9/28/16 V7i39

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local name global coverage September 28, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 39

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madam presIdent,

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sfgn endorses hrC pages 26 - 28

trans ConferenCe returns to BroWard Page 6


pumpKin reCipes to KiCK start autumn Page 36



THE OPENiNG liNE Photos: Facebook, Twitter.


comments from SFGN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

OFFiciAlS ASK FOR MORE iNPuT ON wilTON DRivE DESiGN Robb Kvašňák –


Oakland Park should think about the outcomes as well. If Oakland Park isn’t realy serious about creating a culinary district, then we also have to reroute traffic. Oakland Park is too ambivalent about the matter - our city wants BOTH: to be a culinary district but also be a drive-thru area with high-speed traffic flowing from Commercial to Oakland Park Blvds. You cannot have it both ways - or better said: you cannot have your culinary cake and speedway, too. At 40 miles de facto per hour and two lanes in each direction drivers cannot suddenly decide to check out shops that OP hopes to have filled one day. As a chef, I would not even think about opening a restaurant on Dixie in OP - and 12th Ave is hidden from the view of attentive drivers. So Oakland Park really needs to think and discuss thoroughly what it wants.

Perhaps this is British Sarcasm at its best... or worst? Does Yiannopoulas really believe this stuff, or is he merely mocking the American’s admiration for the underdog (a supposed super “faggoty” one at that)? Americans will often allow themselves to fall prey to the false bravado of larger-than-life loudmouths like “The Donald.” It’s unimaginable that any LGBTQ would swallow the venom spouted by the GOP. Are there really sufficient selfloathing, god-fearing queers out there to applaud another ignoramus singing their torrential tune of atonement?

Nate Klarfeld –

Love the idea! Gets away from the “if the doors were big enough we’d drive our cars to the bathroom” mentality.

I’m not sure how I feel about actually narrowing the street to one lane each way... speed should definitely be 25mph though... Now... how do you all propose stopping drunks from walking out in front of cars... that is at least half of the problem... I’ve seen it happen time and time again!

Like with OUT Magazine...very disappointed that SFGN gave this asswipe any coverage what so ever.


Elthon wolffemann Decastillo –

Go for it, Milo! We welcome you in Florida! Come to Wilton Manors, let’s have a drink! I’ll buy!

Steve Johnson –

Too onerous. These are not centers for filling bombs, after all, but for filling bongs. Perhaps these politicians are confused about the terms.

Dave R –

A breath of fresh air..., GO MILO!!! Who wouldn’t be Wild & Carazy for Milo!

September 28, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 39

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

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Senior Features Correspondents Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams

Bill Krauter –

Ron wudarsky –



Frank lovejoy –

Does the city regulate pharmacies?

Bill cox –


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The gay male Ann Coulter... although there are those that would argue that Ann Coulter is herself a gay male. So, maybe another gay male Ann Coulter?


Joey causey –

However liquor stores and churches are on every corner.

Printing by Sun Coast Press

SFGN WINNER of & 3 FLORIDA PRESS CLUB Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER

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Associated Press


9 . 28.2016


SouthFl oridaG

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton recently faced off in their first Presidential Debate. Photos: CNN.

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

NEWS state



eeking to heal a community still coping with tragedy, Orlando city officials are producing a pride event next month. In a news release issued Friday from the office of Mayor Buddy Dyer, city officials announced a pride festival is to be staged October 8 at downtown Lake Eola Park. The event is named “2016 Come Out With Pride Festival.” “Since the first march in 1969 following Stonewall, Pride events have always been about conquering hate and inequality through peaceful congregation,” said Brian Riha, president of the festival, in a news release.

“Last year we celebrated the June Marriage Equality Supreme Court decision and later many questioned if we would still need Pride. After the senseless massacre of 49 individuals at a gay nightclub this June, the answer is unequivocally yes.” The Orlando City Soccer League is the festival’s presenting sponsor. Special guest celebrities who have committed to attend include: Michelle Clunie (Queer As Folk, Teen Wolf, The Usual Suspects), Peter Paige (Queer As Folk), Michael Cerveris (The Good Wife, Fun Home), Matteo Lane (Light Night with Seth Myers), singer/songwriter Eli Lieb, singer/songwriter Brandon Skeie and YouTube vloggers RJ Aguiar & Will Shepherd. More celebrity guests, organizers say, will be announced leading up to the event.

A parade, sponsored by PNC Bank, is also planned. For more information, visit www.comeoutwithpride.com


A HOT DOG YOU CAN TRUST! 2031 D Wilton Dr Wilton Manors, FL 33305 (across from Tropics Restaurant)

9.28.2016 •


NEWS state U.s. Congressman Patrick Murphy.


John McDonald


leven candidates received endorsements from SAVE’s Action Pac. In an email to supporters on Friday, SAVE released its newest list of endorsements for the upcoming general election. U.S. Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-Jupiter) led the way. Murphy is seeking to unseat U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-West Miami) in the U.S. Senate. Both men, campaign aides tell SFGN, will spend the majority of the week in Washington, D.C. dealing with budgets and appropriations before hitting the campaign trail full time next week. Polls show the race a dead heat. Joining Murphy on SAVE endorsements are: • Florida senator rene Garcia, district 36 • Phillip Brutus, Fl senate 38 • ivette Gonzalez Petkovich, Fl House 103 • Jeffrey solomon, Fl House 115 • representative Jose Felix diaz, Fl House 116 • Councilwoman sandra ruiz, Mayor of doral • Maria Jackson, Hollywood Commission Seat 2 • senator eleanor sobel, Mayor of Hollywood • Commissioner Julie Carson, Wilton Manors Commission and • Commissioner tom Green, Wilton Manors Commission. The new round of endorsements join 22 candidates already vetted by SAVE. They are: • secretary of state Hillary Clinton, U.S. President


9 . 28.2016

• Mayor Carlos Gimenez (Miami-dade County Mayor • U.s. Congresswoman debbie Wasserman schultz (d-Fl 23) • U.s. Congresswoman ileana roslehtinen (r-Fl 27) • senator Miguel diaz de la Portilla & representative Jose Javier rodriguez, Florida senate 37 • debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Florida 39 • senator dwight Bullard, district 40 • Ken Keechl, Florida House 93 • nicholas duran, Florida House 112 • representative david richardson, Florida House 113 • daisy Baez, Florida House 114 • robert asencio, Florida House 118 • representative Holly raschein, Florida House 120 • Modesto ‘Mo’ abety, Miami-dade school Board district 6 • Justice Charles t. Canady, Florida Supreme Court • Justice Jorge labarga, Florida Supreme Court • Justice ricky l. Polston, Florida Supreme Court • Carol “Jodi” Breece, Miami-dade 11th Circuit Group 52 • Harvey ruvin, Miami-dade 11th Circuit Clerk of Court • lea Krauss, Broward 17th Circuit Group 9 • Mayor Connie leon-Kreps, Mayor of north Bay Village and • Mayor Gary resnick, Mayor of Wilton Manors. Founded in 1993, SAVE stands for Safeguarding American Values for Everyone. It is recognized as South Florida’s leading organization protecting LGBT people from discrimination.



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NEWS national

Photo: Facebook

NEWS local

GRiNDR uSERS GO wiTH HER John McDonald


rindr users overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton for President. In a news release, the popular geosocial networking application reports 68.7 percent of respondents to a recent survey preferred former Secretary of State Clinton as their next President of the United States. Only American users were counted in the survey. Through a smart phone’s geolocation device, Grindr allows users to connect in real time. Gay and bisexual men primarily use the app. New York businessman Donald J. Trump came in second in the Grindr survey. “Donald J. Trump has made an effort to appeal to LGBT voters, but only 15.1 percent of those polled said they will give him their vote, although the word cloud shows he is the biggest reason that users are voting this election,” reads the Grindr news release. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 6.4 percent followed by Green party candidate Jill Stein with 3.4 percent.

a feW of the guests Kellie Maloney

Fifty-eight percent of survey respondents identified as Democrats compared to 12.4 percent for Republicans. When asked if they knew of any LGBT officials, a whopping 69.7 percent of survey respondents answered no. Grindr claims more than two million active users daily in 196 countries. Since its launch in 2009, Grindr has grown to become the largest all-male mobile social network in the world.

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his weekend is all about the “T” in LGBT. “It is time for the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitor’s Bureau to emphasize the importance of the T in LGBT,” says Richard Gray, the Bureau’s managing director of LGBT tourism in a promotional video for the Southern Comfort Conference. The 2016 Southern Comfort Conference, now in its 26th year, returns to Broward County this week with activities, seminars and networking opportunities scheduled. The Bonaventure Resort in Spa in Weston, 250 Racquet Club Road, is the host hotel for the second year in a row. “I want transgender travelers to be like all travelers,” Gray says in the video posted on the conference website. “Free to be themselves, free to be accepted and most of all welcome and safe here in greater Fort Lauderdale.” Appearances by several well-known figures in the trans community are expected this weekend. The conference’s keynote speakers include Schuyler Bailar, a Harvard swimmer and Kellie Maloney, former manager of heavyweight boxing champion Lennox Lewis. Locally, Atticus Ranck, director of social services at SunServe, is presenting a seminar on Thursday titled “How to Name Change.” Since going to work at SunServe, Ranck has helped 87 individuals navigate the name change process in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties. This will be Ranck’s second year attending the conference. “People come to the conference to be who they are,” Ranck said. “It has literally saved lives.”

The transgender community, Ranck said, is not monolithic. “It started as a lot of cross dressers from rural areas and now you are beginning to see young people who are transitioning medically participating as well,” Ranck said. Other seminars are focused on mental health, cosemtic surgery, voice modification, defeating discrimination, yoga, HIV/AIDS, bathroom politics and marriage. Various activities are planned for conference attendees as well, ranging from airboat tours of the Everglades to shopping on Las Olas Boulevard, a visit to the Hard Rock Casino and a dinner show at Lips. Highlighting the “T” in LGBT is a bold proposition for any organization. There is very little hard data on trans lives in the United States. A recent 2016 study by the University of California Los Angeles School of Law’s Williams Institute estimated the country’s transgender population to be about 1.4 million adults. Presently, there is no option on U.S. Census forms to identify as a gender other than male or female. The National Center for Transgender Equality recently released details from its National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Conducted with the National LGBTQ Task Force, the survey found that 90 percent of respondents experienced harassment, mistreatment or discrimination on the job or took actions like hiding who they are to avoid it. Most alarming is that 41 percent of survey respondents reported attempting suicide compared to just 1.6 percent of the general public.

For more information, visit www.southerncomfortconference.org

POlitiCs out on the trail

Photo: Facebook.



n all of Florida’s 67 counties, circuit court is the highest court of law. In the 17th circuit, group nine, Lea P. Krauss believes she is the most qualified to serve on the bench. “I have practiced law for over 16 years and I have handled a wide range of criminal and civil cases,” Krauss said in an exclusive interview with SFGN prior to speaking at the quarterly luncheon of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “I have been in court nearly every day, and I have handled over 1,000 hearings from Key West to the Panhandle.” In her experience, Krauss said she has noticed many find the courthouse an intimidating place. “I have seen firsthand how scary and frustrating court can be for everyone,” Krauss said. “Let’s face it, our judicial system is adversarial in nature so each case has a winner and loser. The judge is the one person in the courtroom that shapes the entire experience for everyone. I am running to be circuit court judge because I want to make a difficult day in court just a little bit better.” Krauss collected the most votes (59,473) in last month’s primary election, outpacing Andrea Ruth Gundersen (50,988) and Maxine K. Streeter (47,541). Florida election laws, however, require judicial candidates to win by more than 50 percent of the vote. Krauss got 38 percent, sending her and Gundersen (32 percent) into a run-off. Both candidates will appear on the general election ballot in November. “I am the most qualified candidate in the race,” Krauss said. “There are two things that

set me apart: the depth of my experience and my even-temperament. I am the only trial attorney in my race with over 50 jury trials. I am the only former prosecutor in my race. I am the only one in my race who has actually done both jury and bench trials in the last two years.” Krauss has received endorsements from major organizations such as the Broward County Police Benevolent Association, Broward County Council of Professional Firefighters, Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, National Organization For Women, Puerto Rican Bar Association and Hispanic Vote. A native of Long Island, New York, Krauss did her undergraduate studies in psychology and criminology at the University of Michigan. She attended law school at the University of Miami, where her introduction into the South Florida legal scene came as an intern in the Dade County Public Defender’s Office. “I am the most qualified to hear both civil and criminal court cases and this seat will be assigned either criminal or civil cases after the election – judges do not get to pick what types of cases they preside over because it is up to the chief judge,” Krauss said. “Circuit court is the highest trial court and I am the only trial attorney and experience matters when dealing with serious cases. Circuit court criminal cases are the most serious criminal allegations, all the way up to death penalty cases and I am the only one in my race that has actually done first degree felony jury trials.” A certified Florida Supreme Court family mediator and Guardian Ad Litem, Krauss married her partner, April Halle, last year.

9.28.2016 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Emily’s list Backs lesbian Minn. congressional candidate (SFGN) Angie Craig, a Democrat from Minnesota, is running for Congress. Craig is a married, out lesbian -- a fact which Craig’s political opponents are attempting to use against her, according to political action committee, Emily’s List. The PAC, which supports the election of prochoice, Democratic female candidates, released a statement on Wednesday calling out the homophobic opposition campaign being waged by Republican leaders in Minnesota. “Last week a local Republican leader put out a fundraiser invitation for Angie’s opponent with a photo of Angie, her wife, and their four children alongside family photos of four Republicans who are running for office. The caption below the photo said, “She’s a liberal and this is her family. She and her female marriage partner and their 4 teenage


sons,” as if Angie’s family was a problem,” the statement reads. Craig’s opponent is former right-wing radio show host Jason Lewis, who has been quoted as saying that allowing transgender students to use the school restroom of their choice is an “abomination.” In 2012 he said, “You’ve got a vast majority of young single women who couldn’t explain to you what GDP means. You know what they care about? They care about abortion. They care about abortion and gay marriage. They care about ‘The View.’ They are non-thinking.” The PAC is asking for donations of $3 to help get Craig elected over Lewis. Donations can be made at https://secure.emilyslist.org/Help-Angie-Now. If elected, Craig would be the first openly gay person to represent Minnesota in Congress.


Backs Opposition to Mexico GayPolice Stop Gay Pope uganda: Marriage Proposal Parade Deemed illegal (AP) Pope Francis has voiced support for Mexican bishops and citizens opposing the government’s push to legalize same-sex marriage. At his weekly Sunday blessing, Francis said he willingly joined their protest “in favor of family and life, which in these times require special pastoral and cultural attention around the world.” Tens of thousands of people marched through Mexico City on Saturday to protest President Enrique Pena Nieto’s proposal on marriage. Wearing white, they held banners warning against same-sex marriage and demanding parents’ right to control sex education in schools. Francis has opposed gay marriage and has railed against “gender ideology,” particularly as taught in schools. But he rarely intervenes publicly in national debates, preferring to let local bishops take the lead. Francis visited the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic Mexico in February.


9 . 28.2016

angie Craig. Photo: Facebook.


(AP) Ugandan police on Saturday prevented organizers from holding a gay pride parade on the orders of a government minister who said such an event is illegal. Police blocked organizers from staging the event at two locations outside the Ugandan capital, Kampala, said Frank Mugisha, a gay rights leader in Uganda. More than 100 LGBT people turned up for the event Saturday at a beach on Lake Victoria. Most were later ordered into minibuses and escorted by police to Kampala, apparently for questioning, the reason one young man jumped off a moving minibus and injured himself, Mugisha said. “They are traumatized,” he said. The LGBT people who had traveled in the mini-buses were later set free, he said. Homosexuality is a crime in Uganda, as in many African countries. A colonial-era law proscribes homosexual sex acts “against the order of nature.” Gay rights leaders say the LGBT community faces discrimination, violence and extortion. In August, Ugandan police briefly arrested about 20 people attending a gay pride event at a nightclub in Kampala. Following that raid, Mugisha and his colleagues decided to postpone the pride parade until September. On Wednesday, Simon Lokodo, the Ugandan minister in charge of ethics and integrity, issued a strong statement condemning public activities of homosexuals and urged police to arrest them if they went ahead with the parade. In 2009, a Ugandan lawmaker introduced a bill that

prescribed the death penalty for some homosexual acts, saying he wanted to protect Ugandan children. The proposed bill prompted international condemnation. A less severe version of the bill passed by lawmakers was rejected by a Ugandan court as unconstitutional.


PolitiCS Ow Protests Against Modeling Agency


(EDGE) NOW and The Feminist Majority are calling on Donald Trump to shut down Trump Model Management until disturbing allegations that the Republican presidential candidate’s modeling agency engaged in labor exploitation of girls and young women have been thoroughly investigated. This protest will kick off the #WomenWant2Know campaign to raise questions that need to be answered by Donald Trump -- because women’s lives and well-being are at stake. Members of NOW and Feminist Majority protest labor exploitation at Trump Model Management, and demand immediate shutdown of the modeling agency. Featured guests inlcude Terry O’Neill, NOW President; Eleanor Smeal, Feminist Majority President; and Sonia Ossorio, NOW New York President. NOW and Feminist Majority demand that Donald Trump suspend all operations at Trump Model Management until the allegations of exploitation of girls and women have been thoroughly investigated. The demonstration will mark the launch of the #WomenWant2Know social media campaign, which will highlight ways that Trump’s treatment of women has been sidelined from the national conversation.

News Briefs




ens of Thousands March Against Marriage Equality in Mexico

AP) Tens of thousands of people marched through Mexico City on Saturday in opposition to President Enrique Pena Nieto’s push to legalize same-sex marriage. Organizers of the National Front for the Family estimated at least 215,000 people participated, and while that number could not be immediately confirmed, it was clearly one of the largest protest marches in Mexico in recent years. Dressed mainly in white and carrying white balloons, the marchers held banners warning against same-sex marriage and demanding parents’ right to control sex education in schools. “We are not against anybody’s (sexual) identity,” said Abraham Ledesma, an evangelical pastor who traveled from the border city of Reynosa, across the border from McAllen, Texas, to participate in Saturday’s march. “What we are against is the government imposition ... of trying to impose gender ideology in education. As religious leaders, we don’t want to be forced to marry same-sex couples and call it marriage.” Others carried signs saying “an adopted child deserves a mother and a father.” On the other side of a police barricade separating the two sides at Mexico’s Independence Monument, a far smaller crowd of same-sex marriage supporters perhaps a couple hundred - listened to music and speeches. “They may be the majority,” said Felipe


Quiroz, a gay activist and school teacher. “But just because they are the majority, doesn’t mean they can take rights away from minorities. That would lead us to a dark period, to fundamentalism.” Many saw the massive march as the Roman Catholic church flexing its political muscle in a country where about 80 percent of people identify as nominally Catholic. In May, Pena Nieto proposed legalizing samesex marriage nationwide. It is currently legal only in some places such as Mexico City, the northern state of Coahuila and Quintana Roo state on the Caribbean coast. Photo: Facebook.


crotox Boom? Requests For Scrotal Botox Are On the Rise

(EDGE) Is scrotox actually a thing? The Sun for Fox News reports that the number of men requesting Botox to decrease lines and increase the appearance of their scrotum is on the rise. Inquiries about the procedure (dubbed “scrotox”) which can cost about $3,100 and involves injecting Botox into the scrotum, have doubled in the past year, according to experts. In addition to having smoother balls, a scrotox procedure can also ease sweating and makes the proverbial coin purse look bigger by helping the muscles relax. “Over the past year, requests for scrotum Botox have doubled at Transform [clinic], showing the huge demand and interest for this procedure,” said Mark Norfolk, clinical

director of the UK national clinic. And although scrotox is a quick fix for getting wrinkles out of your yam bag, Norfolk insists that only way to get rid of excessive wrinkles and loose skin on a man’s scrotum is to have surgery to remove the excess skin. “As the vaginal rejuvenation market is skyrocketing, men are seeking their own type of rejuvenation,” wrote Dr. Jason Emer, a Beverly Hills surgeon in Cosmetic Surgery Times. Surprising, the procedure isn’t just for older guys. “I have many younger male patients who are interested in this,” Emer wrote. “Who wouldn’t want to be a little bit longer, thicker, or have more sensitivity and a better sex life?”

9.28.2016 •


NEWS crime

Photo: WalterPro4755, Flickr.

911 Transcripts: club Gunman Said uS Must Stop Syria Strikes Mike Schneider Associated Press




9 .28.2016



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The gunman responsible for the worst mass shooting in U.S. history told a police negotiator during a standoff at a Florida nightclub that the United States needed to stop its airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, according to a transcript of the phone conversation released Friday. Omar Mateen identified himself to a 911 operator as the shooter at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando about a half hour after the massacre started and he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. “I want to let you know I’m in Orlando and I did the shooting,” he said. When a police negotiator called him back about a dozen minutes later, Mateen told the negotiator he needed to stop U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. A U.S. led coalition has targeted Islamic State group militants with airstrikes in those two countries. “They are killing a lot of innocent people,” said Mateen, a New York-born son of an Afghan immigrant. “What am I to do here when my people are getting killed over there? You get what I’m saying?” When the police negotiator asked Mateen to tell him “what’s going on right now,” Mateen mentioned the killing of the IS military leader Abu Wahid, who died in a May air strike. “That’s what triggered it, OK?” Mateen said. “They should have not bombed and killed Abu Wahid.” Mateen also likened himself to Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, according to the transcripts. Three people were killed and more than 260 were injured when two bombs exploded at the marathon’s finish line in 2013. “My homeboy Tamerlan Tsarnaev did his thing on the Boston Marathon,” Mateen said. “So, now it’s my turn, OK?” Mateen told the negotiator that he had fasted and prayed all day since it was the Muslim holiday, Ramadan. He also told the police negotiator that he had planted bombs in a vehicle outside the gay nightclub. Mateen’s statement ended up being false, but police officers took the threat seriously at the time.

The police negotiator told Mateen he wanted to help him and wanted to resolve the standoff peacefully. Mateen, a security guard who had once sought to become a police officer, hung up several times, but at one point he asked the police negotiator what year he had graduated from the police academy. The police negotiator didn’t answer him. “Look, you’re annoying me with a lot of your phone calls,” Mateen said shortly before hanging up. This week, the city of Orlando has made public dozens of 911 calls, as well as the transcripts of three conversations Mateen had with police negotiators, after fighting with media groups seeking their release. The June 12 nightclub attack claimed 49 lives and seriously injured 53 others. The media groups had argued that the release of the records would help the public evaluate the police response to the massacre. The city had said the records were exempt from the state’s public records law, both because they were part of an investigation and because some were graphic calls of patrons being shot and killed. Earlier this month, the FBI, which is investigating the mass shooting, said that withholding the records was no longer necessary to its probe. During a court hearing Friday, an attorney representing the city said almost two-thirds of the more than 600 emergency calls had been released and the remaining 229 calls were exempted under a Florida law that prohibits the release of records of someone being killed. The city classified as exempted all calls made from or going into the nightclub, said attorney Darryl Bloodworth. Rachel Fugate, an attorney for the media groups, said the city’s classification was too broad. A hearing will be scheduled on the issue at another time. Family members and survivors may be allowed to express how they feel about the calls being released, Bloodworth said.

News Briefs

continued national


helsea Manning Punished with 2 week Solitary Confinement for Attempting Suicide

(AP) Transgender solider Chelsea Manning has been punished by prison officials with two weeks in solitary confinement after she tried to take her life in July, the Guardian reports. Manning is serving a 35-year prison sentence in a Fort Leavenworth prison in Kansas for leaking classified government documents to Wikileaks. Seven days of the punishment have been suspended indefinitely, “in effect reserved in case prison officials feel Manning poses further disciplinary problems. Manning did not indicate whether she intends to appeal against the punishment,” the Guardian writes. Manning also gave a statement. “The term for this status is ‘disciplinary segregation’,” she told Fight for the Future, an advocacy group supporting Manning’s behalf. “There is no set date set for this to start. After I receive the formal board results in writing, I have 15 days to appeal. I expect to get them in the next few days.

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Chelsea manning.

“I am feeling hurt. I am feeling lonely. I am embarrassed by the decision. I don’t know how to explain it,” Manning added. Manning recently made headlines for going on a hunger strike earlier this month to protest the government’s refusal to treat her gender dysphoria disorder. After five days, the government approved Manning to undergo gender transition surgery.



x-Employee Sues whole Foods for $75K for AntiGay Harassment, Discrimination

(EDGE) A former employee for Whole Foods in Boulder, Colo., is suing the supermarket company for anti-gay harassment and discrimination she said she endured, and is seeking $75,000 in damages, the Denver Post reports. Jennifer Johnston, who is lesbian, claims her boss frequently asked her if she thought other people in the market were gay. She says her boss said that she would know who was gay because Johnston, who is married to a woman, could use her “gaydar,” a federal employment discrimination lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Denver, which was obtained by the Post. In the suit, Johnston claims she experienced similar type of discriminatory harassment on a daily basis at the Whole Foods location, which she called a “hostile and abusive” work environment. She said it led to her “constructive” resignation, according to the court papers. Johnston worked at the Boulder Whole

Foods after transferring there from a Pennsylvania location on Dec. 5, 2014. She resigned on July 22, 2015 and said most of the abuse started in February 2015 and came from her supervisor Tawny Duckworth, who no longer works at Whole Foods, according to the Post. Johnston says she asked her boss to stop asking offensive questions that focused on her gender and sexual orientation. After filing a discrimination complaint with the store’s general manager on July 2, 2015, she received an apology and an offer to work a different shift to avoid Duckworth. But another coworker had issues with Johnston and she later resigned from Whole Foods. “Said resignation constituted an involuntary termination,” the suit reads, according to the Post. Johnston is looking for $75,000 in damages for emotional distress, which includes mental anguish, according to the court docs. She’s also seeking future and past pay, as well as punitive damages.

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9.28.2016 •


TRIUMEQ is a once-a-day pill used to treat HIV-1. In some people, TRIUMEQ should not be used by itself. Take TRIUMEQ exactly as your healthcare provider tells you. APPROVED USES TRIUMEQ is a prescription HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-type 1) medicine used alone or with other antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults. HIV-1 is the virus that causes AIDS. TRIUMEQ is not for use by itself in people who have or have had resistance to abacavir, dolutegravir, or lamivudine. TRIUMEQ should not be used in children under the age of 18. TRIUMEQ does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS. You must keep taking HIV-1 medicines to control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION What is the most important information I should know about TRIUMEQ? TRIUMEQ can cause serious side effects, including: • Serious allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reaction) that can cause death have happened with TRIUMEQ and other abacavir-containing products. Your risk of this allergic reaction to abacavir is much higher if you have a gene variation called HLA-B*5701. Your healthcare provider can determine with a blood test if you have this gene variation. If you get symptoms from 2 or more of the following groups while taking TRIUMEQ, call your healthcare provider right away: 1. fever; 2. rash; 3. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain; 4. generally ill feeling, extreme tiredness, or achiness; 5. shortness of breath, cough, or sore throat. Your pharmacist will give you a Warning Card with a list of these symptoms. Carry this Warning Card with you at all times. If you stop taking TRIUMEQ because of an allergic reaction, never take TRIUMEQ or any other abacavir- or dolutegravir-containing medicines again. If you take TRIUMEQ or any other abacavir-containing medicine again after you have had an allergic reaction, within hours you may get life-threatening symptoms that may include very low blood pressure or death. If you stop TRIUMEQ for any other reason, even for a few days, and you are not allergic to TRIUMEQ, talk with your healthcare provider before taking it again. Taking TRIUMEQ again can cause a serious allergic or life-threatening reaction, even if you never had an allergic reaction to it before. If your healthcare provider tells you that you can take TRIUMEQ again, start taking it when you are around medical help or people who can call a healthcare provider if you need one. • A buildup of acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). Lactic acidosis can happen in some people who take TRIUMEQ. This serious medical emergency can cause death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you feel very weak or tired; have unusual muscle pain; have trouble breathing; have stomach pain with nausea and vomiting; feel cold, especially in your arms and legs; feel dizzy/light-headed; or have a fast/irregular heartbeat. • Serious liver problems can happen in people who take TRIUMEQ. In some cases, these serious liver problems can lead to death. You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking nucleoside analogue medicines for a long time. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following signs or symptoms: • yellow skin, or the white part of the eyes turns yellow (jaundice); dark urine; light-colored stools; loss of appetite for several days or longer; nausea; pain, aching, or tenderness on the right side of your stomach area • Worsening of hepatitis B virus in people who have HIV-1 infection. If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), your HBV may get worse (flare-up) if you stop taking TRIUMEQ. A “flare-up” is when your HBV suddenly returns in a worse way than before. Worsening liver disease can be serious and may lead to death. Do not stop taking TRIUMEQ without first talking to your healthcare provider, so he or she can monitor your health. • Resistant hepatitis B virus. If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B, the hepatitis B virus can change (mutate) during your treatment with TRIUMEQ and become harder to treat (resistant).

©2016 ViiV Healthcare group of companies. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 723601R0 August 2016


9 .28.2016

• Use with interferon and ribavirin-based regimens. If you’re taking TRIUMEQ and interferon, with or without ribavirin, tell your healthcare provider about any new symptoms. Worsening of liver disease that has caused death has happened in people infected with both HIV-1 and hepatitis C who were taking antiretroviral medicines and interferon. Who should not take TRIUMEQ? • Do not take TRIUMEQ if you: • have the HLA-B*5701 gene variation • are allergic to abacavir, dolutegravir, or any of the ingredients in TRIUMEQ • take dofetilide (Tikosyn®) • have liver or kidney problems What are other possible side effects of TRIUMEQ? • People with a history of hepatitis B or C virus may have an increased risk of developing new or worsening changes in certain liver tests during treatment with TRIUMEQ. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your liver function before and during treatment with TRIUMEQ. • When you start taking HIV-1 medicines, your immune system may get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you start having new symptoms after you start taking TRIUMEQ. • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 medicines. • Some HIV-1 medicines, including TRIUMEQ, may increase your risk of heart attack. The most common side effects of TRIUMEQ include: trouble sleeping, headache, tiredness These are not all the possible side effects of TRIUMEQ. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRIUMEQ? • Before you take TRIUMEQ, tell your healthcare provider if you: • have been tested and know whether or not you have a gene variation called HLA-B*5701 • have or have had liver problems, including hepatitis B or C infection; have kidney problems; have heart problems, smoke, or have diseases that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes; drink alcohol or take medicines that contain alcohol • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRIUMEQ will harm your unborn baby • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take TRIUMEQ • You should not take TRIUMEQ if you also take: • abacavir (EPZICOM®, TRIZIVIR®, or ZIAGEN®) • lamivudine (COMBIVIR®, DutrebisTM, EPIVIR®, EPIVIR-HBV®, EPZICOM, or TRIZIVIR) • emtricitabine (Emtriva®, Atripla®, Complera®, Stribild®, or Truvada®) Important Safety Information continued on next page

Peter Diagnosed with HIV in 2015

Garland Diagnosed with HIV in 2016

Leopold Diagnosed with HIV in 2003

Jeannette Diagnosed with HIV in 2011

Jack Diagnosed with HIV in 2010

Real patients with HIV-1 taking TRIUMEQ as of 2014 or later. Individual results may vary. Individuals compensated for their time by ViiV Healthcare.

• Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements (for example, antacids or laxatives; vitamins such as iron or calcium supplements; anti-seizure medicines; other medicines to treat HIV-1, hepatitis, or tuberculosis; metformin; methadone; or St. John’s wort). Some medicines interact with TRIUMEQ. Keep a list of your medicines to show your healthcare provider and pharmacist. Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Please see Important Facts about TRIUMEQ on the following pages.

Ask your doctor about

learn more at


9.28.2016 •



This is only a brief summary of important information about TRIUMEQ and does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your condition and your treatment.



TRIUMEQ® may cause serious side effects, including: • Serious allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reaction) that can cause death have happened with TRIUMEQ and other abacavir-containing products. Your risk of this allergic reaction to abacavir is much higher if you have a gene variation called HL A-B*5701. Your healthcare provider can determine with a blood test if you have this gene variation. If you get symptoms from 2 or more of the following groups while taking TRIUMEQ, call your healthcare provider right away: 1. fever; 2. rash; 3. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain; 4. generally ill feeling, extreme tiredness, or achiness; 5. shortness of breath, cough, or sore throat. A list of these symptoms is on the Warning Card your pharmacist gives you. Carry this Warning Card with you at all times. • If you stop taking TRIUMEQ because of an allergic reaction, never take TRIUMEQ or any other abacavir- or dolutegravir-containing medicines again. If you take TRIUMEQ or any other abacavir-containing medicine again after you have had an allergic reaction, within hours you may get life-threatening symptoms that may include very low blood pressure or death. If you stop TRIUMEQ for any other reason, even for a few days, and you are not allergic to TRIUMEQ, talk with your healthcare provider before taking it again. Taking TRIUMEQ again can cause a serious allergic or life-threatening reaction, even if you never had an allergic reaction to it before. If your healthcare provider tells you that you can take TRIUMEQ again, start taking it when you are around medical help or people who can call a healthcare provider if you need one. • Build-up of lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious medical emergency that can lead to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms: feeling very weak or tired, unusual muscle pain, trouble breathing, stomach pain with nausea or vomiting, feeling cold (especially in your arms and legs), feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and/or a fast or irregular heartbeat. • Serious liver problems, which in some cases can lead to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice), dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools (bowel movements), loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, and/or stomach pain on the right side. You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver problems if you are female, very overweight, or have been taking nucleoside analogues for a long time. • Worsening of Hepatitis B (HBV) infection. If you have both HIV-1 and HBV, your HBV may suddenly get worse if you stop taking TRIUMEQ. Do not stop taking TRIUMEQ without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to check your health regularly for several months. • Resistant HBV. If you have HIV-1 and HBV, the HBV can change (mutate) while you’re on TRIUMEQ and become harder to treat (resistant). • Use with interferon and ribavirin-based regimens. Worsening of liver disease that has caused death has happened in people infected with both HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus who are taking antiretroviral medicines and are also being treated for hepatitis C with interferon with or without ribavirin. If you are taking TRIUMEQ and interferon with or without ribavirin, tell your HCP if you have any new symptoms.

Tell your healthcare provider if you: • have been tested and know if you have a particular gene variation called HL A-B*5701. • have or had any kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis B or C virus infection. • have heart problems, smoke, or have diseases that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. • drink alcohol or take medicines that contain alcohol. • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRIUMEQ will harm your unborn baby. • are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take: • Keep a list that includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements, and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. • Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medicines that should not be taken with TRIUMEQ. Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider

ABOUT TRIUMEQ • TRIUMEQ is a prescription HIV-1 medicine used alone or with other antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults. TRIUMEQ is not for use by itself in people who have or have had resistance to abacavir, dolutegravir, or lamivudine. TRIUMEQ should not be used in children under the age of 18. • TRIUMEQ does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. You must keep taking HIV-1 medicines to control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses.

DO NOT TAKE TRIUMEQ IF YOU • have a certain type of gene variation called the HL A-B*5701 allele. Your HCP will test you for this before prescribing treatment with TRIUMEQ. • are allergic to abacavir, dolutegravir, or any of the ingredients in TRIUMEQ. See the full Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in TRIUMEQ. • take dofetilide ( Tikosyn®). Taking TRIUMEQ and dofetilide ( Tikosyn) can cause side effects that may be life-threatening. • have liver or kidney problems. • If you also take: abacavir (EPZICOM, TRIZIVIR, or ZIAGEN); lamivudine (COMBIVIR®, DutrebisTM, EPIVIR®, EPIVIR-HBV®, EPZICOM, or TRIZIVIR); emtricitabine (Atripla®, Complera®, Emtriva®, Stribild®, or Truvada®) abacavir (EPZICOM, TRIZIVIR, or ZIAGEN)


9 .28.2016

MEDICINES THAT MIGHT INTERACT WITH TRIUMEQ • antacids, laxatives, or other medicines that contain aluminum, magnesium, sucralfate (Carafate®), or buffered medicines. TRIUMEQ should be taken at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after you take these medicines. • iron or calcium supplements taken by mouth may be taken at the same time with TRIUMEQ if taken with food. Otherwise, TRIUMEQ should be taken at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after you take these medicines • anti-seizure medicines: oxcarbazepine (Trileptal®), phenytoin (Dilantin®, Dilantin® -125, Phenytek®), phenobarbital, carbamazepine (Carbatrol®, Equetro ®, Tegretol®, Tegretol®-XR, Teril®, Epitol®) • any other medicine to treat HIV-1, medicines used to treat hepatitis virus infections (such as interferon or ribavirin), a medicine that contains metformin, methadone, rifampin (Rifater ®, Rifamate®, Rimactane®, Rifadin®), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)

POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF TRIUMEQ TRIUMEQ can cause serious side effects including: • See “What is the most important information about TRIUMEQ?” section • Changes in liver tests. • Changes in your immune system • Changes in body fat • Some HIV-1 medicines including TRIUMEQ may increase your risk of heart attack. The most common side effects of TRIUMEQ are: trouble sleeping, headache, and tiredness These are not all the possible side effects of TRIUMEQ. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new symptoms while taking TRIUMEQ. Your healthcare provider will need to do tests to monitor your health before and during treatment with TRIUMEQ. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

GET MORE INFORMATION • Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist • Go to TRIUMEQ.com or call 1-877-844-8872, where you can also get FDA-approved product labeling COMBIVIR, EPIVIR, EPZICOM, TIVICAY, TRIUMEQ, TRIZIVIR, and ZIAGEN are registered trademarks of the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. EPIVIR-HBV is a registered trademark of the GSK group of companies. The other brands listed are trademarks of their respective owners and are not trademarks of the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. The makers of these brands are not affiliated with and do not endorse the ViiV Healthcare group of companies or its products. ©2016, the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. All rights reserved. April 2016 TRM:4MG

NEWS national

Photo: Facebook




National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day was Sept. 27 Denise Royal


uesday was the annual observance of the National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. First observed in 2008, the purpose of this day is to raise HIV/AIDS awareness among gay men, encourage testing and advocate for greater treatment and prevention services for gay men. It is also a day to recognize the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on gay men. The day takes place annually on Sept. 27. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gay and bisexual men are the population most affected by HIV. In 2014: • Gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 83 percent (29,418) of HiV diagnoses among males and 67 percent of all diagnoses. • Black/african american gay and bisexual men accounted for the largest number of estimated HiV diagnoses (11,201), followed by white gay and bisexual men (9,008). Nearly 1 in 7 gay and bisexual men living with HIV are undiagnosed. Getting tested is the critical first step toward protecting yourself and your partner from HIV. Sept. 27 is a great day to do it. Many facilities have extended testing hours. The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested for HIV at least

once as part of routine health care. Some gay and bisexual men may benefit from more frequent testing (e.g., every 3-6 months), as well as from the use of PrEP to prevent HIV in those at high risk. If you don’t have HIV, you can learn how to protect yourself, and if your test is positive, you can get medical treatment that can help you stay healthier, live longer, and reduce your risk of transmitting HIV to your partner. “There are 14 National HIVAIDS Awareness Days that we observe throughout the year that promote awareness in different communities including Youth, Black, Latino, and Transgender individuals,” said Lorenzo Lowe, Director of HIV Prevention for Compass, the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Palm Beach County. “The reason why it’s so important to recognize these days in these different communities speaks to the challenges we all continue to face in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Truth is, the responsibility to get tested, use condoms, and adhere to treatment falls on everyone regardless of your status. This is a responsibility that needs to be exercised everyday by everyone. I would hope that conversations about prevention become secondary. Remember it was just in the early ‘80s we were in a race between education and catastrophe. This same race continues today and National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is one day among many in which we realize there is still work to do.”

You can find a list of testing sites throughout south Florida by visiting http://bit.ly/1kFkM3G

even people in Hawaii felt the burn last too long. On Wednesday in telebriefing with the media, the Centers for Disease Control released new information suggesting gonorrhea is getting harder to treat. Gonorrhea is a common bacterial infection, transmitted sexually, that affects women and men. Symptoms include a burning sensation in the genitals area when urinating. More than 800,000 gonorrhea infections occur annually in the United States, the CDC reports. It can be cured and cleared up quickly with antibiotics, but a new strain has surfaced that has scientists worried. A cluster of patients in Hawaii -- six men and one woman -- showed signs of gonorrhea infection that is resistant to the only U.S. recommended treatment. “Since 2005, we have seen four isolated cases that showed resistance to both drugs, but the Hawaii cases are the first cluster we have seen with reduced susceptibility to both drugs,” said Paul Fulton, Jr., a CDC spokesman.

The seven were diagnosed in April and May and eventually cured by a two-drug regimen of ceftriaxone and azithromycin, but it took longer than normal for the infections to succumb to the medicine. Ceftriaxone is a shot and azithromycin a pill. “We usually see emerging decreased susceptibility or resistance coming from the West, starting with Hawaii, and then we also see a higher proportion of isolates with decreased susceptibility in men who have sex with men,” said Dr. Gail Bolan, director of the division of STD Prevention at the CDC told CNN. “This is a pattern we’ve seen with penicillin resistance and other antibiotics.” The CDC presented its findings at this year’s STD Prevention Conference in Atlanta. To combat a super gonorrhea outbreak, CDC officials recommend health care clinics push for increased STI screenings. Also, a new experimental drug is being developed at Louisiana State University under the direction of Dr. Stephanie Taylor.



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lGBtQia bites




(SFGN) Trish Bendix, editor in chief of lesbian and bisexual women’s media site AfterEllen, announced in a blog post that the site would be shutting down. In the backlash since the post, publishers have denied the shutdown and have fired Bendix, revoking her severance pay. Bendix said she was given permission by the publishers to announce the shutdown on social media. However, once fallout began with the site’s advertisers, publishers denied the news and fired Bendix two days early via email, reports LGBTQNation (http://bit.ly/2cSKQuL). In the email, Emrah Kovacoglu, General Manager of TotallyHer Media, writes, “I told you that I was open to you continuing to work for us as a freelancer, if you were open to it, but I don’t know if that is possible now. I’m hoping we can work through it but the company is going to have


9 .28.2016

x trish Bendix. Facebook.

to evaluate what kind of damage this has caused before they decide what to do…I also wanted to let you know that the company has decided today will be your last day rather than Friday and you will no longer be receiving a severance.”


Compiled by Jillian Melero Bisexual

wHiTE HOuSE HOSTS THiRD BiSExuAl cOMMuNiTy BRiEFiNG (SFGN) In honor of the last day of #BiWeek on Monday, the White House hosted more than 100 leaders and advocates for a community briefing on bisexual issues. The event was live streamed at http://bit.ly/2dbSSO3. The briefing focused on policy and cultural issues of significance for the American bisexual community. It featured panel discussions on bisexual policy priorities, steps the administration has taken to support bisexual people, personal narratives and stories from bisexual Americans, and current challenges that the community faces. The 2016 briefing is the third time that the White House has invited bisexual community members to meet with the administration. This is the first time one of those meetings is on the record. A number of individuals across the

andrea Jenkins. Whitehouse.gov

movement spoke at the briefing, including Faith Cheltenham of BiNet USA, author and activist Loraine Hutchins, Ellyn Ruthstrom of SpeakOUT Boston, Heron Greenesmith of MAP, Eliel Cruz of Faith in America, Alexandra Bolles of GLAAD, and Kayley Whalen of the National LGBTQ Task Force.

lGBtQia bites




SONic yOuTH’S THuRSTON MOORE RElEASES SONGS SuPPORTiNG cHElSEA MANNiNG (EDGE) Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore released a new single to support a campaign that aims to free transgender soldier Chelsea Manning, who was sentenced to 30 years in military prison for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks. Manning also made headlines for coming out as trans, and more recently went on a hunger strike so she could receive medical treatment for her gender dysphoria, which the Army approved. Moore’s new single is called “Chelsea’s Kiss” and is backed with the track “Sad Saturday.” The songs will be released on Oct. 8 as part of Cassette Store Day, Pitchfork reports. Partial proceeds will go to the Chelsea Manning Support Network. You can now listen to the songs on Soundcloud. Pitchfork writes, “In the song, Moore refers to ‘orders too gruesome to carry out.’ In the final verse, he sings: ‘Security

thurston moore. Facebook.

breacher, angel baby/Punk princess, take reign on me/The queen, king, first transgender ruler/The royal highness of my majesty ... Cure for evilness, Chelsea’s Kiss.’” There will be a release party on Oct. 8 at Lion Coffee + Records in London. Listen to the track at http://bit.ly/2cxjJBD.

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POlitiCs millennials

cliNTON uNDERScORES lGBT RiGHTS TO wiN OvER MillENNiAlS For a Democrat, Clinton has low support among young voters

hillary Clinton expressed support for lgBt rights to build support among millennials. Photo credit: Michael Key, Washington Blade.

Chris Johnson

Washington Blade


ith polls showing a decline in support among Millennials, Hillary Clinton is underscoring LGBT rights to keep young voters from straying from the Democratic presidential ticket on Election Day. Clinton referenced the importance of continuing the LGBT rights advancements seen under the Obama administration during a speech Monday intended to rally Millennials at Temple University. Contrasting her views with Donald Trump’s demonization of minority groups, Clinton offered a vision of America eliminating the barriers they face. Along with black people who think their lives are disposable, immigrants who fear deportation and young men and women sexually assaulted on college campuses, Clinton said there are “too many young LGBT Americans bullied.” “You aren’t and you shouldn’t be satisfied with the progress we’ve made,” Clinton said. “You should keep wanting to right wrongs and fight for justice and dignity for all.” Throughout her speech, Clinton articulated plans aimed at helping Millennials, including reforms allowing


9 .28.2016

refinancing of student debt, making public college tuition free to those who can’t afford it and debt free for everyone and investing in climate change technology. Clinton also discussed her history at length. At the time Trump’s real estate company was allegedly denying housing to black and Puerto Rican applicants, Clinton reminded the audience that as a young civil rights lawyer, she sought to make lives for minorities and children better as a law student, and then as a lawyer, under her mentor, Children’s Defense Fund founder Marian Wright Edelman. “I learned that to drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws, so we gathered evidence, we built a coalition and our work helped convince Congress to ensure access to education for all students with disabilities,” Clinton said. “And that experience turned me into a lifelong advocate for children and families.” This work, Clinton said, made people “surprised, and even threatened” by the idea of an activist first lady when her husband was elected president, but she was undaunted and, after her unsuccessful attempt at passing universal health care, shepherded into law the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Later in her speech, Clinton made a veiled reference to LGBT people when she presented a vision for the future and said “there’s no doubt in my mind that young people have more at stake in this election than any other age group.” “We will say we build a future where all our children have the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential no matter who they are, where they’re from, what they look like or who they love,” Clinton said. The LGBT components of Clinton’s speech were similar to the reference to LGBT rights Tim Kaine made on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday when asked about the dwindling support for the Democratic presidential ticket among Millennials. “Do you believe in immigration reform or don’t you?” Kaine said. “We do, Millennials do, Donald Trump doesn’t. Do you believe in LGBT equality or don’t you? We do, Millennials do, Donald Trump doesn’t. And finally, do you have a plan to deal with college affordability? We have one. Millennials need one.” Clinton may need additional support from Millennials to pull off a win in the general election. Polls demonstrate

POLITICS millennials many young voters are likely to support gender identities and sexual orientations Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. — could appeal to a large number of (Although that might change as a result young people who may feel that issues of his continued gaffes, such as saying he important to them are being neglected,” was glad “nobody got hurt” during attacks Kawashima-Ginsberg said. in New York City that injured 25 people As Kawashima-Ginsberg pointed out, and stabbings in Minnesota that injured a Fusion poll last year found half of eight.) Millennials think of gender as a spectrum, As reported by NBC News, a national not binary. Youths who are also white were Quinnipiac poll showed Clinton has 31 most likely to support the idea of a nonpercent support among voters 18-to-34 binary gender system. Fifty-five percent years old, giving her a slim of white Millennials said 5-point lead in this age gender is on a spectrum, group over Trump. That’s compared to 47 percent of down from the support of Latinos and 32 percent of 48 percent of youth and black youth. the 24-point lead over Laura Epstein, press Trump she enjoyed last secretary for the People month. for the American Way, The dip in support said the policies Clinton among Millennials should outlined during her make Clinton nervous as Temple University speech the presidential nominee demonstrate “why she’ll for a party that relies on be a strong advocate for youth to win at the polls. Millennials in the White Her numbers are far House.” different from those of “While Trump has - Hillary Clinton Presidential President Obama. In 2012, promised Supreme Court candidate Obama won voters below justices who’d overturn the of age 30 by 23 points abortion rights and reject nationally. LGBT rights, Hillary Clinton will appoint Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, director of justices who will protect fundamental Tisch College’s Center for Information constitutional rights for all Americans, & Research on Civic Learning (CIRCLE), including protecting Americans’ right a non-partisan research center on youth to vote over the right of billionaires to engagement, said emphasis on LGBT buy elections,” Epstein said. “The next rights is a good way for Clinton to shore president could nominate up to four up support among Millennials. Supreme Court justices, and that stark “Acknowledging that Millennials are contrast between Clinton and Trump is diverse in many ways — and developing a big reason why Millennials will reject policies and practices that communicate Trump’s campaign of hate and turn out to a culture of care for youth with diverse vote for Hillary Clinton.”

"I learned that to drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws."

Photo: POOL, CNN.

9.28.2016 •


NEWS national donald trump.

Photo credit: Michael Key, Washington Blade.

lGBT AcTiviSTS ABROAD FEAR A TRuMP PRESiDENcy Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade


GBT activists around the world are increasingly concerned about the potential impact that a Donald Trump presidency could have overseas. Ahmed “Danny” Ramadan, a gay Syrian man who received asylum in Canada in 2014, described Trump as “a scary figure” who “started as a joke.” “He is in a position to actually lead one

"donald trump buIlt hIs whole campaIgn on hIs attacks agaInst ImmIgrants lIke me, comIng from the other sIde of the world and tryIng to buIld honest and beautIful lIves for ourselves In the west." - ahmed “danny” ramadan 20

9 .28.2016

GOP nominee sparks anger around the world of the most powerful countries in the world,” Ramadan told the Washington Blade this week in an email from Vancouver. “Donald Trump built his whole campaign on his attacks against immigrants like me, coming from the other side of the world and trying to build honest and beautiful lives for ourselves in the West.” Trump sparked outrage in June 2015 when he described Mexicans as “rapists” at his campaign announcement. LGBT advocacy groups sharply criticized the billionaire Republican a few months later when he proposed a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. Trump made the announcement days after a couple who had pledged their allegiance to the so-called Islamic State killed 14 people and wounded 20 others at a social service center in San Bernardino, Calif. ISIS also claimed responsibility for a series of terrorist attacks in Paris last November that left more than 100 people dead. Trump reiterated his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S. in the wake of the June 12 massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 people dead and 53 others injured. He also said his administration

would suspend immigration “when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe and our allies.” Trump announced last month that his administration would ban immigrants “from some of the most dangerous and most volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.” He also said potential immigrants to the U.S. would be required to pass an “ideological test” that would include LGBT-specific questions. “This guy plainly said he’s going to put a cap on Muslims entering the United States,” said Tarek Zeidan, a Lebanese LGBT activist who is currently studying at Harvard University. Tommy Chen of Rainbow Action, an advocacy group in Hong Kong, told the Blade this week that the Obama administration’s efforts to promote LGBT rights abroad have had a direct impact in the former British colony. He expressed doubts that these policies would continue if Trump were elected. “As a community we have strong doubts about Donald Trump’s implementation of policies that will [affect] the LGBT community, in the U.S., and its effects

around the world,” said Chen. Juana Mora, an independent Cuban LGBT activist, was far more blunt. “Donald Trump would be a disaster for the LGBTI community,” she told the Blade this week from Havana. Mora said a Trump presidency would also have an adverse impact on the normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba that Obama announced in 2014. Maykel González, a journalist and independent LGBT activist who lives in the Cuban city of Sagua la Grande, agreed. “The process of normalizing relations began with the Democrats,” González told the Blade. “We all believe on the island that this would continue better if the Democrats maintain the president.” An activist in Mauritania with whom the Blade spoke said Trump could bolster the country’s LGBT rights movement. Mauritania is among the handful of countries in which homosexuality remains punishable by death. The activist with whom the Blade spoke said Trump could help address long-standing racial inequalities in the country. “I’m with Trump,” said the activist.

NEWS national Clinton recognized for ‘gay rights are human rights’ speech Activists with whom the Blade has previously spoken have pointed out Clinton delivered her landmark “gay rights are human rights” speech in Geneva in 2011. The Obama administration on the same day directed government agencies that implement U.S. foreign policy to promote LGBT rights abroad. Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, opposed these efforts when he was a member of the House of Representatives. “We, along with many other organizations, have welcomed the proactive and positive role taken by the current U.S. administration to advance LGBTI equality in the world,” ILGA-Europe told the Blade this week in a statement. “We can only hope that the next U.S. administration, whatever its make-up, continues to support LGBTI equality, both in word and deed.” Francisco Robledo, director of the Workplace Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion in Mexico City, said he remains confident the U.S. would continue to promote LGBT rights abroad if Clinton were elected. He told the Blade these efforts would have a positive impact around the world. “The dominoes would fall rapidly in Mexico and in other countries,” said Robleado. Mora agreed. “The LGBTI community would continue to have successes in its social struggles for

the recognition of our rights,” she said. Erick Martínez, a Honduran LGBT rights activist, noted Clinton’s response to the 2009 coup that toppled then-President Manuel Zelaya has been criticized. He nevertheless said the former secretary of state would do more to promote global LGBT rights than Trump. “She would maintain the work that President Obama has developed,” said Martínez. Clinton continues to face criticism from Trump and Republican lawmakers over her handling of the 2012 raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. A gay activist in Benghazi told the Blade that many Libyans “don’t like” Clinton because of the incident. Zeidan said many people in the Middle East also distrust the former secretary of state because of her “hawkish” foreign policy and her relationships with Egypt and other countries in which LGBT people continue to face persecution. Clinton last week applauded the announcement that the U.S. would provide the Israeli military with $38 billion over the next decade. “America’s commitment to Israel’s security must always remain rock-solid and unwavering,” she said in a statement. Zeidan told the Blade that many people in the Middle East remain critical of U.S. involvement in human rights and other issues within the region. “With a Hillary win, the programs that we have seen set in place and the positions . . . will likely continue,” he said.

Juana Mora speaks with the Washington Blade on May 18, 2015, while visiting a friend’s home in Havana. Photo credit: Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade.

9.28.2016 •


NEWS national Barack obama addresses the un. Photo credit: CNN.



n his final address to the United former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Nations, U.S. President Barack Romney, Obama left no doubts as to his Obama called for an end to the governing philosophy and legacy. persecution of gay people. “I recognize not every country is going Speaking Tuesday at the United to follow the same model of governance,” Nations General Assembly in New Obama said. “I do not think America York, Obama said social traditions can can – or should – impose our system of be respected and practiced without government on other countries. But there violence or dehumanizing another group appears to be a growing contest between of people. authoritarianism and liberalism right “I do not believe progress now. And I want everyone is possible if our desire to understand, I am not “I do not belIeve to preserve our identities neutral in that contest. I progress Is gives way to an impulse to believe in a liberal political possIble If our dehumanize or dominate order – an order built not desIre to preserve just through elections another group,” Obama said. “If our religion leads our IdentItIes gIves and representative govus to persecute those of way to an Impulse ernment, but also through another faith, if we jail or for human rights to dehumanIZe or respect beat people who are gay, and civil society, and domInate another independent judiciaries if our traditions lead us to group.” prevent girls from going to and the rule of law.” school, if we discriminate Obama mentioned on the basis of race or several of the 193 U.N. - Barack Obama tribe or ethnicity, then the member states by name POtUs fragile bonds of civilization and directed challenging will fray. The world is too small, we are statements to some, including Russia. too packed together, for us to be able to “In a world that left the age of empire resort to those old ways of thinking.” behind, we see Russia attempting to The outgoing President said a collapse recover lost glory through force,” Obama of colonialism and communism style said. governments around the world is On the homefront, U.S. Senator Ted bringing freedom to a new generation. Cruz (R-TX) blasted Obama’s speech via “In remote corners of the world, Facebook, calling it a missed opportunity. citizens are demanding respect for the “Mr. Obama would have done much dignity of all people no matter their better to use this opportunity to advance gender, or race, or religion, or disability, an American agenda, not a global one, or sexual orientation, and those who and praise our nation as a model of liberty deny others dignity are subject to public and tolerance,” Cruz wrote. “He should reproach,” Obama said. have called out oppressive regimes from First elected in 2008 over fellow U.S. the Russian Federation to the People’s Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain Republic of China for denying their and subsequently re-elected in 2012 over citizens basic political freedoms.”


9 .28.2016



ashington, D.C. defense think tanks estimate more than 14,000 American service members had their careers cut short by “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The policy, which cost taxpayers more than a half billion since first enacted in 1993, made it a punishable offense and grounds for dishonorable discharge for any active duty member of the U.S. military to admit they are gay. It was officially repealed on Sept. 20, 2011. On Tuesday, veterans across the country celebrated the five-year anniversary of its repeal. American Veterans For Equal Rights released the following statement: “Five years ago the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell went into effect. As flags were lowered in Retreat ceremonies at military installations around the globe the sun set on the last day of one of the most discriminatory anti-LGBT laws in history, and the nation’s evolving acceptance of its LGBT citizens took a major step forward. American Veterans for Equal Rights was on the front line of that battle, and today we wish to thank all our faithful members who supported our efforts to remove a nearly century old policy that undermined the very mission of our armed forces, the defense of our nation’s freedom as clearly defined in the United States Constitution. To all of you, and all our sister organizations who worked so hard to make that victory possible, our sincerest appreciation,” AVER stated in an email to members.

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said the repeal was a major milestone of the Barack Obama administration. “The repeal of this policy was a major milestone to ensuring no one is denied an opportunity to serve in our armed forces because of their sexual orientation,” Wasserman Schultz said in a news release. “We hope that all young people aspire to a career that helps enrich our nation, including serving in our armed forces.” Scott Herman, a disabled Gulf War combat veteran, applauded the demise of DADT, but acknowledged there is still work to be done to heal ex-service members. During the time of DADT, Herman said, there were incidents of “bad dates” or “break-ups” that resulted in collateral damage to closeted service members. Attempts to out gay and lesbian active duty members of the U.S. military is flat out wrong, Herman said. “Without realizing nor caring that it caused many to be denied health coverage for military service illnesses,” Herman said. Herman, who is campaigning for a seat on the Oakland Park Commission, regularly attends meetings at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Miami and said military brass is working diligently to correct service records. Many of the dishonorable discharges associated with gay and lesbian service members were the result of gay being categorized as a mental illness.

NEWS state

Photos: Facebook

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Brittany Ferrendi


ast week, SFGN published an exclusive interview with Alt-Right celebrity Milo Yiannopoulos coming to South Florida. He also appeared in an article by Out Magazine, which, like the SFGN piece, has members of the LGBT media up in arms. The article in question features a full profile on Yiannopoulos, who has spoken out against women and people of color in the past, and includes a personalized photoshoot depicting him as a clown, and in drag. Out’s piece also includes a defensive editor’s note: “It should not need saying that the views expressed by the subject of this piece in no way represent the opinions of this magazine, but in this era of social media tribalism, the mere act of covering a contentious person can be misinterpreted as an endorsement,” it reads. “If LGBTQ media takes its responsibilities seriously we can’t shy away from covering queer people who are at the center of this highly polarized election year, and we ask you to assess Milos Yiannopoulos, the focus of this profile, on his own words without mistaking them for ours.“ Describing Yiannopoulos as “the internet’s greatest supervillain,” the article — titled “Send In the Clown: Internet Supervillain Milo Doesn’t Care That You Hate Him” — digs into his position at the forefront of the Alt-Right movement. In response, members of LGBT media signed an open letter against the Out Magazine profile. The open letter, created by ThinkProgress, has been signed by Video Producer for the Huffinton Post Alex Berg, Mike Ciriaco from LA Weekly and even

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a member of Out Magazine, Les Fabian Brathwaite. “The Out Magazine profile of Milo Yiannopoulos is a serious problem,” the letter reads. “It’s not because Yiannopoulos was mentioned, nor even because he was profiled. It’s because the profile negligently perpetuates harm against the LGBT community. We expect more from our colleagues.” The letter goes into further detail: “This puff piece—complete with a cutesy clown photoshoot—makes light of Yiannopoulos’s trolling while simultaneously providing him a pedestal to further extend his brand of hatred. Indeed, he does so in the profile itself, openly slurring the transgender community, which Out published without any apparent concern.” It claims that members of LGBT media need to hold each other to “a higher standard” because they “have an obligation, at a minimum, to ensure that what we publish … avoids fostering harm to queer people. Out failed in this regard.” Breitbart News, the hyper-conservative site that Yiannopolous works for, noticed the tension from LGBT media and posted their own article in response. Titled “‘Out’ Magazine Profiles Milo, Triggers Its Delicate Gay Readers,” points out the tension emerging between ‘Out’ and other LGBT media. Regardless of the controversy, Yiannopolous revealed on Facebook that he was pleased by the feature. “I have to say I’m stunned by this,“ he said. “The gay press publishes a gigantic profile of me that is, for the most part, fair, accurate and nuanced and will drive their looniest readers wild.”

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9.28.2016 •





David-Elijah Nahmod


ark storm clouds gathered over the evildoers like me who dare to speak the truth: great house of Collinwood. Darker still Jonathan Frid was a gay man. In her lengthy, rambling tirade of Aug. were the spirits of those who stood on 15, Mr. Frid’s “close friend” claimed that the outside looking in… I hacked into her Facebook account and On Aug. 15 I received an irate, accusatory email from a woman I’ve never met nor spoken posted a fake obituary announcing her death to. She and I had been Facebook friends, but I in a car accident. She also gloated about all the “backlash” I was going ended our online friendship in to endure from within the 2010. I walked away from her, sphere of “Dark Shadows” expecting to never look back. these are not fandom, a world I walked Six years later she has yet to chIldren. mr. away from some years ago let me go – to date more than frId’s “frIend” due to the extreme levels of three-dozen people have told bullying and vicious personal me that they were contacted Is nearly sIxty attacks against not only LGBT by her regarding me. years old. people, but against people “I noticed you were In today’s with physical and mental Facebook friends with David,” disabilities. was the gist of her messages to socIety, the The promoters of the others. “It wouldn’t be in your worst bullIes “Dark Shadows Festivals,” best interests if it became are mIddlethe annual fan gatherings, know that you associated with aged adults. have gone out of their way him.” to support the perpetrators, And how does she “know” I shudder to several of whom are on the who I’m Facebook friends thInk of the Festivals staff. In their world, with since I blocked her six example they set the behavior of Mr. Frid’s years ago? Obviously she’s “best friend” is considered “monitoring” me under a false for our kIds. acceptable, but if I ask that identity. she stop, as I did in 2014, then The woman in question claims to have been a “close friend” of I’m said to be “unstable.” These are not children. Mr. Frid’s “friend” Jonathan Frid (1924-2012), a classically trained Shakespearean actor best known for playing is nearly sixty years old. In today’s society, the vampire Barnabas Collins on the 1960s TV the worst bullies are middle-aged adults. I series “Dark Shadows.” She now spends her shudder to think of the example they set for whole life “protecting” Mr. Frid’s legacy from our kids.


9 .28.2016

The day after sending me that email, Mr. Frid’s “friend” contacted a personal, offline friend of mine specifically to discuss me. That friend, who still goes to the “Dark Shadows Festivals” and was physically assaulted at the most recent event, has given me a signed statement to give to the police. Yes, the police. After enduring hundreds of incidents of stalking and bullying, as well as receiving several written threats, which stated that my employers would be contacted, I’ve decided to escalate this into a police matter. Her behavior is inflaming my PTSD symptoms – Mr. Frid’s “friend” is posing a serious risk to my health and must be stopped. In 2014 I tried to get a restraining order against her, but in a broken court system where facts and documentation mean little, I was all but laughed out of court – even though I was holding her many threatening emails in my hand during the hearing. Even though my doctor recommended in writing, out of concern for my health, that the request for an Order of Protection be granted. Our judicial system has become a sad joke. Perhaps the police can get this done for me – I have a number of press contacts at the San

Francisco Police Department who’ve begun to advise me. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about Dark Shadows fandom in this column. I had hoped that the last time I did would indeed be the last. I stopped attending these events many years ago and have no interest in returning. There are days when I regret that I ever watched the damn show at all. So what does the conduct of the “Dark Shadows” fan base say about the state of American mental health? What can be said about a motley collection of middle aged adults who go on vindictive rampages against each other not over religious or political disagreements but over who’s the more “loyal” fan of a fifty year old TV show or who’s this actor or that actor’s “best friend”? There is something deeply and profoundly wrong not only with “Dark Shadows” fandom but with the United States as a whole. We are having a mass mental health crisis, which is being ignored. Collectively as a people, we need therapy. We need healing. Nothing underscores this to me more than the behavior I’ve seen – and continue to see – in “Dark Shadows” fandom, a world I wish I had never been a part of.

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

9.28.2016 •




hillary Clinton. Photo: Nigel Parry.

sfgn endorses hIllary clInton SFGN Editorial Board


t was the intention of this newspaper to publish its editorial endorsement for the presidency after the second debate, but we accelerate that process today. The compelling need to become an advocate for Hillary Clinton was demonstrated in Monday night’s debate at Hofstra University. There is no time to waste. The difference between the candidates is too stark.

the donald trump disaster Every election is important, but this year, the Republican Party has been hijacked by an insurrectionist who preaches hate, not humility; division, not democracy. Donald Trump has proved himself to still be a spoiled little brat; a rich kid without class or grace, dignity or demeanor. Trump’s candidacy not only brings out white supremacists, racists and divisive voices in America, but he embraces these hateful warriors. From David Duke to birthers challenging Barack Obama, Trump gives life to those who would mock the disabled, discriminate against gays, or suppress the working class. His candidacy is vile and vitriolic. This is a man who takes credit for starting a racist movement challenging the birthplace of our first black president. And he cannot be given a pass just because he decided last week he now accepts the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii. For years, even after Obama released his birth certificate, Trump continued to attempt to delegitimize Obama by insinuating it was fake. On the debate stage he boasted about getting Obama to produce his birth certificate, as if it were something to be proud of . It is not. It is a disgrace.


9 .28.2016


To use his own words, he is a disaster, a huge, frightening disaster, and he has become the worst presidential candidate in modern history. The debate Monday was a disqualifying event, revealing his madness and misogyny, his misrepresentations and meanness. From the words that he chose, to the immature way he interrupted Clinton more than 26 times, he revealed himself to be rude and reckless, inarticulate and irresponsible. He is a bully, but it did not work Monday night, as he himself appeared nervous, shaking, discombobulated, and unstable, sniffling and sniping his way through the debate. The man who made fun of Marco Rubio for sweating through a national speech reached for water to clear his dried throat how many times? Today, Trump stands alone as the Republican nominee for President, on a debate stage 270 electoral votes away from the Oval Office. From former presidents to world leaders, from past military chiefs to present United States senators in his own party, voices have risen to expose this charlatan once and for all. More need to still.

You get the feeling this man would rather go horseback riding with Vladimir Putin then stand up to him for invading Ukraine. In Trump’s mind, the man who doped his Olympians and hacked our computers, is a hero for his leadership. Yes, and Mussolini got the trains to run on time. Frankly, the thought of handing off the nuclear briefcase to this self-righteous and self-indulgent man is utterly chilling. Donald Trump is a threat to the safety and security of the future of this world.

hillary’s history In the face of these realities, the Democratic Party has nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female American candidate to wear the mantle of a presidential nominee. We brag about our country having been in the forefront of human rights, but scores of countries all over the world have had women as their political leaders. No male opponent ever questioned the stamina of Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, or Indira Gandhi. Yes, it is long overdue for Americans to hear the words, ‘Madam President.’ But that alone is not enough to have someone take the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017. Clinton’s life has been marked by decades of public service, from her early days as the First Lady of Arkansas to her recent achievements with the Clinton Foundation. Let’s look at that history factually. In 1972, while her Republican opponent was being investigated for invidious discrimination in refusing to allow his apartment buildings to be made available to African Americans, Clinton, a law school graduate, was exposing institutional racism in housing.



Even then, Clinton became an early voice for the needs of children and women. Her opponent ran beauty contests mocking women and their weight or their looks. In 1977, when Donald Trump was building casinos that uprooted lowincome families in Atlantic City, Clinton founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. In 1978, she was appointed the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation. Trump was making the rounds of Playboy Clubs. When Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992, Hillary did not remain on the sidelines cutting ribbons. She played an active role in the administration. After leading an unsuccessful effort to advance a national health care plan in 1993, she turned her attention again to children and women’s health issues, helping create a statewide children’s insurance program. Almost 8 million children are covered by the program today. How many of you remember that 21 years ago, as the First Lady of the United States of America, that Hillary Clinton, went to communist China and Beijing, and declared that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights”? Her opponent? He was in Beijing too- exploiting their repressed factory workers to make and market ties in order to line his own purse. She was not off building golf courses in Europe or bragging about how smart you are if you don’t pay taxes. In 2000, Hillary Clinton became the first female United States senator elected from New York. Serving in that capacity, she was there for the 9/11 attacks, meaningful because while Trump was issuing phony diplomas for a sham university, Clinton was voting on issues of war and peace, life and death. She wasn’t giving interviews about Miss Universe. Nor, the day after a debate on national security, should a presidential candidate be on Fox News talking about that person’s weight. When the international financial market collapsed in 2007

under the stewardship of the Republican administration, Clinton backed President Obama’s plan for re-starting the American economy. Unlike her opponent, she did not brag about how a housing crisis was ‘good for her business.’ She was trying to protect American workers from losing their jobs in real life, not firing them from their fake jobs on a TV show. A Yale University graduate, Clinton is also the thoughtful author of five books, about public policy, the national spirit, and her life’s lessons. They were not ghostwritten, they don’t talk about exploiting American laws to promote self-interest, or brag about her wealth. They evidence instead a commitment to human rights and an international conscience. They recognize global warming, a universal bond, and a grasp of the world around and about us. They recognize that building a village

requires cultivating a community with a conscience. As for the LGBT community, Clinton is legions and light years ahead of her opponent. In 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland, as she did for women in 1995, Clinton delivered a bellweather speech for the international rights of the LGBT community. About that time, Trump, who says gays should not be married, was probably delivering divorce papers to one of his wives. But in other cases she just didn’t speak words – she took action. At the State Department she was the driving force behind making it easier for transgender people to change their gender identity on their passports. Under her leadership the department changed the requirement from people having to have gender confirmation surgery to just a doctor’s note. At that time it was arguably the most pro-trans action by the federal government ever. In more recent years, Clinton, as Secretary of State and a public citizen, has become one of the LGBT community’s strongest advocates. She has fought our cause nationally and spoken for us globally. She has emerged as a candidate who defends our rights, not denies them. That is not so for her opponent. While so much smoke has been blown the way of the Clinton Foundation and its Global Initiative, so much more has been left out. The truth is that it has been a noble and righteous cause, delivering low cost AIDS medicines to millions of HIV infected persons worldwide. The fact is that the charity has raised funds to help children and women’s causes intercontinentally. That is something no one will ever say about the Trump Foundation, who has used the funds it raises to pay off legal bills it incurred. The crook is Donald, not Hillary. Continued on page 28

9.28.2016 •




AS GOVERNOR OF INDIANA, [PENCE] HAS MOST RECENTLY OPPOSED THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DIRECTIVE ON TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS. AS A CONGRESSMAN, HE OPPOSED THE EMPLOYER’S NON DISCRIMINATION ACT. TEN YEARS AGO, AS THE HEAD OF A REPUBLICAN STUDY GROUP, HE SAID ‘GAY COUPLES SIGNAL THE BEGINNING OF SOCIETAL COLLAPSE.’ HE HAS SUPPORTED A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO BAN SAME-SEX MARRIAGES. HE ONCE SUPPORTED A BILL TO DIVERT HIV FUNDING INTO PROGRAMS FOR CONVERSION THERAPY. the ViCe presidential ChoiCe It’s significant at this juncture to also point out that the Vice Presidential nominee of the Republican party, selected by Trump, has vigorously and actively opposed protecting the rights of the LGBT community. His homophobic history is startling. As governor of Indiana, he has most recently opposed the Obama Administration directive on transgender bathrooms. As a congressman, he opposed the Employer’s Non Discrimination Act. Ten years ago, as the head of a Republican study group, he said ‘gay couples signal the beginning of societal collapse.’ He has supported a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages. He once supported a bill to divert HIV funding into programs for conversion therapy. Worse than anything else, culminating years of backing anti LGBT initiatives, last year Governor Pence signed his state’s ‘religious freedom’ law, a mask for anti-gay bigotry. It would allow for businesses and persons to deny goods or services to LGBT individuals. This is the man Trump chose as his running mate. Any LGBT person that supports the Republican ticket has to be chastised and challenged. What do we have to lose by electing you, you ask, Mr. Trump? The LGBT community can lose historic gains and advancements for equality that have given us a place at the table, made us partners in the American dream. You would turn the clock back. Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Governor Kaine has advocated for LGBT rights, prison reform, taxpayer equity and a host of progressive and enlightened causes. He is a gentle spokesman for human rights who has brought opposing factions together in a swing state. While Donald Trump was mocking a reporter with disabilities in a national forum, Tim Kaine, a Harvard educated lawyer, was winning a $100 million verdict in a courtroom for clients discriminated against for race and disability. As governor, he has invested millions of dollars in mental health reforms and programs to stem gun violence. Kaine is bilingual, an expert on trade, an advocate for the disabled and was once a social worker volunteering in Honduras with missionaries. He represents diversity and the future.


9 .28.2016

tim Kaine and hillary Clinton. Photo: Adam Rose/CNN.


ConClusion Less than 24 hours after the first debate, the whining crybaby that is Donald Trump has already complained that the moderator was biased and the microphone did not work. No, Donald. Neither was true. Nor is the system rigged or the media biased. They are just catching up to your frauds and fictions, your deceit and deviousness. The culprit, Trump, is not anyone else. The guilty party is you. What the debate showed and what this editorial articulates is that you are woefully unprepared to be the President of the United States. You have no moral center, no compass, no basic fundamental sense of decency or core values. You are sexist and repulsive, still sadly racist and irredeemable. For a lack of a better word – you are deplorable. Your candidacy needs to be rejected, your voice repudiated. Fortunately, America has a historic choice. We can choose a woman who has been tested over time, who has weathered scrutiny and stood tall. We can choose a woman who has advocated for our community, children, and women for decades. We can choose a progressive candidate who has raised a family, and who has stood for the working and middle class. We can choose a candidate who has been married only once, and has no objection to you being married either. We can choose a candidate who not only has the stamina and strength to be president, she has a partner who can offer her a little bit of experience and wisdom on how to weather the Oval Office. We do choose Hillary Rodham Clinton.

tHUrSDAY, octoBer 6


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SouthFloridaGayNews 9.28.2016 •


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Michael Cook

to follow this season’s ruPaul, visit



hile we have not seen Tatianna for almost seven years on the main stage of “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, she came roaring back with a vengeance as part of the cast of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 2”. A more polished and more mature Tatianna entered that workroom and quickly emerged as a true contender. Sadly, the contestants voting each other off each episode is definitely putting a twist on the weekly eliminations, and Tatianna was eliminated. We chatted about what it’s like being back in the spotlight after a long time away, what Tatianna would tell her Season 2 self, and what returning to “Drag Race” could mean to her career.

tatianna, after your appearance in the talent show on episode 1of “rupaul’s drag race all stars,” you became the definitive dark horse in the competition and we can’t believe you left so early. how did it feel to be back in the workroom after all these years? Well thank you so much! You know, it felt good. Same workroom, same runway. It really felt good. Was there anyone when you went back into the workroom, that you were surprised not to see as part of the “rupaul’s drag race all stars 2” cast? Definitely. I was surprised I didn’t see Trixie Mattel and I was surprised I didn’t see Morgan McMichaels. The two of them were the most that I was surprised to not see come through the doors. many people had complaints about the first season of “all stars” due to the edited season and the team aspect, among other things. Were those concerns of yours when you initially decided to become part of the cast? You know, I didn’t really worry about the teams because that was so disliked by everyone during the first season and I knew that they wouldn’t do that twice. I honestly didn’t know what to expect and thought it would be the way it’s always been. obviously when you walked into the workroom when you did your spoken word talent during the talent show, it was clear that so much has changed in your drag and performance style since you appeared on season two. from your own perspective, what do you think has changed the most? I think overall I am just a lot more confident in who I am and in what I am doing. I have a clear and concise view of what and who Tatianna is, her direction, and who she is as a drag queen and a performer.


9 .28.2016

so who is tatianna now? She’s just a bad bitch! Tatianna is always going to have long hair and short skirts but overall, it’s about her not caring what other people are doing or what they have to say about it. many people were very surprised you went home this early. did you think, if the shoe was on the other foot, it would have been hard for you to be sending fellow contestants home? Maybe? For me, I am a pretty cut and dry person. If someone did poorly, then they did poorly. I mean, it’s going to suck if you have to tell someone that they are going home, but hey, that’s the rules. you were visibly shocked when they explained the final twist. Would you go back if chosen? Oh totally; I would do it again! now that “all-stars” is finished (for now) what is next for tatianna? Well it’s so much more current and there is a lot more opportunity these days out there, as opposed to Season Two’s cast. We didn’t have agents, merchandise, that wasn’t a thing then. I get to travel now and see the world and meet everyone. I am basically coming from “A Place of Yes.” how Bethenny frankel of you! Right? So many people don’t get that reference, but that is what I am trying to do. You know what, it’s actually very freeing! I am naturally the kind of person that will say I don’t want to do something, but now, I’m like “do it up!” Hey, I’m trying to pay off my Honda Civic! What would tatianna from “all stars 2” say to tatianna from season two if she was standing next to her on the “drag race” runway? I would tell her to stop caring whether or not people like you. Back then, I was so worried if people liked me. Now, I don’t care who likes me and everyone likes me. You just can be yourself and it’s so freeing.

liFestYle tech

SilicON vAllEy vET TO lAuNcH TRANS RESOuRcE SiTE Denise Royal


new online resource to help provide quality care for transgender adults and parents of transgender children is in the works. It’s called Genderis (pronounced GenDARE-uhs), the project is the brainchild of transgender veteran Kris Marquis. The new website is slated to launch in December. The goal of Genderis is to provide people with an up-to-date directory of professionals, including therapists, doctors and estheticians who are experienced with working with transgender issues and concerns. “We want to do due diligence to make sure that provider is educated and is able to provide the type of benefit that most transgender people should experience,” Marquis said. According to the site, the mission of Genderisis is to empower people in transition using logic, data, science and technology. The service providers listed on Genderis would provide environments where patients and clients can be themselves while feeling welcome, not judged. Genderis is much more than an Angie’s list-style directory for trans communities. The services are much more thorough. “When people ask, ‘why am I like this?’ We aim to provide answers,” Marquis said. “I use science and technology. I need answers. I want to know where [being transgender] comes from and why. Part of Genderis uses big data.” It’s the relationship with science and big data that may really help the website stand apart. “There are tons of trans advocates in the community, but no one is approaching a solution that merges tech with science and that’s what I’m really looking to do with Genderis,” Marquis said. To help with the science of being

transgender is Dr. Vivienne Ming, PhD. She is the Chair of the Neuroscience Department at UC Berkley who was recently named one of Inc. Magazine’s “10 Women to Watch in Tech.” The inspiration for the new site came during Marquis’ own journey with transitioning. “It’s unbelievable how difficult it is to find resources from a therapy or medical perspective,” he says. “The people that you do find claiming they are experienced in gay and lesbian counseling are not always specifically educated in transgender issues,” she said. Marquis says Genderis will vet its experts that are viable and recommended by the transgender community. “We want people to feel safe using the resources we provide,” she said. Genderis will offer different subscription levels for its members. “The free package offers brochures for the family, resources including support groups, and the ability to record their activity like seeing a doctor,” Marquis said. “We will also highlight organizations that give back to the community using our shop feature. That will help create more awareness about the buying power of the transgender community.” Other packages are priced depending on how much data the user requires. “Our silver package has therapists and our gold package has health care resources and cryo resources for male to female and female to male,” Marquis said. “The additional package, the platinum, has access to attorneys and international laws. We just want to make people aware according to the Human Rights Watch that people know where they will be safe as they travel.” Visit Genderis.launchrock.com to sign up for the mailing list and be notified when the site officially launches.









15 Minutes From The Beach or I-95 754-779-7007


Two Locations!



9.28.2016 •


Transforming Gender


Rebecca Juro




ome have said it’s old school, that we all have to understand that the world is changing and how gender different people identify is changing as well. I can accept that, though I still manage to screw up non-binary gender identities on a regular basis. I do my best to use “ze,” “hir,” “they,” or whatever else someone expresses as their personal preference, but I’ve never been truly comfortable using gender-neutral pronouns. Millennials and others may be perfectly at ease with them, but I doubt I ever will be. When I came out in 1997, no one, or at least no one I’d ever met, identified as nonbinary. There was Box M and Box F, and you got to choose one and only one. I was completely fine with this. I knew who and what I was, and most importantly, who I wanted to be. I was (and am) “she.” Perhaps most importantly, I wanted others to see me as “she” too. Today it’s not uncommon to see people half my age or younger redefining and playing with their genders in ways most of us couldn’t even conceive of a generation ago. They’re blazing new trails in gender diversity that could well become the norm in the future. In some places, we’ve even seen the beginnings of formal acceptance of those identities. It’s a truly great thing to see. It’s just not for me.


9 .28.2016

I fought for “she.” I went through hell for it. So did a lot of my trans sisters. We put ourselves out there as the women we are, often as the targets of violence and ridicule, all because we needed to be “she.” Despite not being popularly seen by others as being born to it, “she” was an identity we took for ourselves. We held onto it tightly with both hands, no matter how harshly the rest of the world chose to punish us for it. I think it’s fair to say that for the most part we’ve won that battle, albeit pretty recently relatively speaking. Conservatives are still getting worked up over bathrooms, but the significant backlash to HB2 and laws like it tells us that most of the U.S. finally gets it, that one does not need to be born with a specific configuration of genitalia to qualify for respect and acceptance as the women we say we are. We’ve taken “she” for ourselves and we’ve taken the rest of the country along with us for the ride. Where once not so long ago we couldn’t get almost anyone in our government to acknowledge trans people as a viable minority interest, much less actually fight for us, now politicians campaign for office on their support for or against our rights, companies change their policies to include and support us, and even military service is opening to us. “She” makes a difference, perhaps even

more than “he” does. Masculinity in women has always been more socially and culturally acceptable in the U.S. than femininity in men and that directly impacts the difference in how trans women and trans men are popularly perceived. There’s a reason why all the politics around the bathroom bills are about keeping trans women out of ladies rooms, not the reverse. At their core, these efforts have nothing to do with keeping people safe but everything to do with playing on social and cultural perceptions of men and women to score political points. The problem, of course, is not only that this kind of gender politics works all too often, but also that major LGBT political organizations like the Human Rights Campaign have repeatedly proven themselves incompetent in defending against it. Such activists have not only shown themselves to be generally unwilling to bring a significant amount of resources to bear in fighting these laws but also extremely

hesitant to take cues from trans people as to how these battles should be fought. They prefer instead to rely upon antiquated tactics derived from a marriage movement, which won virtually no traction in redder states until the U.S. Supreme Court forced the issue. It’s the kind of milquetoast advocacy, which keeps gay-focused major donors happy but rarely if ever actually gets the job done. However, the problem isn’t just centered on our own community’s advocacy. It’s also about our political allies who are finally finding their stride in dealing with trans people who present ourselves within the gender binary. When non-binary identities are added to the mix they lose their courage and revert back to just trying to pretend we don’t exist. Our youth want to live in a world that accommodates and respects multiple gender identities. That’s a laudable goal, but before it can happen we have to get the “she” thing worked out.

Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat.

9.28.2016 •


liFestYle photos

spirit of hope reCeption SFGN takes a glance at the recent Grand Reception on August 30, 2016 hosted by the Broward House to honor several local advocates of HIV awareness. the Campbell foundation crew

J.R. Davis

(right) terry Stone, Officer on the Board of directors at the Broward House, standing with Stacy

z, aria Gonzale M , ig w d u B irit of ayes, Mark rees at the sp o n (left) Marie H o h r u fo e kin, th on and Ken rap Hope recepti



9 .28.2016

(left) robert Bo roa were am o, Mark sempler, and r o ong the hon orable guest ger s at the reception.

9.28.2016 •


liFestYle food

Submitted photos.

pumpkin-mushroom soup

iT’S THE GREAT PuMPKiN (iNvASiON), cHARliE BROwN Rick Karlin


t won’t be long until we start seeing ads for pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice shakes, pumpkin spice smoothies and all kinds of other menu items. If I wanted my coffee to taste like pumpkin, I’d drink it out of a gourd! On top of that, most of these items don’t even have pumpkin in them, just a combination of nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice that is traditionally used to flavor pumpkin pie. You know what tastes good when it’s pumpkin flavored? Pumpkin! So now that I’m done with my old man rant (Get off of my lawn, punk!), here are some recipes that put pumpkin back where it should be; in recipes featuring pumpkin. Note: for recipes calling for fresh, whole pumpkins, be certain to buy what are often labeled as “eating pumpkin.” Pumpkins sold for decorative use are usually bred to have relatively little flesh and tougher rinds.

pumpKin-mushroom soup inGredients 2 Tbsp. unsalted butter 1 large potato, chopped 1 large onion, chopped 4 oz. dried porcini mushrooms 4½ cups chicken or vegetable stock 1 can (46 oz.) pumpkin ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg Salt & pepper to taste 1 cup heavy cream direCtiOns In a large bowl, soak the mushrooms in enough warm chicken broth to cover, reserve remaining broth. In a large soup pot, over medium heat, melt the butter. Add potato and onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is translucent, about ten minutes. When mushrooms have rehydrated, remove from broth and set aside. Add chicken broth from mushrooms, plus reserved stock to soup


9 .28.2016

pot and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook until potato is tender, 10-12 minutes. Stir in pumpkin. Use a blender to purée mixture in batches, then return to pot, or use immersion blender to puree mixture until it is smooth. Stir in nutmeg. Slice and add mushrooms, then increase heat to medium-high and bring mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook for ten more minutes, or until thickened. Stir in cream and heat thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Curried pumpKin and peas inGredients 2 Tbsp. butter 1 medium onion, diced 1 garlic clove, minced 2 Tbsp. curry powder 3 lbs. pumpkin 3 medium red potatoes, diced 1½ c. stock (vegetable or chicken)

¾ c. golden raisins 1 cup frozen peas Salt and pepper fresh cilantro direCtiOns Clean and peel pumpkin, cube flesh. Heat butter in a large pan over medium-high heat, add onion, garlic and curry powder and cook until golden-brown, about five minutes. Add pumpkin and potatoes and cook for five minutes, stirring frequently. Pour in broth and raisins, cover, and reduce heat to medium. After 15 minutes, add peas. Replace cover and continue to cook until pumpkin and potatoes are tender, about ten minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with cilantro. BaKed stuffed pumpKin inGredients 8 oz. bulk sweet Italian sausage 1 medium onion, diced 2 cups, chopped fresh pumpkin 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled and chopped ½ cup white wine ¼ cup dried cranberries 1 cup cooked quinoa or wild rice 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 tsp. fresh thyme 1 tsp. fresh oregano Salt and pepper 4 small pumpkins, cored and cleaned direCtiOns Preheat oven to 350°. Cook sausage meat in a large saucepan over medium-low heat until it is almost done (about 8 minutes). Remove the sausage from the pan, increase heat to medium, and add the onion and pumpkin.

Sauté in the grease from the sausage until the pumpkin begins to soften. Add the chopped apple and cooked sausage and sauté for a few minutes. Add the wine and dried cranberries, cook for 2 minutes, remove from heat, and set aside. Combine the quinoa or wild rice, olive oil, thyme, oregano, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Add meat mixture to the bowl and toss to combine. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste. Fill the hollowed-out pumpkins with the stuffing mixture and place the pumpkins in a shallow baking dish. Cover the dish with aluminum foil, bake for 30 minutes or until a fork is able to penetrate the flesh easily. Remove the foil, and bake for ten more minutes. pumpKin raVioli inGredients 1 cup canned pumpkin puree (not pie filling) ½ mascarpone ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for topping ½ teaspoon thyme Salt and pepper Red chili flakes (optional) wonton skins 1 large egg, beaten 1 stick butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 7 large sage leaves, thinly sliced 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts direCtiOns In a small bowl, combine canned pumpkin puree, marscapone, thyme and grated cheese. Season with salt, pepper and dried chili flakes to taste. Place 12-14 wonton skins on a flat non-stick surface. Place approximately a tablespoon

liFestYle food of filling in the center of each wonton skin. Brush the beaten egg around the outside of the filling. Carefully place another wonton skin over the filling. Press the edges come together, removing any air pockets from the wonton. Repeat until all ravioli are assembled. Press the tines of a fork on the edges of the wonton, taking care not to puncture the pasta. Place butter and olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. When the butter has melted and begins to simmer, reduce heat to low, add sage leaves and continue simmering until it turns a light golden brown. Remove from heat and set aside. Remove sage strips with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel. Place four ravioli at a time in boiling, salted water. Cook two minutes or until they become translucent and begin to rise from the bottom of the pot. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain in a colander. Place ravioli in shallow bowl, top with butter sauce. Garnish with cooked sage leaves, toasted pine nuts and fresh Parmesan. teX-meX pumpKin and ChiCKen steW inGredients 2 red bell peppers 2 jalapeño peppers 2 poblano peppers 2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 3 leeks, cleaned and chopped 2 cups fresh pumpkin, cubed 1 cup fresh corn 3 Tbsp. flour 2 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. chili powder 1 tsp. salt 2 ½ cups chicken stock Salt and pepper Crema and queso blanco (optional) direCtiOns Char the peppers: Using metal tongs or a fork, hold peppers over gas flames until the skins blacken. Rotate and repeat until entire pepper is charred. (Alternatively, you can grill the peppers or place them on a baking sheet in a hot oven for 15 minutes.) Seal the charred peppers in a paper bag for 10-12 minutes. Peel, stem, seed, and cut peppers into half-inch pieces. Set aside. In a large soup pot, heat the olive oil over mediumhigh heat. Add the chicken pieces and

cook until browned. Remove the chicken and set aside. Add the leeks, pumpkin and corn, sauté for about five minutes. Add the flour, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper and cook for two minutes. Add the corn, peppers, chicken and stock. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer, about 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve topped with a dollop of Mexican crema and crumbled queso blanco. pumpKin pop tarts You can’t have a column on pumpkin and not do at least one sweet dish. This recipe goes out to Mark Hunter.

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inGredients 1 cup pumpkin puree 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice 1 large egg Pinch of salt ½ cup sugar 2 packages pie dough 1 egg, beaten 1 cup powdered sugar 2 vanilla beans, split and scraped 3 Tbsp. milk or cream direCtiOns In a small saucepan, heat pumpkin puree, vanilla extract, salt and spices over medium heat, until warm. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Whisk egg, salt and sugar together and add to pumpkin mixture. Stir to blend well, place in refrigerator while you prepare pie dough. Roll one package of pie dough a 9”x12” rectangle (dough should be about 1/8-inch thickness). Cut into thirds each way, creating nine rectangular pieces. Put on tray and place in refrigerator. Repeat with second piece of dough, brush one set of pie dough pieces with beaten egg. Spoon about a tablespoon of pie filling into the center of each piece of dough, spread evenly to within ½ inch of sides. Repeat for all rectangles. Top with second piece of chilled dough. Use a floured fork to crimp the sides closed. Use the tines of the fork to create vent holes in each tart. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a Silpat. Preheat oven to 350°. Allow pastries to rest in refrigerator for half an hour. To make glaze, whisk together powdered sugar, vanilla bean and milk or cream. Put tarts in the oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown on top, cool for at least 30 minutes. Brush glaze onto cooled pastries.

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pumpkin ravioli

1417 East Commercial Blvd @saboreslatinrestaurant Sabores Cuban and Latin Restaurant 9.28.2016 •







J.W. Arnold





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2 0 1 6

W W W . S F G N . C O M


EVENT The Aqua Foundation for Women presents its annual Aqua Affair tonight at 7 p.m. at the Miami Beach Women’s Club, 2401 Pine Tree Drive. Mix and mingle, bite and bid while raising money for the foundation’s scholarship program. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and craft cocktails created by talented chefs and mixologists. Visit the silent auction and dance and support the community. Tickets are $85 at AquaFoundation.org.



THEATER The Halloween season is finally here! Infinite Abyss Productions presents “Ghosts of the Grand Guignol,” an adaptation of four short plays from the famed Parisian theater. You’ll get goosebumps watching creepy stories about a girl tormented in an asylum by wicked hags, a disfigured lover hell-bent on revenge and more. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Oct. 22. Tickets $25 at Infinite-Abyss.org.

This Weekend 9/30 – 10/2


Dig out your lederhosen and braid those blond locks because it’s time for Oktoberfest in Oakland Park. Drink authentic beer, sample pretzels and brats and dance to the music of real German bands in the Biergarten at Jaco Pastorius Park, 4000 N. Dixie Highway. And, you don’t want to miss the highlight of the festival, the dachshund races! Admission is $5. For more information, go to OaklandParkFL.gov. Photo Credit: City of Oakland Park.


10/1 SUN

10/2 MON

10/3 TUE






Described as “Sesame Street” meets “The Exorcist,” the hit comedy, “Hand to God,” opens tonight and plays through Oct. 30 at GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Jason, a member of a Christian Puppet Ministry manages to avoid life’s temptations and stick to Biblical teachings until his foul-mouthed sock puppet starts encouraging those around him to give in to their desires. Tickets are $45 at GableStage.org.

Suffering from Post Traumatic Election Disorder? Laugh off the crazy presidential campaign this weekend with the Washington, D.C., comedy troupe, The Capitol Steps, Friday at 7:30 p.m. and today at 4 p.m. at Lynn University’s Wold Performing Arts Center, 3801 N. Military Trail in Boca Raton. It’s definitely a bipartisan event and neither Democrats nor Republicans go unscathed. Tickets $50 at Events.Lynn.edu.

Tonight, Bravo debuts its own version of HGTV’s hit, “Love It or List It,” starring flamboyant gay real estate agent Reza Farahan (“Shahs of Sunset”) and interior designer Taylor Spellman. Sci-fi fans will want to tune in to the premiere of “Timeless” on NBC and Hayley Atwell stars as a former first daughter who becomes an attorney in “Conviction” on ABC. Check local listings for channels and show times.

If you thought the fashion world was high drama, wait until you see “Strut,” tonight on Oxygen. The reality series, which debuted two weeks ago, features a team of beauties at Slay Model Management, the first exclusively transgender agency. Mentored by Cecilia Asuncion and Cassandra Cass, five models offer a look inside the glamorous world of fashion. Check local listings for channels and show times.


9 .28.2016

9.28.2016 •


Submitted Photo

A&E film

New Doc Examines Gay-4-Pay Porn Performers David-Elijah Nahmod


ctor/filmmaker Charlie David, best known for his work in gay independent cinema, takes on a fascinating, sometimes controversial subject in a new hour long documentary. In “I’m A Porn Star: Gay4Pay,” David chats with guys who identify as straight, but are willing to have sex with

"I think the biggest challenge for our society to overcome is its obsession with reductive labeling... a more healthful way forward would be to respect that there's a broad spectrum of experience." - Charlie David

Actor, filmmaker


9 .28.2016

men--including performing as bottoms--on camera for money. The filmmaker also interviews gay identified performers, who say they have no problem working with straight guys--it’s just a job, after all. “There is such intrigue and interest into what the real sexuality of these performers are,” David tells SFGN as he explains what drew him to the project. “Our society still has this insane urge to label each other in every conceivable way. It’s completely reductive and often destructive. With this documentary I knew the expectation of many viewers would be to reveal all these straight guys doing porn as closet cases. I’m more interested to provoke the audience to reflect on why this is happening and what are the ramifications of having straight producers, directors and performers creating fantasy material for gay men.” David admits that some of the models were hesitant to speak out of fear of raising their porn visibility—most haven’t told their families about their careers. “Certainly it was a smaller group of models who were willing to be interviewed for the film and it took a few months of actively searching to find subjects who trusted me and wanted to tell their story,” he said. “Of course it’s understandable. There is a huge stigma

around this. To discuss publicly how they have sex with men for money but may have a wife or lead a hetero-normative life otherwise is unfortunately a courageous act. What they are doing is a big societal taboo.” David was able to find a diverse array of models who were willing to talk, like Curtis, a blue collar dude with a wife who supports his porn work. The recently married couple are starting a new business and saving up for a house, so Curtis’ extra income is much needed. And though he says he’d never have sex with a man off camera, Curtis admits he’s begun to enjoy his on-camera gay sex. The film shares a heartwarming Skype call between Curtis and his wife. “In my opinion they are the type of people who have lost a lot of family and friends over this and so now they live completely openly with a ‘if you don’t like it FU’ attitude,” David explains. “It sounds harsh and in ways it is but what they have as a couple is actually quite beautiful. I think a lot of people would be immensely happier in their relationships if they could be as honest with each other as this couple.” Gay porn star Brodie swears that he’s in it strictly for the money, but fellow model Dennis West admits that his gay porn experiences have made him “hetero-flexible” in his private life.

Perhaps the sweetest story in “I’m a Porn Star: Gay4Pay” is one which involves two gay performers. Alex Mecum and Diego Sanz had enjoyed a wonderfully romantic one night stand a few years back. They each felt something for the other but lost touch. Imagine their delighted surprise when they meet each other again—on a gay porn set where they’re scheduled to perform together. According to Charlie David, the gay-4 pay models who insist they are indeed straight aren’t lying to themselves—regardless of what they remain willing to do on film for money. “I think the biggest challenge for our society to overcome is its obsession with reductive labeling,” he said. “People may go through many types of sexual experimentation during different phases in their life. I think a more healthful way forward would be to respect that there’s a broad spectrum of experience. Let’s put away our labeling machine unless an individual expressively requests that we address or recognize them in a specific way.” “I’m a Porn Star: Gay4Pay” can now be viewed online at Amazon, Vimeo and Google Play. Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ imapornstargay4pay/

WORLD PREMIERE New Musical Drama based on the life of Matthew Shepard

Not in My Town by Michael W. Ross

Broward Performing Arts Center Amaturo Theater

201 SW 5th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Directed & designed by Ardean Landhuis

FULL ORCHESTRA Conducted by Gordon Roberts

September 30 at 8 PM & October 1 at 8 PM For info & tickets


design: anne djupedal, woodhilldesign.com


9.28.2016 •


a&e film



he 8th annual MiFo LGBT Film Festival returns to Fort Lauderdale on Oct. 7 and will feature more than 50 films from around the world.

“strike a pose,” a documentary about the dancers on madonna’s 1990 “truth or dare” tour, opens the 8th annual mifo lgBt film festival on friday, oct. 7. Photo Credit: CTM Docs.

Rebranded in 2015 as “MiFo” (Miami/Fort Lauderdale), the festival’s theme, “United We Film,” was selected not only to reemphasize the merged brand, but also call attention to the diversity of films and audience, according to organizers. Over the two-week festival, screenings will be presented at the Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd., and Cinema Paradiso, 503 SE 6th Street, both in Fort Lauderdale. Special events include an opening night gala at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale; a culinary-themed screening and party at the Gallery of Amazing Things, 481 S. Federal Highway in Dania Beach; and the closing night party at C&I Studios, 541 NW 1st Ave. Tickets for individual screenings are $11 – 14 and special event tickets vary by venue. Tickets, a complete schedule and more information can be found at MiFoFilm.com. Here are a few highlights and capsule reviews of selected films from the first weekend of the festival:

FridaY, OCt. 7 “striKe a pose” Opening night Film NSU Art Museum, Fort Lauderdale, 8 p.m. Ester Gould and Reijer Zwaan, dir. Netherlands/Belgium, 2016, 83 min. In 1990, seven young male dancers joined Madonna on her most controversial world tour. Their journey together was captured in the 1991 documentary, “Truth or Dare.” Twenty-five years later, the dancers share their own stories about life during and after the tour. sfgn: The years have not necessarily been easy or kind to these charismatic men who toured with Madonna, but wound up becoming role models to a whole generation of gay men. We wonder, how many questioning young men made the decision to come out after seeing “the kiss” in 1991?


9 .28.2016

“Strike a Pose” is a well-made selection to open the festival.

satUrdaY, OCt. 8 “lazy eye” Cinema Paradiso, Fort Lauderdale, 7:30 p.m. Tim Kirkman, dir. USA, 2016, 87 min. Passions reignite and hidden secrets are revealed when a graphic designer in Los Angeles reconnects with an ex-lover he hasn’t seen or even heard from in 15 years. Over the course of a weekend at a vacation house, they must determine whether or not they have a future together.

sfgn: We’ve all wondered what might happen if “the one-that-got-away” suddenly returned. This film will touch a nerve with gay men of a certain age who might be tempted to discard a comfortable relationship in search of that lost flame. Lucas Near-Verbrugghe and Aaron Costa Ganis heat up the screen in the process. “Women Who Kill” ladies spotlight Classic Gateway Theatre, Fort Lauderdale, 7:30 p.m. Ingrid Jungermann, dir. USA, 2016, 91 min. Morgan and ex-girlfriend Jean host the

podcast, “Women Who Kill,” from their shared apartment in hipster Park Slope, Brooklyn. One day at the food co-op, Morgan meets a special someone, Simone, who is undoubtedly an attractive enigma waiting to be solved. sfgn: Think lesbian “Fatal Attraction.” Well, not really. Clichés aside, “Women Who Kill” is a psychological thriller that pushes the boundaries of dark comedy without becoming campy. Some of the smartest scenes occur between the exes (director Ingrid Jungermann and Ann Carr), who must manage a complicated friendship rooted in love and shared experience, but tested by jealousy and suspicion.

a&e film “retaKe” Classic Gateway Theatre, Fort Lauderdale, 9:45 p.m. Nick Corporon, dir. USA, 2016, 98 min. Jonathan (Tuc Watkins) travels to San Francisco and hires a young male prostitute (Devon Graye) to accompany him on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. Eager to leave his own life behind, the prostitute soon comes to realize that he’s playing a crucial role in recreating Jonathan’s heartbroken road trip from his past. sfgn: Let’s just say Daddy has some issues. Major issues. Don’t worry, though, the mouthy young hustler doesn’t end up buried in a shallow grave somewhere in the desert. Instead, a fascinating, if temporary relationship slowly develops between them. Therapy might have been easier—and a whole lot cheaper. “paris 05:59: theo & hugo” Cinema Paradiso, Fort Lauderdale, 9:45 p.m. Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau, dir. France, 2016, French with English subtitles, 97 min. Two young men meet inside a tawdry Paris sex club, but soon leave and settle into a romantic night wandering the city. As they wander the neighborhood, both men are unexpectedly forced to question their ideas about desire, love and personal responsibility. sfgn: Remember the days when porn flicks actually had plots? That’s pretty much how this one starts. It’s hard to believe serious actors would engage in actual sex on screen, but hey, they’re French. And they don’t speak their first lines until nearly 16 minutes into the film. Spoiler Alert: That’s when this film pivots into an emotional, gripping commercial for PrEP.

sUndaY, OCt. 9 “do you taKe this man” Cinema Paradiso, Fort Lauderdale 7:30 p.m. Joshua Tunick, dir. USA, 2016, 92 min. This intimate comedic drama tells the story of Daniel and Christopher on the eve of their wedding. When a long-lost friend of Christopher’s shows up and the day’s stresses begin to spiral out of control, the couple must rely on their close friends and family to see them through. sfgn: After years and years of autobiographical coming out stories at LGBT festivals, get ready for a new wave of funny, quirky, sometimes autobiographical gay wedding films. Joshua Tunick’s feature about two mismatched bridegrooms—one in his 40s and the other in his 30s—is realistic, thoughtful and features standout performances by Anthony Rapp and Jonathan Bennett.

MOndaY, OCt. 10 “the happys” a taste of Film/ Producers Circle Event Gallery of Amazing Things, Dania Beach, 7 p.m. Tom Gould and John Serpe, dir. USA, 2016, 87 min. Twenty-one-year-old Tracy walks in on her newly-minted “movie star” boyfriend having sex with another man. After assessing her limited options, she returns to Mark with a deal: If he agrees to marry her, she’ll forget the whole thing ever happened. Mark accepts her terms, but neither fully understands the sacrifices. sfgn: This film offers a refreshing contrast to the usual LGBT “coming out” stories, focusing primarily on the spurned girlfriend. Her childhood fantasies of the perfect storybook marriage dashed, Tracy is hurt, but, with the help of her quirky neighbors, she undertakes an emotional journey that is every bit as important as her boyfriend’s sexual awakening.

outside the Classic gateway theater, where several of the films will be debuted. Photo Credit: Facebook.

9.28.2016 •


SEPT 29 TO OcT 6


Theater Christiana Lilly




Opera Fusion: Not In My Town

Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A musical drama telling the tragic story of Matthew Shepard. Tickets $35 to $55. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

Clybourne Park

Sept. 30 to Oct. 23 at Main Street Players, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. The sequel to “A Raisin in the Sun,” a white couple sells their home to a black couple in 1959, causing tensions in the neighborhood. Now it’s 2009, and a white couple wants to move into the same home in the neighborhood undergoing gentrification. Tickets $20 to $25. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.

Prophets of Rage

Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Comprised of members of Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy, and Cypress Hill, Prophets of Rage have created a unique sound all their own. Tickets $39 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

broward county * The Choreographers’ Ball

Oct. 2 at 3 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The best of the best dancers, producers, and choreographers come together for the annual dance showcase. Tickets $20 to $55. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

Mel Schwartz Sleeps with Mae West

Through Oct. 2 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A man discovers that his mistress used to be a man, and that she’s the long-long child of his best friend in this topsy turvy comedy. Tickets $30. Call 845-598-2850 or visit MelSleepsWithMaeWest.com

* Cock Tales: Shame on Me!

Oct. 6 to 30 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Debra Ehrhard tells the story of her encounters with the opposite sex. Tickets $20 to $35. Call 954678-1496 or visit EmpireStage.com

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

9 .28.2016

Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Mexican popstar tours in support of her latest album, “Latina!” Tickets $45 to $105. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Hand to God

Oct. 1 to 30 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. A student in a religious town in Texas finds his talents working with puppets, until one of them takes on an evil life of its own. Tickets $57 to $60. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

Circle Mirror Transformation

Through Oct. 2 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Four strangers sign up for an adult creative drama class, but they learn more about each other and themselves than they do about acting. Tickets $25 to $45. Call 305-666-2078 or visit GableStage.org.

* Charlie Puth

Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Puth is known for hits “One Call Away,” “Marvin Gaye,” and “See You Again.” Tickets $26 to $39.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-3753000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

palm beach county * Urinetown the Musical

Oct. 6 to 23 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. A city has been in a drought for 20 years, and private toilets have been banned. One man is fed up when the city starts charging its residents to use public amenities. Tickets $35 to $72. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse. org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Why Not? With Richard Nixon

Sept. 29 to Oct. 9 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. Richard Nixon hosts a late night club access radio show with his best friend and his daughter in this comedy. Tickets $15 to $30. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

* Denotes New Listing 44

* Thalia

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

A&E theater Ryan Townsend and Robyn Marie Lamp star in “Not In My Town,” a new opera about the life of Matthew Shepard. Submitted photo.

New Opera Offers Moving Musical Tribute to Slain Gay Student J.W. Arnold


he tragic 1998 murder of gay Wyoming college student Matthew Shepard has inspired a play and film adaptation, “The Laramie Project,” numerous literary works and, most importantly, a hate crimes bill passed by Congress a decade later. Shepard’s story is now being told on the opera stage. Last weekend, “Not In My Town” by gay Fort Lauderdale composer and lyricist Michael W. Ross received its world premiere performance by Opera Fusion at the Florida Atlantic University Theatre in Boca Raton. The one-act work, presented in 13 scenes, begins on the campus of the University of Wyoming in Laramie where Shepard (Ryan Townsend), a transfer student, is being bullied. Lesbian Romaine Patterson (Robyn Marie Lamp) comes to his aid and the two develop a deep friendship. Subsequent scenes explore the deliberations of Shepard’s parents (Sarah-Helen Land and Ardean Landhuis) over his homosexuality and the evening Shephard met two men at a local bar only to be taken to a field, assaulted and left for dead tied to a fencepost. The remainder of the opera portrays Romaine’s anguish, a candlelight vigil, protests led by homophobic Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps (Enrique Estrada), statements by Shepard’s parents at the sentencing of the attackers and Patterson’s landmark speech at a meeting of the AntiDefamation League. While the opera ostensibly tells the story of Shepard’s life and death, the real heroine is Patterson, whose idea to construct angel costumes for counter-protesters at Shephard’s funeral would catapult her into the national spotlight as an activist. More recently, she was cohost of a popular Sirius XM Out-Q radio program.

Patterson was in the audience at FAU for the premiere performance, taking the stage to welcome the audience and express her nervousness at seeing her story portrayed on stage for the first time. By most standards, the premiere was a huge success, a moving tribute to Shepard’s sacrifice and legacy. Billed as a musical drama, “Not In My Town” definitely falls within the operatic genre. Ross’s score is lush, suggesting the film scores of Hans Zimmer or the contemporary romantic symphonies of Howard Hanson, performed beautifully by an 18-piece orchestra under the baton of Gordon Roberts. The vocal lines are less lyric and often serve primarily to advance the detailed exposition of the historical events. Most musical highlights occur after Shepard’s murder, when Ross finally seems freed from the story and can finally explore the underlying emotions and motivations of his characters: “When did the World Stop Caring” sung powerfully by Lamp and “Olivia’s Proposal,” beautifully performed by Lamp and Cory Shelley as Patterson’s girlfriend, Olivia. The most poignant musical moment is the “Candlelight Vigil,” a beautiful choral work unencumbered by lyrics and again accompanied by a rich orchestration. Landhuis (Dennis Shepard) performs triple duty as director and production designer. His staging is tight, especially given the large ensemble. A large stone arch effectively floats across the stage to set the different scenes on the university campus, frame the Shepards’ home and serve as the entrance to the church. The production moves to the Broward Center this weekend and should not be missed.

OperaFusion presents “Not In My Town” by Michael Ross at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, Sept. 30 – Oct. 1. Tickets are available at BrowardCenter.org.

9.28.2016 •


POrn pulse

GRADiNG DicK PicS Hunter Houston

community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

top pIcks


mysterious Tumblr site is taking the art of snapping dick pics to a whole other level. Take a look at www.critiquemydickpic. tumblr.com The owner of the website grades dick pics on a scale of A+ for best and D- for worst. Although the penis itself is central in theme, the website takes into account the thoughtful construction of each photograph. For example, how a subject is posed, lighting, background elements and grooming are all considered by the site’s administrator. Artists can submit their dick pics for a private review for just $10. Twenty-five bucks gets you a guaranteed review on the website. “Submissions from trans people, people of color, and other groups who are under-


“The Brown Ballerina”

Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Crest Theatre, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. A screening of the film exploring minority dancers in the ballet world, hosted by composer and guitarist Billy Rogan. Tickets $35 benefitting the Milagro Center. Call 561-243-7922, ext 1 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

ZooRun5K represented in the dick pic world are welcome and encouraged,” reads a line in the site’s introduction page.

For those wishing to have their works of art graded by the anonymous tumblr host, you can send entries to critiquemydickpic@gmail.com

Nite Life Law If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.

Oct. 2 at 7:30 a.m. at Zoo Miami, 12400 SW 152nd St. in Miami. Run, walk, or skip through the 5K, ending with a post-run finish festival with treats. Registration $15 to $35. Visit ZooMiami.org.

StoryCorps South Florida Historic Recordings

Oct. 6 from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum -Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. All LGBT people are encouraged to take part in a 40-minute recorded interview to document the LGBT experience. Free. Contact Herb Sosa at herb@ unitycoalition.org or Emery Grant at emery@stonewall-museum.org.

broward county * “Paris Was a Woman”

Kent & Cormican Criminal Defense Law Center


Norman Elliott Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 www.NormKent.com


9 .28.2016

Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum -- Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. In the early 20th century, female creatives flocked to Paris’ Left bank. This film looks at the creatives, including Colette, Djuna Barnes, Gertrude Stein, and Alice B. Toklas. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

* Oktoberfest

Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at Jaco Pastorius Park, 4000 N. Dixie Highway in Oakland Park. Indulge in beer tastings, bratwurst, polka music, dachshund races, barrel races, apple strudel eating contests, and more. Tickets $5. Call 954-630-4500 or visit OaklandParkFL.gov.

broward support servIces GENDER BENDER YOUTH GROUP

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

* Annual Pet/Animal Blessing

Oct. 2 at 2 p.m. at Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare, 101 NE Third St. in Fort Lauderdale. Bring your furry friend to be blessed and gifted a St. Francis medal for their collar at this progresive Catholic church. All pets must be on a leash or crate. Free. Call 954731-8173 or visit StsFrancisAndClare.com.

* SMART Ride Fundraiser at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza

Oct. 3, 10, 17, and 24 at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, 1580 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Drop in for lunch and dinner every Monday in October to raise money for the Broward House SMART Ride Team. Don’t forget to tell your server, or the 20 percent donation cannot be made! Email DDelSordo@browardhouse.org.

SEPT 29 TO OcT 6 * Take a Seat

Oct. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Allied Kitchen & Bath Showroom, 3484 NE 12th Ave. in Oakland Park. An auction of designer seats benefitting Glam-a-THON and the Broward Health Foundation, helping local women affected by breast cancer. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Visit glam2016. kintera.org/Allied.

* Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network CLE Luncheon

Oct. 6 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The topic for this luncheon is the importance of behavioral health in the legal system, lead by Marshall Geisser, the CEO and co-founder of Recovery Unplugged. Cost $25 members, $30 nonmembers. Visit GLLN.org.

* History of Girls’ Club

Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Learn about the 10-year-old contemporary art space, founded by artist Francie Bishop Good and David Horvitz. Free. Call 954-2620258 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

* Author Presentation: Stacy B. Davids

Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum -- Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. The author of the children’s book, “Annie’s Plaid Shirt,” about a little girl who doesn’t want to wear a dress to her uncle’s wedding. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

* Taste of Harbor Beach

Oct. 8 from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa, 3030 Holiday Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A fundraiser for Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, visit food stations from area restaurants, including Burlock Coast, Angelo Elia, Steak 954, Ocean 2000, and more. Tickets in advance, $100 at the door. Contact Pam Cook at 954-765.3021/ pam.m.cook@marriott.com or Stacey Cook at 954-765-3022/ Stacey.cook@marriott.com.

* Halloween Bingo

Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Who will win this spooky game night? Game Package $15. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 306, 308, or 309 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

palm beach county Florida: Flora and Fauna The River of Grass and Beyond

Through Oct. 2 at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. An exhibit celebrating the unique flora and fauna of our state. Call 786-521-1199 or visit TheBoxGallery.info.

The Thrill of the Vote: Episodes in Democracy

Through Nov. 30 in the FAU’s Theatre Lab Gallery in Parliament Hall, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. A exhibiting exploring voting rights over American history. Call 561-2976124 or visit FAUEvents.com.

* Who is Joan Quinn? A Life in Portraits

Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. A collection of works created over 50 years by contemporary artists celebrating the legacy of Joan Agajanian Quinn. Suggested donation $5. Call 561-2437922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

* Fifteen Minutes

Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Andy Warhol once said, “Everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” This exhibit examines the culture of celebrity. Suggested donation $5. Call 561243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

miami-dade county * Farmer’s Market Launch

Sept. 29 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Celebrate the inaugural farmer’s market with artisans, bakers, growers, creators, musicians, and yoga. Free; yoga is $15 in advance, $25 at the door. Visit MBGarden.org.

Ethiopia Now!

Through Nov. 15 at the Miami Center for Architecture & Design, 100 NE First Ave. in Miami. An exhibit of contemporary architecture by 19 designers from the past decade. Call 305448-7488 or visit miamicad.org.

* Denotes New Listing

9.28.2016 •


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GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailedoriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com



HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com


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handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn’t cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com


9 .28.2016

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rentals fort lauderdale MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $990, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-1/1=$1090.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533 or miketherentalguy@aol.com

vacation rentals WILTON MANORS CALYPSO INN B&B AND VACATION RENTALS “Fill the room NO Vacancy Specials” are back for the months of August and September. Reserve or walk in and if we have vacant rooms and good Monday through Thursdays. Any two consecutive nights reduced from $199 to $149 or any three consecutive nights reduced from $299 to $219. The total stay rates are plus taxes and are based on any room still available. Guest must be 21 or over and have a Valid Non-Debit Major Credit Card and Identification. “Must mention this add when inquiring” Call Wes at 954-605-3561 daily 8am to 6pm

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Daniel Ross CPA, CFE Now Preparing 2015 Form 1040’s IRS Electronic Filing Available

CPA since 1987

2015 tax returns are DUE no later than October 17, 2017 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED

In The heart of Wilton Manors

954.612.9922 danrosscpa@aol.com

9.28.2016 •


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