full range of legally available benefits and allowances to same-sex domestic partners of members of the Foreign Service sent to serve abroad. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) also expanded federal benefits for same-sex partners of federal employees and allowed samesex domestic partners to apply for long-term care insurance. ● In March 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama


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feature v. Hodges, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced proposed regulations implementing the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision for federal tax purposes to ensure all individuals would be treated equally under the law.

can attend school in an environment free from discrimination. Additionally, the Department of Education published Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices Guide for Supporting Transgender Students.

● The Affordable Care Act also makes it easier for people living with HIV and AIDS to obtain Medicaid and private health insurance and overcome barriers to care from qualified providers.

● After the Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergerfell v. Hodges, the Social Security Administration (SSA) began to recognize all valid same-sex marriages for purposes of determining entitlement to Social Security benefits or eligibility for Supplemental Security Income. SSA continues to work closely with the LGBT advocacy community to conduct outreach to ensure that same-sex couples are aware of how same-sex marriage affects benefits.

● The issuance of guidance from the Department of Justice that concluded that the prohibition against sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 encompasses claims of discrimination on the basis of gender identity, including transgender status.

● President Obama developed and released the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States in 2010, updated it through 2020, and is implementing it to address the disparities faced especially by gay and bisexual men of all races and ethnicities and transgender women of color.

● In July 2014, the President signed an Executive Order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment “because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin,” continuing to set an example as a model employer that does right by its employees.

and ensures that Americans have secure, stable, and affordable insurance. Insurance companies are no longer able to discriminate against anyone due to a pre-existing condition, and because of the law, insurers can no longer turn someone away just because he or she is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. ● The federal website, HealthCare.gov, designed to help all consumers find the health insurance best suited to their needs, makes it easy to locate health insurers that cover domestic partners.

● The President has supported legislative efforts to ban the use of so-called “conversion therapy” against minors and released a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) study condemning the practice. This report, which was developed in collaboration with the American Psychological Association and a panel of behavioral health experts, is the first federal in-depth review of conversion therapy. As SAMHSA reported, variations in sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression are normal. Conversion therapy is not effective, reinforces harmful gender stereotypes, and is not an appropriate mental health treatment.

Protecting LGBT Americans against Discrimination

● The Administration has taken unprecedented steps to protect and promote the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans. These actions have included: ● The release of joint guidance from the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice to provide educators with the information they requested to ensure that all students, including transgender students,

● Agencies, including OPM, the State Department, SSA, and HHS, took various actions to ensure that transgender Americans were treated fairly and without discrimination in the workplace, in official documents, and in the health care system.

Taking Steps to Ensure LGBT Equality in Housing and Crime Prevention ● In 2009, HUD commissioned the first-ever national study of discrimination against members of the LGBT community in the renting and sale of housing. The Department also launched a website to allow citizens to offer comments on housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Since then, HUD has continuously worked to address LGBT housing discrimination.

● HHS funded the Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders (SAGE) to establish the first national resource center for older LGBT individuals. This center supports communities across the country as they aim to serve the estimated 1.5 to 4 million LGBT individuals who are 60 and older. This center provides information, assistance and resources at the state and community levels. ● HHS now requires all hospitals receiving Medicare or Medicaid funds – just about every hospital in America – to allow visitation rights for LGBT patients. The President also directed HHS to ensure that medical decision-making rights of LGBT patients are respected.

Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell The President signed bipartisan legislation to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell on December 22, 2010, allowing gay, lesbian, and bisexual Americans to serve openly in the Armed Forces without fear of being dismissed from service because of who they are and who they love, putting in motion the end of a discriminatory policy that ran counter to American values.

Ending the Legal Defense of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) ● In February 2011, the President and Attorney General announced that the Department of Justice would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act’s provision defining marriage as only between a man and woman, leading to the Supreme Court’s landmark decisions holding the Act unconstitutional. ● After the United States v. Windsor decision, in which the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, the President instructed the Cabinet to review over 1,000 federal statutes and regulations to ensure the decision was implemented swiftly and smoothly by the federal government to recognize the rights of same-sex couples. ● The Administration has long advocated for a Constitutional guarantee of marriage equality for same-sex couples—a position the Supreme Court vindicated in its historic decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Stuart Milk accepting the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in August 2009.

● In October 2015, after the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell 7.6.2016 •



"Every single American — gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender — every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of our society. It’s a pretty simple proposition." - Barack Obama

● In January 2012 and in 2015, the President issued a final rule and subsequent guidance to ensure that the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s core housing programs and services are open to all persons regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. ● HUD’s Equal Access Rule makes it clear that housing that is financed or insured by HUD must be made available without regard to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. It also prohibits owners and operators of HUD-funded housing, or housing whose financing was insured by HUD, from inquiring about an applicant’s sexual orientation or gender identity or denying housing on that basis. In addition, the guidance makes clear that sexual orientation and gender identity should not and cannot be part of any lending decision when it comes to getting an FHA-insured mortgage. ● In 2013, HUD teamed up with the True Colors Fund to give LGBT youth a safe space to be their true selves. Over the next two years, the initiative has developed and evaluated strategies to prevent lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth from becoming homeless or intervene as early as possible once they do become homeless. ● The Justice Department issued guidance stating that Federal prosecutors should enforce criminal provisions in the Violence Against Women Act in cases involving samesex relationships. ● In December 2015, the Department of Justice issued Guidance on Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. The guidance serves two key purposes. First, it aims to examine how gender bias can undermine the response of law enforcement agencies to sexual assault and domestic violence. Second, it provides a set of basic principles that – if integrated into law enforcement agencies’ policies, trainings and practices – will help ensure that gender bias, either intentionally or unintentionally, does not undermine efforts to keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable.

Advancing and Protecting the Rights of LGBT Persons around the World ● The Obama Administration continues to engage systematically with governments around the world to advance the rights of LGBT persons. The Administration’s leadership has included various public statements and resolutions at the UN. ● President Obama has also issued a presidential memorandum that directs all Federal agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons. ● The Department of State continues to grow the Global Equality Fund, a multi-sector public-private partnership to advance the human rights of LGBT persons globally. Since the Fund was launched in December 2011, it has allocated over $30 million to civil society organizations in 80 countries worldwide. ● USAID, the U.S. government agency primarily responsible for delivering international aid and assistance, launched the LGBTI Global Development Partnership and "Being LGBTI in Asia," and funded a range of LGBTI human rights programs. In 2014, USAID released its LGBT Vision for Action, a document that communicates USAID’s position on LGBTI issues to internal and external stakeholders. ● In February 2014, USAID appointed a USAID Senior LGBT Coordinator to ensure that the promotion and protection of LGBTI rights is fully integrated into all aspects of USAID's vital work overseas. ● In February 2015, the U.S. State Department appointed the first-ever Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons to lead and coordinate U.S. diplomatic efforts to advance LGBTI rights around the globe. ● The State Department revised its Foreign Affairs Manual to allow same-sex couples to obtain passports under the names recognized by their state through their marriages or civil unions.

Recognizing LGBT History and Contributions ● On May 28, 2014, the Department of the Interior announced a new National Park Service theme study to identify places and events associated with the civil rights struggle of LGBT Americans and ensure that the agency is telling a complete story of America’s heritage and history. The results of the theme study are expected later this year. ● On June 9, 2015, the Henry Gerber House in Chicago, IL was designated a National Historic Landmark. Once the residence of noted gay rights activist Henry Gerber, the home was where the nation's first chartered LGBT rights organization, the Society for Human Rights, was formed in 1924. The Henry Gerber House is one of nine LGBT sites that have been designated as a landmark or historic place during the Obama Administration.


• 7.6.2016

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Publisher's Editorial

Key West for the Fourth

Norm Kent



t was forty years ago this week that I moved from New York to Florida, from New York City to Key West. I was a young lawyer looking for a new start in a tropical environment. There was nothing more laid back than the home of pirates, rum, and drug runners. There was surf, sand, and sailing. There was a fantasy fest begun in 1981 that turned for a while into a hedonistic festival of unabated lust. It’s still running every year. The one lane road from Miami to the Keys was daunting and dangerous. But there were choices. For $49, Chalk’s seaplanes ran regularly. You could jump on a small passenger prop plane and be landing there in less than an hour. You could be running into Captain Tony, the Banana Bread Lady, or the Iguana Man on the Mallory Square Dock. You did not wear long pants and you road bicycles. You went to Dick Dock on Higgs Beach or spent Sundays at the Monster Bar watching movies. You could camp out, smoke dope, or do acid. Nobody cared. We were one human family, and it was open, gay and proud. Key West has always been an escape, a journey to an adventure, a home for the lost, and a vacation spot for the very wealthy. When I got there, I rented a house in Old Town, at 1911 Seidenberg Avenue, and it’s still standing there today, just like the Half Shell Raw Bar. This place has history, like the Seven Mile Bridge, just something that’s part of the road to Paradise.


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The naked gay strip club that was run by my friend named Sibby is gone from Truman, but it is now Bare Assets, a straight strip club. They have those in Key West, too. The gay one on Duval Street has become an entertainment mecca and resort hotel and bar hosted by Joey Schroeder, who owns New Orleans House and the Bourbon Street Pub. It’s one of only about five gay bars left in the city, but in their spacious resort, you can enjoy nude volleyball, foam parties, a great DJ in Gary Nolan, well poured drinks, and hot strippers, along with an outdoor patio bar and friendly environment. Once, Key West was the home of dozens of guesthouses, but it seems today like they have all reopened on the Fort Lauderdale beach. Once, Key West was the epicenter of gay tourism, and while the island is happily homosexual, you are more likely to run into a tourist off a cruise ship than a stunning young first mate- unless of course you make it to the Island House, still a gay man’s paradise. The AIDS clinic is on the bottom of Whitehead Street, and the White Street Pier Memorial commemorates too many losses from those who have passed from HIV. On July 4, the dock and pier was the home of their annual fireworks. The Key West community had once been the center of activism in South Florida. Not so anymore. But the memories are there, because their gay community spoke up early when it counted.

La Te Da hosted a healthy holiday party and tea dance this past weekend, so few of the guests really knowing the rich history of the place, from Larry Formica’s pink Cadillac, to the lost candidacy of McGovern vice presidential nominee Thomas Eagleton, whose tenure at the resort helped doom his place on the ticket. But the place has been restored, has new life, and lots of energy. It was April of 1983 when Key West seceded from Florida and became the Conch Republic; when residents determined they were iconoclastic and unique enough to be a mouse that roared. There was the Key West Cannabis Buyer’s Club, selling medical pot to AIDS patients in a building across the street from the courthouse. The medical necessity defense I used work, and most of the clients, already living with HIV, went home free. That was around 1992. I don’t remember, the Key West sandbars and reefs, like the sun, melt your brain. The sunsets steal your heart. We still run a legal seminar there every December for the National Organization to Reform the Marijuana Laws. I do know that it is a place I treasure; that will always be a second home, whether it’s the little tiny place I had on Margaret Street or the tent I pitched on Stock Island. It’s the place where I used to bring my dogs, and they could stay in almost any hotel, and

run free anywhere. In fact, it’s a place where so many young runaways did wind up, looking for meaning and purpose. Key West is the place of Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, the Turtle Kraals, and Mel Fisher’s shipwrecks. It’s a place where cops and district attorneys got themselves indicted and in trouble years ago. But the only real politics in Key West has always been insurrection and revolution, like in the 1970’s when a bunch of protestors chained themselves to trees to stop the Navy from building barracks on public parks or native lands. Maybe that is why I return there, for astonishing sunsets, and the roads leading to nowhere, now lined with tourists, who need to be swatted away immediately. There are too many t shirts shops there today and too many people trying to get stoned and drunk, instead of just living there and being that way. Too many scooters, too, but the waters are still spectacular, and the drinks stronger. It is not the Key West it used to be, but it’s still Key West, and a special place to be any time of the year, whether you are hanging out at the Two Friends Patio Bar, Pepe’s Café, or taking a sunset cruise on a catamaran. I think Key West, more than anything else, brings you back in time. And that is a journey always special, unique, and inviting. Go there and find out for yourself.



'My name is Harvey Milk and I’m Miriam Richter

here to recruit you.' Let Orlando teach us a lesson


ecently, Stuart Milk supported us and Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, or Orlando by issuing an eloquent and any other form of personal enlightenment; moving statement that was picked American or not - the world - the whole up by media worldwide. He was one of our world. community’s strongest and most steadfast When a member stands up and speaks voices, appearing multiple times on national on the floor of the Parliament in Hungary broadcast and cable TV, however, he would and asks where all the Jews are, because we not let hate and violence stop him from should keep track of them, we should be his long-planned commitment to continue prompted to action. And no, that was not in our support of the emerging and struggling Churchill’s day, - that was in November 2012 LGBT community in the Baltic nations, and and the world - we - barely noticed. recently, in Vilnius, Lithuania, along with And as Stuart Milk, often says, those who the President of the European Union, he led make such statements have a shopping list, a remembrance. and you can be certain, we are on it. “My name is Harvey Milk and I’m here to We need to take action. We need to take recruit you.” action here, in America, we need to take Those words were spoken by Harvey action in Hungary, and we need to take many times. He started saying them because action everywhere that people are being of what was going on here in Florida. Many marginalized, minimized, bullied, brutalized, remember it well, but I can sadly tell you, and yes, killed. Whether those people are many in our community, the younger LGBT or Jewish, Latino or Roma, or black, generation in particular, don’t or Muslim. Who, is not the even know who Harvey is. only issue - why is just as “Those who cannot important. We need to look remember the past are at our world as what it really So please, condemned to repeat it.” is - a global community of look beyond Many people associate that humans. We need to learn our borders, quote with Winston Churchill about each other, get to but that, in and of itself is know each other, support stop saying a history lesson, because each other, and then “all of we need to it was actually written in them” becomes “all of us.” 1905 by philosopher George So talk to people who are fix things Santayana, himself, probably different from you. Strike here, at home, a gay man. up a conversation in the Over the past few weeks grocery line. Talk to your before we we have all been filled neighbor who you usually worry about with a myriad of emotions only wave to. Read a book elsewhere. The about a different culture, from sorrow to anger. So overwhelming at times that better yet, start a book club whole world we could not stop crying, and then read a book about is watching. could not stop wanting it all another culture. Look at to go away, to crawl into that others’ differences as what small and comfy space, close makes us human, not as the door, and turn off the light. what makes us separate. Volunteer. Educate But this isn’t about making ourselves feel others about your community, learn about better, this is about fixing this horrific wound other’s communities, make contact. in our collective being; this is about making An orthodox rabbi walked into a gay bar. the world a better place. For everyone: gay, Sounds like the opening line of a joke, straight, bi, trans, and gender fluid; Latino; but it isn’t. As soon as the Jewish holiday of

Photo: Michael Cushman.

Shavous was over, a Rabbi in Washington D.C. went, with several members of his congregation, to a gay bar. Why? Because they needed to do something in response to the horror in Orlando. They were moved to action. The weren’t too familiar with the gay bar scene so they went to the first one that someone knew of. It turned out to be a bar that was frequented by the African American gay community and by the end of the evening, after crying together and praying together, talking to each other, and simply getting to know each other, they had moved the world a little closer to that better place. Over one hundred years ago, Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in Paris on what it means to be a citizen in a republic. Many people know the speech for its description of the man in the arena who, when he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. But in that same speech, he also said that there is very little usefulness in this world for one who doesn’t take action when action would be simple and effective. Those words are more pertinent today than they ever were then. Until last week, many of us in the United States thought we had it good. We won marriage equality, we were rallying behind

the trans and gender fluid community and we had hope that we would change many hearts and minds towards acceptance of us all. But we really weren’t paying much attention to the world outside our borders. This is our wake-up call. We need to change our perspective. Vigils were held this past week in many other countries. From 30,000 LGBT people and allies in the center of London singing Bridge Over Troubled Water — to over 1,000 people holding candles in Saigon, to 10,000 gathered in a cold night in Sydney, to 8,000 in Buenos Aires, even a handful in Moscow who were arrested for showing their support for Orlando but were undeterred. Those numbers tell it all. So please, look beyond our borders, stop saying we need to fix things here, at home, before we worry about elsewhere. The whole world is watching. I want to close with the last lines of a poem written in 1624 by John Donne: “Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind, And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.” 7.6.2016 •


Seeing In The Dark


A Conversation With Deaf, Gay Ecuadorian Author César Baquerizo Belo Cipriani


any people have great tales about how Baquerizo said to them, “I’m gay.” they came into the world. For César Initially, his parents wanted to send him to a Baquerizo, the story of his birth includes psychologist for help, but they later refrained a near death experience, surgery in a foreign from doing so. land, and the loss of most of his hearing due to a “I’m so grateful they were so quick to see the reaction to medication. real me -- the same son I had always been,” he “I suffered a condition called choanal said. atresia bilateral bone, which caused And even though Baquerizo’s my internal outlet nostril to be closed. "In the beginning, family idea of sending him My grandparents paid for an expensive to a psychologist to help him I didn’t feel a operation that took me to the U.S.,” said cure his homosexuality never need to hide my the 30-year-old Ecuadorian writer. materialized, it did serve true sexuality… Three days after his birth, Baquerizo as inspiration for his debut had surgery at The Ear Center of book. “A Safe Place with You” until I was Greensboro in Pennsylvania. And is a novel that captures the exposed to the right after the procedure, he began a experiences of LGBT people at prejudices treatment of antibiotics that would later straight conversion clinics in of other claim most of his hearing. In addition to Ecuador. Based on newspapers losing 90 percent of his audible range in about the unlawful conversion around me." both ears, Baquerizo had to use a device clinics, Baquerizo embarked on - César Baquerizo to clear his nasal cavity for the first a journey to find these victims. couple of years of his life. He shared, “When I first “I used an electric vacuum cleaner to started writing the Spanish wipe inside my nose for a while,” he recalls -- a version in August 2011, it was difficult for me to task that proved to be extremely inconvenient. talk directly with the patients, because most of However, with the support of his family, who the victims did not give their whereabouts and was determined for Baquerizo to enjoy a full life, their names for fear of danger.” he traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina at the age Later, he was able to find the victim’s testimonies of 4, from his native Ecuador, to take language and the reports about the illegal clinics from the classes. At that time, he also received his first set Health Ministry of Ecuador, which helped shape of hearing aids, and began developing his speech. Baquerizo’s characters in his novel. But while Baquerizo relished in the support of “A Safe Place with You” was published in his family for all things related to his disability, Spanish in 2013, and is now being released in when it came to his sexuality, their bond was English by Pen Name Publishing. Baquerizo tested. will be launching his book tour this summer in “For me, being gay is a natural part of who conjunction with pride festivities around the I am. In the beginning, I didn’t feel a need to country. Here’s the schedule: hide my true sexuality… until I was exposed to Dallas, TX, Barnes & Noble, Preston & Park, the prejudices of others around me. Because of July, 9, 2016 at 2pm these external influences, I wasn’t proud of that part of who I am. I was ashamed, embarrassed, New York, NY, Bluestockings, depressed, and alone,” he said. July 14, 2016 at 7pm. His family was shocked when, at the age of 20,

Belo Cipriani is the award-winning author of Blind: A Memoir and Midday Dreams. He is a disability advocate, and is currently the national spokesman for 100 Percent Wine -- a premium winery that donates 100 percent of proceeds to nonprofits that help people with disabilities find work. Learn more at www.BeloCipriani.com.


• 7.6.2016

If You Could Read My Mind : A PTSD DIARY

Photo: Youtube.


Anna Marie Duke Pearce David-Elijah Nahmod



(newly out on Blu Ray) earned good reviews nna Marie Duke Pearce was small in and was a moneymaker. A second Emmy came physical stature, but as an actress and Duke’s way in 1976 for the acclaimed minias a mental health advocate she was a series “Captain and the Kings.” Three years powerful force to be reckoned with. She became later Duke starred in a remake of “The Miracle world famous as Patty Duke, winning an Oscar Worker” – this time she played in 1962 for her mesmerizing Annie Sullivan, the woman portrayal of Helen Keller in who taught Helen Keller how “The Miracle Worker.” to speak and communicate. Keller was a blind-deaf girl More than Throughout all these career who grew up to become one of anyone, highs, Duke was suffering. Her the world’s greatest disability life had become a series of advocates. A little over two Patty Duke, outrageous psychotic episodes decades later, Duke would do Anna, defollowed by deep, physically the same for people suffering debilitating depressions. By from mental illness. stigmatized the early 1980s, her career Throughout the 1960s, mental illness and her marriage to actor John Duke’s career was riding high. Astin were unraveling. After “The Miracle Worker” and showed In 1983 a desperately ill she starred in “The Patty Duke millions of Duke was hospitalized. As Show,” a sitcom which ran she recounts in her 1987 for 104 episodes and which people that “Call Me continues to air today on ME recovery was autobiography Anna,” her doctor walked into TV. Though her 1967 film her room, informed her that “Valley of the Dolls,” an overpossible. she was suffering from manic the-top melodrama about depression (now known as pill popping showgirls in bipolar disorder) and handed Hollywood, turned out to be more of a campfest than a serious movie, it was her a pill. Duke took those pills for the rest of a box office success and remains a cult favorite. her life. Her manic episodes disappeared. Duke Duke continued to work steadily, winning an Emmy Award in 1970 for the TV film “My Sweet reclaimed her career, ultimately amassing more than 125 credits at Internet Movie Charlie,” a then-daring tale of a pregnant, Database by the time of her death on March 29, single Southern girl who falls in love with a Black man. One role after another followed- 2016. She served as President of Screen Actor’s -her 1972 horror film “You’ll Like My Mother” Guild and dedicated much of her off-screen

time to mental health advocacy. She wrote and spoke openly and honestly about her own manic episodes and let people know that help was out there – she let people know that they need not be ashamed because they had done nothing wrong. More than anyone, Patty Duke, Anna, de-stigmatized mental illness and showed millions of people that recovery was possible. She let the world know by example that people with mental health issues could live full, rich and rewarding lives. Duke’s illness was not a character flaw, it was the result of a chemical imbalance in her brain. My illness, PTSD, was caused by the after effects of the severe traumas I was subjected to, growing up as I did in an abusive home. Though PTSD and bipolar disorder are decidedly different conditions caused by differing situations, both can manifest themselves in similar ways. As a child I loved “The Patty Duke Show.” But the sparkling teen I saw on my television screen stopped being Patty long ago. To her friends, her family, and to me she is Anna. Anna is a role model who helped me to realize that I could succeed as a writer and journalist in spite of my past and the PTSD symptoms,

which continue to lurk in my shadow. Without Anna, I would not be here today. Duke’s son, actor Mackenzie Astin paid beautiful tribute to his mom at her memorial service 18 days after her death. “She made it OK to be who you were,” Astin said, fighting tears. “She took her own story and gave it to the world, telling each and every other person so afflicted that they were not alone in their suffering. There are people alive today who would not be had my mom not had the audacity to put into print what had been too taboo before.” Astin also urged people to continue his mom’s work. “Leave this memorial today with something of a call in your hearts,” he said. “I ask that you take Anna with you today, and to go forth and to speak freely to others about your experiences as she did about hers. There is considerable value in doing so – her life was proof of that. And I believe that by doing so, selflessly and with great courage, each of you can carry her work forward towards a greater community of understanding, acceptance and love.” Count me in. Mackenzie Astin’s speech can be viewed here: YouTube.com/watch?v=kzH2lqgtxhk

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

7.6.2016 •




Dana Rudolph


Of Hate and Hope

hen I learned of the massacre at He knew that some people would unfairly Sandy Hook Elementary School blame all Muslims for the act of one. I told him I thought that security in in 2012, my own son was in elementary school, and I was shaken to the public places, including schools, had gone core. He is in middle school now, and the up in the wake of 9/11 and recent school Orlando massacre has shaken me again. The shootings. (I didn’t mention that I wasn’t victims this time were not young children— sure it was enough.) We discussed the need for stronger gun control laws—and used his but they were all someone’s children. At 13 years old, my son is too old for me to love of Nerf guns to explore why restricting access to real guns was so shelter him from the news— contentious. he had first heard about I avoided talking about Orlando online, when he saw It saddens the spate of anti-LGBTQ the black ribbon Google put me to no end bills passed or introduced up in honor of the victims. He to have to around the country recently, said all the kids on his bus the wavering between full next day were talking about discuss hate disclosure and a parent’s it. I found myself once more and violence desire to protect her child trying to explain to him why in today’s from nightmares. It is enough innocent people had been world—on for now that he knows there shot in our country. is anti-LGBTQ sentiment in I explained what I knew whatever scale, our world. I want him aware, about what happened and for whatever but not anxiety-ridden. asked him how he was feeling. reason—with Did I succeed? Time will He said it was awful that my son. tell. we lived in a world where I, too, learned early on someone could just walk about hate and massacres. into a nightclub and start shooting. He said, “But you don’t go to I grew up in a Jewish family, minimally places like that,” and I had to tell him I did, observant but very aware of our culture and of the millions who died in the Holocaust. once upon a time. We talked about Stonewall, the evolution I knew there were people who killed others of LGBTQ equality, and the increase in simply for being who they were. It saddens acceptance over the past few decades. I said me to no end to have to discuss hate and we live in an area where violent incidents are violence in today’s world—on whatever rare, although that is not true for everyone. scale, for whatever reason—with my son. We have the privilege of being WhiteWe spoke of privilege and skin color and the fact that most of the victims were Latinx. skinned, however, and I know that the


• 7.6.2016

threat of violence is far stronger for people of color in the United States. While a ban on assault weapons is vital, it also remains necessary to continue addressing racism and the many other systemic ills of our society, including homophobia and transphobia, which can overlap with racism to tragic results. Fourteen transgender people, almost all people of color, were reported murdered in the first six months of 2016, the Advocate said. How can we hope to change things, though, when it seems we haven’t learned from the past and the next tragedy is just around the corner? My own answer is to find inspiration in my son, whose very existence was in part motivated by hope in the face of tragedy. My spouse had always wanted children. I hadn’t been opposed to them, but a few career shifts since college had kept me focused on establishing myself in my latest job—in a building right next to the World Trade Center. Every day, I would take the train to the station underneath WTC and walk across to my office next door on the top floor. Two business days before September 11, however, I switched to a new position in our New Jersey office.

Things might easily have been different, and I began to reflect on unseized opportunities and the swiftness of our lives. That, and the family joy I experienced over a relative’s new child, gave me the added push I needed. My spouse and I began to talk seriously about children in the months that followed, and about a year later, she was pregnant with my egg. Yes, it gave us pause, wanting to bring a child into a world of unpredictable violence. But when we lose our faith in the future, those who wish to cause harm have already won. We have to have faith now that we can build a future for our children that lets them grow up safe and loved and able to love whom they will. We have to believe in a future of human connection across the intersecting lines of race and sexual orientation and gender and all the other aspects of our identities. A future in which kindness and understanding outweigh oppression and disenfranchisement. A future where access to guns is more strictly controlled. We must then work to make that future happen—in our homes, our communities, our country, and our world. Easy? No. But I think of my son’s somber, worried face when we discussed Orlando, and I know we have to try.

Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.

Vitamin T


A Safe Space for Unconventional Appearances Brendon Lies


e all have role models. For some of us, it’s a family member, or maybe a celebrity. But for others, it’s a fictional character. The first time I deliberately dressed as male, it so happened it was as the main character from a show I loved as a kid. At school, everyone unfortunately knew right away who I was supposed to look like, and so began a long phase of being mocked for ‘not acting like the other girls.’ But as I got older, I found a group of friends where this sort of cross-dressing was acceptable… and they weren’t rainbow-clad drag queens. They were cosplayers. That is, they dressed as characters they loved, and sometimes even “crossplayed,” meaning they dressed as characters from a different gender. This wild fad has always existed in some extremity or another, but has hit the mainstream like never before in the past decade. Children and adults alike come from far and wide to attend conventions, where self expressing themselves through characters that they look up to or relate to in some way is entirely the norm. Basically it’s Halloween year round. It was among groups like these, under the guise of fandom, that I finally felt safe to begin exploring my male image. Just this weekend, Supercon hit South Florida, with an estimated attendance of over 50,000 people crowding into the Miami Beach Convention Center. Guests included William Shatner from Star Trek, Ben McKenzie from Gotham, and Nancy Cartwright, who is known for voicing Bart Simpson. A plethora of vendors and artists alike filled two massive show rooms, each eagerly conversing with these loyal fans that had come from all around the United States. However, upon entering the convention, cosplayers were greeted near the doors by a small group of Christian extremists picketing with signs warning of Hell if they didn’t repent their questionable ways. Certainly cross-dressing is not the main goal here, rather unabashedly showing off the fictional faces that touched your life in some way or another. However, there are absolutely no limits as to who dresses in what way. Whether straight or gay, you’re welcome to come in a wig, a set of combat boots, or even walk among the crowd in full drag – no one would blink twice.

It was among groups like these, under the guise of fandom, that I finally felt safe to begin exploring my male image.

Essentially, it’s an unintentional but undeniable safe zone for those who are gender non-conforming. As someone who was very much in the closet about my bisexuality prior to my transition to male, I didn’t have as many opportunities to explore the vast and diverse LGBT communities that would have welcomed this selfexploration of expression. To put it short, a straight girl isn’t likely to stumble into a lot of drag bars, especially not in the small Midwestern community where I grew up. Conventions were my chance to explore my identity. Even this weekend, walking through the crowd at Supercon, I bumped shoulders with more than a few bearded school girls, four-foot-tall militants with mascara moustaches, and oddly-busty Spidermen. For the average straight, cisgender and sheltered person, this anti-conformity utopia of self-expression is also a chance to see diversity in person possibly for the first time while still cloaked in a safe veil of geeky normalcy. It isn’t about who passes, or who looks the most

like their character. It’s about having fun, and making memories, free of judgement. Shouldn’t it be like that everywhere in life? This was the first time I walked through one of these underrated safe zones since I transitioned, and I couldn’t help but reflect on how much easier it was to pull off my superhero of choice now that I didn’t need to use eyeliner and dry-bristles to emulate the appearance of face stubble. But it’s good to know that someday when I give Wonder Woman a shot, no one is going to blink twice at the oddlylow sideburns peering out from beneath my wig. In fact, they’ll probably just ask for a photo. Brendon Lies is a 25-year-old trans man originally from Fargo, North Dakota, and the current Art Director of South Florida Gay News. Ever since he began his transition in 2013, he has been using art in every form to express and share his journey with others.

7.6.2016 •


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Jorge Richa Marketing & Programming Director; Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC)


o you ever wonder what is the best way to introduce yourself to others the first time you meet them? Once you have done the traditional shaking of hands, what’s next? In business we are meeting potential clients every single day and it is important to know how to keep the communication. Our Corporate Partner member Dale Carnegie Training shares with use five simple tips to remember: 1. Names are a Valuable Key “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sounds in any language.” 2. Become Interested in the Other Person - “Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.” 3. Speak in a Friendly Tone - “Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, ‘I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.'”

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4. Make the Person Feel Important “People will cherish your words and treasure them and repeat them years after you have forgotten them.”


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• 7.6.2016

We invite you to put these tips into practice attending two great networking opportunities that the MDGLCC has put together for the month of July. GALLA (Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association) Networking Social Mixer @ Drinkhouse Fire & Ice (1672 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach) on July 13, 2016 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Monthly networking program sponsored by Kaufman Rossin tailored for attorneys, judges, and professionals in the legal field held and anyone interested in marketing to them. Join us for a unique social mixer at the Drinkhouse Fire & Ice (www.SobeFireIce.com). The venue will be offering small bites, a complimentary beverage, happy hour prices, and free entry to the Ice Bar! Admission: $10 (Members) / $20 (Others) "Using the Power of Media to Market your Organization" Networking Luncheon & Business Expo @ The Ritz-Carlton (1 Lincoln Road, MB) on July 27 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Engaging and interactive panel discussion by Media experts; Television - Sean Michael (NBC 6 South Florida, NBCUniversal), Radio - Jessica Fernandez (iHeart Media), Print - Alexandra Villoch (Miami Herald), Digital Media - Josie Llado (Greater Miami Convention & Visitor Bureau), Public Relations - Richard Murry (Duree & Company). Admission: $45 (Members) / $55 (Others).

For any inquiries or interest in joining the MDGLCC as well as RSVP’ing for the above mentioned events, please visit www.GayBizMiami.com or reach us at info@gaybizmiami.com / 305-673-4440.

WMG Volume 3 • Issue 13 July 6, 2016

Wilton Manors Gazette



Neon Signs:

Battle Over Vacation Rentals Continue as City Hires Law Firm

Nuisance or Necessary? By Michael d’Oliveira Neon is a necessity. That’s what business owner Nick Berry told city commissioners on June 28. Without neon signs, Berry says potential customers will drive right by businesses without knowing that they are there. “You won’t even see that it’s a bar. That it’s a restaurant.” According to the city’s code, “Neon, fiber-optic and similar tubing or banding. The use of banding or tubing on a building is permitted subject to the following conditions: The closest part of any tubing or banding on the sides of a building facing a residential or mixed residential/commercial lot shall be at least two hundred (200) feet from any such lot; (2) It is not used to border a window or any portion thereof; (3) It is limited to one band with up to three (3) colors per building; and (4) That the Director determines that it is used only to emphasize the architectural features of a building rather than to draw attention to the building itself.” City Attorney Kerry Ezrol said the general intent of sign codes is to ensure the aesthetics don’t get out of control and lead to eye sores. Berry asked the commission to “not be anti-business” and to take another look at the regulations regarding neon signs. His request sparked a familiar discussion amongst commissioners: “Are we going to start not enforcing codes? What was the purpose if not to enforce it?” asked Commissioner Justin Flippen. But Vice Mayor Scott Newton responded that the city has been willing to not be as stringent in enforcing some of its codes in the past. “We did that before on [business] flags. It’s kind of the same thing.” Commissioner Julie Carson stated there are other code regulations the city doesn’t actively enforce, such as requiring home

By Michael d’Oliveira

owners to keep their roof’s clean. In April, commissioners voted to allow business owners to keep displaying temporary signs and banners. Previously, business owners were allowed to use temporary signs and banners until December of 2015. When Mayor Gary Resnick said that the city should pay more attention to enforcing the flag and banner regulations along Oakland Park Boulevard, which he said had become an eye sore, the rest of the commission disagreed in favor of holding off on a code enforcement push. Resnick called the neon signs a matter of “the character of the city we want to be.” Newton said he didn’t consider neon signs a pressing issue as long as they weren’t too bright and intrusive. He added that business owners should be allowed to keep current signs up for now but new ones shouldn’t be allowed until the commission addresses the issue further. Resnick said he’d put his neon sign “back up tomorrow” if he was a business owner and heard the commission was not strongly enforcing its own regulations. Commissioners voted to review the regulations and discuss them at a future meeting. WMG

Experience and success were the driving factors in the commission’s decision to hire a law firm to defend Wilton Manors in the vacation rental lawsuit filed against the city. City Attorney Kerry Ezrol recommended Nabors Giblin & Nickerson because of the firm’s past success defending Flagler County against a lawsuit dealing with vacation rentals. In that case, the court ruled Flagler County could regulate vacation rental properties but only ones that started operations after the regulations were passed. Ezrol said Nabors Giblin & Nickerson were slightly more expensive than other firms but Mayor Gary Resnick said the extra expense would be worth it. “Folks, you don’t really want to nickel and dime this.” The lawsuit was filed in May by vacation rental owners Jeffery Hill and Roger France. They successfully sued the city several years ago over the same issue. In a previous commission meeting, Ezrol said the city lost because former Community Services director Wayne Thies tried to regulate vacation rentals by classifying them as transient rentals. A judge disagreed with the classification. This time, the city could have a stronger case because it passed regulations. Hill and France say the city is charging too much and is trying to discriminate against vacation rental owners. “The ordinance was drafted to discourage persons from renting properties for 30 days or less and to require personal information from those renters that is not required of renters for durations of more than 30 days,” reads the lawsuit. The cost of registering a vacation rental was also included in the lawsuit and labeled as excessive. In the lawsuit, the petitioners claimed the regulations would require the expenditure of $13,500 a year to register all their properties. The city requires each unit be registered for $750. “Let there be no misunderstanding. We

also want unlicensed rentals to either comply with the previous reasonable laws that we already have complied with or shut down, too. But adding requirements for those already obeying the law doesn’t stop those who are now and will continue to be illegal. Where is the equity in that?” wrote Hill and France in a letter to The Gazette on June 10. The city approved the regulations earlier this year amidst calls by residents to take action. Some residents have said that irresponsible tourists are ruining the peace and quiet of their neighborhoods by having late night parties. Parking and trash problems are also among the complaints. Some vacation rental owners have responded that they are responsible in whom they rent to and shouldn’t be punished because of the irresponsible owners. Commissioners responded to residents’ calls for action by saying they couldn’t pass regulations that were too stringent because it would put the city at risk for losing a lawsuit. “It’s a question of what your appetite for litigation is,” advised Ezrol at the time. WMG

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July 6, 2016

7.6.2016 •



WMG … And They’re Off… By Sal Torre

With only a few weeks to go before the Republican Convention in Cleveland, followed by the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, thought I would take the opportunity to talk politics on a more local level, right here in good ole Wilton Manors. This year we have a local election for Mayor and two City Commission seats. For those accustomed to seeing my name on the ballot, I am not running in this election, but remain involved in our city as President of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors, Chair of the city’s Budget Review Advisory Committee, and Secretary of The Friends of The Wilton Manors Library. I will enjoy watching from the sidelines, while our field of very qualified candidates race to the finish line. The race for Mayor has two candidates running, our incumbent Mayor Gary Resnick, and his opponent Boyd Corbin. In the race for two commission seats, we have the two incumbents, Tom Green and Julie Carson, and two challengers, Paul Rolli and Celeste Ellich. The mayoral race will probably be an easy win this time for our longserving mayor, Gary Resnick, lacking former challenger, Doug Blevins, who is currently busy with the Wilton Drive Business Improvement District. Perhaps an easy win, but with Boyd Corbin as your opponent, there’s sure to be plenty of drama and excitement along the way. I’ve always had an underdog appreciation for Boyd, listening to his speeches at City Commission Meetings on how he was treated unfairly by Police and city officials dating back to an incident one Halloween when his tiki torch set fire to a drag queen’s wig. Yes, accidents do happen. However, wearing a KKK outfit and carrying a lit torch around drag queens with big hairdos is probably not the best choice one could make. In the race for two Commission seats, it was a cliffhanger waiting to see if Commissioner Carson would decide to run for re-election. In the end she decided to throw her hat into the race, along with another last minute surprise, Celeste Ellich. Name sounds familiar? You are correct, it is the same Celeste Ellich who, as President of the Wilton Manors Business Association, thought it would be a great idea to invite and host then Congressman Alan West to Wilton Manors. Talk about not making the best choice. Celeste, did you really think the residents of Wilton Manors would roll out the red carpet for Allen West after his ferocious attacks on the LGBT community? After a five-year retreat from city politics, perhaps Celeste, who also serves as Vice Chair of the Broward Republican Executive Committee, thought it a good year to ride in on Donald Trump’s coattails

Gary Resnick. Photo: Facebook.

Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com

and go after the angry white vote here in Wilton Manors. Perhaps she is on to something and, come this time next year, we will be calling Donald, Mr. President and Celeste, Madam Commissioner. Oh god, it’s too late for April Fools jokes! Now to the other candidates in the Commission race, Tom Green and Paul Rolli, my favorites to win. Commissioner Tom Green is running for re-election, and this city will be all the better if he is voted to serve another four-year term. Commissioner Green is passionate about Wilton Manors and about improving the quality of life for all here in our city. Commissioner Green is frequently spotted at various city board and committee meetings, is proud to serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization and on the Florida League of Cities. He is also the major voice for our environment and green building practices. Tom Green is a true asset to our City Commission and our residents. Paul Rolli, my second choice for the two commission seats, would also be a real asset to our City Commission. Paul has served two terms as Chair of the very important Budget Review Advisory Board, helping steer this city on a sound financial path. Paul’s background and thorough understanding of our city’s budget makes him a perfect choice to serve as one of our next City Commissioners. Residents can have the comfort of knowing that Paul Rolli is watching out for them now and into the future when it comes to the city’s tax base, spending, future planning and security. As for Commissioner Carson, she has definitely served our city well and deserves our heartfelt gratitude, but not for re-election. I would urge Commissioner Carson to look beyond our small city’s borders if she desires to remain in public service. Julie’s passion and commitment deserve a much larger audience. Unfortunately, her vision looks beyond our residents, our tax base, our hometown needs, and limited resources. So the race is on. Let’s keep it civil and professional, and let’s all be respectful of our fellow residents’ decisions about who they choose to support. After all, that is what makes us a democracy! And having that choice makes life just better here… WMG


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Internet Assistant • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira


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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Cindy Curtis cindy.curtis@sfgn.com Sales Assistant • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


Don’t Forget Your 'Precious Cargo' In A Hot Car By Michael d’Oliveira It’s a momentary lapse of memory that can have a lifetime of repercussions. To help prevent the deaths of children and pets because they were left in hot cars, the Wilton Manors Police Department is providing free stickers and pamphlets to remind parents and pet owners not to leave their “precious cargo” behind. According to the WMPD, 10 children nationwide have already died in 2016 due to vehicular heatstroke deaths. There have been 77 in Florida between 1990 and 2015, but that number is probably an underestimation because of unreliable data collection. NBC 6 reported on one of those deaths in

July 6, 2016 • Volume 3 • Issue 13 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305

May, an 11-month-old girl in Hialeah who was left in a car for an unknown number of hours. “In 10 to 15 minutes, the temperature of a car which is parked and not running, could go from 80 degrees to 130 degrees,” said Hialeah Fire Chief Miguel Anchia in an interview with NBC 6. Even cracking the windows doesn’t prevent a significant rise in temperature. State law penalizes individuals who leave children unattended or unsupervised in a vehicle for more than 15 minutes. The penalty ranges from $50 to $500 if the child is unharmed and becomes a third degree felony if the child is seriously hurt, disabled or disfigured.

The state also allows individuals to break vehicle windows to help unattended children and pets. Individuals can’t be sued as long as they make sure the vehicle is locked, call 9-1-1, notify law enforcement before or immediately after they break the window, use no more force than is necessary and remain with the child or animal until emergency responders arrive. Stickers and pamphlets can be picked up at the police department, 2020 Wilton Drive; Wilton Manors Library, 500 NE 26 St., and at various animal hospitals and dog-related businesses. WMG


Associated Press MEMBER


Copyright © 2014 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

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• 7.6.2016

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July 6, 2016

Brexit and Independence Declarations

Real Estate Geek

By James Oaksun Recently the news has been full of stories about the referendum in the UK where voters decided – albeit narrowly – to leave the European Union. There were a number of reasons for the “Brexit” vote, and while I am not an expert on British politics, one of the driving issues was that people were fed up with granting decision making power to remote bureaucrats who did not necessarily understand their concerns or have their best interests in mind. Closer to home you need only look about 100 miles to the north, and you see the ongoing crisis with Lake Okeechobee and the algal blooms wreaking havoc in many waterfront communities. There is a compact – a bond of assumed faith and trust – that occurs when you cede responsibility to someone. You do this conditionally; on the assumption that a collective decision will be wise and accretive to value for the greatest number of people. But when that compact is broken, people will ask whether the scales have tipped and the costs have become greater than the benefits. You may think this has nothing to do with real estate, but in it lies a very important message for anyone in the market to buy, sell or invest in real estate here in South Florida. Under the traditional model, information was closely held and anyone in the real estate market had to cede a great deal

of control to outside experts, at a high price. But now things have changed. What was once closely held is now more plentiful and available. Oftentimes colleagues tell me that buyer/investor customers do a great deal of the work themselves. Will there be a Brexit vote or a battle of Lexington and Concord? Probably not. But the rumblings are out there. The value proposition is changing. An industry changes along with it or it is disrupted by outsiders. There are 65,000 Realtors in the marketplace between Miami and West Palm. How many do you think are seeing this, and are worried about it? There are two incontrovertible facts: First: Information is free and plentiful; knowledge is costly and scarce. And second: When given a choice, a client would rather have something done for them, than to them. No, there probably won't be a dramatic vote at the polls, or a secret gathering where people sign a list of grievances and declare their independence. But change is going to come to the real estate industry. Buyers, sellers and investors will

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July 6, 2016

demand it; you already see the outline of the new paradigm. Will Realtors and related professionals adapt, or be just as out of touch as bureaucrats in Brussels or a Hanoverian king? WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate Geek(SM), is a Licensed Real Estate Broker in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).

7.6.2016 •




Resnick, Carson Running for Reelection

Commission Passes Gun Control Resolution By Michael d’Oliveira

Will Face Off Against Old Foes By Michael d’Oliveira If this city’s three incumbents want to keep their seats, they’ll have to beat three incumbents. This November, Mayor Gary Resnick will face off against Boyd Corbin while Commissioners Tom Green and Julie Carson will be up against Celeste Ellich and Paul Rolli. In 2014, Resnick won with 51.83 percent to Corbin’s 4.23 percent. Doug Blevins got the rest of the vote. Ellich, the former president of the Wilton Manors Business Association, has

ran unsuccessfully twice for a commission seat – in 2008 and 2010. In 2010, Carson defeated Ellich in a special election 51.52 percent to 48.48 percent. Rolli, president of the Central Area Neighborhood Association, has never run before. Unlike some larger cities, Wilton Manors has no designated geographical areas so the two commission candidates with the most votes will be elected. Commission terms are four years and the mayor is elected for two years. WMG

Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution on June 28 calling on federal and state legislators to pass more effective gun control laws. Commissioner Justin Flippen said “enough is enough” and that it was past time for state and federal officials to take action. “Silence equals death.” Mayor Gary Resnick reiterated the fact that he and other commissioners could be fined and removed from office, per state statute, by the governor if they tried to regulate the manufacture, sale, or distribution of firearms. Any local laws passed can also be nullified by the legislature.

But one resident wanted the commission to try anyway. “Just try ‘em out. Make it an ordinance. See what they do,” said Mike Burke. WMG


News Briefs From Around Wilton Manors By Michael d’Oliveira

WMPD Earns Reaccreditation The Wilton Manors Police Department has been officially reaccredited by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. To earn the award, the WMPD had to comply with about 260 standards. The process, held every three years, is a review of the police department, its personnel and policies by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. The benefits of accreditation, say WMPD officials, includes more efficient use of staffing and equipment through best practices adopted through the

accreditation. “This is one of the proudest moments of my career,” said WMPD Accreditation Manager Doug Robertson. The reaccreditation lasts until 2019 and then the WMPD will have to reapply. WMG

Wilton Manors Summer Book Fair 2016 The non-profit, all volunteer Friends of the Wilton Manors Library is hosting their Summer Book Fair on Saturday, July 9th, from 8:00 A.M. to 2 P.M. This event is held indoors in the Hagen Park Community Center at the rear of 2020 Wilton Drive. There will be more than 4,000 fiction, non-fiction books, videos and music CD’s for adults and children

Friends of the Wilton Manors Library Lecture Series "My life, my career, and my son, Jason Alexander"

Ruth Greenspan, mother of Jason Alexander who played George Castanza on the long running sit-com Seinfeld, will be the guest speaker. Join the Friends of the Library for an enjoyable and fun evening. All are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 Wilton Manors Richard C Sullivan Public Library Refreshments at 6:30 pm, Lecture begins at 7 pm. WMG

offered to the public for a requested donation of no more than $1.00 per item. Book topics range from fiction bestsellers and cookbooks to history, health and the arts. Help support your local independent library. For additional information contact 954-566-9019. WMG

Admission and parking are free.

Judicial Forum A forum, featuring all the judicial candidates running for election and re-election, will be held on Wednesday, July

20 at 7 p.m. in the Hagen Park Community Center, 2020 Wilton Drive. Elections for judges will be held August 30. WMG

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• 7.6.2016

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July 6, 2016

7.6.2016 •



Candidate Brings Wilton Drive To Forefront Of Campaign By Michael d’Oliveira Photo: Facebook.






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Boyd Corbin has a long list of issues he wants to address if elected mayor. Crime, taxes, spending, bar safety, pedestrian safety, increasing parking and more. But at the top of the list is the planned lane reduction of Wilton Drive. He’s firmly against it. Since the lane reduction was first proposed, most of the public opinions expressed have been in favor of reducing the street from four lanes to two. But Corbin is so far the most vocal opponent of the project since it became public several years ago. Proponents of the reduction say it would make the street safer, add additional parking spaces and benefit business owners. Essentially, the idea is to make Wilton Drive more like Las Olas Boulevard. Corbin has spoken against the reduction at commission meetings, on social media and his campaign website. He’s also started a petition drive, with some of the signatures coming from the booth he set up during the Stonewall festival last month. If the lane reduction is approved by the state, city officials have stated the Florida Department of Transportation [FDOT] would pay for the costs association with altering the physical structure of the road. But, said City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson, any additional landscaping or beautification would have to be paid for by the city. But Corbin, who is challenging Mayor Gary Resnick, is against the reduction for reasons that don’t include money. “This insane project will only benefit some business owners on the Drive. They want wider sidewalks for putting tables and chairs on. Let the residents vote. Last year, Mayor Resnick mentioned having a referendum to let residents vote on the issue. This needs to be done before continuing with this bizarre project that will create huge

traffic jams not only on Wilton Drive but also on Andrews Avenue, Powerline Road and Northeast 26th Street.” In November of last year, Resnick promised public hearings would be held on the issue and suggested a referendum be held. A consultant will be at the next commission meeting on July 12 to present scenarios for the Wilton Drive redesign. The current commission’s support for reducing Wilton Drive is predicated on the financial burden being borne by FDOT. Until recently, officials resisted calls to take on the project because they said the city could not afford to do so on its own. Fort Lauderdale’s request to narrow Northeast 4 Avenue from Sunrise Boulevard to Wilton Manors prompted city officials to request the same for Wilton Drive. If elected, Corbin, who unsuccessfully challenged Resnick for mayor in 2014, would most likely still face a majority of commissioners in favor of moving forward with the lane reduction. Commissioners Tom Green and Julie Carson, both candidates for re-election this November, voted to apply to FDOT for the reduction. In April, Green said a two-lane Northeast 4 Avenue and a four-lane Wilton Drive could cause problems on Wilton Drive. The sudden expansion from two to four lanes, said Green, could encourage drivers to speed up once they get into Wilton Manors. That is something that would run counter to the efforts by city officials, residents and business owners to make the street safer for pedestrians. Paul Rolli supports the lane reduction and agrees with Green, saying that traffic problems could cause arise from not altering the road. Celeste Ellich, the other candidate for commission, said she needs to study the issue further before forming an opinion.


• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • 32

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July 6, 2016

paid content


Editorial Cartoon

By Andy Marlette

Coffee Love and a Healthy White Smile How to keep your teeth clean and white while still enjoying your beloved coffee beverages.


t’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t love coffee, and this delectable drink is sometimes difficult to part with. It is enjoyed around the world and even offers us some health benefits like a lower risk for diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately our love of coffee does come with the drawback of stains which can negatively impact your smile. These stains are actually caused by polyphenols which are found in coffee and adhere to the surface of your teeth. Preventive action is the key against dreaded coffee stained teeth but also against the acidic buildup that over time can cause a faster growth of bacteria. If you have questions regarding these stains or their effects on your teeth, Premier Smile Center is always here to help with answers and a positive direction towards your oral health. In the meantime, here are a few tips you can use between dental visits. When possible, you can try sipping your beverage through a straw. This aids in reducing how much liquid is in contact with your teeth.

For more tips on clean teeth, please visit www.drjohnsondds.com

If you can’t avoid the contact with your teeth, be sure to rinse your mouth after drinking coffee as often as you can or drinking water between coffee beverages. Along with being good for you, water will help rinse away any dark liquids from your mouth. Ideally, brushing your teeth after would be a great option and would avoid having it sit on your teeth for long periods of time. Try carrying your toothbrush and toothpaste, or disposable toothbrushes with you. And don’t forget to floss, because the unwelcome plague attracts food and beverage stains. If you don’t want to carry a toothbrush, you could always keep a pack of sugar-free gum with you, the kind formulated to prevent and/or treat stains. The chewing action produces saliva and it aids in keeping your mouth clean. Before diving into using any selfwhitening products, we recommend you first start by making an appointment with your dental hygienist and get your teeth professionally cleaned. This is the start to brighter, whiter, healthier smile.

Premier Smile Center 2717 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 (954) 566-7479 7.6.2016 •


feature travel

En Français and Anglais Daniela Costa

Pride in Montreal


ave you ever considered a bilingual Pride? While it’s not exactly as sexy as it sounds, the idea’s still pretty damn enticing. Neighbors to the north Montreal have definitely got it going on. “We try to have a little something for everybody,” said Jean-Sébastien Boudreault, vice president of Montreal Pride/ Fierté Montréal. With a lengthy program lineup that’s on from Aug. 8 to the 14 and an expected attendance of about 500,000 people this year, it’s hard to believe that just a few years back Pride in Montreal was fighting for its very existence. The festival has only existed in its current form since 2007. Before that, Divers/Cité had been organizing Pride in the city, as it had since 1993. After Divers/Cité made it known they wanted to become an LGBT music festival instead, Montreal Pride’s current president, Éric Pineault, consulted the community about whether or not they still felt a need for Pride celebrations. “The community was so afraid that Pride would be lost,” recalls Boudreault. Suffice it to say, the community responded with a resounding “yes” and immediately got to work to ensure 2007 did not go by without celebrations. They set up a nonprofit organization in May and Pride followed that very July.

“From then we built on the success and the relationship we have with the community,” Boudreault said. “I think we succeeded because from 70,000 people, a $135,000 [CAD] budget, we are this year close to a $3 million budget and close to somewhere around half a million people.” So what can you look forward to this year? Boudreault told SFGN the standout events are happening on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Pride. On Thursday night, “RuPaul’s Drag Race” cast members Violet Chachki, Pearl, Katya, Alaska, Willam, Phi Phi O’Hara and Manila Luzon will entertain the masses in an outdoor show co-hosted by Bianca Del Rio. Friday night is all about The Diva Den event. Big name Quebec talent will perform, as well as singers from elsewhere in Canada, the United States and Europe. Saturday night is a mixed bag of treats with the B.Y.O.L. (Bring your Own Lesbian) party back for the ladies and 15 of Montreal’s best drag queens hitting the stage for Illusion. In an exchange program of sorts, the city will also host performers who entertained audiences at Toronto Pride just a few weeks before. For your information, Montreal Pride also let Toronto ‘borrow’ their talent. And while we’re not endorsing missing the parade on Sunday, the Mega T-Dance starts at the same time. But it continues for hours afterwards, so you can certainly make it to both events. The Mega T-Dance will feature “several internationally renowned DJs” who will cap their sets just before midnight. You can then just stay right

where you are to see Canadian drag superstar Jade London close up Pride. “Nowhere else in the francophone world is there a festival or a Pride that lasts seven days like we do,” said Boudreault, who likes to remind people that Pride in Montreal bests any in France. Believe it or not, Montreal Pride was only a three-day event in 2007. In 2017, it’ll expand even further to a 10-day festival in celebration of Canada Pride. If that sounds unfamiliar, it’s because Montreal was awarded the first ever Canada Pride, to take place from Aug. 11 to 20, 2017, in 2015 after the organizations that make up Fierté Canada Pride voted unanimously to give the city the event. The celebrations coincide with Montreal’s 375th anniversary as a city and the 150th anniversary of Canada as a nation. “We came together and we thought, ‘Why not?’ Canada is the second biggest country in the world. We’re bigger than Europe. So why not do something like they do in Euro Pride or World Pride and do a bigger event that could go around Canada.” Organizers expect Canada Pride to attract between 700,000 and 800,000 visitors to the city. The event will rotate host cities every four years. “We’re looking to have big, big names to do something huge for Canada,” Boudreault said. “We want to build something strong to have a strong legacy for the next city.”

Organizers expect Canada Pride to attract between 700,000 and 800,000 visitors to the city.


• 7.6.2016

lifestyle history

Photo credit: Cloudzilla, Flickr.

Homo History 101 Summer Olympics Edition

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Pier Angelo

Greg Louganis: (1960) is an American

Olympic diver, LGBT-rights activist and author who won gold medals at the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games on both the springboard and platform. He is the only male and the second diver in Olympic history to sweep the diving events in consecutive Olympic Games. At sixteen Louganis took part in the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, where he placed second in the tower event, behind Italian sport legend Klaus Dibiasi. Louganis was a favorite for two golds in the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, but an American boycott of the games prevented him from participating. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Louganis won gold medals in both the springboard and tower diving events. He repeated his 1984 feat in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, despite suffering a concussion after his head struck the springboard during the preliminary rounds. He completed the preliminaries despite his injury, earning the highest single score of the qualifying round for his next dive and repeated the dive during the finals, earning the gold medal by a margin of 25 points. In the 10m finals, he won the gold medal, performing a 3.4 difficulty dive in his last attempt, earning 86.70 points for a total of 638.61 At the time of the 1988 accident, Louganis did not disclose to the public that he was HIV positive, a diagnosis he had received six months before the Olympics. His doctor placed him on the antiretroviral drug AZT, which he took every four hours round-the-clock. As expected of the culture at that time, most of his corporate sponsors dropped him as a client when his HIV status was announced in 1995. The exception was swimsuit manufacturer Speedo, which retained him as an endorser of its products until 2007. Louganis was among the first class of inductees into the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame on August 2, 2013.

2008 Summer Olympics: In the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, only 11 athletes out of the 10,708 participants were openly LGB including: Matthew Mitcham (Australia, diving) Judith Arndt (Germany, cycling) Imke Duplitzer (Germany, fencing) Gro Hammerseng (Norway, handball) Katja Nyberg (Norway, handball) Natasha Kai (U.S., soccer) Lauren Lappin (U.S., softball) Victoria Sandell Svensson (Sweden, soccer) Rennae Stubbs (Australia, tennis)

Linda Bresonik (Germany, soccer) Vicky Galindo (U.S., softball, bisexual) Only one of them, Matthew Mitcham (who also won a gold medal), was male. Mitcham gained media coverage in Australia as reporters thought he was the first Australian to compete in the Olympics as an openly gay person at the time. However, Mathew Helm, the Australian diver who won the silver medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the men's 10m platform, had publicly announced he was gay before the Olympics began. Other notable gay Australian Olympians include Ji Wallace, who competed at the 2000 Summer Olympics and won a silver medal in the inaugural trampoline event; however, he came out after the Games.

2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony.

2012 Summer Olympics: The organizers of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London were the first in Olympic history to include a commitment to diversity in its bid, making it the most gay-friendly games to date. The organizers publicly supported pro-LGBT concerns during the lead-up to the Games, such as during Pride London 2010, when special pins featuring the Games' emblem and a rainbow flag were sold as part of a wider range celebrating various aspects of diversity. LOCOG chief executive Paul Deighton stated that "Our vision is as bold as it is simple – to use the power of the Games to inspire change. We want to reach out to all parts of the community and connect them with London 2012." A slightly larger number of LGBT athletes competed at London in 2012, with 23 out of more than 10,000 competitors, and only three gay men. Outsports co-founder Jim Buzinski considered it to be an "absurdly low number," and considered that in comparison to the arts, politics or business worlds, "sports is still the final closet in society." 7.6.2016 •


lifestyle books

Memorial at the Museum 'All the Rage: A Quest' by Martin Moran

Terri Schlichenmeyer


ou’ve never been so mad in your life.

Our Fund and the South Florida Gay News Thank the following individuals and companies for their contributions and kindness in making the benefit at the Museum for victims of the Orlando Massacre a meaningful event which successfully raised money for the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Flowers Wilton Manors The Pink Submarine Home Depot The Museum of Art Print Basics South Florida Symphony Orchestra AIDS Healthcare Foundation Raquel Williams, Vocalist Brendon Lies, Designer Anthony Cedeno, Designer


• 7.6.2016

Boy, you were angry. Ready to scream, spit nails, tear the world apart with bare hands. So mad you couldn’t see straight, as they say, and you’re still seething. As in the new book “All the Rage: A Quest” by Martin Moran, would the trespass against you ever be forgivable? It was unimaginably difficult to make that last call, even though there had been other calls over the years. Martin Moran had to make sure that someone was monitoring the man who’d molested him decades before. Bob was elderly by now, but Moran knew that Bob wasn’t rehabilitated – if such a thing could even happen. He was relieved to know that California authorities had Bob on a registry. In another memoir, in another time, he’d written about Bob pseudonymously. He didn’t want to cause trouble then, for himself or anyone else, but the memory of what happened when he was twelve still, of course, lingered. He’d waited thirty years, after all, to finally call the cops. And yet, he didn’t hate Bob. His stepmother, yes, but not Bob. And he didn’t think he was angry about the whole thing; no, what irked him most was when people asked him if he was angry. He had a life to live, a career as a writer and actor; he lectured, traveled, explored, loved his family and his partner. Who had time for anger? Who had time for forgiveness? That was something Moran wrestled with. He worked as an interpreter for a man who was seeking asylum in the U.S., and the horrors the man endured were nearly unbearable. He seemed to forgive those who hurt him. An old friend who’d been molested

232 pages $24.95 / $33.00 Canada c.2016, Beacon Press

was able to forgive, too; in fact, he almost seemed to think that Bob was a nice guy. Could anybody ever think of Hitler or Stalin as a human being worthy of grace? Or was justice needed before we can truly forgive? If a book, a nonsentient item made from dead trees, could have feelings, “All the Rage” would throb with aching. Author Martin Moran indicates in this memoir that he no longer feels compelled to be coy with his molester’s name, so he specifically identifies the catalyst for this journey. That up-front-ness immediately feels squirmy – in part, because everything’s suddenly more personal, and in part because Moran already seems oddly blasé toward Bob, who nonetheless is a ten-foot-tall, constant presence in this story. All that happens in the first pages. Because of the unsettling feeling we’re left with then, what comes next, and for the rest of the book – losses, bewildering arguments, final words exchanged with a friend, and yes, a blazing realization of hatred - becomes compellingly soul-washing, not only for writer, but for reader, too. Though there’s plenty of rawness here – both in feeling and in word – this meditation on justice, compassion, and mercy is something we all need at some point, so find “All the Rage.” If you miss it, you may never forgive yourself.

7.6.2016 •


lifestyle tech addict

Android's New Operating System Chris Ayala


May Issue

Marriage Edition Visit sfgn.com to see where to find your copy

oogle gave some more exciting news about its next operating system (announced back in March). So far, the update is being called simply "Android Nougat." After version titles like Donut, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jellybean, it seems the tech giant has more of an obsession with sweets than I do. For a few months, Google had publicly accepted ideas for a new name (as long as the word started with the letter N). All you had to do was search the hashtag #nameandroidn. Some of the suggestions had been quite wild, like Android Nachos. Some of the suggestions had been quite creative, like Android Nutella. My suggestion of Android Nutsack had been ignored. Let’s recap what we know so far about Android Nougat. Probably the most noteworthy of the new features will be Multi-Tasking. Hold the Overview Key and your app will shrink to one side, giving you the option to open another app on the other side. Imagine the possibilities. Now you can chat with someone on Grindr while Facebook stalking him at the same time! Well, maybe I'm the only one that does that. Some phones have this capability already, but this will be the first time the feature is native to Android. A better notification panel will make your smartphone even smarter. After the update, you'll be able to reply to emails and texts with ease. Though iPhone beat Android to the punch on this one, it's still a worthwhile improvement. Other apps, like Google Hangouts, will enable you to reply to your notifications. Plus, Google promises a cleaner look and a scaled-down version of the Quick Settings menu. Quick Settings can be customized with six buttons to activate options such as Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, and Do-

Not-Disturb. I only wish men were this customizable. If you're looking to save money on that data bill, a brand-new feature called Data Saver should be the solution. Though Google's laptop operating system has Data Saver, the mobile version will act quite differently. Data Saver will limit how much cellular data your apps will be allowed to use. So no more surprise overage charges because you decided to watch an entire Netflix season of American Horror Story on your phone. Set your cellphone plan's data limit and Data Saver will notify you when you're closing in on that maximum allowance. Most apps will be shrunk to occupy less hard drive space. That means that it will be smaller with faster performance, just like my ex-boyfriend. Apps will see a 75 percent reduction in size, so that's more space for selfies. Battery life will be enhanced with Doze, which was introduced in Android Marshmallow. Doze was designed to activate a low-power state when it realizes you're not moving. It's sort of like whiskey for your smartphone. With Android Nougat, expect Doze to work better. What we don't even know for sure yet is the official release date. It is expected in the fall of 2016, but here's the downside... not every phone will be compatible with Android Nougat. With iPhone users, Apple directly updates the software. But with Android users, Google does not directly update the software. Instead, the Mountain View company is at the mercy of phone manufacturers, wireless carriers, and chip makers. Whether you can enjoy these new features or not will depend on which phone you own.

Chris Ayala studied screenwriting and worked in television in Los Angeles before pursing his dream of writing novels. He currently resides in Fort Lauderdale where he’s published two series: the fantasy saga “The Last Days” and the gay concentration camp novella “Confinement.”


• 7.6.2016

7.6.2016 •


lifestyle food

Rick Karlin

Submitted photo.

Regina's Farm. Photo by Rick Karlin.

Down on the Farm

Regina’s Farm 1101 Middle St., Fort Lauderdale 954-465-1900 reginasfarm.com


egina's Farm gets lots of press about providing a unique Brazilian dining experience. Brazilian natives Regina Rodrigues and her husband Elizeu Silva are effusive hosts who produce an elaborate picnic buffet about three Saturdays a month. Each event draws about 150 people and there is a month-long waiting list for the three-course family style buffet meal. To be sure, the food is plentiful; the meal starts with a choice of three soups, one of which is always a vegetarian option. Two of the soups were in giant pots on the wood-burning stove; the third was suspended over a fire pit. Soups are served with yummy cheese bread, and optional grated cheese, chopped scallions and fried skin pork (torresmo or chicharones). Then the main course begins and there is an abundance of options. Yucca, beans, oxtail, chicken, okra, corn, sausages and greens, are all dished up from the pots bubbling away on the giant outdoor stove. The emphasis is on quantity, the food is all pretty bland and unexceptional. About an


• 7.6.2016

hour after the entrees are served, a table is cleared and desserts are brought out. Again there are numerous offerings, but almost everything had coconut. It’s all very charming, with large picnic tables dotting the expansive, tree-shaded yard in which chicken roam about and with pens of rabbits and tractor rides for kids. The entire meal is $25 a person, plus a buck or two for soft drinks. It’s a BYOB place and Regina’s has plenty of wine glasses and wine openers and doesn’t charge a corkage fee, so the evening is really quite a bargain, so it’s no surprise that, when I went to the web site I discovered that it is booked well into the fall.

According to the website; Regina started her little “farm” (it’s really just a large backyard) and cooking for others because of the nostalgia that she has for her state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. The description goes on, “People of every walk of life come to the farm to dine and what we hear from our guests most is how much eating at the farm reminded them of their home.” On the night we attended (after making reservations months in advance), we noticed plenty of LGBT folks at the tables. As a matter of fact our group of six gay men shared a large table with a group of four lesbians, who brought plenty of champagne to celebrate a birthday. I wonder how many would be there if they knew what I uncovered when I did a little research afterwards in preparation for the article. I discovered a few facts that make me wonder if the folks lining up at the gate to the farm realize where their money goes. One of the news articles mentioned that Rodrigues and Silva met at seminary in Brazil. Rodrigues and Silva are quite proud of the fact that the money raised by their dinners helps support the Las Olas Worship Center, where Silva is a pastor.

The couple seems warm and welcoming, so I thought, perhaps they are the types of Christians who really follow the doctrine and accept all people. However, knowing how some faith-based enterprises aren’t exactly forthcoming about their beliefs, I did some digging and found out that Rodrigues used to work for Westminster Academy, the school affiliated with the vehemently antiLGBT Coral Ridge Church. A little more digging unearthed the fact that Las Olas Worship Center is part of the Assemblies of God church, which has issued statements against same-sex marriage, allowing gays in the Boy Scouts. (http://ag.org) I tried contacting the couple via the e-mail address on their web site, but it bounced back with the message that no such address existed, A message left on their Facebook page went unanswered, as did a phone message. None of the many articles I read about “Regina’s Farm” make anything beyond a passing mention that the event is a fundraiser for the Las Olas Worship Center. If I had known about the church’s anti-gay stance, I certainly wouldn’t have given them my money, and I would hope others feel the same way.

To read more of Rick’s restaurant reviews visit SFGN.com/Food

7.6.2016 •






J u l y



J u l y

1 2 ,

2 0 1 6

W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




circus Quebec-based Cirque Eloize brings its new production, “Cirkopolis,” to the Arsht Center in Miami tonight through Sunday, July 31. The disciplines of circus, dance and theater converge into an eye-popping, jaw-dropping, gravity-defying show that is sure to be the hottest ticket of the summer. Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets at ArshtCenter.org.



concert Take a memorable musical journey back to the ‘80s with Boy George and Culture Club tonight at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to the band’s timeless signature, “Karma Kameleon,” sing along to all the band’s biggest hits, including “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya” and “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me.” Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the sensation. Tickets at BrowardCenter. org.

Boy George and Culture Club perform their iconic '80s hits, including "Karma Kameleon," this weekend at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Submitted photo.


7/9 SUN

7/10 MON

7/11 TUE






The second installment of FLO’pocalypse, “The United Journey,” comes to the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center tonight for a high energy evening of poetry. Featuring nationally and internationally acclaimed professional poets, including HBO Def Poet Asia Samson, FLO’pocalypse is a nonstop spoken word rollercoaster that will leave audiences speechless. Tickets start at $20.31 at BrowardCenter.org.

The Excelsa Quartet returns to South Florida with two performances, Friday, July 8 at the Josephine Leiser Center, 221 SW 3rd Ave. in Fort Lauderdale, and tonight at the Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St. Both performances begin at 7:30 p.m. The diverse program includes trios by Schubert, Haydn and Beethoven and the Kodaly Intermezzo for String Trio. Tickets are $37.73 at SouthFloridaSymphony.org.

Early reviews are already in and “The Secret Lives of Pets” is going to be one of the biggest films of the busy summer season. The premise of the animated feature is pretty simple— what kinds of trouble do our animals get into when their human owners go off to work. Well, they throw raucous parties, plot mayhem and engage in romantic liaisons and it’s hilarious. Check local listings for theaters and show times.

The Stonewall National Museum and Archives presents a new exhibition, “Marilyn: Kissing an Icon,” opening on Thursday, July 7 and running through August 7 at its Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Dr. The exhibit includes a diverse collection of artifacts, memorabilia and fan collectibles dedicated to the hyper-sexual gay icon who was ahead of her time on LGBT and social justice issues until her untimely death in 1962 at the age of 36. For more information, go to Stonewall-Museum.org.


• 7.6.2016

7.6.2016 •


Photo: Youtube.

a&e film

YouTube star gets wrongly accused of gay sex while filming a video

A look back at a wonderful film

Tucker Berardi Popular YouTuber PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, is the first YouTube star to surpass 10 billion views. He was also kicked out of his home in the UK last week when his landlord accused him of having loud gay sex, according to Pink News. Kjellberg was filming a video for his channel when his landlord, who he had not met previously, came to the door and wrongly accused the YouTuber of having gay sex, calling him a “faggot.” He was then evicted, receiving a formal noise complaint only after being kicked out of his home in Brighton. Kjellberg expressed his feelings on the confrontation to his Twitter fans: “To be clear: I made a video, landlord

My Beautiful Laundrette

thought I was having gay sex. Comes down to call us faggots. Next day evicted w/o previous notice” he wrote. Another read, “Was planning to fight against the situation, but honestly happy to just move far away from that guy. Got more important shit to deal with.” Kjellberg also posted a seven minute video that included a portion of the exchange with the landlord. The YouTuber had the resources to find a new home quickly, Pink News Reports. Though Brighton is considered to be gay friendly, Kjellberg expressed how hard it is to find places to live in the city. He said if anyone else were put in a similar situation, they could potentially find themselves homeless.

Jae Kanella


f I could kiss the personification of homophobia, socioeconomic differences, the film “My Beautiful Laundrette,” I and so on. Johnny becomes devoted to would. This was a 1985 film centering Omar’s cause, but not reformed to the on a Pakistani-English gay man and best of Omar’s liking - plus, tensions his attempts in opening up a laundry rise within Omar’s family for their own business, while resisting the racial individual conflicts, both related to the tensions of Margaret Thatcher's London. couple and not. Also, happy spoiler While the story lends alert: the silverscreen itself to the main couple, couple featured in the film the depth of its supporting It feels like a actually have a positive cast makes this film resolution. Neither complex and rich in its painting in becomes torn apart by characterization. It feels the world death or painful tragedy! like a painting in the world that was once Which, I’ve seen, seems to that was once true: seedy, true: seedy, be a rare occurrence on TV contemporary London with gay characters even with seedy, contemporary contemporary in the year 2016. (Giving love in all of its spectrums. London shifty eyes to you, CW’s I definitely recommend with seedy, “The 100.”) “My Beautiful Laundrette” Omar (Played by an to anyone with an interest contemporary authentically talented in 1980s films, films love in all of Gordon Warnecke) is a centering on challenging its spectrums. young adult who’s given a internal racism, and any run-down laundromat by movie buff who enjoys a his uncle. Soon after, he thoughtful portrayal of gets attacked by a gang while in his car complicated, fascinating characters and - but the situation immediately takes a their developing interactions with each different turn when he finds out the leader other. is his former lover, Johnny. It is a snapshot of the past, but the film Omar’s eventual reunion and romance doesn't feel dated. Everything within it is with street punk Johnny (Played by Daniel a wealth of character, setting and story, all Day Lewis in one of his earliest works) interweaved together to make a wonderful plays as a catalyst against the social social commentary on the life of our issues that affect their daily life - racism, beautiful laundrette, Omar Ali.

Jae Kanella is a South Florida native, cat parent, and writer. Jae's pronoun preference is they/them/theirs. Jae is 19-years-old and radically queer.


• 7.6.2016

a&e culture

The art of coffee is the subject of a series of workshops offered at Bailey Contemporary Arts in Pompano this summer.

Summer Series Explores the Art of Coffee in Pompano J. W. Arnold


ave you ever stood at the counter at your local coffee shop and just gazed at the work of steaming, creamy art whipped up right there in front of you? Sharon Stephenson, founder of Blooming Bean Coffee Co., believes brewing the perfect cup of coffee is indeed an art that deserves to be experienced and shared. Beginning on July 16, Stephenson will be offering “The Brew Series” at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA) in Pompano Beach. The three-class series will introduce students to different tastes, styles and methods to roast, brew and serve coffee. Each session will involve blind tastings, pairings and detailed discussions about industry issues such as fair trade vs. organic and sustainable production. “My goal is to introduce coffee culture and take participants to the level of coffee enthusiast or even purist,” explained Stephenson. “They will profile their own noses and develop their own palates through blind tastings.” If the terminology sounds much like wine tasting, it is, she told SFGN. Coffee is an exciting world of tastes, blends and philosophies. And, just like grapes, the character of coffee beans is affected by their terroir—the set of all environmental qualities, soil and climate, where each crop is grown. Each individual’s taste buds process the flavors in different ways, reacting to acidity and varying flavor notes. Most importantly, like “good” wine, a good coffee is always the one the drinker enjoys most. Each class will include pairings with pastries and desserts by Love Well Bakery. Participants will also take home a package of artisanal roasted coffee. “Coffee is undergoing a renaissance, so to speak,” said Stephenson, who rejects the current notion that dark roasting is the preferred

method. “We have been in the ‘Dark Ages.’ We’ve been sold a bill of goods….we’re all really tired of being told how to drink our coffee.” A lifelong drinker, Stephenson later developed her passion for coffee during her travels. She and her husband would seek out local roasters and six years ago, decided to begin roasting her own coffee. She married her love for coffee with advocacy work for at-risk youth and victims of child trafficking. “It was the best way to pour into a passion but to mentor at the same time,” she said. Stephenson is also a vocal supporter for the local roasting community, which has grown significantly over the past few years. A barista throw-down challenge was one of the featured events at last month’s art walk in Fort Lauderdale’s FAT Village. She can also be found at the many other local roasters like Switchbox in Oakland Park or Alchemist in Wilton Manors, “depending on the vibe I’m feeling.” On Sept. 10, Stephenson will open her Blooming Bean Coffee Co. shop in BaCA, the thriving cultural arts center in Old Town Pompano Beach. The inaugural celebration will include an appearance by an artist who paints using coffee. BaCA director Sarah Benichou said, “We are thrilled that Sharon is teaching this class. Coffee is so immersed in our culture and our daily routines, gaining a better understanding of how to create a better cup is something we can all appreciate.” Learn the art of coffee at “The Brew Series” at Bailey Contemporary Arts, 41 NE 1st St. in Pompano Beach, on Saturdays, July 16, July 30 and Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. Each session is $25 with discounts for multiple classes. Seating is extremely limited. For more information or to register, call 954-284-0141 or go to BaileyArts. org.

To learn more about Blooming Bean Coffee Co., go to BloomingBeanCoffee.com. 7.6.2016 •


a&e theater

Credit: Brooke Noble

Chris Crawford stars in “Buyer & Cellar,” opening this weekend at Actors Playhouse in Coral Gables.

'Buyer & Cellar' Is a Salute to Streisand Fans J. W. Arnold


ow far will a starry-eyed Barbra Streisand fan go to get close to the beloved icon? Jonathan Tolins imagines a hilarious scenario in his hit Off Broadway comedy, “Buyer & Cellar,” coming to Actors Playhouse in Coral Gables this weekend. The play chronicles the hilarious experiences of Alex More, a struggling gay actor who lands a job working in the shopping mall Streisand built in the basement of her Malibu compound. After weeks of minding the store, the “Lady Herself” comes downstairs to shop. But, eventually Alex begins to wonder if the bond he feels in the basement will ever make it upstairs. Actor’s Playhouse artistic director David Arisco had been eyeing the show for more than a year. Actor Michael Urie (“Ugly Betty”) originated the role of Alex and took the play to New York, Los Angeles and London before the rights became available. “I had to keep an eye on its journey,” explained Arisco. “The question was whether it would be released to regionals. There were other theaters in South Florida that were trying to get it at the same time.” The intimate show offers a stark contrast to the big musicals Arisco typically programs, such as “West Side Story,” “Ragtime,” “Miss Saigon” and “1776.” “I’m always looking to create as eclectic a season as I can. I felt we didn’t have a lighthearted comedy,” he said. After snagging the rights, Arisco’s biggest challenge would be finding an actor who

could handle the challenge: “This character has to be charming with a capital C,” in addition to playing more than a half-dozen roles including Alex, boyfriend Barry, James Brolin, Steisand’s house manager and, ultimately, Babs herself. That actor would be Carbonell Awardwinner Chris Crawford, a Carbonell winner last year for “Murder Ballad” at Actor’s Playhouse. “First and foremost, it’s a challenge. As an actor, you dream of doing a one-man or onewoman show. It’s all me for 40-something pages. This script, in particular, has so much heart. We’re all struggling with something and looking for more in our lives, just like Alex,” Crawford said. As a gay man, Crawford particularly relates to his character. He noted a line in the show when Alex first catches a glimpse of Streisand’s “People” dress and “has a moment.” Crawford grew up watching Barbra Streisand concerts on VHS video tapes, but finally had his own moment rehearsing this show. “She had never been the icon to me until I did this show and now I’m obsessed. She’s such a fascinating person. I’m very much like Alex in that way. I’ve always respected that she’s a part of gay culture, but now I get it.” Arisco already knows both gay and straight audiences will flock to the show: “It is a gay man who is telling a gay man’s dream story, but the charm of the character opens the door for the straight community, as well. The jokes won’t be lost on them.”

See the Florida regional premiere of Jonathan Tolins’ comedy, “Buyer & Cellar,” July 13 – Aug. 7 at Actor’s Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Tickets are $45 – 53 at ActorsPlayhouse.org.


• 7.6.2016

a&e news


Gay YouTuber Faked Hate Crime, Police Say


Brittany Ferrendi

YouTube star Calum McSwiggan said he was the victim of a hate crime on Tuesday night, but police claim otherwise. The British vlogger was with his friends in Los Angeles visiting a popular gay club, The Abbey. Later on, McSwiggan took to social media to claim he was attacked by three men — and posted a photo of himself in a hospital bed. According to The Advocate, Holly M. Perez of the West Hollywood Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department stated officers were “unable to substantiate the assault” and that McSwiggan had “no visible injuries.” McSwiggan was then arrested when deputies found him vandalizing a car, Perez added. Personnel also claimed the 26-year-old YouTuber injured himself “with the handle and receiver to a payphone inside the cell” and taken to a hospital. That’s when the star posted a photo on Instagram of him on the hospital bed. “After one of the most wonderful weekends at VidCon we went out to a gay club to celebrate, and towards

the end of the evening I was separated from my friends and beaten up by three guys,” he wrote in the caption. “The authorities should have been there to help and protect me but instead they treated me like a second class citizen.” He added: “With three broken teeth and six stitches in my forehead, I've never felt so terrified to be a gay man in the public eye.” McSwiggan’s friend and fellow YouTuber Riyadh Khalaf was with him that night, but did not observe the attack. He took to Twitter when he found out about his friend in the hospital. “Terrifying to see this shit still goes on in today’s world and to one of my closest and dearest friends,” Khalaf wrote. On Wednesday after the release of the police department’s statement, Khalaf tweeted stating he would not comment until he could “legally speak.” He also claimed that McSwiggan “didn’t fake it.”

JULY 22–24

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7.6.2016 •



Theater Christiana Lilly




Rock of Ages

July 6 to july 14 * Flo’Pocalypse2: The United Journey

July 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 501 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Spoken word performances hosted by Jerris “QUICKThePoet” Evans. Tickets $20.31 and up. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

July 7 to 24 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s the ‘80s and Drew has dreams to be a rock star and Sherri is a small-town girl with dreams of their own. Working at the Bourbon Room, the audience will be entranced by the rock and roll era on the Sunset Strip. Tickets $29 to $35. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Cirque Eloize: Cirkopolis

Shakespeare by the Sea XXVI - The Taming of the Shrew

July 7 to 31 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Circus arts returns to the center with a combination of dance, theater, and highflying feats. Tickets $49 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Culture Club

July 8 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 501 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Boy George is back with favorites like “Karma Chameleon,” “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya,” and “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me.” Tickets $49.50 to $129.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

broward county * Decades Rewind: A Trip Down Memory Lane

July 9 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. The eight-piece rock band performs dozens of songs celebrating music through the decades. Tickets $22.17 to $36.32. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. 48

• 7.6.2016

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

Photo: Facebook

Cirque Eloize: Cirkopolis will feature July 7 to 31 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Cervantes vie for the affections of Dorothea. Tickets $34.. Call 305-9496722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

palm beach county PAMM Outdoor Music Series

July 7 to 10 and 14 to 17 at 8 p.m. at Seabreeze Amphitheater at Carlin Park, 400 South SR A1A. in Jupiter. The theatre troupe is back for an under-the-stars performance of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.” Free. Visit Facebook.com/ SeabreezeAmphitheater

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

* Once Upon a Mattress

July 9 to 31 at FAU’s Studio One Theatre, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. The university performs the hilarious rendition of “The Princess and the Pea.” Tickets $20. Call 800564-9539 or visit FAUEvents.com.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Los Espejos de Don Quijote

July 15 to 17 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. In this unique play in the Internaitonal Hispanic Theater Festival, Shakespeare and

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-6938669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

* Denotes New Listing

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porn pulse

Photo: Facebook.

Trump Nude Portrait elicits Tremendous Emotions

Hunter Houston

Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com


llma Gore imagines Donald Trump with a small penis. A “micro penis” to be exact. Gore, a California artist, painted a nude portrait of the New York businessman with a diminished endowment. Her painting, titled “Make America Great Again,” attracted much attention as well as anger from the Republican leader’s followers. In May, Gore reported being punched in the face by a man who yelled “Trump 2016!” “I am sad that this is the state of our America right now,” Gore posted on Instagram after the incident along with pictures of her black eye. “I am sad that Trump, and many of his supporters, don’t find words enough to express their opinions – they need walls, waterboarding and punches.” Heated emotions aside, Gore’s nude Trump portrait, created with pastel pencil, has a message, says the artist. “One should not feel emasculated by their penis size or vagina as it does not define who you are,” Gore said. “Your genitals do not define your gender, your power, or your status.”


Top Picks Bon Odori

Gore concludes her argument with Trump as the example. “Simply put, you can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants,” Gore said. During the Republican Party primary election, Trump was on the defensive about his penis size when U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida called attention to Trump’s “small hands.” “You know what they say about people with small hands,” Rubio said. The innuendo forced Trump to declare during a GOP debate that there was “no problem” with his cock size. Meanwhile, limited edition prints of Gore’s 14x17 “Make America Great Again” are available for purchase for $250 apiece.

I’m 26 and transitioning. I have a lot going on - I don’t need to be mocked, misgendered, or marginalized, and I don’t have time to hunt out news that matters to me. That’s why I read EDGE on my Android tablet. I’m being true to my future - and that’s where it will be.

July 9 and 30 from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. Learn the traditional Japanese bon odori dance, typically performed during a summer celebration of one’s ancestors. Tickets $15 with paid museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami. org.

Brew House Rock: “Tasting Freedom: American Styles”

July 11 from 8 to 9 p.m. at Concrete Beach Brewery, in Miami. Social Hall Manager and Certified Cicerone Jesse Morris discusses American styles of beer and their influence on modern beer drinkers. Tickets $5. Visit http:// bit.ly/29kx8x9.

Everything You Wanted to Know About the “T” in the LGBT But Were Afraid to Ask

July 12 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. An informational and educational panel about the transgender community. Free. Email JReichman@PrideCenterFlorida.org.


• 7.6.2016

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email ijasher@aol.com

SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * Miss Florida USA 2017 * Marilyn Monroe -- Kissing an Icon

July 8 to Aug. 7 from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Mona Pittenger Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Memorabilia and fan collectibles from Marilyn Monroe, from her humble beginnings through her tragic history. Closed Mondays. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Healing, Hope and Hilarity

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

Broward Support Services

July 8 at 7 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The Kiki Project hosts this conversation about healing from oppression and racism. Free. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 306, 308, or 309, email kikiproject@pridecenterflorida.org, or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

July 14 to 16 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Women from across the state descend on Fort Lauderdale to vie for the crown. Tickets $28 to $47. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* “ART-rageous" Juried Art Competition & Exhibit

Through Aug. 6 at Tedds ART WORKS Gallery, 2422 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. View works by 37 South Florida artists from a number of media. Call 703269-8244 or email tedd@tedddavisevents. com

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches.

july 6 to july 14 For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Introduction Buddhism



Mondays 6 to 6:30 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 140 W. Prospect Road in Fort Lauderdale. Join a guided meditation and instruction with Western Buddhist teacher, Jay Radin. Free. Visit MeditationinFortLauderdale.com.

palm beach county Transcendence

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

Out of the Closet NA Group

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

* Denotes New Listing

miami-dade * Edukos Pop Up BBQ & BREW!

July 10 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Edukos, headed by Chef Jose Marmol, presents five Venezuelaninspired BBQ dishes. Tickets $55 benefiting the botanical garden. Visit MBGarden.org.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-535-4733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids.org.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.


Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Bayfront Park’s Tina Hills Pavilion, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Learn the Brazilian art of capoeira, a mix of dance and martial arts, with Mestre Ze Com Fome. Free. Call 305-989-6628 or visit mestrezeomfome.com.

7.6.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org

dental Wilton Manors Dental 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com Island City Dental 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com


Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970

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• 7.6.2016

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real estate

7.6.2016 •


SFGN Classified$ accommodations *GAY EXTENDED STAY RENTALS* -


Gay Owned and Operated Tropical Resort Garden Apartments, Safe, Secure seven unit lushly landscaped PRIVATE compound.Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedrooms with Full Kitchens. Located just south of the Airport in Historic Dania Beach, Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES from $425/WEEK & $79/NIGHT Celebrating 19 years. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com



HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com

employment part time

WEEKEND BAR TENDER NEEDED - Position available now can turn into much more with right candidate. Willing to train must be personable and eager. Shift pay plus good tips. Call 954-701-2641


HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

items for sale DESIGNER CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES Get 50% off now on clothing and accessories to shoes and handbags.I also have D & G belts and shoes. Brutini shoes and name brand items such as Prada and Gucci. Call John at 954-854-8048.

folow the action.


piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.


licensed massage AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293

help wanted - full time

ELECTRICIAN WANTED - Fort Lauderdale Electrical Contractor needs local Journeyman Electrician and experienced Apprentice for Service and new Construction. Must be punctual, dependable, professional and neat. Send resume or basic info to localelectrician954@ gmail.com.

Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds

entertainment JAZZ TRIO AVAILABLE - 25% DISCOUNT TO SFGN READERS!!!!!!! - Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida is available with her trio for your special event,party or corporate fundraiser.Booking now for the balance of 2016 and into 2017 so reserve today.Recent performances include JAZZ IN THE PINES and WALK ON WEDNESDAY MUSIC SERIES. I work with South Florida’s finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonble rates. 25% Discount when you mention you saw ad in SFGN CLASSIFIEDS.Call Cindy at 954-298-8158. www.myspace.com/cindycurtisandcompany I can’t wait to sing for you!

moving & storage ICON MOVING SERVICE.. PROMISES/ DELIVERED - ICON MOVING SUPPORTS THE LGBT COMMUNITY AND SENDS ITS DEEPEST SYMPATHIES TO THE FAMILIES AND VICTIMS OF ORLANDO! We are your Local, Long Distance, and Overseas moving company! We have extensive corporate and local moving experience with A+ rating from BBB. Call for a free estimate! 561-338-3157

music lessons

VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575


GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972.

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.


• 7.6.2016

954.530.4970 rentals fort lauderdale FORT LAUDERDALE RENTALS - Looking for a great rental in FORT LAUDERDALE? One bedrooms starting at $900. Two bedrooms starting at $1,000. 1st/last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam. com 954-627-1222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)

rentals wilton manors RENTALS IN WILTON MANORS - Looking for a great rental in WILTON MANORS? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,200. 1st/last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam. com 954-627-1222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)

roommates APARTMENT TO SHARE - 2. B.R. fully furnished condo,2/Share (30-65) includes wifi + cable[I am very athletic] seeks youthful, health consciousness upbeat person who is emp. F.T. Professional/ Respectful of you. Not looking for a Boy Friend! $500/Mo. Andrew 954-529-3490/gejejeffsubri@ yahoo.com

rentals oakland park OAKLAND PARK RENTALS - Looking for a great rental in OAKLAND PARK? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,400. 1st/ last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam.com 954-6271222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)


MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

classified advertising works!

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rentals - vacation BUNGALOW RETREAT IN BLUE RIDGE MTNS - Bungalow is nestled in the mountains of

North Carolina. Enjoy cool nights and comfortable days in this 2 BD cozy cabin.Hot tub, very private & rustic. Weekly- $800; monthly-$1600.Fully equipped and 45 mins. from Ashville. Call Steve (203) 7220558.

WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL - Our $89 midweek rack rate is now even lower. NEW summertime lowered rates only good Sundays through Thursdays. One price for any room, any two consecutive nights, only, total price $139.00 plus taxes additional nights $69 Guest must mention this ad when making reservations or during walk in. Based on availability. A major non debit major credit card required. Wes Leigh, 954605-3561

7.6.2016 •


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