10/7/15 V6i40

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October 7, 2015 vol. 6 // issue 40

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Gazette Wilton Manors


Pride reborn Pride Fort Lauderdale rises from the ashes of Pride South Florida SOUTHFLORIDAGAYNEWS


Pages 28 - 30, 32 - 33, 66 - 67


The oPening line

comments from sFgn’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

Michele BachMann warns u.s. May Be DesTroyeD like soDoM & goMorrah

Someone needs to translate the phrase "when you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas" into Italian and Spanish. I don't think the Pope realizes what he may have inadvertently aligned himself, and the catholic church with.

such gently written "explanations" by the Vatican PR....if it crescendo's, there's another round of "clarifications" coming right up.... like clock work - Holy time is quite "flexible" you know...

Minnesota, do something with her. She's making you look more and more like Florida, weather aside.

Photo: Pete Souza/The White House.



Food/Travel Editor RICK KARLIN

David elijah –

neal upright –

Maybe she'll turn into a pillar of salt.

Sell your crazy someplace else loser.



Contributing Columnists

lesbian couple Denied entry into north Miami Beach club keith nunnink –

carl szulczynski – Trying to put this into perspective. So a lesbian couple wantsMthe EMBER right to objectify women, alongside men, in a private club. What's next? Will they show up at a gay men's bathhouse and demand entry? And does this mean men are now allowed into "the closet" and other infamously exclusive lesbian bars and clubs? There's a lot of gray area here.

Fletcher neale – So, SFGN, has missed reported again. This is not a gay issue, it's a sexist issue. You could've left the lesbian part out, or said 'who happened to be a couple.' If we gay people want to be respected as equal to everyone else, put down the gay MEMBER flag when issues aren't related to being gay. I bet, if they were straight and just going out, the same thing would've happened.

Out Now! 2


Senior Features Correspondents

But being a business owner, I also understand that profits come more easily with a larger customer base. In my business, I feel I should be able to rent to whoever I want and not do business with anyone I don't want. I don't think anyone has the right to tell me otherwise. At your bar, you have the right to refuse service to anyone, correct?




greg kanter –

carl Merchant –

luimar Zibetti garza –



grady scott stephens –

Pope might agree with defiant Kentucky clerk but he don't live here----and January Kentucky will be back in session--------your Karma is coming Kim

OCTOBER 7, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 40 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

Photos: Facebook.

kim Davis Meets with The Pope



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Cover: SFGN celebrates Pride Week with the LGBT community in Fort Lauderdale. South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

• 10.7.2015


10.7.2015 •


Photo: John McDonald.

politics out on the trail

Darr Delivers AIDS Awareness Message To Palm Beach Women John McDonald


he topic of HIV/AIDS was the central coordinate Ryan White programs for people theme of the Palm Beach County living with HIV/AIDS, is campaigning for the Democratic Women’s Club meeting Florida House of Representatives in District Saturday, Oct. 3, in Lake Worth. 82, which includes parts of Palm Beach and AIDS activist Aaron Darr spoke to the Martin Counties. After listening to Darr group, giving his personal story and sharing speak in Tallahassee and again on Saturday some concerning numbers about HIV in Lake Worth, Higgins said the young man infection in Florida. was capable of moving people “AIDS does not to action. discriminate,” Darr said. “It’s really important that Florida, Darr said, leads the Aaron break through because nation in teenagers being “This is extremely he can reach people in a infected with HIV and is different way,” Higgins said. concerning and second in pediatric cases. During his speech, Darr the reason why “This is extremely expressed disappointment we need Florida’s the federal budget for HIV/ concerning and the reason why we need Florida’s future AIDS has not been increased future public public servants to invest in President Barack servants to invest during sex education,” Darr said. Obama’s seven years in the in sex education.” White House. In his speech, Darr, 24, read an excerpt from his yet “Health care should not be to be released book, “A Man a partisan issue,” Darr said. - Aaron Darr For All Seasons,” in which “Democrats and Republicans AIDS Activist he describes the process of alike, we all get sick.” Also attending the learning his HIV diagnosis program, held at Lupitas as a junior in high school. Tex Mex, a small business Now a candidate for Largo City Commission in Pinellas County, Darr in Lake Worth, were Virginia Savietto, would be the first openly HIV positive candidate for Florida House in District 87, elected official in Florida. He is making and Lawrence Gordon, Commissioner for sex education a focus of his campaign and the Town of Haverhill and candidate for Palm Beach County Commissioner District people are responding to his words. “When someone has lived this then it’s a 7, Takeata King Pang, candidate for Palm message,” said Mary Wescott Higgins. “It’s Beach Gardens City Council and Carly Cass, a member of the Palm Beach County Human not a story or a speech – it’s a message.” Higgins, a social worker who has helped Rights Council.


• 10.7.2015

10.7.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

alabama Judge uses segregationera law to avoid gay Marriages As Alabama's all-white Legislature tried to preserve racial segregation and worried about the possibility of mixed-race marriages in 1961, lawmakers rewrote state law to make it optional for counties to issue marriage licenses. Now, some judges who oppose same-sex marriage are using the long-forgotten amendment to get out of the marriage business altogether rather than issue even one wedding license to gays or lesbians. In at least nine of Alabama's 67 counties, judges have quit issuing marriage licenses since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex unions in June. The 54-year-old provision says probate courts "may" issue rather than "shall" issue wedding licenses.


nti-Gay N.J. Republican Quits Council Seat

Photo: Republican Anthony Cappola.

(AP) A New Jersey Assembly candidate who dropped out of the race after a book of rants he wrote about gays, breastfeeding moms and others surfaced has also resigned from his council seat. River Edge Mayor Sandy Moscaritolo tells The Record that Republican Anthony Cappola resigned from the council Friday. Cappola acknowledged last week that he wrote the book titled "Outrageous!" and said he wasn't the same person he was 12 years ago when he wrote it. The mayor says that he worked well with Cappola and that he had contributed as a council member, even using his skills as a disc jockey to help at events. Republicans denounced Cappola's language in the book that included saying gay people should keep their "sexual preferences" ''behind doors like normal people do." Trans Issues to be Discussed by Southern Baptist Seminary Monday Oct 5, 2015 (AP) A conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will focus on what it calls the "present crisis" of gay and transgender issues.


Under a statue that went back decades, couples had to get marriage licenses in the county where the woman lived or where they planned to wed. The law had the effect of requiring each county to issue wedding licenses. But that changed under Glass and Taylor's bill, according to the Alabama Legislative Reference Service, which researches laws and drafts legislation. The new law, which records show passed unanimously, included this line: "Marriage licenses may be issued by the judges of probate of the several counties." Since the U.S. Supreme Court's June ruling, some same-sex marriage opponents have used that word "may" to avoid issuing marriage licenses. So far, no one has sued them.

The conservative seminary says it's their first-ever conference on transgender issues. Heath Lambert, a speaker at the conference, says in a release that issues like cross-gender bathrooms and children choosing their gender require an urgent Christian response. Lambert is executive director of The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He says the goal of the conference is to "help the church respond in the present crisis with the wisdom and love of Jesus Christ." The conference titled "Transgender Confusion and Transformational Christianity" begins on Monday. The Fairness Campaign, a Louisville gay-rights advocacy group, has announced plans to protest across the street from the conference.

Mark’s list relaunches

On Tuesday the popular LGBT website Mark’s List held a relaunch party at the Pride Center in Wilton Manors. More than 200 people attended the event. The website was bought by Hotspots after its founder Mark Haines died. Haines was hit by a car crossing the street during last year’s SmartRide. The new owners promised a new look, new features, new content, and new technology for the website. They also debuted a new URL, MarksList.lgbt.


YC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Lifts Ban on LGBT Groups

(IrishQueers) After 25 years The NYC St. Patrick’s Day parade has dropped its ban, and an Irish LGBTQ contingent, The Lavender and Green Alliance, will march with its own banner in the parade next March 17th. Considered a victory for the grassroots organizing, civil disobedience, and street protest of the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization and its successor, Irish Queers. Protests held the line year after year. Irish Queers said in a statement, “the parade issue • 10.7.2015


has never just been about LGBTQ people. Irish people’s struggles are part of our identity: challenges to religious bigotry, demands for women’s rights, Irish republicanism, and struggles against racism in New York and Ireland are irreducible parts of the Irish experience. Irish queers have often been at the forefront of those struggles. We are proud of the complexity of our lives and histories. Our thanks: we’re thankful to the many ordinary New Yorkers who supported us over the last 25 years, as well as the many elected official who refused to march in the parade while we were left out. We’re thankful for David Dinkins and others who made real, tangible tries at giving Irish queer people their rightful place in the parade. And we’re grateful to and proud of the original members of the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization – who were also part of ACT UP, the Lesbian Avengers, and other important queer activist forces – who laid the groundwork for this victory. We look forward to marching up Fifth Avenue with our community.”


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10.7.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Pope Francis and kim Davis

gay Former student of Pope Francis' speaks out (AP) The pope's meeting with Washington resident Yayo Grassi, his boyfriend and a few others came to light Friday as the Vatican was distancing itself from claims the pope's meeting with the clerk, Kim Davis, was an endorsement of her stance on same-sex marriage. Grassi, 67, met Francis more than 50 years ago when the future pope taught at his all boys’ school in Argentina. They reconnected in 2008, and since becoming Pope Francis has since met him and his boyfriend of 17 years twice, once in Rome and most recently in Washington, Grassi said. Grassi, spoke with The Associated Press at his home Saturday. He said he told friends who were quick to criticize that they should not rush to judgment and that he didn't think they had all the facts. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, declined to

say who invited Davis or what the pope knew of her case but such encounters are arranged by the Vatican ambassador and his staff, not the pope's delegation or the U.S. bishops' conference. Grassi said "Here is this guy that is so much into integrating everybody, communicating with everybody," Grassi said, adding he was "500 percent sure" the pope did not initiate the meeting with Davis. On exchanging e-mail with Pope Francis, then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, when the country was debating legalizing same-sex marriage, which it did in 2010: "I remember reading excerpts from the press saying that Cardinal Bergoglio had said ... things that were extremely negative. I immediately thought 'This is not like the Bergoglio that I know, not the person that I loved so much when I was growing up,'" he said.

Photo: Facebook.

or Die' Video Spoofs etition Calls on Vatican to Fire P 'Funny Pope's Meeting with Kim Davis POfficial Behind Davis Meeting

Photo: Funny or Die.

How did a thrice divorced non-Catholic with a history of adultery and not "doing unto others..." get a date with Pope Francis? It's simple. She used PopeMeet. Proving again that the Internet can beat "Saturday Night Live" to the punch, a new "Funny or Die" video launched Thursday offered a satirical take on the outrage many Americans felt this week upon learning that Pope Francis held a clandestine meeting with anti-gay Rowan County clerk Kim Davis during his recent trip to the United States. According to the view, Kim Davis' meeting with Pope Francis was arranged through PopeMeet, the new app that matches the Pope with everyday Americans for one-on-one meetings -- as long as they aren't any of the volunteer workers, humanitarians, or devout Catholics you may think deserve it!


• 10.7.2015

(EDGE) A petition is being circulated to have Pope Francis fire the Vatican ambassador (apostolic nuncio) who many believe purposefully invited Kim Davis to meet with the Pope in an effort to embarrass the liberal-leaning pontiff. After days of speculation, the truth has finally come out: Pope Francis did not hold a private meeting to express his support for Kim Davis's efforts to block gay marriage licenses. According to an official Vatican statement, Kim Davis was among "several dozen persons" attending a reception at the Vatican embassy, "the pope did not enter into the details of the situation," and "his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support." Moreover, it seems that the pope did not request Kim Davis be invited. According to press reports, one man was likely responsible for Davis's invitation: Carlo Maria Vigano, a conservative church official who was appointed by Pope Benedict as Vatican ambassador to the United States (formally called the "apostolic nuncio"). Having created an opportunity for right-wing evangelicals to dishonestly hijack the message of the pope's visit to the United States, Faithful America, a group that fights against anti-LGBT discrimination within the Catholic Church is calling for Vigano to resign. Faithful America is the largest and fastest-growing online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice. "Our members are sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus' message of good news is hijacked by the religious right to serve a hateful political agenda," reads their website. "We're organizing the faithful to challenge such extremism and renew the church's prophetic role in building a [freer] and just society." Read the full petition at www.FaithfulAmerica.org

ope Aims to Assure Conservatives Marriage Doctrine Safe

(AP) Pope Francis sought Tuesday to assure conservatives that Catholic doctrine on marriage is safe, as a three-week meeting of bishops began hashing out how the church should welcome gays, divorcees and other Catholics in "irregular" unions. Francis took the floor Tuesday morning after the meeting's first day was marked by a speech from the synod manager, Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo, in which he closed the door on any movement on whether Catholics remarried outside the church could receive Communion. Francis told the 270 cardinals and bishops that the issue wasn't the only one on the table and that church doctrine was never up for question. But he also seemed to discount Erdo's commentary by saying the only "official" documents heading into the debate were a final report issued from a big meeting of bishops last year, where the issue of Communion was left up in the air, and two of his speeches. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, echoed that by noting that the synod is debating a papally approved working text, where the question of Communion for civilly remarried Catholics is still open. Monsignor Claudio Maria Celli, who heads the synod's information commission, said the issue remains open as a pastoral question. "There was the affirmation of the pope on what Catholic doctrine on matrimony is," Celli told reporters. "But I believe that if the work of the 'fathers' ended with yesterday morning's speech (by Erdo), what are we doing here?" Church teaching holds that Catholics who divorce and remarry without a church annulment are committing [adultery] and therefore cannot receive the sacraments. Francis has called for a more merciful, inclusive approach in the church's pastoral care, but conservatives insist Catholic doctrine is clear.


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10.7.2015 •


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hoMeless youTh counT FinDs nuMBers rising in MiaMi-DaDe And Gov. Scott cut $100,000 from homeless programs in Miami

Christiana Lilly


Miami initiative to track the homeless Dade Public Schools reports that they have population released its numbers of 3,066 unaccompanied youth. homeless youth earlier this summer. For iCount Miami’s purposes, they count The program, iCount Miami, conducted any unaccompanied minor – whether they’re its count throughout Miamisleeping on the beach or Dade County in January 2015, crashing on a friend’s couch and found 112 homeless – to be homeless. It’s the youth. agency’s goal to end youth The pilot iCount in August homelessness by 2020. 2013, found that there were Unfortunately, Gov. Rick 42 unaccompanied youth – Scott made huge slashes about 33 percent of all those to the Florida budget, eliminating $100,000 who responded to the survey. in funding to homeless In January 2014 the number programs in Miami-Dade was 64. County, according to a press A representative for iCount release from SAVE. This said that the numbers don’t includes the LGBTQ youth necessarily mean that the population is growing, but - David Richardson homelessness program by Citrus Health Network. that the volunteers are getting FL Rep. As much as 40 percent of better at finding where the homeless youth identify as youth are each time the count is conducted. Also, the latest count included LGBTQ. “This was a great project because it a way for people to fill out the survey online, and many youngsters hang out where they multiplied its own impact by matching the state funding I helped secure to available can access the Internet. Youth homelessness is more difficult to funding from local sources,” FL Rep. David track than adults because they congregate Richardson said in the release. “We were in different ways, and many don’t consider proud to select Citrus Health to support themselves to be homeless. On top of that, this project when it started two years ago. many different agencies have different It was the type of accountable, efficient, definitions for homeless youth – according results-based program that we should be to iCount, only 11 youth respondents from funding more of at all levels of government, the latest count would be considered and I promise to fight during the upcoming homeless by the Department of Housing and legislative session to restore funding for this Urban Development. Meanwhile, Miami- critical service.”

“This was a great project because it multiplied its own impact…”


• 10.7.2015



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10.7.2015 •


lgbt bites

Compiled by Jillian Melero



Tim Cook Tells HRC Why He Came Out as Gay

Lambda Legal: Discrimination Against Lesbian Instructor


• 10.7.2015

Hively’s contention that sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination under Title VII and that the dismissal should be reversed. “Ivy Tech claims there is no authority supporting Kim Hively’s position, ignoring the many decisions of the EEOC and federal district courts across the country specifically holding that allegations of sexual orientation discrimination may be brought under Title VII,” said Lambda Legal Counsel Greg Nevins. “In fact, just this past July, in Baldwin v. Foxx, the EEOC stated quite plainly that sexual orientation discrimination ‘necessarily’ is sex discrimination. Ivy Tech unfairly denied Kim Hively full-time employment on six different occasions before it eventually terminated her. It is time for courts to recognize that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a form of sex discrimination, and is unlawful.” The case is Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College.

Apple CEO Tim Cook received the Visibility Award from the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C. on Saturday for his role as an out leader within the LGBT community. As Recode.net reports, Cook then delivered a heartfelt speech on the importance of coming out and the challenges that remain standing against LGBT equality.

Photo: Apple.

(Lambda Legal) Last Wednesday Lambda Legal urged the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago to reverse a lower court ruling and allow Kimberly Hively to present her case alleging that Ivy Tech Community College, where she worked as an instructor for 14 years, denied her fulltime employment and promotions, and eventually terminated her employment, because she is a lesbian. Last August, Hively filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana against South Bend, Indianabased Ivy Tech, claiming the school was violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by discriminating against her because of her sexual orientation, a form of sex discrimination. Ivy Tech successfully moved the trial court to dismiss Hively’s claim, arguing that Title VII does not protect employees from antigay discrimination. At today’s hearing, Lambda Legal argued that several court rulings and a recent decision by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) support

“We are closer than ever to the day Martin Luther King dreamed of when his children would only be judged by the content of their character. But that day is not here yet,” Cook said onstage. “I wrote an essay that was deeply personal. I wanted to lend my voice to people who might not be ready to exercise theirs. It was an open letter to the public, but it was addressed most of all to everyone who had been rejected by their friends, their communities, or even their families simply because of who they are. I’ll tell you I did not do it for attention. I’m a private person by nature. Growing up, I was taught that you distinguish yourself in life by what you do, not by what you say or by how loudly you say it. But sometimes you just have to be loud. People need to hear that being gay is not a limitation. People need to hear that being gay doesn’t restrict your options in life. People need to hear that you can be gay or transgender and be whatever else you want to in life.” Video of the full speech is available at https://youtu.be/iHguhlFE_ik

lgbt bites



Bisexual norway’s 2nD richesT Billionaire coMes ouT as Bi According to Qweerty, Hagan said the only reason he’s taken this long to come out publicly was for the sake of his children. He wanted to wait until they were older. “I have full support from the kids,” he said. “It feels good. They support me 100 percent.” As for whether he’s seeing anyone right now, Hagan had this to say: “I’m open to everything … Right now I have it very good. I have four children and am very happy.” “I have no boyfriend.”

Photo: The Orkla Group/Guri Dahl.

Supermarket tycoon and one of Norway’s richest men, Stein Erik Hagen came out as bisexual on one of Norway’s most popular chat shows, Skavaln, reports the Independent. Forbes estimates that Hagen’s fortune is somewhere around $4.3 billion, a legacy from the RIMI supermarket founded by Hagen and his father in 1977. Hagen initially told 3 million of Skavaln’s viewers “I realized I was gay well into adulthood. When I was in my 20s we didn’t know what it was. We heard about it but did not associate ourselves with it.” He noted that Norway’s law against homosexuality wasn’t repealed until he was 16, in 1972. “Until then, it was illegal to be homosexual, or to practice it,” he recalled. Hagen told Skavlan that he now feels there’s far greater acceptance for homosexuality in Norway than there was just 20 years ago. “I gradually discovered that I was attracted to men,” he explained. “I was almost 30 years old when I realized I was bisexual.”

Trans caMPaign kicks oFF wiTh #TransneeDs hashTag (TransNeeds) Stemming from a recent White House gathering of LGBT and tech leaders, a volunteer-led group on Wednesday launched #transneeds — an effort to hear from the transgender community how the federal government and society as a whole could better protect and serve the community. “The mostly invisible transgender community is finally being seen through pop culture and social media but the reality is that government processes and misunderstanding continue to hamper full participation in society,” said Ginger Chien, an AT&T engineer and participant in the White House summit. “This project hopes to gather new data by giving direct access to the transgender population to speak to their own experiences and needs." U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil is discussed the launch Wednesday as part of a keynote speech he gave at the Strata conference in New York.


“In talking with people from the transgender community, it became clear to me just how little data we have,” Patil said. “As we pursue efforts like precision healthcare, making sure we properly represent transgender Americans is critical. I'm excited for the #transneeds project and the data that comes out of it." A group of a dozen people from the tech, telecom and LGBT communities has put together the effort, which was among a number of projects that grew out of last month’s White House LGBT Tech & Innovation Summit. Those interested in taking part can post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the #transneeds hashtag or text in their need to 844-876-7637 (844 TRNS NDS). The effort, to continue over the coming weeks, aims to gather feedback from a broad cross section of the transgender community in order to report back to the White House with a series of recommendations and directions for further study.



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Photo: CNN.

news national

A Polish priest who served with the Vatican's doctrinal arm will no longer be able to carry out his duties after announcing he is gay on the eve of a major church meeting.

gay PriesT coMes ouT anD sTriPPeD oF DuTies aT vaTican CNN


Polish priest who served with the Vatican's doctrinal arm will no longer be able to carry out his duties after announcing he is gay on the eve of a major church meeting, a Vatican spokesman said. With his partner at his side, Monsignor Krysztof Olaf Charamsa held a news conference Saturday in Rome, calling on Pope Francis to revise Catholic doctrine on homosexuality, which considers same-sex relationships sinful. Charamsa, 43, said the timing of the announcement was intended to put the topic before the Synod of Bishops. The three-week assembly of bishops from around the world beginning Sunday will address issues facing Catholic families. "My decision of 'coming out' is a very personal decision in the homophobic world of the Catholic Church. It has been very difficult and very hard. I ask that you keep in mind this reality that is difficult to understand for anyone who has not lived through an identical passage in their own life," Charamsa told reporters. "The timing is not intended to pressurize anyone, but maybe a good pressure, in fact a Christian participation, a Christian voice that wants to bring to the synod the response of the homosexual believers to the questioning of Pope Francis."

Feeling at peace In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Charamsa called the 48 hours since coming out as a gay man "the second day when I feel freedom, peace and happiness for being near the will of God for my life." His path, he said, was one of understanding his orientation, his nature and to reflect about.


• 10.7.2015

"Now I can say I am a happy priest. Now I am transparent," he said. His sexual orientation was given to him by God, Charamsa said, who called it a project from God to him to understand and to share his reflection with others. "My decision of coming out is my gift as a gay priest for others," he said.

consequences of public revelation Since 2003, Charamsa has been a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is tasked with promoting and defending Church doctrine. Born in 1972 in Gdynia, Poland, Charamsa also serves as assistant secretary of the International Theological Commission and teaches theology at two of Rome's Pontifical universities, the Gregorian and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, according to Vatican Radio. "Every homosexual person is a son of God," he said. "This is the will of God for our life, also for my life with him." The public revelation from a senior priest associated with the Vatican is a direct challenge to the Church's "don't ask, don't tell" attitude toward homosexuality, experts observed. Charamsa's admission presents two issues: his sexual orientation and his apparent violation of his celibacy vow in acknowledging he has a partner. "Most objectionable of all, for the Vatican, was the publicity he sought out, with the expressed desire to influence the outcome of the Synod of Bishops on the Family," journalist John Thavis, author of "The Vatican Diaries," wrote on his blog.

'serious and irresponsible' timing While showing little inclination to adjust church teaching on homosexuality, Pope Francis has often emphasized mercy over judgment. In 2013, for example, he famously said, "Who am I to judge" gay priests who seek to do God's will. He also reportedly met with a transgender man from Spain in January of this year. In his recent visit to the United States, Francis held a private meeting with a longtime friend from Argentina who has been in a same-sex relationship for 19 years. At the same time, the Vatican has refused to recognize France's ambassador to the Holy See, Laurent Stefanini, who is openly gay. Following Charamsa's announcement, the Vatican said in a statement that Charamsa "will certainly be unable" to continue in his role with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical universities. Charamsa's role in the Catholic church will be determined by his superior, known as a diocesan bishop or ordinary, who will carry out an investigation that will be submitted to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "The decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the Synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the Synod assembly to undue media pressure," Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said. "Monsignor Charamsa will certainly be unable to continue to carry out his previous work in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith and the Pontifical universities, while the other aspects of his situation shall remain the [responsibility] of his diocesean Ordinary."

CNN's Livia Borghese reported from Rome and Emanuella Grinberg reported and wrote in Atlanta.

10.7.2015 •


Photo: POOL.

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President Barack Obama with Vice President Joe Biden as Obama made a statement on the Affordable Care Act - or Obamacare - at the White House in April 2014.

A Closer Look at Obamacare’s Marketplace Sean McShee


Open enrollment begins November 1

eople have reported confusion resulting from subsidy audits of the Marketplace (the administrative entity behind www.healthcare.gov). Recently, some clarification has emerged. Cliff Eserman (Incompas Financial Inc.) reported that the Marketplace conducts ongoing audits to ensure correct subsidy calculations. The law requires the consumer to report to the Marketplace anything that could affect the subsidy calculation, such as changes to income. When the Marketplace conducts an audit, it notifies the consumer and specifies the additional documentation needed. Depending on the audit type, the consumer has 60 to 90 days to respond. The consumer can respond by sending the documents through the mail or by uploading them through healthcare.gov. The consumer chooses how the Marketplace communicates with them, Eserman reported. The consumer has the responsibility to update the Marketplace of any changes involving their preferred communication choice. For example, a consumer had chosen their email address. Later, that consumer changed their email address, but did not notify the Marketplace. The Marketplace would be unable to communicate with the consumer in a timely manner, but would continue with other methods of communications. The consumer, however, would still be liable for failure to respond in a timely manner. A Marketplace subsidy audit can determine if the consumer’s subsidy should increase, decrease, or remain


• 10.7.2015

unchanged. The marketplace cannot cancel health insurance because of a subsidy audit, Eserman reported. The pre-audit subsidized premiums remain unchanged until the audit concludes or the deadline for response has passed. When an audit changes the net premium, the Marketplace notifies the consumer and the insurance company. Mara Burger (Florida Department of Health) reported that the Marketplace does not communicate with AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs). The Marketplace has the responsibility to notify the consumer, but the consumer can appeal its decision (full link at end of article). A Marketplace Blog, “The Marketplace Might Need More Information from You,” has more information. Most importantly, if consumers mail the requested documents but fail to include the identifying barcode from their notice, the Marketplace may not be able to identify them (full link at end of article).

Examining Health Insurance At the Men’s Health and Wellness Conference in July, Eserman proposed two ways of looking at health plans. As health insurance lowers costs for people with serious health issues, they should see it as an asset. Appropriate health insurance policies must cover current drugs, and ideally should not require a referral to see a specialist. The plan’s network should include the preferred primary and specialist physicians, as well as the preferred and closest hospitals. When comparing costs between appropriate plans, the consumer should calculate the "worst case" financial

scenario for each plan. First, they should multiply the monthly premium by 12 months in year. Then, they add the maximum out-of-pocket expenses to the total premiums. This will yield the maximum yearly in-network covered cost for each plan. “As a comparison, a person might look upon health insurance as a liability if they rarely use their policy,” Eserman said. They should examine monthly premiums, as well as copays for generic drugs and visits to their primary physician. They should also check to see if the plan’s network includes their primary physician. As health conditions can change suddenly, consumers now in good health have to consider costs for Urgent Care and Emergency Rooms. Paying for healthcare requires attention to detail. People will have to remain actively engaged.

For more information, please visit the websites below. For the full blog statement, “The Marketplace might need more information from you”), please visit http://1.usa.gov/1oABC4H. For information on how to appeal a Marketplace decision, please visit, http://1.usa.gov/1ORtzyB. For Eserman’s blog on insurance, please visit Incompasins.com/cliffs-notes

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Gay Group's Cuban Excursion Draws Fire

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he Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay & Miami Beach apartment, said he cannot Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is overlook the current state of affairs in Cuba. forging ahead with plans to tour "It is just not appropriate to casually go on Cuba next week despite objections from a vacation there," Sosa said. some members of the South Florida LGBT Blackburn said he "respectfully disagrees" community. with Sosa. "There's a lot of things Between 10-25 people are Cuba needs to do before I go," expected to participate on said Herb Sosa, President of the excursion, Blackburn "There are Unity Coalition, a non-profit said, with air service provided still so many organization serving South by Miami based Choice Air. Florida's LGBT Hispanic Sandy Lay, a spokesman for people there population. the private charter aviation who do not Sosa, whose father was company, told SFGN now is a born in Cuba, contends the great time to visit the island have any communist island nation before the wave of American rights...any is not the ideal place for commercialism sets in. The vacationing Americans. U.S. and Cuba normalized liberties and "There are still so many relations in September, cannot vote." ending a half-century of people there who do not have any rights...any liberties embargo. - Herb Sosa and cannot vote," Sosa "The embargo proved said. "I could not go in good nothing," said Babs Daitch, a President of Unity conscience and have a good Las Vegas based travel agent Coalition time." who has led group tours to Keith Blackburn, President Cuba before. "The young and CEO of the Greater Fort Lauderdale people were being punished and it is high Chamber of Commerce, defended the time the embargo was lifted. There is so organization's four day excursion as a much growth going on in the country. I really people-to-people exchange that will love the people there. They love Americans." improve relations between Cuba and the This will be Blackburn's first visit to Cuba United States. and he said he is looking forward to learning "Isolation hasn't worked," Blackburn said. more about Florida's neighbors 90 miles to Negotiations between the two the south. governments are on-going, embassies and "This is not an endorsement of what their consulates are opening and the diplomatic government is doing," Blackburn said. process is just beginning, Blackburn said. The trip is scheduled for Oct. 15-18 with an "Nothing changes at the snap of a finger," all-inclusive cost for GFLGLCC members of Blackburn added. $2,300/person, based on double occupancy. Sosa, who proudly displays vintage 1950s Nonmembers, $2,495/person, based on photographs of Havana's skyline inside his double occupancy.

For more information, visit GoGayFortLauderdale.com. 10.7.2015 •


Photo: Lawrence Crook III/CNN.

news national

Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis.

Law Firm Leading Kim Davis' Crusade Labeled Hate Group Claire Galofaro Associated Press


im Davis' lawyer stood onstage in a Washington D.C. hotel an anti-gay hate groups for spreading false information. "A group that regularly portrays gay people as perverse, and pointed to a photo on the screen. It showed 100,000 people packed into a Peruvian soccer stadium, Mat Staver diseased pedophiles putting Western civilization at risk are way, told the crowd, all there to pray for the Kentucky clerk battling way over the line," said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the center. The Liberty Counsel has connected homosexuality to higher against gay marriage. rates of promiscuity and incest, Potok said, despite scientific The crowd erupted. evidence to the contrary. The firm opposes laws banning hate It wasn't true. crimes and supports discredited conversion therapies that Staver's firm, the Liberty Counsel, which revealed Davis' purport to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals. Staver once secret meeting with Pope Francis, has been accused by advocacy declared that the Boy Scouts would become a "playground for groups of peddling misrepresentations in the past. Yet it has become the main source of details about the controversial pope pedophiles" once it allowed gay troop leaders. Staver, his hair bright white and his ties meeting. usually red, contends his quotes were taken out Online sleuths quickly debunked the Peru of context and he has legal arguments for the story Staver told at the Values Voter Summit, a rest: hate crime laws infringe on free speech, he conference for the conservative Family Research As Davis believes, and gay conversion therapies should Council. The photo was from a year-old gathering defied a series be available to those who want them because he unrelated to Davis, who spent five days in jail for believes in "personal autonomy." defying a court order and refusing to license gay of federal "It is irresponsible and reckless to call marriages. Staver could provide no evidence of court orders someone a hate group because you disagree with a massive Davis rally. On Monday, he called it a them," he said. mistake and blamed miscommunication with the and was sent He added that he can't be considered a hater Peruvian authorities who gave him the photo. to jail, Staver because he loves all of God's creation. The next day, the firm dropped a bombshell. Williams also came to his defense: the Bible It said Pope Francis, on his celebrated visit to cast her as a warned that Christians would be persecuted for America, secretly met with Davis. The pope heroine called standing strong for their faith, he noted. hugged her, thanked her for her courage and "Jesus told us we would be hated for his told her to "stay strong," Liberty Counsel said. into battle by name," he said. "For standing for what we stand The Vatican on Friday said the pope had a brief God. for, people will hate us. It happened to the meeting with Davis that should not be seen as disciples, but it's also happening today." support for her stance. Staver grew up in Florida. He told The Many on the religious right hail the FloridaAssociated Press in a phone interview that based Liberty Counsel, which bills itself as a his father was an abusive alcoholic who his Catholic mother non-profit committed to "restoring the culture by advancing divorced when he was young. She worked three jobs and religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the family." raised him alone, he said, and he went through the motions of "They're willing to stand up for our rights under the Catholicism until an evangelical pastor saved him from sin as a Constitution, they're not backing down," said Nick Williams, a probate judge in Alabama who has also pledged never to issue young man. He became a pastor himself in Kentucky, though he shied a marriage licenses to a same-sex couple and sought guidance away from social issues until he saw a film in 1982 about from the Liberty Counsel. Williams compared the federal court abortion. He resolved to go to law school to fight for traditional system to the tyrannical kings in the Bible: "I'm glad we have a family values. He graduated from the University of Kentucky's law firm willing to stand up to the kings of our time." But critics watched in exasperation as the organization law school, moved back to Florida with his wife, Anita, and they started the Liberty Counsel in 1989. rocketed to national celebrity alongside Davis. For years they dabbled in causes against abortion, the "War The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Liberty Counsel as


• 10.7.2015

on Christmas" and other hot-button topics in the American culture wars. In 2000, the firm threatened to sue a Florida library that offered a "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" certificate to kids who read the Harry Potter book series. Five years later, they sent letters complaining that a Wisconsin elementary school put on a decades-old play called "The Little Christmas Tree," about a lonely pine searching for a family, which sets a song to the tune of "Silent Night" but does not mention Jesus. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, has called Staver a courageous legal scholar. Civil liberties advocates disagree. "There is an enormous amount of bluster amid his legal arguments," said Barry Lynn, a minister and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who has debated Staver on religious freedom issues. "It looks to me like he's making claims that will get his clients great publicity, but not necessarily get them victories." Staver stands firm on his contributions to American jurisprudence. His firm has been involved in 60 same-sex marriage cases. It has 10 full-time attorneys, and dozens more across the country willing to work for free to promote the cause. In 2013, the firm hauled in more than $4 million, according to tax returns. As Davis defied a series of federal court orders and was sent to jail, Staver cast her as a heroine called into battle by God. He compared her actions to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. She received 20,000 pieces of mail in jail, he said. "I've lost the ability to be surprised at how easy it is to become the next Joan of Arc," said Lynn. "When you make heroes out of people who refuse to accept the rule of law and who fail to acknowledge the dignity of other human beings, you are on a very dangerous path." Staver said the meeting with the pope validates his arguments about Davis' rights to conscientious objection. He rejects even the suggestion he might wake up one day and discover himself on the wrong side of history. Last week, he showed the crowd at the Values Voter Summit the photo of the imaginary Peruvian prayer rally and declared its significance in the battle against Christian oppression. "That, my friends, is happening around the world," he said. "When one person stands it has an impact and Kim Davis will continue to stand for her lord and savior Jesus Christ."

politics white house watch Photos: CNN.

Bernie Sanders (left) and Trump.



Shock Poll Shows Sanders and Trump Support Collapsing Biden sets new deadline for presidential bid Jason Parsley


ice President Joe Biden made a decision this week to announce a decision next week about whether or not he’ll run for president. Biden’s deadline for making a decision has shifted and changed several times already, so it remains to be seen if this one is real. Biden did unequivocally say he would not participate in the democrat’s first presidential debate on CNN Tuesday, Oct. 13. A new poll this week shows self avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders’ support collapsing nationally to 18 percent, down from 35 percent two weeks ago. The IBD/ TIPP poll also shows billionaire Donald Trump slipping to second place with 17 percent while neurosurgeon Ben Carson jumps into the top spot with 24 percent. Two weeks ago Trump was at 26 percent nationally. “The IBD/TIPP Poll has a proven track record for accuracy, based on its performance in the past three presidential elections,” states Investor's Business Daily. “In a comparison of the final results of various pollsters for the 2004 and 2008 elections, IBD/TIPP was the most accurate.” This is their first poll of the primary season. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton gave a rousing speech on Saturday to the Human Rights Campaign outlining her commitment to the LGBT community (see page 20 - 21).

Later that night Clinton appeared on the season premier on Saturday Night Live where she played a bartender comforting Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon). In the clip McKinnon takes her to task for not supporting same-sex marriage earlier. Biden also gave a speech to HRC on the same day with a tone and rhetoric similar to Clinton’s. During that speech Biden referenced a story from when he was 17 years old growing up in Wilmington, Delaware. As he was riding in the car with his father the two of them saw two men in business suits on the street kiss each other on their way to work. That would have been in 1959 — 10 years before the Stonewall Riots. As Biden turned to his dad, his dad said “Joey, they’re in love with each other, it’s that simple.” That story sounds strikingly similar to one Nick Jonas told of his dad in July. “One of my friends who was one of the guys in the show — his name was Mark — was leaving the theater one day and I saw him leave with his partner. I looked at my dad and said, ‘Oh, that’s different,’ and he was like, ‘It’s all love, it’s all the same,’ and it just connected with me immediately. I came from a religious background and my dad is actually a pastor. But he is an incredible man with an amazing open mind and heart.”

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10.7.2015 •


Photo: Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Photo: POOL.

news national

Hillary Clinton (left) and Joe Biden.

Clinton and Biden Speak to HRC Lisa Keen

Keen News Service


Both politicians come out swinging in favor of LGBT rights

ust 10 days before the first televised debate among When a lone audience member at HRC’s cavernous black the 2016 Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary tie sit-down banquet yelled out “Run, Joe, Run” as Biden Clinton and Joe Biden elicited enthusiastic cheers was about to explain what “a number of you have said to Saturday as they addressed two separate Human Rights me over the last three to four years,” Biden quickly replied, Campaign events in Washington, D.C. It was “No, didn’t say that,” then looked down at the an important opportunity for both to lay podium and grinned as the crowd sat mostly out their credentials and proposals to the quiet. “Oh, anyway….what was I saying?” national LGBT community, and the speeches Then, the audience erupted into applause. “Our work illustrated some important contrasts between Clinton’s appearance, at 10 o’clock on isn’t finished Saturday them. morning, drew more of a rousing until every Vice President Biden has not yet announced campaign-like response from an already whether he intends to enter the race for the assembly of HRC organizational single person standing Democratic nomination for president in 2016, stalwarts, chanting “Hill-a-ry, Hill-a-ry.” is treated and his speech to the HRC National Dinner Out of the jam-packed room, Clinton found Saturday night gave no indication he’s in and pointed to Supreme Court plaintiffs Jim with equal the revving up for such a run. The address Obergefell and Edie Windsor. And, in subtle rights and consisted mostly of anecdotes that he’s ways, she addressed what are likely to be shared at many previous HRC events and – her weaknesses in soliciting LGBT support dignity they except for a clear endorsement of the recently for her campaign if she finds herself in a deserve.” introduced Equality Act— was more a look tough contest with Biden or with the popular back at accomplishments than forward to progressive candidate, U.S. Senator Bernie - Hillary Clinton future intentions. Sanders of Vermont. Former Secretary of State Clinton focused “You’ve helped change a lot of minds, on specific things she would do for LGBT including mine,” said Clinton, “and I’m Americans “as president,” making a number of important personally very grateful for that.” It was a reference to the promises and carefully couching others. She also eschewed oft-cited criticism that Clinton did not support marriage her usual quick departure following her speech and waded equality until after a majority of the American public was into the friendly fray, shaking hands, and posing for photos already polling its support for it. with the large crowd gathered from various HRC boards and Biden said he believes the remaining work for the LGBT major HRC donors. movement “will come much more quickly and more surely.”


• 10.7.2015

And while he said he “strongly supports” the Equality Act, he did not promise he would push for it but rather that “it will pass.” Acknowledging that there are still young LGBT people “terrified of being rejected by the world” around them, Clinton said she knows “we still have work to do.” “Our work isn’t finished until every single person is treated with equal rights and dignity they deserve,” said Clinton. “…I want you to know that I get it. I see the injustices and the dangers that you and your families still face. And I’m running for president to end them once and for all.” The HRC gathering responded with prolonged and thunderous applause to that line and one that quickly followed: “I’m running for president to stand up for the fundamental rights of LGBT Americans and all Americans. That’s a promise, from one HRC to another.” “Congress must pass the federal Equality Act,” said Clinton, later. “As president, I will fight for it and I hope many of you will be with me when I sign it into law.” Regarding the service of transgender people in the military, Biden stated that “transgender people are able to serve,” thanks to a directive from Defense Secretary Ash Carter. Clinton more accurately noted that transgender people “are still banned from serving” unless they remain closeted, and she stated her support for “the policy review” Carter directed, adding that she “hopes” transgender people will be allowed to serve openly. There were similarities in both speeches. Both emphasized the role of all individual LGBT Americans in reaching today’s greater acceptance of marriage equality and non-

news national discrimination. Both acknowledged that, even though the law now enables samesex couples to be married in any state, it is still legal in most states to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Both urged that LGBT Americans stand up for the rights of LGBT people around the world. And both took swipes at the current field of Republican presidential hopefuls. Biden got one of the biggest applause lines of the day when he said, “There are homophobes still left–most of them are running for president.” Referring to the “ridiculousness” of the GOP candidates, Clinton noted that Ben Carson said marriage equality “was the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.” “If any one of them, heaven forbid, were ever to be elected president, they will do their best to enact policies that will threaten you and your families,” said Clinton. “Every single Republican candidate for president is against marriage equality -- every one of them. Many of them are against anti-discrimination laws. Many are against same-sex couples adopting….If you are ever in a forum with them, see if you can get them to even say the word ‘transgender’.” Most recent national polls show Clinton has a clear advantage over other Democrats to win the nomination. The latest poll, conducted by USA Today, found 41 percent of 430 “likely” Democratic primary and caucus voters said they would vote for Clinton, 23 percent for Sanders, 20 percent for Biden. A similar poll by the Pew Research Center found Clinton with even stronger support from “potential Democratic primary voters nationwide.” (Clinton 45, Sanders 24, Biden 8.) But the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal polls testing individual DemocraticRepublican match-ups, show only Biden would, at this point, beat all four Republican frontrunners (Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Jeb Bush). Clinton and Sanders would beat only Trump. Biden is not likely to jump into the Oct. 13 Democratic presidential debate unprepared, and he still has until November to meet deadlines to participate in the key first caucuses and primaries. While debate participants may, like their Republican counterparts, be asked one or two LGBT-related questions, Clinton’s speech was an especially important opportunity for Clinton to lay out her positions on a wide range of issues of specific concern to LGBT voters. Candidates have the luxury in the primary season to play to the party’s base –which, for Democrats, is a progressive

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Pets Need Affordable Health Care Too and liberal one. But they must also be careful not to promise so much that they hobble their campaign to a more moderate general electorate, should they win the nomination. For the most part, Clinton seemed unabashed about putting herself on record, even ahead of the nationally televised debate, in support of LGBT Americans on most issues. But she did seem to be choosing her words very carefully with regard to allowing gays to adopt. Calling discrimination against LGBT people in adoption “one of the cruelest vestiges of anti-gay bigotry,” Clinton said that, “as president, I would push to cut off federal funding for any public child welfare agency that discriminates against LGBT people.” Most discrimination against allowing LGBT people to adopt is being conducted, not by “public agencies” but, by Catholic Charities and other private, religiousbased organizations. On another matter where religious-based discrimination has played out, however, Clinton has made clear that she believes Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis has a legal duty to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples even though Davis claims an “authority from God” prevents her from doing so. And Clinton promised, in her speech Saturday, that she would not be the sort of politicians who is “courting your support at election time, and then disappearing as if your lives and your rights are just a political bargaining chip.” “Those who know me know that’s not me,” said Clinton. “I’ve been fighting alongside you and others for equal rights and I’m just getting warmed up.” “Your families matter to me and you matter to me,” said Clinton, closing her 25-minute speech. “I’m going to keep, as I have throughout my life, fighting for you, your rights, your children, your futures…. And I am proud to be fighting right alongside you.”

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news local

Florida Toughens Prostitution Law SFGN Staff


lorida has 27 new laws ranging from course on the dangers of prostitution and tougher penalties for people who perform 100 hours of community service. solicit prostitutes to making revenge And judges will be forced to sentence porn a crime. repeat offenders to at least 10 days in jail. The bills passed by the Legislature during Also, if a vehicle is used while soliciting the annual session that ended May 1 and prostitution, a judge can issue an order signed by Gov. Scott took effect Thursday, impounding the vehicle for up to 60 days. October 1. At least one city, St. Petersburg, will ‘Johns’ better watch attempt to vigorously out. The penalty for a first enforce the new statute. conviction of soliciting a Its police department did a “This is prostitute will increase press release warning the from a second-degree public that “prostitution further proof misdemeanor to a firstencourages drug addiction, of the idiocy degree misdemeanor. human trafficking and “This is further proof of related crimes which of the Florida the idiocy of the Florida affect the quality of life of legislature.” legislature,” said Howard law abiding citizens and Finkelstein, the public the prosperity of local defender of Broward County. businesses.” - Howard “When your approach has Another sex-related law not worked, and not helped deals with newly-created Finkelstein doubling down on it is just revenge porn statutes. public defender of stupidity.” It will also be illegal to post Broward County A second offense would sexually explicit photos and be a third-degree felony, videos of exes on websites punishable by up to five without their consent. years in prison, and a third offense would That's known as 'revenge porn' and be a second-degree felony, punishable by involves photos and videos couples meant up to 15 years in prison. to remain private. First offenders would also have to take a


• 10.7.2015

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Submitted photo.

Ed Sparan.

The Dog Days oF ocToBer Share Your Home with an Adult Dog

Denise Royal


ctober is national “Adopt an Adult Dog Month” and animal lovers are encouraged to visit a local shelter to find their next family member and make their family complete. If you think a four-legged friend isn’t in your future, you have all month to reconsider. In the book, “Woof: A Gay Man’s Guide to Dogs,” the author makes no bones about it. “Once you find your life partner, the world becomes a different place, a better place. When that perfect mate has a soft beard, a wet nose, and four legs, it’s even better,” Andrew De Prisco writes. Does every LGBT person need a dog? Of course not! Dogs are not only man’s best friend but they are wonderful companions. The effort during October is to find loving homes for adult dogs, the ones often overlooked. We all know puppies are adorable, but they require a lot of work. If you work long hours or travel frequently for business, you are likely not a good match for a puppy. If you have a baby or young children, puppies can

be a bit much too. There are several benefits when you adopt an adult dog. Ed Sparan knows first-hand why taking in an older dog is a great idea. In 2002, he suffered from partial blindness as the result of an illness. He got an Irish setter he named D.B. (Daddy’s Boy). He also received his license as a dog trainer. For ten years, D.B. was his service dog, training partner and companion. In 2012, when DB passed away, Sparan was devastated. Not yet ready to adopt again, he became a foster parent with Grateful Paws in Fort Lauderdale. Grateful Paws is a notfor-profit animal rescue organization. It is comprised entirely of volunteers. Grateful Paws does not have a shelter, it relies exclusively on the homes of its volunteers and foster parents. It was through Grateful Paws that Sparan met Abigail. In 2013, this black lab mix was about ten years old. Someone dumped her in the Everglades. When she was rescued, her eyes were a mess; she was totally emaciated and could not walk. She was filthy and had

Ed Sparan knows firsthand why taking in an older dog is great idea.


• 10.7.2015

been eating dirt. Initially, Sparan acted as Abigail’s foster parent. But soon the two were inseparable. Fast forward to today and Abigail is fine. She is running, walking and eating well. Her coat is shiny and she’s gained a couple of pounds. Her recovery is due to the love and care she received from Sparan. “For gay men, dogs are not animals they are children we love and take care of. Abby watches over me and protects me as I have protected her,” he told SFGN. “When you are all alone and no one else in the world loves you or understands you, your dog does and he needs you and then you realize you need them.” Sparan is the operations manager at the World AIDS Museum and Educational Center. It’s a full-time job, but he still finds plenty of time to spend with Abigail and Finn, his other adopted dog, a Miniature Pinscher. Finn was blind as a puppy. Sparan, who had regained his sight, felt an instant connection. “He was mine from the very moment he was put in my arms like a real dad in the hospital with his newborn baby boy,” he said. Sparan sees some parallels between people in the LGBT communities and animals that are difficult to adopt. “Being in the LBGT community we understand discrimination and stigma that others may

not have experienced or understand,” he said. Many times people we choose as our family members treat us better or differently than our biological family members.” MaryLou McFarland understands that way of thinking. Like Sparan, she also volunteers with animals. McFarland gives her time to The Cavalier Alliance for Rescue, Research & Education. She too, only adopts older dogs. “Most folks want a cute little puppy; meanwhile, shelters and rescues are full of older dogs. Older dogs are potty trained, they are, in most cases, calm; and they are just easy. You can enjoy them for their unique personality and love. These older dogs were once those cute little puppies that grew up!” she told SFGN. “Also, many of these older dogs came from loving homes and their humans died. They deserve to live out their days loved, cared for, and respected.”

If you think you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, think again. You can find out more about adopting older dogs by contacting Grateful Paws at GratefulPaws. org. You can also adopt an older dog at the Humane Society of Broward County.

Visit their site here: HumaneBroward.com.

10.7.2015 •


Photo Credit: sflbol.com.

news local

South Florida Boys of Leather Host Annual Pool Party Alex Adams


he South Florida Boys of Leather will "We've raised a lot of money in past years, be hosting their sixth annual pool but I'm hoping we beat that and make even party from noon to 5 p.m. on Oct. more," Larry said. 11 at Inn Leather in Lauderdale, Fla. as an Last year's pool party raised over $2,000. effort to raise money for local businesses Larry is certain that the money raised from and charities. raffle tickets alone will garner most of this For just $20, anyone who is at least 21 year's funds. years or older, will enjoy music, food and "We have awesome prizes donated from entertainment throughout local businesses," Larry said. the fetish club's fundraising While soaking up the sun, event. attendees can enjoy food “We won't "It's for a good cause generously donated to the and I hope a lot of people restrict anyone event by Wilton Manor's will come so that we can Courtyard Cafe. at the party. raise as much money as "They have supported possible," said the President us for years," Larry said. It's going to be of The South Florida Boys of "There's going to be burgers, a good time.” Leather and 'Alpha Boy' who hotdogs, chips and salad." identifies as 'Boy Larry' in In addition, beer, wine and the organization. vodka drinks will be available - Boy Larry "We won't restrict anyone for guests to purchase. at the party. It's going to be a Tickets for the event can President of the good time," he said. be bought at the door or by South Florida Boys Since forming in 2009, contacting Inn Leather. of Leather the South Florida Boys of Larry is optimistic about Leather hosted their annual the pool party and ensures pool party in an effort to raise people will leave satisfied. money for local South Florida organizations "They're going to have fun and leave such as Sunserve in Wilton Manors and excited about coming back next year," he Leatherworks in Fort Lauderdale. said.

For more information, questions or any other inquiries visit SFLBOL.com. 26

• 10.7.2015


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10.7.2015 •


feature pride

The Men anD woMen BehinD PriDe ForT lauDerDale These are the folks who made it happen SFGN Staff

executive Board Members norM kenT PresiDenT Norman Elliott Kent, a graduate of Hofstra University, who first joined NORML as a college senior in 1971, is now a publisher and criminal defense attorney based in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, handling First Amendment, constitutional rights, and media law cases. Norm has been a pioneer in medical necessity defenses for marijuana users, such as Elvy Mussika for over 30 years. A cancer survivor and noted advocate for gay rights who has appeared as a commentator on CNN, the Nancy Grace Show, and FOX News, Kent also hosted a South Florida morning drive talk show on WFTL in Fort Lauderdale for ten years. Presently, Kent is the publisher of the South Florida Gay News, a member of the National Gay Media Association, and the largest weekly LGBT newspaper in the State of Florida.

rocky Bowell secreTary & ParTnershiP coorDinaTor Rocky moved to Fort Lauderdale in 1999, originally from Niles, Ohio. Rocky has been very involved in the since joining the community serving as founding member of Pride of Greater Fort Lauderdale the founders of the Stonewall Street Festival. Rocky has served two different terms on the Pride Fort Lauderdale board spanning of 10 years serving from board member to Chair. Rocky has also volunteered a coach for Youth Softball for over 10 years and enjoys going to the beach during any of his free time. Rocky joined the board to show that each of us has the power to make change happen.

Miik MarTorell Treasurer & FunDraising coorDinaTor Miik “DJ Miik” is a successful print & sign company business owner & DJ. Born and raised in South Florida, Miik has spent over 20 years as a DJ in area nightclubs including The Copa, The Saint, The Coliseum, Voodoo Lounge and The Manor. As a DJ, Miik has been a Billboard Magazine Reporting DJ for over 10 years, 1 of only 150, and played for over 1 million people in his career. Miik joined the board in May of 2015 and was elected Treasurer in June 2015 but has volunteered for over 12 years as a DJ and contributed through his company HotFlyers. Miiks’ goal for Pride is to inspire the community by showing that we can accomplish so much more by working together and not only accept but appreciate the things that make us different.


• 10.7.2015

Board Members shawn Manning enTerTainMenT coorDinaTor Shawn, a native of Burlington, Vermont, moved to Fort Lauderdale in 1988 and began work in the hospitality and transportation industry. He began volunteering with Pride Fort Lauderdale in December of 2009. Shawn’s has a passion for the music business where he works alongside a variety of talented performers from around the world. Shawn’s love of music, travel and his unique style of personal engagement have led him to success working with the likes CeCe Penniston and the X-Factor’s Lillie McCloud. Shawn regularly attends awards shows like the Billboard Music Awards and the Annual Grammy Awards. Shawn joined the Pride Fort Lauderdale board to help create an event that the community can be proud of.

Barrie wooD exhiBiTor coorDinaTor Barrie, originally from Patchogue, NY, moved to Florida 12 years ago, after visiting on a vacation and fell in love with the beach and the weather. He has worked in Information Technology for 20 plus years and is currently an IT Project Portfolio Manager. Growing up on Long Island, Barrie remembers taking a train for over an hour to make it to NYC Pride and always wanting to be involved in Pride. Barrie joined the Pride Fort Lauderdale organization to give back to the community and have fun along the way.

sonia MiTchell volunTeer coorDinaTor Dr. Sonia Mitchell is a woman of God who serves as an activist for community. A team player, Dr. Mitchell who challenges herself to dream beyond while creating a positive impact on society. She believes everyone has a story and they are all valid. Her passion for people, embracing positive change and growth has led her to serve many grassroots organizations at the local, national and international levels. Dr. Mitchells'’ academic degrees include an Associates in Psychology, Bachelors in Bible Studies, Masters in Theology and a Ph.D in Clinical Pastoral Psychology & Philosophy. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Mediator, Guardian Etliten and Member of NCCA. Dr. Mitchell works as a consultant, counselor, group facilitator and life coach. Dr. Mitchell believes that a working board is a powerful board where success means soaring to heights and breaking barriers.

feature pride Roger Handevidt Pride Guide Coordinator Roger Handevidt was born in St. Paul, Minnesota.. After several years working for Andersen Windows as a Factory Service Representative, Roger served six years in the National Guard Currently in the Real Estate Business, Roger owns income properties in St. Paul. In January 1980 he moved to Fort Lauderdale where he bought a guesthouse that he ran until 2011. Roger has served on the Fort Lauderdale Pride Board 3 different times, Chairman of the Rainbow Hospitality Alliance which later became the Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and presently serves on the Dania Beach Police, Fire Pension Board as well as the Broward County Unsafe Structure Board and on the Florida Youth Pride Board as Treasurer and Mentor. Roger is a self made retiree who wants to continue giving back in any way he can and share his time, talents with the youth of our community.

Luciano Retondaro Events Coordinator Luciano began volunteering and joined Pride Fort Lauderdale team few weeks before Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors in 2014 took place and joined the board of directors 2 weeks after the festival. Over 7 years ago he started volunteering in political organizations to bring change to our LGBT legislation. He continued pursuing change in our community by volunteering for the Task Force for 5 years for Winter Party Festival. Luciano opened himself to more opportunities in the community with other non-profit organizations such as SAVE Dade (2014 & 2015) and Miami Beach Gay Pride (2014). Luciano continues his involvement with nonprofit organizations.

Lori Lyons Board Member Lori is a marketing and public relations professional for Yellow Cab Broward. Loris’ a community driven individual who‘s a frequent supporter of local businesses. Lori hopes that her involvement in Pride will help to inspire other women in the community to make a difference and become part of the Pride board.

Bryan Wilson Board Member Bryan had a passion for community work and volunteerism instilled in him by his family back in Texas, but found his passion for supporting LGBTQ causes while an undergrad at Vanderbilt University. When Bryan decided to complete his coursework for a Master’s in Community and Social Change at the University of Miami, he knew that joining the Pride Fort Lauderdale Board would be a fantastic way to learn more about how to best give back to the South Florida community he now calls home. Currently Bryan serves as the Director of Marketing and Training at SunServe where he oversees community engagement, event planning, development, and agency partnership. Bryan is honored to remain engaged in local government by sitting as an appointee on committees for the School Board of Broward and the City of Wilton Manors.

Tim Higgins Board Member Tim is member of HRC and has been for along time fighting for equality is his number one priority. He has worked on Stonewall in 2014 and is currently with the Wilton Manors Entertainment Group who produced Stonewall 2015. He joined Pride Fort Lauderdale board in July. Before moving to South Florida in 2011 Tim was active with Cincinnati Pride through Delta Airlines their main sponsor. He also is very involved in politics as he worked with Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. Tim will also be working on Hillary for America in the coming year. His new focus for LGBTQ Equality adding protections in employment and preventing LGBTQ youth home-lessness to make America a better place in the future. What are you leaving our children?

Advisory Board Members Kenneil Ramsay Advisory Board Member Kenneil Ramsay is a hearing impaired individual born who was born in Jamaica but moved to the US as a child. He believes in taking time to help serve community in any way he can. “Being part of Pride Fort Lauderdale gives me hope that the deaf community sees that we can all be represented” Kenneil says who has served on the advisory board for two years. Kenneil says he will continue to give his service as long as he is able. “Serving my community gives me a sense of belonging.”

Matthew Eaton Advisory Board Member Matthew Eaton has served as a Volunteer since 2012 and as an Advisory Board Member since June 2015. Since the age of 12, Matthew has volunteered for many causes and organizations, including breast cancer awareness, HIV/AIDS awareness, LGBT rights, and hurricane relief. Matt has experience in community leadership and relations, healthcare administration, office management and budget & financing. I joined Pride Fort Lauderdale”, says Matthew. A native of Bronx, New York, Matthew currently resides in Hollywood, Florida, is an alumni of Broward College and will graduate from Florida Atlantic University with his Executive Masters of Healthcare Administration in December 2015.

Cire Citron Media Director Cire Citron has had many creative incarnations, along the way producing many different aspects of Art, Music & Film. He DJ’d quite famously under the moniker T-PRO MIX in NYC for two decades while also being the sole creator and visionary behind hugely popular events. He has worked with everyone from Britney Spears & Janet Jackson to Bette Midler & Mariah Carey. His current success story revolves around the Miami based "Media & Mood Design Firm”, YesCire, which promises to be “Your complete source for making life & business more productive”.

10.7.2015 •


feature pride Official Closing Party at Himmarshee Village in Downtown Fort Lauderdale

The last Pride Fort Lauderdale, in March 2014.

Main Stage

Photo: Facebook.

6 p.m. – Welcome by MC Lucille Ball Dopplegänger Alexis Couture and introduction of international DJ Andrew Gibbons 7 p.m. – Thank you to National Coming Out Day supporters including: Mayor Tim Ryan, Commissioner Dean Trantalis, TLC Teen Star Jazz Jennings & Family, School Board Member Heather Brinkworth, Commissioner Julie Carson, Jared Leshner and others 7:30PM- Crowning of Teen Pride USA Pageant Winners 8 p.m. – Forever Young (90's Cover Band) 9:30 p.m. – Drag Performance by ViXen

America's Backyard Stage: 8 p.m. – Doors open at America's Backyard for GBTQ youth benefit concert 8:30 p.m. – VIP Open Bar and VIP Meet & Greet with Steve Grand begins 9 p.m. – Opening Act: Wilton Drive Band 10:15 p.m. – Steve Grand Live in Concert

Pride Fort Lauderdale Reborn The annual event is fresh and new, but almost didn’t happen

John McDonald


all it a rebirth if you will. Pride Fort Lauderdale, redesigned, rescheduled and repackaged, comes to Holiday Park Oct. 10-11. National recording artists, television stars and local entertainers are scheduled to perform during the weekend. Formerly known as Pride South Florida, Pride Fort Lauderdale has a new governing body and is hoping its reorganization will spark a change in attitude for the community at large. At the beginning of this year the future of Fort Lauderdale’s PrideFest was in doubt after the annual March event was cancelled. The organization regrouped and attempted to combine its PrideFest with the annual Wilton Manors Stonewall festival but the City of Wilton Manors balked at that idea, instead choosing to form their own committee to host a standalone event. The newly rebranded Fort Lauderdale Pride made a last ditch effort to hold it in October, despite conflicting with Orlando Pride taking place the same weekend. It appears everything has now come together. “We are really trying to put on a fresh new face and build a sense of environment that will make people come together,” said

Miik Martorell, treasurer for Pride Fort Lauderdale. “Our goal is to make people feel proud of their community.” Music is a major part of Martorell’s community. A disc jockey with more than 20 years of experience in the South Florida club scene, Martorell started spinning records at the Copa in 1998 and has served up tunes at the Coliseum, Voodoo Lounge and, currently can be found on Friday nights at The Manor. He said Pride Fort Lauderdale 2015 features an array of up and coming hip-hop talents led by the female rapper, Trina. “She (Trina) has 15 years in the business and has rapped with everybody,” Martorell said. Trina is scheduled to take the main stage on Saturday at 6 p.m., the final act of the first day. The setting for Pride Fort Lauderdale is a stark contrast to neighboring LGBT celebrations in Miami Beach, Wilton Manors and Lake Worth. Holiday Park (800 NE 8th Street) provides ample trees in a venue that includes War Memorial Auditorium for those wanting a break from the sun’s sometimes unforgiving rays and heat. Inside War Memorial Auditorium, Pride organizers say, will be informative tables operated by non-profit, community-based

organizations. The space will also house the Dumblonde. The women, Aubrey O’Day AIDS Memorial Quilt, a stirring reminder of and Shannon Bex, were once part of the a disease that has greatly impacted the LGBT group Danity Kane from the MTV hit series community. “Making the Band.” “Kids today don’t know how easy that “They are getting a huge push,” Martorell have it,” remarked Barrie Wood, said. “They could Pride Fort Lauderdale exhibits possibly be the next coordinator of the Quilt. Lady Gaga.” “We are really Wood has been busy preparing When asked his thoughts on the the ticketing system for this year’s trying to put controversy that has event. He said he expects between on a fresh been a part of the 2,500 to 5,000 people to attend new face and Pride Fort Lauderdale each day. narrative leading up “This will be a great event,” build a sense to this year’s event, Wood said. of environment Martorell said, “a lot of It is, however, an event that that will make wonderful people make almost did not happen. people come silly decisions.” The organization underwent “We’re hoping this a tumultuous tenure during the together.” will be a unifying leadership of Marc Hansen when event,” he added. “We PFL saw accusations of bullying, - Miik Martorell want people to feel like secret meetings and overall Treasurer of Pride they are really cared mismanagement. Fort Lauderdale about and tell us how “The Pride organization has they feel.” been restored financially and Moving the festival to organizationally,” said current President Norm Kent. “It is responsible, October, Martorell said, was a wise decision. “Now our friends in Miami, Palm Beach ready and all set to run the festival.” Day Two of Pride Fort Lauderdale and the Keys can participate and there are features a closing performance by the duo, no conflicts,” he said.

Advance tickets are on sale at PrideFortLauderdale.org A two-day general admission pass is $20 which covers the cost of parking. Festival hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 30

• 10.7.2015



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10.7.2015 •


Photos: Facebook.

column publisher`s editorial

holiDay Park PriDe ForT lauDerDale FesTival It’s All About Coming Together Norm Kent



bout fifteen years ago, when I was being treated for with some health and educative seminars for interested cancer, in an abundance of caution, I made some members of the community. Pride Fort Lauderdale plans for my funeral. I knew I would have to be has been empowered through major donations by there, so what the hell. the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Anyway, for my tombstone, I came up Bureau, as well as the ever-generous and with a simple epitaph, which reads: “All in often unappreciated AIDS Healthcare all, I would rather be at the ballpark.” Foundation. This weekend, Pride Fort Lauderdale First, Pride Fort Lauderdale was We have gone hosts its annual holiday festival, moved enormously helped by Orlando Castellano, from it’s February/March date to October who manages Holiday Park, and who lent from being this year. As the group’s chair, I guess I his experience, expertise, and enthusiasm $30,000 in have to be there. All in all, I would rather to our efforts, insuring we were on time be at the ballpark. and up to par with permits, codes, and debt to having This year, for the first time in about 25 practices. A member of our community, $30,000 in the years, my two favorite baseball teams, he is a reminder of what you can achieve the Dodgers and the Mets, are going to when you have the city on your side, bank to run be facing off against each other in the working with you. divisional playoffs. Second, the festival itself was a carefully On Friday night, I could be in Southern resuscitated and rescued when Miik budgeted California living the dream. Instead, I will Martorell, the owner of Hot Flyers, and be here in South Florida, hoping there a long time Pride volunteer, decided to festival. is no nightmare. Running a community put his imprimatur and reputation on the festival is no easy task, and experience line. He was not only determined to make dictates there will be miscues. the festival happen. He was THE one that Nevertheless, Pride Fort Lauderdale faced enormous made it happen. His dedication and perseverance rose to challenges a year ago, and it has today righted the ship. the occasion, often at the expense of his own business. Last October, the group was disorganized and broke, My tenure as chair was singularly designed to restore fractured and spent. But this community has a wealth of credibility and lend professional accountability to the volunteers who were dedicated to seeing its reputation group. We fought for and won back our tax-exempt restored; its honor recaptured. status with the IRS, but more importantly, we won This weekend, the festival will come off with live music back the respect of the community organizations we for adults, petting zoos and pony rides for kids, along are responsible to. We have now partnered with local


• 10.7.2015

businesses to run the festival, and earned their faith. We have gone from being $30,000 in debt to having $30,000 in the bank to run a carefully budgeted festival. Hopefully, we will come out of it in the black. Any way you cut it, we should come out of it with your respect. This year, we honor long time supporters like SHE Magazine and the Boardwalk. We recognize past supporters to our Hall of Fame, Scott Holland of HotSpots and Lori Whittaker, who just sold Sidelines. A pride group in any city is a partnership of volunteers willing to give up themselves to support others. It’s not about what we can do to promote your business. It’s about what we can do together to promote our community. Earlier this year, a long time Pride ally, Miss Vicki turned 90, and we learned she was about to become homeless. Jodi Fisher, a lawyer altruistically volunteered to become her guardian, and our community generously donated over $10,000 to underwrite costs necessary to keep her going. Thank you for making a difference. While we hold an annual festival, Pride Fort Lauderdale has been running events all year. Our Pride Honors Series has recognized the achievements of a number of distinguished persons, including later this month, Nikki Grossman of the CVB and Michael Kahane of AHF. Earlier this year, we honored jurists Robert Lee and Lisa Porter, along with Fort Lauderdale’s gay city commissioner, Dean Trantalis. Simple events like this only come about because the Pride Center of Equality Park lent us their facilities; Bobby Keyser of Panache Catering supported us with his event planning, and Dignity Memorial, funeral providers, underwrote the catering costs.

column publisher`s editorial Look, I am not telling you to go die and become their client, but I am saying they gave us life when we needed it. You see, none of these things just happen. They come about because people care. They deserve recognition and we owe them thanks. Pride Fort Lauderdale is not a big group. It’s a small chestnut of dedicated volunteers who come together to patch together these events, all of which culminate with a great big two-day festival this weekend. There is a paragraph about these persons in the pride guide and our paper. None were paid, and all gave of their free time to make this event happen. Each of them deserves our praise and thanks. It wasn’t all roses. There are disputes, fractured houses, and infighting. But you play through. It’s a marathon. You compromise; you come together, and you get to where you have to go. Dr. Sonia Mitchell organized volunteers, and Barrie Wood has spent countless hours working through the logistical nightmare of planning out booths. Luciano Retondaro worked on our website, and Roger Handevidt walked through city streets in the hot summer sun to sell pride guide ads. Tim Higgins stepped over from Stonewall and Bryan Wilson, who works with SunServe, has jumped in to coordinate the Himmarshee Street closing party to benefit youth groups. Lori Lyons of Yellow Cab lent her marketing expertise, and before he left the group when his dad passed away, John Fugate developed Outreach Programs like the Pride Honors series. Shawn Manning, a gentle giant, and Rocky Bowell, whose full time job is at the Pride Factory, have not only stayed with Pride through thick and thin, they represent us across the country in interstate pride events. Next year, the southeastern regional event will be hosted by Pride Fort Lauderdale.

Still, whatever the volunteers do, it is never enough. An organization lending sustenance to our entire community requires a paid executive director and at least a small staff. This year, we engaged professionals like TPro- Cire Citron, to develop the website, and Sharon Kersten, to handle public relations. Sunshine Tents, through its owner, Dev, offered us a discount on last year’s debt and helped build the site you will see this weekend. Little Critters is helping us out with the children’s zoo. PCI is giving us a cut of the food, and local bars and distilleries are donating liquor. Good things happen when good people give of themselves. Next year, we will ask the Community Foundation of Broward to help underwrite staff salaries. But most of all, we will ask you to again find time to give of yourselves to help others. We can’t do it alone. Like the Stonewall Library hosting tonite’s Pub Crawl, and the MiFo Film Festival volunteers hosting a party at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, we grow together when we give together. This year, Pride Fort Lauderdale reorganized. Next year, it has the opportunity to soar. Working with the City of Fort Lauderdale, and the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Business Bureau, we are talking about holding a parade and festival on A1A, along the beach, matching Miami and making a statement of our own. It will take a yeoman’s effort and so much of your help. Me? I will stop by the parade next year, but right now I would be pretty satisfied going to my law office daily, publishing SFGN weekly, and getting to the World Series in California. I hope you have a great time this weekend. Stop by and say hello. I will be the guy with the rope around his neck, saying, “Why?”






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10.7.2015 •


column transforming gender Photo: Roland Emmerich, Centropolis Entertainment / Roadside Attractions.

The Stonewall movie was released into theaters on September 25, 2015.

‘sTonewall’ whiTewashes anD erases Trans hisTory Rebecca Juro



We should not accommodate the bigotries of straight and cis people

y now, you probably know what many history of the Stonewall riots to attempt to pander to the anti-LGBT bigotries of straight LGBT opinion writers think of Roland Emmerich’s twinkified, whitewashed, and cisgender audiences is itself a facilitation and detransified version of the Stonewall riots. and accommodation of self-hating bigotry While there’s plenty of debate about how the that inspires many LGBTs to attempt to pass as riots started and who initiated these events, straight and cis before we’re ready to come out and present ourselves to the one thing most agree on is world as we truly are rather that it didn’t happen the way than as others would prefer to it’s portrayed in this movie. see us. Indeed, while “Stonewall” has Emmerich claims It’s also fair to ask an obvious only had first public showings that by making question: If the audiences this week, I’ve yet to see even a Emmerich seeks to appeal to single positive review. the protagonist would find a more accurate For me, one of the most a “straightportrayal of the history of the accurate criticisms of Stonewall riots too offensive “Stonewall” comes from acting” young to witness without this kind HuffPost Gay Voices Editorial white twink of heterosexist and cisgender Director Noah Michelson, sweetener, what makes him who calls out Emmerich’s own he was making think that these audiences explanation of why he cast a the movie more will find this film any more pretty Midwestern white boy appealing because the star in the role of a protagonist accessible looks like he would be more which would have been more to straight properly cast in a remake of accurately portrayed as a trans “Oklahoma”? person of color. audiences. Those who oppose and fight Emmerich claims that against our basic civil rights by making the protagonist as LGBT people aren’t doing a “straight-acting” young white twink he was making the movie more so because we number people of color among accessible to straight audiences, essentially us, even though those bigotries most certainly arguing that the character is more appealing do still exist in modern America. They do so because he looks and acts like a straight and because they find the way LGBT people live our lives and present ourselves to the rest of cisgender person. the world to be perverse and disgusting. The Michelson points out how rewriting the


• 10.7.2015

character of Danny, and from all reports the entire film, are to be sure a whitewashed and ciswashed version of history, but the character and the events depicted are no less Queer because of it. That Emmerich, a gay man himself, apparently believes that rewriting historical fact and replacing it with a fictionalized version of events will be more palatable to mainstream audiences than the truth reveals to us that he’s the very last person who should have been hired to make this film. Like Michelson, I too know what it is to hide large chunks of myself in a misguided attempt to present myself publicly as a straight (and cisgender) person. I knew that I felt I should have been born a girl from a very early age, but I also understood that such a revelation would not have been accepted well by my parents, teachers, and friends. As a teenager with raging hormones, I learned that the way to gain the romantic and sexual attentions of the girls I desired was to behave as the heterosexual and cisgender boy I was seen as. As I grew into young adulthood I became quite accomplished at portraying this

masculine role society had laid out for me and eventually even saw fully embracing it as a way of curing myself of my desire to live my life as a woman. I was rewarded for my efforts with the affections of women I desired, which validated this misguided self-hate. More than anything else, I wanted to love a woman as a woman and I hated myself for it. It wasn’t until this internal conflict drove me to attempt to end my life that I was able to see through these lies I’d told myself and seek out a path toward living my truth. I know what it is to want to be something I wasn’t. I also know what it is to feel compelled to rewrite the public story of my life in order to accommodate a culture that would have rejected me as I truly am. Most of all, I know what it is to finally come to understand that without truth it’s impossible to do more than simply go through the motions of life without truly satisfying the demands of one’s heart and soul. That’s the kind of life I wouldn’t wish on anyone, much less want to witness on the silver screen.

Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat. Email: rjuroshow@gmail.com Twitter: @beckyjuro

10.7.2015 •



• 10.7.2015

Gazette Wilton Manors

Volume 2 • Issue 19 October 7, 2015

Twice-Monthly Neighborhood Outlook

Page 2 Out Of Fashion

Page 2 Bona Pizza

Page 3 Decriminalizing Marijuana

Page 4 Millage Lowered

Page 4 Parking Lot Purchase


City Forging Economic Development Plan By Michael d’Oliveira

An improved quality of life, gained through an enhanced business climate and expanded tax base, is the ultimate goals of the city’s economic development strategy. To help Wilton Manors get there, city officials issued an RFP [Request For Proposal] to private firms in August. The deadline to submit was Sept. 22. Three firms have been chosen and ranked by city staff and city commissioners will decide which firm is given the contract. The firms include Keith and Schnars with Fishkind & Associates, Redevelopment Management Associates, and Strategic Planning Group. Redevelopment Management Associates already has contracts with Pompano Beach and Oakland Park and has contributed substantially to the redevelopment efforts and plans of those cities. As of now, the vote is scheduled for the Oct. 27 commission meeting. “We will rank them and make a recommendation,” said City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson. The RFP provides an outline of requirements, goals and deficiencies that the chosen firm must address. Included in the deficiencies are limited availability of land, inconsistent data on the city’s current economic base and limited funding sources. The challenges, as stated in the RFP, need to be overcome to “increase employment and position the city as a great place to live, learn, work, and play.” Henderson said the city also wants to focus on keeping its current businesses and attracting new ones. Past efforts to attract new merchants have included an

attempt to diversify the businesses along Wilton Drive – to add more daytime businesses instead of more bars and restaurants. “They’ll determine the business types that are expected to grow, what business types are a good match and plan how we move forward in attracting those businesses.” With no Community Redevelopment Agency to access more county funding for improvements, the city has had to come up with its own alternative sources of income – the Wilton Drive Business Improvement District [BID]. The BID allows the city to raise taxes on Wilton Drive property owners in order to generate funding for improvements to that street. Officials were also looking at implementing a BID on Andrews Avenue but those plans have been postponed for now. The city also wants the firm to identify partnership opportunities between business and government and businesses and businesses, targeted growth opportunities in specific areas, develop incentive programs to create and retain jobs, identify land use and zoning changes that will spur development, and create systems to measure economic gains. The Wilton Manors Business Association [WMBA], by providing networking opportunities amongst its members, already provides partnership opportunities for businesses inside and outside of the city. But Karl Lentzer, president of WMBA, said he’d like his organization to become a more active partner with the city in attracting and retaining businesses. “We’re not in that loop, but we should be,” he said.WMG

Goodbye Gallegos

Photo: Facebook.


Popular city manager retires By Michael d’Oliveira

Mayor Gary Resnick proclaimed Sept. 21, 2015 as “Joseph Gallegos Day” in the City of Wilton Manors in honor of Gallegos. At that same day’s commission meeting, Gallegos was honored by residents, city staff and city commissioners for his 16 years as city manager.

Gallegos said he plans to stay in the city and stay active in some of its civic organizations. Replacing Gallegos as city manager is Leigh Ann Henderson, former assistant city manager. She officially took over on Oct. 1. [Photo courtesy of the city of Wilton Manors]. WMG

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September 16, 2015

10.7.2015 •


Out Of Fashion… By Sal Torre

Have you ever wondered if you were born in the wrong era? That somehow you would have been a better fit in some other time? The Roaring Twenties, the social activism of the 60’s, perhaps the Age of Invention around the turn of the Twentieth Century? For most of my teenage years into adulthood, I felt like I was out of step with the times, listening to the beat of a different drummer. At a very early age, I was influenced by the end of the 60’s and early 70’s, growing up in a very liberal, unionized, New York City, immigrant family. My heroes were people like Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Dr. Martin Luther King, activist nuns who were murdered in El Salvador, and Archbishop Camorra. My beliefs were formed by a Catholic Church that practiced liberal teachings, unions that were strong and leading the way for the middle class to obtain the American Dream, adult family members able to retire with a pension and the help of Social Security. Then life seemed to change as I moved beyond my teen years into a young adult. My core beliefs of social liberalism suddenly became out of fashion. The march leading to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher was like a scorched earth military mission to demonize everything I believed to be true and just. Destroy the unions, forget about the poor, who somehow deserved such a fate, government programs are evil and wasteful became the new battle cries as the march to self-centered ideology grew louder and louder. Back then, there was a better chance that Pope John Paul II would have canonized Ronald Reagan as the defeater of Communism than ever mentioning the names of Dorothy Day or Thomas Merton. I held on to my beliefs, but they grew further and further away, almost becoming some distant dream that never was. Then came the awareness of my homosexuality. Not only was I one of those commie-loving liberals out of touch with the new world, a Catholic no longer welcome inside a church that was growing ever more conservative, a believer in unions protecting workers rights in a time when our President was breaking unions and demonizing their mission across the free world, on top of all this I had new labels to wear out in society-- queer, faggot, sinner. A huge burden for a young adult growing up in the 1970’s, or any time, struggling to find one’s place in the world. But I held on to my beliefs and marched forward, always feeling that I was on the right path, that somehow I was right and so many people were wrong. Still believing that God wanted us to love our neighbors, to help those less fortunate, to work together to help one another, and to value all life, not just those like us.

Announcement By Norm Kent

Gazette Wilton Manors


2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943



Over the last thirty or so years, we have seen the results of our march to the right and away from social liberal ideals. We see two very different Americas, one made of the wealthy 1 percent, the billionaires controlling more and more of the wealth, and the other made up of a much poorer and less secure middle class and the forgotten working poor. The income disparity is greater than at any time in our history. The American Dream has been lost in the rush for more wealth by the already wealthy, leaving the many weaker and marginalized. Yet, something is happening out there. While Donald Trump spews his hatred and divisiveness on Fox News, I see a glimmer of light in the darkness. My beliefs have started to be spoken once more, to become fashionable again. We see a lifelong socialist, Bernie Sanders, as a front-runner in the Democratic race for the Presidential nomination. We listen to a Pope remind us of our duty to leave a better world to future generations, one that values the lives of all and not just a few, one that cares for the earth, compassion, social justice, income equality, and the lives of the poor who are all around us. We see the LGBT Community making gains for civil rights that were unthinkable just a few years ago and unimaginable when I was that young teenager coming out in the late 1970’s, especially with the recent victories on marriage equality. Listening to Pope Francis this week has given this outcast Catholic new hope and renewed faith in the power of liberal Catholicism. Pope Francis and the Catholic Church still have a long way to go when it comes to our community, but the door is open far more than any time in the past and the dialogue looks like it will continue. Those beliefs, that optimism, once again fresh in my mind, has finally put me in step with the drummer’s beat and no longer out of fashion. Luckily for me, I decided long ago as a young idealistic teenager, “Why try to fit in to what is fashionable, when I was born to stand out!!” And that, my friends, is why my life and hopefully that of many of my neighbors and friends in Wilton Manors… “is just better here….”WMG

Bona Pizza

A few weeks ago SFGN ran a special feature on the best places to get a lunch pizza in Wilton Manors. The operative word was lunch. Because Bona Pizza, the oldest and longest operating Italian restaurant in the Manors does not open until 4 p.m, it was not included in our evaluations. Ouch. Bona Pizza has offered Manors residents a huge selection of moderately priced selections with family style dining since 1979. They continue to use only select grade A cheeses, and their pies are freshly made to order with premium doughs, generous in size, and ample with their sides. Bona offers you consistency and community. You are bound to run into a few friends enjoying a cold brew and hot pie. If you are looking for more than pizza, they serve your favorite

OCTOBER 7, 2015 • VOLUME 2 • ISSUE 19

selection of Italian dinner staples. Their sub sandwiches feature mouth-filling generous portions on fresh, soft Italian breads. Dinner prices are affordable, not outlandish, and as a neighborhood venue, there is a good chance you will be promptly served by a pleasant waitress without a long wait. Most of all, Bona's provides you with a comfort zone of quality, from the garlic rolls dripping with butter to the pizzas searing with flavor right out of the ovens. And what a choice of pizzas- from Sicilian Pies to their signature Bona's special, with 8 toppings. Maybe the best way to appreciate the hometown flavor and simple goodness of Bona's is to just go in their and ask for 'Grandma's Pizza.' If grandma is on the menu, there is going to be a menu you can trust. Bona's is at 2468 Wilton Drive, and they do deliver. WMG




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Copyright © 2014 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

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Decriminalizing Marijuana Won’t Save City Money


By Michael d’Oliveira The possible decriminalization of marijuana in Wilton Manors won’t result in much of a savings in police time. That’s according to a report issued by the Wilton Manors Police Department. According to Commander Gary Blocker, the estimated time saved would be an average of 19 hours a year. So far this year, police here have made 22 arrests and issued 102 notices to appear in court for marijuana-related incidents. If the city did switch from criminal to civil fines for marijuana possession, he estimates the amount of money raised could be about $16,500 over a three-year period. The report was presented at the Sept. 21 commission meeting, two months after officials began talking about the possibility of decriminalizing the possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana for personal use. The review of time spent on marijuana-related crimes, in which officers spend an average of 40 to 60 minutes per arrest transporting suspects to the main jail in Downtown Fort Lauderdale, was undertaken to see how much time would be saved if officers didn’t have to make arrests. “I wouldn’t hang my hat on that particular hook,” said Chief Paul O’Connell at a meeting before the report was issued.

Blocker’s report also highlighted some of the indirect costs of marijuana enforcement – the time and money spent by the court system to prosecute and imprison drug offenders. He also talked about the lack of a database for local agencies to share information about who has been issued citations. “The sharing of information is needed in order for an officer to make an informed decision on whether or not to issue a civil citation.” That could change if Broward County passes an ordinance allowing law enforcement officers to issue fines, $100 for the first offense, instead of jail time for marijuana possession of up to 20 grams. The vote was held Oct. 6 after this article was submitted for publication. Wilton Manors commissioners have yet to make a decision on whether or not to decriminalize marijuana and issue fines in their city. But, with the public demanding that police spend more time focusing on pedestrian safety and catching drivers going over the speed limit, even the minimal amount of time spent by police might be too much. “Pardon the pun, but I think it’s a waste of time,” said Mayor Gary Resnick before the report was issued. WMG

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October 7, 2015

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As Some Fees Increase, City Purchases Parking Millage Goes Down Lot For $447,000 By Michael d’Oliveira

After raising the operating millage rate from 6.06836 to 6.26836, commissioners unanimously voted to lower it back to 6.02836 – the original level recommended by city staff. Combined with the millage from the city’s debt service on its parks and city hall bonds, the total millage is 6.72256. That millage, along with other sources of revenue, resulted in a budget of $31.2 million. “They did more than balance [the millage], they lowered it,” said Mayor Gary Resnick about city staff. The result is an increase of $1.24 per year for homeowners covered by Save Our Homes [SOH] and $267.84 for those not covered. For condo owners under SOH, the increase is 70 cents per year and $117.09 for those not covered. Officials originally raised the operating millage to help pay for additional police officers and a park ranger, in response to public demands to clean up Hagen Park and improve road safety. But budget cuts elsewhere, said city officials, helped pay for the additional personnel without increasing the millage. The cost of some items and departments are increasing. An increase in salaries, additional personnel, insurance and operating costs resulted in an increase in police department expenses, from $6.5 million last year to $7.1 million this year. Those increased costs are part of why the city’s Budget Review Committee is against the hiring of two new police officers – at a cost of about $85,000 each. The new officers will be focused on traffic enforcement and about $25,000 in additional revenue is expected to come as a result. Another part of the city’s efforts to improve public safety comes from the hiring of a full-time park ranger for $56,000. That position was added so the city could

By Michael d’Oliveira

better monitor Colohatchee Park and other facilities. The park has developed a reputation as place for sex and multiple residents and commissioners have said something needs to be done. “Taking back Colohatchee is vital . . . for the quality of life of the city,” said Commissioner Justin Flippen. Resnick disagreed, saying that he thinks the park’s problems are “exaggerated to some extent.” Various fees are also set to increase. Parking will go from $1 per hour to $1.50, which will generate an estimated $230,000 per year in additional revenue. Commissioner Tom Green argued the increase should be cut in half to 25 cents. The cost of water, an increase of 5 percent, will cost an average of $4.98 more per month. Wilton Manors gets its water from Fort Lauderdale and officials there control the cost. The annual Residential Rental License fee, paid by residential property owners for every tenant they have, may also increase. The fee was raised from $20 to $50 but it will have to be approved at a future commission meeting. Commissioners also increased their own salaries. Each commissioner got a raise from $7,800 per year to $9,750 and the mayor went from $9,000 to $11,250 – about $10,000 more a year total. Commissioners defended the raise, but so too did at least two residents – Paul Kuta and Tim Ross. “We don’t pay them enough. It’s almost a full-time job. The hourly rate may be less than minimum wage [if you count all the hours they work off the dais],” Ross said. Commissioners argued that the increase will only cover the costs associated with being commissioner and are not an actual pay raise. “This job costs us money. We’re certainly not getting rich,” Resnick said. WMG

Despite agreement that the cost was less than ideal, commissioners approved the purchase of an empty lot to provide more parking for Wilton Drive. At their Sept. 21 meeting, commissioners voted 4-1 to purchase an empty lot, to be redeveloped as an 18 to 24 space parking lot, for a cost of $458,000. After unpaid utility and lawn mowing bills were subtracted, the final cost was $447,879. It’s estimated that developing and paving the lot, located behind Bona Pizza at Northeast 23 Drive and Northeast 11 Avenue, will cost between $180,000 and $240,000. That was just too much money for Vice Mayor Scott Newton, the only no vote. The good thing, said Newton, was that the money would come from the parking fund and not taxpayers. The parking fund money comes from the $1.1 million borrowed by the city in 2011 to specifically make parking improvements along and near Wilton Drive. Out of that money, $524,000 is left. In 2014, the city spent $788,000 to build a 42-space parking lot at Northeast 8 Terrace and Northeast 26 Street. That project has been criticized by some city officials, including commissioners, as too expensive. City staff members said the improving economy caused the increase in construction costs. Mayor Gary Resnick voted for the purchase but warned that this would be the last parking purchase the city would be able to make for the next five years. “This is going to be it,” he said. Commissioner Julie Carson, who voted against the purchase the first time, said she was still wary of the cost but felt like she had to do something to help with the lack of parking at that end of Wilton Drive. But she does want to see more than 18 to 24 spaces created.

“Why can we only do 18 to 24?” she asked in an interview with The Gazette. Carson is referring to the estimated 40 to 45 cars that are parked on the lot at night. To help squeeze more spaces in, she suggested foregoing some of the landscape requirements. “I don’t want it to just be an ugly flat spot but I think we can get in a lot more spaces.” Most residents, who spoke at the meeting, were against the purchase. “We can’t keep taking property off the tax rolls,” said Sal Torre, president of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors. Torre suggested the city could use a trolley to take people up and down Wilton Drive from the main parking lot next to city hall. “I would certainly ride a trolley.” Resident Paul Kuta said “just because it’s there” isn’t a good enough reason to buy it.” Resident Kate Donohue called it “a tiny solution to a huge problem” and suggested a parking garage be built at Hagen Park. Nick Berry, resident and owner of Rumors Bar & Grill, located near the empty lot, spoke in favor and said scattered parking lots along Wilton Drive are a better solution than a garage. Faced with few options and calls to improve the shortage in parking on Wilton Drive, a problem that has been discussed for over a decade, commissioners said they had to act even if the cost was high. “It’s incumbent upon us as policy makers to act. This land is available. We have to act,” said Commissioner Justin Flippen. The owner said he had plans to build townhomes on the lot if the city didn’t purchase it. City staff said no other nearby properties are available or affordable. Commissioner Tom Green said the lot could possibly be expanded in the future by purchasing adjacent or nearby properties. WMG

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• 10.7.2015

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• 10.7.2015

he Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian that our community thrives and has a voice Chamber of Commerce is on the in the policies that shape our nation, our final stretch of its Membership state, and our local communities. Campaign and consequently compiling the The MDGLCC reflects the needs and information that will appear in its “2016 desires of the LGBT and Allied businesses Membership Directory & Resource Guide.” that are OUR members. We ask that you This book is the most important LGBT & refer to the 2016 S.O.M.A. Membership Allied community resource Directory and Resource directory available in South Guide frequently when Florida from which to plan, making recommendations purchase and/or select to a friend, have a need for The service providers. a service and/or, looking estimated Twenty thousand for that special item for copies of this book will be yourself or business. LGBT printed late this year and We are strongest when purchasing distributed monthly to we act as a community so over 130 locations in South let this book serve as an power in Florida as well as mailed to inspiration to S.O.M.A. Miami-Dade the MDGLCC’s members, To our more than elected officials, and CEO’s 1,100 members (650 plus County is $7 of major corporations. The companies), we appreciate use of this book, as well your support. We will billion. as telling the Chamber continue with our strive to members that you are create more opportunities conducting business with to bring you valuable them as a direct response to their support business. To those who have considered of the MDGLCC, reinforces their continued membership in the MDGLCC, now is the investment in the South Florida community time to make that investment! of 500,000 loyal LGBT patrons Do so before Oct. 31 if you want to The estimated LGBT purchasing power be included in the “2016 Membership in Miami-Dade County is $7 billion. As Directory & Resource Guide.” For any a means of directing that strength, the inquiries or interest in joining the MDGLCC, MDGLCC devised an easy way to track this please visit www.GayBizMiami.com or support. S.O.M.A. stands for Support Our reach us at info@gaybizmiami.com / 305Members Always. It is from this support 673-4440.

10.7.2015 •


HI STORY people



History Month

'The Women of San Quentin' Comes Amid Historic Changes Seth Hemmelgarn


is a tremendous victory, not just for Shiloh and transgender people new book chronicling the lives of nine transgender women in prison, but for all transgender people who have ever been denied across the country who have been incarcerated comes medical care or basic recognition of our humanity just because of amid historic progress for such prisoners. “The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender who we are." In an email, CDCR spokesman Jeffrey Callison said officials treat Women in Male Prisons,” by Kristin Schreier Lyseggen, was released situations like Quine's on a "case-by-case basis." in September. Callison said his agency "evaluates every case individually and, Schreier Lyseggen, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., traveled around in the Quine case, every medical doctor and mental-health clinician the United States to speak with incarcerated trans women about their experiences with rape, assault and trying to get access to who has reviewed this case, including two independent mentalhealth experts, determined that this surgery is medically necessary hormones. for Quine.” On one front, at least, there has been some good news, as In a phone interview last month, CDCR spokeswoman Terry California prison officials recently announced they would provide Thornton noted another part of the settlement gender-affirming surgery for a transgender inmate. is that the agency's policy will allow transgender Additionally, a transgender woman in Georgia people access to all the items listed in prison was recently released, apparently due to pressure catalogs. form a lawsuit. "After so many "If a transgender inmate wants female items, But Schreier Lyseggen, who didn't give her age, and she's in a male institution, she'll have access indicated, despite progress, problems are likely to years of almost to those items as well now," Thornton said. persist for many people. giving up on Another woman Schreier Lyseggen profiled has "In order to find solutions, we have to see, also been in the news recently. how did these people end up in prison in the first myself, I will Ashley Diamond, 37, is suing the Georgia place?" Schreier Lyseggen said, adding, “it is a race finally be liberated Department of Corrections for denying her issue. Transgender women of color are suffering hormone treatments, which she had received the most. They are down at the bottom of the caste from the prison before being incarcerated, and a safe environment, system we have," frequently struggling with a lack within a prison I according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. of employment, health care and other problems. Diamond was released in August from Augusta Asked about solutions, Schreier Lyseggen said, felt trapped in." State Medical Prison after serving almost three "First, we have to make them safe. We can't just sit years of an 11-year sentence for "a nonviolent and watch them being raped." - Shiloh Quine offense," according to SPLC, which filed a lawsuit She added, "People like me who are white, on Diamond's behalf in February. privileged and straight" need to "start getting The organization said in a news release that involved and not treat these people as second- and Diamond had been housed with male prisoners third-class citizens." and was "sexually assaulted eight times." One of the people featured in “The Women of San Quentin” is Diamond was going to be up for parole this fall, but SPLC Shiloh Quine. attributed her release to the lawsuit. In August, the California Department of Corrections and "I'm overjoyed to be with my family again and out of harm's Rehabilitation reached a groundbreaking settlement with Quine, way," Diamond said in the nonprofit's statement. "Although the 56, to provide surgery and other medical care. "After so many years of almost giving up on myself, I will finally systematic abuse and assaults I faced for more than three years have be liberated from the prison within a prison I felt trapped in, and left me emotionally and physically scarred, I'll continue to fight for feel whole, both as a woman and as a human being," Quine said in justice and to shine a light on the gross mistreatment of transgender inmates in Georgia and nationwide." a news release from the Oakland-based Transgender Law Center, Facing scrutiny, GDC has "revised its gender-dysphoria policy which has been helping to represent Quine. and adopted new guidelines to provide constitutionally appropriate Quine has been serving a term of life without the possibility of treatment," SPLC said, and the state agency agreed to give Diamond parole since 1981 after being convicted in Los Angeles County for access to hormones. However, the dosage was "inadequate for first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery. She's being held in months," the group said. Mule Creek State Prison, a men's facility in Ione, Calif. GDC spokeswomen didn't respond to the Bay Area Reporter's According to the book, Quine wrote to Schreier Lyseggen that requests for comment. she'd told police in 1980 "that the gun used to murder someone was In response to an emailed question about why she used San hers, even though it wasn't. She was serving a life sentence without Quentin in her book's title, Schreier Lyseggen said, among other the possibility of parole for a murder she said she did not commit." In its news release, Flor Bermudez, TLC's detention project reasons, the northern California institution "has been a symbol of director, said, "Ms. Quine will be the first transgender inmate in the prison life in America," and two of the women she wrote about have been incarcerated there. country to receive gender-affirming surgery while incarcerated, to our knowledge." This article is from the national LGBT History month TLC executive director Kris Hayashi said, "This historic settlement project compiled by the Philadelphia Gay News.


• 10.7.2015

Author Kristin Schreier Lyseggen. Photo: Herb Schreier

Shiloh Quine, a transgender prisoner, recently reached a groundbreaking settlement with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Photo: Courtesy SFINX Publishing/The Women of San Quentin.

Seth Hemmelgarn is an assistant editor at the Bay Area Reporter. He can be reached at s.hemmelgarn@ebar.com.

Creative by Twist Com

HI STORY people

Equality Forum Honors LGBT Icons John McDonald


he Equality Forum has come out with their annual list of icons for LGBT history month. The list of 31 people includes, Jane Addams, Miriam Ben-Shalom, Richard Blanco, Staceyann Chin, Jason Collins, Laverne Cox, Clive Davis, Samuel Delany, Elsie de Wolfe, Arthur Dong, Emery Hetrick and Damien Martin, Mick Jagger, Angelina Jolie, William Rufus King, Jackie “Moms” Mabley, Edna “St. Vincent” Millay, Frank Mugisha, Jack Nichols, Elaine Noble, Antonia Pantoja, Frances Perkins, Robin Roberts, Sahaykwisa, Michael Sam, Barbra Siperstein, Dusty Springfield, Tom Stoddard, William "Big Bill" Tilden II, Tim’m T. West, Edie Windsor and Evan Wolfson. The icons must be distinguished in their respective fields of endeavors, a national hero

or have made a significant contribution to LGBT rights, said Malcolm Lazin, executive director of Equality Forum, a Philadelphia based LGBT civil rights nonprofit. “This is a remarkable resource,” Lazin said. “Because we are the only minority community whose history is not widely taught in our schools this list of icons will serve to empower a movement and achieve recognition from our straight allies.” Knowing, for example, that William Rufus King was the Vice President of the United States of America can have a “profound impact on selfesteem,” Lazin said. This is the 10th year Equality Forum has issued its LGBT icons list. You can learn more at LGBTHistoryMonth.org.

SFGN has partnered with LGBT History Month and will showcase three of their icons each week. Check out page 54. SFGN_Florida_House3.pdf 1 4/9/2015 1:03:28 PM

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10.7.2015 •


HI STORY people

Historical Members of the LGBT Community LGBTHistoryMonth.com features a new profile everyday in October. Visit their website to see more. LGBTHistoryMonth.com

Richard Blanco Laverne Cox Transgender Actress

Jason Collins

Birth: May 29, 1984

Birth: December 2, 1978

“It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.”

Basketball Player

“I want to do the right thing and not hide anymore.” Jason Collins is a retired professional American basketball player who played for 13 seasons with the NBA. During the 2012-13 season, Collins came out in Sports Illustrated before signing with the New Jersey Nets, making him the first openly gay athlete to play on any professional sports team in North America. “If I had my way, someone else would have already done this,” he said when he came out. “Nobody has, which is why I’m raising my hand.” During his career, Collins played for the Houston Rockets, the Memphis Grizzlies, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Atlanta Hawks, the Boston Celtics, the Washington Wizards and the Brooklyn Nets before retiring in 2014. He wore number 98 on his jersey in honor of Matthew Shepard, the young gay man who was murdered in 1998 in Laramie, Wyoming. Collins’s jersey broke records at the NBA Store; it became a best seller with the proceeds of signed jerseys benefiting the Matthew Shepard Foundation and the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN). In 2013 Collins was inducted into the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame. The following year, he was featured on the cover of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Collins was born in California. He has a twin brother who is also an athlete.

SFGN and LGBTHistoryMonth.com are media partners.


• 10.7.2015

Laverne Cox is an American actress, producer and LGBT advocate best known for her role as a transgender prison inmate in the Netflix series “Orange Is the New Black.” She is the first openly transgender person to be nominated for an Emmy Award for acting and the first to appear on the cover of Time magazine. Cox was born a twin in Mobile, Alabama. She was “majorly bullied” as a child for being feminine. Cox begged for dance lessons, which she began in third grade. She went on to earn a BFA in dance from Marymount Manhattan College, where her twin brother, musician M Lamar, pursued visual art. He has also appeared in “Orange Is the New Black,” playing the role of Cox’s character before she transitioned. Cox is the first trans woman of color to produce and star in her own TV show, the makeover series “TRANSform Me.” She has appeared on VH1’s “Want to Work for Diddy” and on programs such as “Law & Order: SVU” and “Bored to Death.” She plays a supporting role in the 2015 film “Grandma,” starring Lily Tomlin. Cox has earned numerous awards and honors for her work as well as her activism, including the 2013 Courage Award from the Anti-Violence Project. In 2014—the year her hour-long documentary, “Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word,” aired simultaneously on MTV and Logo—she received a GLAAD Media Award. She was also named Glamour’s Woman of the Year and included on the EBONY Power 100 List. In 2015 Cox was named to the OUT Power 50 List and as one of People magazine’s Most Beautiful Women. Time magazine included her on its 2015 list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.

Inaugural Poet

Birth: February 15, 1968

“I don’t exclusively align myself with any one particular group — Latino, Cuban, gay or ‘white’ — but I embrace them all.” Blanco is the youngest, the first Latino and the first openly gay person to be named a U.S. inaugural poet. He read his poem “One Today,” written soon after the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, at President Barack Obama’s second inauguration. He describes the poem as “a unique snapshot of where we are as a country.” Blanco was born in Madrid to Cuban exiles. Shortly thereafter, the family immigrated to New York and later settled in Miami, where Blanco was raised. He graduated from Florida International University with a degree in civil engineering and worked initially as a consulting civil engineer. His creative yearnings eventually sent him back to his alma mater, where he earned an MFA in creative writing. His first book of poetry, “City of a Hundred Fires,” published in 1998, won the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize from the University of Pittsburgh. After the book’s success, Blanco accepted a creative writing professorship at Central Connecticut State University. Subsequently, he taught at Georgetown University, American University and at the Writer’s Center. Blanco’s poetry explores his cultural heritage and sexuality, most notably in “Looking for the Gulf Motel,” published in 2012. “It’s trying to understand how I fit between negotiating the world, between being mainstream gay and being Cuban gay,” he says. His work has been published in The Nation, Ploughshares, New England Review, Americas Review and many other poetry journals and publications. He received the PEN Open Book Award for “Directions to the Beach of the Dead” in 2006 and the Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry for “Looking for the Gulf Motel” in 2013. He wrote and read the poem, “Matters of the Sea,” for the reopening ceremony of the U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba, in 2015. Blanco has participated in many charitable causes, including Freedom to Marry and One Fund, an organization that benefits victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. He lives in Bethel, Maine, with his partner, Dr. Mark Neveu, a research scientist.

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HI STORY column

Photo Credit: wiki user Man vyi.

Bona Togs clothes shop, named with words from the polari sub-language.

Homo History 101

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Pier Angelo

Polari, alternatively , Parlary, Palare, Palari, is now referred to as “ The Lost Language of Gay Men.” From Italian parlare, "to talk" is/was a mixture of Romance (Italian or Mediterranean Lingua Franca), Romani, London slang, rhyming slang, sailor slang used in Britain by actors, circus and fairground showmen, merchant navy sailors, criminals, prostitutes, and the gay subculture. There is some debate about its origins, but it can be traced back to at least the nineteenth century and possibly the sixteenth century.

Polari was used in London fish markets, the theatre, fairgrounds and circuses, hence the many borrowings from Romani. As many homosexual men worked in theatrical entertainment it was also used among the gay subculture, at a time when homosexual activity was illegal, to disguise homosexuals from hostile outsiders and undercover policemen. It was also used extensively in the British Merchant Navy, where many gay men joined ocean liners and cruise ships as waiters, stewards and entertainers. On one hand, it would be used as a means of cover to allow gay subjects to be discussed aloud without being understood; on the other hand, it was also used by some, particularly the most visibly camp and effeminate, as a further way of asserting their identity. The Polari term for homosexual, omme poloni, (‘man/ woman’) frequently appears in biographies of Oscar Wilde. Polari begun to fall into disuse amongst the gay subculture by the late 1960s. The gay liberationists of the 1970s viewed it as rather degrading and divisive as it was often used to gossip about, or criticize, others, as well as to discuss sexual exploits. In addition, the need for a secret subculture code declined with the legalization of adult homosexual acts in England and Wales in 1967.


• 10.7.2015

exaMPle: "As feely ommes...we would zhoosh

our riah, powder our eeks, climb into our bona new drag, don our batts and troll off to some bona bijou bar. In the bar we would stand around with our sisters, vada the bona cartes on the butch omme ajax who, if we fluttered our ogle riahs at him sweetly, might just troll over to offer a light for the unlit vogue clenched between our teeth." — taken from Parallel Lives, the memoirs of renowned gay journalist Peter Burton. TranslaTion: "As young men...we would style our hair, powder our faces, climb into our great new clothes, don our shoes and wander/walk off to some great little bar. In the bar we would stand around with our gay companions, look at the great genitals on the butch man nearby who, if we fluttered our eyelashes at him sweetly, might just wander/ walk over to offer a light for the unlit cigarette clenched between our teeth."

the paper’s literary editor when it famously published the poem “The Love that Dares to Speak Its Name.” This led to the successful prosecution of the paper’s editor, Denis Lemon, for blasphemous libel in a campaign led by Mary Whitehouse. During this time, Burton was also handling press interests for Rod Stewart and the Faces on their U.S. tours, and helping Robin Maugham complete his final books. After Gay News imploded in 1983, he became the literary and features editor of Gay Times and remained there until 2003. Burton wrote or contributed to over 30 books, including two volume of memoirs, Parallel Lives (Gay Men’s Press, 1985) and Amongst the Aliens: Aspects of a Gay Life (Millivres, 1995), and six anthologies of gay short stories, three of which were nominated for Lambda Literary Awards; the most recent, both by Arcadia Books, were A Casualty of War (2009) and What Love Is (2011).In the last decade of his life he was a regular contributor to the Brighton-based publications 360 and One80, a new gay generation benefiting from his high-quality journalism, and he also contributed regular book reviews for the Daily Express and obituaries for The Independent.

British born Burton was at the forefront of gay journalism starting with two of the UK’s first gay magazines.

Peter Burton (1945-2011), in a career which began in 1960s and continued for over forty years, British born Burton was at the forefront of gay journalism starting with two of the UK’s first gay magazines (Spartacus and Jeremy), Moving to the Gay News in the 1970s, he became

10.7.2015 •


column speak out

sPeak SFGN Staff


The unsung hero over the last 20 years is anyone who came out to his or her family and friends and helped to create the network of straight allies whose firsthand experience with LGBT individuals changed the landscape of our struggle for equality. The onslaught of young people who took this brave step helped to create a very different world than the one I came out in during the 1980s and we owe them a great debt of gratitude." — David Jobin, executive director of The Stonewall National Museum & Archives

SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

Who do you feel is an unsung champion for equality within the last 20 years?

Unsung champions are every plaintiff at Lambda Legal and other organizations who exposed their personal lives in public to challenge the courts on issues of equality. Their bravery affects the lives of future LGBTQ generations." — Anthony Timiraos, CEO/President, OUR Fund

I am proud to say that Metropolitan Community Churches is the first thought that came to my mind when I considered this question. MCC performed the very first public same-gender wedding in 1969, and that same year, the founder of MCC, Rev. Troy Perry, filed the very first lawsuit on behalf of a lesbian couple seeking legal recognition of their marriage. We have been fighting for marriage equality everywhere ever since."

I’d like to highlight Luigi Ferrer. Luigi is an experienced bisexual activist. He was one of six incorporating board members of BiNet USA and served as National Coordinator for three years. He is the former Executive Director of the Bisexual Foundation. As a Latino, bilingual, bisexual HIV plus male, Luigi remains engaged on many fronts. As a result, he is a nationally-recognized AIDS activist and healthcare consultant. As one of the founding members of the South Florida Bisexual Network, Luigi helped establish a thriving bisexual community in Miami and co-facilitated its bisexual support group for six years."

— Lea Brown, Senior Pastor, MCC of the Palm Beaches

— Victor Diaz-Herman, Executive Director, Pridelines Youth Services

Champion for equality is Rev Nancy Wilson, Moderator of MCC Churches. She's spearheaded an international religious institution with a focus on social justice from an LGBT view. She's unassuming yet powerful in her messages and actions."

Former State Representative Tracy Stafford (D-Wilton Manors) who was sponsoring anti-discrimination legislation including removing Florida's ban on gay adoption back when doing so was not popular or favorable. Pioneers and allies of equality such as Rep. Stafford are among those we should remember and to whom be grateful." — Justin S. Flippen, J.D., Wilton Manors City Commissioner


• 10.7.2015

— R. J. Hadley, community activist and blogger



Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

10.7.2015 •


lifestyle cars D R I V E N

Photo: Steve Siler.



c AT 2016 Cadilla

Base Price: from $61,460 Power: turbocharged 3.6-liter V-6 (464 hp, 445 lb-ft of torque) Transmission: 6-speed manual or 8-speed automatic Fuel Economy, city/hwy mpg (EPA est): 16–17/23–24

2016 caDillac aTs-v Steve Siler

This sure ain’t Grandma’s car


• 10.7.2015

Photos: Cadillac.


f you think that Cadillac is a brand for old carbon fiber extras that add gleaming, bookfarts, you’re already 10 years late. Cadillac faced carbon fiber addenda all around the car. I only wish the ATS-V’s interior had a bit ceded that business to Lexus years ago and has been huntin’ BMWs ever since. And with more design harmony and a lot less piano black the new ATS-V, the fastest-ass version of its stuff that not only looks cheap, but collects compact ATS sedan and coupe line, Cadillac has fingerprints so quickly you’ll look down at your hands and count, because taken aim on some of Bimmer’s there’s no way only five fingers most iconic cars in its history, can make such a mess so quickly. the M3 sedan and M4 coupe. That said, the racing Recaro In many ways, the Caddy kicks Not only seats are as sexy as they are ass. Not only does it feel lighter does it feel supportive, and the mix of other but it’s more powerful and has materials, including nappy the most visceral dynamics in its lighter but Alcantara and creamy-smooth class. If you want to steer with it’s more leather, should be universally one finger, this is not the car appealing, whether you’re into for you. If you like to feel what powerful and bears or twinks. you’re driving over, and like has the most At $61,460 to start and well to grip the wheel like your last into the $70Ks well equipped, name is Andretti, this is. One of visceral the ATS-V is not cheap. my fave features is a six-speed dynamics in Then again, Cadillacs have manual transmission with noits class. commanded high prices since lift shifting and rev-matched long before tailfins were ever downshifts. Seriously incredible a thing. For what it’s worth, its technology that makes this car a competitors are generally even blast. It also gives it to you from a design standpoint. more expensive, and more common, too. So, The exterior proportions are perfection, and the if you’re a go-fast kind of person who wants lights and scoops and spoilers make for a visual something as distinct as it is satisfying—and extravaganza. There is no blending in with this is American-made to boot—you may have met one, especially if you’ve ordered the suite of your match.


BMW M3/M4 Lexus IS-F/RC-F Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG

Renowned automotive journalist Steve Siler pioneered automotive writing for the GLBT community in 1998 and currently contributes auto news and reviews to Car and Driver Magazine, Yahoo Autos, The New York Daily News, Autoblog, Details, and many more. You can follow his adventures on Twitter/Instagram: @silerroad.

10.7.2015 •


lifestyle books

sFgn DonaTes Books To sTonewall liBrary Gather in the SFGN offices to prepare a donation of 50 books to the Stonewall Library, our own neighborhood reservoir and treasure of LGBT life in greater Fort Lauderdale. If you have LGBT items, books,

memorabilia, or other remnants of our rich history in South Florida, from Anita Bryant to Domestic partnership registrations, why not contact their archivist and see if a Fall cleanup in your house today won’t illuminate their collection tomorrow?

I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.


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• 10.7.2015

2040 North Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.463.9005 www.pridecenterflorida.org 10.7.2015 •


lifestyle books

Book Brings ForT lauDerDale ParTy scene To liFe John McDonald

TTasTe Tas T of The Island Monday, November 2, 2015 • 6pm – 9pm Richardson Historic Park 1937 Wilton Drive • Wilton Manors

TickeTs also available aT These locaTions (cash or check only) Wilton Manors Library 500 NE 26 Street Wilton Manors

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Wilton Manors City Hall 2020 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

advance Tickets available september 15th $30 in Advance • $35 on Oct. 26th Tickets Limited to 700! For Tickets Online: www.tasteoftheisland.org Master Chef Sponsor: Marble of the World

Confirmed restaurants / establisments/ sponsors Another Perfect Party Aruba Beach Cafe BB Design + Printing Big Dog Station Blue Martini Ft. Lauderdale Bravo Ristorante Brew Urban Cafe Broward Health Chima Brazilian Steakhouse Conceptual Communications Courtyard Cafe Dapur Asian Tapas Delacaseas


• 10.7.2015

Edible Arrangements Funky Buddha Brewery Genre Latino Gold Coast Coffee Guy Magazine HOBO’s Grill Hotspots Humpy’s Pizza Joe’s Crab Shack JP’s Chocolate Shoppe Kelly’s Landing Marble of the World Mark’s List

OutClique Poverello Red’s Bar & Package SFGN Southport Raw Bar Spanx the Hog BBQ Sterling Accounting The Filling Station & Garage Bar The Pride Center Warsaw Coffee Company Waste Management Wilton Discount Liquor Wood Trends


ruth is a paradox says Marshall Quinn Blackwell, Jr. as he discusses his novel, “Killing Miss Love.” It’s a story of a young man’s journey through darkness as he battles the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle of the early 1990s. The scene shifts from the main character’s home in Louisiana to Fort Lauderdale and while there are plenty of dramatic tales, the author insists the over-arching theme is forgiveness. “At the core of this brutal novel is heart,” Blackwell said. “You’ll find yourself rooting cheerfully for the misadventures of the main character.” The main character has several aliases and finds himself smack dab in the middle of wild parties featuring drug dealing bar owners, sexual escapades and prison time. Blackwell, 50, lives in Fort Lauderdale and is a retired real estate agent. From 2000 to 2003, he worked as a bartender at Bill’s Filling Station where he encountered many interesting people. These days, he is far removed from the bar scene and enjoys playing softball with friends and quiet evenings at home with his loyal dog Mason.

“Killing Miss Love” is Blackwell’s first stab at writing a full-length novel and as he attests it has been quite the process. “My editors asked me to tighten it up three times,” he said. It is published by Blackwell’s own Snake Ridge Press with cover art provided by local painter Robert Wellington. Retail price is $14.95 and available on Amazon.com, Kindle and eBooks.

10.7.2015 •


lifestyle food

Photo: Facebook.

Bull Market in Fort Lauderdale.

hiMMarshee village aFTerParTy Dining Rick Karlin


When Fort Lauderdale Pride’s after party takes over in Himmarshee Village, just west of downtown Fort Lauderdale, check out the following dining spots;

aMerica’s BackyarD 100 SW 3rd Ave Fort Lauderdale 954-449-1025 MyAmericasBackyard.com Chill out in one of South Florida’s largest outdoor party places. The 15,000 sq. ft. area is a non-stop celebration, with hula contests, hooping on the bar, showers, and DJs spinning hot tunes. You never know what’s next at America’s Backyard. Locals and tourists alike enjoy the drink specials and dancing to high energy remixes and mash-ups. Among the weekly theme nights are; College Night every Thursday, which waives the cover charge for those with a college I.D. Greeks, geeks and jocks take advantage of the $10 buckets of domestic brewskis and unlimited beer pong and flip cup games.


• 10.7.2015

Pride is over, now let’s eat! Bull MarkeT

TarPon BenD FooD & Tackle

210 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale 954-523-1213 BullMarketbar.com

200 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale 954-523-3233 TarponBend.com

The Wall Street themed gastropub has flat screens with an imitation news-channel logo and tickers highlighting rising and dropping prices on beer and spirits. Every seven minutes, the ticker moves up or down, all based on supply and demand: The more a product is being sold, the more you pay. When demand decreases, so does the cost. Last year Bull Market was named by Zaagat as one of the best new restaurants and is the only restaurant in South Florida to ever win "Best Happy Hour," "Best Burger" and "Best Brunch" in the same year from New Times. Weekly specials include $1 burgers on Tuesdays, Wing Wednesdays with $5 wings and $2 craft beers and a Trivia Night/Thirsty Thursday combo with contests and $2 beer. The weekend brunch features prime rib, crab legs, peel and eat shrimp and unlimited sushi along with custom omelets, crispy waffles, biscuits and gravy, bacon, eggs and more, served from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

If you’ve got a hankering for seafood go around the bend, to Tarpon Bend. Start with the conch chowder, or if you’re not a seafood fan they’ve got three varieties of wings; Buffalo, garlic and Jamaican jerk. In addition to traditional burgers there are also veggie and tuna versions. Other sammies include a mahi BLT, dolphin Reuben or Thai wrap. Entrée options run the gamut from the “Seafood Kettle” featuring assorted seafood simmered in a light tomato sauce to crab-crusted mahi mahi, Baja mahi tacos or skirt steak. Specials include $5 cheeseburgers on Mondays, $12 pitchers, $2 featured craft beers, on Tuesday, Wednesday trivia nights with $2 draft beers and sliders and Friday’s extended happy hour, with two-for-one specials from 4-10 p.m.

lifestyle food Lucky's 214 SW 2nd S. Fort Lauderdale 954-356-8140 LuckysTavern.com Who needs a haunted house when you have a haunted bar? According to local legend, a woman in a Victorian dress has been seen in the hallway of the tavern. People also hear doors shutting, the sound of people walking, and foot steps when there's no one there. Some people also smell perfume that an older woman might wear. The food is equally spirited with create your own mac & cheese, nachos and baskets of fries. Elevated bar fare, such as; wings, burgers, ribs, tacos and salads round out the menu.

Public House 201 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale 954-616-5275 PublicHouseFTL.com Enjoy one of more than 100 beers or a hand crafted cocktail while enjoying classic American comfort food. The requisite wings are available with honey sriracha or classic Buffalo sauce. Or, for something different try the yummy lobster nachos. Those looking for something more substantial can enjoy burgers, fried chicken, bacon wrapped meatloaf or short ribs. The brunch menu features biscuits & gravy, banana bread French toast and Southern Benedict (subbing fried chicken for the Canadian bacon).

Specials include a “Lunch Box,” offered weekdays until 3 p.m. The $11 one features a classic burger, fries and a soda. Upgrade to a ROK:BRGR for a buck more. Monday night’s “Burger Bash: offers any burgers for $10. Pair that with $5 craft beers and Absolut cocktails. Wednesday’s “Wine Down” offers half off all bottles of wine.

Taco Craft 204 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale 954-463-2003 TacoCraft.com The taqueria and tequila bar dishes up modern interpretations of street food classics prepared with handmade tortillas and local, seasonal ingredients, such as; the addictive elotes (Mexican corn on the cob, served with mayo, crumbled cheese lime and salt), nachos (topped with a choice of short rib, chicken, crispy pork or beef), ahi tuna tostadas and empanadas. There’s also a quesadilla bar, tacos, burritos and salads. Specials include “Margarita Mondays” with the titular cocktail for $5, “Taco Tuesday” with $2 tacos all night and the city’s latest happy hour; from midnight until 2 a.m. enjoy $2 tacos and two for one cocktail while enjoying the street-style graffiti art created by Wynwood street artist Ruben Ubiera.

RokBrgr 208 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale 954-525-7656 RokBrgr.com The gourmet burger bar/gastropub specializes in American comfort food served in prohibition inspired décor. Start out with lobster corn dogs, BLT deviled eggs, tuna tacos or wings either spicy or bourbon BBQ. The OK:BRGR was the 2011 Burger Battle “Fan Favorite Champion” and features aged Vermont cheddar, smoked pepper bacon, bourbon BBQ sauce, creamy brie and pork belly. Others are topped with everything from Fritos to peanut butter. Other options include twists on comfort food, such as; short rib grilled cheese or Lay’s potato chip crusted fish and chips.

RokBrgr. 10.7.2015 •


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• 10.7.2015

10.7.2015 •





J.W. Arnold










1 3 ,

2 0 1 5

W W W . S F G N . C O M


The Theater at Arts Garage, 180 NE 1st St. in Delray Beach, opens its new season this weekend with “Sex with Strangers” by Laura Eason (“House of Cards”). The theater’s new co-artistic director Genie Croft, formerly with the Women’s Theatre Project in Fort Lauderdale, directs this romantic comedy for the digital age in the cool space where you can bring your own wine. Catch the show Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 8 p.m. or Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $40 at ArtsGarage.org.




Just in time for Halloween, “The Rocking Dead Zombie Musical” is coming to the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive, on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. through Nov. 1. You’ll be rooting for the band, The Rocking Dead, as they escape a zombie apocalypse right outside their secluded cabin. It’s a hilarious new take on the zombie craze that has captivated the nation and now South Florida. Just don’t get eaten! Tickets are $39.22 at CoralSpringsCenterForTheArts.com.


• 10.7.2015

Photo Credit: Facebook.

10/10 SUN

Calling all dog lovers! Leash up your fourlegged friends and head downtown today from 12 – 3 p.m. for the Fido-friendly, 10th annual Riverwalk Mutts and Martinis at the historic Downtowner Saloon, 10 S. New River Drive East in Fort Lauderdale. Your $25 donation includes two drinks, delicious appetizers, pet treats, live music and entertainment. Proceeds benefit Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale and the Humane Society of Broward County. Save $5 by prepaying online at GoRiverwalk.com.


Pride Fort Lauderdale festivities at Holiday Park and the War Memorial Auditorium move to fall for the first time this weekend.


10/11 MON

Pride Fort Lauderdale moves to the fall this year, Oct. 10 and 11, at Holiday Park and the War Memorial Auditorium, 800 NE 8th St. Performing on the main stage will be Dumblonde, Trina, Taryn Manning, Lady Bunny and more. Visit the dozens of vendors, sample food and dance to the sounds of South Florida’s hottest DJs. The gates open at 11 a.m. both days. Tickets are $10 on Saturday and $15 on Sunday or buy a weekend pass for $20, including free parking, at PrideFortLauderdale.org.


10/12 TUE

The pride continues on Monday night at the Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Lady Bunny makes a special appearance tonight at 9:30 p.m. to cap off the pub’s week-long third anniversary festivities. The legendary drag queen will have you laughing, singing and dancing along and the best part is the performance is free! There is no cover and Stoli cocktails are $5 from 9 p.m. to close.



The Symphony of the Americas, under the direction of James Brooks-Bruzzese, opens its 28th season tonight at 8:15 p.m. at the Broward Center’s Amaturo Theater with a musical salute to Italian and Hispanic Heritage Month. Cuban pianist Jorge Luis Prats will perform works by Lecuona and Italian guest conductor Nino Lepore will take the podium to direct the legendary film music of Nino Rota, including the theme from “The Godfather.” Tickets start at $50 at SymphonyOfTheAmericas.org.

Two Grooms and Broward Center Present

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a sassy new musical with big hair “Boys will be girls... you’ll laugh harder than you ever remember laughing.”

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10.7.2015 •


a&e film

Film Fest Offers Daddies & Docs


GBT film fans will be treated to handsome daddies and fascinating documentaries in the second weekend of the MiFo LGBT Film Festival, Oct. 15 – 18. The festival will kick off on Oct. 9 (visit SFGN.com/MiFo2015 to see last week’s mini-reviews of selected films from the first weekend) at NSU Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale and continues with screenings at Cinema Paradiso, 503 SE 6th St., and The Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. Among the highlights of the second weekend are “Winning Dad,” a touching family drama about the internal struggle the father of a gay man faces, and “Deep Run,” a documentary about a young transgender man who must survive in the conservative culture of rural North Carolina. During the festival, the first under the leadership of new executive director Victor Gimenez, 53 films will be screened, including 13 premieres, 28 features, 18 shorts and seven documentaries. The centerpiece film is the director’s cut of “54” on Thursday, Oct. 15 at Cinema Paradiso, and the closing film of the festival is the Lesbian romantic comedy, “Portrait of a Serial Monogamist,” Sunday at The Classic Gateway Theatre. For a complete schedule, tickets and further information, go to MiFoFilm.com. Here are mini-reviews of several films from the second weekend of the festival:

“Winning Dad”

Arthur Allen, director 95 min. / USA, 2015 SOUTHEAST PREMIERE Friday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m. Cinema Paradiso

Colby's father knows that his son is gay, but he doesn't like speaking about it. He respects it, but ignores everything about that aspect of his son's life. He doesn't even know about Colby's long-term boyfriend, Rusty. Increasingly committed to Rusty, Colby hatches a plan to trick his father into camping with Rusty under the pretense that Rusty is Colby's straight friend and future business partner. Colby is convinced that, given the chance, they will get along. The only question is: Will they? SFGN: The is one of several films in the second weekend of the festival that feature stories about more mature gay men and many in the audience will be able to relate with the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” attitude of this family. Director Allen draws emotional performances from the cast that will strike a nerve, too.

“That’s Not Us”

William Sullivan, director 97 min. / USA, 2015 Friday, Oct. 16, 9:15 p.m. Classic Gateway Theatre

“That’s Not Us” is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples—one gay, one lesbian, and one straight—as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But amidst the fun, sun, sand and carefree attitudes, also comes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last. SFGN: I’m not a millennial, but rather a Gen X-er, so this film was challenging. I don’t believe these kids put their phones away for two hours, let alone the weekend away at the beach, but it is beautifully shot and will resonate with younger audiences. Perfect title, because “That’s not us.”

“Seed Money: The Chuck Holmes Story” Michael Stabile, director 72 min. / USA, 2015 Saturday, Oct. 17, 5 p.m. Cinema Paradiso

With Falcon Studios, gay porn mogul Chuck Holmes built an empire on flesh and fantasy. From 1972 to 2000, Chuck fought the FBI, vice squads and an epidemic to document the emerging gay culture, and provide gay men across the country with a vision of life that was


• 10.7.2015

unashamed and celebratory.
But, when he attempts to channel his fortune into the gay rights movement of the ‘90s, he finds that his money is sometimes more welcome than he is. SFGN: This was one of my favorite documentaries. Director Stabile cleverly incorporates scenes from Falcon porn movies to subtly document the evolution of gay culture in those early years after Stonewall and, later, the AIDS crisis. “Seed Money” is about a lot more than Chuck Holmes’ pivotal role in the rise of the gay porn industry. Spoiler alert: Jeff Stryker is not aging gracefully, but you probably could have guessed that.

"The Girl King"

Mika Kaurismäki, director 102 min. / Finland, 2015 Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m. Classic Gateway Theatre

Credit: M-appeal Studios.

J.W. Arnold

Jaime Cepero, left, and Gerald McCullouch star in “Daddy,” one of the films featured during the second weekend of the MiFo LGBT Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale.

Crowned Queen at the age of six, Kristina of Sweden was thrust into a labyrinth of power and tradition, where a court of austere, Lutheran men pressure her to marry and produce an heir to fulfill her destiny. She finds sanctuary and love with her lady-in-waiting, the beautiful and elegant, countess Ebba Sparre. Soon the forces around the Queen realize that Ebba is the key to controlling her, but they underestimate Kristina's brilliant mind and her drive to be free. SFGN: Historical films are rare at LGBT film festivals, so this feature is a real treat. While “The Girl King” sometimes feels like a History Channel special, it is well written and acted, and great care has been taken with costumes and sets. The attention to detail ultimately makes this film successful.


Gerald McCullouch, director 89 min. / USA, 2015 EAST COAST PREMIERE Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m. Cinema Paradiso

Colin McCormack thinks he has it all—a great job, a steady stream of hot younger guys, and a best friend whose devotion he takes for granted. But when a charming intern sweeps him off his feet, Colin sees a chance for something more: A family of his own. What he discovers instead is a shattering secret that may cost Colin everything. By turns funny, heartbreaking and hopeful, “Daddy” explores the universal need for love and connection, and the evolving understanding of "family" in today's rapidly changing world. SFGN: This is another film that features more mature gay characters and handsome director Gerald McCullouch and writer Dan Via do double duty on screen in appealing performances. But, I was NOT prepared for the unexpected plot twist. No, I was practically blindsided. Don’t miss this film.

“Deep Run”

Hillevi Loven, director 75 min. / USA, 2015 Sunday, Oct. 18, 12:45 p.m. Classic Gateway Theatre

Director Hillevi Loven and LGBTQ supporter Susan Sarandon’s “Deep Run” is a powerful verité portrait of trans life in rural North Carolina. Exiled by her family and rejected by an ex, 17-year-old Spazz has no one to lean on for support. But when Spazz falls in love again and summons up the courage to become Cole, a strong-willed trans man, his candid humor and steadfast, all-inclusive Christian beliefs counter the bigotry he experiences daily. SFGN: Cole is an extremely charismatic young man and his story will touch audiences, especially those who also grew up in conservative Bible Belt communities. I don’t begrudge Caitlyn Jenner and the spotlight she is thrusting on the transgender community, but people like Cole are the real trailblazers, truly changing hearts and minds.

“Game Face”

Michel Thomas, director USA, 2015 Sunday, Oct. 18, 3 p.m. Classic Gateway Theatre

“Game Face” shows the quest to self-realization of LGBT athletes and their acceptance in society. The documentary tells the parallel stories of Fallon Fox, MMAs first transgender pro fighter, and Terrence Clemens, a rising college basketball player in Oklahoma who happens to be gay. The film follows both athletes during their coming out process, and sheds light on the obstacles LGBT athletes deal with throughout their career. SFGN: Again, I found myself watching this documentary and comparing it to “I Am Cait,” the Caitlyn Jenner/E! reality series. It becomes apparent very quickly that active LGBT athletes still have so far to go before achieving acceptance in their sports. Fox’s story is especially powerful as she shatters many of the stereotypes of transgender women.

“Those People”

Joey Kuhn, director USA, 2015 Sunday, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m. Cinema Paradiso

Charlie and Sebastian are childhood best friends, despite Charlie’s obsession with his rich, charismatic pal. Following the arrest of Sebastian’s father, Charlie moves in with his friend for support. Soon after Charlie meets Tim, a pianist, whose willingness to talk about his feelings is both intriguing and intimidating to Charlie who faces a choice between what he has always wanted and what might be, though neither option proves easy. SFGN: This well-written and especially well-acted feature reminded me of a millennial “St. Elmo’s Fire.” I’m dating myself, but found that comparison the best way to relate to the 20-something drama about young people pursuing love in the world of Manhattan society. Jonathan Gordon (Charlie) and Jason Ralph (Sebastian) give raw, emotional performances.

"Portrait of a Serial Monogamist" John Mitchell, director 88 min. / Canada, 2015 Sunday, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m. Classic Gateway Theatre

Elsie, a fortysomething television producer and serial monogamist, is beginning to feel restless in yet another long-term relationship. She decides it’s time to break up with her girlfriend and pursue the young DJ/barista she has had her eye on. After successfully landing who she thought was the girl of her dreams, Elsie is faced with the growing realization that she may have broken up with her soulmate. SFGN: The opening scenes of this feature are the best before the film settles into a more predictable romantic comedy. The ladies will love Diane Flacks (Elsie), but the film also offers poignant lessons about love and loss that will resonate with men, also.

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Photos: The Barber of Seville © Timothy Matheson for Vancouver Opera. Norma © Philip Groshong for Cincinnati Opera. The Passenger © Lynn Lane for Huston Grand Opera. Don Pasquale © KK Dundas for Scottish Opera

10.7.2015 •


Credit: Susan Buzzi

a&e art

The ‘BolD anD Brave’ Alex Adams


Art Frenzie to showcase gallery dedicated to breast cancer awareness

n Oct. 10th, photographer Susan Buzzi will unveil her 8th consecutive breast cancer awareness gallery at Art Frenzie in Wilton Manors as a dedication to Bernadette Zizzo - a cancer survivor whose story inspired this year’s showcase. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Titled “Bold and Brave Part 2,” the gallery will present black and white photographs taken by Buzzi of cancer patients in both intimate and formal settings. There will be over 30 different displays, however Buzzi will highlight Zizzo’s three yearlong survival story. “I’ve know her through this entire journey. She has special story and special message to get out there,” Buzzi said. Zizzo was first diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2012. Throughout her treatment Buzzi photographed her double mastectomy and her reconstructive surgery. When photographing, Buzzi can get as close as 12 inches away from the surgical table. “Sometimes I’m the last person a patient sees and then the first person they see after waking up,” Buzzi said. Photographs that show patients like Zizzo on the surgical table are not the only kinds of photos visitors will see. Other photos will show the day to day lives of the survivors and their accompanying stories will be of what it’s like for them to continue life after being deemed cancer free.


• 10.7.2015

“You can look at photographs of these people and never know that they went through eight or nine surgeries,” Buzzi said. “The [photos] will show how these people tried to have a husband and family and move forward with their lives”. Both Zizzo and Buzzi hope the gallery will raise awareness about the disease, especially for the men and women of the LGBT community. According to Buzzi, the lifestyle of most women in the LBT community keep them away from getting their annual exams and checkups because many lesbian women don’t have children. “Twenty years ago everybody was hush hush about it and it’s still like that in certain populations,” Buzzi said. “Bernadette is someone who is going to step up and talk about it.” Zizzo, who identifies as a lesbian, believes that her story and the stories of all the men and women who will be featured in the gallery will inevitably open the waves of communication about the disease. “It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what you have or what you don’t have,” Zizzo said. “One day you can wake up and it could all be taken away just like that.” After losing one of her best friends, Heidi, to the disease last month, Zizzo is even more eager to share her message and spread awareness than ever before. “She was a fun, loving and free-spirited

individual who touched everybody she came in contact with,” Zizzo said. “This disease doesn’t discriminate against anyone.” Staying vigilant and aware of the fragility of life is what Zizzo hopes people take away from the gallery. “You have to humble yourself. You have to,” she said. Shortly after her own reconstructive surgery Zizzo contracted E coli and her implants had to be removed. She was left “surgery ready” ever since and she’ll finally be going back for final surgery just three days after the gallery opens. “It’s funny because people will be looking at my photos in the gallery while I’m getting surgery,” she said. Moving forward with her life and putting her time and effort into helping other cancer survivors is something Zizzo is anxious and ready to do. In 2013, she founded the Knock Out Cancer for the Cure Foundation in an effort to raise money for cancer survivors who have had reconstructive surgery but lack the insurance to get implants. “Sometimes what will happen is people will get their breast removed, but won’t have enough insurance or money to get implants,” Zizzo said. “So, the foundation is to raise money so that those individuals can get implants, or tattooing. I just want to help them feel whole again.” With the past complications to her own

reconstructive surgeries Zizzo hasn’t had the adequate amount of time to put into the foundation. But, she hopes to do just that as soon as her final surgery is completed. “I haven’t been able to put my full self into like I once did,” Zizzo said. “But, as soon as I can, I’ll be back out there trying help as many people as I possibly can.” Zizzo also hopes to get her band ‘Alter Ego’ back together and play for stars like Ellen Degeneres like they have in the past. “I have a lot more to write about now,” Zizzo said. “I don’t look at anything negatively. I try to put the positive spin on everything.” Art Frenzie is located at 2151 Wilton Drive. The show will run throughout the month of October. The event is free for patrons, however a pink cab has been supplied by Yellow Cab and anyone who makes a donation will be able to sign the taxi. “Bernadette has suffered through so much,” Buzzi said. “But, she’s risen like a phoenix and her story is going to help so many people.”

For more information about the “Bold and Brave Part 2” gallery contact Art Frenzie at 954-560-3684.




OCTOBER 6-18 • BROWARD CENTER BrowardCenter.org • 954.462.0222 For Groups of 10+: 954.660.6307

10.7.2015 •



Theater Christiana Lilly




The Rocking Dead

Oct. 9 to Nov. 1 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. The rock band, The Rocking Dead, goes into hiding in a cabin to escape an embarrassing live television event. However, they discover the next morning they’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Call 954-344-5990 or visit CoralSpringsCenterForTheArts.com. Tickets $39.22 and up.

Come Blow Your Horn

Oct. 10 to 25 at Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW Ninth St. in Delray Beach. At 21, Buddy Baker decides to go out on his own and move out of his parents’ house and into his brother, Alan’s. Comedy ensues when he tries to live the playboy lifestyle, just like his big brother. Tickets $15 for students, $30 other. Call call 561-272-1281, ext. 4 or visit DelrayBeachPlayHouse.com.

Cirque Éloize: iD

Oct. 8 to 11 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The troupe returns to Miami for iD, a plenty of circus acts and urban dance. Tickets $49 to $89. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county Dr. John and the Nite Trippers

Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Since the ‘50s, Dr. John has performed New Orleans inspired music. Tickets $37.50 to $57.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse. org.

Ronin Taiko Presents Ichariba Chodé

Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Japanese drum troupe takes the audience on a journey throughout the Asian Pacific. Tickets $35 to $75. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.


• 10.7.2015

ocToBer 7, 2015 Symphony of the Americas: Honoring Italian and Hispanic Heritage Month

Oct. 13 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Symphony of the Americas is joined by Jorge Luis Prats on piano and lead by conductor, Nino Lepore. Tickets $50 to $75. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

New Found Glory and Yellowcard

Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m.at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Rocking their heyday during the pop punk era, the bands hit the stage again. Tickets $24.50 in advance, $28 day of the show. Call 954-4491025 or visit JointheRevolution.net.


Through Oct. 18 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A street musician in Dublin is about to give up on the craft, until he meets a woman who is enchanted by his songs. Tickets $35 to $125. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

palm beach county John Cleese and Eric Idle: Together at Last … for the Very First Time

Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The founding members of the Monty Python comedy troupe is back together for a night of laughs. Tickets $59.50 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Los Amigos Invisibles

Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The Venezuelan funk band Los Amigos Invisibles are joined on stage by opening act Mariana Vega. Tickets $30.50 to $45. Call 305-673-7300 or visit fillmoremb. com

Puerto Rico Beat: The Music of Hector Lavoe

Oct. 10 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Willie Colón, Domingo Quiñones and Isidro Infante pay tribute to Lavoe’s music. Tickets $59 to $154. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Ballets with Latin Flavor

Oct. 10 to 11 at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida performs “Tarde en la Siesta,” “Fuga con Pajarillo,” and excerpts from “Don Quixote” and “Laurencia.” Tickets $30. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

The Eve of Jackie

Oct. 14 to 25 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Jackie Wilson’s story is told by the performances of TheatreSouth Atlanta. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

The Pot

Through Oct. 18 at Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. Tensions rise in a household when the biracial Nathan -- adopted into a white family -- wonders about his past. Then, his sister brings home an undocumented Mexican immigrant, stirring the pot on immigration and race. Tickets $18 to $25. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.

* Disgraced

Through Nov. 1 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. #230 in Coral Gables. A Muslim-American attorney living in New York City struggles to find his identity. Tickets $55. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Meet Me in St. Louis

Oct. 8 to 25 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. The Smith family heads to the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis in this iconic musical. Tickets $29 to $72. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse. org.

* Chris Barron

Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. at Arts Garage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. The lead singer of the hit ‘90s band, Spin Doctors, Barron performs his own works as well as some band favorites. Tickets $25 to $45. Call 561450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.org.


Oct. 9 to Nov. 8 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. A drifter stumbles into a sleepy town into the arms of a group of lonely women. Tickets $64. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

New Found Glory & Yellowcard will be hitting the stage at Revolution Photo: Facebook. Live on Oct. 14 in Fort Lauderdale.

Perfect for girls’ night, boys’ night or naughty night

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OctOBeR 17 & 18 tickets at ParkerPlayhouse.com Ticketmaster | 954.462.0222 • Group Sales | 954.660.6307 Follow us:


Intended for audiences of 18 years and older 10.7.2015 •



community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks Aqua Affair Oct. 9 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Aloft South Beach, 2360 Collins Ave. in Miami Beach. Celebrate the work of the Aqua Girls with a party with open bar, lite bites, and silent auction. Tickets $75. Visit AquaGirl.org.

Pride Fort Lauderdale Oct. 10 and 11 at Holiday Park and War Memorial Auditorium in Fort Lauderdale. In its 38th year, the pride festival includes live music (including a performance by Taryn Manning!), street festivals, parties, drag shows, and more. Visit PrideFortLauderdale. org.

Golden Art and Music Fest Oct. 11 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Boynton Beach Art District, 410422 West Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach. Celebrate the district’s fifth anniversary with Duoever live in concert, as well as the art walk! Free. Visit Facebook.com/boyntonbeach. artdistrict.

broward county * Pride + Joy

Oct. 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Macy’s at the Galleria, 2314 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Kick off Pride Fort Lauderdale with a fashion party, light bites, live music, and more. Macy’s will give a $10 gift card to those who donate $10 to Pride Fort Lauderdale. Visit Macys.com/Celebrate.

MiFo LGBT Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale

Oct. 9 to 11, Oct. 15 to 18 at Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. and Cinema Paradiso, 503 SE Sixth St. in Fort Lauderdale. For the first time, Miami and Fort Lauderdale join their LGBT film festivals to showcase the best in the genre. Visit MiFofilm.com

* Cinderella’s Breeches and a Countess’s Gown

Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. at NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Amy de la Haye discusses the narrative of women, war, and


• 10.7.2015

Broward Support Services SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations. their dress. Tickets $12, members free. RSVP to 954-262-0204 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

* Women, Power & Money: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hollywood Jaycees Hall, 2930 Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood. Learn the ins and outs of savings for retirement, spousal protection, Social Security planning, avoiding fraud, and more. Free. RSVP 305-7518855, davidtreece.com, info@davidtreece.com.

* MSM Advisory Group Meeting

Second Mondays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at varying locations. The Florida Department of Health in Broward County meeting of the MSM (men who have sex with men) Advisory Group, a part of the Broward County HIV Prevention Planning Council. Call ahead of time for the meeting location. Call 954-467-4700, ext. 4991.

Dine Out Fort Lauderdale

Through Oct. 12 throughout Fort Lauderdale. Celebrate area restaurants with $35, threecourse prix fixe menus. Visit Facebook.com/ VisitLauderdale.

ocToBer 7, 2015 CORRECTION: SFGN would like to apologize for a number of errors in last week's datebook. * Covenant Enforcement in a Community Association Course

Oct. 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Kaye Bender Rembaum, 1200 Park Central Blvd. South in Pompano Beach. Bender Rembaum will lead a free course on covenant enforcement. Free. RSVP to 954-928-0680 or seminars@ KBRLegal.com.

* Playground Build Community Day

Oct. 14 to 16 at the Pride Center, 2040 NE Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Help build the cente’rs playground -- 40 volunteers are needed for the prep days and 150 are needed for the build day. REgister at TFAForms. com/384218.


Through Oct. 31 at Tedd ART Works, 2422 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A series of multi-media works by Robert H. Troy Lam Pimentels, on display through Oct. 31. Free. Call 703-269-8244 or visit Facebook.com/ TeddsARTWorks.

palm beach county Food Truck Invasion

Oct. 7 from 5 to 9 p.m. at Sunset Cove, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Enjoy food and drinks from a ton of food trucks, followed by live music from Chase Stites. Free. Visit Facebook.com/ SunsetCoveAmphitheater.

* Knowledge & Nibbles

Oct. 8 at 11:30 a.m. at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. Join Palm Beach Dramaworks for an afternoon of going behind the scenes of the play, “Picnic,” while dining on food from West Palm Beach restaurant, Grease. Tickets $15 to $40. Call 561-514-4042, ext. 2 or visit PalmBeachDramaWorks.org.

* 6th Annual Paws in the Park

Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Seabreeze Amphitheater in Carlin Park, 400 S. SR A1A in Jupiter. Bring out your furry friends for a doggie fun zone, pet psychic, photo booth, petting zoo, costume contests, adoption booths, a splash zone, and more. Free. Visit FloridaPawsInThePark.com.

Voices of Pride Auditions

Mondays through Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Come to a rehearsal and audition to join the Voices of Pride. Free. Call 561-2474554, email info@voicesofpride.org, or visit VoicesOfPride.org.

* HOA Board Certification Course

Oct. 14 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Kaye Bender Rembaum, 9121 N. Military Trail, Suite 200 in Palm Beach Gardens. Kaye Bender Rembaum will lead a course on HOA board certification. Free. RSVP trisha@KBRLegal. com or call 561-241-4462.

CAP Study of Gay Black Men

Through Dec. 1 at FoundCare, 2330 S. Congress Ave. in Palm Springs. The “Real Talk” study seeks black gay men ages 18 to 49 to provide input on a new Comprehensive AIDS Program (CAP) program geared towards the community. Participants are compensated for their time and the study is confidential. For more information, call 561-472-2466, ext 114 or 121 or visit foundcare.org.

miami-dade county A Day in the Life of Coral

Through Jan. 18, 2016 at Museum Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. New York-based artist David Brooks presents billboards of coral around Miami and its changing atmosphere. Free. Visit FringeProjectsMiami.com

Mercado De San Miguel

Through Jan. 30, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Fridays and Saturdays will be transformed into La Feria del Mercada de San Miguel, a traditional market in Spain, fit with food-related activities every time. Free. Visit BayfrontParkMiami.com.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

* Denotes New Listing

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10.7.2015 •


Business Directory health

dental LANE & ERIKS DENTAL ASSOCIATES 1831 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.771.3331 Laneanderiksdental.com OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com WILTON MANORS DENTAL 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com

AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com SIMPLY MEN’S HEALTH 5405 Okeechobee Blvd #205, West Palm Beach, FL 561.459.5356 Simplymenshealth.com NATURA DERMATOLOGY 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 Coolsculptingnaturadermatology.com MARK ENGEBRETSON Palm Beach & Boca Raton 561.400.9297 heartofthemystery.com

legal LAW ROBIN 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

JIMENEZ LAW 100 SE 3rd Ave #1514, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 954.848.3111 Jimenezlawoffices.com

professional services

2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com

health EMERALD ELITE 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite 3, Wilton Manors, FL 954.629.1377 Emeraldelitehomehealth.com

DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com THE FLORIDA HOUSE EXPERIENCE 505 S Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 800.778.6792 Fherehab.com

legal SELZER & WEISS 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com LAW GC 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com

GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net


1:56 PM

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STORKS BAKERY 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com THE FLORIDIAN RESTAURANT 1410 E Las Olas Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.463.4041

NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.5631 Nakedgrapewinebar.com BEEFCAKE’S 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 Boardwalkbar.com

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• 10.7.2015

J. MARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com SANTA LUCIA RISTORANTE 2701 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-396-0930 Santaluciaristorante.com






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BARTON & MILLER CLEANERS 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314

ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL AMERICAN TAXPublication & INSURANCE :Newspaper Ad Cont. Levitt Small Ad Gay 954-564-7121 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL Islandcitydental.com 954.302.3228 Americantaxandinsurance.com ISLAND CITY SMILES 1946 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-7666 Islandcitysmiles.com

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970

PEACE PIPE 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl DAOUD’S 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com NATURAL SLEEP 3040 N 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020 954.951.2678 Naturalsleepfd.com

POVERELLO THRIFT STORE 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.561.3663 Poverello.org MODERN HOME 2 GO 4000 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.530.5650 Mh2go.com ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com




retail ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com


HENRI FRANK GROUP 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.604.9999 Henrifrank.com

travel / leisure

AQUAFEST CRUISES A Division of CruiseCenter © 800-592-9058 Aquafestcruises.com

theaters FT LAUDERDALE GAY MEN'S CHORUS PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org ANDREWS LIVING ARTS STUDIO 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com KRAVIS CENTER 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org

Advertise here for

$550 a year

theaters ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

veterinarian DR. PIERRE B. BLAND, DVM 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com

10.7.2015 •


SFGN Classified$ attorney

electrical TOP DOG ELECTRIC-QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP AT A FAIR PRICE - Any and all types of electrical work performed by craftsmen who care about their work. 954-533-5005 guy@ topdogelectricfl.com www.TopDogElectricFL.com Lic# 97-CME-1724-X

employment - full time

SEEKING FRONT DESK PERSON FOR DENTAL OFFICE - Looking to hire full time 8-5 front desk person for receptionist, answering phones, filing, making appts. Full time position with benefits and fun, relaxed working atmosphere for the right person. No previous dental experience needed. Willing to train if you have good attitude and work ethic. Call 954-566-9812 or email opdentalung@aol.com

help wanted


GIRL FRIDAY 4 U is looking for some new talent in South Florida. We are currently filling positions for home and business cleaners and office assistants. Please contact Billy at 954.601.GF4U or billy@ girlfriday4u.com.

home & garden cleaning services

CLEAN IT RIGHT! - The best cleaning for your buck. 1BD $60, 2BD $70, 3BD $80 and up. Excellent rates & references. 10 years in business. Serving Broward, North Miami-Dade & S. Palm Beach. Call Manny 954-560-4443.

home & garden

POOL SERVICE Mention this ad and receive your first month


To place a Classified Ad, call Cindy Curtis at 954.530.4970 or email at cindy.curtis@sfgn.com

home and garden painting GREGG'S PAINTING - Interior/exterior,great rates, friendliness, reliability, neatness. No job too small. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-8705972.

music lessons WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? - Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or, show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

home and garden landscaping

LANDSCAPE SERVICES SERVING GAY SOUTH FLORIDA OVER 25 YEARS Landscape design and install. Irrigation repair, lighting. Smaller jobs welcome. Call for a free and friendly estimate. We show up on time. (954)5156244. designbjm@aol.com

home and garden pressure cleaning

FAST RELIABLE SERVICE - We show up on time. Walkways,Driveways or Pool areas.Refresh your property to look like new. Brad 954-515-6244 designbjm@aol.com

licensed massage INCREDIBLY AWESOME BODYWORK IN WPB In-calls at a private studio 15 minutes west of PBIA. Intuitive, experienced licensed massage therapist offers affordable rates 7 days, early to late. ASK ABOUT WEEKLY SPECIALS!Calls only 561-2548065 for the very best massage experience you can get HANDS DOWN! #MA51008 AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293

some restrictions apply

entertainment/dj's LIVE JAZZ FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY OR SPECIAL EVENT - Have your next special occassion be extra special with live jazz. Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida.No tapes or tracks.I work with South Florida's finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonable rates. Call Cindy at 954-298-8158 www.myspace.com/cindycurtisandcompany. LIVE JAZZ FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY OR SPECIAL EVENT - Have your next special occasion be extra special with live jazz. Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida. Can work as a duo, trio or more. No tapes or tracks. I work with South Florida's finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonable rates. Call Cindy at 954-298-8158 www.myspace.com/ cindycurtisandcompany

electrician HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com


• 10.7.2015

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Call for a free estimate: 954-367-7007 Web: www.skimmerspools.com Email: skimmerspoolservice@gmail.com


professional services other PROVEN METHOD TO INCREASE YOUR FANTASY 5 LOTTO WINNINGS - Let us help you increase your odds several times for winning some money in the Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery. Our analysis can help you win. Limited memberships available. Check out our website at www.lotteryhelpersclub. com.


piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds


real estate for sale

1 BD/1.5 BA CONDO FOR SALE-HOLLYWOOD - Nice 1 Bd./1.5 Bath.Porcelain-plank tile throughout, Garden view condo. Over 55-gated community. Incredible pool. Hollywood one mile west of HR Casino on Stirling Rd. $67,500 Call 954-961-3947 or 954-336-1816 CONDO FOR SALE IN VIZCAYA TOWERS @ PALM AIRE - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2600 sf. New kitchen 2014. Original AC replaced. Porcelain floors, carpeting, crown moldings. Jacuzzi, double sink and double walk-in closet in Master Suite. Dining room. 3 enclosed sunrooms. Laundry room. Front gate security, heated swimming pool, party room, locker room, sauna, gym. Unfurnished. Buyers welcome with or without broker. $299,900. 954-972-8230. VICTORIA PARK 1 BR/1 BA - Beautiful updated 1 BR/1 BA with private fenced patio;small complex; gorgeous open beamed ceilings;tile floor; next to Holiday Park tennis courts;W/D; small dog ok; $925/ month; 954-729-1936. 2 BR 2 BA REMODELED CONDO - Tile floors, kitchen has granite, stainless upgraded appliances, & cherry cabinets. Amenities include: secure building; elevator; laundry rooms; pool,clubhouse and ample parking. In Wilton Manors, near shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Condo financials good with fully funded reserves. Price $190k. Call 318-461-1634.

rentals fort lauderdale 1414 NE 5TH Ter. HUGE 1 BR/1 BA - Condo Quality, Open gourmet kitchen w/smooth-top stove, D/W, crisp white cabinets.Tile floors, CenAir, Designer Bath,onsite laundry,$1000/mo. F/S. Pet Deposit. Owner/Licensee (954)448-9811

905 NE 29 Dr. Wilton Manors

House For Sale 2 Bedroom / 1 bath

EAST OAKLAND PARK 2BD/1 BA HOUSE CLOSE TO WILTON MANORS - Private yard/ pool/laundry room. New kitchen,DW/disp,Central A/C, GM renter(s)Cable T.V./internet split;Electric extra.water,yardcare incl.$1300.1st, l/last/security. security negotiable. Call 954-993-8830.

rentals vacation rentals

“FILL THE VACANCY RATES” SUNDAYTHURSDAY - Need a last minute room? Take advantage of our $69 dollar rates at the NEW Calypso Inn, Wilton Manors. Not good for reservations. Good for one night only. Valid major credit card required. Phone Wes Leigh at 954605-3561 to see if there is a vacancy.

furnished housing rentals *PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS 4 WEEK+ SPECIAL FROM $395/WEEK Intimate 7 unit Liberty Garden Suites offering all the comforts of home. for your Vacation or Temporary Housing Needs. Beautifully Furnished & Full Equipped Studio & One BR Apts. with Full Kitchens, in lush tropical Gay Resort setting. 5 Min. south of Airport in Dania Beach. Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. Incl. Wi-Fi, laundry, private parking, utilities, cable, tel. Gay Owned & Operated. Pets Always Welcome. Celebrating Our 18th Year Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com

Totally Renovated

• New Kitchen • Stainless steel appliances • New A/C and water heater • W/D • Tile floors • On canal Shows very well

$413,000 Call Pedro at


New Dreams Realty, LLC 2900 Glades Cir Suite 1200 Weston, FL 33327

POMPANO COTTAGE FOR SALE - Cozy 2/1 on a large lot E. of Dixie Hwy,mature trees, new kitchen/bath. Roof 7 years old. Needs finishing touches.$125k as is, owner (954) 254-7827.

rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $885 2/1 from $1090. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions. Call for Details Mike 561703-5533

real estate agents

FLORIDA’S TOP GAY REALTORS - Instant FREE Access to Florida and the Nation’s Top Gay Realtors. Free Buyers Representation! On-line: www.GayRealEstate.com or Toll Free 1-888-420MOVE (6683)

Large remodeled 2/2 Penthouse condo with gorgeous views of the Middle River and Beach skyline.


To arrange a showing, please contact



10.7.2015 •


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