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October 4, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 40
Begins on page 21
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f l o r i d a
g a y
n e w s
SFGN rejoins the annual national LGBT History month project
Miss Florida F.I. Pageant Rescheduled Due to Irma
pages 28 - 31
page 6
NEWS highlight
Macklemore. Photo credit: Amanda Rhoades.
October 4, 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 40
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
Rugby Controversy Puts Macklemore’s ‘Same Love’ #1 On Charts
Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com
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uring Australia’s postal survey on According to Pink News, former rugby marriage equality, Macklemore is player Tony Wall petitioned NRL boss Todd spreading a message of Greenberg to remove the song love — and reaching number 1 because the league needs to “Yesterday “take a neutral position on on the charts. Macklemore planned to the question of same-sex someone perform the pro-LGBT song marriage.” started a “Same Love” and three other The coalition of Marriage hits during the pre-show of said it was “bizarre that the petition in the National Rugby League NRL would choose to use Australia to its half-time entertainment grand final in Australia. The performance was this Sunday, ban me from to push a message which it Oct. 1 in a game between the knows millions of Australians Melbourne Storm and the North playing Same disagree with.” Queensland Cowboys. Former Prime Minister Tony Love at the Over 4 million people were Abbot even took to Twitter to #NRLGF.” expected to tune into the final remark that politics should be via television. But not everyone kept out of sport. - Macklemore was happy with Macklemore’s “Footy fans shouldn't be choice to play an LGBT-themed subjected to a politicised grand song: same-sex marriage opponents were final,” he wrote on Twitter. “Sport is sport!” MEMBER trying to put a stop to it. In response, Macklemore told radio MEMBER
station POWER 106 he promised to “go harder” during his performance despite “angry, old white dudes” trying to stop him. Thanks to the controversy, “Same Love” has reached the top of the iTunes chart and the top of the iTunes video chart. “Yesterday someone started a petition in Australia to ban me from playing Same Love at the #NRLGF,” Macklemore wrote on Twitter. “Today its #1 on iTunes. Love is winning.” “Same Love,” released in 2013, was nominated for a Grammy and performed live while Queen Latifah officiated marriages of 34 same-sex and opposite-sex couples, according to The Rolling Stone. The song’s music video won the 2013 MTV Video Music Award for Best Video with a Message. Watch the “Same Love” music video at youtube.com/watch?v=hlVBg7_08n0
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NLGJA Journalist of the Year Cover: Photo courtesy of AHF.
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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier Mike.Trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse Justin.Wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann Edwin.Neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Rocky Bowell
South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
1 0 .4.2017
10.4.2017 •
NEWS national
CDC Affirms Being HIV Undetectable
Prevents HIV Transmission Jason Parsley
Accounting and Tax Services Timothy S. Hart, CPA Managing Partner
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1 0 .4.2017
he Centers for Disease Control affirmed on National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, HIV positive men with undetectable viral loads pose no risk to their HIV negative partners. “This means that people who take [HIV medications] daily as prescribed and achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner,” the CDC wrote in a statement. “Across three different studies, including thousands of couples and many thousand acts of sex without a condom or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), no HIV transmissions to an HIVnegative partner were observed when the HIV-positive.” The national awareness day took place Wednesday, Sept. 27. Unfortunately in the same statement the CDC also reports that many HIV positive gay and bisexual men are not receiving proper treatment. “However, according to a recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, too many gay and bisexual men living with HIV are not getting the care and treatment they need. Among gay and bisexual men living with diagnosed HIV, 61% have achieved viral suppression, more than in previous years, but well short of where we want to be,” the CDC wrote.
In order to prevent HIV transmission in the gay and bi men community the CDC also detailed what steps it’s currently taking: Funding health departments and communitybased organizations (CBOs) to support HIV prevention services for gay and bisexual men. For example, under current cooperative agreements, CDC has awarded at least $330 million per year to health departments for HIV prevention among the most affected populations and is awarding nearly $11 million per year to CBOs to provide HIV testing to young gay and bisexual men of color and transgender youth of color. Supporting biomedical approaches to HIV prevention such as PrEP and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Supporting projects to identify promising prevention strategies, such as Project PrIDE (PrEP, Implementation, Data to Care, and Evaluation), which is helping health departments implement PrEP and Data to Care demonstration projects for gay and bisexual men of color. Providing gay and bisexual men with HIV prevention and treatment messages through Act Against AIDS campaigns. For example, Doing It, which encourages all adults to get tested for HIV, includes many resources for gay and bisexual men. Start Talking. Stop HIV. helps gay and bisexual men communicate about HIV prevention, and HIV Treatment Works provides resources to help people live well with HIV.
NEWS national
Aids Healthcare Foundation Blames CDC for Increasing STD Rates Jason Parsley
he nation's largest AIDS organization, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, blamed the Centers for Disease Control on the “skyrocketing” STD rates. Specifically they criticized the CDC for “the widespread abandonment of the condom culture for STD and HIV prevention.” Last week the CDC released its “Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2016” report. Some of the alarming highlights include: syphilis rates increased by 17.6 percent over 2015, including a 35 percent increase in women. Babies born with syphilis increased by 27.5 percent. Chlamydia increased by 4.7 percent while gonorrhea increased 18.5 percent. The syphilis rates are now at levels not seen since 1992, and they disproportionately impact Black and Latino gay men. “This appears to be an ongoing and growing public health disaster aided and abetted by the CDC. It comes as no surprise that STDs are skyrocketing around the country, particularly among young people and men who have sex with men, given the CDC’s shift away from promoting condom usage as well as cuts in its STD prevention funding,” Whitney Engeran-Cordova, Senior Director of AHF’s Public Health Division, said in a prepared statement. AHF is urging the CDC to “again prioritize condom use, place STDs at top of national public health agenda.” But according to the CDC’s own report they’re fully aware of the potential public health crisis. “Yet not that long ago, gonorrhea rates were at historic lows, syphilis was close to elimination, and we were able to point to advances in STD prevention, such as better chlamydia diagnostic tests and
more screening, contributing to increases in detection and treatment of chlamydial infections. That progress has since unraveled,” the report reads. “The number of reported syphilis cases is climbing after being largely on the decline since 1941, and gonorrhea rates are now increasing. This is especially concerning given that we are slowly running out of treatment options to cure Neisseria gonorrhoeae.” AHF also attacked the CDC for changing its wording from “unprotected sex” to “condomless sex.” “Regarding decreased condom usage in the U.S.—Advocates from AHF were alarmed that the CDC...changed its longstanding prevention wording regarding condom usage from using the phrase ‘unprotected sex’ to describe sex without a condom or some form of barrier protection, to now utilizing the phrase, ‘condomless sex’ in official CDC documents and vernacular—a move that may suggest or imply to some that condomless sex is somehow protected against STD transmission,” the AHF press release reads. The change in language was announced at the beginning of 2014. A CDC spokesperson told the Bay Area Reporter at the time, “As discussions about HIV prevention strategies evolve, the terminology needs to evolve as well – an issue the CDC has been aware of and assessing for some time. In recent conversations with HIV Prevention Justice Alliance, we shared with them our ongoing efforts to align our messages with this changing HIV prevention landscape." Most HIV advocates and organizations though welcomed the change. More than 75 organizations signed onto an open letter to the CDC pushing them to update their language. 10.4.2017 •
NEWS state
Miss Florida F.I. in Tampa. Photo credit: Isabella Lopez Yero, Facebook.
Did You Lose Wages Because of Irma?
Individuals have until Oct. 16 to apply for help Michael d’Oliveira
ccording to local media outlets in Orlando, Walt Disney World has agreed to pay its employees wages they lost when the theme park was shut down because of Hurricane Irma. For individuals with employers who aren’t as generous, the deadline to apply for government compensation for lost wages is Oct. 16. Individuals who are selfemployed can also qualify. The financial assistance is funded by the federal government but administered through each state hit by Irma. Floridians can go to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website, Connect. Myflorida.com, to apply. According to Benefits.gov, the U.S. government’s official benefits website, individuals who are not eligible for unemployment benefits, can apply to be compensated for lost wages because of Irma. Those who apply must live in a region declared a disaster zone by a presidential order, which includes Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties. Those who apply must provide their Social Security number, check stubs, and documents to prove they were working or self-employed at the time of the storm. Circumstances for obtaining compensation include the loss of employment, inability to reach the
1 0 .4.2017
workplace, inability to work because of injury, structural damage to workplace, loss of power, or the person seeking compensation became the head of the household after the previous head of household died because of the storm. In a press release, Governor Rick Scott touted the financial assistance program. “As we all recover from Hurricane Irma, we are doing everything we can to help Floridians get back on their feet. This federal funding will provide important employment opportunities to Floridians who may have lost their jobs due to the impacts of this massive storm and will also support ongoing recovery efforts. Now, Floridians can get back to work helping those in their communities. We will continue to work together to make sure everyone has the support they need to rebuild.” Loans Small business owners can also apply for loans. The Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program provides financial assistance to businesses damaged by the disaster. The short term, interest-free loans can be used to pay for expenses until insurance claims are paid-out or more long-term loans can be secured. Visit FloridaDisasterLoan.org for more information.
Miss Florida F.I. Pageant Rescheduled Due to Irma Michael d’Oliveira
he history of the Miss Florida F.I. earlier years, the event was held in Miami Pageant includes a seven-year hiatus. at The Dunes, which no longer exists, and But even with Hurricane Irma, this The Fontainebleau. “This is the top pageant year’s pageant won’t be added to those . . . the pageant you want to be in. It’s the missing years. biggest title to hold. They call it the event of Originally scheduled for Oct. 2, the season. I’ve been to too many to count. Miss Florida, which celebrates its 45th And. as they say, ‘once a Miss Florida, always anniversary, was rescheduled to Monday, a Miss Florida,’” he said. Oct. 16 because of damages sustained to Brooks will have plenty of competition the host hotel – Bahia Mar Fort Lauderdale this year. Beach. The First Annual Mr. Florida M.E. Thomas said there will be 12 contestants Pageant has also been rescheduled for in the Mr. Florida and 20 to 24 in the Miss Sunday, Oct. 15 at Bahia Mar, Florida. A smaller turnout is 801 Seabreeze Blvd. The expected for the Mr. Florida, “They call it pageants involve male and but Thomas said that’s to the event of female impersonators. be expected. Thomas said the season. Alyson Thomas, executive Mr. Florida will be similar to producer and president of Miss Miss Florida with a formal I’ve been to Florida and Mr. Florida, said competition, swim wear, too many she had no doubt she and the question and answer portion, to count. other organizers would be able and crowning. But it will take And. as they to reschedule. “I knew the hotel some time to grow to the same say, ‘once a would be accommodating. It’s level of popularity. part of doing things in Florida “It takes a good five to seven Miss Florida, in the summer time. There’s years for a pageant to take off. always a Miss nothing you can do about it but I’ve wanted to do Mr. Florida for Florida.’” reschedule.” a number of years. Logistically, In some cases, the it didn’t work in my favor. I’ve - Joey Brooks Miss Florida at rescheduling was welcome. finally had an opportunity to large 1989 Joey Brooks, Miss Florida At devote the time to starting Large 1989, wrote on Facebook it. It was just time,” Thomas that he couldn’t wait to “walk that runway said. “There’s no other pageant that has the proudly.” In an interview with SFGN, Brooks history and status as Miss Florida. There’s a said he’s excited because the pageant is lot going on and its actually very exciting for happening the same weekend as his birthday. us.” “I’m excited about going down there and Miss Florida doors open at 6 p.m. and Mr. seeing it at this venue. I think it’s going to be Florida doors open at 7 p.m. Both pageants a big turnout,” Brooks said. He said in the begin at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $25. Visit MissFloridaFiPageant.com for more information.
NEWS national
Puerto Rico in Crisis
Photo courtesy of AHF.
John McDonald
Aids Healthcare Foundation sends help to the battered island
plane carrying resources to Puerto Rico took off Friday morning from a Miami airfield. Loaded with generators, the cargo plane was chartered by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. AHF, the world’s largest organization serving people living with HIV/AIDS, owns a clinic in San Juan, the Puerto Rican capital city. “Having been in constant, but challenging communication with our staff in Puerto Rico, as well as continually monitoring the situation since Hurricane Irma initially hit the island, I was very aware of how frustratingly slow the response by relief organizations has been, while the needs of the people continue to rise,” said Michael Kahane, AHF Photo courtesy of AHF.
Southern Bureau Chief in a news release. On Friday morning, U.S. President Donald Trump called the aftermath on the island a “catastrophic crisis.” “We’ve never seen anything like this,” Trump said in a speech in Washington, adding we are literally “starting from scratch.” Trump is scheduled to visit Puerto Rico on Tuesday. Meanwhile, AHF launched its relief efforts at dawn from Op-Locka Airport. The organization chartered a cargo plane and loaded 50 generators intended to power health care facilities in Puerto Rico. AHF, Kahane said, is collaborating with the San Juan Mayor’s office to assist health departments and hospitals on the island. Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico in early September followed by Hurricane Maria last week. “It’s disheartening to know that weeks have passed since these hurricanes devastated Puerto Rico and basic resources have still not been provided to a community that is in such dire need,” Kahane said. Brock Long, spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), called the situation in Puerto Rico a “complex event.” “We’re not satisfied until its stable,” Long told MSNBC in a Friday morning interview with the cable television network. Long said port capacity is increasing and dismissed what
he called “misinformation” circulated by some journalists. “FEMA does not charge for ice, food and commodities,” Long said. Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine said the aid is not getting to Puerto Rico fast enough. “The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack,” Levine told MSNBC. Health statistics for Puerto Rico are hard to find. The Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook has no available data on HIV/AIDS cases in Puerto Rico. In 2010, Puerto Rico was in the top 10 of U.S. states and territories in x number of HIV/AIDS cases, reports AIDS United.
10.4.2017 •
NEWS coffee and conversations
NEWS miami-dade
Choosing the Right Medicare Plan This week’s ‘Coffee & Conversation’ at the Pride Center John McDonald
hoosing the right Medicare supplement plan is very important, said Julie Biederman. An independent agent for Coconut Creek based Health Coverage Solutions, Biederman spoke at Tuesday morning’s Coffee & Conversation program at Pride Center in Wilton Manors. “When you are sick you don’t want to wait two weeks to get a referral,” Biederman said. When choosing a Medicare Advantage plan consumers should be in control of selecting their doctor and not the plan, Biederman said. Pride Center Senior Services Director Bruce Williams agreed. “Sometimes those silver sneakers that are free turn out to be more expensive than the Pope’s Prada shoes,” Williams announced over the microphone. When pressed what he meant by the comment afterwards, Williams said supplemental Medicare plans are not always to the consumer’s advantage. “It’s a very individual thing,” Williams
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New Patients
Photo courtesy of Tim Ross, Facebook.
said. “There’s deductibles, premiums and copays to consider. It’s very imperative to have a working understand of Medicare once you become eligible.” Elsewhere, Pride Center CEO Robert Boo announced $48,000 has been raised to repair the damage from Hurricane Irma. Boo also encouraged the senior group to donate to relief efforts in Puerto Rico by visiting the website LGBTCenters.org. Theater director David Simson announced “Wisdom, Wonderment, Rainbows” will be performed Monday, Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. at Island City Stage. The play is written by Simson’s husband, Tony Puma. For reservations, call 954-519-2533. Next week’s sponsor is Florida Grand Opera. For more information, contact Bruce Williams, Senior Services Coordinator at 954-463-9005, ext. 109.
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1 0 .4.2017
Former judge Roy Moore wins senate GOP runoff in Alabama. Photo credit: CNN.
Local LGBT Republicans React to Roy Moore Primary Win Miami Log Cabin Pres: “I definitely would have voted for him” Michael d’Oliveira
fter former Alabama Supreme Mark Foley, who now lives in Palm Beach Court Chief Justice Roy Moore County, is among them. “It troubles me won the Alabama Republican when any human being who claims to nomination for the United States Senate believe in a just and Christian nation can on Sept. 26, it renewed reviews of make such ugly and disparaging remarks Moore’s past statements on abortion, gay about any living soul,” Foley said. “As a marriage, Islam, and other issues. gay man, it’s abhorrent to me that in 2017 In the past, Moore has expressed his such comments would still be made. It opposition to abortion, gay marriage, and alarms me that people would applaud the right of consenting adults to engage his rhetoric. I am reasonably concerned in anal sex in the privacy of their own since I had hoped President Trump would homes. “Homosexual conduct should be have been a moderating force in modern illegal,” said Moore in 2005. day politics and be the person I know him Vincent Foster, president of the Miami to be, who has long been a friend to me Log Cabin Republicans, and others, whom he’s known said he doesn’t support to be gay, and has welcomed “Gay Moore’s positions on gay into his club graciously.” marriage or other LGBT Andy Eddy, spokesman marriage is issues but he doesn’t think for the Broward County Log not going to Cabin Republicans, said Moore will be able to set LGBT rights back either. be overturned he doesn’t have a problem “I do love his priority on with Moore’s decision to any more the economy. I definitely install a monument to the than would have voted for Ten Commandments at an him if I were a resident of abortion is Alabama judicial building in Alabama. Gay marriage is In 2003, the monument going to be 2001. not going to be overturned was removed. Moore was later overturned.” removed from the Alabama any more than abortion is going to be overturned. Supreme Court for his - Vincent Foster Miami log cabin That’s not going to pass defiance of a court order to president through the House and remove the monument. Senate that can’t get “The problem is that some anything together.” of his issues are a little too far to the But Moore’s nomination did not sit right. [Supporting] conversion therapy, well with some other members of the things like that. I don’t think he’s going Republican LGBT community in South to represent all the people. He didn’t Florida. support gays in the military so why would Former Republican Congressman I support him?” Eddy asked.
NEWS international
U.S. Votes Against UN Condemning Death Penalty for Gay People
U.S. among countries who voted against measure
he United Nations Human Rights Council passed a measure to condemn the death penalty for gay individuals. The United States was among 13 countries who voted against it. The resolution asks for countries not to use the death penalty in a “discriminatory manner” for LGBT people, those with intellectual disabilities, people under 18 and pregnant women. A majority 27 of the 47 countries in the Human Rights Council voted to condemn the use of the death penalty, according to Gay Star News. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said in March that the country would leave the HRC if there was no “considerable reform.” Tillerson took issue with the inclusion of countries like China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, due to their poor human rights records, according to The Hill. “If they don’t make these reforms, we’re going to question the value of our membership,” a senior aide to Tillerson said. "We’re not taking withdrawal off the table. Our aim is to fix the organization.” Despite this statement, the U.S. voted in line with China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in an attempt to shoot down the measure. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Russia also made six total attempts to alter the wording of the measure, but did not succeed.
Ryan Lynch
According to Adré du Plessis, the Head of UN Programme and Advocacy for the International Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual and Intersex Association said the U.S. voted against because it “has the death penalty and has a consistent record of voting no on resolutions that are against it.” Six countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Sudan, widely perform the death penalty on LGBT individuals. Previously, the now defunct U.N. Human Rights Commision passed a similar measure about the death penalty a decade ago. The resolution is the first of its kind passed by the HRC.
Here is the list of countries that voted against the resolution.
1. Bangladesh 2. Botswana 3. Burundi 4. China
5. Egypt 6. Ethiopia 7. India 8. Iraq 9. Japan
10. Qatar 11. Saudi Arabia 12. The United Arab Emirates 13. The United States
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NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
Egypt Bans Media Support of LGBT Community
Photo courtesy of @nyeusi_waasi
Gay Representative Briefed On Record Prison Evacuations
Zac Efron Reveals What Male CoStar He’d Sleep With On-Screen
Zac Efron. Photo: YouTube Still via Vogue.
‘Saw’ Franchise Ads Tell Scary Truth of LGBT Blood Donors
'Saw' promotional photos. Photo via Instagram / @saw by Tim Palen.
Cheers to Equality: MillerCoors donates 72K to LGBT organizations
6. Rugby Players Bare It All For Testicular Cancer Awareness Photos: Instagram / @thenakedrugbyplayers
7. Trans Democrat Fights Back Against Transphobia: “This is just who I am” Photo: YouTube Still.
8. Teenager Comes Out During Live BBC Debate Photo: Twitter / @bbcnewsbeat
9. California Plans on Teaching LGBT History in Schools 10. Policies Renewed in Pakistan for Trans People to Receive ID Cards
Visit SFGN.com to stay up to date on all the news across the web! Twitter.com/SoFlaGayNews Facebook.com/SouthFloridaGayNews
1 0.4.2017
In adults with HIV on ART who have diarrhea not caused by an infection IMPORTANT PATIENT INFORMATION This is only a summary. See complete Prescribing Information at Mytesi.com or by calling 1-844-722-8256. This does not take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or treatment.
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• Upper respiratory tract infection (sinus, nose, and throat infection) • Bronchitis (swelling in the tubes that carry air to and from your lungs) • Cough • Flatulence (gas) • Increased bilirubin (a waste product when red blood cells break down) For a full list of side effects, please talk to your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
NEWS national
1 0.4.2017
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ou may be able to discriminate over sexual orientation, but you can’t discriminate over religious beliefs. The Satanic Temple is using that right to help same-sex couples get the wedding cakes they need. “The laws of the United States require that no one may discriminate by way of refusal of service against an evangelical theocrat for their religious beliefs, but the evangelical theocrat may discriminate against LGBTQ people because of who they are,” temple co-founder and spokesperson Lucien Greaves said according to Pink News. “Because religion is a protected class, a baker may refuse service to LGBTQ people, but they may not refuse service based upon someone’s religion.” There has been a long-standing debate over whether religious freedom allows companies to discriminate against the LGBT community. This term the U.S. Supreme Court will decide for sure, taking up a case in which a Christian baker refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. The Trump administration and 86 members of Congress have backed the baker. If it’s okay to discriminate against gay people, there may be another option to get your wedding cake. “If you can’t get a cake for your same-sex union, we’ll host a party in your honour at The Satanic Temple headquarters in Salem,
The Satanic Temple co-founder and spokesperson Lucien Greaves gesturing in front of the Westboro Baptist Church with a pride flag. Photo via Twitter / @luciengreaves
and order a cake that praises Satan from your offending discriminatory ‘religious liberty’ enthusiast,” Greaves offered. In other words, any same-sex couple that has been refused a cake on the grounds of religious beliefs may instead get a cake made to honor Satan, because the law prohibits religious discrimination. “If they aren’t willing to make a cake for same-sex unions, let’s have them make a cake to honour Satan instead,” he said. “Our organisation has received a lot of concerned messages from people who are upset by the prospect of an environment in which the LGBTQ community are openly and legally treated as second-class citizens.”
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with poor oral hygiene and with patients with difficult areas to access. Some of the better electric toothbrushes have timers on them. This encourages patients to brush for the full two minute which mean better plaque removal and better overall health. We have found that patients struggle with three main issues: Brushing too hard, placing the brush on the teeth and not on the gums (technique of brushing) and insufficient time of brushing. For those reasons we highly recommend a good electric toothbrush but they are not all treated the same. We recommend brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. If you have any questions with brushing techniques or which electric toothbrushes we recommend, please give us a call at 954566-7479 or come by and see us at Premier Smile Center (2717 E.Oakalnd Park Blvd, Ft Lauderdale, FL33306.
Please call our office at to learn more about our program. If you are interested in signing up, visit this link to get started: premier-smile-center.illumitrac.com We are committed to finding innovative ways that will help us provide all our patients with the highest-quality care in the most affordable way.
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2717 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 10.4.2017 •
NEWS state
South Florida LGBT Repubs Mixed on DACA Michael d’Oliveira
resident Donald Trump’s recent announcement that he would phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA] program and let Congress come up with a solution has been met with mixed reactions from local LGBT Republicans. Vincent Foster, president of the Miami Log Cabin Republicans, said he blames the parents but, “as the son of an immigrant from Jamaica, who came here legally,” still thinks individuals brought here illegally should be deported. “You should be deported, simple as that.” As for Congress coming up with another program, he doesn’t think it will happen within the six-month deadline set by Trump. “Congress is too inefficient to get anything done on the issue.” Former Republican Congressman Mark Foley, who now resides in Palm Beach County, said Trump has “forced Congress’ hand on DACA” when it comes to “lingering problem of undocumented children and young adults who came to America” because of their parents. “Allowing the executive order to remain in place without permanent law which only Congress can pass placed further confusion in an already chaotic system. The President said he wanted to help the dreamers and I pray he and Congress can resolve this humanitarian issue.” Foley said that he supports “allowing the dreamers remain in the country and add to the Social Security and tax system as they arrived here through no fault of their own.” He added that the Democrats should have done something about the problem in 2009 when they controlled Congress and the White House. “But they didn’t want to risk losing the majority. So, time and time again, our agenda has been bypassed for political expediency.” Valyn Calhoun, who lives in Fort
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Lauderdale and hosts Red Menace Radio, an online radio show whose purpose he describes as “exposing social marxism and battling the hypocrisy of the left,” favors the president’s action on DACA. “Honestly, as someone who voted for Trump and campaigned for him, I kind of wish he would go a little further.” Calhoun said emotion needs to be stripped from the issue and the true cost needs to be evaluated. “I’m looking at it as more from a fiscal standpoint.” Costs that he said can’t always be fully accounted because they’re “purposefully obfuscated, right and left.” A study by The heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, found that the estimated 3.7 million illegal immigrant households cost a net financial burden of $54.5 billion per year. A study by The Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, found that allowing “Dreamers” to stay would add $329 billion to the U.S. economy by 2030. Calhoun also wants to send Dreamers back because he said their presence encourages “chain immigration” – more immigrants who follow family members and friends who come to the United States. Like the costs of immigration, various think tanks and organizations either say “chain immigration” is a myth or not a huge problem, or they promote it as true. Andy Eddy, spokesman for the Broward County Log Cabin Republicans, said he believes people brought here by their parents as children, who are not criminals and are employed, should be given a pathway to legalization. As for Trump’s actions, he said he wants to wait and see what the outcome is. “I don’t think he’s going to deport these people. I find it hard to believe, unless they’re criminals.”
NEWS national
Gay Miami steps up for Puerto Rico
LGBT venues hold fundraisers for island's displaced residents
Jose Cassola
iami LGBT businesses, like Score, Ely Lords, who runs the afterhours gig with Molto and afterhours destination her partner, Danny Villar, said everything at La Puta Nota at Heart Nightclub, the door and bartenders' tips were all getting stepped up for hurricane-ravaged Puerto donated: half to Puerto Rico, where Lords is Rico in a big way this past weekend – each from; the other half to Mexico, which recently holding hurricane relief events benefiting suffered from a devastating earthquake. displaced residents of the island. "We're waiting and hoping and keeping The fundraisers kicked off Friday, positive that every little dollar counts towards Sept. 29, at Score with the Miami Music- helping Puerto Rico," Lords said. "We need to thon. Door proceeds and a get these people as much as we percentage of bar sales were possibly can, as quick as we can. “Every local donated to Ricky Martin's I'm thankful that the people that business Foundation. Dion said the have stepped up have stepped up: should take money raised — about the Daddy Yankees, the Pitbulls, Molto and $3,200 according to a post the JLos, the Marc Anthonys. And Score's lead on it's not just the celebrities who on Score's Facebook page — included "five or six fabulous this. We're all are contributing. It's everyone. DJs coming out and donating one community Restaurants here in Miami, clubs their time.” and we should like Score, anywhere you can "Everyone’s working for possibly imagine." all stick free tonight," Dion said. "All On Sunday, Oct. 1, Molto together.” the money is going to go to South Beach ended the weekend hurricane relief for Puerto of fundraisers with their Much - Raymond Ortega Molto co-owner Rican victims of Hurricane Relief charity event for Puerto Maria, which devastated the Rico, which raised about $1,500 island. People are going to actually kind of according to a Facebook post by Molto cofeel better about drinking tonight because owner Raymond Ortega. The event included it’s going to a good cause. It’s a good excuse drag shows and an auction of items provided to drink, like you needed one," Dion laughs. by fellow LGBT establishments. On Saturday, Sept. 30, promoters of La Ortega, who is Puerto Rican and has family Puta Nota Afterhours at Heart Nightclub on the island, including his grandparents next to Club Space held their Power of and cousins, said he wanted to help, not just Music fundraiser with 100 percent of because he's Puerto Rican. their proceeds earmarked for the Red "When Hurricane Irma hit Florida, I opened Cross and Ricky Martin's hurricane relief up our doors and fed a lot of people from Key initiative. All L.P.N. employees and nine DJs West," Ortega said. "It was the right thing to volunteered for the cause. do because if you have it, you should just give Photo Credit: Jose Cassola.
Photo Credit: Jose Cassola.
it and try to stay positive because it will come back to you.” "A lot of people are helping in this event," Ortega continued. "All of our bartenders and drag queens who are performing, their tips, everybody’s tips are going straight to the check. Molto is going to match everything by 20 percent. My business partner and I are hoping to raise a lot of money but anything, any amount will help.” Ortega's family is from Fajardo, a small city in Puerto Rico located in the east region of the island, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. "[My family is] doing really well. My grandmother has a generator and she has gas and food. She says she can last for a month, so we’ll see a month from now if we have to touch base." Ortega said the majority of people in Puerto Rico, however, are not as lucky. "They are not going through good times at all. They can’t get to the stores because of the roads." "I feel very concerned for the Puerto Rican community," said local resident Jeff Pazzo. "They [Puerto Rico] need every dollar they can get. Every local business should take Molto and Score's lead on this. We're all one community and we should all stick together." Dion said everyone should continue coming together for Puerto Rico because
"it's the right thing to do." "Puerto Rico is completely devastated. The island is just in a shambles," Dion said. “And you know, Puerto Rico is part of America. There are a lot of Puerto Ricans in Miami and on the mainland of the United States. This has affected all of us. You see the things that are showing on TV and the news; and the mayor from San Juan, who’s working really hard. I’m glad we can actually come together and do something. It may be little, whatever we can do, but hey, it’s something." Lords said La Puta Nota was contributing to the cause because Puerto Rico is her family and her heritage but "at the end of the day that doesn't matter. We're all the same. You cut me, I cut you and we still bleed red." Sam Yovan, manager at Score, agrees. “It’s just unfortunate that our government is not doing that much about [assistance]. But at least we’re doing our part here at Score," Yovan said. Alan T. Ibaldeo, who works the door at Club Space every weekend, said it’s important citizens come together at this time for Puerto Rico "because we’re all people." "We need to help people that are in need of being helped," he said. "That’s why we have a pulse. It’s not just to party and to carry on, which you can do all in conjunction with. But one helping the other is always the best thing you can do." 10.4.2017 •
What is TRUVADA for PrEP?
Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP?
TRUVADA for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a prescription medicine that is used together with safer sex practices to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This use is only for HIV-negative adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1. To help determine your risk of getting HIV-1, talk openly with your healthcare provider about your sexual health. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to prevent getting HIV. Always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids. Never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them.
Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you: ® Already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. ® Also take certain medicines to treat hepatitis B infection.
Serious side effects of TRUVADA may also include: ® Kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with TRUVADA. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking TRUVADA. ® Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious but rare medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, cold or blue hands and feet, feel dizzy or lightheaded, or a fast or abnormal heartbeat. ® Severe liver problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, or stomach-area pain. ® Bone problems, including bone pain, softening, or thinning, which may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP are stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.
What is the most important information I should know about TRUVADA for PrEP? Before taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA for PrEP. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1. Do not take TRUVADA to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-negative. ® Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. If you have flu-like symptoms, you could have recently become infected with HIV-1. Tell your healthcare provider if you had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting or at any time while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® You must continue to use safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. ® You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months. ® If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. ® To further help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1: ® Know your HIV status and the HIV status of your partners. ® Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV to infect you. ® Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior, such as having fewer sex partners. ® Do not miss any doses of TRUVADA. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. ® If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. TRUVADA can cause serious side effects: ® Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. TRUVADA is not approved to treat HBV. If you have HBV and stop taking TRUVADA, your HBV may suddenly get worse. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to monitor your health.
What are the other possible side effects of TRUVADA for PrEP?
What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRUVADA for PrEP? ® All your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis. ® If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRUVADA can harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking TRUVADA for PrEP, talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should keep taking TRUVADA. ® If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. If you become HIV-positive, HIV can be passed to the baby in breast milk. ® All the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRUVADA may interact with other medicines. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. ® If you take certain other medicines with TRUVADA, your healthcare provider may need to check you more often or change your dose. These medicines include certain medicines to treat hepatitis C (HCV) infection. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.FDA.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please see Important Facts about TRUVADA for PrEP including important warnings on the following page.
•TVDC0162_PrEP_B_10x10-75_SFloridaGayNews_Drag_p1.indd 1 0.4.2017
I’m irresistible, not irresponsible. I know who I am. And I make choices that fit my life. TRUVADA for PrEP™ is a once-daily prescription medicine that can help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 when taken every day and used together with safer sex practices. ® TRUVADA for PrEP is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV through sex. ® You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA for PrEP.
Ask your doctor about your risk of getting HIV-1 infection and if TRUVADA for PrEP may be right for you. Learn more at truvada.com
9/12/17 10:14 AM 10.4.2017 •
This is only a brief summary of important information about taking TRUVADA for PrEPTM (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection. This does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your medicine.
(tru-VAH-dah) MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT TRUVADA FOR PrEP Before starting TRUVADA for PrEP: • You must be HIV-1 negative. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-1 negative. • Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include flu-like symptoms, tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. Tell your healthcare provider if you have had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting TRUVADA for PrEP. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP: • You must continue to use safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. • You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you think you were exposed to HIV-1 or have a flu-like illness while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. • If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. • See the “How To Further Reduce Your Risk” section for more information. TRUVADA may cause serious side effects, including: • Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. TRUVADA is not approved to treat HBV. If you have HBV, your HBV may suddenly get worse if you stop taking TRUVADA. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to check your health regularly for several months.
ABOUT TRUVADA FOR PrEP TRUVADA for PrEP is a prescription medicine used together with safer sex practices to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This use is only for HIV-negative adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1. • To help determine your risk of getting HIV-1, talk openly with your healthcare provider about your sexual health. Do NOT take TRUVADA for PrEP if you: • Already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. • Take certain medicines to treat hepatitis B infection.
HOW TO TAKE TRUVADA FOR PrEP • Take 1 tablet once a day, every day, not just when you think you have been exposed to HIV-1. • Do not miss any doses. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • Use TRUVADA for PrEP together with condoms and safer sex practices. • Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months. You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP.
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF TRUVADA FOR PrEP TRUVADA can cause serious side effects, including: • Those in the “Most Important Information About TRUVADA for PrEP” section. • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. • Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious but rare medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, cold or blue hands and feet, feel dizzy or lightheaded, or a fast or abnormal heartbeat. • Severe liver problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, or stomach-area pain. • Bone problems. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP include stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. These are not all the possible side effects of TRUVADA. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new symptoms while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Your healthcare provider will need to do tests to monitor your health before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP.
BEFORE TAKING TRUVADA FOR PrEP Tell your healthcare provider if you: • Have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis. • Have any other medical conditions. • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. • Are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. If you become HIV-positive, HIV can pass to the baby in breast milk. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take: • Keep a list that includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements, and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. • Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medicines that should not be taken with TRUVADA for PrEP.
HOW TO FURTHER REDUCE YOUR RISK • Know your HIV status and the HIV status of your partners. • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV to infect you. • Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior, such as having fewer sex partners. • Do not share needles or personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them.
GET MORE INFORMATION • This is only a brief summary of important information about TRUVADA for PrEP. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist to learn more, including how to prevent HIV infection. • Go to start.truvada.com or call 1-800-GILEAD-5 • If you need help paying for your medicine, visit start.truvada.com for program information.
TRUVADA FOR PREP, the TRUVADA FOR PREP Logo, the TRUVADA Blue Pill Design, TRUVADA, GILEAD, and the GILEAD Logo are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Version date: April 2017 © 2017 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. TVDC0162 07/17
18TVDC0162_PrEP_B_10x10-75_SFloridaGayNews_Drag_p1.indd • 1 0.4.2017
9/12/17 10:14 AM
community announcement
Chamber Chat
Networking and Educational Opportunities at your Fingertips Jorge Richa
Marketing & Programming Director The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
he Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) is one of the largest and most active business chambers of its kind in South Florida. Since its inception over 18 years ago, we have taken pride in successfully promoting and supporting opportunities for the LGBT and allied community through its role as a grassroots business and professional association. Networking and educational opportunities are a few of the things that the MDGLCC helps coordinate for its members and welcomes the community at large to participate in. Below are three upcoming opportunities for the month of October that you might want to consider exploring and attending. On Thursday, Oct. 11 join us at the “GALLA (Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association) Luncheon”. This is a monthly networking program sponsored by Kauffman Rossin tailored for attorneys, judges & legal professionals but open to the general public as well. Guest speakers will be David Treece (David Treece Financial), Joan Schaeffer (LAMBDA Living / JCS), and Vicki Brail (Vicki Brail and Company). Topics include: The need for long term care in the LGBT community, issues of isolation, and available services/ facilities. Luncheon will be held at Perricones Marketplace and Café (15 S.E 10th Street, Miami) from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Admission: $35 (members) / $45 (others). On Thursday, Oct. 19 join us at the “The Young Professional Network (YPN) Social
Kick-Off.” The mission of the YPN is to create networking opportunities for LGBT professionals between the ages of 18-39, foster collaboration with community leaders, and provide educational engagements for young professionals to bridge the gap between generations, nurture professional development and growth, and create paths to success within the business community. Event will be held at Atton Brickell Miami (1500 SW 1st Avenue, Miami) from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Enjoy free cocktails and passed hors d'oeuvres, drawing, DJ, & networking opportunities. Featuring Ian Houghton (www.ianhoughton.com), motivational speaker, best-selling author & business strategist. Admission: $10 (online) / $20 (at door). Limited to 150. On Thursday, Oct. 26 join us at the “EXPOsure Networking Luncheon on Diversity & Inclusion.” This luncheon will feature speakers from local and national companies/organizations who deal in supplier diversity. The area of Supplier Diversity is an important market niche in the USA and most Fortune 200 companies have a strong desire to increase its business with the minority owned business marketplace in the foreseeable future. Participating panelists include: Enterprise Holding, FPL, Royal Caribbean, CIA, NGLCC (National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce). Luncheon will be held at the Pullman Hotel (5800 Blue Lagoon, Miami). Admission: $45 (members) / $55 (others).
If you have any inquiries on the above events or are interested in joining the MDGLCC, feel free to reach us at info@gaybizmiami.com, 305-673-4440 or www.gaybizmiami.com. 10.4.2017 •
Publisher's Editorial
When The Unimaginable Becomes Real Norm Kent
t was June of 2016, and an unfathomable Donald Trump was playing golf in New Jersey. reality shook the heart and soul of gay If only San Juan had cleared a course for him America. sooner, the mayor could have gotten help for In an act of unconscionable violence, a her citizens quicker. deranged lunatic walked into an Orlando Meanwhile, as flood victims in Houston still gay nightclub with automatic weapons and try to get back in their homes, America has murdered 49 of our own. The Pulse massacre been battered with ruin and devastation on the would go down in history as the worst mass east coast, and now misery and more madness shooting in American history. For all of a year. in Las Vegas. But worry not. Our president will On Monday, October 1, 2017, in America’s see to it that no one kneels for the national nightclub, Las Vegas, another killer stole the anthem. He will hold a campaign rally for mantle away, striking out in the dark of night racists in Alabama reminding us that there are with automatic weapons and an incalculable good people on both sides of the hurricane. evil that is beyond the scope of internalizing. Once again, in Las Vegas, we have been It was not ISIS. He was not a foreign agent. robbed, as children were at Sandy Hook, A wall would not have kept him out. He was a as our world was on 9-11, as you were at retired American, from of all places, Orlando, Pulse. Senseless. Sudden. Lives shredded and an accountant at that. Living in an adults into shambles. Futures gone. Dreams stolen. only community. No children or pets allowed. Worlds crushed. Our hearts damaged. And no Automatic weapons, well, that’s another words can express or capture the inexplicable thing. That is your second amendment right, I pain. suppose, though I am not sure this Here at SFGN, we are a local is what Washington and Jefferson community newspaper, and while Senseless. had in mind when they crafted the we can cite and draw your attention Sudden. Lives to the world’s ills, we can’t cure second amendment. This is the world we live in today, shredded into them. But maybe we can help the a place where we watch World helpless city commissioners in shambles. Trade towers fall, and planes get Futures gone. Wilton Manors understand we shot out of the sky. An earth where do need, after all these years, a climate change is ignored, but a 33 Dreams stolen. community parking lot on Wilton Worlds year old dictator in North Korea can Drive. enslave his people and threaten the crushed. We need to slow down the cars, world with a reign of nuclear terror. illuminate the drive, and secure A planet where tsunamis can erase pedestrian paths, whether on thousands in minutes but the game of the Lincoln Road or Wilton Drive. We need to week goes on because we paid dearly for our remember the gay soloist who lost his life NFL Sunday ticket. trying to cross that street a year ago; a life that Nothing is sane anymore, not congressmen could have been saved by better city planning. getting shot while playing softball in a park, We may not be able to end ISIS in Wilton or students getting slaughtered in massive Manors, but we can make a street corner numbers in south Chicago every weekend. crossing safe. We can’t save kids in our cities a mile from It is October, and for the LGBT press across Wacker Drive, and we think we are going to this nation, we celebrate our past with Gay help hurricane victims in outlying islands of History month. We do so this year again at Puerto Rico. SFGN, acknowledging our icons, appreciating We have a president who calls the place a the soldiers who led our way, whose lives lend ‘big ocean,’ but his election and office are a or lent spirit and sustenance for our own. big lie, a frightening joke the gods of electoral They stood their ground, rose to a challenge, politics played on American citizens. A week and helped lead our way, from ending after devastation wreaked havoc to American discrimination to ensuring equality. people and properties on Caribbean islands, SFGN’s history features are in print and
1 0.4.2017
online, as they have been year after year, available for you to research and read. In the lives of these people, may you discover guidance or goodness for your own. The selected ‘icons’ grow in number each year, showcasing just how much a part of American history homosexuality has written. Those so acknowledged provide a beacon from the past which illuminates the present still. Our time on this planet is fleeting, and the future may be 20 years or 20 minutes. In this crazy world, it seems like you can never tell, whether you are in the seeming safety of a
gay nightclub in Orlando or the security of a country rock concert in Las Vegas. The only normal is that there is no normal anymore. Make the most of this moment. My only advice to you, at any age, is to make your life count while you are here and you can. Make a difference so that today has meaning, tomorrow has purpose, and yesterday has a treasured memory no one can ever take away from you. Make your choices celebratory and challenging, not worrisome or agonizing. Be proud of who you are. Be who you can be. Be an icon in your own way.
WMG Volume 4 • Issue 18 October 4, 2017
Wilton Manors Gazette
City Says Debris Removal Should be Complete in 60 days Officials criticized and praised over hurricane response By Michael d’Oliveira City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson said she hopes to have all the debris created by Hurricane Irma removed within 60 days. “We don’t have as many trucks as we would like to have,” she said, referring to the high demand for trucks from cities across Florida and Texas. “We are working as quickly as we can.” Mayor Gary Resnick praised city staff members on their response to Hurricane Irma, specifically City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson and Emergency Management Director David Archacki. At the Sept. 26 commission meeting, Resnick praised the efforts of employees who worked to get roads and drains cleared, generators installed at sewage lift stations, check-in on elderly and other vulnerable residents, and organize a staging point in the city for out of state power company workers restoring electricity. “This is the time when small town government really shines,” said Resnick. “This is the mark of a great community.” City commissioners tried to reimburse Henderson for the expenses she incurred because of the hurricane, but she declined the offer. “I appreciate the generous offer.” She sent her kids to an area not in Irma’s path and spent the storm camped out at city hall along with other city employees. Henderson said that all the city’s employees “deserve our
thanks and recognition.” Commissioner Tom Green said he was impressed with city employees who stayed at City Hall. But some residents who spoke at the meeting said the city needs to improve its response. Resident Ruthanne Stadnik said the city needs to hire a “geriatric manager” to inspect assisted living facilities and ensure seniors are doing well. She said the state already does inspections but she thinks they are too limited and that the position could help the city better utilize resources after a storm by making sure vulnerable residents are taken care of before a storm. Multiple residents also complained about bulk pick-up not hauling away hurricane debris from their property, even though they pay taxes like other residents. City staff said it was because they live on a private road and a stipulation in FEMA’s debris removal contract prevents debris removal from private property. Paul Rolli, president of the Central Area Neighborhood Association, urged officials to try and find a solution. Resident Joe O'Gorman said the city should prohibit property owners from planting trees under power lines. “I hope we can do something about it next year.” Later in the meeting, Commissioner
Scott Newton said the city already had an ordinance for trees under power lines but he said the city might need to get more strict about its enforcement. He said he doesn’t like the idea of going into people’s backyards. “We don’t want to do that but I don’t want to go through this [losing power for days] anymore.” Green said he agreed with Newton but he warned against the city becoming overzealous and making people trim trees too much.
Business owner Nick Berry said he agreed with the suggested prohibition on planting trees under power lines but said that it’s up to homeowners, not FPL or the government, to trim their trees and prevent branches from damaging lines. “It’s not their job to trim your trees.” Resident Tricia Lee Cline said she’d like to see the city organize the residents to be more responsive after a hurricane. “Let’s get in this together.” WMG
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October 4, 2017
10.4.2017 •
WMG Greetings from New Jersey By Sal Torre
October 4, 2017 • Volume 4 • Issue 18 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington
Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira
John McDonald • James Oaksun
Staff Photographers
After all the stress and hard work of dealing with Hurricane Irma, I escaped South Florida for a few days to visit my father in New Jersey. My first day here was spent enjoying a summer-like day in Cape May, with the refreshing ocean breeze and some great seafood. Back at my dad’s place, the autumn evenings mean great sleeping weather, a real treat after all the heat and humidity of South Florida. Due to my father’s need to get his daily fix from Fox News, I watched the dire news from Puerto Rico which offered a not-sopleasant reminder of the problems and destruction left behind in Florida and throughout the Caribbean. Having made it through Irma with no real damage to life and home, many in Wilton Manors need to be very thankful that a Category 5 hurricane did not make a direct hit on our area. Looking at the catastrophic damage from a direct hit by Hurricane Maria across Puerto Rico, it became even more evident that we here on our little island should be counting our blessings. Many in our city have been complaining about the piles of storm debris and why it has taken so long to get it removed. Complaints about ruined lawns, all the mess, the inconvenience, etc.,. seems a bit frivolous compared to the near total devastation suffered in Puerto Rica and other islands in the Caribbean. How close did we come to having a powerful Category 5 storm hit us during the final approach of Irma to the Florida coast? What kind of devastation would our Island City have suffered? Not something I ever want to find out or endure. That is why we need to keep our relatively minor inconveniences in perspective. We need to sit back and just breathe a sigh of relief instead of bitching on social media sites. Be sure that our city leaders are doing whatever possible to move the storm clean-up and recovery efforts along as quickly as possible. Nobody would choose listening to angry residents complaining rather than doing what can be done to take care of the problems left behind from such a far-reaching storm as Irma. The enormous scope of Irma’s wrath has made the region’s recovery so much harder. However, looking at piles of storm debris ruining my front lawn is a hell of a lot better than seeing piles of my destroyed home along the curbside or piles of molded belongings ruined by flood waters.
As my attention is drawn to the PBS series on Vietnam that my father surprisingly decided to break away from Fox News to watch, I hear John Lennon’s, “Let it Be” playing in the background. Perhaps this is the best advice for us to heed at this time. Just let it be. Rather than complaining, pointing fingers, creating negative hearsay commentary on-line, perhaps it’s best just to let it be. There will be an answer, just let it be. The debris is getting picked up, according to the latest news from the city. Yes, they started on Jenada Isles, not because that is where the Mayor lives, as some have complained; but because it’s the farthest point west and the starting point to begin the move eastward. Everyone should sign up for updates from the city and be sure to separate your storm debris. Vegetation (tree limbs and such) must be piled separately from yard debris fencing, lawn items and such) because it is collected separately by two different contractors. The debris will all be collected at some point, bulk trash will get back on schedule, our lawns will recover, and life will return to normal sooner than later in our little island paradise. Unfortunately that will not be the case for islands such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Let us not forget how lucky we are before we look to bitch and complain. Let us remember the suffering and complete loss that so many are experiencing this Hurricane season. That is not to say that we should just turn a blind eye to faults in the system or problems in our neighborhoods that need attention. If companies that the city has contracted with failed to live up to their contractual agreements, we need to address these concerns. If infrastructure within our city failed or needs attention, then we must make sure our city government is moving to take care of these problems. This type of constructive engagement is what will make our city better prepared for future storms and will benefit residents and our neighborhoods. City management has reached out to neighborhood associations looking to engage with residents to see how the city can do better and where we need to make improvements. First up will be the Westside Association of Wilton Manors, WAWM, meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5th, starting 7 pm at the Hagen Park Community Center. This positive engagement between residents and our city leaders is what makes life just better here… WMG
Life will return to normal sooner than later in our little island paradise.
J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires
Sales & Marketing
Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER
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1 0.4.2017
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October 4, 2017
Hope Outlives the Horror
Real Estate Geek
The Federal Flood Insurance program revisited
By James Oaksun Last time, you may remember, I wrote about the Federal Flood Insurance program. I described the program and identified various structural issues with it. Additionally, I hinted at a potential solution that Realtor-leaders, and society generally, ought to be able to get behind. Well, “various things” have occurred since the last column. Two women named Irma and Maria made highly unwelcome visits to our region. Even before Maria’s arrival, combined losses from Harvey and Irma are expected to exceed $200 billion, making them the most costly one-two punch in history – exceeding losses from Katrina. And then Maria decimated Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, leaving millions of our citizens in dire straits. Humanitarian aid and relief must be the top priority. Yet, some people need to be looking for the hope beyond the horror – namely, what can we do to mitigate risk in the future and ideally build a better society in the process? I humbly suggest the following solution to the flood insurance piece of the puzzle. (Now, just to warn you, I’m going to get a little bit geeky here. It is, after all, who I am. Bear with me.) As I said in my last column, people made significant economic decisions (purchase of real estate) based on an implied assumption that subsidized flood insurance would be available beyond their ownership tenure. That, in effect, makes the difference between the market insurance rate and the subsidized rate an asset that can be
calculated actuarially and capitalized into the value of the property. So, then, the solution requires the owner to elect either of these options. 1. Cash Out and Credit. The government offers to pay property owners in at-risk areas an amount, over a period of years, equal to the present value of the capitalized difference between an actuarially-determined market insurance rate, and the current subsidized rate. Upon acceptance of that offer, the government will further offer affected owners a refundable tax credit to purchase an energy efficient and LEED certified property outside an atrisk area. But on acceptance of the offer, flood insurance (if available) for that property would be charged at a market rate. Owners would then have to decide whether to pay that market rate, be “on the risk” (the technical insurance term) personally for any future flood damages, or sell the property. 2. The Next Claim Is Your Last Claim. Any owner of a property in an at-risk area who declined the offer described above could continue to receive flood insurance at a subsidized rate, as determined by the good graces of the US Congress (with substantial input from the national and various state Realtor associations, as discussed previously). A (i.e., one) future claim made against the flood insurance program would be settled to the replacement cost of the loss. However, subsidized insurance would no longer be available
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October 4, 2017
after that one claim, and the “cash out and credit” option would not be available to the property owner. Many friends of mine from the Midwest tell me it is common sense in those parts not to build anything permanent in a flood plain. No, maybe they don’t wear the most stylish clothes. They may even have voted for YouKnow-Who. But on that score, they are correct. You can’t, morally, say to the affected property owners, “Too bad, no more subsidized insurance, you’re on your own.” To my mind, that is a taking by the government without compensation. And I believe the Supreme Court has in related cases found that to be so. We need an equitable solution that could be a win-win for the vast majority, as well as that creates a more-sound real estate market and property environment. But this is only one piece of a much larger puzzle. The storms also revealed other deferred and sometimes hidden challenges associated with life here in southeast Florida. Fortunately, there are solutions to these issues, as well. And that will be the subject of my next column. WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate Geek(SM), is BrokerOwner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).
10.4.2017 •
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1 0.4.2017
Commission Approves Resolution Denouncing Trump’s Response to Charlottesville By Michael d’Oliveira Photo courtesy of Cville Dog, Wiki.
I’m also available for parties! Halloween, Christmas…and everything in between!
Nathan Johnson
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Resolutions approved by the city commission are usually done so without much debate. But debate was generated at the commission meeting on Sept. 26 with a city resolution “denouncing hatred, intolerance, extremism and discrimination” which was sent to President Donald Trump, the White House, Congress, and others. The resolution stems from the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August and Trump’s response. Trump, who condemned hatred “on both sides,” was criticized for painting a false equivocation between Nazis, the KKK, other racist groups, and the counter protesters who opposed them. On the day of the attacks, Aug. 12, which included one man driving a car into anti-white supremacist protesters, killing one person and injuring others, Trump condemned the violence and hatred “on many sides” but did not mention any white supremacist group by name. Two days later, Trump did condemn racism and call out the groups by name. The next day, Aug. 15, Trump reverted back to saying there was “blame on both sides” and “you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.” Commissioner Tom Green said he wished he had listened to Vice Mayor Justin Flippen who originally wanted stronger language in the resolution. “The president continues to make insensitive and divisive comments...
I have trouble believing those were really good people. Perhaps in their own minds,” he said, referring to the racist groups who carried torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us.” Flippen replied that, in the interests of unity, he toned-down the language but still feels the same message is being sent. “This commission, made up of many diverse groups, speaks out for equality, for inclusivity, for diversity, for a stronger America, for a stronger neighborhood, and for a stronger city.” Although the resolution was approved unanimously and no one on the commission said they were against speaking out against racism and bigotry, Mayor Gary Resnick wondered if it was the right move. “This is exactly what he wants us to do,” the mayor said about Trump. Resnick said Trump wants people talking about racism and bigotry because it gets the country’s attention focused away from the real issues he doesn’t want people talking about, such as hurricane relief in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and his use of the presidency to enrich himself financially. “He wants to distract people from real issues.” Flippen responded by saying that he would support any separate resolutions, addressing those other issues Resnick brought up, but that racism and bigotry are “real issues” that need to be addressed.. WMG
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October 4, 2017
Commission Moves Forward on Generator Rule
their own private elevator. Those types of elevators, he said, would be exempt from the requirement. Commissioner Scott Newton said he’d like to see the issue on the next agenda. If passed, the ordinance would require the generator be installed onsite and be part of the infrastructure. “What good is the car without the engine in it?” asked Vice Mayor Justin Flippen. WMG
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Per the city commission’s request, the city manager and city attorney will research what regulations other cities have instituted regarding generators and multi-unit residential units with multiple stories. The idea comes from Commissioner Tom Green who said one of his neighbors who is confined to a wheelchair couldn’t use the elevator at their apartment complex, The Metropolitan, because of the lack of power due to Hurricane Irma. “I would like this to be a requirement. Anything where there is an elevator should have an emergency generator . . . Maybe it’s going to be just the new buildings,” said Green. He added he doesn’t think most building owners would do it voluntarily. Green said he knows someone who owns a townhouse and installed
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October 4, 2017
10.4.2017 •
Community Business
Final Approval Given to Budget, Millage Rate By Michael d’Oliveira Commissioners gave final approval to the city’s budget and millage rates at their special commission meeting on Sept. 25. Commissioners approved an operating millage rate of 5.9837 and a debt service millage rate of 0.5017, which includes the parks and city hall bonds. The millage rates will result in a $1.10 increase this year for single family home owners with Save Our Homes [SOH] and a $19.10 for those without SOH. For condo owners with SOH, the increase will be .49 cents and $10.08 without. This year’s $35.05 million budget includes $7.15 million for the police department, $4.3 million for leisure services, and $1.3 million for Community Development Services. The budget also included $295,000
Check out what’s happening
Around Town By Michael d’Oliveira
Sound the Alarm The Red Cross is looking for volunteers to participate in its “Sound the Alarm” campaign, a series of home fire safety and smoke alarm installation events across the country. Red Cross volunteers, along with fire departments and other partners will canvass at-risk neighborhoods, install free smoke alarms, replace batteries in existing alarms, and provide fire prevention and safety education. Visit redcross.org/ sound-the-alarm for more information. WMG
Find Lost Pets for Goren, Cherof, Doody, & Ezrol, the law firm which represents the city, $32,000 over three years to convert two tennis courts from asphalt to clay, $17,250 for Wayfinding signs to help direct tourists to destinations in the city, and $5,000 if the county transfers Site 92, a small strip of green space, to the city. WMG
The Broward County Animal Care Adoption Center has pets that were lost during Hurricane Irma. Owners looking for their pets can visit broward.org/animal/pages/ default.aspx to see if the pet has been found. Owners who see their pets should call 954-359-1313 to place a hold on pet until they can arrive to pick him up. Owners of lost pets can also email their pet’s information to Animal Care at lostandfound@ broward.org. Include your name, address and phone number, photo of pet or detailed description, rabies registration number, tattoo number, microchip number, and address where pet was lost. WMG
Kiwanis Pumpkin Patch The Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors’ annual Pumpkin Patch is back. Pumpkins, hay, and corn stalks will be sold by Kiwanis at the Five Points intersection in Wilton Manors. Pumpkins will be on sale starting Saturday, Oct. 7 until either Halloween or they are sold out. The Pumpkin Patch will be open Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Mondays to Fridays from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. The money generated will fund Kiwanis’ programs which focus on helping children in the community. WMG
Environmental Art Contest The Environmental & Sustainability Volunteer Group of Wilton Manors is partnering with Waste Management Inc. for its first Recyclable Materials Art Contest. Those who enter must submit art that is 95 percent made from recyclable materials. The deadline to enter is Nov. 10. Contact Todd DeJesus at 954-390-2105 or tdejesus@ wiltonmanors.com. WMG
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September September20, 6, 2017 2017
10.4.2017 •
history month national
October is LGBT History Month –
Let’s Celebrate SFGN Staff
ctober marks LGBT History Month, was started in 1994 by a Missouri high school teacher, Rodney Wilson. Wilson sought out other teachers and community leaders for his effort and they chose October because school was in session and it coincided with National Coming Out Day on October 11. Soon enough LGBT History Month was endorsed by GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay ad Lesbian Task Force, and the National Education Association. In 2006 Equality Forum took over the responsibility for providing content, promotion and resources for the month, including the website LGBThistorymonth. com which features a different LGBT icon each day in October. “Year 12 with 31 impressive 2017 Icons bringing a total of 372 Icons with resources archived on our new state of the art site, available on all devices,” said Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director of the Equality Forum. “Since inception in 2006, LGBT History Month has gone from not being celebrated to celebrated in all 50 states and resources being used by the U.S. Department of Education, GSAs, colleges and universities, Fortune 500 Companies, and LGBT organizations, among many others.”
Besides the website SFGN will also be participating, along with two dozen other LGBT publications around the country, in a special history project spearheaded by the Philadelphia Gay News. PGN, as well as other LGBT news outlets, have contributed history related news stories to run throughout the month. This year SFGN submitted two pieces to the project – one looks at whether Addison Mizner, founder of South Florida architecture, was a gay man, and the other takes a fresh look at the 1954 murder of a gay flight attendant in Miami. Both were written by SFGN freelancer Graham Brunk. “We started the LGBT History Project to enlighten our community to our own history and how we have contributed to our country. We’ve not only written history but our research has led to noted historians embracing work and contributions,” said Mark Segal, publisher of PGN. “My personal favorite was our work on Baron Von Steuben. Before our work it had only been whispered or generally ‘thought’ he might be gay. This is important since Von Steuben was a key figure to General George Washington and it was his manual which turned the rag tag colonial army into a real fighting force. It can easily be said that with-our Von Steuben, a gay man there would be no United States.”
Photo courtesy of LGBTHistory.com.
Below is a list of this year’s featured icons for LGBT history month from LGBThistory.com. David Adamany Tom Ammiano Jack Baker & Michael McConnell Billy Bean Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz Selisse Berry Charlotte Bunch Lynn Conway George Cukor Wade Davis II Brian Epstein
1 0.4.2017
Edythe Eyde Eric Fanning Alicia Garza Mary Douglas Glasspool Karl Gorath Lorraine Hansberry Taiga Ishikawa Caitlyn Jenner Marsha P. Johnson Alain Locke
Barry Manilow Johnny Mathis Yukio Mishima Craig Rodwell Jeffrey Seller Kyrsten Sinema Peter Staley Vaughn Walker Jeffrey Weinstein Rodney Wilson
history month books
Stonewall Strong Gay Men’s Heroic Fight for Resilience, Good Health and a Strong Community Below is an excerpt from “Stonewall Strong: Gay Men’s Heroic Fight for Resilience, Good Health and a Strong Community,” by JohnManuel Andriote. The book will publish Oct. 8 by Rowman & Littlefield; www.stonewallstrong.com.
n 1961, Frank Kameny and with other members of the Washington Washington, D.C., native Jack Nichols Mattachine Society and members of the organized the Mattachine Society lesbian group Daughters of Bilitis, launched of Washington, D.C., an affiliate of Harry the first gay and lesbian protest in front Hay’s original group in Los Angeles in name of the White House on April 17, 1965. Ten more than in style. Nichols had been deeply members picketed against Cuban and U.S. affected at age 15 when he read Edward government repression of homosexuals Sagarin’s 1951 book “The Homosexual in in the first organized protest by gay people America.” Nichols recounted decades later demanding equality. On July 4 of that in a letter to “The Gay Metropolis” author year, Kameny and Nichols organized the Charles Kaiser that he was most touched first-annual Fourth of July pickets outside by Sagarin’s quotation from the prominent Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Their African-American activist and author W. presence before America’s most hallowed E. B. Du Bois: “The worst effect of slavery building was intended to remind Americans was to make the Negroes doubt themselves that not all their fellow citizens were granted and share in the general contempt for black the equal justice under law promised in the folk.” Nichols well understood the harmful Constitution, written and adopted right effects of self-stigma in gay men’s lives. there. Kameny and Nichols realized that one of Many of the new generation of activists the biggest obstacles to gay people’s progress who thrived on the energy of Stonewall in society was the psychiatric profession’s after the 1969 riots looked at the Mattachine classification of homosexuality as a mental Society’s coat-and-tie, blouse-and-skirt illness. In a 1964 speech to the New York politeness as an anachronism, a hangover Mattachine Society, Kameny said, “The of an earlier time. Wistful longing for a place entire homophile movement is going to “somewhere over the rainbow” was giving stand or fall upon the question of whether way to a new insistence on equality here homosexuality is a sickness, and now. “We were going and upon our taking a firm to smash that rainbow,” stand on it.” says Stonewall “veteran” In March 1965, the D.C. group and Philadelphia Gay News threw down the gauntlet to founder and publisher Mark the psychiatric establishment Segal. “We didn’t have to whose scientifically dubious go over anything or travel classification of homosexuality anywhere to get what we served, as needed, to justify wanted.” discrimination against gay But it was the people. “The Mattachine Mattachines, the gay men Society of Washington,” read and lesbians who had been the group’s public statement, chipping away — bit by - Mark Segal “takes the position that in the bit, year by year — at the absence of valid evidence to very bedrock of legal and the contrary, homosexuality is social homophobia. The not a sickness, disturbance or Washington Mattachines other pathology in any sense, but is merely had already made it clear in their 1965 a preference, orientation or propensity, on declaration to the psychiatric profession par with, and not different in kind from, that there would no longer be a market heterosexuality.” in the homosexual community for their The following month, Kameny, together “pseudo-scientific” views of homosexuality.
“We were going to smash that rainbow.”
In 1970, the executive committee of the National Association for Mental Health declared that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be decriminalized. The group’s San Francisco chapter adopted a resolution asserting, “Homosexuality can no longer be equated only with sickness, but may properly be considered a preference, orientation or propensity for certain kinds of life styles.” Braced by the affirmation, gay activists began to strike with vehement regularity at the American Psychiatric Association. “Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate!” shouted Kameny, seizing the microphone as he and other gay-rights activists effectively took over the world’s most important gathering of psychiatrists during its prestigious Convocation of Fellows. The Mattachines may have been known for their button-down style of protest, but Kameny was no ordinary Mattachine. He was a man who believed with every fiber of his being that gay is good. “Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us,” he told the assembled doctors.
“You may take this as a declaration of war against you.” The APA’s nomenclature and statistics committee met with a group of gay activists, including Bruce Voeller from the newly formed National Gay Task Force (NGTF), who presented the scientific evidence proving homosexuality was not a mental illness. The committee, headed by Robert Spitzer, prepared a background paper on homosexuality for the APA’s board. In it they defined the simple standard by which psychiatrists to this day determine mental illness: For a psychiatric condition to be considered a mental illness, it must either cause distress or impair an individual’s social functioning. “Clearly,” wrote Spitzer, “homosexuality, per se, does not meet the requirements for a psychiatric disorder since … many homosexuals are quite satisfied with their sexual orientation and demonstrate no generalized impairment in social effectiveness or functioning.” For the record, he noted, “the terms ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ are not really psychiatric terms.”
To read the rest, visit SFGN.com.
10.4.2017 •
history month national
The Stonewall
Photo credit: By Diana Davies, copyright owned by New York Public Library.
Rebellion Debunking the Judy Garland myth Perry Brass
LGBT History Project any things have been said and written about “Stonewall,” the historic confrontation in June 1969 after a police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a Mafia-run gay bar on Christopher Street in New York City’s Greenwich Village that ignited the Gay Revolution — and an incredible change in attitudes and feelings about queer people throughout the world. Among them, it happened on the night of a full moon, so a lot of the craziness on the streets can be blamed on that — not true. Another rumor is that it was all sparked by the death — and funeral, at Frank E. Campbell’s mortuary, uptown on Madison Avenue and 83rd, around the corner from the Metropolitan Museum — of gay icon Judy Garland. The “girls” were just so discombobulated by grief that they let go of all restraint and started breaking windows, uprooting parking meters, throwing 40-pound garbage cans through the windows and even biting cops on the legs. Again, no! The Judy Garland Myth, I’ve always felt, was the most pernicious of them all: Basically, it said that it took Garland’s death to make LGBT people angry enough to fight back. That was not true. We had been fighting back all along; there were numerous instances of us doing so against huge odds. Just a few were the melee at Cooper Donuts in L.A. in 1959; a 1965 action by San Francisco’s groundbreaking gay-friendly Council on Religion and the Homosexual when the cops tried to close down a drag ball the council sponsored to raise funds; also in 1965, the racially mixed “sit-in” at Dewey’s, an all-night coffee shop in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square, after its management refused service to “masculine women and feminine men”; the famous and
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really brutal Compton’s Cafeteria riots in San Francisco in 1966; and the “Sip-in” in Julius’, an ostensibly straight bar in Greenwich Village, that same year. People who were at Stonewall (and I was around the corner at another bar both nights, but came out for it on the second night) have all emphatically denied any Garland connection — including Thomas LaniganSchmidt, a reliable witness; the late Jerry Hoose, who was later in the Gay Liberation Front; and David Carter in his well-researched book “Stonewall: the Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution.” I can certainly say that, in my own youth, in that period, Garland was as far away from my mind as Uranus. Like most kids on their own in New York (I was 21 then), we were mostly centered on trying to survive in what was a much more contentious city. I describe New York in that period as a place of endless “class, race and ethnic resentment,” as well as knife-to-the-throat homophobia (police entrapment; regular violence and harassment on the streets; and at work, intimidation and even blackmail) that was only slightly moderated by having enough money — i.e. those often-talked- about “rich queens” — that you could float along in some bubble above street level. Power did not come from the streets then as we later felt, when gay groups joined other identity groups and seriously organized. What the Judy Myth did was make many older, “bourgeois” gay men, lesbians and their allies feel comfortable. If what happened at Stonewall was outside their comfort zone — and for many it was — they could feel all gooey and happy knowing that the “girls” were driven to this by some of the feelings they had: sadness over the death of Mickey Rooney’s
girlfriend in those sweet 1930s musicals from their youth. As Mark Segal, publisher of PGN, said in a recent column about the Judy Myth: “It trivializes the riot and our actions, especially those of the street kids and trans people.” Trivializing us was a constant in that period: If queers did it, it had to be stupid, worthless or shallow. It could not come from any deeper feelings, and it certainly could not be born out of rage, anger, passion or honesty. It was certain we had none of these: We were the “decorative” elements of society that could be wiped away when mainstream
power decided our presence was no longer worth it. So blaming a truly violent event of people standing up to the brute might of the New York City Police Department — with all its riot gear, tear gas, horses, squad cars, night sticks and guns — on the death, of all people, Judy Garland … well, you could certainly gloat about that around cocktails on the Upper East Side. You could do a great, superior “Tsk, tsk” about it. But it was a lie. Judy in her casket at Frank E. Campbell’s had nothing to do with Stonewall. We did.
Perry Brass’s 19 books include fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories and bestsellers like “The Manly Art of Seduction” and “King of Angels, A Novel About Childhood’s End and Sexual Awakening in Kennedy Era Savannah, Georgia.” His work often deals with the heartfelt feelings that came from his roots in New York’s Gay Liberation Front directly after the Stonewall uprising. He is a founding coordinator of the Rainbow Book Fair. More info at www.perrybrass.com.
This piece is part of the LGBT History Project, a national multi-newspaper series, that’s put together by the Philadelphia Gay News each year.
history month local
A Short History of
Local Gay Bar Raids An after hours drink at the watering hole was once a risky proposition Graham Brunk t’s been almost 26 years since the last Kelly, organized the first “pervert round up” major gay bar raid occurred in South as the Miami Herald called it. This targeted Florida. known gay establishments that existed in the That story is still very well known by those northeastern part of downtown. The pervert around today. Then Broward County Sheriff round up consisted of locating and arresting Nick Navarro orchestrated a raid of two well any people “looking” gay or “acting” gay known LGTB establishments, The Copa in around the county, usually with a vagrancy Fort Lauderdale and Club 21 in Pembroke charge. Park. Dozens of gay men were rounded up and The following is a concise list of some humiliated in front of live television. It was notorious gay club/bar raiding that took place an act Navarro defended stating he was only throughout South Florida. attempting to crack down on South Florida’s It is impossible to know the true extent as to drug problem in night clubs, but the effort is how many were raided and unreported: very clearly seen in history as a move based on bigotry by a publicity seeking individual. March 9, 1947 - Police raided Club Jewel South Florida Gay News Publisher, Norm Box, located in Miami, and arrested owner Kent, was the attorney that defended many of Danny Brown for allowing consumption of the gay men arrested that night. alcohol after hours even though this was by no That raid may have been the last big anti-gay means regular practice to do at the time. The bust, but it certainly wasn't the first. Gay bars Miami News even reported this act as unusual and clubs have existed as far back as the 1930s by the police department. Two other Miami in Miami, For Lauderdale, and West Palm area clubs known at the time to cater towards Beach areas. And, for a while they existed in gay men and have drag shows; Clover Club and obscurity featuring what media at the time Zissen’s were also raided that night for similar innocently called “female impersonators” and faults. even male dancers. That all changed August 12, 1954 - At in the summer of 2 p.m., then Miami Beach Concerned about 1954 as described Police Chief RJ Shepard, gays congregating by Fred Fejes' book, organized a raid of the 12th in bars or clubs “Gay Rights and Moral Street beach (which is still then Dade County Panic.” A national a gay beach today) in South Sheriff, Thomas “moral panic” over Beach. With a sharp eye Kelly, organized homosexuality that and a team of officers they the first “pervert began to spur around harassed 35 gay men on the the country, and the beach with questions and round up” as the 1954 Miami murder of ultimately arrested some Miami Herald William T. Simpson, of them for wearing what called it. a gay Eastern Airlines they considered effeminate flight attendant, bathing attire. began to entice local progressive leaders in South Florida to crack August 14, 1954 - This evening in down on this “issue.” particular was sure to live in infamy for many That in turn spread awareness throughout gay men in South Florida at the time. Circus, the South Florida community that there were Charles Hotel Bar, DeMarco, Alibi (unrelated gay people amongst them, maybe even as to todays Georgie’s Alibi), Leon and Eddies, many as 5,000 of them according to a Miami and Singapore Lounge were all small operating Herald article from the time. As a result, the bars catering to men and were all raided by City of Miami among others quickly passed Dade County Sheriff’s officers that evening. laws outlawing cross dressing as well as bars The officers reported seeing men dressed as and clubs catering to the gay community. women and one officer was quoted by the Concerned about gays congregating in bars Miami News stating “we don’t want perverts or clubs then Dade County Sheriff, Thomas setting up house keeping in this county. We
want them to know they’re not welcome.” Another sheriff’s officer even stated he learned of a recent syphilis outbreak amongst homosexuals and considered it “alarming.” About 79 were arrested in total for vagrancy. March 2, 1957 - The “Dive,” a bar on NW 79th Street was raided by the Dade County Sheriff’s office and broadcast live on TV. According to the Miami News, 75 people were charged with “vagrancy and drunkiness.” One Dade County deputy was even quoted with stating "I don't know how they managed to pack 'so many' into the place…" April 6, 1957 - Patrons of the Red Carpet Lounge on Alton Road in Miami beach found the rug pulled out from under them when, under the direction of Miami Beach deputy Joe Gorman, 35 men were arrested for vagrancy. Local TV stations were present filming the raid. April 17, 1966 - About 150 patrons of a small private Oakland Park nightclub called Val’s Caterer’s Inc. scrambled as 15 Broward Sheriff’s deputies stormed the club at 2 a.m. Neighboring businesses had been complaining of “all male” parties frequently taking place at the business whose front was catering. Because so many scrambled so quickly, only four people were arrested for “being drunk,” one of which shamefully admitted he was a Broward County school teacher, a fact that did not go unnoticed by local media at the time. March 19, 1972 - A Miami police officer, Bill DuPriest, who was off duty, was with his
wife at Bachelors II, a small gay establishment on Coral Way in Miami. He described to the Miami News how in minutes police swarmed the bar and harassed patrons because “they were suspected of being homosexuals.” He described how men were making out in the bar and some were holding hands. Disagreeing with his department’s actions in this effort, DuPriest quit his job. August 1, 1979 - West Palm Beach police claiming to be doing a “routine check” happened to find themselves in Man’s Land on 25th street around 2:30 a.m. Police found that obscene films were being projected onto the walls of the club and arrested the bar’s manager as well as several patrons of the bar. They were charged for lewd and lascivious conduct even though the police report doesn't actually state they were physically doing anything. June 9, 1992 - Now this raid was driven by fierce competition in West Palm Beach at the time. At 11:30 p.m., West Palm Beach Police, acting on a tip from a competing bar owner, entered H.G. Roosters on Belvedere Road and arrested 2 dancers and several bar patrons for lewd and lascivious behavior. The dancers were caught exposing themselves to the bar patrons and, for a time, Roosters was shut down. Fortunately due to local human rights groups and activists, the idea of a bar being raided simply because it is gay or has gay themed programming is now a thing of the past.
Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGTBQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com. 10.4.2017 •
Genesis Health Institute Features SculpSure™ for NonInvasive Body Sculpting!
Eliminate fat without surgery in just 25 minutes…
enesis Health Institute is excited to feature SculpSure, a noninvasive body sculpting system for the permanent elimination of fat around the body’s midsection. Treating areas such as the abdomen, flanks and love handles with SculpSure not only destroys fat, but also produces collagen which tightens skin in the treated area. Patients begin to see results within 6 weeks and full results are obtained at just 12 weeks. Best of all, this fat elimination and skin tightening procedure is achieved without any surgery or downtime. In multi-site trials, a single procedure was proven to reduce approximately 25% of the treated fat area and yield a 92% patient satisfaction rate. All in less than half the time required by the alternate “fat freezing” procedure available. Over 80% of adults in the United States are unhappy with their physical appearance, a majority stating their
stomach is a major source of anxiety. It’s not surprising that fat reduction is one of the fastest growing procedures in the aesthetics field. Even with diet and exercise, many people have areas of fat that seem impossible to get rid of. SculpSure can help most patients lose 50% of their midsection body fat with two simple treatments that fit easily into their busy lifestyles. FDA cleared and clinically tested, SculpSure is a safe and effective lightbased treatment that precisely targets fat cells and permanently destroys them in an easy 25 minute procedure. The destroyed cells are absorbed and discharged through the body’s lymphatic system. There is no downtime or recovery; and patients may return to normal activities immediately following the procedure. SculpSure is comfortable and well-tolerated, with most patients feeling nothing more than a tingling, warming sensation.
Contact Genesis Health Institute at 954-561-3175 to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn more about SculpSure and other Anti-Aging Medical and Aesthetic Treatments. Genesis Health Institute is south Florida’s “Premiere” full service anti-aging center celebrating its tenth year of service. Providing quality healthcare and expertise in Wilton Manors, we pride ourselves in offering the community a caring, hospitable and affordable concierge based medical practice. Dr. Cabrera, owner and Medical Director of the Genesis Health Institute is certified by the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine. Our mission is to provide state of the art medical, therapeutic and aesthetic treatments to optimize not only quantity but most importantly, quality of life!
Genesis Health Institute is located at 1001 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors (next to Starbuck’s at 5-points) and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm. Please call 954-561-3175 to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss their varied therapies and treatments or check out their website at www.ghinstitute.com for additional information.
1 0.4.2017
rk’s Sto
Delivers Good Food & Mem orie s Rick Karlin
o say that Stork’s is a Wilton Manors landmark is an understatement. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary the bakery/café has been a popular meeting spot since Jim Stork opened it in 1997. Those who think of it as “just a coffee shop” couldn’t be more wrong. While it does serve eight different styles of brew, as well as an array of teas, smoothies, cappuccinos and lattes, iced or hot; folks can also grab a pastry to go along with their cup of Joe, or sit and enjoy a full breakfast, lunch or dinner.
SFGN.com/FOOD to read the rest of this article.
Wilton manors is full of foodie landmarks. join sfgn as we show you the best of the best! We know you have fine taste... so come treat yourself.
10.4.2017 •
J.W. Arnold
o c to b er
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W W W . S F G N . C O M
The Rhythm is Gonna Get You
Television “Shade: Queens of NYC,” moves past the glam and glitz to provide an intimate look inside New York’s drag community. The 12-part docuseries on Fusion TV will showcase the day-to-day lives of each individual performer, on and off the stage. Each week viewers will also be treated to a spectacular musical number performed by the queens. Check local listings for channels and show times. For more information, go to Fusion.net.
theater MNM Productions presents “La Cage aux Folles,” the beloved musical comedy about a gay nightclub owner and his drag performer husband, through Oct. 22 in the Rinker Playhouse at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. Jerry Herman’s memorable score includes the iconic songs, “I Am What I Am” and “The Best of Times.” The all-star regional cast includes Michael Ursua as Albin. Tickets start at $45 at Kravis.org.
This is the hottest ticket in town! The Arsht Center launch of the first national touring production of “On Your Feet!,” the Gloria and Emilio Estefan Broadway Musical, is definitely the theatrical event of the season in South Florida. Tickets are already scarce for the upbeat show about the Cuban-born founders of the Miami Sound Machine. You won’t want to miss this one. Tickets start at $29 at ArshtCenter.org. Photo courtesy of the Arsht Center.
10/7 SUN
10/8 MON
10/9 TUE
Feeling horny tonight? There’s an app for that. “Hook Ups Vol. 1” is a collection of short plays about—you guessed it—gay men hooking up on Grindr, Scruff, Growler and Mark’s List. The plays are sexy, funny and just a little kinky, too, with male frontal nudity and explicit situations. Catch the action through Oct. 22 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35-50 at RonnieLarsen.com.
If you desperately miss “Downton Abbey” and the show’s wonderful costumes, check out “The Collection” tonight on PBS. This period drama, set in Paris right after the end of World War II, is the story of a young designer, Paul Sabine, set on restoring the fashion capital of the world. His dresses are a hit, but his shady past and an inconvenient corpse stand in the way of his success. Check local listings for channels and show times.
At their first meeting, Tony Puma read 400 of his poems to David Simson. Forty poems were selected and developed into “Wisdom, Wonderment, Rainbows,” the one-act marriage of Tony’s words and David’s conception and direction. See this unique production, accentuated with music and multimedia, tonight at 8 p.m. at Island City Stage, 2038 N. Dixie Hwy. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $7 at IslandCityStage.org.
The Au Rene Theater at the Broward Center will be alive with “The Sound of Music.” The beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein musical opens the Broadway Across Fort Lauderdale season tonight at 8 p.m. and runs through Oct. 22. The cast will have you singing all your favorite songs, from “DoRe-Mi” and “The Lonely Goat Herder” to the moving anthems “Edelweiss” and “Climb Every Mountain.” Tickets start at $30 at BrowardCenter.org.
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10.4.2017 •
A&E film
LGBT Film Festival Opens in Fort Lauderdale
Netflix Actor/Advocate to be Honored
J.W. Arnold
Playhouse October 6-22, 2017 Rinker
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:30 pm Wednesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm • Sunday at 1:30 pm
Book by Harvey Fierstein • Lyrics & Music by Jerry Herman
WiNNER of 11 ToNy AWARdS
“The Funny, Saucy, Gender-Bending Musical” Choose your seat at the Kravis Center’s official website kravis.org or call 561.832.7469 or 800.572.8471 Group sales: 561.651.4438 or 561.651.4304
4.93x5.25 LaCg JewishJourn ad.indd 1
9/18/17 12:39 PM
he OUTshine Film Festival returns to Fort Lauderdale this weekend for the ninth year. The festival, previously known as the Fort Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Film Festival and more recently MiFo LGBT Film Festival, was rebranded earlier this year and shares its new name with a spring festival in Miami. More than 30 LGBTQ-themed features, documentaries and short films from the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Latin America will be screened during the festival, Oct. 6 – 15. Most screenings will be held at Savor Cinema, formerly the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival’s Cinema Paradiso, 503 SE 6th St., and the Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. Opening night festivities will be held at NSU Art Museum, 1 Las Olas Blvd., at 8 p.m. with a red carpet runway, reception and screening of “A Close Knit,” a Japanese film that won the "Teddy Jury Award" and the "Panorama Audience Award" at the Berlin International Film Festival earlier this year. At the opening night party, actor Tommy Dorfman, one of the young stars of Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why,” will be presented with the festival’s Lavender Award for an upand-coming actor. In addition to portraying gay teenager Ryan Shaver in the hit series, Dorfman has been an outspoken LGBT advocate and ally, spotlighting the issues of bullying in the age of social media. In a statement, Dorfman said, “LGBTQIA inclusion in media, especially TV and film, is not just important, it's essential. It would be reductive and unrealistic to exclude us from the narrative. We exist, and our truthful portrayals in TV and film bring life to the stories being told, as well as educate, inspire, and validate viewers.” He added, “So many shows and movies that are being made today are all about coming out, which is an important story to tell and has been told, so to have the opportunity to play a character that is just comfortable with himself and advocates for gay people... we owe that to Bryan [Yorkey, the show’s developer] and the rest of the writers." Highlights of the festival also include
Actor Tommy Dorfman from Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” will be honored on the opening night of the OUTshine Fort Laudedale film festival on Friday, Oct. 6. Submitted photo.
men’s shorts at Savor Cinema and “The Feels,” the ladies spotlight film at the Classic Gateway Theatre, both on Saturday, Oct. 7. Ladies shorts will be screened on Sunday, Oct. 8, also at the Gateway. The centerpiece film, a dramatization of the iconic homoerotic artist, “Tom of Finland,” will be presented on Thursday, Oct. 12 at Savor Cinema and “Saturday Church” will be the festival’s official closing film, Sunday, Oct 15 at Savor Cinema. Highlights from the documentary lineup include “The Untold Tales of Armistead Maupin,” chronicling the life of the creator of “Tales of the City,” on Sunday, Oct. 8; “Rebels on Pointe,” about the male ballerinas of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, on Saturday, Oct. 14; and “The Lavender Scare,” the story of early LGBTQ activists fighting discrimination in government employment on Sunday, Oct. 15. Tickets for most screenings are $11 – 14. Tickets for the opening night event at NSU Art.
Museum, centerpiece and closing night events are $25 – 60. A complete schedule and tickets are available at OUTshineFilm.com. 36
1 0.4.2017
A&E film “Battle of the Sexes” Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures.
Battle of the Sexes Emma Stone shines in queer sports biopic
David Elijah Nahmod
hough parts of the film are humorous, serve as a reminder as to how things were for the new sports biopic "Battle of the LGBT people of a generation ago. Coming out Sexes," tells a very serious tale: that of was not an option. Being known as queer was the epic 1973 tennis match between tennis career suicide. The two women are forced to champions Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. meet in secret, often leaving their hotel rooms King was, at the time, a closeted lesbian, a separately so as not to arouse suspicion. married woman struggling with her sexual These sequences underscore how far we have identity while she trained for her match to go in spite of all the gains that have been against Riggs. Riggs was a selfmade. avowed sexist and all around The film's most powerful The scenes bad boy who adored being the line comes not from King or center of attention. Rather than between King Riggs, but from out bisexual properly train for his match Alan Cumming, who plays and Marilyn actor against King, Riggs chose instead Ted Tinling, King's fashion serve as a to give wisecracking interviews designer--Ted is semi-out. He to the press and to pose for nude embraces King and assures her reminder photos. Steve Carrell is quite that one day queers will be free as to how good as Riggs, giving the film its to be themselves and love who humorous edge. When Carrell things were they wish. It's a chill inducing is onscreen the film moves at moment. for LGBT a delightfully fast pace and Stone is mesmerizing as a people of a plays like a delicious screwball woman who exudes confidence comedy. on the tennis court if not in her generation But "Battle of the Sexes" personal life. Her hair, make-up ago. is, first and foremost, Emma and glasses--a perfect copy of Stone's film--her scenes are far the real King's trademark round more serious in tone. Stone gives an Oscar eyewear—effectively recreates the young worthy performance as King. As she tours King of 45 years ago. Stone looks and sounds the country with a newly formed women's like her subject. She beautifully captures tennis league, King enters into a secret affair the wide array of emotions that King was no with Marilyn (Andrea Riseborough), her doubt feeling at the time. hair stylist. The attraction between the two In the years since her match with Riggs, women is intense--King cannot deny her Billie Jean King indeed came out, becoming feelings for Marilyn, even as she struggles and both a feminist and a lesbian icon. "Battle juggles her feelings for her loyal and loving of the Sexes" not only recreates her now husband (Austin Stowell), who figures out the legendary tennis court battle against Riggs, truth. it shows us how she became the woman she The scenes between King and Marilyn now is.
"Battle of the Sexes" is currently playing in theaters.
Friday, Oct. 6, 7:30 pm Play Reading: Sotte Voce ($20) Saturday, Oct. 7, 2 pm Play Reading: East and West of the War ($20) Saturday, Oct. 7, 7:30 pm Play Reading: Alice N. ($20) Sunday, Oct. 8, 10 am Masterclass ($30)
All events to take place at Theatre Lab, Parliament Hall, FAU Boca Raton | www.fau.edu/theatrelab Play Readings $20 | Masterclass $30 All Cruz Events Package $75
Tickets at www.fauevents.com
| 561-297-6124 10.4.2017 •
South Florida Insurance Coverage
By John Fugate
allant Insurance Agency offers highly experienced agents who will match top rated insurance companies with your home insurance needs.
Cost of Homeowners Insurance in South Florida
Statistics show South Florida Insurance rates to be higher than the national average:
Nationally, premiums average $1,034 per year. * In South Florida the average is $2,700 per year. * The Sunshine State ranks 14th overall in homeowner’s insurance premiums. *
Number of Catastrophes in Florida While our warm climate attracts people to Florida, the same climate is responsible for our harsh storm season.
In 2014, there were 594 recorded catastrophes in Florida, primarily due to storms. * There were also 23 reported tornadoes, something not often associated with Florida. * About 1 in 15 insured homes has a claim every year. * The costs of recovering from a catastrophe can devastate household’s finances. Quality insurance can make a difficult situation bearable and help get your life back on track again
Number of Thefts in Florida Florida has a surprisingly low reported number of household thefts compared to the national average. Protection against theft is a key factor of your home insurance policy. Taking preventative measures, such as Installing a home security system can help lower insurance costs. Pallant Insurance can answer all your questions regarding homeowner’s insurance while providing you with a free insurance quote.
1 0.4.2017
Nationwide Home and Property Damage Fact In an average year, 374,000 residences catch fire resulting in $7.32 billion in loss* In 2010, 2,158,878 houses were burglarized resulting in an estimated $4.6 billion loss* 1,691 tornadoes occurred in the U.S. in 2011, at a cost of $28 billion* Getting coverage for the risks of home ownership is simply prudent. Pallant Insurance Agency can help you make sense of the many coverage options that are available to you.
What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover? Broadly speaking, homeowners insurance covers potential loss resulting from risks such as theft, severe storms, fire and personal liability. Disasters such as floods and earthquakes are not included in a typical home insurance policy. Homeowners liability coverage insures risk when someone else is injured on your premises or where you cause damage to someone else’s property. Your homeowners insurance can even protect against injury you cause to another person off-premises under certain circumstances. Note that liability insurance will not cover acts of violence or intentional damage. If a person files a liability claim against you, your personal liability insurance can pay for property repairs, medical or funeral costs or even a lawsuit. When evaluating the amount of liability coverage that makes the most sense for you, be sure to fully discuss your limits and deductibles with your Pallant Insurance Agent.
*Facts in this article are provided by Trusted Choice, Independent Insurance agents
15 Minutes From The Beach or I-95 754-779-7007
Two Locations!
10.4.2017 •
October 4 - october 10
Theater Christiana Lilly
On Your Feet
* Melodious Sounds on Sarod and Tabla
Oct. 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Broward County Main Library Auditorium, 100 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Association of Performing Arts India presents Apratim Majumdar on the sarod and Shankhachur Lahiri on the tabla. Tickets $10 to $30. Visit APAIArt.com.
Oct. 5 to 15 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Follow the story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan, from their roots in Cuba to becoming music sensations in the United States. Tickets $29 and up. Call 305-9496722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
* Seu Jorge Presents: The Life Aquatic, A Tribute to David Bowie
La Cage aux Folles
White Boy
Oct. 6 to 22 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. After 20 years together, Georges and Albin are shocked when Georges’ daughter (from a one-night-stand) is marrying the son of a bigoted politician. Tickets $45 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
The Sound of Music
Oct. 10 to 22 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical of the nun Maria when she becomes a nanny to the von Trapp children. Tickets $30 and up. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county
1 0.4.2017
Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Seu Jorge commemorates the life of the late David Bowie with the backdrop of “The Life Aquatic.” Tickets $45 to $215. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
"Building the Wall," a play at the Arsht Center through Oct. 8 in Miami. Photo courtesy of "Building The Wall." of his brand new album, “All the Light Above it Too.” Tickets $66 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.
Through Oct. 22 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Midwestern boy Patrick moves to Los Angeles to get away from the small town life, when he encounters race and cultural differences when he falls in love with Lobo, a Chicano gang member. Tickets $35 to $50. Visit RonnieLarsen.com
* The Vagina Monologues
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves. com
palm beach county Jack Johnson
Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. The beach rocker tours in support
Oct. 12 to 13 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 N 188th St. in Aventura. The awardwinning performance brings together female voices for their take on womanhood. Contains adult language or content. Tickets $34 to $45. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org. Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county Building the Wall
Through Oct. 8 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. After America goes through a terrorist attack in 2019, martial law is declared and millions of immigrants are
detained. Tickets $54 and up. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
The Under Pants
Through Oct. 22 at the Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. In this adaptation by Steve Martin, Louise goes outside to see the king in a passing parade when her underpants accidentally fall to her ankles. Suddenly two men are fawning after her, to the dismay of her husband. Tickets $35 to $30. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers. com.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM. org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
10.4.2017 •
Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks
Maximizing your Membership Benefits Networking Breakfast
Oct. 5 from 10 to 1 a.m. at the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Learn more about the benefits of joining the Miami-Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce while networking with members. Free. RSVP at 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com or GayBizMiami. com.
October 4 october 10 Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
OUTshine Film Festival
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
Sixth Annual Golden Fest
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Oct. 6 to 15 throughout Fort Lauderdale. A celebration of LGBT film with screenings, panels, parties and more. Tickets $11 to $60 for various events and films. Visit OUTshineFilm.com. Oct. 8 from 1 to 10 p.m. at the Boynton Beach Art District, 410 W. Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach. A day of art, music, and performances by emerging artists and musicians in South Florida. Organizations will be collecting donations for the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Free. Call 786-5211199, email ActivistArtistA@gmail.com or visit BoyntonBeachArtDistrict.com.
* Denotes New Listing
SunServe Youth Group
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county Stonewall Author Presentation: “Six Neckties” by Johnny Diaz
Oct. 4 at 4 p.m. at Stonewall Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Tommy Perez always seems to be a best man or groomsman and comes home with a new necktie at every wedding — until he meets wedding photographer Danny. Free. Call 954763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network CLE Luncheon
Oct. 5 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Join GLLN for a CLE luncheon on medical marijuana in Florida. Tickets $25 for members, $30 nonmembers. Visit GLLN.net.
1 0.4.2017
* Oakland Park Oktoberfest
Oct. 6 to 8 at Jaco Pastorius Park, 4000 N. Dixie Highway in Oakland Park. Three days of beer stein races, a Central Park Dachshund Dash, apple-strudel-eating contests, and beer and food from Funky Buddha. Tickets $5. Call 954-630-4500 or visit OaklandParkFL.gov/228/Oktoberfest.
* One Day Ujima Ashe Alliance
Oct. 7 at 10 a.m. at AIDS Healthcare Foundation, 700 SE Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Meet with other black samegender loving men and help create a local network. RSVP to 813-391-6710 or ujimamen@gmail.com. Visit ujimamen.net.
October 4 - october 10 Taste of Equality
Oct. 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Gulfstream Park, 901 S. Federal Highway in Hallandale Beach. Celebrate equality by tasting delectable dishes from restaurants, shopping specials, raffles, entertainment, and more. Tickets $40 in advance, $50 the door benefiting Equality Florida’s Safe and Healthy Schools Project. Visit eqfl.org/tasteofequality.
True Colors: In Our Own Words, Video Stories in Queer America
Through Nov. 5 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. View how LGBT activism has blossomed online, from the “It Gets Better” campaign, coming out, and online personalities. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-onone life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
Rest Your Mind
Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.
palm beach county * Paws in the Park
Oct. 7 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Carlin Park, 400 S. SR A1A in Jupiter. Bring your pup for entertainment, dock jumping, vendos, food, and Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League’s PetMobile with animals looking for forever homes. Free. Visit Facebook.com/ SeabreezeAmphitheater
Hurricane Irma Relief
Through Nov. 30 at the Urban League of Palm Beach County, 1700 N. Australian Ave. in West Palm Beach. Were you impacted by Hurricane Irma and need help? Come to the league Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to receive assistance. Bring your SSN, address and description of the damage, phone number, a working address, insurance information, and banking information. Call 561-833-1461 or visit ULPBC.org
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.
Bisexual Support Group
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Share your thoughts with other members of the bisexual community, discuss issues, and address concerns in a safe environment. Email marissa@compassglcc.com or visit CompassGLCC.com.
miami-dade county Leveraging GayBizMiami.com to Attract Customers and Build Your Brand
Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to noon at the HUB of the LGBT Visitor Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Join the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce for its monthly website training workshop, where you can learn how to use GayBizMiami. com to improve your business. Free. RSVP at 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com or GayBizMiami.com.
* Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association Luncheon
Oct. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Perricone’s Marketplace and Café, 15 SE 10th St. in Miami. Network with attorneys, judges, and other law professionals with discussion about longterm care in the LGBT community, isolation, and services/facilities available. Admission $35 members and $45 for nonmembers. RSVP to 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com, or gaybizmiami.com.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
key west Gay Key West Trolley Tours
Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.
PORN pulse
Porn Star ‘Laying Low’ After Meth Bust Hunter Houston
Photo courtesy of Rush.
week after being busted for meth, porn star Matthew Rush announced he is “laying low.” Edge Media Network reports that a Facebook account attributed to Rush posted, “I’m fine. Thanks to everyone and their support. I’m in good health and going to lay low. Thank you everyone.” Wilton Manors police popped Rush (real name Gregory Andrew Grove) on Sept. 19 at a motel on the outskirts of town. In the incident report, officers responded to a disturbance call involving the 44-year-old former Falcon Studios actor. Rush reportedly gave police verbal consent to search his backpack. Officers found a clear glass pipe and methamphetamine. “The white residue inside the glass pipe field tested positive for the presence of methamphetamines,” the police report reads. This is the second brush with law enforcement this year for Rush. In March, Rush was arrested by Broward Sheriff’s Office
deputies on charges of assault, battery and culpable negligence. Rush was an A-list adult actor in the 2000s. Some of Rush’s credits for Falcon include: “Bootstrap,” “The Recruits,” “Good As Gold,” “Up All Night” and “Bounce.” In 2010, Rush received the Grabby Award for “Best Versatile Performer.” Rush’s arrest produced a huge discussion on social media with various opinions on addiction, porn, drugs and celebrity status. “It’s so sad,” posted Wilton Manors drag queen Jaclyn St. James on Facebook. “I still don’t understand why people even try this drug when they have seen the outcomes, it’s disgusting.”
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10.4.2017 •
Business Directory
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law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
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a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida 2040 North Dixie Hwy, #218, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
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GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailed-oriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com
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HUNNY DO LIST OUT OF CONTROL? - Looking for a regular house keeper? Mother in law in bound and the house is a mess? Errands stacking up? Raven Wings House Care Services is here to help, no job to big or small. Give us a call or text at 720-683-2713 to discuss your needs and how we can help.
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United Realty Group - Building in Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Coconut Creek, Lauderdale Lakes and Hollywood. Starting in the 200's, 2 & 3 Bedrooms, 1 & 2 Garages available with building incentives. Call for details Michael 561-703-5533 or email mkltub@aol.com for more info.
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MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $1090, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-2/1=$1290.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561- 703-5533 or miketherentalguy@ aol.com
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MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE 2/1 $1,350/MO - Live very close to Wilton Manors and The Drive. Tudor Manor Complex. Very tropical. Pets OK. First/Last/Sec & Association approval. Contact Mike Trottier, Realtor 954-627-1222 ext 1 www.mikesREteam.com iHome Florida Real Estate
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Roommate - Elderly gay man formerly from Europe seeks roommate between 62 and 75 to share a 3 bedroom house and pool. Must have a car. Very low rent. Serious minded only! Call Gary @ 561-451-0205.
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OAKLAND PARK 1BD/1BT $850/MONTH - One bedroom apartment in Oakland Park, recently updated bath. Well maintained. Large walk in closet. Tiles floors through out. Impact windows. Privacy fence and off street parking. $50 application fee. Background Checks, No Smoking. No Pets. $850/month call 954-818-9012
10.4.2017 •