8/17/16 V7i33

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August 17, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 33

Begins In Center

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

golden soldiers Timeless fighters of LGBT rights face a new battle

local businesses work together for orlando Page 14


Record number of lgbt candidates Page 18



The Opening Line Photos: Facebook, Twitter.

Comments from SFGN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

SFGN Publisher Blasts Manors Commission Over Medical Marijuana Restrictions Reid Kaullen –

I totally agree, also on a side note, I read one of the articles last week from the Wilton Manors Gazette (inside of SFGN issue 3) where they implied they wanted to outright ban all dispensaries but could not and called them “controversial” businesses. It said they are having another vote to finalize the “proposed law includes a minimum distance of 1,000 feet between dispensaries and other dispensaries, schools, daycare centers, houses of worship and licensed rehabilitation facilities.”It’s like really? There is a rehab center on Andrews Ave (Wilton Manors Health & Rehabilitation Center) that is clearly within 1,000 feet of a bar (Monkey Business) I would say 500 feet distance between the two. How can a bar or liquor store not be a “controversial” business? What’s the difference? I just feel like a lot of people are still living in the past. People fear what they don’t know and try to alienate it or themselves. I thought that Wilton Manors was a very progressive city and was ahead of the curve, but now it is resembles a lot of countries in the Bible belt where you can’t even purchase alcohol because some people don’t agree with it and prohibit other people from making their own decisions.

Pulse Mother Gives Emotional Speech At DNC Joe Mahnke –

So do 2 15-round 9mm Glocks fired at the same time. Guns aren’t the issue. People are. And those willing to die for their 17 Virgins or whatever they believe can’t be stopped. Secret Service can’t stop all attempts on dignitaries, but they do their best. If a person is willing to die, there’s nothing one can do, unless they know what’s in that person’s head. It sucks, but it’s fact.

Steve Johnson –

She was Amazing and Incredibly Brave ...OrlandoStrong Love = Love, For the 49

Read Norm Kent's report from San Francisco:

‘The NAMING of the USNS Harvey Milk’

August 17, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 33 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli

Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com


Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Editorial Assistant • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Webmaster • Brittany Ferrendi webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold jw@prdconline.com News Editor • John McDonald john.mcdonald@sfgn.com Miami-Dade Reporter • Anthony Beven Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael D'Oliveira Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis jrdavis12000@hotmail.com

Senior Features Correspondents

Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams


Dori Zinn • Andrea Richard • Donald Cavanaugh Christiana Lilly • Denise Royal • Sean McShee Alex Adams • Gary Kramer • David-Elijah Nahmod

Contributing Columnists

Joanie Bigham –

In next week's SFGN


agreed. Idiotic restrictions. Come on, Folks. We’ve had enough of this BS for the past 50 years. Time to grow up and get OFF the Drug War bandwagon.

Brian McNaught • Dana Rudolph • Wayne Besen Ric Reily • Steve Siler • Bil Browning Terri Schlichenmeyer

Associate Photographers

Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

Sales & Marketing

Poll: Young Americans Favor LGBT Rights On Adoption & More Tiffany Fandl –


I favor the government staying out of peoples lives. Since when are they in the business of handing out “rights”?

Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Brian Swinford National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping Printing by Sun Coast Press


Joe Lagana –

this will significantly change the political landscape - if they go out and vote.

SFGN Winner of & 3 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER

Other Publications Get yours, on racks now! JULY 2016 • Vol. 5 Issue 4

Your Compl Wilton Manor ete Guide to s, Fort Laude What’s Hot in rdale & Beyon d...



Associated Press





SouthFl oridaG


• 8.17.2016

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Seniors are a vital part of our community. Photo by Steven Shires.

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

SFGN’s Best Of is Back This year readers nominate their favorites first

November 5 - 13, 2016

Sail to Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao

Staff Report

SFGN’s annual Best Of contest is back in full swing taking nominations online right now in dozens of categories. This year readers are nominating their favorites in each category and will then vote on the finalists next month. So make sure your favorite person, place or thing is nominated! Visit SFGN.com/BestOf2016 today! Nominations are open through August 31.


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The top finalists in each category will then be announced and voting will take place throughout the month of September.

Below are some of the categories: Best Restaurant; Best Pizza; Best Burger; Best Take Out; Best Dessert; Best Restaurant to Take a Date; Best Place to Pick up Guys/Girls; Best Drag Show; Best Drag Queen; Best Bar; Best Nightclub; Best Coffee Shop; Best Guest House; Best Happy Hour; Best Business Group; Best Place to Workout; Best City to Live; Best Theater; Best Beach; Best Place to Shop; Best Non-Profit; and Best LGBT Event of the Year.

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8.17.2016 •


news international

Daily Beast Outs Closeted Olympians Then Apologizes

Nico Hines, the journalist responsible for the grindr-baiting article that may have outed many Olympians.

Online newspaper thought it would be a good idea to have a straight reporter go undercover on Grindr to plan sexcapades Brittany Ferrendi


rash. Unethical. Dangerous. Those are just three words used to describe an article from The Daily Beast last week outing closeted gay athletes in Rio at the Olympics. The Daily Beast reporter, Nico Hines, a straight married man with a child, logged onto Grindr, and other apps, in the Olympic Village in an attempt to write a story about athletes using hook up apps at the Olympics. In the story he claimed to have gotten a better response on the gay apps so naturally the story focused mostly on the gay and bisexual men he chatted with and met. “The Daily Beast sent a reporter to cover the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Instead of a story on the numerous important issues affecting the region, the website decided to publish a report that is journalistic trash, unethical and dangerous,” wrote Andrew Seaman, the Society of Professional Journalist’s ethics chair. “There are several major ethical issues with the story, including the fact that this type of reporting is dangerous and can cause needless harm. For example, many Olympic athletes come from countries where being gay or bisexual is – in some way – punishable by law. Furthermore, some athletes may not be in a position in their personal lives to reveal their sexual orientation.” Despite not actually naming the athletes in question, LGBT organizations and activists immediately condemned the article. Less than 12 hours later the story pulled from the website. Critics pointed out that even though the story did not include names it did include enough descriptors for people to figure out who they are. After the initial wave of criticism The Daily Beast responded by editing out the descriptive details while also providing a lengthy editor’s note defending the intent of the story. “[They]… published an exceedingly gross and bizarre article by a straight, married male writer who lured in gay Olympians through hookup apps for no particular purpose. The entire piece is an


• 8.17.2016

astoundingly creepy exercise in Grindrbaiting, which involves a journalist accessing Grindr in an unlikely setting and … seeing what happens,” wrote Mark Joseph Stern for Slate. “But the offensive purpose of Hines’ article is really the least of its problems. Far worse is the actual damage it will likely cause to real, live human beings—inevitable consequences that Hines blithely ignored.” After the story was taken down, the media outlet published an apology letter. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary,” the letter stated. “We were wrong. We’re sorry. And we apologize to the athletes who may have been inadvertently compromised by our story.” The Daily Beast made it clear they did not want to blame the “sole individual” responsible for writing the piece — instead, they claimed the incident “was a failure on The Daily Beast as a whole.” “Today we did not uphold a deep set of The Daily Beast’s values. These values— which include standing up to bullies and bigots, and specifically being a proudly, steadfastly supportive voice for LGBT people all over the world—are core to our commitment to journalism and to our commitment to serving our readers.” They closed their note with a simple message. “We were wrong. We will do better.” For many, the apology was not enough. World OutGames released a statement condemning the “gay witch-hunt” and subsequent actions of The Daily Beast. “The piece written by Nico Hines is a shameful example of the everyday struggles faced by LGBT athletes and individuals from all over the world,” the statement read. “There was no point to the story other than to drive web traffic to The Daily Beast’s website at the expense of shaming and endangering the lives of the gay athletes he outed.” World Outgames Miami promises a safe environment for LGBT athletes to compete. They also encourage contacting The Daily Beast and Nico Hines to condemn their actions.

SPJ’s Seaman wrote a follow up blog post after the apology was published criticizing it as well. “First, the athletes who were possibly reported as gay or bisexual were not ‘inadvertently compromised.’ The Daily Beast and its reporter Nico Hines deliberately set up fake dates with athletes in the Olympic

village for the story. Second, news consumers are getting tired of news organizations failing, shrugging and saying they’ll do better next time. Instead of offering empty words and promises, news organizations need to explain what went wrong with the initial story and how editors plan to prevent similar mistakes in the future.”

The Full Apology A Note From the Editors

Today, The Daily Beast took an unprecedented but necessary step: We are removing an article from our site, “The Other Olympic Sport In Rio: Swiping.” The Daily Beast does not do this lightly. As shared in our editor’s note earlier today, we initially thought swift removal of any identifying characteristics and better clarification of our intent was the adequate way to address this. Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong. We’re sorry. And we apologize to the athletes who may have been inadvertently compromised by our story. Today we did not uphold a deep set of The Daily Beast’s values. These values— which include standing up to bullies and bigots, and specifically being a proudly, steadfastly supportive voice for LGBT people all over the world—are core to our commitment to journalism and to our commitment to serving our readers. As a newsroom, we succeed together and we fail together, and this was a failure on The Daily Beast as a whole, not a single individual. The article was not intended to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does. Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error. We were wrong. We will do better.

news national

CDC Study Reveals Struggle of LGB Students Denise Royal


new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals disturbing statistics about the struggles LGB youth face in high school. This is the first time the government agency has studied the topic. The CDC says there are about 1.3 million LGB students across the country, and they’re being bullied and harassed more than their heterosexual peers. In fact, statistics show LGBT students are more than three times more likely to have ever been physically forced to have sex. “What we have learned from conversations with LGBT school age youth is that some of them are still very reluctant to come out,” said Bill Falce, Vice-President of Florida Youth Pride Coalition. “They are fearful in part because the risk of potential violence is real to them. They see it on TV and hear about the violence and hate towards LGBT people on a regular basis.” The CDC report found more than 40 percent of LGBT students have seriously considered suicide. Sixty percent reported feeling so sad or hopeless they lost interest in normal activities. LGBT students are also up to 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs. And 1 in 10 say they skipped school due to concerns for their safety. “Schools need to implement zero tolerance bullying policies, implement policies that encourage respect for all students, form gay straight alliance groups (GSA) where students feel safe to express themselves, and provide safe zones where students can go to meet and discuss concerns with appropriate, trained school staff,” Falce said. “It’s also important that school officials work with LGBT community leaders. It’s important that parents are involved in these discussions. We hear from many youth who are afraid of one or both of their parents because they are so homophobic. Trained professionals need to be consulted and be part of the school team that insures a safe learning environment for these youth.”

The report, in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), highlights while physical and sexual violence and bullying are serious health dangers on their own, a combination of complex factors can place young people at high risk for suicide, depression, addiction, poor academic performance, and other severe consequences. “Florida Youth Pride receives emails from youth from across the state of Florida reaching out for help,” Falce said. “The majority of the emails talk of homophobic parents, bullying, drug addiction, homelessness, and suicide.” The main mission of Florida Youth Pride is to empower, support, promote and engage youth in educational, civic and cultural activities. The organization works to enrich the lives of LGBT young people. “We have a safe space in Fort Lauderdale where we meet with local youth and work with them to solve the problem,” Falce said. “When youth from a distant place contact us asking for help, we research the resources in that area and contact professionals to coordinate a connection and get immediate help for them. Research suggests that comprehensive, community-wide prevention efforts can reduce the risk of multiple types of violence for these and other vulnerable youth. Studies suggest that parents may also play a role in fostering resiliency by providing strong family support and teaching all adolescents non-violent problem-solving skills. “There are many youth in need of help and it will take the efforts of parents, school officials, religious leaders, government officials, health officials, the various nonprofits dedicated to different needs such as homelessness, suicide, etc., and the LGBT community to seriously address this issue,” Falce said. 8.17.2016 •


Ey e s

news local

on t he

Ho m e f r on t

Local LGBT events right here, right now

Legends of Vinyl Tonight at Hunters Event honors disc jockeys and their work

Natalya Jones


J lovers, rejoice - the Legends of Vinyl, which honors disc jockeys and their work, will take place on Wednesday, August 17 at Hunters Nightclub. Featured at this event are 19 first generation DJ honorees. Some of these individuals include DJ Humberto Fleites, DJ Margaret Ann Ronayne,DJ Bobby Stoner, DJ/Radio Personality Leo Vela and more. Additionally, DJ Carlos Menendez as well as DJ Tony Laporte will be inducted into the DJ/ Artists Hall of Fame. Shannon and Cynthia Manley will not only be in the list of many musicians being honored, but will also provide performances. Attendees can also attend the two hour seminar titled “The Past, Present & the Future of Our Industry.” On this seminar’s

panel of DJs, producers, and record company owners is co-founder of the Winter Music Conference DJ Bill Kelly, founder of the Bo Crane Record Pool and Pandisc Music Corporation president Bo Crane, founder of RFC Records/ Fresh Entertainment and Legends of Vinyl Board of Director Ray Caviano, Casablanca Record Promoter Executive DJ Ellen Bogen and lastly, Casablanca Record Promoter Executive DJ Arnie Smith. This seminar will discuss technological advancements and how they impact music’s financial success. As well, the status of EDM music is another topic that will be touched upon. Let’s not forget the after party with a performance by Herbie James that goes on until 2 am.

This event starts at 4 p.m. Hunters Nightclub is located at 2232 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Call 954-630-3556.

Poverello’s Bowl-a-Thon on Saturday Dori Zinn


The annual event hopes to raise $100,000

eith Allen has bowled in Poverello’s Bowling to Fight Hunger event for the last nine years. Three years ago, with a 196 score, he helped his team take first place. Every week, he heads to Manor Lanes in Wilton Manors to practice his game. The bowl-a-thon isn’t until Aug. 20 this year, but he and some members of all five teams he’s put together this year have been hitting the lanes weekly for the last three months. “Helping out a charity is always something I’ve wanted to do,” Allen said. “I’ve put my foot in other charities and I felt like this one was worthwhile, especially with the way they were helping out in the community.” Poverello’s Annual Bowl-a-Thon is now in its 26th year, with hopes of raising $100,000 from a raffle, silent auction,

If You Go: 6

• 8.17.2016

and donations that teams and individuals raise leading up to and on the day of the event. Last year their goal was $75,000, but far surpassed that raising $107,000 instead. “We’re having an amazing fundraising year,” said Kevin Clevenger, Poverello’s Events and Fundraising Coordinator. “Social media is free advertising and it’s helped escalate our name in the community.” For almost 30 years, the Poverello Center has been able to provide meals for 3,000 people annually. The non-profit also offers a full-service gym, access to a nutritionist, and cooking and mental health classes. “It’s a fun event, it’s not all about the bowling,” he said. “Some people are competitive, but it’s more about coming together for our community.”

Saturday August 20, 2016 Practice: 11 a.m. -Noon | Event: Noon-3 p.m.

The two dozen sponsors this year are helping keep the cost of producing the event relatively low so all the proceeds can go back to the services Poverello offers. The event makes a significant portion of money from the raffle and silent auction. Right now, you can win everything from trips to Antigua, Panama and St. Lucia to hotel stays, jewelry, spa treatments and salon visits. There are even chiropractic services, artwork, and liquor baskets. Want to help? To register or support a person or team, or to donate to the raffle or silent auction, visit HungerFighter.org.

Sawgrass Lanes 8501 N University Drive, Tamarac, FL 33321

news local

Gay Flag Football League Holds Clinic Saturday Michael d’Oliveira


reg Weir revealed his sexuality 10 years ago. But it wasn’t until he joined the South Florida Flag Football League [SFFFL] that he really came out as gay. “Once I joined the league, I built up a lot of courage to go out and mingle and meet people. I never went to a club before that.” Clubs, sporting events, and social functions, Weir said he started going out a lot more as a gay man. “There’s lots of things my eyes were awakened to once that occurred.” Now, as the commissioner of SFFFL he wants to see more LGBT individuals use flag football to improve their lives with exercise, social interactions and selfconfidence. To help Weir focus on football and fraternity, SunServe has partnered with

SFFFL. SunServe will handle the financial and organization side of the league while Weir spends his time recruiting and building the league. It’s part of SunServe’s new model of community-based recreational sports. “Team sports have been proven to increase resiliency, increase social networks and increase overall well-being. It’s a healthy activity,” said Bryan Wilson, SunServe’s director of community relations. He added that its part of SunServe’s efforts to expand beyond just events at bars. “Not everyone is comfortable with bars. We need just as much activity and outreach outside of the bars,” Wilson said.” I don’t want to see that decrease, but what I do want to see increase is this.”

SFFFL will be holding flag football clinics for two more consecutive Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 20 and 27 at Central Broward Regional Park in Lauderhill. Those who want to join the league must attend at least one clinic. All skill levels are accepted. For more information, email sfffl@outlook.com.

John McDonald


Women’s Health Conference at Compass on Saturday

Denise Royal


he 2nd Annual Women’s Health Conference at Compass in Lake Worth will be held on Saturday, Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. Organizers expect about 100 attendees. This conference is important because some LBT women can be at greater risk for certain health disparities, but often face significant barriers to addressing them. Some research suggests that LBT individuals face health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBT persons has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and suicide. Experiences of violence and victimization are frequent for LBT individuals, and have long-lasting effects on the individual and the community. Personal, family, and social acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity affects the mental health and personal safety of LGBT individuals. “This conference is important to all women especially LBT women,” said Mildred Smith, Eligibility Specialist at Compass. “The sessions address issues of LBT health as

well as offer resources for accessing both traditional and alternative health care. We take a holistic approach in our session offerings wanting to address women’s health needs as they may related to both Western and alternative medicine.” This conference is designed to address the unique and diverse needs of women in the LBT community. Breakout Sessions will include: • Transgender Health • Alternative Health • Empower Yourself! Women’s Self Defense • Meditation • Nutrition & Wellness Additional Services will include: • Free, on-site HIV/STI testing, counseling and linkage to care • Free, on-site blood pressure screenings • Sponsored Lunch Hour

The event is free, but registration is required. Visit http://bit.ly/2aGQ6h5 to get your free tickets.

SAVE Honors Young Guardians on Thursday

AVE, a prominent South Florida LGBT organization, is honoring young activists at an awards show in Coral Gables on Thursday. Five individuals, who SAVE terms “young guardians,” are being presented with luminary awards. The five are: Benjamin “Brotha Ben” Evans, Justin Flippen, L.J. Woolston, Jason King and Lutze Segu. The fourth annual awards ceremony will be held rooftop at the Bacardi headquarters building (2701 S. Lejeune Road), Thursday, Aug. 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $50. “These are people who have dedicated their lives to making equality a reality,” said Tony Lima, SAVE Executive

Director. “They are young people working hard to champion equality for all.” Evans is a Baptist minister and motivational speaker in the black community, Flippen is a Wilton Manors Commissioner who has fought against conversion therapy, Woolston is a trans-pan-queer advocate and homeless service liaison, King serves as legislative affairs manager for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Southern Bureau and Segu developed a comprehensive sex education campaign for the Miami-Dade County public schools. “I am flattered to be thought of as a luminary,” King said. “It shows that we’re making inroads in the community and making lives healthier.”

For more information, visit SAVE.lgbt

8.17.2016 •


news local

Photo: Facebook.

The Israel Project Briefs Congregation Etz Chaim

John McDonald

Mayoral Candidate Accuses SFGN of Libel Boyd Corbin was arrested in 2012, but the charges were later dismissed


ow media covers Israel, the Middle East and the U.S. Presidential campaign was the topic of discussion at a program sponsored by The Israel Project. Kenneth Bricker, a senior press advisor for The Israel Project, gave brief remarks Tuesday, Aug. 9 at Congregation Etz Chaim in Wilton Manors. Bricker spoke of his childhood raised in a Reform Jewish household and his extensive work abroad for multiple news organizations. “The first time I went to Israel it had such an overwhelming effect on me,” Bricker said. The Israel Project, Bricker said, is “not a reactionary organization” that primarily operates “under the radar.” Founded in 2003, The Israel Project (TIP) is a non-partisan American educational organization dedicated, Bricker said, to informing the media and public conversation about Israel and the Middle East. Around 50 people attended the briefing held in the auditorium on the campus of the Pride Center at Equality Park. Many attendees questioned Bricker about various American and global media entities and their biases. “Nowadays the pretext of neutrality and

news local

SFGN Staff

objectivity is over,” Bricker said. Aaron Rosenberg, a property manager from Boca Raton, listened attentively to Bricker’s remarks. “I agreed with what he said,” Rosenberg said. “I’m familiar with (TIP) and it is nice to speak eye to eye.” Congregation Etz Chaim is a Jewish Synagogue that is welcoming and accepting of people who identify as LGBT. Rabbi Noah Kitty said Bricker’s visit was well received. “We really appreciate Ken’s conversation on how Israel is present day,” Kitty told SFGN after Tuesday’s program. “It is so impactful to understand the nuances of the background of certain events.”


n the night of Halloween 2012 Wilton Manors mayoral candidate Boyd Corbin got into an altercation with Dame Edna, a local drag queen. That incident would lead to Corbin’s arrest, but two years later he was cleared of all charges. SFGN wrote about those incidents. Now Corbin has accused SFGN of libel, demanded a retraction and apology, and is threatening to sue. “His complaint fails to meet the minimum threshold requirements of a libel claim. We are rejecting it summarily,” said Norm Kent, publisher of SFGN and a noted First Amendment lawyer. “He is a candidate for public office – if he can’t stand the heat he should get out of the sunlight.” Corbin has taken issue with an opinion piece written by Sal Torre of SFGN’s twice monthly supplement, The Wilton Manors Gazette. In the story Torre writes: “Perhaps an easy win, but with Boyd Corbin as your opponent, there’s sure to be plenty of drama and excitement along the way. I’ve always had an underdog appreciation for Boyd, listening to his speeches at City Commission Meetings on how he was treated unfairly by Police and city officials dating back to an incident one Halloween when his tiki torch set fire to a drag queen’s wig. Yes, accidents do happen. However, wearing a KKK outfit and carrying a lit torch around drag queens with big hairdos is probably not the best choice one could make.” “We are hereby formally requesting a full and unequivocal apology and retraction for this false and defamatory statement,” the complaint reads. “I am sure you are also very well aware that my client is running for Mayor of Wilton Manors and the damages from this inaccurate article being published in your newspaper can have devastating affects to the residents of Wilton Manors in their decision as to who to vote for.” Corbin claims the above tongue-in-cheek paragraph is untrue. “The offending paragraph was clearly meant to be funny. But dissecting it further there is nothing in it that we know to be untrue,” Kent said. “Most of the paragraph is Torre’s opinion, which is clearly protected under the First Amendment. The part of about setting the drag queen’s wig on fire, we cannot independently verify that one way or the other.” What is true, is Corbin was cleared of all criminal charges resulting from the altercation. What is also true, is that an actual altercation did happen while Corbin was carrying a lit tiki torch while dressed in a KKK outfit. In the video that surfaced after Corbin’s arrest it clearly showed Dame Edna arguing with Boyd, her trying to pull the torch out of his hand, her wig coming off, and finally either her falling off or jumping off of the stage into Boyd. SFGN does not know what happened to the wig in question. Corbin also demanded SFGN remove another story from 2012, which detailed the incident and included a quote from his lawyer at the time, because there are facts in the story have since changed or been proven false. “To ask that we remove a legitimate news story from 2012 because the facts later changed is without legal merit,” said Russell Cormican, Kent’s law partner. “Can you imagine if every newspaper had to update old stories when new facts emerged? Often times those outlets will write new stories but they won’t delete the old ones. It’s preposterous to expect us to do so.”


• 8.17.2016

news local

Photo: Facebook.

Pritcher’s Judicial Campaign LGBT Supportive Richard Gary


host of women are candidates for numerous judicial vacancies this year, including many, like Phyllis Pritcher, who are very supportive of the LGBT community. A University of Miami graduate, Pritcher moved to Florida from Pennsylvania in 1970. She saw first hand the era of Anita Bryant, but immediately became an advocate of gay rights issues. “It was probably the late and great Radio host Neil Rogers who sensitized me to discrimination, “ she told SFGN. “He helped make me realize the importance of speaking out for equal rights. I made it my passion as a criminal defense lawyer.” Practicing in Broward for a quarter century, Pritcher has made a name fighting for the underdog, whether it has been for gay men seeking a compassionate female voice to articulate their cause or for pastors seeking to feed the homeless. “The Fort Lauderdale ordinance banning citizens from providing food to the homeless is ‘ridiculous,’ says Pritcher. We are a society that should be seeking to find ways to support each other’s philanthropic endeavors,’ from helping veterans to our victims.’ She faces off against others in a contested primary August 30. But in a county still lacking judicial gender equality, her voice is worth listening to, and with 25 years of practice in civil and criminal and hundreds

of jury trials under her belt, she brings experience to the table. “Experience matters,” Pritcher said. “You need temperament and discipline on the bench; a patient judiciousness which evolves from years of training in a courtroom.”

8.17.2016 •


Compiled by Tucker Berrardi

Wyoming Supreme court to Hear Arguments On Same-Sex Marriage (EDGE) The Wyoming Supreme Court is set to hear arguments next week on whether a Pinedale judge who has said she wouldn’t perform same-sex marriages because of her religious beliefs should be removed from office. Ruth Neely in April filed a petition asking the court to reject a recommendation from the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics that she lose her posts as a municipal judge and circuit court magistrate. The commission started an investigation of Neely after she told a reporter in 2014 she would not perform same-sex marriages because of her religious beliefs. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that same-sex couples nationwide may marry. In fighting removal, Neely argues that she has a constitutional right to voice her opinion. Her lawyers have said no same-sex couples have asked her to preside over their weddings. She’s currently suspended from the circuit court post. “In a chilling forecast, the commission leaves no doubt that if



owa Board of Psychology Rejects Petition to Ban Conversion Therapy

Iowa boards overseeing doctors and psychologists considered adopting a ban Friday on the practice of conversion therapy — or the changing of children’s sexual orientation — by state-licensed professionals, according to LGBTQ Nation. The Iowa Board of Psychology voted to deny the potation that would have prohibited mental health providers licensed in Iowa from trying to reverse the sexual orientation of a patient. The petition was submitted in February and was signed by 695 people. An Iowa Board of Medicine Committee declined to take

it has its way, no judge who holds Judge Neely’s religious beliefs about marriage can remain on the bench once the public learns of those beliefs,” Neely’s lawyers wrote. Casper lawyers Patrick Dixon and Britney F. Turner represent the Wyoming commission. Attempts to reach them for comment were unsuccessful. Commission Executive Director Wendy Soto declined comment Friday. “The Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics has no interest in interfering with Judge Neely’s or anyone else’s free exercise of religion,” Dixon and Turner wrote in a brief to the Wyoming Supreme Court, which is set to hear arguments Wednesday in Cheyenne. “Neither is it concerned with suppressing her First Amendment right to permissible speech. However, it is tasked with enforcing the Code of Judicial Conduct. What Judge Neely did and said is a violation of that Code. Given her unwillingness to even acknowledge the ethical implications, she cannot remain in office.”

action on the ban, claiming that the group needs further study before making a recommendation to the full board, according to Committee Chairman Ronald Cheney. The committee heard from Dr. Katie Imborek, who runs the LGBTQ Clinic at the University of Iowa, on Friday. Dr. Imborek said conversion therapy has shown to be harmful for children. The committee also heard from a Christian organization that opposes the ban, saying that such a policy steps beyond medical concerns into religious and spiritual matters. “Many people hold different views, and when we as a board or we as a state seek to step in and limit a very large section of the population that holds a certain view of sexual ethics, I think that that’s dangerous and it’s wrong,” Nathan Oppman, a spokesman for The Family Leader, said. The Des Moines based group that opposed gay marriage and other gay rights, as well as abortion and the spread of gambling.

L e g al

Belize Repeals Anti-Sodomy Laws

(John McDonald, SFGN) The Central American nation of Belize struck down an anti-sodomy law on Wednesday in a major victory for gay rights activists. The Belize Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay activist Caleb Orozco. The court ordered Section 53 of the Criminal Code to be amended to exclude penalty of sexual acts between two consenting adults of the same gender. First filed in 2010, the case was a long process, spearheaded by Caribbean human rights activists and fought vigorously by groups associated with the Roman Catholic Church, Belize Evangelical Churches and the corporate body of the Church of England.


• 8.17.2016

Maria Sjodin, Deputy Executive Director of OutRight Action International, said the ruling marks a turning point in decriminalizing same-sex conduct in the region. “The court ruling in Belize means that the number of countries that criminalize same-sex behavior is now down to 72 and hopefully this downward trend can continue,” Sjodin said, in a news release. “But it is important to remember that laws are only part of what impacts people’s lives – the fight to change societies must continue worldwide and this can only happen with strong LGBTIQ movements.” According to its website, OutRight Action International’s core mission is to “document and expose human rights violations against LGBTIQ people across the world.” The organization has a 25-year history and was the first U.S. based LGBTIQ organization to achieve consultative status at the United Nations. Covering a land mass slightly smaller than Massachusetts, Belize gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1981, but was not recognized by neighboring country Guatemala until 1992.

News Briefs


Continued L EG A L

BS Boss On Diversity in Fall Lineup: “We Need To Do Better”

(CNN) With six new fall shows headlined by white male actors, CBS Entertainment president Glenn Geller admits the network has some work to do. “We need to do better and we know it,” Geller told reporters Wednesday at the Television Critics Association press tour. “That’s really it. We need to do better.” “I understand certainly the inclination to look at the screen and just look at leads,” he said. “But I do think when we’re talking about diversity and inclusion, we also have to look behind the camera.” There, Geller said, the network is doing better. He said their writers’ rooms are more diverse than last year, and they’ve put efforts into diversifying their episodic directors. The same, however, can’t be said for the showrunners on the network’s new series -- all of whom are white. “We know we need to do better in certain areas,” Geller added. “We take it seriously and we hear you.” And Geller said they’ve made progress including more LGBT characters. Several shows

on the network -- including “Bull,” “Great Indoors” and “NCIS: New Orleans” -- will feature LGBT characters. On the upcoming show “Doubt,” Laverne Cox will be the first transgender actress to hold a series regular role on broadcast TV, according to Geller. “Our goal is always to be more diverse. We did not meet that goal this year in terms of leads,” Geller said after the panel. “But overall we are more diverse this year and that’s the trend and that’s where I want to take the network,” he added.



est Hartford Police Department in Conn. adopts new LGBT Policy

(EDGE) The West Hartford Police Department has adopted a new policy designed to help officers navigate cases and situations involving members of the town’s LGBT community. Chief Tracey Gove tells The Hartford Courant that the policy offers guidance and direction to officers who may find themselves working in unfamiliar territory. In dealing with transgender individuals, the policy states that officers should use that person’s preferred name - which might not be their legal name or name on a government-issued ID. The policy also advises that officers should honor a request by a transgender person to be searched by an officer of a specific gender. Lt. Eric Rocheleau says the policy wasn’t enacted following a complaint or in response to any issues with the department’s prior interactions with the LGBT community.

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8.17.2016 •


news national

Mark Foley

Disgraced Ex-Congressman Sits Behind Trump at Rally South Florida’s Mark Foley was in the closet while serving in Congress



onald Trump on Wednesday again slammed Hillary Clinton and her campaign for allowing the father of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen to sit in the stands behind her at a recent rally. But sitting behind Trump was excongressman Mark Foley, who resigned in disgrace in 2006 after sending sexually explicit messages to underage teenage boys. “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. You sort of know the campaign,” Trump said at the rally in Sunshine, Florida. As Trump upbraided Clinton for having Mateen in the stands behind her, Foley smiled, applauded and even waved at Trump. “How many of you people know me?” Trump asked those seated behind him. Foley, visible just to Trump’s left, quickly raised his hand in response. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The rows of seats directly behind Trump, where Foley was seated, had signs that marked the seats as “RESERVED.” Trump continued to slam Clinton for having Mateen’s father seated behind her: “Of course he likes Hillary because Hillary won’t say the words radical Islamic terrorism,” Trump said of Mateen’s father, who had no knowledge of his son’s


• 8.17.2016

plot to kill people at an Orlando nightclub in June. Clinton’s campaign released a statement Tuesday disavowing Mateen’s support. Foley confirmed his attendance to the Sun Sentinel, telling the newspaper that he arrived early to get his prime seating, visible behind Trump in TV shots -- just like he used to do during the State of the Union addresses when he was in Congress. Foley has previously publicly expressed his support for Trump, appearing in the audience as Trump delivered remarks to a relatively small group of supporters at his Mar-a-Lago estate in March the night of the Florida Republican primary. “I’ve been a friend of Mr. Trump’s since 1987. I’ve admired so much of what he’s done. He’s a different breed of leader and a different breed of candidate,” Foley told the Sun Sentinel. Foley resigned from Congress in 2006 after a 12-year tenure amid reports that he exchanged sexually explicit instant messages with a 16-year-old former congressional page, and sent suggestive messages to other underage teenagers. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigated Foley, but did not pursue charges, citing “insufficient evidence.”

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• 8.17.2016

Local Bars, Restaurants to Point Their Menus Towards Pulse Michael d’Oliveira


hen he looks at a map, Thomas Malan knows the man who murdered 49 people and injured 53 more at Pulse night club in Orlando in June could have just as easily driven to from Fort Pierce to South Florida. The distances are similar. “It could have been any one of us, any one of our bars.” For all the bars (and restaurants) spared the violence, Malan, as part of One Orlando South Florida, is helping to organize two events to raise money for the victims and survivors of Pulse. Latin Night will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 14 and Dine Out Orlando will be on Thursday, Sept. 15. Both events are part of a week honoring the victims of Orlando – Sept. 11 to 17. How Latin Night is celebrated will be up to each business owner. The Latin Night theme was chosen because the Pulse attack happened when that club had its own Latin Night. Dine Out will consist of bars and restaurant owners donating a certain percentage (determined by them) of that day’s tabs. Malan said the inspiration came from Philly4Pulse, which raised over $106,000 for the victims. One Philadelphia bar owner who participated in Philly4Pulse, Jeffrey Sotland, is advising the organizers of the South Florida fundraiser. In a Philadelphia Gay News article, he said the rules governing normal business competition went out the window when the Orlando fundraiser was announced. “On any given night, we will compete

with each other for every customer who walks into the neighborhood. On this night we will not. This is not just about people in Orlando. This could happen at a nightclub anywhere. I think we all feel a sense of horror. Nobody ever wants this to happen again. Never in the history of the city have all the bar owners come together and unequivocally said, ‘We are in!’” So far, Rumors Bar & Grill and Courtyard Café, both in Wilton Manors, have confirmed participation but Malan expects more to join in over the next few weeks. “We’d like to include everyone in the South Florida region, not just the businesses on the Drive. We are inviting every LGBTQ owned business, and really any business to participate. In fact, we would really like to see more straight allies and friends join us for this event to show their support.” Funds raised will be given to three organizations – OneOrlando, Equality Florida and the One Pulse Fund. A report by NPR, estimated the total healthcare cost of the attack will be about $1 million. A GoFundMe page set up by Equality Florida has raised $7.6 million of its $10 million goal. In addition to participating bars and restaurants, One Orlando South Florida is also looking for a 501(c)(3) community organization to act as fiduciary to account for the money raised. Money is also needed to buy shirts and event passes to sell and raise more money.

For more information or to sign-up, visit dineoutfororlando.com or contact Malan at thomasjmalan@gmail.com and 754-300-9991. The Equality Florida GoFundMe page is gofundme.com/PulseVictimsFund.

8.17.2016 •


lgbtqia bites



New Jersey Proposal Expands Infertility Coverage to Lesbians (AP) A federal lawsuit brought by a New Jersey lesbian couple who want to have a baby may mean insurance coverage for women who currently don’t meet the state’s definition of infertile. Erin Krupa was denied insurance coverage for infertility treatments essentially because she failed to show she couldn’t get pregnant by having sex with a man. New Jersey law for insurance purposes defines infertility as the result of failure to conceive after a certain period of unprotected sex. Krupa’s insurer eventually agreed to the coverage, based on her doctor’s diagnosis, and she has incurred nearly $25,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses. But she and Marianne Krupa say in their lawsuit that they are pursuing the case as a civil rights issue, “the right of all New Jersey women who dream of becoming mothers to access the reproductive health


• 8.17.2016

care they need to realize that dream on an equal basis.’’ Meanwhile, some state lawmakers plan to advance legislation to change the law when legislators return from break in September. The proposal would revise the definition of infertility to include lesbians, women without partners and those who have protected sex. “The law needs to be changed,’’ said Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat and the bill’s sponsor in the Senate. “It’s just time to push this to the forefront.’’


By Tucker Berrardi


LGBT High School Students Raped, Attacked More Often (EDGE) Gay, lesbian and bisexual high school students are far more likely than their classmates to be raped or assaulted in a dating situation, according to the first national survey of its kind. The research also found gay teens were far more likely to have attempted suicide, taken illegal drugs and engaged in other risky behaviors. The finding echoes results of smaller surveys and findings from advocacy groups, but it is the first nationallyrepresentative government survey to look at the issues. For years, advocacy groups have been saying gay and lesbian kids are more often bullied, ostracized and at high risk for many other problems. But earlier research by the government was limited to a small number of states and cities. The new survey includes students in rural areas and other parts of the U.S.

“This is the first time we can say that nationwide these are consistent challenges faced by lesbian, gay and biyouth,” said David W. Bond of The Trevor Project, a national suicide-prevention organization focused on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. Shontay Richardson says the survey reflects her experience in high school. “There’s of course the physical bullying, but also the emotional bullying that takes place,” she said.

lgbtqia bites




Texas Court Says Transgender Man Has No Right to Change Gender on ID

A post-operative transgender person who is seen as a man and consistently considered male apparently does not have enough evidence to legally change his gender identification in the state of Texas, according to LGBTQ Nation. He elected to have his name withheld. An appeals court last week decided that he was not entitled to change his driver’s license to reflect his correct gender. Judge Martha Hill Jamison wrote that even if Texas law provided for

gender change orders, the petitioner “did not present any evidence in the trial supporting the proposition that [his] current gender designation is inaccurate.” “I’ve paid like $2,000 to still have a big fat ‘F’ on my driver’s license, despite being seen completely as a completely as a man as well as being post-operative,” the petitioner told the Texas Observer. “it’s honestly jarring and heartbreaking.”




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news state Some of the candidates’ faces. Credit: Facebook.

Beth Tuura

Paulette Armstead Carlos Guillermo Smith

Jennifer Webb

Kevin Burns

Record Eight LGBT Candidates Running for Seats in Florida Legislature

Dan Sweeney Sun Sentinel

(SS) Florida has only one openly gay state legislator, but a record eight LGBT candidates are on the ballot trying to change that. All the candidates are in winnable races. They say the LGBT community needs greater representation because the Legislature’s conservative outlook on gay rights has not kept up with the swiftly liberalizing views of Floridians. Five of the candidates running are from South Florida, including incumbent state Rep. David Richardson, D-Miami Beach. He has a Republican opponent in November, but the district is largely Democratic. He believes the relatively large group of LGBT candidates is an indication of things to come. “I think it’s going to be the new normal,” he said. “We’re at a place and time where people are truly being evaluated based on their qualifications and not some of these other demographics.” The other South Floridians are: Paulette Armstead and Ken Keechl, both running in Broward; and Michael Góngora and Kevin Burns, facing each other in a state Senate race in Miami-Dade. They are joined statewide by Carlos Guillermo Smith and Beth Tuura, both running in the Orlando area, and Jennifer Webb, running in a west coast district that includes parts of St. Petersburg. While all eight of the candidates are Democrats, and the Democratic Party generally pushes for expansion of gay rights, they say it makes a difference to have members of their community in the Legislature. “The more gays and lesbians that are


• 8.17.2016

involved on the floor of the House, the more the other side is going to see that we’re not different than anybody else,” Keechl said. “It’s a very toxic environment to begin with, and we’re only there for two or three months, but I’m hopeful that it can make a difference.” Richardson agrees. “When I’m able to stand on the floor and speak on an issue that affects me so personally, then I think it’s more impactful,” he said. “We’re always going to need our straight allies, but I do think it changes the dynamics to have someone who’s so personally affected talk about it in a way that people can relate to it on a personal level.” After the legalization of gay marriage, the state Legislature started to push back at the expansion of LGBT rights, including the passage last session of a bill that protects clergy from having to perform same-sex marriages. They already have that right under the First Amendment, but supporters of the bill said it would protect clergy from expensive lawsuits. Opponents of the bill called it homophobic and unnecessary. A Gallup demographic study in 2012 found that 3.5 percent of Floridians self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. But because the study asked people to self-identify, it’s possible the number of LGBT people in Florida is somewhat higher. Despite that small percentage, a series of polls over the past two years has found about 60 percent of Floridians support gay marriage, and a slightly larger percentage support LGBT nondiscrimination laws. Richardson became one of Florida’s first openly gay representatives, along with Joe

Saunders of Orlando, when the two were first elected to office in 2012. Richardson says his sexual orientation was never an issue. “I didn’t even get any questions,” he said. “No one asked me to leave their front porch when I was knocking on doors.” Saunders lasted just one term in office, but Smith, the man who served as his legislative aide, is now looking to take Saunders’ old seat back from the Republicans. And Smith has an easy path to power; he faces only an independent candidate in November. “The last couple years have been fairly hostile for LGBT Floridians even as Republicans need to be moving on from these social wars. Not only because it’s 2016 and, come on, get over it, but because they can’t afford to marginalize a very active voter base,” he said. “Things are moving in our direction, and I think that’s a good signal of things to come.” For the other six LGBT candidates, the future is less certain. Burns, Góngora and Armstead don’t have Republican opponents but face crowded Democratic primaries. “I’m running as an out-and-proud lesbian, but it doesn’t make a difference. I want people to look at my qualifications, my advocacy,” Armstead said. “To have more [LGBT candidates] is not some big surprise. Even Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is, so I’m in good company.” Armstead said that although the LGBT community may take a deeper interest in issues such as firing people based on their sexual orientation — the subject of a bill that comes up every year and just as frequently dies — the most important issues tend to be the same. “A lot of the issues facing the LGBT

community are some of the same issues facing the general community — the economy, jobs, the expansion of Medicaid and quality health care,” she said. “That community is interested in good schools, affordable housing. The issues are no different.” The final three candidates face the toughest odds of getting elected, because all are trying to unseat incumbent Republicans. Tuura has to win a primary before trying to beat state Rep. Mike Miller, R-Orlando, in November. Webb will face state Rep. Kathleen Peters, R-South Pasadena, in November. And likely Democratic candidate Keechl will go against state Rep. George Moraitis, R-Fort Lauderdale, the only Republican state legislator in Broward County. Beating an incumbent is rarely easy but all three of these districts produce close races, and all three candidates have raised enough money to keep them competitive. “I think this is a precursor of things to come,” Keechl said. “If the House has 120 people in it and we say five percent of the population is gay or lesbian, you would expect to have 5 or 6 gay or lesbian House members.” Keechl became Broward County’s first openly gay county commissioner in 2006, and even ten years ago, he found there was little pushback over a gay politician. “I don’t remember any homophobia in 2006 while I was running, with the exception of one thing that happened,” he said. “Jim Scott, my Republican opponent, and I live in the same neighborhood. I was jogging one day and I saw a Jim Scott sign defaced with the word ‘Fag’ and I thought, ‘I think they got the wrong guy.’”

news international

Photo: Facebook.

Hundreds Gather for Kiss-A-Thon After Gay Couple Gets Kicked Out of Store Brittany Ferrendi


homas Rees and his boyfriend time that Sainsbury’s—with profits over Joshua Bradwell were reportedly £500 million this year—put their money removed from Sainsbury’s where their mouths are and use their supermarket in London after a customer resources to ensure that homophobia complained about their “immoral” and becomes a thing of the past. a £10 voucher “inappropriate” hand-holding. just doesn’t cut it,” event organizer They said a security guard pulled Michael Segalov wrote on Facebook. them aside after they Wielding rainbow finished shopping and flags and blasting told them about the Diana Ross and Donna complaint, according Summer songs, to Pink News. dozens of couples After the incident, locked lips at the store. Rees took to Twitter: According to LGBTQ “To the bigot who Nation, Sainsbury’s complained about my supported the protest bf & I holdin hands and offered snacks to & the security guard the demonstrators. at @sainsburys who “When your felt the need to ‘talk’ community come to us outside: (middle behind and say ‘you finger emoji).” were right and you - Thomas Rees Pink News reported are right,’ all that that a Sainsbury does is amplify your customer service representative Tweeted feelings,” Rees told The Guardian. “We to the couple with a £10 gift card offer were right to complain and do what we’ve (about $13 U.S.) for their troubles. done and fight those people who said we But that wasn’t enough. were wrong.” Last Saturday at 6:30 p.m., hundreds A spokesperson for Sainsbury’s told gathered for a “big gay kiss in” inside The Guardian: “It’s been a really great of the store. Same-sex couples were event and an important opportunity for welcomed and encouraged to join in and the community to show their support. We show displays of affection in the name of do our best to make sure everyone feels equality. welcome in our stores but occasionally “In a year that’s seen attacks all too we make mistakes. We are working hard often on the LGBT community, it’s high to make sure lessons are learnt.”

"We were right to complain and do what we’ve done and fight those people who said we were wrong."

8.17.2016 •


news national

Rubio to Pastors

Love LGBTs and Accept Them into Church R

epublican Sen. Marco Rubio told faith leaders in Orlando on Friday that they must love LGBT people and accept them into the church, even if the pastors stay firm in their belief that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Rubio delivered his address the day after protesters condemned his plans to speak to the group, saying many of the speakers at the Pastors & Pews conference have been notoriously anti-gay. But Rubio urged the gathering to drop their judgments of the LGBT community. “To love our neighbors we must abandon a spirit of judgment. Do not judge, or you will be judged,” Rubio said. “Abandoning judgment and loving our LGBT neighbors is not a betrayal of what the Bible teaches, it is a fulfillment of it. Jesus showed us how to do this. Jesus showed us that we do not have to endorse what people do in order to accept them for who they are: children of a loving and merciful God.” Rubio, who is seeking re-election after a failed presidential run, said American history is marred by the discrimination and rejection of gays and lesbians and that it was not long ago that slurs were an acceptable part of speech.

“We must recognize that many have experienced, sometimes, severe condemnation and judgment from some Christians. They have heard some say that the reason God will bring condemnation on America is because of them, as if somehow God was willing to put up with adultery and gluttony and greed and pride, but now this is the last straw,” Rubio said. His remarks came two months to the day after a gunman killed 49 people at a gay nightclub just miles from the conference. Rubio told the group he attended a prayer service for the victims and spoke to gays and lesbians afterward. He said some told him it was the first time they’d entered a church in years and others said it was their first experience with Christianity. He told the pastors that LGBT people should be welcomed into churches. “Many in that community deeply desire to come to Christ, but they do not because they fear they will be shunned and rejected by some,” Rubio said. “If any of us, myself included, in any way, have ever made anyone feel that Christianity wants nothing to do with them, then I believe deeply that we have failed deeply to represent our Lord Jesus Christ, who time and again went out of

Photo: CNN.

Associated Press

his way to reach out to the marginalized and to the forgotten of his time.” The speech wasn’t warmly received by Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida, a group fighting discrimination against LGBT people. “These words ring hollow from a man who has made the world less safe for LGBT and our families. He has opposed basic legal protections and today he shared a stage with people who have dehumanized us,” she said in an email. “We do not need thoughts and prayers when he could act right now to secure

legal protections and support common sense gun laws that keep weapons of mass murder out of the hands of hate fueled madmen.” Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy, who is running for Rubio’s seat, criticized Rubio for even appearing at the event, which Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke at Thursday. “For Florida’s senator to stand alongside these homophobic leaders and his bigoted candidate for President is a disgrace,” Murphy said in a statement emailed by a campaign spokeswoman.

Pulse Survivor Responds to Trump and Rubio in Orlando Equality Florida Brandon Wolf, a survivor of the Pulse massacre who lost dear friends that night, was unable to join us at the Rally to End Hate #ForThe49. The statement below was read on his behalf. We send all our love, support, and solidarity to Brandon and the countless members of our community who will carry the Pulse tragedy in their hearts forever. “Today marks 2 months. 2 months since we laughed. Since we danced. Since we said, “I love you” one last time. On June 12, I stood helplessly in a bathroom while my two best friends were brutally murdered in a senseless act of hatred. In an instant, they and 47 other beautiful souls were extinguished in a flame of bigotry and gun fire. Make no mistake, this was an attack on us. In our safe space. To break our collective spirits. People have said it better than I can: “The gay agenda is simply to survive the day”. Trying not to get called a faggot. Dodging side streets for fear of detection.


• 8.17.2016

Constantly masking our identities in the hopes that we will not be left alone to die. But for what? To be massacred in our home and then used for political fodder? That is what makes this so disturbing. From Donald Trump, we can expect more of the same. More bigotry, more casual allusions to violence, more egotistical bluster. The truly appalling one is Marco Rubio, the man who is supposed to guide us, protect us, and REPRESENT us. This is the man who called himself our ally. Now? He’s attempting to resuscitate his failed political career by using our pain as a step stool. He’s telling us he “has our backs” while he shoves the knife in deeper. He has MY Drew and Juan propped under each arm as he crutches his way back to relevance. Today, Marco and Donald will stand proudly next to people who have called us “homosexual militants”, “demonic”, and even suggested that HIV is our “punishment” for who we are. And at the very same time,

we stand here together for love. On June 12, Drew’s last words to me were simple: “I love you.” So let that be the lesson. While our politicians cuddle up with the NRA and fall at the feet of violent bigots, we remain steadfast and strong. Because love ALWAYS trumps hate.” Brandon Wolf (right) standing with one of the Pulse victims Christopher Andrew Leinonen. Facebook.

Photo: Facebook.

news state

Gay Endorsement For The Straight Guy SAVE’s support raises questions

John McDonald


AVE, a leading South Florida LGBT organization, is raising eyebrows with its selection of a straight candidate in the race for an open Senate seat in Florida’s legislature. Jason Pizzo, a former prosecutor, received the endorsement of SAVE’s Action Pac. Pizzo is campaigning to represent district 38 – a Miami-Dade County district – in the Florida Senate. “Jason Pizzo is the strongest candidate,” said Tony Lima, SAVE Executive Director. “He came in with the most comprehensive plan needed to appeal to all the ethnicities in this district. He’s also done very well fundraising and he’s committed and proud to serve.” In endorsing Pizzo, SAVE passed on two gay candidates – former Miami Beach Vice Mayor Michael Gongora and former North Miami Mayor Kevin Burns. “We are not in the business of endorsing someone just because they are gay,” Lima told SFGN in a telephone call. Burns, citing voting records, said Pizzo has not voted since 2008. In an interview with the Miami Herald, Pizzo explained his gaps in voting had to do with a case he worked while at the state attorney’s office which resulted in threats against his family. Pizzo told the Herald he was forced to relocate his family to New Jersey one day before the 2012 general election.

“It was the most traumatic event of my life,” Pizzo told the Herald. Pizzo is married with two children. He is campaigning on his experience fighting bad guys who have exploited the elderly, abused animals and committed violent crimes. “He has what it takes to win,” Lima said. “And he’s the most viable candidate.” On his Facebook page, Pizzo posted that he was grateful to receive SAVE’s backing. “I am honored to have the support of this important organization, doing great work defending human rights in our community,” Pizzo said. In a crowded field of six Democrats, the district 38 seat, Lima said, must stay in the progressive column. Of the six competing, only sitting representative Daphne Campbell has served before in Tallahassee. Campbell is known as a social conservative and outspoken critic of prochoice women’s health care options. “We have to make sure Daphne Campbell does not win,” Lima said. Gongora, who serves as a legal advisor for Unity Coalition, a Hispanic LGBT organization, has raised the most money through the Aug. 5 reporting period. Gongora held a $102,012 to $61,191 edge over Campbell with Pizzo raising $41,102. Early voting is underway with the primary election slated for Aug. 30. 8.17.2016 •


news local

Photo: J.R. Davis.

Security costs for Wicked Manors Triples in Wake of Orlando Attacks Michael d’Oliveira


fter the attacks in Orlando and France, hosting Wicked Manors is getting a lot more expensive. But Robert Boo, CEO of The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, the organization hosting the annual Halloween event, said he’s still glad to do it. “It’s a great way to have everyone [gay and straight] to come together. It’s a great way for us to bring together the community in South Florida . . . raise awareness of The Pride Center,” said Boo. The hope is that the increased security, “Tripled,” said Boo, - Chief Paul won’t be needed but will be there just in case. The Pride Center, as in past events, is accepting donations and sponsorships to help fund the event. This year’s security costs are expected to top $27,000. Boo said the crowd is expected to be less than the 30,000 who came last year because Halloween falls on a Monday this year. Although Wicked Manors occurs in a city with such a large LGBT population, Boo doesn’t view it as an LGBT event. He doesn’t have any official tracking data on how many event attendees are gay or straight but Boo estimates the makeup is evenly divided. “That’s the reason I don’t say it’s an extension of the [Stonewall] festival.” But like Stonewall, which is held every

June, city officials also talk positively about Wicked Manors happening in the city, which draws visitors and positive media attention. Chief Paul O’Connell said the security concerns of Wicked Manors aren’t as big as Stonewall but still very important. “From a policing standpoint, it’s not as intense but we still have the same security concerns. Very early in the review process we said this is not going to be the level of Stonewall 2016 which was six days after Pulse. But it’s not going to be Wicked Manors 2015 either. We’re always worried O'Connell about security,” said O’Connell. “It’s the old saying: ‘you prepare for the worst and you hope for the best.’” But while he’s prepared just in case, O’Connell doesn’t expect much trouble. “The attendees have been nothing but gracious guests in Wilton Manors. In my five years, we’ve probably made three or four arrests and that has to do with too much drinking.” The event will start at 7 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. Wilton Drive will be closed down a few hours before and after the event. Sponsored mainly by Hunters Nightclub, the event’s theme is “Political Nightmare!” and will include Hits 97.3, entertainment, costume contests and HIV support, education, outreach, prevention and testing.

"this is not going to be the level of Stonewall 2016... But it’s not going to be Wicked Manors 2015 either."









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Photo: POOL/CNN.

An Indictment of Donald J Trump

Publisher's Editorial

Norm Kent



onald Trump is correct when he says there has never been a candidate like him ever before. He is the most repulsive and vulgar man ever to seek the presidency. In every speech, at every turn, and in every breath, the Republican nominee for the Oval Office reveals himself to be crude and condescending, mean and mendacious. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy; a demagogue who would be a dictator. He does not just threaten a free press, he jeopardizes the security of our society. No folks, it is not Hillary Clinton who is unhinged, imbalanced or unfit to lead this nation. It is Donald J. Trump. There is a reason even the most conservative of newspapers have condemned him, why political leaders from the Republican Party have steadfastly disavowed him. It is not the media. It is his mindless message and his manners; his myopia and his madness. Please don’t give Trump any more credit for manipulating the media. We have caught up to him. We are exposing every lie, revealing each inconsistency, and shedding

In every speech, at every turn, and in every breath, the Republican nominee for the Oval Office reveals himself to be crude and condescending, mean and mendacious. 24

• 8.17.2016

light on his fear-mongering, his bigotry, and his frauds. The YouTube video, Trump on Trump, with 20 million views, showcases the candidate’s shocking duplicity, altering his views on issue after issue, day after day, month after month, year after year. He is a transparently dishonest and disingenuous person. He is a man of irreconcilable inconsistencies. Trump wants to be a ruler, an imperial King, and a man who has people swear allegiance to his throne. He calls for loyalty oaths, complete submission to his rule, and sworn fidelity to his abhorrent causes. To fail to do so gets you excoriated and exiled, condemned and censured. He is unconscionable and unscrupulous. We come together as a society to secure the rights of all, not to restrict the rights of any. The law and order Trump proposes is fascist and fanatical, violent and vitriolic, autocratic and authoritarian. Make no mistake about it. When he says he wants his ‘second amendment people’ to do something about Hillary, he is calling for bullets, not ballots. When he questions Clinton’s ‘physical fitness’ for office, he is being misogynistic, intimating as a man he is much stronger than a woman. When he scoffed at the silence of a gold star mother standing on the podium in the Democratic convention, he meant to demean all of Islam, Muslims, and religions where women are still struggling for equal rights. When he referred to Megan Kelley’s menstrual cycles or his manhood in presidential debates, he meant to show off his ‘machismo’- but instead showcased his chauvinistic insensitivity. When he says the voting system is ‘rigged’ and he will only lose if he is ‘cheated,’ he is

telling us in advance he is a crybaby, a sore loser, and has the immaturity of a child in a sandbox. When he mocks disabled reporters or a senator and soldier who was a prisoner of war, he reveals a cruel underside that has no compassion or concern for the country he seeks to serve. When he claims to support veterans but spent years avoiding the Vietnam War as a draft dodger seeking student deferments, claiming a bogus injury of a ‘bruised heel,’ he reveals his history of hypocrisy, dating back to the 1960’s. When he said he knows more about ISIS than “the generals,’ he instead revealed his unbridled arrogance. He is a man who probably can’t even name the governors in America, let alone the rulers in Afghanistan or Pakistan. He thinks the Nuclear Triad is a new social app. When he is willing to sacrifice the good of the nation for the applause of a crowd, when he is willing to incite violence against protestors to get the adulation of an audience, he is shedding a light not only on his nasty and narcissistic personality, but his willingness to advance his own popularity at the expense of dignity and decency in the public square. When he threatens to ‘open up the libel laws,’ calls the media a ‘disgrace to humanity,’ he is attempting to intimidate independent journalists and call into question historical judicial precedent. When he revokes press credentials of respected newspapers and denies them to others he is demanding absolute allegiance to toxic Trumpian policies which poison the political system. He is attempting to hold journalism hostage to his dictatorial demands. When he talks about ‘extreme vetting,’ ‘taking out family members of terrorists’ or that ‘water boarding is the least thing people have to worry about’ he is recommending torture and

terror tantamount to the very violence we are opposing as a society. Trump is attempting to make us as vicious and despicable as the very causes we are fighting. He is calling upon us to suspend the United States Constitution, for foreigners today, and our countrymen and citizens tomorrow. Interesting, because he has probably never read it. Or 2 Corinthians. When he talks about knowing more about economic policy than all the candidates combined, he means he knows how to exploit the system for his own pecuniary advantage, from not paying taxes to filing multiple bankruptcies in order to avoid paying legitimate debts to hard working employees. This is a man saying he wants to return jobs to America tomorrow while exploiting workers in China today. When he bullies and personally demeans his political adversaries in public discourse, by calling them nasty names, and reducing their stature, he demeans the office of the presidency. This behavior is downright juvenile, and poisons the political process, reducing it to a schoolyard sand throwing contest- which is where he belongs. I am not worried about Barack Obama anymore. I want proof Donald J. Trump was born in America. I want to know how a man raised in the dynamic melting pot and diversity that is New York can become so fundamentally anti-American. He is a traitor to dignity, decency, and democracy. But ask me how I really feel. Yes, America needs a wall built. It needs a wall built between Donald Trump and the Oval Office, our nuclear codes, and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Between now and November, that is how I intend to spend my time. I encourage you to do the same.


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lifestyle tonys talks

Tony Adams


‘OurEdmund Young Man’ White’s New Novel

e are seated by the pool of Island House Key West Resort during their weekly “Naked Sunday” afternoon when Edmund White tells me that he is and always was smitten by male beauty. Maybe that is why he has written a passionate book about a French gay male model named Guy whose life is smitten by his own beauty, by his friends, by AIDS, by his career and finally by love. Despite a distracting throng of playful and beautiful men in the pool, I called White’s attention to my questions about that book, the recently published “Our Young Man.” When I asked him why he wrote the book and what he had in mind for it, he said, “I always try to be original. I try to put together elements in a way that has not been done before. I based “Our Young Man” on a 19th century French novel called Sapho by Alphonse Daudet. I homosexualized it, Americanized it and modernized it.” In “Our Young Man,” White assembles a gay family that did not have the benefit of LGBT equality and a television-generated concept of the “modern family.” I wondered if White had that in mind when describing the early 80s New York City household the characters establish. “I didn’t think of that. The AIDS experience certainly brought gay people closer together,” he said. “I set it in the 80s because that was a time when models first became supermodels.” He continued: “We all had these men in our


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lives on Fire Island, in New York, and there was one man in particular that I had in mind when writing Guy. He was an American model who was living in Paris. I went out with him several times, as did Brad Gooch (model, author of “Smash Cut” and one of White’s resources for “Our Young Man”) He spoke no French, but it was amazing how much English the Parisians were able to speak to him.” I spouted a rather tedious contemplation about whether White’s character Guy was good, bad, noble, narcissistic, vacuous, wise or whatever. White put an end to this by reminding me that “Guy refers to himself as a black hole in space. Americans like to think of people as either good or bad. They are less at ease with the reality that we all contain a variety of virtues and flaws. Some say Guy reminds them of Dorian Gray, but that isn’t fair. Still, he is no saint. Near the end, he says he won’t go with his lover to Peru because it would ruin his complexion.” I changed the subject, invoking “the Baron” a frightening character who is into extreme sado-masochism. When I said that I pictured him looking like Karl Lagerfeld, White laughed. I then invoked another character, “Fred,” who has come out of the closet late in life, falls in love with Guy, buys him a house and becomes HIV-positive. When I suggested that in the movie version of “Our Young Man” Fred be played by Cate Blanchett, White roared, I assume with approval. I told White I had one complaint about the

Photo: Tony Adams.

Edmund White with John Cameron Mitchell.

book, the fact that he did not write a three-way those years, admired men of great beauty and sex scene involving Guy and the two young shared with my peers the fresh hell of AIDS blonde identical twins from Minnesota. in its first years, but because White is one of “That wouldn’t happen because only one the few writers at work today whose prose is of the twins is gay. I think that in many cases reliably lyrical and pleasurable. Many of us of identical twins, they may read his books repeatedly have sex with each other, but just to revel in the way he often, only one is gay,” he said. sequences his words. “This disproves the notion In “Our Young Man,” In “Our Young Man,” White that there is a gay gene. If there does not shy away from what White assembles were a gay gene, both identical he calls the “cock and balls” twins would have it.” problem: the fact that many a gay family that When I told White that I straight readers find gay did not have the had not wanted this book to romance appealing but may end and that I was now hoping not want to read depictions of benefit of LGBT for a sequel, he said that many messy gay sex. There are pages equality and a of his readers have asked for a that will make the ladies who sequel. television-generated lunch gulp. I wondered if, in the sequel, When I asked White what concept of the Guy would become less he is now working on, he said, interested in his own beauty “I’m writing something about “modern family.” and in the beauty of other the activity of reading books. men, and perhaps turn to It’s not as boring as it sounds. having sex and romance with In this next book, I write odd looking and quirky men. about how reading books and having sex at “Well. I think as you get older, more and the library are fused for me. I cannot have one more people seem beautiful,” he said. “I now without the other.” find almost anyone male attractive.” Having had my first sexual experience in the I wondered if Guy would eventually lose his men’s room of the Hartford Public Library, I lovers when he lost his looks. intend to be first in line for a copy of that one. “Yes, that is always the way of it,” he said dryly. To order Our Young Man: “Our Young Man” is engrossing and http://amzn.to/2ansu0G delightful, not only because I lived through

WMG Volume 3 • Issue 16 August 17, 2016

Wilton Manors Gazette


Local Eatery Makes Headlines Defending Transgender Employee By Michael d’Oliveira

As the owner of New York Grilled Cheese Co. in Wilton Manors, Leor Barak is used to praise about his food. Now, he’s getting praise for his defense of one of his transgender employees. Barak’s July 26 Facebook post, in which he defended Mia Patryck and the reason for his gender neutral bathrooms, has gotten the attention and praise of media outlets across the country, including The Huffington Post. Barak’s post was in response to a customer on Facebook who said she liked the food but would not return because the restaurant only had genderneutral bathrooms. “We have recently been plagued with ongoing attacks directed towards our transgendered employees, and now our gender neutral bathrooms seem to be an issue as well. I will make it super clear to everyone. Our company culture at New York Grilled Cheese Co. is, and will always be one of acceptance, equality, and support of our transgendered community, and any other walk of life!” wrote Barak. He told the customer that he hopes she will change her mind on her view of transgender individuals. Although marked as available for any gender, the restaurant’s two bathrooms are both single-use. Barak said he doesn’t understand why some people are making a big deal out of it because only one person at a time can use each bathroom. The stated problem many people have with bathrooms being used by transgender individuals, that assaults might occur, can’t happen because only one person can use them at a time. Barak said the single-use bathrooms also benefit fathers who need to take their daughter into a restroom or mothers who need to take their son. But the online comments weren’t the beginning. Previously, Patricyk had a bad experience with a different customer in the restaurant. “She called me all types of words – ‘he-she,’ ‘sir.’ People started leaving because they got

uncomfortable. People have just been attacking our culture of acceptance.” But the attitudes of her co-workers and supporters online have made her feel better about what happened. “We do not tolerate that here and we have a loving and accepting workplace. My coworkers are amazing they’re one hundred percent supportive and they always have my back.” Barak said he was disappointed that customers at the time failed to come to her defense. But he was heartened by the response on Facebook, which he said has been overwhelmingly in support of Patricyk. “She’s one of our best servers. People just love her. They come for her.” But despite the overwhelming level of support online, Barak said he’s knows he’s risking the loss of at least some businesses. “It’s obviously a dangerous situation for our business but we’re going to keep pushing back. I’d rather maintain my employee’s dignity and not take your money.” On Facebook, Patricyk thanked Barak and her other supporters. “He is not only standing up for me, but he is standing up for an entire community. I also want to personally thank each and every one of you that have come to my aid with your words of kindness and encouragement. Finally, I would like to address all the people that have not been supportive. Although you may not approve of my gender-identity the hurtful things you say to others like me can cause serious emotion damage. I am lucky enough to have a great group of people around me that help support through difficult times. Unfortunately, others in my situation do not. Your words can play a crucial role in someone’s existence. At the end of the day we are all HUMANS! And when I was young I was raised to love everyone for who they are regardless of their difference. Hopefully one day people can put their prejudices aside so that we can all live as one.” WMG

Photo: Courtesy Mia Patryck.

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August 17, 2016

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Summer Break

WMG August 17, 2016 • Volume 3 • Issue 16 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

By Sal Torre Those of us who work our schedules around the second and fourth Tuesday of each month being a Wilton Manors City Commission meeting had to find something else to do this past week. Our city government had their usual summer break, voted by our Commission, to cancel the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting at the beginning of August. Needing my regular fix for city politics, I attended the Community Affairs Advisory Board’s workshop on Thursday night to listen to the discussion on the possibility of CAAB hosting a forum titled, “Community Perception of Wilton Manors Safety, Race and Law Enforcement.” One just needs to read responses on Nextdoor.com to understand how a black resident of Wilton Manors might feel uncomfortable walking down to the Drive or anywhere else. However, it was refreshing to hear residents of color who attended the workshop talk about their positive response and interaction with our local Police force. Also refreshing was the discussion on how all city employees have to take mandatory diversity training. Diversity training takes on many forms, not just racial, but also dealing with the LGBT community, sexually abused victims, seniors, people with disabilities, and those of other religions and cultures. Bravo to the City of Wilton Manors for working towards creating an atmosphere that motivates employees to overcome apprehensions and negative assumptions with fellow employees, the public they serve, and within society as a whole. Now wouldn’t that be great if we expected the same from a particular Presidential candidate and those who cheer him on. Donald Trump continues to use hatred and fear mongering in his attempt to claw his way to the White House. Crowds of his supporters continue to demonstrate their prejudices and hatred toward certain groups of fellow citizens of this great nation with louder and more visible contempt. Our society has come a long way in accepting others’ cultural differences, sexual orientation, and religions. Unfortunately, we see how quickly all that can be taken away by a single demagogue firing up the masses. The desensitizing of the American public to insane behavior does not stop with Donald Trump. We barely blink an eye when we hear of the latest mass shooting, the killing of an innocent victim of police violence, or the rising death rate due to gun violence in American cities such as Chicago.

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Internet Assistant • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira


Natalya Jones • John McDonald • James Oaksun

Staff Photographers

J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

The news is much grimmer beyond our shores. Two million people in Aleppo, Syria, are without basic needs and are trapped in an unending war zone. Refugees are stranded by the thousands in Greece as the doorways to a safe life for their children are slammed shut in Europe and Turkey. Libya is spiraling down a path to anarchy. Abducted schoolgirls are used as human shields in Nigeria by Boko Haram. The world we live in has definitely taken a turn toward a more dangerous and unknown future. This unease and breakdown of order leave good fellow Americans vulnerable to the rants of hatred and lies coming from Donald Trump, as he tries to bamboozle American workers, middle class voters, farmers, religious conservatives, and gun owners that he actually cares about them and their issues. Really? And at the expense of American Muslims, Mexicans, veterans’ families, the poor, perhaps you and me next. So as summer break comes to an end, kids are getting ready to go back to school and election frenzy is kicking into high gear, it’s time we take a good hard look at what is going on in our society and take a good hard look at ourselves. There is still much work to be done. We must work together to bring about the change we would like to see in this country and throughout the world, but we must start close to home, right here with ourselves, our neighborhoods, our community and our great city we call Wilton Manors. ‘Cause then life will truly be so much better here …. WMG


Sales & Marketing

Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


Associated Press MEMBER

City Looking For Security Risk Assessment By Michael d’Oliveira In an effort to improve safety, city officials have requested bids from various security consulting firms. The chosen consultant will be tasked with creating a security master plan and assessing the security of city hall, library, fire station, parks, lift stations and other parks and facilities. The firm will also be required to provide an analysis of: crime,


Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

possible vulnerabilities to facilities, current policies and procedures, the city’s ability to implement mass communication, video surveillance systems, security staffing, city incident reports for the last two years, security training and staffing and more. The costs of recommended upgrades will be part of the firm’s presentation. The final ranking and selection of the

winning firm was scheduled to be held today, Aug. 17. The city commission will be asked to approve the contract with the winning firm at an upcoming meeting. The bid comes as controversy still surrounds Colohatchee Park, with residents demanding that the city do more to stop people from using the park as a place for public sex. WMG

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August 17, 2016

Where Are The Customers?

Real Estate Geek

Realtors may not like Zillow, but customers sure do By James Oaksun This is a column for both the real estate consumer (a buyer, seller or investor in real estate) as well as a real estate professional – someone who either has a real estate license or aspires to have one. You really don’t have to get very far in the real estate business before you hear people dumping all over Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor. com. Trainers do it. “Experienced” Realtors do it at happy hour, at conferences, at seminars. Always good for a laugh and some nods, some shaking of the heads. But who is having the last laugh? There are a couple points I want to make this week. Point one is that it’s not about the feature, it’s about the benefit. Point two is it has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with the customer/ client and what they want, what their pain point is, what their need is, what their problem is and how someone out there can best solve it. Realtors might be able to describe what they want or might prefer that someone do. Perhaps it would be more effective or useful, however, if they would assess what it is that customers actually do, and then see how they can best work with that. Through a service called Alexa we are able to get a ranking of the most popular websites for the whole world, and in any particular country. In our case we are only concerned about the United States. Take a look at the table nearby. Let’s start with the top websites regardless of category. It’s probably no surprise to anyone what the top four are – Google, Facebook, YouTube and Amazon. Ask anybody walking down the street which websites they spend the most time

on, what tabs they have open on their laptop or desktop right now, it’s going to be at least two of these if not all four. Now let’s go the next step to the subject at hand. Let’s talk real estate. What’s the most popular real estate website? Not one of the big national real estate brokerages – not by a longshot. It’s Zillow – ranked number 29. Realtor.com makes the top 100 just barely, and Trulia is just a hair’s breadth behind at 118. But surprise (or maybe not)! There is no brokerage website even in the top 1,500! So listen up: Realtors can think Zillow, Trulia and Realtor.com are silly till the cows come home. But the customers think they are great. That will probably never change. I’ve said it before in public, I’ve said it before in this column and I’ll say it again. It’s all about the value. The customers want value. The customers are time stressed and time pressed, and want answers. They do organic search. They talk to their friends and trusted sources. They watch video. They know how to look for information, and buy products and services that are well ranked, timely, innovative and well regarded. Where are you? WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate Geek(SM), is Broker-Owner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).

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August 17, 2016

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Crime Blotter By Michael d’Oliveira The following crime incidents occurred in Wilton Manors and were gathered from the city’s RAIDS Online crime reporting system. Auto theft On Aug. 7 at 6 p.m., a vehicle was stolen at the 2400 block of NE 15 Avenue. Retail theft On Aug. 6 at 8:52 a.m., a retail theft occurred at the 1100 block of NE 26 Street. Business burglary On July 31 at 12:45 a.m., a business was burglarized at the 2600 block of N. Dixie Highway. Pick pocketing On July 31 at 10:18 p.m., a pick pocketing occurred at the 2200 block of Wilton Drive. Home burglary On July 25, a home burglary occurred at the 2200 block of NE 14 Avenue.

City Moves Ahead With New Parking Lot By Michael d’Oliveira City officials are moving forward with the development of the lot they purchased last year. The lot, located at Northeast 23 Drive and Northeast 11 Avenue, was bought for about $447,000. At the time, some residents criticized the purchase as too being too high, and for other reasons. “We can’t keep taking property off the tax rolls,” said Sal Torre, president of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors, in October. “It’s incumbent upon us as policy makers to act. This land is available. We have to act,” said Commissioner Justin Flippen at the same meeting. Parking has been a complaint of residents and business owners for at least a decade and the purchase of the lot, and another at Northeast 26 Street and Northeast 8 Terrace, is one of the ways the commission has tried to provide more parking. When finished, the new parking lot will have 23 spaces. To create more space, city staff members requested landscaping and set-back variances for the property from the Planning and Zoning Board. All but one, to

build a fence around the property instead of a concrete wall, were approved. It is unknown at this time when the lot will be paved and open to the public, but Bob Mays, the city’s finance director, said the estimate cost to pave the parking lot is between $225,000 and $230,000. Mays said the concrete wall increased the cost of the project from the previous $210,000 estimate. Mays said the city is creating a bid to send out to construction companies. When the bids are sent back to the city, the commission will have to decide which company to hire. WMG


Around Town Check out what’s happening

Kiwanis Bowling Tournament By Michael d’Oliveira

Pokemon Go in Wilton Manors Looking for Pikachu in Wilton Manors? City officials have released a list of locations where players of Pokemon Go can to find characters in the game. Locations include city hall, 2020 Wilton Drive; Colohatchee Park, 1975 NE 15 Avenue; Colohatchee Boat Ramp, 1975 NE 15 Avenue; Donn Eisele Park, 701 NW 29

Street; Hagen Park, 2020 Wilton Drive; Jaycee Park, Wilton Drive/NE 21 Court; Rachel Richardson Park, Andrews Avenue/ NE 21 Court; Richardson Historic Park, 1937 Wilton Drive; Richard C. Sullivan Public Library, 500 NE 26 Street; M.E. DePalma Park, 641 NE 20 Drive; Mickel Park, 2675 NW 7 Avenue. WMG

The Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors will hold a bowling tournament on Sunday, Aug. 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Manor Lanes, 1517 NE 26 St., Wilton Manors. The cost is $20 per entry and includes shoe rental and two games of bowling. For more information or to sign-up, call 954-729-0837 or email sjchesler@ gmail.com. The money raised will be used to benefit programs that focus on needy children in and out of the city.WMG

CDBG Public Hearing

Free Mosquito Spray to Combat Zika

Members of the public can provide their input on how the city should spend the $64,000 in Community Development Block Grant [CDBG] money it expects to receive. Public input will be taken at the commission meeting on Aug. 23. The money can be

Broward County residents can request a free mosquito spray in their neighborhood to help combat Zika and the other negative impacts of mosquitos. To make a request, visit the Broward County Mosquito Control Division at broward.org/streets/mosquito and fill out the request form or call 954-765-4062. Spraying is usually completed within three business days, but can take longer depending on the volume of requests and weather conditions. WMG

spent on capital projects in the Highland Estates neighborhood or anywhere west of Andrews Avenue. Suggestions can also be sent to Todd DeJesus, capital projects and grants manager, at tdejesus@wiltonmanors. com or 954-390-2100. WMG

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August 17, 2016


What Do You Think About Our Police Force? City to send out surveys to ask just that Michael d’Oliveira There hasn’t been a controversial police shooting in Wilton Manors, and members of the city’s Community Affairs Advisory Board [CAAB] want to keep it that way. To do that, CAAB wants to send out a survey asking residents and business owners what their perception of the city’s police department is. If enough concerns are voiced, CAAB says it wants a community forum held to address those concerns. If the feedback is positive, a meet and greet would be organized instead. The issue was discussed at the Aug. 11 CAAB meeting. CAAB members said they hoped to have the survey ready by next week. “We don’t want a Ferguson to happen here. We don’t want an Overtown,” said board member Tim Ross. He added that the police should also be surveyed to see how they perceive the residents. “What’s the perception that the police have? [Are they thinking] is someone going to take a shot at me? It’s a two-way street.” The idea comes from CAAB member Isaac Brooks III. Brooks, a black man and former police officer, had nothing but praise for the city’s police. But he said he’s worried about how others might view them. “It’s all perception . . . That’s my point. To start the dialogue,” Brooks said. Commander Gary Blocker said the police department was open to the forum and wants to participate in what questions are placed on the survey. A resident satisfaction survey by the city in 2015 found that

73 percent of respondents were “very satisfied” with the service offered by the police. Fifteen percent were “very dissatisfied” and 12 percent were “neutral.” About 450 residents responded to the survey. The survey also stated that residents responded with a desire for a more communicative and pro-active police department. CAAB members expressed a similar belief and said more needs to be done to make the police more visible and part of the community. Blocker said that the police department takes part in community events and has begun using social media – Facebook and Twitter. There’s also a YouTube channel with several videos. CAAB member Bryan Wilson said that it was up to everyone in the city to communicate. The more communication occurs, he added, the less likely the occurrence of tragic incidents. Audience members in attendance also commended the police but agreed that things could always be improved. Geoffrey Vancol, a black man, works in Wilton Manors but lives in Miami. He said previous incidents in Miami, such as being stopped by police for seemingly no reason, make him generally nervous and Wilton Manors because the city reminds him of some of the areas he’s been stopped in. “I always do feel uncomfortable.” WMG

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August 17, 2016

8.17.2016 •


Feature seniors

The Pride Center Offers nationally renowned senior services programs Dori Zinn


hen Rube Kaplan and his husband moved to Wilton Manors four years ago, they learned about The Pride Center almost immediately. At 70 years old, Kaplan was looking for programs and events geared toward seniors. That’s when they arrived at the Coffee and Conversation.

“They’re not just friends, they’re also our family,” Kaplan said. “There is more love in this room than anywhere else.” On Tuesday mornings, The Pride Center hosts Coffee and Conversation — the largest single gathering of LGBT seniors in the U.S. On a recent June morning, they logged nearly 180 visitors. Bruce Williams, the Senior Services Coordinator for The Pride Center, said that number is actually low because “it’s out of season.” “During season, there can be more than 200 visitors coming in and out of here on a Tuesday morning,” Williams said. “It’s a comfortable atmosphere. No one is going to pass judgment here.” The program started 12 years ago, but only had


• 8.17.2016

about two dozen visitors. Now, with upwards of a couple hundred weekly visitors during the season, what changed? “They just wanted to talk,” Williams said. “We used to have a presentation and speakers, but really, they’re here to talk to their friends.” In 2015, The Pride Center logged 9,000 total visitors for Coffee and Conversation. Serena Worthington, Director of National Field Initiatives for Services and Advocacy for GLBT Seniors, or SAGE, has traveled the entire country visiting senior services offered to the LGBT community. Worthington was the first to recognize the huge weekly gatherings. “SAGE operates as the nation’s largest full-time LGBT center for seniors,” she said. “Hundreds of

people pass through our door, but we don’t have 180 people come at one time for one singular purpose.” Worthington, who is based out of Chicago, said the success of the program has a lot to do with Williams as the leader. “He prioritizes getting people what they want and in this case, it’s visiting and talking to each other,” Worthington said. “For that community, it works beautifully.” The Pride Center COO Kristofer Fegenbush notes that the senior services offered would not be the same without Williams. “Without his leadership, our senior services programs would not exist like they do now,” Fegenbush said. “His expertise, wisdom, humor,

Feature seniors

dedication and investment of countless hours have facilitated the growth of our services.” According to Fegenbush, attendance at senior programs have skyrocketed due to the concentration on the needs of seniors, such as healthcare, financial planning, housing, loneliness, and other issues related to age. The Center connects seniors with a multitude of resources, including long-term care and end-of-life planning. Wilton Manors resident Saalik Cuevas and his husband Dennis Elliott are both retired teachers from New Jersey. They met Rube Kaplan and his partner not long after moving here four years ago. Cuevas said the gatherings are like family getting together. “We’ve never been in a gathering this big on a weekly basis,” he said. “It’s very unique here.” Cuevas left a very active center in New York that had large gatherings, but said consistent get-togethers of LGBT seniors were never as big as they are here. After retirement, he said he was excited about getting involved. “I left a very active community after 30 years,” he said. “But I wasn’t going to come here and just sit around. I got involved.” The senior services at The Pride Center don’t end with

Coffee and Conversation. There are daily exercise classes throughout the week offered through a partnership with the YMCA of Broward County. Last year, The Pride Center logged more than 7,000 visits to senior-centric fitness programs. The Senior Health Expo draws more than 600 LGBT seniors, their allies, friends, and family. The program originally started out seven years ago as an assisted living project. According to Williams, many assisted living facilities didn’t allow LGBT seniors. As the project needs expanded, so did the offerings to seniors. Now, the expo sells out to exhibitors annually and it’s free to attendees. The Pride Center and SAGE have partnered for SAGEWorks — an employment program offered to LGBT seniors — helping LGBT seniors 40 years of age and older fight ageism in the workplace with technical training and professional guidance. “Ageism begins at 40. These programs help seniors get back into the workplace,” Williams said. “We provide skill-building, resume and interview workshops, and LGBT-friendly employers.” In 2015, The Pride Center and SAGE USA partnered for SAGE Stories, where LGBT seniors share their personal

stories on how they’ve faced homophobic interactions and overcame discrimination. Williams said he hopes these stories create awareness in young people about the realities seniors have faced over the years just because of being gay. “They describe growing up gay in a harsh and homophobic society,” Williams said. “We hope these stories will help enlighten younger generations. People don’t realize the severity of homophobia that older LGBT people have had to live with.” Recently, The Pride Center has teamed up with SAGE USA, Our Fund and other South Florida LGBT providers for the “Protect Our Elders” project that aims to give local senior service providers training to make their businesses more LGBT-friendly. These cultural competency course trainings will provide companies with ways to make businesses supportive and culturally proficient environments for LGBT seniors. While some programs vary week-to-week, Williams said the success is due to listening to the audience. “We’ve fine-tuned and found that there was a huge and need and desire for senior services,” he said. Mission: accomplished.

8.17.2016 •


Feature seniors

And The Award Goes To… Impact Broward gives first ever lifetime achievement award to Pride Center’s Senior Services Coordinator Dori Zinn


hen he isn’t at work, sometimes Bruce Williams takes the 90-minute drive down to the very tip of Biscayne Bay. He’s originally from upstate New York before moving to Houston as an adult. Nature, he said, is very relaxing to him. “You’re divorced enough from the city that you can totally escape,” he said. “My favorite is at the very tip where there is a park and you can see Miami and look back across the water. It’s very remote.” The short escapes may actually be helpful to his work. Williams, Senior Services Coordinator for The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, has completely revolutionized services for LGBT seniors. The Center’s COO Kristofer Fegenbush said Williams is a vital part of programs for the senior community. “Attendance at senior programs has skyrocketed as Bruce and his team of volunteers here at the Center have addressed real needs regarding healthcare, financial planning, housing,

loneliness, social connections and other age-related issues,” he said. “Without his leadership, our senior services programs would not exist like they do now.” The hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed outside of The Pride Center, either. Mary Ann Watson, a registered nurse and a VITAS Healthcare community educator liaison, nominated Williams for a Lifetime Achievement Award for Impact Broward. While Impact Broward has been recognizing community leaders for years, this is their first Lifetime Achievement Award. Watson has known Williams for a couple years and admires his passion. “I am so in awe of the way he makes the Center rule for the seniors,” she said. “There’s not one person at The Pride Center that doesn’t know Bruce by hug or voice. He definitely puts everything he has into his role there.” She notes his humbleness. He’s easy to talk to. He’s a “gentle soul.” He’s completely invested in the betterment

of LGBT seniors, and it isn’t something new. Williams has always been involved. “Seniors have always been his passion. It was unfortunate that he lost his job because of discrimination. He rebuilt his empire at The Pride Center,” she said. “Anything that goes on down there with the seniors, he has something to do with it.” Peter Kaldes, President and CEO of Impact Broward, is excited about honoring Williams on Oct. 7 with the Lifetime Achievement Award. “Bruce is a tremendous inspiration, which is why we had to create a Lifetime Achievement Award — the first one ever awarded by Impact Broward. Bruce is our first recipient!” he said. “As a gay man, I’m particularly thrilled because it’s thanks to people like Bruce, with their dedication to the LGBT senior community, who are destroying barriers I hope to never encounter.”

"Without his leadership, our senior services programs would not exist like they do now." - Kristofer Fegenbush, COO of the Pride Center, speaking on Bruce Williams (pictured)


• 8.17.2016

Feature seniors

Bruce Williams A Lifetime of Service to Seniors

Dori Zinn

For nearly 25 years, Bruce Williams worked halfway across the country doing a job he loved. Then he was fired for being gay. Unemployed in his 60s, he made his way to The Pride Center in Wilton Manors. Now he runs the largest LGBT senior citizens gathering in the country.


en years ago, Bruce Williams was working and Conversation events when it was only a handful as an Executive Director for a retirement of attendees. Now he’s running the largest weekly community in Houston. Right before his gathering of LGBT seniors in the country. 25th anniversary with the company, it was sold. Then “I look forward to Tuesday mornings. If I’m having Bruce was fired for being gay. a bad week, the thought of Tuesday morning gets me Texas is a right-to-work state, which means through it,” he said. “It’s wonderful to be around that employees can be fired without being given a reason. group of people. The support and the concern for one Williams — while professional and respectful — another is just incredible.” never hid his sexuality. One new owner wasn’t happy And business is booming. Before Williams started with Williams’s lifestyle and made it known. That was working there, there were 30-40 visitors on any the end of Bruce in Houston. given Tuesday. Now, there’s usually between 180-200 “After dedicating nearly a quarter of a century of my visitors weekly. Even with this huge accomplishment, life to the same company, I found myself unemployed Williams wants to do more to help LGBT seniors, in my early 60s and looking for work during one of especially when they don’t have enough help the most disastrous periods of our nation’s economic themselves. history,” he said. “It’s widely known that Out of work and health generally, older LGBT seniors insurance, Williams took out have less family support than COBRA coverage to tide him over. hetero couples. Some children But that’s only temporary and are wonderful resources and was more expensive than health some don’t know you exist,” insurance with his employer. he said. “Overall, LGBT seniors While he had a bit of money have fewer support systems, stashed away for his retirement, lesser income and fewer he watched his savings deplete resources.” as he was struggling to find work When he first started and affordable healthcare in his volunteering with the Center, early 60s. It would be a couple Williams was looking to start - Bruce Williams (pictured) years before he was eligible for an assisted living project for Medicare and he couldn’t fathom LGBT seniors. Eventually, that the idea of being without insurance at his age. project turned into the Senior Health Expo, which “Small health issues wiped out all the savings I keeps hitting record numbers year after year. Since had,” he said. “I lost a lifetime of resources including LGBT seniors have less resources than their hetero pension benefits, savings, real estate holdings and counterparts, community support is vital. That’s why even the sight in my right eye.” he’s constantly working on events and projects for Because of his health concerns, Bruce eventually seniors at The Pride Center, hoping to make a bigger accepted early retirement Social Security benefits, impact than yesterday. but at a 25 percent reduction. He knows this will be a “As a society, we have made great strides in LGBT problem for him later in life. awareness and rights that today’s LGBT seniors never “Here I am, a 69-year-old gay man who has led a expected to see in their lifetimes,” he said. “The productive and responsible life but who now has fight is far from over and I fear we need to prepare to work full-time just to survive,” he said. “It has a ourselves for a significant backlash in response to the devastating effect and working with LGBT seniors, I gains we have attained.” found out it’s incredibly common.” While same-sex marriage is a huge gain, Williams Now, Williams is the Senior Services Coordinator thinks there’s more to be done. at The Pride Center in Wilton Manors. He knows “We now need to focus our efforts toward how difficult it is for LGBT seniors to have access gaining equality in areas of healthcare, housing and to resources they need in their golden years. A few employment so that old people like me don’t have to years ago, he showed up to the Center’s weekly Coffee go to bed at night hoping to die in their sleep.”

"Overall, LGBT seniors have fewer support systems, lesser income and fewer resources."

8.17.2016 •


Feature seniors

Pride Center’s Senior Health Expo

Continues to Grow

Last year's health expo. Photo by Steven Shires.

Dori Zinn


oday, as Senior Services Coordinator for The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, Bruce Williams is fighting for the rights of LGBT seniors. He wants to ensure that those who need help can get it easily and affordably — something not necessarily offered to LGBT seniors right now.

“A big fear of older folks is running out of money,” he said. “I’ve dealt with having real thoughts of going to sleep at night hoping I’ll die in the morning so I don’t have to deal with being poor.” He’s right. The Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC) says the biggest fear of Americans is that they’ll outlive their income. Twenty-five percent of Americans believe they’ll run out of money before they die, but the same amount of people don’t have anything saved for retirement. In 2010 when Williams was a volunteer with the Center, he began an assisted living project to find places that were LGBT-friendly for seniors. At the time, he said, there weren’t any. Today, there’s more resources than ever, and the list keeps growing. “We have a choice at every level of care —

providers that are LGBT interested and savvy in their approach,” he said. “That’s really what our seniors want — to keep connecting the needs of the LGBT senior community and made aware of their community resources.” Williams said that society has a big problem with aging. The best way to deal with it is to be prepared for problems before they happen. “With aging, when you prepare ahead of time, it’s so much easier,” he said. “When you find yourself in the hospital with a new hip, you’ll be prepared and won’t find yourself facing discharge without a clue of what to do.” To help prepare LGBT seniors with getting older, Williams and The Pride Center started the Senior Health Expo. On Oct. 22, seniors can visit nearly 60 vendors from across Broward County that assist

If You Go:

Senior Health Expo Oct. 22, 10 a.m. – 2p.m. 954-463-9005 36

• 8.17.2016

seniors at various levels of healthcare. Williams said they’ve sold out their vendor spots the last three years. The event is free and open to everyone. “It’s nice and compact. You don’t have to make multiple stops,” he said. “You’ll go home with a tremendous wealth of resources from health and long-term care, insurance, home health care, and others. It’s a tremendous exchange of all our community resources.” With a blood pressure booth, flu shots, door prizes, and free coffee and lunch, Williams expects hundreds of LGBT seniors and their families to visit. As seniors are living longer, he expects the needs for these services to keep growing. “Not long ago, 70 was it. Now, if you’re 70, you could have several decades ahead of you. It pays to prep.”

The Schubert Building at The Pride Center 2040 North Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, FL 33305

LIFESAVER useacondom.com

8.17.2016 •


Feature seniors

Daddies And

Ice Cream

Pride Center launches new social Tucker Berardi


re you looking for more than a soft serve? The Daddy’s Ice Cream Social is a free event at the Wilton Manor’s Pride Center that encourages socialization and networking. It will be hosted in the Main Hall on Saturday, August 20 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The social is geared toward bringing adults of all ages together in hopes of eventually establishing a platform where advice and information can be exchanged in a fun and welcoming community. “[The Ice Cream Social] is an attempt to reach a younger adult group, a group of individuals that will be facing life altering decisions that sometimes can’t be reversed, i.e. looking at retirement, Medicare choices, things we only go through once in our life … we’re trying to gather a younger group so that we can have fun and that we can share information,” said Bruce Williams, Senior Vice Coordinator of the Pride Center at Equality Park. “It enhances a


• 8.17.2016

third of one’s life when they make the right decisions.” “Come, mix and mingle over cherries and nuts for a sparkling good time with Daddies of all ages (and those who enjoy them),” reads the Center’s Facebook page. This is the Pride Center’s first ice cream social and will be “purely fun, nothing but socialization and ice cream,” Williams said. “I’m guessing we will have close to 70, 75 [attendees], maybe even more.” The Pride Center offers many other events for their relatively new maturing adult program, which has been a part of the Center for nearly 4 years. “The flagship of our mature group is a ‘coffee and conversation’ on Tuesdays which pull 200 to 250 attendants,” Williams said, and included that the Center sees regular traffic of all ages. “Come out, have fun, enjoy some ice cream and meet the community,” Williams said.


South Florida Gay News

SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews

SouthFloridaGayNews It’s about time. It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page.

Welcome to the South Florida Gay News. 8.17.2016 •


lifestyle photos

Latinos Salud Diversisafe Miami J.R. Davis

A look back at a successful collaboration of awareness, July 21, 2016

For more photos, visit SFGN on facebook. 40

• 8.17.2016

20% OFF lunch or dinner entree (must present ad, expires Oct. 31, 2016)

Margarita specials: Wed - Thus 2 for $3.99! Fri - Tues 2 for $7.99!

1417 East Commercial Blvd @saboreslatinrestaurant Sabores Cuban and Latin Restaurant 8.17.2016 •




Oakland park emerging as culinary paradise

Rick Karlin


or years now Oakland Park has been touting its “Culinary Arts District,” the strip of 12th Avenue east of Dixie Highway and north of Oakland Park Blvd. The concept for the Culinary Arts District came about after the city hired Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA) to develop a 5-year strategic plan for the downtown strip. The problem is, they didn’t do much about it, nor did they have much of a focus.

This quote comes directly from the City of Oakland Park’s web site; “The focus of American culture over the last few decades has centered around one room in the home…The Kitchen. When you think Culinary Arts District, think of anything relating to a kitchen. Is this a restaurant or bar? … Could it be a knife store or flower shop? ... Have you ever wanted an aquarium as a kitchen bar?” What the?!?!? There’s no doubt that the stretch of 12th Avenue from Oakland Park Blvd., to 38th has potential. It could become a great entertainment and nightlife area. There’s plenty of parking, tons of available spaces. Just imagine, if you gave it to a bunch of gay folks, we’d have the place hopping and a vacation destination within a few years.


• 8.17.2016

Just look what we did for (or is that to?) Wilton Manors. Finally, five years later, we’re just beginning to see some sort of activity. In fact, two of the new places are terrific and will hopefully be able to develop enough of a following to keep them in business until street traffic catches up and downtown Oakland Park sees its potential.

Kelvin 3200 (3200 NE 12th Ave., 954-241-1930, kelvin3200. com) could be the kind of place that makes

the city’s concept work. Although the décor looks exactly like what you think a place designed by a straight guy would look like (beer keg patio tables!), the food is so good you’ll go back again and again. Folks keep returning for the reasonably

priced, perfectly prepared Southern fare. Imagine a country breakfast of two eggs and a choice of sausage, ham or bacon, for less than $10. Sub egg whites and turkey sausage or bacon? OK, and no extra charge! Lunch and dinner are even better. All the sandwiches and dinner entrees are less than $15 and include a couple of sides. On the night of my last visit, the special of the night was meatloaf with gravy and choice of two sides and a soft drink for $12. That wouldn’t mean anything if the food wasn’t so good it makes you want to slap someone. The meatloaf was tender on the inside, with a nice crust. The mac and cheese I chose for one of my sides was the best I’ve ever had. Candied yams tasted just like my Gram’s. Before we had dinner though, we had to

try some apps. The fried green tomatoes are served with a house-made tobacco aioli that is to die for. Deviled eggs were classic. The crab and corn chowder was rich and smoky thanks to chunks of bacon, which augmented but didn’t overpower the still crunchy corn and sweet, abundant seafood. My friends let me taste their dishes, a juicy stuffed pork chop served with cheese grits. The fried chicken was absolutely grease-free and so crispy you could hear the skin snap. Collard greens featured chucks of smoked ham and turkey and the Brussels sprouts were roasted to a divine nuttiness. We all took most of our meals home so that we could taste the desserts. We were lucky, as there was still pecan pie and sweet potato pie left, so we shared a slice of each.

There’s no doubt that the stretch of 12th Avenue from Oakland Park Blvd., to 38th has potential. It could become a great entertainment and nightlife area.

lifestyle food Too often pecan pie is more filling than pecans. Not the case here, there was just enough of the gooey filling to hold the preponderance of pecans together. The sweet potato pie was creamy and smooth with a nice bit of nutmeg. They don’t have their liquor license yet, but you can bring your own. Service is friendly and what Tina didn’t know about the various dishes, she found out for us. She managed to be there when we needed her and left us alone when we didn’t and you can’t ask for more than that! Kelvin 3200 should be a big success, the service is friendly, the food is terrific and that should keep folks coming back for more even if the “Culinary District” isn’t quite there yet. That’s not to say there are no other options in the area. Switchbox


location in a converted warehouse at the northern edge of downtown Oakland Park. In less than two years, they’ve doubled their size. It’s not just a place to buy a beer; they brew, package and distribute a number of brews. Funky Buddha Brewery’s in-house, craft beer kitchen (open from 11:30am to midnight) serves delicious bar bites. Try the giant pretzel, beer cheese soup, spiced olives, yucca tots, spicy onion rings or a cheese board as an app. They’ve also got entrée salads, bratwurst, burgers and sandwiches. The bar has also won SFGN’s Best Of award for “Gay Friendly Straight Bar” two years in a row. The 2016 contest is now open and taking nominations. Visit SFGN. com/BestOf2016 to nominate your favorites.

Coffee Roasters (3446 Big Dog Station (3148 NE 12th Ave., 888-849-7269 switchboxcoffee.com) just opened a

block or so north of Kelvin 3200. Brian and Miriam Protsman, the husband and wife team who opened the café, have worked with a variety of roasters and coffee shops throughout the country and they’ve come back to their native Florida with the idea of sourcing directly from farmers and using a small batch roasting process. If you’re looking to learn more about coffee, they are willing to teach you. There are also a couple of bars that serve food as well. The biggest is Funky Buddha (1201

NE 38th St., 954-440-0046, funkybuddhabrewery.com). The

Boca-based company opened a second

ay Aug OPENING ust 20 Bounc th - All appetiz e house, DJ, fr Day! ers, an ee ho


NE 12th Ave., 954-561-4304, bigdogstation.com) is not only at

the complete opposite end of the street from Funky Buddha, it’s at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to menu and attitude. This is a neighborhood sports bar, where the food comes in plastic baskets lined with waxed paper. That’s not to say it’s not as good as Funky Buddha, just a different attitude. It’s less fancy; no cheese plates here, just a big ol’ mess of chicken wings and other foods that are a heart attack on a plate. The kind of food you love. Who could say no to the Big Dog BLT with nine slices of bacon and a side of fries? This is the kind of place that makes us love dive bars. Good food, cold beer and games on the television.

tdogs, 1 /2 off chool b ags for kids

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Wednesday PRIDE DAY special 1st drink free with purchase of entree

15% off ANY purchase

(must present ad, cannot combine with other specials) Expires Oct. 9, 2016

“We offer high quality fresh food complete with a variety of local delights like Cuban sandwiches, homemade barbeque ribs and fresh conch!”

3301 NE 3rd Ave. Oakland Park, 954-766-4294


8.17.2016 •







a u g u s t

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a u g u s t

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2 0 1 6

W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




music Jazz and blues guitarist Joel DaSilva performs tonight at 8 p.m. at the Betsy Hotel, 1440 Ocean Dr. in Miami Beach. The Betsy is one of the cultural landmarks of South Beach, hosting regular concerts and art exhibitions and home to chef Laurent Tourondel’s famed LT Steak & Seafood. Enjoy a meal and then take in the free performance. For more information and reservations, go to TheBetsyHotel. com.



film The World AIDS Museum, 1201 NE 26th St. in Wilton Manors, kicks off its monthly film series tonight at 7 p.m. with “Pedro.” Each film is selected to portray the many dimensions of the HIV/AIDS story. This documentary explores how Pedro Zamora became the first HIV-positive cast member on a reality TV show, “The Real World,” in 1994. Admission is $5. For more information, go to WorldAIDSMuseum. org.

The budding friendship of two Brooklyn teens (Michael Barbieri and Theo Taplitz) is tested by their feuding parents in “Little Men,” the new feature from Ira Sachs opening this weekend at Coral Gables Art Cinema. Photo Credit: Magnolia Pictures.


8/20 SUN

8/21 MON

8/22 TUE






Knock over some pins and fight hunger at the same time today at the 26th annual Poverello bowl-a-thon from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at Sawgrass Lanes, 8501 N. University Dr. in Tamarac. Since 1988, the Poverello Center has provided food, clothing and other necessities to people living with HIV/AIDS. Each year, the center serves 2,600 local individuals with 1 million meals. To register, go to HungerFighter.org.

Before May West, Marilyn Monroe and Madonna, there was Sophie Tucker, the bawdy Jewish vaudeville star. On Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m., singer Carla Gordon and music director David Lawrance bring the music of the saucy blonde legend to Cabaret du Jour at the Tennis Club, 600 Tennis Club Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Admission is $20 with two-drink minimum. For reservations, call 954-547-2819.

Two duffel bags crammed with cash. Two guns and two stocking masks. Two bumbling brothers — wouldbe bank robbers — who unwittingly lock themselves in the bank vault. “Psycho and Dummy,” a new play by Cliff Burgess, will be presented in a staged reading at 7:30 p.m. at Mad Cat Theatre, 9816 NE 2nd Ave. in Miami Shores. Free admission. For more information, go to SouthFloridaTheatre.org.

Openly gay director Ira Sachs’ latest film, “Little Men” opens this weekend at Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave. in Coral Gables. Greg Kinnear stars in the touching story of two boys who develop a kinship in the wake of family tragedies — and despite the troubles of their parents. If you liked “Love is Strange” and “Keep the Lights On,” you’ll love “Little Men.” For tickets, go to GablesCinema.com.


• 8.17.2016

8.17.2016 •


a&e theater

Sofia Duemichen as Juliet and Diana Garle as Miranda. Photo: Katherine Siegel.

Juliet Among the Changelings Review

Mary Damiano


he question of identity and the pull between family and romance are at the center of Juliet Among the Changelings, a world premiere play by Andie Arthur, and the first full production from Lost Girl’s Theatre, the company she co-founded with director Katherine Siegel. Juliet Among the Changelings is set in modern-day Ohio. Juliet (Sofia Duemichen) and Miranda (Dians Garle) are two high school students who meet and are romantically drawn to one another. Juliet is shy, awkward and smart, while Miranda is a rebel. Miranda knows a lot about Juliet, but still has questions about Juliet’s life and the two women she lives with, who she believes to be Juliet’s two moms. Miranda has already met one, earthy, mysterious Lavinia (Jennipher Murphy) who makes and sells a drug called dust to the local kids, and Miranda has seen prim and proper Trudy (Courtney Poston). When Juliet performs a little bit of magic to keep them out of trouble at school, Miranda becomes even more interested in Juliet. The truth of Juliet’s life is beyond even what Miranda can imagine. Juliet was given up by her birth mother as a baby to Lavinia, who is actually an exiled changeling desperate to get back to her own world, so desperate, in fact that she will do anything, even use Miranda as a means to her end. And Juliet must choose between living in the fairy world or staying with her new love, Miranda. Arthur is very good at creating strong

female characters and beautifully depicts the budding romance between Juliet and Miranda. In fact, each character in Juliet Among the Changelings is well-written and distinct. A little more explanation about the folklore surrounding the fairies and their world would help in understanding the specifics of the story, though it’s not needed for understanding what’s at stake for the characters. As Juliet, Duemichen displays an unusual amount of charisma. Her scenes with Garle, a force to be reckoned with as Miranda, are genuine and sweet a terrific portrayal of young girls in love with each other, something we haven’t see much on stage. Murphy’s Lavinia is intense and scarily witchy, yet still sympathetic. And as Trudy, Poston is like a modern-day Samantha Stevens, waving her hand and creating magic and bringing a refreshing understanding and objective air to the story. The design elements and staging are intriguing. Leslye Menhouse’s costume design is inspired and creative, as is the fanciful autumnal scenic design by Norma O’Hep de Jesus. The shadow puppets from Jim Hammond and operated by fairies Krystal Aleman and Paula Macchi--who also aid in the onstage scenery and magic---add a fun, whimsical touch. The writing, performances and all other elements in Juliet Among the Changelings establish Lost Girl’s Theatre as a forceful new player on the South Florida theatrical landscape.

Juliet Among the Changelings by Lost Girls Theatre runs through August 21 at Main Street Playhouse in Miami Lakes. For tickets and more information, visit LostGirlsTheatre.com.


• 8.17.2016

a&e cabaret


SING! DANCE! ACT! LEARN! Adult classes in Acting, Singing & Improv

Carla Gordon sings the music of Sophie Tucker at the Tennis Club this weekend. Submitted photo.

Cabaret Singer Channels Gay Icon at Tennis Club


• Sample a class • Meet the teaching artists • Register to win a FREE class

J.W. Arnold


ophie Tucker is inside my bones,” insists Chicago-based cabaret singer Carla Gordon. “She and I are both big Jewish girls who wanted to get away from our fathers’ businesses. As entertainers, we both get inside people’s hearts.” This weekend at Cabaret du Jour at the Tennis Club in Fort Lauderdale, Gordon will perform the songs that made the vaudeville entertainer, recording artist and actress a household name nearly a century ago. “As a cabaret artist, at a very fundamental level, you’re always you, but I have to say we’re very much alike,” said Gordon, who has been performing her Tucker show across the country for 11 years. “The connection between Sophie and Carla is so real that when I’m me, I’m her. We’re interchangeable entertainers.” Tucker became famous for her outrageous onstage — and offstage — persona and racy songs, like “You’ve Got to Make it Legal, Mr. Siegal,” and “Myron, You’re Not Desirin’.” And, unlike modern performers, she embraced her appearance. “At the turn of the century, they told her she was so ugly she needed to appear in black face. One day, her makeup kit got lost and she came out as herself. She told the audience she was just a fat girl from Hartford, Connecticut who was there to entertain them. The crowd went nuts and she never went back.” Tucker was a trailblazer in many ways, defying the conventions of her time, Gordon learned after doing extensive research. For example, long before actress Katherine Hepburn made wearing pants fashionable

for women, Tucker regularly appeared in trousers. “She was amazing, very self reliant. She had a hardness for a woman of that era,” explained Gordon. “Yet, at another level, she was extremely sentimental and charitable.” Tucker was known for writing personal notes to friends and fans, sometimes sending out as many as 100 letters a week. “She connected with people. She’s so interesting to me,” said Gordon. Tucker also developed a strong following among the gay community, leading Gordon to call her the “Lady Gaga of the day.” Like Tucker, Gordon is also a favorite of the LGBT community in her native Chicago. The singer got her start as a folk singer in the 1960s, but left music to pursue a career in business. “I turned 50 and realized something was missing, so I got my first job in the gay bars of Boystown,” recalled Gordon, who created a popular act called, “Don’t Bring the Kids.” In addition to the Tucker show, she also tours with programs devoted to another gay icon, Bea Arthur, and a show of songs written and performed by artists who were blacklisted during the Communist scare of the 1940s and 1950s. A prolific lyricist and song writer, Tucker is also currently developing a new show, “Borscht Belt Buddy,” with Cabaret du Jour artistic director David Meulemanns, also an internationally-acclaimed performer. “Can you figure out who going to be the crooner and who’s going to be the wiseguy?” quipped Gordon.

BrowardCenter.org/Classes 954.414.6904

Cabaret du Jour presents Carla Gordon as Sophie Tucker on Saturday, Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21 at 2 p.m. at the Tennis Club, 600 Tennis Club Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $20. For reservations, call 954-547-2819 or email kenh7748@yahoo.com.

8.17.2016 •


AUG 18 to AUG 24


Theater Christiana Lilly





Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, One Seminole Way in Hollywood. The soulful singer-songwriter is known for hits “Crazy,” “Kissed by a Rose,” “Fly Like an Eagle,” and more. Tickets $55 to $85. Call 866-502-7529 or visit SeminoleHardRockHollywood.

Dixie Chicks

Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The country trio got their start in 1998 with their hit “Wide Open Spaces” and are back on the road after a 10-year hiatus. Tickets $39 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

Comic Cure: Ladies Night Out

Aug. 26 at 8 p.m. at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. Enjoy comedy from funny ladies Bear Webb, Quills Rodriguez, and Shana Manuel. Tickets $25 in advance, $40 at the door benefitting Pridelines. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

* Denotes New Listing

Photo: Facebook.

-- visit Stonewall-Museum.org to learn about buying tickets in support of the museum. Call 866-502-7529 or visit SeminoleHardRockHollywood.

Shorts Gone Wild 4: Decision 2016

Through Aug. 28 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Tenminute comedic LGBT-themed shorts — it’s gonna be yuge! Tickets $35. Visit IslandCityStage.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county The World Goes ‘Round

Through Aug. 21 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee in West Palm Beach. A musical revue with the legends of Broadway, including John Kander and Fred Ebb. Tickets $54 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis. org.

Check out Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series every Friday from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale.

* Premios Tu Mundo

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Stalking the Bogeyman

The Big Show

Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Be a part of the awards show with actors, artists, and TV personalities from 30 categories. Tickets $25 and up. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com. Through Aug. 28 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. A play based on the true story of journalist David Holthouse’s search for the truth in a 25-year-old crime. Tickets $55 to $60. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org. Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

* Oddball Comedy & Curiosity Festival

Aug. 25 at 5:15 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Get ready to laugh with standup comedy by Sebastian Maniscalco, Gabriel Iglesias, Jim Jefferies, Joey Diaz, and more. Tickets $37 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

broward county Free Friday Concerts * Sizzla Kalnoji with the Fire House Band

Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW THird Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. One of the originators of the mainstream dancehall movement in the ‘90s, Sizzla is joined by the Fire House Band. Tickets $40 to $60. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.

* Ricky Martin

Aug. 27 at 8 p.m. at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, One Seminole Way in Hollywood. The Latin superstar makes his way to South Florida in support of his One World Tour. Tickets $75 to $155


• 8.17.2016

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * El Misiu: Monologo Musical

Aug. 21 at 2 and 6 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. Ilan Chester performs a stand-up and musical show of his life as a Spanish composer. Tickets $55 to $65. Call 305-4668002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

8.17.2016 •


porn pulse

Fellatio Café Planned For London


Wanna get your dick sucked with that cup of coffee? Talk about an up-sell. Yes, we have a reached a point in our great society where one can get a blowjob at a café. In a report published by The Independent, a British tabloid, investors are ramping up plans to introduce a “Fellatio Café” this winter. “A waitress is going to serve the coffee. Sex workers are only going to touch the clients’ genitalia,” Bradley Charvet told the Independent in a story published Aug. 3. Charvet, reportedly, is the founder of Fellatio Café -- a Geneva, Switzerland based enterprise. He told the Independent he intends to place the café in London’s Paddington neighborhood and there will be no alcohol sold, just coffee. For £50, a Fellatio Café customer can enjoy all the coffee their heart desires. If the fellatio lasts longer than 15 minutes then surcharges will be applied, Charvet said.

Top Picks


Aug. 19 at 7 p.m. at Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy a viewing of “The Big Lebowski” along with Dude trivia, beers from Copperpoint Brewing Company, and White Russians. Tickets $15. Call 561243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare. org.

Daddy’s Ice Cream Social “Décor will be white, black and pink with some baroque-style chairs,” Charvet told the newspaper. Presently there are no plans to allow female customers, Charvet said, but that could change based on supply, demand and labor laws.

SFGN_Florida_House3_Top_WP.pdf 1 4/22/2015 10:44:34 AM

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Community Christiana Lilly

Hunter Houston







Aug. 20 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Meet daddies of all ages over ice cream. Free. RSVP to 954-463-9005, ext. 113 or email MaturingTogether@ pridecenterflorida.org.

Score Badass 18th Anniversary

Aug. 20 from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. at Score, 1437 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Score is turning 18! Dance the night away with a live performance by Natalie La Rose and music by DJ Gavin T and Alain Jackinsky. Call 305-5351111 or visit ScoreBar.net.

broward county * GLLN Happy Hour

Aug. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Rumors, 2426 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Join the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network for an evening of drinks, appetizers, and networking. Visit GLLN.org.

* Citywide Yard Sale




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• 8.17.2016

Aug. 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jaco Pastorius Park Community Center, 1098 NE 40th Court in Oakland Park. Rent a table and sell all your unwanted items with the community. Tables $10, plus $5 per additional space for Oakland Park residents. Spaces $20, $10 each addition for nonresidents. Visit OaklandParkFL.gov.


Through Aug. 21 at the Hollywood Art and Culture Center, 1650 Harrison St. in Hollywood. Aurora Molina’s exhibit is a collection of embroidered selfies showcasing society’s ego and sense of self. Call 954-9213274 or visit ArtandCultureCenter.org.

Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

* A Journey for Jewish Roots

Aug. 25 from 9:40 to 11:10 a.m. at David Posnack JCC’s Katz Building Jewish Federation Boardroom, 5890 S. Pine Island Road in Davie. Genie Milgrom shares how she traced her family back 22 generations. Call 954-434-0499 or visit DPJCC.org.

* “Whatever Baby Jane?”



Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. A screening of the 1962 classic, where an actress (Bette Davis) holds her crippled sister (Joan Crawford) hostage. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

* Belief + Doubt

Aug. 26 to Jan. 22, 2017 at the NSU Art Museum, in Fort Lauderdale. Contemporary art from more than 60 artists in the collection of Francie Bishop Good and David Horvitz. Closed Mondays. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

AUG 18 to AUG 24 Secret Dressing: Subliminal Messages in Male Clothing Catalogs

Through Sept. 18 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exhibit exploring the underlying messages in men’s advertising that shows the presence of gay influence on style. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

palm beach county Lichtenstein and Monet

Through Aug. 21 at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. A collection of the pop artist’s revamp of Monet’s garden and lily pond series. Free. Call 561-832-5196 or visit Norton.org.

Las Orishas de Cuba: The Saints of the Santeria Religion of Cuba

Through Aug. 30 to The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Cuban Artist Alberto Piloto Pedroso uses syringes to create art work. Call 786-521-1199 or email PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com

Feminine Mystique Art Show

Through Aug. 31 at Compass GLCC, 201 N Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. An exhibit honoring the Women’s Health Conference. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and

older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-535-4733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids.org.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

Yoga in the Garden

Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-6737256 or visit MBGarden.org.

* Denotes New Listing

8.17.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

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To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970


Coast Chiropractic Injury & Wellness Center 2608 NE 16th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954.463.3036 www.coast-chiropractic.com


dental Oakland Park Dental 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com


Andrews Dental Care 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com Wilton Manors Dental 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com Island City Dental 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com

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Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

law office of Selzer & Weiss 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

professional services

Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 Kalis-McIntee Funeral & Cremation Center

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Ernie's B-B-Q 1843 S Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636

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SFGN Classified$ accommodations

To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com





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Gay Owned and Operated Tropical Resort Garden Apartments, Safe, Secure seven unit lushly landscaped PRIVATE compound.Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedrooms with Full Kitchens. Located just south of the Airport in Historic Dania Beach, Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES from $425/WEEK & $79/NIGHT Celebrating 19 years. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com


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real estate broward county MARK EAGLE YOUR #1 ROYAL PARK CONDO REALTOR - Water view 1BD/1.5BA move-in condition for sale at just $84,900. Also, fab totally rehabbed canal view 2BD/2BBA $129,900. 2 miles to Wilton Drive at 1/2 the cost. 954-203-2345 merealtr@aol.com Coral Shores Realty FORT LAUDERDALE CONDOS AT REDUCED PRICES - (1)INCREDIBLE VALUE, OCEAN FRONT, spectacular views, spacious one bedroom,4050 North Ocean, now just $149,000 (2) WATER VIEWS 2/2, 1300 sq. ft., reduced to just $89,500. Furniture included, Recently and completely remodeled.(3)ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BEACH, Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, 2/1 just $265,00. Contact Dan Roy @ 404-509-4464 or droy189262@aol.com, Keller Williams Real Estate

rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

rentals - vacation WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL “Fill the room NO Vacancy Specials” are back for the months of August and September. Reserve or walk in and if we have vacant rooms and good Monday through Thursdays. Any two consecutive nights reduced from $199 to $149 or any three consecutive nights reduced from $299 to $219. The total stay rates are plus taxes and are based on any room still available. Guest must be 21 or over and have a Valid Non-Debit Major Credit Card and Identification. “Must mention this add when inquiring” Call Wes at 954-605-3561 daily 8am to 6pm

8.17.2016 •


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