local name global coverage august 14, 2019 vol. 10 // issue 33
An uphill battle for
Trans Troops
Military Reports No Discharges Under Trans Ban, but Advocates have doubts Pages 12 - 13
NEWS highlight
Transgender Conference Returns to Fort Lauderdale This Weekend Annual event will empower and educate the trans community on a number of issues
August 14, 2019 • Volume 10 • Issue 33
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
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Denise Royal
he Southern Comfort Transgender Conference comes to Fort Lauderdale on Aug. 15-17. For the fourth year, the forum hosts a series of workshops, networking events, and discussions in South Florida. The conference takes place at the Riverside Hotel. “Our conference attendees get to experience invaluable sessions and networking in a fantastic, cosmopolitan destination,” said Charlotte Kibert, President of the Southern Comfort Transgender Conference, in a pre-released statement. “Fort Lauderdale’s authentic and welcoming vibe makes all the difference, and we value the opportunity to work together to support and provide resources for the transgender community.” The conference aims to empower and educate trans individuals on issues of health, family, relationships, sexuality, and much more. There are several workshops on makeup, issues before and after surgery, and several social events. During the conference, participants will also have the chance to experience Fort Lauderdale’s nightlife, dining, shopping, and more. The annual event attracts people from all over the U.S., offering the opportunity for education and social interaction.
Special guest Sarah McBride.
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Pompano Bill, 1924 - 2018
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A few guests from the 2018 Southern Comfort Transgender Conference. Photo via Southern Comfort Conference, Facebook.
Val Barnes is the keynote speaker. She is best known as the first person to out actor Jeffrey Tambor for sexual harassment on the set of the critically acclaimed TV show “Transparent.” Sarah McBride, national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, will also appear at this year’s event. She was one of the first openly transgender people to work in the White House. McBride recently announced plans to run for state senate in Delaware. Attendees can register for the entire event or only Saturday’s program. For more information on the Southern Comfort Transgender Conference, please visit sccfla.org. Volunteers produce and run the conference.
cover: U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Photo by Spc. Luke Thornberry, U.S. Army, via Flickr.
Associated Press
8 . 14.2019
“Our conference attendees get to experience invaluable sessions and networking in a fantastic, cosmopolitan destination.” - Charlotte Kibert President of the Southern Comfort Transgender Conference
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8.14.2019 •
NEWS local
Poverello Looks Back on Decades of Service with
Bowling Event
Damon Scott
t would be seen as an accomplishment for just about any organization to operate successfully for more than 30 years — but perhaps even more so for one that tackled a health issue devastating to the gay community. The Poverello Center in Wilton Manors is at Poverello for 20 years. in its 32nd year, and while much has changed Poverello was founded in 1987 by Rev. Bill in the HIV/AIDS fight over time, its bowling Collins who died in 2017. Collins organized fundraiser has not. volunteers to feed those who were in the midst The 29th annual “Bowling to Fight Hunger” of the darker days of the HIV/AIDS crisis. — on Aug. 24 at Manor Lanes Bowling — is The organization still serves those affected one of Poverello’s biggest fundraisers of the by HIV/AIDS, but have expanded the mission year. in order to assist those with This year’s goal is to raise other chronic illnesses and $45,000. conditions. There are five health areas that The nonprofit provides food bowlers can designate their funds to about 4,000 South Florida to: HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, clients — specifically “food as kidney disease and heart disease. medicine.” In other words, it’s Organizers hope each category not your typical food pantry or will generate about $10,000. One food bank. hundred percent of the funds Food items are selected as raised will go to the health issue “medically appropriate” from that is chosen by the participant. specialized choices, depending The theme of this year’s event is on a client’s condition and “Looking Back, Moving Forward.” needs. - Brad Barnes “Without community [support] Food plans are put together Poverello’s Live Well Center program we would not [have been] here for for specific illnesses, there’s a manager 30 some years,” Poverello’s Live registered dietician on staff, Well Center program manager, and set menus are produced Brad Barnes, said. with clients choosing 100% of the food they “This is an opportunity for us to look back. receive. HIV/AIDS has moved so much since then. It’s The service is not a prepared meal one, a different day,” said Barnes, who has worked by design. Instead, the intention is to keep clients in as normal a routine as possible by encouraging them to cook their own food. “Prepared meals are fine, home delivered meals are perfectly fine, but most people prefer to cook their own meals,” Barnes said, acknowledging some clients are unable to cook. Poverello also goes on the road with its pop-up food pantries that can serve up to 100 people at a time. In Barnes’ two decades at Poverello, he has worked the different areas of agency – Eat Well, Be Well, Live Well. “We try and provide a community to break down the barriers of being isolated,” he said. For example, Poverello used to operate the
“This is an opportunity for us to look back. HIV/AIDS has moved so much since then.”
8 . 14.2019
A team member with Gym Bar goes for a strike at the 2018 Poverello “Bowling to Fight Hunger.” SFGN file photo.
Friends Center, a gym for clients who weren’t comfortable working out in public because, perhaps, they had a sore on their face that was from their battle with HIV/AIDS. As the disease changed, the gym eventually went away. Now, Poverello reaches out to ask area acupuncturists, barbers, masseuses, chiropractors and the like to volunteer a few hours of time to their clients each week. Poverello also operates two thrift stores, one in Fort Lauderdale and one in Pompano Beach. Polish those balls The bowling event will have some cool features around the theme, Barnes said. For example, the center lane will be marked as “memory lane,” in honor of founder Collins,
who used to participate in previous events. Barnes said the person who raises the most money will “represent Father Bill.” There will also be ribbons with the names of people who have died or are in the midst of battling a disease. Barnes and the staff are tying the theme to the 1980s, choosing music and decorations to fit. South Florida performer Tiffany Arieagus will emcee and Barnes is hoping she’ll show as a 1980s Tina Turner. Arieagus is also a director at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Finally, Barnes wants the community to know they are welcome to come to the event to show support, even if they are not interested in bowling or are unable to bowl. There will be a raffle and auction for anyone who wants to participate, he said.
The cost to bowl is $50. To sign up or form a team, go to HungerFighter.org. More information about Poverello can be found at poverello.org. Manor Lanes is located at 1517 NE 26th St. in Fort Lauderdale.
8.14.2019 •
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A peek into the festivities at Tropical Heat. Photo via Facebook.
Key West’s Tropical Heat This Week Annual event is one of the island’s most anticipated
Jason Parsley
ropical Heat, Key West’s weekend of allmale activities, kicks off Wednesday, Aug. 14 at the iconic gay resort Island House. The launch party starts at 5 p.m. and will feature poolside drink specials, appetizers and prize giveaways. “The roster of revelry includes pool parties, brunch with local female impersonators, sizzling dance parties and adult-themed gatherings held at the island’s LGBTQ resorts, guesthouses and entertainment venues,” organizers said in a press release. The event is in its seventhyear and is produced by the Key West Business Guild. Tropical Heat VIP access passes are available for $99 per person. Attendees can also pay individual event admissions. Two new events this year include the Drunken Drag Brunch and the The Big Game Party. The Drunken Drag Brunch at Mangoes will feature bottomless mimo-sas and a Cuban buffet taking place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday. The Big Game Party at Alexanders Guest House takes place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and will feature a themed party
where at-tendees are encouraged to dress in their favorite hot sports gear. Thursday’s festivities also include a noontime pool at Equator Resort. Friday’s festivities feature a noontime pool party at Bourbon St. Pub/New Orleans House. The event typically offers an afternoon of spirited pool games, a DJ and live entertainment, food and drinks. Saturday’s highlights include the Equator Resort’s 13th annual Toga Party at 7 p.m. with prizes for the best togas. Sunday’s attractions feature Key West’s famed Tea Dance at 4 p.m. at La Te Da. Closing events include a late-night “Afterglow Party” at Saloon 1. The Key West Business Guild also produces “Pride,” “Womanfest,” and the “Headdress Ball.” The non-profit KWBG is devoted to “promoting Key West to LGBTA travelers.” The organization’s work helps to attract about 250,000 LGBTA travelers annually, earning Key West the “well-deserved reputation as one of the most appealing gayfriendly destinations in the world.”
Two new events this year include the Drunken Drag Brunch and the The Big Game Party.
Visit TropicalHeatkKW.com to purchase VIP passes and for more in-formation. Visit GayKeyWestFL.com to learn more about the Key West Business Guild and the other events they produce throughout the year. 6
8 . 14.2019
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8.14.2019 •
PATIENT INFORMATION What is TROGARZO? TROGARZO is a prescription medicine that is used with other antiretroviral medicines to treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) infection in adults who: • have received several anti-HIV-1 regimens in the past, and • have HIV-1 virus that is resistant to many antiretroviral medicines, and • who are failing their current antiretroviral therapy HIV-1 is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It is not known if TROGARZO is safe and effective in children. Before you receive TROGARZO, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you: • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TROGARZO may harm your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you become pregnant during treatment with TROGARZO. Pregnancy Registry: There is a pregnancy registry for women who take antiretroviral medicines, including TROGARZO during pregnancy. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about the health of you and your baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about how you can take part in this registry. • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you are receiving TROGARZO.
What are the possible side effects of TROGARZO? TROGARZO can cause serious side effects, including: Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. Your immune system might get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell your health care provider right away if you start having new symptoms after receiving TROGARZO. The most common side effects of TROGARZO include: • diarrhea • nausea • dizziness • rash These are not all the possible side effects of TROGARZO. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
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What are the ingredients in TROGARZO? Active ingredient: ibalizumab-uiyk
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This Patient Information has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Issued: March 2018
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– You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby during treatment with TROGARZO.
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8 . 14.2019
Inactive ingredients: L-histidine, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, and sucrose. TROGARZO does not contain any preservative.
8.14.2019 •
NEWS local
Naked Bicyclist Causes Stir in Wilton Manors Sallie James
Photo courtesy of Norm Kent.
he dinner crowd in Wilton Manors got an eyeful last week when a man on a bicycle served up more than dessert as he pedaled down Wilton Drive. Wilton Manors Police received several calls from concerned citizens who called to report a naked man riding a bike in the city’s downtown district at 6:27 p.m. According to police, the man parked his bike, entered RockHard Lovestuff at 2205A Wilton Drive, donned an item of clothing from a shelf and informed employees he was trading his bicycle for the merchandise. He exited the store, strolled down Wilton Drive and then discarded the item of clothing, baring his birthday suit to rush hour traffic. Police Chief Paul O’Connell said officers located the man in the 2200 block of Wilton Drive and “provided him cover” while they evaluated the situation. The man refused to give police his legal name or any additional information, police said.
8 .14.2019
He was subsequently arrested and charged with one count of lewd and lascivious exhibit by an individual 18 years or older and victim less than 16 years old, and one count of obstruct by a disguised person. As of Tuesday the man still has not been identified. He currently remains in the Broward County jail on a $1,000 bond. Police are asking anyone who recognizes this man or has information about him to call them at 954-3902150 or Broward County Regional Communications at 954-784-HELP or email info@wmpd.org.
(877) 259-8727 2900 Biscayne Blvd Miami, 33137
750 SE 3rd Ave, 1st Fl Fort Lauderdale, 33316
1613 Alton Rd Miami Beach, 33139
2097 Wilton Dr Wilton Manors, 33305 8.14.2019 •
NEWS local
Military Reports
No Discharges Under Trans Ban But advocates have doubts Chris Johnson
Washington Blade
ore than two years after President Trump tweeted he’d ban transgender people from the U.S. military “in any capacity,” the military services say the policy hasn’t resulted in denials of service for otherwise qualified individuals — a claim transgender advocates say is dubious at best.
The Washington Blade reached out to each from the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. of the military services — the Army, Navy, Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include Ryan Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard — Karnoski, Staff Sergeant Cathrine Schmid to obtain numbers of discharges and denials and Drew Layne — transgender people of enlistment of transgender people since blocked under the ban from accession into the Defense Department implemented the the military. (Each of these individuals policy, DTM-19-004, on April 12. joined the lawsuit before the current policy Each of the services — with one exception went into effect on April 12.) — had the same reply when asked how many On July 26, 2017, Trump surprised the otherwise qualified transgender individuals world, including leadership in the U.S. were denied accession, or military, when he announced enlistment, into their ranks: he’d ban transgender people zero. (The exception was from the military “in any the U.S. Coast Guard, which capacity.” reported denying enlistment “After consultation with to two applicants under the my generals and military policy.) experts, please be advised Moreover, each of the that the United States “... there is no services uniformly had the Government will not same answer in response to accept or allow transgender denying that a question about the number individuals to serve in numerous of separations under the antiany capacity in the U.S. trans policy: zero. military,” Trump tweeted. qualified trans Stephen Peters, spokesperson “Our military must be patriots want for the LGBT group Modern focused on decisive and Military Association of overwhelming victory and to enlist or America, said the assertion cannot be burdened with commission into that no transgender applicants the tremendous medical were denied enlistment is costs and disruption that the military.” “incredibly misleading.” transgender in the military - Stephen Peters “While I’m sure whoever would entail.” LGBT group Modern Military is responding to your inquiry Essentially, the tweet Association of America is justifying their response announced a reversal of based on semantics, there is policy allowing transgender no denying that numerous qualified trans people to serve openly and obtain transitionpatriots want to enlist or commission into related care without fear of discharge — a the military,” Peters said. policy that was implemented by former As evidence of transgender applicants Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in the last being denied accession into the military, six months of the Obama administration. Peters pointed to his organization’s lawsuit It took nearly two years for the Pentagon against the ban, Karnoski v. Trump, which to implement Trump’s pledge to ban is pending before a trial court after remand transgender troops. The policy became
8 .14.2019
Photo credit: Ted Eytan, via Flickr.
know as DTM-19-004, “Military Service by Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria.” Why the delay in implementation? Trump tweeted the policy at the same time as former Defense Secretary James Mattis was conducting a six-month study reevaluating transgender service. Following Trump’s tweets, the study concluded transgender people should not serve. Moreover, courts had until the time blocked Trump’s policy from going into effect. Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the orders from the lower courts, essentially allowing the policy to go forward. Under DTM-19-004, service members are discharged who are diagnosed with gender
U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Photo by Spc. Luke Thornberry, U.S. Army, via Flickr.
dysphoria or are prescribed transitionrelated care. In terms of enlistments, the policy bars applicants with a history of gender dysphoria — unless the individuals are willing to serve in their biological sex (an extremely small number of transgender people). Applicants who obtained transitionrelated care are outright banned. The transgender ban contains an exemption that allows transgender people who came out during the Obama-era policy to continue to serve and receive transitionrelated care. But those troops could face complications under the ban, such as if they seek promotions, want to change services or drop out to pursue educational opportunities and seek to re-enlist. The Defense Department has insisted the new policy is a medical-based policy applied to every service member, even though the policy applies to conditions faced solely by transgender people, and is not a ban, even though it bars many transgender people from service. In response to the Blade inquiry, each of the four services under the Defense Department — the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps — each claimed zero applicants were denied enlistment under DTM-19-004, while the Coast Guard, which is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security, claimed two denials.
NEWS national (Initially, an Army spokesperson responded, “No applicant meeting the medical accession standards contained in DTM 19-004 has been denied entry into the Army under DTM 19-004.” When the Blade followed up by asking for the numbers on how many were denied as not meeting the standard, the response was “None.”) Similarly, a Navy spokesperson initially replied, “By policy (DTM 19-004) there can be no denial of accessions based on gender identity alone. Therefore the answer is zero related to gender identity.” When the Blade pointed out no mention was made of gender identity, the new response was “zero.”) Aaron Belkin, director of the San Francisco-based Palm Center, said the difference between numbers of the Coast Guard and other services suggests the former views the transgender ban differently. “The fact that the Coast Guard is reporting the data honestly shows that it is not afraid to acknowledge evidence that indicates what we have long known, which is that the transgender ban harms readiness,” Belkin said. It’s possible the number of applicants denied enlistment under the ban don’t reflect individuals not just blocked from enlisting under the transgender ban, but due to reasons unrelated to the policy. Moreover, those numbers don’t capture the impact of the policy as a deterrent. At a time when the military is falling short of its recruitment goals, many transgender people may not attempt to enlist even if they would otherwise be interested in military service. A gay Democratic statistician in New York City, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he’s not authorized to talk to the press, said the likelihood the Army denied enlistment to no applicants when the Coast Guard denied enlistment to two is infinitesimally small. “While it’s difficult to say anything with much certainty because we have been given so little data to work with, the odds that a service like the Army that gets nearly 10
times as many applicants as the USCG had transgender ban, nor had they denied any zero rejections, while the USCG had two are requests for waivers. The Air Force and incredibly low,” he said. “Far less than one the Navy added they have obtained no requests for a waiver to begin with since the percent odds.” Belkin said the services reporting no implementation of the policy. Belkin said admission from the services separations is “not surprising” because the process for those separations may not be yet they had not granted any waivers speaks volumes about these waivers being a false finalized. “The process for administrative promise. “This rebuts claims from military separation set out in DTM-19-004 is efficient but not instantaneous, and it’s leadership that availability of waivers will only been three months since the ban soften the effect of the ban,” Belkin said. took effect,” Belkin said. “Candidates for “In particular, some waivers should have separation, by definition, would be service been expected soon after the ban took effect members who had not been diagnosed with because a number of service members got caught short by the sudden gender dysphoria by April 12 April 12 effective date and the (otherwise they would be inability to obtain qualifying grandfathered). The process diagnoses on short notice.” for administrative separation Transgender people who could not even begin until sought diagnoses prior to diagnosis, followed by April 12, Belkin said, would another determination that have been obvious candidates gender-transition treatment for waivers as well as military was medically necessary.” “Transgender students in ROTC. Belkin added transgender members will The Blade also asked service members may be whether the military services serving in the shadows like avoid medical granted any exemptions under like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the ban on openly gay and health care under Section 1 of the policy, which contains a grandfather service repealed during the encounters clause allowing transgender Obama administration, and service members who came avoid seeking transitionthat could during the Obama related care, which would expose them to out administration to continue initiate a discharge. military service without fear “Transgender members separation.” of discharge. will avoid medical and health - Aaron Belkin In responses that belie the care encounters that could director of the Palm Center estimated 14,700 transgender expose them to separation,” people in the military, Belkin said. “Separations are including the five who months the tiny tip of the iceberg.” The Blade also sought to obtain ago testified before Congress, three of the information on waivers under the trans ban. services reported zero exemptions and one Under Section 3 of DTM-19-004, the military service reported one exemption. The Coast Guard reported zero, the Air departments and Coast Guard may grant a waiver to allow a transgender person who Force said no exemptions were granted or requested and the Army said no in-service would otherwise be blocked from service. Each of the services uniformly replied exemptions have been granted. The Navy spokesperson, however, said they had granted no waivers under the one exemption “was granted due to when they started the enlistment process.” U.S Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class David Weydert. The Marine Corps declined to answer that inquiry altogether, asserting “we do not track those numbers” because the question is a medical issue and “protected (to an extent) by HIPAA,” the federal law providing data privacy for medical information. Belkin, however, said claims of being unable to provide numbers on exemptions due to concerns about HIPAA are flat-out “wrong.” “For example, the Accession Medical Standards Analysis & Research Activity (AMSARA) writes a report every year tracking the medical status of service members to
U.S. Army vehicle. Photo via Pixabay.
determine how effectively medical accession standards are screening for fitness,” Belkin said. Belkin added the “we do not track” excuse recalls Mattis’ attempt in an exchange with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) to undercut the testimony by military service chiefs that the inclusive policy has not harmed readiness. “In short, the ‘we do not track’ assertion is false and is used to avoid conceding that inclusive policy worked and that there is no evidence to suggest otherwise,” Belkin said. Meanwhile, the transgender military ban continues to face acts of resistance, including the litigation filed by LGBT legal groups that remains pending in federal court. Two major universities — the University of Wisconsin Law School and American University — have threatened to ban military recruiters on campus as long they refuse to admit transgender candidates. (If the schools make good on that threat, they would likely face a loss of federal funding under the Solomon Amendment.) Moreover, transgender advocates praised recent Senate testimony from Vice Adm. Michael Gilday, Trump’s pick to become the next chief of naval operations, in which said he transgender service members have had no negative impact on unit cohesion. “I am unaware of negative impacts on unit or overall Navy readiness as a result of transgender individuals serving in their preferred gender,” Gilday said in written responses for his confirmation hearing. Peters also said transgender people making an attempt to enlist despite the ban is helpful in efforts to dismantle the policy. “There are also numerous trans patriots who want to enlist, but they are not going through the process because they are well aware the ban is in place,” Peters added. “It’s no secret the administration has implemented this ban, so they know they would be rejected based on who they are.”
Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.
8.14.2019 •
This is only a brief summary of important information about BIKTARVY and does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your condition and your treatment.
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ABOUT BIKTARVY BIKTARVY is a complete, 1-pill, once-a-day prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in adults. It can either be used in people who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before, or people who are replacing their current HIV-1 medicines and whose healthcare provider determines they meet certain requirements. BIKTARVY does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS. HIV-1 is the virus that causes AIDS. Do NOT take BIKTARVY if you also take a medicine that contains: } dofetilide } rifampin } any other medicines to treat HIV-1
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BIKTARVY, the BIKTARVY Logo, DAILY CHARGE, the DAILY CHARGE Logo, KEEP LOVING, LOVE WHAT’S INSIDE, GILEAD, and the GILEAD Logo are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. Version date: December 2018 © 2019 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. BVYC0103 02/19
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Because HIV doesn’t change who you are. BIKTARVY® is a complete, 1-pill, once-a-day prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in certain adults. BIKTARVY does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS.
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Please see Important Facts about BIKTARVY, including important warnings, on the previous page and visit BIKTARVY.com.
5/13/19 10:54 AM 8.14.2019 •
Palm beach datebook Art After Dark Fridays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Norton Museum of Art, 1450 S. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach View an exhibition, attend a talk, participate in an art activity, enjoy a performance, concert, or film, sip cocktails, and dine in the Museum’s elegant new bar and restaurant. Free admission. Visit Norton.org. Palm Beaches Prime Timers Second Saturdays at 3 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth An active fraternal and social organization dedicated to bring together mature gay and bisexual men for friendship, activities, support, and personal growth for the best times of our lives. Free. Call 561- 533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com. STD Testing and Flu Vaccinations First Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth The Department of Health comes monthly. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com. Free Friday Concerts Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org. Coffee Clatch at Compass First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environ-ment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in community projects. Free to at-tend, email joekolb@ compassglcc.com fir details. Transcendence Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.
8 .14.2019
Women’s Wellness Conference Saturday at Compass Event will focus on health barriers LBT women face
Kristen Grau
ompass, the LGBT community center of the Palm Beaches, is hosting its fifth annual Women’s Wellness Conference, a health-centered educational event for heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian and transgender women on Aug.17. The day-long conference will feature speakers including doctors, mental health professionals and social workers. They’ll focus on specific health topics like meditation, co-parenting, intimate partner violence and more, according to Compass Health Services Coordinator Lysette Perez. “Conversations like this are important because other events focused on women’s health are usually for providers to learn about advances in medical care for women. Other events that cater to women consumers tend to focus on the social aspect of being a woman,” Perez said. “This conference is unique in that it provides information about health care and healthy habits directly to consumers.” The day’s presentations will largely focus on health barriers that LBT women face. A National Center for Biotechnology Information study found that non-
There will be free HIV testing, counseling, linkage to care and screenings for blood pressure, glucose and bone density.
Photo via Pixabay.
heterosexual women experienced more difficulties accessing services than other women. SFGN has previously reported other health challenges LBT women experience, like: Transgender people at risk of reproductive cancer after sex reassignment surgery Transgender women facing higher HIV rates Receiving less routine healthcare screenings and tests Discrimination from healthcare providers Perez hopes the conference will be an educational experience for those who aren’t told about all their medical options
and what they may be at risk for. “The conference provides an opportunity for access to providers and health information in a safe environment, allowing attendees to ask questions and establish healthy habits,” she added. Different health services will be available for attendees to talk to and learn from. There will be free HIV testing, counseling, linkage to care and screenings for blood pressure, glucose and bone density. This marks the first time Compass used direct audience feedback to determine the Women’s Wellness Conference schedule. “Community partners” and last year’s participants called the shots for this year’s activities and speakers via post-event surveys, Perez said. Other exhibitors include massage therapists, chiropractors, insurance companies, pharmacies, social services, and LBT entrepreneurs. Lunch will also be provided.
The conference goes from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Compass. Tickets in advance until Aug. 16 are $15, and tickets at the door are $20.
it’s time to
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8.14.2019 •
NEWS international
Four Caribbean Countries
Challenge Sodomy Laws Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados and Jamaica all criminalize same-sex relations x
Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade
GBTI people in four Caribbean countries over the last year have filed lawsuits against their nations’ colonial-era sodomy laws. Javin Johnson and Sean Macleish on July 26 filed a lawsuit against two laws in St. Vincent and the Grenadines that criminalize consensual same-sex sexual relations.
Daryl Phillip, founder of Minority Rights Dominica, and Maurice Tomlinson, a senior policy analyst at the Toronto-based HIV Legal Network, on July 18 announced a gay man who remains anonymous filed a lawsuit against Dominica’s sodomy law. Tomlinson, who was born in Jamaica, on Aug. 18 2018, challenged his homeland’s sodomy law with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Alexa Hoffmann, a transgender activist in Barbados, along with a gay man and a lesbian woman on June 6, 2018, filed a lawsuit against their country’s sodomy law with the same commission. The commission on July 15 sent a letter to Barbados’ government that said it has three months to respond to the lawsuit. The Jamaican government received a similar letter three days later. “The anti-sodomy law and serious indecency law in Barbados serve no purpose other than to foster alienation and marginalization against LGBT people,” Hoffmann told the Washington Blade on Tuesday on Facebook Messenger. “Any person who has anal sex, oral
Daryl Phillip. Photo via Daryl Phillip, Facebook.
8 .14.2019
sex, engages in mutual or other masturbation or sexually interacts with another consenting adult, even in private, is legally branded a criminal, and the social implications are nothing nice, to say the least.” Macleish told the Blade on Tuesday during a telephone interview from Chicago where he has lived for more than 30 years that his country’s High Court of Justice, while Johnson case “is very personal to me because of my and Macleish brought their case before St. experiences being gay in St. Vincent” with “all Vincent and the Grenadines’ High Court. The Caribbean Court of Justice — which of the homophobia and discrimination that I last November struck down a Guyana law experienced there.” Phillip, in a press release that announced that criminalizes cross-dressing — would consider an appeal in the Dominica case. The the Dominica lawsuit, echoed Hoffmann. Privy Council in London would “Brutal and often lifeconsider an appeal in the threatening experiences are a daily reality for many LGBT “Brutal and often case from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. people in Dominica, and life-threatening The Inter-American Court elsewhere in the Caribbean,” experiences are a of Human Rights, which the said Phillip. “Because the Organization of American law criminalizes all LGBT daily reality for States created in 1979, enforces individuals, it sends a powerful many LGBT people provisions of the American message that other people — Convention on Human Rights whether law enforcement or in Dominica, and that Barbados recognizes. regular citizens on the street — elsewhere in the The court in 2018 issued are entitled to discriminate and Caribbean.” a landmark ruling that commit human rights abuses recognizes same-sex marriage against LGBT individuals.” - Daryl Phillip and trans rights. It also ruled in Dominica, St. Vincent and Founder of Minority favor of Karen Atala, a lesbian the Grenadines, Barbados and Rights Dominica judge in Chile who lost custody Jamaica are among the handful of her three daughters to her of English-speaking Caribbean countries in which consensual same-sex ex-husband because of her sexual orientation, in 2012. sexual relations remain criminalized. “We expect a complete victory there,” said The government of Trinidad and Tobago has appealed a 2018 ruling that declared Tomlinson, referring to the Barbados case. He added he also remains optimistic about the country’s colonial-era sodomy law unconstitutional. Tomlinson said an appeal of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines case. the Belize Supreme Court’s 2016 decision that Tomlinson told the Blade the rulings from struck down the Central American country’s Trinidad and Tobago and Belize, along with sodomy law is pending. The Dominica lawsuit was filed in the
recent decisions against colonial-era sodomy laws in India and Botswana, will influence the English judges who sit on the Privy Council. “I don’t think there will be any fear that they will be regressive,” he said. Tomlinson told the Blade his case “presents a little unique challenge” because Jamaica’s constitution appears to preserve laws that were in place before the country’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms took effect in 2012. He said he is arguing this provision does not apply to the sodomy law because a provision that penalizes registered sex offenders without a pass with a $9,000 fine and a year in prison came into force that year. “The cases all have different apex courts,” he said. “The issue is how these different courts view LGBT rights and the countries also have different constitutions, so the issue will then will be how the constitutions interpret LGBT rights.” Tomlinson also noted Caribbean politicians “have taken a hands-off approach” to the lawsuits. “Truth be told we suspect that every politician in the Caribbean wants these laws to be struck down via court action so they have political cover,” he said, noting potential criticism they will face from religious conservatives. “They’re cowards, so they don’t want to do it themselves because of the potential of blowback, but they’re happy that it’s being done this way.”
Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.
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8.14.2019 •
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Trans Talk
Being an Ally Part 1
Atticus Ranck
any people want to be allies to transgender people but simply don’t know how, so they end up saying offensive things or asking inappropriate questions in the name of attempting to understand what it means to be transgender. However what that means for many transgender people is that we often get asked these questions without any regard for how that feels to us. And we often get asked repeatedly. It can be taxing. So I’ve put together a list of ways to be a better ally to the transgender community, gleaned from my years as a trans person and a full-time professional advocate and trainer. 1. Mirror Their Language This means that we need to identify someone the same way they identify. If someone identifies as a trans woman, it’s OK to also identify them that way. However, keep in mind that they may not be out to everyone so be aware of this when discussing this person, especially when they aren’t around. Use the right There are some terms that are outdated name and or inappropriate that allies cannot use such as transvestite, transexual, pronouns for tranny, and transgendered. There are that person some trans folks who identify this way and that is OK; we aren’t here to tell even when that someone how to identify. What’s not OK is using these terms without express person isn’t permission.
My dad goes by Skip. He always has even appropriate pronouns to use for a singular person though his legal name is not Skip. There and is grammatically correct. Use the right name are many people who know his legal and pronouns for that person even when that person name but don’t use it because he doesn’t isn’t around, in fact, especially when that person isn’t like his legal name. If someone called my around. It’s good practice so you don’t mess up in front house phone when I was young of them. around, in fact, parent’s and asked for my dad by his legal name, I If you do mess up, don’t apologize profusely. 2. Respect Their Identity knew they weren’t friends of his. Use the Apologizing profusely looks like, “He, I mean she, especially when right name. Always. damnit, I am so sorry. I’ll get there. I’m just getting that person This can come in many forms. The first Use the pronouns they ask you to use. used to it. It’ll take me some time, I hope you can of which is Never Deadname. Someone’s A good way to be an ally is to include forgive me…” This is embarrassing for everyone isn’t around. deadname refers to the name given to your pronouns on your email signature involved and now you’ve made it about you instead of someone at birth. I was not born with the or to use them in person when meeting about the person whose gender you just invalidated. name Atticus. My parents gave me a different name someone for the first time. For example, “Hi, my name Instead, simply correct it and move on. For example, that I used for 24 years. I never share that name with is Atticus, and I use the pronouns he, him, his. What is “He, I mean, she said…” That’s it. anyone anymore. Why? Because I think it gives that your name and pronouns?” Never ask someone their person a power over me I don’t give them permission pronouns until you share yours first. Keep in mind There’s a lot more to say on how to be an ally so to have. My deadname could be weaponized against that the pronouns They, Them, Theirs are completely stay tuned for Part 2 in a few weeks. me. I have many trans friends whose deadnames I don’t know and have never asked. This brings me to my next point, which is Don’t Ask Them Their Real Atticus Ranck is the Health Programs & Supportive Services Manager for Bradbury-Sullivan Name. LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Transgender Their real name is the one with which they introduce Services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Atticus is a trans man who advocates for the LGBT themselves. This isn’t exclusive to trans people, either. community through his work, trainings, presentations, and everyday encounters.
8 .14.2019
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Andy Marlette
8.14.2019 •
Seeing In The Dark
Blind EDM artist Lachi
champions the gig economy Musician Lachi. Photo courtesy of Belo Cipriani.
Belo Cipriani
aving a job is important. Aside from generating income, it provides independence and can boost a person’s selfesteem. But for people with disabilities, landing that one job is extremely tough.
According to a study released by Melwood, a nonprofit providing jobs and opportunities to people with disabilities throughout the greater Washington, D.C. area, only 4 out of 10 individuals with disabilities are employed in the U.S. While the study points to some grim figures when it comes to work participation for people with cognitive or mobility conditions, the Melwood study highlights that people with disabilities have a lot to contribute, if given the opportunity. For example, the report states Melwood workers of differing abilities earned wages of about $27.7 million in 2017 and paid about $6 million in federal, state and local taxes. Melwood’s CEO, Cari DeSantis, believes the disability community has a lot to offer employers. She said, “This group of people is creative, hardworking, and loyal.” Legally blind musician Lachi fits DeSantis’ description like a glove. In addition to being a performer, she is an entrepreneur and author. She also does a lot of freelance work to support herself. “In today’s industry, you gotta keep the bills paid between the major projects,” she said. “So apart from live engagements, I also write toplines and produce vocals for other artists, compose music or vocals for producers, production studios, and ad agencies, and create vocal packs for club DJs.” While Lachi has no problem landing projects, she shares her disability sometimes impacts how her clients perceive her. “I tell artists and clients about my visual impairment right at the gate, if they don’t already know,” she said. “Usually they start off a little taken aback by the way I work, then they get all ‘oh wow she’s really good for a blind person,’ but it usually ends with ‘wait, she’s actually just really fricken good.’” Lachi recognizes looking for work with a
8 .14.2019
disability has its challenges. And to all those individuals that are having a tough time securing a job, she encourages exploring the gig economy. “If you’re having a hard time finding work,” she said, “consider ditching the traditional work-grinder and joining the gig economy. With micro-skills such as writing ad copy, photoshop editing, virtual assisting, people are making livings without leaving the house or interacting with other humans beyond a few messages. Sites like UpWork or even Fiverr allow you to post your skills on their sites and find clients. SoundBetter is a great marketplace for experienced musicians to acquire independent projects.” For Lachi, being an entrepreneur means she has to be constantly networking. And with just one partially seeing eye, meeting people at events often presents barriers. “Well,” said the LGBTQ ally, “being blind makes networking quite the endeavor. I’m on a constant split-test of how best to shock people into engaging with me. Learning and navigating new locations is always a thing, namely because I’ve gotta figure things out super fast and somewhat furtively. People have no idea that most of the simple tasks I do in new locations (i.e. sitting in a chair, opening a door, shaking a hand) is about 60% based on intuitions and deductions, not on actual physical knowledge.” “People sometimes,” continued Lachi, “assume I’m aloof because I don’t wave back, or approach, or make direct eye-contact, or acknowledge social cues altogether. People also render me a bit pushy, because I often have to really focus on the situation at hand to comprehend it. Failing to see and needing to work hard to focus are both physical traits -- resulting from my disability -- that have seeped into the macrocosm of my personality.
But once I can see you, and even when I can’t, I’m super social.” Lachi’s determination has made her an artist to watch out for. Her recent release “Fire” debuted on international dance charts, and “Go” hit over one million streams in three months, and hit the BeatPort Top 100 for EDM / Drum & Bass. She also has a few releases dropping in July and August -- including a Dub track titled “Unafraid,” featuring emerging Milano DJ duo RIOHTZ. Lachi represents a small section of the disability community that is employed. As the Melwood study pointed out, and as we have learned through meeting Lachi, the disability community has many creative and hardworking individuals that would be an asset to any organization. Improving the work participation of people with disabilities can seem like a huge undertaking; however, it is an issue that anyone can support in several different ways. If you are a supervisor or work in human resources, you can talk to the leadership in your company to see about starting a
program that recruits from the disability community. Additionally, employers can establish partnerships with nonprofits that help people with disabilities find work to create hiring events. And if you are one of those people that likes to volunteer, you can reach out to nonprofits and offer to provide interview coaching, or simply help out through any volunteer need the agency may have. For those who may not have much free time to get involved, you can pledge your support for increasing the number of employed people with disabilities by donating to the agencies that do work in this space, as well as by buying the goods created by people with disabilities. Also, liking and sharing the social media posts of disability advocates, and the agencies that support them, helps them to be seen by more people. To learn more about Melwood, please visit www.melwood.org, and to follow Lachi’s work, please visit her at www. lachimusic.com.
Belo Cipriani is a disability advocate, an award-winning journalist, the prize-winning author of Blind: A Memoir and Midday Dreams, and the spokesperson for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Learn more at www.belocipriani.com.
lifestyle homo history
STI Detection and Treatment
SFGN Freelancer Publishes Book on South Florida Cold Case
Erectile Dysfunction
Bilateral Orchiectomy (gender reassignment)
Prostate Cancer Screening
Urinary Infections
Testosterone Replacement
Graham Brunk
Prostate Issues
9750 NW 33rd St. Suite 218 Coral Springs
effrey Heagerty was like most young gay nineteen-year-olds in South Florida in the 1980s, commonly finding himself and his friends at the popular Kevin’s Cabaret in West Palm Beach on Saturday nights. On one of those Saturday nights in 1984, Jeff vanished from the club, leaving his friends behind even though he was their ride home. His body was found dumped in a canal the next morning and his car was missing, only to be found a month later, abandoned on the other side of town. Rumors of a love triangle, drug dealings and sexual encounters snarled police efforts at solving the case. The investigation stagnated and the case grew cold until the solution came from two unexpected sources: overlooked details in police photographs of Jeff’s car and a mysterious letter from an inmate in the Palm Beach County Jail.
Solving the West Palm Beach Murder of Jeffrey Heagerty
Peyronie Disease
General Urology
t took me nearly 400 days to research and write this unique true crime story. It all started when I was researching something else for this newspaper and I saw in the January 7, 1985 edition of The Palm Beach Post — a blurb about some unsolved cases from the year before. Right there at the top was Jeffrey Heagerty’s it was like to be a young gay male in South name. His body was found floating in a canal Florida in 1984 as well what Jeff was like as on July 1, 1984 in Royal Palm Beach. Fully a human being. Jeff’s mother and youngest dressed with his right arm reaching forward brother, all that is left of his family, were also and his penis exposed through his fly, he had touched by the idea that I wanted to author a last been seen at Kevin’s Cabaret, true crime novel in book form a popular West Palm Beach gay about Jeff’s life and untimely He had last club the night before. death. Looking into the case more I From there I was able to been seen learned of all sorts of twists and construct an interesting story...a at Kevin’s turns. It was a cold case for many story that tells of Palm Beach years and its solution came from County’s gay community before Cabaret, a a man who was in the Palm major onslaught of the AIDS popular West the Beach County Jail for murdering crisis through the life of this Palm Beach gay average young man who aspired his own partner, who had been Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago be a cosmetologist had his life club the night to butler. Learning the story was not been cut short. before. simply the beginning... The book, titled “Solving the Digging through countless West Palm Beach Murder of microfilmed police files and viewing official Jeffrey Heagerty,” is filled with photographs, police photographs of the 1984 crime lead me names, and places many may remember of to some people who were still alive today and Palm Beach County and the surrounding could give me insight on the case and what area’s gay community. Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGBTQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com.
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Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am Church of our Savior, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM
DARSHAN CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION 1410 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, Fl 33305 917-579-3750 www. darshancenterwiltonmanors.org RevDrGTelesco@gmail.com Interfaith Spiritual Services on Sundays 6:30PM Spiritual Study Group Thursdays 7PM St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@stnicholasfl.org Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) First Congregational United Church of Christ 1415 North K Street, Lake Worth 561-582-6691 - fcclw.org office@lakeworthchurch.org Service Time: Sunday 10:30AM United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Fort Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
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8 .14.2019
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
Overcoming Hate in our
Past, Present and Future Rabbi Noah Kitty
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All Are Welcome!
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Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service
ChurCh of our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Wherever You Are On God’s LGBTQIA Rainbow, You Are Welcome...
Sunday ServiCe 10 a.M. rev. Wendy Woodruff, Pastor
hile summertime brings thoughts of free time, vacations, trips and fun, for a three week period in Jewish tradition, roughly from mid July to mid August, it is a time of significant mourning that culminates on Tisha B’Av, which was observed on Saturday night, August 12. Tisha B’Av commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples (586 BCE and 70CE, respectively), which signaled the end of Jewish autonomy and the beginning of our 2000 year exile. The question can be asked that if this event happened so long ago, and we are no longer in exile, why are we commemorating it? A better question would be, what happened to us that we experienced such destruction? A simple answer would be that the invading armies of Babylonia and Rome were such overwhelming forces that our ancestors were helpless to repel them. That would be a true answer, but not the complete answer. Our tradition teaches that the reason the invading armies were able to conquer our ancestors was due to the sin of sinat chinam, or baseless or gratuitous hatred. This is hatred without a real cause. Today Sinat chinam is evident in social media and on the street, where threats and acts of violence are being carried out by men who really do believe that some
MCC, Transforming Ourselves as We Transform The World
“other” is dangerous, insidious, and needs to be removed. There have been 252 mass shootings in the US alone in 2019. Hundreds of people were targeted because they were LGBT, Hispanic, African-American, Jewish, or Moslem. As a result of public statements the shooter thought he had permission to kill LGBT people, Hispanics, African-Americans, Jews, and Moslems. The assassinated included men and women, children, elderly, even infants in their mother’s arms. This is sinat chinam unfolding before our very eyes. The problem is not with the “other” guy. There is no “other” guy- there is only us. We will begin to heal from sinat chinam when we understand that there is only “us”. We have the tool of ahavat chinam- extending baseless love upon those that we meet, judging them through the lens of care and concern, and giving our treasure to causes that support our ideals. Tradition provides us guidance on this as well by giving us the holiday of Tu B’Av, (the 15th of Av), known for being a joyful day of matchmaking. It always occurs the week after Tisha B’Av, and is a definite indication that we are to anticipate and prepare for joy, even in the midst of grief. Since we have made our world as it is today, we have the power to remake it in a better image of our best selves. The choice is ours to decide.
“Love without judgement” Holy Angels National Catholic Church 2917 NE 6th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 Facebook.com/HolyAngelsFL www.HolyAngelsFL.org
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SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Read our Spirituality Section to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.
lifestyle food
Let’s Make A Deal Rick Karlin
s the temperatures rise and all the snowbirds and tourists leave, local restaurants are happy to make a deal. So, Let’s look at what ‘s behind door number one. Greater Fort Lauderdale Restaurant Month also known as Crave, now extends from August to September as the area’s top restaurants present specially created three-course gourmet dinner menus starting at $35, many also offer lunch specials for $10 less. A full list of participating restaurants (see side bar) and, in many cases, the special menus being offered, are available at sunny.org/dining-and-nightlife/restaurants/restaurantmonth/ Behind door number two is Flavor Palm Beach County. Here, things are a tad more confusing, rather than just one price for dinner, the special three-course meals range in price from $35 to $49. However, just as with Crave Fort Lauderdale, many places are also offering lunch options for $20-$25. (See sidebar for participating restaurants). The nice thing about Flavor Palm Beach is that the website not only indicates which meals are being offered and menu prices, but also offers links to the menus for each restaurant. Go to flavorpb.com/restaurants for more information. Finally, behind door number three is Miami Spice, which continues through September 30. For Miami Spice lunch prix fixe three course meals are $23, dinners are $39. This is Miami Spice’s 18th year and its biggest to date with a total of 257 participating restaurants and 43 new additions. The list is too vast to include here, go to miamiandbeaches.com/offers/temptations/miami-spice-months.
Crave Fort Lauderdale 15th Street Fisheries 3030 Ocean American Social Andy’s Live Fire Grill & Bar Aruba Beach Cafe B Square Burgers + Booze The Balcony Blue Moon Fish Company Bo’s Beach Boathouse at The Riverside Bravo Peruvian Cuisine Brown Dog Eatery Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Burlock Coast Café Ibiza Café Maxx The Capital Grille Casa Calabria Casa Sensei Chima Brazilian Steakhouse Coco Asian Bistro The Cook & The Cork
8 .14.2019
Déjà Blue DOC B’s Restaurant + Bar DrYnk Bar & Lounge Dune Eduardo de San Angel El Vez Etaru Hallandale Beach & Las Olas Fishtales Restaurant & Nightclub Fresh First GG’s Waterfront Good Spirits Fifth and Fed Ilios Indian Harbor Ireland’s Steakhouse Jackson’s Prime JWB Prime Steak and Seafood Le Bistro Luigi’s Tuscan Grill Mastro’s Ocean Club Mojo Restaurant Morton’s The Steakhouse
Naked Crab Ocean 2000 One Door East Piazza Italia Point Royal Rustic Inn Ruth’s Chris Steak House S3 - Sun Surf Sand SpaJuiceBar Spazio Steak 954 Steelpan Sunset Catch The Terrace Grill Tsukuro Tuscan Prime Valentino Cucina Vienna Wine Bar Vue On the Water Wild Sea Oyster Bar & Grille Wild Thyme Oceanside Eatery YOLO
Flavor Palm Beach County 50 Ocean 1000 North 3800 Ocean Aaron’s Table Avocado Grill Barcello Brandon’s Brick & Barrel Cafe Boulud Cafe Chardonnay Cafe L’Europe Calaveras Cantina Cool’a FishBar CPB at The Colony Cucina Palm Beach Echo Dinner Evo Tequesta
Hungry for more? z
Florie’s Grato Hai House III Forks Imoto Kitchen La Masseria Limoncello Ristorante Maison Carlos Mazie’s Meat Market Morton’s The Steakhouse Pavilion Grille PB Catch Pistache French Bistro Raindancer Steakhouse Ruth’s Chris Salute Market
Sandpiper’s Cove Sant Ambroeus Season’s 52 Sinclair’s Ocean Grill at Jupiter Beach Resort Tanzy The Capital Grille The Cooper The Italian Restaurant at the Breakers The Leopard Lounge at The Chesterfield The Melting Pot Boca Raton The Parisian Restaurant and Wine Bar The Regional Tommy Bahama Twenty Twenty Grille
Visit SFGN.com/FOOD!
Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.
8.14.2019 •
FOR THE WEEK OF August 15, 2019 - August 20, 2019 J.W. Arnold
They’re back and they’re talking!
theater Explore the homosexual underground of 1950s Hollywood in Michael Leeds’ world premiere play, “Starmaker,” playing through Sept. 8 at Island City Stage at Wilton Theater Factory, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Henry Willson, the gay manager who discovered Rock Hudson and a bevy of movie hunks, narrates the story of his life and his unrequited love. Tickets are $38 at IslandCityStage.org.
film The popular summer Popcorn Frights horror film festival concludes tonight with Brad Michael Elmore’s “BIT.” The dark, yet refreshing thriller stars Nicole Maines (“Supergirl)” as a trans teen who becomes entrenched with a group of punk feminist vampires hellbent on ridding the streets of predatory men. Tonight at 10 p.m. at Savor Cinema, 503 S.E. 6th St. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets at PopcornFrights.com.
Some questions are best unanswered, but if your penis could talk, what would it say? You can find out at “The Penis Talk Show,” returning once again this summer to the Foundry at the Abyss Stage, 2306 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Four “anonymous” penises will answer all your questions about the male member in this hilarious and sexy evening that has become a South Florida cult favorite. Tickets are $20 at RonnieLarsen.com. Photo credit: Ronnie Larsen Presents.
It’s never easy to say goodbye. Rumors Bar & Grill, 2426 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors, is closing this weekend after nearly seven years on the drive. Say goodbye to this popular local hangout tonight with half-priced drinks. After 9 p.m., bartenders will be pouring $1 drinks. And, don’t forget to order tasty bites from celebrity chef Robyn Almodovar. More information at RumorsBarWiltonManors.com.
The regional premiere of Gregg Greenberg’s “Clemenza & Tessio, are Dead” plays through Sept. 8 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. The play, a parody of the classic 1972 movie “The Godfather,” takes a humorous look at two little-noticed cogs in the Mafia machine. Shari Upbin directs and Troy Stanley, Christopher Dreeson, and Aaron Bravo star. Tickets are $35 at EmpireStage.com.
The South Florida Theater League presents “Quoting Shakespeare,” an evening of short plays derived from quotes from the works of Shakespeare. The reading, part of the League’s Summer Theatre Fest, is presented at 7 p.m. by members and associates of the Shakespeare Troupe of South Florida at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Blvd in Pompano Beach. Info at SouthFloridaTheatre.com.
We’re stuck in the final weeks of the slow summer season and once again are turning to Netflix for some fresh entertainment. Tonight, check out the second season of Netflix’s “Mindhunter,” a psychological thriller about FBI profilers. The series jumps a few years as the young agents investigate the Atlantic murders between 1979 and 1981. Out actor Jonathan Groff (“Looking”) stars. Watch at Netflix.com.
8 .14.2019
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A&E theater David Edwards stars in Island City Stage’s “Starmker” as the Hollywood agent who discovered many of the biggest stars of the 1950s. Credit: George Wentzler.
Review: ‘Starmaker’ World Premiere at Island City Stage J.W. Arnold
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diom, adage, meme, we’ve all heard it before: “Behind every great man is a great woman.” In 1950s Hollywood, behind nearly every great star, there was Henry Willson. The flamboyant, but closeted agent discovered dozens of silver screen heartthrobs and then guided their careers into movie history. “Starmaker,” a new play by Michael Leeds receiving its world premiere at Island City Stage in Wilton Manors, finally tells the story of the driven man behind the men. Willson, deftly portrayed by David Edwards, narrates his own story. The action unfolds quickly as Willson discovers and renames Robert Mosely (Guy Madison), Orison Whipple Hungerford, Jr. (Ty Hardin), Arthur Gelien (Tab Hunter), Roy Scherer, Jr. (Rock Hudson) and a bevy of other handsome boys. Think of Willson as a modern day Pygmalian, less concerned with the rain on the plain in Spain, but fixated on grooming the beefcake boys who drove millions of swooning teen girls to the theaters each weekend. He was a master of publicity and never afraid to make a sacrifice to protect his hottest property, Rock Hudson. In 1955, as the tabloids threatened to expose Hudson’s homosexuality, Willson instead traded scoops about Rory Calhoun’s prison time and Tab Hunter’s arrest at a gay party. He also offered up his own secretary, Phyllis Hudson, as a blushing bride to quell further roomers. Assisting Edwards on stage is an animated Greek chorus of the agent’s early successes, Jeanine Gangloff Levy, Sahid Pabon, Samuel Maya and Sean Davis as Lana Turner, Troy Donahue, Calhoun and Hunter, respectively. The quartet also transform instantly into
dozens of incidental characters throughout the play. Clay Cartland is Hudson and faces perhaps the biggest challenge, portraying a legend who has been preserved for posterity on celluloid. Unlike most of Willson’s proteges, Hudson remains a familiar face 30 years after his death, especially to Island City’s mostly older gay audiences. Cartland, a Carbonell Award-winner who is a master of comedic and character roles, has transformed himself into the proverbial leading man over the past several years, displaying “Rock” hard abs and the same chiseled good looks that would have attracted Willson’s gaze today. Clocking in at two hours and thirty minutes (including a 15-minute intermission), “Starmaker” could benefit from some tightening. While Willson’s unrequited love for Hudson is central, it’s not always clear if Willson is narrating his own biography or Hudson’s. Leeds also runs into a conundrum in the second act after Hudson defiantly leaves Willson’s stable in 1966 after his career grinds to a standstill. Willson befalls an even more devastating fate, losing all his clients as his homosexuality becomes common knowledge, going on drunken binges and eventually winding up destitute in the Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital. He eventually dies of cirrhosis in 1978 and was buried in an unmarked grave in Valhalla Memorial Park in North Hollywood. The grave doesn’t stop Willson’s spirit from visiting a dying Hudson nearly a decade later or commenting as the actor’s ashes are spread. It’s a tidy, if overly sentimental conclusion to a fascinating and complicated story.
Island City Stage presents the world premiere of Michael Leeds’ “Starmaker,” though Sept. 8 at Wilton Theater Factory, 2304 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $38 at IslandCityStage.org.
August 8 September 8, 2019
All performances at Wilton Theater Factory, Main Stage 2304 N Dixie HWY, Wilton Manors, FL 33305
Thursday, August 22 ArtServe | 6-9pm
Limited VIP Tickets: $75
Tickets are available online at
www.IslandCityStage.org or by calling 954-928-9800 Group and non-profit rates available.
Use promo code “SFGN” for a 10% discount. ARTIST + PHOTO: DEANNA R. K. BARTON
• 30
*HONOREES: Darran Blake Andrew Martineau + Evan Snow Jodi Jeffreys-Tanner George Gadson WLRN
Additional visionaries to be honored throughout the 2020 Artistic Season.
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8.14.2019 •
Directory Call our sales team at 954.530.4970
FINANCIAL NEEDS Taxes IRS Issues Accounting
Bookkeeping Small Business Advising
LGBT Non-profits BROWARD Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors (954) 463-9005 www.pridecenterflorida.org
Compass GLCC 201 N Dixie Hwy (561) 533-9699 www.compassglcc.com
Latinos Salud 2330 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors (954) 765-6239 www.latinossalud.org
PBCHRC P.O. box 267, West Palm Beach (561) 346-1263 www.pbchrc.org
Poverello 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors (954) 561-3663 www.poverello.org Sunserve 2312 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors (954) 764-5150 www.sunserve.org Care Resource 871 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale (954) 567-7141 www.careresource.org Broward House 2800 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale (954) 568-7373 browardhouse.org Stonewall Library 1300 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale (954) 763-8565 www.stonewallnationalmuseum.org World AIDS MUSEUM and Educational Center 1201 NE 26th St #111, Wilton Manors (954) 390-0550 worldaidsmuseum.org
8 .14.2019
MIAMI Go Gay Miami 1130 Washington Ave, Miami Beach (305) 397-8914 m.me/LGBTVisitorCenter Pridelines 6360 NE 4th Ct, Miami (305) 571-9601 www.pridelines.org SAVE 4500 Biscayne Blvd # 340, Miami (305) 751-7283 www.savedade.org
KEY WEST Key West Gay and Lesbian Community Center 513 Truman Ave, Key West (305) 292-3223 glcckeywest.org
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8 .14.2019
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Read SFGN’s weekly food column for an exclusive bite on local bars, restaurants, and seasonal flavors.
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8.14.2019 •
Feature pets
Golden boy
Thirteen-year-old Calvin (ID 617666) is currently the oldest feline waiting to be adopted at the shelter. Sadly his owner passed away and now this longhaired, front declawed fellow is looking for a home to spend his golden years. Calvin will do best in a quiet environment where he can be pampered. He would love a cat tree to climb on and some catnip toys. He received a dental at the shelter and is ready to be adopted. Can Calvin be part of your family?
The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $100 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.
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