9/9/15 V6i36

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September 9, 2015 vol. 6 // issue 36

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Pizza please! SFGN searches for the best pizza in Wilton Manors

pages 22 - 24, 26 - 28





the OPening line

Comments from sFgn’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

For Refusing To Issue Marriage Licenses Charles Bado – The Judge held her in contempt and off to jail. Can she bring her bible with her in prison? She will have a new gig. Right wing churches will pay her to preach all about how she was victimized.

sFgn PuBlisher nOrm Kent

sAys rentBOy rAid is ‘trAitOrOus ACt’ Rentboycom was brought down , after 18 years of operating openly, by Homeland Security, because after the Ashley Madison hack, the government wanted to secure those records and emails before a hacker did. Half of DC was probably in that database..Can you imagine if the Presidential candidates were in that database , or high ranking officials of any party? The GOP couldn’t withstand that and Trump. It is still better to be an adulterer than gay.

LMAO- a whore is a whore!

You said it [Norm]

Food/Travel Editor RICK KARLIN



more Feedback Over tropics Feud

Contributing Columnists


Staff Photographers

Keith horr –

John Bata –

henry Penas – I find it interesting that because of Norm Kent’s self-righteous indignation at having an error pointed out to him, he never once mentioned that the owners of Tropics sent out an email blast to their customers urging them to attend the rally. They in turn send emails to their friends. Without their action I suspect the rally would not have been so well attended. But as we know it is hard to argue with who M E Msomeone BER buys ink by the barrel.





steve Johnson –

I have to say that this article had me in stitches with some of the lines used in it-- even though it is based on a tragic incident. I agree how these bar owners can come across as narcissistic. I mean you own a bar. Get over yourself. I think it must be the Kardashian effect, where people with no talent think thatMthey EMBER too should be famous.



Senior Features Correspondents

Anthony mike –

You are reading wayyyy too much into it......and yes....if Tropics was ignored before....it’ll be even MORE ignored now. NOT a great business move. “A successful business is the numbers of years it has remained open”




Kai Paulo – I think jailing her only makes her and her backwards thinking supports think she’s some kind of martyr. Should have been relentlessly fined, imo



matthew davis glass –

martin talbot – She’ll look good in Orange ! LOL

SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 36 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

Photos: Facebook.

Kentucky County Clerk Jailed


Associated Press


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Cover: SFGN’s special look at pizza in Wilton Manors is here to guide readers to the best pie. South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

• 9.9.2015


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Photo: POOL.

sFgn’s Best OF COntest nOw live! SFGN Staff


FGN is giving away tons of prizes to SFGN readers who enter its 2015 Best Of contest. All you need is a valid email address to be included in the upcoming drawing. Visit SFGN.com/BestOF to vote today. SFGN chose the categories, but you choose the winners! This year the contest is split up by county, so make sure you vote in each one!

Below are some of the categories: Best Restaurant; Best Pizza; Best Burger; Best Drag Show; Best Drag Queen; Best Bar; Best Place to Dance; Best Coffee Shop; Best Guest House; Best Business Group; Best

Place to Workout; Best City to Live; Best Movie Theater; Best Live Theater; Best Beach; Best Place to Shop; Best Non-Profit; and Best LGBT Event of the Year. Contest ends Sept. 30 at midnight.

dOn’t miss the u.s. trAns survey Alex Adams


Will be online through Sept. 21

A new survey aimed at garnering a more accurate account of the transgender experience will be available through Sept.

21. The survey, which is being organized by the National Center of Transgender Equality, aims at quantifying the experiences of the trans community so that it may help advocates, policy makers and the public with future trans-related endeavors. “This survey is important because it helps us be heard,” said Arianna Lint, director of transgender services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. “Many [trans people] think they do not have a voice. But, they’re wrong. This survey is their voice,” Lint said. “They can change everything and they can make a difference.” Lint, who identifies as trans, says that the survey is key to gaining more government

support for trans-related issues and policies. Advocates are hoping to use the results of the survey as a reference point to give urgency and weight to the trans movement. Lint expects the results to be a huge increase in numbers since the survey was last put out in 2008 There are over 700,000 people in the U.S. alone that identify as transgender. Lint believes that the surveys that have been done in the past are outdated and no longer give an accurate picture of the discrimination the trans community faces. If you identify as transgender, trans, genderqueer or nonbinary and are at least 18 years of age or older you are eligible to take the survey. “Imagine what we can change if we had updated data?” Lint said. “The possibilities are waiting for us.”

Visit USTransSurvey.org to take the survey or to find a location where you can. 9.9.2015 •


local politics out on the trail Dean J. Trantalis, Esq.

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Awards, Filings, Disagreements, Oh My! John McDonald


ith summer behind us, the his speaking out publicly about living with political season is coming to life. the HIV virus. He travels globally in an educational capacity to speak about AIDS. Here’s a few juicy nuggets on the He said health care will be an important LGBT scene. theme of his campaign. The Broward County “I certainly want people Commission and Human who are living with HIV/ Rights Board honored Darr, 24, AIDS to know that illness Fort Lauderdale District or disease should never 2 Commissioner Dean J. is known prohibit them from stepping Trantalis last week. up to help people,” Darr said. Trantalis, an attorney, to AIDS Elsewhere on the trail, received the County’s Democrats are trying to Community Champions activists for figure out what happened to Award. The award was his speaking former Broward party office presented to Trantalis director, Michael R. Howson. on Sept. 1 at the county’s out publicly Howson, a gay black man, government chambers at was removed from the paid 115 S. Andrews Ave., in Fort about living position by new Broward Lauderdale. with the HIV Meanwhile, on Florida’s Democratic Executive Gulf Coast, Aaron Darr, an Committee (DEC) chair virus. openly gay man, has filed Cynthia Busch. The move has paperwork to run for the some Democrats crying foul. Largo City Commission. Howson appeared at Largo, located in Pinellas County, is the a Labor Day picnic hosted by the North third largest city in the county after Saint Broward Democratic Club on Monday, saying Petersburg and Clearwater, and, Darr says, he was through with the Broward DEC but the most underdeveloped and underserved would continue to advocate and organize for of the trio. social justice causes. When asked by SFGN “There is such more room to grow,” Darr his thoughts on Busch’s decision to fire him stated on Facebook during the rollout of as DEC officer director, Howson said, “Her his campaign last week. “There is so much judgment is off, and exemplifies the kind of potential that remains untapped and largely marginalization and disrespect that Black goes unnoticed.” and LGBT Americans encounter in this Darr, 24, is known to AIDS activists for country everyday.”


• 9.9.2015

9.9.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Court: transgender Asylum seekers Cant’ Be equated with gays (AP) Transgender people can be especially vulnerable to harassment and attacks and shouldn’t be equated with gays and lesbians by U.S. immigration officials determining whether to grant asylum, a federal appeals court said Thursday. The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued the ruling in the case of a transgender Mexican woman who sought shelter in the U.S. on the grounds that she would likely be tortured if returned to Mexico. Edin Avendano-Hernandez said she had been sexually assaulted by uniformed Mexican police and a military official for being transgender. The Board of Immigration Appeals wrongly


relied on Mexican laws protecting gays and lesbians to reject Avendano-Hernandez’s asylum request, the ruling states. The 9th Circuit said transgender people face a unique level of danger and are specifically targeted in Mexico by police for extortion and sexual favors. “While the relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation is complex, and sometimes overlapping, the two identities are distinct,” Circuit Judge Jacqueline Nguyen wrote. “Significant evidence suggests that transgender persons are often especially visible, and vulnerable, to harassment and persecution due to their often public nonconformance with normative gender roles.”

ore Officials in North Carolina Refuse to Perform Marriages

(AP) The number of North Carolina magistrates refusing to perform weddings has more than doubled in recent weeks. The state court system says it’s received 32 notices from magistrates since a law took effect June 11 allowing court officials who for religious reasons oppose gay marriage to opt out of performing all marriages. The law exempts court officials with a “sincerely held religious objection” and is designed for those opposing gay marriage. The law also gave the recusal option to some register of deeds workers issuing marriage licenses. Elected officials would perform the duties as a last resort. Sen. Phil Berger sponsored the bill. Berger says the law is probably preventing situations like the one in Kentucky, where a clerk has refused to issue licenses. Utah has a similar recusal law.

Kate Pierson B-52s’ Long-Time Partner


(Dennis Jozefowicz) Singer, musician, hotelier, and B-52’s member Kate Pierson got married last month to her longtime partner Monica Coleman in Hawaii. August 1, On Pierson’s personal Facebook page, she posted a picture of her and wife-to-be on a sandy beach with the caption “Monica and I are getting #marriedinHawaii !” On August 2, a photo on Pierson’s fan page of a sunset over the ocean had a caption “#hawaiianwedding soon!” On August 4, the two were seen in a picture on Peirson’s fan page, both dressed in gowns and leis with the caption “#itsofficial !” Another photo was posted on the official B-52’s page as well. The couple are also partners in business, running two small hotels, Kate’s Lazy Meadow in Mount Temper, New York, and Kate’s Lazy Desert in Landers California.


• 9.9.2015

Pierson is also currently promoting a solo album called “Guitars and Microphones.”


oin Broward Sheriff’s Office for Patriots’ Day Ceremony

(BSO) The Broward Sheriff’s Office invites the public to join us in paying tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11 during BSO’s Patriot Day Ceremony, Thursday at the Signature Grand. BSO Patriot Day Ceremony 10:30 a.m., Thursday, September 11, 2014 Signature Grand 6900 West State Road 84, Davie Sheriff Scott Israel and many notable dignitaries will be in attendance as BSO honors the victims, their families and the heroes who stood up during the dark times of the 9/11 attack. The event’s keynote speaker will be Judge Elijah Williams, who currently serves in the Juvenile Delinquency Division of the 17th Judicial Circuit Court. Judge Williams entered the University of Florida at the age of 16 where he earned a Masters of Political Science and Public Administration and a Juris Doctorate. After graduation, he was commissioned as a captain in the U.S. Air Force where he was assigned to the Staff Judge Advocate General’s Department at Lowry Air Force Base. Judge Williams later became the chief of Military Justice and was selected as the Area Defense Counsel. In 2002, Governor Bush appointed him to Broward’s Circuit Court. Summer Knowles, reporter and anchor for CBS Channel 4, will be the mistress of ceremonies for the event. Ms. Knowles graduated with a Broadcast Journalism degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The BSO Honor Guard and the Broward 10-13 Club Honor Guard will present colors, and there will be musical tributes performed by the Police Pipe and Drum Corps, Seanna

Pereira and the Indian Ridge Middle School eighth grade choir. Additionally, a bell will toll commemorating the tragic events from the September 11 attacks.

Judge Refuses to Oregon Perform Same-Sex Marriages

(AP) Marion County Judge Vance Day is being investigated by a judicial fitness commission in part over his refusal to perform same-sex marriages on religious grounds, a spokesman for the judge said. When a federal court ruling in May 2014 made same-sex marriage legal in Oregon, Day instructed his staff to refer same-sex couples looking to marry to other judges, spokesman Patrick Korten said Friday. Last fall, he decided to stop performing weddings altogether, aside from one in March that had long been scheduled, Korten said. “He made a decision nearly a year ago to stop doing weddings altogether, and the principal factor that he weighed was the pressure that one would face to perform a same-sex wedding, which he had a conflict with his religious beliefs,” Korten said. In an email, Day declined to comment and referred questions to Korten. The issue of same-sex weddings is “the weightiest” of several allegations against Day that are being investigated by the Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability, Korten said. He declined to detail any of the allegations, saying he didn’t want to defy the commission, which considers complaints confidential until it is ready to make them public. Last month, the Ohio Supreme Court’s Board of Professional Conduct said judges can’t refuse to marry same-sex couples on personal, moral or religious grounds. Judges who stop performing all marriages to avoid marrying same-sex couples may be interpreted as biased and could be disqualified from any case where sexual orientation is an issue, the Ohio board ruled.

News Briefs



BC Family Gets Top Marks for Gay, Lesbian Inclusiveness

(AP) The television network that gets the most praise from an advocacy group that monitors content featuring gays, lesbians and transgender people has “family” in its name and targets an audience of teenage girls and young women. GLAAD said in a report issued Thursday that 74 percent of the programming hours on ABC Family included at least one LGBT character - the highest percentage any network has recorded since the group began issuing content reports in 2007. GLAAD studied the networks for a one-year period that ended May 31. “We feel it is our responsibility to our viewers to reflect the world that they live in and it’s a diverse world,” said Karey Burke, executive vice president of programming at the Disney-owned network. ABC Family’s numbers were boosted by the drama “Pretty Little Liars,” where one of the lead characters Emily Fields is a lesbian. “The Fosters” follows the story of a lesbian couple. “Chasing Life” featured a bisexual woman and a gay man, although the latter character died

of cancer. “Young & Hungry” and “Mystery Girls” both featured gay men, and there were a number of gays and lesbians in the supporting cast of “Switched at Birth.” Network viewers are also anticipating the January debut of “Shadow Hunters,” a show based on the book series “The Mortal Instrument” that prominently features a gay couple. Three-quarters of ABC Family’s typical audience is female, with a median age of 29, according to the Nielsen [Company]. The network is likely to be more inclusive partly because it seeks a younger audience, an age group that is more accepting of gays and lesbians, said Matt Kane, GLAAD programming director. Seamlessly including these characters in the stories sends a strong message of acceptance that is likely to help young people dealing with their own identity issues, he said. “I hope that it is something that other networks are taking notice of,” Kane said.

(AP) — A judge on Wednesday cleared the way for a 48-year-old transgender woman to undergo gender-reassignment surgery, rejecting her parents’ effort to block the operation because they say she’s mentally incompetent. Christine Kitzler, testifying at an emergency hearing, showed a clear understanding of the three-hour procedure and its risks, Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. said. He dismissed her parents’ demand that he appoint a legal guardian and subject her to an independent medical exam. Kitzler’s lawyers and Philadelphiaarea surgeon were trying to schedule the operation for this week. The surgeon, Dr. Christine McGinn, said she would cover the cost. The operation had been set for Tuesday before Klaus and Ingrid Kitzler won a temporary injunction. Christine Kitzler said having her body match the gender she has identified with

would save her from backsliding into alcohol and drug addiction. “It’s barbaric to keep me this way, not to take this risk,” she said. “Then I suffer and I go back to drinking, and that’s barbaric. I can’t maintain being a sober man, being happy, because it hasn’t happened. It can’t happen. I don’t have a choice.” Her parents argued that a childhood learning disorder and depression had compromised her judgment and that her HIV and hepatitis C diagnoses would make the surgery far riskier. Their lawyer, Julia Morrow, suggested Christine Kitzler was easily overborne and was submitting to her surgeon’s wishes. Transgender legal activist Michael Silverman couldn’t recall another case in which competency was challenged to halt a gender-reassignment surgery and applauded the judge’s ruling as clearing another hurdle in the way of transgender people finding their true selves.


udge OKs gender surgery opposed by 48-year-old’s parents

9.9.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Kim davis Jailed County Issues Licenses, Protests Begin

See page 10 for Republican Nominees’ responses to Kim Davis.

heated Protests in rowan County After gay Couple gets license (AP) Dozens of protesters have gathered outside a Kentucky clerk’s office where a gay couple has been issued a marriage license after a lengthy fight with a clerk who had long refused to grant the licenses. One group cheered on the gay couple who got the license, while the other group preached and supported the clerk on Friday. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has refused to issue the licenses, citing her Christian

religion and belief that gay marriage is immoral. In a heated exchange, supporters of Davis yelled “I’m telling you the truth because I love you” while opponents yelled back that “Jesus loves everyone.” Davis remained jailed after a federal judge held her in contempt for defying several court orders. Her husband says she doesn’t plan to resign and will not issue the licenses. Photo Credit: CNN.

Free Kim davis

Judge Bunning ordered Davis, head clerk for Rowan County, to jail September 3 for contempt of court, after she refused to comply with his August 12 order to end a policy she initiated in defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down bans on marriage for same-sex couples. Davis had contended that, because of her Apostolic Christian beliefs, she could not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, June 26, Davis instituted a policy of not issuing marriage licenses to any couples –straight or gay. The ACLU filed a lawsuit, Miller v. Davis, on behalf of four couples –gay and straight—who had been refused marriage licenses by Rowan’s office. On Monday, Bunning directed ACLU attorneys to indicate by 10 a.m. Tuesday whether “any of the named Plaintiffs have had a marriage license issued to them by the Rowan County Clerk’s office….” Bunning’s order said the “deputy clerks…indicated they would comply” with the order. It also said that counsel for the deputy clerks would file a report every 14 days on the status of compliance with the order. The Lexington Herald-Leader reported Tuesday that three marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples last week “were altered to remove the name of the jailed county clerk Kim Davis.” The Herald-Leader reported that licenses issued last week

Supporters rally around jailed clerk By Lisa Keen

Keen News Service

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis walked out of jail Tuesday afternoon, eliciting cheers from hundreds of protesters who had gathered outside to demand her release. A smiling Davis left the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, Kentucky, at 2:37 p.m. EDT, followed by her Liberty Counsel attorney Mat Staver and Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee. Davis was released after U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning signed an order allowing for her release. While the release is being hailed by some as a victory for Davis, the court order enabling her release instructed that Davis “shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.” If Davis “should interfere in any way” with the issuance of marriage license, said the judge’s order, “appropriate sanctions will be considered.” Picking his words carefully at Tuesday’s rally, Davis attorney Mat Staver said Davis “cannot allow her name to be associated with something that conflicts with God’s definition of marriage. Her conscience did not change to get freedom.… She will not violate her conscience. She will return to work later this week and she will not abandon her post.” Davis’ attorney Mat Staver told the rally crowd that Davis could hear the rally’s cheers when she was inside the jail. He said Davis would thank the crowd but not make any comment on the case to the audience or to reporters. Davis took the stage to the song “Eye of the Tiger,” both arms raised and looking up, as if praying. She seemed overcome with emotion, as she looked out on the crowd. “Thank you all so much. I love you all so very much,” said Davis before the crowd chanted back, “We love Kim.” “I just want to give God the glory. His people have rallied, and you are a strong people….Just keep on pressing. Don’t let down because he is here….I love you guys, thank you so much.”


• 9.9.2015

Photo Credit: Marty Vargas/CNN.

and filed in the court record show that, where Davis’ name ordinarily would be, the words ‘Office of Rowan County, Rowan County’ appeared instead. Staver, at Tuesday’s impromptu press conference, said the licenses without Davis’ name are not valid. When a reporter asked, “Kim was it worth it for you?” Davis just smiled and said nothing. William Sharp, legal director of the ACLU-Kentucky, issued a statement saying, “This case was brought to ensure that all residents of Rowan County, gay and straight, could obtain marriage licenses. That goal has been achieved. The Kentucky Attorney General and counsel for Rowan County have said the marriage licenses are valid. We are relying on those representations, and our clients look forward to proceeding with their plans to marry.” CNN, MSNBC, and other media broadcast live coverage of the “Free Kim Davis” rally and Davis’ release from the Carter County Detention Center. Huckabee helped organize the rally for Davis and Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz went to Kentucky to meet with Davis in jail and participate in the rally. Huckabee praised Davis for having “ignited something across this country” against judicial “tyranny.” Huckabee said he would be willing to go to jail on behalf of Davis. “We will not surrender to tyranny of one branch of the government,” said Huckabee. “I have a message for the judge,” said Huckabee, “if this judge believes somebody must be put in jail … I would ask this of him: Let Kim go. But if you have to put someone in jail, I volunteer to go.” At the rally, Tony Perkins, president of the right-wing Family Research Council, compared Davis to the pilgrims who came to the New World in search of religious freedom and to civil rights legend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. One pastor urged the crowd that the United States belongs to Jesus Christ. National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown spoke to the crowd, comparing Davis to Rosa Parks. “Do not comply with unjust authority,” said Brown. In speaking to the crowd, Staver inadvertently referred to the crowd as being part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. “Kim Davis never thought she would be in the national spotlight. Kim Davis does not consider herself a hero,” said Staver. He said Davis ran for the office of Rowan County Clerk at God’s “urging” –“she will not resign that position.”

The Big Story


Rowan County Clerks Most Agree to Issue Licenses

Photo Credit: CNN.

(AP) Five of the six deputy clerks in a Kentucky county say they will issue marriage licenses to gay couples, despite their boss’ refusal to do so. The lone holdout among the deputy clerk’s is the clerk’s son, Nathan. His mother was jailed earlier Thursday when she refused to follow U.S. District Judge David Bunning’s order to hand out marriage licenses. Attorneys for the plaintiffs have proposed releasing Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis out of custody if she agrees to not interfere with marriage licenses for gay couples. The judge has agreed to the proposal and is now bringing Kim Davis back to the courtroom to see if she will agree.

Clerk Jailed, Licenses Lack With Signatures


(AP) As the county clerk, Kim Davis’ signature usually appears on marriage licenses, but since she is jailed, her deputy clerks are handing out licenses with no signature. The Rowan County attorney and lawyers for the gay couples who have sued to get marriage licenses say they are legal and valid despite the lack of a signature. Davis was jailed Thursday by U.S. District Judge David Bunning because she refuses to issue licenses to gay couples. Bunning was asked during Davis’ contempt hearing Thursday about the licenses being valid if Davis refuses to authorize them. He said it was up to the gay couples to take that chance.

hite House Weighs In: ‘No One Is Above the Law’

(AP) The White House says no one is above the law, including a Kentucky county clerk who was sent to jail for contempt after refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. President Barack Obama has yet to express his views on the matter, but White House press secretary Josh Earnest says “on principle, that the success of our democracy depends on the rule of law, and there’s no public official that is above the rule of law.” Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was jailed Thursday when she refused to comply with a federal judge’s order to issue marriage licenses. Earnest added, “what’s important ... is that this is the decision that’s supposed to be made by a federal judge, and so I would not, from this vantage point, second guess those decisions.”

9.9.2015 •


Photo Credit: Carter County Detention Center.

news national

Kim Davis Jailed After Disobeying Court’s Order On Same-Sex Marriage SFGN Staff


Judge attempted to compromise with her first

owan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis was held in contempt of court after she refused a court’s order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The judge attempted to give Davis a way out by having her agree to not interfere with her staff if they issued the licenses. She refused the compromise. “This week has been a historic one -but has also shown how far we have yet to

go in the fight for LGBTQ liberation,” said Heather Cronk, Co-Director GetEqual. “While the country’s attention has been fixed on one rogue county clerk in my home state of Kentucky, the truth is that about 3,000 clerks across the country are simply doing their jobs with no fanfare and no resistance.” Many of this year’s presidential candidates also had something to say about Kim Davis.

Here are nine of those responses. Mike Huckabee I spoke with Kim Davis this morning to offer my prayers and support. I let her know how proud I am of her for not abandoning her religious convictions and standing strong for religious liberty. She is showing more courage and humility than just about any federal office holder in Washington. … The Supreme Court cannot and did not make a law. They only made a ruling on a law. Congress makes the laws. Because Congress has made no law allowing for same sex marriage, Kim does not have the Constitutional authority to issue a marriage license to homosexual couples,” Later he said on Twitter: “Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubts about the criminalization of Christianity in this country. We must defend #ReligiousLiberty!

Ted Cruz Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny. Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America. I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose [sic] between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion. ... I call upon every Believer, every Constitutionalist, every lover of liberty to stand with Kim Davis. Stop the persecution now.

Bobby Jindal I don’t think anyone should have to choose between following their conscience and religious beliefs and giving up their job and facing financial sanctions. I think it’s wrong to force Christian individuals or business owners. We are seeing government today discriminate against whether it’s clerks, florists, musicians or others. I think that’s wrong. I think you should be able to keep your job and follow your conscience. I absolutely do believe people have a First Amendment right, a constitutional right. I don’t think the court can take that away.


• 9.9.2015

Rand Paul I think it’s absurd to put someone in jail for exercising their religious liberty. I think it’s a real mistake and even those on the other side of the issue, I think it sets their movement back. ... What’s going to happen is it’s going to harden people’s resolve on this issue. I think what’s going to happen is that state and localities are just going to opt out of the marriage business.

Chris Christie What I’ve said before is for someone who works in the government has a bit of a different obligation than someone who’s in the private sector or obviously working for educational institutions that’s religiously based or others, but my point is we have to protect religious liberty and people’s ability to be able to practice their religion freely and openly, and of course we have to enforce the law too.

Jeb Bush [Davis] is sworn to uphold the law and it seems to me there ought to be common ground, there ought to be big enough space for her to act on her conscience and for, now that the law is the law of the land, for a gay couple to be married in whatever jurisdiction that is.

Carly Fiorina I think that we must protect religious liberties with great passion and be willing to expend a lot of political capital to do so now because it’s clear religious liberty is under assault in many, many ways. Having said that, when you are a government employee, I think you take on a different role. When you are a government employee as opposed to say, an employee of another kind of organization, then in essence, you are agreeing to act as an arm of the government.

Lindsey Graham As a public official, comply with the law or resign. The rule of law is the rule of law. That’s what we are. We are a rule of law nation, and I appreciate her conviction. I support traditional marriage, but she’s accepted a job where she has to apply the law to everyone. And that’s her choice.

Hillary Clinton Marriage equality is the law of the land. Officials should be held to their duty to uphold the law—end of story.

9.9.2015 •


Wisconsin Gov. Scott walker (left) and Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Photos: CNN.

politics white house watch

Walker and O’Malley Named Summer’s Biggest Losers Jason Parsley


nsiders in Iowa and New Hampshire named Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Democratic former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley the biggest losers of the summer. One insider had this to say to Politico about Walker: “He’s been on all three sides of every two-sided issue. For the last two months hasn’t made a single policy pronouncement that he or his staff hasn’t had to clarify or clear up within two hours.” Walker, who was named a frontrunner when he initially announced his candidacy, has slowly lost ground in both early voting states and nationally. The Real Clear Politics poll average currently has him sitting at about 5 percent. In February one poll had him at 25 percent. But even in the middle of June one poll still had him in second place to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at 17 percent. Analysts say a poor debate performance and Donald Trump’s candidacy have both hurt Walker. O’Malley, on the other hand, still can’t get off the ground. The latest RCP average put him at 2 percent nationally. No matter what O’Malley does he can’t catch fire. Initially he wanted to be a progressive candidate. But those voters have instead flocked to socialist Bernie Sanders’ campaign. He also tried to be the viable alternative to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But Clinton’s roots run deep and wide, which leaves little room for anybody else. Even Vice President Joe Biden has a 14 percent average right now and he’s not even running. O’Malley’s best showing comes in Iowa where the RCP average has him at a paltry 4 percent. In other news on the Democratic front last week a Des Moines Register poll showed Sanders closing the gap in Iowa coming within 7 points of Clinton. However that momentum was blunted days later with two other polls showing Clinton with a commanding lead over her independentturned-democrat rival. Those polls show her at 45 and 48 percent with Sanders at 17 and 23 percent. However in New Hampshire it’s clear Sanders has gained ground with polls showing him leading Clinton by 7 points. Some analysts suggest Sanders has a home


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state advantage in New Hampshire because of its proximity to Vermont. As for Trump he continues to lead the race but stumbled this week when asked some tough foreign policy questions by Hugh Hewitt, a popular conservative radio show host. During the show, in typical Trump fashion, he accused Hewitt of asking him “gotcha” questions. “Well it sounds like ‘gotcha,’ you’re asking me names — I think it’s somewhat ridiculous, but that’s OK, go ahead,” Trump said at one point. Later in the interview Hewitt asked: “So the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas does not matter to you yet, but it will?” Trump answered: “It will when it’s appropriate. I will know more about it than you know, and believe me, it won’t take me long.” Later Trump called Hewitt a “third-rate radio announcer.” Some conservatives rushed to Trump’s defense. Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham compared Hewitt to Katie Couric, referencing the journalist’s question to Palin in 2008 about which magazines she read. While Kentucky Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul, who in the past has been a harsh critic of Trump’s, came to his defense as well. “I’m not big on defending Donald Trump by any means and I’ve been one of his fiercest critics,” Paul told host Michael Smerconish on his radio show. “And I also think that running through a list every different Arab name and asking people to respond to them is a little bit of a game of ‘gotcha.’” But went on to add that knowing the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah is something important for the next president to know. Meanwhile Kanye West’s surprise announcement that he’s running for president in 2020 has generated a lot of media interest with reputable news sources seriously covering it from the New Yorker with this headline “Kanye’s 2020 Vision” and the Guardian running this story “Why Kanye West would be the best president in US history (seriously).”


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9.9.2015 •


lgbt bites

Compiled by Jillian Melero



wOmAn in sAme-sex divOrCe is nOt A 2nd PArent

FrAternity Allegedly ChOKe And striP gAy mAn

(AP) Noting the lack of state laws governing same-sex divorces, a Maryland appeals court has ruled that a lesbian woman has no right to visitation or custody of a child to whom the woman’s former partner gave birth before the couple married. The Court of Special Appeals on Aug. 26 upheld a ruling by a Washington County Circuit judge that Michelle Conover does not have parental standing over 5-yearold Jaxon Conover, The Daily Record of Baltimore reported (http://bit.ly/1IIZ4m9). The boy was born six months before Michelle Conover married the boy’s

(AP) A gay man believes his outfit of metallic red shorts and a tank top triggered what he said was an assault and homophobic taunting during a weekend incident at a University of North Dakota fraternity house that police are investigating. Haakon Gisvold, 18, said Thursday he was called anti-gay slurs, choked and stripped down Sunday while attending a party at the Lambda Chi Alpha house in Grand Forks. The fraternity chapter has been placed on limited operations as the University of North Dakota and Grand Forks police departments investigate. Gisvold said he attended the party with a friend and spent at least an hour there before a member of the fraternity asked him to leave because of what he was wearing. “I said `Look at these girls. They’re wearing short clothes, too. I don’t see what the big deal is,’” said Gisvold, adding that he then heard homophobic slurs. He said a man pushed him to the ground

biological mother, Brittany Conover, and 17 months before the two divorced. Writing for the court, Judge Robert A. Zarnoch said that clearer laws governing the rights of same-sex couples need to be established by state legislators. He ruled that Michelle Conover was a “third party” and not a second parent, meaning she would have to prove that Brittany is an unfit mother or that exceptional circumstances exist to override Brittany Conover’s choices about the people with whom her child spends time. Michelle Conover had filed a lawsuit for visitation rights in February 2013 after she said her former wife stopped allowing her to see Jaxon Conover in July 2012. Michelle Conover later said she met the standards for paternity and could legally be considered the boy’s father. In July 2013, the circuit court ruled against her, acknowledging the commonlaw presumption that a child born during a marriage is the child of both parents but pointing out that Jaxon was born before the women were married.






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• 9.9.2015

and they fought, then four other men confronted him, took his clothes off and choked him. Someone called police and the crowd scattered, including Gisvold, who said he hid behind a bush in his underwear until a Good Samaritan gave him clothes. Gisvold said his father notified police and investigators contacted him. The University of North Dakota Police Department declined to provide details of the incident to the AP, citing its ongoing investigation. Lambda Chi Alpha’s national headquarters in Indianapolis restricted UND’s Epsilon-Zeta chapter from all formal activities on Wednesday. “We take this alleged incident extremely seriously, and although there isn’t any sufficient information to support the claims, we are working in partnership with the university and local law enforcement to ensure an immediate and thorough investigation is completed,” Nick Zuniga, the national fraternity’s director of chapter services, said in a statement.

lgbt bites




Eating disorders more common for bi women

TransAction Florida Releases Trans Resource Guide

(SFGN) A study conducted by Pennsylvania’s Drexel University claims that bisexual, fluid, or questioning women are more likely to suffer from eating disorders than their straight or lesbian peers. By comparison, lesbians showed no more risk of an eating disorder than their straight peers. According to a report in the Daily Mail (http://dailym.ai/1OiulS5) “One theory is the confusion and isolation faced by some bisexual people and those unclear about their sexuality - has a detrimental effect on their mental health. The study also found that males who were attracted to other males or both sexes had higher rates of eating disorders than males only attracted to the opposite sex, which backs previous research.” The study’s lead author, Annie Shearer told the Daily Mail, “While there is a lot of research indicating gay and bisexual men exhibit higher rates of eating disorders than heterosexual men, findings have been mixed with respect to women. Moreover, bisexual and - to an even greater degree

(EQUALITY FLORIDA) Responding to the urgent need for quality health care and service providers for transgender Floridians, TransAction Florida has released a statewide Transgender Resource Guide. The Transgender Resource Guide, a project one-year in the making, has been developed to provide a directory of quality trans-friendly service providers from across the state. Resources listed in the guide have been submitted, reviewed and verified by TransAction Florida Advisory Board Members. “We sincerely hope this is a valuable tool for transgender Floridians and their families,” stated Gina Duncan, Equality Florida’s Transgender Inclusion Director. “I know when I transitioned in 2007, connecting with quality health care providers and resources was very frustrating. We need immediate and accurate access to resources for all Floridians, in every part of our state, and we hope this guide will provide that support.” The guide will be a living resource that will be updated regularly, and TransAction Florida will add necessary resources as the needs of the transgender community continue

- questioning persons are often excluded from these studies.” Researchers studied the eating habits of over 2,000 people between the ages of 14 to 24. Participants were asked questions including: • How often do you think that you are fat even though some people say that you are skinny? • How often do you try to control your weight by skipping meals? • And, how often do you try to control your weight by making yourself throw up? In order to gauge sexual attraction and behavior, subjects were asked to which gender or genders they felt most attracted, and which gender or genders that had engaged in sexual activity with. The study, is titled “The Relationship between Disordered Eating and Sexuality amongst Adolescents and Young Adults,” and is published in the science journal Eating Behaviors.

to grow. Due to the scale of this project, the guide will be updated each quarter starting October 1, 2015. “We look forward to the resource guide’s expansion and providing even more support of our community in the years to come,” said Gina Duncan. You can download the Transgender Resource Guide here: http://www.eqfl.org/ transactionfl Current guide contains the following: Crisis hotlines; Mental health therapists; Primary care physicians; Endocrinologists; National legal resources; Florida-specific information on updating legal documents. Additional resources provided will include: Gynecologists; HIV/STD Testing; Surgery resources; Support centers & social groups; Hair & Makeup services; Vocal coaching; Electrolysis; Veteran services; and Youth services. “Like” TransAction Florida on Facebook (http://on.fb.me/13qEta8), and check back for valuable information and resources designed to support all members of the transgender community.

9.9.2015 •


news national

Rentboy Raid Slammed Jason Parsley


More LGBT groups, human rights organizations and sex worker rights groups condemn the raid

fter the federal government raided and shutdown the popular worldwide male escort website Rentboy. com several LGBT and human rights organizations have blasted authorities. Coincidentally just days before the raid a joint statement was released by the Transgender Law Center, Gay and Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), Lambda Legal, National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the National Center for Transgender

Equality supporting a resolution by Amnesty International that calls for the decriminalization of sex work. Last week SFGN published statements from a half dozen organizations condemning the raid and supporting Rentboy including the Human Rights Watch, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National LGBTQ Task Force, The Global Forum on MSM & HIV, Transgender Law Center, and the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance.

Here’s what several more organizations had to say: What we do know is that criminalizing sex work and shutting down services like Rentboy. com make the LGBT community less safe. Whether because LGBT people — particularly those of color, transgender women, and youth — face job discrimination, family rejection, homelessness, and criminalization or because our bodies and desires are at once demonized and exoticized, our community has long-turned to the sex industry for critical means of support and survival. Data from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, for example, has shown that transgender people engage in sex work at a rate at least 10 times that of cisgender women, and at least 13 percent of transgender people who experience family rejection have done sex work at some point in their lives. When your body is a site for harassment, your health care is withheld, your ability to walk down the street is criminalized, your identity is called a “social experiment” but you still dare to survive, the sex industry can offer not only an avenue for survival but also for affirmation. And for those who are able to utilize online platforms to meet clients, these platforms provide a safer alternative to street-based work where there is less time to negotiate safety needs and higher risk of violence from both clients and law enforcement. We at the ACLU have supported the decriminalization of sex work since 1977. Yet here we are almost 40 years later, and the resources of our federal and state law enforcement agencies are invested in shutting down a website that increased safety and harmed no one. — Chase Strangio, Staff Attorney, LGBT & HIV Project for ACLU


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Unfortunately, we in the adult industry have plenty of experience with these raids. From our inception as a legal business in the late 60s, adult film makers and workers have been surveilled, censored, raided and harassed by law enforcement units from vice squads to the FBI. In the past few years, adult performers, producers and service providers have protested as their bank accounts were shut down, their health records subpoenaed and their right-to-work violated by misguided moralists. No matter what the tactic, the goal is the same – push us into the shadows and silence our voices. Our industry is diverse; many of us have different needs and concerns. Time after time, this has been used to divide us; performers against providers, producers against performers, straight against gay. However, it is clear that if we do not unify in the face of these assaults, the industry we have all worked so hard to build will crumble. Instead, our differences should be our strength – our unity in the face of censorship, our secret to survival. At times like these, it is more important than ever that we amplify each others voices and come to each others defenses, even when it means a risks to ourselves. You can read more about Jeffrey’s case and donate at RentBoyFund.org. — Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition

The criminalization of sex work fosters violence, stigma, and marginalization. Harm Reduction Coalition affirms a harm reduction approach to sex work which prioritizes creating conditions that provide sex workers with information, support and resources that allow them control and autonomy over their labor to reduce their risks for violence, trauma, HIV, and other harms. Harm Reduction Coalition believes that the Rentboy.com charges represent misuse of federal investigative resources and prosecutorial power. We call upon our partners and allies in public health, human rights, harm reduction, HIV, and the LGBT and feminist movements to join us in condemning this assault on sex worker autonomy and to support harm reduction over criminalization. — Harm Reduction Coalition

Closing down such websites directly increases the risk of harm to sex workers. That is the effect of criminalization.

news national This we know at Lambda Legal, from work we and our sister organizations do for people involved (or profiled as involved) in street economies, including sex work for survival: - Violence is devastating the lives of transgender women of color. - Members of our communities who experience the criminal justice system — police, courts, and prisons — face harassment and sexual violence. - Our young people — when rejected by their families and unsupported by services that lack competence for LGBTQ individuals — are left to the streets in epidemic proportion. - Discrimination everywhere from schools to workplaces limits lives. Following the raid of Rentboy.com…I told the Daily Beast: “We know that across our community there are people who are marginalized and vulnerable due to any number of discriminatory factors. [For example, there are] young people and adults who have been turned out of their homes. They’ve been harassed or discriminated against in education and employment. Their options are very limited. There are many people out there who are using sex exchange as a means of survival and putting food on the table or a roof over their heads.” “…when customers are criminalized, there is downward pressure on sex workers to keep what they are doing hidden, perhaps remote, perhaps unprotected. It makes it more difficult for people to negotiate boundaries and barriers like condoms and overall to make themselves safer when they are working in a criminal framework as opposed to a decriminalized framework. This really affects the whole system.” hayley gorenberg, national deputy legal director, lambda legal

Sex workers & the LGBTQ community have been advocating for decades that criminalization and policing of the sex trade and those profiled put communities at risk of violence and exploitation. Laws against the sex trade have always been used to police the bodies of marginalized communities, especially LGBTQ and communities of color. When sex workers are prosecuted under these laws, it can become harder for them to find mainstream work because of their criminal record. The closure of Rentboy is the latest in a long history of abuses of people in the sex trade that puts these communities in more vulnerable and sometimes dangerous positions. Rentboy was one of few websites male adult workers could use to find clients. Rather than the “worldwide prostitution ring” news articles have called it, Rentboy provided an opportunity for many to find economic security. Rentboy.com also helped form HOOK Online, a resource for men in the adult industry. This resource provides safety tips, an opportunity for a college fund, some legal advice and a way for adult male service providers to exchange ideas and keep each other safe from violence. —

Anti-violence Project of new york

This action appears to be a blatant, morally-driven discriminatory attack on gay consensual sex. The New York Times Editorial Board have stated that the criminal complaint that resulted in this raid was ‘so saturated with sexually explicit details, it’s hard not to interpret it as an indictment of gay men as being sexually promiscuous.’ Many USA activists, LGBT community members and commentators have highlighted the increasing climate of homophobia that they identify as having accompanied the tenures of Mayor De Blasio and the Commissioner of NYPD, William Bratton. NSWP’s opposes all forms of criminalization and other legal oppression of sex work (including sex workers, clients, third parties, families, partners and friends). The term ‘third parties’ includes managers, brothel keepers, receptionists, maids, drivers, landlords, hotels who rent rooms to sex workers and anyone else who is seen as facilitating sex work. Sex workers and our allies actively campaign for full decriminalization of sex work for a number of reasons, including promoting safe working conditions and labor rights for sex workers; Increase access to health services and reduce sex workers’ risk of HIV and STIs; Increase sex workers’ access to justice; Reduce police abuse and violence; Help to tackle exploitation and coercion when it does occur. Sex workers need to be able to communicate openly with clients and managers without constantly fearing arrest, police harassment or worse. Sex workers often use advertising websites to screen clients for their own safety. —

sex workers Outreach Project

Rentboy.com is just the latest website to be targeted. Interestingly, unlike MyRedbook.com (also raided by the federal government) and Craigslist Erotic Services (shuttered by political pressure), no one has justified the raid on Rentboy as necessary to stopping human trafficking or protecting any victims. The site simply provided a safer place for escorts to meet and screen clients and share information with each other. Sex workers consistently say they find it safer to screen clients online than on the street. Closing down such websites directly increases the risk of harm to sex workers. That is the effect of criminalization. For too many LGBTQ people, participation in street economies is often critical to survival, particularly for LGBTQ young people and transgender women of color, who face all-toocommon family rejection and vastly disproportionate rates of violence, homelessness, and discrimination in employment, housing, and education. The lack of supports for our young people is disastrous, and the fact that any of them lack other options than sexual exchange is a community tragedy. And even LGBTQ young people and adults who are not doing sex work, particularly those of color, are often profiled and arrested under prostitution laws, contributing to high rates of incarceration. Such realities seem to be lost on those who have argued recently in favor of keeping sex work criminalized. Decriminalization of sex work would “protect the very people that cause it,” wrote the Washington Post editorial board—but the forces driving people to trade sex for money cannot be arrested: the need to pay bills, feed yourself and your family, and keep a roof over your head. If we want to give people better opportunities, it’s hard to see how arrest and prosecution further that goal. —

global network of sex work Projects

The New York City AntiViolence Project is just one of many organizations that stands up for the rights of sex workers.

Photo Credit: Facebook.

Anti-Violence Project believes that these types of raids, and the stigma of online hook-ups generally, perpetuate a narrative that the LGBT communities, and in particular gay men, are deviant and undeserving of support. Although circumstances differ, this harkens back to the “false arrests” of gay men in adult bookstores and sex stings in public parks – all targeted at rooting out “deviance.” This narrative is inherently anti-LGBTQ and is a part of the foundation of anti-LGBTQ bias that creates all violence against LGBTQ people. Until we address the general bias, discrimination and hatred that LGBTQ people face in this country, we will not end this violence. AVP believes in and uses a harm reduction model when working to prevent violence. That is, we provide services to all survivors of violence, regardless of circumstances in which the violence occurs. We believe this is critical to responding to and preventing violence, because when violence is driven underground by stigma, embarrassment or fear, survivors of that violence not only fail to get the support they need, but also may face increased risk of future violence.

Joint editorial by the national Center for transgender equality and lambda legal

9.9.2015 •


news national

Photo Credit James Mills.

West Hollywood.

Rentboy Raid Inspires Activists From Coast to Coast Supporters march and rally in support of sex worker’s rights Jason Parsley


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Sept. 5 rally, in San Fran. Several hundred people gathered at Harvey Milk Plaza in the heart of the City’s primarily LGBT Castro District to show support for Rentboy and to demand that those who choose sex work be left in peace. Sade, who has a background in putting together events for organizations like Make a Wish and Leukemia/Lymphoma Society,

said that he organized the rally because he was “pissed off” at the authorities targeting the gay community. Speakers at the rally included porn stars, pornographers, escorts, and even an attorney who specializes in representing members of the sex trade. “What do we want?” asked escort and porn model Lance Navarro as he took to

New York City.

Photo Credit Keith Gemerek.


ex Worker Rights = LGBTQ New York City by police, with help from Rights.” “Sex Work is Real Homeland Security. Rentboy CEO Jeffrey Work.” “No Bad Whores, Just Hurrant and six of his employees were Bad Laws.” arrested, and the popular male escorting Those are just some of the slogans site, which has operated since 1997, was seen at last week’s rallies shut down. and marches in support of Reaction from the Rentboy and sex worker’s LGBT community was Some called rights held in New York City, swift – dozens of LGBT San Francisco and West organizations, sex worker’s it a waste Hollywood. right groups and human “All of us have to unite. It rights groups condemned of Homeland is absolutely critical,” said the raid. Some called Security’s Steven Kesslar, an escort it a waste of Homeland since 2000. “And I don’t Security’s resources, while resources, mean just escorts, but the others decried the “war on while others people who hire them, gay sex.” Many also called for men, and their allies among the decriminalization of sex decried the the transgender community. work. And among women escorts, LGBT groups in particular “war on who have the most to lose pointed that many times sex.” from this because they are the LGBT people are forced primary victims of violence, into sex work as a means have to stand united on this.” of survival and websites Kesslar drove 120 miles from Palm like Rentboy provide a safer alternative Springs to be a part of the march in West to walking the streets or having a pimp. Hollywood. Protesters say sex work helps pay bills such The controversy started on Aug. 25 when as rent, food, or even a college education. Rentyboy’s headquarters were raided in Mark Sade organized Labor of Love, the

news national

Photo Credit David Nahmod.

San Francisco.

The protestors marched about one mile down the sidewalk along Santa Monica Boulevard from La Cienega Boulevard to West Hollywood Park, through what is known as “Boystown,” where the majority of gay bars and clubs are located. They handed out “The War on Sex Work” pamphlets, which outline why they were marching. That flier described the recent history of the Rentboy raid and said, “We march [in] solidarity with those affected by the shutdown of Rentboy.com. We march in support of the decriminalization of sex work in all forms.” The other side of the flier had “Know Your Rights: A Short Guide for Folks Impacted by the Rentboy.com Raid” which encouraged people, who had a paid account on Rentboy to seek legal advice. It also advises people to get more information from HookUpCollaborative. wordpress.com or Swopuse.org. “You can’t use morality as a basis for discrimination,” said attorney Gil Sperling, who often represents people who work in the sex industry. Sperling attended the rally in San Fran. “You can’t tell someone they can’t do something because you don’t like it.” More than 100 people participated in the rally in New York City that took place Sept. 3, two days before the other rallies. “We condemned the Homeland Security/ NYPD raid, demanded the U.S. Attorney drop the charges and made a loud and visible call for decriminalization,” said Bill Dobbs, a long time gay activist and one of the organizers of the rally. “Picketers ranged from newbies and people with a personal stake in the issues to longtime LGBT activists including at least one person whose gay political work began before Stonewall.” Apparently authorities were taking no chances with the protestors. “This was done all under the watchful eyes of federal and other security - at least three guys carrying automatic weapons,” he said describing the scene. “There’s rising anger about this awful bust.”

Right: West Hollywood. Photo Credit James Mills.

New York City.

Photo Credit Keith Gemerek.

the microphone. “Freedom! Freedom to do as we please with our bodies and our money!” The crowd cheered. Navarro pointed out that until 1914, sex work was legal in San Francisco. “For some this work is a means to an end,” he said. “It’s a way to pay rent, to get yourself through college. For me it’s a labor of love.” Navarro shared a letter he had received from a client, a man who came out as gay at age 73 after the death of his wife – Navarro was the gentleman’s first gay sexual encounter. “There were no words to describe it for me,” the man wrote. “It was like being released from bondage, from a prison, much of my own making, but also of society. I cried several times while in Lance’s arms.” “I’m a proud gay pornographer,” said gay porn filmmaker Pam Dore as she addressed the crowd. “I worked on a lot of events with Rentboy– it broke my heart when I heard this.” Better known as Mr. Pam, the openly bisexual mentioned Rentboy’s recently launched scholarship program, which was meant to help escorts go back to school. “Who’s next?” Dore asked. “We all have to stand up for each other.” On the same day in West Hollywood protestors shared that same sentiment where about 20 people showed up in support of sex worker’s rights and to condemn the raid on Rentboy. Danny Cruz of Hollywood organized that rally. “Besides being a human rights issue, sex work is also a labor rights issue, so it was kind of fitting to have it on Labor Day weekend. Sex work is work. It is emotional labor. It’s physical labor. So we are demanding protection under the law instead of being looked at as criminals,” said Cruz, a sex worker of 10 years. “We want to protest the really horrible laws that marginalize communities like trans women and communities of color that bear the brunt of violence from police.”

David Nahmod reported on this story from San Francisco and James Mills reported from West Hollywood. 9.9.2015 •


news international Submitted photos.

Subhi Nahas.

gAy syriAn exile sOunds the AlArm John McDonald


ubhi Nahas has a soft and tender voice. Arabic gay man, Nahas’ life was in far more When he speaks the pain and struggle danger. He had traveled to Turkey from is self-evident. Syria via Lebanon after realizing he was a “I cannot recognize the people,” he target of the Sunni extremist group Jabhat says over the telephone from California al-Nusra. where he resides, for the moment. The Caught in a security sweep near people Nahas speaks of Damascus in 2012, Nahas are Syrians from his native was detained by the Syrian land. These people, Nahas government and mocked for says, have been misled by his mannerisms. The current radical groups and all but “They did not like the way abandoned by civil society. I walked or the way I talked,” Syrian The Syria he grew up he said in a telephone government, in – an open, secular and interview with SFGN. “They welcoming country -- is no called me names – vulgar Nahas said, more. names. It was terrifying.” Sadly, Nahas says the Eventually released, Nahas is incapable middle-eastern country returned home to a father has devolved into a chaotic who became increasingly of protecting land where living openly angry and abusive. His its citizens, as a gay man is impossible. family refused to accept On Aug. 24, Nahas made son’s sexuality, calling much less LGBT their history when he addressed it a disease that needed to the United Nations be cured. Not long after Syrians. Security Council about the his detention, Jabhat alpersecution of LGBT people Nusra took control of the by Islamic militant groups. family’s hometown of Idlib, “He’s one of the bravest men on the in northern Syria. Jabhat al-Nusra, Nahas planet,” said Neil Grungras, founder and said, were determined to cleanse the city executive director of ORAM (Organization “of everyone who was involved in sodomy.” for Refuge, Asylum & Migration). And so with the help of friends, Nahas Grungras, a leading expert on LGBT fled to Lebanon and then to Turkey. refugees, met Nahas in Istanbul, Turkey. “However, Turkey is not a safe place The two formed a bond as social justice either,” he said. “My friends there have sent activists, but as an “outed” 20-something me pictures of their wounds from police


• 9.9.2015

rubber bullets at Istanbul Pride in June. In July, a gay activist was raped in his own home and my friends report that attacks against LGBT people are escalating by two vigilante militant groups who are posting banners calling to ‘kill gay people,’ in Ankara and Istanbul.’” Nahas said he hoped his testimony to the U.N. Security Council would help curb the violence towards LGBT people in the Middle East. “Like me, my friends are feeling alone and terrified living in places where people who don’t fit into what others deem as ‘normal,’ are being persecuted and killed simply for who they are and what they believe.” The U.S. and Chile co-sponsored the closed door briefing at the U.N. as representatives from 11 of the 15 Security Council countries participated. Diplomats from the African countries of Chad and Angola did not attend the meeting, while representatives from China, Russia, Nigeria and Malaysia attended but did not speak. “I have witnessed with my own eyes the annihilation of civility and humanity as I knew them,” Nahas told the council. “For millions of Syrians both in and outside the country, time is running out. For my compatriots who do not conform to gender and sexual norms, the eleventh hour has already passed. They need your help now.” The current Syrian government, Nahas said, is incapable of protecting its citizens, much less LGBT Syrians. When asked about

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Nahas replied, “Assad did not do anything to stop the violence and the media refused to report it.” Nahas said many of the Arabic media outlets are mistranslating his words and presenting him as a “pervert.” Meanwhile, militant groups such as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) continue to publicly execute men simply for being perceived as gay. Videos and pictures of men-- blindfolded and hands tied behind their backs -- being thrown to their death off of rooftops are plastered across social media. The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission estimates at least 30 men accused of sodomy have been executed by the Islamic State. “ISIL have graphically advertised their murders of men who they claim engaged in same-sex relations. These men have died in circumstances of unimaginable horror – stoned, beheaded, thrown from buildings. These horrific acts are yet more evidence of ISIL’s utter depravity and strategy of instilling fear as a method of warfare,” said United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson. Nahas said he remains in contact with his sister in Syria as well as other gay Syrians who are seeking refuge. “I am trying my best working with ORAM to get them out of Syria and to safety and to give them their lives back,” he said.

䠀漀甀爀猀 匀甀渀 簀 ㄀㈀ ⴀ 㘀 䴀漀渀 ⴀ 䘀爀椀  簀 ㄀ 㨀㌀  ⴀ 㘀 匀愀琀  簀 ㄀  ⴀ 㘀

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special section pizza

Rick Karlin


Pie eyed

SFGN blind tastes 5 Wilton Manors Pizza joints

ith the opening of a couple of new categories; sauce, cheese, crust, over-all pizza places (and the closing of texture and over-all taste. Additionally Winners Take and Bake), I thought the meat-lover’s pizzas were ranked on it might be time to take a look at these new toppings. After tasting both pizzas from places as well as a couple of local favorites each restaurant, we then asked the staff to and approached my handsome (frankly ass- rank the pizzas from their favorite to least kissing here) editor Jason to favorite for each pizza. pitch the idea. He not only liked For many the rankings for the idea, but suggested that we cheese and meat pizzas The one expand it to do a pizza tasting. were identical, for others thing we We decided to limit it to the ranking changed for pizza places in Wilton Manors the two different pizzas. discovered and included; Dolce Salato, The one thing we is that Humpys, Toppings, Scarfone’s discovered is that pizza and Primanti Bros. (we know is totally a matter of pizza is that technically it is in Oakland personal preference. Park, but it’s right on the border The same pizzas got the totally a and they list it as their Wilton highest and lowest ratings matter of Manors location). Bona Pizza from different individuals. was not open at the time we And comments ranged personal conducted the taste test so we from “Ugh, awful!” to weren’t able to include them. “Absolutely fantastic” for preference. Pizzas were all delivered and or the same pizza! picked up and brought to SFGN When we asked the staff office for a blind tasting. From each pizza to rank their pizzas, the highest rankings place we ordered a plain cheese and each for both meat and cheese pizzas was clearly restaurant’s “meat lovers” version (at Dolce Dolce Salato, it ranked more than 10 percent Salato it is their “Con Carne”). ahead of its nearest competitor. Primanti We asked the staff to rate pizzas in five Bros. rated second in both meat and cheese


• 9.9.2015

categories and Scarfone’s ranked third. Humpys and Toppings tied for 4th place in the meat category, with Toppings edging out Humpys in the cheese category. However, when we tallied the individual rankings, the results didn’t agree. When raters were asked to rate each pizza individually in the categories, the results showed that Humpys and Primanti Bros. came out on top, tied with an average rating of 3.5 (out of 5). Dolce Salato was a close second with a 3.3 rating, followed closely by Scarfone’s with a 3.2. Toppings was clearly outranked with an average score of only 2.6

dOlCe sAlAtO

2406 Wilton Dr. Wilton Manors 954-463-7677 Dolce-Salato.net

WilMa’s latest entry into the dining scene is the new incarnation of a Key West favorite. While the décor and lighting isn’t the most inviting (in fact it’s rather stark), the warm reception you get from the Mom and Pop owners make up for it, and one look at their

gorgeous son will keep you coming back for the eye candy. Fortunately, the food is just as tasty, handtossed pizzas offer a crispy crust and fresh toppings. A large (which is bigger than most, for you size queens) begins at $16, slices are a bargain at $3. Stuffed pizzas offer up delicious toppings sandwiched between two thin layers of crust, and run $27 for an entire pizza, or $4.24 a slice. Specialty combinations can run slightly more, but are still reasonably priced. And if you want dessert, they make all of their gelati in house.

humPys PiZZA

2244 Wilton Dr. Wilton Manors 954-566-2722 HumpysPizza.com

What makes Humpys unique, other than the decidedly queer sensibility (look at its logo!), is that on any visit you’ll have a choice of a number of gourmet combinations available by the slice, in addition to the standard offerings. Of course, you can get any of the gourmet combinations at any

special section pizza time by order an entire pizza. The unique combinations give you the option to be as healthy (or as decadent) as you like. Healthy eaters can opt for a whole wheat crust topped with fresh veggies or mushrooms and caramelized onions. Ready to toss your diet out the window? Try the meatball with roasted red pepper, BBQ chicken, Buffalo chicken or bacon cheeseburger versions. Whole pies are priced from $12-$22, slices are $2.75 to $4.50. There’s also a lunch special dishing up a slice (cheese or pepperoni), salad and soda for $4.99. Humpy’s also offers soups, salads, sandwiches, calzone and cupcakes!

tOPPing's PiZZA

2904 N Andrews Wilton Manors 954-568-7100 MyToppingsPizza.com The storefront specializes in deliveries and offers traditional pizza toppings as well as unusual combinations such as; Caprese, BBQ and Buffalo chicken and Cremonese topped with mozzarella cheese, artichokes, spinach and ricotta cheese. Among the other options are calzones, strombolis, salads, wings, burger and subs as well as traditional Italian pasta dishes.


2160 Wilton Dr. Wilton Manors 951-533-0577 Scarfones.com

PrimAnti BrOs.

516 E Oakland Park Blvd. Oakland Park 954-565-7100 PrimantiBros.com

Scarfone's features a contemporary blend of Italian dishes including salads, pasta and meat entrees, sandwiches, and of course coal fired pizzas in traditional, flat bread & whole wheat versions. Pizzas run $15 to $20 for a large, slices are available (for takeout or at the bar only) starting at $4.

The Pittsburgh based chain, known for its gigantic sandwiches as much as (if not more than) for its pizza has a few Fort Lauderdale outlets. The Oakland Park branch has a sports bar feel and offers up pizza, either whole or by the slice, sandwiches, Italian entrees and jumbo salads. Pizza is a lot like sex, everyone has their own preferences and what one finds disgusting, others find exciting, or, as Mel Brooks said, “Sex is like pizza. Even when it is bad it is good.”

… And twO mOre These two pizza joints aren’t in Wilton Manors so they weren’t included in our taste test but I still recommend you check them out.


Big lOuie’s

6334 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale 954-635-2661 BlazePizza.com

1990 E. Sunrise Fort Lauderdale 954-467-1166 BigLouies.com

This new chain, from the parent company of Wetzel's Pretzels, brings the Chipotle model to pizza making and it’s surprisingly successful. Basically, you step up to the counter and order an individual pie with a choice of unlimited toppings for $7.95, which is then baked in a superhot oven. Within five minutes your number is called and you have a crispy crusted disc of yumminess in front of you. The individual pizza is more than enough for one and could easily satisfy two if paired with one of the surprisingly good and large pre-packaged salads, ranging from the usual antipasto, Caprese and Caesar to more unusual offerings such as beet with goat cheese and roasted veggies with gorgonzola, all priced less than $5.

Big Louie’s is like the places my parents used to take us to when I was a kid. It offers old fashioned Italian-American fare, no pretenses here. Although I prefer a crispier crust, Louie’s pizza is still delicious, with a tart sauce and tons of gooey cheese. In addition to traditional toppings, there are specialty pizzas such as Philly cheesesteak, chicken primavera, and chicken baconranch, taco and mixto de pesce with calamari, shrimp and clams. Pizzas are priced $16-$22 for a large, and there are tons of coupons and special on its web site. Big Louie’s also offers up well-prepared pasta dishes featuring huge portions and reasonable prices. All dinners include a side salad and the ubiquitous garlic rolls. Wine and beer is also available. They may well serve dessert, but since I’ve never been able to finish a meal there, I wouldn’t know.

the Best Bites All ranked one through five.

Best Crust: humPy’s 3.75

Best sAuCe: dOlCe sAlAtO 3.55

Best Cheese: PrimAnti BrOs. 3.8

Best tOPPings: humPy’s 3.5

Best OverAll texture: humPy’s 3.6

Best OverAll FlAvOr PrimAnti BrOs. 3.65

the twO winners, tied At An OverAll sCOre OF 3.5: humPys And PrimAnti BrOs. 9.9.2015 •


Photo: Facebook.

special section pizza

Jillian Melero


the PiZZA girls

ver the last 16 years, Pizza Girls, on Clematis Street has been voted a Palm Beach County favorite by readers of New Times, Ocean Drive, and SFGN. They’ve had tents, a trailer, and within the last five years a food truck at local street fairs, music events, Pride festivals and locations like Parrot Rescue in Gumbo Limbo in Boca, and Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jupiter. When we visited, Jen was working and greeted us “Welcome to the hottest pizza place on Clematis,” that meant the AC was out. It also meant we were going to need beer to go with our slices, and we were sitting outside. Jennifer Morales and Phoebe Reckseit have run Pizza Girls from the corner store next to Sloan’s ice cream parlor since 1999, after moving on from the family business that brought them to Clematis in 1996. Despite the family business being sold, they fell in love with the waterfront location, the South Florida lifestyle, and the pizza business – so they set up shop. “We love that we get to be creative and interact with our customers,” says Reckseit,

20 years later and still growing

who came from an accounting background. sausage, meatballs, mozzarella, and ricotta. The Girls offer pies like the Tribeca Burger, Our slices were from the Girls’ traditional a cheddar cheeseburger pizza; the Statue dough, but they’ve also now offer glutenof Liberty, a bacon, ricotta and mozzarella free dough, that Morales says “takes a little pizza with fresh tomatoes extra time and TLC” but has instead of sauce; the Village been selling well. The Girls Veggie; the Manhattan Meat; cook their pizzas in an old They fell in and the Mulberry Street. school Baker’s Pride brick Yes, Phoebe, like most deck oven. love with the Floridians, is from New “Twenty years ago when York. It’s also where she and we started making pizza, if waterfront Jennifer were married back in you didn't have Baker's Pride location, October 2013. Brick ovens, people didn't “After 25 years living consider it being ‘real New the South together and 20 years York pizza’,” said Morales. Florida working together, it’s really “People would look to see like we’ve been married 45 what type of ovens we were lifestyle, years,” Reckseit jokes. using before they judged our After eyeing the pies in pizza. And being two women, and the pizza the window for way too they were very skeptical to business long, I went with the SoHo, begin with,” Morales laughs. fresh tomato, artichoke “Things have changed so and gorgonzola, and much in the pizza industry the Broadway, fresh tomato, pesto and now, it's amazing.” mozzarella. My better half had the Statue It hasn’t just been the perceptions of them of Liberty and the Little Italy with Italian in the pizza business that have changed

for Morales and Reckseit. It’s also been the perceptions of them as a couple. They admit that in the early ‘90s, the two were reluctant to be public about their relationship. But since then “We’ve seen the difference in the way people perceive us, perceive gay couples, they are much more accepting of us,” Reckseit said. And it’s an acceptance they also want to share and encourage among their customers. “We like to pride ourselves on being open to having all types of customers be themselves,” Morales said. “We've always been a place where young gay kids can come on dates and feel accepted and at home to be themselves, a place where people aren't gonna judge or look at them weird. They [can] feel comfortable holding hands or giving a peck on the cheek to their loved one. I am most proud of that accomplishment.” After 20 years in the business, Reckseit and Morales say they’ve built something multigenerational, they’ve seen their customers grow up and come in with kids of their own. They’re looking forward to growing their business as well.

Pizza Girls is located on Clematis Street next to Sloan’s Ice Cream, across the street from World of Beer and the Palm Beach Dramaworks. Visit PizzaGirls.com or call 561-833-4004 for hours and delivery. 24

• 9.9.2015


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CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM 1501 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors 33305

Your Progressive Community Synagogue Welcoming All to Worship with Us


The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus concludes its 29th season with a special fundraiser concert as it presents its traditional Fall Follies. Come early and enjoy drinks, finger foods, and a silent auction. Then join us in the auditorium where we will highlight Gay on Broadway with all the songs you’d expect, and maybe some surprises! After that, enjoy coffee, cordials, and desserts at intermission, and finally get ready to dance in your seat (and the aisles?) to music from Kinky Boots! All this fun for $40, and it goes to a great cause: us!

Rosh Hashanah Eve 9/13 and Morning 9/14 Kol Nidre 9/22 and Yom Kippur Morning 9/23 Tickets Required Yizkor, Healing & Music Service, Ne’ilah 9/23 Open to All Rosh Hashanah Luncheon 9/14 and Yom Kippur Break the Fast 9/23 Reservations Required

For more info call 954-564-9232 WWW . E TZ C HAIM F LORIDA . ORG

SEPTEMBER 12th, 2015 • 8PM

NSU ART MUSEUM | FORT LAUDERDALE Tickets are $40 General Admission for this special fundraiser concert. You can RSVP by visiting theftlgmc.org or by calling 954.832.0060.

Funding for this organization is provided in part by the Broward County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.

For updated information on our concerts, events or joining our chorus, please visit our website www.theftlgmc.org or call 954.832.0060.

9.9.2015 •


special section pizza

the Best PiZZAs ChOsen By yOu SFGN Staff

Here’s a round up of the pizza places that have won SFGN’s annual Best Of contest. Take a look, and take a bite. Below are the winners and their stories (reprinted).

Best Pizza in Broward (2011-2014)

Humpy's Pizza.

Humpy’s 2244 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Humpyspizza.com 954-566-2722


t Humpy's Pizza, it’s all about choices. You can go with a traditional pizza or you can try something new. “We offer a wide variety of pizza choices and toppings,” said co-owner Steve Dejong. Traditional pizza lovers can go with meat lovers, cheese, pepperoni and others. Those looking for something new and different can try some of Humpy’s specialty pizzas – including wild mushroom with caramelized onions, shrimp scampi, chicken and broccoli on a honey wheat crust, veggie on a honey wheat crust or buffalo chicken with blue cheese and green onions.

“It appeals to a wide variety of people,” said Dejong. Although this is Humpy’s fourth year winning the award for Best Pizza, and open for almost eight years by Dejong and Dennis Godfrey, Humpy’s is also more than just pizza lovers slinging pies. Those not in the mood for pizza can order sandwiches, garlic rolls, salads, flatbreads, calzones, sliders and more. One of the delicious items included in “more” are cupcakes, which, says Dejong, “continue to grow in popularity.”

Best Pizza in Miami-Dade (2014)

- Mike d'Oliveira

Best Pizza in Palm Beach (2013)

Pizza Rustica 863 Washington Ave., Miami Beach Pizza-Rustica.com

Pizza Girls 114 S Clematis St, West Palm Beach, FL PizzaGirls.com 561-833-4004


ooking for authentic NY Style pizza? Well you’ll find it Pizza Girls in downtown West Palm Beach. The pizza joint offers 20 gourmet pizzas by the slice and other favorites like hot wings, salads, subs, and desserts. But it’s the pizza that they’re being recognized for this year. And there’s something about that dough that keeps em coming back. “People love our pizza dough,” said Phoebe Morales-Reckseit, who owns the restaurant with her wife. “We’ve been


• 9.9.2015

told we have the best pizza in whole world.” The pizza shop opened up in 1996 and besides just the pizza the owners are active in the community — especially PrideFests where they’ve had booths or a trailer since 1998. “We’re just very open as a gay couple in the community,” she said. “We encourage our employees to be their selves. We have a really good work environment and that spills over to our customers.”



izza Rustica has several locations across the globe, but the original can be found on Washington Avenue in Miami Beach. Inside a modest corner store is where the pizza is made fresh and served with sass. Readers of the SFGN voted Pizza Rustica Best Pizza in Miami-Dade County. The franchise dethroned 2013 champion, Spris. At the Washington Avenue & Ninth Street store, first opened in 1996, a customer can buy a slice or a whole pizza and choose from a variety of flavors from cheese, vegetable and meat. Complement your order with a cold beer, soda pop or caprese salad.

For those fueling up before a night at the clubs, Pizza Rustica is the perfect place to take in the local scenery. Grab a table on the sidewalk or sit on bar-like stools in front of large glass windows and watch the South Beach characters stroll by. Two can easily eat here for $15 dollars (tip included). Supporting Pizza Rustica allows the company to continue its generous giving to charitable organizations such as the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Winter Party Festival, AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Best Buddies International. - John McDonald

special section pizza

Free Vaccines for Life

Best Pizza in Palm Beach (2014)

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Downtown Pizza

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owntown Pizza is easy to miss. But don’t let its small size fool you. The location may be tiny, but the pizza is big and flavorful, so it’s no surprise that it won for Best Pizza in Palm Beach County. “Downtown Pizza has to be my favorite local spot for pizza. Can I just say it has

Core Vaccines for Cats and Kittens FVRCP, Feline Leukemia, Rabies

to be by far the most delicious pizza I've had in Florida,” said one reviewer on Yelp. “This is the best NY style pizza around, no question. This is coming from someone whose family was in the pizza business in NY and FL for 50 years. I'm familiar with the ingredients they use and they're the best you can get.”

Best Pizza in Miami-Dade (2013) Pierre B. Bland DVM


Companion Animal Medicine and Surgery Office Calls and House Calls By Appointment

731 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach Spris.cc

3225 N Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

954 673-8579



ocated on the busy Lincoln Road strip in Miami Beach and in downtown Miami, there’s always a line of hungry fans waiting to get a bite of pizza from Spris. With authentic ingredients and recipes, there are more than two dozen different pizzas to try, from traditional Margherita – the top seller – to more adventurous pies like the Terra e Mare: tomato

sauce, mozzarella, shrimp, Portobello mushrooms, and imported prosciutto. "We dedicate ourselves to select the best ingredients in order to make excellent pizzas to satisfy all the different palates and serve them with a smile and professionally,” said Silvia Cadamuro, marketing and media for the umbrella group Spris sits beneath.


Go to sfgn.com/2015out50

OUT 50

Photo by Steven Shires.

and read

9.9.2015 •


special section pizza

the Beginnings OF the ‘humBle Pie’ Setting the record straight on the origins of pizza Pier Angelo


t is a constant source of annoyance hearing people claim that pizza is an American invention. The time has come to put this urban legend to rest once and for all. The first pie of the people was baked in 1830 in the fire of a wood-burning oven in a pizzeria known as Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba in the heart of Napoli-Italy. Ten years later Francesco de Boucard, a Neapolitan food historian, declared Pizza "a specialty of the Neapolitans and of the very city of Naples itself.” The classic of all pizzas, or Pizza alla Napoletana, started as a round of dough sprinkled with olive oil and dressed with fresh diced tomatoes topped with mozzarella di bufala. Toward the end of the 19th century, pizza forged in coal fired ovens reaching 750 degrees Fahrenheit were sold daily from stalls and kitchen windows on the streets of Napoli. It was eaten from noon to the small hours of the morning often paired with endless glasses of wine. Pizza might actually be the first fast food known to man. It achieved a certain level of nobility in 1889 when King Umberto I visited Naples with his wife Queen Margherita. She was presented, at


• 9.9.2015

the palace, with what is considered the first pizza delivery in history, with three kinds of pizza, especially made for the occasion by the wife of Raffaele Esposito, owner of the famous Pizzeria di Pietro. Queen Margherita chose as her favorite the one made with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil. The pizza colors - red, white, and green- might have played a role in the choice being the same as those of the Italian flag. The pizza selected by the Queen became known as Pizza Margherita, and to this day it is the most popular pizza sold in Italy. Until the great waves of Italian immigrants washed ashore in the United States pizza was practically unknown outside of Italy. Historians are in general agreement when saying that the first true pizzeria in the U.S. was opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi on Spring Street in New York City. But the catalyst that pushed the popularity of pizza

to a stratospheric level was the return of the GIs from Italy at the end of WWII. They were familiar with the wonderful flavor of the pizza they had sampled in Italy and the humble pie became part of the fast food revolution that swept this country in the early 50s. The race was on and going global. Even pop music got into the act. In 1953 Dean Martin had a big hit with the song "That's Amore" paying tribute to the city of Naples and its culinary trademark, the lyrics go,"…In Napoli where love is king...the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie.." A year later Rosemary Clooney recorded "Mambo Italiano" with lyrics that praise the beauty of Naples and the line "you get happy in the pizza..." Since then Americans have been developing their own interpretation of what this comfort food should be, from Chicago-style to the horrific pineapple

Pizza might actually be the first fast food known to man.

covered pizza pie. And so came Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Papa John’s and countless others -- including the dreadful frozen variety ubiquitous to every supermarket isle, from Wolfgang Puck to Mama Celeste, each adding in its own way another slice of history to a pie that tops all the others in popularity. In New Haven, it is often referred as “APIZZA,” or New Haven-style, with a crispy, chewy darker crust. Use of the term “apizza” (pronounced a-BEETS) derives from Neapolitan dialect. And now there is even a pizza that comes with an advisory. The hip and popular Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza posts on the walls of all of its restaurants the warning: “Our Pizza is Well Done.” And finally even John Grisham paid his homage to the iconic food that is always fun to eat by setting one of his novels in Italy and calling it Playing for Pizza. Got your facts and history straight now? Pass me a slice, make sure it is not from Domino’s Pizza. It is owned by a right wing homophobe. Pizza can be political. Dedicated to my friend Mario T., a Neapolitan with a heart as big as a large Pizza.

column speak out

sPeAK SFGN Staff


editorial cartoon

SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

What’s an LGBT issue or topic you’d like to highlight this week? Bayard Rustin.

The White House has posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bayard Rustin. It is the highest civilian award the United States has to offer. Often referred to as “The Lost Prophet” and “Brother Outsider,” Rustin was a key architect of the civil rights movement. He was kept from his proper place in history due to leaders being uncomfortable with his homosexuality. Read more here: BillMoyers.com/2013/08/10/ obama-awards-bayard-rustin-the-presidential-medal-of-freedom"


— Toni Armstrong Jr., Founder/Director of BLAST Women of WPB

The Kentucky County Clerk who has cited “Religious Liberty” as her defense for not issuing Marriage Licenses because Gay Marriage goes against her Faith. Is a perfect example of why we can’t allow States to pass Religious Freedom legislation. One person’s religious freedom is anther’s discrimination. Though religious conservatives like to say that the US is a country governed by Christian Values, it really is a nation with a strong tradition of separation of Church and State, just for this very reason. " — Lee Rubin, Blogger and Community Organizer

Our Locations:

401 E Las Olas Blvd, Ft Lauderdale 119 Washington Ave, Miami Beach

David Jobin will now do for Our Fund what he did for the Stonewall National Museum & Archives. Create magic.” — Brian McNaught, noted columnist, author and LGBT activist



Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

Henri Vezie, Realtor

Frank Vigliotti, Realtor 9.9.2015 •


column guest

lABOr dAy, wAlmArt And me Jackie Cote


ee has ovarian cancer, and is now forced to think about how much employers receiving hospice care at our home respect – or disrespect – the people whose in New Bedford, Massachusetts. This labor make their businesses successful. spring we decided to start ticking items off That’s because when I most needed my her bucket list. We just spent some time in employer to come through for my family, I Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with Dee’s son was shocked and disappointed that Walmart and daughter-in-law. There would not step up and Dee got to dip her feet in the refused to treat my family sand and the water, collect with the respect it deserves. I was told a few shells, and spend time I had always been that Walmart with family. It was fantastic. concerned about Dee’s Dee’s bucket list is pretty health, since she had a did not simple: next we’ll go to New history of cancer. When we Hampshire, where we’ll take got married (as soon as it offer health the scenic train route around was legal in Massachusetts!), insurance Lake Winnipesaukee. Dee had been cancer-free for It’s been incredibly some time. And though we to the samemeaningful to both of us to got married primarily for the sex spouses spend this time together. In same reason everyone does – our 24 years together, we’ve because we love each other of Walmart been through thick and thin, – it also meant we would employees. and have always been each be able to take care of each other’s rock. Now, when Dee other financially and legally is well enough, we venture in the dozens of ways that out – and when she’s not, we are just making straight married couples already could. sure to appreciate every minute we have Starting in 2008 and continuing through together. 2012, I tried to add Dee to Walmart’s health Labor Day is also the day we celebrate insurance plan during Walmart’s open ordinary working people. That’s very much enrollment period, in an effort to receive a me and Dee. For the past 16 years, I’ve served benefit that was made available to all other as an associate at Walmart, and for many married Walmart employees. But when years Dee was also a Walmart associate. I entered Dee’s gender as “female,” the Unfortunately, on this Labor Day, I’m online system stopped me from going any


• 9.9.2015

further. So I picked up the phone and called Walmart’s headquarters – and I was told that Walmart did not offer health insurance to the same-sex spouses of Walmart employees. Soon, my inability to insure Dee became more than an insult, when Dee’s cancer re-emerged in August 2012. Over a short period of time, we racked up medical bills in excess of $150,000 that we were unable to pay. In addition to the nightmare of cancer, we endured the stress of being hounded by bill collectors. And Dee particularly felt guilty, being unable to pay the wonderful health workers who were providing her with such good care. Effective January 1, 2014, Walmart changed its policy to extend spousal health insurance benefits to same-sex spouses of Walmart employees. That’s a good step, but it’s not enough. It’s not enough because Walmart didn’t address the fact that hundreds or possibly thousands of people like me and Dee were greatly harmed when Walmart engaged in discrimination. And the harms we suffered continue this day.

It doesn’t address the fact that Walmart changed its policy voluntarily, that Walmart claims it is lawful to discriminate against gay and lesbian workers, and that Walmart could change its policy to discriminate at any time. Dee and I want to be able to pay back the medical professionals we owe money to, and we want to be able to focus on Dee’s health without worrying about collection calls. We also want to be able to help other people who are in our situation – former or current Walmart employees married to someone of the same sex, who were unable to get their spouses covered by Walmart’s health insurance plan before January 1, 2014. That’s why we are working with lawyers at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and the Washington Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs to sue Walmart on behalf of all the working families who were harmed by Walmart’s unlawful discrimination. We are hopeful that we can make things right for ourselves and for others. That would make a meaningful Labor Day.

Jackie Cote is the named plaintiff in the class action lawsuit Cote v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. that is pending in the federal court in Boston, Massachusetts. Inquiries about the case, including from similarly situated employees, can be directed to gladanswers@glad.org.

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column jesse’s journal

Interfaith Services: Unity and Celebration

Jesse Monteagudo


eligious groups – churches and South Florida as Pride festivals, parades or synagogues – are among the picnics. In both Broward and Palm Beach LGBT community’s most durable Counties Congregation Etz Chaim joined organizations. forces with local MCCs and other faithThe Metropolitan Community Church based communities to celebrate unity and (MCC), was founded in 1968, pride. I recall attending some a year before Stonewall. of the planning meetings (Though 15 years after along with my partner, CEC’s The recent Houston’s Diana Foundation, former Cantor Michael the oldest continuously Greenspan, and even when triumph of active LGBT organization we disagreed we knew we in the United States, was were working together marriage founded.) towards a common goal. equality in Christ MCC in Miami Congregation Etz Chaim opened its doors in 1970, has worked with the MCCs the USA was Holy Spirit MCC (now the since its birth in 1974, a common Sunshine Cathedral) in Fort when Miami MCC Pastor Lauderdale started in 1972, Keith Davis helped CEC’s theme and Congregation Etz Chaim, founders get off the ground. then the Metropolitan Under its pastors, the Rev. throughout Community Synagogue of John Gill and the Right Rev. the Service. Greater Miami, was founded Grant Lynn Ford, the Fort in 1974. Lauderdale MCC/Sunshine Though these and other Cathedral maintained their LGBT-supportive religious groups had their historic friendship with a succession of obvious differences, they agreed on their Synagogue Rabbis and lay leaders. (The faith-based approach to queer liberation. same may be said of the Church of Our For decades interfaith services have been Savior MCC in Boynton Beach, under the as much a part of Pride celebrations in leadership of the Rev. Renwick Bell.)


• 9.9.2015

On July 3 CEC and the Sunshine Cathedral joined other faith-based groups for what they hope will be the first of a new series of interfaith services. Over a hundred people attended this event, a celebration of the recent United States Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality. The Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, the cathedral’s Senior Minister, welcomed Rabbi Noah Kitty and other representatives of our synagogue into his cathedral’s sanctuary. Joining Etz Chaim and the Sunshine Cathedral were representatives from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale, the Parish of Saints Francis and Clare, and Sacred Journeys Interfaith Seminary. Though the service was loosely based on CEC’s Friday night service, it was structured in such a way that Jews and gentiles alike could follow it without difficulty. There was no sectarianism

but, rather, a mutual effort by all of the participants to come together in their common beliefs and their common goals. The recent triumph of marriage equality in the U.S. was a common theme throughout the service, from the Rev. Dr. Watkins’s comments about his own recent wedding to comments by David Griswold of the Unitarian Universalist Church and prayers by Father Joseph Spina of the Parish of Saints Francis and Clare and the Rev. Dr. Lori Cardona, interfaith minister. As a spiritual exercise, the July 3 interfaith service was inspiring and fulfilling. Representatives from the various groups’ churches and synagogue enjoyed an almost unique opportunity to worship, socialize and network with one another and to enjoy each other’s company. This is only the beginning.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

column publisher`s editorial Photo Credit: Sonia Moghe/CNN.

Supporters hold signs and flags outside federal court in Ashland, Kentucky.

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Norm Kent



he LGBT community has a secret synergy with cannabis consumers. Both groups foolishly hid the same thing for too long—the truth about who they were and what they liked. When George Corley Wallace stood before the doors of a schoolhouse and refused to integrate it years ago, defying a federal court order, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy sent in the National Guard. Mike Huckabee may make Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk, a hero. Jesus followers may celebrate her as a hero for standing up for her beliefs. But she also swore an oath to follow the Constitution of the U.S. and this she did not do. Davis was rightfully held in contempt of court and understandably incarcerated by a judge for violating his directives. You are not a hero if protecting your rights denies someone else theirs. It should be clear to you that Davis has won nothing legally. The order releasing her from custody directed her not to interfere

with the deputy clerks who are issuing marriage licenses. If she attempts to do so, the court has said she faces future sanctions. Same sex couples now have a right to get married in the U.S. You or anyone else may believe otherwise. No one is inhibiting your right of dissent. But what you can’t do is inhibit someone else from acting on their beliefs. If you do, then you are standing in the schoolhouse door. Then you are not a hero. Then you are not defending heterosexual marriage. Then you are no different than the racists and segregationists attempting to sabotage universal equality under the law. You can believe in Jesus and still follow the law. Davis took an oath of office to follow the law, not her personal beliefs which conflict with the constitution of the U.S. She can keep those. They are hers to cherish. But the governor of the state should remove her as clerk of the courts or she should have the intellectual wherewithal to resign the job. She no longer deserves to hold it.

You are not a hero if protecting your rights denies someone else theirs.




column publisher`s editorial

gAy vs. POt POlitiCs Parallel paths, different results

Norm Kent



Maybe that joint yesterday helped you accept yourself as a gay person today.


• 9.9.2015

he LGBT community has a secret synergy with cannabis consumers. Both groups foolishly hid the same thing for too long—the truth about who they were and what they liked. Gays had sex in the shadows and pot smokers lit up in dark rooms illuminated by black lights. Wrongly marginalized by larger communities that disapproved of who we were and what we did, we stayed in our respective closets, concealing our activities. Thankfully, the world is changing. America’s adapting to gay marriage and several states have legalized marijuana. Neither causes were socially popular a decade ago, but today there are dispensaries, pot shops and gay weddings across the country. Among other things, we’ve learned that planes still fly on time in Colorado and the Bubonic Plague has not invaded Massachusetts. While gay activists celebrate national victories, cannabis proponents continue to chip away on the state and local levels. But the gay community has it right. We’ve come out of the closet. We’ve fought for our rights. Unlike too many smokers who lit up weed in the comfort of their bedroom and bought it secretly from local dealers, we posted human rights stickers on our bumpers and paraded our love in local gay rights festivals. We were out and proud. We were everywhere. We didn’t hide behind closed doors.

The LGBT community advanced marijuana Gays and stoners are not tearing down medicinally for cannabis smokers’ decades society; we’re shattering social barriers. ago. We saw how many of our friends used Even though our opponents have targeted cannabis to offset the wasting syndrome both groups with senseless prejudice, we’re of AIDS. We smoked out and spoke out to productive in the workforce and in our demand public access to every medicine we homes. Cannabis users don’t need treatment could get, from marijuana to Motrin. We and gays don’t require therapy. What we weren’t worried about what others thought; want is unconditional acceptance for who we cared about what we we are and what we choose needed. to do, and laws that protect The government tried us, not persecute us. to scare us away from Food taste better on Ever so homosexuality by warning us pot, sex is hotter, colors slowly, our that teachers were trying to are brighter and people corrupt us. In the same way, are happier. Life is more society is the government warned us meaningful with a pleasant about drug dealers pushing high. Lighting up might be learning it their trade in schoolyards. the opening to look inside But the point’s the same. yourself and become the never had to There was some horrible person you always wanted fear gay love to be. Maybe that joint adult trying to induce us to do something evil. “They’re yesterday helped you accept or cannabis after your kids,” was the stern yourself as a gay person warning. “They’re going to consumption. today. recruit your children.” One overriding constant Ever so slowly, our society stands out: Gays and our is learning it never had to rainbows have a lot in fear gay love or cannabis consumption. It common with pot smokers and their herbs. might not be right for everyone, but it’s not We’re both in bed together. right to take liberties away from anyone. Norm Kent is the former Chair of NORML, Bob and Bill having sex in one apartment in the publisher of the South Florida Gay News your neighborhood won’t stop Gil and Jill and Freedom Leaf’s LGBT Ambassador. from safely raising their children in theirs around the corner.

9.9.2015 •


lifestyle photos

Tunie’s natural grocery and vitamin market opens in fort lauderdale

J.R. Davis


• 9.9.2015

Think you can’t afford to live a healthy lifestyle? Think again.

9.9.2015 •


music bata’s beats

The Desired Effect John Bata

Debut by Brandon Flowers


n Brandon Flower’s (lead singer of Up The Heart” and especially on “Untangled The Killers), debut solo effort, “The Heart”. Desired Effect” he tries to “Hu Uh There’s a difference between imitating Hey Oh” into our hearts as he sings like and coming up with something new and a schizophrenic one hit fresh, and then there is just wonder from the ‘80s. imitating, which is what Flowers as an artist, which Flowers does here -- and he he is trying very hard to doesn’t do it very well on “The For some be here, hasn’t developed Desired Effect”. “I Still Want reason his his own identity -- but he’s You” is decent. “Lonely Town” pretty. For some reason has a good groove, but once lyrics never his lyrics never seem to again, the lyrics are juvenile seem to feel feel genuine. He’s working and then the Vocodor kicks hard to produce something in, electronically altering his genuine. He’s that sounds poetic. It’s not voice. It just doesn’t work and working hard coming from the heart on feels out of place like a lot of this effort. this LP to produce Like most everyone else, “I Can Change,” samples something that Flowers loves the ‘80s. Jimmy Somerville and the His many influences here Communards -- a slowed sounds poetic. include, The Pet Shop Boys down and impactless version on “Can’t Deny My Love”, of “Smalltown Boy,” that The Cars and Peter Gabriel was and is an anthem for on “Never Get You Right” and many more, disaffected gay male youth. This to me which I won’t bother to list. But, mostly his is blasphemy. It’s like taking “Swing Low vocal cadences have morphed from that Sweet Chariot” and turning it into a love of Ian Curtis of The Joy Division, to a more song for Caucasians. I wanted to like “The Bruce Springsteenian (yes, I made up that Desired Effect” but it can’t be denied that word) style of singing which is evident on this is a truly awful album. By the end I felt tracks like “Between Me And You”, “Diggin’ like singing,”No Uh. Just go go.” John Bata is from Denver, Colorado and a local resident of Fort Lauderdale since 2013. He is a published poet and music aficionado. Currently he DJ’s at Ramrod on Sundays and has been a DJ since 1992 in Washington, DC, New York City and Fort Lauderdale. One of his passions is to spotlight the latest in indie and underground dance music.


• 9.9.2015

9.9.2015 •


lifestyle history Anthony Timiraos.

Robert Boo.

Bob Kecskemety.

Submitted photos.

David Jobin.

Pier Angelo

hOmO histOry 101

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. david Jobin (1963) is an American Anthony timiraos, president, CEO CEO. In his carrier he has been Executive and co-founder of Our Fund, a foundation Director of the Gay Men’s Chorus of that encourages and nurtures philanthropy Washington, D.C., and also spent 20 years and support for the LGBT community in theater management in San Francisco of South Florida, came to the U.S. from and Pittsburgh. On June 1, 2013 he became Cuba in 1962 under Operation Peter Pan, the executive director of a CIA intervention in which the Stonewall National 14,000 Cuban children Museum & Archives in Fort were sent to Miami by their Under Robert Lauderdale, which is the parents for political asylum. world’s largest collection of Timiraos became a Certified Boo, The LGBT historical artifacts and Public Accountant and Pride Center documents. It is a nonprofit, had a successful financial tax-exempt organization, management career that has become which collects, preserves and took him to Boston and a national displays the most extensive New York City. Today, Our compilation of lesbian, gay, Fund with $2 million in model for bisexual and transgender assets, has received more twenty-first literature, culture and than $3.3 million in gifts and history. During his tenure distributed over $1.2 million century as Executive Director the in grants. The foundation growth. organization experienced manages over 30 charitable substantial growth in its funds and has a significant fundraising and public list of Legacy Society profile and opened the Stonewall Gallery in members with more than $30 million in Wilton Manors. On August 31, 2015 David promised future legacy gifts. Members of Jobin was selected to replace Anthony the Legacy Society are individuals who Timiraos as CEO of Our Fund. Jobin holds a designate a portion or all of their estate bachelor’s degree from Grove City College in to Our Fund. He has just announced that Grove City, Pa. He resides in Wilton Manors, he will step down as CEO this year, at with his husband, Angel Burgos. the end of his five-year commitment. He 40

• 9.9.2015

occasionally contributes a column to South Florida Gay News. He and his husband, Arthur Crispino, have been together since 1970. They were married three years ago in New York City.

robert Boo , (1960), is the Executive Director of the Pride Center in Wilton Manors, Boo is the point man for increased programming, diversity and expansion of its multiple outreach initiatives. Under his auspices and tenure, the Pride Center has become a national model for twentyfirst century growth. As Director of Development for five years from 20062010, Boo tripled the number of major donors in the Founders Circle, helped quadruple the annual operating budget and launched a multi-million dollar capital campaign- which led to the purchase of its campus with 30,000 square feet of office space and the renovation of its main building. Boo has been volunteering since the early 1980s when he lived in Chicago and devoted time to an AIDS hotline and crisis center. He was honored in 2013 by Lambda Legal for his lifetime commitment to equality and in 2014 SFGN honored him with its “Achievement in Excellence” Award.

Bob Kecskemety (1951 -2012). A graduate of Fort Lauderdale High School who went to Broward Community College, Kecskemety became well known to the gay community through his entertaining column in Scoop Magazine in the 1990’s, titled ‘Shut Up and Focus.’ Trained in audiovisual work, he and his camera were often fixtures at community events, such as the annual World AIDS Day festivities in Wilton Manors, along with PrideFest functions. Kecskemety was also the graphic designer and layout artist for Scoop, long before becoming a writer and editor for other gay publications, including Buzz Magazine, the Independent, HotSpots, and the Florida Agenda. He put together the GLCC Voice for the Pride Center in Wilton Manors. In his last days he sought out his long time friend, attorney Norm Kent, publisher of SFGN, and asked that the proceeds of his modest estate be used to fund the continued publication of the ‘Voice’ by the Pride Center. On behalf of the Pride Center of Equality Park, Executive Director Robert Boo, stated, “We are overwhelmed by the generosity and love shown by Bob Kecskemety. Each of the subsequent issues of the Voice will state that they are published ‘in the memory and through the donations of the Robert S. Kecskemety Trust.’”.

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9.9.2015 •




J.W. Arnold








1 0



1 5 ,

2 0 1 5

W W W. S F G N . C O M


Don’t disappoint Mommie! Get your tickets fast for the return engagement of Jamie Morris’ hilarious spoof, “Mommie Queerest,” playing at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale, through Oct. 4. Yes, it’s been 34 years since Faye Dunaway sank her promising career with one of the campiest performances ever as actress and infamous adoptive mother Joan Crawford. Brooks Braselman once again proves it can be done even better in drag. Tickets are $30 at EmpireStage.com.




Today, we remember the horrific 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The fine 9th District American Legion Symphonic Band, conducted by James McGonagal and comprised of more than 70 talented musicians, offers a free musical concert tonight at ArtsPark at Young Circle in Hollywood. The program will also include tributes to the armed services, police and fire departments. Limited bench seating, bring lawn chairs. For more information, go to VisitHollywoodFL.org.



• 9.9.2015

Photo Credit: Andy Rogow.

9/12 SUN

What do you get when you take four directors, six actors and eight playwrights, and just let them loose? The answer is “Shorts Gone Wild 3,” a fun festival of LGBTthemed short plays presented by Island City Stage and City Theatre of Miami. If you missed the critically acclaimed show in Fort Lauderdale, you get another chance this weekend when the production moves to The Gleason Room backstage at The Fillmore Miami Beach, Sept. 10 – 13. Tickets are $40.50 at FillmoreMB.com.


Larry Buzzeo, left, stars in “Oldest Living Chorus Boy Tells All or The Last of Billy Button” by Tony Finstrom in “Shorts Gone Wild 3.” The festival of LGBT-themed short plays moves to The Fillmore Miami Beach this weekend.


9/13 MON

The cabaret duo 2 of a Kind, performs a benefit concert tonight at 7 p.m. at The Sanctuary Church, Second Presbyterian Church, 1400 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. The performers, Brent Kuenning and Steve Geyer, are both former New York City singers and dancers with Broadway credits. The entertaining show presents a musical journey of the hits of famous classic and contemporary crooners. A $10 donation is suggested to benefit the Stonewall National Museum & Archives.


9/14 TUE

Calling all Palm Beach County dog lovers: Head out to O’Shea’s Irish Pub, 531 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach, and be sure to bring your pooch for Yappy Hour, every Monday night beginning at 5 p.m. All dogs get a free homemade treat and their owners will be treated to a free drink. Dogs under 35 lbs. are invited until 7 p.m. and all dogs are welcome afterwards. The only rule is dogs cannot be designated drivers because we know they don’t have that kind of license. More info at OSheasPub.com.



The Cornell Museum of Art, located in the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave., presents “Reimagined,” a group show featuring works by 16 internationally acclaimed artists who use unconventional and innovative materials to create striking avant garde works. This is one of the most interesting visual arts exhibits on display in South Florida. Afterwards, check out Delray Beach’s thriving restaurant and nightlife scene. For information, go to DelrayCenterForTheArts.org.

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9.9.2015 •


KINKY BOOTS MUSIC You don’t have to be able to read music. Just be able to carry a tune in a handbasket.


Join us Tuesdays, 7:30 pm at FTLGMC “Fall Follies” presents St. Mark’s Episcopal School, Gay-on-Broadway in the Music Suite behind the 8 p.m., Saturday, March 14 gymnasium. Gay Chorus celebrates 30 Years of Gay Singing Original at the Museum of Art, 1750 East Oakland Park Blvd., just east of 15th Ave. to bid on great silent auction items. men’s chorus, as nearly everyone chance Fort Lauderdale


And finally, the second act will conclude this will agree, has a distinctive sound enjoyed by virtually everyone who wonderful evening of theatre, song, feasting 954.832.0060 hears it. Gay men have been particularly and prizes with a performance of music from www.theftlgmc.org the Broadway hit,sponsor: Kinky Boots. And all of this strong in keeping the tradition of the all-male Special Thanks to our media www.facebook.com/theftlgmc chorus sound alive and well. In Florida, that for only $40!! At the price, you really can’t afford to miss this multi-layered treat. tradition in the gay community owes its very This exciting and fun-filled event existence to Dr. Gary Keating and the original will herald an even more exciting 30th Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus. When Anniversary Season. On Saturday, November Dr. Keating founded the Chorus in the 80s, 21st, the Chorus will present its Holiday Show. it became thereby the first gay performing The first act will have a more serious flavor arts organization in the state and its first with great music from classical (for example, gay chorus. Now the Chorus is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary with a season of Palestrina) and folk traditions on the themes of Christmas and Hanukkah. The second act performances not to be missed. As a prelude to the season (which begins will present some of the more light-hearted officially with their Holiday Concert later this and even hilarious songs for that time of year, performed in the Chorus’s highly appreciated year), the Chorus is once again presenting Fall signature show style. Follies in the acoustically splendid auditorium March will see a special show of the newlyof the NSU Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, formed LGBT Youth Chorus in concert with on Saturday, September 12th, at 8 p.m. (but come early: see below). The theme will be the Men’s Chorus. This will be an opportunity Gay-on-Broadway, with some of the music for the gay community to show its support for our LGBT youth. that you would expect, and maybe some Finally, in late May or early June, the surprises. This year the traditional cabaret-style Chorus will conclude its Anniversary Season with a full performance of the commission fundraiser show will have a delightful twist piece, Living Out Loud, by the well-known for one all-inclusive price. It will begin around writing team of Robert Seeley and Robert 7 p.m., about an hour before curtain, with drinks and finger food in the tropically elegant Espandola. This extraordinary 9-song cycle courtyard of the museum. At 8 p.m., the first takes the listener through the various facets of contemporary gay life in music that is in turns act will showcase some of the great individual poignant, uplifting, and thrilling, performed talent of the Chorus with solos, duets and ensembles performing several different with the exquisite sound and musicianship types of Broadway music. At intermission, for which Dr. Keating and the Chorus are justly famous. It is a fitting conclusion to the the audience will be treated to coffees and desserts. During both eat-and-mingle periods Chorus’s celebration of gay singing in Florida (pre-show and intermission), there will be a and their 30th Anniversary year. Information and tickets for Fall Follies at the all-inclusive price of $40 can be obtained by visiting www.theftlgmc.org. Plenty of parking across the street from the Museum.

Editorial sponsored by Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus. • 9.9.2015

Singer Bo Sebastian will perform in concert with Carol Logen to benefit the Fort Lauderdale Center for Spiritual Living on Friday, Sept. 11.

And for anyone who’s looking for a good time, save the date for the Chorus’s spring show:

Kicks off 30th Season Prelude


a&e cabaret

Submitted photo.

ad fort lauderdale gay men’s chorus

lOng sPirituAl JOurney tAKes singer FrOm BrOAdwAy tO BrOwArd J.W. Arnold


o Sebastian wears many hats: author, hypnotherapist, life coach, singer, dancer and actor. On Friday, Sept. 11, he’ll take the stage at the Fort Lauderdale Center for Spiritual Living to sing and dance with his longtime friend, Carol Logen. The duo first met in New York City as aspiring twenty-something performers hoping to get a big break on Broadway, but the journey that would bring them back together in Broward County years later was anything but easy, especially for Sebastian. After landing roles in “West Side Story,” “Runaways” and “Fiddler on the Roof,” Sebastian left Manhattan to pursue a recording contract in Nashville—singing gospel music. Even though he hadn’t grown up in an especially conservative religious family, the singer turned to fundamentalist religion during those years, preaching the evils of homosexuality on street corners. But when faced with signing the contract, he faced “a moment of reckoning,” realizing the he could no longer reconcile his sexual orientation with the restrictive morals clauses required of the label’s artists. Sebastian then focused on resolving the inner turmoil he had felt for so long, He became a life coach and hypnotherapist, later authoring novels and five self-help guides. Many of the books deal with coming to terms with homosexuality and faith, including “The Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior” and “Finding Authentic You: 7 Steps to Effective Change.”

“I guess there is a theme there,” Sebastian admitted, “but these are very common issues for so many people, myself included.” Since moving to South Florida in 2014 to care for his aging mother and be closer to family, he established a popular monthly meeting at the Center for Spiritual Living in Wilton Manors based on his book, “The Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior,” that attracts 50 to 60 participants. He expects a new monthly social gathering to grow even larger. The handsome performer has also relaunched his performing career, quickly landing national commercials and a role on a television series filmed in South Florida. But, he’s most excited about reuniting with Logen, who is also gay and now lives in the area with her longtime partner. Logen’s Broadway credits include “Dreamgirls,” “On the 20th Century,” “Sweeney Todd,” “Rex,” “Where’s Charley?” and “Evita.” “It’s going to be a fun, fun evening,” Sebastian promised, offering a program of famous show tunes and duets from “Phantom of the Opera,” “Cats,” “Wicked,” “Company,” “Les Miserables” and more. Sebastian also plans to throw in a little fancy footwork, too. Most importantly, the performance will help raise funds for the church’s building project, the new spiritual home for Sebastian and so many others like him who have undergone challenging journeys of faith.

Bo Sebastian and Carol Logen perform “Broadway Tonight,” a fundraiser for the Fort Lauderdale Center for Spiritual Living, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 11 at the church, 1550 NE 26th St. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $10 at the door. For more information, go to CSLFtL.org. To learn more about Bo Sebastian and his career, go to BoSebastian.com.

Photo credit: Brittany Travis.

a&e film

Stars of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” recreate the roles of “The Golden Girls” in Logo’s “30 Isn’t a Drag” marathon, Sept. 12 – 13.

lOgO CeleBrAtes “gOlden girls” AnniversAry with gender Bending twist J.W. Arnold


lip through the channels and you’re bound to find a rerun of “The Golden Girls.” And we all have “that friend” who can recite every line of every episode in real time. To mark the 30th anniversary of the sitcom about four mature women living together in Miami, Logo is offering LGBT fans the “30 Isn’t a Drag” marathon beginning at 12 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 12 and running through 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 13. In addition to 30 hours of classic episodes, the marathon also offers a gender-bending twist as four “RuPaul’s Drag Race” stars take on the iconic roles that have made two generations of gay men laugh. The queens—Shangela (Sophia), Delta Work (Dorothy), Pandora Box (Rose) and

William (Blanch)—will eat lots of cheesecake along with a side of sarcasm as they put their own spin on the iconic characters and introduce 30 of the most unforgettable episodes of the seminal sitcom. In addition to the series stars, Estelle Getty, Bea Arthur, Betty White and Rue McClanahan, the episodes include guest appearances by George Clooney, Bob Hope, Julio Iglesias and Meshach Taylor. The Emmy Award-winning series originally aired on NBC from 1985-1992. The Logo anniversary marathon will continue online with exclusive behind-thescenes content featuring the “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alums in full Golden Girls-drag on both Logo and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Facebook and twitter accounts.

Check local listings for stations and show times. For more information, go to LotoTV.com/shows/The_Golden_Girls.









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Theater Christiana Lilly




Shorts Gone Wild

Sept. 10 to 13 at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. City Theatre and Island City Stage team up for a night of hilarious short plays with LGBT themes. Tickets $32.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

Fall Follies

Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy music from “Kinky Boots” as performed by the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus. Enjoy refreshments and light bites prior to the show. Tickets $40. Call 954-8320060 or visit TheFTLGMC.org.

Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, and Eric Hutchinson

Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The first American Idol winner is joined on stage by Pentatonix and Eric Hutchinson. Tickets $27 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit CruzanAmphitheatre.net. * Denotes New Listing

broward county * Olga Tanon and Gilberto Santa Rosa

Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. at Hard Rock Live, One Seminole Way in Hollywood. The duo makes a stop in South Florida during their tour. Tickets $55 to $200. Call 866-502-7529 or visit SeminoleHardRockHollywood.com.

* Two of a Kind

Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Sanctuary Second Presbyterian Church, 1400 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Brent Kuenning and Steven Geyerr, former New York performers, put on their show “Swing, Sing, and Soul” to benefit the Stonewall Museum. $10 suggested donation. Visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Bed and Sofa

Through Sept. 14 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. When Kolya’s friend, Volodya, is down and out, he invites him to crash on his couch. However, the new guest starts sleeping with Kolya’s wife, Ludmilla, and Kolya finds himself on the couch scheming ways to stop the two from getting together again. Tickets $30. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.


• 9.9.2015

palm beach county * 5 Seconds of Summer

Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The boy band from Australia was discovered on YouTube and have since toured with One Direction. Tickets $19 and up. Call or visit CruzanAmphitheatre.net.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county Ed Sheeran

Sept. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The singersongwriter has taken the musical world by storm with his songs “Photograph,” “Lego House,” “Thinking Out Loud,” and more. He is joined on stage by Christina Perri and Jamie Lawson. Tickets $56.50 to $66.50. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

Don Ross

Sept. 10 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. Ross is the only person to have won the fingerstyle guitar championship -- twice! Tickets $45 to $50. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCEnter.org.

* XX Anniversary International Ballet Festival Miami

Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Performances by Etoiles Classical Grand Gala -- The Arsht Center is one of five venues hosting ballet companies from around the world for the festival. Tickets $38 to $65. Call 305949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Purity Ring

Sept. 11 at 8:30 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The electronic duo from Canada return to Miami in support of their Another Eternity tour. Tickets $22.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB. com.

* Martin Lawrence

Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The triple threat has worked in comedy, movies, and producing and is now on his Doin’ Time comedy tour. Tickets $36.50 to $112. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

* Great Moments from Opera, Ballet, and Zazuela

Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A performance of favorites from La Traviata, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, West Side Story, and more. Tickets $20 to $40. Call 305-4668002 or visit AventuraCEnter.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

9.9.2015 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks 9/11 Volunteer Day

Sept. 12 at 8:30 a.m. at Arcola Lakes Park, 1301 NW 83rd St. in Miami. Spend your Saturday volunteering at the park to help your local community in honor of the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. Contact Lauren Breckenridge at 305-755-7973 or breckl@miamidade.gov.

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Sept. 11 from 9:30 to 10:05 a.m. at the Fort Lauderdale Fire and Safety Museum, 1022 W. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. An outdoor ceremony to remember the lives lost on 9/11, followed by refreshments inside and an opportunity to view the museum. Free. Visit FortLauderdale.gov.

LAST CHANCE: Sushi & Stroll Summer Walks

Sept. 11 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. The last of the series, explore the gardens and museum for sushi, sake, and taiko drumming. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-4950233 or visit Morikami.org

broward county ArtBrazil

Through Sept. 25 at ArtServe,1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. A celebration of Brazilian Independence Day with works by artists from the country, presenting in a variety of media. Free. Call 954-462-8190 or visit ArtServe.org.

From Within and Without

Through Oct. 4 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. A display of Haitian photography from the 19th century to now. Admission $12. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

Dine Out Fort Lauderdale

Through Oct. 12 throughout Fort Lauderdale. Celebrate area restaurants with $35, threecourse prix fixe menus. Visit Facebook.com/ VisitLauderdale.

Pablo Picasso: Painted Ceramics and Works on Paper, 1931 to 1971

Through Nov. 1 at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The eccentric artist is mainly known for his paintings, but he also made art into rugs, sculptures, drawings, ceramics, and other media. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.


• 9.9.2015

Broward Social Services SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Introduction to Modern Buddhism

Mondays 6 to 6:30 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 140 W. Prospect Road in Fort Lauderdale. Join a guided meditation and instruction with Western Buddhist teacher, Jay Radin. Free. Visit MeditationinFortLauderdale.com.

palm beach county The Morikami Menagerie: Creatures in Japanese Art

Through Sept. 13 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. Japanese folklore’s fantasy creatures -- dragons, lion-dogs and dragon-deer -- in art. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

Japan’s Robot Kingdom

Through Sept. 13 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. A look at Japanese robotics from the last 50 years and its impact on pop culture and technology. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

* Food Truck Invasion

Sept. 16 at 5 p.m. at Sunset Cove, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Enjoy food from a variety of food trucks, and then watch 1990’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” from your picnic blanket or lounge chair. Free. Visit Facebook.com/ sunsetcoveamphitheater.

Eww! What’s Eating You? Through Sept. 27 at the South

Florida Science Center, 4801 Dreher Trail North in West Palm Beach. Explore the creepy crawlies of our planet that live off humans -- parasites! -- like tapeworms, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, and ticks. Tickets $11 to 15. Call 561-832-1988 or visit SFScienceCenter. org.

CAP Study of Gay Black Men

Through Dec. 1 at FoundCare, 2330 S. Congress Ave. in Palm Springs. The “Real Talk” study seeks black gay men ages 18 to 49 to provide input on a new Comprehensive AIDS Program (CAP) program geared towards the community. Participants are compensated for their time and the study is confidential. For more information, call 561472-2466, ext 114 or 121 or visit foundcare. org.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

Out of the Closet NA Group

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

miami-dade county Fashion Project Book Club

Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. at Books and Books, 9700 Collins Ave. in Bal Harbour. A discussion of “Grace: A Memoir,” chronicling the life of Vogue fashion editor, Grace Coddington. Free. RSVP to info@fashionprojectbhs.com or 786245-2200.

* A Day in the Life of Coral

Sept. 11 to Jan. 18, 2016 at Museum Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. New Yorkbased artist David Brooks presents billboards of coral around Miami and its changing atmosphere. Free. Visit FringeProjectsMiami. com

* Mercado De San Miguel

Sept. 16 to Jan. 30, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Fridays and Saturdays will be transformed into La Feria del Mercada de San Miguel, a traditional market in Spain, fit with food-related activities every time. Free. Visit BayfrontParkMiami.com.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.

* Yoga

Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-535-4733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids.org.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

* Capoeira

Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Bayfront Park’s Tina Hills Pavilion, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Learn the Brazilian art of capoeira, a mix of dance and martial arts, with Mestre Ze Com Fome.Free. Call 305-989-6628 or visit mestrezeomfome.com.

* Denotes New Listing

porn pulse

Virginia Journalist Killer Owned Gay Porn Domains Hunter Houston


he guy who shot up two journalists in Virginia owned at least seven gay porn website domains. None of them appear to be active any longer. Described as a gay, black man, Vester Flanagan gunned down two television reporters recently before taking his own life. Flanagan, sources say, was battling depression, unemployment and addictions. Found unconscious inside a car from what authorities say are self-inflicted wounds, Flanagan has investigators digging to learn what type of person he was. CNN has linked him to the porn industry, reporting that Flanagan had purchased domain names for porn use. Openly gay CNN Newsman Don Lemon defended Flanagan stating “The gay porn site thing to me is, I don’t really see the relevance of it, because if it’s not illegal, then what’s wrong with him owning gay porn sites or straight porn sites?” Lemon asked Wolf Blitzer, CNN’s senior anchor. “I don’t see anything wrong with it,” Lemon continued. Flanagan is reportedly the killer of cameraman Adam Ward, 27 and reporter Alison Parker, 24. He recorded the fatal shots on film. The two

were employees for WDBJ, a CBS affiliated television station in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The 41-year-old Flanagan is said to have faxed a disgruntled letter to the station prior to his tragic scene. We’re hoping the websites he bought do not promote this sad state of affairs. Meanwhile, Cockyboys.com of Rustin Charles fame, is promoting a scene where a New York newcomer pounds a veteran actor from French Canada. Brandon Jones, the Quebecois, is advertised as a veteran who can take the rookie’s best. Cockyboys.com is quite the website. In addition to what one would expect from a gay porn company, Cockyboys.com includes the Cocky Boy Manifesto written by Jake Jaxson “Be Proud. You are not a type. You are you. “Cocky” does not mean “rude.” Gay sex is not shameful. It is a blessing. Like a fine wine or a great meal or a roller coaster ride. It is part of life and should be enjoyed.” Porn Pulse is looking into this Cocky Boy lifestyle, soon.

9.9.2015 •


Business Directory health

dental LANE & ERIKS DENTAL ASSOCIATES 1831 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.771.3331 Laneanderiksdental.com OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com WILTON MANORS DENTAL 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com ISLAND CITY SMILES 1946 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-7666 Islandcitysmiles.com

health EMERALD ELITE 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite 3, Wilton Manors, FL 954.629.1377 Emeraldelitehomehealth.com

DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com THE FLORIDA HOUSE EXPERIENCE 505 S Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 800.778.6792 Fherehab.com

AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com SIMPLY MEN’S HEALTH 5405 Okeechobee Blvd #205, West Palm Beach, FL 561.459.5356 Simplymenshealth.com NATURA DERMATOLOGY 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 Coolsculptingnaturadermatology.com MARK ENGEBRETSON Palm Beach & Boca Raton 561.400.9297 heartofthemystery.com

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 legal

LAW ROBIN 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

JIMENEZ LAW 100 SE 3rd Ave #1514, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 954.848.3111 Jimenezlawoffices.com

professional services BARTON & MILLER CLEANERS 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 KALIS-MCINTEE FUNERAL & CREMATION CENTER

investments AMERICAN TAX & INSURANCE 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL

954.302.3228 Americantaxandinsurance.com

legal SELZER & WEISS 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com LAW GC 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com

GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com

SFGN.com restaurants STORKS BAKERY 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com THE FLORIDIAN RESTAURANT 1410 E Las Olas Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.463.4041

NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.5631 Nakedgrapewinebar.com BEEFCAKE’S 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 Boardwalkbar.com

restaurants J. MARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com SANTA LUCIA RISTORANTE 2701 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-396-0930 Santaluciaristorante.com


$250 A YEAR retail PEACE PIPE 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl DAOUD’S 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com NATURAL SLEEP 3040 N 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020 954.951.2678 Naturalsleepfd.com

POVERELLO THRIFT STORE 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.561.3663 Poverello.org MODERN HOME 2 GO 4000 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.530.5650 Mh2go.com ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com


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• 9.9.2015

retail ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com


HENRI FRANK GROUP 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.604.9999 Henrifrank.com

travel / leisure

AQUAFEST CRUISES A Division of CruiseCenter © 800-592-9058 Aquafestcruises.com

theaters FT LAUDERDALE GAY MEN'S CHORUS PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org ANDREWS LIVING ARTS STUDIO 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com KRAVIS CENTER 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org

theaters ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

veterinarian DR. PIERRE B. BLAND, DVM 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com




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I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

9.9.2015 •


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• 9.9.2015

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