9/30/15 V6i39

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September 30, 2015 vol. 6 // issue 39

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

Jimmy Olsen, Cub Reporter Gay TV icon passes away

SFGN takes part in annual lgbt history month

Pages 23 - 24, 26, 28 - 29

Southern Comfort Conference begins, page 13 • RentBoy coalition, Page 20 • Reverse Quinceanera, Page 30




the opeNiNG LiNe Justice antonin scalia on

same-sex marriage ruling

"the furthest imaginable extension of the Supreme Court doing whatever it wants." Luimar Zibetti Garza – sorta like civil rights, black and white marriage, suffrage - all rather "irrelevant" issues - even for a LIVING document as IS the Constitution. yousa abringa chame to dee italian ancestree Scalia!!! Mama Italia is a weepin' *pinches your bulbous and Santa Clause jowling cheeks*

Bill Cox – No, I would say that "the furthest imaginable extension of the Supreme Court doing whatever it wants" was bestowing person-hood to an artificial commercial construct.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 39

Compiled by John McDonald

2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943





sandy McLendon –


Good grief! We have issues with income, health care, immigration, tax reform and the environment, and THIS is all Mike Huckabee can find to talk about - dyed Doritos? Get a freaking GRIP, Mister!

Daniel Nistal – I compare the ruling with the abolition of slavery ruling

online outlets

huCKaBee CoNDeMNs raiNBoW CoLoreD Doritos Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore.

Photos: Facebook.


Comments from sFGN’s

Senior Features Correspondents


Food/Travel Editor RICK KARLIN

robb Kvašnák –

Michael d'oliveira –

he just wants to get frito-layd

I'm dissapointed in Huckabee. It took him way too long to jump on this. His homophobia must be getting slow.



Contributing Columnists


Michael sam

Staff Photographers


Says His Sexuality Kept Him Out of The NFL

Sales & Marketing

I think he'll be ok. some smart progressive corporation will give him a job. perhaps as a sportscaster. I see money in his future. MEMBER

rj petrucci – He needs to stop talking about it and just play football. Starting to come off a bit delusional and self serving.

patrick smith – He got cut from the teams because he's not all that good. That's it.



Photo Credit: Erik Daniel Drost.

Jordon Dahlgren –


Cover: SFGN participates in Philadelphia Gay News' annual History Month. Art by Phil Noto.


Associated Press

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

• 9.30.2015


News Briefs


ouse Committee Votes Down Measure to Help Gay Vets

Photos: Facebook.


hicago Mom Wants Louganis on Wheaties Box

Compiled by Jillian Melero

(Change.org) Julie Sondgerath, a Chicago mom, will deliver more than 40,000 signatures to General Mills headquarters in Minneapolis from calling for gay Olympic diver Greg Louganis to be honored on the cover of the Wheaties Box. Louganis wrote an op-ed last week calling for Wheaties to change their stance, and Will Sweeney and Cheryl Furjanic, the creators of the documentary, “Back on Board” which inspired Sondgerath to start her petition, have also voiced support for Sondgerath’s campaign. Sondgerath will call on General Mills to “right the wrong” and honor Louganis, who was excluded from the iconic cover

of the Wheaties Box because he didn’t match their 1980’s vision of a "wholesome demographic.” “Greg was diving's superstar and Swimming World named him ‘The Greatest Diver Ever.’ At the time, General Mills explained Louganis did not meet their ‘wholesome demographics’ to grace the cover of the famed coveted Wheaties box. Greg Louganis deserves (still) to be on the cover of the Wheaties box. And with marriage equality passing in June of 2015, what a great way to pay it forward to Greg and all of his accomplishments,” said Sondgerath.

(SFGN) A federal amendment to protect LGBT veterans’ spousal benefits failed in the House Committee. According to a report in the Washington Blade, “The House Committee on Veterans Affairs rejected the amendment, which was along the lines of the Veteran Spouses Equal Treatment Act, by a vote of 10-12. The measure would have changed definition of spouse under Title 38 to clarify that not all spouses are persons of a different sex.” Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.), introduced the measure as an amendment to the American Heroes COLA Act, which seeks generally to increase compensation for veterans as benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act increase, the Blade reports. In a statement, Titus called the vote "a slap in face" to gay and lesbian service members who've served the country and their spouses.

"As federal representatives and as members of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, we have a responsibility to care for our nation’s veterans and their families, gay or straight," Titus said. "Today we had an opportunity to put this issue behind us and move forward to concentrate on the many challenges facing our nation’s veterans. Rest assured I will not back down in this fight for equality. There are those who continue to stand in the way of progress; but remember, the arc of the moral universe is long and it bends toward justice.” It's wasn't immediately clear what impact the legislation would have at this point if it became law because full spousal veterans benefits are now flowing to eligible married same-sex couples across the country following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality nationwide, said the report. 9.30.2015 •


Continued Compiled by Jillian Melero

palm Beach County Commission strengthens Local Civil rights protections (PBCHRC) Palm Beach County Commissioners voted unanimously to expand civil rights protections for minorities by amending the definition of "places of public accommodation" in the Palm Beach County Ordinance for Equal Opportunity to Housing and Places of Public Accommodation. "When I looked at the antidiscrimination ordinances that had been in effect in Palm Beach County over the years, it became clear that our law needed to be updated to better protect minorities," said County Commissioner Mary Lou Berger. "In light of all that is happening with race relations across our nation, this is the appropriate time for the County Commission to take a strong, proactive stand against discrimination." While a majority of states have long prohibited discrimination of any kind in retail establishments, Florida is not one of them. Palm Beach County first enacted an ordinance to prohibit discrimination in places of public

accommodation in 1973. Over the years, the ordinance has been rewritten to include discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, familial status, sexual orientation, age, marital status, and gender identity or expression. However, for more than three decades, instances of public accommodation discrimination were strictly limited to only those which occurred in places offering lodging, food service or entertainment in the ordinance. At the meeting, the County Commissioners widely expanded the definition of public accommodation to include retail stores, schools, day care and senior centers, medical offices, funeral homes, bakeries, laundromats and virtually all other places of business throughout the county. The new ordinance does take into account the special rights of churches and private clubs by exempting both religious and distinctly private organizations from the ordinance. Photo: Facebook.

grants Jenner's Request to of Minn. Duluth Coaches P Judge Legally Change Name, Gender Ex-U File Discrimination Lawsuit

Photo: Facebook.

new identity.


• 9.30.2015

(AP) Three former University of Minnesota Duluth coaches, including women's hockey coach Shannon Miller, filed a discrimination lawsuit against the university Monday, saying they lost their jobs because they're female and gay. Miller led the Bulldogs to five NCAA national championships, but UMD officials cited a budget deficit when they told her last December that they would not renew her contract. The others plaintiffs include former women's softball coach Jen Banford, who was also director of operations for UMD women's hockey under Miller, and former women's basketball coach Annette Wiles. Miller and Banford allege in the lawsuit filed in federal court that the university did not renew their contracts because they're female, gay and Canadian. Wiles alleges she was forced out in June because of her gender and sexual orientation. Miller and Wiles also allege age discrimination. The lawsuit also accuses the university of unlawfully retaliating against the women for reporting that other school employees harassed them because they were lesbians, and of creating hostile work environment that made it difficult to do their jobs. It also says the women were paid less and had smaller budgets than their male counterparts on the men's hockey, baseball and basketball teams. UMD Chancellor Lendley Black issued a statement last week, before the lawsuit was filed, disputing the plaintiffs' broad claims of discrimination. University officials planned to issue a statement later Monday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called British musician Elton John and agreed to meet with him after Russian pranksters called him, pretending to be Putin and his spokesman. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian news agencies on Thursday that Putin called John earlier in the day and "asked him not to feel offended" by the prank. Putin promised to meet John as long as the schedule permits and discuss "any issues that he is concerned about." Earlier this month, John criticized Russia's law against gay "propaganda" and comments by Putin suggesting that gay people prey on children. Two Russian pranksters last week said they fooled John into believing that the Russian president had given him a call with John posting a message on his Instagram, thanking Putin for calling him.

Photo: CNN.

(AP) A judge has approved Caitlyn Jenner's request to make her name and gender change official. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Gerald Rosenberg approved Jenner's petition to legally change her name and gender during a hearing Friday in Santa Monica, California. The 65-year-old Olympic gold medalist, who was born William Bruce Jenner, didn't attend the brief hearing. The approval means she can now get government documents, such as a driver's license and Social Security card, under her

utin Calls Elton John, Promises to Meet With Him


ntl. Team Discovers Promising Natural Defense Against HIV

(MSU) Researchers at Michigan State University were part of a team to discover a new natural defense against HIV infection. The team's discovery, featured in the current issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, focuses on ERManI, a protein that prevents the HIV virus from replicating. "In earlier studies, we knew that we could interfere with the spread of HIV-1, but we couldn't identify the mechanism that was stopping the process," said Yong-Hui Zheng, MSU associate professor of microbiology and molecular genetics and co-author of the study. "We now know that ERManI is an essential key, and that it has the potential as an antiretroviral treatment." Antiretroviral treatments are not vaccines; they simply keep HIV in check in low levels in the body. While it could be decades before an ERManI-based treatment can be prescribed for HIV-1 patients, these results provide a strong path for future research involving human cells, and later, clinical tests. The next steps will be to test if HIV resistance can be promoted by increasing ERManI levels, said Zheng, who worked on the study with scientists from the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Georgia. More than 1.2 million people in the United States have HIV. In China, doctors diagnosed 104,000 new cases of HIV/AIDS in 2014. The number of infections is rising, though overall the country still has a low rate of infection. "We see a way to treat this disease by helping the body protect itself," he said. "That's why we continue to move our research forward, seemingly slowly at times, because finding a cure will take years. We feel that it's important enough, on a world-wide scale, to dedicate our work to fighting this disease."



uman Rights Groups Attack IOC on Host City Contract

(AP) Human rights groups accused the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Thursday of failing to include explicit requirements on human rights in the host city contract for the 2024 Summer Olympics. The IOC, meanwhile, said it was "surprised" by the criticism and insisted that the contract does "explicitly" include references to gay rights, workers' rights and freedom of the press during the games Amnesty International issued a statement on behalf of the "Sport and Rights Alliance" that also includes Transparency International Germany and the International Trade Union Confederation. The contract was publicly released last week when the IOC confirmed the five bid cities for the 2024 Games - Paris; Rome; Los Angeles; Hamburg, Germany; and Budapest, Hungary. The host city will be selected in September 2017. The IOC was criticized by human rights groups ahead of the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi after Russia passed a law prohibiting gay "propaganda." The IOC also faced criticism over the selection of Beijing as host of the 2022 Winter Olympics. The human rights groups noted that the new host city contract prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and includes language on media reporting and international labor standards. "However, none of these changes go far enough," the alliance said. "Requirements on labor and anti-corruption standards are also severely lacking in detail." IOC spokesman Mark Adams disputed the criticism. "We were surprised by these comments since the changes to the host city contract were publicly welcomed by member groups of this alliance at the time," he said in a statement to The Associated Press. Adams said the contract "explicitly references all three areas highlighted by the Sport and Rights Alliance: LGBT rights, workers' rights and free reporting in the context of the Olympic Games."

Photo: Facebook.

News Briefs

9.30.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

White house Sounds Off on LGBT Rights

obama: religious Freedom No excuse to Deny rights to others (AP) Freedom of religion isn't reason enough to deny any American their constitutional rights, President Barack Obama said Sunday as he addressed members of the LGBT community, one of his major sources of political and financial support. Speaking at a Democratic Party fundraiser, Obama said it's important to recognize that some parts of the country remain uncomfortable with same-sex marriage and that it will take time for them to catch up to the majority of Americans who support such unions. "We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions," Obama said during remarks that were interrupted by repeated applause and cheers. "But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn't grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights." "And that even as we are respectful and accommodating


bama Rips Republican Candidates on Gay Marriage

Photo: CNN.

(CNN) -- President Obama on Sunday dismissed Republicans opposed to same-sex marriage as �living in another era, saying the national conversation had moved beyond whether gays and lesbians deserve equal marriage rights. And he lambasted statements made by GOP candidates as woefully out-of-touch with reality. "One of their leading candidates argued that going to prison turns you gay," Obama said, an apparent reference to Ben Carson, who had claimed that homosexuality in prison is proof that being gay is a choice. "I'm just stating the facts," Obama continued. "Another candidate boasts that he introduced an amendment to end nationwide marriage equality. One said he loves the Constitution except for Article 3." The President said that "America has left the leaders of the Republican Party behind." "We need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes," he added. "That's not how we move America forward."


• 9.30.2015

genuine concerns and interests of religious institutions, we need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes. That's not how we move America forward," he added. He noted that everyone in the U.S., regardless of sexual orientation, is protected by a federal hate crimes law he signed in his first year as president, and that federal contractors are barred from terminating employees for being gay. “We live in an America where 'don't ask, don't tell' is something that 'don't exist.'" Obama lifted the Pentagon policy that barred gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. "And tonight, thanks to the unbending sense of justice passed down through generations of citizens who never gave up hope that we could bring this country closer to our founding ideals ... we now live in America where our marriages are equal as well," he said.

During the event at Gotham Hall, which Democratic donors paid upwards of $33,400 to attend, Obama claimed Republican presidential contenders were pining for an era of economic failure. "In their world, everything was terrific back in 2008 when we were in the midst of a spiral into the worst financial crisis and economic crisis since the Great Depression, when unemployment and uninsured rates were rising and when our economy was shedding jobs each month, and we were mired in two wars, hopelessly addicted to foreign oil, and bin Laden was still at large," he said. "Those were the Golden Years, apparently."

to Deliver Keynote Address Biden at Star-Studded HRC Dinner

(HRC) The Human Rights Campaign announced Friday Vice President Joe Biden will deliver the keynote address at the 19th annual HRC National Dinner in Washington, D.C. next month. Biden will share the stage with Allison Janney, Ellen Page, Jason Collins, Carley Rae Jepsen, A Great Big World and hiphop artist Futuristic. As both senator and vice president, Biden's work to advance LGBT equality is just one chapter in a remarkable lifetime of service to our country. He has played an integral role in the Obama Administration's unprecedented legacy of progress for the LGBT community. In addition, Academy Award nominated actress Ellen Page will be presented with an award at the event highlighting the organization's work fighting for full LGBT equality. Page has charmed audiences and critics with captivating performances in a wide range of films. In addition, Page who made the bold decision to come out publicly at HRC's first annual Time to THRIVE conference - continues to set a powerful example for LGBT and allied youth around the world. Retired NBA athlete Jason Collins and Blossom Brown are also slated to speak. Jason Collins was the first openly gay player to be signed by an NBA team. Collins and Blossom Brown, a transgender student and HRC volunteer who was featured in

Photo: UNTV.

a television ad from HRC's "All God's Children" campaign and has appeared on "I Am Cait" and the "Ellen Degeneres Show," will share more about their personal journeys, the challenges they've faced, and the victories they've claimed living open and authentic lives. The 19th annual HRC National Dinner, which is expected to draw over 3,000 guests, will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. More information is available.


iden Hailed By Gay Rights Group, But Clinton Has Head Start

(AP) Not yet a presidential candidate, Vice President Joe Biden will have a prime perch to appeal to LGBT voters when he headlines a glitzy national gala. Yet it may be too late to win over influential gay Democrats already committed to Hillary Rodham Clinton should he join the 2016 Democratic contest. At the Human Rights Campaign's sold-out soirée Oct. 3 in Washington, it's Biden who will get top billing. In a way, Clinton will be his warm-up act; she'll speak to the group's board and staff in the morning, but won't be on stage for the star-studded dinner. Gay and lesbian voters and their allies represent a natural base of support for Biden, who won accolades from the community by backing gay marriage ahead of the 2012 election and became the highest elected official to support what was then a highly charged political issue. President Barack Obama followed days later, leading activists to muse with a touch of irony that it took an older, white male to get the first black president on board with a modern civil rights issue. The prominent gay rights group hasn't endorsed yet in the 2016 race, but it plans to be engaged in the primary. Clinton, too, has a long history on gay rights, and the Human Rights Campaign praised her this week as a "tireless champion" for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people across the globe. Clinton's LGBT supporters point to a 2011 speech she gave as secretary of state fervently declaring that "gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights."

9.30.2015 •


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Photos: Facebook.

Lesbian Couple Denied Entry Into North Miami Beach Club Told they need to be accompanied by a man David-Elijah Nahmod


San Francisco lesbian couple felt humiliated during their recent trip to Florida. According to Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa and Heather Cox, both 39, management of Dean’s Gold, a “gentleman’s club” in North Miami Beach, denied entry to “the ladies” because they were not in the company of a man. In a series of interviews with a variety of publications, including Miami New Times, OtalvaroHormillosa and Cox said that incidents like these were a recurring problem in men’s clubs around the country. Dean’s Gold, which features scantily clad women in its ads, primarily caters to a straight male clientele. Cox and OtalvaroHormillosa say that the club’s official policy of denying entry to “single ladies” who are not in the company of a man is discriminatory. The women have filed a discrimination complaint against the club with The Miami-Dade Commission on Human Rights. “Equal is equal,” Miami based attorney Matthew Dietz told SFGN. Dietz is representing Cox and Otalvaro-Hormillosa. “The sex industry caters to anachronistic attitudes and people will pay to be ‘treated like a man’ in the Hugh Hefner mold. There is no valid reason why a man needs to accompany a woman to see a lesbian show.” “For me it was like feeling second class,” Otalvaro-Hormillosa said to SFGN. “Do we really have to explain why we want to go?” Cox asked. “It’s a free country. Sex and pleasure are essential to human nature. This is a civil rights issue.” Cox also spoke of how humiliated the couple felt at the treatment accorded to


• 9.30.2015

them. “I walked away with my head down,” she said. “Civil rights mostly neglect sexual behavior,” Dietz pointed out. “To deny or belittle any human being for engaging in lawful sexual entertainment is demeaning. To make it the exclusive province of a man is primitive.” The complaint filed against Dean’s Gold states “I believe that I have subjected to unlawful discrimination based on my sex (Female) and sexual orientation (Homosexual) in violation of Chapter 760 of the Florida Statutes, as amended, and chapter 11A of the Miami-Dade code, as amended.” Chapter 760 states in part: “It is against the law to refuse accommodation or service to any person on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin or physical disability.” Chapter 760 also applies these standards to membership in private clubs. Cox and Otalvaro-Hormillosa are not yet sure if they’ll seek monetary damages against Dean’s Gold. “We’re asking for an end to the discrimination,” Cox said. “From there we’ll decide if we want to sue for damages.” Otalvaro-Hormillosa said that they’d been hearing from other women who’ve had this happen to them. “As queer people and women we’ve been harassed on the street,” she said. “Throughout history in many cultures women have been abused because of being out on the street without a man.” Management of Dean’s Gold did not respond to SFGN’s phone call requesting a comment.

news highlight

Pride Fort Lauderdale Kicks Off With Pub Crawl Staff Report


ride Fort Lauderdale kicks off Oct. 7 with an evening pub crawl through Wilton Manors presented by the Stonewall National Museum & Archives. Participating bars and restaurants include: Rosie’s, Thirteen, Mind Your Manors, Naked Grape, Rumors, Village Pub, Monkey Bar/ Alibi, Hunters, Progress Bar, Thirteen Even, Courtyard Café, New York Grilled Cheese, Pink Submarine, Novel Tea, Infinity Lounge and many more. The pub crawl is from 5 to 11 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 7. Participating bars and restaurants have promised to donate a percentage of proceeds to the Stonewall National Museum. Meanwhile, at Stonewall Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, individuals who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, as well as their allied family and friends, are invited to Stonewall Gallery to share their personal

“Coming Out Story” experience, kicking off the Stonewall exhibit “I Am, Too.” Coming Out Stories. Coming Out Stories, of up to two minutes in length, will be recorded in a private video booth custom designed for Stonewall Gallery. For the duration of the exhibit “I Am, Too.” Coming Out Stories, stories and experiences shared by visitors will be displayed on a monitor in the gallery, and online at stonewall-museum.org and in social media. Coming Out Stories will then be preserved for future generations in the Stonewall National Archives. Individuals are encouraged to visit Stonewall Gallery by while participating in the Pub Crawl on Wilton Drive.

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9.30.2015 •


lgbt bites

Compiled by Jillian Melero



thaiLaND Chooses Gay-theMeD DraMa as osCar suBMissioN

The White House announced on Wednesday that President Obama appointed Lanae Erickson Hatalsky and 17 others to his third Advisory Council on Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships, the Washington Blade reports. "I am confident that these outstanding men and women will serve the American people well, and I look forward to working with them," Obama said in a statement. Erickson Hatalsky will join secular and religious leaders, along with experts in

(AP) Thailand's motion picture association has selected a gay-themed, coming-of-age drama, "How to Win at Checkers (Every Time)," as an entry for the foreign-language category at the Academy Awards. The movie is about an 11-year-old boy named Ek being raised by his gay, older brother in a poor Bangkok suburb. Ek tries to help his brother dodge the country's military draft lottery in the film, which touches on corruption, discrimination and social status in Thai society - and was released while a military government is running the country. The film "has successfully been able to raise issues that people in Thailand don't openly talk about," said Weerasak Kowsurat, secretary-general of the National Federation of Thai Motion Picture and Content Associations. An eight person committee from the federation chose the film from among 59 contenders on Tuesday and submitted it Thursday as its selection for the Oscars foreign-language category, Weerasak said. "The movie talks about morality and goodness in people as seen through the eyes

faith-based and community organizations to focus on efforts to reduce poverty and inequality, and delivery services by faithbased organizations to low-income people. Erickson Hatalsky is vice president of the social policy and politics program at Third Way, a Connecticut based think tank. According to Third Way's website, Erickson Hatalsky promotes a moderate approach to social issues, such as LGBT rights, immigration, abortion, religious liberty and guns. She's advocated for passage of statewide ballot initiatives in favor of same-sex marriage and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. In 2012, she married Laura Erickson Hatalsky, with whom she lives in D.C. The office of Faith-Based & Community Initiatives was first formed in 2001 by President George W. Bush, the Blade reports. But was criticized for allegedly violating the First Amendment by using tax money to fund religion. Obama reformed the organization after taking office, creating the advisory council of secular and religious leaders.

I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.


• 9.30.2015

of the younger brother," said Weerasak, adding that the older brother is gay but the film avoids gay stereotypes of promiscuity that are common in Thai films. "It shows the older brother as someone who is responsible, and trying to take care of his younger sibling. It's not how gay men are generally presented in Thai movies." The Thai-language film was screened at the Berlin Film Festival this year and was released in July in Thailand. It was directed by Korean-American Josh Kim. A Thai film has never been shortlisted for an Oscar nomination. The Academy will announce the nominees for foreign-language films and other categories in mid-January before the Oscars are handed out Feb. 28, 2016.

Photo: Facebook.

Photo: Twitter.

oBaMa appoiNts out LesBiaN to Faith CouNCiL

lgbt bites



Bisexual hrC reLeases “BisexuaL visiBiLity iN the WorKpLaCe” The Human Rights Campaign has released a brief outlining the discriminations that bisexuals face in the workplace, the Advocate reports. Among other issues, “Bisexual Visibility in the Workplace” notes that bisexuals are less likely than gays or lesbians to be out in the workplace. Despite a 2011 study by the Williams Institute that found there are more bisexuals in the US than lesbians and gays combined, only 59 percent of bi employees are out versus 79 percent of gay men and 77 percent of lesbians. "Many of America's leading companies

continue to adopt meaningful policies, practices and benefits for LGBT people, including non-discrimination policies for sexual orientation and gender identity, and transgender-inclusive healthcare coverage,” said Beck Bailey, HRC Foundation’s Deputy Director of Employee Engagement. “But as employers look beyond policy to efforts to improve the day-to-day experiences of LGBT people, the invisibility of bisexual workers deserves their attention,” Bailed said. “Despite the significant number of biidentified employees, they largely remain closeted on the job, and experience less-thanwelcoming workplace culture.” “Degrees of Equality” an HRC study of LGBT identities in the workplace, showed 43 percent of bisexuals reported hearing biphobic jokes at work. The HRC brief urges employers to create an inclusive environment by addressing biphobic comments and celebrating bisexual awareness events such as Bisexuality Awareness Week. For human resource managers, the brief stresses the importance of having bi inclusive examples in the nondiscrimination and antiharassment training.

BaNNeD traNs CustoMers to Get $400K FroM portLaND Bar (AP) A Portland bar owner must pay $400,000 in damages to a group of transgender patrons he asked to stay away, the Oregon Court of Appeals affirmed Wednesday. The state Bureau of Labor and Industries ordered the penalty in 2013, saying the bar violated a law that prohibits discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. In 2012, Chris Penner, owner of a bar formerly known as the P Club, left two voice messages for a member of the Rose City T-Girls, an informal group of transgender customers that frequented the bar every Friday night. The messages said to stop visiting because business had declined in the 18 months since the bar became the group's gathering spot. Penner said people were incorrectly assuming the P Club was a gay bar or "tranny" bar. Penner's attorney, Jonathan Radmacher, said his client might continue the legal fight. He said Penner merely expressed a desire and


did not refuse service to anyone who came to the bar, drawing a contrast with bakeries that have declined to make cakes for same-sex weddings. "Originally, the Rose City T-Girls approached his business and asked if this is going to be a problem and they said, 'No.'" Radmacher said Wednesday. "In essence, he was going back to them and saying, 'This is a problem for my business.' We think he's got a constitutional right to make that inquiry." The Appeals Court disagreed that the voicemails represented protected speech. Its opinion, written by Judge Douglas Tookey, said arguments presented by the respondents were "unpreserved, undeveloped or unavailing."



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Photo: CNN.

politics white house watch

povereLLo iNs e r CoMiNG Next W t eeK! Poverello Post Newsletter Holiday Food drive, Poverello program and more!

CNN sets DeBate Criteria For DeMs; truMp stiLL LeaDs repuBs Jason Parsley


n the Democratic front CNN has latest RCP average. However the latest finally set the criteria for the NBC/WSJ poll has him only ahead of October 13 debate. So far Lincoln neurosurgeon Ben Carson by 1 point. In the Chafee, Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, RCP average the rest of field shapes up like Bernie Sanders, and Jim Webb have all this Carson (17); Carly Fiorina (11); Marco been invited to participate. Rubio (9.6); Jeb Bush (9.2); Vice President Joe Biden Ted Cruz (6.2); John Kasich also has an invitation as (3.6); Chris Christie (3.4); The current long as he files the necessary Mike Huckabee (3.2); Rand paperwork by the day of the Paul (2.4) Rick Santorum Real Clear debate. (0.6); George Pataki (0.4); Politics Anderson Cooper has Bobby Jindal (0.4) and been named the moderator Lindsey Graham (0.0). average has of the debate with Chief The NBC poll shows Clinton at 40.8 Political Correspondent momentum with Carson, percent with Dana Bash and CNN en Fiorina and Rubio, while the Español Anchor Juan rest of the field continues in Sanders at Carlos Lopez asking the single digits, including 27.6 percent additional questions. Florida’s Jeb Bush. and Biden at Anchor Don Lemon will The FAU poll shows Trump have an opportunity to leading in Florida with 31.5 20 percent. field questions submitted percent. The bigger surprise through Facebook. though is that it shows Rubio The current Real Clear overtaking Bush with 19.2 to Politics average has Clinton at 40.8 percent 11.3 percent. Carson comes in fourth at 10.3 with Sanders at 27.6 percent and Biden at percent. 20 percent. The rest of the field is below 1 The next Republican debate is set to take percent. place Oct. 28 on CNBC. The criteria to make In Florida Clinton leads the pack with the stage though still haven’t been released, 59.6 percent according to a recent Florida angering many of the lower tier candidates. Atlantic University poll. Biden and Sanders And there may not be an undercard debate were both about 15 percent. featuring those folks either, which could On the Republican side Trump continues end up being a make or break moment for to lead the field with 23.4 percent in the those that don’t make it.


• 9.30.2015

news local

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Southern Comfort Conference currently being hosted in South Florida for the first time

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Brendon Lies


ne of the world's largest transgender conferences made its first ever appearance in Broward County on Tuesday. The Southern Comfort Conference, which had been traditionally hosted in Atlanta, Georgia since 1991, is making the move to South Florida just in time for its 25th anniversary. With Alexis Dee in lead as the President, the shift has involved finding a location to host the large event. The Bonaventure Resort & Spa in Weston will serve as the new venue, and will host the conference for the next several years. Recognized as one of the largest conferences of its kind, Southern Comfort has seen over 17,500 attendees from all across the United States throughout its 24 previous years. The primary goal of the conference is to create a safe space for transgender men and women, featuring events, seminars, and speeches by well-known members of the LGBT community. The seminar schedule, which can be found on their website, has an array of events that reflect the diverse struggles of the transgender community. Yet there's no shortage of fun, as participants will have the opportunity to see Fort Lauderdale up close through the many excursions that the event has planned. New this year is Provider Day, a free event on Wednesday September 30 at 1 p.m., which welcomes local trans healthcare providers in South Florida. The event will also feature discussion relating to changes in trans healthcare. Jamison Green, the President of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) will be present, along with representatives of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) to speak about challenges for the transgender community and insurance companies. For anyone who happens to know a trans

person, the conference also offers a place of comfort. The Nest of Family Support offers meetings for partners and family members of trans people to connect and share their experiences as they adjust to their loved ones' transition. Other resources for trans people to connect at the conference include a Big Brother / Big Sister program, which offers further support for anyone who lacks assistance in their journey. An example of the powerful influence that the conference has had on the transgender community can be seen in a 2001 documentary called "Southern Comfort." The documentary focuses heavily on the life and death of transman Robert Eads. In 1996, Eads was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a result of his doctors dismissing his need for a hysterectomy due to his late age when beginning hormone therapy. However, doctors refused to treat his cancer in fear of retaliation, allowing it to progress to its advanced stages. Eads' goal throughout the film was to live long enough to speak at the 1998 Southern Comfort Conference, which he managed to do. Now, in honor of Eads, the conference has offered health exams through the annual "Robert Eads Health Project" in collaboration with the Trans Health Initiative at the Feminist Women's Health Center in Atlanta. Now that the conference has been moved to Florida, however, members of the conference will instead receive a voucher that can be used at the original clinic in Atlanta at any time during the next year. For those who are unable to make it to the conference through their own means, the Southern Comfort Conference offers a scholarship program, granting trans folks all over the U.S. a chance to attend.

To see the full event schedule and register, visit southerncomfortconference.org.

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9.30.2015 •


news local

ChaNGes CoMiNG to DoMestiC partNerships iN BroWarD Jillian Melero


ecently two little words were a big point of contention in Broward County’s domestic partnership law — “Reside together.” “I think it made a lot of sense to remove the reside together provisions,” said Broward Vice Mayor Martin Kiar. “And I also want to add we recognize even though marriage equality is the law of the land, there are people that don’t want to be married and deserve to have the benefits of domestic partnerships.” County commissioners voted to add an amendment that Broward residents who register as domestic partners must show proof that they reside together. But representatives from Broward County’s Human Rights Board and Equality Florida have asked that the requirement be removed. They’ve asked that other inclusions and provisions be made for funeral decisions, burial decisions, and childcare and educational responsibilities. The issue has been set for a public hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 13. “The rest of the state really does look to Broward. Many other domestic partnership and registry programs reference yours directly. What you do here has a cascading


• 9.30.2015

County has no plans on scrapping benefits

effect,” said Stratton Pollitzer, deputy director of Equality Florida at the Sept. 10 county commission meeting. Commissioner Lois Wexler went through the list of proposed amendments and revisions calling them “a definite give and take.” The initial proposal included: • revising requirements for domestic partnership registration • defining the term “reside together” as a new requirement • And providing for the designation of domestic partners for funeral and burial decisions If the amendment passes as originally written, applicants would be required to show a copy of one of the following: • Current mortgage, deed, or lease showing both names of the domestic partners • Current driver's license showing the same address for both domestic partners • Current government issued photograph identification showing the same address for both domestic partners

• Current tax returns showing the same About 7,000 people in Broward are address for both domestic partners registered as domestic partners. Ryan said • Current utility about 150 are county employees. bill showing the same Speaking on behalf of the address for both Human Rights Board, Rajner domestic partners “we recognize even asked that an addition be made to • Current joint bank address educational concerns for though marriage account statement children of domestic partners. equality is the showing the same The board recommended that law of the land, address for both the county include designation domestic partners of domestic partner rights for there are people pick up, drop off, before and that don’t want But after discussions after school care, and field trip to be married with Pollitzer and permission. and deserve to Michael Rajner, chair The board recommended the have the benefits of Broward’s Human inclusions be made at the county Rights Board, Wexler level because the school board of domestic said she felt that does not have jurisdiction over partnerships.” removing the words charter schools. If added, the “reside together,” amendment would cover non- Broward Vice and the associated religious preschools, private Mayor Martin Kiar requirements would schools, and charter schools, be the appropriate way and before and after school care to address concerns. programs. Mayor Tim Ryan said he would be The Oct. 13 public hearing will take in favor of removing the residency requirements, if the law were “bifurcated place at 2 p.m. in room 422 of the Broward or delineated” to still apply to employees County Governmental Center, 115 South Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. of Broward County.

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9.30.2015 •


news local

SOUTHERN COMFORT CONFERENCE 2015 Join the largest Transgender conference of its kind as we celebrate in Florida for the first time. For 25 years, the Southern Comfort Conference has strived to create a welcoming environment for the transgender community, allies, and family members. With seminars, guest visitors, support groups, and vendors who cater to your needs, we welcome you to join us this week at the Bonaventure Resort & Spa as we celebrate your unique journey.

Over the years, we have welcomed: 17,500 ATTENDEES

from all across the U.S.


speaking just for you 875 VENDORS

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For tickets, event schedule, and excursions, please visit our website. SOUTHERNCOMFORTCONFERENCE.ORG 16

• 9.30.2015

Photo: J.R. Davis.

Jazz Jennings.

JaZZ JeNNiNGs to CroWN Miss teeN priDe

Pageant will take place during Fort Lauderdale Pride Alex Adams


azz Jennings, a prominent South Florida transgender teen and current star of “I Am Jazz” on TLC, is set to crown the first ever Miss Teen Pride USA during Pride Fort Lauderdale's closing party. The crowning will take place Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. at the Himmarshee Street Festival in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Jennings, who currently holds the inaugural Teen Pride USA national title, will watch contestants strut their stuff, talents and more on the first day of the pageant taking place Oct. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave. "It makes me so happy to see the community coming together and to have fun and to have an event like this," Jennings said. "It is very important to me and I'm glad to be a part of it." The pageant will consist of several categories that include Presentation/ Pride, Interview, Talent, Self-Expression and Q&A. "I have never done something like this and it is super important for me to support an event like this that helps LGBT teens," Jennings said. Jennings, who came out as transgender at the age of 6, rose to fame because of her activism for transgender teens like herself. "I didn't do this for myself,” Jennings said. “I'm doing this for other people." Jennings and her family founded the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation

in 2007 to assist transgender youth. The foundation is also a beneficiary of the pageant. "We want to spread the message out there that you have to live your life authentically and be who you are and embrace your uniqueness," Jennings said. Jeanette Jennings, Jazz's mother, was first approached by a PFL board member about having Jazz crown the pageant wedding. "She was flabbergasted," Jeanette said. "Jazz is honored and helping people in any way she can is what she loves." Jazz will be celebrating her 15th birthday just days before the event. "Getting to be a part of this pageant is going to be a little happy birthday treat to myself," she said. According to PFL, the pageant will a part of the closing ceremonies for the Become Pride events that will begin at 6 p.m. Any teen in the South Florida region, who is interested in participating in the pageant need only to contact Teen Pride USA pageant at 954-764-5150. "[The contestants] inspire me to continue to move forward and do what I need to make a difference in the world". This year Pride Fort Lauderdale is a weeklong festival taking place Oct. 5-11. PFL’s signature event, the annual PrideFest, will happen on Oct. 10 and 11 at the War Memorial Auditorium and Holiday Park, 800 NE 8th St.

Visit PrideFortLauderdale.org for more information.

9.30.2015 •


politics out on the trail Photo: John McDonald..

Former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank.

Frank Endorses Clinton John McDonald


peaking at a lecture on American citizenship Thursday evening, Sept. 24, at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank said he is backing Hillary Clinton’s campaign to capture the Democratic Party’s nomination. “I support Hillary Clinton, she is a good, solid liberal,” Frank told those gathered inside Carroll Hall Auditorium at the Institute for the Arts and Humanities. “I say that even as I hold identical positions to my good friend, Bernie Sanders.” In 1987, Frank, representing Massachusetts, became the first member of U.S. Congress to voluntarily come out as gay. In 2012, he married his longtime partner, Jim Ready, becoming the nation’s first Congressman in a same-sex marriage while in office. “My being gay was never an obstacle to me being influential in government,” Frank said. During the lecture, Frank hit on a number of topics from calls for a reduction to the United States military budget to the media’s reluctance to report what he termed “good news.” “There’s a terrible bias in the media,” Frank said. “People don’t want to hear good news.” As an example, Frank used the nation’s response to the recent Ebola crisis. “The American government handled the Ebola crisis very, very well,” Frank said.

“But good news disappears and that’s part of the problem. People don’t want to hear good news, they just want to beat up the government.” The 75-year-old public servant warned the old guard of journalism is in trouble. “I am in much better health than the newspaper industry,” Frank said. “Newspapers are diminishing.” On Syria, Frank said the U.S. has no business intervening in civil wars, while suggesting it is time to loosen restrictions on former enemies-turned-allies, Germany and Japan. “I am ready to let Germany re-arm…Japan too,” Frank said. “We are protecting them more than they need to be protected.” Following the lecture, which was sponsored by the Weil Family, Frank signed copies of his memoir, “Frank” in the lobby of Carroll Hall. Meanwhile, on the local front, Daniel H. Sohn has announced a fundraising reception hosted by Florida Senator Dwight Bullard. Sohn, a gay man, is campaigning for the Dania Beach City Commission. “I am blessed to have support from elected leaders from across the state,” Sohn said. “The time is now for young people to get involved in their local government.” The fundraiser, hosted by Sen. Bullard, also chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, is Sunday, Oct. 18 at Land Crab Lounge and Bar.

For details, visit DanielForDania.com. 18

• 9.30.2015

Photo: CNN

column letters to the editor

FiGht For your riGhts! D

ear Kim Davis and all those others to do you just picking and choosing what Jesus said too? whom this applies; And don’t quote Paul’s letters to me. Paul was Do not quote YOUR Bible to me, because that may not be my bible. I may not a nobody. He was banned from preaching his share your beliefs or your interpretation. Just go private brand of Christianity by the Disciples James, Peter, John, and others. He was a “loose to Barnes and Noble, they have a guide to the 16 different versions and translations of the Bible cannon” and was told to “cease and desist” preaching. James sent Peter to they carry. There are many Antioch to reconvert and remore than those 16 versions baptize all the people wrongly of the original Bible that taught about Christianity by was around until the Martin Then the Paul. Paul came on the scene Luther and the Protestant Fourteenth 10 years after Jesus died. Reformation of the 16th and [Equal Rights] Paul countered by telling his 17th Centuries. So it begs the followers that if they listened question, “From which version Amendment to anyone, like those imposters are you quoting?” says that in Jerusalem, they should be Furthermore, do not quote damned (Galatians 2). It is the Old Testament to me, all naturalall there in Paul’s epistles. So or more properly called the born citizens either read Paul’s epistles or Hebrew Bible of the Jewish are entitled read the Gospels, but not both. faiths. I am a Christian and my In my opinion, all the Bible consists only of the New to equal epistles of Paul should be Testament. Do not pick and rights and stricken from the New choose what you are going to Testament. Many of them are quote from the Hebrew Bible. protections considered forged and were You better be following the under the not written by Paul according whole Hebrew Bible yourself. law. to several Biblical scholars and Do you eat pork? Do you linguistic experts who point eat shellfish? Do you where out the difference in styles, clothes of different fabrics? structure, and vocabulary. Is a man allowed to stone his bride in front As far as our First Amendment rights, it does of her father’s house if she is not a virgin? Do say “Congress shall make no law respecting you stone the people who work or shop on the Sabbath, i.e. Saturdays? Are you an adulterer the establishment of a religion or prohibit the by divorcing your first spouse and marrying free exercise thereof.” That seems pretty clear another? There are all damnable abominations to me. The government shall not establish a religion meaning one religion shall not take according to the Hebrew Bible. precedence over any other religion. It goes on Jesus in the New Testament said, “Let he to say everyone is free to practice whatever who is without sin cast the first stone.” And Jesus said nothing about homosexuality or religion they want uninhibited by anyone. Then the Fourteenth [Equal Rights] Amendment says marriage being between one man and one woman. In fact in Jesus’ time it was one man that all natural-born citizens are entitled to equal rights and protections under the law. and an unlimited number of women. However, For much more on this subject read my book Jesus did forbid divorce, “He who leaves his wife and marries another, commits adultery; Alternative Christianities – Volume I. Check it out on my website: www.vince-nicolas.com and she who leaves her husband and marries commits adultery.” He also said, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” Isn’t that said by every Christian minister? Or — vince Nicolas






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9.30.2015 •


column publisher`s editorial

The Next Gay Civil Rights Battle is for Sex Workers

Norm Kent



ince the Supreme Court ruled affirmatively for gay marriage on June 26, there has been a new dawn for LGBT America. Well, outside of a little hamlet in Kentucky, anyway. But here is the wake up call. Legally, you can now get married to your partner in a church on Sunday and get fired from your job at work on Monday. All across America, from the U.S. Congress to small communities, LGBT citizens still have too few legal rights in the workplace. In most places, unless you are protected by a contract or work for a progressive government, you can be fired from your job for being gay. But at least you won't be arrested. The mainstream LGBT organizations, from the newly renamed Task Force, to the HRC, are presently galvanizing their forces to challenge these inequities in the workplace. For undertaking this politically correct step, they will be celebrated by our community’s leaders. They should be applauded for their efforts, but they won’t need our help. Sex workers and escorts do. They represent the veiled part of a civil rights issue no one wants to talk about. Well, I do. It doesn't matter that prostitution is the world's oldest profession; it's your best-kept secret. Here's the thing. Last week, after announcing that I founded the National Coalition of Rent Boys, I got a couple of highly critical letters suggesting that I could find a 'more noble calling.' I disagree. Here’s why. Last year, the state liquor authorities raided the Boardwalk Bar in Fort Lauderdale and threatened to shut it down.

Amongst the accusations charging the nightclub with legal improprieties was that they tolerated and ‘countenanced’ prostitution, by allowing young men to offer themselves out for sex. What if they did? What were the owners of the bar supposed to do- put a recorder on each dancer, tape their conversations, and listen in to every word they had with a customer? Come on, that’s ridiculous. Besides, we have the National Security Agency for that. You tell me, why is it illegal for two adult grown men to sit at a bar, have a drink, and then agree to retreat to one’s home and exchange sex for money? Whether it is a pizza, a penis, or pot, you as a grown adult ought to be able to decide what you want in your mouth. The truth is that the battle to decriminalize sex workers is not about prostitution. It’s what we as a gay community have been fighting for over the decades. It's about us having the right to exercise free choice. An essential element of exercising free will means that no one but you should have control over the affairs of your body. Let Homeland Security protect our borders. I will protect my bedroom. Let our government police the environment, highways and our climate. I will worry about prostitutes. I think at the age of 65 I can make these choices, and I think by the age of 21, so should you have that right. Besides, it is kind of remarkable that the business of pornography permits any adult to lawfully get paid for having sex on camera while you can go to jail for paying for having sex in your own bedroom. My decision to text a same-sex rent boy to come to my home is no different an option than the one made every night in

Let our government police the environment, highways and our climate. I will worry about prostitutes.

America by a straight guy engaging a female hooker in a local bar. If those choices lead to compensated and intimate sexual encounters, that's their business and no one else's. This is a civil rights matter because the continued criminalization of sex workers means the government is infringing upon your freedom. Adults should not go to jail for engaging in acts that constitute nothing more than exercising dominion and control over the use of their own body. That's morally wrong and legally unconscionable. The rent boy raid in New York did more than shut down a web site where young adult men sold their time. It terrorized them, inhibiting their ability to market themselves as legal escorts. The arrests criminalize their conduct, and have a residual chilling effect on their ability to continue with that line of work. The raid on the Rent Boy enterprise also unjustifiably presumes every client's encounter with an escort is inevitably sexual. Not so. Very often, in rent boy encounters, clients purchase no more than a few hours of companionship, a dinner or a date. It’s not prostitution. When the Supreme Court ruled a decade ago that sodomy statutes were unconstitutional, they ruled also that certain private and intimate behaviors were outside the scope of government control. The judges concurred that all our lives have a zone of privacy where government cannot and must not go. Declaring prostitution statutes unconstitutional is the next logical step. In the next few years, you can expect the Human Rights Campaign to line up a parade of politicians to support your right to be openly gay and not get fired. In the meantime, I am going to do what I can to put rent boys back into action. Proudly. They have a right not to be reduced to second-class citizens. Neither they nor their clients belong in jail. It may not be the most mainstream calling, but is indeed a cause worth fighting for. Freedom always is.

Join the National Coalition of Rent Boys & Allies today. We need your help. (www.ncorb.com) 20

• 9.30.2015


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9.30.2015 •


column speak out



October is LGBT History Month. Going into this month what would you like to say to our readers about our history? Gay rights demonstration in New York City, 1976.

Photo Credit: Leffler, Warren K.

SFGN Staff

SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

It's important to understand that while our history is rich and complex, it has also been erased. It's up to us as a community to record and tell our stories in ways that speak truth to power. When we learn about the people who's shoulders and bodies we stand on we must remember to look simply beyond the surface of what they have done so that we can truly understand the nature of pride being political and how rainbows came out of riots." — Gabriel Garcia-Vera, LGBT rights activist, former, Programs & Development Coordinator at Pridelines Youth Services

The lasting impact of history can be seen by how those in the present honor and remember it. The strength of the LGBT community and our history depends greatly upon us all to live in a way that honors the legacy of those who fought so bravely to get us to where we are at now. The struggle for equality and freedom still goes on and is now our responsibility to champion. May we do those who came before us proud and provide those who will come after us a community to inherit in which they too can take pride. "

In light of the whitewashing of the new Stonewall movie, I would like to say not to forget the importance of lesbians, drag queens, and especially trans women of color, in the LGBT fight for equality. " — Atticus Ranck, Director of Transgender Services for SunServe

Celebrating LGBT History in the month of October serves as a reminder of how LGBT activists and supporters crusaded against discrimination of homosexuality; that has led to the developing progression for equality for all, such as the U.S. legalization samesex marriage or marriage equality on June 26th 2015. I consider it a hallmark in our history that I personally appreciate, as it has afforded me some of the liberties I relish in today. It is also serendipitous that National Coming Out Day falls on my birthday." — Dr. Listron Mannix, HIV Testing and Outreach Manager at Pride Center

— Justin S. Flippen, J.D., Wilton Manors City Commissioner

History repeats itself. We must continue to support organizations and individuals fighting for our civil rights in the courts of law and use our history to educate the courts of public opinion."

There is a quote by historian Lord Acton that reads, “History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.” I think that as we begin LGBT History month it’s an opportunity for us to reflect on our history as individuals and as a movement. Our history should teach us, inspire us and give us direction as we work to make the history of generations to come." — Denise Spivak, Director of Member Relations and External Affairs for CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers


• 9.30.2015

— Anthony Timiraos, CEO/President, OUR Fund



Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

HI STORY people

History Month

Creative by Twist Communications: www.twistcomm.com


10 T H presents A N N I V E RSA RY 2 0 0 6 – 2 015

9th Annual LGBT History Month Project Jason Parsley


FGN will once again participate in the annual LGBT History project, which is coordinated by Philadelphia Gay News and its editor Jen Colletta. The project will be a part of SFGN's special history section each week throughout October. “As someone who was around when people first started talking about the history of the civil rights movement and I often heard people not take it seriously. The same is true for our history today,” said Mark Segal, publisher of PGN and

founder of the project. “Many don't take it seriously, and many people don't realize what it took to get us to where we are today with our community. Simply put our history explains how we built a community where once there was none.” More than 30 LGBT newspapers around the country are expected to take part. The first story in the LGBT History project that SFGN is running is a feature on P.L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins. Was she a lesbian? Check it out on page 24!

Jack Larson (1928-2015) TV's Jimmy Olsen, openly gay, dies at 87

David-Elijah Nahmod


hen Jack Larson died on Sept. 20 he left behind a legacy of film and theater for which he was rarely properly credited. Openly gay, Larson was in a relationship with movie star Montgomery Clift during the 1950s. At the time Larson was a teen idol, idolized by millions for his role as cub reporter Jimmy Olsen TV's "The Adventures of Superman." The role made him something of a Hollywood legend, even as it destroyed his once budding acting career. A contract player at Warner Brothers during the late 1940s, Larson accepted the role of Jimmy in 1951 thinking that he could make some extra money while working on a show that no one would watch. "The Adventures of Superman" became a sensation, producing 104 episodes, which continue to air today. Young and cute, Larson was quite the heartthrob. Hopelessly typecast as the kid who often needed The Man of Steel to rescue him, Olsen was largely shut out of Hollywood when the TV series ended in 1957. He had been paid a whopping $250 per episode. Jack Larson had a magnificent second second act. He moved to New York and began writing plays, a number of which were performed off-Broadway. In 1974 he contributed to "The Relativity of Icarus," a dance piece performed at the prestigious Joffrey Ballet in New York. His plays were also performed at the equally prestigious Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles. In addition, he composed librettos for the opera.

Larson was in a relationship with the acclaimed film director James Bridges for 35 years. They were part of what was politely called "old, gay Hollywood." Though they never publicly said the "G" word, these two "gentlemen" lived together openly and were accepted as a couple. Larson produced a number of Bridges' films, including "Bright Lights, Big City" (1988) and "The China Syndrome" (1979). They remained together until Bridges' death from cancer in 1993. He never completely turned his back on "The Adventures of Superman," often appearing with lifelong friend Noel Neill, who played Lois Lane on the series. The two signed autographs at conventions and co-hosted "Superman" marathons on a variety of local TV stations. Larson also accepted small guest starring roles on the 1990s series "Superboy" and "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." In 2006 he played a bartender in the hit film "Superman Returns." He acted one last time, on a 2010 episode of "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit." This role was not connected to the Superman mythos. Throughout his life Larson maintained close friendships with Legendary literary figures such as Christopher Isherwood and Gore Vidal. His career began at a time when gay men needed to be "discreet." Larson lived long enough to be able to speak openly of his relationship with Bridges and to witness the era of marriage equality. Jack Larson's life was one of accomplishment. It was a magical life he could be proud of.

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 9.30.2015 •


Submitted photos.

HI STORY people

Gary M. Kramer


P.L. Travers A Spoonful of Speculation

Poppins,” the work that would give the author her greatest fame. .L. Travers, author of “Mary Poppins,” was born Helen Lyndon Goff on Aug. 9, 1899 in the city of Maryborough, in Travers wrote five sequels to “Mary Poppins” and, as “Saving Mr. Queensland, Australia, (not in England, as many assume). Banks” depicted, she reluctantly sold the rights to Disney, who She moved to England in 1924, and used the name P.L. Travers, an produced the famous film. Travers, apparently, was not fond of the abbreviation of her pseudonym Pamela Lyndon Travers, which Julie Andrews/Dick Van Dyke musical and particularly hated the she used in her days as a dancer and Shakespearean actor on the animated dancing penguins. As mentioned, Travers is said to have had relationship with men Australian stage. Reportedly, her wealthy relatives did not approve of Travers performing, so, being independent-minded, she moved to and women, but few specifics about her sexual relationships have ever been detailed. Her diary recounted her friendship (and possibly England where she forged a career as a writer. The name P.L. Travers appealed to Goff because it sounded more a relationship) with Jessie Orage, whose husband, Alfred Richard Orage, was a pupil of the spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff. masculine — or at least, gender-nonspecific. Travers became a follower of Gurdjieff, and through Travers was the name of her father, an alcoholic him became an occasional member of The Rope, a group banker whose career declined almost as quickly that consisted mostly of lesbian writers, including Jane as he did. (He died of tuberculosis at age 43). His Travers Heap, founding editor of Little Review, and Kathryn daughter was 7 years old when he passed. Hulme, author of “The Nun’s Story.” [Fun fact: Many The author, who first published poems as a teen is known members of The Rope were acquainted with Gertrude in Australia, was fond of myths and fantasies. This to have Stein, but Stein did not follow Gurdjieff; whether she may be why she was so good at acting and writing. and Travers ever connected is not known]. She constructed her own rather mysterious written Valerie Lawson, author of “Mary Poppins, She persona so that no one really knows her truth. Wrote,” a biography of Travers originally titled “Out Her famous literary heroine, based on an aunt poetry for of the Sky She Came,” indicated that both Travers and of Travers’, was a magical nanny who helped her the erotic Orage “loved men.” Their close friendship, Lawson charges through difficult situations with sensible, was formed over the loss of Orage’s husband, even tough advice. Travers, who was very nopublication, indicates, and Travers’ editor, George William Russell. nonsense herself, was also fascinated with eastern Whether their friendship crossed over into a sexual philosophy and theosophy, Sufism and Hinduism. The Triad. relationship is not known. But Jim Korkis, a Disney In England, Travers lived with Madge Burnand, historian, was quoted in the Orlando Weekly (around the daughter of the editor of Punch. The women the time of “Saving Mr. Banks”) saying that, “It has been shared a flat in London, and later rented a cottage together in Sussex. Much speculation has been made about whether assumed that Travers was bisexual, although no one really knows for sure. She was known to be extremely flirtatious around younger they were lovers. Actor Emma Thompson played Travers in the 2013 film “Saving men. At one point, she told an acquaintance that she thought that Walt [Disney] had ‘eyes’ for her.” Mr. Banks,” which depicted Travers’ battle with Walt Disney to make Travers certainly was secretive and private. It was perhaps a “Mary Poppins.” The actress was quoted in an article on the film, source of pride for her. A quote from her in a New Statesman article featured in The Advocate about Travers' relationship with Burnand. entitled, “The strange life of the creator of Mary Poppins,” read, “I’m She stated, “I don’t know whether they were lovers or not, but she a private sort of person, as anonymous as possible — and that’s not did live with Madge for a long, long time, and she certainly had very complex, passionate relationships with both women and men. She humility.” Other articles about the author that surfaced around the time was an explorer of her own condition, and very possibly her own “Saving Mr. Banks” was released have been even more candid. sexuality.” According to the Daily Mail, Travers was said to be “neither warm It was while living with Burnand that Travers published “Mary


• 9.30.2015

nor kindly. She was an intellectual snob who wrote erotic prose, was a one-time fascist sympathizer, occasional lesbian and appalling mother.” Unpacking that quote, Travers is known to have written poetry for the erotic publication The Triad, and she wrote book reviews for New Pioneer, an anti-Semitic British magazine of the far right in the 1930. The article’s last point likely refers to the fact that, at age 40, Travers adopted a son, Camillus, who discovered he was a twin at age 17. Upon learning this — and that his twin grew up poor in Ireland — his relationship with Travers became strained. It is entirely possible that Travers adopted Camillus so she would have someone to love. While she lived with Burnand, and was close to Orage, her rumored same-sex encounters may have happened without being disclosed. This is likely because Travers was alive (and prominent) during the era when women did not discuss relationships outside of marriage. Females in those days were expected to marry; if they lived together, there was always speculation about them being lovers. Moreover, if a woman lived alone, it was presumed she was likely promiscuous. Travers was certainly sharp enough — and discrete enough — not to let anyone know her true nature. For all anyone knows, she could have been asexual, given how little evidence there is of any lover(s). But whether Travers was asexual, bisexual or something else entirely, it was certainly a taboo at the time for a woman to be intimately involved with other women. As Travers was gaining fame as a children’s author, the exposure of a same-sex relationship could have been especially harmful to her career. (Travers was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1977). This may account for why she felt she needed to maintain privacy. Travers never published an autobiography. And while the news articles and biographies hint at what might have been, all anyone can really do is speculate. Gary M. Kramer is an award-winning, Philadelphia-based film critic. He is a contributing writer to Philadelphia Gay News, Salon.com, indieWIRE and various other media outlets. He is the author of "Independent Queer Cinema: Reviews and Interviews" and co-editor of "Directory of World Cinema: Argentina."

9.30.2015 •


HI STORY column

Photo Credit: Tom Morris.

Float for gay Muslims at Pride London 2011.

Homo History 101

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Pier Angelo

LGBt and islam are intertwined in the religious, legal and cultural history of the nations with a sizable Muslim population, along with specific passages in the Quran and statements attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad (hadiths). Orthodox Islam is not only a system of beliefs, but also a legal system. The traditional schools of Islamic law based on Qur'anic verses and hadiths consider homosexual acts a punishable crime and a sin. The Qur'an cites the story of the "people of Lot" destroyed by the wrath of God because they engaged in "lustful" carnal acts between men. Nevertheless, homoerotic themes were present in poetry and other literature written by some Muslims from the medieval period onwards and sometimes homoeroticism in the form of pederasty was seen in a positive way. Today in most of the Islamic world homosexuality is not socially or legally accepted. In some of these countries, Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty. In others, such as Qatar, Somalia and Malaysia, it is illegal. Same-sex sexual intercourse is legal in 20 Muslimmajority nations (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (State of Palestine), and most of Indonesia, as well as Northern Cyprus). In Albania, Lebanon, and Turkey, there have been discussions about legalizing same-sex marriage. Homosexual relations between females are legal in Kuwait, 26

• 9.30.2015

but homosexual acts between males are illegal. Most Muslim-majority countries have opposed moves to advance LGBT rights at the United Nations, in the General Assembly and/or the UNHRC. However, Albania, Guinea-Bissa and Sierra Leone have signed a UN Declaration supporting LGBT rights. Mozambique provides LGBT rights protections in law in the form of non-discrimination laws, and discussions on legally recognizing same-sex marriage have been held in the country.

as the “silent majority.” The invitation to Tatchell came after Mohammad Naseem, chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque, described homosexuals as being akin to compulsive murderers, gamblers, or pedophiles, adding that gays in Muslim countries should “respect the law and control their desires.” Since his announcement, Mughal has been ostracized by some fellow Muslims.

2015: homosexual sex remains illegal in approximately 75 countries around Today in on 5 april 2014 The Founder of a UKthe world, from the Middle-East to Africa, based hotline that helps fight Islamophobia from South-East Asia to Russia, and almost most of the recruited senior figures from the gay and in all of the Caribbean. Users of Ashley Jewish communities to send out a message Islamic world Madison on the Down Low, which caters against all forms of intolerance. The Tell to “married men seeking other men for homosexuality casual, no-strings fun” are among the 37 MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) helpline, whose aim is to help victims of account holders whose details and is not socially million anti-Muslim violence and discrimination sexual preferences have been made public in Britain, has invited famous gay activist by hackers. One gay Saudi national posted or legally Peter Tatchell and Richard Benson, a Jewish a message on a Reddit website saying he accepted. activist, to be MAMA Chairmen. Flyaz was sure he would be stoned to death. Gay Mughal, who started the group in 2012, sex is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. said that by linking up with key figures The data leaks monitoring firm CybelAngel from these two communities, a message said that, in the overall trove of 37 million of tolerance will be spread.” We are clear: if you are accounts it has found 1,200 email addresses with the Saudi homophobic or anti-Semitic, you can’t campaign against Arabia “.sa” suffix, where also adultery is punishable by anti-Muslim prejudice… we’ll stand against intolerance in death. More than 50 accounts were from Qatar where all communities.” Mughal, who claims he tries to express homosexuality is punishable by up to 5 years in prison. the sentiment of mainstream Muslims, described them

9.30.2015 •


HI STORY jesses journal

Photo:wikimedia Commons

The Life and Times of Mark Segal Jesse Monteagudo Mark Segal is one of the major actors in the struggle for LGBT equality in the U.S. Most people know him as the award-winning founder and publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, one of our oldest and most important community newspapers. Segal’s career as an activist literally goes back to Stonewall, which he took part in as an 18-year old. Like the community that he has fought for, Segal’s life story has taken him from radical outsider to respected business and political leader. If any one life can symbolize the progress of gay America, that life will most likely be Mark Segal’s. A life as eventful as Segal’s demands that a book be written about it. Segal, who in the past has written nothing more substantial than his “Mark My Words” columns for PGN, finally took time out from his busy schedule to write his story. "And Then I Danced: Traveling the Road to LGBT Equality" is Segal’s long-awaited memoir. Published by Open Lens, an imprint of Akashic Books, it will be released October 6 to coincide with LGBT History Month. I was fortunate to read an advanced copy of the book and to ask Segal questions about it. Segal has enjoyed one of the longest and most successful careers in the LGBT movement. To what does he owe his success? “My secret to success is to just keep your eye on your current project. Until writing the book, my past was the past and I seldom thought about it. Researching some of the actions and issues brought back memories that had been suppressed for many years.” “Stonewall for me was one of the luckiest evenings ever. Standing outside that bar and watching that carnival atmosphere

and witnessing our community fighting back allowed me to get in touch with that oppression all LGBT people grow up with and say, no more. On that spot that night I knew what I’d dedicate my life to. And at that point there was no career called ‘gay Activist.’ My views haven’t changed at all, society’s have, but I guess we help society a little by ending one word: our Invisibility.” “My grandmother fought for the right of women to vote. She also took me to my first civil rights demonstration at 13. My family knew oppression by being the only Jewish family in a city housing project. So at Stonewall, something clicked in my mind. The reality of Stonewall is that it made me something that didn’t have a title, a career without a salary. I became a gay activist. That would be and has been my life.” The years after Stonewall were the Heroic Age of Gay Liberation. Segal was out and proud and young at a time when most of us were in the closet. The best chapters in Segal’s book detail his involvement, with the late Marty Robinson and others, in some of the Stonewall Age groups: “Marty Robinson organized The Action Group. I joined on May 10th 1969 [before the Riots]. We held a few meetings which I have forgotten about but Michael Levery tells me I attended. Michael and I are the last two members of The Action Group still around. Marty had the good sense to realize that Stonewall could serve as a spark to create change. During the Riot he found chalk and we began to write on the streets and walls up and down Christopher Street: ‘Meet at Stonewall tomorrow night.’ Those following nights helped in the creation of Gay Liberation Front.”

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida’s LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.


• 9.30.2015

issues. Segal conducted many zaps as part of The Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was the first the Gay Raiders, a group he created after he major group to emerge from the Stonewall returned to Philadelphia in 1971. Segal first Uprising. Though Segal admits that GLF was zapped in 1972, after he and “dysfunctional,” he credits a boy friend were thrown out it for giving him the kind of of a TV dance show. (Segal education others got in college. crashed the network’s news GLF, Segal recalls, “was the The reality of broadcast.) Segal’s most nation’s first ‘In Your Face’ Stonewall is famous zap took place on LGBT organization. In just one year we created the first Trans that it made me December 11, 1973, when he the live broadcast organization; Gay Youth, which something that disrupted of the CBS Evening News with I founded; health alerts; the Walter Cronkite. world’s first LGBT Community didn’t have a Ironically, as publisher Center and so much more. title, a career of Philadelphia Gay News, We created community where Segal is now part of the there was none before.” without a establishment he once Though GLF was followed salary. I became media challenged. “Today I proudly by more established groups serve on The Comcast Joint like Gay Activists Alliance, a gay activist. Diversity Board. Forty-two Segal gives GLF credit for its That would be years ago when I tried to achievements. “GLF changed the world and it did it in one and has been my get the networks to change their bias against the LGBT year. In that one year there life.” community, they had me was no GAA or Gay Task Force; arrested and taken out in they split from GLF later. GLF, hand cuffs. Today thanks to while ‘in your face,’ was also diversified and accepting. You didn’t need a Comcast JDC I get to sit at the table and advise NBC News.” pedigree to join.” As publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, Like other GLF activists, Segal lived a hand Segal has recorded LGBT history for almost to mouth existence at that time. In his memoir, as long as he has made it. It earned him many Segal recalls signing up for welfare, noting that back then you could go to a welfare office, tell awards from the National Lesbian & Gay them you are “homosexual” and could not Journalists Association (NLGJA), including induction into the NLGJA Hall of Fame. keep a job, and get public assistance. Living in “I’ve been in our community for almost 50 Florida, which was never as generous with its years. I’ve seen homelessness, I’ve witnessed public assistance as New York or Pennsylvania were or are, I was amazed that Stonewall Age suicides, harassment, discrimination. My family and GLF taught me to accept diversity. gays could do that. “I’m not sure when that policy ended but I was on welfare until I left These are not concepts to me, they are real, NY in 1971. And it allowed me to dedicate my and PGN has covered each and every segment of our community and we’ve also given a voice time to GLF and Gay Youth.” Segal was a master of the “zap,” a form of to those who disagree with us. I’m proud that public demonstration designed to embarrass our community has a place for debate, and yes even controversy.” a public figure while calling attention to LGBT

H I STORY tony`s talks

editorial cartoon

Photo: Facebook.

Remembering John J. McNeill A Passionate Priest For Gay Catholics Tony Adams


he Catholic Church needed Rev. John and Charlie. I suppose I wanted a glimpse into what my future might be like and to see in a J. McNeill much more than he needed that Church, but throughout his life – he similar couple, a healthy dynamic between priest and partner. Would I find McNeill to died at the age of 90 on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - he never stopped loving a Church that be bitter about having been booted out of the Jesuit order? Angry? Morose? Would Chiarelli did not love him back. McNeill, through his wise and be supportive, patient and understanding of a partner whose complicated priestly vocation compassionate books about gay spirituality, never really withered? showed me and other former priests how I’m afraid I stayed with them to deliver a gay-friendly Jesus that day much longer than who transcends the crusty and might have been polite, but they judgmental hierarchy strangling were lively, intelligent, engaging contemporary Catholicism. He seemed and gracious gentlemen. I left He seemed to have an to have an feeling grateful that they lived instinctive sense of his Godclose by, and I was always happy given vocation within the instinctive to encounter them in Fort Church as a prophet whose robes sense of his Lauderdale and also in New York were not cut from the scarlet silk City. (McNeill was the founder of the bishops and cardinals who God-given of Dignity New York, the now condemned him, but rather the vocation marginalized organization of rough sheepskin of the cousin of gay Catholics, and he returned Jesus, John the Baptist, who said, within the there for events related to the “I am a voice crying out in the Church. 2010 documentary film honoring desert.” (John 1:23) his life, “Taking A Chance On Try as it might to silence God.”) In the elevator of my McNeill’s voice – and those who condominium, encountering tried to do so included Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – the Catholic neighbors who belonged to AVER, (American hierarchy could not keep his books out of Veterans For Equal Rights) I learned how the hands of those who most needed them: deeply respected McNeill was not only as a compassionate gay priest, but as a WW2 army the lost, disenfranchised and anguished gay veteran and POW. Catholics who sought assurance that God did As media changed from print to online, the not really hate them. elderly McNeill did not accept dust. He had Five years ago, I visited McNeill and Charlie a blog, a respected voice on Facebook and a Chiarelli, his partner of 49 years, at their home Twitter account. I don’t think he ever lost hope in Hollywood. I was there to discuss his newly published fifth book, “Sex As God Intended: A that the Catholic Church would eventually Reflection On Human Sexuality,” for a review catch up with him and invite him back into its sanctuaries. Now that he is gone, I envision in SFGN. Actually, I was there to meet someone him in conversation with Jesus who is assuring whose experience of Catholicism was not him that he was right all along, and tossing him unlike my own. I wanted to see how another the keys to the only church that really matters. gay married ex-priest navigates his decades. I wanted to see the interaction between him 9.30.2015 •


lifestyle photos

Julian's 4th annual reverse quinceaÑera

J.R. Davis


• 9.30.2015

AHF's annual party in Wilton Manors benefits SunServe

music bata’s beats

DuraN DuraN

John Bata


Paper Gods

here has been a lot of buildup to “Paper Gods,” the 14th studio album from Duran Duran, and the lingering hope from fans that their heroes will ascend to former glory and world dominance. Everyone loves a good comeback. Is this Duran Duran's return to grace? "Paper Gods", the album is a little all over the place. The title track starts off with Coldplay like vocals. A moment passes and then John Taylor's base guitar forces its way to the front like a dedicated concertgoer at a festival and when breaking through, only then is it apparent that this is all Duran Duran. It is quite powerful and significantly different than anything they have done before. Taylor's contribution cannot be understated. The band should utilize him more on base. Too bad the rest of the album is not like this. The first single, "Pressure Off" sounds like it would fit in just fine at H & M which is not a place you want your record to be on repeat. It is like a Duran Duran reboot trying to reach the intensity of past hit Union of the Snake. They have traded in the do do do do do's from "Hungry Like the Wolf", and settled with clunky reductive oh oh oh oh oh oh oh's on this glossy sloppy attempt at a top ten. Instead of it being a track that could help take the pressure off, it is a cluttered headache and my least favorite on the album. "Dancephobia" has a bit of a Scissor Sister's vibe and features Lindsay Lohan, who is not

known as much of a sex symbol. It is hard to picture her as the sexy doctor she is trying to portray here. Even with all this going against it, somehow the track still works and is one of my favorite up tempo cuts from the album. Other highlights include "The Universe Alone", "You Kill Me With Silence" and "Butterfly Girl". The true standout of this album is the John Fusciante assisted “What Are The Chances,” and is hands down one of Duran Duran's best downtempo tracks to date. All three tracks with contributions from Fusciante -- who happens to be one of the greatest guitarists of all time -are gold. "The Universe Alone" is mesmerizing and feels like a sonic sequel to "A View To A Kill" and would be great as a Bond theme. Oh well, some other lifetime I guess. The good news is that Simon Le Bon's voice is still intact and exceptional and with their still expanding fan base, Duran Duran will be around as long as they want to be. The best way to describe “Paper Gods” is through photography. When printing photos, there is the option of whether you want a glossy or a matte finish. This album is more in the realm of glossy and I prefer my Duran Duran produced with a matte finish, minus the bells and whistles -- with more of an organic feel. I prefer when they use real drums over programmed and there is less production. This is no Rio, but still it has its brilliant moments. What are you looking for in a Duran Duran album?

It is quite powerful and significantly different than anything they have done before.

John Bata is from Denver, Colorado and a local resident of Fort Lauderdale since 2013. He is a published poet and music aficionado. Currently he DJ’s at Ramrod on Thursdays and has been a DJ since 1992 in Washington, DC, New York City and Fort Lauderdale. One of his passions is to spotlight the latest in indie and underground dance music.

Congregation Etz Chaim The place to be on

Sukkot at Equality Park BYO Potluck Supper in the Sukkah September 29 - October 3, 5PM-8PM Call to reserve your seat Please bring canned goods for the Food Pantry

Deli and Dance at Sunshine Cathedral Dance the night away October 10, 7PM-?? Catered by Pomperdale NY-Style Deli

Simchat Torah at Etz Chaim Rewind and renew joy in the Torah, October 4, 7PM

Shabbat at Etz Chaim Day of rest, day of peace, every Friday at 8 PM

Congregation Etz Chaim 1501 NE 26th St., Wilton Manors (954) 564-9232 9.30.2015 •


lifestyle books

NothiNG LooKs FaMiLiar by Shawn Syms

Terri Schlichenmeyer


nd they lived happily ever after.

$15.95 U.S. and Canada 184 pages c.2015, Aresnal Pulp Press

Even today, years after you’ve outgrown fairy tales, those words make you smile. Ohh, how you love a happy ending, even though (and maybe because) life doesn’t always work out that way. As a matter of fact, Girls, she got away with everything, including in “Nothing Looks Familiar,” a new short-story collection by Shawn Syms, sad endings don’t meanness to Dean and his friends, Preet and Rickie. Did Brenda hate their sexuality or their always happen, either. nerdiness? It didn’t matter because, in “Get Worst case scenario. If it all goes well. God willing, everything will turn out alright – but if Brenda Foxworthy,” the three had plenty of other reasons for revenge. not, life goes on. We’ll live through it, just like When Sean and Kate inherited a house from the people in these stories. A job in a slaughterhouse, for instance, is Kate’s dad, they also inherited an eccentric just a job and while Wanda would rather work tenant that they rarely saw. In “Man, Woman, somewhere else, there’s no real reason to move and Child,” Les Montague was a harmless old on. Instead, in “On the Line,” she takes lovers guy… wasn’t he? Unsettling. That’s a good from everywhere but the kill word to use when describing floor. Nobody knows she does the eleven short stories inside it, until she sleeps with the “Nothing Looks Familiar.” wrong man – a man whose Reading this Reading this book, in fact, is a wife is Wanda’s co-worker. little like watching an accident Because he had few friends book, in fact, that you’re powerless to stop (“He’d never been good at and can’t un-see. For sure, keeping” them), Adam was is a little what you’ll read here will make surprised that Shaggy wanted like watching you squirm. to hang out. They never did But that’s not a bad thing, much, just a little mayhem an accident oddly enough. I found myself now and then, but in “Four that you’re rather addicted to the stories Pills,” the tables are about to that author Shawn Syms tells, turn. powerless to even though they left me Gimli, Manitoba is a tiny dangling, wondering what town perched on the shores of stop and can’t happened next. Another Lake Winnipeg. Sammy, who’s un-see. oddity: the characters eight years old and Cindy, in these stories aren’t who’s just a baby, might have particularly likeable, which loved it there someday, but leads to a certain amount of their mother had to get them schadenfreude, or a smug, satisfactory feeling away from there. The fumes from the drugs she that things didn’t go so well for them. made were no good for the kids; neither were These are stories that will tap you on the the people she worked with or the tiny house where they mixed. In “Family Circus,” the kids’ shoulder, days after you’ve finished the book. They’ll keep you awake, pondering. If you’re mother starts making plans for escape. People didn’t have to like Brenda Foxworthy: not careful, “Nothing Looks Familiar” could haunt you ever after. she liked herself enough. As one of the Popular


• 9.30.2015

9.30.2015 •




community poverello posts





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Poverello Strikes Out Hunger at 25th Annual Bowl-A-Thon Poverello


his year marked a full quarter century that the Poverello bowla-thon has been in existence. Poverello CEO Thomas Smith said, “It’s hard to believe that this year marked the 25th anniversary of the event.” What started out as a relatively small endeavor, held at Manor Lanes in Wilton Manors, has grown into a huge affair which has now been moved to Sawgrass Lanes in Tamarac which has 56 lanes. This year was again a sell out with nearly 280 bowlers and many spectators who came to cheer them on. But the beginning of fund raising activities at Poverello dates back to 1987 when a small group of people joined Father Bill with the simple desire to help those affected by the AIDS epidemic. That desire to help continues and is proven by the fact between in-kind donations (donated goods and services) and dollars raised; the total income for the 2015 bowl-a-thon exceeded $107,000. This is the largest amount raised to date for Poverello’s signature charity event. Events Coordinator Kevin Clevenger stated, “We surpassed our stated goal of $75,000. We thank the community for all their support.” The bowla-thon is the longest, continuous fundraiser for Poverello and according to CEO Thomas Smith the event has raised more than one million dollars to date to feed the neediest people living with HIV in our community. In addition to the general bowling this year, Poverello included a canned food drive and a great deal of food was collected.


• 9.30.2015

Clevenger said, “The $6,000 worth of food collected at the bowl-a-thon is already being distributed to our clients. The food donations made an immediate impact on those we serve.” Poverello wishes to thank their sponsors; they include presenting sponsor: AHF with presenting media sponsors: SFGN and Hotspots Media. Platinum Sponsor: Twin Marketing. Ally Hosts: Wells Fargo and Sidelines Sports bar. Party Bus Sponsor: BankUnited Wilton Manors Branch. Gold Sponsors: The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and Fast Printz. Other media sponsors included: GUY Magazine, Mirror Magazine, Florida Agenda, She Magazine, Genre Latino, and the Sun Sentinel. Silver Sponsors: Minuteman Press of Ft Lauderdale, Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida, Greater Ft Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Promotional Breezes, 8025 Promo, Yellow Cab and Broward Health. Bronze Sponsors: Planet Lighting of Miami, We Florida Financial and Dunkin Donuts. Clevenger said, “Without the support of these business and all of the individuals who bowled, raised money and donated goods and services the bowl-a-thon would not have been as successful. Poverello is grateful for the ongoing support of the entire greater Fort Lauderdale community who have made this such a wonderful event for an astonishing 25 years now.” To see over 700 pictures from the event go to the Poverello Facebook page and see all of the great activities and people who attended.

9.30.2015 •


lifestyle cars D R I V E N


The Honda Accord now comes equipped with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.


Photos: Honda.

Ac 2016 Honda

Base Price: $22,925–$35,400 Power: 2.5-liter four-cylinder (185– 189 hp, 185 lb-ft of torque); 3.0-liter V-6 (278 hp, 252 lb-ft of torque)

Transmission: 6-speed manual, 6-speed automatic, continuously variable automatic Fuel Economy, city/hwy mpg (EPA est): 21–27/34–37

2016 hoNDa aCCorD The Marrying Type

Steve Siler


n my last column, I wrote about what I (and many other automotive types) consider to be the most compelling, if under-considered, family sedan on the market, the 2016 Mazda 6. This week, I’m writing about the one that everyone considers automatically, the iconic and eminently popular Honda Accord. It’s the equivalent of the guy or girl your mom would set you up with if she met him or her at the grocery store. So here’s the kicker: your mom actually found a keeper. For 2016, the Accord coupe and sedan models both got a facelift, now making them goodlooking in addition to intelligent, efficient and in sedan form, versatile. The most appealing Accord by a bunch is the four-cylinder Accord Sport sedan, which gets snappier styling, sexy 19-inch wheels, and a fabulous available manual transmission. I know most of you don’t like manuals, but Honda is a longtime master of manual shifters, and true to form, this one is city-friendly delight. The good news for the rest of you is that even the Accord’s CVT automatic doesn’t suck, should you be of the automatic persuasion. The bad news is that the Sport is only available in four-cylinder form. Leadfoot drivers may be attracted to the V-6—the Accord is one of the few cars in the segment still offered with one of those—which brings heaps

more power (and cost), though in my opinion, the lithe, featherweight four-cylinder is where it’s at. New to the Accord this year (and relatively new to the market in general) is available Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which is integrated into the car’s new flat-screen, button-less infotainment system. The system integrates the phone’s embedded maps, music and phone/text apps and makes them accessible via voice and/or the touch screen, though you can’t text while driving except via voice texting. Depending on your relationship with Siri (if you’re an Apple person like me) this can be rewarding or frustrating. In my week with the car, I found plenty to appreciate (safety!) as well as fault (it doesn’t work with Waze), but just as many of my grievances had as much to do with the button-less screen as its logic. Worth noting is that Apple CarPlay and Android Auto interfaces are spreading across the industry from Fiat to Ferrari, so it’s best we get friendly with the systems now. And few cars are generally as friendly as the Accord, whose spacious interior, reliability ratings and refreshed styling make it worth checking out. But the fact that it’s tech-savvy and fun to drive is what makes it the marrying type.

The most appealing Accord by a bunch is the fourcylinder Accord Sport sedan.


• 9.30.2015


Mazda 6 Toyota Camry Volkswagen Passat

Renowned automotive journalist Steve Siler pioneered automotive writing for the GLBT community in 1998 and currently contributes auto news and reviews to Car and Driver Magazine, Yahoo Autos, The New York Daily News, Autoblog, Details, and many more. You can follow his adventures on Twitter/Instagram: @silerroad.

9.30.2015 •


lifestyle food

Submitted photo.

DB Bistro Moderne.

Rick Karlin

happy hours


t must be 5 o’clock somewhere! How often have I heard that rallying cry? Cocktail hour is the perfect transition from work to play. The cocktails help you unwind, while a few nibbles here or there tide you over until a later dinner. That’s how it started, anyway. Now, cocktail hours are so bountiful that they constitute a meal on their own.

DB Bistro MoDerNe 255 Biscayne Blvd. Way, Miami 305-421-8800 dbBistro.com/miami The market-driven French-American bar menu at db Bistro showcases pintxos, the Basque word for a type of tapas, traditionally served on a skewer. The selections at db Bistro are priced $3 each. Some, such as the dates stuffed with an almond and then wrapped in bacon and crispy cod croquets on a pool of romesco sauce, are bargains. Others, such as spicy shrimp, Spanish tortillas, grilled octopus, and crispy pork belly, are overpriced, though all were delicious. The Spanish tortilla, similar to a frittata, was creamy rich and the plump sardine on a crostini were adequate portions for the price point. A variety of fresh seafood ranges from oysters ($3.50 each) and a rather lackluster shrimp cocktail, to a grand platter featuring oysters, clams, shrimp, mussels, crab and smoked salmon. If seafood’s not your thing, try what is billed as “tarte flambée,” which isn’t so much a tart as a flatbread. Other options are; lamb pita sliders, saucisson and a burger. For those with a sweet tooth, the dessert menu is extensive. The coconut rice pudding has a lot going on for one plate. In addition to the light coconut pudding, it is served with two quenelles of mango-banana sorbet, caramelized banana chips, granola and coconut foam. Somehow they all work together harmoniously. The crunchy chocolate bar is more straightforward with a strip of caramel and praline glaze layered upon a brownie with candied hazelnuts sprinkled on top. If


• 9.30.2015

you’d like something lighter, the warm basket of madeleines makes you understand Proust’s obsession with the cookie. A visit to db Bistro for happy hour is the perfect way to kick off an evening if you’re heading to Arsht Center. Cocktail hour is from 5-8 p.m. on weekdays. If you’re in the mood for a bite after the show, the happy hour repeats Tuesday through Saturday, 11 p.m. until closing. For those seeking something closer to home, check out these options.

thasos 3330 E. Oakland Park Fort Lauderdale 954-200-6006 ThasosTaverna.com

13|eveN 2037 Wilton Dr. Wilton Manors 954-565-8550 13-Even.com

the NaKeD Grape 2163 Wilton Dr. Wilton Manors 954-563-5631 NakedGrapeWineBar.com as macaroni and cheese, and cheese plate is an exceptional deal.

Thasos’ happy hour, daily from 5-7 p.m. and on Friday’s from 9 p.m. until closing, not only offers two for one cocktails, but they also dish up free appetizers. Monday through Friday from 4-6 p.m. enjoy $5 flatbreads and empanadas and $2.50 Session Lager, $2.50 Magic Hat draft beer and select wines for $5. Happy hours are from 4-7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and are extended until midnight on Thursday. House wines and bubbly are only $5, while select small plates such meatballs run $5-$8.The

“the taste oF equaLity” On Thursday, October 6th, from 6-9 p.m. Equality Florida and The Village at Gulfstream Park are teaming up to host a mouthwatering evening, filled with raffle prizes, tasty treats and savory sips during “The Taste of Equality.” The culinary journey includes stops at restaurants, galleries, and shops at The Village at Gulfstream Park. The event includes the opportunity to sample food and drink pairings at any or all of the participating shops and restaurants; III Forks, Adena Grill, Brio Tuscan Grille, Cantina Laredo, Frankey’s Sports Bar, IL Gusto Ristorante Italiano, Mijana Lebanese Cuisine, Paladar Latin Kitchen & Rum Bar, ROK:BRGR, Sirona Fine Art, Williams-Sonoma and Yard House. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. For more information, go to EqualityFlorida.org or http://bit.ly/1j9nFMj.

BeeFCaKes at BoarDWaLK 1721 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954.463.6969 BoardWalkBar.com Okay, so most folks don’t go there for the food, but Monday through Friday, from 3-9 p.m., all drinks are two for one and a burger meal will only set you back $5. That’s less than you’d tip the strippers, uhm, I mean performers. They also do a “Meatballs and Martinis” special on Thursdays with $5 martinis and complimentary meatballs.

Mai-Kai 3599 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-563-3272 MaiKai.com This kitschy tourist mecca also offers a number of happy hour specials that make it a fun place to stop off after work for a mini vacay. In the Molokai lounge from 5-7 p.m., it’s half-off all appetizers and most specialty drinks. The best bet though, is Wednesdays from 5 - 9 p.m., when there’s a free buffet with a drink purchase (minimum $10).

Men’s Night! EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 2 for 1 dinners* and drink specials all night long *with drink purchase

$34.95 PRIX-FIXE THREE COURSE MENU ALL SUMMER (MON - SUN) Santa Lucia Ristorante 2701 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

(954) 396-0930


9.30.2015 •





J.W. Arnold











6 ,

2 0 1 5

W W W . S F G N . C O M

The Tony Award-winning musical “Once” opens the Broadway Across Fort Lauderdale season at the Broward Center on Tuesday, Oct. 6.

The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors, hosts Breast Fest tonight from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The evening will include informational presentations, vendors, live entertainment, 50/50 raffle and refreshments. All proceeds benefit the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Plan to come out and support the women in our lives and community. For more information, go to PrideCenterFlorida. org.




Thousands of comic, gaming, fantasy and sci fi fans will converge on the Broward County Convention Center at Port Everglades this weekend for Wizard World Comic Con. The three-day event, Oct. 2 – 4, will feature actors Adrian Paul (“Highlander”), Christian Kane (“The Librarian”) and Sean Astin (“The Hobbit”), famous cartoonists and animators, hundreds of vendors, contests and lots of fun. Daily admission starts at $35 and discounted weekend passes are also available at WizardWorld.com.



10/3 SUN

Celebrate Orgullo, Miami’s annual Latino/ Latina Pride festival, today at Museum Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. The diverse local Hispanic LGBT community is setting up a festive carnival in the downtown park featuring DJs, performers, vendors and more. Sponsored by Unity Coalition, the party is the culmination of a month of events held all over Miami-Dade County. Performances on the main stage begin at 10 a.m. and run into the evening. For more information, go to CelebrateOrgullo.org.


• 9.30.2015

Photo Credit: Joan Marcus.


10/4 MON

The Miami Symphony Orchestra celebrates its 10th season under the baton of Maestro Eduardo Marturet with a gala concert tonight at 6 p.m. in the Knight Concert Hall of the Arsht Center in Miami. In addition to Schubert’s “Unfinished” Symphony No. 8 and Brahms’ bold Symphony No. 4, the orchestra will offer audiences an exciting world premiere , “Echos” by Cremisini. Tickets for this magnificent program of classical music start at just $44 (students $20) at ArshtCenter.org.


10/5 TUE

Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors, celebrates its third anniversary in a big way this week. Tonight, the staff undergo a gender=bending transformation for Turnabout. The boys dress up like girls and the girls dress up like boys and they put on a show. This year, the theme is “Showtunes are a Drag,” featuring all your favorite songs from Broadway as you’ve never heard them. The show benefits the Smart Ride. VIP tables are available. For more information, go to VillagePubWM.com.



The Broadway Across Fort Lauderdale season kicks off tonight at the Broward Center with the touring production of “Once,” the beautiful show that captured a 2012 Tony Award for Best Musical. A sweet story of two star-crossed lovers based on a popular independent film, the production features a catchy, lilting melodic score of Irish folk music performed by the cast members in a real life pub on stage. Catch the show through Sunday, Oct. 18. Tickets start at $ at BrowardCenter.org.

Perfect for girls’ night, boys’ night or naughty night

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Intended for audiences of 18 years and older 9.30.2015 •


Photo Credit: Submitted photo.

a&e film

Victor Gimenez takes the helm of the MiFo LGBT Film Festivals in Fort Lauderdale and Miami.

LGBT Film Festival Features New Name, Leader J.W. Arnold


he MiFo LGBT Film Festival is coming to Fort Lauderdale, Oct. 9 – 11 and 15-18, with 53 films, including 13 premieres, 28 features, 18 shorts and seven documentaries. But, most importantly the festival marks the debut of a new executive director, Victor M. Gimenez. Gimenez was hired this summer and is responsible for both the Fort Lauderdale and Miami festivals. A Miami native, Gimenez has been involved as both board chair and volunteer for several years. “I really enjoy film,” he said in a phone interview. His first task was to implement the festival’s new branding: MiFo, an amalgamation of the Miami and Fort Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Film Festivals, and a nod to SoHo in Manhattan, also a major independent film festival. “Both Miami and Fort Lauderdale festivals have earned widespread acclaim individually,” said Gimenez. “Together under one brand we will continue to grow exponentially, thanks to their combined size and the benefits of combined marketing efforts.” He said the new brand has been received enthusiastically by the film industry, even if it may take time for locals to get accustomed. In addition to board and membership development, programming and corporate sponsorships, Gimenez has also put new energy into the Fort Lauderdale festival, which had traditionally been much smaller than Miami.

“I think audiences will find that the quality of the films is first rate,” he explained, “and the parties and other events are definitely on par with Miami,” one of the largest LGBT film festivals in the country. This year the festival will expand to four venues: NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, 1 Las Olas Blvd. (Opening Night Gala and Film); The Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd.; Cinema Paradiso, 503 SE 6th St.; and C&I Studios, 541 NW 1st Ave. The opening night event will feature a screening of “Fourth Man Out,” while the centerpiece film will be the director’s cut of “54” at Cinema Paradiso on Thursday, Oct. 15. The festival closes on Sunday, Oct. 18 with “Portrait of a Serial Monogamist” at The Classic Gateway Theatre and “Those People” at Cinema Paradiso. Gimenez emphasized that the festival will offer more Lesbian-themed films, including a collection of shorts films on Saturday, Oct. 10 and the southeast premiere of “Stuff” on Sunday, Oct. 11. The feature explores the challenges of a Lesbian couple raising daughters and dealing with the death of a parent. Director Suzanne Guacci will speak about the film following the screening. He is also committed to enacting the festival’s mission to inspire, entertain and educate the public, encourage a sense of community through international and culturally diverse film, video and other media that offer historical and contemporary perspectives on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experience.

For a complete schedule, tickets and further information, go to MiFoFilm.com.


• 9.30.2015


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9.30.2015 •


a&e film

J.W. Arnold


proDuCtioN vaLues stroNG iN FaLL FestivaL FiLMs


Credit: Lauren & Lauren and Jed Entertainment.

closed doors are seen for the first time. ne of my perennial complaints about LGBT Couples whose love spanned many decades film festivals is they seem to feature an endless are documented in films of vacations, dinner array of coming out stories, mostly film school parties, and intimate moments. Along with projects by young, gay filmmakers who make their these personal moments, footage of political first films about the subject they know best. and social movements also highlights The MiFo LGBT Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale, the importance of the conservation of Oct. 9-11 and 15-18, offers its share of coming out this material and the struggle to save it stories, most with a twist, ranging from the blue collar before they are lost forever. “Reel in the bromance of the opening feature, “Fourth Man Out,” Closet” director Stu Maddux will attend the to the pansexual Millennial awakening in the French screening. film, “Bizarre.” SFGN: Don’t waste your money on Roland But one trend that must be noted is the uniformly Emmerich’s disastrous feature, “Stonewall,” if high production values of nearly all the entries. Just you’re seriously interested in LGBT history. These as the subject matter has evolved over the years, so fascinating documentaries tell the stories of LGBT has the quality of the films—from film school and people and our movement through the eyes of the Kickstarter-funded projects to serious, big budget people who were there, especially the collection studio productions. of joyous home movies filmed by one ordinary gay “Beautiful Something” features smart, visually man over a lifetime. This is unquestionably one of engaging editing while the expertly animated the “must see” presentations of the festival. opening credits of “Kiss Me, Kill Me” are worthy of a The coming out film gets an update in “Fourth Man Out,” the opening film of major studio release. For “Steel,” composer Vincent the MiFo LGBT Film Festival, Friday, Oct. 9. Ho created an original soundtrack punctuated with “BiZarre” - southeast preMiere stirring melodies performed on violin, cello and Etienne Faure, director SFGN: Audiences will be able to relate to at least one of these violin. 98 minutes / USA, 2015 characters—from Brian (Brian Sheppard), the tortured writer who falls for No, all the films aren’t going to have lives beyond the festival every trick, to Jim (Zack Ryan), an insecure young twink who just wants to The Classic Gateway Theatre circuit, but audiences can look forward to two weekends of Maurice, 18, an attractive French boy with a murky past, arrives be more than a muse for his metal artist boyfriend—despite the disjointed entertaining cinema at the MiFo LGBT Film Festival. in New York with no place to stay. Kim and Betty, who run the hip vignettes that methodically bring their individual stories together. Director Here are mini-reviews of several featured films from the Joseph Graham has an obvious fascination with smoke and weaves the underground club, Bizarre, give him a job, along with room and festival: board. The Bizarre becomes Maurice’s new family and he quickly visual metaphor throughout the film. Or then again, maybe he just likes the adapts to its eccentric world of outcasts, until his past catches up camera trick. Oh, and explicit sex scenes straight from XTube or YouPorn. with him. “Fourth MaN out” SFGN: Pierre Prieur (Maurice) doesn’t say much, he tells the Andrew Nackman, director “Kiss Me KiLL Me” audience so during an opening voiceover, but he is fascinating—and 95 minutes / USA, 2015 Casper Andreas, director pretty damn hot—as the young, homeless French boxer with a mysterious Friday, Oct. 9, 8 p.m. 100 minutes / USA, 2015 past. It’s also fascinating to see the gritty picture of Brooklyn through NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale Cinema Paradiso Just like his pals, twenty-something auto mechanic Adam Influences of Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock are evident the eyes of a French filmmaker. Older audiences may find themselves enjoys beer, hockey and inappropriate bodily functions. But Adam in this sexy gay twist on classic L.A. film noir. After confronting uncomfortable with the fluid Millennial sexuality of Maurice and his friends also likes guys. A hilarious mash-up of man-child and coming-out his hunky, unfaithful boyfriend (Gale Harold, “Queer as Folk”), in this unconventional coming out story. comedies, “Fourth Man Out” examines a small-town, blue-collar beautiful Dusty blacks out, only to wake up to find his boyfriend guy who lets his friends know he’s gay - and what happens when murdered and he’s the prime suspect. “steeL” – us preMiere they try to help him find a boyfriend. Sven J. Matten, director SFGN: The best part of this film from Casper Andreas (“Going Down SFGN: If only life imitated art and it were so easy for a good looking in La La Land,” “The Big Gay Musical”) is the animated opening credits 108 minutes / Canada, 2015 blue collar “dude” to be embraced by his bros. But times are changing. that suggest a James Bond flick. They set a high bar for the “classic L.A. Cinema Paradiso “Fourth Man Out” isn’t quite a gay “The Hangover,” but it’s packed with Daniel, a hunky and successful TV journalist living life in the film noir” that writer David Michael Barrett intended, but Andreas is just plenty of laughs and lots of heart and can lend a nod to the straight fast lane, has fallen into a deep depression. His seemingly perfect better at making comedies. “Kiss Me, Kill Me” quickly devolves into a bromance films that have been popular lately. This film definitely benefits convoluted, campy mess. But, we’re glad that Gale Harold (credited as life suddenly collapses when panic attacks force him to deal with from a relatively big budget and strong casting. Evan Todd is extremely his past. He tries to recapture what was once his, guided by the Gale M. Harold III) is at least getting some work again. likeable as Adam and be sure to look for Chord Overstreet (“Glee”) in a sexy, younger Alexander, with whom he embarks on a tentative, supporting role as a bearded bro. emotional journey. “reiNveNtiNG the reeL” SFGN: Be prepared to make a commitment if you catch this film. It Michael Gorlick, director takes nearly an hour for the story to unfold and when the central plot twist “BeautiFuL soMethiNG” 20 minutes / Canada, 2015 is finally revealed—think M. Night Shyamalan, just no ghosts—audiences Joseph Graham, director may wonder how they will ever get that 108 minutes of their lives back. 92 minutes / USA, 2015 “reeL iN the CLoset” That said, David Connell (Daniel) and Chad Cameron (Alexander) have Saturday, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m. Stu Maddux, director some nice on screen chemistry and equally hot bodies. If only director Cinema Paradiso 82 minutes / USA, 2015 Sven J. Matten knew how to film a steamy sex scene. Edgy, absorbing and carnal, “Beautiful Something” follows Sunday, Oct. 11, 12:45 p.m. four gay men spanning different generations as they navigate The Classic Gateway Theatre Next week, SFGN will share mini-reviews from the one sublime night in Philadelphia filled with hot hook-ups, LGBT home movies—some dating back to the 1930s—offer lingering resentment and falling in love. The narrative takes an a unique visual history of the LGBT community. As these films closing weekend of the MiFo LGBT Film Festival. For a complete schedule of MiFo LGBT Film Festival unsentimental look at the links between young and old, black and are discovered and archived, happy full lives that existed behind in Fort Lauderdale and tickets, go to MiFoFilm.com. white, sex and love, desire and art. • 9.30.2015


a&e film

Beyond Love

Director Silvio Nacucchi talks about his strange gay parenting tale

David-Elijah Nahmod


trong acting abounds in “Beyond Love,” a seemingly bizarre Italian drama newly out on DVD. The film tells the story of Anna and Marina, a lesbian couple who want to be moms. Surrogacy is expensive in Italy, far beyond the reach of these middle class women. Marina confides her frustration to Stefano, her best friend since childhood. Stefano decides to help in a most unusual way: he secretly turns to prostitution in order to raise the funds that Anna and Marina need. He endures abuse from several clients who are into S&M, screaming in anguish while he keeps his eye on the prize. Of course his boyfriend is enraged when he finds out what Stefano has been up to. One of the most appealing aspects of Beyond Love is the friendship between Marina and Stefano. It’s unusual, in film or in life, to see a gay man and a lesbian enjoying such a deep bond. It wasn’t too long ago, after all, that the Gs and the Ls existed as two separate communities with little interest in interacting. The love and the trust that Anna and Stefano feel for each other runs deep. They confide in each other, often revealing things they wouldn’t share with their spouses. It’s a lovely thing to see. "Beyond Love" is populated by characters who we would think should know better than to do the foolish things they do. Time and time again, Stefano meets with clients who he knows are going to hurt him. In one particularly disturbing scene he’s raped by a nightstick while tied to a bed--he screams out in pain, yet continues to meet with the unsavory clients who contact him online. Stefano and Marina also sleep together one night. Marina’s partner Anna isn’t much better. A fledgling artist, she meets privately with a lecherous straight male art gallery owner whose motives are questionable. Yet she returns for a second meeting. Some viewers may wonder why the “Beyond Love” characters make such reckless choices.

Silvio Nacucchi, the film’s director, addressed this question. The filmmaker spoke to SFGN from his home in Italy. “The message of ”Beyond Love” is that there are no limits to what you are ready to do when you really love someone,” Nacucchi said. The auteur, who is straight, spoke to many gay men and lesbians as he developed the film’s story and wrote the script. “I did my best to get to know their mindsets, their attitudes, how they live their lives, and love,” he said. “I took it upon myself to learn more about gay and lesbian relationships, as well as those between gays and lesbians.” He pointed out that some of the film’s situations were inspired by real life. “Some of the described behaviors might actually seem reckless,” he said. “There are no insurmountable odds when you really love someone. Sometimes people even cancel themselves out and infringe on their own principles.” The film points to some of the obstacles that LGBT people in Italy face. “In Italy, which claims to be a civil country, LGBT people are not entitled to marry and have children,” said Nacucchi. “They are citizens like all others, hence with feelings, emotional needs, and the desire to have a family.” Nacuchhi said that many people who’ve seen the film felt a strong emotional involvement with it, regardless of whether they were gay or straight. “True life stories make a character credible and alive,” he said. “The audience has immediately perceived this, forgetting that the characters are gay or lesbian.” As our chat drew to a close, Nacucchi expressed his hope for what the impact of “Beyond Love” might be. “The film aims to let the whole world learn about this discrimination we have in Italy,” he said. “I hope that this is all going to end as soon as possible.” Beyond Love is now available on DVD and is spoken in Italian with English titles. 9.30.2015 •



Theater Christiana Lilly




The Pot

Sept. 25 to Oct. 18 at Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. Tensions rise in a household when the biracial Nathan -- adopted into a white family -- wonders about his past. Then, his sister brings home an undocumented Mexican immigrant, stirring the pot on immigration and race. Tickets $18 to $25. Call 305-5583737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.

Karina Iglesias

Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. at ArtsGarage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. Iglesias, who got her start on “The Voice,” puts on an intimate show with sultry tunes. Tickets $30 to $35. Call 561-450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.org.

Collective Soul

Oct. 1 at 7 p.m.at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Breaking out in the middle of the grunge scene, they’ve put out hits such as “Shine,” “Gel,” “Run,” and more. Tickets $30.50 in advance, $33 day of the show. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JointheRevolution.net. * Denotes New Listing

broward county * Xtreme Conference



Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. Performances by Lecrae, Mercyme, Jeremy Camp, Israel & New Breed, and more. Tickets $29 to $199. Call 954-835-7000 or visit TheBBTCenter. com.

* Indian Ragas on Piano

Sept. 26 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Utsav Lal on piano is joined by Rajesh Bhandari on the tabla. Tickets $15 to $50. Visit APAIArt.com.

palm beach county * Bridget Kelly Band

Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. at ArtsGarage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. Middleground opens for the Bridget Kelly Band, a group inspired by the blues and classics. Tickets $25 to $35. Call 561-450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.org.


• 9.30.2015

* The Oddball Comedy & Curiosity Festival: Aziz Ansari and Amy Schumer

Oct. 2 at 5 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The comedians have never shied away from telling a raunchy joke, and for one night they share the stage. Tickets $59 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit CruzanAmphitheatre.net.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * An Evening at the Copacabana

Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A night of Latin flavor while performing songs from Celia Cruz, Frank Sinatra, Carmen Miranda, Desi Arnaz, Sammy Davis, Jr. and other greats. Tickets $45 to $50. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

* Marc Anthony

Oct. 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Due to popular demand, Anthony has added a second show to his Miami stop. Tickets $61 to $201. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena. com.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

* TANGObsession

Oct. 3 and 4 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A show of tango, music, dance, love, and the passion of Latin performance. Tickets $45. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter. org.

* Grand Season Opening: The Miami Symphony Orchestra

Oct. 4 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. In the symphony’s first performance of the season, they will play Cremsini, Schubert, and Brahms. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

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Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks Beats, Brew & Barbeque Aug. 30 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the National Hotel, 1677 Collins Ave. in Miami Beach. Head to the beach for live music by DJ D-Stu, beer, BBQ, and more benefitting Care Resource. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 the day of. Visit WhiteParty.org.

Social Security Workshop for Same-Sex Couples Sept. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Compass Community Center, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Congresswoman Lois Frankel invites the public to a discussion on Social Security and how it will impact same-sex couples. Free. Call 561-9989045 or RSVP to charity.lewis2@mail. house.gov.

LAST CHANCE Summer Starry Nights Thursdays through Sept. 3 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Make your Thursdays a night of art with exhibitions, films, lectures, and wine and beer specials at the museum. Free. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org. org.

broward county Stonewall Movie Series: “But I’m a Cheerleader”

Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall and ArtServe Auditorium, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. In this satire, high school cheerleader Megan is sent to a conversion therapy camp. Instead, she finds love and acceptance of her sexual orientation. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit StonewallMuseum.org.

Out of the Shadows

Through Aug. 30 at the Stonewall National Museum -- Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exhibition telling the story of the hidden life of LGBT people from 1903 to 1969, from police raids to the Stonewall riots. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum. org.


• 9.30.2015

Broward Support Services SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

* Dine Out Fort Lauderdale

Sept. 1 to Oct. 12 throughout Fort Lauderdale. Celebrate area restaurants with $35, threecourse prix fixe menus. Visit Facebook.com/ VisitLauderdale.

From Within and Without

Through Oct. 4 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. A display of Haitian photography from the 19th century to now. Admission $12. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

Pablo Picasso: Painted Ceramics and Works on Paper, 1931 to 1971

Through Nov. 1 at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The eccentric artist is mainly known for his paintings, but he also made art into rugs, sculptures, drawings, ceramics, and other media. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

palm beach county * August Business Alliance Mixer

Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. Network with other alliance members at the museum, surrounded by works from Picasso, Monet, Pollock, and more. Free for members, $10 for nonmembers. RSVP to eventbrite.com.

* Food Truck Invasion

Sept. 2 at 5 p.m. at Sunset Cove, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Hit up the number of food trucks parked for the event, followed by live music by Steve Vincent Cluthe. Free. Visit Facebook.com/ SunsetCoveAmphitheater.

Sushi & Stroll Summer Walks

Second Fridays through Sept. 11 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. An annual summer series, explore the gardens and museum for sushi, sake, and taiko drumming. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org

Japan’s Robot Kingdom

Through Sept. 13 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. A look at Japanese robotics from the last 50 years and its impact on pop culture and technology. Tickets $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

Eww! What’s Eating You?

Through Sept. 27 at the South Florida Science Center, 4801 Dreher Trail North in West Palm Beach. Explore the creepy crawlies of our planet that live off humans -- parasites! -- like tapeworms, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, and ticks. Tickets $11 to 15. Call 561-832-1988 or visit SFScienceCenter.org.

miami-dade county The Local LGBT Hospitality Market

Aug. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Biltmore Hotel, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. An expo and luncheon with area businesses specializing in weddings, boutique, restaurants, and events for the LGBT community. Tickets $40 to $50. Visit GayBizMiami.com

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.

HIV Support Group

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-5354733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids. org.

Modern Buddhist Meditation

Mondays and Tuesdays at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Find inner peace with instruction on meditation with Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu. Cost $10 and $5 per class. Call 786-529-7137.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

Prayers For World Peace

Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist teacher, Todd Ellenberg will lead prayers and meditation. Cost $10. Call 786-529-7137.

key west * Key West Womenfest

Sept. 10 to 13 throughout Key West. Celebrate the ladies for a long weekend of parties, contests, pageants, a sunset sail, and more. Visit WomenFest.com.

* Southernmost Tattoo Mustache Ride

Sept. 12 at 11 a.m. at Bayview Park in Key West. Join the bicycle parade during Womenfest. Visit KWMicroDJ.com and Womenfest.com.

SMART Ride Bingo

Sundays through Oct. 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Poinciana Royale, 16th Street and Duck Avenue in Key West. Help raise money for Team Milemarkers for the SMART Ride

Gay Key West Trolley Tours

Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.

Hot Naked Sundays

Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. at Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. A pretea pool party. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com.

* Denotes New Listing




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• 9.30.2015

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CONDO FOR SALE IN VIZCAYA TOWERS @ PALM AIRE - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2600 sf. New kitchen 2014. Original AC replaced. Porcelain floors, carpeting, crown moldings. Jacuzzi, double sink and double walk-in closet in Master Suite. Dining room. 3 enclosed sunrooms. Laundry room. Front gate security, heated swimming pool, party room, locker room, sauna, gym. Unfurnished. Buyers welcome with or without broker. $299,900. 954-972-8230. VICTORIA PARK 1 BR/1 BA - Beautiful updated 1 BR/1 BA with private fenced patio;small complex; gorgeous open beamed ceilings;tile floor; next to Holiday Park tennis courts;W/D; small dog ok; $925/ month; 954-729-1936. 2 BR 2 BA REMODELED CONDO - Tile floors, kitchen has granite, stainless upgraded appliances, & cherry cabinets. Amenities include: secure building; elevator; laundry rooms; pool,clubhouse and ample parking. In Wilton Manors, near shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Condo financials good with fully funded reserves. Price $190k. Call 318-461-1634.

rentals fort lauderdale 1414 NE 5TH Ter. HUGE 1 BR/1 BA - Condo Quality, Open gourmet kitchen w/smooth-top stove, D/W, crisp white cabinets.Tile floors, CenAir, Designer Bath,onsite laundry,$1000/mo. F/S. Pet Deposit. Owner/Licensee (954)448-9811 EAST OAKLAND PARK 2BD/1 BA HOUSE CLOSE TO WILTON MANORS - Private yard/ pool/laundry room. New kitchen,DW/disp,Central A/C, GM renter(s)Cable T.V./internet split;Electric extra.water,yardcare incl.$1300.1st, l/last/security. security negotiable. Call 954-993-8830.

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“FILL THE VACANCY RATES” SUNDAYTHURSDAY - Need a last minute room? Take advantage of our $69 dollar rates at the NEW Calypso Inn, Wilton Manors. Not good for reservations. Good for one night only. Valid major credit card required. Phone Wes Leigh at 954605-3561 to see if there is a vacancy.

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POMPANO COTTAGE FOR SALE - Cozy 2/1 on a large lot E. of Dixie Hwy,mature trees, new kitchen/bath. Roof 7 years old. Needs finishing touches.$125k as is, owner (954) 254-7827.

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