7/13/16 V7i28

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July 13, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 28

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Hate zone becomes safe zone LGBT CAUCUS PLOTS STRATEGY Page 12





the oPeninG line Photos: Facebook.

FoX neWs hosts sPeCulate on statue oF libertY's GenDer iDentitY

Comments from sFGn’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

Wilton Manors MaYoral CanDiDate CaMPaiGns aGainst narroWinG DriVe Jaclyn st James –

Sorry I like the idea of narrower street like Las Olas, beauty, safety and traffic can go elsewhere , there are other routes around Wilton to get around. Nothing is too bad when we close Wilton for Halloween or stonewall. So I think it would be just as fine

stefan a solis –

Well she is not pretty if it is a woman, you know Greeks including men wore same garb as on the statue, artist had Greece in mind as it was the creator of court system & people based voting government - most likely a man was the model. Who cares really, only the crazies care. Fox news is a nothing but the trash news reporting.

Michael Gluckman –

Come up to the historic downtown Delray Beach (Atlantic Avenue, east of I-95) and see how nice a narrow road and wider sidewalks look and work.

liam hodgson –

I can't wait for it to be narrowed. They are narrowing all the way from Sunrise. Why would you keep it 4 lanes once it hits Wilton... it would become a speedway for everyone that had been stuck in single lane traffic coming into Wilton. His outdated thought processes will easily crash and burn any thoughts of becoming elected to anything other than Village Idiot!

richard king –

The French are laughing that it took us 140 years to figure out their joke on us.

Bigger streets for cafe-style tables sounds cozy and attractive, but not at the expense of the traffic nightmare the narrowing would cause. Corbin's on point.

So it's a 151-foot tall tranny.

Garry Combs –

They have not been able to come up with any other solution to stop pedestrians being killed by cars on the drive. Am I missing something from the candidate on what his solution is to the hit and run and car vs. pedestrian issue that continues to happen on Wilton drive? Sounds like he is using the issue as a political tactic to have a talking point. How would he solve this deadly issue if not to narrow from 4 lanes to 2?

barry Davis –

They've got to be kidding! When will these crazy conspiracy stories stop? FOX News must have NOTHING better to do.

JULY 13, 2016 • VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 28 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent NORM.KENT@SFGN.COM





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bob karelitz –

tz terri –





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Wilton Manors CoMMission Passes Gun Control reGulations steve Johnson –



the key word being "effective"


Joseph niccolini – MEMBER

just applied for a hand gun...before it too late.

Percy Johnson – Thanks. Wilton Manors Commissioner Flippen.


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Your Compl Wilton Manor ete Guide to s, Fort Laude What’s Hot in rdale & Beyon d...




Associated Press


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• 7.13.2016



A local protest of love. Photo credit: Derek Maingot.


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South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

Mature Men Celebrate Frankness John McDonald


he 15th annual A Celebration of Friends returns to Orlando this weekend with former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank scheduled to make a special guest appearance. “We are very honored to have him,” said A Celebration of Friends Founder and President Tom Pence. “I look at all the rights we have now as gay men and I must say we owe a lot to Barney Frank.” Frank served 23 years in Congress, representing Massachusetts. He was an unyielding advocate for gay rights and is known on Capitol Hill for his quick wit and vast knowledge of parliamentary procedure. “He doesn’t tolerate fools lightly,” warned Pence. Now 76, Frank is slated to participate in a question and answer session on Saturday night at the DoubleTree by Hilton SeaWorld, 10100 International Drive. This is the second year in a row ACOF weekend has featured a high profile public figure. Screen acting legend Ed Asner headlined last year’s celebration. Pence said he expects anywhere between

Former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank 300 to 600 men to attend this year with several activities planned such as a “speedo” swim suit contest, a performance by the Orlando Gay Men’s Chorus and a “Village People” themed costume contest to kick off the celebration on Thursday evening. According to its website, A Celebration of Friends serves to provide warm, comfortable, safe and engaging gatherings recognizing and promoting self-worth, dignity, kindness and friendships of and within our senior population. To register for the celebration or for more information, visit CelebrationOfFriends.org.

7.13.2016 •


news national 200

Participants by Racial Categories or Ethnicity

Participants by Gender

Participants by HIV Status

African American


180 160









100 60



Other, Queer, etc.

Declined to State

Gender NonConforming




Native American/Native Hawaiian

Decline to State

More than one Race


Other HIV positive

HIV negative

Decline to state


Muslim or Mediterranean







Participants by Sexual Orientation




60 80 100 120 140


the ‘hiV is not a CriMe ii traininG aCaDeMY’ T

he “HIV is Not a Crime II Training Academy” occurred in mid-May in Huntsville, Ala. It attracted 292 participants from 34 states and Mexico, Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. This article is based on interviews with three of those participants: Tami Haught, (SERO Project Organizing, and Training Coordinator), Mark S. King, (activist and writer), and David Poole (Director of Legislative Affairs, AIDS Healthcare Foundation). All three spoke as individuals rather than for their organizations. Their comments have been edited for clarity and brevity. Hilary Clinton sent a video in which she stated her support for modernizing outdated HIV criminalization laws. The participants responded enthusiastically to this video. The Training Academy encouraged the formation of state specific groups to modernize HIV criminalization laws. A Florida specific group has emerged from the Training Academy to modernize these laws in Florida. Haught helped to organize the Training Academy. According to her, attendance had almost doubled since the first Training Academy. About one-quarter of the participants identified as HIV negative. People of color formed a majority, with African-Americans as the largest racial group. Although most participants were male, 8 percent of participants identified with a gender other than male or female. Two activities provided outlets for creativity and networking. Mexican participants created an altar for people to remember and honor their dead. The International Community of Women Living with HIV created banners to be carried to the International AIDS Conference this July. HIV criminalization reform arouses a passion that inspires many activists. King described the Training Academy as having “really energized AIDS activists, including people, like me who have been around for a while.” Poole stressed the daunting work that lies ahead. “It’s going to take a lot of effort on a localized and statewide basis throughout the country to get these reforms to occur.”


• 7.13.2016

Iowa and Colorado have already modernized their HIV criminalization laws. In Iowa, Democrats control the Senate, and Republicans the House. In Colorado, Republicans control both houses of the legislature. King praised advocates for their diligent and carefully planned work with conservative legislatures. He said, “The advocates in those states made the case that these laws invaded privacy, failed to stop the epidemic, and cost both lives and money.” Directly addressing advocates on the importance of a non-partisan approach, Poole argued that “You should never go into any kind of environment where you are trying to find allies, assuming that you know what they look like and who they are.” Poole cited Florida State Senator Rene Garcia (R-Hialeah), as “the best, most specific example that I can give. Garcia identified himself as an ally.” Poole believes that Garcia wants to “modernize Florida’s HIV criminalization laws in the context of criminal prosecution.” “Criminalization reform efforts are growing across the U.S.,” Haught said, discussing the future of modernizing HIV criminalization laws. “Criminalization reform efforts are growing across the U.S.” People have begun to see modernizing HIV criminalization laws as necessary to reduce new infections, to protect rights, and to improve the health of people living with HIV. Haught stressed the importance of creating coalitions with other social, racial and economic justice movements in each state. King noted that those with the most to lose drive HIV advocacy. “Right now, the people with the most to lose are women and people of color. They are the populations that have been left behind, as we gay men have got what we needed and moved-on.” King noted that while this shift was necessary, it was not always easy. “It often happened in ways that made white gay men, like me, feel uncomfortable, and that’s going to have to be OK with me.” King argues that this discomfort comes from making racism and privilege visible. He

continued, “Asking a white person to see their own privilege is like asking a fish in the sea to see the water that they’re soaking in. That privilege, as a white man, plays itself out in so many ways that I’m not even aware of.” “In many cases, HIV criminalization simply extends racism and homophobia,” King bluntly charged. “Imagine a Black gay man with HIV sitting in front of a judge or jury, accused of failing to disclose his status. Now, tell me that the judge or jury has no prejudice toward that defendant based on his HIV status, his race, and his sexuality. Our judges and juries think that he should not be having sex at all.” King reported that the intersection of gay sexuality and Black race “has everything to do with how these laws are being applied. We cannot discuss HIV criminalization without understanding how racism, above all else, has to do with our criminal justice system.” According to King, these laws have a “very visceral stench of justice and vengeance on the surface, when you consider what these people have been accused of.” Those prosecuted, however, have the most difficulty in disclosing, and the least amount of protection. King emphasized that other laws already cover malicious transmission. “When is it ever acceptable to have a law that prosecutes people with a virus, regardless of their behavior? If someone maliciously goes around trying to infect other people and do harm to them, we have laws for that.” King challenged the need for HIV specific laws. “We don’t need laws specific to HIV. These laws should not exist.”




Sean McShee

King repeated a story that a transgender woman told about her rape. “She couldn’t disclose her status to her rapist, because she thought he would kill her. She was terrified to go to the police, because she did not tell her rapist that she was positive. She felt that she could be prosecuted.” According to King, the prosecution of women is another instance of “taking advantage of vulnerable populations.” Women have the least ability to disclose, as they are “most at risk for violence, loss of job, loss of family, and loss of physical safety.” King reported that HIV criminalization laws have created a new type of intimate partner abuse. One partner threatens the other. “If you break up with me, I will call the cops, and tell them that you’re positive and didn’t tell me.’” Even if the accusing partner changes his mind, he cannot take it back. The abused partner may well have disclosed, but it then becomes a question of credibility. Haught pointed out the irony that states adopted these laws to “protect” women from infected male partners. Now, however, women living with HIV are at risk of abuse because of these laws. King described HIV criminalization as “the defining moral HIV issue of our time. The system has no problem throwing some diseased fags into jail. Now, we got treatment, we’ve got prevention, and we’ve even got PrEP. But just because our gay community is doing well, doesn’t mean we should turn our backs on people who are being prosecuted under these completely irrational laws.”

To contact the group trying to modernize HIV criminalization laws in Florida, please email, Florida-hiv-criminalization@googlegroups.com To find out information about HIV criminalization, please visit, Seroproject.com. To read Mark King’s blog about the Training Academy, please visit, Marksking.com/ my-fabulous-disease/video-hiv-not-crime-ii-training-academy/ To view Clinton’s video, please visit, www.Youtube.com/watch?v=bThbZwZQmq0&fea ture=youtu.be Follow Sean McShee on Twitter @SeanMcShee



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Compiled by Brittany Ferrendi

ten states sue over restrooms transgender students Can use (AP) Ten states sued the federal government Friday over rules requiring public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms conforming to their gender identity, joining a dozen other states in the latest fight over LGBT rights. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Nebraska and included nine other states: Arkansas, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming. The filing comes after 11 states sued in May over the same Obama administration directive. North Carolina officials also sued the federal government in May over the same issue. Vast sums of federal funding are at stake: Money could be withheld from public schools that refuse to comply with the federal directive. Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson said the U.S. Education Department and Justice Department have circumvented established law and the process for changing existing laws.



linton Campaign Confirms sanders to endorse her

(AP) Hillary Clinton's campaign is making it official: Former Democratic rival Bernie Sanders will join her at a New Hampshire event on Tuesday where he plans to endorse her. Clinton's campaign is holding the event at a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sanders defeated Clinton by a wide margin in New Hampshire, in the nation's first primary. Sanders' endorsement will come a month after the final primary. He's pushed for policy agreements on higher education, health care and a $15 an hour federal minimum wage. Some of those policies were included in a draft of the party's platform in Orlando, Florida, over the weekend. Sanders has not yet said he will endorse Clinton but told reporters on Saturday that the two campaigns were coming together and to stay tuned. Photo: POOL.


• 7.13.2016


"It also supersedes local school districts' authority to address student issues on an individualized, professional and private basis," Peterson said in a written statement. Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette accused the Obama administration of "another ... federal overreach" that bypasses parents, schools and Congress. "This lawsuit is about children and our schools," he said. Jay Kaplan, a lawyer who specializes in LGBT issues at the American Civil Liberties Union in Detroit, said the lawsuit is a waste of tax dollars "as well as an assault on the dignity of transgender youth." The Nebraska lawsuit hinges on the terms "sex" and "gender identity," saying federal law uses only the term "sex." "Neither the text nor the legislative history of Title IX supports an interpretation of the term 'sex' as meaning anything other than one's sex as determined by anatomy and genetics," the lawsuit says.


ass. Gov. signs bipartisan legislation extending Protections to transgender Community

(EDGE) Governor Baker's action is a lesson in leadership for North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. On Friday, Massachusetts Republican Governor Charlie Baker signed into law legislation extending commonsense, non-discrimination protections to transgender residents and visitors to the state. While Massachusetts state law already prohibits discrimination against transgender people in housing and employment, the new law extends these same crucial protections to public accommodations, such as access to restaurants, malls, restrooms, and locker rooms. "By signing this bipartisan legislation into law, Governor Baker has joined the growing list of fair-minded Republicans who are standing up for equality," said Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin. "Equality is not a Republican or Democratic value, it's an American value. This crucially important measure will help ensure transgender Bay State residents and visitors are protected from discrimination in public spaces." Massachusetts becomes the 19th state with nondiscrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in public accommodations, housing, and employment. In addition, similar protections exist in more than 100 cities across the country, including Atlanta, Dallas, and Louisville. There is overwhelming support throughout the state and the region for the protections Governor Baker signed into

Alberto Mier/CNN.

law today. The legislation has been endorsed by every New England professional sports team, state education groups, the Boston Globe editorial board and a host of officials including, U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy III, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, and Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. HRC mobilized its thousands of members and supporters across the state to speak out for the legislation, and committed staff and other resources to a coalition effort called Freedom Massachusetts, in the effort to pass it into law.


agency urges Foster Parents to illinois take in lGbt Youth (AP) Illinois' child welfare agency is trying to recruit more foster parents to take in homeless LGBT youth. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services held a recruitment seminar Saturday to provide prospective foster parents with information on the process. The agency said it was specifically looking for foster and adoptive families within Chicago's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The event was held at the University of Illinois at Chicago. According to the department, there are an estimated 25,000 homeless youth across Illinois. Up to 40 percent of them identify as LGBT. Jane Kelly is the agency's statewide LGBT coordinator. She says many of these young people "are told to leave their homes by their own families because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.''

News Briefs


Continued health

A Officials Urge Gay, Bisexual Men Get Meningitis Vaccine

(AP) Health officials in Los Angeles are urging high-risk gay and bisexual men to get the meningitis vaccine after observing an uptick in the number diagnosed with invasive meningococcal disease, a potentially deadly infection. The county health department reported Thursday there have been 11 confirmed cases in Southern California since March. Authorities say most of those diagnosed were men who have sex with men. Meningococcal disease can develop rapidly and is fatal in about one in 10 patients. All 11 diagnosed have survived. The health department is advising men who regularly have close or intimate contact with multiple partners as well as those who share cigarettes or use illegal drugs to get the meningitis vaccine.



(GV) Actor Josh Hutcherson (“Hunger Games,” “The Kids Are All Right”) was in town on Wednesday to kick off the Atlanta version of the PowerOn campaign, which provides LGBT youth access to computers and important online resources. PowerOn was founded in 2014 by Straight But Not Narrow (which Hutcherson co-founded), The Trevor Project, Human IT and LGBT Tech to encourage people to donate old or broken laptops, tables and smartphones so that they can refurbish and redistribute them back to those in the LGBT community that need them the most. Representatives from each of the partnering organizations were on hand Wednesday not only to kick off the Atlanta campaign but to donate 10 laptops and over 25 solar chargers to Atlanta LGBT homeless youth organization Lost-nFound Youth. “This is an incredible program. You have no idea how much good this is going to do,” said Lost-n-Found Youth executive director Rick Westbrook as the donations were presented. Christopher Wood, executive director of LGBT Tech, said that the PowerOn campaign’s goal is to put 1,000 devices on

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore.

ctor Josh Hutcherson, LGBT Groups Donate Technology to Lost-n-Found Youth

the street in the next two years. “Those 1,000 devices could be a world of difference and I’m really excited to start here in Atlanta, in the Bible Belt in an area where kids are thrown out every single day, even today,” he said. “The technology that you donate has the ability to impact a center like we’re standing in today, a youth that has gone through a program and gets into their own place but doesn’t necessarily have the money for a laptop or desktop and we’re working to make sure that those individuals stay connected and have the same ability as you or I to get information that is so crucial to us every single day.” 7.13.2016 •


news national

Court rejects GoP Claim in north Carolina Case Jonathan Drew and Gary D. Robertson

(AP) A federal judge has rejected claims by GOP leaders that North Carolina's attorney general - a Democrat running for governor won't adequately defend a state law that lets magistrates refuse to perform gay marriages based on their religious beliefs. Attorney General Roy Cooper's role in defending laws passed by the state's Republican-led legislature has been a thorny issue in his campaign to unseat Republican Gov. Pat McCrory - perhaps the country's most closely watched gubernatorial race. North Carolina has been at the center of a national debate over LGBT rights since it enacted another law this year requiring transgender people to use restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificate - a measure Cooper denounced and declined to defend in court. Cooper's office, however, is fighting in court to uphold the 2015 law that allows local magistrates to decline to perform same-sex marriages. The case represents a political quandary for Cooper, who has spoken against that law, too. Still, U.S. Magistrate Judge Dennis Howell wrote Thursday that Cooper has "zealously" and "aggressively" fought for the the law by seeking dismissal of plaintiffs' claims that the measure is unconstitutional. Howell's order denied an effort by state House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger, both Republicans, to intervene with private attorneys. "Currently, the N.C. Department of Justice is zealously defending this case on behalf of the State," Howell wrote, referring to Cooper's office. The judge added that he saw "no benefit" from letting others in government positions intervene in the case using outside counsel. Howell also denied motions to intervene by three current or former magistrates who either opted for recusal or resigned because they were unwilling to perform same-sex marriages. In the context of the governor's race, the judge's validation of Cooper's professionalism


• 7.13.2016

highlights a paradox: While Cooper is defending the law in court, McCrory himself vetoed the measure before the General Assembly voted to override him. The governor said he believes marriage is between a man and a woman, but government employees who take an oath to do a job shouldn't be allowed to break those oaths. A spokeswoman for Cooper said Friday that the judge's order speaks for itself. Moore and Berger cited negative public comments Cooper made about the law in arguing that they should be allowed to step in. "There is simply no way to maintain that the Attorney General can properly discharge his responsibility of defending a statute that he has so publicly denigrated and so openly stated should not be the law in North Carolina," their attorneys wrote in a March court filing. Under the law, magistrates and some register of deeds officials who issue licenses can opt out of performing marriages based on a "sincerely held religious objection." Any decision to opt out applies to all marriages - same-sex and heterosexual - for at least six months. When the lawsuit was filed late last year, only North Carolina and Utah provided such religiousobjection options for court officials. On the day the law was enacted in June 2015, Cooper said on his official Twitter account: "New magistrates law will hurt NC families, cost jobs, and spur needless, costly litigation. Another bad idea." When the lawsuit was filed in December, the attorney general told reporters that he personally opposed the law but would still defend the state in court. Messages for Moore and McCrory weren't immediately returned Friday, and a spokeswoman for Berger said he wasn't available. Criticism of Cooper by Republicans has intensified after he declined to defend the separate law passed this year limiting statewide LGBT protections and governing transgender restroom access in many public buildings.

News Briefs


Continued legal

o Parental Rights For Woman At End of Same-Sex Relationship

(AP) A woman whose same-sex relationship ended before gay marriage became legal doesn't have parental rights to a child born to her partner in 2008, the Michigan appeals court said Wednesday. The decision, which comes a year after the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for samesex marriage across the country, will stand as a key precedent in similar disputes in Michigan involving children who were raised by gays and lesbians in relationships that ended. Michelle Lake and Kerri Putnam were together for 13 years until 2014 but didn't marry during that time. Lake said she deserves to enjoy the rights that would have been granted to her if they had been married. Putnam gave birth to a boy, now 8, during their relationship, but she no longer allows Lake to see him. “We simply do not believe it is appropriate for courts to retroactively impose the legal ramifications of marriage onto unmarried couples several years after their relationship has ended,'' the appeals court said. “That, in our view, is beyond the role of the judiciary.'' The court said Lake has no parental rights

under Michigan law because the boy wasn't born during a marriage. “This is true whether the couple involved is a heterosexual or a same-sex couple,'' it said. The court overturned decisions by a Washtenaw County judge, who had awarded parenting time to Lake. Judge Darlene O'Brien last fall said the best interests of the child should be considered. Lake's attorney, Jay Kaplan of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, said the appeals court ruling is “devastating.'' “This young boy had two moms,'' he said. “The end result is (Lake) can be unilaterally erased from his life. ... It's the collateral damage of all those years of discriminating against same-sex couples.''



ebsite Launched to Support Male Sex Workers and Lobby for Decriminalization

(EDGE) Few professions are as misunderstood, disparaged and infamous as that of the oldest of professions, sex work: particularly male sex work. Though in reality the profiles of male sex workers are nearly as varied as those of their clients -- encompassing a wide range of personalities, needs and lifestyles -- sex workers remain the targets of myriad, centuries old, ugly culturally ingrained myths: Guys become prostitutes because they're too dumb to get a "real job." They do it to support a drug habit. They must be self-hating victims of sexual abuse. They have low self-esteem. They are walking petri dishes of yet un-cataloged STDs. The new website, "Me, Us & Male Escorting" at www.aboutmaleescorting.com aims to not only challenge these ignorant misconceptions, but to also lobby for the decriminalization of sex work through an on ongoing series of informative blogs and resources, including links to widely cited and read books and research papers published on male escorting. In creating this blog Scott and Minichiello's

intent is "to create an innovative forum of collaboration between researchers, writers, sex workers, sex work organizations, and the media to further support the development of an ethically operated and entrepreneurially responsible business enterprise in society." Me, Us & Male Escorting is for everyone from male sex workers to their friends, families and romantic partners, to government agencies and the general public. "We need the government to come on board and see this as work," says Me, Us & Male Escorting co-founder Professor John Scott. "That makes it better for the sex workers who can manage their health and safety and if sex work is decriminalized better in terms of making it easier for people to pay tax and follow all the regulations like all other occupations."

7.13.2016 •


news national

the sCienCe behinD a Cure For hiV Sean McShee


t the April meeting of the Miami Men who have Sex with Men Collaborative, Dr. Mario Stevenson discussed “Obstacles to the Cure of HIV Infection.” Stevenson identified the major obstacle to an HIV cure as those “resting,” HIV-infected cells that fail to express signs of infection. This makes them invisible to the healthy parts of the immune system and unable to infect other cells. These “resting,” but infected, cells form a reservoir of HIV. According to the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC), this reservoir forms prior to antiretroviral treatment. It is believed to drive increases in viral load when people stop antiretroviral treatment. Any HIV cure will have to target these cells. HIV cures differ from HIV disease management in that once cured, people could stop antiretroviral treatment. Stevenson described two cures. A sterilizing cure would eliminate HIV from the body. A functional cure would leave HIV in the body, but people could stop treatment without their viral loads increasing. The Visconti Patients (not to be confused with the Visconti Triplets of porn) have achieved a functional cure. These patients began antiretroviral treatment very soon after infection. After achieving an undetectable viral load, they stopped antiretroviral treatment, but their viral loads remained undetectable. The Berlin Patient has achieved a sterilizing cure, eliminating HIV from his body. While on antiretroviral treatment, he was diagnosed with leukemia and had two bone marrow transplants to control the leukemia. Fortunately, the bone marrow donor carried two copies of a rare genetic mutation that blocked HIV infection. In 2009, the Berlin Patient stopped antiretroviral therapy and has remained free of HIV ever since. In order to infect a cell, a virus has to bind to it. A virus “seeks out” receptors on the cell to which it binds. Most strains of HIV bind to the CCR5 receptor on immune cells. The Berlin


• 7.13.2016

Patient’s mutation blocks cells from expressing the CCR5 receptor. Without a CCR5 receptor, the most common strain of HIV cannot infect the cell. Researchers tried six times to repeat this sterilizing cure. All patients died within a year from malignancy relapses or transplant complications. One individual also had a strain of HIV that bound to another receptor. This transplant costs $300,000 and has a 25 percent fatality rate. The mutation only occurs among people of Northern European descent. Even among that population, it occurs rarely. Theoretically, scientists could modify the gene that controls CCR5 to block its expression. A variant of this technique has succeeded in curing young children of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease. In order to modify that gene, scientists would first harvest stem cells from a subject with HIV infection, and grow those stem cells in the lab. A “molecular scissors” would then cut out the part of the gene for CCR5. Scientists would next grow these modified cells in the lab. When they had enough of these modified cells, they would reinject these cells back into the original subject. Stevenson discussed another cure strategy, Kick and Kill. Counter-intuitively, this involves “waking up” the “resting” cells in the reservoir, making them targets to be killed. Studies, however, found this technique to have modest effects. HIV cure research has a long way to go before it becomes practical. Not all HIV researchers think a cure is possible. At present, managed HIV disease may be the best for which we can hope, but a minority of researchers continues to look for a cure. Managed HIV disease leaves people in a state of chronic low-level inflammation, leading to more health problems. Cure research is still worth following.

AVAC has excellent material about HIV cures from the introductory to the technical level. Please visit, http://www.avac.org/cureiculum


Submitted photo.

Beefcakes Chef Dies at 66 John McDonald


effrey Alan Bullock died Thursday, June 9, 2016. Friends told SFGN he died of congestive heart failure. Bullock was 66. “He was a great person,” Scott Rydman commented on Facebook. “A very humble man. Every time I look at the plant he gave me I will remember him.” Bullock worked as a chef for Beefcakes, a North Andrews Avenue restaurant. Condolences poured in to the Serenity Chapel in Margate after his passing. “We miss you terribly!,” wrote Bob Makinen and Duane Cipollini, on Serenity’s website. “We will think of you every time we see a bromeliad or have dinner at Beefcakes. Rest in Peace, Love Bob and Duane.” Writes David Wessin and Alberto Tovar: “Where to start... Jeffery was my best friend, was our family. The emptiness we feel in our hearts is a place where you will always remain in our hearts. The time we spent with you are precious memories, and if you think about it, that's what life is about. Special moments with family and friends, and you were family. I have

never connected with anyone in this world like we connected. Not one bad word in almost 12 years of friendship. I am fortunate for having met you and will probably never have a friendship like this again. You taught us all so much, how to live life, enjoy each day and live life with no regrets. You will be greatly missed my dear friend, until we are reunited again in paradise, we love you, I love you!”

7.13.2016 •


Photo Credit: John McDonald.

news local

U.S. Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) addresses the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus.

John McDonald


state lGbta CauCus Plots strateGY at annual ConVention

lorida’s Democratic LGBTA Caucus held its annual summer conference on Saturday at the Bahia Mar Resort on Fort Lauderdale Beach. Votes were cast and decisions made as the primary season advances and the road to Philadelphia is charted. Ron Mills, caucus campaign planning director, said it had been seven years since the caucus had endorsed candidates. Privately, some members told SFGN it was too difficult to get everyone on the same page, harkening back to an old quote from American vaudeville actor Will Rogers who once famously said, “I am not a member of any organized party – I am a Democrat.” “We need to reach out and diversify our community,” implored Caucus President Terry Fleming during the morning breakfast session. Fleming asked the group to look around the room and note that there were no members of color – namely blacks. “We need people of color and transgender people,” Fleming said. “Let’s work hard to make that happen.” In the wake of yet another clash between police and associates of the Black Lives Matter movement, Fleming, a national Democratic delegate from Gainesville, encouraged members of his group to bridge the gap between the two communities. “I’m going to make an effort,” Fleming said, urging the caucus to “have conversations with people of color and trans people.” Several candidates for local office spoke to the group, which staged a gala dinner Saturday night. U.S. Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) keynoted the dinner. Maloney, 49, recalled his experience on the floor of the 1992 convention, as a closeted gay man. “I remember 1992 and standing on the floor of the Democratic Convention in Madison Square Garden and listening to Bill Clinton speak,” Maloney said. “And he said ‘if


• 7.13.2016

you don’t belong to someone else’s definition of family then come and be a part of ours.’” Maloney offered words of advice to the gala audience, “We’re winning,” he said. Earlier in the day, the married father of three explained the amendment process in the U.S. House and tricks pulled by Congressional Republicans to leave LGBT federal contractors unprotected. Maloney said he was “sick” of some of the behavior of his House colleagues who often say they cannot support LGBT rights publically. He said their switching of votes during May’s defense spending bill roll call was “shameful.” Elsewhere at the caucus meetings, Florida Representative David Richardson, the lone openly gay legislator in Tallahassee, spoke of his recent dealings with Governor Rick Scott. “I know that the Governor doesn’t hate this community, he’s just never engaged with this community,” said Richardson, who met with Scott in Orlando following the massacre at Pulse Nightclub. No press were allowed inside to photograph the meeting, Richardson said, at his request. “Politics often times get caught up in the decisions that we make, sadly, sadly,” Richardson said. A two-term representative from Miami Beach, Richardson is the Democrats’ floor leader in Tallahassee. He is known for being able to work behind the scenes and across party lines to produce effective regulations in Florida. Richardson said his meeting with Scott, a Republican, went well and is hoping the Pulse tragedy will serve to “open more hearts and minds.” Richardson, who introduced Maloney at Saturday night’s gala dinner, also informed the audience of the decision by Florida’s Department of Children and Families to provide protections for LGBTQ youth in foster care. Richardson told a story of attending DCF committee meetings to understand the process and urge department officials to protect gay kids in the system.

“We need people to understand that sometime it is more effective to work quietly rather than stand on a sidewalk with a megaphone,” Richardson said. Meanwhile, candidates for public office at all levels courted members of the caucus throughout the weekend. Only five candidates – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Orlando Democrats Carlos Guillermo Smith, Bob Poe and Beth Tuura – received official endorsements. There was much discussion over Wasserman Schultz, who for the first time in her tenure is facing primary opposition. LGBTA Caucus member David Jones of Polk County voiced complaints with how the Democratic Presidential primaries were managed. Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick disagreed with Jones and urged the caucus to stick with Wasserman Schultz. “You can’t abandon someone who has been on your side, year after year,” Resnick said. “It sends a bad message.” Wasserman Schultz was scheduled to address the Fort Lauderdale Beach gala, but was unable to. Her opponent, university professor Tim Canova attended Saturday’s events along with U.S. Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), Broward Mayor Marty Kiar, Robby Mook, campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, Fort Lauderdale Vice Mayor Dean Trantalis and Florida Senate hopefuls Gary Farmer, Jim Waldman and Kevin Burns. The tragedy in Orlando, where 49 people were murdered at a nightclub, was still fresh on the minds of many. “A lot of people are trying to figure it out,” said Marissa Salas, LGBTA Caucus Vice President and Orlando resident. “We need to give people their space and let them take the stage. The police are all hurting. We have to understand that community better and reach out. We are not seeing the best of the best anymore and that includes the police department.”

news local

Florida Moves To Protect LGBTQ Youth John McDonald


n the aftermath of one the worst mass killings in U.S. history, Florida is taking the necessary steps to care for a vulnerable group of people. Earlier this week, the Florida Department of Children and Families updated regulatory language to ensure youth that identify as LGBTQ receive the proper protections. “We are grateful to Secretary Carroll for his commitment to ensuring LGBTQ youth are properly protected,” said Equality Florida Executive Director Nadine Smith, in a news release. Equality Florida, the news release states, joined with child welfare experts and other state agencies to urge DCF Secretary Mike Carroll to restore state level protections for LGBTQ youth in group homes. “These rule changes are common sense,” Smith continued, saying the updated regulations “reflect tested, best practices and confront the reality that LGBTQ youth disproportionately face discrimination, bullying and psychological abuse. It is

impossible to ignore the painful existence of homophobia and bigotry in our state, and we thank the Department of Children and Families for taking this important step towards protecting all youth in their care.” In Smith’s lengthy statement, the Equality Florida head said her organization is joining with other child welfare advocates in calling for a system wide ban on state sanctioned youth “conversion therapy” programs.

7.13.2016 •


lgbtqia bites



UFC 200, OPenLY GAY AMAnDA nunes takes title


Compiled by Brittany Ferrendi


GenDer iDentitY ChurCh lanGuaGe reViseD in ioWa broChure

Photo: Facebook.

(AP) UFC 200 capped three fight cards over three days for the world's dominant MMA promotion, which used a golden canvas for its first event in T-Mobile Arena, the spacious new entertainment venue just off the Las Vegas Strip. The UFC stacked the card with compelling matchups, and while every fight wasn't a classic, the underdog Nunes' victory was a stunner. ''Everybody knows that I respect Miesha a lot, [but] I'm the new champion,'' said Nunes, also the first openly gay champion


• 7.13.2016

in UFC history. ''For years I've been working hard for this moment. I feel amazing.'' Nunes (14-4) became the fourth different fighter to hold the UFC's 135-pound belt in the last eight months since Ronda Rousey lost it to Holly Holm. Holm lost the belt to Tate in March, but Nunes dominated Tate (18-6) from the start, stunning her with multiple big shots. Tate was bloodied and unsteady by the time Nunes sunk in a rear naked choke and ended it 3:16 into the first round.

(AP) An Iowa Civil Rights Commission brochure that some churches interpreted to mean they must abide by transgender bathroom rules and muzzle ministers who may want to preach against transgender or gay individuals has been changed, the commission said Friday. The brochure, which was last updated in 2008, led a Des Moines church to file a lawsuit Monday and a Sioux City church to threaten one if the commission didn't change its policy that the churches alleged censored them unconstitutionally. The commission said Friday it revised the "Revised Sexual Orientation & Gender

Identity Public Accommodations Brochure" to make it clear places of worship are generally exempt from Iowa's antidiscrimination law except when they're open for voting, providing a day care facility or other nonreligious activities. It also said it regretted any confusion the brochure may have caused. "We're taking the state at its word that it will not encroach on the church in any way," said Chelsey Youman, the organization's attorney and chief of staff. "However, if it does in the future, we stand ready to use the full force of the law to protect the church's free exercise of religion under the Constitution."

lgbtqia bites




Man CharGeD With stalkinG transGenDer neiGhbor

(AP) Prosecutors have charged a Mankato man with stalking his transgender neighbor. The Mankato Free Press reports 56-year-old Randy Alan Adams was charged Friday with two firearm felonies and three stalking felonies in Blue Earth County District Court. According to a criminal complaint, a man transitioning to becoming a woman told police on Wednesday that Adams

was pounding on her apartment door because she told the landlord he smoked marijuana. An officer later heard Adams use a gay slur to describe the victim to another officer. The victim told police that Adams had called her derogatory names linked to the victim's sexual orientation in June. Adams was in custody at the Blue Earth County jail on Saturday.




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news local

news local

Celebration oF liFe sCheDuleD For oaklanD Park MaYor

Photos: Derek Maingot.

John McDonald


riends, family and colleagues will pay their respects and celebrate the life of former Oakland Park Mayor Larry Gierer Friday afternoon. Gierer died Saturday, July 2, succumbing to a long illness. He was 60. “Personally, I appreciate and am thankful for Larry’s compassionate and dedicated service to the people of Oakland Park,” wrote sitting Oakland Park Mayor Tim Lonergan in an email to SFGN. “He will be greatly missed!” First elected to the City Commission in 2001, Gierer served twice as Mayor until his public service was term limited in 2009. He is remembered for spearheading several projects, most notably a commitment to performing and cultural arts programs. Layne Dallett Walls, who served with Gierer on the Oakland Park Commission, is organizing Friday’s celebration. Hours are from 4 to 7 p.m. at Jaco Pastorius Park, 1098, N.E. 40th Court, Oakland Park. It was during Gierer’s tenure when the City of Oakland Park secured funding to acquire the land that is now Jaco Pastorius Park. “The fruit we enjoy today is because of the firm seeds Larry planted,” Oakland Park Public Information Officer David Rafter said. Gierer’s impact extended to public safety where he served on the United Way’s substance abuse committee and championed a single sale initiative. The initiative, Rafter said, was an effort to “curb under age drinking and eliminate driving under the influence.”

'hate' Corner noW hosts WeeklY 'loVe' GatherinGs

Jason Parsley

A gay man, Gierer withstood attacks about his sexuality from opponents to win elections. “He was an early gay civil rights leader and public figure speaking out for our community and we should celebrate his courage and conviction, his passion and purpose,” said SFGN publisher Norm Kent. Gierer was also remembered for his compassion in helping people living with AIDS. “Larry was a good friend to PWAs and very supportive of the Poverello Center,” noted Andy Eddy, past board member of Poverello. Gierer is survived by his spouse, Carlos Lobo, his mother in St. Louis and numerous siblings, nieces and nephews.


ove really does win. At least it has on the corner of US1 and Oakland Park Blvd. where for years hate filled groups have gathered to protest and rally. But since the Orlando massacre local activist and lawyer Tom Runyan has turned the corner of the hate into a beacon of love hosting weekly rallies on Monday evenings. “We wanted to take that corner back and spread a message of love and cooperation. This week had much more importance in light of everything going on in Minneapolis, Baton Rouge and Dallas,” Runyan said. Cofounder of the ongoing rally Derek Maingot added, “we wanted to bring some happiness and color to that corner, with flags and smiles, and honking horns.” So far it’s worked. About 250 people gathered at the first “Love Always Wins” rally . This week about 50 showed up. This isn’t Runyan’s first brush with activism. He was actively involved with Equality Florida for many years serving on

the organization’s board. Currently he’s the chair of the Gay and Lesbian Lawyer’s Networking Group (GLLN) in Broward. “We’d really like everybody to come out and support us,” he said. “The thing we’re trying to do is get anybody who feels they are marginalized in society – whether it be race or sexual orientation – to come out.” Runyan would even like the police to participate. “The response has been great,” Maingot added. “The crowd has been mixed with a good representation of different communities.” A third person, Michael Tank, also helped launched the weekly rallies. Maingot said the three of them wanted to something physical, something beyond social media. Runyan noted that Fast Printz is providing signs for free to attendees. “We’ll continue until the community doesn’t support it any longer,” Runyan said.

Search Facebook for “Love Always Wins” to join their group or visit http://bit.ly/29B7iZS.


• 7.13.2016

news palm beach

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ransgender procedures are now covered under the City of West Palm Beach’s employee health plan. “Our city has always taken equality very seriously and has for a long time moved forward with measures that will equal give consideration to the LGBT community. Even mayors that were here 15 years ago were doing forward thinking things,” said West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio. She added that the city wants to attract the best employees and for the LGBT community to “feel like West Palm Beach is a great place to work.” Effective July 1, city employees, who have been diagnosed as having gender dysphoria, are eligible to have certain procedures covered under the city’s health plan, provided by Cigna. Included, for both male to female and female to male employees, is pre and post-surgical hormone therapy, orchiectomy, mastectomy, abdominal hysterectomy, vaginoplasty and vaginectomy. Cosmetic procedures, including breast implants, pectoral implants, calf implants, electrolysis, collagen injections, hair implantation and liposuction are not covered. To be eligible, an employee must have worked for the city for at least a year. Employees must also contribute something for the transgender coverage. The cost to the city, said Muoio, won’t fully be known until next year. In June, Miami Beach became the first city in Florida to cover transgender benefits as part of its health plan. In April, citing cost, the

Dr. David K. Warner, DDS, FAGD Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry

majority of Wilton Manors commissioners declined to add coverage for transgender individuals to their city’s health plan. Commissioner Julie Carson proposed adding the benefits and said it was “disgraceful” the city did not provide benefits. “The T is not left behind,” said Commissioner Justin Flippen. In a press release, The Palm Beach County Human Rights Campaign [PBCHRC] said it had been working with Muoio for over a year on adding transgender care. “The City of West Palm Beach is the first public employer in Palm Beach County to offer transition related care benefits for its employees. Once again, Mayor Jeri Muoio has taken the lead on the provision of LGBT healthcare benefits which are often ignored – or rejected – by employers throughout the United States. When we learned that the city was considering becoming self-insured for health care benefits, the time appeared right to address implementing trans care,” wrote Rand Hoch, PBCHRC president and founder of PBCHRC. “Rather than waiting for the city's self-insurance program to go into effect, Mayor Muoio persuaded Cigna to include trans care benefits.” Muoio has a history of supporting LGBT individuals, including placing a ban on city employee travel to North Carolina, in response to that state’s controversial bathroom law, and raising the Pride flag at half-staff to honor the individuals murdered at Pulse nightclub in Orlando last month.

1946 Wilton Drive •Wilton Manors • FL 33305 www.IslandCitySmiles.com SFGN_Florida_House3_Top_WP.pdf 4/22/2015 AM *In the absense of1gum disease.10:44:34 Not applicable to insurance benefits.

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7.13.2016 •


community announcement

Chamber Chat

The Politics of the

Derek Lee



he events that occurred at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando on June 12th have so deeply affected and forever changed so many of us. Waking to the news that 102 of our brothers and sisters were mowed down by gunfire - some living to tell their story, while others will never have that


• 7.13.2016

opportunity, has truly cut our community to the core. Not so surprisingly, June has for years been a month for milestones (good and bad) within the gay community. On June 28, 1969 there was the Stonewall raid. On June 24th, 1973, an arsonist (who was never caught) set fire to the Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans, killing 32 people. On June 2, 2000, President Bill Clinton declared June as “gay and lesbian pride month.” President Barack Obama declared June as LGBT pride month in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Then on June 26th, 2015 the Supreme Court legalized marriage for gay people nationwide. But June 12, 2016 was different than all the others. It was a stark reminder that no matter how much progress we’ve made, our work is not anywhere close to being done. After the marriage ruling, in 2015, there was I believe a slight bit of a collective sigh of relief. But for some, that relief began to shift toward complacency. Until Orlando. Some will say that this is not the time to discuss the politics related to this tragedy, and in some respects I agree. But when you take a closer look at how this entire tragedy unfolded, it’s fairly easy to understand why we as Floridians need to mobilize now - a

short 4 plus months before some very big elections including POTUS and the midterms where we’ll elect a new Governor and Attorney General. THE POLITICS Governor Rick Scott seemed eager to be in front of the camera immediately following the unfortunate event, he was expected to acknowledge our community. He avoid using “LGBT,” “gay,” “lesbian” or any term that would in any way acknowledge the group that was actually targeted. Then there was Pam Bondi, who when being interviewed by Anderson Cooper on the following Tuesday refused to take ownership of how damaging her expensive (to taxpayers including LGBT people) legal battle was to our community to fight against marriage equality, citing that it would “cause significant public harm” to the state of Florida.

WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? In the cases of Rick Scott and Pam Bondi, Florida voter turnout was extremely low in 2014. Rick Scott won 48.1 percent of the popular vote while Charlie Crist garnered 47.1 percent. 64,145 votes - the difference between the two. Considering that just about 25 percent of eligible Florida voters turned out to vote in 2014, it was not surprising that Rick Scott was elected to a second term despite his relative unpopularity with Floridians in general. Although we can expect about a 72 percent voter turnout in November for the general election (if we follow historical trends), we cannot forget the other forthcoming elections that will follow. Some people have made it a point to do everything in their power to deny LGBT community their rights. The point is, it is your right to VOTE. It is your right to put people in office that are paid by you to get a job done - not to strip you of your rights. Educate yourself on the candidates. Exercise your power. Get out and vote.

Note that the opinions expressed above are those of the author, and not necessarily reflective of the GLBX or the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce.

You can follow the GLBX on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/fortlauderdaleglbx/ or you can contact the GLBX Council Chair, Karen Prescod at Karen@prescodlifeandhealth.com to obtain more information on how to become a member.

7.13.2016 •



Publisher's editorial

Photo: CNN.

rePubliCans DisGraCe theMselVes on the national staGe

Norm Kent



his week, as the Republicans carved out their presidential platform, they ‘softened’ their stand on gay marriage. They decided to leave it up to the states. How dumb can they be? You cannot ‘leave to the states’ a right the Supreme Court has vested in all, regardless of where you live and what your zip code is. Gay love and marriage are not so dependent any longer. The Republican Party’s nominee, the regrettable and selfrighteous Donald Trump, also expressed a similar position this year, saying he opposed the Supreme Court ruling validating same-sex marriages. The party of Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation over 150 years ago, will not free the LGBT community to marry. Instead, they are married to a Neanderthal vision that will not protect our rights or stand up for our beliefs. By ignoring the import of last year’s Supreme Court decision, the GOP is ignoring the rule of law, showing they do not understand the judicial branch has the right to declare legislator’s acts unconstitutional. But that is not all they are doing. The GOP is also standing by the position which in effect bans transgender persons from using public restrooms. They are refusing to reject the discredited and disgrace conversion therapies, which seek to ‘cure’ gays. The Family Research Council and its sad leader, Tony Perkins, still infect the Republican Party. In fact, the problem with the GOP is pervasive. As this editorial was being prepared, on the one month anniversary


• 7.13.2016

of the Orlando attack, House of Representative Republican leaders are holding a committee hearing to endorse a Donald Trump backed ‘First Amendment Defense Act’- nothing but another attempt to pass a law which discriminates against LGBTQ populations. It is just another phony bill with a misleading name to harm us all. Rachel Hoff on Monday became the first openly gay person to sit on the Republican Party’s platform committee. A delegate from the District of Columbia, she proffered an amendment asking the party to have a ‘thoughtful conversation’ on samesex marriage. “We are your daughters, your sons, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues,” Ms. Hoff argued to the committee. "All I ask today is that you include me and those like me.” They did not do so. She received only 30 out of 112 votes. Ms. Hoffs is not unlike Rosa Parks. She was being let on the bus, but told to sit in the back. This is the Republican Party’s attitude towards LGBT rights. It also exemplifies the position of their standard bearer. And it bares their soul to a vision the LGBT must stridently protest. It is really sad that the Republican Party establishment has walked away from the 21st century. It has got to be a humiliating moment for Log Cabin Republicans who were so faithful to their party, hoping against hope they would find a leader to step forward and speak out on their behalf. The truth is that whether it was Donald Trump or the 19,000 establishment Republicans who ran against him, no GOP candidates embraced our cause, took up our banner, or stood by our side. That is shameful, and one more reason to reject their party, their candidates, and their platform.

Next week, on the evening that Mr. Trump is going to receive the Republican nomination, a coalition of gay rights groups will run an ad that criticizes laws passed in states like North Carolina that limit which public restrooms can use. On that night, Republicans will again find out that the gay and lesbian community stands up for ourselves, and we will not be denied our rights because of their mindless myopia. Their platform is dated, their vision foolish, and our voices will not be silent. The Republicans can salute the flag with all the background music they can muster next week. It won’t matter. They have disgraced it. This is a sad time for America, when violence visits us all too suddenly and senselessly. We have lost members of our own community in Orlando and one of those police officers wounded in Dallas was a gay man, serving his country, serving his community, fulfilling his life’s goals. SFGN’s message to the Republican Party and those who support them is to look to Dallas and Orlando. Wake up and see whose rights you are denying. They are your brothers and sisters longing for the equality of opportunity we all are entitled to share. We are all given a small window in a large world to bring love and kindness to our time on Earth. We all create the world by each and every choice we make everyday. The Republican Party was given a chance this week to embrace a tomorrow where we are all equal. Instead, they linked themselves again to the past, a yesterday where there was only inequality and injustice. What a disgrace they are.


editorial Cartoon

by Mike luckovitch









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7.13.2016 •


Jesse’s Journal


stoneWall national MonuMent Jesse Monteagudo


Recent additions include significant places he United States has 122 federally protected areas called national in the history of African-Americans (Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers House, Ohio); Japanesemonuments. The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the President to proclaim Americans (Honouliuli Internment Camp, Hawaii); Mexican-Americans (Cesar Chavez “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric House, California); American structures, and other objects of labor (Pullman, Illinois); and historic or scientific interest” American Women (Belmontas national monuments. It proclaims Paul House, Washington, DC). The first national monument, The Stonewall Inn, located Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, that the at 51-53 Christopher Street in was given the honor by fight for Greenwich Village, New York, President Theodore Roosevelt certainly qualifies as a national on September 24, 1906. Since LGBT rights monument. Though LGBT then every president except and equality resistance in America pre-dates Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and George H.W. Bush has is a major - queers revolted at Cooper’s created one or more national part of our Donuts in Los Angeles in 1959 monuments. President and at Compton’s Cafeteria Barack Obama has created or American in San Francisco in 1966, just expanded 24 monuments; the history. to name two - the Stonewall most of any president. Uprising led to a new demand There are national for LGBT rights and equality, monuments in 30 states and several territories. They include such natural not only in the U.S. but around the world. The and historic landmarks as the Canyon de Stonewall Inn closed after the riots and the locale was occupied by various businesses; it Chelly (Arizona); Castillo de San Marcos (Florida); George Washington’s Birthplace was a bagel shop when I visited the site in 1977. (Virginia); Harriet Tubman Underground In 1990 a bar called “Stonewall” opened at 53 Christopher Street. It became the Stonewall Railroad (Maryland); Fort Sumter (South Carolina); Little Big Horn Battlefield Inn in 2007, and became a popular photo op for LGBT tourists. Stonewall was named a National (Montana); and the Statue of Liberty (New York and New Jersey). National monuments Historic Landmark in 2000 and a New York City Landmark in 2015. do not have to be “monumental” to qualify.


• 7.13.2016

On June 24, 2016, President Obama proclaimed the Stonewall National Monument; the first one honoring the LGBT rights movement. According to a statement issued by the White House, “President Obama designated a new national monument at the historic site of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City to honor the broad LGBT equality movement. The new ‘Stonewall National Monument’ will protect the area where, on June 28, 1969, a community’s uprising in response to a police raid sparked the modern LGBT civil rights movement in the United States.” The Stonewall National Monument consists of 7.7 acres of real estate in the West Village and includes the Stonewall Inn, the nearby Christopher Park, and some surrounding areas. The dedication of Stonewall National Monument took on special significance following the recent massacre of 49 LGBT people and supportive straights at the Pulse night club in Orlando. The National Park Foundation plans to raise $2 million to build a ranger station, a visitor center and interpretive exhibits for the Stonewall National Monument. The Stonewall National Monument is an important and long-awaited addition to our

list of national monuments. It proclaims that the fight for LGBT rights and equality is a major part of our American history; one which deserves a place alongside the struggles of Native Americans, African Americans, Latin Americans, American women, American labor and other groups. Justin Flippen, the openly gay “People’s Commissioner” of Wilton Manors (itself an LGBT landmark) called “the designation of Stonewall National Monument an important acknowledgment and incorporation of the LGBT civil rights movement and the contribution of the LGBT community to the history and evolving story of our nation. In the wake of the Orlando mass shooting, the importance and right of LGBT people to feel safe whether in places of our own like a gay bar or out in public at a restaurant for a dinner as a couple or with friends is reaffirmed by the United States with President Obama officially designating the Stonewall Inn as the first LGBT National Monument.” Located near the Statue of Liberty, the Stonewall National Monument reminds us that our hard-earned American liberties belong to all of us.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

column letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor

shaMe on ProGress bar As we stood in solidarity, Progress towed cars


n Thursday, June 16, 2016, as we stood in solidarity with the LGBTQ community, during the aftermath of the Pulse Nightclub shooting, not everyone in our community stood with us. I gathered a large group of people together for a Sunset Candlelight Vigil at Rumors Bar & Grill in Wilton Manors, and even though the rain came pouring out of the clouds, 100-plus gathered under the covered patio where we held 49 candles; one candle for each victim that lost their life 4 days prior. We stood with sweat pouring off of us while we prayed and cried and cried out for a coming together of the community. It was a beautiful gathering,

Progress Bar, you have failed in your vision and you have failed all of us who waited with hope for you to open your doors. You have excluded yourselves from our community and this saddens me. We were ready and willing to embrace you and you towed us away.

and for those few moments, we were all connected by a common thread. But, not all of us stood together. In the background, as we held hands, spoke the name of each of the 49 and prayed, 2 tow trucks pulled up at Progress Bar to tow the vehicles of everyone who was suspected of not being a patron of that bar. Progress has a long-standing history of towing vehicles and even those who patronize their facility stand to be towed if they dare to do the bar crawl that we have all become accustomed to. There is a sign that has become somewhat of a fixture in their empty parking lot, warning people that their parking lot is for their customers only. Seems legitimate enough from a legal standpoint but definitely out of place in a community like Wilton Manors. I would almost be disappointed with the decision of Progress Bar to tow cars while a candlelight vigil is taking place just a few feet away, but I have become accustomed to this disconnect between Progress Bar and the rest of the community. Progress Bar stands where New Moon once stood and honestly, I for one was hopeful that the women in the community could possibly find our new home there. We were already quite used to gathering there and so we waited patiently for them to renovate and open. The renovation team parked their vehicles in the parking lot at Rumors, and Rumors Bar & Grill, as well as a few other bars in the area

looked forward to working with Progress Bar to do community events. In fact, they were in the process of planning an event like that when Rumors submitted plans to the City of Wilton Manors to construct the outdoor patio. While Rumors worked with their construction team and the City to get a permit to build, Progress was working against Rumors to stop the construction of that patio addition. Although Progress was unsuccessful in their bid to stop the Rumors patio addition, they were successful in wasting a lot of time, money and resources, costing both the bar and the city money in defending their decision to approve the permit. Hunters, Village Pub and Rumors Bar & Grill, all have a great record of giving back to the community. They all donate their resources to organizations like the Pride Center, as well as giving back to the community at large. In addition to the support they give to the community, they also support each other’s events and during the holiday season, bartenders from each of the bars step in to work in the other bar so that every bar can have a holiday party for their employees. While Rumors staff is away celebrating the holiday together, patrons are served at Rumors by the staff of Village Pub, and vice-versa. This collaboration and sense of community has become common on The Drive, however Progress Bar is on The Drive, but not part of our community. I am confused by the vision of Progress

Bar of South Florida. Their vision, according to their website, speaks of hope and moving forward together, but they fail in implementing the vision. “The goal was to create something that was more than a bar. A definitive message wrapped in hand crafted visuals designed to remind us how far we’ve come as a community. Progress- moving forward together.” Progress Bar, you have failed in your vision and you have failed all of us who waited with hope for you to open your doors. You have excluded yourselves from our community and this saddens me. We were ready and willing to embrace you and you towed us away. Rumors Bar & Grill, along with their partner restaurant, Shawn & Nick’s Courtyard Cafe, employ the largest number of people on The Drive. Hunters and Village Pub both offer a welcoming environment to everyone, and all you have offered us is an empty parking lot that we cannot park in and tow service that we cannot afford. Shame on you Progress Bar for coming into our community and attempting to set us back rather than using your resources to move us progressively forward. As we stand in solidarity as one community, we welcome you to stand with us; but hurry as we are losing faith in your willingness to do so.

Carol lynne Watson thatGirlabouttown.com

To our readers: Progress bar will be given an opportunity to reply to this letter in next week's paper. 7.13.2016 •


art museum exhibit Photos: John McDonald.

Window Frames Tell Story of Love at World AIDS Museum Features John McDonald


ois Wilson went dumpster diving in search of ways to express her sorrow, but what she found was a loving passion to create memories. Wilson, a Philadelphia artist, retrieved a dozen window frames from garbage bins around the City of Brotherly Love. She scrubbed the frames and began assembling collages to tell the story of her journey with AIDS. “AIDS is healing the world by bringing together a mosaic of people,” reads one of the window frames. Now on display at the World AIDS Museum and Educational Center in Wilton Manors, Wilson’s exhibit uses windows to teach people to look past stigma. “A window is what allows us to see what it’s like from one side to another,” said Wilson, who was on hand last Friday for a meet the artist reception. Many of the windows were created with photographs of friends Wilson has lost to AIDS. “This community has taught me the ability to love with risk,” Wilson said. Wilson said she was “coming of age sexually” when the epidemic hit and at least a half dozen of her high school friends “did not make it through.” “The thing about HIV/AIDS is we are all reminded of our mortality,” Wilson said. Spiritually too, Wilson said, plays a powerful role. She said she had attended many “retreat” style weekends in Sea Isle,


• 7.13.2016

New Jersey where people would form circles and share stories of life with AIDS. “Some of the things said were deeply profound,” Wilson said. Some of the images in her exhibit were captured at these retreats, which Wilson said provided wellness for attendees and a “feeling of wholeness within ourselves.” The daughter of a Russian Jewish father, Wilson received her Doctorate in art and theology from Wesleyan University in Washington, D.C. Her touring exhibit, “Through The Window: Insights Into The Spiritually of AIDS” is a dissertation and a “fulfillment of a dream,” Wilson said. WAM Operations Manager Ed Sparan said Wilson’s work is “a great way to tell the story of HIV/AIDS and wipe away stigma.”

Pictured: Omar, the bartender, works as DJ for the night. Photo by J.R. Davis.

"Where the men are men, and the women are too" Continued on page 4

1721 n andrews ave, fort lauderdale, fl 33311


Photos: J.R. Davis.

not your everyday bar:

the faces of pride

Pride Fort Lauderdale, Stonewall Festival, and Miss Florida International are amongst the many non-proďŹ ts the Boardwalk Bar and Beefcakes Grill has hosted over the years to raise funds for charitable organizations.

The wait staff and bartenders at Beefcakes are sure to pour your drinks and ďŹ ll your stomach.

Some of the customers getting ready to enjoy the sumptuous buffet and Florida sun at a sunday Beefcakes buffet. 2

Plan your event: Email parties@boardwalkbar.com

welcome to the best

Photos: J.R. Davis.

stage of our lives The Boardwalk's performers come from LGBT communities all over the world, from Brazil to Berlin, from the Ukraine to the United States, and provide you with an evening of excitement and entertainment. Don't wait another minute... visit us on Facebook to see which performer will be next to star on our stage! Here's a spoiler ─ you won't have to wait long.


sunday through thursday, 3pm - 2am


Continued from page 1

his door is always open, if needed.







becoming a

local legend

Photo: Char Pratt.

For the fourth year in a row, the Boardwalk proudly won the 2016 award for first place as the best float in the Stonewall Parade on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors.



The Boardwalk "Best Float" Four years in a row




Want to become a Boardwalk Dancer? Email victor@boardwalkbar.com

A Community of Healing

Photos: J.R. Davis.

The Boardwalk has seen many legends come and go over the years. From our family to yours, we remember some of those whose names we've honored in passing over the years.

... Where EVERYONE is welcome!

Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Jeffrey Alan Bullock, a beloved chef at Beefcakes who died Thursday, June 9, 2016 at the age of 66.

Photos: J.R. Davis.

the original beefcake If you can't get enough healthy beef, take a look at the historical photo book 'Beefcakes,' compiled by Petra Mason. All photos are recovered from vintage men for men magazines, printed for the ďŹ rst time in decades as a beautiful tribute to the diverse range of gay male physique that all hit the presses long before the Beefcakes Grill opened its doors to its loyal patrons.

Father Bill honoring Mrs. Beasley

Available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/29LNnE8 Photos: Facebook


Photo: J.R. Davis.




Plan your event: Email parties@boardwalkbar.com




fridays and saturdays, 3pm - 3am


we do inserts

What makes your business unique?

To promote your business with an SFGN insert, contact Norm Kent at


7.13.2016 •


lifestyle gardening

lifestyle fashion

h&M oPens

Fort lauDerDale store John McDonald


orkers danced, pop music echoed overhead and eager shoppers waited patiently to step inside the newest edition to The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale. Hennes & Mauritz (better known simply as H&M) opened its newest location Thursday morning inside Broward County’s largest and most upscale regional mall. It is the 29th Florida location for H&M, a publicly traded Swedish owned fashion retailer. “To us, design, quality and sustainability are not a question of price: we should always offer inspiring fashion with unbeatable value for money,” said Patrick Shaner, spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale H&M. Clothing for men and women from newborns to adults are available at H&M along with a wide variety of beauty products and accessories. “We have everything from funky, street style to tailored sport suits,” Shaner said. Sustainability is a key component of the H&M brand. The store participates in

Photo: John McDonald. “garment collecting,” Shaner said, meaning shoppers are welcome to bring in their old clothes and receive 15 percent off their next purchase. According to its website, H&M does not own factories and keeps its prices competitive by eliminating middlemen, bringing design in-house, purchasing large volumes and practicing efficient logistics. “This is not a break your bank account store,” Shaner said. Located at 2414 E. Sunrise Blvd., H&M hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from Noon to 6 p.m. Telephone: (855) 466-7467.

WelCoMe to the “nakeD GarDener” Paul Durbin


A new monthly column

iving in sub-tropical South Florida is a dream for any plant lover. We walk out to our yards and see established plants and trees that many of us grew as houseplants “up north.” We marvel at the tall exotic palm trees, banana plants, and orchids that once we only dreamed of, saw on our vacations, or observed in botanical gardens. I love living in paradise! Here in Wilton Manors, as well as all over South Florida, we have quite a diversity of houses. You just marvel while passing through the neighborhoods that have a 3/4 million dollar home net, shall we say, a fixer-upper. It’s a very common sight. I love the various styles of houses, not to mention the many “characters” that live in our community. After renting the house I am in now for two years, it became clear this is the area where I want to live permanently. I have purchased a house four blocks over, and have begun the “adventurous,” some might say “nightmare,” of interior renovations and the physical move of my 1,500 plus collection of tropical plants. One feature about the backyard of the old house that I will dearly miss is my old oak tree. Several locals, including one city official have told me that it must be the oldest tree in Wilton Manors. It very well could be. It’s somewhere between 200 and 300 years old. The old guy easily surpasses any oak right around the corner in historic Richardson Park. I have planted a miniature rain forest under its spreading canopy. There are several hundred plants, collectively known as aroids, planted in the soil, handing from the branches, and attached to the trunk. It will take ages to recreate a similar rain forest effect at the new place but that’s OK. It was nice while it lasted. Common in South Florida landscapes

are plants in the bromeliad family. They are incredibly diverse. Some are just a inch across and some are five feet around. Many grow as epiphytes (aerially), and many grow terrestrially (in the ground), and some can grow either way. Probably the most well known to Floridians are the ones called tillandsias or “air plants.” You see them all over growing in bushes and trees. Even Spanish Moss is a subspecies in the bromeliad family. The most well known bromeliad worldwide is the pineapple. There are around 3,500 pure species of bromeliads and thousands upon thousands of hybrids. Probably half, or more, of the homes in South Florida have bromeliads as plants in the landscape. On July 20, at the monthly meeting of the Equality Park Garden Club at the Pride Center, there will be a very special guest speaker, Dennis Cathcart who is the founder of the Tropiflora in Sarasota. He has the greatest collection of bromeliads in the world, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and amazing photos of bizarre plants and interesting landscapes. Dennis, a lifelong Florida resident, established Tropiflora in 1976. One of his favorite activities (still) is exploring new plant varieties. He has made over 100 collecting trips to more than twenty-seven countries from the Caribbean and Latin American to South East Asia, Africa and Madagascar. Tropiflora hosts two festivals each year with the spring festival the first weekend of April and fall festival the first weekend of October. The Garden Club meets at 7:30 on the third Wednesday of each month at The Pride Center. There is always a carefully chosen speaker, a plant raffle, refreshments, and many life long gardeners to advise you and answer questions you may have. It’s a really nice group of.

Visit EPGCWM.com for more information. Paul Durbin is a master gardener and vice president of the Equality Park Garden Club.


• 7.13.2016

lifestyle books

You Don’t oWn Me: the liFe anD tiMes oF lesleY Gore by Trevor Tolliver

Terry Schlichenmeyer Your closet is packed with mistakes.

$24.99 / higher in Canada Odd-colored shirts, patchwork jeans, alligators, prairie-wear, weird ties, you wore it 209 pages all once. But will those things ever be in style again, even if you wait long enough? c.2015, Backbeat Books No, Nehru jackets, leisure suits, and knitted knickers are best left in the rag bag. As you’ll see in the new book “You Don’t Own Me: The continued to have some professional success Life and Times of Lesley Gore” by Trevor until her death over a year ago, with a few Tolliver, some things may never return. minor hits but mostly as a songwriter and Born into an era of lush crooners and Big in Golden Oldies circles. As for her personal Bands, Lesley Sue Goldstein (later, Gore) was, life, she enjoyed a decades-long relationship according to her parents, a musical prodigy with another woman, which was something almost from birth. At six months, they her sixteen-year-old, 1963-self hadn’t dared claimed, she could “duplicate the melody of a to do… song;” as a toddler, she loved to perform for When a book starts out with a foreword her parents’ friends. entitled “A Gushing Fanboy,” take note. That’s After joining a “girl group” in middle- exactly the tone you’re going to get in the school – one that “fizzled” rather quickly – whole book, which is likewise Gore entered an all-girl school true for “You Don’t Own Me.” and sang in a chorus. There, And while that may seem she realized that if she was chummy, I couldn’t stop going to sing professionally, But as quickly thinking of a supermarket she needed a vocal coach. tabloid or an old confessionsas her star The one her mother found type magazine mixed with rose, it eventually led Gore to a “tiny discography. The bottom recording studio” where she began to line is that this is a difficult recorded a few discs for the book to like because it’s fall, perhaps benefit of family. A cousin overly-breathy and swooning, passed a disc to a bandleader, because of the music-industry-driven, or who invited Gore to perform it consists of reconstructed Beatles and at a gig where the president conversations. I would’ve the British of Mercury Records was in loved reading more about attendance. In early 1963, he Invasion. Gore’s personal life – Tolliver gave Gore’s demo to music hints at some tumult with producer Quincy Jones and, the woman she loved – but, some two months later, at age instead, we’re plunged back sixteen, Lesley Gore was a pop-music star. into more about her flagging career. Even But as quickly as her star rose, it began to that could have been more interesting, were it fall, perhaps because of the Beatles and the given a less-chatty spin. British Invasion. Gore’s music continued to Overall, I think there’s an audience for “You hit the charts but, in the end, the new sound Don’t Own Me,” probably with “ardent fans” and the not-so-innocent times wore away at or music industry folks only. For the rest of us, her popularity. By 1969, “Her career, for all well, you won’t want to own this book, either. outward appearances, was over.” And yet, says author Trevor Tolliver, Gore

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7.13.2016 •


lifestyle food

Rick Karlin

CookinG as theraPY


sk any foodie and they’ll tell you that cooking is far from a chore. For most it is relaxing and therapeutic. (Cleaning up on the other hand…) That’s true not just for the home cook, but in hospitals, businesses and schools as well. Cooking is increasingly being used in a variety of institutional settings for everything from job training to recovery.


• 7.13.2016

and Alzheimer’s Disease and found that cooking can be extremely beneficial in treating such patients. That’s no surprise since food and the act of cooking often has powerful meaning to older adults. Think of how often you’ve tasted something that takes you right back to your childhood. For many people with Alzheimer’s food and cooking may provide a pathway to memories. A recent study found that not only did the regular cooking classes aid the patients/clients participating in the study, but the smells of the food cooking evoked memories for others. Food is often associated with feelings of love, pleasure and enjoyment, and brings back memories of holidays, celebrations and family. Cooking can also be the pathway to independence for many with special needs. Easter Seals sponsors a culinary arts high school program for ages 14 through 22 with autism spectrum disorders and other special needs. The students participate in daily classes focusing on academics and culinary training, both in the classroom and in a vocational kitchen. Students learn skills such as sanitation, job preparation, store/stock room coordination and maintenance, and food preparation. Students often segue into jobs with major corporations, such as Hyatt Hotels which has a specific program developed in collaboration with the Florida Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Division of Blind Services, Division of Workers' Compensation and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Culinary Training Program (100 hours during a two-week period) is for individuals with disabilities who are at least 18 years old, drug-free, ineligible for traditional training programs due to disability or lack of high school diploma. Trainees become temporary employees of Hyatt and receive a salary in addition to certificates of completion and a state food-handler's certificate. Performance is evaluated daily with ongoing evaluation and feedback. Upon completion of the program, job placement assistance is provided within and outside of Hyatt.

Photo: Rick Karlin.

Therapeutic cooking has become increasingly prevalent in the treatment of mental illnesses as well as addiction. Cooking allows patients to have something to look forward to in rehab, and allows them to focus on something else besides their addictions and feelings of distress, depression, anger or anxiety. At The Cottages of West Palm Beach, an addiction treatment center focusing on drug and alcohol rehab and intervention, therapeutic cooking classes are offered twice a week. Many patients enter treatment with severely diminished health and extreme nutritional imbalances. The program allows them to gain greater independence, raise their confidence and gives patients the ability to continue living a healthier lifestyle following rehab. Courses are often partly aimed at teaching healthy cooking and eating skills to help patients who often are facing chaotic lives. Counselors say the classes also soothe stress, build self-esteem and curb negative thinking by focusing the mind on following a recipe. According to chef Patricia D’Alessio, who leads a cooking therapy class, “It gets them to focus on something other than stressful emotions, or what was going on in their day. It redirects their thought process to focus them on the process of cooking.” Mental health professionals are also include cooking or baking classes as part of a larger treatment plan that can also including analysis or medication for people suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental-health problems. “If the activity is defined as personally rewarding or giving a sense of accomplishment or pleasure, or even seeing the pleasure of that pumpkin bread with chocolate chips making someone else happy, then it could improve a sense of well-being,” Jacqueline Gollan, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, reports. Researchers have also examined the effects of cooking on people with dementia

Valerie Herskowitz and her son Blake.

The Chocolate Spectrum Boutique and Academy (6725 W. Indiantown Road, Jupiter) offers artisan chocolates, gourmet chocolate-inspired pastries, beverages and coffees. In many ways, it’s no different from any of the other candy and gourmet chocolate shops in South Florida. There are numerous delicious treats to tempt you to break your diet. However, at Chocolate Spectrum the goodies are made, in part, by adults with autism and special needs. For adults with autism and other developmental disabilities, The Chocolate Spectrum Academy offers a formal 12-month chocolate, pastry, barista and restaurant services vocational training program where students can learn about chocolate production, baking and beverage preparation. This direct instruction and

apprenticeship program may lead to employment with The Chocolate Spectrum Boutique. “This is a dream come true,” said Valerie Herskowitz, the company’s owner and a pastry chef who is also a speech pathologist and the mother of an adult son, who has severe autism. “The Chocolate Spectrum began as an online only model, but with such amazing demand for our products, it just made sense for us to open a retail store.” The Chocolate Spectrum Boutique and Academy holds weekly chocolate-making classes for children and adults, including those with special needs. In addition to being available at the store, gourmet chocolates are available online. For more information call 954-980-0134 or go to TheChocolateSpectrum.com.

For more information on vocational training for those with disabilities, go to rehabworks.org.

7.13.2016 •






J u l y

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W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




theater “Buyer & Cellar,” the hilarious comedy by Jonathan Tolins, opens this weekend at Actor’s Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Chris Crawford stars as a young, out-of-work actor who takes a job as the “shopkeeper” in the mall actress Barbra Streisand built under her Malibu compound. One day, the diva decides to go shopping, but will she buy? Tickets are $45 – 53 at ActorsPlayhouse.org.



theater Aliens are invading Delray Beach this summer! WLRN Radio Theater presents “War of the Worlds” tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Crest Theater at Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Blvd. Relive the terror that swept the nation 78 years ago, as this local company reimagines H.G. Wells’ original script. The performance will be recorded and broadcast on WLRN on Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 at OldSchoolSquare.org.

Girl Power: The hit ’80s film “Ghostbusters” gets a reboot with an A-List twist, including, left to right, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon. Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.


7/16 SUN

7/17 MON

7/18 TUE






If you’re familiar with the famed Second City in Chicago, then you’ll love the Sick Puppies Improv Comedy Show on Saturdays at Center Stage Performing Arts, 7200 W. Camino Real in Boca Raton. The cast of 30 professional and amateur actors comes up with sidesplitting skits, all right there on the spot. You can also take an improv class. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door at SickPuppiesComedy.com.

The Symphony of the Americas, under the direction of Maestro James Brooks-Bruzzese, celebrates the 25th anniversary of the orchestra’s Summerfest with a special concert at the Broward Center at 6 p.m. The program will feature works by Vivaldi, Mozart, Bloch, Fuchs and Piazzolla, performed by the most popular soloists from the festival’s previous seasons. Tickets at SymphonyOfTheAmericas.org.

“Who ‘ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!” The iconic ‘80s flick about a bumbling team of paranormal apparition exterminators gets a reboot and more than a dose of girl power, too. Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones star. Hunky Chris Hemsworth gets possessed by a particularly evil spirit—and we’re hoping takes his shirt off, too! Check local listings for theaters and show times.

Famed OCD house flipper Jeff Lewis is back on the airwaves tonight in Season 9 of “Flipping Out” on Bravo. Lewis, along with his spunky housekeeper Zoila and assistant Jenni, are hard pressed for success after a lucrative deal with a furniture company hits the snags and a project for famous actors takes an unexpected turn. Check local listings for channels and show times. More information at BravoTV.com.


• 7.13.2016

7.13.2016 •


Photo: David Appleby/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

a&e film

It’s Here, Sweetie Darlings! Ab Fab: the movie coming to theaters

David-Elijah Nahmod


dina and Patsy are back! Those larger-than-life, eternally youthful (in their own minds) and glamorous trendsetters are now starring in a wacky big screen adventure. Since its inception in 1992 the British sitcom “Absolutely Fabulous” has become a worldwide phenomenon – an impressive accomplishment for a series, which has produced a mere 39 episodes over a 25 year stretch. Ab Fab, as devotees call it, follows the madcap adventures of Edina Monsoon (Jennifer Saunders), a boozy, drug addicted PR agent who chases after bizarre fads in a desperate, delusional attempt to stay “young” and “hip.” Edina gets plenty of enabling from Patsy Stone (Joanna Lumley), a magazine editor who’s substance abuse is far worse than Edina’s. The ladies crash every celebrity gathering they can, often stumbling around in a bubbly, champagne induced haze, oblivious to the contemptible stares, which follow in their wake. The result is some of the edgiest and most screamingly funny humor ever produced by our friends across the pond. “These are people who have been friends since they began,” said Saunders during a conference call in which she and Lumley were


• 7.13.2016

promoting “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie,” which opens in cinemas on July 22. “Edina thinks she’s a fashion PR guru. Patsy works as an editor on a fashion magazine. They’re inseparable friends, and they walk in chaos.” “A chaos of drink and cigarettes and champagne,” added Lumley. Saunders noted that updating the characters for the new film was an easy task. “We just get older,” she said. “Edina gets older and fatter, and actually Patsy doesn’t change at all. She’s just sort of embalmed and remains exactly the same.” In the film, the ladies are on the run — Edina has been accused of murdering supermodel Kate Moss, who appears as herself. Our hapless heroines take off for the South of France, where they hope to elude the law. This leads to more mishaps and wild celebrity encounters – more than two dozen famous names from the worlds of film and fashion appear in the movie, some as themselves, others as deliriously overthe-top adversaries to “the girls.” Famous faces on display include Kim Kardashian, Dame Joan Collins, Glee’s Chris Colfer, Graham Norton, and Mad Men’s Jon Hamm, who has a priceless reaction to former fling Patsy: “Oh God, I can’t believe you’re still alive!”

Comic highlights from “Absolutely Fabulous: the Movie” include a hilarious turn by Barry Humphries, best known as Dame Edna Everage. Humphries plays a man this time out – he offers one of the film’s more unforgettable moments as a chubby, sleazy pornographer with a creepy grin. More laughs abound when Patsy appears in male drag so she can marry the world’s richest woman. “Patsy’s been a man before,” recalls Lumley. “We had a flashback to the 60s where she had a mustache and was dressed in a Sgt. Pepper coat like a Beatle. This time she didn’t bother to go the whole hog and take the hormones and have something stitched on. This time she just glued a mustache on and put her hair back and thought she could probably get away with it. After all, she’s only trying to attract a 90 year old person who can’t see!” With the police in hot pursuit (so they think) the film also offers a few humorous action scenes. “We insisted on doing our own stunts,” said Lumley. “Obviously its a reach from a car travelling at almost three miles an hour to take a cigarette off a completely supine man. It was a bit challenging, but I managed it.”

“I’d never been on a scooter before, and they wouldn’t let me wear a helmet,” added Saunders. “I was very, very brave. It’s also the most exercise I’ve ever done.” Saunders admitted that precautions were taken when writing the film’s screenplay, due to today’s climate of political correctness. “Because people are much more ready to be offended these days,” she noted. “If you write a movie, you have a raft of lawyers telling you who you can offend, and who you can’t offend, and who’s going to sue you and who won’t. So it was quite an issue, I have to say.” But it works. Edina and Patsy push the boundaries of good taste as few people can, but it’s all in good fun humor. After twentyfive years of playing these characters off and on, Saunders and Lumley have developed a comfortable rapport with each other and slip into their signature roles with ease. Ab Fab devotees will be pleased to see other familiar faces in the film: Julia Sawalha is particularly amusing as Edina’s jaded daughter Saffron – she gets a scene stealing moment in the spotlight when she leads a sing-along of the famed Janis Ian tune At Seventeen in a gay bar filled with adoring drag queens. If only life were as fabulous as this.

7.13.2016 •


a&e dvd´s

QUEERLY DIGITAL W elcome To Queerly Digital, a monthly column about LGBT films and filmmakers.

David-Elijah Nahmod

remembering F.W. Murnau F

.W. Murnau (1888-1931) was a German film director best remembered for "Nosferatu" (1922), the first film adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula." At the time of the film's initial release, Stoker's book was still held under a strict copyright. Undaunted, Murnau filmed a fairly recognizable version of the story, merely changing all the character's names – Stoker's widow sued for copyright infringement and won. All copies of "Nosferatu" were ordered destroyed, and for many years it was considered a lost film. Fortunately, some prints survived and "Nosferatu" now stands as a poetic masterpiece. Murnau shot the film on location in Germany and in Eastern Europe. The vampire's lair was filmed at an actual centuries old castle – the desolate countryside which surrounds the Count's undead abode and the candlelit interiors create a mood of encroaching dread unlike anything the horror genre has seen since. Max Schreck as "Count Orlock" was made to look like a walking if decomposing corpse – his face is a visage which remains unnerving to this very day. "Nosferatu" contains numerous moments of unforgettable artistic beauty – glimpses of the Count's castle against a dark, cloudy sky resemble a painting even though these shots were taken on location. Scenes in which the Count carries his coffin through the plague ridden town as thousands of rats follow in his wake are still mesmerizing. Unknown at the time but fairly common knowledge now is the fact that F.W. Murnau was a gay man. His death in a 1931 car accident was said to have been caused by an act of fellatio he was giving to his young driver as they drove through the streets of Santa Barbara California – apparently the young man crashed into a pole, which inflicted a fatal head injury upon the filmmaker. According to legends, when paramedics arrived Murnau's head was between his driver's legs – the circumstances of that accident have never been substantiated,


• 7.13.2016

though throughout his life Murnau was never seen in the company of women. Murnau's artistic legacy remains unscathed. Films like "Faust" (1926), a medieval chiller in which Satan enters into a wager with an archangel, pulls viewers into a dreamlike netherworld – sequences in which The Devil hovers over the town, produced at a time when film-making was still in its infancy and when effects technology was somewhat primitive, have lost none of their hypnotic power. Murnau was a filmmaker who's stunning sense of the visual became an actual character in whatever tale he was telling. Both "Nosferatu" and "Faust" are available on DVD and Blu Ray courtesy of Kino Lorber, purveyors of restored, classic cinema. Kino pulled out all the stops – they searched for the finest elements from film vaults around the world in order to piece together the most complete prints possible of both films. The Blu Ray of "Nosferatu" includes a 60-minute documentary, produced for German television, on Murnau's career and artistic vision – a surviving relative who actually knew the auteur as a child is among the interviewees. Though the doc offers a great deal of information on his late 19th Century childhood and artistic influences, no mention is made of the director's personal life. One of Kino Lorber's primary missions is to rescue, preserve, and restore classic cinema from generations ago. The company has made dozens of hard-to-find titles from around the world readily available to modern audiences – the company's catalog is a treasure chest for film buffs. For fledgling filmmakers, Kino is an education. It's always important to remember and learn from those who came before us. There's a creepy postscript to F. W. Murnau's story, and it's a horror story worthy of one of his films. In July 2015, Murnau's grave in Stahnsdorg Germany was looted – his skull disappeared. No one knows who the perpetrators were or what they did with the head – we can only imagine.

7.13.2016 •


a&e film

a&e theater Credit: Submitted photo.

neW star trek MoVie Features oPenlY GaY anD ProuD sulu Brittany Ferrendi


he series that showed television’s first interracial kiss in the 60’s is now subtly including an openly gay character. In the next Star Trek movie, helmsman Hikaru Sulu will have a partner and a daughter. Sulu will be played by John Cho. “I liked the approach, which was not to make a big thing out of it, which is where I hope we are going as a species, to not politicize one’s personal orientations,” Cho told Australia’s newspaper, Daily Sun. The openly gay character is most likely a nod to George Takei, who originally played Sulu. Takei has been an LGBT activist since his coming out as gay in 2005. Rather than appreciate the gesture, he did not respond positively. “I’m delighted that there’s a gay character,” Takei told The Hollywood Reporter. “Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate.” In response, writer and actor Simon Pegg released a statement defending his choice. Noting his “huge love and respect” for Takei and seeing him as an “inspiration,” Pegg also acknowledged that he had to “respectfully disagree.”

“He’s right, it is unfortunate, it’s unfortunate that the screen version of the most inclusive, tolerant universe in science fiction hasn’t featured an LGBT character until now,” he told The Guardian. “We could have introduced a new gay character, but he or she would have been primarily defined by their sexuality, seen as the ‘gay character’, rather than simply for who they are, and isn’t that tokenism?” This reveal could not be more timely – recently, director of operations for CREDO Action Jordan Krueger released a petition to include an LGBT captain on Star Trek. “Star Trek’s core ideal is utopian,” Krueger wrote on his website. “But not for LGBT people, who’ve been hidden or portrayed poorly. Some of Star Trek’s most ham-fisted moments include characters intended to represent members of the LGBT community, and people with AIDS, while refusing to be explicit about their identities.” He continued: “Star Trek has a history of taking bold steps towards equality and diverse casting, even when the social climate of the times made it hard.”

I’m 26 and transitioning. I have a lot going on - I don’t need to be mocked, misgendered, or marginalized, and I don’t have time to hunt out news that matters to me. That’s why I read EDGE on my Android tablet. I’m being true to my future - and that’s where it will be.

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.


• 7.13.2016

“Gilligan’s Fire Island” opening this weekend at Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale is the latest wacky parody from playwright Jamie Morris.

Cross-DressinG CoMeDY ParoDies iConiC siXties sitCoM J. W. Arnold


laywright Jamie Morris has a talent for taking beloved television sitcoms and campy classic movies and turning them into silly, genderbending spoofs. In recent years, audiences have packed Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale for his twisted takes on “Silence of the Lambs” (“Silence of the Clams”), “Mommie Dearest” (“Mommie Queerest”) and “The Facts of Life: The Lost Episode,” among others. This weekend, his latest parody, “Gilligan’s Fire Island,” will receive its Southeastern premiere at the tiny theater. “Half the work is already done because of the iconic characters,” explained Morris, who is generally attracted to shows that “strike a chord in pop culture. Even if you didn’t grow up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, you know the castaways.” The formula for “Gilligan’s Island” is foolproof, said Morris on the telephone while shopping at “Crossdress for Less,” his nickname for discount retailer Ross. “Each episode features a guest star that gets stranded on the island with Gilligan and the gang,” he elaborated. “By the end, the guest gets rescued and (the castaways) don’t.” In Morris’ reimagined story, Kyle Garcia stars as Cody Tanner, a young YouTube sensation who is taking the ferry to Fire Island for the first time. He’s giddy, until a careless drag queen knocks

him overboard. Cody washes up on the beach only to be discovered by Gilligan, the Skipper, the millionaire and his wife, a movie star, the professor and Mary Anne, to borrow the line-up from the show’s familiar theme song. At first, Gilligan mistakes young Cody for a mermaid and later, an alien from outer space. After the confusion dies down, the castaways show the selfentitled millennial a wonderful gay time—after some more zany plot twists that Morris refused to reveal. Award-winning South Florida actor Mike Westrich is Gilligan, and the cast also includes Scott Travis (Skipper), Morris (The Howells), Trevor Peringer (Ginger), Ben Prayz (The Professor) and David Tracy (Mary Ann.) As in all of Morris’ productions, all the female roles are portrayed by men wearing wigs, heels and make-up. “You can never make fun of (the characters), you have to celebrate them,” said Morris of his writing philosophy. “Sherwood Schwartz created amazing characters.” And while recognizable costumes help define those well-known characters, casting can still be challenge. “It’s so hard to cast lookalikes who are also great comic actors who bring their sense of character to the roles,” he said. The play received its world premiere by the Uptown Players in Dallas last year, selling out a seven-week run.

See “Gilligan’s Fire Island” by Jamie Morris, July 15 – Aug. 14, at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Performances on Thursday – Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. Tickets $35 at EmpireStage.com.

7.13.2016 •


a&e television

Credit: Discovery Communications.

Openly gay reality television star Jake Nodar is back on the air in Discovery Channel’s hit, “Naked and Afraid XL.”

Reality Star Bares All Again In Search of Prize J. W. Arnold


f you look closely enough, you just might catch a glimpse of reality star Jake Nodar’s junk—but don’t count on it. You’ll just have to take him at his word that it’s “gorgeous.” Nodar returned to television this week on Discovery Channel’s “Naked and Afraid XL.” He appeared last season in the network’s “Naked and Afraid,” which followed two contestants for 21 days in remote and unforgiving territories. This time around, he joins 12 of last season’s best contestants, again naked and without supplies, for 40 days in the badlands of South Africa. They must find their own food, water and shelter while avoiding lions, leopards and hyenas. “My first challenge (last season) was in Amazonia and there just weren’t that many creatures out there that could kill and eat you,” Nodar recalled. “When you’re out there with no protection, it’s pretty shocking.” He added, “When we hit the ground, we hit the ground running.” Nodar described the sounds of nearby herds of elephants and prides of lions. All that stood between the contestants and these ferocious predators the first night was a bunch of sticks. A longtime naturalist, adventurer and environmentalist, Nodar trains horses for a living in suburban Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. He began his television career by accident when he was asked to audition for another Discovery series, “Out of the Wild: The Alaska Experiment.”

Not one to back down from an experience, he accepted the offer and found himself in the finals. The only openly gay cast member, he went up against some of the toughest, most macho men the production company could muster. At first, he was concerned about being the only gay competitor: “I was concerned going into my first show. I had been out for several years at that point and was thinking more about my fellow cast mates. It didn’t occur to me that I’d be coming out on television to the entire nation.” That appearance led to a stint on The History Channel’s series, “Full Metal Jousting,” another grueling physical challenge. Pushing boundaries and stereotypes is natural for Nodar. He was recently featured in a film, “Bad Ass Guys,” that documents the stories of gay men working in ‘manly’ professions. The film premiered at the Atlanta Out on Film Festival and was later broadcast on the Logo television network. “Doing something adventurous is important to me,” Nodar said. “I love getting the chance to represent the gay community in a positive light.” In the meantime as he recuperates from his African ordeal, he plans to tune into “Naked and Afraid XL”—as long as he’s not watching it with his mother. That’s where he draws the line. “I’m definitely not shy,” he chuckled, “but she was going to have a viewing party, and I wasn’t going to go to that one.”

Watch Jake Nodar compete on “Naked and Afraid XL” on Sunday nights on Discovery Channel. Check local listings for channels and show times.


• 7.13.2016

7.13.2016 •


JulY 14 to JulY 24


Theater Christiana Lilly




Buyer & Cellar July 13 to Aug. 7 at the Actors’ Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Alex More goes to work at Barbra Streisand’s Malibu basement, which can only lead to moments of comedy in this one-man play. Ticket $45 to $53. Call 305-444-9293 or online at ActorsPlayhouse.org. Symphony of the Americas Summerfest Concert July 16 at 6 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. In its 25th year, the symphony looks back at its best musicians and soloists with performances of Vivaldi, Mozart, Fuchs, and more. Tickets $20 to $60. Call 954.462.0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. MY2K: 98 Degrees, O-Town, Ryan Cabrera, and Dream July 16 at 8 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. It’s a flashback to the ‘90s and 2000s! Jam out to your favorite teen pop bands and solo artists -- you know you remember all the words. Tickets $32 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre. com.

broward county Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com. 52

• 7.13.2016

palm beach county Shakespeare by the Sea XXVI - The Taming of the Shrew

July 14 to 17 at 8 p.m. at Seabreeze Amphitheater at Carlin Park, 400 South SR A1A. in Jupiter. The theatre troupe is back for an under-the-stars performance of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.” Free. Visit Facebook.com/ SeabreezeAmphitheater

miami-dade county Los Espejos de Don Quijote

July 15 to 17 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. In this unique play in the International Hispanic Theater Festival, Shakespeare and Cervantes vie for the affections of Dorothea. Tickets $34. Call 305-9496722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Chris Night



* Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, July 19 at 7:30 p.m. Kevin Gates and Jhene Aiko AmericanAirlines Arena, July 20 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. It’s old meets new hip hop when Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa come together for the High Road Summer Tour. Tickets $45 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

Rock of Ages

the 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Tomlin leads a night of worship with Steven Curtis Chapman, Max Lucado, Matt Maher, and more. Tickets $25.75 to $65.75. Call 786-777-1000 at AAArena.com.

Cirque Eloize: Cirkopolis

Through July 31 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd.

in Miami. Circus arts returns to the center with a combination of dance, theater, and high-flying feats. Tickets $49 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy

mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

Through July 24 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s the ‘80s and Drew has dreams to be a rock star and Sherri is a small-town girl with dreams of their own. Working at the Bourbon Room, the audience will be entranced by the rock and roll era on the Sunset Strip. Tickets $29 to $35. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

Once Upon a Mattress

Through July 31 at FAU’s Studio One Theatre, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. The university performs the hilarious rendition of “The Princess and the Pea.” Tickets $20. Call 800564-9539 or visit FAUEvents.com.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

* Denotes New Listing

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

7.13.2016 •




Broward Support Services

Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks Scuba Fundraiser

July 15 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at South Florida Diving, 125 N. Riverside Drive in Pompano Beach. Hope aboard a glass-bottom boat for a morning out on the ocean, benefitting Florida Youth Pride. Tickets $30 for a watcher, $30 for snorkelers, $50 for divers. Visit FloridaYouthPride.org/snorkel. html to register and purchase tickets.

Meet Lauren Weisberger

July 19 at 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave. in Coral Gables. The author of “The Devil Wears Prada,” Weisberger discusses her latest novel, “The Singles Game.” Free. Call 305-4424408 or visit BooksAndBooks. com.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-7755900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

broward county * PrEP Advisory Group Meeting

July 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The Florida Department of Health in Broward County meeting of the PrEP Advisory Group which is part of the Broward County HIV Prevention Planning Council. Call 954-467-4700, ext. 4991 or visit BrowardGreaterThan.org.

Miss Florida USA 2017

July 14 to 16 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Women from across the state descend on Fort Lauderdale to vie for the crown. Tickets $28 to $47. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Larry Gierer Celebration of Life

July 15 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Jaco Pastorius Park, 1098 NE 40th Court in Oakland Park. Celebrate the life of former Oakland Park Mayor Larry


• 7.13.2016

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

Gierer, who as city commissioner helped make the city one of the first to provide domestic partner benefits to city employees. Free. Visit OaklandParkFL.gov.

* Markham Park Garden Project


July 16 from 7 to 10 a.m. at Markham Park, 16001 W. State Road 84 in Sunrise. Join Hands on Broward for this community service project to help maintain the park’s garden. Free. Visit HandsOnBroward.org.

* Carnival Conquest Cruise Ship Tour & Luncheon

July 30 at 10 a.m. leaving from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale. Join Thrust Adventures to make new friends while going on an exclusive cruise ship tour and a luncheon. Must bring photo ID. Tickets $30, due by July 15. Visit MeetUp.com/ThrustAdventures/ Events/231901812.

JulY 14 to JulY 24 palm beach county Transcendence

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

miami-dade * Papermaking Workshop

July 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Collect items from the botanical gardens to incorporate into your papermaking. Tickets $30 members, $45 nonmembers. Visit MBGarden.org.

* Concrete Comedy Night

July 20 from 8 to 11 p.m. at Concrete Beach Brewery, 325 NW 24th St. in Miami. Five local comedians take the stage at the brewery’s Social hall, hosted by David Del Rosario. Free -- comedians working for tips. Call 305-7962727 or visit ConcreteBeachBrewery.com.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.

* Denotes New Listing

porn pulse

Photo: Facebook.

heal Your buM With Foria Hunter Houston


ook out poppers, there’s a new product on the market to ease anal entry. Say hello to Foria Explore, billed as the first cannabis-infused suppository specifically formulated for deeper pleasure during ass play. “CBD slows down electrical signaling to muscles, causing relaxation, thereby allowing FORIA Explore to reduce discomfort without numbing or desensitizing the anal area or surrounding tissues. CBD's anti-inflammatory properties can go a long way for the person being penetrated (both during and after),” Cannabis Sexual Health Educator Ashley Manta of Cannasexual.com tells Edge Media Network. A visit to the Foriapleasure.com website asks the necessary questions. Are you 21 years of age? Are you a California resident or a Colorado resident? If you answer yes to all of the above then you access to cannabis infused pleasure is easy. Each suppository contains 60mg of C02extracted THC and 10mg of a CBD isolate from organic hemp. When absorbed these compounds activate cannabinoid receptors throughout the pelvic region.

"The versatility of cannabis continues to inspire and amaze us. We are so thrilled to present a unique pleasure enhancing formulation that services the needs of many in the LGBTQ community," said Mathew Gerson, FORIA's Co-CEO, in a news release. Foria products have been featured in Cosmo, GQ, Oprah, as well as CONAN, Saturday Night Live and Dr. Drew among many others. Following Pleasure, FORIA developed Relief, a cannabis-infused vaginal suppository to address menstrual discomfort. “It does get your clitoris high,” celebrity doctor Jennifer Berman revealed on CONAN.

7.13.2016 •


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To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970

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• 7.13.2016

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ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org


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• 7.13.2016

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The Law Center of Norman Elliot Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

7.13.2016 •


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