8/10/16 V7i32

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local name global coverage August 10, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 32

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s


down hunger

Page 34 - 36

Poverello tourney: bowling for a cause Rio Olympics: the ups and downs Page 10


Pet project bowlathon a barking success Page 4



The Opening Line Photos: Facebook, Twitter.

Comments from SFGN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

Pope Francis Condemns Trans Studies Joe Mahnke –

The man is not a scientific researcher or medical doctor. What the hell does he know about gender dysphoria. If he really listened to 5 trans teens/or in their 20s, he would understand the reality of what God creates real quickly. He’s not God & does not determine the orientation of those who are born.

Wilton Drive Design Concept Chosen Mons Floen –

But... they also need to address the traffic that will be pushed to 26th between Andrews and 5 points. It’s going to become a speedway.


August 10, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 32 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli

Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com


Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Editorial Assistant • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Webmaster • Brittany Ferrendi webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold jw@prdconline.com News Editor • John McDonald john.mcdonald@sfgn.com Miami-Dade Reporter • Anthony Beven Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael D'Oliveira Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis jrdavis12000@hotmail.com

Senior Features Correspondents

Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams

Arthur Riordan –

Rj Petrucci –

This superstition – Roman Catholicism – and its proponents must be stamped out and consigned to the trash heap.

Just do it already - it will be great.

Joe Lagana –

Contributing Columnists

Brian McNaught • Dana Rudolph • Wayne Besen Ric Reily • Steve Siler • Bil Browning Terri Schlichenmeyer

Steve Johnson –

I’m just happy that money is being spent on infrastructure!


Dori Zinn • Andrea Richard • Donald Cavanaugh Christiana Lilly • Denise Royal • Sean McShee Alex Adams • Gary Kramer • David-Elijah Nahmod

only for M to F folks.

Associate Photographers

Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

Marco Rubio Participates In AntiLGBT Event Morgan Mayfaire – MEMBER

Rubio has always been a lying sack of shit right there with Pam Bondi. Vote for Patrick Murphy and get this garbage out of the Senate.

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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Brian Swinford National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping

Diane Lusk –


He’s a disgrace. Church & State. Stay the hell outta my life you hypocrites!

Printing by Sun Coast Press

John Gianni Caminiti – And Florida will re-elect him. Idiots.

SFGN Winner of & 3 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER

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Associated Press

JULY 2016 • Vol. 5 Issue 4

Your Compl Wilton Manor ete Guide to s, Fort Laude What’s Hot in rdale & Beyon d...







SouthFl oridaG


• 8.10.2016

ayNew s.com


Cover: M


South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

Uganda Cracks Down On Pride John McDonald


olice in Uganda forcefully disrupted Pride activities last week, reports multiple human rights activists.

“Again and again, Ugandan authorities show that they have no regard for basic human rights of LGBTIQ people and that they will even violate the Ugandan constitution in order to stop LGBTIQ people from exercising those basic rights,” said Maria Sjodin, Deputy Executive Director of OutRight Action International, in a news release. On August 4, police raided a Pride sanctioned event on the rooftop of a pub in the capital city of Kampala. There are reports as many as 20 people were arrested, including noted gay Uganda activist Frank Mugisha. “After a few hours of detention, I have been set free, every one is safe. Thank you all my friends for the support & solidarity,” Mugisha tweeted. Police targeted men they perceived were together as well as transgender individuals,

reports the African human rights blog, Kuchu Times. “It was a heartbreaking site as they searched and sexually assaulted transgender persons by touching their genitals and breasts all in an attempt to determine whether they were male or female,” Kuchu Times reported. Observers reported transgender people removing wigs and braids to avoid further inspection. One young gay man, reportedly, jumped from the four-story roof to evade police, barely escaping with his life. The raid forced several Pride events to be cancelled, but Mugisha is vowing to continue the fight. “The police raid from last evening won’t break us but make us strong,” Mugisha tweeted.

8.10.2016 •


Submitted photos.

news local

The Pet Project Wins Big Dollars for bowling

Denise Royal


n July 30, the Pet Project for Pets held its first fundraising Bowl-A-Thon at Manor Lanes in Wilton Manors. Several local businesses formed teams to show their support including Smarty Pants, Hunter’s, Rumors, Corner Pub, Sally West and more. The owners of Smarty Pants organized the event which included door prizes, a 50/50 cash raffle and trophies for the top teams. According to Sue Martino, Executive Director of Pet Project for Pets, everyone who participated is a winner. “The Bowl-A-Thon was a tremendous success,” she said. “We had many diverse teams. The Pet Project thrift store ‘Hidden Treasures’ had a team; friends and neighbors also came together and created teams! It was a huge event and we all had a wonderful time. Most importantly, we raised more than $20,000!” Those funds will be used so the Pet Project can continue its mission. The Pet Project is a nonprofit organization that enables those who are financially challenged due to illness, disability and aging to keep their pets. Due to the immense physical and financial burdens faced by those who are elderly, or who have HIV/AIDS or other disabling conditions, many

would be unable to keep, feed or care for their “friends” without the help of the Pet Project. Qualifying individuals in Broward and Miami-Dade counties may receive the following services: • A monthly pet food bank and home delivery of pet food for clients with limited mobility • Pet transportation to the vet for clients with limited mobility or no means of transportation • Community outreach events to inform the public, service organizations and potential clients • Temporary foster care to companion animals of clients who need to be hospitalized • Adoption for companion animals of clients without resources • Volunteers to exercise pets for clients whose health prevents their caring for their animals • Cage, tank and litter box cleaning and other hygienic assistance for clients with health needs • Annual vaccinations except for rabies.

For more information about Pet Project please visit, PetProjectForPets.org. 4

• 8.10.2016



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Nissan Congratulates on 40th Gay Softball World Series Nissan congratulates the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) on the 40th anniversary of its Gay Softball World Series (GSWS)! The world-renowned LGBTQ sporting event is taking place Aug.15 to 20 in Austin, Texas. “Sports is an incredible way to build community. And Nissan wanted to extend our well wishes to the NAGAAA family on bringing the LGBTQ community and allies together for 40 years and counting,” said Erich Marx, director, Marketing, and executive sponsor of Gay Straight Alliance at Nissan. More than 185 teams from 43 cities across the United States and Canada are participating in this multi-day event, which includes opening ceremonies, a multi-division softball tournament, community activities and the closing ceremonies. Established in 1977, the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance Open Division is a 501©(3) international sports organization comprised of men and women dedicated to promoting amateur athletics for the LGBTQ

community. The organization was formed after the first GSWS in 1976. For a second year, Nissan is a proud partner of the NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series, a six-day softball event that expects to draw more than 10,000 athletes, coaches and fans. NAGAAA’s local LGBTQ softball leagues are also partnering with Nissan at LGBTQ community events including, Long Beach Pride, LA Pride, Capital Pride, Nashville Pride, San Francisco Pride, NYC Pride, Atlanta Pride, Orlando Pride as well as Northalsted Market Days in Chicago. “With Nissan having the most diverse consumer base in the automotive industry and an engaged group of LGBTQ employees and allies, we’re well positioned to connect with the LGBTQ community,” said Marx. Since 2013, Nissan has scored a perfect 100 in the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Corporate Equality Index for its LGBT-inclusive policies and commitment to the community. The company was among the fastest risers in the history of the index. Long Beach/OC Surf & Sun Softball League players at LA Pride

NAGAAA, the early years

"We are incredibly fortunate to have Nissan on our team," said Chris Balton, NAGAAA Commissioner. "Nissan has been an outstanding partner at the national level and this year at the local level - leveraging our member cities for Pride activations across the nation." Nissan’s Gay Straight Alliance at Nissan (GSAN) is the driving force behind the company’s LGBTQ outreach efforts. Nissan also offers inclusive benefits and Championing Diversity workshops for employees, and a “Diversity and Inclusion” team works closely with advocacy groups such as the HRC to drive a culture of equality in the workplace.


• 8.10.2016

WE ARE WITH YOU IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE. Nissan proudly sponsors the 2016 Gay Softball World Series.

NissanUSA.com Always wear your seat belt, and please don’t drink and drive. ©2016 Nissan North America, Inc. 8.10.2016 •


Photo: John McDonald.

news local

Lawyers Network Hears From Problem Solving Judge SunServe Teams up With South Florida Flag Football League John McDonald


udge Kathleen McHugh spoke to members of the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network Thursday, August 4, on the subject of domestic violence. McHugh has served in Broward County’s problem solving court since 1992. Presently, McHugh’s office is handling around 700 cases. “It’s a very high trial division,” McHugh said. “There’s 90 Judges in Broward County and I don’t want to brag, but I have the highest trial count to date. I have 24 jury trials so far. I’m No. 1 out of all 90 judges. Not all of those 90 Judges have jury trials, but in the criminal division, I am No. 1.” McHugh spoke to a room full of attorneys and reporters inside Timpano Chophouse on Las Olas Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. She said the first problem solving court created by administrative order in Broward County was the drug court program in 1992 of which the domestic violence division arose in 1994 followed by the mental health division in 1997. “As the population in Broward County grew, there was a need for special units,” McHugh said. The drug, domestic violence and mental health courtrooms, McHugh said, were “tremendous courtrooms that are created to address special problems within our county.” At the luncheon, McHugh shared her experience as the public defender assigned to the domestic violence division. McHugh served three years as the division’s public defender. McHugh explained to GLLN members that she presides over the lower county court, handling cases involving battery, assault; violations of an injunction, violations of probation, stalking charges and culpable negligence. “Typically these types of cases involve one person’s word against another and there’s


• 8.10.2016

very little physical evidence and very minor injuries,” McHugh said. Factually, McHugh deals with cases involving slapping, punching, kicking, biting and choking. Of her 24 trials this year, only four have resulted in convictions. She attributes a “gray area” for this conviction rate. “Sometimes you don’t see injuries when someone gets slapped in the face,” McHugh said. “You don’t see the injury, it doesn’t end up in bruising.” Complicating matters for juries are dissolutions of relationships and child custody, McHugh said. “Sometimes in the domestic violence division it’s not black and white,” McHugh said. “There’s a lot of gray area, especially when there is a divorce pending, especially when there is substance abuse issues on both sides. The victim could suffer from mental illness as well as the defendant or both. So I don’t think jurors have an easy time returning guilty verdicts when there is so much gray area, especially in my courtroom.” After McHugh’s presentation, GLLN President Tom Runyan updated members about the “Love Always Wins” demonstration held on the corner of Oakland Park Boulevard and Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. The rallies have an organic purpose, said Runyan. “It’s to show the LGBT community is full of love and not hate,” Runyan said. Meanwhile, on the Pacific coast, a ceremony is being planned to honor the late gay icon Harvey Milk. Miriam Richter, educational director at the Harvey Milk Foundation, said the United States Navy is naming a ship after Milk, a San Francisco gay rights advocate and Navy lieutenant. “That’s incredible,” Runyan remarked. “It lets you know where the mood is in our country. As a former Navy officer, I can tell you that’s a big deal.”

Michael d’Oliveira


reg Weir revealed his sexuality 10 years ago. But it wasn’t until he joined the South Florida Flag Football League [SFFFL] that he really came out as gay. “Once I joined the league, I built up a lot of courage to go out and mingle and meet people. I never went to a club before that.” Clubs, sporting events, and social functions, Weir said he started going out a lot more as a gay man. “There’s lots of things my eyes were awakened to once that occurred.” Now, as the commissioner of SFFFL he wants to see more LGBT individuals use flag football to improve their lives with exercise, social interactions and self- Greg confidence. “We can provide an outlet for youth and younger adults that need an outlet. This is what we want to bring to the gay community, something sorely lacking right now,” Weir said. “Sometimes, you feel like you’re alone. This league is something you can come and meet people. We go out. We even travel to different cities to compete nationally.” Non-

LGBT individuals are also welcome to play. To help Weir focus on football and fraternity, SunServe has partnered with SFFFL. SunServe will handle the financial and organization side of the league while Weir spends his time recruiting and building the league. It’s part of SunServe’s new model of community-based recreational sports. “Team sports have been proven to increase resiliency, increase social networks and increase overall well-being. It’s a healthy activity,” said Bryan Wilson, SunServe’s director of community relations. He added that its part of SunServe’s Weir efforts to expand beyond just events at bars. “Not everyone is comfortable with bars. The social culture [at bars] is an asset but there’s opportunity for growth. We need just as much activity and outreach outside of the bars. I don’t want to see that decrease, but what I do want to see increase is this,” Wilson said.

"We can provide an outlet for youth and younger adults that need an outlet."

SFFFL will be holding flag football clinics for three consecutive Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 13, 20 and 27 at Central Broward Regional Park in Lauderhill. Those who want to join the league must attend at least one clinic. All skill levels are accepted. For more information, email sfffl@outlook.com.

news palm beach Photo: Women’s Health Conference in 2015, Facebook.

Women’s Health Conference at Compass Denise Royal


he 2nd Annual Women’s Health Conference at Compass in Lake Worth will be held on Saturday, Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. Organizers expect about 100 attendees. This conference is important because some LBT women can be at greater risk for certain health disparities, but often face significant barriers to addressing them. Some research suggests that LBT individuals face health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBT persons has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and suicide. Experiences of violence and victimization are frequent for LBT individuals, and have long-lasting effects on the individual and the community. Personal, family, and social acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity affects the mental health and personal safety of LGBT individuals. “This conference is important to all women especially LBT women,” said Mildred Smith, Eligibility Specialist at Compass. “The sessions address issues of LBT health as well as offer resources for accessing both traditional and alternative health care. We take a holistic approach in our session offerings wanting to address women’s health needs as they may related to both Western and alternative medicine.” This conference is designed to address the unique and diverse needs of women

in the LBT community. Breakout Sessions will include: • Transgender Health • Alternative Health • Empower Yourself! Women’s Self Defense • Meditation • Nutrition & Wellness Additional Services will include: • Free, on-site HIV/STI testing, counseling and linkage to care • Free, on-site blood pressure screenings • Sponsored Lunch Hour There will be a panel session given by three providers of alternative health care. “They will discuss the benefits of modalities such as chiropractic, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and other methods not commonly used by doctors of Western medicine,” says Smith. “It is important to us that we offer a variety of health related topics.” The event will also highlight the importance of good health and nutrition. “Our health is important and we deserve to have access to affordable quality health care services,” Smith told SFGN. “Unfortunately, many still do not have good access. While this conference is open to all community members it focuses on LBT women. We have created a safe space for all to come and explore, share, and learn with others.”

The event is free, but registration is required. Visit http://bit.ly/2aGQ6h5 to get your free tickets. 8.10.2016 •


news olympics

Photo: Facebook.

OLMYPIC OUTLOOK By Brittany Ferrendi

Another Olympian Comes Out, Announces Engagement


NBA’s Most Valuable Player has come out as a lesbian just in time for the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. Elena Delle Donne, a Team USA basketball player for the Olympics, came out in an interview with Vogue last week. She’s not only open about being a lesbian — she also revealed an engagement with her long-term partner, Amanda Clifton. “It was just one of those articles where they came into my home, spent a couple days with me, and [fiancee] Amanda [Clifton] is a huge part of my life,” Delle Donne told ESPN. “So to leave her out wouldn’t have made any sense. It’s not a coming out article or anything. I’ve been with her for a very long time now, and people who are close to me know that, and that’s that.” Delle Donne is not the only LGBT athlete

Leandra Cerezo leading the Brazlian Olympic athletes in Rio.

on Team USA’s women’s basketball team. Seimone Augustus, Brittney Griner and Angel McCoughtry join Delle Donne. Despite coming out publicly, the WNBA athlete does not want her private life out in the spotlight. “As the future keeps moving on, I don’t plan on having our relationship out in the public and all this media on it,” she said. “But obviously there’s excitement right now because people see it for the first time.” Delle Donne’s engagement shouldn’t come as a surprise to her online followers — several weeks ago, Clifton appeared on social media with a sign that said “Will You Marry Me?” The caption below stated, “I obviously said yes!” There are currently 44 LGBT athletes competing in the Olympics.


n an Olympics first, a same-sex married couple played together — and won. Last Saturday, Helen and Kate RichardsonWalsh took the field at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. They played in Great Britain’s women’s field hockey team. They won against Australia 2-1. The couple married in 2013 with the support of their teammates, according to OutSports. Kate retired in 2014 but returned to compete in Rio. “We just want to show that it’s a normal thing,” Kate told The Sun. “We’re not out there shouting it, it’s just part and parcel of who we are.” Her wife Helen added, “It was definitely a conscious decision (to come out). If you are really open about it, people say, ‘Why do you make such a big deal about it?’ If you don’t mention it you could be seen as hiding it, which we didn’t want either.”


• 8.10.2016

Photo: Facebook.

Same-Sex Married Couple Makes Olympics History

Olympics Underscores Queerand Trans-phobia in Brazil


here are a record 44 openly LGBT Olympians this year. On top of it, Rio saw the very first transgender woman to play a role in an Olympic ceremony. It would seem like the 2016 Rio Olympics is set to be a positive event for the LGBT community — but it may not be. In reality, Brazil is well-known for its transphobic and anti-gay tendencies. “The message is clear … include everyone, no matter their gender, sexual orientation, race or religion,” transgender supermodel Leandra Medeiros Cerezo, told BBC. Cerezo is the first trans woman to play any role in an Olympic ceremony. “We are all human beings and we are part of society. My role at the ceremony will help send this message.” But her message may not be clear enough, considering Brazil’s heavy history of violence against its transgender population. According to Al Jazeera, Brazil has the highest murder rate of trans people in the world, with a life expectancy for their community set as low as age 30. Planet Transgender reports that a trans person is murdered every 21 hours in the country. An estimated 57 trans people were killed in just the first 26 days of this year, claims Transgrupo Marcela Prado. The number is assumed to be much higher when factoring in unreported cases. Transgender Europe reports that 546 murders of trans people took place in Brazil between 2011 and 2015, more than any other country reported in that time. Mexico accordingly came in second, which saw 190

murders reported in that time frame. Cerezo has made history by leading Team Brazil at the opening ceremony, but it may not be enough for the country. It doesn’t stop with trans discrimination. The record 44 LGBT Olympians competing in the Rio Olympics have already faced taunts from the audience. Reports from the Los Angeles Times note fans shouted Portuguese homophobic slurs at the U.S. Women’s National Team during a game against New Zealand last Wednesday. The team features openly gay player Megan Rapinoe and head coach Jill Ellis. “It is personally hurtful,” Rapinoe told LA Times. “I think sort of a mob mentality kind of takes over a little bit.” She added: “I don’t think most of those fans would have said that directly to my face. I don’t think they mean it in that way. “But they need to understand that that’s how it’s taken. They need to understand if all of you are willing to do that, what does that say to a gay player? Especially in the men’s game. What does that say to players who are struggling to come out?” OutSports claims that players in the Australia and Canada match also faced slurs, a game in which four openly LGBT athletes were competing. According to the site, fans chanted the slur towards goalkeeper Stephanie Labbe whenever she occupied the ball. The International Olympic Committee has not yet reacted to these slurs.

Photo: J.R. Davis.

news local

Bartenders, Boxers & Briefs – Oh My! Annual event draws a crowd and raises cash

Denise Royal


bout 20 of the area’s hottest bartenders on July 25 auctioned off their underwear – to raise money. It was all done for the 11th Annual Bartenders, Boxers and Briefs Underwear Auction benefiting Tuesday’s Angels. Some of the bartenders included Jason ‘Sparkle’ and Chris of Beefcakes Grill, Boardwalk’s Felipe and Omar, Natasha Ribas of Hunters Nightclub, John Francis of Village Pub, Chris Willis of Georgie’s Alibi and Dion Parker and Warren Hatch of Scandals bar. Aside from the live underwear auction, there was also a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction filled with incredible items. “The highlight of the event is always the impromptu auction,” said Don Clark, manager of Alibi. “A security guard got $500 for a hand towel. The impromptu things are always the fun part.” Of course it was fun, but it also fulfilled a purpose. The evening’s festivities raised more than $9,000. “We had a successful night,” Clark said. “Of course we always want to raise more money for Tuesday’s Angels.” The organization got its name when it began

with a small group of men sharing a dinner on the first Tuesday of the month and the “angels” attending contributed to help HIV/AIDs clients in need. It has evolved into a nonprofit organization of more than 400 “angels” that now help countless people in the Fort Lauderdale area. “It fills in the gaps where government agencies lack,” Clark said. “If someone needs help doing very basic things, like paying a light bill, Tuesday’s Angels steps in.” One-hundred percent of all the money received by Tuesday’s Angels goes directly to individuals or to selected organizations that have clients that have little or no income. “Members of Tuesday’s Angels pay for everything out of their own pockets,” Clark said. “They don’t even spend money on office supplies.” People living with HIV/AIDS are often unable to work and are frequently hospitalized. With proper documentation, assistance is often given on the same day. The organization pays for a variety of emergency living expenses incurred by its clients. This includes rent, electric or water bills, transportation, eyeglasses, and other basic needs.

To learn more about Tuesday’s Angels visit www.TuesdaysAngels.org. 8.10.2016 •


Compiled by Brittany Ferrendi

Out Gay Olympian Wears Trunks with ‘Gay and Lesbian’ Written On at Rio 2016 Olympian Amini Fonua from Rio is using his butt to promote equality, according to Pink News. The 26-year-old swimmer competes in his second games for Tonga with the words “Gay and Lesbian” written on the back of his swimsuit. “Having the words ‘gay and lesbian’ over my butt is my way of announcing my queerness for the swimming world to see,” Fonua told Vanguard Now. Fonua will not be wearing the swimsuit when he competes for Tonga in the 100-yard breastroke, but that will not stop him from showing off the pair that was gifted to him by the Los Angeles LGBT Center. According to Fonua, he has so far worn them to all of the practices. “I have worn that suit to every single practice leading up to Rio … because there’s not a lot of diversity in swimming,”


Pope Francis doesn’t want children learning gender is a choice. In a private meeting last week with bishops from Poland, Francis declared: “We are living in a moment of annihilation of man as image of God,” according to the transcript released yesterday from the Vatican. Specifically he referred to the education systems in place around the world teaching gender studies. “Today, in schools they are teaching this to children — to children! — that everyone can choose their gender,” he said. The Pope argued “idealogical colonization” was financed by “very influential countries.” One example of this “colonization,” according to Francis: “I’ll say it clearly with its first and last name — is gender.” During his discussion with the Polish Bishops, Francis discussed meeting with his predecessor, Pope Benedict. Benedict retired in 2013 and has since remained at the Vatican. “Speaking with Pope Benedict, who is well, and has a clear mind, he was telling me: ‘Holiness, this is the epoch of sin against God the Creator, He’s intelligent! God created man and woman, God created the world this way, this way, and we are doing the opposite.’” Francis encouraged the Polish Bishops to reflect on Benedict’s words. identify as LGBT, according to Martinez. Photo: CNN


Founua said. “It’s a gentle reminder to everybody and myself that I’m different, and to take pride in that difference.” The trunks were given to Fonua after he helped to raise thousands of dollars through the Beach Volleyball Classic Fundraiser. Fonua was one of the few out gay Olympians at the 2012 London games and is a proud flag-bearer for the opening ceremony for Tonga, Pink News reports. “I also believe there’s real strength to be derived from the power of openly LGBT athletes, so to all the others in Rio, I say this: just by being here and being queer and present, you’re making a difference,” Fonua said, adding: “I want the next generation of athletes who advance through swimming’s world rankings to feel safe and comfortable being themselves.”


ope Francis Condemns Trans Studies: ‘An Annihilation of Man’

• 8.10.2016

Photo: Facebook.



udge: Mississippi Can’t Enforce AntiLGBT Law as Court Battle Continues

(DV) A federal judge in Mississippi on Monday, Aug. 1, refused state officials’ request to be allowed to enforce Mississippi’s anti-LGBT HB 1523 as the state appeals his ruling against the constitutionality of the measure, according to BuzzFeed reports. HB 1523, signed into law in April by Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, provided protections for individuals, religious organizations and certain businesses who take actions due to their “sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions” regarding same-sex marriage — or any sex outside straight marriage. It also provided similar protections for those who object to transgender people. U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves in June issued a permanent injunction barring Mississippi from denying same-sex marriage licenses, meaning no circuit clerk or staff member clerk can deny a gay couple a marriage license even if House Bill 1523 is in effect. On Monday, Reeves refused to put his ruling on hold while the state appeals the ruling to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. He wrote, “[I]ssuing a marriage license to a gay couple is not like being forced into armed combat or to assist with an abortion. Matters of life and death are sui generis. If movants truly believe that providing services to LGBT citizens forces them to ‘tinker with the machinery of death,’ their animus exceeds anything seen in Romer, Windsor, or the marriage equality cases. “The motions are denied,” Reeves added. “The baton is now passed.”



arget Stock Continues to Rise Despite Hate Group Boycott

(EDGE) Conservative “Christian” buying power is taking a hit this quarter as the stock price for Target continues to rise despite a hate group-led boycott of the mega retailer. Following a sharp drop in stock price prompted by the American Family Association (AFA)-led boycott of Target over the stores transgender-inclusive restroom policy, it appears as though the discount retailer is doing just fine. Shares of Target are going for 74.65, up from a low of 66.74 in mid June. Meanwhile, AFA is re-upping its efforts to keep shoppers out of Target stores during the back-to-school season. According to Christian Times, AFA marked the new season on the first day of August with a new drive to garner another million signatures to force the retail company to abandon its bathroom policy. “Target is dependent on a large back-to-school sales season,” said AFA on its website. “Those who spend their money elsewhere will send a strong message to Target that the bathroom policy is bad for business.” In reality, business for Target has increased over the past year. On August 1, 2015, shares traded at 51.85. A year later, there has been a 22.8 increase in value to the current price of 74.65. Photo: Facebook.

News Briefs




ayor of Orlando Says City Plans to Buy Pulse Club to Create Permanent Memorial

The Mayor of Orlando says that the city may take ownership of Pulse nightclub to ensure that it stays a permanent memorial on the site, according to Pink News. The Orlando massacre saw 49 dead and more than 50 wounded at the hands of a gunman who opened fire during a Latino night in June. The majority of the victims were LGBT people of color. The owners of Pulse initially planned to re-open with a street party in the wake of the massacre, with promises to carry on. Plans filed last month by the club owners’ non-profit onePULSE Foundation suggested that a memorial may be built on-site to sit alongside the re-opened nightclub. However, Mayor Buddy Dyer has suggested that the club should be taken into public ownership by the city and converted into a permanent memorial. “At some point I think the city needs to gain control [or] purchase the Pulse site and then make some determination, with a lot of input, on what a permanent memorial

Photo: Facebook.

might look like,” Dyer told local radio station WMFE. “One thing I’ve been thinking about is I think we need to determine some period of time that we leave it exactly as is with some adequate fencing … because there will be people that want to travel here and see it as it exists, without modification to it.” He added: “There’s some time frame where we need to keep it intake as is, and then transition to whatever a permanent memorial it may be.” “Maybe we’ll make that judgement [on the conversion] if the volume slows down, but I think there are a lot of people that want to pay tribute.”



AUGUST 23-26

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news national

FDA Opens Door to Ending Gay Blood Donation Ban Patrick Saunders Georgia Voice

(GAV) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration signaled Tuesday that it is reevaluating its policy on blood donations by gay and bisexual men, less than a year after changing its former policy and less than two months since the Orlando shooting brought renewed scrutiny about the issue. The current policy prohibits donations from any men who have had sex with another man in the previous year. The news came in the form of a notice posted to the Federal Register, which is basically a clearinghouse for the daily goings-on of the U.S. federal government. The notice said that the FDA is establishing a public docket for comment about its current blood donation policy. “Interested persons are invited to submit comments, supported by scientific evidence such as data from research, regarding potential blood donor deferral policy options to reduce the risk of HIV transmission, including the feasibility of moving from the existing time-based deferrals related to risk behaviors to alternate deferral options, such as the use of individual risk assessments,” the notice reads. “Additionally, comments are invited regarding the design of potential studies to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of such alternative deferral options. FDA will take the comments received into account as it continues to reevaluate and update blood donor deferral policies as new scientific information becomes available.” Activists have long pushed for a change to a policy based on individual risk factors such as intravenous drug use or unprotected sex instead of singling out gay and bisexual men. Last December, the FDA changed the policy from one that essentially


• 8.10.2016

was a lifetime blood donation ban for gay and bisexual men to the current one-year deferral policy. The issue hit the national radar again after last month’s shooting at the LGBT Orlando club Pulse that left 49 dead. Blood banks were filled with people wanting to donate, but due to the FDA policy, gay and bisexual men weren’t allowed to help their own community. Eight days after the shooting, 114 members of Congress and 24 members of the U.S. Senate sent letters to the FDA calling the current policy discriminatory against gay and bisexual men and urging them to base their guidelines on individual risk factors instead of targeting a specific set of people. “During times of tragedy, the American people are quick to demonstrate their resiliency and mobilize in solidarity with victims and affected communities. We have witnessed that compassion as Floridians quickly lined up to donate blood for the wounded. Yet, some of those most touched by this tragedy-members of the LGBT community, who are especially eager to contribute to the response effort-are finding themselves turned away. Due to the FDA’s current MSM deferral policy, many healthy gay and bisexual men remain prohibited from donating needed blood,” the Senate letter read. “We are steadfastly committed to ending the FDA’s discriminatory policy that prohibits many healthy MSM from donating blood and moving to policies that secure our nation’s blood supply in a scientifically sound manner based on individual risk.” Rules for submitting public comments on the policy can be found at http://bit. ly/2aDPHgM.

News Briefs


Continued Politics

ubio Holds Event with Anti-LGBT Groups on Orlando Massacre Anniversary Photo: Facebook

(DV) Marco Rubio, who Miami New Times calls “Florida’s most brazen political opportunist,” will be holding an antigay event in Orlando on the two-month anniversary of the Pulse massacre. On Aug. 12, Rubio will speak to Liberty Counsel, the organization run by Mat Staver — Rowan County, Ky. County Clerk Kim Davis’ attorney. Davis is the clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses and went to jail for four days until she agreed to a compromise. The meeting is also hosted by the Florida Renewal Project, another anti-LGBT group that believes homosexuality is a Marxist plot and universal same-sex marriage is suicide. Because we want to force everyone to get same-sex married, I guess. Among the other anti-gay speakers is Bill Federer, who thinks gays people are responsible for Islamic terrorism. Hey, Bill, I’m Jewish. I have some wonderful Muslim friends, but leave me out of this. Another is the Rev. Ken Graves who preaches about “militant homofascism.” Yeah, I’m against that too. Does that put me on this creep’s side?


Photo: CNN

Rubio had promised Florida he would not run for re-election. But when he lost his home state’s presidential primary, he dropped out of the presidential race and decided to run for his Senate seat again. While Rubio has been hostile to Florida’s LGBT community since he became a U.S. senator six years ago, no one thought he would be so tone deaf that he’d mark the anniversary of the murder of 49 people by celebrating with people who hate them .


ay Syrian Refugee Found Beheaded, Mutilated In Turkey

(CNN) A gay refugee living in Turkey has been found murdered, his body so mutilated his friends could only identify him by his pants, a local rights group said. Wisam, who arrived in Istanbul about a year ago after fleeing Syria, went missing on July 23 and was found two days later in the city’s Yenikapi district. He previously had been threatened, kidnapped and raped, according to Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (KAOS GL), a Turkeybased rights group. CNN is not using the victim’s last name out of concern for his family’s safety. “We identified him from his pants... They had cut (him) so violently. So violent that two knives had broken inside him. They had beheaded him. His upper body was beyond recognition,” said one friend, whom CNN is not naming for safety reasons. “If you saw his body, if you even saw a picture of it, you would faint,” said another friend, who asked CNN to identify him as Mohammed out of fear for his safety. “It was as if he was attacked by a beast.”

Photo: CNN

Wisam had been stabbed 20 times, his organs were removed and he had been beheaded, according to Alex Benjamin, who works for an organization that aims to help LGBT refugees get expedited asylum. “Police are doing nothing,” Benjamin said, “because he is Syrian and because he is gay.” Police told CNN they were not authorized to comment on the case. Authorities haven’t said whether Wisam was killed for being gay. As of Friday, his killers had not been detained. 8.10.2016 •


Photo: Facebook.

news local

Campbell Foundation’s Ken Rapkin to Receive Broward House ‘Spirit of Hope’ Award Tucker Berardi










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• 8.10.2016


he Fort Lauderdale organization dedicated to funding HIV/ AIDS research, The Campbell Foundation, has announced that its Executive Director, Ken Rapkin, will receive the Broward House “Spirit of Hope” award. The award recognizes impactful individuals that bring hope to the community through support of Broward House as well as participation with its partners. “We look to honor the individuals who make a difference, but who often are not recognized in our community, to demonstrate a commitment to increasing prevention and care and reducing stigma through their actions,” Broward House president and CEO Stacey Hyde said. “Ken is an example for many of us. He is committed to eliminating HIV from our society through research funding, while also bringing voice for us to still care, still act! He shows his support through his role at The Campbell Foundation, but also through his gentle, yet powerful personal presence in the community — standing beside other agencies, advocates and our clients in unity.” Rapkin will receive the award during an August 30 reception held at the B Ocean resort in Fort Lauderdale. The honorees include Mark Budwig, owner and president of boutique creative agency S.MARK Graphics Florida; Marta Gonzalez, advocate and Broward House Case Manager in service of the HIV Community; and Marie Brown Hayes, Program Director for the Comprehensive

Family AIDS Program (CFAP) at the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center (CDTC). “I am proud of Ken’s steady leadership and his role at the Campbell Foundation, as well as his dedication to the cause of AIDS/HIV awareness within the community,” Bill Venuti, Campbell Foundation trustee said. Rapkin served as Program Officer for the Campbell Foundation since its 1995 inception, and was named Executive Director of the foundation in January. He administers the grants program, is a liaison to both the Peer Review Board and the Board of Directors, and coordinates all research/scientific information and grant funding from initial grant receipt through final disposition. The missions of the Campbell Foundation and Broward House align closely with one another. The focus of the foundation has been to fund research in pursuit of an HIV/AIDS cure, while Broward House’s mission is to serve the HIV community and reduce HIV incidence. “Although The Campbell Foundation’s main funding lies in nonprofit HIV research, we realized long ago that while researchers try to eradicate the virus, people need ongoing daily support, care, and services.” Rapkin said. “Thanks to organizations such as Broward House, we have been able to directly assist those in need and are very proud of our community partnerships. I am honored to accept the Spirit of Hope Award on behalf of the foundation.”


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8.10.2016 •


lgbtqia bites




Freak Accident Knocks Top Lesbian Paralympian Out of Rio

By Brittany Ferrendi


Bisexual Student, 15, Left Bloodied and Battered After Homophobic Attack

Claire Harvey

Photo: Facebook.

Claire Harvey, one of the LGBT heroes of London 2012, will not be able to compete in the 2016 Rio Paralympics after an accident resulting in her hand being crushed, according to Gay Star News. Harvey was part of the Great Britain women’s national sitting volleyball team at the last Olympics, and has since been selected for the Paralympic athletics team after scoring high in shot and put and javelin in the World Athletic Championships.


• 8.10.2016

“I broke my hand by a 6kg kettle bell falling off a shelf and onto my hand whilst I was stretching,” Harvey recounted. “I was laid on my stomach and had my hands out in from of me. It fell and landed on top of my hand.” Harvey remains hopefully, saying, “I hope that I can still inspire young LGBT people – in so much as I am going to show now that you CAN move forward from something that feels like the end of the world.”

Jamie Watson, 15, suffered broken ribs, a fractured arm and cuts and bruising after being attacked by three masked thugs, according to Mirror. West Midlands Police, who labeled the attack as “truly horrendous,” are urging people with any information to come forward. “The assault lasted five minutes,” Jamie told the Birmingham Mail. “I was punched and fell to the ground, where I was kicked

and punched all over my body including my head … It was absolutely terrifying and I feared for my life. There was three of them in total and they all wore masks.” “The attackers showed no regard for their victim and repeatedly kicked him to the head and body,” Detective Sergeant James Bennet, from Birmingham’s Violent Crime Team, said. “Rest assured that we will do everything we can to find those responsible.”

lgbtqia bites




NC School System Pauses on Transgender Bathroom Rules

(EDGE) The superintendent of a North Carolina school system is delaying new rules that would have let transgender students use school bathrooms and locker rooms based on the gender they identify with. The Charlotte Observer reports (http:// bit.ly/2aUei3b) Charlotte-Mecklenburg Superintendent Ann Clark made the announcement Thursday, one day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Virginia school board can block a transgender

male from using the boys restroom when school starts this month. Clark said her decision was based on the court ruling and not because a North Carolina-based group urged parents to deluge the school system with letters saying the regulations announced in June would jeopardize the “privacy, safety and dignity” of students. School officials didn’t immediately respond to a telephone call on Thursday seeking additional comment.




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news local

news miami-dade

Legends of Vinyl Honors Multiple DJs at Hunters Nightclub Natalya Jones


J lovers, rejoice - the Legends of Vinyl, which honors disc jockeys and their work, will take place on Wednesday, August 17 at Hunters Nightclub. Featured at this event are 19 first generation DJ honorees. Some of these individuals include DJ Humberto Fleites, DJ Margaret Ann Ronayne,DJ Bobby Stoner, DJ/Radio Personality Leo Vela and more. Additionally, DJ Carlos Menendez as well as DJ Tony Laporte will be inducted into the DJ/Artists Hall of Fame. Shannon and Cynthia Manley will not only be in the list of many musicians being honored, but will also provide performances. Attendees can also attend the two hour seminar titled “The Past, Present & the Future of Our Industry.” On this seminar’s panel of DJs, producers, and record company owners is co-founder of the Winter Music Conference DJ Bill Kelly, founder of the Bo Crane Record

Pool and Pandisc Music Corporation president Bo Crane, founder of RFC Records/ Fresh Entertainment and Legends of Vinyl Board of Director Ray Caviano, Casablanca Record Promoter Executive DJ Ellen Bogen and lastly, Casablanca Record Promoter Executive DJ Arnie Smith. This seminar will discuss technological advancements and how they impact music’s financial success. As well, the status of EDM music is another topic that will be touched upon. Let’s not forget the after party with a performance by Herbie James that goes on until 2 am. Other individuals getting awarded include producers, recording artists, record executives and promoters, club owners, recording engineers, light design technicians, record pool directors and more. Admission will be free for the general public although contributions are accepted.

This event starts at 4 p.m. Hunters Nightclub is located at 2232 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Call 954-630-3556.



• 8.10.2016

Photos: Facebook.

New Gay Social Club Launches in Miami New group hopes to be an alternative to the bar scene Tucker Berardi


he Gay Vista Social Club (GVSC) started as a MeetUp club for gay men in and around their 20’s who didn’t want to deal with the drama of the bar and club scene. “Meet people who are people, in settings where you can actually meet people … and have fun,” reads the GVSC Facebook page. “Maybe just find new friends, maybe network, maybe find the man of your dreams … trade business referrals, and explore the hidden gems and activities the beautiful city of Miami and its surrounding areas have to offer!” Last month the club rebranded itself as a group catering to Millennials (around 18 – 40 years old) but the club is open to members of all ages and backgrounds. This past Saturday, GVSC hosted a launch party for their rebranding. The free event took place 7 from 7 to 10 p.m. with more than 80 people showing up. “We are not ageist in any way, we have had people of all ages and demographics come to our events,” Barrio said. Currently the club is committed to hosting four events a month — one per week. Events range from pool parties to bowling. Barrio said that the club is working toward partnerships with local organizations, such as the Out Foundation Miami, in order to

bring more variety to the events, and he hopes the club will host gatherings centered on health and safety in the future. “Our mission is to create a safe and fun environment for disenfranchised gay men,” Barrio said. “To build an educated group of young men in the community.” So far the club’s biggest event was a pool party at the North Miami Duffy’s with 50 members attending. “What was interesting about [the event] is that Duffy’s is about the straightest sports bar that you can go to, and we had 50 members show up for it,” Barrio said. “We’ve had a lot of young gay people come to us without a lot of gay friends.” The club, according to Barrio, is a great social opportunity to make meaningful friendships and lasting romantic relationships. “In the four months we’ve been around we’ve had four or five relationships start.” “We have a very strong message, being a part of this group is very amazing. I’m pretty mushy but it really is quite an experience.” Barrio said. “If you’re looking for something different from the norm, then give us a try.” At Saturday’s event special guest Jaime Bayo, Executive Director of Out Foundation Miami, was there to speak about a partnership with GVSC.

news miami-dade

Photo: Facebook.

SAVE Honors Young Guardians John McDonald


AVE, a prominent South Florida LGBT organization, is honoring young activists at an awards show in Coral Gables next week. Five individuals, who SAVE terms “young guardians,” are being presented with luminary awards. The five are: Benjamin “Brotha Ben” Evans, Justin Flippen, L.J. Woolston, Jason King and Lutze Segu. The fourth annual awards ceremony will be held rooftop at the Bacardi headquarters building (2701 S. Lejeune Road), Thursday, Aug. 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $50. “These are people who have dedicated their lives to making equality a reality,” said Tony Lima, SAVE Executive Director. “They are young people working hard to champion equality for all.” Evans is a Baptist minister and motivational speaker in the black community, Flippen is a Wilton Manors Commissioner who has fought against conversion therapy, Woolston is a transpan-queer advocate and homeless service liaison, King serves as legislative affairs manager for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Southern Bureau and Segu developed a comprehensive sex education campaign for the MiamiDade County public schools. “I am flattered to be thought of as a luminary,” King said. “It shows that we’re making inroads in the community and making lives healthier.” Health care priorities in South Florida, King said, are ensuring sex education is taught in public schools, patients are

allowed to choose their own doctor and the eventual eradication of AIDS. A keen observer of the political environment, King said President Barack Obama’s signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act, must remain in place. On the contrary, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has repeatedly called for a repeal of the law. “That’s not a good idea,” King said of Trump’s plan. “You can fix the holes in the law, but not get rid of it. I personally know many people who have been helped by Obamacare. It’s a step in the right direction and a total repeal would cause too many people to lose coverage, interrupt therapies and miss medications.” Lima said King’s commitment is true and steadfast. “Jason is dedicated to finding solutions and making HIV something of the past,” Lima said. The Young Guardians Society is a young professional network with an emphasis on equality, social justice advocacy and philanthropic giving. “They all bring sometime special,” Lima said of this year’s luminaries. “They all shine a light on a different aspect of our community.” According to its website, SAVE is recognized as South Florida’s leading organization dedicated to protecting people who are LGBT against discrimination. SAVE stands for Saveguarding American Values for Everyone.

For more information, visit SAVE.lgbt

8.10.2016 •



Publisher's Editorial

Myopia in the Manors Marijuana madness must end

Norm Kent



s I ended last week’s editorial, so do I begin today’s. Let me make this point succinctly and directly. As proposed, the Wilton Manors marijuana dispensary ordinance is unfair and unjust on one hand, downright stupid on the other. First of all, the ordinance prepares the city to adapt to a constitutional amendment, which, if passed, will allow for the distribution of marijuana statewide, to qualified patients who meet the stringent requirements for medical use. If the law passes, it means the citizens of our state will have voted to determine that the use of marijuana, and access to it, for medical purposes- is a fundamental, constitutional right, which cannot be legislatively abridged or legally inhibited by state lawmakers. Accordingly, a proposed ordinance limiting its distribution to fringe locations on the outskirts of our city is likely going to be unconstitutionally prohibitive, not to mention plain dumb shortsighted. Why pass a law that will immediately be legally challenged and cost the city a fortune in legal fees?


• 8.10.2016

Why pass a law declaring that all dispensaries be closed at six p.m. every night, and banning the sale of cannabis on Sundays? Do people only get sick 6 days a week before sunset? This is not making the product ‘legally accessible.’ CVS and Walgreens also sells medicines. Are they required to close on Sundays or at 6 p.m.? What the city is doing is letting cops and law enforcement dictate the distribution of a medicine that Manors residents want available to themselves. As a matter of fact, Wilton Manors and Key West voting districts supported the medical marijuana amendment in 2014 more than any other communities in the state, with over 72 percent of the electorate voting for it. So why would a sensible politician want to even attempt to inhibit its sale locally? How many of you got that high of a vote? The proposed city ordinance does have some sensible zoning restrictions. The dispensaries should not be next door to an elementary school. We do need security and lighting. We do want double doors to prevent odors from emitting to neighboring businesses. But the retailers selling marijuana medicinally should not be overregulated or legally inhibited from

doing what they will have a constitutional right to do. Under the city’s proposed ordinance, if an employee of a dispensary is arrested and charged with a felony, the owner of the establishment can lose his license. Come on, do you have an ordinance which allows a bar owner to lose his $150,000 liquor license in the city if one of his bartenders is charged with beating up his wife? You pass a law making you responsible for your behavior, not your employee’s after-hour conduct. The point is this, folks. Marijuana is coming to Main Street. A year or two from now, you are going to be able to buy and sell it the way you do now a bottle of liquor. So let’s pass laws, which recognize the future that is on its way rather than the past where cannabis was a crime. Tomorrow, you will be going into Galanga and ordering sativa infused salmon. Deal with it. Twenty-four jurisdictions in America have decriminalized, medicalized, or legalized marijuana. Six more votes are being held this year, from Florida to Ohio to California. All the polls suggest passage is likely. Why not? After forty years of a foolish drug war,

we have wrongly arrested millions of decent people senselessly and stupidly. America is finally turning a corner. So should Wilton Manors. There are dispensaries on Broadway in Denver, on DuPont Circle in Washington, D.C., and on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, California. They are legitimate businesses raising tax revenues for each community. The planes still run on time, and no one is being harmed. Marijuana is a medicine, which heals, not a menace which needs to be micro-managed. The rules and regulations we pass in our cities in Florida need to be reasonable; not restrictive, sensible, not stupid. Wilton Manors, get in the game.

SFGN’s publisher, Norm Kent, is the national Vice Chairman of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, (NORML) lecturing across the country on the emerging subject.

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8.10.2016 •




Harvard Republican Club Repudiates Donald J. Trump Dear Members and Alumni, In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee. Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans. The rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel. If enacted, Donald Trump’s platform would endanger our security both at home and abroad. Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession. Trump’s global outlook, steeped in isolationism, is considerably out-of-step with the traditional Republican stance as well. The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States’ responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US’ withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump’s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II. Perhaps most importantly, however, Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States through an increasingly perilous world. The last week should have made obvious to all what has been obvious to most for more than a year. In response to any slight –perceived or real– Donald Trump lashes out viciously and irresponsibly. In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans. He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency. Donald Trump, despite spending more than a year on the campaign trail, has either refused or been unable to educate himself on issues that matter most to Americans like us. He speaks only in platitudes, about greatness, success, and winning. Time and time again, Trump has demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on critical matters, meandering from position to position over the course of the election. When confronted about these frequent reversals, Trump


• 8.10.2016

Photo: Kelly Marshall Smoot/CNN.

lies in a manner more brazen and shameless than anything politics has ever seen. Millions of people across the country are feeling despondent. Their hours have been cut, wages slashed, jobs even shipped overseas. But Donald Trump doesn’t have a plan to fix that. He has a plan to exploit that. Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy. He hopes to divide us by race, by class, and by religion, instilling enough fear and anxiety to propel himself to the White House. He is looking to pit neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, American against American. We will not stand for this vitriolic rhetoric that is poisoning our country and our children. President Reagan called on us to maintain this, our shining city on a hill. He called on us to maintain freedom abroad by keeping a strong presence in the world. He called on us to maintain liberty at home by upholding the democratic process and respecting our opponents. He called on us to maintain decency in our hearts by loving our neighbor. He would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too. This fall, we will instead focus our efforts on reclaiming the Republican Party from those who have done it considerable harm, campaigning for candidates who will

uphold the conservative principles that have defined the Republican Party for generations. We will work to ensure both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands, continuing to protect against executive overreach regardless of who wins the election this November. We call on our party’s elected leaders to renounce their support of Donald Trump, and urge our fellow College Republicans to join us in condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man. The conservative movement in America should not and will not go quietly into the night. A longtime student of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville once said, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” De Tocqueville believed in the United States. Americans are a decent people. We work hard, protect our own, and look out for one another in times of need, regardless of the color of our skin, the God we worship, or our party registration. Donald Trump may not believe in that America, but we do. And that America will never cease to be great.

The Harvard Republican Club

Jesse’s Journal


The Dream of a Gay Nation

Jesse Monteagudo

(A version of this article first appeared in GayToday.com.)


he Dream of a gay nation was born in the “heroic age” that followed the Stonewall Uprising (1969-1971), when militants tried to imitate the work of Zionists and other nationalists to create an autonomous “gay nation.” L. Craig Schoonmaker, head of the aptlynamed Homosexuals Intransigent!, argued that gays could never achieve equality as permanent minorities in a country where the straight majority rules. According to Donn Teal’s activist history, The Gay Militants, Schoonmaker urged gays to “become the majority” by designating “certain geographical areas for demographic takeover by homosexuals. We should leave the farms and villages, the small towns and small cities, and come to specific neighborhoods of specific big cities. We should take over entire election districts and cities, and vote our people in to speak militantly for our rights. The blacks have done it. Puerto Ricans, Italians, Irish, and others too. It works....” Schoonmaker’s plan was to “create a homosexual majority in Manhattan’s 19th and 20th Congressional Districts - which we have designated the ‘First Gay-Power District.’” Schoonmaker’s master plan did not go well with other activists, who were involved with more pressing - and practical - issues. Dick Leitsch, at the time President of the New York Mattachine Society, complained that “Craig Schoonmaker wanted to agitate for a gay homeland. I told him, we have one already. It’s called Cherry Grove [Fire Island].” Meanwhile, on the Left Coast, activist Don Jackson had what Teal called a “broader, non-city dream of gay takeover to establish a gay counter-culture, a refuge for persecuted homosexuals, and a gay tourist Mecca.” “I have a recurring daydream,” Jackson said. “I imagine a place where gay people can be free. A place where there is no job discrimination, police harassment or prejudice. A place where love rules instead of hate. A beautiful valley in the mountains, remote enough from cities so we will not be hassled, yet close enough so transportation is rapid. A place where a gay government can build the base for a flourishing gay counter-culture and city.” Jackson’s daydream was to take over Alpine County, at the time a sparsely-populated rural enclave in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, and turn it into a “Stonewall Nation.” Alas, Los Angeles- press-hungry activists Morris Kight and Don Kilhefner took

this idea of a “Stonewall Nation” and turned it into a huge publicity stunt, which frightened the conservative residents of Alpine County into passing ordinances that would prevent a possible gay takeover. More recently - on June 14, 2004, to be exact - gay Australian activists who never heard of Craig Schoonmaker or Don Jackson expressed their dissatisfaction with Australia’s ban on same-sex marriage by taking over Cato Island, an uninhabited islet in Australia’s Coral Sea Island Territory, and declaring it to be an independent “gay kingdom.” Renamed “The Island of Heaven,” Cato Island became the capital of “the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands,” complete with a rainbow flag and an upside-down pink triangle as its coat of arms. It was the most momentous event of its kind since the 1980’s, when Key West “seceded” from the Union and briefly became “the Conch Republic.” Critics called “the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands” a publicity stunt or a joke. Whatever it was, it was in the fine tradition of LGBT militancy. On “independence day” (June 14) the founders of the gay kingdom raised the rainbow flag on Cato Island and sent the Governor General of Australia a formal notice of independence. The kingdom’s “Declaration of Independence,” posted on its Web site (gaykingdom.info), is a long, ponderous tract which obviously owes much to Thomas Jefferson’s more famous (and shorter) Declaration. A “Gay Constitution” was also concocted, which declared the island to be a constitutional monarchy. Australian activist Dale Parker Anderson (who, we are told, is a direct descendant of England’s “gay” King Edward II) became “His Imperial Majesty Dale I, Emperor of the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands.” (Nothing less than an Emperor would do.) Needless to say, the Australian government has refused to recognize this new gay kingdom in the Coral Sea. Undaunted, the founders of the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands proceeded to bestow upon itself all of the accouterments of modern nationhood. “I am what I am,” as sung by Gloria Gaynor, was

named the national anthem and “the Pink Dollar” became the national currency. The Kingdom also produced “camp postage stamps” to be sold as fundraisers. Meanwhile, “His Majesty’s gay government” announced “plans to give diplomatic recognition to [the] nations of Taiwan and Tibet,” to legalize euthanasia, and to open its borders “to gay immigration and ingathering of gay exiles. Every homosexual now has the right to emigrate to the kingdom [on the Gayflower] and after his arrival should he desire to settle here may obtain permanent residence status. The Kingdom will also be a tax haven and will derive its income from other means.” On military matters, “the Kingdom has declared itself neutral; it does however have a small army of gay activists located around the world it can call on in times of emergency. Finally, “the Gay Kingdom has Consulates located in the major cities of most states and nations in the world. Most of the Consulates are located in the offices of the gay press of these nations.” The Emperor Dale assured the Sydney Star Observer that “we’re very serious about” the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom. “The [Australian] government’s obviously not going to recognize

it but if we can force them to do something about it, then they can’t ignore it.” Without taxes, the gay kingdom will have to depend on tourism for its income, though His Imperial Majesty admits that “It’s a bit hard to get there because there’s no harbor and you have to park the boat off the reef and wait for a wave.” Alas, like too many LGBT groups before or since, the Gay Government soon split over personalities and procedures; and “queer republicans” tried to overthrow the Emperor Dale. Since 2005, several factions have seceded from the Kingdom and gone their own gay ways, forming the Gay and Lesbian Commonwealth Kingdom and the Unified Gay Tribe in the United States and the Gay Homeland Foundation in Germany. Recently the group Planting Peace, led by the LGBT ally Aaron Jackson, visited Antarctica and “claimed” it as “the world’s first LGBTfriendly continent,” raising the rainbow and transgender pride flags over the ice to the bemusement of the native penguins and seals. Meanwhile there is nothing left of “the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands” but a Web site, a Facebook page and a Yahoo group.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

8.10.2016 •



• 8.10.2016

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• 8.10.2016

8.10.2016 •



• 8.10.2016

in memoriam

Photo Credit: Pompano Bill.

Elliot Tiber, Helped Enable Staging of Woodstock, Dead at 81



As a highly experienced defense attorney, Jeff Dean vigorously defends people facing charges from DUI and drugs, to domestic violence and sex offenses, and Jeff fights hard to prevent deportation for immigrants charged with a crime. Jeff Dean has the experience of having defended thousands of people, yet he treats each client and case as his most important.

Associated Press


lliot Tiber, an artist, screenplay writer and designer best known as the businessman who helped enable the staging of the landmark 1969 Woodstock music festival, has died. He was 81. Tiber died Wednesday in a hospice in Boca Raton, Florida, after suffering a stroke, according to his art agent, Elisa Ball. A New York City native and Hunter College graduate born Elliot Teichberg, his Woodstock experience coincided with his coming of age as a gay man. The festival took place just after Tiber had been present at the Stonewall uprising in Greenwich Village. As he recalled in his memoir ``Taking Woodstock,’’ Tiber had been leading a double life, managing his parents’ motel in Bethel and heading the town’s chamber of commerce, while spending his free time in the gay community in Manhattan. In the summer of 1969, Woodstock concert organizers had been seeking a location after efforts in Woodstock and nearby Wallkill failed, with local residents fearing the prospect of thousands of hippies in their small communities. Tiber secured a permit for Bethel and allowed his motel to be used as festival headquarters, a scene that quickly turned chaotic once hundreds of thousands turned up for the three-day show, held on the farm of Max Yasgur. Tiber has said he introduced Woodstock officials to Yasgur, whose farm soon became immortalized


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in counterculture history, but organizer Michael Lang and others have disputed his account. Tiber’s memoir became a 2009 film directed by Ang Lee and starring Demetri Martin as Tiber and Eugene Levy as Yasgur. His other books included the memoirs ``Palm Trees on the Hudson,’’ in which he wrote of his years as an interior designer before Woodstock, and ``After Woodstock,’’ which tells of his relationship with Belgian filmmaker Andre Ernotte. Tiber, who moved away from Woodstock soon after the concert, collaborated with Ernotte on the screenplay for ``Rue Haute,’’ a 1976 release that was Belgium’s entry for the Academy Awards best foreign language film.

To read more about Elliot Tiber, check out Sebastian Fortino’s article here at http://bit.ly/2aIBtsQ

8.10.2016 •


lifestyle history

Homo History 101 History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth.


When you bring in a bag of dog or cat food at the time of your appointment ● $25 OFF 25 units or more of Botox® or Xeomin® ● $75 OFF 25 units or more of Dysport ● Restylane®, Restylane Lift® or Restylane Silk® Mix and Match Sale the Entire Month of August. Buy 1ml get the 2nd 50% off or buy 2 (1ml) and get the 3rd FREE. Discount on equal or lesser value product. Additional Saving from Aspire Rewards if applicable Exp. 8/31/16


• 8.10.2016


Bags of dog and cat food will go to local rescues. Must bring in at least a 7lb bag of food, high quality preferred. Expires 8/31/16

he official South Florida “season” starts with the first sighting of a Quebec license plate. After that with a temporary second home or condo unit or camper or RV. At the Republican convention in Cleveland, billionaire investor and entrepreneur Peter Thiel proudly acknowledged his gay identity and urged Republicans to shift their focus away from issues of sexuality and gender, scoffing at the debate over “who gets to use which bathroom.” “Fake culture wars,” Thiel declared, “only distract us from our economic decline. Thiel was the first speaker to publicly acknowledge his homosexuality at a republican convention. Jim Kolbe, the former Arizona congressman, spoke briefly at the 2000 convention without acknowledging his sexuality. (During Kolbe’s speech, members of the Texas delegation removed their cowboy hats and prayed). Peter Andreas Thiel (1967) is a GermanAmerican entrepreneur, venture capitalist and hedge fund manager. He co-founded PayPal with Max Levchin and Elon Musk and served as its CEO. He also co-founded Palantir, of which he is chairman. He was the first outside investor in Facebook, with a 10.2 percent stake acquired in 2004 for $500,000, and sits on the company’s board of directors. Thiel serves as president of Clarium Capital, a global macro hedge fund with $700 million in assets under management; He was ranked number 4 on the Forbes Midas List of 2014 at $2.2 billion. On April 13, 2009, in the Libertarian ‘Cato Unbound’ blog he wrote: “… I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” In the same article, he also wrote, “Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of “capitalist democracy” into an oxymoron.” On September 22, 2010, Thiel said at a 2010 fundraiser for the American Foundation for Equal Rights, “I believe that gay rights and marriage rights for gay people should not be a partisan issue,” and “Gay marriage can’t be a partisan issue because as long as there are partisan issues or cultural issues in this country, you’ll have trench warfare like on the western front in World War I. You’ll have lots of carnage and no progress.” ‘All of the identity-related things are in my mind much more nuanced,’ he said. ‘I think there is a gay

Photo: Heisenberg Media.

Pier Angelo

experience, I think there is a black experience, I think there is a woman’s experience that is meaningfully different. I also think there is a tendency to exaggerate it and turn it into an ideological category.” In a 2014 episode of “Conversations with Bill Kristol,” he spoke at length on what he perceives to be a crisis in American higher education. He said: “The university system in 2014, it’s like the Catholic Church circa 1514. There’s less diversity, so you have the Dominicans and Franciscans and all these different orders, whereas the diversity between say the Harvard and Stanford political science department is considerably less. But it is sort you have this priestly class of professors that doesn’t do very much work, people are buying indulgences in the form of amassing enormous debt for the sort of the secular salvation that a diploma represents. Thiel has supported gay rights causes such as the American Foundation for Equal Rights and GOProud. In 2010, Thiel held Homocon 2010 for GOProud, an LGBT conservative/ libertarian organization, in his New York City apartment. He invited conservative columnist Ann Coulter, who is a friend of his, to Homocon 2010 as a guest speaker. Coulter later dedicated her new book, “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America,” to Thiel.

lifestyle health Before

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SculptSure Promises to Burn the Fat Away – Literally Jason Parsley















e work out. We diet. But no matter what we do we can’t seem to get rid of that extra layer fat on our stomachs. That pouch has frustrated many a gay man. But there is a solution – SculptSure. It’s latest fat reducing fad out there on the market. It’s similar to CoolSculpting, but less painful and takes less time. Recently I tried it out with V Boutique in Atlantis in central Palm Beach County. And while I skeptical at first, it really did work. Each area worked on takes only 25 minutes. There is some discomfort but as they say “no pain, no gain.” The pain though is mild and I was able to go on about my day afterwards with no issues. V Boutique was among the first to receive SculptSure technology in South Florida. Dr. Neda Vanden Bosch is the primary cosmetic physician and partner of the Medical Specialists of the Palm Beaches. Known affectionately as “Dr. V” she is well skilled in cosmetic treatments. “This is the first FDA laser device approved for fat melting,” Dr. V said. “We’re the first to get it in Palm Beach County and have more experience than most therefore we’re very good at it. Our results have been great.” SculptSure has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and The Doctors. Up until 5 years ago the only way to remove fat was through liposuction, an invasive surgery. But since then several new procedures have popped that destroys the fat through a non-invasive approach – SculptSure is one of the latest techniques. And at 25 minutes it’s

one of the shortest as well allowing you to get right back to work. Up until SculptSure was released CoolSculpting was the primary non-invasive technique to destroy fat. CoolSculpting though froze the fat whereas SculptSure melts it away. “This machine is the newest competitor to CoolSculpting,” Dr. V said. Both are effective and produce similar results. But there are key differences between the two. Here’s why SculpSure appears to be the better option.  SculpSure can treat up to 4 areas in 25 minutes. Coolsculpting can only target one area per treatment in 60 minutes.  SculpSure uses flat applicators that do not use suction. CoolSculpting requires fat that is large enough to be suctioned. If the problem area is not big enough, it cannot be treated.  SculpSure uses a laser that targets fat, sparring surrounding tissue such as nerves. Due to indiscriminate destruction of all tissues suctioned and frozen, CoolSculpting can result in numbness, pain and bruising that can last for weeks post treatment.  Sculpsure provides smoother contours because the heat is dispersed outside of treatment area. CoolSculpting only treats the fat suctioned areas so there can be a “shelving effect,” or a frozen lump of fat that requires repeated massage.  SculpSure is the only non-surgical fat reduction technique that also provides skin tightening in ongoing FDA trials; CoolSculpting does not.

How it works The non-invasive treatment is a 25-minute procedure where light-based laser technology is used to target and permanently destroy multiple, stubborn body fat areas, including the abdomen and “love handles.” The fat reduction takes place over a 12-week period, but oftentimes the results can be seen within six weeks. A device is placed directly on the skin. You’ll feel alternating waves of hot and cold as the laser penetrates deep into the fat. Results vary, but on average a 24-percent reduction can be seen from one treatment. Ideal candidates are people who have a BMI of 30 or lower. Treatments are customized per each an individual’s fat reduction needs. Pricing varies, however, the range is between $350-$1,400 per treated area. Their office is located at 101 JFK Drive in Atlantis. Visit VBoutiqueFlorida.com for more information.



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8.10.2016 •


feature poverello

Poverello’s Bowl-a-Thon Expects

Another Smashing Year The 26th annual event is hoping to raise $100,000 Dori Zinn


eith Allen has bowled in Poverello’s Bowling to Fight Hunger event for the last nine years. Three years ago, with a 196 score, he helped his team take first place. Every week, he heads to Manor Lanes in Wilton Manors to practice his game. The Bowl-a-Thon isn’t until Aug. 20 this year, but he and some members of all five teams he’s put together this year have been hitting the lanes weekly for the last three months.

Photo by J.R. Davis.


• 8.10.2016

feature poverello Allen, a behavioral counselor, doesn’t just come around for the Bowl-a-Thon. The 51-year-old is also a Texas Hold ‘Em dealer around town a few nights a week, which comes in handy at Poverello’s casino nights. He says it’s the nonprofit’s drive that’s gotten them more recognition around town within the last two years. “Helping out a charity is always something I’ve wanted to do,” Allen said. “I’ve put my foot in other charities and I felt like this one was worthwhile, especially with the way they were helping out in the community.” Poverello’s Annual Bowl-a-Thon is now in its 26th year, with hopes of raising $100,000 from a raffle, silent auction, and donations that teams and individuals raise leading up to and on the day of the event. Last year their goal was $75,000, but far surpassed raising $107,000 instead. Kevin Clevenger, Poverello’s Events and Fundraising Coordinator, said the Bowl-a-Thon is one of the biggest events they put on every year and it’s in part to the help of donations from the community. “We’re having an amazing fundraising year,” Clevenger said. “Social media is free advertising and it’s helped escalate our name in the community.” Clevenger has been working at Poverello for the last two and a half years. Before he arrived, though, he volunteered to help with the annual bowling event. Now he’s running it, along with other events that get the word out about how to help Poverello. For almost 30 years, the Poverello Center has been able to provide meals for 3,000 people annually. Aside from health and nutritional services, the non-profit also offers a fullservice gym, access to a nutritionist, and cooking and mental health classes. The donations from the Bowl-a-Thon are critical to helping feed the community. “For every $2.50 we raise, that’s a complete meal to someone in need,” Clevenger said. “Some of the money that’s raised will go to the cooking classes, mental health classes, and other services.” The bowling event has grown exponentially over the years. For a long time, it was held at Manor Lanes in Wilton Manors, but due to the amount of teams and bowlers that signed up, the event outgrew the bowling alley. It was a good problem to have, and the event moved to Sawgrass Lanes in Tamarac four years ago, one of the largest bowling alleys in Broward. With 56 lanes and 280 bowlers, the event has sold out the last two years. Clevenger expects this year to be another massive hit. “It’s a fun event, it’s not all about the bowling,” he said. “Some people are competitive, but it’s more about coming together for our community.” The two dozen sponsors this year are helping keep the cost of producing the event relatively low so all the proceeds can go back to the services Poverello offers. The event makes a significant portion of money from the raffle and silent auction. Right now, you can win everything from trips to Antigua, Panama and St. Lucia to hotel stays, jewelry, spa treatments and salon visits. There are even chiropractic services, artwork, and liquor baskets. Bidders for the silent auction and raffle don’t even need to be bowlers to participate. “Since we’re a non-profit, all items are tax-deductible,” Clevenger said. “It helps promote the business, it’s a return on investment. It also shows community involvement because it looks good on the organization that they’re supporting the cause.” At the end of the bowling tournament, there’s an awards

ceremony for the bowlers and the fundraisers. Regardless if you raise money through your bowling skills, networking, or cash on hand, there’s a way for everyone to join in for a good cause. “The biggest part is participation,” Keith Allen said. “What we can do is spend money by buying raffle tickets and buying in the silent auction.” Allen said he personally hasn’t raised a lot, but he’s helped his five teams raise money. Last year he put together six years. The year before, in 2014, he put together seven. This

year, three out of the top five teams he’s organized are raising the most money. Because people work a lot, Allen said it’s not easy to get a lot of donations to the teams. The other parts of the Bowl-aThon are critical to raising money. But that doesn’t stop him and his five teams from competing hard on game day. “At least three of the five teams have a very ‘I’m gunna kick your butt’ attitude,” he laughed. “Others are just happy to participate. We always meet afterward to celebrate what we’ve done.”

Want to help? To register or support a person or team, or to donate to the raffle or silent auction, visit hungerfighter.org.

If You Go: Saturday August 20, 2016 Practice: 11 a.m. -Noon | Event: Noon-3 p.m. Sawgrass Lanes 8501 N University Drive Tamarac, FL 33321

This year’s leaderboard so far Individuals


Jo Anne McCann – $2,423

Joe Imbrogno – $300

Derby Winners – $2,873 GFLGLCC - Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay & Lesbian Chamber – $2,740 RLII Strikes Out Hunger 26 – $1,105 GYM Bar JOCKS – $539 Hunger Fighters – $378 SFGN Newsies – $345 The Swear and Care Crew – $290 T House Peeps – $286 Dicks Service Station – $228

Mike Trottier – $270

Khaleesi’s Vortex – $215

Tom Haynes – $1,305 Ericha Lichter – $1,105 Adam Anthony – $575 Cowboy Dan – $510 CJ Josey – $450 Donald Reilly – $435 Chris Caputo – $306

8.10.2016 •


Photo: Sherman Rosser.

feature poverello

Charity Lip Sync at Hunters Huge Success for Poverello Denise Royal


t was a battle for the ages. A Lip Sync Battle, that is. The July 28 event at Hunters Fort Lauderdale benefitted the 26th Annual Bowling to Fight Hunger held by Poverello. Since 1988, the organization has been dedicated to meeting the nutritional needs of its clients, who have HIV/AIDS, through the distribution of free groceries from its fundraisers, food band and sales from its thrift shop. The July 28 fundraiser was hosted by the dragstastic Nicole Halliwell and Shelita Buffett. It featured lip sync performances by local bartenders and both professional and amateur entertainers. Their routines ranged from the fabulous to the hilarious. Some of the standout performances were by Peter Bisuito, Jose Lima and Joe Beasley. “The 12 volunteer performers were incredibly generous, entertaining and fun,” said Kevin J. Clevenger, Fundraising & Events Coordinator at Poverello. “What impressed me most was how everyone came together to help people who have trouble putting food on their tables. With increased support, we can buy more high quality, nutrient rich food to provide to each person we serve at Poverello.” While it was big fun watching the performers lip sync and gyrate for cash – the

goal of the evening was serious – fundraising. “The event was a huge success,” Clevenger said. “We raised more than $4,000, which helps us provide 1,600 complete meals. So we’re truly grateful to everyone who performed, volunteered or gave to make the night a stunning success.” The money raised helped push Poverello closer to this year’s fundraising goal of $100,000. As of August 3, more than $90,000 is still needed. Last year, more than $107,000 was raised. This year’s bowling tournament happens on Saturday, August 20 from noon3 p.m. at Sawgrass Lanes, 8501 N. University Drive in Tamarac. To donate money online, please visit HungerFighter.GivingSpirit.com/#moneygoes or you can like the event’s Facebook page here: Facebook.com/pages/ Bowling-to-Fight-Hunger-to-benefitPoverello/171112236376075. One-hundred percent of every dollar raised will benefit Poverello’s food pantry’s health and nutritional services. Operating one of the only consumer choice, medically tailored specialty food pantries in the nation, Poverello serves nearly 3,000 individuals each year, providing them with groceries sufficient to prepare nearly 1 million meals including rich fruits and vegetables.

In addition to the Poverello Food Pantry the Center offers: • Full Service Gym • Onsite Nutritionist • Smoking Cessation Class • Massage

• Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Cooking Classes • Mental Health Classes

For more information, please visit Poverello.org. 36

• 8.10.2016

8.10.2016 •


community announcement

Chamber Chat

ARTOPIA III Rises Again! Mark Corbett


nce again, GLBX’s ARTOPIA will take over NSU Museum Fort Lauderdale for its third annual event – an explosion of visual, performing, fashion, and culinary arts. This year’s extravaganza, sponsored in part by Audi Fort Lauderdale, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and Mad Studios, will take place on Saturday, Sept. 24. The incomparable Daisy D will return once again as this year’s sassy emcee. As we know from last year, ARTOPIA was an extraordinary success. What does the GLBX team have in store for us this year? With two strong years under its belt, GLBX is making this year better then ever. The evening will begin with an exclusive VIP reception. Special performances will take place on the main stage throughout the night in addition to photographic art displays, fashion cameos, high-tech digital arts, and culinary treats with plentiful cocktails that will blow your mind. The evening will culminate with an after-hours lounge when a special guest DJ takes over to cap off the night with music and dancing. Jonathan Hawkins, an internationally recognized performer, will be gracing the stages at ARTOPIA III. He was last seen in South Florida in Andrea Bocelli’s “Live in Central Park Revisited.” Living between New York and Los Angeles, Hawkins has had the privilege of performing around the world. From the Cathedral of Notre Dame to Lincoln Center, the ancient Greek Theatre at Epidaurus to the world famous Birdland Jazz Club, Hawkins has become one of the most sought after crossover tenors with his “tour de force” voice. Hawkins will take you on a journey though tale and song. His exceptionally beautiful and powerful voice coupled with his charming personality make for an unforgettable evening of first-class entertainment. ARTOPIA’s DJs are Paul Dawson and PJ DeBoy. They starred together in the cult film favorite “Shortbus,” which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. They are the co-creators, hosts and DJs of Mattachine, the long-running NYC monthly and international dance party with recent stops at the Berlin Film Festival, Rio, and Miami. Dawson and DeBoy are very excited to be coming to ARTOPIA.

Photographs by M. Sharkey will enrich the scene with striking images of queer youth across the U.S. and Europe. Sharkey’s photographs are intimate testaments to his subjects’ powerful self-awareness; at once empathetic and opulent, they are the visual counterparts to the voices these young people have struggled—and lately succeeded—to find. Additional theatrical and melodic treats are in store provided by the amazing Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida and Island City Stage, both of which are this year’s beneficiaries along with the Stonewall National Museum & Archives. ARTOPIA is produced by the GLBX, a council of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, created with the firm belief that the inclusion of diversity in business fosters growth and prosperity among the entire community. It is also one of the fastest growing business networking groups in Broward County committed to bringing together straight and gay-owned businesses along with large and small corporations so that together the business community can continue to “build bridges” and infuse dollars back into the area. ARTOPIA was conceived as a cultural event in order to appeal to all aspects of the business and artistic communities. The exclusive VIP reception begins at 7 p.m. and includes a special performance by Jonathan Hawkins, with ample time to hobnob and mingle with the artists and performers while sipping specialty cocktails and enjoying mouthwatering culinary bites. Other VIP perks include free valet parking. General admission also opens its doors at 7 p.m., getting the party started on the second floor of this spectacular space. Tickets for ARTOPIA III are available online at GLBX.org or FTLchamber.com. Act now for available ticket purchase discounts. General Admission tickets start as low as $90, VIP as low as $140. Both include culinary delights, entertainment, and open bars throughout the night! Join our next After Hours Networking event at Audi Fort Lauderdale on August 11th at 1200 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304.

Follow the GLBX on Facebook (www.facebook.com/fortlauderdaleglbx/ or contact the GLBX Council Chair, Karen Prescod at Karen@prescodlifeandhealth. com to obtain more information on how to become a member.


• 8.10.2016

8.10.2016 •


lifestyle food

Farm To Fork Meals.

Farm to Fork Meals is Like Having a Personal Chef Rick Karlin


here are two types of people in this world; people who eat to live and people who live to eat. I am in the latter category, but even I have those days when I get home after running around all day and the last thing I want to do is drag my ass into the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans.

So I end up picking up some fast food on the way home (a waste of money and way too many calories) or, if I’ve got time, stop at the hot bar at Whole Foods (another waste of money and calories). Sometimes we get fancy and order food from our favorite restaurants and have it brought to our house by one of those delivery services; an even bigger waste of money, although the food is better. The other option is to heat up a microwaveable dinner. Not only are they sodium bombs, and tasteless, but one is not enough for me (and I bet I’m not alone) and two just seems ridiculous. It’s at times like that I wish I could afford a personal chef to cook delicious, restaurant quality meals that I can eat within a few minutes of getting home. If you often find yourself in a similar situation, there’s a wonderful alternative to fast food and last minute delivery. Farm to Fork offers restaurant quality chef-prepared meals, delivered to your door. All you need to do is pop the container into the oven for 15 minutes and you have a full entrée, protein and side items ready for you. No dirty pots and pans, not even a dish if you want to eat out of the container (but these meals are so delish, they deserve to be served on a beautiful plate). Here’s how it works; you simply subscribe to a meal plan; a choice of either two or three meals a day, every weekday. The traditional plan focuses on comfort food combinations. A customizable version allows those ordering to choose preferred


• 8.10.2016

combinations of proteins, starches and vegetables from an extensive line up of offerings. In either case, the customer can provide a list of restricted items to avoid due to dietary restrictions and personal preferences. Don’t like kale? Just say so and it will never appear in your order. Farm to Fork is also developing a Fit Plan for those with who wish smaller portions or additional protein. Meals plans are currently priced at $179.50 for 15 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and $129.59 for 10 (lunch and dinner). At first glance that seems awfully pricey, but when you break it down it’s just $11.97 per meal for three meals a day, $12.95 per meal for two. That’s far less than you pay for take-out or delivery of similar quality meals. My husband and I recently tried a day’s worth of meals. He opted for the vegetarian version, I went with the traditional. First of all, each meal provided so much food, that we ended up with enough for a couple of snacks later in the day. With a couple of exceptions everything was fantastic, and even the things that we didn’t care for, were mostly a matter of personal preferences. Here’s the breakdown of what we sampled. Breakfast A vegetable frittata (zucchini, roasted tomato and fresh spinach) served with a side of breakfast potatoes and maple chicken

sausage was my introduction to Farm to Fork’s delightful cuisine. The frittata was absolutely light, fluffy and delicious, the potatoes perfectly seasoned and nicely browned. The sausage was a disappointment – I found it lacking in flavor and with a weird texture, but I’m not a fan of chicken sausage to begin with. Gluten free vegan pancakes, topped with Valencia orange and blueberry jam, won raves from my husband. I found the pancakes a bit on the chewy side — an issue found in many gluten free products. The Valencia orange and blueberry topping added a lot of moisture and flavor. Both breakfasts came with a side of fruit salad. However, we were so full after the main dishes, that we saved the sizable portions of perfectly ripe fruit for a snack. Lunch My lunch of shrimp was a qualified success; a half dozen blackened colossal shrimp were perfectly seasoned, but ended up a tad overcooked. Roasted Brussels sprouts and spaghetti squash which subbed for a traditional starch were also delicious. In the future, I would check the shrimp as I was heating up the dish and remove them earlier. My husband has extensive experience in sampling veggie burgers. He deemed the black bean and poblano version from Farm to Fork among the best he’d ever eaten. His meal provided two burgers over assorted grilled vegetables with a side of heirloom tomato slaw. There were even slices of avocado to top the burgers. He chose to pair the avocado and burgers on buns we had at home. Each dish came with a side of a pair of moist, flavorful, thumbprint cookies, which we saved for a mid-day snack. Dinner We held our dinners to the next day because we were so full from the meals we’d eaten earlier in the day. Our dinners held up well in

the fridge and were just as tasty and fresh the next day. My meal featured three, thick slices of pork tenderloin. I was surprised at how moist it was, turns out it had been brined for 24 hours before cooking. I’m going to steal this technique the next time I make a pork tenderloin, as it was delicious. The accompanying balsamic onion jam provided additional moisture and a touch of sweetness. The sides of grilled summer squash and wild rice were both perfectly prepared. I worried that my husband would not like the Asian marinated and grilled tofu that served as his main course, as he usually prefers softer tofu. However, he found that the “steaks” in his dinner combined a firm exterior with nice grill marks with a soft interior making for a delicious bite. The delightfully chewy vegetable quinoa was a hit as well. The kale not so much, but that was more of a personal preference than anything else. Each dinner came with a chocolate chip bar which provided a nice treat while we bingewatched one of our favorite television shows. Each entrée is packed in a container that is ready to pop into the oven. If you set the oven at 350°, it will be at the right temp by the time you open a bottle of wine. Pop in your meal (labeled with all the ingredients and signed by the chef who prepared it) and by the time you finish your first glass of wine, you’ll have a restaurant quality meal. And these are meals that deserve to be accompanied by a nice glass of fine wine. Farm to Fork Meals is the perfect solution for quality-conscious, busy people who want to eat gourmet fresh and healthy food, and don’t want to or have time to prepare their own meals.

For more information, call 954-368-8796 or go to FarmToForkMeals.com.

8.10.2016 •







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J.W. Arnold




pageantry Calling all band geeks! Tonight, the semifinals of the Drum Corps International World Championships will be broadcast live in theaters across the country. “Big, Loud and Live!” will feature the top 16 units, including the Blue Devils, Phantom Regiment, Cavaliers and Santa Clara Vanguard, in astounding performances of pageantry and precision, music and motion. For theaters and tickets, go to DCI.org.



film Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. This weekend, Academy Awardwinner Meryl Streep stars as “Florence Foster Jenkins,” the American socialite and amateur operatic soprano who shocked audiences and was ridiculed for her completely tone-deaf singing. But she did have lots of heart and this film, also starring Hugh Grant and Simon Helberg, is harmonious. Check local listings for show times and theaters.

Head to the local cineplex for the live semifinals broadcast of the Drum Corps International World Championships tonight from Indianapolis. Sixteen top units, including the defending champions Blue Devils, will compete for gold in the annual Summer Music Games. Photo Credit: DCI.


8/13 SUN

8/14 MON

8/15 TUE






So you think you’re good with a hot glue gun? Have you mastered bedazzling? Well, then you’re ready to try blacksmithing. You won’t be making horseshoes. Instead, wield the power of fire to shape elegant, useful objects in a four-hour introductory class today at 4 p.m. at Dark Angel Armory & Forge, 2500 Hammondville Rd. in Pompano Beach. Registration is $150 per person at DarkAngelArmory.com.

Cool off this afternoon at Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave. in Coral Gables, with the Tony and Olivier Award-winning production of Peter Morgan’s play, “The Audience.” The original West End production, starring the incomparable Dame Helen Mirren and directed by Stephen Daldry, will be rebroadcast at the theater at 1 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. Tickets are $20 at GablesCinema.com.

“Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks” is currently on display at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 1103 Biscayne Blvd., through Oct. 16. The first major exhibition of self-taught pop artist Jean-Michel Basquiat’s notebooks explores the poetry fragments, wordplay, sketches, and personal observations contained in more than 160 pages from these rarely seen volumes. For more information, go to PAMM.org.

We know you’ve been tuning in all along to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro since the opening ceremonies, but tonight, don’t miss the finals of the men’s 3m springboard diving, men’s gymnastics on the horizontal bar and women’s floor exercise. If glistening, ripped pecs, delts and abs aren’t to your liking, there’s always the gold medal match in women’s table tennis. Check local listing for channels and show times.


• 8.10.2016

8.10.2016 •


a&e theater Photo Credit: George Wentzler.

Christina Groom and Gladys Ramirez star in “Jenny & Simone,” one of the short plays featured in “Shorts Gone Wild 4” at Island City Stage.

LGBT Shorts Get Political J.W. Arnold



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• 8.10.2016

he heated presidential campaign provided timely inspiration for “Shorts Gone Wild 4,” the annual festival of LGBT-themed short plays presented each August by Miami’s City Theatre and Island City Stage in Wilton Manors. Subtitled “Decision 2016: It’s Gonna be Yuuuuuge!,” the latest version featured eight new 10-minute plays by seven playwrights and performed by a cast of six and staged by five local directors. And, like the daily public opinion polls about the Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns, results are mixed. The only clear losers were Log Cabin Republicans who became the common butt of the jokes in many of the plays. As in previous years, the audience played a role in deciding the order of the performances, this time using the convoluted rules of the various state party primaries and caucuses. Jokes about superdelegates abounded as the audience’s popular vote was overturned or, as in the closed primaries, only a small percentage were allowed to select the next play. Fortunately, chairs didn’t fly. Among the clear winners was “Jenny & Simone” by Christopher Demos Brown. An encounter between two blushing bridesmaids (Christina Groom and Gladys Ramirez) after a Baptist wedding proved that politics can indeed come between two seeming soulmates who agree on virtually everything else but their preferred presidential candidate. “Be the Change” by Susan Westfall also features a married couple (Noah Levine and Christina Groom) who harbor dispolar political views. When their favorite restaurant on Wilton Drive, Carabba’s, is transformed into a flamboyant gay club, they must confront their prejudices and embrace modern realities. Similarly, Michael McKeever’s “Things My Grandfather Taught Me,” finds two gay and lesbian couples enjoying dinner together. Unfortunately, opposing political views by the respective partners hilariously come between the friendship of Robbie (Dominic Smith) and his lesbian “wife,” Meredith (Rita Joe). Larry Buzzeo took a fine solo turn in

McKeever’s “Dear GOP,” a “Dear John” letter from a nominal gay Republican who can no longer intellectualize his ties to a party that refuses to accept his marriage. As sometimes happens with short plays — and the failure of a certain candidate to explain away her email controversy — others stumbled over themselves to make a point and still land a few laughs. “Bernie Singles Dot Com” by Jessica Farr raced out of the gate, a staged infomercial for a dating service catering to the disaffected supporters of the failed Democratic Socialist candidate. Plenty of jokes abounded, drawing laughs from the decidedly non-Millennial audience, but towards the end, Farr’s premise sputtered and failed to seal the deal, just like Bernie. Michael Aman, who wrote the criticallyacclaimed drama, “Feeding the Bear,” totally overthinks North Carolina’s controversial bathroom law, only to wrap up the meandering discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in said bathroom with a quick punchline. And, another couple (Noah Levine and Dominic Smith) find themselves in marriage counseling in “Lips Like Crocus” by Stuart Meltzer. It turns out that Levine’s Seth has a sexual fetish with lesbian MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow. The play is silly fun, yes, but seemed like filler in comparison to other plays in the lineup. Speaking of filler, in previous years the play selection skit provided flow and continuity between disparate plays. But, with a unified theme, the “primaries” seemed to hinder the pace of the evening, especially since the lineup was more or less preordained. Clocking in at two hours and 10 minutes (with a 15-minute intermission), nearly 20 minutes of “Shorts Gone Wild” in total was spent clearing the stage, introducing the next play and then resetting the stage in nearly the same configuration. Despite a very few shortfalls, “Shorts Gone Wild” is certainly a welcome distraction from the barrage of political ads that will be filling the airwaves over the next few weeks as the state primaries approach.

Island City Stage and City Theatre present “Shorts Gone Wild 4” through Aug. 28 at The Abyss Theater, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $35 at IslandCityStage.org.

a&e theater Submitted photo.

Intimate Theatre Stages Gay 1980s Drama John McDonald


lmost hidden away on a side street in Fort Lauderdale’s arts district is a play about friends coping with crisis. Terrence McNally’s “Love! Valour! Compassion!” was written in the mid-1980s when the AIDS epidemic hit America hardest – particularly gay America. At times it can be confusing who is with who as eight friends meet at a New York lake house for three holiday weekends. “I lived through this whole thing,” said Ted Dvoracek, a cast member in the Fort Lauderdale production. “I’m the oldest one in the cast. It was important to me to be a part of this because it’s a part of gay theatre history.” Dvoracek plays Perry, a lawyer who has been with his partner Arthur (William Smith) for 14 years. “We’re role models now,” Perry bemoans at one point in the play. Dvoracek said his angry portrayal of Perry is how the character “dealt with not being able to face the horrific burials that were happening in the community. It’s in big contrast with what is going on now and I’m not sure the audience was prepared for such a serious piece.” Audience members should be prepared for the full monty as most cast members eventually strip down to their birthday suits. Bryan Betancourt, who plays Ramone, a Puerto Rican hustler, told SFGN nudity was the easy part. “To me it’s embarrassing, but to my character Ramone it’s just a part of the way he lives,” Betancourt said after last Friday night’s show. “He just doesn’t care. He has the body. He just

wants to show everyone what he’s capable of doing. Personally, to some degree, I relate to Ramone because I love showing my body.” Jerry Jensen directs performances. Jensen, who stage managed the recent production of “Hair” at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, said he was “stunned and enthralled” by McNally’s work in the spring of 1995 during the play’s Tony-winning run on Broadway. “I could see a group of gay men relating to each other in all manifestations, sharing romance, anger, laughter, sex and difficult truths,” Jensen said. “These were men I knew, and here they were on stage, openly addressing questions of gay identity, self-esteem, the threat of AIDS and male love.” Cast member Richard Weinstock, plays Gregory Mitchell, an aging professional and owner of the lake house where the men gather to share secrets. Weinstock said the olderyounger relationship dynamic in McNally’s script is a reality not often discussed. “As an aging gay man myself I can relate,” said Weinstock. “You see a lot of it out there. Olderyounger relationships and there are realities to that. I often wonder, if there is a guy out in the audience who is in his forties or fifties and he’s dating a 20-year-old and if he looks at this and the reality hits.” Rounding out the cast is Rosseroni Parris, Brett Watts and Jason Fazio. Andrews Living Arts Studio, managed by Bob Nation, houses this production. Ticket prices are $34.95 for general admission, $29.95 for seniors and $39.95 for premium seating.

If You Go What: Love! Valour! Compassion! Where: Andrews Living Arts Studio, 23 NW 5th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301.

When: Through Aug. 20, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m., Sundays: 3 & 7 p.m. More Info: AndrewsLivingArts.org

8.10.2016 •


AUG 10 to AUG 17


Theater Christiana Lilly




Inside Out: A Kaleidoscope


Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Dance Theater of Florida brings together a number of dance companies, with headliner the Koresh Dance Company. Tickets $20. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Season 8: The Queens

Aug. 14 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. The winner of this season’s drdg show, Bob the Drag Queen, is joined by runners up Kim Chi, Naomi Smalls, Chi Chi DeVayne, and more. Tickets $21.50 to $51.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.com.

Stalking the Bogeyman

Through Aug. 28 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. A play based on the true story of journalist David Holthouse’s search for the truth in a 25-year-old crime. Tickets $55 to $60. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county * Alice Cooper

Aug. 12 at 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The out-of-this-world rocker performs hits like “School’s Out,” “Welcome to My Nightmare” and “I’m Eighteen.” Tickets $49.50 and up. Call 954462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Chris MacDonald’s Memories of Elvis in Concert

Aug. 13 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. In tribute to the late, great Elvis Presley, MacDonald performs The King’s hits in costume from his early days in music to his raucous Las Vegas acts. Tickets $27 to $45. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.com.


• 8.10.2016

* Monster Jam

Aug. 13 and 14 at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The monster trucks return to the arena for their annual pilgrimage of destruction and big wheels. Tickets $20 to $53. Call 954-835-7000 or visit TheBBTCenter.com.

* Shorts Gone Decision 2016



Through Aug. 28 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Tenminute comedic LGBT-themed shorts — it’s gonna be yuge! Tickets $35. Visit IslandCityStage.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county * Slightly Stoopid with SOJA and Fortunate Youth

Stalking the Bogeyman through Aug. 28 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables.

miami-dade county * On the Beach

Aug. 12 to 14 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. The Mad Cat Live! Band performs Neil Young’s fifth studio album. Tickets $10 to $20. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come

out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sunset Cove Amphitheater at Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. The bands come together for a night of reggae, hip hop funk, and rock. Tickets $37.50 in advance of $40 day of. Parking is $10. Visit AXS.com.

* Brad Paisley, Tyler Farr and Maddie and Tae

Aug. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheater, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Country crooner Paisley tours in support of his Crushin’ It Tour. Tickets from $36. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmpitheatre.com.

The World Goes ‘Round

Through Aug. 21 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee in West Palm Beach. A musical revue with the legends of Broadway, including John Kander and Fred Ebb. Tickets $54 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis. org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

8.10.2016 •


Nite Life Law If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.


Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks

Secret Dressing: Subliminal Messages in Male Clothing Catalogs

Kent & Cormican Criminal Defense Law Center


Norman Elliott Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 www.NormKent.com

Aug. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. The opening of an exhibit that explores underlying messages in men’s advertising that shows the presence of gay influence on style. Showing through Sept. 18. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

SMART Ride Meet & Greet

Aug. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hyatt Place West Palm Beach/Downtown, 295 Lakeview Ave. in West Palm Beach. Learn about the SMART Ride fundraiser and meet other interested riders. Free. Visit TheSMARTRide.org.

Florida Friendly Landscapes

Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon at Miami Beach Botanical Gardens, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Find a way to balance a healthy landscape for your yard that is also pleasing to the eye. Free. Visit Green. MiamiDade.gov

Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * School Lunch Bingo

Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Welcome back to school season with bingo, remembering Marc Hansen. Game package $15. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 306, 308, or 309 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

* Stranahan Stories: Ivy Stranahan and the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Aug. 15 at noon at the Fort Lauderdale Woman’s Club, 20 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. One of the founders of Fort Lauderdale, Stranahan also lead the women’s suffrage movement in the city until the passage of the 19th Amendment. See letters, photos, and documents that preserve her memory and activism. Free. Visit StranahanHouse.org.

Annual School Supply Drive

Through Aug. 15 at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Help local


• 8.10.2016

schools by donating school supplies. To have a collection bin at your work/organization, email Mari-Lee.Baxter@browardschools. com. For general enquiries, contact Women with Pride at 965-463-9005, ext. 108 or email womenwithpride@pridecenterflorida.org.


Through Aug. 21 at the Hollywood Art and Culture Center, 1650 Harrison St. in Hollywood. Aurora Molina’s exhibit is a collection of embroidered selfies showcasing society’s ego and sense of self. Call 954-9213274 or visit ArtandCultureCenter.org.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org

* Denotes New Listing

AUG 10 to AUG 17 palm beach county * Feminine Mystique Art Show

Aug. 16 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. The opening reception to the exhibit honoring the Women’s Health Conference. On exhibit through Aug. 31. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Lichtenstein and Monet

Through Aug. 21 at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. A collection of the pop artist’s revamp of Monet’s garden and lily pond series. Free. Call 561-832-5196 or visit Norton.org.

Las Orishas de Cuba: The Saints of the Santeria Religion of Cuba

Through Aug. 30 to The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Cuban Artist Alberto Piloto Pedroso uses syringes to create art work. Call 786-521-1199 or email PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth

support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Trans Youth Group

First and third Fridays at 5 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A support group for transgender youth 12 to 19 years old. Email Katherine Murphy at katherine@compassglcc.com.

Palm Beach Prime Timers

Second Saturdays at 3 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A support and meet-up group for middle age gay and bisexual men. Free. Visit PrimeTimersWW. com/PalmBeaches.

miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter. org/en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.

The Flying Trapeze School

Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Soar through the air like a member of the circus with trained trapeze experts. Call 786-2398775 or visit TheFlyingTrapeze.net

Free Rapid HIV Testing

Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud, 555 Washington Ave. Suite 235 in Miami Beach. Receive the results of your free, confidential HIV test in minutes. Call 305-397-8967 or visit LatinosSalud.org

Community Yoga Series

Third Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. at jugofresh Wynwood Walls, 222 NW 26th St. in Miami. Yoga instructor Dawn B. Feinberg leads a monthly yoga class in the middle of Miami’s art district. Mats are available, but yogis are encouraged to bring their own. Free. Call 786-472-2552.

Miami Log Cabin Republicans

Fourth Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. at Casa Larios, 7705 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Meet with other like-minded people and hear from speakers in the community. Visit LogCabin. org/chapter/florida-miami.

Prayers For World Peace

Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist teacher, Todd Ellenberg will lead prayers and meditation. Cost $10. Call 786-529-7137.

8.10.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

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Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

law office of Selzer & Weiss 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

professional services

Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 Kalis-McIntee Funeral & Cremation Center

2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com

Pre-Arrangement Discounts For All Our LGBT Friends

Income Tax Preparation

The Best Cellar

Boutique Wine Shop & Wine Bar The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 8:00 p.m. ONLY $15 PER PERSON! 954-630-8020 1408 N.E. 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33334

real estate

Daoud’s Fine Jewelers 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com

spirituality The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare Where we welcome and appreciate diversity.

101 NE 3rd St Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

Ecumenical Catholic 954.731.8173


Doug Turner, Enrolled Agent Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive bestbooksandtaxes.com

Baptisms • Weddings • Memorial Services

Integrity Palm Beach


INTEGRITY is an official organization of the Episcopal Church that brings together single and partnered LGBTQ women and men and their allies for fellowship, advocacy, education and socializing.

Call today for appointment restaurants





BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com

Carole Benowitz PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays)

When: The second Saturday of each month, 7:30 p.m. program or presenter, immediately following 6:00 p.m. Communion Service and 6:45 potluck supper provided by attendees Where: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 100 North Palmway • Lake Worth, FL 33460 FOR INFORMATION:

www.integritypalmbeach.org or Joe@thegraphicissue.com

J. Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com

Ernie's B-B-Q 1843 S Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636

Peace Pipe 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl

Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:30 AM

•Individual •Small Business •Free Consultation

Storks Bakery 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com




Dr. Pierre B. Bland, DVM 1332 E. Commercial Blvd., Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com 8.10.2016 •


SFGN Classified$ accommodations

To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com





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Gay Owned and Operated Tropical Resort Garden Apartments, Safe, Secure seven unit lushly landscaped PRIVATE compound.Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedrooms with Full Kitchens. Located just south of the Airport in Historic Dania Beach, Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES from $425/WEEK & $79/NIGHT Celebrating 19 years. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com


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handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293 MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $50 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

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GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972.

pool service

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HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com

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954.530.4970 52

• 8.10.2016


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WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.



real estate broward county MARK EAGLE YOUR #1 ROYAL PARK CONDO REALTOR - Water view 1BD/1.5BA move-in condition for sale at just $84,900. Also, fab totally rehabbed canal view 2BD/2BBA $129,900. 2 miles to Wilton Drive at 1/2 the cost. 954-203-2345 merealtr@aol.com Coral Shores Realty

rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

rentals - vacation WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL “Fill the room NO Vacancy Specials” are back for the months of August and September. Reserve or walk in and if we have vacant rooms and good Monday through Thursdays. Any two consecutive nights reduced from $199 to $149 or any three consecutive nights reduced from $299 to $219. The total stay rates are plus taxes and are based on any room still available. Guest must be 21 or over and have a Valid Non-Debit Major Credit Card and Identification. “Must mention this add when inquiring” Call Wes at 954-605-3561 daily 8am to 6pm

roommates oakland park APARTMENT TO SHARE - Mature,(stable)gay man seeks 50+ gay man to share a two Bedroom condo in gated community. $500/month plus half of utilities. Fully furnished with two pools, tennis courts, ect. Must have proper ID and provide copy of license. Brian @ 954-529-3490/gejejeffsubri@ yahoo.com

8.10.2016 •


porn pulse

Trump Signs Anti-Porn Pledge Hunter Houston


ould porn become public enemy No. 1 of the U.S. Presidential campaign? There is certainly evidence to suggest just that. On July 16, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump signed a pledge, authored by Enough Is Enough, a non-profit organization, stating he would aggressively enforce laws preventing sexual exploitation of children, child pornography laws, sex trafficking laws and federal obscenity laws. All well intended, but the push into federal obscenity laws is another story indeed. Closer examination of the Enough Is Enough website reveals the organization’s mission doesn’t stop at protecting children. Formed in 1994, EIE’s vision is “dedicated to continue raising public awareness about the dangers of internet pornography, sexual predators, other dangers and advance solutions that promote equality, fairness and respect for human dignity with shared responsibility between public, technology, and the law.” While the EIE acknowledges the internet is


• 8.10.2016

a powerful educational and communications tool, Houston, we have a problem. “Unfortunately, this vehicle has been hijacked by the sex industry, sexual predators and other enterprises. The two primary internet dangers today are children’s free and easy access to all types of pornography, and sexual predators’ easy and anonymous access to children,” EIE proclaims. Included in Trump’s signed pledge is peerreviewed research and medical science, EIE contends, that confirms internet pornography is a “fueling factor in the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, violence against women, addiction, decreased mental and physical wellbeing, compromised development of youth, the breakdown of marriage, sexual predation and sex trafficking.”

8.10.2016 •


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