7/20/16 V7i29

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July 20, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 29

Begins In Center

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

Poolside blues Page 20

Why won't Wilton pay for David's wheelchair lift? A look at the RNC Pages 12 - 15


petition for gun control falls flat Page 22



The Opening Line Photos: Facebook.

Trump Picks Pence As VP

Comments from SFGN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

Letter Writer Takes Issue With Progress Bar Towing Cars

Rob Bullock –

Tommy Peek –

I would almost agree with the letter...EXCEPT... The parking lot is clearly marked and as per the letter, already known that they will tow. So, bottom line.. The rules DO apply to you. As you obviously discovered. Sucks to get towed, but I'd bet you won't let it happen again. Sometimes life lessons can be quite expensive.

I lived in Indiana. He is a homophobic, anti-women's rights, slashed money from 4-year state colleges and ignored the states failing roads and infrastructure while bragging about building a $2 billion surplus. He and his cronies gave millions in tax-credits to companies for jobs that never materialized and have done everything than can to hide this fact.

Joel S. Slotnick –

It stinks beyond stink. But in general days of the bars working in tandem are long gone. It has become so cut-throat. Everyone tows, there are meters everywhere. And from what I understand, one of the lots that is free during the day and charges you to park at night will be having meters or a pay machine installed in the not too distant future. Wilton Drive is going to put itself 6 ft under and wonder why..........The friendly is slowly going away. Sad.........

James Smith –

TP for your bunghole 2016!

July 20, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 29 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli

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Tz Terri –

Rudest bar on the drive and I'm not referring about the towing issuer.

Barry Davis –

Well Pence had to do something. He certainly wouldn't get reelected in IN... he's only got a 39% approval rating. Trump & Pence...now the race is twice as creepy!


Steven William Talbert –

I've only been to Progress Bar twice. Both times it became obvious that their servers ignore patrons over the age of 40.


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Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

Steven AlanAlan –

Sad, crying, and memorizing does not justify parking in a private lot without consequences.

GOP Platform Most Anti-LGBT Ever MEMBER

Warren A. Baxter –

Lincoln would never be a republican today. At least not this corrupt Republican Party.

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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Brian Swinford National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping

Joe Lagana –


they are no longer the party of Lincoln. They haven't been for a while now.

Printing by Sun Coast Press

Steve Johnson –

nothing new here.

SFGN Winner of & 3 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER

Other Publications Get yours, on racks now! May 2016 • Vol. 5 Issue 3


Your Compl Wilton Manor ete Guide to s, Fort Laude What’s Hot in rdale & Beyon d...




Associated Press



SouthFl oridaG


• 7.20.2016

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A local resident may sue over the accessability to the public pool in Wilton Manors. Photo: J.R. Davis.

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

Photo: Devon Sayers, CNN.

U.N. Ambassador Says Fight For LGBT Rights Feels Schizophrenic John McDonald


.S. Ambassador Samantha Power addressed a United Nations conference on the integration of LGBTI rights into foreign policy last week in Uruguay. The “I” stands for intersex. In her remarks to the conference, Power said advocating for LGBTI rights in 2016 “can feel almost schizophrenic.” She noted 50 countries worldwide now prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation with 70 more criminalizing consensual same-sex conduct. “Governments do not have to choose between advancing LGBTI rights within their own countries and around the world. We can and must do both,” Power said. Referencing the gains made in the United States where same-sex marriage is now legal and openly LGBT individuals can serve in the U.S. military, Power also listed incidents of concern. In Brazil, she said, there is approximately one LGBTI killing per day. This stat has not changed since 2012, Power said.

In the Philippines, Power’s schizophrenic comment played out in the election of a senator who described gay people as “worse than animals” along with the election of the southeastern Asian country’s first transgender representative. On transgender issues, Power said America needed to counter an alarming statistic showing 40 percent of trans people attempt suicide – far above the national average. Power said the U.N. has the necessary tools to make it happen. “First, we must be willing to use all the tools in our toolkit to shift the policies and attitudes of the governments that condone or even fuel discrimination and violence against LGBTI people,” Power said.



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Miami Office: (305) 777-3595 1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950, Miami, FL 33131 Fort Lauderdale Office: (954) 204-3633 110 SE 6th Street, Suite 1700, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 7.20.2016 •


news state

Photo Credit: Steven Shires.

Former Congressman Barney Frank answers questions from the audience at the 15th annual Celebration of Friends.

Frank Holds Court In Orlando

John McDonald


ormer U.S. Congressman Barney Frank revealed details of life in-and-out of the closet during a visit to Orlando last weekend. Frank, co-chairman of the Democratic National Convention rules committee, served 23 years in Congress representing Massachusetts. “No job takes the place of physical and emotional needs we all have,” said Frank, who described the isolated feeling of his early days and nights in Washington, D.C. Frank said he would often attend parties and events, only to go home alone at night -- masking who he was. When he finally decided to tell the world he was gay, Tip O’Neill, then Speaker of the House, thought Frank had committed career suicide. O’Neill, Frank said, told Boston Globe reporter Mike Barnicle, “our pal Barney Frank is all washed up in politics.” That was 1986. “He said I was going to come out of the room,” Frank told an audience Saturday evening at the Doubletree by Hilton Orlando SeaWorld. “The room” was O’Neill’s own special way of putting it. Around 300, mostly older gay white men, attended Frank’s questions and answers session. Many of the men have been attending celebrations for years and are still not comfortable disclosing their sexuality to the public. Tom Pence, a former U.S. Marine, started the organization to give guys an outlet to be themselves in a non-judgmental climate. Bringing in Frank as a special guest was a way to engage intellectually with members, Pence said. And the architect of one of America’s most important pieces of financial legislation was a hit with the crowd. “I think it went superb,” Pence said. “Barney was the big draw. Even my Republican friends enjoyed it.”


• 7.20.2016

Introduced by Pompano Beach Commissioner Barry Moss, Frank explained to the audience his coming out process and quickly pivoted to the current Presidential campaign, calling Republican nominee Donald J. Trump unstable. “Serious people are not going to put him in charge,” Frank said. When one audience member stated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is allowing 600,000 “Muslims” into the country, Frank scoffed: “That’s bullshit.” “Barney held their feet to the fire,” Pence said afterwards. Elsewhere, seminars, pool parties, music and dancing were part of the weekend’s itinerary. A seminar geared towards stress and trauma offered by nationally certified psychologists was particularly helpful said Jerry Williams of Fort Lauderdale. Williams, like many ACOF attendees, made the pilgrimage downtown to visit the Pulse site where flowers, memorials and shrines remain – dedicated to the 49 victims of the worst mass shooting in American history. “It is so sad,” Williams said. To cheer things up, the Orlando Gay Chorus was brought in for a Sunday evening performance which included the jingle from the television hit “Friends” and Kool & The Gang’s classic anthem, “Celebration.” Pence hailed the weekend, the group’s 15th annual, a success. “I got a lot of originals come back and a lot of new members,” said Pence, also known as “TomCat.” Meanwhile, Tom Ash, crowned Mr. A Celebration of Friends for the weekend, said he likes the group for its core mission. A Celebration of Friends, board members

tell SFGN, serves to provide warm, comfortable, safe and engaging gatherings recognizing and promoting selfworth, dignity, kindness and friendships of and within the senior population. “Being around other mature men, like-minded men,” Ash said when asked why he attended this weekend’s festivities. “And, also, you see friends you haven’t seen in a year and meet new guys.” Ash wore a sash displaying his Mr. ACOF credentials during Sunday evening’s performance by the Orlando Gay Chorus. He attended this year’s annual weekend getaway with his partner of 12 years, Roger Neal. The couple lives in Missouri. Pence, founder of the group, moved the weekend event to Orlando three years ago. Last year’s weekend was headlined by screen acting legend Ed Asner. “This is the home of gay days and the Doubletree is one of the finest hotels for gay men,” Pence said. “That’s why we left Fort Lauderdale. The hotels in Fort Lauderdale need to work on their gay friendliness.” And they’ll get their chance. Following Sunday evening’s performance by the Orlando Gay Chorus – a group of men and women – Pence announced the celebration would return to Fort Lauderdale next year with a site to be determined. The next celebration, Pence said, would be focused on charity and giving back to the community after two years of celebrity headliners. Moving forward, love is the essential message. “We don’t tell people we love each other enough,” Pence said. “All we hear is complaints. Right now I got a pool full of experts telling me how I should run the next event. Half the people hate me, half the people love me and I still can’t get laid.”



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Compiled by Brittany Ferrendi

Summer Campers Devise Way to Help Orlando Gay Club Victims (AP) The deadly nightclub shooting in Florida has inspired Broadway stars to sing in concerts, record songs and perform a few blocks from the massacre. Now there's an online philanthropic campaign modeled on the ice bucket challenge. Staff and campers at Stagedoor Manor, the powerhouse performing arts summer camp, have made a video of themselves singing the benefit version of "What the World Needs Now is Love" and will donate $10 to the LGBT Center of Greater Orlando each time their original post is shared on Instagram or Twitter until they reach $5,000. "It's more than the money. It's the message of fighting for tolerance and the love," said Cindy Samuelson, who runs the Catskills Mountains camp. "Right now, with everything going on in the world, it's needed more than ever. People need to be tolerant of each other."

health AIDS Institute Founder to Get Spirit Black of Justice Award

(AP) The founder and president of the Black AIDS Institute will receive the GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders' 2016 Spirit of Justice Award. Phill Wilson was an early voice on HIV in the black community. His activism began when he and his partner were diagnosed with HIV in the early 1980s. He became the AIDS coordinator for the city of Los Angeles. Photo: Facebook.

The camp's 290 kids joined by staffers recorded the song Thursday and hope to challenge some of their famous alumni to do their own recordings. So far, they've tapped actor Erich Bergen of TV's "Madam Secretary," Beanie Feldstein of the film "Neighbors 2" and Samantha Massell from Broadway's "Fiddler on the Roof." "I love that these young theater kids are learning it's not just about 'Put on a good show!' but about how art can help and connect," said Seth Rudetsky, the SiriusXM radio host whose arrangement of "What the World Needs Now is Love" was used by the campers. The effort is part of a push by Broadway performers to reach out to victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, including Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jennifer Lopez combining for the benefit single "Love Make the World Go Round."

Photo: Facebook.

Wilson has also been involved in national and international research efforts, coordinating the International Community Treatment and Science Workshop at five International AIDS Conferences. Wilson will accept the award at the 17th Annual Spirit of Justice Award Dinner at the Boston Marriott Copley Place on Oct. 28. The Black AIDS Institute, based in Los Angeles, is the only national HIV and AIDS think tank focused exclusively on black people.


Elect 1st Openly Methodists Bishop In Defiance of Ban


(AP) The Western district of the Methodist church has elected an openly gay bishop despite the denomination's ban on same-sex relationships. The Rev. Karen Oliveto was elected late Friday night at a meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, of the church's Western Jurisdiction. Oliveto is pastor of Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco. She is the first openly gay bishop in the 12.7 million-member denomination. The United Methodist Church is deeply divided over LGBT rights. Church law says same-gender relationships are "incompatible with Christian teaching." But several regional districts are openly defying the prohibition by appointing gay clergy and allowing same-sex weddings in churches. Some instances have led to trials under the church legal system. Oliveto's election could draw complaints that will prompt a review under church law.


• 7.20.2016


and Healthy: New Options for Happy LGBT Senior Living

(EDGE) Earlier this month, the New York chapter of SAGE -- Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders -- announced the development of New York City's first senior housing, with services designed specifically for the LGBT community. Their Ingersoll Senior Residences and Crotona Senior Residences will together provide nearly 230 units of housing, as well as comprehensive, culturally competent services to older LGBT adults. It's all part of a movement that's sweeping the nation. "LGBT older people face a housing crisis. These groundbreaking developments are an important step toward combating that crisis in New York City by providing not only affordable and welcoming housing, but also on-site services pioneered through SAGE's network of LGBT senior centers," said Michael Adams, Chief Executive Officer of SAGE. The Ingersoll complex, located in Ft. Greene, Brooklyn, will feature 145 units, making it the nation's largest LGBTwelcoming elder housing development in the nation. But it's far from the only one. The NYC units were built on precedents of LGBT-inclusive senior housing in California, Philadelphia and Chicago. These residences are made possible through partnerships with local government and developmental partners. SAGE launched a National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative in 2015, in response to evidence of widespread discrimination against LGBT people in senior housing. When paired with services, these residences keep LGBTs from being forced back into the closet as they age.


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7.20.2016 •


news national

politics out on the trail

Tensions Surface As Dolphin Dems Endorse Candidates

John McDonald

Photo: Facebook.

Intl. AIDS Conference Returns to Durban to Define Path Toward Ending AIDS Associated Press


he Dolphin Democrats, Broward County’s oldest gay political club, issued endorsements late Wednesday evening following a long meeting at the Pride Center. Judicial candidates gave two-minute presentations but could not be considered for endorsement. After they left the building, a parade of political candidates stated their cases. There was tension between candidates for Broward Sheriff as challenger Jim Fondo took the podium and declared the department has become “political” and morale is low. Before Fondo could continue his comments he was interrupted by Dolphins Vice President James Basmajian, a retired Navy midshipman. “No negative comments on other candidates, that’s our rule,” Basmajian declared in a room filled with elected officials, political candidates, concerned citizens and curious onlookers. Sheriff Scott Israel took the podium next and stated “morale at the agency has never been higher.” The Sheriff also said he had received a straight-A report card from the “GLBT


• 7.20.2016

community,” violent crime has gone down in Broward and he is against Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. “Violence begets violence,” he said. Ultimately, only eight candidates were endorsed out of more than 25 that spoke to the club. Dolphins board member, Tim Ross, said the supermajority rule applied in tallying the votes of membership. Fifty members voted at the endorsement meeting. Candidates endorsed were: Sheriff Israel, Mike Satz, Broward State Attorney, Ken Keechl, Florida House district 93, Nan Rich, Broward Commission district 1, Steve Geller, Broward Commission district 5, Patricia Good, school board district 2, Rosalind Osgood, school board district 5 and Robin Bartleman, school board district 9.

(AP) More than 18,000 global leaders, scientists, advocates and frontline health workers have gathered in Durban for the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), the world's largest forum devoted to any single health or development issue. The conference returns to Durban after 16 years and will feature 2,500 scientific abstracts and hundreds of events. AIDS 2000 in Durban was a defining moment in the history of HIV/AIDS. It is widely credited with ushering in a global movement to bring life-saving HIV treatment to developing countries, and paving the way for passage of the first United Nations Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the creation of The Global Fund and PEPFAR. Today, more than 17 million people living with HIV are on treatment, and both new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are falling. AIDS 2016 will focus on the work that remains to be done if the world is to achieve the global goal of ending AIDS by 2030. Despite significant progress, more than half of those living with HIV still do not have access to treatment, new prevention tools such as PrEP remain out of reach for most people in need, and the human rights of vulnerable groups are violated in many parts of the world. At today's official opening press conference, UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon warned of an immediate need for more action to avoid backsliding on progress made to date: "As a global community, we must move quickly and decisively towards achieving the targets that will help us finally bring this epidemic to an end." "This conference comes at another crucial time in the HIV epidemic," said Chris Beyrer, AIDS 2016 International Chair and President

of the International AIDS Society. "To truly succeed in all places and for all people, we must ensure that every action we take is grounded in science, respects human rights, and is fully funded for success. If we don't make the right strategic choices, we risk reversing hard-won gains. Delay is tantamount to defeat." "We have made great strides in South Africa and globally in the fight against HIV, but it is still far too soon to declare victory," said Olive Shisana, AIDS 2016 Local Chair and President and CEO of Evidence Based Solutions. "AIDS 2016 will keep attention focused on the actions needed to write the last chapter in the long struggle against AIDS." The conference theme, Access Equity Rights Now, expresses the need to overcome ongoing barriers impeding real-world progress, including a lack of funding for HIV prevention, treatment and research, and the existence of discriminatory laws and policies that affect many of those at greatest risk for HIV, such as men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs and sex workers. Central to continued success is the leadership of government officials, people living with HIV, civil society partners and advocates. Others speaking at the opening press conference included Cyril Ramaphosa, Deputy President of South Africa, Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, Nkhensani Mavasa, Chairperson of South Africa's Treatment Action Campaign and Charlize Theron, Founder of the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project and United Nations Messenger of Peace. For more information, visit www.aids2016.org.

News Briefs


Continued health

ntibiotic Resistance Threatens Gonorrhea Treatment

(EDGE) CDC currently recommends a combination gonorrhea treatment with two antibiotics -- an oral dose of azithromycin and single shot of ceftriaxone. Findings released from CDC's surveillance system for monitoring the threat of antibioticresistant gonorrhea show that the percentage of gonorrhea isolates with decreased susceptibility to azithromycin, an indicator of emerging resistance, increased more than 400 percent between 2013 and 2014 (from 0.6 percent to 2.5 percent of gonorrhea isolates). This is a distressing sign that the future of current treatment options may be in jeopardy and underscores the importance of the federal government's Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CARB) Action Plan. "The confluence of emerging drug resistance and very limited alternative options for treatment creates a perfect storm for future gonorrhea treatment failure in the U.S.," said Jonathan Mermin, M.D., director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention. "History shows us that bacteria will find a way to outlast the antibiotics we're using to treat it.

We are running just one step ahead in order to preserve the remaining treatment option for as long as possible." The combination therapy currently recommended by CDC still works. To date, no treatment failures have been reported in the United States. But signs of emerging resistance to azithromycin suggests that this drug will be next in the long line of antibiotics to which gonorrhea bacteria have become resistant -- a list that includes penicillin, tetracycline, and fluoroquinolones. Because of gonorrhea's ability to outsmart the antibiotics used to treat it, CDC has been closely monitoring early warning signs of resistance not only to azithromycin but also to cephalosporins, the class of antibiotics that includes ceftriaxone.



CLR Launches Campaign Urging RNC to Reject Support for Conversion Therapy in 2016 Platform

(EDGE) The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) calls on the LGBT community and the general public to urge delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention to reject the party's proposed platform and work to end the dangerous and discredited practice of LGBT conversion therapy. Delegates to the convention, which is set to begin Monday, will vote on a platform that includes, among other extreme antiLGBT provisions, a resolution approving the use of so-called "therapies" that attempt to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. Such practices have been condemned by every major medical and mental health organization across the country because they are known to lead to extreme depression, substance abuse, and suicide. "Conversion therapy is fraudulent, dangerous, and anti-family," said NCLR Legal Director Shannon Minter. "It is tragic that the RNC would consider endorsing this deadly practice, which has caused so much harm to young people and their families. Parents need accurate, reliable information

Photo: Facebook.

about how to love and support an LGBT child. This proposal does just the opposite, encouraging families to reject their children and, in so doing, put their lives at risk. These practices destroy families and cause harms that may never be fully healed." NCLR is at the forefront of efforts to protect youth and their families from conversion therapy. In 2014, it launched its #BornPerfect campaign to stop the dangerous practice across the country by 2019 by working to pass laws, fighting in courtrooms and raising awareness. As part of this effort, NCLR has launched a Twitter campaign to urge delegates to help end conversion and reject it as a platform. Learn more about the campaign at www. NCLRights.org/StopHate.

7.20.2016 •


News Briefs


Continued politics

ew Jersey GOP group protests party's stance on LGBT community

(AP) New Jersey Republican leaders want the Republican National Committee to remove language from its national platform they say discriminates against the LGBT community. The Record reports the Republican State Chairmen's Association made the call this week. The group unanimously urged the RNC and its platform committee to adopt more "neutral" language that neither supports nor condemns gay marriage. They say the party must show it's inclusive if it hopes to win in New Jersey. The vote was prompted by John Traier, chairman of the Passaic County Regular Republican Organization, who has married his same-sex partner. The group's resolution notes the Republican Party has supported LGBT candidates and the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage. GOP platform committee members last week approved language that opposed same-sex marriage and transgender rights.



GBT History Lessons Heading for California Classrooms

(AP) In second grade, California students will learn about families with two moms or two dads. Two years later, while studying how immigrants have shaped the Golden State, they will hear how New York native Harvey Milk became a pioneering gay politician in San Francisco. The State Board of Education unanimously approved those changes in classroom instruction Thursday to comply with the nation's first law requiring public schools to include prominent gay Americans and LGBT rights milestones in history classes. The updates are part of a broader overhaul of California's history and social science curriculum. During four hours of public testimony, dozens of speakers criticized the way the framework discusses Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Japan's use of "comfort women" during World War II, but no one objected to the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. Allyson Chiu, who just finished 11th grade at Cupertino High School, said the revisions would make LGBT students more comfortable. She and seven others spoke in favor of how the guidelines address gay issues.


• 7.20.2016

"My classmates can solve quadratic equations or cite the elements on the periodic table. They can't tell you who Harvey Milk was or the significance of the Stonewall Riots," Chiu said. The changes satisfy legislation passed five years ago that added LGBT Americans and people with disabilities to the list of social and ethnic groups whose contributions schools are supposed to teach and must appear in K-8 textbooks. The law also prohibited classroom materials that reflect adversely on gays or particular religions. Conservative opponents argued that it should be up to parents to decide how and at what age to broach sexual orientation with their children and made two unsuccessful efforts to repeal the law.

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Photo: Facebook.

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njustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Although these words were spoken almost 45 years ago by civil rights vanguard Martin Luther King Jr, they still remain true and relevant. If you have been watching the news you know that recently our country has gone through some problematic times. Compass Community Center and members of Towards a More Perfect Union provided a public outlet for members of the community to express their concerns, whether it be for the Pulse Nightclub Massacre, the Black Lives Matter movement, bigotry or gun violence. More than 100 people showed up and they had a lot to say. “I’m starting to feel like I’ve been up here in front of audiences talking about these tragedies a little too often lately,” noted Tony Plakas, CEO of Compass Community Center. This is not the first time Plakas has been involved with this sort of meeting. “In 2002, Ketly had been participating in the Community Foundation Group, they did a series of study circles that essentially brought people from different races, religions, and backgrounds together. Ketly was one of the many facilitators. During those sessions, we found out that dialogue was not enough, it was concluded that we needed to turn our dialogue into action,” Plakas said. “We needed to create a safe space where we can actually say what we are really feeling about issues related race, incarceration rates, race equity, income equality and education levels,” After Plakas gave his opening remarks, he introduced the keynote speaker for the evening, Ketly Williams from TMPU. Williams was extremely vocal about her feelings on recent events. “What a week it’s been,” Williams said. “Alton Sterling was killed on national television and I remember waking up seeing the news saying to myself once again, ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ I went through my series of anger and frustration, especially

954-565-7666 when thinking about his family. Selling CDs outside of a store, did that merit his loss of life? I can run down the list of names that I know by heart, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Trayvon Martin. Thursday I woke up first thing in the morning, the very first image that I have was of a man in a car with a bloody red shirt, while his girlfriend is videotaping and saying that the police just shot him four times, it was too much.” Cold silence and tears filled the room as Williams spoke. “I have been on this road before. I have participated in civil rights protests. I have been an activator. I have gone to meetings. I have marched. I have cried,” Williams said. “But that moment was too much for me.” Williams shared her personal struggles with racism, which included her previous bias towards same-sex marriage and interracial dating. The second part of the evening was perhaps the most impactful. Friends and community members were encouraged to break up into ten individuals groups by the evening’s facilitator, Bonny Lapin from the Lapin Company. Within the groups, several topics were discussed such as social marketing/hashtags, should the religious community be a part, funding, in addition to should law enforcement be involved. One of the purposes of the focus group was to discuss how to bring attention to the issue of racial injustice to the national level. As the meeting concluded it was evident that there is much work to be done. Plakas summed up the meeting by quoting President Obama: ‘‘If we cannot talk honestly and openly, not just in the comfort of our own circles, but with those that look different than us and bring a different perspective, than we will never break this dangerous cycle. In the end it’s not about finding policies that work, it’s about forging consensus and fighting cynicism and finding the will to make change.”

Dr. David K. Warner, DDS, FAGD Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry

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7.20.2016 •


politics republican national convention


Photo Credit: John Nowak/CNN.

GOP Delegates Ratify Platform, Express Support for Anti-LGBT Language Chris Johnson Washington Blade

(WB)Convention ratified Monday afternoon with Delegates





little opposition a party platform considered to have the most anti-LGBT language in history. As Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chair of the platform committee, presided over the convention, delegates approved the 66-page document by voice vote at 4:42 pm. The number of "ayes" among the 2,470 delegates seemed overwhelming compared to the barely audible "nays." Despite efforts from pro-LGBT Republicans to remove opposition to same-sex marriage from the 2016 platform, the document seeks to reverse the U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of marriage equality through either judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning the issue to the states. In addition to opposition to same-sex marriage, the platform also objects to use of federal law to ensure transgender people can use the restroom consistent with their gender identity, indicates support for widely discredited "ex-gay" conversion therapy and endorses the First Amendment Defense Act, a "religious freedom" bill that critics say would enable anti-LGBT discrimination. Many of the delegates and alternate delegates at the Quicken Loans Arena refused to speak with the Washington Blade on the subject of gay rights in the party platform. Dwayne Collins, a delegate from the Dallas-area in Texas, said he agrees with the platform's opposition to the samesex marriage on the basis that "marriage between a man and a man, and a woman and a woman, is just not biblical." In response to the platform's veiled endorsement of "ex-gay" conversion therapy, Collins indicated support for that language as well. "There should not be anything to

force anybody to do such therapy, but if it's out there and available, then, yes," Collins said. "But to force somebody into therapy, no, no, not at all." Collins, who identified himself as a small business owner, also voiced concerns about non-discrimination laws threatening the livelihoods of those offering weddingrelated services. "I feel intimidated by what the gay movement is doing to my business," Collins said. "I own a wedding venue, OK? It's privately owned. I rent it to people for weddings, but it's got to be a man and a woman. Now in the state of Texas, I have a little bit of protection, but in other states, if you don't do that, you get sued.” Joel Craig, an 18-year-old delegate from Colorado Springs, Colo., and pledged to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), said he supports platform language in opposition to the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage because "states should be allowed to choose what their definition of marriage is." "The states are in charge of issuing marriage licenses, why then are they not in charge of how the marriage licenses are issued?," Craig said. But Craig contested the notion the platform endorses conversion therapy. The language says, "We support the right of parents to determine the proper medical treatment and therapy for their minor children. " Not every delegate at the convention was behind the anti-LGBT planks in the Republican Party platform. Sharon Jackson, a 52-year-old delegate from the Anchorage-area of Alaska and pledged to Trump, said she's against the platform language and thinks same-sex couples should be able to wed throughout the nation. "I feel that everyone should have the freedom to feel and

do what they choose, and that's American is all about," Jackson said. Asked if applies to gay couples seeking to marry, Jackson replied, "If that's what they want to do, they should be able to do that." Jackson also said she's against platform language opposing transgender people using the restroom consistent with their gender identity. "I don't think that should be politicized," Jackson said. "It happens already, right? No one says anything, so to make it a political issue, I think, it opens the doors for perpetuators, and that's not fair, that's not fair." For a time, efforts among pro-LGBT Republicans were underway for a motion on the convention floor to strip the platform of its anti-LGBT language. A minority report signed by 37 delegates of the platform committee petitioned the Republican National Committee to replace the platform with a 1,200-word statement of 17 core principles of the Republican Party with neutral language on LGBT issues. Although only 28 delegates are needed for a successful petition, the efforts failed when the delegates who initiated the report — Boyd Matheson of Utah and David Barton of Texas — disavowed it. Giovanni Cicione, a Rhode Island delegate who circulated the petition to replace the platform, said afterwards the initiative failed amid disagreement on those behind it and queasiness in Republican leadership over a floor fight. "To have contentious floor votes on anything, content aside is very disruptive to the process that they're trying to lay out this week," Cicione said. "In my opinion, that didn't matter. This was more important than us running a convention where each speaker gets their five minutes. I think we needed to try to make a point here, but they were able to pull back."

Visit SFGN.com/RNC for daily coverage of the Republican Convention. 12

• 7.20.2016

politics republican national convention

Queen: Trump Wasn't Authorized to Use 'We Are the Champions'

Photo Credit: Facebook.

(AP) Another musical act is telling Donald Trump to stop using their music. The classic rock band Queen posted a statement on Twitter on Tuesday saying they never approved Trump's use of "We Are the Champions" during the 2016 Republic National Convention. Before Melania Trump gave a speech in Cleveland on Monday night, Trump made a brief appearance to introduce her and walked onstage to Queen's 1977 hit song. The band wrote on Twitter, "An unauthorized use at the Republican Convention against our wishes." Other musicians who have asked Trump to stop using their music include the Rolling Stones, Adele and Neil Young.

Photo Credit: John Nowak/CNN.

Log Cabin Republicans Take Out Ad in USA Today Blasting GOP's Anti-LGBT Platform (EDGE) Log Cabin Republicans has placed a full-page ad in USA Today calling out the GOP Platform Committee for drafting the most anti-LGBT platform in the Republican Party's 162year history. The ad runs Tuesday in the Cleveland edition of the largest newspaper in the United States and will be available in most every hotel where speakers, Delegates and credentialed guests will be staying during the Republican National Convention. "Response from allies to our reaction in the wake of the drafting of this vitriolic anti-LGBT platform has been nothing short of staggering," Log Cabin Republicans President Gregory T. Angelo stated. "The email sent to our members last week propelled Log Cabin Republicans to the top trend on Facebook for more than two days, and now holds the record as the highestgrossing single fundraising appeal this organization has ever sent. But this was fundraising with a purpose-I'm pleased to share that every last cent donated to Log Cabin Republicans via last week's email has been spent on this project. This unprecedented support is representative of the GOP I know, and this is the GOP our members want to see." The provocative advertisement reads, "LOSERS! MORONS! SAD! No, these aren't tweets from Donald Trump. This is what common-sense conservatives are saying about the most anti-LGBT platform the Republican Party has ever had. GOP Platform Committee: Out of touch, out of line, and out of step with 61% of young Republicans who favor same-sex marriage."

editorial glance

7.20.2016 •


politics republican national convention Photo Credit: Michael Key.

Clyburn: Election ‘Most Consequential’ of Lifetime Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade

(WB) South Carolina Congressman Jim bathroom policy, that could go before the Clyburn on Monday described this year’s justices during their upcoming term. election as the “most consequential” of Thompson: Voters must his lifetime. “I hear people telling me that they’re ‘promote our interests’ so upset about what happened in the MSNBC anchor Joy-Ann Reid primaries that they’re going to boycott their voting in November,” said the moderated the panel that took place on South Carolina Democrat during a voting the first day of the Republican National Convention. rights town hall at Cleveland Ohio state Rep. Stephanie State University that U.S. Howse (D-Cleveland), Julie Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) Clyburn Fernandes of the Open hosted. “Just remember this, specifically Society Foundations, Camille on Nov. 8 you’re going to have pointed to the Wimbish of Ohio Voice and national elections. When you U.S. Supreme Mike Brickner of the American wake up on the morning of Court and cases Civil Liberties Union were the 9th, somebody is going around voting also panelists alongside to be elected. Now whether and abortion Mississippi Congressman or not you participate in rights, the Bennie Thompson. that process or not, there’s “The greatness of this going to be an election and DREAM Act and country is that we settle our somebody’s going to get immigration. differences at the ballot box,” elected.” said Thompson. “Nov. 8 will “This is the most consequential election of my lifetime,” come, you choose your person, others choose theirs. It doesn’t matter on Nov. he added. Clyburn specifically pointed to the U.S. 9 other than who won, but we don’t have Supreme Court and cases around voting a coup. We don’t burn buildings or shoot and abortion rights, the DREAM Act and people because we are a democracy.” “It’s inherent upon us to make sure that immigration. “These things are going to end up we promote our interests,” he added. The town hall took place a day after before the Supreme Court,” he said. “Who will be sitting on that Supreme Court will a gunman killed three police officers in Baton Rouge, La. Factions within be determined by who wins on Nov. 8.” Clyburn did not mention the case of the Turkish military over the weekend Gavin Grimm, a transgender student who staged an unsuccessful coup against their is challenging his Virginia school district’s country’s president.


• 7.20.2016

politics republican national convention Photo Credit: Michael K Lavers.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation holds pre-RNC concert Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade

(WB) More than 3,000 people on Sunday attended an AIDS Healthcare Foundation concert at Cleveland State University that took place on the eve of the Republican National Convention. Gospel R&B duo Mary Mary and the Roots were among those who performed during the concert that took place roughly a mile from the arena in which the RNC will take place. Journalist Soledad O’Brien, who emceed the concert, described HIV as among the issues of “global importance.” “It is up to all of us to use our collective voices to hold those who are in elected office accountable,” she said. Cornel West, a prominent civil rights activist, was among those who also spoke. “United we stand in support of human rights, civil rights, immigrant rights and united we stand in support of the black lives matter movement,” said “Orange Is The New Black” actress Diane Guerrero. Queen Latifah and thousands of others on Saturday took part in a march in Durban, South Africa, that the AIDS Healthcare Foundation organized ahead of the International AIDS Conference.

‘We are all in this together’ Sunday’s concert took place hours after a gunman killed three police officers in Baton Rouge, La. The convention will take place against mounting security concerns in the wake of this shooting, last week’s terrorist attack in the French city of Nice and the killings of five Dallas police officers and two black men — Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La., and Philando Castle in Falcon Heights, Minn. — earlier this month. A gunman on June 12 killed 49 people and wounded more than 50 others inside a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre reiterated his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S. and to suspend immigration from areas “when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe and our allies.” President Obama is among those who repudiated the billionaire’s comments that sparked widespread outrage. “We are all in this together,” said Guerrero. “The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can work together to end this violence, to end this hate.” “Please, please do not let our opponents divide us,” she added. “We will keep our promise to vote to end hate if they don’t keep the promise to defend our rights.”

7.20.2016 •


lgbtqia bites


Lesbian & Bisexual


New Initiative Improves Health Behaviors of Lesbian, Bisexual Women (EDGE) Lesbian and bisexual women have higher rates of obesity, smoking and stress when compared to their heterosexual counterparts, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health. For the study, 266 participants enrolled in pilot programs that took place in Missouri, California, New York and Washington, DC. Each program enrolled lesbian and bisexual women ages 40 and older who were overweight. Participants were involved in weekly group meetings, nutrition education and physical activity. The five pilot programs were developed based on feedback from community focus groups of lesbian and bisexual women. Each program used either a pedometer, gym membership or mindfulness-approach to help participants achieve healthier habits. Participants completed pre- and post-intervention surveys to measure their progress. • More than 95 percent of participants


• 7.20.2016

Compiled by Brittany Ferrendi



Game of Thrones Actress Reveals Pansexual Character

Photo: Facebook.

nationwide achieved at least one of the health objectives identified by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. • Nearly 60 percent of participants increased their weekly physical activity minutes by 20 percent. • Forty percent of participants cut their consumption of alcohol and sugarsweetened beverages in half. • Twenty-nine percent of participants decreased their waist-to-height ratios by 5 percent. For more information, visit http://medicine. missouri.edu/news/

Spoiler alert – Gemma Whelan, actress behind Game of Throne’s Yara Greyjoy, revealed in an interview with Vulture that her character is pansexual. The publication asked Whelan whether she thought her character was a lesbian or bisexual. After all, Yara passionately made out with a woman during her time on the Game of Thrones series. “There's a new saying going around, ‘pansexual,’ which means if she's up for it ... I think she says, ‘I'm up for anything,’” the actress replied. “That's her ethos. I don't think she swings any way in particular, other than the way she feels at the time. She's

just open-minded, which fits the character perfectly.” Not only is she pansexual, but Whelan also revealed *SPOILER* that there may be a possible future romance between her character and Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke. “We get the idea, we get the cut of each other's jib quite quickly, and we like the size of each other — what we have to say, what we both stand for, is appealing,” she said in the interview. “Not necessarily in a sexual way, but in the way that power is attractive, and it's something we both want to achieve, and we can do it together.”

lgbtqia bites




‘From This Day Forward’ Documentary Explains Growing Up with a Trans Father (EDGE) Director Sharon Shattuck explains growing up with a trans father in the documentary "From This Day Forward." Through a series of old home movies and photos, and modern day interviews with her still-married parents and sister, Shattuck tells of learning in middle school that her stay-at-home landscape architect, painter, and musician dad was hiding his cross-dressing. The family then moved to Michigan, where dad became Trisha and underwent cosmetic (but not gender reassignment) surgeries and hormone injections. The kids were mortified when the name change had to be announced in the local newspaper. The family lost close friends; some even moved away. Trisha prefers feminine pronouns, although continues to wear both men's and women's clothing, and describes "being on a fence, a tightrope, hard to straddle." Although they never divorced, mom

Photo: Facebook.

Marcia sometimes feels disoriented because she's not attracted to the feminine. But the couple is still intimate. The film focuses on whether Trisha will wear a suit or a dress to Sharon's wedding. Trisha says, "I don't think I will ever resolve my transgender being. I'm fluid about my gender presentation. I'm trying to get by with having this ongoing conversation." For information on screenings, visit http:// www.fromthisdayforwardfilm.com




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in memoriam

Community celebrates the life of J.R. Davis

Larry Gierer 1955 - 2016

United Way CEO Kathleen Cannon

Larry's husband Carlos Lobo stands with guests.

Larry Gierer, Former Oakland Park mayor

For more photos, visit sfgn.com on facebook.


• 7.20.2016

news local

July South Florida AIDS Network Report Sean McShee The South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) functions as the networking and advisory body for the Florida-Department of Health, Ryan White Care (FL-DOH RWC) grant in Broward County. Its monthly meetings are open to the public.


his meeting discussed changes in FLDOH RWC, and heard a report from Broward RWC (Ryan White Care). Justin Bell, Florida Department of Health Broward (FL-DOH), reported on changes to its bus pass program. Rather than a monthly bus pass, it will provide a daily bus pass for each day with an appointment for RWC services. Legally, RWC cannot pay for a service if some other payer could pay for that service. Broward County has a daily bus pass program. Joshua Rodriguez, FL-DOH, reported on the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) program. Florida has again selected CVS as the Pharmacy Benefits Manager for ADAP, but now CVS will allow other pharmacies to join its network. Rodriguez clarified pharmacy complaint procedures. If RWC clients have problems with pharmacy services, they should complain to the pharmacy manager. If RWC clients have problems with their insurance payments, they should complain to their insurer. If ADAP pays their pharmacy bills and they have payment issues, they should contact Rodriguez at 954467-4700 ext. 2530. CVS will no longer process United Health Care (UHC) claims. If RWC clients with UHC have paid their out-of-pocket maximum, they can go to any pharmacy. If RWC clients with UHC have not yet paid their out-ofpocket maximum, they should go to the DOH pharmacy on 2421 SW 6th Ave, Fort Lauderdale at SW 24th St. Rodriguez also reported that a pilot program will pay for two HEP C drugs, Viekira Pak and Harvoni. Eligible people must be ADAP eligible, non-cirrhotic and co-infected with HIV and HEP C (Genotype 1a and 1b). Their physician has to request their entry to this program. Mara Michniewicz, Florida HIV Prevention Program Manager, phoned in from Tallahassee. She discussed HIV Prevention funding. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a 5-year cooperative agreement with Florida. It pays

How Many People with HIV in Broward are Served by Ryan White Care as of March 31, 2016?



Enrolled in Broward RWC

Private Care or Out-of-Care

Florida $34.8 million per year to prevent new HIV cases. Florida also receives an additional $4.3 M in HIV prevention funding. This state manages 89 HIV prevention contracts. Michniewicz noted major problems with Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) among providers and emergency rooms. They lack knowledge about PEP. She stressed the need to educate these groups to increase use of PEP. Leonard Jones reported on Broward.RWC. While 7,962 clients had enrolled in Contract Year (CY) 2014/2015, only 7,782 clients had enrolled in CY 2015/2016. Jones attributed the decline in enrollment to the Affordable Care Act moving people from a public program, RWC, to private insurance. Jones reported that Broward RWC would have its own chapter in the statewide Integrated HIV Prevention/Treatment Plan, due this September. He will post the Broward Chapter on the Internet in August for public comment. Joey Wynn stressed that while it was too late to be part of the planning process for this year, “SFAN expects to be part of next planning process.” Wynn emphasized the necessity to bring all the stakeholders to the table. Jones said that the issue was goals and objectives and “how we move forward with meaningful implementation.” SFAN has one representative and one alternate to the statewide Florida Comprehensive Planning Network (FCPN). The current representative is Kim Saiswick, and the alternate, Joey Wynn. Saiswick serves as the chair of FCPN as well as the Broward representative. SFAN will elect, at its August meeting, its representatives for the next term.

Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, August 5, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Newcomers are encouraged to attend.









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7.20.2016 •


news local

Photo: J.R. Davis.

Wilton Station Resident May Sue Over Pool Lift

Michael d’Oliveira


he Americans with Disabilities Act doesn’t require a pool lift be installed at Wilton Station, but David Ferebee thinks principle should have compelled the condo association to provide one. Ferebee, who is wheelchair-bound and recently moved into Wilton Station with his partner, Bill Cooke, wants the association to pay for the installation of the pool lift and a new battery. “I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request.” What Ferebee does find unreasonable is the expectation, by the association, that he

What Ferebee does find unreasonable is the expectation, by the association, that he should have to wheel the 300-pound lift 166 feet from a storage closet to the pool every time he wants to go swimming. 20

• 7.20.2016

should have to wheel the 300-pound lift 166 feet from a storage closet to the pool every time he wants to go swimming. Darrin Gursky, the Miami attorney representing the association, said Ferebee “wouldn’t utilize the pool alone. He would always be with somebody. It’s on wheels and it slides.” But Ferebee said his partner is in no shape to help move the lift either. Dr. Jarod Friedman, Ferebee’s physician, echoed Cooke, and wrote in a letter that it’s not reasonable to expect Ferebee to move the lift by himself. Ferebee and Cooke say the lift situation is an unfortunate episode for Wilton Station, which was designed to be very accommodating to individuals with disabilities. “It’s actually well-designed for him, ironically. The pool is one of the best things for his condition. It’s just sad now that for two months now he’s not been able to use the pool,” said Cooke. Ferebee estimates it would only cost about $500 to buy the battery and install the lift, which could also be used by two other handicapped Wilton Station residents. “A few dollars out of our almost $3 million budget to cover the maintenance of a piece of equipment we already own is definitely the right thing to do for all the right reasons,” wrote Ferebee in an email. “Why do they want to fight me on something, in money terms, is such small potatoes?” he asked.

He added that the money spent on attorney fees, by both sides, have already exceeded the cost of installing the lift. Ferebee hopes to avoid more costs, which also includes the fees he’s paid to the association, and have the issue settled without the need to go to court. Asked why he didn’t spend his own money to install the lift, Ferebee said he’s worried he could be held liable if someone is hurt using the lift and decides to sue him. Gursky said the association also has the same concerns over liability and fairness. He said his client is also worried that other residents will start making demands if the association pays for the pool lift. “Part of the problem with suggesting to do the right thing is there’s 300 unit owners there and there’s a community component. When is enough enough and when does the association have to be practical? We have a common goal with all the expenses. The association is just trying to comport with the law. The association made no promises to Mr. Ferebee as to the use of the pool. We will comply with whatever the FHA [Fair Housing Act] requirements are,” said Gursky. Bob Boutwell, one of the other two handicapped Wilton Station residents supporting Ferebee, said the pool lift is no different than any other item the association would pay to fix. “I think that

David’s request is perfectly reasonable. It’s a piece of equipment owned by the condo association. If a gutter over one unit was leaking they wouldn’t ask an owner to pay for that. It would be paid by the entire condo association.” According to the FHA, “One type of disability discrimination prohibited is the refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person with a disability the equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.” Jason Weiss, of Weiss Law Group in Coral Springs, who is representing Ferebee, said the association needs to be reasonable and allow Ferebee to “gain access to the pool like any other able-bodied resident.” But if Ferebee takes Wilton Station to court, a judge or jury might find the condo association has already acted reasonably. According to Joseph Adams of the Fort Lauderdale law firm Becker & Poliakoff, “The federal Fair Housing Act permits disabled individuals, at their own expense, to make ‘reasonable modifications’ to the common property of an association when such modifications are necessary to permit that individual to use the property for the purpose intended.” Becker & Poliakoff is a well-known law firm that represents and lobbies for condos statewide.

news national Photo: Facebook

Trump Picks Anti-Gay Governor to be VP Mike Pence has a long anti-LGBT history and record Lisa Keen


f Indiana Governor Mike Pence has one weakness in the eyes of the conservative Republican Party base, it’s that he’s too soft on LGBT people. That seemed to be the general assessment of various commentators this week as they imagined and then learned through a Twitter post Friday morning that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has named Pence as his vice presidential running mate. Trump was scheduled to hold a press conference Friday morning to announce his choice of a running mate but abruptly canceled that plan Thursday night after a shocking attack on Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France, killed more than 80 people. Trump then posted a Twitter message late Friday morning, making the announcement official. Pence, who pondered a run for the Republican nomination in 2012, is said to be well-respected among Republican conservatives, but he is not well-liked by LGBT activists. Rich Tafel, former president of the national Log Cabin Republicans group, called Pence “about one of the worst people for gay equality based on his experience in the House and as Governor.” But, added Tafel, “There is an upside.” “Pence is a favorite of the evangelicals and endorsed [Ted] Cruz. If this bus goes off the cliff, which I think it might,” said Tafel, “it is better to have the evangelicals and the white nationalists in it together. Whatever happens, they will blame others for their failure, but the fact that 85 percent of evangelicals are on board with Trump is good for those of us seeking to create a new center right party. Had Trump chosen someone more moderate, the far right would say that's why we lost.”

As a member of the U.S. House, Pence opposed every piece of pro-equal rights legislation that came to the floor in the House, including the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA) and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). He also voted for amending the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. In each of those years, his record on LGBT issues repeatedly earned him a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard. Speaking at an event in Iowa in 2011, Pence suggested that allowing gay couples to marry would lead to an economic meltdown. He told MSNBC that repeal of DADT amounted to trying to “advance a liberal social agenda” and “mainstream homosexuality.” In 2014, Governor Mike Pence led support behind a state bill to ban recognition of samesex marriages. The cut sentence called for also banning recognition of other forms of samesex relationships, such as civil unions. And in 2015, he supported and signed a bill that would have allowed citizens to discriminate against LGBT people by claiming to hold a religious belief that compelled them. Bob Vander Plaats, who has headed up antigay campaigns in Iowa, told an Iowa television station that Pence will attract evangelicals to the ticket because he is “pro-life” and against marriage for same-sex couples. But Pence disappointed some conservatives last year when –after first supporting and signing the “religious freedom” bill-- he signed a “clarification bill” aimed at “resolving controversy” and “making clear every person feels welcome and respected” in Indiana. And a number of conservatives expressed unhappiness with Trump’s choice Thursday. 7.20.2016 •




NORML's new Mission Marries industry with Responsibility Richard Gary

Business Reporter


s more and more states pass laws providing for the distribution and decriminalization of marijuana, the nation's oldest and longest running advocacy group for smokers has taken on a new role and mission. Known for defending the rights of cannabis users, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has created a business network designed to protect the rights of its newly emerging crop of corporate citizens and cannabis consumers. Allen St. Pierre, the former Executive Director of NORML, described the NORML Business Network as "an initiative seeking to bridge consumer advocacy with the cannabis industry that is developing nationally." By collaborating with marijuana companies and ancillary businesses that are committed to using their enterprise to further corporate social responsibility, St. Pierre said "NORML will insure that new enterprises integrate the interests of their customers into the fabric of their company's DNA." The founder of NORML back in the 1970's and its legal counsel today, Keith Stroup, noted "If we don't have to

Norm Kent, Business Network Coordinator

"Safety for the cannabis consumer"


• 7.20.2016

Keith Stroup, NORML's Founder 'Mixing advocacy with morality'

spend our days preventing citizens from getting locked up and arrested for smoking pot, we can turn our energies to consumer advocacy. We can fulfill our original mission and become the Better Business Bureau for cannabis consumers." Added Norm Kent, NORML's Vice-Chair, and it's Business Network Co-ordinator, "We are going to do for marijuana consumers what Ralph Nader did for cars. We are going to insure product safety, and be a seat belt for the industry. We are going to offer our business partners a 'good housekeeping' seal of approval." NORML's plan is to jealously license and lend its brand name only to start ups and new marijuana related companies which adopt "best practices" that are "fair and just for all consumers," Stroup said . NORML's business network is guided by a mission plan and a five pronged test for companies to meet in order to be admitted. Essentially a code of responsible industry practices, NORML will ask for businesses to be 'valuesdriven,' accountable and transparent, benefit employees and workers, employ steady and responsible management, as well as running a company that is a tool for positive social change. St. Pierre indicated that once businesses are vetted and accepted for admission, NORML will promote them as "preferred business partners" and promote the companies on their blog and website. With over 16 million webpage views per year , along with over 750,000 Facebook likes, the NORML endorsement is quite an incentive for emerging ganjapreneurs. Even NORML's Twitter feed has nearly 200,000 followers. The subscribing companies, which will pay a branding fee to NORML relative to its size, will receive social media boosts and promos, along with displays and literature to showcase in their establishments and on their own websites. Said NORML's chair, Stephen Dillon, an Indianapolis attorney,"our goal is to formulate a NORML 'Code of Responsible Industry Practices.' One of the pieces of literature that the organization will distribute is a poster allowing its business partners to advertise "We Do Business the NORML Way."


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Transforming Gender

Convictions Photo: Youtube.

Two Times Zero Is Still Zero

Rebecca Juro



ave you seen the new trans-positive ad that’s going to run on FOX the final night of the Republican National Convention? It’s a really terrific piece of advertising…that is, if you’re someone who’s neutral or supportive of transgender rights. However, if you’re as conservative as most of FOX’s viewers are, chances are you’ll be tuning out and going to make a snack…unless, of course, you’re too busy throwing stuff at your TV screen. One of the most basic rules of effective media and advertising is to know your audience and target your content to that audience. To have an impact you must speak your audience’s language and focus on things they care about. That’s why you don’t see football players in tampon commercials or little old ladies selling beer. Television time is expensive and so advertisers do everything they can to maximize the bang for their advertising buck by couching their sales pitches in terms which will be most appealing to the people they hope will be interested in what they’re selling, be it a product, political candidate or even an idea. Those who make the mistake of marketing based on their own tastes rather than those of their audiences will usually

find far less success than those who keep the interests of their customers paramount instead of their own. That’s why it’s inexplicable to me that the National Center for Transgender Equality and the other organizations funding this campaign are throwing away so much money running an ad like this on FOX, during the RNC no less. If the losing fight to prevent the repeal of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) taught us anything, it’s that this kind of appeal to the sense of justice and fair play of a conservative audience simply doesn’t work. Conservatives have consistently demonstrated that they’re predisposed to vilify and disparage those unlike themselves and will flock to support initiatives which attack and discriminate against those who differ from what they consider the norm, be it because of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, religion, or anything else they see as a threat to their own way of life and system of beliefs. This kind of low-key, positive ad would undoubtedly work well in appealing to liberal and neutral audiences, but it’s all but certain to be tuned out and ignored by conservatives, as evidenced by the crushing 61 to 39 percent repeal of HERO. Activist organizations led by the Human Rights Campaign completely and utterly failed to sway hearts and minds by trying to

We won’t win this debate without challenging the lies of our opponents.


• 7.20.2016

appeal to Houstonians’ better natures in the face of a pro-repeal campaign, which focused on preventing men from entering women’s bathrooms, promoting an explicit message that trans women are not only actually men but sexual predators as well. It wasn’t the positive message these organizations tried to promote which Houston voters heard, but rather the “No Men In Women’s Bathrooms” slogan promoted by repeal proponents which won the hearts and minds of conservatives voters, resulting in HERO’s repeal by a massive 22 percent margin. The lessons to be learned here are obvious, but it doesn’t seem that our activist organizations and those funding this ad are willing to learn from past mistakes. They continue to attempt to speak to conservatives as if they’re part of their own liberal constituency instead of who they truly are, people who must be convinced and their beliefs challenged, spoken to in terms they can and will understand and relate to. With the RNC making anti-LGBT discrimination a centerpiece of its 2016 national platform, it’s difficult to see how this kind of lukewarm pleading to understand

trans people without challenging any of the bigoted notions about us being actively promoted by the RNC rank and file can be considered a credible tactic for challenging the anti-trans views popularly held by the right. It’s long past time our activists finally pulled their heads out of the sand and started fighting back. We are at war here and the time for polite begging is long over. We won’t win this debate without challenging the lies of our opponents. Trying to make people feel guilty about barring someone who they see as a sexual predator from using the bathroom accomplishes nothing. Directly and effectively challenging and disproving the underlying myth is the tactic that will have real impact. The GOP has been very effective in appealing to conservative’s fear of difference and getting them to believe that trans people are a threat to their safety. If we’re to win these people over, we have to meet this challenge head-on and on their turf. We don’t have home field advantage here. We’re the visiting team, and it’s time our activists finally started acting like they get that.

Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat. Email: rjuroshow@gmail.com Twitter: @beckyjuro

column letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor Progress Bar Responds to Last Week’s Attack To the Community I love I write this letter in direct response to an editorial written by Carol Lynne Watson (“Shame on Progress Bar”) that was published in SFGN last week. Among other things, the article states that we towed two cars during a candlelight vigil that was being held at Rumors Bar & Grill. First and foremost, I would like to start out by saying I am truly sorry if I upset or offended anyone. Like many of you, I moved here in search of a family and community I did not have. It pains me to think that I hurt anyone in the community I’ve worked so hard to be a part of. That was never my intention and I’m incredibly apologetic for that.

We all know that having parking spaces on Wilton Drive is an asset. I was just protecting that asset, just like every other business on the drive.

Furthermore, I would like to say that I did not know there was a candlelight vigil going on that day. There was no mention of this event on Rumor’s Facebook page, in any magazine, nor did anyone inform us. We attempted to locate the owners of the cars and have them relocate their vehicles prior to taking that next step. One vehicle owner we were able to locate and notified this person that we would be towing his car if he did not move it. He denied being the owner, when in fact, he was. What would you do? As Carol Lynne Watson mentioned in her article, we sometimes tow cars. We have about eight signs in the lot stating this lot is for Progress Bar customers only - All Others Will Be Towed. So I have to wonder why people are surprised when it happens. I began my tenure on Wilton Drive as a server at Alibi. After a lot of hard work and determination I’ve graduated to become the general manager of Progress Bar. I take my job seriously and work incredibly hard. At the end of the day, I was just doing my job and I feel it’s unfair that I am now the target of hate for doing so. We all know that having parking spaces on Wilton Drive is an asset. I was just protecting that asset, just like every other business on the drive. The world does not stop revolving

simply because Carol Lynne Watson thinks it should. Late last week I met with her in an attempt to fix this situation. Among other topics we discussed a long list of how Progress Bar gives back to the community with our time, money, and resources. I tried to explain to her that from the profits of our family of businesses we’ve created a yearly $26,000 grant for transgender youth as well as donated over $100,000 to multiple gay charities this year alone. After explaining all of this and much more Carol Lynn Watson’s response was to shrug her shoulders and dismiss it. You don’t have to take my word for it. Stationed behind me was her partner in hate recording the meeting. Go ahead Carol, roll the tapes.

To Carol Lynne Watson: I question your motives. Let’s be real about it for a minute. You have hated Progress Bar since the day New Moon closed and have used the tragic events in Orlando to further your own personal agenda. Shame on me, Carol? Shame on you for attempting to capitalize on a horrific national tragedy and making it about you. I feel you and others have been waiting in the tall grass for that “gotcha” moment and now

you’re going to run with it. You preach of community and togetherness yet you’re the first one to trample all over that. What I did was an honest mistake. What you’re doing is malicious and deliberate. Start taking a page out of your own book.

To SFGN: What happened to the days of journalism where editors actually fact-checked their column inches? I would ask why no one bothered to reach out to us for comment prior to the article going to print, but I already know the answer. Can I give you a bit of advice? There is no you without us. When I say “us” I mean the gay business community. So the next time your publication feels the need to blindly print another “scathing,” fact less article in a failed attempt to gain more readership, you should think twice. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. This was not news in any sense of the word. Thanks for reading,

Albert Pierantoni General Manager Progress Bar

Editor’s Note: SFGN does not typically fact check letters to the editor just like we do not fact check comments on our website or social media sites. Readers are free to submit letters to the editor about any topic they wish. We are a community newspaper and one of our roles here is to provide a platform and voice to the community.

7.20.2016 •




The Danger of Statutory Rape Laws After Orlando

Amelia Roskin-Frazee “Was the gunman Orlando gay?”



parents of Hunt’s girlfriend saw “being gay as a sin and wrong,” or in other words, homophobia led to Hunt’s arrest. I haven’t heard someone generate so much In 2013, when my fellow LGBT rights activists speculation about their sexual orientation since circulated petitions to free Hunt, I argued Hunt’s Jodie Foster or Anderson Cooper. It sounds like case wasn’t different from cases involving straight teens. As a lesbian sexual assault survivor still middle school gossip, but the question has far trying to come to terms with my assault, it was greater implications. We’re really asking: did too easy to identify with Hunt’s “victim.” As I someone murder LGBT people argued in a Facebook post, “There because he hated himself? is no such thing as ‘consensual sex’ The FBI announced there’s between an adult and a minor in no conclusive evidence the Florida. It’s that simple.” statutory gunman who opened fired However, statutory rape laws rape laws at Pulse Orlando last month aren’t equally applied to straight and was gay. I, as a lesbian woman, LGBT teens like I assumed they were. aren’t equally should be thrilled. But it’s Hunt’s case actually highlights how applied to not that simple. The Family statutory rape laws are used to call straight and Acceptance Project at San LGBT teens dangerous, adding to a Francisco State University long history of conflating queerness LGBT teens linked rejection to LGBT teen and sexual deviancy. like I assumed suicide and lower self-esteem. Take Florida’s “Romeo and Juliet” While the gunman may not statute, which allows courts to grant they were. have been gay, self-hatred in teens convicted of statutory rape the LGBT community can lead exemptions from registering as sex to violence against oneself or offenders if they’re close in age to others. Amidst discussing the their partners. Sounds useful, right? harm of permitting assault weapons, we must Well, one study of 167 voter-eligible adults found discuss the harm of criminalizing queerness, 47 percent of those presented with the case of especially through statutory rape laws. a gay 16-year-old who had sex with his 14-yearWe rarely discuss statutory rape laws in the old partner thought he should register as a sex context of anti-LGBT discrimination. The most offender online. In contrast, only 24 percent notable example was the 2013 case of Kaitlyn of those presented with the case of a straight Hunt, an 18-year-old charged with statutory 16-year-old thought he should register online. rape in Florida for having sex with her 14-yearMaybe Florida’s statute isn’t that useful for old girlfriend. Hunt’s mom told Raw Story the Romeo and Romeo after all.


• 7.20.2016

Anti-LGBT discrimination also carries over to arrests. One survey evaluated all statutory rape reports made in 35 states and Washington D.C. from 2003-2010 involving two teenagers within four years apart in age. It found gay boys were four times more likely and lesbian girls were 16 times more likely than straight boys to be arrested for the statutory rape of a partner. There’s little conversation about why the criminal justice system disproportionately targets lesbian girls. Initially, the discrepancy between arrests for lesbian girls and gay boys appears at odds with the widespread popularity of lesbian porn. If lesbian porn—however high-heel-filled and made for straight male consumption—is so popular, how can lesbian girls, even including girls like Hunt who conform to mainstream (white, feminine) representations of female queerness, be so threatening? Maybe LGBT girls are punished because of our general condemnation of female sexuality. Then again, the 2003-2010 survey found straight girls were less likely than straight boys to be arrested for statutory rape. Perhaps, then, the answer lies in the idea that girls belong to men; lesbian girls like Hunt could thus be criminalized for being explicitly unavailable. The discrepancy certainly merits further discussion. The discriminatory application of statutory rape laws has drastic consequences. Often teens convicted of statutory rape must go through sex

offender treatment. The National Institute of Justice explains teen sex offender treatments include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to address “the irrational thoughts and beliefs of offenders that led them to engage in antisocial behaviors.” The quality of this therapy varies. According to a March 14 article in The New Yorker, one manual asks teens to masturbate while thinking about something “deviant,” then about something they detest like “Brussels Sprouts.” Putting aside that this may lead to vegetablefocused Fifty Shades of Grey spinoffs, anything intended to change healthy same-sex attraction sounds like conversion therapy, a practice outlawed against minors in many states—and potentially against foster children in Florida soon thanks to a proposal by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services— because it’s harmful and can lead to the level of self-hatred we feared the Pulse Orlando gunman felt. Why are we allowing this to occur daily in juvenile detention centers? Honestly, my 2013 self was tremendously privileged in being able to ignore how statutory rape laws target LGBT teens. But now, I wonder when we’ll fully address how our criminalization of queerness can lead to violence. Decriminalizing consensual sex between teens close in age is a small step in combating homophobia and transphobia, but it’s a crucial start.

Amelia Roskin-Frazee is the Founder & President of The Make It Safe Project, serves on the National Advisory Council for The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, and was one of The Advocate’s Forty Under 40 LGBT Activists in 2012. Her writing has previously been published in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and Feministing.

WMG Volume 3 • Issue 14 July 20, 2016

Wilton Manors Gazette



Pets to be Used to Curtail Park Sex

What Will the New 'Drive' Look Like? Designs coming in

By Michael d’Oliveira

Woof & Wine is partly to attract dog owners with their pets to Colohatchee Park and partly to deter those who come to the park for sex. Scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 4 from 6 to 8 p.m., the event will feature wine and appetizers, vendors, giveaways and raffles. Attendees are also encouraged to bring food. Patrick Cann, director of the Leisure Services Department, hopes the event will bring in new as well as existing park users and make people more comfortable with Colohatchee. The more the park’s used by dog owners, said Caan, the less it will be used for sex. “Activity, in terms of programming, certainly helps alleviate the problem,” said Caan. Over the last 10 to 15 years, the park has gained a reputation as a place where gay men go to cruise and have sex with each other on the boardwalk, in the bathroom and other parts of the park. Gay and straight residents alike have expressed dismay at that unwanted reputation. In one of the most recent examples, two men were arrested on May 12 by an undercover detective for fondling each other on the boardwalk. According to police, the two men came to the park to meet each other. They were charged with

By Michael d’Oliveira

lewd behavior and exposing sexual organs. Resident Michael Rajner has repeatedly criticized commissioners for charging dog park owners a permit fee while the park is still used for sex. “Perhaps the city should start issuing permits for those who want to engage in public sex on the boardwalk – just think of the money that could be raised to improve the park,” wrote Rajner sarcastically on Facebook on June 25. Mayoral candidate Boyd Corbin has made cleaning up Colohatchee one of his campaign platforms. “Safer parks for kids & dog owners – stop bathroom sex at Colohatchee Park,” reads his website. “I checked in on Colohatchee Park on Sunday and Monday. Both days there were 5 people hanging out on the boardwalk waiting to have sex in the bathroom. I talked to a few dog walkers there. One said that nothing has changed since she has been going there. Another said there's only half the people waiting to have sex in the bathrooms. Either way it's definitely not a place you'd want to bring your children. And it's still a creepy place to go to walk your dog,” wrote Corbin on Facebook on June 22. Dog owners, who have not registered yet, can do so at the event. The normal rules of the park will be in effect during the event.


For more information, call 954-390-2130.

It’s your choice. That’s what Dwayne Darbonne, from Metro Consulting Group, told commissioners during his Wilton Drive presentation on July 12. Darbonne, a consultant working with the Florida Department of Transportation, presented two possible concepts to the commission last week. The concepts involve reducing Wilton Drive from four lanes to two to make the street more pedestrian and business friendly, similar to Las Olas Boulevard. “This is your vision,” Darbonne said. “You can’t do the infrastructure and engineering without knowing what the future is.” Although the Wilton Manors officials have unanimously expressed support for narrowing the street, they want more input from residents and business owners before a final decision is made on the design. Both concepts involve shade trees, adding parking spaces and widening sidewalks. The first concept would widen certain sidewalks on both sides of the street. The second would only widen sidewalks on the west side. Officials say public buses, taxis and ride sharing services will also be considered in the design. Darbonne estimates only about two dozen parking spaces will be added. “We’ll do a few more, but it’s not going to be substantial.” Proponents of narrowing the street had hoped for 80 to 100. But the whole street won’t be redesigned.

Darbonne said only portions will be changed to have “the greatest impact, the greatest benefit” with the $2.8 million construction budget provided. But if commissioners want to add additional landscaping or other features after construction is completed, it will have to be funded by the city or through other sources, such as grants. Doug Blevins, chair of the Wilton Drive Improvement District [WDID], said that board would use its funding to help pay for improvements to Wilton Drive. Previously, the majority of WDID members have stated they were in favor of supporting the lane reduction. WDID is funded by an additional tax levied on Wilton Drive property owners. It was approved by a majority of owners. Previously, commissioners were against the lane reduction because the money would have had to come from the city. But now that the cost to alter the street won’t be something the city has to pay for, commissioner support for the project has become, they say, a matter of safety. Fort Lauderdale is narrowing Northeast 4 Avenue from four lanes to two. Officials say that if Wilton Drive is four lanes and Northeast 4 Avenue is only two lanes that will encourage drivers to speed up once they get onto Wilton Drive. “I really see this project as the only way we will slow down traffic in Wilton Manors,” said Commissioner Tom Green. WMG

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July 20, 2016

7.20.2016 •




Coup d’état

July 20, 2016 • Volume 3 • Issue 14

By Sal Torre

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

I only hope that everyone is safe and sound by the time they read this article. Last night a coup took place here in Wilton Manors, led by a band of community leaders who could no longer tolerate being marginalized and out of favor. The final humiliation must have been when the City Commission voted not to reappoint John F. to his long-held committee position. Feeling de-frocked and angry, John found it easy to join forces with Celeste E., another disenfranchised face of the past, to plot their coup and establish rule once more over our fair city. At this time. I am holed up in a bunker camouflaged as a Sewer Lift Station on NW 5th Avenue. Luckily, fellow Westsider Jon O. and I discovered this secret location a few weeks ago investigating the Lift Station after it was hit by a drunken vacation rental visitor to our welcoming city. John and Celeste successfully convinced Jake V. to join forces, promising him his own fiefdom on the Westside. Jake supplied the muscle they needed, and with his help, they were successful in blowing up all bridges leading in and out of the city. In addition, Jake supplied the manpower to cordon off and secure Jenada Isles, placing our Mayor under house arrest and turning the isle into a prison camp. With all the bridges out, our law enforcement personnel could not make it back into town with their take-home vehicles, and the city was left defenseless at the end of a twelve-hour shift that was lightly staffed due to a recent rash of “Blue Flu” caused by contract negotiations going sour over the 22 percent pay raise that they were demanding. Once securing the city, the coup leaders set their sights on those who would either help them or be a risk to their plot. Mike d’O was quickly convinced to join, after being promised title to the Kiwanis Club site. Now they had control of the press and would receive favorable headlines from the Gazette, now the official newspaper of the land. Other collaborators quickly lined up for their spoils. Surprisingly though, Kate D. resisted to the end, holed up on NW 7th Ave with extensive firepower and ferocious terriers to assist with her resistance. Now it was on to the rest of the City Commission. Julie was safely out of the city, enjoying a lovely evening on her tropical island getaway, St Croix. Justin was given time to make it to a safe house, due to John F.’s inability to find NW 30th Court, since any respectable Eastsider has not


crossed Andrews Avenue in years. Tom also was able to slip through the coup’s tightening grip over the city, disguised as a bar back from Infinity Lounge, able to fool his pursuers by pretending to empty the recycle bin out back. Scott was left alone, the coup leaders knowing that he would be ready to work with whoever was in power. Jeff H. quickly dispatched a message that he was willing to join forces with the coup. His price, a decree relieving him from having to pay the draconic fees levied on his vacation home properties. Coup leaders quickly gave in to his demands, happy to have such a vast landowner join with their forces. Other collaborators included Nick B., owner of popular nightspots around town. After gaining assurances that his neon lights would be allowed to shine brightly up and down Wilton Drive and beyond, he quickly offered his skills at operating a large supply chain utilizing boats and planes from his experience trafficking a certain product many years prior. Now the only thing left for the coup to succeed is to find the cash/ wealth to fuel the next few weeks as they continue to secure the city and establish their new order. I heard talk that they were looking for the secret stash of wealth that the Mayor has successfully raised from his campaigns. Good luck, as I am sure Eric already put that money to good use or has secured it somewhere outside the Jenada walls. If all else fails, the leaders can always impose a levy on the bars along Wilton Drive, other than Rumors of course, to pay coinage to the new realm so that their doors could remain open during Happy Hour and beyond. So this may be the new Wilton Manors. Hopefully our Commissioners-in-hiding can rally the forces and take back our city. Although some residents might find the goose-stepping up and down the Drive appealing, I for one want our city back just the way it was-wonderful!! On a more serious note, tragic news seems to be coming at us on a more and more frequent basis. Innocent bystanders are plowed down in Nice, police officers are shot dead in our cities, politicians are spewing hatred, racism, bigotry and lies, and the world is becoming a more violent place. Through all the tragedy and hate, let us carry on with a sense of humor, a bit of joy, and please don’t forget to laugh! That’s because, life is just better here… WMG

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Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER

Need an Energy Upgrade for Your Home? New options for property owners through PACE program

By Michael d’Oliveira Before last week, a homeowner who wanted a new roof would have had to pay for it all at once or take out a loan. But now that Wilton Manors has opted into Broward County’s Property Assessed Clean Energy [PACE] program, home and business owners can make expensive energy-related repairs and spread out the cost. The program, approved July 12 by commissioners, allows property owners to install energy efficient air conditioning units, cool roofs, windows, insulation, solar panels, solar water heaters, wind turbines and other energy-related improvements. Much like a loan, borrowers can pay back the cost over a long period of time. Property

owners who use the program pay for their improvements through an assessment on their annual property tax bill. “I hope people will take advantage of this,” said Commissioner Tom Green. In May, Vice Mayor Scott Newton said he brought up PACE as a way to make it easier for homeowners to make improvements to their property which, in turn, would benefit the city. Although approved by the county and multiple cities in Broward, PACE does not involve any government funding or risk. The financing for improvements is provided by private companies. Renew Financial and Ygrene have been approved by Broward

to administer the program. If a borrower defaults on the loan and fails to pay the tax, the lender can get their money back when the building is sold. The Broward County Commission approved its program on June 14. To qualify for PACE, improvements must be permitted and installed by licensed contractors and must meet all relevant federal, state, and local energy, wind and building code standards. Other Broward cities participating in PACE are Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, Lauderdale-By-TheSea, Lighthouse Point, North Lauderdale, Plantation, Copper City, Davie, Coconut Creek and Tamarac. WMG


Associated Press MEMBER


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• 7.20.2016

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July 20, 2016

Locals Angry Over New Development


“We don’t want to be Miami,” says one concerned resident

By Michael d’Oliveira More chairs had to be added to accommodate those who attended the Planning and Zoning Board hearing Monday night. The majority who spoke were against the proposed residential development at the former Center for Spiritual Living site at Northeast 26 Street and Northeast 15 Avenue. The developers, UDC, said they want a maximum of 100 condo units and change the land-use from its current commercial designation to medium high residential – 25 units per acre. The property is estimated at approximately 4.9 acres. The number of units could be lowered but developers say they won’t go higher than 100. Plans include condo units, villas, gardens, a public park on the south side of the property, community rooms and pools. It will also be LEED certified and developers said they declined to add any commercial space to keep the traffic impact to the neighborhood at a minimum. They also promised no units would be used for vacation rentals. Three access points will exist – two exit only and one entrance/exit. “The developers are trying to create a high end product,” said project architect Rene Gonzalez. Gonzalez, who grew up in Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors, said the project has special meaning to him. “This project is a project I’m treating with special care.” Planning and Zoning members unanimously approved the project. Planning and Zoning member Constance Ruppender called it a beautiful project. “It looks good. It looks way

different than it did before.” Chair Nick Berry said the project could have a positive impact on the shopping plaza where Old Florida Seafood House was located. Dennis Mele, of Greenspoon Marder, the law firm representing the developers, said the density is lower than that of most other residential developments, such as Wilton Station and Belle Isle. He also said that the traffic impact could have been much higher if commercial were built. Roberta Moore, Community Development Services director, said staff had reviewed and approved the traffic study. But residents took issue, saying it wasn’t a fair comparison because the church property has been virtually vacant for years and brought in very few vehicles. Now, it will be up to the city commission to approve or reject the project. In 2013, commissioners voted to approve a different version of the project by the same developers – a 72-unit apartment complex. But commissioners said they only approved the project to allow developers the opportunity to make some changes and come back before the commission. Before a second and final vote was held, the Center for Spiritual Living, the former landowners, sued UDC and the project was delayed. The lawsuit was eventually settled. But although no one criticized the aesthetics of the project, and at least one person against it gave compliments on multiple aspects, residents had plenty to say about much of the rest. Wearing red shirts, those against the proposal said it was too



Neon Sign Ban to Stay in Place Business owners call code “anti-business”

Commission Approves City Board Attendance Rules

You’ll be booted if you miss 3 consecutive meetings

By Michael d’Oliveira Neon signs may soon be a thing of the past in this city. On July 12, a resolution that would have directed code enforcement to refrain from enforcing the ban on neon signs failed to find support from the commission. Under the current code, neon signs are banned. “Today it’s neon signs. But what’s next?” asked Vice Mayor Scott Newton. Commander Gary Blocker said code enforcement would schedule a meeting with city staff members so “we’re all on the same page and identify what direction the city wants to go in.” Mayor Gary Resnick said not enforcing the regulations on neon signs could lead to their proliferation in residential areas. Resident and business owner Nick Berry called the neon sign ban “antibusiness” and said the commission had an “opportunity to be pro-business” by letting the signs stay in place. Commissioner Julie Carson said she counted 176 neon displays on Wilton Drive,

dense and would hurt the quality of life and the character of their quiet neighborhood by increasing traffic. They suggested 40 units would be more appropriate. “We don’t want to be Miami . . . with the glut of condos,” Elsie Chan said. “Years ago we would take any development because we were so desperate. We don’t have to do that anymore,” said John Fiore, former mayor and vice president of the East Neighborhood Association [ENA]. “This is the most significant piece of development land in Wilton Manors,” said ENA President Martin Nixon. Karl Lentzer, president of the Wilton Manors Business Association, said the project could attract new people to the city and add money to the city budget through property taxes and other revenue streams. “It’s really time Wilton Manors has a project of this stature.” Resident Michael Rajner echoed Lentzer, saying the project was beautiful and different. “Having world class buildings is important.” WMG

By Michael d’Oliveira

with most of them being “open” signs. “Nobody really knows if you’re open [without a sign]. That’s not what I want to happen.” Sal Torre, president of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors, said the city was sending “very mixed messages” by debating whether or not to enforce its own code. Commissioner Justin Flippen said the entire code section on signs should be rewritten so that the commission doesn’t have to repeatedly address similar issues. After the city reviews its sign rules, allowing neon could be one of the suggestions approved by the commission but Resnick expressed a desire to forego neon in favor of LED signs, which are much more energy efficient. “We have a green building code. Neon is the most un-green thing you can do.” WMG

Those who volunteer to be on city boards, advisory committees and task forces are repeatedly applauded by commissioners for giving their time and talent in service of the city. Commissioners now want to ensure those chosen to serve are attending enough meetings and keeping the boards, committee and task forces functioning. On July 12, commissioners voted to require the automatic removal of any member of a board, committee or task force who unjustifiably misses 25 percent of their meetings or three consecutive meetings, whichever is less. “Consistency is important,” said Commissioner Justin Flippen. Commissioner Julie Carson said she was glad nothing was being left up to discretion. “You either commit yourself or you don’t get on,” said Nick Berry, who is chair of the Planning and Zoning Board and chair of the Economic Task Force. Doug Blevins, chair of the Wilton Drive

Improvement District, reiterated his call for term limits on city commissioners as well as board, committee and task force members. Blevins wants to see more “fresh blood” make decisions in all levels of appointed and elected positions. Commissioners also approved a mandatory Sunshine training for board, committee and task force members. Because they deal with issues that impact the city in an official capacity, members are required to follow Sunshine laws, which were passed to ensure transparency in government. Mayor Gary Resnick said people need to be given the tools to understand how important the Sunshine law is. “This is what people can go to jail for.” WMG

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July 20, 2016


Andrews Ave May See Financial Windfall Area now eligible for federal funding

By Michael d’Oliveira It’s not a distinction Sal Torre wants for his neighborhood. At the July 12 commission meeting, Torre, president of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors [WAWM], jokingly lamented about the fact that WAWM, the area of the city located west of Andrews Avenue, is now eligible for Community Block Grant [CDBG] funding. CDBG funds, which are provided by the federal government, are given out on an annual basis and can be used in lower income neighborhoods. The purpose is to improve the lives of low to moderate income individuals or neighborhoods. In years past, only the Highlands Estates neighborhood was eligible for funding. “It gives us more opportunities to do things,” said Todd DeJesus, capital projects and grants manager. But now that the area west of Andrews Avenue is eligible, Torre was one of the first to offer suggestions on how the money, estimated at $64,000 if approved, is spent by the city. Those suggestions were improvements

to sidewalks, lighting and adding shade rest areas for pedestrians. And city officials say they want more suggestions. Past projects in Highlands Estates include road resurfacing, drainage, crosswalks and fencing and an emergency generator at Island City Park Preserve. Tracy Stafford, former State Representative and Wilton Manors mayor who uses a wheelchair, urged commissioners to do as much as they can to ensure people in wheelchairs can easily navigate sidewalks and crosswalks. Grant requirements, said DeJesus, demand that the money be spent on one project rather than several. Residents can submit ideas directly to the city or attend the next public hearing on the issue, scheduled during the Aug. 23 commission meeting. After the community gives its input, commissioners will make a decision and apply for the funds. Applications are due in December. WMG


Around Town

Photo: Facebook.

Check out what’s happening

By Michael d’Oliveira

National Night Out parties held Aug. 2 National Night Out [NNO] is a partnership between residents and their police department. Every year, residents hold parties in their neighborhoods. It’s an opportunity for the public and local law enforcement to meet and forge relationships. The hope is that those relationships will lead to residents becoming more vigilant about what is going on in their neighborhoods and that they will call the police when they see suspicious activity going on. This year’s NNO in Wilton Manors will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. The confirmed NNO parties are located at 664 NW 30 Ct., 509 NW 28 St., 300 NW 21 Ct., 732 NW 29 St., 2000 NE 2 Ave., 3002 NE 5 Terr. #207, 1017 NE 28 Dr., 2749 NE 14 Ave., 1512 NE 28 Dr. and 2040 N. Dixie Hwy.

Attendees are asked to bring a covered dish. Visit WiltonManors.com/index. aspx?NID=305 for more information. WMG

Bowling Tournament Benefits Shepherds A bowling tournament to benefit Shepherd Help And Rescue Effort [S.H.A.R.E.] will be held on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Manor Lanes, 1517 NE 26 St., Wilton Manors. S.H.A.R.E. volunteers rescue German shepherds, educate the public about kill shelters and raise money for vaccinations, dog food and other

supplies. The cost to bowl is $20 per person. Bowlers must pre-register. A party will be held for bowlers after the event. The cost is $10 for bowlers and $20 for non-bowlers. Two drinks, beer or wine, are included for the price of the party. There will also be raffle prizes and an auction. Visit ShepherdHelp.org to register. WMG

Budget workshops The city’s first budget workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the city commission chambers, 2020 Wilton Drive. The second budget workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 p.m.

A tentative millage rate and special assessment rates will be set at that meeting. The third budget workshop will be held Tuesday, Aug. 23 at 6:30 p.m. WMG

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July 20, 2016

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Seeing In The Dark


Creating Jobs for Individuals with Employment Barriers Belo Cipriani

SanFran nonprofit designing a difference


o matter what happens in the competitive worlds of retail and runway, the fashion industry has had a long history of supporting social justice causes.

Swimwear designer Rebecca Cahua is continuing this long legacy of giving back to underserved communities through new workshops offered by her apparel nonprofit, Designing a Difference. With the new services Designing a Difference will start offering this July, Cahua plans to create jobs for people with employment barriers, such as discharged female inmates, the homeless, veterans, and people with physical and mental disabilities, by preparing them to work in retail and the apparel manufacturing industry. Through workshops in sewing and merchandising, Cahua plans to give new career opportunities to these oftenoverlooked populations. While the 30-year-old Executive Director may be new to the world of nonprofits, she is no rookie when it comes to being an agent of change. Cahua is a long-time philanthropist and the curator of #HashTagLunchBagSF -- a charity movement that has been feeding the homeless in San Francisco for the last two years -- and has received support from the NFL Alumni Association, Golden State Warriors, and Citibank. "Once I realized my ability to make things happen, I decided to make things happen! I realized I had the power to make change by bringing people together to help others, so why wouldn't I do just that?" Cahua said. Joining Cahua, as the Assistant Director of Designing a Difference, is fashion producer and 25-year-old San Francisco resident Eduardo Aguire. “Getting the training center situated in order to create the best learning environment for the upcoming class is our first initiative,” Aguire said.


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The first cohort of 15 students being put through the workshops this month are a mix of homeless youth and teens with disabilities. Aguire shares that finding the inaugural group was not an easy task, and that it took a lot of research from their network of staff and volunteers to recruit the hopeful class. Aguire promises the assembly of fashion enthusiasts will enjoy the curriculum. “The program has been very thought out and developed to be interactive, fun and insightful,” he said. In addition to improving job prospects for disenfranchised demographics, Designing a Difference also aims to advance the fashion apparel business in San Francisco. “The city faces significant barriers, such as the high prices to manufacture, leasing cost of facilities and a lack of resources,” Aguire said. The nonprofit hopes that by creating a polished fleet of apparel workers, the fashion industry will expand in San Francisco. Designing a Difference has partnered with Linda Hannawalt of QuiltWorks Collaborative, who generously donated a facility and the equipment to start the first training program. They have also received support from Jeremy Taylor (aka DJ PNUT), who has previously helped with the production of fashion shows, and will continue to work with event production in the future. To become a volunteer, or to learn more about Designing a Difference, you can check out their website at DesigningADifference.org, and follow them on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Rebecca Cahua. Photo: Facebook.

Belo Cipriani is the award-winning author of Blind: A Memoir and Midday Dreams. He is a disability advocate, and is currently the national spokesman for 100 Percent Wine -- a premium winery that donates 100 percent of proceeds to nonprofits that help people with disabilities find work. Learn more at www.BeloCipriani.com.

Convictions Terry DeCarlo (far left), the Executive Director of the GLBT Community Center of Central Florida located in Orlando, stands next to his husband William Huelsman during a visit to South Florida Gay News this week. Two of SFGN's staff join them for a photo; Mike Trottier (right center) and Brendon Lies (far right) are among those on staff who thanked DeCarlo for his commitment in helping the community recover after the tragic events in Orlando. Photo taken by Char Pratt.

7.20.2016 •


lifestyle books


'The Charm Bracelet'


by Viola Shipman

Terri Schlichenmeyer







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follow the action.

sfgn.com 34

• 7.20.2016

he jewelry you wear tells a story.

A ring on your left hand, third finger, says to the world that you stood up once and vowed to love and honor. A brightlycolored stone says you were born in a certain month. Sparkles around your neck might tell of a vacation, an apology, or a whim, and in the new book “The Charm Bracelet” by Viola Shipman, the tales of three women are told by the jewelry on their wrists. For every milestone day that Lolly Lindsay had, she received a special gift. Her mother started the tradition by giving Lolly a charm for her bracelet one birthday; that charm, like each to come, signified a dream or a wish, and was accompanied by a special poem meant to remind Lolly that she was loved. Over the years, the bracelet became heavy with metal and memories – the summer before her mother died, the boy she grew up to marry, the best friend she cherished – and when she had a daughter, Lolly started the tradition with her own little girl. Always a pleaser, Arden was exasperated with her mother. Even as a child, she was embarrassed by Lolly’s free-spiritedness, her sense of style, and by Lolly’s idea of what was fun. As soon as she could, Arden moved away from her mother’s Michigan home to live a buttondown Chicago life that was comforting to her. But now, in the twilight of Lolly’s life, Arden felt guilty for not spending more time with her mother – or her daughter. Graduating with a degree is an accomplishment, but Lauren wished she could tell her mother the truth: she really wanted an art degree, not a business one.

c.2016, Thomas Dunne Books $25.99 / $29.99 Canada 298 pages Lauren knew that her mother worried about money; Arden, come to think, worried about a lot of things, which was maybe why Lauren was closer to her grandmother. She and Lolly were like two peas in a pod. Like two charms on a bracelet – one of whom was quietly losing her luster. There’s a basically good premise to the story inside “The Charm Bracelet.” Sadly, that story begs – pleads – for help. Reading this book is rough: names are employed to a frequency that’s distracting and pronouns are at a premium. The female characters “jump up and down” a lot and it seems as though somebody’s crying more than they’re not; as for the male characters, one’s a stereotypical Mean Dad, one is predictably hunky (do you see where this is going?), and a simple farmer-type is honestto-goodness called “Clem.” I whined a lot while reading this book and I might have ditched it, were it not for the above-mentioned basically good premise. Author Viola Shipman (a pseudonym for memoirist Wade Rouse) offers a sweet generational-family, cabin-in-the-woods story told through memories and jewelry, which could’ve been really cute. Alas… I think that, if you can overlook the flaws and not-so-charming facets, you might really enjoy this mother-daughter-granddaughter story. If those things bother you, though, “The Charm Bracelet” is a gem that’s awfully tarnished.

lifestyle tech addict

Memorial at the Museum Gotta Catch ‘em All! Chris Ayala


aybe you've heard about it on the news or seen people wandering in circles with their camera phones pointed to the ground. As though we didn't have enough reasons to bury our faces in cellphones, now searching for Pokemon has become the latest trend. Nintendo, with the help of a software company called Niantic, has released one of the most unique games to land on the app store. And being judged by the popularity so far, the executives are probably bathing in a bathtub full of $100 dollar bills. If you’ve been hiding under a rock since 1995, or probably living the lifestyle of an Amish person, then you may not be familiar with the term “Pokemon.” No, it’s not the nickname of a Jamaican power bottom. According to Wikipedia: Pokemon is centered on fictional creatures called Pokemon, which humans known as trainers catch and train to battle each other for sport. It all began with a Game Boy video game featuring adorable creatures with unique powers, like Squirtle, Snorlax, Charizard, and the ever-popular Pikachu. Pokemon Go (available on iPhone or Android devices) uses the camera on your phone to locate animated creatures in your area using what’s called AR. AR is a mixture of reality and animation on your screen. With the help of GPS location services, you can now wander around and catch the cute creatures throwing Pokemon balls to imprison them. The goal is to collect as many as possible to compete against other players in tournamentstyle gyms. You can find them anywhere like stores, parks, street corners, and bath houses (though I don’t recommend pulling your camera phone out there, I’ve already been banned). If only Grindr made such a fun app to find men. I'm sure throwing balls at them will draw their attention. As with any game launch, server issues have made the game unplayable at times.

With millions of users, it was sure to happen. Updates are promised from the software company to address these issues soon. Like with every exciting phenomenon, there will still be situations to ruin the fun. This game has already discovered many downsides. Players have been wandering into bad neighborhoods only to get robbed of their phones. In Wyoming, a girl found a dead body while searching for a Pokemon. Also, businesses are being annoyed with unwanted patrons in their stores only looking for the little monsters and placing signs up that paying customers are only allowed to wander their business. A major wreck in Massachusetts was caused by an individual attempting to catch one of the rare Pokemon in the center of a highway. Also nudist resorts are barring any use of the cameras on your phone to find the beasts. Here’s some tips of how to play the game without getting yourself in trouble:  DO play with other gamers that you encounter on your scavenger hunt. You may find a best friend. DON’T point your phone at a random hot guy’s crotch to snap a picture and blame it on the game.

Our Fund and the South Florida Gay News Thank the following individuals and companies for their contributions and kindness in making the benefit at the Museum for victims of the Orlando Massacre a meaningful event which successfully raised money for the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Kalis-McIntee Funeral Home Flowers Wilton Manors

 DO get some much needed exercise by walking some of the prime areas in your town. DON’T run into a pole while doing it.

The Pink Submarine

 DO some driving to find Pokémons anywhere in the city. DON’T try to catch them while you’re driving.

The Museum of Art

 DO cover-up to avoid sunburn and heat exhaustion. DON’T walk around the neighborhood in your pajamas.  DO show fellow gamers the little monster you caught. DON’T offer to then show the little monster in your pants.

Chris Ayala studied screenwriting and worked in television in Los Angeles before pursing his dream of writing novels. He currently resides in Fort Lauderdale where he’s published two series: the fantasy saga “The Last Days” and the gay concentration camp novella “Confinement.”

Home Depot

Print Basics South Florida Symphony Orchestra AIDS Healthcare Foundation Raquel Williams, Vocalist Brendon Lies, Designer Anthony Cedeno, Designer

7.20.2016 •


feature cover League of Women Voters of Florida. Photo: Facebook.

Florida Gun Control Letter Falls on Deaf Ears

League of Women Voters of Florida want Governor Scott to pass gun control legislation Dori Zinn Despite more than 80 organizations across the state and together to work on this issue,” Brigham said. “Something a few from around the country asking Florida politicians to has to be done about gun violence.” increase gun control, the governor isn’t listening. The Florida Coalition to End Gun Violence — formed Eight days after the Pulse shootings in Orlando, The within LWVF in the wake of the Pulse shootings — originally League of Women Voters of Florida (LWVF) requested had 40 organizations sign the letter that was delivered to Florida Governor Rick Scott, Senate President Andy Tallahassee. Now just a few weeks later, the partnerships Gardiner and House Speaker Steve Crisafulli to hold a special have doubled. session on banning assault weapons “We’re continually adding to the list, from and increasing background checks. The Florida Council of Churches to Doctors for state government is currently in recess America,” she said. “We even have groups like "In the wake of the until November. Florida Parent/Teacher Association.” worst mass shooting LWVF hand-delivered the letter to LWVF Pamela Goodman said it’s time for Gov. Scott and others on June 20 and the the state to do more for the residents. in recent U.S. history, deadline to call for the special session, “In the wake of the worst mass shooting in Floridians are asking July 4, passed without any comment recent U.S. history, Floridians are asking for from Tallahassee. Meanwhile, more more than prayers and vigils from our elected for more than groups across the state are signing representatives,” Goodman said on the LWVF prayers and vigils the letter every week, including LGBT website. “Other states have helped to protect organizations The Pride Center at their citizens by enacting reasonable gun from our elected Equality Park, Gay Key West/Key West legislation. Don’t pass the buck to federal representatives." Business Guild and Equality Florida. government.” As of press time, there are more than The letter states that due to their immense - Pamela Goodman 80 organizations who signed the letter destructible power, semiautomatic assault LWVF asking for more gun control legislation. rifles should not be widely available to Patti Brigham, the first VP of LWVF regular citizens. and the state-wide gun safety chair of “There is simply no reason for private the League, says they started the letter two days after the citizens to have access to weapons like the MCX Carbine Pulse shootings in Orlando. [rifle] used to murder the 49 people in Pulse Nightclub in “The idea was to bring many groups and organizations Orlando on June 12, 2016,” the letter reads. “Florida should

follow the lead of the seven states — California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York — that already prohibit large capacity ammunition feeding devices that hold over 10 rounds.” This isn’t the first time LWVF has fought bad gun bills. Earlier this year, the group won the fight against campus carry laws. But when the Pulse shootings happened, Brigham said it was time to be proactive. “When Pulse happened here in our own backyard, we felt it was time to widen our reach and begin to go after proactive gun legislation instead of fighting bad gun laws,” she said. “It’s important we fight those bad gun bills, but at the same time we are making it a mission to focus on background check expansion and a ban on assault weapons.”

To see the full list of organizations that have signed on in support or to add your group to the list, visit TheFloridaVoter.org. 36

• 7.20.2016

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Producer Charlotte Mars (left) and Director Maya Newell at the NYC Premiere

Photo: Christopher Adams

lifestyle tonys talks

Australian Documentary GAYBY BABY Gets Love At Its NYC Premiere Tony Adams


t the New York City LGBT Community Center on West 13th Street, I attended the May 1 New York City premiere of the fascinating Australian documentary film, “Gayby Baby” which tracks the lives of four same-sex couples with children at the precarious age between childhood and adolescence. Guess what? Gay parents are just as imperfect and loving as straight ones, and their 12 year-old children are just as wonderful or exasperating as are those of opposite-sex couples. One lesbian mother depicted has issues with men and her son’s obsession with professional wrestling. Another is something of a stage mother, hoping her daughter will have a singing career, and a third has a problem with her young son’s proclamation that he does not believe in god. The male couple is frustrated by their unsuccessful efforts to deal with the learning disability of their son. The difficulties faced by each of the four families make you want to laugh or cry at the inevitably twisted paths every child must take to adulthood and to reconciliation with the parents life has handed them. One of the children, a blonde boy named Gus who is a born performer and a sly charmer, steals the show and makes the audience demand a series of sequels just so we may follow the life of an extraordinary youngster who is more than a handful for his two mothers. In discussion with the film’s producer Charlotte Mars and director Maya Newell, I learned that “Gayby Baby” had been scheduled to be screened in 80 Australian schools before a prominent newspaper took the position that the film was propaganda for “the gay lifestyle” and ought to be kept out of schools. As a result, the showings were prohibited. The argument about the educational value of “Gayby Baby” continues to rage in Australia where LGBT rights are not yet secure. Newell noted that there is optimism that next year’s voting will result in the election of more liberal leadership for Australia. Mars and Newell talked about the crowdsourcing they used to get the film made and about their selection of which couples to feature.


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The many people who funded the film knew that it would celebrate the idea that same-sex couples with children ought to be accepted, and integrated. In addition, Mars and Newell wanted to depict the chosen families without scrubbing. You’ll see parents who smoke around their children, for example. Those cigarettes could have been edited out but were not. Interestingly, Newell says she let the four sets of parents have a say in what eventually made it into the final cut and what was discarded. This is an unusual approach to documentary film-making where, all too often, a director “steals” intimacies granted by the subject and absconds with footage that will be valued according to its sensationalism. Newell and Mars cared about these four families and deliberately asked for their participation in the portrayal of their private lives. The film has an almost brutal honesty about how families gay or straight navigate themselves, and an admirable honesty about how parents and children overcome their own flaws when overriding love is the centerpiece of the family. Anyone should, upon viewing this engrossing film, be pleased to have any of these beautifully and naturally imperfect families as next-door neighbors. As I watched “Gayby Baby” I thought about the several same-sex couples I know who have chosen to become parents via adoption, surrogacy or ex-spouses, and I was reminded that children brought into this world willingly have a head start, but will still have to deal with the inevitable foibles of their parents. “Gayby Baby” shows us that kids are as resilient as weeds. Given some love, they will do just fine. “Gayby Baby” is exactly the kind of film that can change the hearts and minds of those who harbor unnecessary fears about the safety and destiny of the children of same-sex couples. If you are already convinced about LGBT equality, “Gayby Baby” will introduce you to some loveable parents and children and will entertain you with the stories of their lives that are extraordinary just because they are so terrifically ordinary. For more, TheGaybyProject.com

7.20.2016 •


lifestyle food

Rick Karlin


New Kids on the Block

n resort towns such as Wilton Manors and Fort Lauderdale we’re used to seeing new faces every day – on visitors! However, when new dining spots open within a few weeks of each other in the same mall, or on the same block, it causes us to sit up and take notice. Two new places opened in the Union Planters Mall on Federal at 24th (between Whole Foods and Dick’s Sporting Goods) and the others, while not open yet, will be on the 2100 block of Wilton Drive. Spring Chicken 2400 N. Federal, Ft. Lauderdale 954-780-3050 EatSpringChicken.com This Miami-based mini-chain (there are locations in South Beach, Coral Gables and at MIA) just opened its first Fort Lauderdale location. Don’t confuse this place with Popeye’s or KFC. Although Spring Chicken specializes in Southern-style fried chicken, it does so in a more upscale setting. It’s still fast food, but the décor is more reminiscent of a farmhouse kitchen than a fast-food dining room and dine-in meals are served on real plates and bowls. The main focus is Lewellyn’s chicken, raised without steroids, hormones, or antibiotics, on an allvegetarian, pesticide free, corn and soybean diet. The fare is a bit more upscale as well, with an emphasis on fresh ingredients and it has been packed almost since the day it opened. Salads are made to order with seasonal ingredients, pickles are house-made and the biscuits are fresh out of the oven. “Blue plate” dinners average about ten bucks; each offers a choice of two drumsticks, two wings, dark (thigh and drumstick) or white meat (breast and a wing) or three tenders, served with fries and coleslaw (it doesn’t say so on the menu, but you can change your sides for a slight up-charge). A sandwich with the addition of a side will also cost you a sawbuck. Among the sandwich options are a choice of boneless thigh or breast served on a bun or a biscuit. My favorite is Mama’s Chicken Biscuit; a crispy chicken thigh topped with pepper jelly and house pickles, served on a flaky biscuit. I get a side of the mac and cheese, which some might find on the dry side, but which is perfect to me. Other side options, in addition to fries and slaw, are baked beans, side salad or the refreshing watermelon salad. For those seeking something healthier, there are a variety of salads, or you may opt to have your chicken grilled instead of breaded and fried, but that’s like going to a whore


• 7.20.2016

Spring Chicken

house and spending the time chatting on the porch. Poor vegetarians aren’t given their due, they can choose from salads, the sides or a veggie sandwich (avocado, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and alfalfa sprouts on whole wheat bread). Would it kill them to keep a few frozen “Chix” patties on hand? FitLife Foods 2414 N Federal, Ft. Lauderdale 954-666-0796 EatFitLifeFoods.com We’ve all had those days when time has gotten away from us. We’re driving home and are so ravenous we could take a bite out of the steering wheel. So, we pull in to some fast food joint, order a whole lot of unhealthy food and then feel guilty all night. Tampabased FitLife Foods knows what that’s like and has pre-packaged meals to take care of days like that. In 2011, Chef Andrew Ruga and David Osterweil began with a single store in South Tampa, but it started with a bigger idea – give people option of all-natural, healthy meals that are as convenient as fast food. Pick up one meal, or a full day’s worth, if you’re looking to eat healthier, whether it’s for weight loss or general well-being. With more than 70 items ranging from breakfast sandwiches to a quick lunch, from snack bars to full meals there’s always something for a last-minute meal without the fast-food guilt. For example, the Farmhouse Scramble is a satisfying breakfast and only 240 calories, yet provides 16 grams of protein. The Korean beef bowl provides a filling portion (most lunch and dinner entrees are available in two sizes) for 320 calories with 28 grams of protein. Even if you add in the peanut butter oat crunch as a night-time snack, you’ll still keep the calories and fat grams low. Following FitLife’s plans, it’s easy to keep your day’s caloric intake down to less than 1,500, without sacrificing nutrition. If you decide to follow the meal plan and pick up three meals for each day, stopping in every few days for the fresh (never frozen) meals, you’ll probably spend about $25-$35

Photo: Facebook

per day. That’s not much more than you’d spend grabbing a breakfast sandwich or bagel, lunch at a fast food place and making your own dinner. Sign up for the discount plan and you’ll even get some free meals in there. I’ve tried a few of the entrees and they’re pretty good. The snack bar is like crack and really wards off those mid-afternoon cravings. Augment the dinner entrees with a side salad, and you’re good to go. The new places on Wilton Drive haven’t opened yet (at least as of this writing), but are in the works, and will add a little variety to the preponderance of Thai and sushi places that dominate the dining landscape in town right now. Ethos Greek Bistro 2055 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 754-999-0050 EthosBistro.com Coconut Creek’s Ethos wins as many raves for its new interpretations of Greek cuisine as it does for its legendary portion sizes. We’ll see if the management brings that kind of success to the beautiful dining room that has been sitting empty at the


southern end of Wilton Drive for too long. Ethos will be open for lunch. If the menu is similar to the Coconut Creek location, that means complete lunch platters for $12 (a choice of gyro, grilled chicken, kefte, pork tenderloin or veggies) or $15 (for shrimp, steak or salmon), served with a Greek salad, spinach rice, rosemary red potatoes, pita and yogurt sauce. While traditional apps, entrée, sandwiches and salads will be available, there will also be a selection of mezze, small plates made for sharing. Ethos will have a full bar and a selection of Greek and international wines. Bubbles & Pearls 2037 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-533-9553 BubblesNPearls.com Wilton Manors gets its first celebrity chef when openly lesbian Top Chef contestant, Josie Smith Malave opens Bubbles & Pearls, her champagne and raw bar later this summer in the space formerly occupied by 13 Even, a few doors south of Ethos. The globally inspired neighborhood spot will focus on serving up small plates.

t the southern end of that same block of Wilton Drive, there are even more new kids on the block. After a distinct downhill turn when taken over by new management a couple of years ago, Wilton Manors landmark bar and restaurant, Tropics has been sold. One of the first things the new owners did was poll customers and they found out 90 percent hated the changes the former owners made to the menu (Hey, one look at the empty dining room could have told them that.) while they jacked up the prices. Tropic’s “new” new owners; Jackson, Gary and Mark have brought in restaurant consultants to give the place a fresh start. You’ll be able to top off that meal with an ice cream cone at Andee’s, which has taken over the former Hershey’s (aka Double Dippers). Co-owners Andy Martin and Tony Dee have added hot dogs to the menu and plan to expand the offerings even more after they get a summer under their belt.

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W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




nightlife Head down to the Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors for a face-off by The Dynamic Duo, Gerianne and Eric, in the ultimate dueling pianos experience. This talented twosome will perform your favorite Broadway, pop and Disney classics with a few twists thrown in. The show starts at 8 p.m. Later, DJ Marky Mark will be spinning your favorite dance tracks. More information at VillagePubWM.com.



movies After nearly 20 years, Eddy and Patsy are back and, this time, they’re on the big screen in “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie.” The wackiness picks up after London publicist Edina Monsoon (Jennifer Saunders) and her best friend Patsy Stone (Joanna Lumley) flee to the French Riviera after they accidentally knock supermodel Kate Moss into the Thames River. Check local listings for theaters and show times.

Mano a Mano, Cuba’s first openly gay vocal musical ensemble, will perform on Saturday night with the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida at the Sunshine Cathedral. The group, described as a cross between Take 6 and Pentatonix, is on a historic tour of the U.S. Photo Credit: Submitted.


7/23 SUN

7/24 MON

7/25 TUE






Experience musical history tonight when Mano a Mano, Cuba’s first openly gay classical music group, joins the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida tonight at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The special concert, “Fraternidad,” will explore both the diverse cultures and common musical harmonies of Cuba and the United States. Tickets are $25 – 45 at GMCSF.org.

If you missed “The Naked Magic Show” last season, you’ll definitely want to reserve your tickets today. Those cheeky Australian magicians are back and they’re making their clothes disappear again at the Broward Center Friday, July 22 – Sunday, July 24. This boisterous R-rated magic show strips away the top hats and capes, leaving only impressive full frontal illusions. Tickets are $45 – 65 at BrowardCenter.org.

This summer, the South Florida Theater League is presenting staged readings of new plays at theaters across the region. Tonight at 7 p.m., experience “STET,” an absorbing drama by Kim Davies, at Arts Garage, 180 NE 1st St. in Delray Beach. Davies was the playwright behind “Smoke,” the critically-acclaimed thriller that was a huge hit at the unique arts space last season. Tickets are $10 at ArtsGarage.org.

Kirk, Spock, Uhura and the crew of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise return to theaters in “Star Trek Beyond,” the latest sequel after the 2009 series reboot. Our heroes are forced to abandon the ship after a devastating battle and struggle to survive on a hostile alien planet. Director Justin Lin dishes up plenty of action as the iconic franchise celebrates 50 years. Check local listings for theaters and show times.


• 7.20.2016

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a&e film

Photo: Facebook.

Get A Sneak Peak At Looking Film John McDonald

a&e theater Chris Crawford stars in “Buyer & Cellar” by Jonathan Tolins, currently playing at Actors Playhouse in Coral Gables.


ne of the stars of the upcoming “Looking” film will be in Fort Lauderdale next Thursday to answer questions. Frankie J. Alvarez, who plays scruffy Agustin in the HBO series about a group of gay guys living in San Francisco, is scheduled to attend a special screening of the film July 21 at the Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 Sunrise Blvd. The screening is presented by the MiFo LGBT Film Festival, which returns to Fort Lauderdale Oct. 7-16. Alvarez, festival officials tell SFGN, will attend the next week’s screening and participate in a question and answer session following the film. “Looking” drew lots of chatter during its brief HBO run for issues such as transgender life, inter-racial dating and office relationships. Alvarez’s character, Agustin grappled with substance abuse and being in a Serodiscordant love affair. The screening begins at 7 p.m. To purchase tickets, visit www.mifofilm.com

Credit: Brooke Noble.

Actor Shines in One-Man Show as Ultimate Streisand Insider J. W. Arnold


ew of the jokes were lost on the diehard Barbra Streisand fans in the audience at Actors Playhouse this weekend. And if they were, the offenders should have immediately surrendered their gay cards at the door. The show was the ultimate gay fan homage to Babs, Jonathan Tolins’ oneman comedy, “Buyer & Cellar,” the story of an unemployed actor who finds himself employed as the lone shopkeeper at the vintage shopping mall the actress-slashdirector built under her Malibu compound. While the story comes from the imagination of Tolins, who once met Streisand, the mall is indeed real, inspired by a museum in Delaware, a quaint place to display the thousands of items she has purchased over the years. The mall and the other buildings on the property are beautifully chronicled in Streisand’s 2010 coffee table book, “My Passion for Design.” Carbonell Award-winner Chris Crawford portrays the actor, Alex More, as well as seven other characters in the fast-paced, 95-minute production in the Coral Gables theater’s intimate upstairs space. With breakneck speed, Crawford transitions between Alex; his jealous boyfriend Barry; the acerbic house manager Sharon; the current “Mr. Streisand,” actor James Brolin, and, of course, Streisand herself. After days of dusting away the hours downstairs, Alex’s only customer finally makes an appearance to peruse the doll shop. After much haggling over several

days, Alex “sells” her an antique French automaton, but that would become just the start of the relationship that eventually sees him “coaching” her for her next film project, Mama Rose in an adaptation of “Gypsy.” Early on, Alex confesses he is not a “Barbra queen” but acknowledges that such adoration is a part of his gay DNA. This realization comes after he catches a glimpse of the dress the singer wore while performing her classic song, “People.” Alex begins to feel Streisand is a friend, blurring the clear role set forth early by Sharon and eventually alienating Barry. Crawford is extremely likable and empathetic as Alex and he successfully walks a fine line between comedy and camp. His Barbra is not quite a drag queen—and gay readers will understand what I mean by that statement—but still a humorous caricature that emphasizes the star’s well-known idiosyncrasies. Under David Arisco’s direction, the gregarious and chatty Alex is constantly on the move, relegating certain characters to different sections of the spare multi-level set by Gene Syffer. Projections taken from Streisand’s book set the scene throughout the play. The technical demands are few, save for some rapid-fire lighting cues, as Crawford must ultimately sell the play. Judging from the reaction of that Sunday matinee audience, he unquestionably succeeded. Now, where can I find that book by Barbra Streisand?

See Jonathan Tolins’ “Buyer & Cellar” starring Chris Crawford through Aug. 7 at Actor’s Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Performances are Wednesday – Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets are $53 at ActorsPlayhouse.org.


• 7.20.2016

a&e film The crew of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise returns to the big screen this weekend in the 13th film of the Star Trek franchise.

Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Trek Sequel Boldly Goes 'Beyond' Sparks Social Media Controversy

J. W. Arnold


s diehard “Trekkies” eagerly await the opening this weekend of “Star Trek Beyond,” the 13th film in the 50-year-old science fiction franchise, controversy over one of the characters is just simmering down. Director Justin Lin and writer Simon Pegg received unexpected criticism to their announcement that ship’s helmsman Sulu, portrayed by John Cho, would be depicted in the film as a gay man raising a daughter. The decision was originally intended as a nod to openly gay actor and LGBT activist George Takei, who originated the role in the 1960s series. Takei told The Hollywood Reporter, “I’m delighted that there’s a gay character. Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of (Gene Roddenberry’s) creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate.” The Twitterverse and other social media immediately lit up, sparking dissent from Zachary Quinto, another openly gay actor who portrays Spock in the J.J. Abrams reboot. Quinto fired back, "I get it that he's has had his own personal journey and has his own personal relationship with this character but, you know, as we established in the first ‘Star Trek’ film in 2009, we've created an alternate universe." He continued, "My hope is that eventually George can be strengthened by the enormously positive response from especially young people who are heartened by and inspired by this really tasteful and beautiful portrayal of something that I think is gaining acceptance and inclusion in our societies across the world, and should be."

In an earlier statement, Pegg also addressed concerns about the character living in the closet: "At no point do we suggest that our Sulu was ever closeted. Why would he need to be? It just hasn’t come up before." To gain more insight into the controversy, SFGN spoke with Dave Marinaccio, a D.C.area advertising executive and author of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching ‘Star Trek.'” The book, first published in 1994 and followed by a volume devoted to “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” explores lessons of morality and multiculturalism hidden in the scripts penned by “Star Trek” creator Roddenberry and his successors. “I’ve met George (Takei),” said Marinaccio. “I’ve been on panels at conventions with George. He’s a man of strong opinions and has carved out an interesting niche for himself.” Marinaccio described Roddenberry as someone who was “typical for his time,” basically adhering to the prevailing views of homosexuality. He was a veteran and a former Los Angeles policeman, who, after breaking into the world of Hollywood show business, encountered gay friends and colleagues. Roddenberry’s views would evolve. “He went through a journey a lot of people are still going through, unfortunately,” said Marinaccio. “The one thing he wanted was for it to be relevant, dealing with the issues of the time— racism, the war in Vietnam.” As for a gay crewmember, “If he was alive today, he would do everything to keep it relevant to audiences,” said Marinaccio. “It’s a no brainer.” 7.20.2016 •


a&e television

Photo: Facebook

Bindle and Keep model.

Fashionably Trans HBO doc "Suited" shows trans/genderqueer folks dressing for success

David-Elijah Nahmod


BO's fascinating, sometimes touching new documentary "Suited" dispels numerous myths about transgender people – the film might even open a few doors for this newly emerging community. The trans and genderqueer people in Jason Benjamin's film are ready to deal with their insecurities, to face the world and to succeed in life. "Suited" is currently airing in rotation on HBO and sister channels HBO2 and HBO Signature. The film can also be viewed online at HBO.com "Suited" begins at "Bindle and Keep," a custom tailoring firm with a seemingly unusual clientele – co-owners Daniel and Rachel seek to design suits made to fit the sometimes less than traditional body contours of trans and gender nonconforming people. The company was born in the aftermath of Rachel's difficult search for a suit that she herself could wear. Rachel, who also uses the name Ray, is a transgender gender nonconformist who is comfortable with either name, and with both male and female pronouns. Rachel's business partner Daniel is a straight cisgender male who takes great pride in his work – he admits on camera that his life has been far more interesting since Rachel introduced him to this world. As "Suited" progresses, we meet seven of their clients, all of whom courageously reveal their private lives not only to Ray and Daniel, but to Benjamin's camera. Derek is a straight trans man who needed a suit for his upcoming wedding. The filmmaker drives back to the rural Pennsylvania home of Derek's parents, who share photos of his childhood, when he was still considered female. Mom and Dad admit that their son's transition was a difficult adjustment for them, but as the mom points


• 7.20.2016

out, your child is your child and you love them no matter what. Viewers will also meet Jillian, an attorney, who, in her pre-transition life, seriously considered becoming a rabbi. Jillian needs a suit to wear to an important case where she needs to impress the judge. The conservative world of the legal profession is underscored by the story of Everett, a recently transitioned trans man who attends law school in Georgia. Everett admits to being the only Queer person in his school – he needs a suit that will impress his professors and potential employers at law firms. One of the most touching stories is that of Judy, a lesbian grandma who travels all the way from Arizona to help her transgender grandson choose a suit for his Bar Mitzvah. Though she is not transgender, Judy still understands what her grandson is dealing with since she herself falls under the LGBT umbrella. What makes "Suited" so moving is the non-judgmental, casual manner in which filmmaker Benjamin introduces the seven "Bindle and Keep" clients who agreed to appear in his film. We learn not only their personal stories but also a great deal about the transgender phenomenon – for many, life is far more complicated than "I'm male" or "I'm female." Some are somewhere in between. Ray and Daniel listen to each of them intently – there's more to meeting client needs than just taking measurements. Their dedication to customer satisfaction is a lovely thing to see. "Suited" emerges as a number of things. It's a human-interest piece, an education, and an uplifting look at how some people live their lives.

7.20.2016 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks Community Action Day at Ojus Park

July 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ojus Park, 18995 W. Dixie Highway in North Miami. Volunteer your time to paint, clean and organize the community center. Free. Email dy556@miamidade.gov or visit IAmInvolved.org.

Nine-Hole Charity Golf Scramble for Poverello

July 23 at 2 p.m. at Inverrary Country Club, 3840 Inverrary Blvd. in Lauderhill. Help raise money for the Poverello Center, a nonprofit helping those in Broward County living with HIV/AIDS. Tickets $45. Register at CharityGolfScramble.eventbrite.com. Visit Facebook.com/events/146564265747722.

Bisexual Support Group

Nite Life Law If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Share your thoughts with other members of the bisexual community, discuss issues, and address concerns in a safe environment. Email marissa@compassglcc.com or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Criminal Defense Law Center


The Law Center of Norman Elliot Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301


• 7.20.2016

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * GLLN Happy Hour

to make new friends while going on an exclusive cruise ship tour and a luncheon. Must bring photo ID. Tickets $30, due by July 15. Visit MeetUp.com/ThrustAdventures/ Events/231901812.

* “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”

“ART-rageous" Juried Competition & Exhibit

July 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Georgie’s Alibi, 2266 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Join the Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network for two-for-one drinks and free appetizers. Visit GLLN.org.

Kent & Cormican

Broward Support Services

July 21 at 7 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. A screening of the famed Marilyn Monroe film, coinciding with her exhibit. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

* Defiance

July 23 at 10:30 p.m. at Mind Your Manors, 2045 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Celebrate Lesbo GoGo’s birthday with music by Citizen Jane and a special silent auction for Girl Noticed. Email Lesbogogo@gmail.com.

Carnival Conquest Cruise Ship Tour & Luncheon

July 30 at 10 a.m. leaving from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale. Join Thrust Adventures


Through Aug. 6 at Tedds ART WORKS Gallery, 2422 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. View works by 37 South Florida artists from a number of media. Call 703-269-8244 or email tedd@tedddavisevents.com

Marilyn Monroe -- Kissing an Icon

Through Aug. 7 at the Stonewall National Museum - Mona Pittenger Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Memorabilia and fan collectibles from Marilyn Monroe, from her humble beginnings through her tragic history. Closed Mondays. Free. Call 954763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

july 20 to July 28 Out of the Closet NA Group

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth. net.

Positive Connection

Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Men who are HIV-positive are invited to come together for support, education and advocacy. Closed group. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

palm beach county * Las Orishas de Cuba: The Saints of the Santeria Religion of Cuba

July 22 to Aug. 30 at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Cuban Artist Alberto Piloto Pedroso uses syringes to create art work. Call 786-521-1199 or email PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender

youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every

week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

miami-dade Concrete Comedy Night

July 20 from 8 to 11 p.m. at Concrete Beach Brewery, 325 NW 24th St. in Miami. Five local comedians take the stage at the brewery’s Social hall, hosted by David Del Rosario. Free -- comedians working for tips. Call 305-7962727 or visit ConcreteBeachBrewery.com.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships,

peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV-positive. Free. Call 305-5354733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids.org.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

* Denotes New Listing

7.20.2016 •



Theater Christiana Lilly




Decades Rewind

July 22 and 23 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. A 15-piece band performs music from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Tickets $42.50. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.


Naked Comedy Show

July 22 to 24 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Two gorgeous magicians will wow you with their tricks all in the (almost) buff. Tickets $45 to $65. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter. org.

Songs for a New World

July 22 to Aug. 7 at Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. A musical looking at the moment of decision for the characters. Tickets $25. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.

broward county * Ted Nugent July 22 at 7 p.m. at the Pompano Beach Amphitheatre, 1801 NE 6th St. in Pompano Beach. The controversial rocker is joined by Jackyl. Tickets $21 to $73. Call 954-519-5500 or visit TheAmpPompanoBeach.org. * Beres Hammond July 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The reggae star puts on a show of


• 7.20.2016

July 20 to July 28 lovers rock and smooth vocals that gave him the nickname “the Otis Redding of Reggae.” Tickets $30 to $125. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. * KIDS July 26 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Support this local band as they support their first full-length album, “Rich Coast.” Tickets $5. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. * Todrick Hall: Straight Outta Oz Tour July 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Hall puts his own twist on the classic story with more than 20 original songs. Tickets $27.50 to $100. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org. Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves. com.

palm beach county Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Kevin Gates and Jhene Aiko July 20 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. It’s old-meets-new hip-hop when Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa come together for the High Road Summer Tour. Tickets $45 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

* Gwen Stefani and Eve July 27 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Fifteen years after their duet “Let Me Blow Your Mind,” the ladies come back for a night of their hits and new songs. Tickets $24 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com. * 311 with Special Guest Matisyahu July 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Sunset Cove Amphitheater in Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Jam out to reggae rock and rap grooves. Tickets $34.50 in advance or $38.00 day of show; $10 regular and $15 premier parking fee. Visit AXS. com. Once Upon a Mattress Through July 31 at FAU’s Studio One Theatre, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. The university performs the hilarious rendition of “The Princess and the Pea.” Tickets $20. Call 800564-9539 or visit FAUEvents.com. Free Friday Concerts Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort

* Denotes New Listing

miami-dade county

* El Puerto de los Cristales Rotos (Harbor of Broken Glass) July 21 to 24 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. A part of the International Hispanic Theater Festival, the story of the 937 Jewish refugees being refused entry to Havana, Cuba in 1939 at the beginning of World War II, forcing them back to Europe and the horrors Hitler had in store. Tickets $49 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org. Cirque Eloize: Cirkopolis Through July 31 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Circus arts returns to the center with a combination of dance, theater, and high-flying feats. Tickets $49 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org. Buyer & Cellar Through Aug. 7 at the Actors’ Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Alex More goes to work at Barbra Streisand’s Malibu basement, which can only lead to moments of comedy in this one-man play. Ticket $45 to $53. Call 305444-9293 or online at ActorsPlayhouse.org. PAMM Outdoor Music Series Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

* Counting Crows and Rob Thomas July 22 at 6:45 pm. At the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Counting Crows, known for hits “Mr Jones,” “Round Here,” and “Big Yellow Taxi,” is joined by former Matchbox Twenty frontman, Rob Thomas. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561-7958883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre. com. * Big Bang 20 July 23 at 7 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Sean’s Dance Factory performs hip hop, contemporary, jazz-funk, and break dancing numbers. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561832-7469 or visit Kravis.org. Rock of Ages Through July 24 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s the ‘80s and Drew has dreams to be a rock star and Sherri is a small-town girl with dreams of their own. Working at the Bourbon Room, the audience will be entranced by the rock and roll era on the Sunset Strip. Tickets $29 to $35. Call 561-5866410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

7.20.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org

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• 7.20.2016

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Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org


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entertainment JAZZ TRIO AVAILABLE - 25% DISCOUNT TO SFGN READERS!!!!!!! - Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida is available with her trio for your special event,party or corporate fundraiser.Booking now for the balance of 2016 and into 2017 so reserve today.Recent performances include JAZZ IN THE PINES and WALK ON WEDNESDAY MUSIC SERIES. I work with South Florida’s finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonble rates. 25% Discount when you mention you saw ad in SFGN CLASSIFIEDS.Call Cindy at 954-298-8158. www.myspace.com/cindycurtisandcompany I can’t wait to sing for you!

To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

items for sale DESIGNER CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES Get 50% off now on clothing and accessories to shoes and handbags.I also have D & G belts and shoes. Brutini shoes and name brand items such as Prada and Gucci. Call John at 954-854-8048.

folow the action.



AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293 MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $50 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

folow the action.

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954.530.4970 moving & storage ICON MOVING SERVICE.. PROMISES/ DELIVERED - ICON MOVING SUPPORTS THE LGBT COMMUNITY AND SENDS ITS DEEPEST SYMPATHIES TO THE FAMILIES AND VICTIMS OF ORLANDO! We are your Local, Long Distance, and Overseas moving company! We have extensive corporate and local moving experience with A+ rating from BBB. Call for a free estimate! 561-338-3157 VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575


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GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972.

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COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

RENTALS IN WILTON MANORS - Looking for a great rental in WILTON MANORS? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,200. 1st/last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam. com 954-627-1222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)

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• 7.20.2016

WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

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real estate for sale MARK EAGLE YOUR #1 ROYAL PARK CONDO REALTOR - Water view 1BD/1.5BA move-in condition for sale at just $89,000. Also, water view 2BD/2BA for rent at just $1,275/month. 2 miles to Wilton Drive at 1/2 the cost! 954-2032345 merealtr@aol.com Coral Shores Realty


South Florida Gay News

rentals oakland park

OAKLAND PARK RENTALS - Looking for a great rental in OAKLAND PARK? One bedrooms starting at $1,000. Two bedrooms starting at $1,400. 1st/ last/security + good credit. Visit my website and call me today. www.mikesREteam.com 954-6271222 ext. 901 Mike Trottier, Realtor @ Mike’s Real Estate (iHome Florida Real Estate)


MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

classified advertising works!

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rentals - vacation WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL - Our $89 midweek rack rate is now even lower. NEW summertime lowered rates only good Sundays through Thursdays. One price for any room, any two consecutive nights, only, total price $139.00 plus taxes additional nights $69 Guest must mention this ad when making reservations or during walk in. Based on availability. A major non debit major credit card required. Wes Leigh, 954605-3561

SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews

SouthFloridaGayNews It’s about time. It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page.

Welcome to the South Florida Gay News.

7.20.2016 •


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