8/24/16 V7i34

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local name global coverage voting has begun! see page 43 sfgn.com/bestof2016

August 24, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 34

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

Pages 24, 25

Heroes with balls Everyone was a winner at the Poverello Bowlathon flame con sets lgbt comic con standard Page 32, 33


get your mouth ready for a sausage party Page 38



The Opening Line Photos: Facebook, Twitter.

Comments from SFGN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald


Plans For East Side Parking Lot Draws Fire Bob Karelitz More –

Christopher Jon Uriarte –

Poorly thought out changes to Wilton Manors. 23 spots is ridiculous.

It’s unfortunate that is has to come to this but it’s appreciated. WMPD and area departments did a great job keeping visitors safe during Stonewall Pride in the aftermath of this attack.

Scott Erbele –

Meters everywhere. The lot behind Bills (Woof) now an expensive pay lot. Alibi/ Hunter parking is following soon. The days of coming to the drive to relax, have a few drinks, park anywhere for free, is history. What a greedy city. Welcome to progress.

Kevin Burke –

Like many events after 9/11, LGBT events will never be the same post Pulse. It’s unfortunate but security is important.


August 24, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 34 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli

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Senior Features Correspondents

Frank Termini –

Michael Walters –

450 k for 23 spots. What a waste!

Like the theme a political nightmare.

Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams


Dori Zinn • Andrea Richard • Donald Cavanaugh Christiana Lilly • Denise Royal • Sean McShee Alex Adams • Gary Kramer • David-Elijah Nahmod

Contributing Columnists


He’s not going to be Mayor. Sit down sir.


Dennis Paul Carreiro – And the mess continues.

Brian McNaught • Dana Rudolph • Wayne Besen Ric Reily • Steve Siler • Bil Browning Tucker Berrardi • Terri Schlichenmeyer

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Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Brian Swinford National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping

Liam Hodgson –

Printing by Sun Coast Press


I’m at a loss at how to put this eloquently, so let me just go with this... Corbin is a fucking asshole, always has been, always will be.

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Associated Press





SouthFl oridaG


8 . 24.2016

ayNew s.com




The Poverello team, including Father William Collins the founder (lower center). Photo by J.R. Davis.

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

NEWS highlight

Photo: Facebook.

Lawsuit Filed Against Canadian Hate Group John McDonald An anti-LGBT group infiltrated a Canadian Pride festival last month and is now facing consequences for those actions. Dressed as “gay pothead zombies” a group led by notorious homophobe Bill Whatcott marched in July’s Toronto Pride Parade. Dressed in tight fitting green unitards, the group handed out “information packets” Whatcott responded to the lawsuit, giving an linking gay sex to physical and emotional interview to LifeSiteNews.com. dangers as well as serious diseases such as anal “Our delivery was a bit creative, but we warts and AIDS. “As a long time gay activist I am outraged that wanted to give people this message because it a notorious homophobe infiltrated our pride is truthful,” Whatcott told LifeSiteNews.com, a parade in order to spread his lies and distribute website that among other things “understands his pamphlets,” said Christopher Hudspeth at that abortion, euthanasia, cloning and a news conference announcing a class action homosexuality and all other moral, life and lawsuit seeking $104 million in damages from family issues are all interconnected in an international conflict affecting all nations, Whatcott. Hudspeth, owner of Toronto gay bar Pegasus even at the most local levels.” Former Deputy Premier George Smitherman on Church, told reporters “Pride needs to be a joined Hudspeth on the lawsuit, claiming safe place for everyone. We put up with enough Whatcott intentionally sought to afflict mental homophobic messaging every day. We deserve suffering and defamation. a homophobic free zone at our pride parade.” SFGN_Florida_House3_Top_WP.pdf 1 4/22/2015 10:44:34 AM


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8 . 24.2016

Controversy Erupts After Billboard Company Removes Zika Prevention Ads Michael d’Oliveira


s the number of South Florida Zika cases use to prevent sexual transmission of the increases, 90 of them travel-related in Zika virus. I suspect that this false accusation Broward alone as of Aug. 19, the number and alleged controversy may be part of their marketing campaign,” said Seiler in a of Zika ads on billboards has been reduced. statement. The Fort Lauderdale mayor’s office and the Mike Kahane, AHF’s southern bureau chief, Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors said his organization doesn’t fault OUTFRONT Bureau are being accused by AIDS Healthcare but called it “ludicrous” to remove the ads Foundation [AHF] of working to remove two Zika-related ads on billboards paid for by AHF. because of community complaints. He compared the Zika message to the longThe billboards, located near the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport accepted practice of telling people to use and on State Road 84, featured an ad with condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS a condom and the words “Prevents Zika and other STDs. “What’s the difference?” he asked. “The Transmission” and “useacondom.com.” The company that owns the billboards, reality is this is a public health threat.” He added that any public official who stops the spread of OUTFRONT Media, denied they were directed to remove the ads by either the mayor’s office vital information on disease prevention “isn’t carrying out their duty or the Visitor’s Bureau. very well.” “OUTFRONT was "While ZIKA prevention Kahane points to not directed by the Ft. the Visitors Center’s Lauderdale Mayor’s messaging is important, previous office or other city media individuals to remove statements as evidence we re-evaluated the the ads, but we organization made appropriateness of the that were made aware of an effort to get the complaints made by billboards removed image and decided... to residents and other for reasons that had remove this copy from nothing to do with the community members. While ZIKA prevention accuracy of healthour Ft. Lauderdale messaging is important, related information. we re-evaluated the In an Aug. 17 locations." appropriateness of the WSVN 7 article, the - OUTFRONT image and decided, in Visitors Bureau stated view of the community its objection to the complaints, to remove this copy from our Ft. billboards was based on the accuracy of the Lauderdale locations,” wrote OUTFRONT in a claim that condoms prevent Zika and cited statement emailed to SFGN. the CDC. According to the CDC website, using Mayor Jack Seiler also denied he asked condoms “can reduce the chance of getting OUTFRONT to remove the billboards. Zika from sex” not prevent it. “I have not communicated with the AIDS But in an Aug. 18 Sun Sentinel article, Jessica Healthcare Foundation about its billboard Savage, media relations director for the Visitors promoting condom use to prevent sexual Center, stated that her organization “was transmission of the Zika virus. Further, I worried the billboards were not welcoming to have not communicated with any billboard our visitors.” company about the AIDS Healthcare A call to the Visitors Bureau was not Foundation’s billboard promoting condom returned in time for publication.



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NEWS national Image courtesy NASSCO.

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U.S. Navy Names Ship After Harvey Milk David Nahmod



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8 . 24.2016

ore than 100 dignitaries from the worlds of politics, the U.S. Navy and the San Francisco LGBT community gathered on the Great Lawn at Treasure Island, a small island in between San Francisco and Oakland, on August 16 for the historic naming of an about to be built U.S. Navy supplies ship – the ship has been named after the late Harvey Milk. Milk was one of the first openly gay elected officials in U.S. history. He served as a Supervisor in San Francisco for only nine months when he and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated at City Hall in 1978. Attendees included San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, and San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener, who authored the resolution which resulted in the naming of the ship after Milk—Mr. Wiener currently occupies the seat once held by Milk on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Also present was Harvey Milk’s gay nephew Stuart Milk, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California), Harvey Milk campaign manager Anne Kronenberg, Carol Ruth Silver, who served on the Board of Supervisors with Milk, longtime gay activist Cleve Jones, and Mayor Kevin Faulconer of San Diego, California. The ship will be built at San Diego’s naval port. The ceremony opened with a performance of the Star Spangled Banner by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. Ray Mabus, Secretary of the U.S. Navy, was the keynote speaker and officially named the ship the USNS Harvey Milk. The ship, which is expected to be completed in 2021, is the first Navy vessel to be named after a member of the LGBT community. “It’s important to recognize and honor Milk,” Mabus said as he addressed the crowd. “He was a person who stood for, and was killed for, justice, equality and freedom. His assassin tried to silence that voice, but even after death his voice still spoke.” Mabus also recalled Milk’s service in the U.S. Navy. “Aren’t we proud?” asked Congresswoman

Pelosi as she took to the podium. “This ship is another deeply powerful sign of how far we’ve come. We must acknowledge the role that President Obama played in all of this—without his leadership this would not have happened.” Other speakers acknowledged the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the former federal law, which forced LGBT service members to remain closeted, and the more recent lifting of the military’s ban on transgender service members. Paula Neira, who served in Iraq prior to transitioning, took to the podium in tears. “This is not about me,” she said. “I am just the person selected to represent the LGBT heroes who served our nation.” Mayor Lee, who is Asian, said that he did not think he could have become mayor if Harvey Milk had not sacrificed his life. “We mourn his loss but celebrate his life,” the mayor said as he spoke to the audience. “This ship is part of the legacy of Harvey’s unfinished work.” The ceremony concluded with a performance by the Gay Men’s Chorus of “Never Ever” from “Naked Man,” an original suite commissioned by the chorus in 1996. After the ceremony, dignitaries posed for photos in front of a drawing of the finalized design for the Harvey Milk ship. Attendees were jubilant about the ship naming. “Being a part of this will remain with me for the rest of my life,” Supervisor Wiener told SFGN after the ceremony. “Harvey would have loved it,” said Carol Ruth Silver.”It does say how far we’ve come—we still have many leagues to go in the world.” “This is a momentous day,” added Anne Kronenberg. “I think Harvey is dancing a jig—I asked Secretary Mabus to paint the side of the ship lavender. He smiled and didn’t say no.” Stuart Milk smiled throughout the afternoon. “Harvey’s legacy is a global message of visibility,” he said. “This ship represents kids in playgrounds and people in corporate boardrooms who endured homophobic remarks. This is the legacy of my uncle.”

Publisher Norm Kent represented SFGN at the ceremony. Read his report next week in SFGN.

NEWS local

Ken Rapkin

Marie Hayes

Mark Budwig

Martez Gonzalez

Broward House’s Spirit of Hope Grand Reception Tuesday Michael d’Oliveira


ounded in 1988, Broward House helps individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families by assisting with housing, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, testing and other programs. “The agency embraces a responsibility to be a leader in the community. This leadership is actualized through prevention, education, and service in order to reduce the number of individuals becoming infected by HIV, increasing the number of HIVplus individuals receiving care, supporting needed services, and reducing stigma in our community,” reads Broward House’s website.

But during its Spirit of Hope Grand Reception, Broward House will honor four individuals who have helped it carry out its mission: Mark Budwig, Marta Gonzalez, Marie Brown Hayes and Ken Rapkin. The reception will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 6:30 p.m. at B Ocean Resort in Fort Lauderdale. “We look at people who not only do things for Broward House but also have some impact in the community for what they do,” said Rob Bullock, Broward House’s director of development. “Their support makes a difference to our clients every day.”

Mark Budwig, owner and president of S.MARK Graphics Florida “Mark has been a long-time board member. He’s also helped raise the profile of Broward House and helped to make sure people know about the work we do. He’s certainly helped us that way,” Bullock said. Marta Gonzalez, advocate “Marta was a case worker here at Broward House. She’s probably come into contact with more of our clients than anyone has. Any clients she’s touched have loved Marta. She’s also educated and worked to reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS. She’s been a voice for many,” Bullock said. Marie Brown Hayes, program director for the Comprehensive Family AIDS Program “When we’ve needed to refer women [we couldn’t help] Marie and her programs have been there for years. She’s been a great resource. If she couldn’t help someone, we would do the exact same thing. She’s really been someone we can rely on. She’s been a true partner,” Bullock said. Ken Rapkin, executive director of the Campbell Foundation “[Ken is the leader of an organization that has] been recognized in their work for raising funds and for providing funds for drug research. They’re behind the scenes supporting the work we do. It’s really a quiet organization. They do supporting research projects to find new drugs. The money they give to us is used to provide services to our clients that aren’t covered by grants,” Bullock said. The deadline to purchase tickets [$100 per individual] is Aug. 26 at 5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at browardhouse.org/ events/upcoming-events. Bullock added that B Ocean has “been

a tremendous partner” and the event will be held in the hotel’s newly-renovated ballroom overlooking the beach. The night’s festivities will include a small plate dinner, dessert and a silent auction. 8.24.2016 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Wyoming’s Top Court Weighs Judge’s Same-Sex Marriage Case (AP) Removing a Wyoming judge from the bench because she won’t perform same-sex weddings would violate her constitutional rights, her lawyer told the state’s top court Wednesday. But a lawyer for the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics told the state Supreme Court that Judge Ruth Neely clearly violated the state code of judicial conduct by saying she wouldn’t preside over weddings for people of the same gender. The Wyoming Supreme Court says it will issue a written opinion. The case has similarities to legal action against a Kentucky clerk of court jailed briefly in 2015 after refusing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. Neely, who’s not a lawyer, is a municipal judge in Pinedale and has been suspended from her position as a circuit court magistrate in Sublette County. The ethics commission investigated Neely after she told a reporter in 2014 that she wouldn’t preside over same-sex marriages. Her lawyers said no same-sex couples have asked her



nti-LGBT Hate Group Leader’s House Casualty of Louisiana Flood

(EDGE) Tony Perkins, head of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC) has found himself in deep water - or his house at least is. Raw Story reports. After years of saying that LGBT equality and same-sex marriage would bring on the wrath of God, hate group leader Tony Perkins has found himself on the receiving end of a natural disaster. During Monday’s broadcast of FRC Radio, Perkins called in from Louisiana, where his home was among the thousands affected by last weekend’s flash flood. This is a flood, I would have to say, of near biblical proportions,” Perkins said.

to perform their marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that same-sex couples nationwide may marry. Lawyer James Campbell of the Alliance Defending Freedom, an Arizona religious advocacy law firm, spoke for Neely at Wednesday’s hearing. “This case presents significant First Amendment issues,” he told the five judges. Campbell said Neely only had expressed her opinion about the institution of marriage and hadn’t done anything to show bias or prejudice. But commission lawyer Patrick Dixon countered that while Neely has a right to private religious beliefs, the court must remove her from office for violating the code of conduct. He said the code prohibits all state judges - from magistrates through supreme court justices - from displaying through their words or actions bias against people on the basis of sexual orientation or other factors.

Perkins and his family made it to safety and are now residing in the family RV, which apparently was spared. They’re living off “God’s provisions,” according to the hate group leader. According to The New Civil Rights Movement, former FRC President Ken Klukowski, who was hosting the Washington Watch radio broadcast for Perkins said this “an incredible encouraging spiritual exercise to take you to the next level in your walk with an almighty gracious God who does all things well. “ Klukowski’s take on God and floods is out of step with Megachurch Pastor John Haggee of San Antonio Texas, who eleven years ago said that “God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin.”


Trans Woman Attacked With NYHammer in Possible Hate Crime

Photo: Facebook.


8 . 24.2016

(EDGE) A transgender woman was attacked by a hammerwielding man in New York early Wednesday morning and police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime, local ABC affiliate station WABC reports. The 28-year-old victim was walking down a sidewalk in Queens, N.Y. when the assailant approached her from behind. Before allegedly hitting her in the head with a hammer, he yelled, “This is what you get for being gay.” The woman was sent to the hospital and treated for serious [injuries]. She has since been released. WABC reports the attacker has not been caught.


crime a. Man Accused of Pouring Boiled Water On Gay Couple Rejects Plea Deal

(EDGE) A man accused of pouring boiled water on a gay couple inside an apartment in suburban Atlanta, Ga. earlier this year rejected a plea deal this week and will head to trial, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Martin Blackwell, 48, is accused of pouring the boiled water on Anthony Gooden and his partner Marquez Tolbert while they were in bed in February. Gooden is the son of Blackwell’s girlfriend. It was reported in March Blackwell was charged with two counts of aggravated battery. A police report stated Blackwell said he was disgusted by the men’s relationship. The AJC notes he told authorities at the time “it was just a little hot water on them. Golden and Tolbert underwent hospital treatment for their burns. The AJC reports Blackwell’s trial is slated to start Aug. 22. The FBI also opened a hate crime investigation in the case. Martin Blackwell. Courtesy of Fulton County Sheriff’s Office.

News Briefs




entBoy.com CEO to Strike Plea Deal in Prostitution, Money Laundering Charges

(EDGE) It’s been nearly a year since federal agents raided the Manhattan offices of the now defunct Rentboy.com and it looks as though Jeffrey Hurant, CEO of the mega gay escort website, may be finally close to striking a deal with prosecutors. According to the New York Post, Hurant and Rentboy.com’s parent company Easy Rent Systems are in the trail end “finalizing the details for a plea deal for the charges of prostitution and money laundry.” At its heyday, RentBoy.com was the world’s largest gay-prostitution website and raked in $10 million between 2010 and 2015. RentBoy.com’s problems began a year ago when federal agents raided their offices in Manhattan and carried out boxes of documents and computer servers. Authorities said millions of dollars were seized and that the businesses’ bank accounts were frozen. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security got involved with the raid because RentBoy.com operated out of numerous cities worldwide.


Jeffrey Hurant. Facebook.

Hurant, 51, was arrested with six other employees in the August 2015 raid. Charges were dropped on the six employees in February 2016.


ecord Number of Out Olympians Could Bolster Support for Brazil’s LGBT Population

(EDGE) As the 31st Olympiad games come to a close, it’s important to remark on how they were a milestone event for LGBT equality and visibility in sports on the international stage. Moreover, they also served to boost overall acceptance in the host country Brazil, a place where LGBT citizens still experience discrimination and violence. According to OutSports, the games in Rio saw a record 50 publicly out gay, lesbian and bisexual Olympians. This figure is more than double the number of competitors in the London games in 2012. For the 2016 games, the 50 publicly out athletes break down to 39 gay or bi women and 11 men. And while this number is a milestone for LGBT visibility at the Olympic Games, out gay, bi and lesbian athletes make up less than one hand of 1% of the total competitors. Japan Times notes that the record number of openly gay competitors in Rio and their visibility during the games could have a positive impact on the lives of LGBT Brazilians, many of whom face rejection by their own families where the subject is taboo. “The LGBT community in Brazil is going to have another face besides Carnival,” Brazilian artist Murilo Sousa said to Japan

Times. He added that even in conservative families, gay people could end up being a dinner table topic of conversation. And why not? For as low as the percentage of LGBT athletes to overall competitors in Rio was, their presence seemed almost ubiquitous throughout the games. As OutSports highlights. Brazil’s first gold medal was won by Rafela Silva in judo, who is gay and talked about her girlfriend to the media for the first time. The married life of Brazilian beach volleyball player Larissa and her wife Lili was profiled by NBC along side stories on straight competitors’ domestic lives. Brazilian rugby sevens player Isadora Cerullo was proposed to on the field after a game by her girlfriend, a volunteer at the stadium. NBC also shared moments with gay diving legend Greg Louganis together with Brazilian diver Sian Matos who is also gay. The Netherlands had a record nine LBG athletes on their team. And while there were no transgender athletes competing in Rio, Nike aired a groundbreaking TV spot during the Olympics that introduced many in the world to transgender duathlete Chris Mosier. 8.24.2016 •


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NEWS national

The Post-Orlando Gun Debate in the LGBT Community Jill Gleeson

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8 .24.2016

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(EDGE) Allie Barnhart, like so many raised in rural Western Pennsylvania, grew up around guns. Most of the men in her family were former military. Both of her parents taught her to shoot before she hit puberty, and Barnhart’s Uncle George took her hunting at 13, schooling her in the serious business of killing living things for food. (In the Appalachians of Pennsylvania, groceries are still routinely supplemented with whichever wild game is currently in season.) That was the same year she got her very first firearm: A Winchester lever-action .22 she received for her birthday. “I still have that rifle,” Barnhart says. “It’s one of my favorites.” At 21, the minimum legal age to purchase a handgun in Pennsylvania, she bought a Ruger Blackhawk .357 Magnum. Although she had long possessed a Pennsylvania License to Carry that enabled her to keep a concealed firearm on her person and in her vehicle, Barnhart, a trans woman, rarely made use of her license before the Orlando terrorist attack on June 12. Now she carries her handgun, a Surplus Polish Radom P-64 9x18, whenever possible. “I am definitely being more cautious and more observant,” Barnhart notes. “I also have been a bit more concerned since I was interviewed by our paper concerning a local memorial service for the Orlando victims, which I attended. The name of the town, which I actually live in, was named in the article. I live alone, so I usually have a weapon close by. I never felt it necessary to take such precautions before in my life. It is a terrible feeling to know there are people out there that hate people they have never met.” Barnhart was so alarmed by the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub that she joined together with longtime friend Tim Moore to reactivate the Pittsburgh chapter of the Pink Pistols, the legendary nationwide organization founded a little more than 15 years ago with the idea that “Armed queers don’t get bashed.”

The group’s genesis began following a public and literal call to arms in March 2000 by Salon writer Jonathan Rauch. Referencing the Matthew Shepard murder throughout the piece, Rauch cited research from Yale University’s John Lott that found laws permitting concealed weapons reduce violent crime, particularly with regard to minorities. But like all studies linking armed citizenry with reduced - or rising - crime rates, Lott’s conclusions have remained controversial. The Pink Pistols were founded with several concrete goals in mind, according to NRAcertified pistol instructor and LGBT ally Jo Martin, who helped form the Central Florida chapter at the behest of former students. “The Pink Pistols’ aim,” Martin explains, “is to educate people within the LGBT community on how to go about getting training, getting a concealed carry permit and selecting the right gun for what they need, rather than just walking into a gun store cold and being influenced by whatever the salesman tells them. There’s no fee to attend the monthly meetings or become a member. And you don’t have to be LGBT.” Should any Pink Pistols member wish to practice his or her marksmanship, Martin also hosts the Rainbow Shooting Club one Sunday a month at a private range in DeLand, about 30 miles from downtown Orlando. Geared toward LGBT folks and just $35 to join, it offers shooting sessions and competitions as well as expert guest presentations on topics like home security and nonlethal self-defense techniques. Although the first Central Florida Pink Pistols gathering had yet to be held when EDGE spoke to Martin, she says she wouldn’t be surprised if she had to add a second monthly Rainbow Shooting Club meeting to handle the LGBT community’s surging interest in firearms. “After the Orlando terrorist attack, the interest in Pink Pistols absolutely exploded,” Martin details. “A lot of new chapters have sprung up in the wake of it.”

News Briefs


continued politics


udge in Texas Temporarily Blocks Obama’s Transgender Rules

(AP) A federal judge in Texas is blocking for now the Obama administration’s directive to U.S. public schools that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. Hundreds of school districts Monday woke up to news of the order by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor on the first day of class in Texas and elsewhere. The decision dated Sunday comes after Texas and 12 other states challenged the Obama directive as unconstitutional during a hearing in Fort Worth last week. It applies to schools nationwide, as many districts reopen this week after the summer vacation. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, immediately cheered the decision. “This president is attempting to rewrite the laws enacted by the elected representatives of the people, and is threating to take away federal funding from schools to force them to conform,” Paxton said. “That cannot be allowed to continue, which is why we took action to protect states and school districts.” The federal government told U.S. public schools in May that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. That announcement came days after the Justice Department


undreds Protest Murder of LGBT Activist in Istanbul

Graphic by Alberto Mier, CNN.

sued North Carolina over a state law that requires people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate, which U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch had likened to policies of racial segregation. Republicans have argued such laws are commonsense privacy safeguards. Schools were not explicitly told to comply or lose federal funds. But the Obama administration also didn’t rule out that possibility in court documents filed in July, saying recipients of federal education dollars “are clearly on notice” that antidiscrimination polices must be followed. Texas alone gets roughly $10 billion in federal education funds. The lawsuit was filed in May by Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia, and the Republican governors of Maine, Mississippi and Kentucky. Two small school districts in Arizona and Texas, which have fewer than 600 students combined and no transgender persons on their campuses, also joined the effort to prevent the directive from being enforced.

Photo: Twitter.

(AP) Demonstrators gathered in central Istanbul to protest the rape and killing of a transgender woman and LGBT activist. Hundreds attended the rally on Sunday, holding signs and chanting slogans for 22-year-old Hande Kader, whose body was found last weekend. Media reports say the body was burned beyond recognition. Opposition MPs also attended the demonstration. Banu Aslan, 58, told The Associated Press, “We want justice. They should never do this again. They should never murder again.” Last month, Turkish gay rights organization Kaos GL reported that the decapitated body of a gay Syrian refugee, Muhammed Wisam Sankari, had been found in Istanbul. Homosexuality is legal in Turkey but rights groups say hate crimes against the LGBT community are common.

8.24.2016 •


NEWS Key West

Photo: Facebook.

POLITICS white house watch

Thousands of Women Expected to Descend on Key West Annual Womenfest should be hotter than ever

Andrew Printer


eptember is typically the quiet month in Key West. Kids have gone back to school and, after a long, sweaty summer season, bartenders and waiters can finally go on vacation. But the sleepy time doesn’t begin until Womenfest is over. Along with Pride and Tropical Heat, Womenfest is one of the core events produced and promoted by the Key West Business Guild. Thousands of women are expected to flock to the island Wednesday through Sunday, Sept. 7-11 for fun and relaxation. The popular festival for lesbians and their friends feature activities ranging from snorkeling and water-sports excursions to high-energy latenight parties. Activities are designed to allow singles, couples and groups of women to experience the atmosphere of openness and acceptance that has made Key West an internationally acclaimed lesbian and gay vacation destination. Womenfest’s entertainment highlights typically include comedy performances by top female comedians, film screenings and musical


8 .24.2016

The greeting page of a new website for people affected by Trump’s negative tactics to connect.

offerings by award-winning singers and bands. Headliners in past years have ranged from Sister Funk to Jennifer Corday. Key West Contemporary Art, a new gallery near the intersection of Fleming Street and White Street will be showcasing the work of Annette Elizabeth Fournet and Alaina Marie Plowdrey at a reception Thursday, September 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Both women’s art explores the exotic, spiritual, esoteric qualities of women Other offerings include sunset sails on the azure Keys waters, lively pool parties at local guesthouses, drag performances by renowned female impersonators, a themed bike tour of Key West’s historic Old Town and gatherings at leading clubs. In addition, the Womenfest schedule includes flag football clinics and a friendship game presented by the International Women’s Flag Football Association.

Have You Been Conned By The Don? John McDonald


new website has surfaced seeking and registrations desks at Harrah’s in stories of business dealings with Trump Plaza. Donald Trump. “The worst part was dealing with the The website, TrumpScrewedMe. Trumps,” Paul Friel, son of Edward Friel, wpengine.com is looking for people who Jr., owner of the Philadelphia company have been victimized by a Trump run told USA Today. business. In asking for information, the Stories of Trump dragging out legal website makes the following plea: disputes in court are not hard to find. The “If you have been personally screwed USA Today report showed Trump to be by Trump, or have a friend or relative involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits in who has been taken advantage of by the past three decades, including projects Trump, we want to hear from you! Telling in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties. your story will help make sure that During his rise in the Republican others like you are not abused by Trump. debates, Trump repeatedly boasted of Together, we can put his ability to escape an end to Donald the Atlantic City Trump’s aggressive bubble with minimal "You know people in business tactics that this difficult economic damage. hurt hard-working “Atlantic City is a Americans while he’s disaster. And I did time who have lost padding his pockets great in Atlantic their job and the pain City. I knew when to with your blood, sweat and money.” that causes. He (Trump) get out. My timing The website was was great,” Trump didn’t lose anything." said during a GOP created by Progress Florida and American debate at the Ronald - George Pataki Bridge. Trump, the Reagan Presidential Former NY Governor Republican Party’s Library & Museum in Presidential nominee, September of 2015. has been hounded by allegations that Others were not so impressed. he has stiffed contractors on his various “Five thousand people lost their jobs,” construction projects. remarked former New York Governor In June, USA Today reported an Atlantic George Pataki. “You know people in this City, New Jersey cabinet-maker was difficult economic time who have lost their cheated out of $316.400 by the Trump job and the pain that causes. He (Trump) Organization. The contract, negotiated didn’t lose anything. Five thousand lost during the mid 1980s, called for work their jobs. He will do for America what he involving cabinets, bars, slot machines did for Atlantic City.”

8.24.2016 •


NEWS local

Highlights of the 6th Annual Transgender Medical Symposium

Sean McShee


he 6th Annual Transgender Medical Symposium occurred in May in Fort Lauderdale. This free event drew 140 people. The two-day symposium discussed many medical and mental health issues that the transgender community faces. Christopher Bates, a member of the Organizing Committee, urged the attendees to re-engage with activism, “Our struggle as a community of diversity is not over.” Virtually every speaker emphasized that to show respect to transgender people, people should use the pronouns and name that the transgender person has chosen. Transgender youth psychological issues LGBT youth now self-identify as LGBT relatively early. Many people develop a relatively fixed sexual orientation in early adolescence. Most people, however, develop a relatively fixed gender identity well before puberty. Some people, however, will develop a gender identity mismatched with their physical body. When people talk about transgender youth today, the term “youth” can now include six year olds. This opens up a whole other arena of LGBT rights. A new pediatric specialty, transgender pediatric care, has emerged. Part of this specialty involves using medications to suppress puberty and its gender-linked physiological changes. With puberty suppressed, neither beards nor breasts will develop. This makes matching physical bodies with gender identities much easier, and less expensive. If the youth begins to feel at ease in their physical body, they can stop the treatment and experience puberty


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consistent with their physical body. Some youth with gender identity issues will grow into transgender adults. Others will resolve their gender identity issues. These different outcomes involve two related conditions: gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity. According to Dr. Alejandro Diaz, a pediatric endocrinologist, gender dysphoria “leads to clinically significant distress and/or social, occupational, and other functional impairment, with increased risk of suffering distress or disability.” Gender dysphoric people experience persistent discomfort with their physical body and its expected gender roles. This becomes an internally generated distress. Gender nonconformity leads to “behaviors and interests that fall outside what is considered ‘normal’ for a person’s biological sex.” Gender nonconformity does not involve mismatch between someone’s gender identity and their physical body. Unlike gender dysphoria, persistent distress does not characterize gender nonconformity. When gender conforming people harass gender nonconforming people to enforce gender norms, it can lead to an externally generated distress. Many lesbians, gay and bi men exhibit gender nonconforming interests and behaviors. Some youth with gender identity issues will match their gender identity with their physical body when puberty occurs. Some grow into LGB adults. Those whose bodies and gender identities remain mismatched will grow into adulthood with persistent gender dysphoria. They grow into transgender adults. Some of these transgender adults will also identify as LGB. The line separating the LGB from the T can easily blur.

The process to distinguish gender dysphoric youth from gender nonconforming youth has four components: 1) the desires and development of the youth; 2) the legal requirements for obtaining the consent of youth; 3) the psychological assessment for gender dysphoria; and 4) the medical assessment for biomedical treatment. Only, the youth’s parent or legal guardian can provide consent for their medical procedures. If the youth has emancipated, however, the youth, themselves, can consent to their own medical procedures. Kathy Doll and Maria Mejia, of SunServe, specialize in LGBT youth mental health issues. They led a workshop on “Caring for Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Youth” Therapists have to work within family systems to treat transgender and gender nonconforming youth. The law requires therapists to provide a minor’s parents with all information about the minor upon request. The therapist must create a safe-space of trust between the therapist and the youth. Without that trusting space, the youth with gender issues will be unable to speak. Youth with gender issues may not want their parents to know everything about their issues. Doll said that the therapist should be proactive from the first meeting with the parents. The therapist should inform the parents that the therapist would protect the youth’s confidentiality. The therapist would only disclose the content of therapy in the case of a threat of possible harm. If parents reject this condition, Doll could not work with their child. Transgender Youth Medical Issues Dr. Alejandro Diaz specializes in pediatric endocrinology. He led a workshop, “Medical Treatment for Transgender Youth.” Diaz asserted that pediatricians should identify the behaviors and complaints of gender dysphoric and gender non-conforming youth. The pediatric endocrinologist determines which biomedical treatment to employ. Their choices include wait and see, puberty suppression, male or female hormone therapy, or surgical transition. Laws set the minimum age for the latter two treatments. The endocrinologist can only begin the medical intervention, if three conditions have been met. First, the transgender youth wants the medical intervention. Second, their parents have to have given their approval, unless the youth has emancipated. Third, the

mental health professionals think it appropriate. Almost all the effects of medical treatment can be reversed. If the transgender youth wants to stop puberty suppression, they can stop. Puberty will ensure with no permanent physical damage, but suppression could have weakened bones. Male and female hormone treatments are partly reversible. Only surgery is non-reversible. Transgender youth issues present a new set of challenges for the LGBT coalition. They are much greater than just who gets to pee where. They involve sexual and gender selfdetermination. Hormone Therapy Dr. Sheryl Zayas of Care Resource lead the workshop, “Hormone Therapy for Female-to-Male (FtM) and Male-toFemale (MtF)” transgender people. Hormone Therapy has two goals: to reduce the effect of the hormones of the birth sex and increase the influence of the identified sex. Before a doctor can prescribe hormone therapy, a doctor, nurse practitioner, or mental health professional has to assess the individual for gender dysphoria. That condition involves a persistent state of extreme distress caused by a mismatch between a person’s gender identity and their physical body. Important considerations in that assessment include the following: 1) how out the person is to their significant others 2) whether they have a safe place in which to transition, and 3) if they want to have children. The latter has great importance as hormone therapy frequently results in sterility. Transgender women (MTF) taking feminizing hormones should expect a reduced sex drive with fewer erections in the first three months. Within a few months, they will start to develop breasts and lose muscle mass. Their testicles will start to shrink. They will need electrolysis to remove body and facial hair. Feminizing hormones increase risk for blood clots. These hormones may also moderately increase the risk for breast cancer, and severe migraines. Transgender men (FTM) taking masculinizing hormones can expect an increased sex drive. Their clitoris will enlarge, and they may develop facial and body hair, both of which may be permanent. Baldness may also occur. Their voice will deepen. Their vaginal wall may thin, making vaginal intercourse painful and may increase risk for HIV. If they are concerned about fertility, they may want to store their eggs. Masculinizing

NEWS local hormones increase the risk for cardio-vascular disease. Zayas emphasized that “body parts prone to cancer have to be screened for cancer, regardless of gender identity.” In a similar vein, Dr. Lanalee Sam, Director of Women’s Health Services at Florida Medical Center said, “A uterus is good for having babies, getting cancer, growing fibroids, and bleeding. If you don’t want any of these, take it out.”


PrEP and Transgender People Doctor of Pharmacology, Rob Shore, PrEP Coordinator, Department of Health (Broward), led a workshop, “PrEP and the Transgender Community.” He described the need for changes in HIV prevention: “If we keep doing what we have been doing, we will keep getting what we have been getting.” South Florida has had consistently high rates of new HIV cases since 2008. This area either has had the highest, or second highest, number of new HIV cases in the US. Shore emphasized that he was not “pushing” PrEP; he was educating people about it. The acronym “PrEP” stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Shore defined prophylaxis as “a measure taken to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease or an undesired state of being.” Most people already use other preventive measures such as birth control, vitamins, and car seat belts. While PrEP fails to prevent STDs other than HIV, birth control fails to prevent any STDs. Birth control only prevents pregnancy. Yet, birth control has gained great acceptance. Shore used the “birth control” model of HIV Prevention to explain PrEP. As her risk for pregnancy changes, a woman will choose different types of birth control to match her changing levels of risk. PrEP represents a similar widening of choices for people at risk for acquiring HIV. Some transgender women have participated in PrEP clinical trials, but too few for scientific proof. Nevertheless, PrEP has protected transgender women in these studies, much as it protected bio-women (anatomical females since birth). Only those who took Truvada regularly achieved protection. Birth control pills contain lower doses of the same feminizing hormones, upon which transgender women depend. No bio-woman in the clinical trials reported drug interactions with birth control pills. The Center of Excellence for Transgender Health found a lack of evidence of drug interactions: “There is no evidence or clinical studies of potential drug interactions between different classes and combinations of antiretroviral medications (ARVs) and cross-sex

hormone therapy (csHT) used by transgender women for gender transition and feminization.” The Center suggested that the doctor should monitor estrogen levels for signs of estrogen deficiency. If the doctor were to find estrogen deficiency, the transgender woman could simply stop taking PrEP. Her estrogen levels should then begin to rise. Currently, PrEP consists of one Truvada pill per day. Each Truvada pill contains two antiretrovirals that prevent HIV from infecting a cell. Researchers selected Truvada as the antiretrovirals in Truvada have the least side effects. To be effective, the antiretrovirals in Truvada have to reach protective levels. In order to prevent sexual acquisition of HIV, antiretrovirals need to saturate the rectum, the penis, the vagina, and the mouth. According to Shore, antiretrovirals will reach protective levels in the rectum until about 7 days after beginning PrEP, but they will not reach protective levels in the rest of the body until about 21 days after starting PrEP. One dose of PrEP will not provide immediate protection; people have to take PrEP regularly to achieve protection. The California HIV/AIDS Research Program has awarded $9.4 million grants to study PrEP among both transgender women and transgender men. These grants will have a special focus on transgender women of color. Researchers need more data about PrEP and transgender people, especially transgender men. Shore said that PrEP would be unlikely to threaten the transitioning process of either transgender women or transgender men. PrEP could benefit both greatly. Transgender people face unique medical and psychological problems. In order to strengthen the LGBT political coalition, nontrans-identified people should become familiar with transgender health issues. This annual symposium provides a very useful resource to do so.

HIVEonline.org has resources for transmen and transwomen: http://bit.ly/2bcrRXW and http://bit.ly/2bAV9D8 To download the booklet “Transgender Women and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention”, please visit http://bit.ly/2bacHrR Care Resource is a trans-friendly clinic. To contact their Fort Lauderdale office, call 954-567-7141 or visit http://www.careresource.org. They also have offices in Miami. For the CDC Factsheet about Transgender people and HIV, please visit http://bit.ly/1Jjr8NS For more information on PrEP, you can email Dr. Robert Shore (Department of Health) at Robert. Shore@FLHealth.gov or call him at 954-467-4700 Ext. 5733. You can also call Patrick Whiteside of the Pride Center at 954-463-9005, Ext. 210.

8.24.2016 •


NEWS National

Photo: Facebook.

Target Will Spend $20 Million on Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

NEWS local

August SFAN Report

Brittany Ferrendi

Sean McShee


arget wants to cater to everyone’s comfort through a third bathroom option. In a large financial decision, retail giant Target announced on Wednesday that it will be installing single-stall gender neutral bathrooms in every one of its stores. The move is likely an attempt to soothe recent controversy on transgender bathroom accommodations. Those who feel unsafe or uncomfortable using multi-stalled male and female bathrooms may choose to use the single-stall option. Many stores are already reported to have gender neutral restrooms, but Target will be investing $20 million to install them in the stores that do not. According to The Huffington Post, 1780 of 1800 Target stores will have the single-stall bathrooms by November. The remaining 20 stores will have them by early 2017. “We put that in motion for some time prior to the [June] shareholders meeting,”

The South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) functions as the networking and advisory body for the FloridaDepartment of Health, Ryan White Care (FL-DOH RWC) grant in Broward County. Its monthly meetings are open to the public.

spokeswoman Katie Boylan said. “At the end of the day, Target is all about inclusion. We want everyone to feel comfortable in our stores.” Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality Mara Keisling told The Wall Street Journal that she was in support of Target’s recent decision. “There are lots of gender nonconforming people who will be happy about this and will use those bathrooms,” she told WSJ, “and most transgender people will continue to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity as they have been doing for decades.”


r. Jeffrey Beale, of the HIV Section, Florida Department of Health reported on universal treatment, routine HIV testing, PEP, and PrEP. He reported changes in recommended times to start anti-retroviral therapy (ART). Dr. Beale described the new practice as “voluntary universal treatment”. People living with HIV (PWLH) should now start ART as soon as possible, even immediately after their first positive test results. Prior to this change, a low CD4 immune cell count signaled the need to begin ART. Early ART improves the heath of the individual, and reduces the risk of transmission. In one study, researchers compared median times of two groups to achieve a suppressed viral load. One group began ART, based on low counts of CD4 immune cells. The universal treatment group started earlier. The universal treatment group had a median time to viral suppression of 1.9 months. The low CD4 cell count group had a median time to viral suppression of 4.2 months. Viral suppression is the goal of ART treatment. Scientists estimate that about 13 percent of PLWH lack awareness of their HIV infection. They constitute the unaware infected. Routine HIV testing can identify the unaware infected and can link them to treatment. The behavior of many women does not put them at risk for HIV, but the behavior of their male partner does. As these women may underestimate their actual risk, they may underestimate their need for HIV testing. Routine testing could greatly benefit these women. Dr. Beal reported that routine HIV testing has failed to occur. In an analysis of health insurance data, researchers

New Diagnosis of HIV Infection in Broward in July 2016: HIV has a Major Het Component among Blacks White Gay Men & Other MSM White Het Men White Women Latino Gay Men & Other MSM Latino Het Men Latina Black Gay Men & Other MSM Black Het Men Black Women 0 50 100 150 "Other MSM" refers to non-gay identified men who have sex with men

found no evidence for routine screenings. Only 4.3 percent of Medicaid claims and 2.8 percent of private insurance claims indicated HIV testing. Data also indicates a need for increased education among doctors about PEP and PrEP. About one-third of U.S. doctors lack knowledge about PrEP, which limits their patient’s choices. Dr. Beal reported that a PEP hotline and a PrEP hotline had become available for clinicians. People seeking either PrEP or PEP may advise their doctors to call these hotlines, if their doctors lack familiarity with either PEP or PrEP. SFAN voted to retain its current representatives to the Florida Comprehensive Planning Network (FCPN), with Kim Saiswick as the representative and Joey Wynn as an alternate. Justin Bell reported on FL-DOH-RWC’s changes to its bus pass program. Daily bus passes will replace monthly passes. Broward County has a monthly bus pass program for low-income Broward residents. FL-DOH-RWC will help eligible clients navigate the County’s bus pas program This change could save enough money to fund van transportation for clients with mobility issues. The Hep C Treatment Pilot Program has openings for people who meet the ADAP eligibility requirements. The program will provide Viekira Pak and Harvoni. A doctor has to request participation for their patient to enroll.

Announcements Clinicians can call the PEP hotline (888-448-4911) seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. Clinicians can call the PrEP hotline (855-488-7737) Monday through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information on PrEP or PEP including how to pay for it, people can email Dr. Robert Shore (Department of Health) at Robert.Shore@FLHealth.gov, or call him at 954-467-4700 Ext. 5733. People can also call Patrick Whiteside of the Pride Center at 954-463-9005, Ext. 210. Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, September 9, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Newcomers are encouraged to attend.


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(AP) A small town police chief in staunchly conservative South Carolina is trying to make history by becoming the first female sheriff in the state. And the first openly gay one, too. Crystal Moore knows the November election will be tough, but she has beaten the odds before. Just two years ago, residents in Latta (population 1,400) rallied around Moore after the mayor fired her. He was later caught on a recording ranting that he would rather have a drunk watch a child than a lesbian. When the tape surfaced, residents voted in a special election to strip the mayor of his power and the Town Council rehired Moore. Now Moore is running for sheriff in Dillon County, a former tobacco hub of 31,000. Moore is running as a petition candidate, unaffiliated with any party, against a Democratic incumbent seeking


8 .24.2016

Crystal Moore.

Gay South Carolina Police Chief Makes Historic Sheriff’s Run

a third term. Not being associated with any party may hurt her because the 15 percent to 25 percent of county voters who hit the button to vote a straight Democrat ticket will automatically select Sheriff Major Hulon.

By Jillian Melero Bisexual

Bi Boxer Wins Second Olympic Gold (SFGN) Boxer, Nicola Adams won her second gold medal for Great Britain, defending her flyweight championship title against French boxer, Sarah Ourahoune in Rio, Pink News reports. Adams first won the flyweight division title in the 2012 Olympics when she became the first British female and the first LGBT individual to win Olympic gold in boxing. Pink News quoted Adams saying “No one’s ever really cared about me being bisexual and I only came out because I had always been out, it’s just the general public didn’t know. I’m quite fearless. I’m like, ‘Let’s just go out there and do this and see what happens.’” She told Marie Claire: “I worried about how everyone would react, so I used to say I was single, rather than say

Nicola Adams. Photo by Richard Gillin.


I was with a girl. I felt like I was lying all the time. I didn’t like living like that so, in the end, I thought, ‘Well, this is who I am. It’s not as if I can stop it.’”


continued Transgender


(AP) A settlement has been reached in a discrimination lawsuit brought by a transgender employee at a Fargo hospital, according to court documents filed Wednesday. Faye Seidler, who was born as a male and identifies as a female, filed the complaint in December against Sanford Medical Center. The suit was seeking unspecified damages and an order to stop the hospital from discriminating against employees who have undergone or are undergoing a gender transition. Seidler said in the suit that managers did not treat her fairly and she was wrongly denied access to the women’s locker room. She said she was forced to put her coat in the break room and in one instance her $300 down jacket was damaged with ink. Seidler’s attorney, Joshua Newville, says the agreement resolves the matter “to

Faye Seidler. Facebook.

Settlement Reached in Transgender Lawsuit Against Hospital

the mutual satisfaction of the parties.” He would not disclose terms of the settlement or comment further. Sanford’s attorneys, Elizabeth Alvine and Kristy Albrecht, did not respond to requests for comment. Sanford spokesman Darren Huber declined to comment.

Russell Miller


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954.522.3800 www.PallantInsurance.com 1800 N.E. 26th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 8.24.2016 •


NEWS elections

Equality Florida Endorses Candidates John McDonald

22 South Floridians on the list


s the progress of LGBT rights continue, the endorsement of Florida’s largest LGBT civil rights organization has become highly coveted. “We look for two very important facts when endorsing a candidate,” said Stratton Pollitzer, Deputy Director for Equality Florida. “Is this individual an absolute champion for LGBT equality and do they have a strong campaign with a real shot at winning.” Palm Beach County: Matt Willhite, Florida House of Representatives, District 86 David Silvers, Florida House of Representatives, District 87 Al Jacquet, Florida House of Representatives, District 88 Lori Berman, Florida House of Representatives, District 90 Dave Kerner, Palm Beach County Commission 3 Mary Lou Berger, Palm Beach County Commission 5 Broward County: Paulette Armstead, Florida House of Representatives, District 92 Ken Keechl, Florida House of Representatives, District 93 Richard Stark, Florida House of Representatives, District 104 Nan Rich, Broward County Commission 1


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Currently, Equality Florida’s Action Pac has endorsed more than 45 candidates at the state, county and municipal levels. With nearly a dozen openly LGBT candidates running for public office this election cycle in Florida, attitudes are clearly changing in the Sunshine State. “That in itself represents a sea change,” Pollitzer said. Here is a list of candidates in South Florida endorsed by Equality Florida’s Action Pac. Stacy Ritter, Broward County Commission 3 Tim Ryan, Broward County Commission 7 Patricia Good, Broward County School Board 2 Rosalind Osgood, Broward County School Board 5 Robin Bartleman, Broward County School Board At-Large Eleanor Sobel, Mayor, City of Hollywood Miami-Dade County: Michael Gongora, Florida Senate District 38 Dwight Bullard, Florida Senate District 40 David Richardson, Florida House of Representatives, District 113 Holly Raschein, Florida House of Representatives, District 120 Monroe County: Holly Raschein, Florida House of Representatives, District 120 Heather Caruthers, Monroe County Commission

Jason Pizzo

Michael Gongora

Florida Senate Endorsement Pits Equality Florida Against SAVE EqFL Chooses Gongora while SAVE chooses Pizzo John McDonald


n a hotly contested Senate campaign, the state’s largest LGBT civil rights organization is backing Miami Beach attorney Michael Gongora. “We value actual experience in our community over promises,” said Stratton Pollitzer, Equality Florida Deputy Director, in a telephone interview with SFGN Thursday afternoon. Pollitzer, who lives in Florida Senate district 38, said he has received mailers from a shadow organization calling itself “A Stronger Florida” that he called “ugly and sleazy.” The mailers attack Gongora on ethics, noting his fine by the elections commission and accusing him of skirting laws and “shaking down” a strip club owner. “It’s just reprehensible,” Pollitzer said of the mailers. Pollitzer points the finger to a political action committee organized by Kenneth Pizzo, father of Jason Pizzo, one of seven candidates contending for the open seat. “Shame on Jason Pizzo for using his family’s wealth to falsely attack gay candidates,” Pollitzer posted on Facebook. Pizzo, 40, is a former prosecutor in the state attorney’s office who, ironically enough, has been endorsed by SAVE, a South Florida organization dedicated to protecting people who are LGBT against discrimination. “Jason Pizzo is the strongest candidate,” SAVE Executive Director Tony Lima told SFGN. “He came in with the most comprehensive plan needed to appeal to all the ethnicities in this district. He’s done very well fundraising and he’s committed and proud to serve.” Six Democrats are vying for the party’s nomination. The primary election concludes Aug. 30 and while Equality Florida and SAVE disagree on candidates, there is agreement on a common enemy. Even though the two organizations disagree on who should win the primary, they do agree one thing.

“We have to beat Daphne Campbell,” Pollitzer said. “She is terrible on LGBT issues.” Campbell currently represents district 108 in the Florida House of Representatives. She has a track record of opposing progressive policy issues and questionable business practices. A chain of nursing homes, owned by Campbell and her husband, were investigated for Medicaid fraud and unsanitary living conditions. As of Aug. 5, Gongora had reported $153,152 in campaign contributions compared to $61,391 for Campbell. Pizzo reported raising $597,350, which includes $550,000 in personal loans. In analyzing the race, Pollitzer said Gongora, a former Miami Beach Commissioner, has what it takes to win. “Equality Florida’s Action Pac believes Michael Gongora has the best chance to beat Daphne Campbell in a very short campaign,” Pollitzer said. “He (Gongora) has name recognition and an established block of voters. He doesn’t just say something, he actually gets the job done and has a proven track record of passing cutting edge model policies.” Florida Senate district 38 became a freefor-all following the retirement of Gwen Margolis, the state’s longest serving legislator. Former North Miami Mayor Kevin Burns, a gay man, is also campaigning for the Democratic nomination and has also been the target of negative mailers from Pizzo’s pac. “Bad With His Money. Bad For Our Money,” reads the anti-Burns mailer which also claims Burns has filed for bankruptcy. “It’s a sad attempt to bolster himself while tearing down other candidates,” Burns said. “Why would he hide behind his daddy’s money and not put his own name on the mailers? Why would he miss 17 elections?” Early voting is underway in the district, which stretches south from the MacArthur Causeway north to the Broward County line.

NEWS local The mural still in progress. Photo: Facebook.

Mobile Mural Looks to Bring Attention to HIV/AIDS Dori Zinn


ho says a canvas has to be winner and immediately began scaling her stationary? HIV/AIDS awareness artwork for the trailer. and prevention will soon be mobile Plath said judges looked for how artists in South Florida. effectively used the HIV Ends With Me On Aug. 31, ArtServe and the Florida campaign themes in a creative and original Department of Health are presenting Art theme. Fondos emerged as the winner. to End AIDS at The Pride Center at Equality “What stood out in Georgeta’s image Park where a mural by local artist Georgeta was the positive images of the beach and Fondos will debut. The a rainbow,” Plath mural isn’t a building said. “It also includes or wall. It’s on a semithe familiar pillars of trailer. entry at Las Olas and Local company Cliff A1A which helped to Berry, Inc. donated make the work more one of their trucks to recognizable and create a mobile mural. Broward-centric.” ArtServe President and The idea to paint CEO Jaye Abbate said it a mural of this was CBI President Cliff magnitude came Berry II that had the from EcoMedia — idea to make it mobile. a division of CBS. - David Plath “Mr. Berry suggested EcoMedia partners Artserve director of that the FDOH in advertisers like FDOH development Broward County could with nonprofits reach more people like ArtServe for by allowing the message to come to the a multitude of different projects, like people,” said Abbate. “He generously community housing, veterans’ recovery offered to have the truck moved to a programs, healthy meals for seniors neighborhood festival, a school, or another and children and mobile health clinics. event around the area.” Theresa Schieber, senior vice president ArtServe and the FDOH initially of operations and strategic partner announced the project Dec. 1, 2015 — development at EcoMedia, had the idea for World AIDS Day — and had a call to artists. a mural that brought FDOH and ArtServe ArtServe Director of Development David together. Plath said more than 35 mural concepts “ArtServe has such a natural set of were presented and were eventually relationships to help facilitate this project,” narrowed down to eight finalists. Last she said. “This is our first public mural month, Fondos was announced as the project in South Florida.”

"What stood out in Georgeta’s image was the positive images of the beach and a rainbow."

8.24.2016 •



South Florida Gay News

PBCHRC Endorses Candidates John McDonald


he Palm Beach County Human Rights Council’s Voters Alliance released a list of endorsements for the Aug. 30 primary. Twenty-four candidates received the alliance’s endorsement. All candidates have elections in Palm Beach County and none identify as LGBT. PBCHRC Founder Rand Hoch defended his organization’s right to not endorse an openly LGBT candidate, telling SFGN no suitable individual was presented this election cycle. “We don’t actively recruit politicians,” Hoch said. “We’re not the Victory Fund. That’s what they do. We exist to write laws.” Candidates endorsed by the PBCHRC Voters Alliance are as follows:

Patrick Murphy, U.S. Senate Randy Perkins, U.S. Congress Carey Haughwout, Public Defender Kevin Rader, Michael Steinger and Jeff Clemens, Florida Senate Mary W. Higgins Matt Willhite David Silvers Al Jacquet and Kelly Skidmore, Florida House of Representatives

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SouthFloridaGayNews It’s about time. It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page.

Welcome to the South Florida Gay News. 22

8 .24.2016

Dave Kerner and Priscilla Taylor, County Commission Katherine Waldron and Jean L. Enright, Port of Palm Beach Dina Keever and Gregory Tendrich, Circuit Court Judge Ric Bradshaw, Sheriff Marni Bryson and Gregg Lerman, County Court Judge Ellen Baker, School Board Susan Bucher, Supervisor of Elections Dorthy Jacks and Shelley Vana, Property Appraiser

All candidates were interviewed and evaluated by a panel on their work in regards to human rights, Hoch said. And, in a change of pace, PBHRC’s endorsements are aligned with Equality Florida. “We’re on the same page this cycle,” Hoch said. “I have spoken with Nadine Smith (Equality Florida Executive Director) and we’ve had tremendous co-operation.” With an estimated population of $1.3 million people, Palm Beach County is the third most populated of Florida’s 67 counties. According to its website, PBCHRC is dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

8.24.2016 •


feature poverello


Bowls Another Strike HIV non-profit exceeds $100,000 fundraising goal John McDonald

Photos by J.R. Davis


ina Garcia bowled 156 in two games on Saturday — not professional level by any means but that didn’t matter to the Fort Lauderdale resident.

“I’m very proud of my score,” Garcia said at the conclusion of Poverello’s Bowl-aThon. “We all sucked but we had a good time.” The 26th annual event, held at Sawgrass Lanes in Tamarac, raised more than $108,000 for Poverello, an organization that provides food and basic living essentials to individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Garcia bowled for T-House, a project initiated by the Florida Department of Health in Broward County. “I like to support all the community events,” said Garcia, a chemical engineer. “This was very well organized and it’s for a great cause.” Deanna Muniz agreed. Muniz, a substance abuse treatment counselor from Sunrise, participated in the Bowl-A-Thon with her transgender son. Like Garcia, Muniz bowled for the T-House team.

Father William Collins, the founder of Poverello


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feature poverello SFGN contributing to the event.

“I bowled a 130, I did pretty good, I guess it was beginner’s luck,” Muniz said. “This is a wonderful cause and so good to see our community come together.” In addition to bowling activities, prize packages and gift bags were auctioned off and multiple raffles were held. Nicole Halliwell, a South Florida character illusionist, emceed the event and DJ Aj Reddy spun tunes as bowlers took to the lanes under low lighting. The event received support from numerous corporate sponsors, including AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Bank United, Macy’s, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida and Wells Fargo. “It’s so exciting to see so many community members come together,” said Mitch Bloom, treasurer for the board of directors at Poverello. “This was an awesome turnout.” Bloom estimated around 250 people attended the Bowl-A-Thon, one of Poverello’s signature events. “Nobody else does what Poverello does,” Bloom said. “It has been a part of the Wilton Manors community for many, many years.” Due to high demand for lane access, the Bowl-AThon was moved out of Wilton Manors westward to Tamarac. Sawgrass Lanes has 56 lanes and all were used on Saturday. “We love this tournament,” said Roger Keel, marketing director and coordinator for school activities at Sawgrass Lanes. “The big thing is everyone coming together to have a good time. These guys spend money here when they come so that helps.” For those who could not make the drive into western Broward County, bus transportation from Wilton Manors was arranged. At Sawgrass Lanes, hosting LGBT inclusive events is nothing new. In January, FLIRT, a local gay bowling league, is sponsoring an invitational at Sawgrass Lanes. “Gay or straight, we want everyone to come here and have a good time,” Keel said.

More Info On The Web:

Poverello: www.poverello.org T-House: www.T-Houseonline.come FLIRT: www.FLIRTBOWL.com

For more photos, visit SFGN on facebook. 8.24.2016 •


Convictions I am Patient Number 380206011

Publisher's Editorial

Norm Kent



oday I am going to come out of the closet a second time, but now as a Bi-Coastal cannabis consumer. I lead two lives; one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast. In Fort Lauderdale, I own a townhouse where I have resided for over a quarter of a century. In this community, I am a lawyer and a spokesman for NORML, very active in drug law reform. But I cannot practice what I preach. That would be illegal. In California, however, I found a small town near Berkley, east of San Francisco Bay, where I may retire. There, I may eventually choose to grow my own pot where I am allowed to do so. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where I practice law, and get people out of trouble for growing pot, I have to defend people who do what I am entitled to do in California legally. The rules are different here. In early 2006, my Florida roommate, after learning he was HIV positive, decided to move back to his hometown of San Francisco. As a pot consumer, he realized he could acquire medicinal recommendations for marijuana, and thus grow pot legally under California law. We went to San Fran together, to a community I have visited and loved since the early 1970s, from my first spectacular drive up the Pacific Coast highway. We found and rented a small

Last month, one of my clients went to jail for growing the same amount of pot in a year in Miami-Dade County that another client cultivates legally in a day in Denver. 26

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apartment in the Castro, where I first met Harvey Milk. He was so right when he told us in the gay community to come out. If only pot smokers had done the same over the past 40 years. The Florida laws are not kind or generous to cannabis users. Cultivation of any amount is a second degree felony, punishable by imprisonment. Last month, one of my clients went to jail for growing the same amount of pot in a year in Miami-Dade County that another client cultivates legally in a day in Denver. It has been twenty years since California voters enacted Proposition 215, which allowed citizens to utilize marijuana for medical purposes if a person had a legitimate need. As a recovering cancer patient, I more than qualified for a medical marijuana recommendation. I sought out a legitimate physician, not one running a medical marijuana mill. I came with a full set of medical records tracking my unenviable medical past, including recent spinal surgery. The doctor thoughtfully reviewed with me the medical risks associated with the use of cannabis. Not that I did not have a little experience. I mean, I am 65 years old this year. My friends’ kids go to Bonnaroo. I lived through Woodstock. After the screening, my physician then appropriately certified me as an individual who could benefit from the medical use of cannabis. Just like that, I became patient number 380206011. I then proceeded to a medical dispensary, proudly armed with a State of California Medical Marijuana Identification Card. As a California patient, I am empowered to acquire cannabis lawfully at medical dispensaries. Under the California Health and Safety Code, I am also allowed to grow up to six plants of my own in my little apartment on the bay. I do not have to hide them from the authorities. I joined the Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Cooperative, and was issued a Growers Certificate. It affirms that any herbs I cultivate at home would be grown for my personal medical use. I was now at liberty to grow my own medicine. It is still called pot in Florida.

Twenty-four states and scores of communities across our country have either decriminalized, ‘medicalized’ or now legalized marijuana. Michael Phelps wins gold medals using it, but the DEA, even in 2016, won’t reschedule it. How stupid is that? Our federal government claims marijuana is not medicine. As such, it criminalizes all marijuana possession, use, or cultivation, regardless of what the states do. This year, six more states, including Florida, get to stand up to the federal government, and just say ‘yes, we can-nabis!’ Still, we can’t be ambivalent. If they chose to, federal law enforcement officials could prosecute medical marijuana patients, even if state authorities will not- even if they reside in a state where medical marijuana use is protected by state law. But even if you have a medical right to possess cannabis in California it does not give you a legal right to grow or possess it in Florida. Though some clients of mine have tried, if you are stopped for smoking in Miami Beach and pull out a medical marijuana card from Santa Monica, it won’t fly. Tell it to your bondsman. Welcome then to my conflicted life. In California I can grow my own medicine in my apartment. In Florida, police could raid my house and the Florida Bar could seize my card. Instead of representing a grower, I would need a lawyer to represent me. Florida would not care that I am patient number 380206011 in California. What is wrong with that picture? Why is freedom contingent upon a zip code? NORML, the National Organization to Reform the Marijuana Laws, has spent 40 years trying to stem the tide of repression and advance the rights of cannabis consumers. If there was ever a time to be part of our effort, it is now. We all need to come out of the closet and admit that since the 1970s America’s drug war was more criminal than marijuana itself. From personal experience, so many of us now know how unjust arrest and incarceration is- and has been. It’s 2016. Let’s say so.



Editorial Cartoon



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GYM 8.24.2016 •


Seeing In The Dark


Discussing Depression and Disability in the LGBT and Black Communities

Belo Cipriani


epression is common. But more common is the fact that, as a society, we don’t openly talk about depression and its impact on our communities. And while depression is very debilitating, and is recognized as a disability by the Americans with Disability Act (A.D.A.), its constant misunderstanding causes people who suffer from it to be misjudged.

For Anthony J. Williams, a 27-year-old, Black, cisgender, queer man, with depression and anxiety, it wasn’t until very recently that his disability was formally identified. “I’ve dealt with depression since I was about 14 years old, was first diagnosed with mild depression when I was about 22, and, this last year, was ‘officially’ diagnosed with depression and anxiety,” said Williams. But even though Williams has struggled with depression, and admits that his disability has caused a few missed opportunities, his condition has also served as a catalyst. He said, “One of the privileges of being a high functioning depressive is that the pressure of external motivation usually pushes me to achieve, even if it means burning myself out more than I planned.” Williams believes that a lot of peple think depression is not as serious as ads make it out to be. He shares, “I think too many people think we’re faking it, or that it isn’t as bad as we claim. When we think of depression, there is often a stock photo that pops to mind of someone who is gloomy, grumpy, and potentially suicidal. We, as a society, need to recognize that there are high functioning depressives like myself.” Williams is a University of California, Berkeley alumnus, and now works for his alma mater as a research assistant for the school’s equity and inclusion division. Additionally, he is a community organizer and mental health advocate, and, through Twitter, he has sparked conversations around toxic masculinity and Black excellence with the hashtags #MasculinitySoFragile and #BlackWomenDidThat. Williams is now working with Black women and others to develop #BlackWomenDidThat into a larger movement, so that everyone can learn about Black women’s past and present accomplishments. Williams is also an actor and had a small role in the movie “The Diary of a Teenage Girl” – a film that discusses the complexities of a young girl’s sexuality in the 1970s.


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As a mental health advocate, Williams openly talks about his depression, anxiety, and his experience with antidepressants through articles and social media — something he feels has been well-received, as there is a huge need for such conversations, especially in the LGBT-plus and Black communities. “The fascinating thing about depression is that both LGBTQIA-plus and Black communities deal with it, but we are often reluctant to talk about it. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that many of my Black and/or queer friends don’t talk about it and instead choose to self-medicate through drugs and alcohol,” Williams points out. “On a broader level, there is a notion within the Black community that we must remain strong and never let them see us fail. ‘Them’ being the anti-Black world, and often the very white world that only cheers for us when we’re exceptional and sees any weakness as proof that we are inferior.” Williams is quick to note that while the LGBT-plus and Black communities do not freely discuss mental illness, he has received support from his friends and family, who largely include people from these groups. Still, he believes both communities have room for growth in this space. “Both the LGBTQIA-plus community and the Black communities could be more inclusive of people with mental or emotional disabilities, by first recognizing the impact we have on others, particularly with our language. One thing that I’ve learned, from being such a frequent Twitter user, is about the discourse on ableism and inclusion. Too often [we are] using ableist slurs, because we don’t think it’s a big deal. I also notice that there is a lot of disrespect for people’s pronouns, and when we have folks who are experiencing gender dysphoria-induced depression, getting their gender pronouns right can potentially alleviate some of that stress. But the largest thing that my communities can do? Recognize that mental

Anthony J. Williams

and emotional disabilities exist, they aren’t going away, and that people within our own communities have them. Disability is not something that lives outside of the Black or LGBTQIA-plus community. It is something that many of us within these communities deal with on a daily basis.”

Williams’ future goals include more writing, more tweeting, and grad school. In a few years, he hopes to be mentoring and teaching. To get in contact with Anthony J. Williams, you can reach him on Twitter at @anthoknees.

Belo Cipriani is the award-winning author of Blind: A Memoir and Midday Dreams. He’s a disability advocate, the spokesperson for Guide Dogs for the Blind and the national spokesman for 100 Percent Wine — a premium winery that donates 100 percent of proceeds to nonprofits that help people with disabilities find work. Learn more at www.belocipriani.com.

8.24.2016 •




New Family Equality Executive Director Envisions Families Helping Families Dana Rudolph


veryone’s first week on the job should be like Stan Sloan’s. The new executive director of Family Equality Council, the national organization for LGBTQ families, began the role on the first day of Family Week in Provincetown, the organization’s signature event and the world’s largest gathering of LGBTQ families. The 500 families took part in activities including a family parade, a beach campfire, free HBO kids’ programming, and workshops on more serious topics like how to talk with children about the Orlando shooting. Afterward, Sloan spoke with me about his vision for the organization and our community. Before coming to Family Equality, Sloan had for 16 years been CEO of Chicago House, which provides housing and employment programs for people disenfranchised by HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ poverty, and/or gender nonconformity. He is also an ordained Episcopal priest—and while he acknowledges that “religion has been very damaging” to many LGBTQ people, he hopes to use his status “for good”—for example, in fighting so-called “religious liberty” laws that discriminate against LGBTQ people. He takes up his new role at what he calls “a very critical moment” for the LGBTQ community. Now that marriage equality is won, he said, “Either we find something big enough to capture us for the future or we may not stay together” as such a strong movement. “I’m very passionate about that,” he insisted. “We are better and stronger together than we are apart.” “We’re nowhere near a resting point,” he continued. Discrimination still exists in the foster care system against LGBTQ potential foster parents and LGBTQ kids, as well as in employment and housing, which impact both LGBTQ families and individuals. “The idea of lived equality and of equality within LGBTQ—I think we’re just now starting to scrape the surface of that. That’s where I see Family Equality being able to take a real leadership role.” A key part of that role, he believes, is encouraging families to help families. He


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explained, “Currently, about five percent of LGBTQ people support LGBTQ causes. If you look at the fact that LGBTQ children and LGBTQ families are about twice as likely to have food insecurity as mainstream families, we can certainly be doing a better job of taking care of one another. I see that as our huge agenda for the future.” That agenda would include “LGBTQ people with resources sharing with LGBTQ people in need, but also fighting to change the policies of our emergency systems, our food programs, and our housing assistance programs.” “A lot of people here at Family Week can afford to take a week off work and stay in P’town, and that’s great,” he said—but when he’s spoken with them about those who can’t attend and may be putting their children to bed hungry, he’s seen tears in their eyes. “We’re ready to do something better,” he asserted. He added, “You can’t talk economic disparity without talking race.” His favorite event at Family Week, he said, was an ice cream social for interracial families. “It was a metaphor of what we’re looking toward. We’re still way too segregated and too isolated. Part of the power of families helping families is you can connect stories and break down some of the stereotypes that exist, both socioeconomically and racially.” To that end, another Family Week event encouraged conversations around topics such as gun violence, racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. The event, held in partnership with COLAGE, the organization for people with LGBTQ parents, created breakout sessions for parents of color raising children of color, White parents raising children of color, and White parents raising White children, then brought them back together to learn from each other. They plan to continue conversations about racial injustice through online forums, and will work for change in coalition with various partners, such as organizations focused on gun violence prevention. And Sloan’s vision of families helping each other could have a wider impact on the

LGBTQ movement as a whole. He explained, “If we can do it with families supporting families, then hopefully we’ll move that bar from only 5 percent of LGBTQ people supporting LGBTQ causes. . . . And if we could do it for families, because people care about kids, it’s an easy entry point for people into the idea of building a better world and of altruism. I think we’ve got a real role to play there.” For Family Equality to take on this role, however, Sloan feels, means being more outspoken about their own work. The organization has been doing “amazing things,” he said, but “I don’t think we’re very good at letting the world know how we’re impacting the broader movement.” While big court decisions and legislative wins grab headlines, many of Family Equality’s successes have come from less flashy but still important work with federal

and state executive agencies. Even before national marriage equality, for example, they partnered with other organizations to help the Department of Labor implement a rule change that extended job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act to employees with same-sex spouses anywhere in the country. They similarly helped change the federal student aid process to better recognize same-sexheaded families and helped modernize federal forms to include “parent” and “parent” options instead of just “mother” and “father.” Moving forward, he asserted, “We’ll be less quiet about what we do and much more intentional about making sure that we’re supporting one another better under our rainbow. I’m very grateful to be here and I’m very optimistic about what we’re going to be able to do.”

Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.









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8.24.2016 •


feature flamecon

Photos by Brendon Lies.

Get Your Game On For

Flame con! LGBT comic convention reaches new degrees in diversity Brendon Lies


his weekend, New York City saw the launch of Flame Con 2016, a convention that focuses on a convergence of LGBT and comics. That was about as strict as the guidelines got, with fans ranging from mainstream comic nerds to underground activists all packed tightly within the Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge from August 20 to 21. Also known as Flame Con 2, this convention is the successful runner-up to last year’s convention which saw over 2,000 guests. The first Flame Con was unveiled last year by the NYC organization Geeks OUT after a highly successful Kickstarter, and it became an instant hit with LGBT comic fans all over New England. This year upheld the reputation, with an array of workshops, contests, and even a speed dating event. “For me personally growing up, my LGBT side and my geek side have belonged to different worlds,” said Mo, a member of NYC Gaymers who helped run a secluded gaming area for fans at the con to test their wits with board games and consoles. Other guests at the convention reflected a similar opinion. “Over the years there’s definitely been a convergence of a very large queer presence in fandom,” said Emily Mitchell, one of the guests to the convention. “You are starting to see that in regular comic cons, but this is definitely the first time I’ve seen something devoted solely to that, and it was just such an amazing thing to see.”

Meg Daunting. See her work at gallery.dauntingfire.com


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There was no shortage of guests either. The convention opened with an act by Cecil Baldwin, narrator of the fictional podcast “Welcome To Night Vale.” Also present was Daniel Ketchum, an editor of the X-Men comics, and best selling author David Levithan, who joined many others in leading panels that delved into the ins – but mostly the outs – of LGBT fandom. Underground Comic Artists One of the most unique traits of Flame Con in comparison to more wide-scale comic conventions was its heavy inclusion of LGBT activists. A large number of panelists included artists who have existed long before Flame Con would have been conceivable, giving them a chance to share their journeys with an audience who might not have otherwise found them. Steve MacIsaac, well known for his work on the gay graphic novel, “Sticky,” was one of over 150 artists exhibiting his work in the convention. He recalled how society once viewed his work much differently.

feature flamecon “I’ve been doing gay comics for about fifteen years,” MacIsaac mused. “When I first started doing it, people had more of a flinch, people would see the work and have a noticeable reaction… some people would react with ‘oh cool,’ but then some people would laugh with nervous laughter. Over the years, the nervous laughter and the flinch has reduced, and the ‘oh cool’ has come out more.” Although many guests who wandered into the convention were initially drawn in by their love of LGBT fan artwork pertaining to their favorite movies, comics, and television shows, many soon found themselves fascinated by graphic novels and artwork that depicted queer lives as unique as their own. In some sense, Flame Con was melded into a powerful gateway from mainstream comic fandom into the underground LGBT activist community. “We couldn’t have filled this space with queer comics when I started,” MacIsaac said, motioning at the vast but crowded exhibition space. “One of the reasons I started doing this is because it really wasn’t out there.” Every Color Of The Rainbow While Flame Con has found unquestionable success, it’s still a young convention, meaning it’s still a long way from being as tightly-controlled as your modern mainstream pride fest. The difference was evident in both the guests and selection of artists and panels. A staggering number of guests identified as something far less represented than the

gay and lesbian communities. Bisexual and asexual flags were a common sight on vendor stands, and non-binary genders were not an altogether uncommon theme among some exhibitors’ works. The convention’s inclusiveness was largely thanks to the organization of Geeks OUT, who worked hard to build a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, including those who were disabled or needed accommodation. At the back of the exhibition hall was a quiet room to allow anxious guests to ease their minds, while at the entrance of the exhibition area, free stickers were provided to allow other guests to easily see their preferred pronouns – a practice that encourages a more welcoming environment for those who don’t fall into typical ideals of male or female. “The fact that the registration booth had the gender pronoun stickers, the fact that the hotel made all the bathrooms gender neutral…” Mitchell recounted each detail, as someone with many gender nonconforming friends. “I had never seen it to that extent at any con before.” Even the panels were carefully balanced to represent the most marginalized parts of the community, including many guests who were transgender as well as people of color. As the convention continues to grow, there’s a chance that larger sponsors will step in and push for a more sterile image of the LGBT community, but anyone who remembers the joy of the earlier Flame Con’s freedom of expression and diverse crowd will hopefully be there to fight that change.

Artist of the teen trans comic, “Chaotic Kiss.” See more at chaotickiss.com

“We couldn’t have filled this space with queer comics when I started. One of the reasons I started doing this is because it really wasn’t out there.” - Steve MacIsaac

Is It Worth The Jump? While many people in Florida have roots up North, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy to make the long journey when the next Flame Con inevitably rolls around. However, for those who remember the early days of the loud and proud underground, this is your chance to see what the next generation has made of it

Cody Shipman (left) and Curtis Bathurst, two illustrators who focus on the bear community.

while still quenching your comic convention thirst. For a convention only on its second year, Flame Con has already begun to gain a strong reputation that could potentially light the way for similar events elsewhere in the United States. And when it’s all said and done, you’re bound to leave with the perfect new gay comic print to hang above your fireplace.

For more information on Flame Con 2, visit www.flamecon.org or go to facebook.com/flamecon

8.24.2016 •




Photo: Facebook

Help needed for Michael, a gay disabled man David-Elijah Nahmod


isability comes in many forms. My disability, PTSD, can cause moments of extreme anguish and blackouts, which sometimes impedes my ability to work. My closest friend, who is blind, had to relearn how to live on his own and work after losing his sight. Passed in 1990, The Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. The law is usually enforced, but sometimes it isn’t – I’ve seen examples of this. And if the GOP has their way, social safety nets including disability insurance and food stamps would be drastically reduced, if not eliminated entirely. LGBT people have the added disadvantage of facing widespread legal discrimination in many conservative states.

A few months ago he was fine, until one day his body began to fail him without warning. Michael was blindsided. 34

8 .24.2016

And that’s why we need to stand up for each other. With that sentiment in mind, I ask you to open your hearts – and your wallets – to Michael McCormick. Michael is a 50-year-old gay man in Kentucky who is living with a newly acquired disability which has rendered him unable to work. A few months ago he was fine, until one day his body began to fail him without warning. Michael was blindsided. “It started about two months ago,” Michael told me. “There was a sudden numbness in my right foot, which affected my ability to walk. I thought I had a pinched nerve.” A month later the numbness spread to his right hand and forearm, rendering them useless. A stroke and a heart attack have already been ruled out. “I was tested for Lyme Disease and Leukemia,” Michael said. “Lyme Disease can cause these kinds of symptoms.” Multiple Sclerosis is also being considered as a possible cause. “The worst thing is waiting and not knowing,” he said, expressing concern for Petey, his dog, and Charlie, his bird. Michael said that he would feed them before he fed himself. Michael may have lost the ability to work, but the bills keep coming in. Rent,

phone and food all must be paid for. He’s already been approved for food stamps, but Michael needs help with rent and pet food. A kind friend already covered his rent for this month and he’s begun the lengthy, often stressful process of applying for disability insurance, which can take quite a long time. Many counties are notorious for turning down applicants even when disability is obvious and indisputable. Numerous disabled people are forced to hire attorneys and attend court hearings in order to get what they’re legally entitled to. Michael needs our help. “I never expected my body to fail me,” he said. “I struggle with having nothing to fall back on—I always thought I’d be able to get up and go to work everyday. I’m not the only person who’s going through this.” Michael’s insurance company has approved him for a walker and a cane, which will give him more mobility, but he remains unable to work. “I go back and forth between panic and

anger at not being prepared,” he said. What happened to Michael can happen to any of us at any time. We are not immortal. Our bodies are more fragile than we realize. If you are able, please contribute to Michael’s Go Fund Me page, which will help him keep his rent current, keep his phone on (which he would need in case of a medical emergency) and keep food in his beloved pets’ bowls. Let’s stand up for Michael, and for each other. “The government isn’t doing it, so we have to,” Dynasty star turned AIDS activist Linda Evans told CNN’s Larry King during the 1980s peak of the AIDS epidemic. Evan’s words were true then. Not much has changed in the ensuing three decades.

Michael’s Go Fund Me page: gofundme.com/2danyx2k

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

8.24.2016 •


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Primary elections are next Tuesday, August 30. While not making primary endorsements, SFGN encourages all our readers in both parties to vote next Tuesday. There are even a number of qualified gay and lesbian candidates running for many offices, as featured in our paper last week. 36

8 .24.2016


t seems nowadays a lot of people are after your money. Sales people, telemarketers, boyfriends...and in the technology age, we got hackers to be concerned about too. In 2013, every gay man’s favorite place to shop, Target, had been breached with over 70 million customers’ private information in the hands of hackers. In 2014, the Sony Playstation Network had been compromised with over 100 terabytes of information reported stolen — including credit card numbers and passcodes. That same year, Home Depot consumers had their information stolen when over 40 million credit card numbers were downloaded from the company’s databases. Needless to say, financial companies had to act quickly to keep your money safe. This led to the creation of the EMV chip. Yes, that little chip on your new credit cards has a name. EMV (stands for Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) is the new standard in creating transactions. For merchants, the technology means adding new in-store processing equipment and complying with new rules. For us, it means the frustration of standing in line at the grocery store while the person in front tries to figure out to either slide the card or stick it in. So does this standing in longer lines, or staring at a screen waiting for the “Remove Card” prompt, keep our bank accounts safer? That depends. Magnetic cards use static information to make transaction. EMV cards use chips to create not only the transaction but a security key that lasts for 60 seconds. But according to hacking experts, a lot can be done in 60 seconds. Remember the movie “Swordfish”? Hugh Jackman’s character had to break through an FBI encryption in less than 60 seconds with a gun to his head and a blonde on his other head. Sure it’s a movie, but could it be done? Can our credit card

information be stolen in less than a minute? DEF CON is one of the most distinguished conference of worldwide hackers. Do not assume all hacking is illegal or made up of rowdy teenagers with punk hair and leather jackets. Legal hacking is what keeps most consumers safe. These dedicated individuals try to infiltrate operating systems, mobile technologies, and internet websites to show companies their vulnerabilities and how to close them. What did this team of geniuses discover about our EMV chip cards? Using a PointOf-Sale terminal (POS) or Automated Teller Machine (ATM), hackers were able to intercept the chip’s unique key identifier and transfer it to another machine where a withdrawal could be made. All done in less than a minute. Queue the waa...waa...waaaaa music. But don’t despair. This situation would take two machines compromised at the same moment, in less than 60 seconds, which would take a lot of skill and a team of hackers. Already banking institutions are trying to close this loophole and are working tirelessly to keep their servers from being hacked. Though the chances of being electronically raided are becoming slimmer, you may still be wondering if there is a guaranteed safe way to access your money. Besides the standard suggestions, like don’t share your PIN number or bank account passcodes, there is an alternative and it’s right in front of you — your fingerprint. Fingerprints are unique to each of us and being utilized on your cellphones with programs like Apple Pay and Android Pay. These programs use your print to authorize a transaction when you are at a participating location. Another alternative to accessing your money...use plain old cash. There’s no way to hack that.

Chris Ayala studied screenwriting and worked in television in Los Angeles before pursing his dream of writing novels. He currently resides in Fort Lauderdale where he’s published two series: the fantasy saga “The Last Days” and the gay concentration camp novella “Confinement.”

8.24.2016 •


lifestyle food Sausage Kebabs

Rick Karlin

Brats n beer

Sausage Party


was excited to see that the movie R-rated film called “Sausage Party” with some of my favorite stars, opened a few weeks ago. Imagine my disappointment to find out that not only was it an animated film, it starred actual sausages! Despite the overkill of double entendres, the movie’s not in the least bit sexy. However, it did send me home thinking of some of my favorite sausage recipes.

Sausage and Broccoli-Rabe Soup Ingredients 2 ½ lbs. sweet Italian sausage 1 onion, chopped 2 heads broccoli rabe, chopped 128 oz. chicken broth (8 cups) 62 oz. (2 cans) cannellini beans, rinsed Directions In a large saucepan, cook the sausage, breaking it up, over medium-high heat until browned, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel-lined plate; discard all but one tablespoon fat from the saucepan. Add the onion to the saucepan and cook until softened, about four minutes. Stir in the broccoli rabe and chicken broth and bring to a simmer; cook for five minutes. Stir in the sausage and beans and cook until heated through, about five minutes. Season with salt and pepper. (Serves 6-8)


8 .24.2016

Chorizo Poached in Red Wine Ingredients 2 pieces dry Spanish chorizo (about 1 lb. each) 4 c. dry red wine 10 cloves, garlic, crushed 2 bay leaves ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper ½ tsp. Hungarian paprika 1 shallot, minced Directions Combine all of the ingredients in a large skillet. Bring to a boil. Simmer over moderately low heat, Stirring once, until the chorizo are plump and the wine has reduced by half, about 25 minutes. Uncover and let stand for 5 minutes. Transfer the chorizo to a work surface and slice on the diagonal 1/4 inch thick. Return the chorizo slices to the skillet and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Transfer the chorizo slices to a serving bowl and pour in enough of the poaching liquid to reach halfway up the side. Serve with toothpicks. This recipe also works well in a crock pot. (Serves 8-12, as an appetizer.) Sausage and Mushroom Ragu Ingredients 1 cup dried morel mushrooms 1 cup hot chicken stock 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1 lb. sweet Italian sausages ½ lb. shiitake caps salt freshly ground pepper 2 shallots 1 Tbsp. tomato paste 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter chopped parsley Directions Soak the morels in 1 cup of hot chicken stock until softened. Rinse and pat dry; reserve the soaking liquid. In a skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the oil. Add the sausages, cover, and cook over moderate heat until no longer pink within; slice 1/4-inch thick. Add the shiitake mushrooms to the oil in the pan, season with salt and pepper, and cook until softened. Add the shallots and morels; cover and cook for four minutes. Pour in the morel soaking liquid. Add the sausages and simmer for two minutes. Stir in the tomato paste. Season with salt and pepper. Off the heat, swirl in the butter, and sprinkle with parsley. Serve over creamy polenta.

Brats N Beer Ingredients 12 bratwurst 2 large onions 1 can or bottle of beer ½ tsp. caraway seeds (optional) Directions Cook bratwurst until slightly charred on an outdoor grill (alternatively, roast the brats, uncovered in a 350° oven for 30 minutes). Slice onion, thickly. Place half of the onion in the bottom of a crock pot. Top with grilled bratwurst and remaining onion, Pour beer over all. Sprinkle with caraway seeds if desired. Set on low and cook at least six hours removing lid for one hour to allow liquid to reduce. Serve on thick buns (especially good on pretzel buns) with spicy mustard. Sausage Kebabs Ingredients 1 lb. sausage 1 red onion, quartered 1 sweet pepper, cut into large chunks cherry tomatoes balsamic vinegar salad dressing Directions Cut sausage links into two-inch lengths. Sauté in a skillet until firm and lightly browned; set aside to drain on paper towels. Thread kebab skewers with vegetables and sausage pieces. Place in a large baking dish and pour balsamic dressing over all. Marinate, refrigerated, for at least one hour, turning the kebabs occasionally to distribute marinade. Grill over medium heat 10-12 minutes turning kebabs occasionally. Serve over couscous or rice.

8.24.2016 •







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J.W. Arnold




cabaret Just admit it, you had a crush on Jon Bon Jovi in high school. Well, tonight at 9 p.m., performer Michael Scott offers a tribute to the music of Bon Jovi, “Thank You for Loving Me.” The free concert will include the band’s biggest hits, from “Livin’ on a Prayer” and “Runaway” to “Wanted Dead or Alive” and “You Give Love a Bad Name.” Head over early for 2-4-1 happy hour specials. More info at VillagePubWM.com.



film Before “Star Wars,” filmmaker George Lucas wrote and directed “American Graffiti,” a nostalgic look at suburban life in the early 1960s. The film launched the careers of Richard Dreyfuss, Harrison Ford and Ron Howard. Stay up late and head down to Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave., for a special screening at 11:45 p.m. Tickets are $7 and include free popcorn and 2-4-1 beer and wine at GablesCinema.org.

This Saturday, Ricky Martin brings his “One World” tour to the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino and Resort in Hollywood. Submitted photo.


8/27 SUN

8/28 MON

8/29 TUE






It’s been more than 30 years since singer Ricky Martin first caught our eye as a member of the Puerto Rican boy band Menudo, but the years have been good to this guapo Latin crooner. Martin makes a concert tour stop tonight at 8 p.m. at Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino and Resort in Hollywood. Experience “Livin’ La Vida Loca” and all his biggest hits. Tickets are $75 – 155 at MyHRL.com.

Future U.S. President Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers) and attorney Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter) go on a fateful first date in the summer of 1989 in the romantic comedy, “Southside with You,” opening this weekend at local theaters. The film was an audience hit at the Sundance Film Festival and reportedly earned two thumbs up from the Obamas, too. Check local listings for theaters and show times.

The South Florida Theatre League wraps up its 2016 Summer Theatre Festival tonight at 7 p.m. with “Stages of the Sun: Readings of Plays by South Florida Theatre League Playwrights” at the Miramar Cultural Center, 2400 Civic Center Place. The festival has featured free readings of new works all summer long, attracting hundred of theater fans. For more information, go to SouthFloridaTheatre.org.

Stay in tonight and rest up for the coming Labor Day holiday. Tune into FreeForm (formerly ABC Family) for some addicting teen dramas, including “The Fosters,” an extended family headed by lesbian moms and our latest obsession, “Guilt.” Both shows tackle issues of sexual orientation and identity in remarkably adult ways. (And the guys are pretty hot, too.) Check local listings for show times and channels.


8 .24.2016

8.24.2016 •


A&E music

Barbra Streisand’s latest album, “Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway,” goes on sale on Aug. 26. Photo Credit: Russell James

Streisand Heads Back to Broadway J.W. Arnold with ‘Encore’ Not able to snag tickets to Barbra Streisand’s nine-city August concert tour? Well, on Friday, Aug. 26, her latest album, “Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway,” will be available both online and in stores. A follow-up to her multiplatinum “The Broadway Album” (1985) and “Back to Broadway (1993),” “Encore” pairs Streisand with an interesting array of performers best known for their film roles. Some seem to be natural choices, like Tony Award-winner Hugh Jackman (“X-Men”), Tony nominee Patrick Wilson (“The Full Monty,” “Oklahoma!”) and even Emmy Award-winner Anne Hathaway (“Les Miserables”). Who knew comedian Melissa McCarthy could sing? And, it’s hard to imagine Streisand had ever heard of Daisy Ridley (“Star Wars”) except for her recently discovered “star” power. Then there’s the curious selection of Jamie Foxx to accompany Streisand in perhaps the most serious selection on the album, “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” from “The Sound of Music.” There is one track, “Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me),” sung a la Natalie Cole’s “Unforgettable” with a recording of British singer, actor and songwriter Anthony Newley (“Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”) who died in 1979. As if diehard Streisand fans will really care, but the results are mixed. Like its predecessors, this album features lush, vibrant orchestrations that never disappoint. This album also serves as a reminder of many beautiful show tunes that have slipped from the repertoire. “Pure Imagination” from “Willy Wonka” is a nostalgic surprise, sung with velvety-

voiced crooner Seth MacFarlane (“Ted,” “Family Guy”), best known for bringing life to potty-mouthed stuffed animals and lumbering animated characters. Other successful tracks feature Alec Baldwin (“30 Rock”) joining Streisand in “The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened,” from “Road Show,” and Chris Pine (“Star Trek,” “Into the Woods”) in an inventive medley of “I’ll Be Seeing You” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face.” The banter that set up Stephen Sondheim’s “Putting it Together” from “Sunday in the Park with George” so well in the debut Broadway album returns in nearly every track and quickly becomes a distraction to the music. Some of the “witty repartee” comes from the shows, much is clearly contrived, like the extended set-up to “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better,” between Streisand and McCarthy as actresses competing for the same role. At 74 — can you believe it? — Streisand also seems loathe to tackle age-appropriate songs. Her voice has clearly matured, but she’s not a young starlet anymore. Remember, “Yentl?” And rumors continue to fly that her dream movie role is Mama Rose in a big screen remake of “Gypsy.” Make that “Grandmama” Rose. This becomes especially apparent in “At the Ballet,” as Streisand competes against 24-year-old Ridley and 33-year-old Hathaway for a spot in “A Chorus Line.” Just imagine her tackling the standard for aging divas, Sondheim’s “I’m Still Here” from “Follies.” Streisand is certainly no relic, so perhaps there’s no rush, either. And, there is plenty of time for another Broadway album.

Barbra Streisand’s “Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway” ($9.99) will go on sale on the iTunes Store, Amazon.com and other retailers on Friday, Aug. 26.


8 .24.2016

A&E best of 2016

SFGN’s Best Of is Back This year readers nominate their favorites first Staff Report

SFGN’s annual Best Of contest is back in full swing taking nominations online right now in dozens of categories. This year readers are nominating their favorites in each category and will then vote on the finalists next month. So make sure your favorite person, place or thing is nominated! Visit SFGN.com/BestOf2016 today! Nominations are open through August 31.

The top finalists in each category will then be announced and voting will take place throughout the month of September.

Below are some of the categories: Best Restaurant; Best Pizza; Best Burger; Best Take Out; Best Dessert; Best Restaurant to Take a Date; Best Place to Pick up Guys/Girls; Best Drag Show; Best Drag Queen; Best Bar; Best Nightclub; Best Coffee Shop; Best Guest House; Best Happy Hour; Best Business Group; Best Place to Workout; Best City to Live; Best Theater; Best Beach; Best Place to Shop; Best Non-Profit; and Best LGBT Event of the Year.

8.24.2016 •


AUG 24 to aug 31


Theater Christiana Lilly




Fifth Harmony

Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. With their summer hits “Work At Home” and “All in My Head,” the girl band each auditioned for The X Factor USA before being brought together as a group by Simon Cowell and Demi Lovato. Tickets $44 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre. com.

Comic Cure: Ladies Night Out

Aug. 26 at 8 p.m. at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. Enjoy comedy from funny ladies Bear Webb, Quills Rodriguez, and Shana Manuel. Tickets $25 in advance, $40 at the door benefiting Pridelines. Call 305751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

Ricky Martin

Aug. 27 at 8 p.m. at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, One Seminole Way in Hollywood. The Latin superstar makes his way to South Florida in support of his One World Tour. Tickets $75 to $155 — visit Stonewall-Museum. org to learn about buying tickets in support of the museum. Call 866-502-7529 or visit SeminoleHardRockHollywood.

broward county Sizzla Kalnoji with the Fire House Band

Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. One of the originators of the mainstream dancehall movement in the ‘90s, Sizzla is joined by the Fire House Band. Tickets $40 to $60. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution. net.


8 .24.2016

Shorts Gone Wild 4: Decision 2016

Through Aug. 28 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Tenminute comedic LGBT-themed shorts — it’s gonna be yuge! Tickets $35. Visit IslandCityStage.org.

* AC/DC: Rock or Bust

Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The tour includes Angus Young, Cliff Williams, Stevie Young, Chris Slade, and Axl Rose. Tickets $70.75 to $125.25. Call 800-7453000 or visit TheBBTCenter.com.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county

miami-dade county Premios Tu Mundo

Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Be a part of the awards show with actors, artists, and TV personalities from 30 categories. Tickets $25 and up. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

Stalking the Bogeyman

Love,” “Family Reunion,” “Hate on Me,” and more. Tickets $65.50 to $93.50. Call 305673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

* Drake and Future

Aug. 30 and 31 at 6:30 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The rapper’s latest album “Views” has produced a number of summer hits, including “Controlla,” “Too Good,” and “One Dance.” Tickets $45 to $175.50. Call 800-745-3000 or visit AAArena.com.

Through Aug. 28 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. A play based on the true story of journalist David Holthouse’s search for the truth in a 25-year-old crime. Tickets $55 to $60. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage. org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

* Jill Scott

The Big Show

Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. A singer and actress, she was first discovered by The Roots’ ?uestlove and has since released hits “Slowly, Sure,” “My

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-3753000 or visit PAMM.org. Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Oddball Comedy & Curiosity Festival

Aug. 25 at 5:15 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Get ready to laugh with standup comedy by Sebastian Maniscalco, Gabriel Iglesias, Jim Jefferies, Joey Diaz, and more. Tickets $37 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

Brantley Gilbert, Justin Moore, and Colt Ford

Aug. 28 at 7 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Gilbert is landing in West Palm Beach for his party of a tour, joined by Justin Moore and Colt Ford. Tickets $45 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-2437922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

* Denotes New Listing

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

PORN pulse

Grindr Discloses Olympics Data Hunter Houston Grindr, a sex hook-up app primarily used by gay men, released data from users who traveled to Brazil for the summer Olympics. In an email from its communications department, Grindr reports 38,000 users from 109 nations opened the app during the Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro. Here’s how Grindr dumps the data: “Grindr users from all over the world have travelled to Rio and are connecting with guys through our app. Score! And when all this diversity comes together in one place, you’re bound to notice some things. So which countries are playing to win on Grindr during the Olympics? We created a map to show where everyone is coming from, along with “events” to show who went for the gold. Here’s the action that happened away from the sidelines...” The numbers are interesting indeed. Brazil, host nation, had the most guys in

attendance (28,544) followed by the United States (1,322), Great Britain (411), Argentina (258), Mexico (217) and Spain (180). When it came to pic swapping, however, it was an entirely different leaderboard. South Africa led the way with 106 daily images sent per guy followed by Qatar (98), Curacao (69), Finland (65), Spain (64) and Guatalama (64). Qatar, a tiny Arab country on the Persian Gulf, accounted for the most daily messages sent per guy with 436, followed by Curacao (332), Guatamala (291), Bahrain (242), South Africa (240) and Australia (233). Of the six measurements disclosed by Grindr, Russia was listed just once. A Russian user took the bronze for contacting five different countries.

8.24.2016 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks

Ethiopia Now!

Aug. 26 to Nov. 15 at the Miami Center for Architecture & Design, 100 NE First Ave. in Miami. An exhibit of contemporary architecture by 19 designers from the past decade. Call 305-448-7488 or visit miamicad.org.

Art to End AIDS

Aug. 31 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The Department of Health and ArtServe unveil a mural by Georgeta Fondos to promote HIV/AIDS awareness. Free. RSVP by Aug. 26 to Theresa Schieber theresa.schieber@ ecomediacbs.com.

Speak Their Names

Through Sept. 6 at the Flamingo Clay Studio, 216 South F St. in Lake Worth. An exhibition of healing art, honoring the lives of those who have been killed by violence. Free. Visit FlamingoClayStudio. org.

broward county A Journey for Jewish Roots

Aug. 25 from 9:40 to 11:10 a.m. at David Posnack JCC’s Katz Building Jewish Federation Boardroom, 5890 S. Pine Island Road in Davie. Genie Milgrom shares how she traced her family back 22 generations. Call 954-434-0499 or visit DPJCC.org.

8 .24.2016


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

Horvitz. Closed Mondays. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

* Blood Drive

Aug. 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Only 5 percent of those who are eligible to donate do. Visit OneBloodDonor. org to schedule your appointment.

Secret Dressing: Subliminal Messages in Male Clothing Catalogs

Belief + Doubt

Life Coaching

Aug. 26 to Jan. 22, 2017 at the NSU Art Museum, in Fort Lauderdale. Contemporary art from more than 60 artists in the collection of Francie Bishop Good and David

Gender Bender Youth Group

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

“Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”

Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. A screening of the 1962 classic, where an actress (Bette Davis) holds her crippled sister (Joan Crawford) hostage. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.


Broward Support Services

Through Sept. 18 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exhibit exploring the underlying messages in men’s advertising that shows the presence of gay influence on style. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org. Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches.

AUG 24 to aug 31 For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Introduction to Modern Buddhism

Mondays 6 to 6:30 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 140 W. Prospect Road in Fort Lauderdale. Join a guided meditation and instruction with Western Buddhist teacher, Jay Radin. Free. Visit MeditationinFortLauderdale.com.

palm beach county Las Orishas de Cuba: The Saints of the Santeria Religion of Cuba

Through Aug. 30 to The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Cuban Artist Alberto Piloto Pedroso uses syringes to create art work. Call 786-521-1199 or email PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com

Feminine Mystique Art Show

Through Aug. 31 at Compass GLCC, 201 N Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. An exhibit honoring the Women’s Health Conference. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Bisexual Support Group

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Share your thoughts with other members of the bisexual community, discuss issues, and address concerns in a safe environment. Email marissa@compassglcc.com or visit CompassGLCC.com.

miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-5354733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids. org.

Drag Brunch

Sundays noon to 4 p.m. at Senor Frogs, 1450 Collins Ave. in Miami Beach. Enjoy unlimited cocktails while enjoying a meal with laughs from Elaine Lancaster, Adora, Angie Ovahness, TP Lords, and Ebonee Excell. Tickets $39.95. Call 212-481-6203 or visit VossEvents.com.

* Denotes New Listing

8.24.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Andrews Living Arts Studio 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com Kravis Center 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

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To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970


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8 .24.2016


professional services

Dr. Tory Sullivan 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com American Pain Experts 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com

Natura Dermatology 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 naturadermatology.com

Have you made your wishes known? We’re here to help. 1-800-343-5400


investments American Tax & Insurance 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL

954.302.3228 Americantaxandinsurance.com


Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

law office of Selzer & Weiss 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

professional services

Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 Kalis-McIntee Funeral & Cremation Center

2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com

Pre-Arrangement Discounts For All Our LGBT Friends

Income Tax Preparation

The Best Cellar

Boutique Wine Shop & Wine Bar The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 8:00 p.m. ONLY $15 PER PERSON! 954-630-8020 1408 N.E. 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33334

real estate

Daoud’s Fine Jewelers 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com

spirituality The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare Where we welcome and appreciate diversity.

101 NE 3rd St Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

Ecumenical Catholic 954.731.8173


Doug Turner, Enrolled Agent Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive bestbooksandtaxes.com

Baptisms • Weddings • Memorial Services

Integrity Palm Beach


INTEGRITY is an official organization of the Episcopal Church that brings together single and partnered LGBTQ women and men and their allies for fellowship, advocacy, education and socializing.

Call today for appointment restaurants





BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com

Trish Ernst

Area Agency on Aging Director of Communications re. LGBT Elders

When: The second Saturday of each month, 7:30 p.m. program or presenter, immediately following 6:00 p.m. Communion Service and 6:45 potluck supper provided by attendees Where: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 100 North Palmway • Lake Worth, FL 33460 FOR INFORMATION:

www.integritypalmbeach.org or Joe@thegraphicissue.com

J. Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com

Ernie's B-B-Q 1843 S Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636

Peace Pipe 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl

Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:30 AM

•Individual •Small Business •Free Consultation

Storks Bakery 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com




Dr. Pierre B. Bland, DVM 1332 E. Commercial Blvd., Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com 8.24.2016 •


SFGN Classified$ accommodations

To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com





Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds

Gay Owned and Operated Tropical Resort Garden Apartments, Safe, Secure seven unit lushly landscaped PRIVATE compound.Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedrooms with Full Kitchens. Located just south of the Airport in Historic Dania Beach, Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES from $425/WEEK & $79/NIGHT Celebrating 19 years. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com


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sfgn.com for sale EVENING GOWNS SALE IDEAL FOR DRAG - I am downsizing my clothes/theatre costumes collection. I have costumed several of Curtain Call Playhouse Productions and also worked with the Miami Gay Men’s Chorus, New Theatre of Miami. (1) 40+ evening gowns, sizes 4-24: $10, $20, $30 (2) More expensive evening gowns and specialty costumes. (3) Feather boas: $5, $10, $30, and Furs: $20, $30. (4) Hats: $10, and evening bags: $5. 5. Earrings, bracelets and rings: $5. My studio is located on W. Oakland Park Blvd. between Andrews Ave. and Powerline Rd. Dates: Friday, August 26 thru Monday, August 29. Hours: 12pm to 7pm, (one-hour appointments)Limit 3 people per appointment due to small space. Call 954-616-9879 for appointment and directions. CASH ONLY Chuck.


classified advertising works! Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds



HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com


licensed massage

classified advertising works!


WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

licensed massage

AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293 MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $50 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

music lessons VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575



GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972.

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.



954-524-3161 We can make your place sparkle! Trustworthy & Reliable

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954.530.4970 50

8 .24.2016

One-Time or Routine Basis Move Ins - Move Outs Handscrubbed Floors

Special $55 3 hours

Affordable Prices First Time Client Discount We Provide our Own Supplies

emeraldirishcleaning.com - like us on Facebook!

rentals fort lauderdale $850/MONTH DOWNTOWN/ SAILBOAT BEND - Quiet, small complex. 1 BD/1 BA. Large walk-in closet, Living room,dining area,kitchen, FREE hot water. A/C, LOW electric bills, assigned parking, F/L/S $850/Mo. F/L/S 954-566-6251

rentals wilton manors

1BD/1BA DUPLEX WILTON MANORS - Just west of Andrews Avenue, blocks from Wilton Drive. Very clean 700 sq ft, parking, central a/c, internet and cable included. $950/month. 1st, last, sec. Background/Credit check, $25 app fee. Contact Mike Trottier, Realtor. iHome Florida Real Estate 954-627-1222 1/2 BLOCK FROM WILTON MANOR AREA Spacious 1/1 4 blocks to shops and restaurants, tiled, walk-in closet, updated/bright. Looking for older mature QUIET person! Safe area. No PETS. Parking for 1 car. F/L/S $975 Call 954-934-8360

rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $990 2/1 from $1190. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

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Follow the action.

sfgn.com rentals - vacation WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN SPECIAL “Fill the room NO Vacancy Specials” are back for the months of August and September. Reserve or walk in and if we have vacant rooms and good Monday through Thursdays. Any two consecutive nights reduced from $199 to $149 or any three consecutive nights reduced from $299 to $219. The total stay rates are plus taxes and are based on any room still available. Guest must be 21 or over and have a Valid Non-Debit Major Credit Card and Identification. “Must mention this add when inquiring” Call Wes at 954-605-3561 daily 8am to 6pm

8.24.2016 •


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