1/27/16 V7i4

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local name global coverage January 27, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 4

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f l o r i d a

g a y

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Still going strong

SFGN brings another year of news, laughs, and hard hitting NEWS • Pages 28 - 35




the oPening Line Photos: Facebook.

titanMen star backing truMP For President

Michael gluckman –

Really? This is news worth reporting? The political voting tactics of porn "stars"? Almost time for me to delete this FB Follow.

bill schmidt –

Another self-loathing gay man.

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

nationaL LgbtQ task Force dis-invites then re-invites JeWish grouP to conFerence david elijah –

eric tucker –

Ok. What a joke. As a porn star why would anyone think that they would be respected for their personal political views!

comments from sFgn’s

When I came out to myself by reading Baldin's 'Another Country' I realized that I am a member of a worldwide tribe of gay people. We must learn to accept each other first and hear each other out. It is just wrong for anybody to exclude other gay people before discussing with them.

JANUARY 27, 2016 • VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 4 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943





The Queers for Palestine give Hamas a free pass on anti-LGBT violence. They defend suicide bombings. They not only oppose the passage of LGBT equality bills in Israel, they oppose equality bills in the USA because they don't want to be "bourgeois." They're sick and they need help. Robb Kvašňák –


noah kitty –

kudos to the Task Force for realizing their error and reinviting A Wider Bridge

West hoLLyWood Man sentenced to 12 years For kiLLing, MutiLating boyFriend Michael solis –

Not enough time... he should've gotten 100 years!!!!

Marshall r. krug –

just 12 years? why not life?


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deric duff –

How can it be only 12 years?


Cover: SFGN's 6th Anniversary. MEMBER



• 1.27.2016

And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year

Associated Press




South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

Legislative Action Center Launched To Aid States John McDonald


n response to a barrage of anti-LGBT bills, Equality Federation created a Legislative Action Center to empower state-based LGBT organizations to fight back. “We have a game plan to stop these attacks,” said Equality Federation Executive Director Rebecca Isaacs, in a news release. “We can target the right people at the right time with the right message to defeat these bills.” On its website, Equality Federation is tracking each state’s anti-LGBT bills, outlining the bill’s intent and providing a date for when its next reading or vote is scheduled. Bills preventing transgender people from accessing restrooms have been filed in Oklahoma, Missouri, Virginia and South Dakota, just to name a few. In Florida, the Federation is hoping to advance a key bill protecting LGBT people in the workplace, housing and public accommodations. The bill, commonly referred to as the Competitive Workforce Act, is expected to receive a committee vote this session after years of languishing in Tallahassee without a

hearing. Other Florida bills being tracked by the Federation have to do with changes to parental listings on birth certificates and exemptions for religious organizations. “Equality Federation is better networked with national and state-based LGBTQ and allied organizations than ever,” said Amanda McLain-Snipes, Organizational Development & Training Manager, in a news release. “We have the tools to hammer our opponents with effective messaging. We get the big picture so we can identify trends across the nation. We share strategic information with each locality on how to win.” For more information, visit EqualityFederation.org/lac

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1.27.2016 •


Photo: Facebook.

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Pride Center Severs Ties With Garden Club Over Plant Fair Jason Parsley


Executive director defends decision; others call it “strong arming”

he Pride Center isn’t happy with the Equality Park Garden Club’s change of leadership. So much so that they’ve severed its relationship with the group. “After the recent course of events within the leadership of the Garden Club I have made the decision that the Pride Center will not be collaborating with the Garden Club on the Tropical Plant Fair moving forward,” wrote Robert Boo, executive director of the Pride Center, in an email obtained by SFGN. “The Pride Center will be facilitating this Center sanctioned fundraising event on our own.” Now the Garden Club leadership is crying foul and accusing Boo of attempting to “strong arm” them. “We fully supported the Equality Park Garden Club solely because of Chuck Nichols, previous president and founder,” Boo told SFGN. “He’s a long-time supporter of the Center. And so we did more with the club because of Chuck. Now that Chuck was no longer the board chair, my support of the organization was going in a different direction.” Nichols was not running for re-election and while he’s no longer president, according to the Vice President of the Garden Club, Paul Durbin, he will remain on the board as its past president – a new position created in order to keep him involved. Despite that involvement Boo is not interested in working with the club. “Because Chuck is not leading the organization, the support we provided in the past is changing,” he said. Durbin is especially upset over the fact that the Pride Center has decided to move forward with the Tropical Plant Fair on its own. He feels the Pride Center has effectively stolen the event away from them. “It is our biggest event and our single biggest fundraiser,


• 1.27.2016

but almost more important than that, it is our biggest new a group that meets in his Pride Center.” member recruiting tool,” Durbin said. “We have a surge of The plant fair isn’t the club’s only grievance. In that email new members after the show concludes.” severing its ties to the Garden Club Boo also said it was time The Plant Fair, Durbin said, was founded by the Garden to renegotiate their rent. Club and its members have staffed the event in the past, “Starting in January the room rental fee, which has not own the domain name online, and manage the been adjusted in five years, will be adjusted event’s Facebook page. accordingly to be more in line with all of the “It was our event,” Durbin asserted. “The 60 groups that we rent space to,” he "The first two other first two years we did everything while the said. years we did Pride Center did nothing at all.” Up until that point the group had paid Boo sees it differently. $50 to rent a room for two hours each everything “That’s their interpretation. The Tropical month. Durbin said the Pride Center told while the Plant Fair was Chuck Nichol’s idea. He him they could be charged up to $300, but approached the center about it,” Boo said. “We he suggested $100 and they accepted. Pride Center supported that fundraising event. And we’re The raise in rent came after a $3,500 did nothing at moving forward with it.” donation for a project at the Pride Center But the Pride Center has apparently by the outgoing board. all." acknowledged, however indirectly, that the When asked whether or not those event was started by the Garden Club. The actions could be seen as retaliatory Boo - Paul Durbin original vendor applications called the event said “you can interpret it, twist it, and see it Vice President of the the “4th Annual A Tropical Plant Fair.” The in a number of different ways. The decision Equality Park Garden Club updated version simply refers to the event as was made and we’re moving forward.” the “Equality Park Tropical Plant Fair.” Current president of the Garden Club, Last year the Plant Fair brought in $1,471 in profit to the Chip Jones, agrees with Durbin, but had nothing but nice Garden Club. words for the Pride Center. Boo has effectively reduced the Garden Club to vendor “I do think what has happened is unfortunate for all status. parties involved,” he said. “We’re an asset to them. I don’t “The EPGC is more than welcome to participate as a vendor want to give them a hard time.” in the plant fair just like any other organization but will not Durbin though did not mince words. have any role in the organization and execution,” Boo said. “We’re a 501(c)3 organization and he interfered in our “What he did was wrong. We had no intention of giving affairs,” he said. “That just oversteps the bounds of a CEO.” the Plant Fair up,” Durbin said. “I feel like he’s strong-arming

Brian had his HIV under control with medication. But smoking with HIV caused him to have serious health problems, including a stroke, a blood clot in his lungs and surgery on an artery in his neck. Smoking makes living with HIV much worse. You can quit.



HIV alone didn’t cause the clogged artery in my neck. Smoking with HIV did. Brian, age 45, California

1.27.2016 •


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Photo: Dennis Jozefowicz.

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WoLF bar oPens to Large croWd

Dennis Jozefowicz


ast month Wolf Bar had its soft grand opening, and with a couple minor hiccups, looked to be a huge success. Located at 2209 Wilton Drive, (the old Bill’s/B.Bar location,) the interior has been made over in minimalist, clean décor, with some interesting touches, such as the huge basket chandeliers in one corner designed by local artist Diego Iberra of The Art Bloc. The sound system has been updated, and DJ Andy Fiacco took it to the edge with hot dance music. The vibe was very different from anything else on the drive, with a masculine, yet friendly feel, and the hot bear bartenders


• 1.27.2016

were an obvious nod to the genre of bar this is. The old “Mustang Lounge” room was mostly kept in tact for a place to sit and have a martini with friends. The crowd was energetic and friendly, with lots of bears, leather, and kilts in the mix. Opinions from patrons we talked to were all positive, ranging from “good fun,” to “a needed alternative on the Drive.” So if you’re looking for something unlike anything else on the Drive, be sure to “join the pack,” and check out Wolf. Open daily at 2 p.m.

“Worst ever” PubLic records LaW Passes subcoMMittees Jason Parsley


new bill making its way through the Florida legislature has been described by one public records expert as “undoubtedly the worst bill I've seen in all my 25 plus years.” Barbara Petersen, president of the First Amendment Foundation, further criticized HB 1021 and SB 1220 as an attempt to severely weaken Florida’s public records laws. The two bills passed unanimously in their respective subcommittees. According to the Florida Sunshine Coalition the bill would “make the award of attorney’s fees discretionary even when a judge has made a finding that a public agency has wrongfully withheld public records from inspection.” Currently if a government agency is found to be at fault that agency will be on the hook for the plaintiff’s attorney’s fees. “The attorney fee provision creates a level playing field for someone who can afford to pay for an attorney and those who cannot,” FSC said in a press release. FSC believes that without a guaranteed penalty there is no incentive for the government to be transparent while also decreasing the number of challenges brought by citizens. “Rather than reforming the public records law – a specious claim by the Florida League of Cities – these bills will essentially gut our right to access to government records,” FSC wrote. SFGN reached out to Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, a member of the

League of Cities, and openly gay Rep. David Richardson for comments. Neither responded to SFGN’s emails. Rand Hoch, founder of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, said his organization has filed almost 100 public records requests over the years. “And we have had to file dozens to find out why action was not being taken on our requests for law and policy changes,” he said. “Requiring someone seeking public records to go to court to seek payment of attorneys fees further weakens the public records law, and may actually deter people from taking steps to learn what public entities are doing. We are fortunate that the Florida Sunshine Coalition and the First Amendment Foundation are being proactive in their opposition to this legislation.” The Florida Society of News Editors also came out against HB 1021 sending a letter to Rep. Greg Steube, the bill’s author. “There are good reasons to object to public money being spent on legal fees in lawsuits over public records. It is a mistake, however, to think it is cheaper or better public policy to weaken the law that provides successful plaintiffs with the ability to hold bureaucrats accountable,” wrote Douglas Ray, president of FSNE. “On behalf of journalists in small towns and big cities across Florida, I hope you will see that the urgent risk is not to shield bureaucrats who break the law but to protect citizens who successfully fight for its enforcement.”

1.27.2016 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Local: Lake Worth expands Lgbt rights (PBCHRC) Lake Worth City Commissioners unanimously voted to ensure that the city's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) residents and municipal employees will be protected from discrimination. To provide equal opportunity for municipal employees and applicants for employment, commissioners amended the city's merit services policy to prohibit discrimination in municipal employment based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. They also updated the Lake Worth Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. (The Lake Worth Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment, has included sexual orientation and gender identity or


ree Workshops on Anti-Discrimination and Equality in the Workplace

(Broward.org) Children's Services Council of Broward County, Broward County Community Partnerships and Broward County Office of Intergovernmental Affairs & Professional Standards are offering two free workshops in February open to any social service agency staff and interested community stakeholders. What: say no to discrimination! Training will provide an increased understanding of best practices to promote inclusiveness within an organization. Attendees will learn about legal options within the community to protect clients. Who: Supervisors and direct service staff of social service agencies When: Wednesday, February 3rd Where: Children's Services Council, 6600 W. Commercial Boulevard, Lauderhill register: Training.cscbroward.org or contact 954-377-1100 Photo: Facebook.

Broward County Board of Commissioners.

expression since 2007.) The three actions were taken at the request of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Last year, the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council (PBCHRC) launched the "Palm Beach County: You're Welcome!" campaign to encourage municipalities to enact LGBT-inclusive civil rights laws. "Our LGBT-inclusive laws will should help attract more jobs, revenue and resources to Lake Worth," said City Commission Member Andy Amoroso. To date, LGBT-inclusive ordinances have been enacted in most of the major municipalities in Palm Beach County, including Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Greenacres, Wellington and West Palm Beach.

What: equality in the Workplace Training will increase understanding of the appropriate policies and practices for compliance with federal, state and local laws. Experts from Broward County's Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards will share best practices to foster a "culture of compliance" within your organization. Who: Leaders of small to medium sized social service nonprofits When: Wednesday, February 24th Where: Children's Services Council6600 W. Commercial Boulevard, Lauderhill register: Training.cscbroward.org or contact 954-377-1100 about community Partnerships The Community Partnerships Division is responsible for planning, coordinating, administering and evaluating comprehensive human service programs for children and adults including behavioral health, child care licensing, sexual assault treatment and counseling, health care, HIV/AIDS, and homeless services. For more information, call 954357-8647. about intergovernmental affairs and Professional standards The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards focuses on four major areas: governmental relations, grants coordination, human rights and professional standards, including internal investigations and equal opportunity claims. For more information, call 954-357-7575 or visit our website.

Launches New Series “Gay LOGO for Play” and “Gay Skit Happens”

(LOGO) Logo heads into 2016 with the eighth season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” and announced the greenlight of two new series - “Gay for Play Game Show Starring RuPaul” and “Gay Skit Happens” - plus a third season of “Cocktails & Classics,” Michael Urie’s love letter to classic films.


• 1.27.2016

Sketch comedy series “Gay Skit Happens” premieres Monday, February 8 at 10pm ET/PT. Daniel Franzese (“Mean Girls,” “Looking,” “Recovery Road”) hosts the premiere and joins the cast of comics to take on Valentine's Day and tackle all things funny in love, dating, relationships and sex in the age of social media. Actress Vivica A. Fox will join as the host of a Summer Special. “Gay for Play Game Show Starring RuPaul,” a celebrity-filled pop culture trivia show, will premiere later this year along with the eighth season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Fans don’t have to wait for the premiere to meet the new queens though. The next set of contestants battling it out to become America’s next drag superstar will be ru-vealed during the “New Now Next Honors,” Logo’s annual celebration of the hottest new TV, film and music,on February 1 at 10pm ET/PT. A second season of “RuPaul’s All Stars Drag Race” will premiere later in the year. Logo will also continue to deliver LGBT events including the television premiere of the 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards this spring.

Local Briefs



Photo: Facebook.

ransgender Woman to Receive $115,000 in Discrimination Lawsuit

(WeissLaw) A federal judge in Minnesota has approved the settlement of a transgender employment discrimination lawsuit against Deluxe Financial Services, Inc., one of the nation’s largest check-printing companies, headquartered in Shoreview, MN. The suit was brought on behalf of Britney Austin, who alleged harassment and discrimination in her position as a call center employee at the Phoenix, Arizona office of Deluxe Corp. (That office has since closed.) Ms. Austin alleges that in 2011 after she notified her employer of her upcoming gender transition, she was subjected to ongoing offensive slurs by managers and coworkers. The company also allegedly prohibited her from using restrooms consistent with her gender identity. In addition Deluxe Corp. failed to change her name and sex on company records on grounds that including sex reassignment surgery was required in order to make this record change; but the company denied her coverage


of any medically necessary transgender health care, and denied her severance pay and COBRA benefits when Deluxe closed its Phoenix office and laid off its employees working at that location. Under the terms of the settlement, Deluxe Corp. has agreed to pay Ms. Austin $115,000. Deluxe Corp. has also agreed to remove all trans-specific exclusions in its health care plan. The company will apologize to Ms. Austin for the way she was treated and fully implement companywide policies banning sex discrimination based on gender identity and gender dysphoria, and administer comprehensive training for human resource employees and other managers that ensure adherence to such policies. Deluxe also agrees to allow transgender employees to use restrooms “commensurate with their gender identity” and agrees to allow the EEOC to monitor the company’s compliance with the mandates of the settlement for three-years.

ill Would Toss Adoption Preference for Heterosexual Couples

(AP) Democrats in the Arizona Legislature want a law that requires judges to give preferences to married heterosexual couples in adoption stricken from the books. The legislation introduced in both the Senate and House removes current language giving preferences to a husband and wife over others in adoptions. Backers say the U.S. Supreme Court's decision last year legalizing samesex marriage bans laws giving preferences to heterosexual couple over gay couples. Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, also said single parents shouldn't be given second-tier status on adoptions so the proposal completely eliminates preferences for married couples. He said single parents are just as qualified and sometimes more so to be good parents. He also points to the approximately 19,000 children in state foster care as a reason to change current law. "Anyone who would argue that it's better off to leave a foster kid in a group home instead of in a loving family, even if it happens to be a

mom and a mom or a dad and a dad, is arguing out of their own ideological interest not out of the interest of the kid," said Farley, the lead Senate sponsor. The Senate version, Senate Bill 1171, is assigned to the Health and Human Services Committee chaired by Sen. Nancy Barto, R-Phoenix. She opposes Farley's bill. Committee chairs can prevent bills from being heard by not placing them on hearing agendas. Barto said Thursday that Arizona lawmakers passed the law to ensure children can be raised by a mother and father. "These other decisions in law that our elected representatives have chosen to make, these changes preferring a man and a woman in terms of adoption and other things, those have not been addressed by the Supreme Court," Barto said. "Those are still up to the states. And they should be based on the social science, which is what the original laws making them so were based on. 1.27.2016 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero


rev. Franklin graham calls gay christians 'the enemy' (EDGE) Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of evangelical Christian evangelist Billy Graham, appeared on Dr. James Dobson's radio show "Family Talk" this week, warning that gay people should not be allowed into churches, Right Wing Watch reports. Graham said gay churchgoers are "the enemy" who want to "devour our homes" and "devour this nation," during the program. In the discussion, which took place at an event in Colorado (the dialogue was later played on Dobson's show), Graham also said Christian parents should keep their children away from gay people and take over school boards across the country in order to remove LGBT-related programs. "We have allowed the Enemy to come into our churches," Graham said. "I was talking to some

Christians and they were talking about how they invited these gay children to come into their home and to come into the church and that they were wanting to influence them. And I thought to myself, they're not going to influence those kids; those kids are going to influence those parent's children." Graham added "homosexuality is taught to be OK" in schools and "that is why I want to get the school boards back." Despite his anti-gay rhetoric, Graham insists he loves gay people and feels he needs to tell them that "you cannot stay gay and call yourself a Christian." Dobson also chimed in on his misunderstanding of the LGBT community, saying: "You know what the 'B' stands for? Bisexual. That's orgies! That is lots of sex with lots of people!"

participated in the demonstrations, calling it "a historic day for our country." The Italian government has pledged to pass legislation on civil unions for homosexual couples, along with measures allowing both parents, not just the biological parent, custody in a homosexual union. Campaigners say the lack of parental recognition causes problems on a daily basis for gay parents, from simple school permission forms to health care decisions. Italy lags behind many of its European neighbors in conferring such rights due to strong opposition in this predominantly Roman Catholic nation. The opposition has submitted over 6,000 amendments to the proposed civil unions legislation in a bid to stop its passage. It is scheduled to be debated next Thursday in the Senate.

Protest to Urge Govt to Grant Italians Gay Civil Unions

(AP) Tens of thousands of people demonstrated Saturday in nearly 100 cities across Italy to urge the government to permit gay and lesbian couples to have civil unions and legally recognized families. Mirco Pierro, 39, rallied in front of the Pantheon in Rome with his partner and twin infants, saying he wanted "to defend the rights of our children, not just our rights." Pierro and his partner were married in Los Angeles but their union is not recognized in Italy and only one of them has parental rights. "They are here. They exist, they are part of our families, and it is unfair that they do not have the same rights as other Italian children," he said. "This is the main reason that bring us here." The gay rights group Arcigay estimated that 1 million people


• 1.27.2016

President Blocks Laws Portugal's on Gay Adoption, Abortion

(AP) Portugal's president has vetoed bills recently passed by Parliament that granted full adoption rights to same-sex couples and removed abortion restrictions. President Anibal Cavaco Silva says the legislation granting gay couples the same adoption rights as heterosexuals is a radical change that requires broader public consultation. He says Parliament has failed to demonstrate it is in the best interest of children. The head of state is also blocking Parliament's decision to waive mandatory counselling for women seeking an abortion. He says such counselling is a common requirement in other European countries and eliminating it would diminish the right to information. The presidential vetoes announced Monday can be overturned by a two-thirds majority in Parliament. It was not immediately clear whether the bills' backers could muster that many votes.

Photo: Facebook.


olice Arrest Anti-Gay Demonstrators in Senegal

(AP) The head of an anti-gay coalition says police have arrested 11 people in Senegal's capital during a demonstration against the release of 11 people accused of homosexual acts. Abdoulaye Barro said Friday about 100 people from a 20-group anti-gay coalition staged the demonstration. He said police dispersed demonstrators and arrested some because the protest wasn't authorized. Residents in Kaolack, about 200 kilometers (125 miles) from Dakar, say police arrested 11 people on Dec. 25 after they attended the celebration of a gay marriage. Protesters Friday called on the government to express outrage for their release some days earlier. Homosexual acts are criminalized in at least 34 African countries, including Senegal, where they are punishable by up to five years prison and fines of up to $2,500.


(EDGE) As the gay conservative group Log Cabin Republicans continue to tout Donald Trump as a "pro-gay" candidate, a recent interview with CNN has uncovered that the billionaire reality star turned politician consults the leader of an anti-gay hate group. Earlier this week, as Trump tried to pass himself off as a devout Christian in front of a captive audience of evangelical students at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, he flubbed citing a Bible verse he quoted by saying "two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians." It was an honest mistake, but one that raised eyebrows about his authenticity regarding his knowledge of The Bible, which he said was his "favorite book." In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon on Wednesday, Trump said that prior to the speech, he was given notes on what to say during his address to the students by Tony Perkins, president of the SPLC-designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council. "Tony Perkins wrote that out for me -- he actually wrote out 2, he wrote out the number 2 Corinthians," Trump said. "I took exactly what Tony said, and I said, 'Well Tony has to know better than anybody.'" While some may perceive this move as a subtle shove under the Bible bus by Trump for the flub, Perkins fully admits his part in helping Trump with the speech. "I'm guilty as charged," Perkins told CNN's Erin Burnett. "That's exactly what I did. I sent him a couple of suggestions of some things he could talk about as a connection point." Perkins and The Family Research Council have broken with the pack of evangelical groups and other anti-gay hate organizations by not endorsing Trump's closest competitor Ted Cruz. To date, he has yet to officially endorse a GOP candidate for president.

Photo: Facebook.

rump Consults with Hate Group Leader: LCR Claim He's Not 'Homophobic'



nvestigator Sees Possibility of Bias in Iowa Coach's Firing

(AP) A former Iowa women's field hockey coach has a "reasonable possibility" of proving that gender or anti-gay discrimination played a role in her firing, an Iowa Civil Rights Commission investigator has found. In a screening decision on Tracey Griesbaum's complaint last month, investigator Benjamin Flickinger found that a reasonable person could infer that she suffered discrimination when athletic director Gary Barta fired her in 2014 and that further investigation was warranted. While the case remains at a preliminary stage, the finding comes as the former coach prepares to sue the university. The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education is in the midst of an inquiry into gender bias claims made by field hockey players who supported Griesbaum. The university says Griesbaum was fired over ongoing concerns about the way she treated some players, four of whom had filed complaints between 2010 and 2014. But Flickinger noted that the university's investigative report didn't substantiate any policy violations by Griesbaum and that the one incident singled out as unprofessional also involved the assistant coach hired to replace her. "It is unclear why that report would have led to the termination of an employee with over 22 years of successful employment," Flickinger wrote in the eight-page, Dec. 2 analysis obtained by The Associated Press. Griesbaum contends that male coaches who did worse, including those responsible for a 2011 workout that landed 13 football players in the hospital, were not disciplined, Flickinger noted. In addition, she claims that five other gay female coaches were fired or forced out in recent years. Barta has said those decisions were based on poor team performance.



Photo: Facebook.

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goP Lawmakers Want exemptions for gay Marriage opponents Kathleen Foody



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Photo Credit: Erika Dimmler/CNN.

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• 1.27.2016

(AP) Months after the Supreme Court effectively legalized same-sex marriage, lawmakers across the U.S. are pushing bills that would give businesses and some public employees the right to refuse serving gay couples because of their religious beliefs. The American Civil Liberties Union opposes such bills and says variations have been proposed in 22 states - mostly by Republicans, though they aren't universally backed in the GOP. Top employers, including Delta Air Lines, Home Depot, Porsche and UPS in Georgia, warn the proposals are unwelcoming and bad for business. Even so, Georgia lawmakers have pressed on with a bill that would allow business owners to refuse products or services for same-sex couples planning a wedding, and another that protects state employees who have religious objections to the marriages. Republican state Rep. Kevin Tanner, sponsor of a bill allowing bakers or other business owners to deny wedding-related services for gay couples, said he's not sure the measure has enough support to pass this year but called for a "non-emotional argument." "I don't think anyone really fundamentally wants to prohibit the free exercise of religion and the ability of people to raise their children and still be able to make a living just because they have a different belief system than someone who is their customer," he said. The odds of passage nationwide vary dramatically. Several bills are filed in states with legislatures dominated by Democrats or with a Democratic governor's veto standing in the way, such as Virginia. In Tennessee, lawmakers swiftly rejected a measure barring the state from abiding by the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision after legislative

analysts projected it could jeopardize $8.5 billion in federal funding. Elsewhere, the measures have backing from top officials supported by conservative voters demanding a response to the Supreme Court ruling. In Kentucky - home to Kim Davis, the county clerk jailed when she refused to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples because of her religious beliefs - lawmakers have proposed a bill allowing clerks to remove their name from licenses. The bill matches an executive order issued by Republican Gov. Matt Bevin. Legal experts said any bills that become law are bound to be challenged in court. But how judges may rule depends on the specific issue. Alexander Volokh, an Emory University law professor, said courts may rule against exemptions for public employees. But laws covering private businesses in states without specific civil rights protections for gay residents could stand, he said. "Private individuals don't have any constitutional duty to participate in gay marriage," Volokh said. Charles Haynes, founding director of the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute, said states should be looking for ways to protect gay rights and religious belief, citing Utah's 2015 anti-discrimination law backed by the Mormon Church and LGBT activists. The law protects LGBT residents from discrimination in housing and employment but makes exemptions for religious organizations and religious speech at work unless it harasses someone. "This should not be a zero-sum game where everybody wins on one side and everybody loses on the other," Haynes said.

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new york times remembers Jeff schmalz in 'dying Words' tribute Winnie McCroy

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1946 Wilton Drive •Wilton Manors • FL 33305 (EDGE) On Thursday, January 14 at the New York Times building in Times Square, columnist Samuel J. Freedman and Kerry Donahue, director of the radio program at Columbia Journalism School, hosted a multimedia presentation on "Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed the New York Times." Schmalz was a rising star at The New York Times, who had carefully kept his identity as a gay man hidden from his superiors to protect his career. But everything changed on December 21, 1990 when he collapsed in the newsroom and was then diagnosed with full-blown AIDS. Courageously, Schmalz chose to report on the disease that was killing him and countless others. "Dying Words" is based on original interviews with Anna Quindlen, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. and Adam Moss, among other leading journalists, and it draws on Schmalz's own interviews with such figures as Bill Clinton, Magic Johnson, Mary Fisher, Larry Kramer and Randy Shilts. "It was his mission to show that even a New York Times editor can get AIDS, that people with AIDS weren't the scum of the earth," said Freedman. "He saw the world through the prism of AIDS, and felt obligated to write about what no other news editor in the world could cover in quite the same way." This book, and a companion radio documentary available through PRX, preserve Schmalz's legacy and confirm his profound effect on American journalism. Freedman said that Schmalz was "concerned that no one would ever know what he had done, and sent Kerry and I on a quest to show the world who he was." Schmalz was an ambitious young

Columbia student when he penned a bold letter to the New York Times, telling them they should hire him. Surprisingly, they did. Even more surprisingly, Schmalz dropped out of Columbia to begin working there. He moved his way up from copy boy to copy editor, and quickly vaulted over the usual stepping stones to work for the Metro Editor. Back then, there were no listings at all in the Times Style Guide to refer to LGBTs, not even 'homosexuals.' As Freedman noted, "There was a palpable air of resistance or hostility toward the gay rights movement. New York Times employees couldn't come out, because they felt it would end their career. Even those suspected of being gay were demoted." To wit, after Schmalz helped a co-worker with a story on the gay community, he was bumped to covering local news in the Connecticut office. Meanwhile, in New York City, the new activist group ACT Up was quite rightly reviling the New York Times for the thinness of their HIV coverage, as they buried any stories they did write about HIV deep inside the paper. "Jeff eventually did get called back from exile and began writing about politics, feuding with Mario Cuomo, who would call him at 3 a.m. to complain about pieces," said Freedman. "He even threatened to out Jeff to the New York Times." Before long, the management of the New York Times changed. Schmalz became Bureau Chief of the Miami office, but by Christmas 1990, his vision was going, and he collapsed with a Grand Mal seizure. Schmalz only wrote about 35 stories before he died of AIDS. But the impact they had was felt internationally.

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1.27.2016 •


news palm beach county

sFgn threatens Protest at Fau over distribution Michael Koretzky

uPdate: Yesterday, Florida Atlantic University miraculously found a new place for South Florida Gay News to distribute. All it took was the threat of topless women strolling around campus, handing out copies of a gay newspaper. (see original post on the right)


AU had insisted it would take 16 months – until May 2017 – to “renovate” the single metal rack where SFGN offered free copies of its weekly issues. FAU has built parking garages quicker than that. Now SFGN will have two campus locations: one outside the library, the other outside the student union. After a month of ignoring his efforts at compromise, SFGN editor Jason Parsley says FAU promised him those racks would be installed within the next 2-3 weeks. “I’m happy we were able to resolve this issue so quickly,” Parsley says. “But in the future, I would advise FAU to respond to people in a timely fashion, in order to avoid a situation like this spiraling out of control.” Yesterday, FAU’s student newspaper offered to help. Editor Emily Bloch says

SFGN can borrow some University Press racks until SFGN’s racks are ready. Parsley is pleased, and he has no regrets… “This was just one distribution point out of hundreds that we have here at SFGN. I could have just as easily said it wasn’t worth my time. While I’m sure FAU sees this differently, I saw it as First Amendment issue. And it’s important to remember the First Amendment is non-negotiable. Our freedom of speech and the press are two civil rights that nobody can take away.” So all’s well that started stupidly. Alas, the topless distribution protest has been called off. Too bad, because I was really looking forward to FAU frat boys eagerly accepting newspapers from topless women, only to read them and realize, “Hey, this is gay!”

this post originally appeared online at college Media Watchdog.


• 1.27.2016


Fau suspends sFgn’s on campus distribution

n Wednesday, topless women will unwanted messages,” LoMonte says. LoMonte says the law is “murky” about public distribute a gay newspaper at a public universities being required to distribute offuniversity in South Florida. campus publications. Why? To defend a free press. But… South Florida Gay News is the Southeast Once a college in fact has made the decision U.S.’s largest weekly gay newspaper, but Florida Atlantic University only allows SFGN to to allow news racks on campus walkways, then there must be some reasonable justification distribute in a single spot on campus. It’s a metal rack FAU built, which sounds for deviating from that policy unrelated to the generous until you learn the school banned publication’s content, and the speaker must be SFGN from having its own racks. The school says provided with some reasonable alternative way it’s trying to “beautify” the campus by getting rid of reaching the audience. If FAU is effectively banning the publication of ugly newspaper boxes. That’s fine as far as it goes – those things are from campus, it would have the burden of ugly – but earlier this month, FAU sent this poorly showing that the decision is both unrelated to the publication’s content and that no alternative written email to SFGN editor Jason Parsley. The newspaper racks that was assigned for location exists, which would be awfully hard to placing the South Florida Gay News publication do. That’s “awfully hard” because only 16 days were removed from the breezeway for renovation project. At this time we do not have an alternate separate Parsley’s critical column and FAU’s ungrammatical emails. location. Please suspend the Plus, two daily newspapers delivery of the magazine until aren’t being booted for further notice. "A public university renovations. LoMonte calls this Parsley inquired, “Do you can’t single out “circumstantial evidence of a have a timeframe on when the cause-and-effect” – and he says project will be complete?” certain disfavored it’s “quite strong.” This is the full text of FAU’s publications So SFGN could sue FAU. And reply: “The project is expected based on editorial it might. SFGN’s publisher is an to be finished in May of 2017.” attorney who has gone to court That’s a long time to renovate content and give over First Amendment issues a metal box. It’s also illegal, as them inferior before – and won. If a lawsuit we’ll see in a moment. distribution happens, SMACK (Student Parsley didn’t give up: Media Aid Cash and Know“Are there other locations on locations." How) will help him apply to campus where publications SPJ’s Legal Defense Fund. display their products?” - Frank LoMonte But that could take months. FAU didn’t give in: Executive Director of the Student Press Law Center We have a better, quicker idea. “Unfortunately the breezeway If FAU doesn’t back down, was the only location. I will let SMACK will take off the gloves you know if we will identify – and the tops. On Wednesday, volunteers will other locations in the meantime.” Parsley tried again, but FAU is no longer walk around campus handing out SFGN’s latest responding. On his own, he learned FAU also issue. You can see the cover above. It’s about the Go booted a couple other free publications. But they don’t cover news – they’re glorified shoppers – Topless Movement, which seeks equal treatment under the law: If men can walk around bareand they didn’t object. So what’s going on here? I have a theory: FAU chested, why can’t women? So it only makes sense that topless women is banning several small publications to get to will hand out the paper. Luckily, the forecast is SFGN, and it has nothing to do with being gay. Two weeks before FAU ousted Parsley’s sunny and 74 degrees. (This plan wouldn’t work newspaper, he wrote a column criticizing his at the University of Vermont.) We’ll notify local media, and our volunteers alma mater for violating Florida’s open-meetings law. (Parsley was editor of FAU’s student will even hand-deliver copies to the office of FAU President John Kelly. newspaper in 2007.) If campus cops arrest our volunteers, SMACK Is FAU retaliating against SFGN? If not, this sure is a coincidence. Which isn’t lost on Frank will throw their bail. And if everyone has a good LoMonte, executive director of the Student Press time, we just might do this for every weekly issue of SFGN. Law Center in Washington, DC. Or FAU can finally reply to Parsley and come “A public university can’t single out certain disfavored publications based on editorial up with a solution that won’t take 16 months. content and give them inferior distribution But now that we’ve organized all of this, I kind of locations – or none at all – to penalize or restrain hope they don’t.

Photo Credit: CNN.

Photo Credit: Adam Rose/CNN.

politics white house watch

Clinton, Sanders Neckand-Neck In Iowa

John McDonald

One week before the first votes are cast and Last week she received the Human Rights the race in Iowa appears to be a dead heat on Campaign’s endorsement and this week the the Democratic side. Des Moines Register, Iowa’s newspaper of Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton record, endorsed her and U.S. Senator Marco and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont Rubio of Florida in the Republican race. are each polling around 45 percent support, HRC’s endorsement of Clinton, however, well within the margin of error, with each did not sit well initially with Sanders, who candidate making a final push to win the Feb. labeled the organization “establishment” 1 caucus. before retracting his comments. “You campaign in poetry In an interview with the and govern in prose,” said Washington Blade, Andrew Clinton near the close of a Miller, a member of the New “We don’t candidate town hall sponsored York based grassroots group by CNN Monday night in Iowa. Queer Nation, said Sanders make America “And this campaign needs a was correct in his assessment greater by lot more poetry.” of HRC. The narrative, particularly “It’s gratifying that at least insulting, on the Republican side, has one American politician demeaning and understood – at least for often struck an angry tone with front-runner Donald J. moment – that HRC demonizing our arepresents Trump rising to the top of the the 1 percent, not communities. polls on insults and attacks. the majority of the LGBT Trump leads the GOP field We are better community nor the values of nationally and appears to have LGBT Americans,” Miller told than that.” beaten back a challenge from the Blade. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas After Iowa, the race shifts in Iowa where the latest CBS to New Hampshire (Feb. - Hillary Clinton News poll has the billionaire 9), where Sanders holds a businessman holding a 39 to slim lead in his neighboring 34 percent advantage. state. For Republicans, Trump is lapping the At Monday’s town hall at Drake University, field in New Hampshire with Cruz, Rubio Clinton seemed to be targeting Trump at and Ohio Governor John Kasich his nearest times without mentioning him by name. challengers. On Tuesday, Trump received the “We don’t make America greater by endorsement of Jerry Falwell, Jr., evangelical insulting, demeaning and demonizing our leader of Liberty University. communities,” she said. “We are better than “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life that.” of loving and helping others as Jesus taught Clinton has consistently mentioned her in the great commandment,” said Falwell Jr., support of gay rights in the campaign trail whose father founded the Lynchburg, Virginia and did again at Monday night’s town hall. school in 1971. 1.27.2016 •


lgbtqia bites



ny court ruLes against FarM oWners Who discriMinated against Lesbian couPLe


Compiled by Jillian Melero


'Looking' director to take on aLexander McQueen bioPic Photo: Twitter.

(SFGN) A New York court has found the owners of a farm that was also used as a wedding venue violated the state’s nondiscrimination law when they turned away a lesbian wedding, Metro Weekly reports. Robert and Cynthia Gifford of Liberty Ridge Farm say their conservative Christian beliefs justify their refusal to host the 2013 wedding of Melisa and Jennie McCarthy. The State’s Division of Human Rights(SDHR) had already found the Giffords guilty of discrimination and fined them $13,000. However the Giffords appealed the ruling, claiming that being forced to host the wedding violated their First Amendment rights.


• 1.27.2016

The Giffords lost the appeal in a 5-0 ruling. "While we recognize that the burden placed on the Giffords' right to freely exercise their religion is not inconsequential, it cannot be overlooked that SDHR's determination does not require them to participate in the marriage of a same-sex couple," Judge Karen Peters said, writing for the court. "Indeed, the Giffords are free to adhere to and profess their religious beliefs that same-sex couples should not marry, but they must permit same-sex couples to marry on the premises if they choose to allow opposite-sex couples to do so.”

(EDGE) Andrew Haigh, the director behind HBO's now-canceled dramedy "Looking," has found his next project: A biopic about the late fashion designer, Alexander McQueen, Deadline reports. The film's screenplay will be written by Chris Urch, who wrote the "The Rolling Stone," which just opened in London to excellent reviews. Andrew Wilson's McQueen biography "Blood Beneath the Skin" has been optioned by producer Damian Jones, but the book will likely be used as research material for Urch. Haigh's first break out film was the 2011 gay romantic drama "Weekend." More recently, Haigh directed "45 Years,"

starring Charlotte Rampling, who earned an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. McQueen took his own life in 2010 when he was 40. He created clothes for Prince Charles and Mikhael Gorbachev, wardrobes for David Bowie's 1996-1997 tours, and later developed a close relationship with Lady Gaga. "Openly gay, McQueen's growing fame and fortune also witnessed an increase in drug dependence as well as a slew of failed relationships. He committed suicide in 2010, nine days after his mother Joyce had died of cancer," Deadline writes. The biopic is expected to go into production by the end of 2016.

lgbtqia bites bisexual


Pastor bLaMes WorLd coLLaPse on dead bisexuaL econoMist

(EDGE) In a broadcast on his 'Generations Radio" program Thursday, pastor Kevin Swanson, who in the past called for the biblical punishment of death for homosexuality, blamed the recent turmoil set off by the faltering Chinese economy on U.S. national debt, to which he blames John Maynard Keynes, the father of macroeconomics who happened to be bisexual, Right Wing Watch reports. "It will be interesting to know that a homosexual ruined the world," the antigay pastor said of Keynes, whose widely accepted economic theory Swanson claims was shaped by his sexuality. "Somebody will indeed write the story about this in the year 2060 or 2070, no doubt. This will be the

great exposé of how the world economies came down all because of a homosexual who was promiscuous, who was perhaps one of the most wicked, flagrantly licentious men who has lived in the modern world and he becomes the grandfather of the modern economies, bringing them all down. It makes a lot of sense: Sexual nihilism, of course, will produce sexual burnout, and that must be tied to economic burnout and epistemological burnout as well when societies lose the will to live." Keynes, who was married to well-known Russian ballerina Lydia Lopokova in 1921, was openly bisexual and even kept a male lover during the early years of his courtship with her.



ioc reLaxes guideLines on transgender athLetes

(AP) Transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in the Olympics and other international events without undergoing sex reassignment surgery, according to new guidelines adopted by the IOC. International Olympic Committee medical officials told The Associated Press on Sunday they changed the policy to adapt to current scientific, social and legal attitudes on transgender issues. The guidelines are designed as recommendations - not rules or regulations - for international sports federations and other bodies to follow and should apply for this year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.


Under the previous IOC guidelines, approved in 2003, athletes who transitioned from male to female or vice versa were required to have reassignment surgery followed by at least two years of hormone therapy in order to be eligible to compete. Now, surgery will no longer be required, with female-to-male transgender athletes eligible to take part in men's competitions "without restriction." Meanwhile, male-to-female transgender athletes will need to demonstrate that their testosterone level has been below a certain cutoff point for at least one year before their first competition.

1.27.2016 •


news national

politics out on the trail

darr susPends Largo caMPaign

John McDonald


iting a need for unity and a clear path to victory, Aaron Darr, an openly gay man, is suspending his campaign for the Largo City Commission. In a telephone interview with SFGN, Darr said he is encouraging his supporters to get behind Neil McMullen, a retired manager of nonprofit consulting firms, in the race for Seat 3 on the Largo Commission. “Neil and I spoke in depth about our ideas and our hopes for the city of Largo,” Darr said. “We agree putting families first while creating budgets and policies that lead working families out of poverty and into a thriving middle class is of the utmost importance.” Darr, 24, made headlines in 2014 when he publicly disclosed he is HIV positive. He travels frequently, locally and globally, to

speak about HIV/AIDS from a millennial’s perspective. His quest for the Largo Commission was nothing short of interesting. On Aug. 29, 2015, Darr said he received an anonymous email threatening to release “negative information” about him. Largo Police traced the email back to Darr’s opponent, Robert Avery. Consequently, Avery was arrested Nov. 30, 2015 on felony extortion charges and is out on a $10,000 bond. Going forward Darr said he intends to campaign vigorously for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential election and other progressive candidates down ballot. He said he hopes McMullen can defeat Curtis Holmes in the race to represent the third largest municipality in Pinellas County.









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• 1.27.2016


Photo: Facebook.

Photo: Facebook.

Aaron Darr

Matt drudge giFts $700,000-MiaMi house to Man he’s Lived With For 11 years Jose Lambiet



onservative Internet aggregator lived alongside Drudge in a Collins Avenue Matt Drudge sure has become a condo and Drudge’s $1.57 million-house generous man after 20 years as the in the Venetian Isles in Miami Beach Left’s whipping boy and the Right’s digital and, finally, on SW 157th Avenue, where voice. Drudge has been accumulating land. Or is he finally admitting he is as gay as Neither the newsman nor Alvarado those he’s been bashing returned calls for for two decades? comment. Drudge last week gave Miami Beach realtor "Ninety-nine away half of his real estate Ben Moss, who wasn’t percent of the holdings in the far west involved in the change of time, when Miami suburb of Redland ownership but deals with someone uses a quit to a man he is not related deed issues on a daily claim instead of a to but has lived with since basis, said most instances regular warranty 2004. of quit claim deeds involve deed... it’s to Miami-Dade County family issues. settle a divorce property records show “Ninety-nine percent of or when a family the reclusive Drudge, 49, the time, when someone member wants to gave away a 4,600-squareuses a quit claim instead of donate property." foot house on 4.5 acres a regular warranty deed, of shrubs and woods he which is much safer, it’s to - Ben Moss bought in January 2013 for settle a divorce or when a Miami Beach Realtor $700,000 cash. family member wants to If you believe the quit donate property. claim deed, the founder “Quit claim deeds save of The Drudge Report surrendered the thousands of dollars in transfer taxes.” property that’s adjacent to his $1.45 Drudge has been running his news million-homestead to a man with whom website, one of the most influential in the he shared the same addresses for the past United States, in the Miami area since the 11 years. late-1990s. The lucky new homeowner was Drudge has denied repeatedly he is identified as Juan Carlos Alvarado, 55. gay, even claiming a few years back he He did have to pay Drudge a grand total was close to getting married to a woman of $10, the paperwork shows. “with boobs,” and is known to run stories Florida state records show Alvarado generally portraying gays in a negative once held a real estate license and has light.

SFGN is a media partner with Jose Lambiet’s Gossip Extra.

Photo Credit: Adam Rose/CNN.

news national

stoP hate duMP truMP Michael d’Oliveira


Campaign calls out mogul, media for controversial statements

osie O’Donnell, perhaps Donald Trump’s most well-known enemy, has signed onto the #StopHateDumpTrump campaign in response to Trump’s multiple controversial statements. O’Donnell, who famously got into a public spat with Trump in 2006 over his decision not to fire Miss USA Tara Conner due to her past behavior, is one of the newest additions to the anti-Trump campaign. “I joined Eve Ensler, Harry Belafonte, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda n thousands - 2 say enough #StopHateDumpTrump Join US http:// StopHateDumpTrump.com” wrote O’Donnell on Twitter Jan. 20. Made up of celebrities, actors, academics, artists and others, including Michael Moore, Kerry Washington, Noam Chomsky, and members of the general public, the campaign seeks to call attention to Trump for his “for his hate speech, misogyny, Islamophobia and racism.” “We are offering Americans a chance to be heard and engage

in action, as Trump’s campaign gains momentum even as he increases his hateful and divisive rhetoric,” wrote Eve Ensler, activist and playwright, on the #StopHateDumpTrump website. The campaign also criticizes the media for its treatment of the Republican frontrunner. “We also intend to put the media and political institutions on notice that they are accountable for normalizing Trump’s extremism by treating it as entertainment, by giving it inordinate and unequal air time and by refusing to investigate, interrogate or condemn it appropriately,” Ensler wrote. During the Aug. 6 GOP debate, in response to a question from Fox News host Meghan Kelly about his past statements, particularly the personal attacks on women who have criticized him, Trump said, “I’ve been challenged by so many people and I don’t, frankly, have time for total political correctness. And, to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either. This country is in big trouble . . . What I say, often times, it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say.”

Those who want to support the anti-trump campaign can visit StopHateDumpTrump.com. 1.27.2016 •


New HIV Cases In Broward Jan to Nov 2015

news local

New HIV Cases in Broward Jan to Nov 2015

450 400



2 50


300 183

250 200


1 53

150 100


50 0


114 41 New HIV Cases Among Blacks 50 +

New HIV Cases Among Latinos 30 to 49

20 to 29

New HIV Cases Among Whites

13 to 19

January rePort FroM south FLorida aids netWork Sean McShee


his meeting consisted of reports, followed by a presentation on Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC). Neil Walker, Broward County RWC, reported on its current social media campaigns. These campaigns include public service announcements on Channel 4 and social media. These social media campaigns are located on Facebook (Broward Ryan White), Twitter (@get care Broward), YouTube (Get Care Broward), and a Hotline (954-357-9797). Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC) had a $150,000 contract to provide residential and detoxification services to RWC clients. In the past BARC had failed to serve the number of RWC clients required by its RWC contract. As a result, its budget has been reduced to $100,000. Some SFAN members had reported difficulties with getting their clients admitted. BARC has since decided to send a representative to SFAN to resolve some of these issues. Andrea Pollack, BARC, reported that this agency serves indigent substance users throughout Broward. Detoxification refers to a medically


• 1.27.2016

supervised withdrawal from drugs. According to Pollack, not all drugs require a medically supervised detoxification, but alcohol, benzodiazepines, and heroin may require it. Withdrawal from these drugs can result in seizures or other serious complications. A medical examination will determine if a given user requires a medically supervised detoxification. The detoxification program lasts for five to twelve days, depending upon the medically stability of the client. If a client is too sick for the BARC detoxification program, the client will be referred to Broward General Hospital. Pollack reported that the detoxification program has only thirty-four beds. These beds are located in two sex-segregated wards. Patients in a sex-segregated ward lack privacy. Like the “bathroom issue,” sex-segregated wards can become another flashpoint for transgender rights and access. Unlike the “bathroom issue,” this flashpoint occurs in a chronically underfunded and highly stigmatized context, involving highly vulnerable and marginalized people on all sides. The intake involves an assessment of

“comfort” with that transgender client in that sex-segregated ward. If the assessment of “comfort” results in a determination that the transgender client would be “uncomfortable,” Pollack said that BARC would refer that client to Broward General Hospital. BARC has plans to move into a new facility that will admit patients in the fall of 2017. As this new facility will have private rooms, transgender clients should not have to face this problem in the future. Pollack responded to charges that clients faced admission difficulties at BARC. She stressed that BARC does not have the capacity to serve all indigent substance users needing its services. Joey Wynn, SFAN Chair, pointed out that SFAN members would generally use case managers to refer clients to BARC. Pollack stated that case manager referrals would be most helpful. Broward HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report From January through November, a noticeable difference emerged in age distribution by race in Broward. More young Blacks, than Whites or Latinos, were being diagnosed with HIV (see chart “New HIV Cases In Broward Jan to Nov 2015”).

Announcements February 5, 2016, the Black AIDS Institute will host The Broward County PrEP Summit from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Fort Lauderdale Airport and Cruise Port Hotel, 1825 Griffin Rd, Dania. To register go to www.broward-prep.eventbrite.com. Broward House is offering tests for syphilis, penile gonorrhea, and penile chlamydia at 2800 North Andrews Ave. Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, February 12, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Newcomers are encouraged to attend. To see the full Broward HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, please visit http://broward. floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/ infectious-disease-services/hiv-aids/hivaids-surveillance/_documents/11-2015.pdf The South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) functions as the networking/advisory body for the Ryan White Care (RWC), Part B grant in Broward County. Its monthly meetings are open to the public

1.27.2016 •


news palm beach county

news national

victiM oF gun Point robbery says attackers used grindr to Meet hiM John McDonald


he victim of an alleged attempted robbery told police he was lured into the situation through the use of the gay dating app Grindr. On Jan. 18, Boynton Beach Police arrested Justin Allen, 16, Lashawn Montal, 16, and Kelcey Riddick, 17, on one count each of armed kidnapping, armed robbery and resisting arrest without violence. The teenagers are accused of luring the victim, a 31-year-old Lake Worth man, to the 1500 section of West Boynton Beach Blvd. where they, allegedly, entered his car at gunpoint and demanded he drive them to a bank for money. While at the Wells Fargo Bank, 220 North Congress Ave., the victim and suspects fled on foot. Police were called and the trio of suspects were apprehended. At least one of the accused denies the charges. “Man fuck that Mexican, we did not rob anyone, we only had BB guns that did not work,” states Montal, of Boynton Beach, in a

BBPD report, obtained by SFGN. The victim, in initial statements, did not reveal to police how he encountered the suspects. After further questioning, the victim admitted to receiving a message from a black male through the mobile app Grindr. Boynton Beach police said the victim was trying to “protect his personal life due to he is a homosexual.” All three suspects have been turned over to the Juvenile Assessment Center. A search of the area near the bank revealed three BB guns found in the bushes, report police.





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• 1.27.2016

rePort on the u.s. ryan White care Sean McShee PrograM 2014


n December 2015, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) issued its annual Ryan White Care (RWC) program report for 2014. It shows dramatic success in two areas. First, from 1980 to 1985, babies were born infected with HIV. As RWC clients, 229 of those “HIV babies” have now lived into their early 30s. Second, in 2010, about 32 percent of all RWC clients were 50 or older, but in 2014, about 40 percent were. People with HIV infection are now living into their 50s, rather than dying in their 30s. In 2014, the national RWC program served 272,193 HIV-infected clients. Males constituted 55.9 percent of these clients, females 28.7 percent, and transgender people 1 percent. Gender data was missing for 14.4 percent of clients. This report examined RWC’s effectiveness with two measures: 1) the proportion of RWC clients retained in care, and 2) the proportion of RWC clients with a suppressed viral load.

retention in care HRSA defined “retention in care” as two medical visits in 2014. In 2010, the RWC program retained 82.2 percent of its clients. In 2014, it retained 80.4 percent. The Florida RWC program retained 82.4 percent of RWC clients in 2010. In 2014, Florida retained 81.6 percent. Nationally, the RWC retained 80.4 percent of its clients in care. In order to minimize significant differences between identifiable groups, HRSA first had to draw a boundary between significant and insignificant differences. HRSA set this boundary at a proportion of 75.4 percent. This boundary differed by 5 percentage points from that among all RWC clients (80.4 percent). The RWC program had less effectiveness in retaining clients with unstable housing (72.9 percent), with clients aged 20 to 24 (73.4 percent), and with clients aged 25 to 29 (74.3 percent).

viral suppression HRSA defined viral suppression as having less than 200 copies of HIV per milliliter. People with this amount, or less, of HIV in their blood can maintain their own health. They also have a minimal risk of infecting others. The proportion of RWC clients with viral suppression increased from 69.5 percent (2010) to 81.4 percent (2014). While all racial groups saw increases in viral suppression, increases differed among racial groups. Large initial differences in 2010 resulted in continuing large differences in 2014. In 2010, 13 percentage points separated the proportions between Blacks (63.3 percent) and Whites (76.3). From 2010 to 2014, Blacks experienced an increase of 13.8 percentage points. In those same years, Whites had an increase of 10.3. Despite this impressive increase among Blacks, in 2014 Blacks were only 0.8 percentage points ahead of where Whites four years before. In 2014, Blacks (77.1%) were still 9.5 points behind where Whites (86.6%) were in 2014. No major differences existed in 2010 or in 2014 among the four largest risk groups: Gay Bi Men, Gay Bi Men who Injected Drugs, Heterosexual Contact, and Injecting Drug Users (Het and Lesbian). The Florida RWC program had increased the proportion of clients with a suppressed viral load from 66.4 percent (2010) to 81.2 percent (2014). HRSA again used a 5-percentage point difference to identity significant and insignificant differences between groups of RWC clients. As 81.4 percent of all RWC clients in 2014 had achieved viral suppression, groups with less than 76.4 percent viral suppression indicated lesser RWC effectiveness. Six groups fell below that boundary. See Chart “RWC Viral Suppression in 2014.” While the RWC has benefitted many clients, some clients have benefited less than others. This report identified some groups of RWC clients with whom RWC has less effectiveness than with others, as well as some significant improvements.

To view the entire RWC Annual Client-Level Data Report, please visit http://hab.hrsa.gov/data/servicesdelivered/2014RWHAPDataReport.pdf

Photo: Facebook.

news local

New Beach Bear Weekend Director’s Past Under Scrutiny John McDonald


FGN has learned that the newly appointed individual petitions for restraining orders against director of Beach Bear Weekend has a Jungwirth, expressing fear for their personal safety. checked legal past, which includes both Meanwhile, Beach Bear Weekend is scheduled civil and criminal issues. for May 5-9 in Fort Lauderdale. In the past, the First, SFGN has discovered that Craig Jungwirth, the new director had a permanent group has petitioned the Greater Fort Lauderdale injunction and restraining order entered against Convention and Visitors Bureau for financial support. Its former director, Bob Young, was a him by a former employer, for conduct alleged to frequent CVB critic, complaining have been "threatening, erratic that the county was under a duty and violent,” according to court to do more than they had done. filings. However, the LGBT Additionally, Jungwirth, who Its former representative to the CVB, was once arrested for stalking, director, Bob Richard Gray, has disputed is presently facing misdemeanor Young, was those claims, insisting that charges in Broward County the ‘Bear’ representatives have Court for defrauding an a frequent not comported themselves innkeeper. He is fighting CVB critic, professionally, imposed those charges vigorously, with unreasonable demands and counsel. The stalking charge complaining ultimatums, and “effectively has since been dropped, but that the made meaningful discussions court records also reveal that unpalatable." Jungwirth was evicted from his county was At press time, it was unknown Wilton Manors apartment at under a duty to what the implications of the 100 N.E. 23rd Street for nondo more than new revelations concerning payment of rent. Beach Bear’s new director will After being named to the they had done. be. A meeting with the CVB is Beach Bear posts, a number scheduled for February 3, to of local activists have been plan for this year, and put aside posting concerns that the new past difficulties. representative for “Bear Tourism” would be When asked by SFGN to specifically identify charged with defrauding an innkeeper. But the his role with the Beach Bear Weekend, Jungwirth charges are still pending. refused to answer the question, referring all calls However, in researching the allegations, SFGN learned that separate from that incident, circuit to Andrew Lord, the event’s director of marketing. When further asked if he wanted to respond to courts from three different states (Florida, Ohio and Massachusetts) have entered restraining any of the allegations in the lawsuits, Jungwirth orders against Jungwirth for threatening behavior. again refused to comment, referring all calls to Lord. They include representations that Jungwirth When told the story would be appearing would “bankrupt” his ex-employers, and they with his refusals to comment being published, would soon be facing “heart attacks.” Additionally, at least four former colleagues Jungwirth again gave out Lord's phone number, from his job in Massachusetts have filed refusing to answer any of SFGN's inquiries. 1.27.2016 •


feature hiv

6 u.s. hiv advocates to Watch in 2016 Mark S. King


Joshua Middleton

Photos: Facebook

Big Bear Lake, California

traight men living with HIV aren’t unicorns. They do exist. But being public about their status means facing an additional layer of ignorance. Joshua Middleton has every intention of changing that. “I’m putting a face on the heterosexual HIV positive male that is often silent in this fight against HIV,” says the 25-year-old Californian. “I want to show the world that there is always hope.” Joshua has started his own blog, contributes to TheBody.com, and has dived into the HIV advocacy arena with vigor and youthful enthusiasm. He has become an avid supporter of PrEP, uses his fluidity in

“Being a woman of faith has often made me feel torn in what I view as a really sensitive culture. In the faith arena, I feel that many layers of HIV aren’t addressed, just those that feel less controversial,” she says. “And outside of the faith world, I sometimes feel as though I am not taken seriously because of my beliefs. But I have hope for change.” In 2016, Kamaria will be focused on making her organization emPOWERed Legacies officially a non-profit, completing her book, Chasing Waterfalls, and making a mission trip to Haiti. Tami Haught, the SERO Project Training Coordinator who led the fight that successfully updated Iowa’s HIV criminalization laws, believes Kamaria’s spirit may be her most valuable tool as an advocate. “Kamaria has so much energy, her smile lights up a room,” Tami says. “Her spirit and resolve are inspiring, and she is a power to be reckoned with in Florida.”


• 1.27.2016

Photos: Facebook

Chicago, Illinois

multiple languages to share HIV messages, and wants to pursue a law degree for the express purpose of defending those being unfairly prosecuted by HIV criminalization laws. “He is a loving soul,” says Maria Mejia, the popular social media personality and HIV positive advocate. “He represents a new generation of activist and I am always so proud to see a young heterosexual male stepping out of the HIV closet.” “Sitting on the sidelines is not an option for me,” says Joshua. “I’m going to be a driving force until the day when HIV becomes yesterday’s news.”

Kamaria Laffrey

Winter Haven, Florida


Robert Garofalo

is such a privilege to share their stories with you and highlight their important work. Their twitter handles and other social media links are included whenever available; I urge you to follow them so these advocates can inspire you all year long! This week we will showcase the U.S. activists and next week we will present 10 HIV advocates from around the world. And now, it is my honor to present…

Photos: Facebook


he Positive Women’s Network USA (PWN USA) could easily generate an activist list of their very own, considering how ferociously powerful the organization has become in recent years. One advocate who has benefited from their inspiring female power is Floridian Kamaria Laffrey. “More and more women are coming out of the shadows,” Kamaria says, “and helping to break down misconceptions of HIV.” Her work with PWN USA, We Make the Change Florida, and as part of a strategy team with The SERO Project to repeal criminalization laws, is keeping her schedule brimming with advocacy activity. “I am continually fueled to find ways to share purpose beyond pain when issues of criminalization, reproductive injustice, and overall stigma prevent people from seeking treatment, staying in care and living the abundantly full life they deserve.” Kamaria credits her religious faith for getting her through her diagnosis in 2003.


hey come from nearly every corner of the U.S. They are engaged in local communities and on the international scene. They include mothers, artists, a fugitive, a performer, and a drug smuggler. They are speaking out, acting up, and in some cases risking their personal safety and liberty. They are the 16 HIV advocates to watch in 2016, and they inspire and humble me. It

hen you visit the Twitter page for Robert Garofalo, it isn’t really a page about him. It’s all about his dog, Fred. And that is the first thing you need to know about Robert’s activism. The Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University has devoted his career to the care of HIV+ adolescents and has done a fair amount of HIV prevention interventions for young men who have sex with men and young transgender women. But let’s get back to the dog. Robert founded Fred Says to raise money for agencies across the country that care for HIV+ young people. “I wanted to do something that was personal and creative,” says Robert, “and that tapped into the gratitude I had for my dog, Fred, who quite literally saved my life after my own HIV diagnosis in 2010.”

The photo essay project When Dogs Heal, launched in 2015, was the result. “Our hope was to change the narrative about HIV to be about love, hope, survival and thriving while living with HIV — all while giving credit to the healing powers of our pets,” says Robert. “Our hope in 2016 is to turn When Dogs Heal into a traveling art exhibit and to turn the project into a book.” Charles Sanchez, the writer and star of the web series Merce, which features a lead character living with HIV, knows a little something about employing creative talents as an advocacy tool. “Sometimes a dog is more than just a man’s best friend, but also his best medicine,” says Charles. “Rob’s project has the potential to change people’s minds about what someone with HIV looks like. His work inspires me.”

feature hiv

Photos: Facebook

Atlanta, Georgia


Chicago, Illinois


Masonia Traylor

ongtime HIV activists don’t always slip gently into the background after having made their contribution a generation ago. Sometimes advocates like Rick Rose get a second (or third) wind and re-dedicate themselves to HIV advocacy. On World AIDS Day in December of 2015, Rick was so inspired by the work of the Philadelphia Center in Shreveport, Louisiana that “I officially recommitted myself to the battle,” he says. Rick has lived in Louisiana for eight years, but his own HIV advocacy goes back thirty years. As director of the AIDS Mastery Foundation in Los Angeles in 1993, he worked hand in hand with the first Miss America to have AIDS as a platform, Leanza Cornett. “Like many of us living in the throes of the pandemic, I needed a break,” Rick says.

Cassie Warren

Photos: Linkedin

Cassie take her job helping young people navigate healthcare systems personally. “My work is rooted in a deep love for community and uplifting that love against systems that aren’t,” Cassie says. “Many young people experience trauma by the U.S. medical system. So, until we get real healthcare reform, you do what you can to create a safer space for folks to get what they need, and to feel celebrated and autonomous in their bodies.” Jim Pickett, the HIV prevention advocate at AIDS Foundation Chicago who has a global reputation for innovation, is deeply impressed with his home town colleague. “Smart and tenacious, Cassie Warren is an advocate we all should be watching if we aren’t already,” Jim says. “Everything she does is rooted in a strong sense of community, social justice, and human rights. She’s equal parts thoughtful and fierce, and Chicago is so lucky she is here moving mountains!”

“That break lasted 19 years too long.” Rick is focusing his efforts on the health disparities common in the South, and the impact HIV is having on communities of color. And that means frank conversations. “The South can no longer hide behind congenial traditions and mock religious beliefs,” Rick says. He’s also looking forward to documenting the stories of people at risk in the South through podcasts and other new media. Miss America 1993, Leanza Cornett, remains a fan and a friend more than twenty years after her reign. “Rick is absolutely one to watch in 2016,” says Leanza. “Even now, he is spearheading round table workshops focused on women of color and HIV. I am so proud of Rick and his work, then and now.”

hen Masonia Traylor tested HIV positive during a routine medical visit in 2010, she was simply shocked. She didn’t feel she was facing her own morality, though, as much as a “spiritual death.” She lived in such a state of anger, at having become infected, at every person she ever trusted, and even at herself as she second-guessed every choice she had made. It was a dark time that produced a surprisingly sunny advocate. The 27-year-old mother of two has tremendous enthusiasm for her advocacy today, focused on population she relates to: youth at risk. It is widely known that in the United States, an estimated 1 in 5 people living with HIV do not know they are infected. What is less known is that among those living with HIV who are between 13 and 24, more than half do not know they are infected. It’s no wonder Masonia is so

passionate about reaching them. “Equipping youth with knowledge and awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic is what it will take to stop new infections,” Masonia says, who devotes her time volunteering for a variety of HIV agencies and maintaining an active presence on social media. “HIV is manageable, treatable, but most of all preventable.” None other than the formidable Luvvie Ajayi, the social media sensation and founder of the Red Pump Project, believes Masonia has what it takes to deliver a message to young people. “Masonia has turned her pain into power by telling her story so others can know the faces behind the numbers,” says Luvvie. “She is one to watch in 2016 because her work is going to touch more lives and make more impact. I am so inspired by Masonia.”

Photo: twitter


ll Cassie Warren wants for 2016 is a cute mobile van. The Youth Health Benefits Counselor at Howard Brown Health Center is happy to explain, and with great persuasion, that a mobile van represents many of the issues relating to providing health care to young people. “I think if we want to make PrEP, hormones, and birth control more accessible to young people we have to reduce the number of things you have to do to get it,” Cassie says, “and we have to do it in a youth-centered environment. We have to bring it to them.” But wait. Cassie isn’t done making her case. And she even broadens it. “There are a lot of folks out there who think young people can’t be adherent or don’t care about their health,” she says, “and those folks have absolutely no business providing care to young people. We need to look at the structural barriers and find ways to reduce and eliminate those.”

Rick Rose

Shreveport, Louisiana

Read next week’s SFGN for part 2 of this story. 1.27.2016 •


Photo Credit: @sarahdashji, Twitter.

news national

anti-israeL deMonstrators disruPt task Force conFerence Jason Parsley

Protestors call for destruction of Israel

Queer anti-Israel protestors disrupted the opening reception Earlier in the week the Task Force had cancelled the of the National LGBTQ Task Force’s annual Creating Change opening reception after some activists complained that the Conference last weekend in Chicago chanting “from the river to Task Force was promoting “pinkwashing” at their conference. the sea, Palestine will be free.” Pinkwashing is a term describing a Hava Holzhauer, the Florida regional director of the public relations strategy that uses Anti-Defamation League, called the protest hateful and Israel's good record on LGBT rights "Disappointed was shocked at how out of control it got. At one point to deflect from its treatment of the hotel security called police to break up the event. Palestinians. that they “[That chant] is a very anti-Semitic and anti-Israel After the abrupt cancellation choose to stand other activists and groups statement. It calls for replacing the state of Israel with Palestine,” Hava said. “This wasn’t a peaceful protest. complained and the Task Force up for racism, This was a hateful protest. They used words that were course. colonialism and reversed chilling. Calling for the destruction of Israel, those are “I have decided to reverse our imperialism, words of hate.” decision to cancel the ‘Beyond the Some people reported one protestor calling a Jewish Bridge’ reception hosted by A Wider and not for man a kike, a historically offensive and derogatory term. Bridge with guest speakers from the human rights." In another incident video footage showed one protestor Jerusalem Open House,” said Rea covering a Jewish man’s face with a Palestinian flag. After Carey, executive director of the Task - Bashar Makhay he removed the flag by grabbing it out of the protestor’s Force. “It is our belief that when Tarab-NYC hand others appeared to lunge at him, but were pulled faced with choices, we should move back. The protestors then shifted their focus on the towards our core value of inclusion Jewish man chanting in loud angry voices “Shame on and opportunities for constructive you, shame on you.” dialogue and canceling the reception was a mistake.” In a strongly worded statement after the conference wrapped The reversal though only fanned flames of discontent up the Task Force condemned anti-Semitism. resulting in a 200-person protest at the opening reception. Holzhauer said the protest was misguided. “I want to make this crystal clear: the National “Jerusalem Open House is a community organization not LGBTQ Task Force wholeheartedly condemns just for Israelis and Jews but Muslims, Christians, Palestinians anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic statements made everyone regardless of religion, ethnicity, or nationality,” at any Task Force event including our Creating Holzhauer said. Change Conference. It is unacceptable. Hate Carey promised things would change before the next speech of any kind is unacceptable whether it’s conference. directed at Jewish or Muslim people.” “In light of all that has happened, I have already started a


• 1.27.2016

review of the Conference so we can make needed changes in the future,” she said in a statement. “Among them are: inclusiveness and program content review; safety and security; and promoting conversation and peaceful protest.” Many of the Jewish attendees told other media outlets that once the protest started they didn’t feel safe. Bashar Makhay of the group Tarab-NYC told the Windy City Times he was disappointed with the Task Force. “Disappointed that they choose to stand up for racism, colonialism and imperialism, and not for human rights. By inviting A Wider Bridge they did just that, and they threatened to arrest us. Enough is enough. We won't stand for injustice." Faith Cheltenham, president of BiNet USA, who took part in the protest told the Windy City Times: "It's wonderful because we're seeing people be represented. There are many LGBT people who think treatment of Palestinians is incorrect. Many people. There are very few people who'd say, 'You know, they're getting everything they want. ... It is cultural apartheid, so much so that the Obama administration recognized that. They actually said recently that this is unjust. So when you come here to the LGBTQIA gender nonconforming queer community and you deal with us, that's our movement. That's our intersection." Holzhauer though sees it much differently saying that using intimidation to shut down other people’s voices goes against everything the conference is meant to stand for. “They prevented the speakers from speaking,” she said. “It’s ironic and hurtful and disappointing. This is a conference about creating change.”

Looking to make a positive impact on your community?

Become an Advisory Board Member! The City of Wilton Manors is recruiting residents and local business owners for volunteer positions on the following boards and committees:

Budget Review Advisory Committee (5 positions available) Economic Development Task Force (Please contact the City Clerk for specific qualifications.) Community Affairs Advisory Board (1 position available) Recreation Advisory Board (1 position available) Please visit our website at www.wiltonmanors.com or call the City Clerk's office at 954-390-2123 or 954-390-2128 for more information on each board. *Interested parties must meet certain criteria to be considered to serve on boards. This information can be found on the city's website or by calling the numbers above.

1.27.2016 •


6th anniversary

Six Years In Gay South Florida SFGN Staff For the last five years SFGN has held a 'A Day in Gay South' sending photographers out to capture a glimpse of LGBT life in South Florida over the course of 24 hours. We also ask our readers to submit their own photos from that day.

Ever y Day Counts


• 1.27.2016

6th anniversary

SFGN's Sister Publications SFGN Staff PERS





From our quarterly magazine to our bi-monthly all inclusive neighborhood news outlook, t us r SFGN makesLdeoevery ev effort to cume iew your p nts ainformed keep you, our reader, t no c resent harge 9 5 4-56 all year round! ! 7JE F F R E




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1.27.2016 •


6th anniversary

Six Years of

From comedy to controversy:


January 2010

The first cover of SFGN makes its debut, featuring Mike Verdugo.

SFGN Staff


March 2010

May 2010

The Revolution Starts Now!

Senate Repeals DADT

Obama Mends Old Wounds; extends health care rights to gay partners

Neil Rogers

Leonard Matlovich The Original Dan Choi

Story Of The Year

• 1.27.2016

norm kent sFgn Publisher

April 2010

A Tribute by Norm Kent Page 12

December 2010


asserting their rights to be treated equally. Our goal has been simple: to be conscientious and credible; readable and rewarding. Thanks for making the journey with us.

t's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It's also been said that I talk too much. So this week, as SFGN celebrates its sixth anniversary, we present you with this photographic and visual collage of our newspapers, from our first issue featuring a police officer challenging his discriminatory firing to our last, with women



4 10


Latino Salud Expands


Brock Launches Equality Matters

Special Section starts on Page 17

21 27


Annie Lennox


Danielle Staub Interview

6th anniversary

Front Page News


Judge Walker at the Center of the Marriage Storm

May 2011

STONEWALL 2011 June 2011

July 2011

A Tale of 2 Donkeys

Michael Musto: Why I Hate Being Gay

August 2011 The Pink Swastika Theory

November 2011 1.27.2016 •


6th anniversary



January 2012

July 2012

A Lust to Bust

March 2012

Entrapping Gay Men in South Florida Parks

manor to host retiring congressman barney frank page 35

Remembering. Raising. Riding.



W S , N E




Gay Truckers

The Men, The Myth, The Medical Reality


November 14, 2012 • volume 3 • Issue 46

October 2012

Remembering. Raising. Riding.

Southernmost AIDS ride rolls from Broward to the Keys

Southernmost AIDS ride rolls from Broward to the Keys Page 12

We Grieve

from sea to shining sea lgbt candidates sweep the elections page 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE



Update: Broward House Scandal



Roundtable on Elections

equality florida gala page 36


• 1.27.2016




White Update: Party Wilton page Returns! Ponzi taste of the island page 37

Thoughts about the day 20 children were killed and the Earth stood still

December 2012


Marriage Equality Photo Exhibit

6th anniversary



January 2013

September 2013


From touchdowns to fouls, 2012 was a big gay year for sports

May 2013

November 2013


Marriage Equality Photo Exhibit

'I'm Gay'

Jason Collins, a pro athlete, comes out



November 2013

Smart Ride Reaches Fundraising Milestone

1.27.2016 •


6th anniversary



January 2014

Imagine All Were Equal! John Lennon's Artwork is Coming to South Florida

Our Day Has Come June 2014


Killed saving gay best friend

November 2014

The Ricky Horror Picture Show

Haunting Election Coverage from SFGN

November 2014


Smartride Breaks Fundraising Record; Mark's List Publisher Struck & Killed


• 1.27.2016

July 2014

SFGN's special issue on marriage and love

6th anniversary

2015 –


March 2015

After an investigation SFGN finds Equality Florida's endorsement process needs an overhaul

Local HIV prevention group, Impulse, causes a stir by charging those over 40 to attend their events.

July 2015


April 2015

The Supreme Court rules in favor of samesex marriage

January 2016

SFGN profiles the Go Topless movement

January 2016

1.27.2016 •


transforming Gender


Rebecca Juro



FAlse ProPHets Being famous and trans isn’t enough

most well-known trans people in the U.S. and hen you’re trans, it can be tough to find real community leaders and role respected as a community leader. When Wilchins and the GPAC board models, even though sometimes it announced that they were revamping the seems like just about every one of us wants the mission of the organization from one focusing job. Real trans leaders, at least those who have on trans people and issues to a broader focus some significant level of mainstream name on gender discrimination, one that included recognition, have proven to be far and few advocacy for gender-based discrimination of non-trans individuals, many trans between. In addition, certain people saw it as a betrayal of their segments of our community mission and the investment the seem to delight in tearing To be truly community had made in it. some of these folks down, As a result, Wilchins was sometimes for good reason considered a personally vilified by many, and and sometimes not. it became known that the We’ve had pretenders to leader in this once organization had begun working the throne, such as Susan with and received funding from Stanton and Zoey Tur, trans community the almost universally hated women who were presented you have to Human Rights Campaign, many in the media as trans leaders people withdrew their because of their notoriety, not only talk trans support and new organizations but soon showed themselves which were completely focused to be too self-serving and the talk, you on the interests of trans people, unqualified to take on such have to walk such as the National Transgender a role. Unsurprisingly, the Advocacy Coalition, began to always-skeptical trans the walk. appear. community rejected both It’s this history, which provides of these women as leaders us insight into why trans people because they didn’t measure are as skeptical as we are of those who are up. popularly defined as our community leaders, The roots of this skepticism go back to the whether by their own choice or by having it days of Riki Wilchins, the Executive Director of GenderPAC (GPAC), which existed from 1995 to foisted upon them by outside sources. It also explains why so many trans people 2009. GPAC was originally created as a national organization to represent the interests of trans have refused to embrace Caitlyn Jenner in the people. At the time, Wilchins was one of the same way as we have Janet Mock and Laverne


• 1.27.2016

Cox. Simply being famous isn’t enough. Saying nice things about trans people isn’t enough. Saying you want to make the world better for trans people isn’t enough. No, to be truly considered a leader in this community you have to not only talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. You have to actually do the work as well as say the right things. You have to show up and speak up when you’re needed by the community, not just when you try to charge people $500 a ticket for the privilege. Being on television doesn’t earn you the mantle of leadership, no matter how good your ratings are. It’s also about what you do when the cameras aren’t rolling, when the only audience is your fellow trans people and those who care about us. It’s about putting your community’s interests above your own. It’s about understanding why it’s not credible to say you support trans people and our equality in one breath and then declare you’re going to be voting for a political party which supports creating laws which would put trans people in prison for using the bathroom in the next. To be a leader in the trans community, to actually lead and have people follow, you have to be real, really real.

Real like Janet Mock and Laverne Cox are real. They not only use their celebrity status to best effect to help the community, but they also do a lot of work behind the scenes, work that most cisgender folks, and in many cases the vast majority of trans people, will never see or hear about. Real like Mara Keisling is real. Regardless of what her detractors may claim, she’s the hardest working national advocate we have. It seems like she’s always on a plane somewhere to spread the message. She always does a great job when she gets the call to talk trans issues in the media, even with a loudmouth trans radio host like me. That’s what being a real leader is all about, not just talking but doing the work and putting the interests of your community first, even when no one’s watching. It’s a hard job. I know. I was a trans community leader once, for a while. I wasn’t particularly good at it, which is why I’m not anymore, but that’s another column. Leaders lead, and if Caitlyn Jenner truly aspires to be one, she’s going to have to earn it.

Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat. Email: rjuroshow@gmail.com Twitter: @beckyjuro


Out Now! Winter 2016 •

Vol. 5 Issue 1

Winter 201

6 • Vol. 5

Issue 1

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lGBtQ PArent PolitiCiAns

Dana Rudolph

Jackie Biskupski


• 1.27.2016

Photos: Facebook

Jared Polis



016 is a presidential election year, so let’s get in the mood for politics by catching up with some elected officials who are also LGBTQ parents. The year began right as Jackie Biskupski started her term as mayor of Salt Lake City, the metropolis’ first openly LGBTQ chief executive. She entered politics in 1995 when controversy arose about a gay straight alliance at a city high school. After adopting a son, now almost six years old, and raising him as a single mom, Biskupski recently became engaged to Betty Iverson, an executive for Johnson & Johnson, who has an 11-year-old son. Salt Lake City has always been a bit of a liberal enclave within a more conservative state, but as the headquarters of the antiLGBTQ Mormon Church, seems an unlikely place for a lesbian mom mayor. (Biskupski herself comes from a Catholic background.) The Mormon Church recently established a policy that the children of same-sex parents may not be baptized until they are 18 years old (10 years later than usual), and may only be baptized or serve a mission if they move

Make sure to tell friends and neighbors how the outcome of the election could impact your family. Personal stories do make a difference.

out of their parents’ home and disavow their relationship. Openly gay Utah state senator Jim Dabakis told People magazine, however, that “What makes [Biskupski’s] victory extra special is that Jackie’s sexuality was never an issue” (11/5/2015). As Biskupski took office, another lesbian mom mayor left hers. Annise Parker, who completed three terms as mayor of Houston and was required to step down, has spent 18 years in city government. Her election made Houston the largest U.S. city with an openly LGBTQ mayor. She suffered a major political loss last November when a gender-identity-inclusive human rights ordinance, which her council had passed, was repealed at the ballot box. Opponents ran a scare campaign claiming the ordinance would lead to men in women’s bathrooms. The Houston Chronicle recently praised her, however, for improving city-county relations, the city’s parks, historic preservation laws, and processes for criminal justice and at City Hall, even though she failed to make progress on pension reform. Parker, who has four children with her spouse Kathy Hubbard, a tax consultant, now plans to spend a few months at the Institute of Politics at Harvard, after which she may run for a judgeship or state office. She told KHOU two weeks ago that she never wanted to be known as the “gay mayor,” but admits that her sexual orientation gave her ‘an opportunity to talk about the coolness factor of Houston,” and helped bring it global attention. That’s us LGBTQ parents all right: globally cool. (Shame it’s taking some places longer than others to realize that.) On the federal level, U.S. Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado, the first openly LGBTQ parent in Congress, can breathe a sigh of relief going into the New Year. The House Ethics Committee

in mid-December closed a probe into actions have all contributed to much more than LGBTQ equality. But they give me hope that our of his that the Office of Congressional Ethics government can truly be representative of any had believed might have promoted private and all people in our country. Their willingness businesses. One was his appearance in a video by the to be their out, authentic selves (particularly creators of the “League of Legends” video Brown, who is married to a man and could easily come across as straight game. Polis is an avid gamer. if desired), brings visibility to The other was a makeover by our community. The women, a Boulder menswear designer, too, are showing people that which was prompted by GQ’s “What makes being a mom (coupled or statement that Polis had the [Biskupski’s] single) doesn’t necessarily “worst Congressional style mean giving up a high-profile ever.” The committee found, victory extra career. (Men have historically however, that Polis’ actions had special is had less trouble balancing “substantial non-commercial, careers and parenthood.) representational” purposes, no that Jackie’s I wrote about politicians different from how many other because I firmly believe that members of Congress connect sexuality one of the best things we with constituents. was never an can do for our families this This proves, of course, that year is to vote. The election a) he’s going to be one of the issue” will determine not just the coolest dads ever once his two president, but also control children (now four and one-Jim Dabakis of the Senate (the House and-a-half years old) are old will almost certainly remain enough to play video games Republican) and, in all with him; and b) the myth of likelihood, the balance of the Supreme Court. inherent gay male fashion sense is just a myth. Meanwhile, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, The recent progress of LGBTQ equality could suffer serious setbacks depending on the who is bisexual and a stepmom, has her outcome in November. hands full managing the standoff with armed Before then, make sure to tell friends and militants who have occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, hoping to wrest it neighbors how the outcome of the election from federal control. She issued a statement could impact your family. Personal stories January 7 saying, “Those individuals illegally do make a difference. Show your kids, if they are old enough, what it means to become an occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge need to decamp immediately and be held accountable.” informed voter and be part of a participatory democracy. November may seem a long time There’s no need for politicians to be LGBTQ and/or parents to support equality for our away, but as parents, we all know how time families, of course. And the politicians above can fly. Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Awardwinning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.

Kate Brown

1.27.2016 •


column opinion

stAte oF our Community Jorge Richa

Marketing & Programming Director; Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC)


n behalf of the Miami-Dade Gay & we begin our networking programming Lesbian Chamber of Commerce we this year with the “5th Annual State of would like to wish our members and Our Community" Networking Luncheon the community at large a prosperous New & EXPO. This much anticipated event is Year 2016 ahead. May this be a year of sponsored this year by Morgan Stanley and personal and professional media partner Miami Herald. growth where businesses We expect to count with the continue to thrive in We encourage participation of the following order to contribute to our leaders in our community the LGBT economy and the progress including representatives of community of our city. $8 Billion SAVE and Equality Florida: – That is the estimated to support LGBT purchasing power  State Representative those David Richardson in Miami-Dade County. businesses We encourage the LGBT  Mayor Carlos Gimenez (Miami-Dade County) community to support that invest those businesses that  Mayor Tomas Regalado in our (City of Miami) invest in our community community needs. It is from this  Mayor Philip Levine (City needs. of Miami Beach) support that we thrive and have a voice in the policies  Mayor Jim Cason (City of Coral Gables) that shape our nation, our state, and our local communities. Don’t miss the opportunity to network As an organization that has been the voice of the LGBT businesses and its allies in with fellow attendees and listen to our south Florida for more than a decade now, speakers talk about their 2016 plans & its


• 1.27.2016

impact to the LGBT community. The event will be taking place at Jungle Island (111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami) on Monday, Feb. 1 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

(lunch program from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.). Cost of admission for MDGLCC members is $45 and for non-members is $55.

To RSVP for the “5th Annual State of our Community" Networking Luncheon & EXPO or interest in joining the MDGLCC, please visit www. gaybizmiami.com or reach us at info@gaybizmiami.com / 305-673-4440.

Gay Rags A Survey of LGBT Periodicals

February 18 – March 6

Stonewall National Museum – Wilton Manors Gallery 2159 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305

local name, global coverage

1.27.2016 •


lifestyle books

‘wHAt we leFt BeHinD’ by Robin Talley

Terri Schlichenmeyer


ears from now, it’ll all seem so sweet.

There’ll always be a soft place in your heart for your first kiss, your first I-love-you, and for the person who gave them to you. You’ll never forget the electricity of holding hands or the rush of being together even after, as in the new novel “What We Left Behind” by Robin Talley, you start to pull apart. Gretchen Daniels wasn’t sure why she didn’t tell her girlfriend, Toni, that they’d be attending college in different cities. Last spring, Toni applied to Harvard and Gretchen applied to Boston University – same city, opposite ends - both reasoning that they could at least spend weekends together. At the last minute, though, Gretchen decided to attend NYU. She didn’t tell Toni until the night before she left. They were juniors in their all-girl high school when Toni first saw Gretchen at a dance and was instantly in love. Everybody thought they were the cutest couple: Gretchen conferred upon Toni a new-found popularity. Toni taught Gretchen what it was like to be genderqueer – or, at least she tried. But the secret that Gretchen held all summer bugged Toni, and she was rightfully upset. She really didn’t have much to say to Gretchen, a silence complicated by Toni’s immersion into a campus group she joined. Freshmen weren’t allowed to be officers of the Undergraduate BGLTQIA Association but upperclassmen let her hang out with them and, under their tutelage, she began to explore labels for herself. She began to think about gender fluidity, and transitioning. Toni’s lack of communication baffled


• 1.27.2016

416 pages $18.99 / $20.99 Canada c.2015, Harlequin TEEN Gretchen, and she discussed it at length with her new BFF, Carroll, a gay man who loved New York as much as did Gretchen. He was just one of the new friends she’d acquired, but she missed Toni and the closeness they had. She didn’t quite understand why Toni was questioning so much about herself, and she wasn’t sure how she’d fit in her girlfriend’s life if Toni became Tony. Would that change, change everything? Better question: by the end of this book, will you care? I have my doubts. “What We Left Behind” is very, very slow; in fact, it sometimes seemed to me that it was twice as long as its 416 pages of overlydetailed, same-old dialogue and young adults who were way too angst-y for my tastes. Yes, these kids do things that only increase the melodrama amongst themselves, which is ultimately not all that interesting but which creates an uneasiness in plot, making most of author Robin Talley’s characters mighty unlikeable. And yet, I persevered. I was hoping to learn something from Toni’s gender-questioning. What I got instead was an abundance of language that seemed rather clinical and not always clear. Was that the point? Shrug. Romance readers may find a tiny smidge of amour here, if they’ve the time to look for it, but I really wasn’t a big fan of this book. For the most part, I think, “What We Left Behind” is a title that should be heeded.


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lifestyle history

Photo: Michael Maggs.

The Headmaster, in a 2013 production of The History Boys by OVO theatre company, St Albans, UK

Homo History 101

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Pier Angelo

Graham Chapman (1941 –1989) was an English

comedian, writer, actor, and one of the six members of the surreal comedy group Monty Python. He played authority figures such as the Colonel and the lead role in two Python films, Holy Grail and Life of Brian. Chapman was openly homosexual and in a relationship with David Sherlock for most of his life. He suffered from alcoholism during his time at Cambridge and the early Python years. Chapman died of tonsil and spinal cancer on 4 October 1989, on the eve of Monty Python's 20th anniversary. He first disclosed his homosexuality in public on British jazz musician George Melly's television show, becoming one of the first celebrities to do so. He was a vocal spokesman for gay rights, supporting the Gay Liberation Front and the newspaper Gay News, which listed him as one of the publication's "special friends" in recognition.

Monty Python’s Flying Circus: The group's influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles' influence on music but, almost 50 years later, it is interesting to look back through the lens of the differences in society that almost half a century in time has brought about. In 1969 Homophobia seemed not only common, but generally accepted. Monty Python’s Flying Circus, was a great example of this. Chapman was a founding member, who was also 44

• 1.27.2016

militantly pro- gay, which begs the question of how he must have felt about the gay-bashing humor included in a lot of the Pythons sketches. Especially when he was a major participant in it. The most likely answer is that he knew that this was the way it was in the late '60s and early '70s, and decided to, as Monty Python themselves would say, “get on with it!” Unfortunately he could not be reached for comments at this time.

The History Boys is

a play by British gay playwright Alan Bennett. It premiered at the Royal National Theatre in London on 18 May 2004. Its Broadway debut was on 23 April 2006 at the Broadhurst Theatre where 185 performances were staged before it closed on 1 October 2006. The play won multiple awards, including the 2005 Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play and the 2006 Tony Award for Best Play. The play opens in a fictional boys' grammar school in the north of England. Set in the early 1980s, it follows a group of history pupils preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge entrance examinations under the guidance of three teachers (Hector, Irwin, and Lintott) with contrasting styles. Hector, an eccentric teacher, delights in knowledge for its own sake; Irwin, a supply teacher, is hired to introduce a rather more cynical and ruthless style of teaching. Hector is discovered sexually fondling a boy and later Ir-

win's latent homosexual inclinations emerge. The character of Hector was based on the schoolmaster and author Frank McEachran (1900–1975). In 2006 it was made into a comedy-drama film adapted by Alan Bennett from the play. It was directed by Nicholas Hytner, who directed the original production at the Royal National Theatre in London, and features the original cast of the play.

Alan Bennett (9 May 1934) English playwright, screenwriter, actor and author. His collaboration as writer and performer with Dudley Moore, Jonathan Miller and Peter Cook in the satirical revue Beyond the Fringe at the 1960 Edinburgh Festival brought him instant fame. The Pythons were great admirers of their work. His work includes The Madness of George III and its film adaptation, the series of monologues Talking Heads, the play and subsequent film The History Boys. His play The Lady in the Van has just been released as a movie, starring Maggie Smith, and tells the true story of Alan Bennett's strained friendship with Miss Mary Shepherd, an eccentric homeless woman whom Bennett befriended in the 1970s before allowing her temporarily to park her van in the driveway of his Camden ( London) home. She stayed there for 15 years. Bennett still lives in Camden Town, and shares his home with Rupert Thomas, the editor of World of Interiors magazine.

1.27.2016 •


lifestyle cars d R I V E n


The Q3 is fully equipped with tons of technology, including Google Maps-equipped navigation and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Photos: Audi.

F-Type r a u g a J 6 1 20 V-6 S Coupe Base Price: $78,295 Power: 3.0-liter supercharged V-6 (380 hp, 339 lb-ft of torque) Transmission: 6-speed manual or 8-speed automatic Fuel Economy, city/hwy mpg (EPA est): 15–19/24–27

Steve Siler

2016 AuDi Q3

More proof that sexy things do indeed come in small packages


ize matters. It really does. optional leather—a must in my book— Anyone who tells you it doesn’t Apart from its looks, the advantages is lying. of small cars like the Q3 are relatively I’m talking about cars, of course obvious. Parking is a cinch, especially (what were you thinking of?) and for when aided and abetted by beeps and most people looking for a cameras to mitigate new ride, one of the most blind spots. Indeed, important considerations if you knick or bump beyond its looks is size. How into stuff in this car, The Q3 is also many butts do I like to have you’re not paying spacious, but around me? How much car attention and can by garage take? And of not so big that should probably And of course, there’s that get out and take an your Miatapesky matter of money. Now Uber. The Q3 is also more than ever, bigger is not driving friends spacious, but not so always better. big that your Miatawill be asking Bigger is usually sexier, driving friends will though, so it’s remarkable be asking to borrow to borrow to come across—not that your car on moving your car on way, dirty birdy—a car like day. And being so the Audi Q3, a versatile and small, the Q3 is far moving day. handsome crossover that less thirsty than its manages to be both very larger siblings. small and very sexy. ShrinkThat said, its wrapping most of what’s good with turbocharged engine is far from slow. Audi’s other crossovers, namely the Q5 Handling is light and nimble—another and Q7, the Q3 is fully equipped with hallmark of midget motorcars—yet it tons of technology, including Google retains much of the high-speed stability Maps-equipped navigation and Wi- and viscerality that makes German cars Fi connectivity. It also coddles with the envy of the industry.


• 1.27.2016


Chevrolet Corvette Porsche 911 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

Renowned automotive journalist Steve Siler pioneered automotive writing for the GLBT community in 1998 and currently contributes auto news and reviews to Car and Driver Magazine, Yahoo Autos, The New York Daily News, Autoblog, Details, and many more. You can follow his adventures on Twitter/Instagram: @silerroad.

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1.27.2016 •


lifestyle photos

HAPPy 90tH BirtHDAy, PomPAno Bill J.R. Davis


• 1.27.2016

to see more PHotos, Visit sFGn on FACeBook!

lifestyle photos

I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my work laptop. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The person depicted here is a model.Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

1.27.2016 •


lifestyle food Submitted photo.


Rick Karlin


BeACH, PleAse!

p north, the temps have finally dropped and blizzard conditions are settling in and my email in-box starts to fill up with requests from friends to save them from the frigid temperatures. Suddenly, all my friends up north have an overwhelming urge to visit. When friends visit I usually take them down to the water taxi and let them spend the day drooling over houses few of us can afford. The closest we can come is having a leisurely meal at one of the numerous water and beachfront dining spots in town. There are a number of ocean-side cafes, but don’t neglect those places along the inter-coastals; at dinnertime you can get some pretty spectacular sunsets. Here are a few spots we find have the wow factor our guests desire, and while many are tourist traps, the food and service are good enough that we don’t mind going back again…and again…and again. This causal spot is in the Jova House, CAsABlAnCA CAFÉ the first home 3049 Alhambra constructed on Fort Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale Beach and the oldest remaining 954-764-3500 oceanfront structure. CasaBlancaCafeOnline.com Walk up the terra cotta steps into the main dining room or take the winding wrought iron staircase to the second floor dining room or patio and you really will feel as if Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman could be seated at the table next to you. Although it’s across the street from Sebastian Beach, the raised patio, dining room and second floor balcony tables of the Mediterranean Revival home all offer great ocean views. Entrees average $25-$33, but lunch meals are half that price. There’s a great happy hour deal; small plate appetizers are just $5, and select drinks are 50 percent off Monday through Friday from 4-7 p.m. That deal is only available at the bar, but with the floor to ceiling doors open, you still get a pretty good ocean view. Among our favorites are the over-sized crab cake sandwich and the Mediterranean chopped salad.

AruBA BeACH CAFe 1 E. Commercial Lauderdale-by-the-Sea 954-776-000 ArubaBeachCafe.com


• 1.27.2016

With live steel drum bands and Jimmy Buffet wannabees crooning, the bar can get quite noisy, but if you’re in the mood for it the festive atmosphere is fun. If you prefer

something a little less frantic, wait for a patio table or, if it’s a bit chilly or rainy, ask for a table near the windows in the dining room. Aruba is literally right on the beach, so the views are pretty terrific. Parking in this area can be tricky, so you might want to opt for Aruba’s valet parking if there’s nothing in the city lot around the corner. The main draws here (other than the view) are the exotic cocktails and great seafood dishes. We always get the lobster club and the smoked salmon plate. The blackened seafood trio provides enough food for two. They charge for a basket of bread, but one taste and you’ll understand why, it’s addictive and we always go through at least a loaf. There’s an off-menu item they’ll make upon request; lobster pizza. A little north of Aruba Café, this hidden gem is hard 6002 N. Ocean Blvd. to find. You could Lauderdale-by-the-Sea easily miss the sign in front of the 954-781-2200 small, independent SeaWatchOnTheOcean.com hotel that houses Sea Watch. The waterfront restaurant sits atop a bluff just 50 yards from the ocean. The balcony and patio seats offer postcard views. It’s a bit on the pricey side, about $50 for dinner, lunch is half that amount. Try the crab-stuffed lobster tail and the corn bread.

seA wAtCH

Sure you can drop nearly $40 kAluz restAurAnt for an entrée at 3300 E Commercial Blvd. this upscale intercoastal spot, but Fort Lauderdale you can also enjoy 954-772-2209 a really terrific KaluzRestaurant.com burger or salad and get away for about $25 a person (including a cocktail or glass of wine) and still get the same great view. For even bigger savings head over for lunch or brunch. Cocktail hour 4-7 p.m. offers up tons of apps for less than $10 and great deals on wine and beer. The living room style seating on the dock is perfect spot to laze away the afternoon, and the staff never tries to rush you.

let me know your favorite place to take out of town guests and i’ll go check it out. send me an email at sFGnfeatures@gmail.com.

After years as a dive, Shooters was given a sHooters major facelift by its new 3033 NE 32nd Ave. owners a little over a Fort Lauderdale year ago. It’s a lot more upscale now, and the 954-566-2855 prices reflect that. It’s ShootersWaterFront.com a beautiful location, but the food is uneven in quality and preparation. However, if you go for cocktails and apps and watch the sun set over the inter-coastal you won’t be disappointed. The smoked fish dip, fried calamari and coconut crusted shrimp are good bets and, during happy hour, all cocktails are 50 percent off (at the bar only, but it’s raised up so you still get breathtaking views). BTW, there’s a lot across the street with metered parking, but Shooters offers free valet. If you miss that dive-bar aspect from Shooters old days, 3051 NE 32nd Ave. just head next door to Fort Lauderdale Flip Flops, where the 954-567-1672 views are just as good and the prices are a FlipFlopsDockSideEatery.com real bargain. However, it’s not just reasonably priced food and drinks that are a draw, it’s cheap food and drinks that are gooooood! Try the tender ribs ($19 for a full slab!), fish tacos or a shrimp po’boy ($12 each) and $3 drinks (wine, well and beer) during happy hour. The first Sunday of the month features a gay tea dance and drag show, with happy hour prices all day long. Both Flip Flops and Shooters are at a water taxi stop.

FliP FloPs

These sister restaurants, part of the Be Nice chain, share 429 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort the same kitchen, Lauderdale but have completely 954-525-2421 different menus. CoconutsFortLauderdale.com/ Coconuts offers gandboysterbar.com seating on a dock right on the inter-coastal, G&B has a patio wedged between the side of the building and the parking lot, yet still offers somewhat of a view. At Coconuts, you must try the scoobies; snow crab legs soaked in garlic butter. Forget decorum and dig right in. At G&B the lobster corn dogs are impossible to resist and the lobster martini is a downright bargain for the amount of lobster you get. Dinner at either place should run you around $20, more with drinks.

CoConuts/G&B oyster BAr

1.27.2016 •







J a n u a r y

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fe b r u a r y

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W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




theater Slow Burn Theatre presents “Violet,” the Off Broadway hit musical about a young woman accidentally scarred by her father. She undertakes a bus journey from her sleepy North Carolina town to Oklahoma in the hopes a TV evangelist can cure her. The show-stopping score soars with American-roots, folk and gospel anthems. Through Feb. 7 at the Broward Center. Tickets are $45 at Broward Center.org.



concert The Cleveland Orchestra continues its Miami residency at the Arsht Center tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. The program includes Brahms’ Double Concerto, featuring violinist William Preucil and cellist Mark Kosower. Maestro Franz Welser-Möst also leads the orchestra in Prokofiev’s Divertissement and Symphony No. 3, drawn from the composer’s opera, “The Fiery Angel.” Tickets at ClevelandOrchestraMiami.com.

The Maltz Jupiter Theatre in Jupiter celebrates Pride Night on Saturday with a special performance of “The Will Rogers Follies.” Photo Credit: Jen Vasbinder.


1/30 SUN

1/31 MON

2/1 TUE






The award-winning Maltz Jupiter Theatre in Jupiter celebrates its seventh annual Pride Night with a special performance of “The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue,” tonight at 8 p.m. Enjoy a pre-concert reception with hors d’oeuvres and meet the cast after over dessert. Tickets are $39. To reserve tickets, call 561-575-2223 and mention the password COWBOY. For more information, go to JupiterTheatre.org.

There’s been just enough chill in the air this January to make us yearn for a bowl of hot chili and you can find plenty at Esplanade Park in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The best cooks in South Florida—amateurs and professionals—will face off in the Riverwalk Chili Cook-Off today from 12 noon to 4 p.m. and you can be a judge. Tickets are $10 for a taste of all or $20 with three craft beers at GoRiverwalk.com.

You never know who might show up on the Alibi stage in Wilton Manors each Monday at 10 p.m. for Jennifer McClain’s Cast Party. Tonight, we have a heads up, her special guests are members of the “Book of Mormon” cast, currently playing at the Broward Center. These Broadway stars will wow you on their night off with their favorite show tunes, stories and more. More info at AlibiWiltonManors.com.

Admit it, you had a childhood crush on the dashing Captain Kirk. Actor William Shatner will be coming to the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach tonight at 8 p.m. with his one-man show, “Shatner’s World.” Through anecdotes, songs, jokes and some poignant moments, you’ll experience William Shatner’s phenomenal path from classically trained Shakespearean thespian to cultural icon. Tickets at Kravis.org.


• 1.27.2016

1.27.2016 •


a&e theater

Photo Credit: Alicia Donelan.

a&e comedy

PriDe At mAltz Photo photo. Credit: Credit: George Schiavone. Submitted

Donald Cavanaugh


n conjunction with “The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue” the Maltz Jupiter Theater will hold its Seventh Annual Gay Pride Night” on Saturday, Jan. 30. Tickets for the event may be purchased for $39.00 by calling 561-575-2223. The password is COWBOY. Regular seating starts at $55. Pride Night guests will enjoy hors d’oeuvres in the conservatory at 7 p.m. They will adjourn to the theatre a little before the 8 p.m. curtain. After the show, they will join the cast for a post-show dessert meet-andgreet featuring ice cream provided by Pride Night supporter Kilwins of Jupiter.’’ In addition to Kilwin’s of Jupiter, Pride Night is sponsored by Morgan Stanley and supported by South Florida Gay News, Get Out! South Florida on WBZT, and Compass Communiy Center. “As a business leader in our community, we feel it’s extremely important to welcome everyone to the Maltz Jupiter Theatre,” said Andrew Kato, the Maltz Jupiter Theatre’s

producing artistic director and chief executive. “When we started our annual Pride Night initiative seven years ago, we wanted to take that invitation to the Theatre one step further by creating an annual event. Pride events in the northern Palm Beach County area are rare, so we created an exciting yearly event that mixes socializing with a show. Theater is the sort of place that should always be welcoming everyone, and we love welcoming members of our LGBT community each year for Pride Night.”

Comedian Jerry Halliday and his puppets will appear at Village Pub this Thursday with a new monthly show.

ComeDiAn BrinGs VeGAs sHow to VillAGe PuB

J.W. Arnold


t’s been nearly 30 years since comedian Jerry Halliday first took the stage in Fort Lauderdale, but now he calls South Florida home and on Thursday night, he will debut his new monthly show at Village Pub. The native of Norfolk, Va. first became enamored with marionettes and puppets as a child when touring productions visited his community. “I think I was about five years old. I used to see these extravagant shows from New York City. I was fascinated and got hooked,” he recalled. “In those days, the productions were dramatic stories and I would just hang on every moment.” Halliday began making his own puppets and by the time he was a teenager, he was producing his own shows and making money. For about 10 years, he performed children’s shows at museums, including the Chrysler Museum of Art in his hometown and, later, the Smithsonian. His art took a turn when he discovered the comedy of Wayland Flowers and his bawdy famous puppet Madame. “I knew that I wanted to do comedy and when I saw Wayland on television, I knew I could do it, too,” Halliday said. He was also influenced by the celebrated female impersonator Charles Pierce. “Charles Pierce, in my opinion, was the finest female impersonator to ever walk the planet. My belly hurt. It was high camp. Very, very funny and brilliant,” explained Halliday. Flowers and Pierce “were so thrilling” and Halliday spent years perfecting his own act, starting with his first puppet, a caricature of Carol Channing, and eventually building a harem of gay icons including Mae West, Joan

Crawford and Katherine Hepburn. But, by the mid-1990s, he began to realize younger gays didn’t recognize his “icons.” Halliday lamented, “I was on Fire Island and these boys from Chelsea had no idea who they were. I was kind of appalled. By the end of the ‘90s, I put most of these characters in mothballs and concentrated on original characters.” He created three original characters that remained his mainstay for years: a foxy black chick named Sista Girl, Sister Vagina Immaculata and old Granny Goodcunt. It takes Halliday months to craft a new puppet. Halliday eventually worked his puppets into a “Hollywood Squares” style game show format: “I was in a show in Reno and a producer suggested we do ‘Hollywood Squares’ since most of them are dead. If (audiences) don’t know who they are, they’ll still get the jokes. That’s why I pulled them out.” After 17 years in Las Vegas, Halliday recently moved to Wilton Manors. Las Vegas was “a great place to work but a horrible place to live,” and the Island City’s burgeoning entertainment district was enticing. “I thought, why don’t I just move here? It’s one of the last remaining oasis (sic) of gay culture. It used to be everywhere, but now there’s just little pockets here and there. This area still has some razzle dazzle,” Halliday explained. Halliday will resurrect his game show— and the many dead icons—once a month on the fourth Thursday at Village Pub and has plans for other shows, including a two-man revue with local realtor Doug Blevins, another Virginian who performed with him for a time, several years ago.

Jerry Halliday and his world-famous puppets present “Celebrity Squares” on Thursday, Jan. 28 at 9:30 p.m. at Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. There is no cover. For more information, go to VillagePubWM.com.


• 1.27.2016

a&e comedy

Submitted photo.

Bruce Vilanch comes to The Rrazz Room in Coral Springs this weekend.

Bruce Vilanch Talks Showbiz, Politics in Coral Springs J.W. Arnold


or Bruce Vilanch, controversy is a laughing matter. The writer and comedian is bringing his one man show to The Rrazz Room in Coral Springs on Saturday and he has no plans to shy away from any of those traditionally taboo topics of polite conversation. SFGN caught up with him on the phone while he hurried to finish up the script for the Producers Guild Awards last weekend. While the Producers Guild is incredibly diverse, he said, it’s also neither televised nor immune from the after effects of the controversy surrounding the Oscar nominations a couple of weeks ago. “It’s Hollywood,” he said. “It’s the town industry and the city is full of people who don’t want to be branded as racist. It’s a lighting rod for publicity. Nobody understands the nominating process.” Vilanch, who has also written 25 Oscars ceremony scripts, attributes much of the anger to “sour grapes from people who were eligible but not nominated. That makes it sound petty.” “There’s certainly a problem in the industry and the Academy is trying to address it,” he explained. “We’re talking about art, not industry.” He pointed out that while the 20 nominees in the acting categories were white, they were nominated by 1150 actors who are members of the Academy and still more diverse than the other branches, such as the writers and directors who also select the nominees in their professions. “I’ve written the show 25 times and every

year there’s something,” Vilanch said. “This issue just won’t go away.” He also plans to talk politics. Not surprisingly, Vilanch is a proud Democrat: “I’ll wind up voting for Hillary like everyone else with a brain. The Republicans are not an option,” he explained. South Florida audiences should expect to hear Vilanch’s opinions about the current crowd of hopeful Republican candidates. “They’re all such clowns. You don’t have to say anything, they write their own material,” he said with a hearty chuckle. “And there is Sarah Palin standing up and blaming Obama for her son being a lunatic. Imagine if Obama’s kids were as cracked out as hers.” Of course, Vilanch will be armed with plenty of dishy Hollywood stories, too, although he warns he is not a conventional stand up comic. “I’m a storyteller and I’ve been party to a lot of stories,” he again chuckled. “I was a child actor, you know. I never became a child star or we’d be talking from rehab. I love telling these stories about the behind the scenes in Hollywood and the ridiculous jobs I’ve had. It’s so hard to choose now.” The Coral Springs appearance will be a homecoming of sorts. Vilanch’s grandparents lived in Miami Beach and he vacationed here as a child. Years later, his first job out of college was at the Miami Herald. His 95-yearold mother, who just passed away this year, was a snowbird in Boca Raton. He sighed, “I’ve often thought maybe I could just pick up a little place there, but life gets in the way.”

The Rrazz Room at the Coral Springs Museum of Art, 2855 Coral Springs Drive, presents Bruce Vilanch and Jessica Kirson (Comedy Central, NBC’s “Last Comic Standing”) at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30. Tickets are $39 and $60 at CoralSpringsCenterForTheArts.com. 1.27.2016 •


Photo Credit: Weinstein Company.

a&e news

The Lesbian-themed film, “Carol,” starring Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchett swept top categories of the Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association Dorian Awards.

lGBt CritiCs AnnounCe 2016 DoriAn AwArD winners J.W. Arnold



National Arts Institute and Broward Center Present National Arts Institute and Broward Center Present

DIARIES a sassy new musical withnew big musical hair a sassy with big hair

While the Academy of Motion Picture Arts shot entirely on iPhones, won unsung film of and Sciences remains mired amid charges the year. “Fargo” and “Orange is the New Black” of institutional racial bias in the Oscar tied for the best television drama and nomination process, the Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) “Transparent” was the best television Arts Institute and comedy. “Transparent”Browar was also best LGBT rewarded a more diverse representation from the film and television industries with its show and star Jeffrey Tambor accepted the award for outstanding performance by an Dorian Awards, announced last week. actor. “Empire” was the campy show of the Todd Haynes’ Lesbian-themed period drama, “Carol”—snubbed by the Academy year and “Looking” the unsung television show. Gay icon Aretha Franklin won best in the best motion picture and director categories—walked away with five awards, musical performance for her appearance on the Kennedy Center Honors broadcast last including film of the year and LGBTQ film of the year. Haynes was named best director month. Alicia Vikander, who co-starred with and Cate Blanchett the best film actress of Eddie Redmayne in “The Danish Girl,” was the year. In unique Dorian Award categories, “Magic recipient of the “We’re Wilde About You” Rising Star Award, one of several named Mike XXL” was deemed the campiest flick, while Sean S. Baker’s “Tangerine,” a story of for the organization’s “patron saint,” Oscar African-American transgender sex workers Wilde.


a sassy new music 2016 GAleCA Dorian Award winners: with big hair

FILM OF THE YEAR VISUALLY STRIKING FILM OF TV CURRENT AFFAIRS SHOW “Carol” THE YEAR OF THE YEAR DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR “Mad Max: Fury Road” “Last Week Tonight With John Todd Haynes, “Carol” UNSUNG FILM OF THE YEAR Oliver” FILM ACTOR OF “Tangerine” CAMPY TV SHOW OF THE Diva Diaries tells the story of three dynamic drag queens on the THE YEAR CAMPY FLICK OF THE YEAR YEAR verge ofDiaries a nervous breakdown as they prepare forqueens their final night Diva tells the story of three dynamic drag on the Leonardo Dicaprio, “The “Magic Mike XXL” “Empire” Diva Diaries tells the of three on stage. funny, Diva Diaries has an energetic score and Revenant” story TV DRAMA OF THE YEAR TV MUSICAL dynam PERFORMANCE vergeExtremely of a nervous breakdown as they prepare for their pop final night FILM ACTRESS OF THE YEAR (TIE) “Fargo” & “Orange is the OF THE YEAR on stage. Extremely funny, Diva Diaries hasend, an energetic pop is score and eye-popping production numbers. In the Diva Diaries a musical verge of a nervous as they Catebreakdown Blanchett, “Carol” New Black” Aretha Franklin pre eye-popping production numbers. In the end, Diva Diariesfun! is a musical celebration of friendship, family, and fabulous LGBTQ Film of the Year TV COMEDY OF THE YEAR THE ‘WE’RE WILDE ABOUT celebration of friendship, family, and fabulous fun! stage. funny , Diva Diaries has a “Carol” “Transparent” YOU’ RISING STAR AWARD Enjoyon convenient and delicious dining in the CaféExtremely at the Abdo New River Room FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM OF TV ACTOR OF THE YEAR Alicia Vikander Enjoy convenient and delicious in the Café atand the during Abdo New River Room starting 90 minutes prior todining the performance intermission. eye-popping production numbers. In the starting 90 minutes prior theisperformance and during intermission. THE YEAR Jeffrey Tambor, “Transparent” WILDE WIT OF THE YEARen A fulltobar also available. A full bar is also available. “Son of Saul” TV ACTRESS OF THE YEAR Amy Schumer celebration of family , a SCREENPLAY OF THEfriendship, YEAR Taraji P. Henson, “Empire” WILDE ARTIST OF THE YEAR “Carol” LGBTQ SHOW OF THE YEAR Todd Haynes DOCUMENTARY OF “Transparent” TIMELESS Café AWARD Enjoy convenient and delicious dining in the a THE YEARprior UNSUNG TV SHOW OF THE performance YEAR Jane Fonda (previously starting 90 minutes to the “Amy” “Looking” announced)

FINAL WEEK WED - SAT @7:30 p.m. January 6–31 January 6–316 p.m. and SUN @ 1 p.m.,

tickets Ticketmaster| 954.462.0222 | 954.462.0222 ticketsatatBrowardcenter.org Browardcenter.org Ticketmaster

GroupSales Sales| 954.660.6307 | 954.660.6307 Broward Center’s Broward Center’sAutoNation AutoNation Box Box Office Office Group Follow Followus: us:


• 1.27.2016

Browardcenter Browardcenter

January 6

A full bar is also availabl

More than 130 LGBT entertainment critics, including SFGN Arts & Entertainment Editor J.W. Arnold, participated in the selection process. For more information, go to GALECA.org.

1.27.2016 •


JAn. 27 to FeB. 2


Theater Christiana Lilly




The Second City: Hooking up with the Second City

Jan. 27 to 28 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. For 55 years, The Second City has had audiences laughing and created comedic legends such as Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert, Gilda Radner, and more. Tickets $39. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

Rising Stars of Metropolitan Opera


Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The next big stars of the Met give the audience a sneak peek of what’s to come. Tickets $15 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.


Through Feb. 7 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. After being scarred by her father, Violet takes a bus from North Carolina to Oklahoma with hopes a TV evangelist can cure her. On the way, she meets a black soldier who teaches her to see her own beauty. Tickets $45. Call 954462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. The lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist for Men at Work is joined onstage by Heather Maloney. Tickets $27.50 to $47.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.

* The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra

Jan. 30 at 2 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. A nostalgic look at the days of Big Band music. Tickets $28 to $38. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.

* Dazzling Dances of India and Spain

Jan. 30 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Broward County Main Library, 100 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Watch two seemingly very different cultures come together for a unique performance of dance. Tickets $20 to $40. Visit APAIArt.com.

* Bruce Vilanch and Jessica Kirson

Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. The two comedians come together for a rip-roaring night of laughs. Tickets $38.92 to $60.12. Call 954-344-5999 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.

* Southside Johnny and the Asbury Dukes

Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. The band’s sound is rooted in the Jersey Shore tunes of the 1970s. Tickets $36.04 to $78.44. Call 954-344-5999 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.

palm beach county

* Romeo and Juliet

Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m. and Jan. 31 at 2 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The British Aquila Theatre takes Shakespeare’s classic and adds a modern twist. Tickets $39. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Dancing with the Stars: Live!

Feb. 1 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Dancers from the popular ABC show perform dance numbers of all genres. Tickets $30 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Dramalogue: “The O’Neill Family: A Long Day’s Journey”

Feb. 2 at 2 and 7 p.m. at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. A discussion of the soon-to-open play as well as a reading of excerpts from 1919’s “Exorcism.” Tickets $20. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

* Shatner’s World William Shatner


Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Shatner leads a one-man show of comedy and storytelling of his years in show biz. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Che Malambo

Feb. 2 and 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Gaucho heritage is the focus of this all-male Argentinian dance company. Tickets $32. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis. org.

miami-dade county

* The Adventures of Sherlock * Denotes New Listing Holmes * Placido Domingo

broward county * An Evening with Graham Nash

Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. A member of the Hollies and Crosby, Still & Nash, he performs fan favorites. Tickets $47.50 to $98. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.

* Def Leppard

Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The band debuts their new single, “Dangerous,” and is joined onstage by Styx and Tesla. Tickets $31.70 to $121.70. Call 800-745-3000 or visit thebbtcenter.com.

* Colin Hay with Special Guest Heather Maloney

Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707


• 1.27.2016

Jan. 28 and 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The renowned detective takes the stage to solve some of the greatest mysteries in London. Tickets $39. Call 561-8327469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Miami City Ballet: Program Two

Jan. 29 to 31 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The ballet company performs La Source, Barber Violin Concerto, and In the Upper Room. Tickets $20 and up. Call 561-8327469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Southern Jam 2016

Jan. 30 at 3:30 p.m. at Sunset Cove Amphitheater, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Get on your cowboy boots and jam out to music by Kris Kristofferson, Lucinda Williams, John Hiatt, and Shawn Colvin. Tickets $65, parking $10 to $15. Visit MusicJamProductions.com.

Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. One of the Three Tenors, Domingo performs songs from Broadway, his own singles, and well as hits like “Granada” and “Besamo Mucho.” Tickets $55 to $695. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

* Live in Central Park (Revisited): Simon and Garfunkel Tribute

Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A tribute to the 1981 concert put on by the duo after playing solo for 10 years. Tickets $40 to $45. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

* The Cleveland Orchestra: Brahms and Prokofiev

Jan. 29 to 30 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Lead by Franz Welser-Most and joined by violinist

William Preucil and cellist Mark Kosower, the orchestra plays Prokofiev and Brahms. Tickets $39 to $173. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Brazilian Voices Concert: Bossa Nova

Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. The South Florida all-women’s vocal group performs jazz, bossa nova, samba, and pop. Tickets $35 to $40. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

The Second City: Hooking up with the Second City

Jan. 27 and 28 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. For 55 years, The Second City has had audiences laughing and created comedic legends such as Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert, Gilda Radner, and more. Tickets $39. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

* Play Reading: “Still Life”

Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at Barry University’s Shepard and Ruth K. Broad Center in Miami Shores. Gloria Stefan and Danny Aiello celebrate the 75th anniversary of the university with a unique reading. Tickets $20. Visit Barry. edu/75/still-life/.


Through Jan. 30 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Priestess Norma falls for the enemy, Pollione, and has children with him. When he turns his eyes to Adalgisa, a temple virgin, Norma turns to murder. Tickets $25 to $229. Call 305-9496722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Cabaret Follies

Jan. 31 at 2 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. A Vegas style show pulling from Erika Moon’s “Viva Paris International Show” and “Burlesque Magnifique.” Tickets $37.50 to $47.50. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

* Motown the Musical

Feb. 2 to 7 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The true story of Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown, as he left behind boxing and went into the music biz, launching the careers of the likes of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson, and other legends. Tickets $29 to $150. Call 305949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* The Tenors

Feb. 3 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The Canadian quartet tour in anticipation of their new album, “Under One Sky.” Tickets $35 to $250. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

An Undersea Tribute to Life

The Neptune Reef is a unique and affordable destination to establish a lasting legacy, while creating life after life. Now being offered by Ask about Package Pricing specials that include cremation. Call 954-731-4321 for more info. www.browardburial.com

1.27.2016 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks “Who Are We Project” Project Launch

Jan. 31 from 3 to 6 p.m. at Fishtales, 3355 NE 33rd St. in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live music, a photography exhibit, food, and more for the project to crowdfund 12,000 limited edition books of Lew Lautin’s photography, benefitting the homeless and hungry. Call Angela Lautin at 954-684-5845 visit WhoAreWeInc.org.

Fifth Annual “State of our Community” Networking Luncheon & Business Expo

Feb. 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jungle Island, 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail in Miami. Network with other business owners in the community, as well as talks from guest speakers Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado, FL Rep. David Richardson, Stratton Pollitzer of Equality Florida, and Joe Falk of SAVE. Tickets $45 chamber members, $55 others. RSVP to GayBizMiami.com, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com or 305-673-4440.

Wet Foot/Dry Foot: Conditions and Contributions

Through Feb. 13 at Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art Gallery, 711 Lucerne Ave. in Lake Worth. Four Cuban artists share their works before and after the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1995. Call 786-521-1199 or email RCBfineart@ gmail.com.

broward county * MADD Broward County Kick Off Party

Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. at Artserve, 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy the kick off party for the April Walk Like MADD event with food, mocktails, ice cream, silent auction, and raffle items. Tickets $25. Email madddash@gmail. com and RSVP to bit.ly/WLMFLKickOff.

* The Syrian Refugee Crisis in a Global Perspective

Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 100 N.E. Mizner Blvd. in Boca Raton. Dr. Robert Rabil, professor of Middle East Studies at FAU, will discuss the Syrian refugee crisis and the challenges of resettlement. In response, Dr. Noemi Marin, professor of Political Communication at FAU, Dr. Bassem Alhalabi, professor of Engineering at FAU and a SyrianAmerican, and the Rev. Andrew J. Sherman, rector of St. Gregory’s. Free. Call 561.395.8285,


• 1.27.2016

Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

JAn. 27 to FeB. 2 Celebrate Native American culture with films demonstrating Native pop culture and life. Free. Visit Facebook or contact Everett Osceola at 954-393-7757 and EverettOsceola@semtribe. com or April Kirk, 954-524-4736 and director@ stranahanhouse.org.

* PrEP Town Hall

Feb. 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Find out more about PrEP -- and why are so few people taking it? With Dr. Steven Santiago at Care Resource, Christopher H. Bates of the Florida Department of Health, and Dr. Lee Anisman. Free. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 210 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org/PREP.

palm beach county Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC. com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach. org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

29 who consider themselves to be lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, questioning, or anything in between are welcome to join! Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

miami-dade county * A Fashion Film Festival

Jan. 28 to 31 at Fashion Project at the Bal Harbour Shops, 9700 Collins Ave. in Bal Harbour. A curated selection of films that influenced fashion over the decades. Call 786245-2200 or visit fashionprojectbhs.com.

Mercado De San Miguel

Through Jan. 30 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Fridays and Saturdays will be transformed into La Feria del Mercada de San Miguel, a traditional market in Spain, fit with foodrelated activities every time. Free. Visit BayfrontParkMiami.com.

* “Maximizing your Membership Benefits” Networking Breakfast

Feb. 4 from 10 to 11 a.m. at LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Learn more about the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and meet members of the community. Free. RSVP to GayBizMiami. com, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com or 305-673-4440.

* “Leveraging GayBizMiami.com to Attract Customers and Build Your Brand” Networking Breakfast

Feb. 4 from 11 a.m. to noon at the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Learn how you business can benefit from GayBizMiami.com and network with other business owners. Free. RSVP to GayBizMiami. com, scott@gaybizmiami.com or 305-6734440.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.

Positive Connection

Rainbow Circle

Jan. 31 at 10 a.m. at Harpke Family Farm, 2781 SW 36th St. in Dania Beach. Get outside for a yoga practice lead by Stephanie Diaz, followed by a mini physicla therapy clinic, Kombucha, and snacks. Suggested donation $10 benefiting the farm. RSVP to on.fb.me/1VjsXBN.

Coming Out Support Group

Book Study

* Native Reel Cinema Fest

Queer Alternatives

ext. 608 or visit StGregorysEpiscopal.org

Hot Havana Nights

Jan. 30 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, 1650 Harrison St. in Hollywood. Step into a ‘50s style Havana nightclub with showgirls, music, dance performances, classic cars, and other fun. In its eighth year, the Hot Hollywood Glam honors Michael Goodman. Tickets $115. Call 954-9213274 or visit ArtandCultureCenter.org.

* Namaste Wellness Day

Feb. 5 at 5:30 p.m. and Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. at Paradise Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, One Seminole Way in Hollywood.

Out of the Closet NA Group

Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Men who are HIV positive are invited to come together for support, education, and advocacy. Closed group. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC. com. Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. a Compass GLCC of the Palm Beaches, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get support as you explore your sexual identity and be your true self. Call Forrest at 561-479-8313. Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. An all encompassing social group, those 18 to

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org. Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

* Denotes New Listing

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1.27.2016 •


SFGN Classified$ accounting - finance HEALTH & LIFE ADVISING INC - 14 years experience. Guaranteed issue 25K critical illness insurance rates at $36 and $50 including accidental injury coverage. Best rates for life guaranteed, from limited med to full medical underwriting. Term/ROP/ WHOLE/FINAL EXPENSE/ACA HEALTH PLANS WITH SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE. CALL 954-2000140, ask for Brian


employment part time IT SUPPORT ANALYST, CITY OF WILTON MANORS - Part-time technical-level position supporting the City's enterprise hardware, software & network infrastructure, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, printers, copiers, telephones, & active directory accounts. Visit www.wiltonmanors.com and follow CAREERS link to position description and application and submission instructions.

employment positions wanted

handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

home & garden


electrician TOP DOG ELECTRIC-QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP AT A FAIR PRICE - Any and all types of electrical work performed by craftsmen who care about their work. 954-533-5005 guy@ topdogelectricfl.com www.TopDogElectricFL.com Lic# 97-CME-1724-X HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com

folow the action.

sfgn.com 62

• 1.27.2016


help wanted EARN $300+ PER DAY - Activists Needed To Collect signatures to get Medical Marijuana on ballot. Earn $300+ per day. 954-616-7736; 754204-0114 Make own hours. HELP WANTED! - New full service gym located on E. Sunrise Blvd., looking for part time front desk help (Tues & Wed 5am- 10am and 8am-2pm every other Sat &Sun) and fill in as needed. Contact Julian via email julian@stamina1640.com.

help wanted SEEKING FRONT DESK PERSON FOR DENTAL OFFICE - Looking to hire full time 8-5 front desk person for receptionist, answering phones, filing, making appts. Full time position with benefits and fun, relaxed working atmosphere for the right person. No previous dental experience needed. Willing to train if you have good attitude and work ethic. To apply, email opdentalung@aol. com.

IT SUPPORT ANALYST, CITY OF WILTON MANORS - Part-time technical-level position supporting the City's enterprise hardware, software & network infrastructure, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, printers, copiers, telephones, & active directory accounts. Visit www.wiltonmanors.com and follow CAREERS link to position description and application and submission instructions. AIDE/COMPANION,HHA/CNA AVAILABLE Experienced Aide/Companion, HHA/CNA available for hourly,dailylive-in or substitute position. More than 10 years experience, licensed, background check available. Excellent recent references. Tri-county. phone or text 754-207-7476

To place a Classified Ad, call Cindy Curtis at 954.530.4970 or email at cindy.curtis@sfgn.com

licensed massage Now HiriNg! Call 800-DiLigENT

INCREDIBLY AWESOME BODY WORK - Incalls at a private studio 15 minutes west of PBIA. Intuitive, experienced licensed massage therapist offers affordable rates 7 days, early to late. ASK ABOUT WEEKLY SPECIALS! Calls only 561254-8065 for the very best massage experience you can get HANDS DOWN! Call for New Year's Specials! #MA51008

piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.


licensed massage AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293


MIKE THE RENTAL GUY NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

rentals wilton manors WILTON MANORS AREA - Stunning 2,300 sq. ft. Townhome with FLex loft for 3rd bedroom or large office. Energy upgraded windows. Large eat-in LED kitchen with Quartz countertops.Living room with vaulted ceilings. Beautiful dining room. 2 car garage,large patio. References and F,L and Security required. $2,175/month. Call 954-8068821.

Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds


painting GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-8705972.

folow the action.


1.27.2016 •


Dir t y Po p at Sea


LANCE BASS & celebrit y guests


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CST: 2034468-50


Ryan Cabrera

Frankie Grande

Hope Leigh Rollins

Je Schroeder & Jordan Lloyd


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le uderda a L t F ten p from t Maar i S r t s d a n hom Rou s - St T a m a h sau, Ba


1 0 2 , 7 1 ril 10 -

Fortune Feimster


Allure of the Seas has just been named Best Cruise Ship by Travel Weekly readers for the second year in the row. But this isn't just a cruise ship. It's an adventure that sails way ahead of the curve. Explore seven singular neighborhoods, from the winding paths of Central Park to the ultimate rush of the Pool and Sports Zone. Surrng. Ziplining. Ice-skating. 3D movies. Come seek all this and more on Allure of the Seas - your biggest vacation yet.

Brad Hooks

Michael Turchin

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