10/14/15 V6i41

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October 14, 2015 vol. 6 // issue 41

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

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Pride in stride Pride Fort Lauderdale rides hard

Pages 22 - 23, 30 -31, 44 - 47

Spirit Week gaining wide support • Page 25




tHE opENiNg liNE

Comments from sFgN’s

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

Propose "Pastor Protection" bill to allow churches to refuse gay weddings

oNE MillioN MoMs CoNdEMNs CaMpBEll's soups ad For FEaturiNg gay CouplE

Photo: Facebook.

One million moms consists of maybe 50 woman.... LMAO

Food/Travel Editor RICK KARLIN

denise M Cayette –

greg kanter –

I love the commercial!

Not even close to one million! I’m buying more Cambells soup today!

wilton Manors purchases parking lot for $447k LOL of course they did....people were parking there anyways. And more than about 18 to 24....will barely make a dent in Wilton's parking problem.

Joel s. slotnick – MEMBER

While it may be considered a step, it's a step backwards. I'll be very clear: Wilton Manors doesn't need 18-24 more spaces. WILTON MANORS NEEDS A PARKING GARAGE.

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Christopher Matthews –

A million dollars wasted. Could have been a nice down payment on a garage. Maybe a deal with a developer for moderate income housing andM aE Mgarage. What BER a waste. Time to go back to a trolley and a deal with Fort Lauderdale high school.



Senior Features Correspondents

Maurice r Mizrahi –




robb kvašnák – why oh why do they HATE us so much? Why do we have to put up with this crap? What if the law applied to a race or a nationality? Wouldn't they have HELL to pay for even mentioning it? I am so insulted and sick and tired of this - you don't hear about this stuff in Canada or any of the other countries where gay marriage is legal - you don't even hear crap like this where gay unions are legal but not marriages like in Germany and Austria. So tell them to shut up! We have to shut them up! We have to make a stink.



Christopher Hlat –

The church bit is just the "wedding." Why visit a place where you're not wanted? A wedding can be held anywhere and there are very willing priests to perform a same-sex marriage. (Time we got rid of that "gay marriage" tag.)

Frank Zurek –



david Holmes –

If this proposed law is that vague, it will allow churches to discriminate for any reason, not just because a couple is GLBT. This law is not required due to the first amendment.

OCTOBER 14, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 41 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

Photos: Facebook.

Florida lawmakers



Associated Press


Cover: Nikki Adams makes a grand entrance at Pride Fort Lauderdale. Photo: J.R. Davis. South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

• 10.14.2015


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Broward updatEs aNd rEaFFirMs its doMEstiC partNErsHip ordiNaNCE

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SFGN Staff

Month of October

(Equality Florida) The Broward County Commission updated its domestic partnership ordinance Tuesday, adding new protections and ensuring that partnerships registered elsewhere will be recognized in Broward County. "Today's vote is an affirmation of the enduring value of domestic partnership policies and ensures that thousands of unmarried, committed couples in Broward county will continue to have vital protections for their families," said Deputy Director Stratton Pollitzer. "Even as we celebrate marriage equality, it is important to understand that some couples do not marry for reasons both personal and practical but that these families are just as

deserving of health care and other protections. "Broward's domestic partnership policy has always been open to both same sex and opposite sex couples, as all domestic partner policies should be. And in fact opposite sex couples make up nearly three-quarters of those registered. "In choosing this moment to strengthen their policy, Broward County is sending a signal to the rest of Florida that domestic partnership policies continue to have great value, and they are sending a signal to all families that they will be respected and supported in Broward. We'd like to thank Commissioner Lois Wexler for her leadership as well as the mayor and entire commission for their unanimous support."

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Plans, elevations, specifications, features, colors, designs, dimensions and materials are all subject to availability, and to change or substitution at any time and without notice. SobelCo expressly reserves the right to make modification, revisions and changes as may be required for lot fit or by governmental bodies and law, or other reasons as set forth in the Purchase Agreement. Illustrations of elevations and plans are artist’s depictions only. Plans are only for illustrative and conceptional purposes, are not to scale, and may be the reverse (mirror image) of those shown. The drawings and floor plans in this brochure should not be relied upon, express or implied, for the final detail, feature or dimensions of any home. All measurements, including, but not limited to, room dimensions, balconies, porches and ceiling and wall heights are approximate and may vary from those shown as a result of, among other things, (i) the elevation and home-site selected, and/or (ii) construction materials, construction practices, field conditions and flooring thickness. Square footages are approximate and are measured from the outside of exterior walls. In production, plans and elevations may vary in precise details and dimensions, and may not actually be constructed as shown. The fixture shapes shown are graphical in nature and are not necessarily indicative of a particular style or model. In addition, some features shown in the model homes may not be included in the purchase price of the home as quoted. Please consult your sales representative and refer to the Purchase Agreement in order to determine which features, specifications and elevations are included in any home you may purchase. Stock photography includes stock images and is used to depict the spirit of lifestyle and not for specific references. Map is for illustration purposes, not to scale and for approximate location only. For exact locations consult a sales representative. CBC017578

10.14.2015 •


ad nissan

Nissan Supports Equality on Every Road You Travel #SameTeam for Equality This summer, Nissan hit a home run with its partnership with the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) and its 39th Annual Gay Softball World Series event in Columbus, Ohio. The event made GSWS history with more than 185 softball teams competing from 43 cities across the United States and Canada. The multidivision tournament was more than just a ball game. The 9-day event also featured opening and closing ceremonies, community events, celebrity performances and more. “Nissan has the most diverse consumer base of any automotive manufacturer and is eager to champion grassroots LGBT events that give consumers a chance to interact with both our vehicles and our LGBT and ally employees,” said Rick Ash, Senior Manager, Nissan Marketing. “It’s an honor for Nissan to bring more visibility to all of the LGBT athletes who competed.” Since 2013, Nissan has scored a perfect 100 in the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Corporate Equality Index for its LGBT-inclusive policies and

Proud partner of the 2015 Gay Softball World Series commitment to the community. The company was among the fastest risers in the history of the index. Nissan’s commitment to the LGBT community starts with its own employees. The company strives to ensure internal policies and benefit packages are inclusive of everyone. And Nissan’s Gay Straight Alliance at Nissan (GSAN) is the driving force behind the company’s LGBT outreach efforts, focusing on its hometown of Nashville as well as on other regional LGBT events. DiversityInc Magazine also named Nissan to its 2015 Top 25 Noteworthy Companies list for the second year in a row. The company is an active member of the Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce and a sponsor of the annual National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention. Nissan’s Diversity Office—with the help of GSAN—has sponsored several workshops for area business leaders where they can share diversity best practices for creating an inclusive environment for employees and supporting the LGBT community in Middle Tennessee.

“Nissan has the most diverse consumer base of any automotive manufacturer and is eager to champion grassroots LGBT events that give consumers a chance to interact with both our vehicles and our LGBT and ally employees,” said Rick Ash, Senior Manager, Nissan Marketing. “It’s an honor for Nissan to bring more visibility to all of the LGBT athletes who competed.”

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- 3rd place: Fort Lauderdale Naked Mustangs

Masters Division (50 years old and over)

- 2nd place: Fort Lauderdale Blue Legends - 4th place: Fort Lauderdale Alive & Kicking

Congratulations to all teams who placed! 4

• 10.14.2015

COME OUT AND PLAY. Nissan proudly sponsors the 2015 Gay Softball World Series.


Always wear your seat belt, and please don’t drink and drive. ©2015 Nissan North America, Inc.

10.14.2015 •


news local

Expo to Highlight LGBT Friendly Businesses 3rd annual event takes place this Saturday Alex Adams


he third annual Palm Beach County relationships with LGBT consumers. She is LGBT Business Expo will be held at certain the expo will help them do just that. The Compass Center in Lake Worth The expo is expected to draw between from noon to 3 p.m. on Oct. 17. 100 to 150 people – a similar turnout to the The expo will have over 30 different last two years' events. vendors whom all hope to gain exposure In addition to meeting various businesses to the LGBT community and exchange and people, attendees will have the chance information with other supportive to enter free raffles and participate in businesses. informational sessions. "We're looking to "The sessions will be support businesses any on various topics that “It's always way we can to help them businesses find vital like market themselves and important to be social media, marketing and grow and connect with more," Percival said. other businesses and help able to highlight All vendors belong to the community find out Compass' Pride Business the companies about them," said Adrienne Alliance. PBA helps business that work and owners connect to more Percival, a Compass Center Business Development staff businesses in the community support this member. and provides extensive community.” Percival said that with networking opportunities. the legalization of marriage "This is a great opportunity equality along with October for people who are business - Adrienne Percival being LGBT History Month, professionals or small Compass Staff now, more than ever, is the business owners or people time businesses are trying to who are looking for start a connect and celebrate with business," Percival said. Palm Beach County's LGBT community. There is no charge to enter the expo. "There are a lot of people looking to Anyone interested in attending need only share their market and expand into the to "bring their cute selves," joked Percival. LGBT community," she said. "It's always Tickets can be attained by registering important to be able to highlight the online at EventBrite.com. companies that work and support this "It's going to be a wonderful buffet of community.” opportunities to participate in and to do Percival said that businesses are something with the LGBT community in interested in building strong loyal Palm Beach county," Percival said.


• 10.14.2015


news highlight

Go to sfgn.com/2015out50 and read

Photo: J.R. Davis.

OUT 50

Photo by Steven Shires.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz at Our Fund panel.

Our Fund Accused Of Bias John McDonald


n LGBT philanthropy organization is being criticized for failing to include conservative points of view on its annual leadership panel. Our Fund is gearing up for its annual national leadership forum. In Fort Lauderdale, forum panelists will reflect on this summer’s Supreme Court victory for marriage equality and talk strategy for future civil rights challenges. Scheduled for Nov. 9 at the Horvitz Auditorium, the forum features well known figures from the LGBT community, but some argue, is lacking balance. In a letter, obtained by SFGN, the Broward Log Cabin Republicans Chapter declares the forum is showing a liberal bent. “Your fund, representing itself as ‘Our Fund’ is leaning towards becoming another camouflaged oxymoronic thread in an exclusionary battle flag some utilized as a tool of mean-spirited intolerance toward members of their own community when it comes to equitable inclusion of all voices in our long-standing battle for equality of rights guaranteed within the U.S. Constitution and re-affirmed by the Supreme Court,” writes Andrew Eddy, President of the Broward Log Cabin Republicans Chapter. Our Fund’s 2015 leadership panel features Rea Carey, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, Kevin Cathcart, executive director of Lambda Legal, Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida and Paul Smith, a partner with the Washington, D.C. law firm, Jenner & Block.

Eddy said he asked Our Fund, President and Chief Executive Officer Anthony Timiraos to include Gregory Angelo of the Liberty Education Forum on this year’s panel. Angelo also serves as the President of the National Board of the Directors for Log Cabin Republicans. Timiraos, thus far, has refused to budge, saying it would be a violation of the organization’s tax-exempt status if Angelo were placed on stage. Timiraos also questions Log Cabin Republicans commitment to the LGBTQ community. “What have they done?,” Timiraos asked. “I don’t see anything they have done or said to advance our rights.” Eddy disagrees and claims Our Fund has already demonstrated its partisan colors by placing Democratic National Convention Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on last year’s panel. Our Fund’s foundation, Eddy writes, is “flawed” for intentionally excluding Angelo, a prominent conservative equalitarian. The Liberty Education Forum (LEF), Eddy adds, is a long-standing and stringent voice of LGBT inclusion. “They (LEF) are the true fifth column movement in the harden trenches of social conservatism, a righteous band of egalitarians struggling against an intolerant movement that would deny the Constitutional guarantee of ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’ to a selected group of citizens in our ‘Democratic Republic.’” 10.14.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

palm Beach County Expands Civil rights protections


ansexual Rises on National Coming Out Day

(SFGN) Social media posts for National Coming Out Day show more people identified as pansexual than lesbian, or transgender, according to a report from Vocativ. After analyzing more than 300,000 tweets and Instagram posts referencing National Coming Out Day, Vocativ says over 3,600 used the word pansexual. Out of more than 43,000 posts that specifically selfidentified, just over 1,400 posts referenced being bi or bisexual. Among other popular hashtags were #questioning and #transisbeautiful.


uerto Rico Relaxes School Uniform Rules for Gay Students

(AP) Puerto Rico's education secretary says public school students can for the first time choose to wear pants or skirts as part of their uniform regardless of their gender without being punished. Rafael Roman said Monday that the new regulation is meant to be inclusive of gay, lesbian and transgender students. He said teachers will no longer be allowed to discipline students who prefer to wear pants instead of skirts or vice versa. Girls in public schools across the U.S. territory traditionally wear skirts as part of their uniforms and the boys wear pants.


• 10.14.2015

Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. "The ordinance traced its roots back to civil rights laws written in the 1960s, when it was legal to have 'Whites Only' hotels, restaurants, and bars, and the county commissioners only addressed inequities that had occurred in very few places of commerce," explains Rand Hoch, president and founder of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. "As we know, discriminatory acts are not limited to those few places."


ational Black Justice Coalition Launches #100toWatch

(NBJC) In recognition of National Coming OUT Day 2015 Oct 11, the National Black Justice Coalition has launched 100toWatch.org. The #100toWatch is part of NBJC's Emerging Leaders Initiative, designed to provide a national platform for young, rising stars, ages 18-30, in the Black LGBTQ/SGL movement for justice. "These young, Black, LGBTQ/SGL self-identified leaders are doing the vital work necessary to bring visibility and awareness to the unique challenges of living at the intersection of racial justice and LGBT equality," said Sharon Lettman-Hicks, NBJC Executive Director and CEO. Among the top 100 is Monique Dorsainvil. She is the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. “Working at the White House, I serve as a bridge between the government and the communities I represent. Black LGBT leaders are reminders to both the LGBT rights and racial justice movements of the need to embrace intersectionality and push both communities toward a more inclusive social justice lens. These leaders challenge landmark justice movements to evaluate the ways in which racism, sexism, and homophobia have played out historically while breaking down the idea that identity can be neatly packaged by checking a single box.”

PBCHRC. Facebook.

few months, and their reactions have been positive and empathetic. Burns played for Bryant from 2003-2007 and is entering his third season as an assistant coach with the team.


penly Gay US Ambassador to Denmark Weds Partner

(AP) The U.S. ambassador to Denmark has married his partner in the Scandinavian country that became the first nation to allow gay couples to formalize their unions in 1989. Rufus Gifford, the U.S. envoy since September 2013, is a strong gay rights advocate and often appears with Stephen DeVincent, a 56-year-old veterinarian, at his side. The two were married Saturday at the Copenhagen City Hall. Gifford, a 41-year-old Boston native, wrote on Twitter: "26 yrs ago the site of 1st legal gay unions in the world. Humbled and emotional." Later in the day, he posted a smiling photo of the two, showing off their rings: "In the land that created fairy tales, we just started our own."

Men's Basketball Asst. Bryant Coach Comes Out in Essay

(AP) Division I men's basketball has its first openly gay coach. Bryant University assistant coach Chris Burns came out publicly in a personal essay posted Wednesday on Outsports.com (http://bit.ly/1jcvTD0 ). Burns says that the Supreme Court decision in June legalizing same-sex marriage was so powerful that it made his decision to come out a "no-brainer." Burns also says attending the Nike LGBT Sports Summit last year and meeting other members of the LGBT community helped him realize the importance of telling his story. The Merrimack, New Hampshire, native says he's been coming out to people in the basketball world over the past

Rufus Gifford. Facebook.

(PBCHRC) Palm Beach County Commissioners voted unanimously to extend their civil rights protections by redefining “places of public accommodation” in the county’s Equal Opportunity to Housing and Public Accommodation law. Specifically, the amendment expands discrimination protections to include retail stores and other places of business county-wide, as opposed to only restaurants and hotels as before. The amendment was brought to the county by the

News Briefs


ines Being Drawn for Indiana's Next Fight Over LGBT Rights

(AP) Months after a divisive religious objections law thrust Indiana into an unwanted national spotlight, gay rights supporters and religious conservatives are preparing for another potentially bitter debate - this time over enshrining LGBT protections into state law. Republican Gov. Mike Pence and key leaders in the GOP-controlled Legislature have gone to lengths to avoid publicly discussing the matter, even as Democrats plan to push legislation and several Indiana cities have considered adopting their own lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender protections. At the same time, religious conservatives are using a new tactic: raising concerns that children will be exposed to transgender people and what they say are sexual predators in public restrooms if the protections are approved. No one with a stake in the issue - including a gay-rights coalition that includes many of Indiana's prominent businesses - says there's much room for compromise. That sets the stage for what "could be a huge mess" when the Legislature convenes in January, said Paul Helmke, a public affairs professor at Indiana University and former Republican mayor of Fort Wayne. It also could have a lasting impact on Pence's re-election bid next year. Tensions have simmered since the spring, when the Legislature faced backlash for the religious objections law, which social conservatives said was needed to protect the beliefs of merchants, including wedding planners, photographers and bakers who may object to working with gay couples. The law was changed to address widespread worries that it could sanction discrimination against gays and lesbians. Still, lingering concerns and a hit to the state's image prompted a number of smaller Indiana cities to join Indianapolis and Bloomington, which have had LGBT protections on the books for years, and move forward with similar local ordinances.



alt Lake City Names Street for Gay Civil Rights Leader

(AP) Salt Lake City could soon have a street named after pioneering gay leader Harvey Milk, an idea that reflects the progressive bent of the city that's home to the Mormon Church and capital of a conservative state. City officials say they have been working with LGBT leaders on the initiative, which would place Harvey Milk Boulevard near thoroughfares named for civil rights icons such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez. If approved, the name would go on 900 South, about a mile and half from the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Temple Square was the site of protests in 2008, after the Mormon Church supported efforts to pass a short-lived gay marriage ban in California. But Salt Lake City also has supported an active lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. An annual gay pride parade is the second largest in the state second only to a yearly celebration of Mormon pioneers. When a judge overturned Utah's gay marriage ban in December 2013, Mayor Ralph Becker presided over unions of same-sex couples who flocked to wed in the hours after the ruling. "We've had so many tremendous victories this year alone, and I think Harvey really set the tone for the LGBT movement - how to be successful and organize us politically," said Troy Williams, executive director of Equality Utah. Williams said he first sat down with Becker more than a year ago. The idea could come before the City Council before the end of the year, said Councilman Stan Penfold, the first openly gay council member. "My hope is that we can send a message as a city that we acknowledge that kind of movement," Penfold said. They are still working on what part of the street will bear Milk's name, he said.

10.14.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero


North dakota Fraternity Cleared of Hate Crime accusation (AP) A month-long police investigation has concluded that a gay man who reported being the victim of a hate crime at a University of North Dakota fraternity invented the story and actually instigated the fight. Police recommended charging Haakon Gisvold, 18, who is not a UND student, with providing false information to police, but prosecutors declined. "While probable cause may exist to conclude that such an offense took place, at this time there is not a substantial likelihood of conviction; as such, pursuing a criminal charge is not deemed to be in the interest of justice," Grand Forks County State's Attorney David Jones told WDAZ-TV (http:// bit.ly/1Op1JtO ). Gisvold did not immediately respond Friday to Associated Press requests for comment made by phone and social media. Gisvold told police in early September that he was the victim of homophobic taunting and an assault at the Lambda Chi Alpha house. He said he was called anti-gay slurs, choked


roup Plans for 50th Anniversary of Gay Rights Meeting

GLAMA. Facebook.

(AP) A Kansas City group is making plans to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a national gathering of LGBT activists that is credited with helping to kick off the gay-rights movement. In February of 1966, the activists gathered at a downtown Kansas City hotel. The meeting led to "The Phoenix Society for Individual Freedom," which opened an LGBT community center and began a publication that was distributed nationally. The Gay and Lesbian Archive of Mid-America at the University of Missouri-Kansas City says a community committee is working with city officials to determine the best way to commemorate the anniversary. Possibilities include educational activities and a historic marker at the meeting site. GLAMA co-founder Stuart Hinds said the group is "eager to advance awareness of the modern struggle for equality."


• 10.14.2015

and stripped of his clothes while attending a party. The fraternity chapter was placed on limited operations while the UND and Grand Forks police departments investigated. Authorities said their month-long investigation, including interviewing 150 witnesses, concluded there was no evidence of a hate crime, and that Gisvold instigated a fight. "Throughout the investigation we looked at many different angles and many different things, and we uncovered some of those details," university Police Sgt. Dan Weigel said. The university said in a statement that it would review the investigation results, "determine any next steps," and "continue to strive for a safe and welcoming environment for all within our campus community." Fraternity member Eric Hanson said the outcome of the investigation was "a relief for everyone." "Throughout this whole time it's been a real stressful situation," he said. "I mean, everybody was getting phone calls from their grandparents, their aunts, uncles, their parents asking, 'What did you guys do?'"


ill Would Allow Fla. Churches to Say No to Gay Marriages

(AP) A proposed law in Florida would allow churches to refuse to hold gay marriages, a right the bill sponsor admits they already have. The House Civil Justice Committee approved the bill Wednesday on a 9-4 vote. Republican Rep. Scott Plakon said his bill would simply give churches another layer of protection. He acknowledged that he knows of no cases in which a church was forced to marry a gay couple. But Plakon said no one knows what could happen in the future. Dozens of pastors attended the meeting, most in support of the bill. Others, however, spoke against it, saying that they are already protected under the U.S. Constitution.

Gov. Signs Bill Protecting Calif. Trans Employees

(NCLR) California Governor Jerry Brown signed bill that protects transgender people who work for companies doing business with state agencies. Senate Bill 703 builds on existing California law and prohibits state agencies from entering into a contract in the amount of $100,000 or more with any company that fails to offer equal benefits to all employees regardless of their gender identity. Authored by Senator Mark Leno and co-sponsored by the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Equality California, and Transgender Law Center, the law will go into effect on January 1, 2016. "In signing SB 703, Governor Brown has made California the first state in the nation to refuse to contract with businesses and other entities that discriminate against their transgender employees in benefits,” said NCLR Government Policy Director Geoff Kors. “This legislation will not only help transgender employees

UND. Facebook.

but will also help California businesses since California already prohibits health insurance carriers from denying transgender individuals benefits offered non-transgender individuals and will thus level the playing field with entities from out of state that bid for contracts with California. Once again, California's governor and legislature are leading the nation in ending discrimination and ensuring that taxpayer funds don't go to those who discriminate." “California law already stipulates that employers cannot deny transgender people health care and other benefits, but a loophole in state law has allowed companies that contract with the state to refuse equal health coverage,” said Senator Leno, D-San Francisco. “This bill closes that loophole. Denying equal benefits to employees at the same company based on gender identity is harmful and wrong. It also can jeopardize employee health and strain publicly-funded programs that fill in the gaps when employers don’t provide the same benefits to everyone.”


udge Says Georgia's Gay Marriage Ban Can't Be Enforced

(AP) A federal judge in Georgia has ruled that the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage cannot be enforced. The ruling is effectively a formality. State probate courts have been issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples since a June 26 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Georgia's constitution prohibits same-sex marriage and says the state will recognize only the union of a man and a woman as marriage and that same-sex marriages performed in others states are not legally recognized. In April 2014, gay-rights group Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit challenging that ban on behalf of three couples and a widow. U.S. District Judge William Duffey on Wednesday signed an order ruling in their favor and saying the Supreme Court ruling means the same-sex marriage ban can't be enforced.



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News Briefs



ansas Ended 2014 with 154 SameSex Marriages



(AP) Reports show that 154 same-sex couples wed in Kansas during a volatile period in late 2014, months before the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling that legalized the unions nationwide. Data from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment show those unions made up less than 1 percent of the 17,655 marriages statewide in 2014. The agency, which released the numbers this week, said figures for marriages so far in 2015 weren't yet available. However, documents filed in a federal court case suggest the statewide same-sex marriage total for 2015 will be much higher. Sedgwick County has issued at least 160 marriage licenses to same-sex couples this year, while Douglas County issued about 60 such licenses. Tom Witt, of the gay-rights group Equality Kansas, said roadblocks to marriage in 2014 were "substantial." Confusion reigned after the U.S. Supreme Court in October turned away appeals from five states seeking to retain their bans on same-sex marriage. One was in the same


labama Judge: Feds Should Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

(AP) An Alabama probate judge is asking the state's Supreme Court for a way out of issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Elmore County Probate Judge John Enslen filed a petition Monday that says the federal government, not state offices, should issue same-sex marriage licenses. Enslen says the federal government is responsible for upholding and enforcing other laws created at the federal level.


• 10.14.2015

federal appeals court circuit as Kansas, where voters approved a gay marriage ban in 2005. One gay marriage was performed in October in Johnson County, but Attorney General Derek Schmidt quickly filed a petition to overturn it and a stay was issued to block additional same-sex unions. The stay was lifted in mid-November, and some Kansas counties began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples. "Trying to draw a picture of the rush to the altar based on six weeks when most counties weren't granting marriage licenses isn't really going to tell you anything," Witt said. A lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union challenging Kansas' ban was pending in June, when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide. Since then, a federal judge has ruled the state's ban is unconstitutional, but he gave the parties extra time to make written filings on whether Kansas has made good on its assurances that it will comply.

The petition asks the court to order judges statewide not to issue same-sex marriage licenses or recognize licenses that Enslen says have been issued in contradiction to the Alabama Constitution. Enslen also asks that the state declare it will recognize only same-sex marriage licenses if they have been issued by the federal government or by states that have their own gay marriage laws.

politics out on the trail

Photo: John McDonald.

Betsy and her son Bond.

Benson Launches Judicial Campaign John McDonald


etsy Benson, a longtime public defender, community when she practices law and has launched her campaign for Broward championed our rights in courtrooms for County Court Judge during a well- nearly 31 years.” attended function at her offices in Coral Carson said Benson’s ability to deal with Springs on Thursday evening, Oct. 8. extreme criminal elements of society was a Benson, a lesbian, spoke of her trial sign of her strength and knowledge of the experience and family law. background (her father “She (Benson) is charged practiced law for 53 years in with representing people “If we had noticed Broward County) as reasons who have often committed when they were why she should be elected very, very serious crimes charged with lesser and the ability to provide in August of 2016. Having worked more than 100 jury crimes that they had counsel to people who are trials, Benson said she has facing the death penalty or handled some of Broward a drinking problem, a life in prison is difficult, but drug problem, mental yet it is a true constitutional County’s toughest cases. “I have practiced for 31 blessing because she is able health issues or years. I have taught lawyers. to serve them and able to an impulse control I have worked in many perhaps see the humanity in different areas of the law a lot of people that many of problem then we and one of the things I have could have fixed it.” us may miss because we often noticed in handling murder judge people by their crimes cases is that a lot of these as opposed to who they are,” problems could have been Carson said. - Betsy Benson fixed if we had noticed in Benson has a nine-year-old Public Defender county court when the son, Bond. She is seeking the person was charged with judgeship in group 13. a misdemeanor,” Benson told SFGN in an “She’s kind, she’s thoughtful and she’s exclusive interview during her campaign intelligent,” Carson said. “She’s a loving kickoff. “If we had noticed when they were family woman who has struggled very hard charged with lesser crimes that they had a to adopt as a single mother and to raise her drinking problem, a drug problem, mental son and make a difference in the world.” health issues or an impulse control problem Meanwhile, Oakland Park Commissioner then we could have fixed it.” Shari McCartney, a lesbian, has announced Wilton Manors Commissioner Julie intentions to resign her commission seat. Carson introduced Benson to those gathered McCartney made the announcement at the in Coral Springs, testifying to her colleague’s commission’s Oct. 7 meeting, citing “family commitment to the LGBT community. reasons.” Her decision sets up a special “Betsy has lived in Wilton Manors for election to fill the post, tentatively scheduled a number of years and has been active for March of 2016. The Sun-Sentinel reports in the LGBT community throughout her McCartney is expected to elaborate on her life,” Carson said. “She (Benson) has been future plans at the Oct. 21 Oakland Park both sensitive to the needs of the LGBT Commission meeting. 10.14.2015 •


lgbt bites

Compiled by Jillian Melero


Lesbian Sen. Tammy Baldwin Asks US AG to Investigate McCarthy-Era Anti-Gay Plot


• 10.14.2015

Government War of Gays," which shed light on how Hunt's son's arrest for soliciting gay sex in a Washington, D.C. park was exploited by political rivals who allegedly blackmailed the senator. Hunt would end up taking his own life. "While decades have passed since this tragic incident, it remains a troubling example of the misdeeds of the McCarthy era and the role homophobia and bigotry has played in the history of our nation, including at the highest levels of federal government," Baldwin wrote in a letter to Lynch last week. The ostensible culprits behind the blackmail, Senators Styles Bridges (NH) and Herman Welker (ID), both Republicans were close allies to anti-communist witchhunter Joseph McCarthy. They allegedly threatened to expose Hunt's son's arrest for soliciting gay sex if the Democratic senator didn't give up his seat. "It's a stunning example of a very sad chapter in American history in terms of the persecution of gays," Baldwin said.

(EDGE) The Marine sergeant and his boyfriend who were immortalized in a 2012 viral photo that showed the couple kissing at a homecoming event in Hawaii,

Photo: Facebook.

(EDGE) Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D -WI), the first openly lesbian member of Congress is asking United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate the role that three U.S. senators played in an apparent anti-gay plot that led to the suicide of Wyoming Sen. Lester Hunt in 1954, Yahoo News reports. Baldwin's crusade comes in the wake of the recent release of the Yahoo News documentary "Uniquely Nasty: The U.S.

Marine in 2012 Viral Kiss Photo Ties the Knot tied the knot last weekend, Gay Star News reports. The iconic photo, which circulated around social media in February 2012 - not long after the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy ended (the measure that prohibited LGBT military members from openly serving), shows Marine Sergeant Brandon Morgan kissing his then-boyfriend, Dalan Wells at Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Morgan had just returned from a six-month tour in Afghanistan and jumped into the arms of his partner. The couple's friend snapped the pic and posted it on Facebook. "This is a homecoming picture-gay, straight, lesbian, no matter who you are, love is love," Morgan told local media at the time. "We haven't fought for more rights or better rights than anyone. We've fought for equal rights, and now we have them." A year later, Morgan proposed to Wells. The men have been together since 2008. The couple married in Honeoye Falls, New York.

lgbt bites




uk studENt doCuMENts traNsitioN witH ovEr 1,400 sElFiEs

HrC MEMBEr says BEiNg opENly Bi is a radiCal aCt “I try to be as out as possible, and to address biphobia wherever I see it. So if you fall somewhere within the bisexual umbrella, and it is safe and healthy for you to be out and proud about who you are, please join me in coming out, and keep coming out as much as your situation permits. For those in our community who can’t be out for whatever reason, those of us who can will do our best to challenge biphobia and create safe and healthy spaces for us all.”

Photo: Facebook.

(SFGN) Beth Sherouse is an American Council of Learned Studies Public Fellow and senior content manager at the Human Rights Campaign. In a recent op-ed “Finding my Bisexual Community and Coming out Again and Again” Sherouse says “being openly bisexual is in many ways still a radical act,” despite surveys which estimate that more than half the LGB population identifies as bisexual. “I often hear people say they’d rather avoid labels because they want to acknowledge their attraction to non-binary people. But bisexual community activists have long embraced non-binary people, and included those who identify as pansexual, queer and fluid,” Sherouse says. Sherouse touches upon the impacts of biphobia both --internalized and externalize-- and the disproportionate rates at which bisexuals experience major health and mental wellness issues. She also discusses the need to continue building and extending a supportive community, far beyond National Coming Out Day.

(EDGE) A British student documented his transition from female to male by taking a selfie every single day for the last three years, the Daily Mail reports. Jamie Raines started his transition when he was 17 by taking testosterone and decided to take a picture of himself every day to track his facial changes. Three years later, Raines, who is now 21 and a psychology student at the University of Essex, created a mind-blowing time-lapse video with his more than 1,400 pics. Raines, who is set to appear on a new documentary called "Girls to Men" on the U.K.'s Channel4, also has a popular YouTube channel that documented his transition journal and has earned more than 700,000 views. "Growing in confidence and feeling more and more comfortable in myself has been a hugely exciting experience. The changes in how I feel about myself have been amazing," he said, according to the Daily Mail.


Raines said he was around four years old when he first realized he was a male trapped in a female's body. "I remember thinking I was just like any other boy," he said. "Then as I grew older I realized more and more that I was different. I remember getting a haircut when I was around eight and afterwards turning to my mum and asking if I looked like a boy now. I felt like one and wanted to make sure I looked like one too" Raines said he's always been attracted to females and met his current girlfriend at college. "We were best friends for about a year before I came out as trans," he said. "We've been together for nearly four years now, and she's been a massive support throughout my whole transition. When I first told her she had no idea what being transgender meant! But she has been completely supportive of me from the start."



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American Cancer Society.

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Roosters Team Captain Theo Smith and guest performer Shotgun Charlotte (AKA Scott Mejia)

roostErs partiEs its way to tHE top oF BrEast CaNCEr FuNdraisEr Denise Royal


The chance of a woman having invasive t takes a team to fight cancer. Nowhere is that better demonstrated than Roosters Bar breast cancer some time during her life is in West Palm Beach. For the third year in about 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 37. a row, Team Roosters is slated to Breast cancer death rates be the top fundraiser for Making have been going down. This Strides Against Breast Cancer in is probably the result of West Palm Beach. finding the cancer earlier The event takes place on Oct. and better treatment. Right 17 at the Meyer Amphitheater in now there are more than West Palm Beach at 9 a.m. This 3.1 million breast cancer year 218 teams are participating. survivors in the U.S. For the third consecutive year, The American Cancer Team Roosters is expected to Society (ACS) is the leader raise the highest amount of in helping to finish the money. Last year’s team raised fight against breast cancer. nearly $10,000. This year, they - David Hazen According to its website, have surpassed that amount and Roosters Manager ACS helps save more than expect to raise about $16,000. 490 lives a day that would This year’s team is made up of have otherwise been lost to 16 people (last year it had about cancer. 20), but clearly size is not an Donations can still be made to Team issue. Team Captain Theo Smith raised about $600 last year. This year, he’s raised about Roosters by going to MakingStrides.acsevents. $3,000 and is the top fundraiser overall for org. the event. Team members praise Smith for inspiring them. Making Strides Palm Beach “Theo is the reason we do what we do,” said October 17, 2015 - 9 a.m. Roosters manager David Hazen. Meyer Amphitheater Team Roosters raised thousands of dollars 104 Datura St, West Palm Beach by holding a car wash and a fundraiser at the bar last Saturday. There were raffles, liquor baskets and much more. All of the money Making Strides of South Palm Beach raised went to Making Strides. Saturday, October 24, 2015 - 8 a.m. While a good time was had by all, it’s Mizner Park Ampitheater important to remember that fighting cancer is 590 Plaza Real, Boca Raton serious business. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most Making Strides Broward common cancer diagnosed in women in the Saturday, October 31, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. U.S., other than skin cancer. It is the second Huizenga Plaza leading cause of cancer death in women, after 1 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale lung cancer.

“Theo . is the reason we do what we do.”


• 10.14.2015

politics white house watch

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fter months of the focus being on billionaire Donald Trump, that shifts a bit this week to the democratic race with their first debate taking place last night (the debate took place after SFGN went to print, so check SFGN.com for our coverage). Despite CNN holding a spot open for him at the debate Vice President Joe Biden declined to be on stage and still has yet to announce his intentions. Biden’s supporters have continued to push the deadline on when he will announce, first saying the end of summer, then by October and finally by the first debate. All of which have now come and gone. But his team did meet with the Democratic National Committee to discuss upcoming filing deadlines suggesting the Vice President is at least taking the preliminary steps for a possible run. The latest Real Clear Politics polling average has Clinton up by 18 points at 43.3 percent, with independent Bernie Sanders in second with 25.1 percent, and Biden in third with 17.4

percent. None of the other candidates receive more than 1 percent of the vote. It remains to be seen if any them get a boost after the debate. On the Republican front Trump leads the pack with 23.7 percent, with neurosurgeon Ben Carson in second at 18.4 percent. The rest of the candidates all have an average of less than 10 percent. This week presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz blasted the military for embracing transgender people. "How about having the military focusing on hunting down and killing the bad guys... instead of treating it as this crucible for social justice innovations,” the Washington Post reported. “We’ve lost sight of what their job is and that’s what we need to get back to." Meanwhile it was announced this week that Trump will host Saturday Night Live on November 7. Clinton appeared in a wellreceived skit during the show’s season premier two weeks ago.

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10.14.2015 •


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rEport FroM soutH Florida aids NEtwork Sean McShee


his SFAN meeting occurred during The United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) in Washington, DC. With many local HIV services providers at USCA, this meeting became somewhat skeletal. Justin Bell, Florida Department of Health, Broward (FL-DOH-B) reported that the FLDOH-B has added a position to increase retention in care, a key outcome of the HIV Continuum of Care and the National HIVAIDS Strategy. This new staff position will have the responsibility to locate clients who have dropped out of care and re-link them to care. Bell explained each item in the local RWC Part B Budget. Administration (10 percent of budget) funds supervision, management, and accountability. Clinical Quality Management (4.5 percent of budget) pays for monitoring clinical quality. Health Insurance Premium Cost Sharing (30.1 percent of budget) assists in the payment of health insurance premiums. Home and Community Based Health (0.5 percent of budget) provides home based services and devices. Home Delivered Meals (0.4 percent of budget) prepares and delivers meals to the homes of disabled and homebound clients. Medical Transportation (5.9 percent of budget) pays for bus passes for medical appointments. Referral for Health Care/ Supportive Services (35.7 percent of budget) links clients to medical care and other services. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (12.9 percent of total budget) pays for placement in a residential substance abuse facility. While about 33 percent of the fiscal year has already passed, only about 15


• 10.14.2015

August and September wrap ups

percent of the allocated funds have already been spent. Bell reported that RWC Medicaid clients who need to obtain medical devices and a Medicaid Project AIDS Care (PAC) Waiver may now have a longer delay. Another authorization has been added to the process, increasing the time from application to authorization by one to three weeks. Janet Vargas (Broward County Ryan White Care) reported on RWC Part A. The County has completed a data analysis of the Health Insurance Continuation Program (HICP) from January 1, 2015 through July 31, 2015. The analysts projected these costs for the rest of the calendar year. They estimated an average annual insurance cost of $3,312 per client, for the 269 clients enrolled in HICP. As these insurance payments will be less than full payments for medical care, these ACA insurance payments may result in a substantial cost transfer. Vargas reported a potential saving of up to one million dollars. Leslie Washington (Community Feedback Forum) discussed plans for the next SFAN meeting. SFAN has several evening meetings over the course of the year to accommodate people whose schedules prevent their attendance at the monthly Friday morning meeting. Recent evening meetings failed to draw new people.

The South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) functions as the networking/advisory body for the Ryan White Care (RWC), Part B grant in Broward County. Its monthly meetings are open to the public.

HalF oF all Florida NEw Hiv CasEs arE FroM soutH Florida JaN- May 2014 aNd 2015

news national

august rEport FoCusEs oN ryaN wHitE CarE aNd adap Issues with the transition from Ryan White Care (RWC) to private health insurance and a report on the Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy comprised most of the discussion at this meeting. Cliff Sermon of Encompass Financial discussed his clients’ difficulties in resolving issues. The insurance company sends a RWC client a 30-day notice. This notice informs them that the company will cancel their insurance in 30 days unless certain issues are resolved. His clients find it difficult to find someone to help them resolve this issue. Atensia Earp (Care Resource) reported that some of her clients had reported similar problems. Joey Wynn, Chair of SFAN, said that clients should keep all correspondence from ADAP, DOH, and their Insurance Companies. When the client receives a letter that they do not understand, the client should bring all this correspondence to the local ADAP office as soon as possible. Justin Bell (FL-DOH) agreed. Bell said that a staff person at the local ADAP office could contact the responsible person in Tallahassee and resolve things. Eserman replied that two of his clients did that, but their policies were still cancelled. Eserman said, “I want my clients to be happy. They are playing by the rules and still not getting the information that they need.” Wynn said, “This is not a perfect system. It’s difficult and complicated. Private insurance always has drama.” Wynn also reported that Lorraine Wells of the ADAP office in Tallahassee

would be visiting South Florida soon. He said that people should get their questions ready for her. The Community Feed Back Committee reported that they would host a “Client Awareness Summit.” A five-person panel will discuss access to care from two perspectives: that of a person newly diagnosed, and that of someone who was once in care, has since dropped out, and wants to return to care. Atensia Earp (Care Resource) reported that if clients have difficulty with copays, Care Resource and other Federally Qualifying Health Centers could lower them. Joey Wynn reported on the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which replaces the National HIV/AIDS Strategy of 2010. Its four goals include the following: to reduce new infections; to improve access to care and health outcomes; to reduce HIV-related health disparities between groups; and to achieve a more coordinated national response. The strategy focuses on the right people, right places, and right practices. The phrase "right people" refers to the concentration of HIV infection in key groups: Gay bi men, Blacks, Latinos, Drug Injectors, Youth, People in the US South, and Transgender women. The disease concentrates geographically in major metropolitan areas and the US South. The phrase “right practices” refers to widespread HIV testing, linkage to care, full access to PrEP, broad support for people living with HIV, and universal viral suppression.

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For brief summaries of the Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy, visit https://aids.gov/federal-resources/ national-hiv-aids-strategy/nhas-update-5-things.pdf and https://www.aids.gov/federal-resources/nationalhiv-aids-strategy/nhas-update-what-you-need-to-know.pdf For the complete Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy, visit https://aids.gov/federal-resources/nationalhiv-aids-strategy/nhas-update.pdf

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Expo HElps sENiors stay HEaltHy John McDonald


ilary Gold likes to stay updated on her (Pride Center) have the best and most diverse health care options. This is why she programming I have seen, particularly for regularly attends the Pride Center’s seniors.” annual Senior Health Expo. Such praise is music to the ears of Bruce “I find it interesting and informative and I Williams, senior services coordinator at the like to know what’s available,” said Gold, 62, Pride Center. an Oakland Park resident. “We’ve come a long way,” Williams said. Gold and her wife of 21 years, Chris, are “There was a time when we would go out looking forward to this looking for housing for our year’s Expo, Saturday, Oct. LGBT seniors and have doors 17 at Pride Center at Equality slammed in our face.” A retiree from Park in Wilton Manors. Expo More than 60 providers Connecticut, hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the fields of health care, and admission is free. Gunning said the aging and geriatrics are lined A retired librarian, Gold up to participate Saturday, senior health says she always learns said Williams. Broward expo is yet something from the expo. As Health Imperial Point is another reason a pet owner, she is quick to the expo’s premier sponsor question the assisted living followed by presenting why the Pride facilities about regulations. sponsors AIDS Healthcare Center is heads “I always ask if they are Foundation (AHF) and and shoulders dog friendly, because that is Marrinson’s Senior Services. important to me,” she said. Broward Health’s Man Van above its For Bob Gunning, having will be on site, Williams said, competition. the opportunity to check his to provide a wide ranging of blood pressure is a key part testing services. Additionally, of the expo. flu shots will be available and “In my opinion, everybody should be complementary coffee and pastries provided getting their blood pressure checked more by Stork’s Bakery. To top it all off, the first often than they do,” said Gunning, 67, of 300 attendees will be treated to a free lunch. Oakland Park. Last year, more than 700 people attended A retiree from Connecticut, Gunning said the expo. the senior health expo is yet another reason why the Pride Center is heads and shoulders above its competition. For more information, contact Bruce “I’ve been to a lot of other gay community Williams at (954) 463-9005, ext. 109 or centers across the country and this one is by e-mail bwilliams@pridecenter.org far the best,” said Gunning, who has lived in South Florida for the last eight years. “They


• 10.14.2015

news local

From left to right: Dr. Russel Sassani, Bonnie Lazarus, Buck Angel, and Leland Koble.

BuCk aNgEl plEdgEs support to NEw BEgiNNiNgs rEtrEat at FuNdraisEr Brendon Lies


ew Beginnings TLC hosted a networking and fundraising dinner event on Saturday, Oct. 10 to celebrate its new status as a 501(c)3 non profit. New Beginnings’ main service has been operating an after surgery center called the New Beginnings Retreat, which provides post operative care to trans patients, who have received gender reassignment surgery. “When I transitioned, there was nothing like this,” said Buck Angel, a well-known trans man and porn star. Angel has also been named their Advocacy Director. “Healing in an environment that is loving and welcoming is one of the most important things about recovering from surgery. That’s what this place is all about… this is a game changer.” Since opening in 2013 they’ve been able to care for 464 patients from around the world. The New Beginnings president Leland Koble, along with vice president and CEO Bonnie Lazarus, hosted the networking fundraiser at the Sheraton Suites Hotel in Fort Lauderdale to give the community an opportunity to learn about other transgender specific programs and to meet and network with LGBTQ advocates from across Florida. Now that New Beginnings TLC is registered as a non-profit, they hoped the event would help them raise money for patients who would come into their care. Part of their shift to a non-profit includes the introduction of a second location, which will serve as a safe house for trans and nonconforming youth who are kicked out or trapped in an unsafe environment. The location of both the safe house and the recovery center are kept quiet, ensuring their patients have privacy. Koble began New Beginnings shortly after his own surgery, which he noted was a challenge in itself. The recovery center, he said, has become a passionate way to help others in the community who might not have the same luxury of receiving their surgery locally. “I pick you up from the airport, get you to

surgery, and pick you up from surgery,” Koble said, speaking of his duties at the center. “Each room has a recliner, cooler… we even have two recovery dogs and a recovery bird.” Koble went on to explain the efforts of the center and how much work goes into caring for their patients every day, saying his duties ranged from changing bandages to running out for groceries. Koble and Lazarus’ passion has touched many, including Angel. “Twenty years ago with my surgeon, I was their first patient,” Angel said. “Endocrinologist, first patient. I was called their guinea pig.” Angel said after first meeting Koble, they connected. After his first tour of the recovery center, he cried. “I’ve been around the world, and I’ve never seen the kind of energy that I see at that place,” said Angel on stage, swiping at the corner of his eyes while he studied the audience. He believes there will be monumental growth for New Beginnings throughout the next year. Another member of the team includes their Medical Advisor Dr. Russell Sassani, a plastic surgeon who has quickly been gaining recognition for his gender confirmation surgeries. Sassani, who is a member of the LGBT community himself, has worked closely with Koble, who in turn is a strong advocate for the quality and incredibly fair pricing of Take Shape Surgery Center, LLC, where Sassani works. “Being a gay run surgery center, we’re very sensitive to the needs of our patients,” Sassani said. “We can’t help but be moved by the many individual patients that we have seen.” He went on to say it was an honor to serve on the board, as well as raise money alongside New Beginnings for patients who were struggling with their surgery. Besides the specialized care of the team at New Beginnings, the retreat also offers an environment that holds a unique sense of community for the patients recovering.

To learn about New Beginnings TLC, visit NewBeginningsTLC.org. For more information about the New Beginnings Retreat itself, visit NewBeginningsRetreat.com. 10.14.2015 •


news local “They are telling me how to dress. I’m not breaking the law. They let me in this way.” - Jessica McComb Jessica McComb .

Pride Fort Lauderdale Rocked By Sexism Charges John McDonald


s Pride Fort Lauderdale re-launched its brand over the weekend, the fledgling organization saw familiar issues surface. Complaints ran the gamut from the usual pricing for admission and vendors, to the uncontrollable, like weather and, finally, shocking reports of censorship. Jessica McComb attended the Pride Fort Lauderdale festival at Holiday Park on Sunday and was none too pleased with her experience. McComb arrived at the festival wearing only pasties from the waist up. Pasties are patches that cover a person’s nipples. In this case, McComb’s pasties featured an endorsement of independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who is running for President. This display apparently crossed the line. McComb says she was told to put a top on or leave the festival. “It’s embarrassing to be scolded like a child,” McComb said. “They are telling me how to dress. I’m not breaking the law. They let me in this way.” Indeed, Fort Lauderdale police officers had no problem allowing McComb to pass into the festival. SFGN spoke with two uniformed officers outside of the entrance to War Memorial Auditorium who said she was not breaking the law. Meanwhile, Pride Fort Lauderdale board members are tight-lipped about the incident. Board President Norm Kent admitted to telling McComb to cover up just prior to the singing of the national anthem, kicking off day two of the festival. “I asked her to consider wearing a T-shirt as a courtesy to the festival,” Kent said. Prior to making the request himself, Kent approached Fort Lauderdale United Church of Christ Rev. Joel Slotnick. “I had a collar on and he asked if I would speak with her,” Slotnick said. “There were children present so I asked her to consider the family environment she was in.”


• 10.14.2015

McComb said she found Slotnick’s appeal insulting. “This festival is sponsored by condoms and lube,” she said. “Give me a break.” After Slotnick’s attempt, Kent stepped in and informed McComb of her rights. “I told her she had a constitutional right to dress that way and she met the city’s ordinances,” Kent said. “However, because she was near a petting zoo where children were playing, I simply asked if she would consider putting a top on.” McComb complied with Kent’s request, replacing her pasties with a tanktop provided by the Bernie Sanders campaign. “They are telling me how to dress,” McComb said. “It’s a double standard. You have guys running around here in thongs and assless chaps and I have to put on a top? This is ridiculous.” One of those guys in assless chaps told SFGN no one asked him to cover up. Elsewhere the festival featured scores of men from local strip clubs parading around in underwear that emphasized their genitals. Jack Lieberman, a volunteer with the Sanders campaign, said the incident “reeked of misogyny.” McComb, 30, said she is a Fort Lauderdale resident who works in sales. She identifies as pansexual. Elsewhere, Kent defended the raised ticket price of $15. “When you have a two-day festival you incur costs that must be covered by fees,” Kent said. “We had to pay for fencing, policing and security to properly guard the event.” However, not all were happy with that decision. "Unfortunately, me and my friends that went felt it was very lackluster and turned off by the fact that it was so uneventful, yet there was a door charge," said event goer Kirk Ruben. "I don't think it will do well against Stonewall Pride."

news local

Pride Closing Party Becomes Crime Scene John McDonald A reckless driver turned what was intended as Adderly ran from police only to trip and to be a merry closing party for Pride Fort fall on the pavement just east of the railroad Lauderdale into a ghost town. tracks where he was apprehended. Fort Lauderdale police closed a large As authorities searched for clues as to why section of Southwest Second Street on Sunday the driver behaved in such a manner their evening after a man drove his vehicle into a investigation pushed partygoers in another crowd of people in front of the Himmarshee direction. Public House. The area was “It’s a major then restricted as authorities disappointment,” Wilson began an investigation. said. “We were hoping “Our party turned into to mobilize the LGBT “It’s a major a crime scene,” said Bryan community outside of our disappointment. Wilson, a Pride Fort Lauderdale traditional comfort zones We were hoping board member. and gayborhoods.” The Himmarshee Village, an Grand eventually took the to mobilize the area west of downtown Fort stage at America’s Backyard LGBT community Lauderdale, was scheduled later in the evening, but outside of our to host closing festivities for attendance was sparse. Pride Fort Lauderdale. Those “We had people calling traditional festivities included a musical saying that they couldn’t get comfort performances by rock band through,” Wilson said. Wilton Drive and national In light of this series of zones and recording artist Steve Grand. unfortunate events, Wilson, gayborhoods.” Proceeds were to benefit director of SunServe’s SunServe, a South Florida marketing and training - Bryan Wilson LGBT social services agency. programs, is asking Former board member The plan, Wilson said, community members to was deterred when a man, step up and make a donation identified by police as 36-yearto the organization at old Sheldon Alexander Adderly, drove a SunServe.org. Volkswagen Jetta into harm’s way. Police were Meanwhile, Fort Lauderdale police are forced to shoot the vehicle’s tires at which treating the incident internally and as of press point the suspect leapt from the car and fled. time Tuesday, Adderly remained in a local Cell phone video captured the entire scene hospital. 10.14.2015 •




community announcement







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Freedom to Be


An Embracing Life Experience for LGBTQ Youth The Peaceful Project


weekend of personal development, invite family members to attend with them. empowerment, and compassion is Parents, grandparents, siblings over the right around the corner. The non- age of 12, and other key family members profit organization, The Peaceful Project, is can share the experience. The maximum presenting Freedom to Be: An Embracing Life number of participants in the course is 35. Experience for LGBTQ Youth at SunServe in This experiential course begins on Friday Fort Lauderdale November 6 – 8. Through a evening and runs through the early evening/ grant from the Broward Sheriff’s Office Law late afternoon on Sunday. Everyone receives Enforcement Trust Fund, the course is free a course workbook along with Pamela for Broward LGBTQ youth Dunn’s book It’s Time to and their family members. Look Inside: To See Yourself Freedom to Be provides and Everyone through the Freedom to insights, awareness, and Lens of Magnificence, an Be provides skills for bringing more love, education plan to continue respect, and understanding the practice after leaving insights, to relationships. The course the course, and a private awareness, is an avenue for becoming coaching session two weeks more comfortable with after the course completes. and skills yourself and others. Freedom Another beautiful outcome for bringing to Be is about your deepest of Freedom to Be is the intentions to love and be supportive and encouraging more love, community of course loved. By becoming highly graduates. aware of what underlies respect, and The course is taught your actions, you experience understanding by two rigorously trained a new level of freedom, awareness, and power to to relationships. facilitators from Your Infinite Life Training and create the relationships you Coaching Company, and desire and to become more peaceful and accepting with yourself. It is a former participants serve as assistants. The discovery of your own values and a releasing participants in the November course may of self-imposed limitations on your life. return as assistants in the second Freedom The tools gained in this course – including to Be for LGBTQ Youth in March of 2016. tools to break the cycle of blame, to increase Assistants continue their learning while empathy, and to understand one’s authentic being in service to those participating, further building the supportive community. power – enhance every relationship. The young people participating may For more information and to register for the course, please contact Maggie Macaulay, Executive Director of The Peaceful Project, at 954-483-8021 or Mandi Hawke, SunServe’s Director of Youth Services, at 954-764-5150, extension 202. A $50 deposit reserves your space in the course and is refunded following course completion.


• 10.14.2015

news local

goiNg purplE For spirit day Annual day raises awareness of LGBT bullying

Alex Adams


n Oct. 15th, millions of people are about LGBT related bullying is at an all time set to "go purple" for Spirit Day - one high. of the largest and most visible anti"It's bigger and better than ever before," bullying campaigns in the world supporting Stokes said. LGBT youth. Some of the notable supporters of this Celebrities, businesses, organizations, faith year's Spirit Day include the car company communities and more have Toyota. The company recently all pledged their support for announced the release of a the day and promise to wear free Go Purple for #SpiritDay purple or turn their social app that will allow users to "I'll be going media profile pictures purple. change the color of their purple to "This day gives allies and social media photos to purple. LGBT people alike a chance "When we end bullying, take a stand to show their support and we truly let kids and young against raise awareness about this adults develop into creative, epidemic that must be put unique and productive bullying in to an end," Zeke Stokes, Vice individuals who make our President of Programs for communities stronger, support of GLAAD, said. happier and healthier," Mike LGBT youth." According to Stokes, eight Groff, President and CEO out of 10 LGBT teens report of Toyota Financial Services being bullied each year. And said. - Britney Spears almost as many have reported Pop star Britney Spears was that they have been verbally one of the first musicians to harassed and that they have announce her support for the heard homophobic remarks frequently or day in a video she posted to her social media often in school. websites. Spirit Day first started in 2010 by a "I'll be going purple to take a stand against Canadian teen. The day was initiated in bullying in support of LGBT youth," Spears response to bully-related suicides that said to her millions of followers. included the widely publicized suicide of Spears' team is also offering one lucky fan Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi. who pledged their support a chance to win Now, six years later, Stokes is certain that tickets to her 'Britney: Piece of Me' Las Vegas people have come a long way and awareness show. To pledge your support visit GLAAD.com/SpiritDay and download the Go Purple for #SpiritDay app from your Google Play or App Store on your smartphone. 10.14.2015 •


Photo: Facebook.

column guest

How Do We Solve a Problem Like Pintauro? Mark S. King


y discomfort began as I sat in front of my web cam, waiting to join Danny Pintauro in a segment on Huffington Post Live. Danny had recently announced on an Oprah special that he was living with HIV, which was big news for fans of “Who’s the Boss?” and those who loved the precocious little boy Danny played. Before my virtual entrance, Danny was telling host Nancy Redd how he was infected with HIV. He wanted to explore “rougher sides” of his sexuality, he explained. And wouldn’t you know it, the first guy he hooks up with for that purpose offers him crystal meth. “And you combine meth, which completely ruins your immune system,” he said earnestly, “you combine having been up a good 12 or 13 hours… you combine that with some rough but safe sex, believe it or not, and it’s just a potent combination.” My jaw dropped. Did Danny Pintauro just attribute his HIV infection to using meth and being tired? Did he just say that he had safe sex, “believe it or not?” No, Danny. I don’t believe it. While gay meth addicts are many times more likely to test HIV positive, it is because they engage in high risk behaviors, specifically unprotected anal sex, and not because they missed a good night’s sleep. Danny went on to explain, or at least presume, that his sex partner’s viral load “had to have been very high, because that’s


• 10.14.2015

the easiest way to contract it if you’re not want. We have to work with the celebrity we being unsafe.” are dealt (ask any transgender activist in this I was incredulous. I began to mentally Year of Caitlyn). And it’s unfair to expect a prepare retorts to the celebrity. If you are not random person with a celebrity past to be being unsafe, Danny, you will conversant on every aspect not become infected with HIV, of HIV important to us. regardless of your partner’s Besides, Danny’s messaging Statements viral load. Prevention is a around meth and gay men two-way street. Your partner alone is worthy of our like “we posed no threat to you if gratitude. you were being safe, which It is also true that Danny were safe, you say you were. Which is has set himself up for believe it or ludicrous because you were criticism and inappropriate high on crystal meth, a sex not” would be judgments, not the least of drug known for evaporating which coming from bloggers pure comedy condoms instantaneously. like me. In a universally Statements like “we were vilified segment on The gold at any safe, believe it or not” would View, one of the hosts, a Crystal Meth be pure comedy gold at any breathtakingly clueless idiot Crystal Meth Anonymous named Raven-Symoné, Anonymous meeting. challenged Danny to “take meeting. But I actually said nothing responsibility” for his to challenge his statements. actions, as if she had just When I appeared on the nabbed an interview with segment a few minutes later, I welcomed the latest mass shooter. Danny to the world of poz activism and If that was your last exposure to Mr. identified myself as a fellow meth addict in Pintauro, you’re probably feeling for him recovery. I then threw out an inane softball about now. So was I. That is, until he doubled question to our newly-minted HIV positive down on his “I had safe sex” statements by celebrity/cautionary tale, because, well, he telling US Magazine that not only had he was on a popular sitcom and has the power been a condom-loving crystal meth addict, to reach a lot of people. he was actually infected through oral sex. And because I totally wimped out. I better take a breath here. Ahem. Okay. We don’t always get the spokesperson we Moving on.

There’s no way to know the level of shame Danny Pintauro may be feeling around his addiction and HIV infection. And he must sincerely value his beloved place in television pop culture and hate to discolor it with his personal revelations. That took courage. But attributing his HIV infection to the infinitesimal risk of oral sex – because God forbid anyone picture the former child actor taking bare dick and semen up his ass – isn’t the kind of transparency needed for a gay, HIV positive spokesperson. And then, oddly, Danny added in his US Magazine interview that the “irresponsible” man he believes infected him — whose name escaped Danny for many years because there were presumably many nameless others during his meth binges – has been on his mind and he has been trying to find him, even searching through obituaries and what-not. Danny’s strange fixation isn’t just a little creepy, it suggests a blame game that goes beyond Danny’s assertion that he just wants to be sure the guy “is okay.” Let us all hope that the man in question is living a healthy life somewhere, safe from Danny’s wellintentioned but pointless quest to contact him. That man deserves his privacy at least as much as Danny Pintauro deserves his rocky, vexing media tour.

column letter to the editor

Letters to the Editor doN't Just BaN all guNs, BaN all vEHiClEs Reader calls on gays to arm themselves


ith the dozens of college campus shooting in the news we are hearing a misguided outcry for more gun

control. As a gay man who happens to be a U.S. Marine Corp Vietnam Veteran and a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) since 1965, I would like to thoughtfully address this wrong-headedness inside the Gay community. According to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, there are about 300 million guns in the United States, and approximately 12,500 homicides by firearms in 2013. According to the Department of Transportation there were 250 million passenger vehicles in the United States and 35,200 fatal traffic accidents, or three times as many vehicle related deaths as gun homicides. Following the conclusion of the vociferousness "ban-all-guns, only-the-policeshould-have them" voices in our community, we should also ban all automobiles. Yet, history tells us taking away guns from law-abiding citizens is a disaster leading to crimes against humanity and mass murders by governments. Hitler's Nazi Socialist Party told the German people to turn in their guns because the government would protect them. Then they started putting the Jewish, gays, and many other groups in the trains to the Holocaust. The same happened when Mao, Lenin, Castro and others promised an end to gun violence by taking away everybody's guns. Tens of millions then died at the hands of the governments who had all the guns.

Here's the best option: In a society that teaches no values, we should support the Second Amendment value of private gun ownership for all law-abiding citizens, including vulnerable gays who need them as well. The reason? Throughout our nation where there are conceal and carry permits, violent crime drops dramatically. Where there is strict gun control, only the criminals get possession of them and rule the streets of Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, etc. Is it any wonder that women of all color have led the nation in new gun purchases for the past two decades? It would behoove gay people to consider the same given the violent crime we are confronted with, too. After all, with the President announcing his determination to allow tens of thousands of refugees potentially filled with ISIS members into the U.S., and a surge in illegal immigrant crime against U.S. citizens – including gays and women – last month the FBI National Instant Background Check System processed 1,795,102 firearms-related applications. That represents a new record of: 335,739 more checks than the previous September high, or a 23 percent increase. All due respect to the President, the American people think otherwise, and we in the gay community need to think long and hard before jettisoning our constitutional rights to bear arms for our own protection of family and property. siNCErEly, kENNEtH BluNk BoyNtoN BEaCH, Fl

lEt your voiCE BE HEard

Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com 10.14.2015 •


column ptsd diary

Submitted photos.

Rev. Megan Rohrer.

If You Can Read My Mind: A PTSD Diary David-Elijah Nahmod

Healing, part one

hitting the streets of the City during the afterI was impressed and moved when I first met Rev. Megan Rohrer. Megan is the Pastor midnight hours in order to offer prayer and at Grace Lutheran Church in San Francisco. counseling to the homeless and to help people on the streets find shelter and food. One of Megan, who prefers to use gender neutral Megan’s personal projects is to pronouns, is the first openly help homeless people suffering transgender pastor to be from vision loss obtain free installed at a Lutheran Megan has eyeglasses. congregation – Megan “Be the change you want to see always specifies that they been suffering in the world,” Gandhi said. Few are “openly” transgender, from PTSD people I’ve encountered in my as not all trans people are lifetime live up to this philosophy out. For those that are not symptoms in more than Rev. Megan Rohrer. out it’s important to respect the aftermath So naturally I was shocked, in that privacy. late June, when Megan needed I covered Megan’s of the ordeal to contact the San Francisco installation at Grace and pointed police to ask them to keep an Lutheran for Bay Area eye on Grace Lutheran. Megan Reporter, then did a followout that had received threats of violence, up interview with them for there are 177 which came from within the SFGN. Every time I hear Megan’s voice, every time violent church LGBT sphere. “Someone needs to track this we meet, I felt a sense of incidents per dude down and beat the shit peace. out of them,” stated the Tweet Megan is a person year. which Megan posted a screenshot who’s filled with love of it on Facebook. The tweet, for the world. Obviously from an account called “no name Wiener,” is the church’s congregation agrees, as Grace Lutheran’s membership has seen a sharp owned by a transgender woman. As this and other threats directed at Megan came in the increase since Megan took to the pulpit. Megan also has many years of experience in immediate aftermath of the church shootings working with San Francisco’s Night Ministry, in South Carolina, Megan took no chances.


• 10.14.2015

Megan was targeted due to efforts to get Meagan Taylor, an African American transgender woman, out of jail. Taylor had been arrested at a motel in Des Moines Iowa on false prostitution charges. Megan was raising funds to get Taylor released. The people who threatened Megan wanted the money sent to them. No less than the Transgender Law Center acknowledged Megan’s assistance in getting Taylor freed from jail at the TLC website. “They were calling Lutheran pastors around the country because I’m ‘stealing money from a black woman,’” Megan told me. I asked if Megan thought the LGBT community was having a mental health crisis due to the almost endless personal attacks which LGBT people and activists seem to be inflicting on each other. I referenced the classic gay play-turned film “The Boys in the Band,” in which a gay birthday party becomes a cesspool of gay-on-gay hatemongering. “If only we didn’t hate ourselves quite so very much,” said Michael, the play’s protagonist. “All of the people who had done these things to me indicated that they had been treated in a similar fashion,” Megan said. “I have deep compassion for their healing process. But their behavior is unacceptable.” Megan admits there are problems in the LGBT community. “Like all things, there are

good people in bad organizations, and bad people in good organizations. I try to do the best I can to listen to the ways I need to do better, and to actively work on healing my wounds so that I don’t deflect back on others.” Megan has been suffering from PTSD symptoms in the aftermath of the ordeal and pointed out that there are 177 violent church incidents per year. “I do a lot of gardening,” Megan said. “I get nervous when people approach the church. I heal with hot chocolates, laughing with friends, stupid reality TV shows, sacred rituals and rocking babies.” Megan acknowledged that there seems to be a pattern of such behavior in the LGBT community, and that many LGBT people were suffering from PTSD as a result of unhealed traumas brought on by homophobia, inequality and anti-LGBT violence. We, as LGBT people are the only ones who can heal ourselves. We must decide what kind of a community we want. To that end, Megan and I agreed to organize a community forum on LGBT mental health, tentatively set for February 2016 at Grace Lutheran Church. Our focus will be discussions on the causes of the behavior we’re seeing, and ways we can heal ourselves. Stay tuned to future editions of this column for more details.

editorial cartoon

Announcing the

Marriage of ...


Let everyone know about your nuptuals by placing an announcement in South Florida Gay News.

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10.14.2015 •


Photo: J.R. Davis.

column publisher`s editorial

Reflections on a Modest Pride Festival Norm Kent


When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember associations are just as important as the annual parties, and maybe even more so. your purpose was to drain the swamp. The LGBT community still has causes worth fighting for. So there I was on Saturday, Oct. 10, at noon, the Chair of Pride Fort Lauderdale, getting ready to open the doors to the public Annual festivals should celebrate those, but we need to do it so arriving at the Holiday Park Festival, when I get a call over the they are accessible to all and not just a privileged few. They need radio from the park supervisor: "We have a problem, Norm, the to be modestly priced and down right welcoming, like a Fourth of July barbecue. cardboard garbage cans you ordered never arrived." Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a festival on the beach And so it began, two days of around the clock crisis for free like Miami does; where the entire management, with little time to laugh, lie back, community can go without financial inhibitions? or enjoy the moment, especially while downing The festivals can’t just be a party for music a Z-pak, and fighting an emerging head cold. lovers anymore, though. They have to stand My biggest frustration for myself with the If you are a for something more tangible, celebrating festival is that I spent too much time carting ice young gay kid, our achievements, acknowledging our to bars to be breaking the ice with the diverse accomplishments, and recognizing the work crowd of attendees and vendors. I am sorry there is a ahead. for that. First of all, when you volunteer for a Knowing that, more people will show up on a community event, you have to let yourself enjoy lot more to Saturday afternoon to watch Team Heartbreak the moment. do in life than and Lady Bunny then they will to listen to a Still, as the chair, we were only able to pay seminar from a tax consultant. Still there were for the entertainment and the venue because party at a people like attorneys George Castrataro and of contributing sponsors who laid out their Aaron Humphries, investment counselor Jim money, and spent long hours working under Friday night Senior and judicial candidate Lea Kraus out at a hot sun, setting up early in the morning and leaving long after the crowds went home. To for four hours the park offering free seminars. It’s important when we do good things for our friends. those of you, who did so, on behalf of Pride Fort in a club. For me, the nicest part of the festival last year Lauderdale, let me say ‘thank you.’ was having couples celebrate marriage. This Gay pride festivals are often compromised in year, watching gay moms and dads take their communities where much is taken for granted. There is not a lot to fight for anymore. We can get married. We kids on free pony rides was kind of cute. Look, Mike Huckabee, do get tested. We don't tolerate bullying. We have a wealth of we can be people too. But hey, if we are going to have full families business groups celebrating our coalitions and a host of media in the park, maybe guys should not show up in ass-less chaps, and women should cover their breasts. entities already promoting our achievements. Still, too many gay pride events have become repetitive and For those of us already managing businesses five days a week and attending business associations along with Pride Center routine, mundane and not worldly. We probably have to rethink founder’s cocktail parties, weekend festivals tax and drain your them going forward. It's time to go back to the drawing board. staff's resources. The day to day meet and greets at business Truthfully, we need to do better.


• 10.14.2015

If we are going to pull together a music fest, let’s collect the money to get one kick ass entertainer that will draw a cross section of our entire community and create a singularly memorable event. To do that, you have to be ready to contract a year in advance, and bank way ahead of time. The limited resources that Broward’s pride organizations have had these past few years have hampered those noble aspirations. I can say this of this year’s pride- that all the funds are accounted for, and all its obligations will be met. Aside from the need for a full time paid director, Pride Fort Lauderdale is going to require new blood. The real reason Pride in Fort Lauderdale has been more mediocre than magical these past few years is because volunteers have been taxed and drained instead of enlarged and empowered. It's time for a new and younger generation of LGBT leaders to formulate a plan for the future, to take the reins and lead the way. I know I am ready to pass the baton. If you are a young gay kid, there is a lot more to do in life than party at a Friday night for four hours in a club. The American LGBT community is getting to where it needs to be in life. Obstructions are falling weekly, and opportunities are opening daily. Seize one. Create the world you want to live in. Every choice you make every day makes that happen, whether you are 16 or 60. From marriage to the military, from equality to education, we have reason to smile. You have a chance to step up. You are needed at the Pride Center in Equality Park, at Sun Serve, at Impulse, and here at Pride Fort Lauderdale. They can use your volunteerism at SAVE, in the softball leagues, and over at Poverello. Make your life matter. As we go forward, our festivals can’t just be vendor fests and boys in bathing suits parading around. It can’t be how much liquor you drink before you go to a bar and drink even more. It has to mean more. Let me know what you think. SFGN will publish your thoughts….

column off the wall

The Sin of Pride Pier Angelo


n June of 1970, the nation’s first gay parade commemorated the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall riots – the nearly week-long uprising between New York City youth and police officers following a raid of Stonewall Inn. The uprising helped bring the LGBT civil rights movement into the national spotlight. A year later, activists celebrated the uprising with the “Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day” march. The unlikely success of the “Christopher Street” parade became a catalyst for local organizations throughout the U.S. and across the globe. By the 1980s, most major U.S. cities had their own parades, festivals and more festivals, ad nauseam. Pride month is June but there are festivals almost every other month. They have become a business, a way for corporation to take the rainbow dollar. A gay Kmart: cheap, loud, gaudy, tasteless, uncool, lame, amateurish, embarrassing and the same damn music with the same tweaker beat. Gay Pride festivals are like viruses, no matter where you go or what you do, there is always some new strain. They are stale, unimaginative, and Fort Lauderdale, or Wilton Manors, or South Beach, or Boynton Beach etc are no exception. They should rename them the Shame Festivals. They are great if you are coming out of the closet but after you’ve been to a few, they are just plain boring. Period. It’s always hot, everyone is wasted and if you’re lucky you

can watch some fireworks. Oh, and you can definitely get laid if you want. If you’ve never been to a Pride festival, they basically consist of half naked gogo boys, drag queens and corporate sponsors in makeshift booths full of trinkets. I really find them disappointing because I expect gay people to be more creative. Instead, it’s the same old same old. The parking is a nightmare. The admission price a rip off. If I’m going to pay to enter and then pay again to buy stuff I really don’t need, then those tents should be made from red velvet and they better offer a lot more than what they currently do, year after year. Pride more and more resembles one of those middle-aged gay men who was hot in his 20s, drunk and drugged too much into his 30s, still acts and dresses as if he’s 21 although he’s 45 with a new arm-sleeve tattoo to prove he’s still with it. And this year was no different. One of hundreds – large and small – occurring in communities all over the country. Predictable as bugs in the Florida sunshine. Here come the round of eye-rolls, but I will say it: Gay Pride is a tired, outdated, boring embarrassment that’s outlasted its usefulness or relevance. It’s like drowning in a sea of unicorn vomit, engulfed in an air of false nostalgia, of a past not so remote that someone is trying to contraband as history. But it’s over... for another year it’s over! Praise Jesus.

Gay Pride festivals are like viruses, no matter where you go or what you do, there is always some new strain.

10.14.2015 •


HI STORY people



History Month

FroM stoNEwall to tHE wHitE HousE, aNd aCtivist to autHor By Jen Colletta jen@epgn.com

had just happened. Literally in the train car, I just started howling, just crying out loud. It really affected me.” A few years later, another incident again brought Segal full circle: Comcast senior executive vice president and chief diversity officer David L. Cohen invited him to join the media conglomerate’s Joint Diversity Council. “I thought it was going to be just a rubber-stamp position and I said I didn’t have time for it. And David said, ‘Mark, there are only 40 people nationwide being asked to join this advisory board. Don’t you understand your history? There you were 40 years ago disrupting media, and now we’re asking you to advise media.’” Cohen was referring to Segal’s infamous “zaps,” in which he targeted media personnel on air to raise awareness about LGBT issues. That such encounters caught him by ’m standing across the street from Stonewall in surprise, Segal said, are in part attributable to his tendency to Sheridan Square. Here I was, an 18-year-old kid living at the YMCA in a $6-a-night room with no stay forward-focused. “I usually just go project to project to project and don’t look job, no prospects for the future, no real place to live and no back,” he said. “So I really didn’t look back at all the things I had money in my pocket. I’m thinking, What am I going to do? done or what the full impact of them was.” And it came to me: This is exactly what I want to do. I’m But, as the significance of his decades of activism began going to be a gay activist.” to evince itself to him, Segal started seriously considering More than 45 years after that fateful night outside the Stonewall Inn, Mark Segal still considers himself, first and recounting that work in book form, especially at the prompting of his now-husband, Jason Villemez. foremost, an activist. “Jason would say to me every night, ‘Do “That’s what’s inside me and what always will the book, do the book. Sit at your computer be,” he said. “Everything else is secondary.” and start writing,’” Segal said, noting that at Adding to his list of “secondary” titles is the time he was wrapping up work on one of "I encourage a new one: “author.” Segal, the founder and the nation’s first LGBT-friendly affordable publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, has just anybody, senior-living facilities, and Villemez knew the released his memoirs, “And Then I Danced.” memoir-writing would be a good way to keep The 320-page book takes readers from Segal’s whether you that momentum going. “He was conscious that meager beginnings in a Philadelphia housing publish it or not, the minute that ribbon was cut, I’d go from project to his pinnacle of dancing with his being 2,000 feet into the air to crashing to the husband in the White House. to write your ground if I didn’t have a project to work on,” That was a journey that, Segal said, many Segal laughed. own memoir. You have prompted him to write about over the Hiring an agent and publisher was easy work, years. But, it wasn’t until a 2007 reunion of Gay learn so much Segal said. But, deciding what information to Youth — which he founded in New York City in about yourself." include and what to leave out was not. 1969 — that he started to gain an appreciation Segal had been amassing vignettes of his for his own role in the LGBT community’s recollections in the past few years, which development. - Mark Segal he thought could serve as the memoir’s “We had the reunion in the New York Gay foundation. Community Center and there were about 100 “I thought I would just take what I had of us who created this big circle. Each of us talked and, as they went around, people were saying that the started writing and put it into book form. It didn’t quite happen like that; once I signed the contract, we basically threw out organization saved their lives, that they were going to commit suicide until they found Gay Youth or that we saved them everything I had and went back to scratch,” he laughed. He set to work creating an outline of his life, checking dates from bullying or harassment,” Segal said. “It wasn’t until I was and facts and researching his own storied history. halfway home on the train that it all of a sudden hit me what

Mark Segal (right) with Obama.



• 10.14.2015

That history began in 1951. Segal’s hardworking yet povertystricken parents, Shirley and Martin, raised him and his brother in a South Philadelphia housing project, after the city took over Martin’s bodega by eminent domain. As a member of the only Jewish family in the project, Segal’s feelings of being an outsider germinated from a young age, compounded by his worn clothes and lack of material possessions. But what Segal didn’t lack as a child was conviction; in elementary school, he refused to sing “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” his first act of civil disobedience, which was supported by his mother. His grandmother, Fannie Weinstein, also played a pivotal role in his upbringing; she brought Segal, at age 13, to a civil-rights demonstration at Philadelphia City Hall, his first public demonstration — of many to come. Exploring the struggles of his childhood in that first chapter, Segal said, was among the most challenging aspects of writing “And Then I Danced” — as the self-doubt he experienced in his youth resurfaced. “The first chapter was extremely difficult to write because there are a lot of things in there that people don’t know about me. I struggled to continue with it because I really didn’t believe in myself,” he said. “I had Jason read the first chapter and at the end he was sitting on the sofa crying, and I said, ‘Wow, you really didn’t like it that much?’ And he said, ‘No, there were things here even I didn’t know.’ He really liked it and his support got me to continue.” Working with editor Michael Dennehy, Segal crafted and recrafted 15 chapters for a final product that takes readers through the national LGBT community’s evolution, seen alongside Segal’s own development.

Congratulations on Achieving Marriage Equality! Protect your loved one now from having to make the truly difficult decisions in the future! BENEFITS OF PRE-PLANNING From his burgeoning coming out — beginning with a childhood pull to the Sears Roebuck male models — Segal’s story is as much a commentary on the times as it is on his own experience. “There was no name for it, at least none that I knew, but somehow it seemed wrong that I was looking at the men in the catalog,” he wrote. Eventually, Segal learned the name for “it” and came out to his family, who, despite the wholly unaccepting societal nature of the time, embraced his identity. Segal’s own selfacceptance was intrinsically tied to New York City; he wrote that he realized at a young age that the city was a haven for gay people, so he moved to the Big Apple the moment he graduated high school. He quickly became immersed in a growing and changing LGBT scene. The premiere LGBT activist group, Mattachine Society, was gradually becoming outdated, being ushered aside by a new wave of social revolution across the country. And, a month after he moved to New York City, Segal found himself at Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969. “And Then I Danced” takes readers through Segal’s first-hand account of the seminal riot and ensuing LGBT mobilization. - Mark From those four reactionary nights came Gay Liberation Front, an organization that Segal said hasn’t gotten the credit it’s due. “From the ashes of Stonewall came GLF, and GLF created the foundation of everything that today is the gay community,” Segal said. “We created the first trans organization in America in 1969. We created the first gay youth organization that dealt with gay issues in 1969. We created the first medical alerts for the gay community and the first gay community center. And at the end of that first year, we created the first gay Pride march. And all of it had to do with ending invisibility and creating community.” It was with those missions in mind that, upon his return to Philadelphia in the 1970s, Segal undertook a campaign to target television coverage of LGBT issues, an undertaking that secured a wealth of television firsts — and forged his unlikely friendship with Walter Cronkite. From the airwaves, Segal turned his attention to political circles, using his burgeoning notoriety to stage uniquely crafted demonstrations, such as chaining himself to a Christmas tree in Philadelphia City Hall

and throwing a faux reception in the office of then-District Attorney Arlen Specter to thank him for his support for gay-rights legislation — which he had not yet offered. Segal said it’s those kinds of actions that are needed to enliven the LGBT community’s modern political activism. “We need that spark of creativity and fun again. Gay liberation can be fun,” he said. “We have to get away from the Internet and the online petitions and start doing things to get people’s attention. Our leaders are stuck in this quagmire because they’re used to being in suits and ties in offices in New York and Washington, D.C., and not out among people. We need to think outside the box. Be nonviolent, but think outside the box.” Creativity needs to be paired with tenacity, Segal noted; another message he hopes readers, especially of the younger generation, take away from his book. “I wanted to show young gay people how our community got the rights that we have today. It wasn’t writing letters or visiting Congresspeople. Many of us got arrested, received death threats, were targets of physical violence. It was a rough ride getting to where we are today. It wasn’t, ‘One, two three. We’re there.’ Any socialSegal justice movement takes a lot of work and a lot of time.” For Segal, much of that work in the past four decades was focused on getting Philadelphia Gay News off the ground. “And Then I Danced” traces the history of the publication, which celebrates its 40th anniversary next year, from its meager beginnings in a building with no plumbing and a leaky roof, where staffers would use quarters from the newspaper boxes for lunches, to a 2014 awards dinner where it received a national award for its investigative series on the murder of a local transgender woman. Exploring such transitions through the writing process, Segal said, was eye-opening. “I encourage anybody, whether you publish it or not, to write your own memoir. You learn so much about yourself,” he said. “It sounds strange, but I don’t think I had an appreciation for what I’ve accomplished until I read the finished book. This made me look back. I didn’t realize all the issues I was involved in, and how much change they had made over the years. I’m just beginning to get in touch with my own history. And I’m finding out I’m a different person than I thought I was.”

"We need to think outside the box. Be nonviolent, but think outside the box."

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I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

10.14.2015 •


H I STORY column Will and Sonny in 'Days of Our Lives'

Luke and Noah in 'As The World Turns'

Submitted photos.

Reese and Bianca in 'All My Children'

Soap Bubbles David-Elijah Nahmod


A look back at some of daytime TV's better-known LGBT characters

he daytime drama "officially" launched in 1951, when Lucci said that she hoped the storyline would help real life teens to “Search For Tomorrow” premiered on CBS TV. Though come out safely. Bianca remained a major character on “All My Children” until there were a few short lived serials which preceded “Search” it was this live drama, produced by Proctor and Gamble the show ended its legendary network run. The character returned for its online revival. Through it all, Bianca enjoyed an active if Productions, which turned out to be the first of these shows to complicated romantic life – her first onscreen kiss in 2003 made capture a sizable audience. By the time “Search For Tomorrow” ended its 35 year run in 1986, not a single LGBT character had front page news. It was the first same-sex kiss in the history of daytime TV. appeared in the fictional town of Henderson. Like her straight counterparts, Bianca had a number of “All My Children,” which ran on ABC from 1970-2011, followed relationships and even married a woman. In 2006 by a brief revival as an online series, earns the she appeared in her most daring storyline: Bianca distinction of having the first LGBT identified fell in love with Zarf (Jeffrey Carlson) a glam rock star character on a daytime soap opera. It was a shortpresented as male. Was Bianca turning straight? term storyline, but it attracted a great deal of “The Bold and who But wait: in an unexpected plot twist, Zarf comes attention. the Beautiful” out as Zoe (also Carlson), a transgender woman. In 1983 AMC introduced Donna Pescow (Saturday Bianca, who always remained true to her lesbian Night Fever) as Lynn Carson, an openly lesbian has been identity, picked up on Zoe's female energy. Zoe was therapist. Long time character Devon McFadden far more daytime's first trans character. (Tricia Pursley), a single mom, comes to Lynn for In 1992, AMC sister soap “One Life To Live” crossed counseling, and immediately develops a crush. Lynn courageous in over into rainbow territory when the newly created rebuffs her. It wasn't much, but it was a start. its treatment teen character of Billy Douglas (Ryan Phillipe) was Five years later, fashion designer Hank Elliot (Brian outed. An intense storyline involving homophobic Starcher) came out on CBS' “As the World Turns.” of LGBT backlash followed, culminating in Billy's mentor, It was a plot twist, which startled many: “World characters. kindly church pastor Rev. Andrew Krimmer, who Turns” was considered the most conservative of was not gay, mourning the loss of his gay brother's all the soaps at that time. During his tenure on the death from AIDS. show, Hank dealt with the AIDS death of his lover The good reverend also chided his homophobic (the vernacular of the period), who's family would dad (Roy Thinnes) for turning his back on their deceased family not allow Hank to visit. Hank also took a bullet meant for another member. The short-lived story arc culminated in a melodramatic character – he survived and left town soon after. It wasn't until nearly a decade later that soap fans got their speech in which Billy "announces" that he's gay. A visit to the AIDS memorial quilt follows. Billy Douglas was forgotten by the first major gay storyline. “All My Children” took a second chance when the series cast hunky Chris Bruno as schoolteacher Michael One Life writers soon after, though Rev. Carpenter made recurring appearances on the show for many years to come. Delaney. When Mr. Delaney comes out to his class, he inspires One of daytime's more disappointing gay storylines involved the student Kevin Sheffield (Ben Monk) to also come out. This storyline return to the top-rated “The Young and Restless” of Thom Bierdz. aired in the immediate aftermath of Ellen DeGeneres' historic The young actor had been a teen idol during his three year Y&R coming out, and so the AMC writers were willing to take chances. tenure during the 1980s. His character, Philip Chancellor III, was Mr. Delaney was given a boyfriend (whom he never touched on killed in a car accident when Bierdz chose to move on. In 2009 he camera), and viewers were given a hardcore lesson in homophobic hate. Parents in fictional Pine Valley PA tried to get Mr. Delaney was asked to return to the still popular soap. The once closeted actor, who had since come out quite proudly, agreed on condition fired, while Kevin's parents rejected him. Kevin's brother was that Philip be outed as well. The producers said yes. driven into a psychotic rage by the outings, landing in jail after he It was explained on the show that Philip had faked his own shot a local TV host to death – he had intended to kill Mr. Delaney. death out of shame regarding his homosexuality and that he had The intense storyline resonated with viewers, and in 2000, the “All My Children” writers took the biggest chance of all: they outed had been living incognito in Australia for twenty years. His family forgave the deception, accepted him for who he was, then, nothing. Bianca (Eden Riegel), the lesbian daughter of Erica Kane (daytime The writers could not think of what to do with the now forty-ish legend Susan Lucci), the show's leading lady. In a daytime TV first, Philip, who was soon sent packing, back to Australia. “The Young diva Lucci publicly applauded Bianca's coming out. In interviews,


• 10.14.2015

and the Restless” remains the straightest show on the daytime dial. Y&R's sister show “The Bold and the Beautiful” has been far more courageous in it's treatment of LGBT characters. Though a recently seen lesbian couple was short lived onscreen, the series has also outed glamorous fashion model Maya Avant (Karla Mosley) as transgender. In the boldest and most beautiful move of all, Scott Turner Schofield, a real life trans man, was cast as Nick, Maya's mentor. “The Bold and the Beautiful” has since seen an increase in its ratings, and has announced its intent to bring on a new character, a handsome, stylish gentleman who will be daytime's first bisexual character. The once conservative “As the World Turns” changed course during the last five years of its 54 year run, when teenage Luke Snyder (Van Hansis) announced that he was gay. This was a bold move akin to Bianca's coming out on “All My Children” –Luke was the son of Lily and Damien, a supercouple from the show's past. When Luke fell in love with Noah Mayer (Jake Silbermann), daytime's first gay supercouple was born – in 2007 they became the first male couple to share an onscreen kiss on a soap. Supercouples had become a staple of soap operas ever since Luke and Laura went on the run on “General Hospital” some three and a half decades ago. A supercouple is a popular onscreen romantic pairing which generates intense, almost fanatical viewer devotion. During the final few years of its run, Luke and Noah were the only couple on “As the World Turns” who were able to generate viewers and get press coverage for the series. “Guiding Light” introduced a lesbian couple during the final year of its impressive 72 year run. When Olivia (Crystal Chappell) undergoes a heart transplant in 2008, she and Natalia (Jessica Leccia) went from being enemies to friends who rely on each other to soulmates. This may not have been what the GL writers originally intended, but viewers demanded it, and lesbian entertainment site After Ellen took up the cause. When Guiding Light ended in the Autumn on 2009, Olivia and Natalia were a stable, live in couple. “Guiding Light” and “As the World Turns” was eventually overshadowed in 2011 when longtime “Days of Our Lives” character Will Horton (Chandler Massey, later Guy Wilson) came out as gay. He was soon paired romantically with Sonny (Freddie Smith). The hot looking couple were seen taking showers together and lounging in bed after sex. Viewers were titillated to say the least. But the Days writers also dealt with bullying, hate crimes and anti-gay slurs. The couple also got married in a moving episode attended by family and friends. To the heartbreak of millions, Freddie Smith recently opted not to renew his contract and has left the show. Have we forgotten your favorite Queer soap characters? Let us know!

10.14.2015 •


HI STORY column



s the gay and lesbian community celebrates marriage equality across the United States, the transgender members of the LGBT community continue to work diligently to place their civil rights front and center, as we move into the next chapter of LGBT equality. To many, it seems as if the transgender SFGN and LGBTHistoryMonth.com are media partners.

c. 1800:

“Woman Chief” Barcheeampe A leader of the Crow nation, the “woman chief” was known for her war exploits and had several wives.

movement has come from nowhere in the last decade, but the reality is that transgender Americans have been fighting for civil rights right along with the lesbian, gay and bisexual members of our community for decades. Here are a few key high- lights of transgender people within the tableau of American LGBT civil-rights history:


Dewey’s Coffee Shop Protest One hundred and fifty “nonconforming” people protested Dewey’s Coffee Shop in Philadelphia because it refused service to young people who were dressing in clothing that did not conform to their gender. The protest led to an end of the discriminatory policy.

c. 1800

1871: We’Wha

Two-spirit Zuni Native American who was born male but lived as a woman. An ac-complished weaver and potter, in 1886 the six-foot Zuni maiden met President Cleveland, who was unaware that she was two-spirit.

1952: 1957:

Billy Tipton jazz album released Renowned Jazz musician lived his life as a man and “married” several women. He was discovered to be biologically female upon his death.


• 10.14.2015


Started by transgender legends Sylvia Rivera and Marsha Johnson, STAR was an advocacy group for transgender people. Both Rivera and Johnson were rioters at the Stonewall Inn and helped usher in the tepid acknowledgment of transgender Americans as part of the gay civil-rights movement.

Nancy Burkholder was removed from the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival when she was discovered to be transgender. The removal led to an annual protest by the transgender community, which continued through this year, when the festival ceased.

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR)


Minneapolis passes transgender legislation Minneapolis becomes the first city to pass an anti-discrimination law protecting transgender people. That’s right, Minneapolis, in 1975.

Rift with Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival

1993: Brandon Teena

Teena, a transgender man, was murdered in Nebraska. The story of his journey and death was later chronicled in the Oscar -inning film “Boys Don’t Cry.”

1970's “Transsexual Phenomenon” published Dr. Harry Benjamin published a seminal work that described the medical transition for transgender people. Benjamin helped Jorgensen in her transition and acknowledged her in the preface of the book: “Without Christine Jorgensen and the unsought publicity of her ‘conversion,’ this book could hardly have been conceived.”


Stonewall Riots The legendary seminal event of the LGBT civil-rights movement included members of the transgender community. The LGBT community resisted police abuse on the night after Judy Garland’s funeral, which many attribute for the frayed nerves.




Christine Jorgensen A trailblazer who was the first person in America to receive sexual-reassignment surgery, Jorgensen, a former GI, became a household name and put the issue of gender identity in the American conscience.


GenderPac formed

1977: Renée Richards

The next transgender icon who pierced the American consciousness. Richards was an eye doctor who became a professional tennis player and challenged a ban that prevented her from playing in the U.S. Open as a woman. The New York Supreme Court overruled the ban, making Richards the catalyst for a landmark decision concerning transgender rights.

1986: FTM newsletter

Lou Sullivan published the FTM newsletter, which was later transformed by Jamison Green into FTM International, the world’s largest information and networking group for female-to- ale transgender people and transsexual men. Sullivan is credited with bringing femaleto-male transgenderism to the forefront.

Transgender activist RiKi Wilchins formed the first advocacy group dedicated to gender identity and expression. The organization ushered in the period where the national transgender movement took hold.

HI STORY column



The first Transgender Day of Remembrance honored those who have died due to anti-transgender violence. The commemoration was a direct result of the murder of Rita Hester in Massachusetts.

AB 1160 passed into law prohibit the use of so-called “panic strategies” in criminal defenses. The legislation was named in the memory of a transgender teenager from Newark, Calif., who was attacked and killed in 2002. The law proved ineffective when tested during the murder trial for Larry King’s killer.

First Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Pride flag created Monica Helms created the transgender flag, saying, “The stripes at the top and bottom are light blue, the traditional color for baby boys. The stripes next to them are pink, the traditional color for baby girls. The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender. The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it is always correct, signifying us finding correctness in our lives.”


California’s Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act

Official debut of ‘gender dysphoria’

First transgender person elected to statewide office Kim Coco Iwamoto was elected to statewide office in Hawaii as a member of the Board of Education.


First transgender mayor in America

2000 Transgender legal-aid organizations established The Sylvia Rivera Law Project in New York and the Transgender Law Cen ter in San Francisco were created to advance transgender civil rights using the legal system.

Victoria Kolakowski became the first openly transgender judge in America, elected by the voters of Alameda County in the Bay Area.

New passport policy The U.S. State Department announced a new policy eliminating the requirement for surgery to update gender markers on passports.


Laverne Cox covers Time The “Orange is the New Black” star made headlines as the first transgender person to be featured on the cover of Time.

Women’s colleges open doors Mills College and Mount Holyoke allowed transgender women to enroll at their female-only institutions.

Gender identity protected in federal employment The Department of Labor issued a rule banning discrimination based on gender identity in federal employment.

Surgery covered by Medicare The Obama administration lifted a decades-old ban on using Medicare coverage for gender-reassignment surgery.

First NCAA trans athlete


Kye Allums became the first openly transgender athlete to play in the National Collegiate Athletic Associate.

The former Olympic athlete and reality star came out as transgender, going on to be featured on the cover of Vanity Fair.

AB 887 passed into law, expanding the state’s nondiscrimination laws to protect transgender people by including discrimination based on “gender identity and expression” as a type of “gender” discrimination.

New veterans policy

National Center for Transgender Equality established


Chaz Bono transition Child of celebrities Sonny and Cher, Chastity Bono, transitioned to become a man. He chronicled his transition in a documentary, then went on to become a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars,” as well as a transgender activist and spokesperson.



California’s Gender Nondiscrimination Act


The San Diego City Council added gender identity to the city’s antidiscrimination ordinance, the Human Dignity Ordinance, with a unanimous 7-0 vote.

President Obama appointed the first two transgender people in history. Amanda Simpson was appointed as senior technical adviser in the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, and Dylan Orr was appointed as special assistant to the Department of Labor Assistant Secretary.



Expansion of San Diego antibias law

First transgender presidential appointees

First transgender judge in America

Stu Rasmussen became the first openly transgender mayor in America in Silverton, Ore. Rasmussen previously had served as the mayor prior to coming out as transgender. He prefers male pronouns but dresses as a woman.

Activist Mara Keisling, with the support of other transgender activists, founded the organization dedicated to advancing the civil rights of transgender people.


The American Psychiatric Association debuted the term gender to describe those who deem themselves transgender.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) establishes a policy of respectful delivery of healthcare to transgender and intersex veterans.


‘Matrix’ director transitions Lana Wachowski came out as transgender while promoting her new movie “Cloud Atlas.” She is most noted for the “Matrix” trilogy created with her brother.

Caitlyn Jenner debuts

First trans national anthem singer Breanna Sinclairé became the first transgender person to sing the national anthem at a professional sporting event at the Oakland Coliseum before the A’s game with the San Diego Padres.

Pennsylvania gets transgender physician general Pennsylvania made U.S. history with the appointment and confirmation of Dr. Rachel Levine as the nation’s first openly transgender state physician general.

White House appointment President Barack Obama appointed transgender attorney Shannon Price Minter to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. Minter was the lead attorney arguing before the California Supreme Court to overturn Proposition 8. 10.14.2015 •


HI STORY people

Historical Members of the LGBT Community LGBTHistoryMonth.com features a new profile everyday in October. Visit their website to see more. LGBTHistoryMonth.com

Arthur Dong Angelina Jolie Actress

Elsie De Wolfe Interior Designer

Birth: December 20, 1865 Death: July 2, 1950

“I opened the doors and windows of America, and let in the air and sunshine.” Elsie de Wolfe, later known as Lady Mendl, introduced the world to the art of interior design. She saw the home as a medium for self-expression. The native New Yorker began her career as an actress before becoming a prominent figure in London and Parisian high society. After a decade in the theater, she shifted her creative energies to decorating. She started a business in 1905 and quickly landed her first big job: New York’s Colony Club, an exclusive new club for women. As an interior designer, de Wolfe’s clients included Amy Vanderbilt, Cole Porter and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. She helped set the style for the world’s elite, introducing a light color scheme and chintz fabrics at a time when dark wood and heavy Victorian curtains were in vogue. She also helped popularize animal prints, faux finishes and chaise longues. In her autobiography, “After All,” she called herself a “rebel in an ugly world,” saying, “I opened the doors and windows of America, and let in the air and sunshine.” De Wolfe regularly wrote for popular magazines of the day, such as Good Housekeeping and The Delineator. Her articles were assembled into an influential book, “The House in Good Taste” (1913), which became a best seller. During World War I, she volunteered as a nurse in France and was awarded the Croix de Guerre for her heroism. In 1926 at the age of 61, de Wolfe surprised many when she married Sir Charles Mendl, a British diplomat in Paris. Since 1892 de Wolfe had been living openly in a lesbian relationship with Elisabeth Marbury—a successful theatrical and literary agent, who became one of the first female Broadway producers. The women remained together until Marbury’s death in 1933.


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Birth: June 4, 1975

“I always play women I would date.” Angelina Jolie is an Academy Award-winning actress whose films include “Girl, Interrupted,” “Changeling” and “Maleficent.” She is among the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, having cemented her international success portraying such perse characters as a video game heroine in the “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” franchise and an HIV-positive supermodel in “Gia.” She made her directorial debut with the “Land of Blood and Honey,” a drama set during the Bosnian war. She also wrote and produced the film. Jolie’s role in the 2003 film “Beyond Borders,” reflects her personal interest in humanitarian work. She made the largest-ever private donation to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 2001. She has since spent her own money and time visiting war-torn communities and bringing attention to international trouble spots. Jolie has served as a UNHCR goodwill ambassador for over a decade and was promoted to the rank of special envoy in 2012. She has been involved in dozens of field missions around the world, meeting with refugees and advocating on their behalf. Jolie also lobbies against violence and poverty under the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, an umbrella organization she and her husband, Brad Pitt, founded in 2006. In 2003 she became the first person to be honored with the Citizen of the World Award from the United Nations Correspondents Association. In 1996 Jolie had a relationship with the lesbian model and actress Jenny Shimizu on the set of “Foxfire.” Jolie said, “I would probably have married Jenny if I hadn’t married my husband.” In 2003, when Jolie was asked if she was bisexual, she responded, “Of course. If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I feel that it’s okay to want to kiss and touch her? If I fell in love with her? Absolutely! Yes!” Jolie and Pitt have six children


Birth: October 30, 1953

“If I can encourage adjustments or a wider sphere of thoughts or questioning, then I will feel that I’ve done something.” Arthur Dong is an Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker best known for chronicling Asian-American history and LGBT life. He earned an Oscar nomination in 1984 for “Sewing Woman,” about his mother’s immigration to America from China, which he produced as film student at San Francisco State University. As a result of the film’s success, he founded DeepFocus Productions to produce, direct and write projects close to his heart. “Stories from the War on Homosexuality” (2005), Dong’s first DVD collection, features a trilogy of films focused on gay issues, including “Coming Out Under Fire” (1994), his Peabody Award-winning documentary about policies impacting gay and lesbian service members; “Licensed to Kill” (1997), a study of convicted murderers of gay men; and “Family Fundamentals” (2002), a look at conservative Christian families with gay children. Dong’s 2007 documentary “Hollywood Chinese” was featured on the PBS series “American Masters” in 2009. The film is included in his second DVD collection, “Stories from Chinese America,” which was released in 2010. In the early 1990s, Dong produced 13 documentaries on San Francisco’s KCET-TV’s “Life & Times,” including the first PBS series about gay issues: “The Question of Equality.” He also directed “Out Rage ’69,” about New York’s famous Stonewall Riots—the uprisings that helped galvanize the modern LGBT civil rights movement. Along with other recognition, Dong has received three Sundance Film Festival Awards and five Emmy nominations. He has also received two GLAAD Media Awards and the OUT 100 Award for his work on “Licensed to Kill.” In 2014 Dong turned his research for the film “Forbidden City, USA: Chinese American Nightclubs, 1936-1970” into a book, which recieved the 2015 American Book Award.

SFGN and LGBTHistoryMonth.com are media partners.

10.14.2015 •


HI STORY column The femmenielli are traditionally considered to bring luck.

Homo History 101

History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Pier Angelo


omosexuality in Neapolitan culture is very fluid and role, saying that "they are male; they know it and everyone polimorph. Femminielli or femmenielli (singular else knows it." femminiello, cf. Standard Italian femmina, "a A ceremony called the matrimonio dei femminielli takes female," -ello, masculine diminutive suffix) place in Torre Annunziata on Easter is a term used to refer to a population of Monday, a parade of femminielli dressed homosexual males with markedly feminine in wedding gowns and accompanied by a gender expression in traditional Neapolitan "husband" travel through the streets in It may be hard culture. horse-drawn carriages. to define within It may be hard to define this term within modern Western notions of "gay men" versus Achille della Ragione (1947), a modern Western "trans women" since both these categories Neapolitan scholar, has written: "In notions of "gay the variegated world of homosexuality, overlap to a degree in the case of femminielli. It has been noted that this term is not derogatory still ill defined both scientifically and men" versus and does not carry stigma, instead femminielli culturally, the position of the Neapolitan are traditionally believed to bring luck. "trans women" femminello is a privileged one...they It is reductive to insert the Neapolitan mostly in the poor quarters in a since both these live Femminiello within the macro-category of welcoming atmosphere, surrounded transgender or transsexual, usually adopted by good-natured consensus. Born in a categories in Anglo-Saxon and North American contexts. squalid slum, bereft of air and light, overlap to The femminiello, instead, could be considered into families where promiscuity is the as a peculiar gender expression, despite a rule and all the children generally sleep a degree in widespread sexual binarism. The cultural in one bed...he is usually the youngest the case of roots of this phenomena are embedded in male child, 'mother's little darling,' and confer to the femminiello a cultural and even tends to imitate his mother's feminine femminielli. socially legitimized status. For the historical sweetness...It is unusual for a poor family and symbolic coordinates of Naples, the to view the femminiello as a family identity construct of the femminiello is not disgrace in any sense of the word; he is superimposable to more common European and euro- useful, he does chores, runs errands and watches the kids... centric transgender clusters. However others maintain that and a mother would have no second thoughts about asking a femminielli are decidedly male despite their female gender femminiello to babysit."


• 10.14.2015

Writers on this subject also cite as evidence of the femminiello's acceptance in the Neapolitan sub-culture the work of Abele De Blasio (1858-1945), a Neapolitan anthropologist whose Usi e costumi dei camorristi [Uses and Customs of the Camorra, or the Neapolitan Mafia] from 1897 reports on the cases of 'O spusarizio masculino, popularly sanctioned marriages among femminielli in the poorer quarters of Naples (particularly, the Spanish Quarter). In late 2000s many sex scandals have rocked Italy involving high profile politicians (e.g., former President of Lazio, Piero Marrazzo) and transsexual sex workers often of Latin American descent, who are usually referred to as transessuali (shortened to trans) in Italian media. In 2009 the term femminiello gained some notoriety in Italian media after a Naples native femminiell, Camorra mobster Ketty Gabriele (legal name Ugo Gabriele), was arrested. Gabriele had engaged in prostitution prior to becoming a capo. Gabriele has been referred to both as a femminiello and transessuale or trans in Italian media. The links to ancient Greek mythology are numerous: for example, Hermaphroditus, who possessed the beauty of the mother, Aphrodite, and the strength of the father, Hermes; or Tiresias, the blind prophet of Thebes, famous for being transformed into a woman for seven years. Both of these personages and, indeed, others in many cultures in the world, are presumed to possess something that others do not: the wise equilibrium that comes from knowing both worlds, masculine and feminine. Something akin to the Two-Spirits of the American Indian culture.

presents LGBT October birthdays. Five photographers. In 1970, Annie Leibovitz began photographing for Rolling Stone magazine, where editor Jann Wenner praised her covers, especially the one of Yoko Ono and John Lennon, taken on December 8, 1980, only hours before he was assassinated. In 1983, Leibovitz moved to Vanity Fair, where she photographed such soon-to-be icon covers as nude and pregnant Demi Moore. Later in the decade, Leibovitz photographed celebrities for American Express’ Membership campaign, which included cardholders Luciano Pavarotti and Elmore Leonard. She also shot for Louis Vuitton ads. The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, exhibited more than 200 of Leibovitz’s photographs in 1991. She was the official photographer of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Leibovitz’s book Women (1999) included portraits ranging from Vegas showgirls to Supreme Court Justices. Leibovitz even photographed the Queen of England. Six-foot tall, Leibovitz had a long-term relationship with writer Susan Sontag.

Born in Hamburg, Germany, Herbert List was influenced by both the surrealist movement and more utilitarian Bauhaus expression. List, who left Germany in 1936 for political reasons, photographed in Greece from 1937 to 1939. His pictures were published in Life, Harper’s Bazaar and Verve. In Paris, he photographed Cocteau and Picasso. In the 1950s and ’60s, List created photo essays of various cities.

Stathis Orphanos was born in North Carolina of Greek parents. He has photographed many important writers—including Erskine Caldwell, John Cheever, Graham Greene, John Irving, Christopher Isherwood, Norman Mailer, Stephen Spender, William Styron, John Updike and Gore Vidal—as as well as famous artists such as Paul Cadmus, David Hockney, Elaine De Kooning and Larry Rivers. His celebrity portraits include film directors George Cukor, Jules Dassin, Costa Gavras, José Quintero, John Schlesinger and Roger Vadim as well as actresses Claire Bloom, Julie Harris, Lizabeth Scott and Melina Mercouri. With his partner Ralph Sylvester, Orphanos has published numerous books of his photography, and his work has been exhibited in Los Angeles and New York City. UCLA recently established the Stathis Orphanos Photographic Archive at their University Research Library’s Special Collections Department.

Ruth Bernhard was born in Berlin in 1905 and moved to New York in 1927 to pursue photography. She was moved by Edward Weston’s photography that she relocated to California to work with him. Bernhard joined Group f.64 in 1953 in San Francisco, where she worked along side Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham and Minor White. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris include Berhard’s photography in their collections. A 1986 monograph of her nudes, The Eternal Body, was named Photography Book of the Year.

Born in Canada, Clara Sipprell moved to Buffalo, New York, where she worked as her brother’s assistant in his photography studio. For her own photography, she worked mainly with an 8x10-inch camera with a soft-focus lens using natural light with no retouching. She took portraits of Pearl S. Buck, Albert Einstein, Robert Frost, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Schweitzer and two kings of Sweden.

All photorgraphy is copyrighted by the photographer, his or her heirs or agency.

1English outcast William Beckford (1760-1844) 2 Painter Charles Ricketts (1866-1931)

Critic Rex Reed (1938) French politician Jean-Jacques Aillagon (1946) Photographer Annie Leibovitz (1949) Writer/performance artist Assotto Saint (1957-1994)

11First lady Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)

Choreographer Jerome Robbins (1918-98) Canadian activist Doug Wilson (1950-92) Founder of the AIDS Quilt Project Cleve Jones (1954)

12Author Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

Photographer Stathis Orphanos (1940) Documentary filmmaker Debra Chasnoff (1957)

3 Author Gore Vidal (1925-2012) 4 Author, psychologist C.A. Tripp (1919–2003)

13Transsexual Reed Erickson (1917-92)

5 Writer John Addington Symonds (1840-93)

14 Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Stage director Robert Wilson (1941) Writer Peter Ackroyd (1949)

6 Composer Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) 7Author James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916)

Photographer Herbert List (1903-75) Author John Horne Burns (1916-53)


Poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) Activist Urvashi Vaid (1958) Model/actor Kristanna Loken (1979)

9Sculptor Harriet Hosmer (1830-1908)

Composer Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) Painter Simeon Solomon (1840-1905)

10Film director Ed Wood (1924-78)

Poet Richard Howard (1929) Activist Charlotte Bunch (1944)

Writer Vernon Lee (né Violet Paget) (1856-1935) Writer Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) Photographer Ruth Bernhard (1905-2006) Artist Janet Cooling (1951) Canadian politician Dominic Agostino (1959-2004) Actor Ben Whishaw (1980)

15Stage director José Quintero (1924-99) Philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-84)

16Playwright Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Feminist Mary Daly (1928-2010) Researcher Laud Humphreys (1930-88) Author Paul Monette (1945-95)

17Actor Montgomery Clift (1920-66) Author Dan Savage (1964)

18Legislator Jean-Jacques-Régis de

24 Poet August von Platen-Hallermünde (1796-1835)

19Philosopher Marsilio Ficino (1433-99)

25 Artist Claude Cahun (né Lucy Schwob 1894-1954)

20 Poet Arthur Rimbaud (1854-91)

26 Writer Adam Mars-Jones (1954) 27Writer Katherine Bradley “Michael Field” (1846-1914)

Cambacérès (1753-1824) Writer Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) Philanthropist Tim Gill (1953) Tennis player Martina Navratilova (1956)

Actor George Nader (1921-2002) Brady Bunch actor Robert Reed (1932-92) Actor Divine (né Harris Glenn Milstead 1945-88)

Author Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

21Activist Frances Kellor (1873-1952)

Gay rights pioneer (William) Dale Jennings (1917-2000) Writers Ursula Le Guin (1929), Maureen Duffy (1933) and Robert Ferro (1941-88) Actor Matt Dallas (1982)

22 Actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923)

Oscar Wilde’s boy Alfred “Bosie” Douglas (1870-1945) Author John Reed (1887-1920) Artist Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) Artist Delmas Howe (1935) Actor Derek Jacobi (1938) Gods and Monsters writer/director Bill Condon (1955) Modern Family actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson (1975)


Silent screen actor Jean Acker (1893-1978) Architect Paul Rudolph (1918-97) Composer/diarist Ned Rorem (1923)

Playwright Moss Hart (1904-1961) Author Paula Gunn Allen (1939-2008) Tony-winning actor B.D. Wong (1960) Writer Emma Donoghue (1969)

Actor Micheál Mac Liammóir (1899-1978) Country singer Richell “Chely” Wright (1970)

Writer June Arnold (1926-82)

28 Costume designer Edith Head (1897-81) Artist Francis Bacon (1909-92) Singer/songwriter Frank Ocean (1987)

29 Filipino television host Eugenio “Boy” Romerica Abunda Jr. (1958)

30 Belle Époque artist Louise Abbéma (1853-1927) Cinematographer Néstor Almendros (1930-92)


Author Mary Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930) Poet/muse Natalie Barney (1876-1972) Artist Marie Laurencin (1883-1956) Photographer Clara Sipprell (1885-1975) Actor/singer Ethel Waters (1896-1977) ©2015 BY CHARLES L. ROSS + STONEWALL NATIONAL MUSEUM & ARCHIVES

Visit Stonewall National Museum & Archives Gallery at 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors to learn more about our gay heritage and those who paved the way—through activism, sacrifice and courage—to give us a better and freer life. 10.14.2015 •


column speak out

spEak SFGN Staff


Coming out was far more complicated in previous generations than it is now. But my first public step came in 1970, when I attempted to write a big research paper on the emerging "gay liberation movement" for my junior English class at Eisenhower H.S. in suburban Chicago. The nervous teacher asked the principal, who flatly refused to allow it. So instead, I wrote on the also-emerging "women's liberation movement." At the time I was already out to myself, but I knew no other lesbians or gay guys, and I had no external support. I'm amazed now that I attempted this at such a young age, with no support." — Toni Armstrong Jr., Founder/Director of BLAST Women of WPB

I was in sixth grade and 11 or 12 years old when I first told my mother and stepfather that I thought I was gay because I felt attracted to other boys. The news was devastating to them, and because I was becoming a man faster than my peers, I chalked it up to that. Well, my feelings only intensified and by the end of high school at age 17, I sat my parents down and told them (again) that I was gay. Because of my conservative upbringing, I voluntarily went through Christian reparative therapy. It wasn't until a year and a half later that I came to understand that God made me gay as much as I was made a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man. "

SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

This week we celebrate National Coming Out Day. Please share with us your coming out story.

Officially it was fall 1981, I had returned home to my parents for a weekend visit from my first year at collage. My mom found a hidden Advocate magazine in my bedroom. Our resulting conversation went well however she didn't tell my father. He never knew to his dying day – my only regret." — R. J. Hadley, community activist and blogger

I came out this year two weeks before marriage equality was upheld by the Supreme Court. There was really no backlash for me. For that I am blessed. While I now have found my life partner Ross, I know there is a lot more work to do in our community and plan on making sure others feel as loved as I did when they make a conscious and for some scary decision to be proud of themselves and who they are." — Daniel H. Sohn, Chair of Democracy for America of Broward and candidate for Dania Beach Mayor

My coming out in 1974 turned into a nationally-publicized event. I was 26, a columnist and a reporter for the Catholic Church in Detroit. When I consented to be quoted in a daily paper about starting the local Dignity chapter, my column was dropped. When I went on a 24-day hunger fast, I was fired. It was awful at the time but the best thing that could have happened to me."

— Justin S. Flippen, J.D., Wilton Manors City Commissioner

I was 16 when I had to come out to my family. Had to because my ex boyfriend's mom spilled the beans to my parents. They told me they still love me. Recently, now at 23, I found out my father had a really hard time with it. He seemed so cool with it then. " — Anthony Cedeno, marketing and communications professional


• 10.14.2015

— Brian McNaught, noted columnist, author and LGBT activist



Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

lifestyle photos

Rooster's 31st ANNIVERSARY celebration in west palm beach J.R. Davis

10.14.2015 •


lifestyle photos

pridE Fort laudErdalE J.R. Davis


• 10.14.2015

lifestyle photos

10.14.2015 •


lifestyle photos

pridE ClosiNg party

J.R. Davis


• 10.14.2015

Sunserve hosts closing event for Pride Fort Lauderdale

lifestyle photos

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lifestyle food

Rick Karlin


it’s pHo you

ietnamese food is an amazing blend with pho on the menu. With the opening of of Asian and French cuisine, due to What the Pho? in Wilton Manors, I decided to the colonization of Indo-China by the see how it stacks up against other offerings in French. That blend of cultures is most evident the area. in the classic báhn mi, a sandwich featuring Asian ingredients, such as pickled daikon with paté (that’s the classic version, others wHat tHE pHo? have been adapted to American tastes) on a 2033 Wilton Dr. crisp baguette. It’s a classic staple in Vietnam. Wilton Manors Another, more Asian influenced dish is 754-779-7769 pho. Pronounced “fuh,” it is the dish by which you judge a Vietnamese restaurant. Pho consists of a broth flavored with lemongrass and spices served over noodles. It can contain The bad pun in the title couldn’t be more a variety of protein sources from the familiar appropriate, for that was my reaction after (chicken, seafood) to unusual (ox-tail, tripe, dining there. This place is a disappointment. beef tendon). Since it’s only been open a couple of months, Most opt for the I might be willing to shrug off classic Americanized the inept, if friendly, service version, served with to the usual shake-down Another Vietnamese necessary with a new place, thin slices of raw beef, which cooks in, however, What the Pho? classic is banh xeo, and flavors, the soup. owner Huey Nguyen also often referred to as Pho is traditionally owns the Miss Saigon Bistro served with a platter a crepe or pancake, it mini-chain in the Miami area. of assorted vegetables; The service staff “auctions” usually thinly sliced is a paper-thin omelet off each dish they bring to carrots, bean sprouts, the table; as in “Who ordered stuffed with fresh shredded cabbage or the…?” and it took 20 minutes veggies and herbs. lettuce (and jalpeños for a glass of wine to be for those who want a served. That is inexcusable, It was perfectly bit of heat) allowing especially when your group prepared. each diner to alter the of three is the only one of soup to their taste. two occupied tables in the Though there are a restaurant. few places serving báhn mi in South Florida, it The food is good, I’ll give Nguyen that, is much easier to find Vietnamese restaurants but it is over-priced. Let’s start with the pho.


• 10.14.2015

There’s only one sized serving and the prices run from $12-$16. That’s a good 20 percent higher than many other places in the area If What the Pho? was an upscale place, that price hike might be justified, but it’s a bare table and paper napkin kind of place. The plate of fresh veggies served along-side the dish is skimpy; for the two of us there were about 12 toothpick-sized slivers of carrot, a handful of bean sprouts and two leaves of romaine. Jalapeños were missing altogether. The mixed seafood pho was flavorful and featured an adequate, though not abundant, amount of fish and shrimp, however the beef pho broth was overly acidic (too much lemongrass, I assume) and featured four miniscule slices of beef. Another Vietnamese classic is banh xeo, often referred to as a crepe or pancake, it is a paper-thin omelet stuffed with fresh veggies and herbs. It was perfectly prepared, but again, priced about 20 percent more than it should have. I do give the place kudos for offering a number of vegetarian options (including pho), sorely lacking in most Vietnamese restaurants in the area. Caramel tofu was rich and filled with flavor and fairly priced at $16, but the seitan version is an outrageous $24, seitan costs less than $1 pound. Further evidence of what can only be described as price gouging; What the Pho? charges for a basket of shrimp chips. Most Vietnamese restaurants in the area serve them up complimentary, as Mexican restaurants offer tortilla chips. The chips, which cost about 25 cents a basket to prepare, weren’t even fresh.

While What the Pho? is convenient, you’d be better off opting for one of the following places:

BasiliC viEtNaMEsE grill 218 Commercial, Lauderdale by the Sea 954-771-5798 BasilicVietnameseGrill.net Free shrimp chips, the pho features flavorful broth, and is priced from $10.50-$16, but there is a limited selection and no veggie version. They also offer a great banh xeo and, at happy hour, most dishes are BOGO.

NoodlE HousE 4461 N State Rd. 7 Lauderdale Lakes 954-485-6079 The pho comes in 12 varieties, averaging $9, including a vegetarian version. Shrimp chips are free. As an added treat, they offer the smoothies and bubble teas popular throughout Vietnam.

pHo 79 6451 Stirling Rd. Davie 954-797-9700 Pho79Davie.com Although the air-conditioning is less than adequate, the food is spectacular (as is evidenced by the large number of Vietnamese people dining there). There are 11 varieties of pho in three sizes priced from $8-$10, but no vegetarian options.

TTasTe Tas T of The Island Monday, November 2, 2015 • 6pm – 9pm Richardson Historic Park 1937 Wilton Drive • Wilton Manors

TickeTs also available aT These locaTions (cash or check only) Wilton Manors Library 500 NE 26 Street Wilton Manors

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Wilton Manors City Hall 2020 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

advance Tickets available september 15th $30 in Advance • $35 on Oct. 26th Tickets Limited to 700! For Tickets Online: www.tasteoftheisland.org Master Chef Sponsor: Marble of the World

Confirmed restaurants / establisments/ sponsors Another Perfect Party Aruba Beach Cafe BB Design + Printing Big Dog Station Blue Martini Ft. Lauderdale Bravo Ristorante Brew Urban Cafe Broward Health Chima Brazilian Steakhouse Conceptual Communications Courtyard Cafe Dapur Asian Tapas Delacaseas

Edible Arrangements Funky Buddha Brewery Genre Latino Gold Coast Coffee Guy Magazine HOBO’s Grill Hotspots Humpy’s Pizza Joe’s Crab Shack JP’s Chocolate Shoppe Kelly’s Landing Marble of the World Mark’s List

OutClique Poverello Red’s Bar & Package SFGN Southport Raw Bar Spanx the Hog BBQ Sterling Accounting The Filling Station & Garage Bar The Pride Center Warsaw Coffee Company Waste Management Wilton Discount Liquor Wood Trends

10.14.2015 •



• 10.14.2015

10.14.2015 •




J.W. Arnold









1 5



2 0 ,

2 0 1 5

W W W . S F G N . C O M

Julianne Moore, left, and Ellen Page star in “Freeheld,” opening in theaters this weekend and based on the true story of a New Jersey couple fighting for their rights after one is diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Based on the cult film, the rock musical “The Toxic Avenger” has it all: an unlikely hero, his beautiful girlfriend, a corrupt New Jersey mayor and two guys who play every other character. Carbonell winner Clay Cartland stars—somewhere underneath that costume. Thursday – Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. at Actors Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables, through Nov. 8, and don’t drink the water! Tickets start at $50 at ActorsPlayhouse.org.




Entertainment icon Jerry Seinfeld's comedy career took off after his first appearance on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” in 1981. Eight years later, he created one of the most successful comedy series in the history of television, “Seinfeld,” and earned numerous Emmy, Golden Globe and People’s Choice awards Here’s your chance to see Jerry Seinfeld live at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach tonight at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 17 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $60 at Kravis.org.


10/17 SUN

Seraphic Fire, South Florida’s Grammynominated professional choral ensemble, opens their 14th Season with a combination of contemporary and canon: Franz Schubert’s Mass in G Major and a newly work by young American composer Jake Runestad. Performances Oct. 16 at St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church in Coral Gables Friday, Oct. 16; All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, tonight at 8 p.m.; and All Saints Episcopal Church in Miami, Sunday, Oct. 18. Tickets at SeraphicFire.org.


• 10.14.2015

Photo Credit: Facebook.


10/18 MON

Who said Russians can’t have a little fun? The Moscow Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of world famous sax player Igor Butman, comes to Arts Garage, 180 NE 1st St. in Delray Beach, and promise a swinging Sunday evening of exhilarating live jazz. The cool arts space is BYOB and, afterwards, enjoy dinner at one of the cool nearby cafes or check out the many interesting galleries and boutiques in downtown Delray. Tickets are $25 and $45 or $243 for a table for six at ArtsGarage.org.


10/19 TUE

Monday is a great night to head to the local Cineplex to see “Freeheld,” the true love story of Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) and Stacie Andree (Ellen Page) and their fight for justice. A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel is diagnosed with cancer and wants to leave her hard earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie. However county officials, Freeholders, conspire to prevent Laurel from doing so. Steve Carell also stars. Check local listings for theaters and show times.



October is a big month for live music, especially now that Festival Miami is in full swing. Tonight at 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Gusman Concert Hall enjoy “Johnny Mercer Reimagined.” Songwriters from the Frost School’s Bruce Hornsby Creative American Music Program take a fresh spin on classic songs by Johnny Mercer (“Autumn Leaves,” “Moon River,” “Skylark”) and showcase new songs inspired by his brilliant writing. Tickets start at $20 at FestivalMiami. org.


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10.14.2015 •


a&e theater

aussiE MagiCiaNs MakE tHEir ClotHEs disappEar at parkEr playHousE J.W. Arnold

How did you first get interested in magic?

but it is never smutty. We like to think of ourselves as more of a glass of champagne than a pitcher of beer. We don’t go below the belt, but we do tear the belt off with our mouths.

What’s the biggest thing you have ever pulled out of your hats (or anywhere else)?

Chris: I have loved magic ever since I was a kid. Growing up, my Grandfather used to show me magic tricks. It wasn’t until I was 21 years old that it manifested from a geeky hobby to a career choice that would absolutely change my life.

Chris: I have been sitting here for ten minutes and I don’t know how to answer this.

Mike: I was initially interested in magic as a kid but didn’t actually start learning it until I was in my twenties, as a single guy working in finance. The magic came naturally as I initially became addicted to the attention it received in social situations. It started as a fun thing to do on a first date or at a birthday, and now I’m touring the world performing magic in nothing but my birthday suit!

Mike: Is 10 inches considered big in the U.S.A.?

What inspired you to take it all off for your show? Mike: Part of the inspiration was the stripper movie, “Magic Mike” with Channing Tatum, and the other part was the desire to create a show to attract an audience that otherwise wouldn’t attend a regular magic show. We realized there had never been a naughty magic show where all the trickery was sex-related.

Is the world of magic so competitive that you needed to resort to nudity? Chris: The magic world is competitive…but not for us. There is literally no other show on the planet like ours, and we are incredibly proud of that. Does performing magic naked have any inherent risks or challenges? Chris: We have a saying in our show, that “Good magicians don’t need sleeves, and great magicians don’t need pants”. Every night that we walk on stage, we take that challenge head on. Mike: We always ask for the air conditioning to be nice and

warm so the “show” isn’t too short. Thankfully Florida is hot all year around so we shouldn’t have that issue

Chris: On a side note, we once did a photo shoot (naked) involving open flames and I burnt my cock…twice. My job AND my hobby almost went up in flames. Would you consider your show to be risqué? Chris: “Risque?” Absolutely. “Sexy?” Indeed. “Hilarious?” Guaranteed. “Crass?” No. The show is exceptionally naughty,


Submitted photo.


n any given night, you can see handsome young men take off their clothes and demonstrate their “talents” at a number of local clubs. But, this weekend, talented Aussie magicians Chris Wayne and Mike Tyler will strip down on the stage of the Parker Playhouse as part of “The Naked Magic Show.” SFGN caught up with the amazing duo via email—there’s an 18 hour time difference—to discuss the show and any special tricks they have planned for their South Florida debut:

Do your audiences come for the magic or the thrill of the performances and what is the general demographic of your audiences? Mike: The show has three main elements that work Christopher Wayne and Mike Tyler star in “The Naked Magic Show” perfectly together: magic, this weekend at the Parker Playhouse in Fort Lauderdale. comedy, and nudity. The show is truly a celebration of sexuality that welcomes people Chris: South Florida will be our U.S. debut, and we could of all sexual preferences. We have learnt that it doesn’t matter NOT be more excited. America is my favourite country in the whether you’re male or female, gay or straight, young or old…. world, I love the people, the accents (the same way that you love everyone has that little jar of naughtiness inside them waiting our Aussie accents), and I cannot wait to unleash what we are to be popped open! packing on American crowds. What is the biggest surprise for audiences in your show? Chris: I know Mike will say the same thing as me here, but it’s the finale. We won’t give anything away, but it is the most magical, most hilarious, naughtiest, most outrageous ending you will ever see to a show. Every single night people scream and laugh until they are crying—it’s wild. Do you have spouses/partners and how do they feel about your act? Mike: Neither of us are married so thankfully we don’t have wives or children following us as we have the time of our lives touring this show around the world. Every night we get on stage and deliver our very best performance to the packed theatres of people who’ve come to ride the rollercoaster that is The Naked Magic Show! Are you looking forward to bringing your show to South Florida? Did you pack enough sunscreen?

• 10.14.2015


Obviously, audiences get to see it all on stage. What is one thing about you both that they would never guess about you? Chris: Here’s a little secret that people don’t know, but to do this show, I lost 30 kilograms (about 65pounds). I wanted to give our audiences something good to look at when we get to the “naked” part of our Naked Magic Show, so I worked the diet and exercise every day. Mike: I promise this is 100 percent a true story and something I haven’t told many of my Aussie friends or family: The last time I visited Florida, I had my pants down at 3 a.m. on Miami Beach with some special company. Unfortunately, while I was occupied, I was robbed of everything except the towel we were laying on. I had to walk shamefully to the nearest Police station with no clothes to report the theft. Christopher Wayne and Mike Tyler star in “The Naked Magic Show” on Saturday, Oct. 17 and Sunday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th St. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $33-53 at ParkerPlayhouse.com.

Photo: Facebook.

a&e profile

FroM CHild star to aCtivist Danny Pintauro's new role

David-Elijah Nahmod


anny Pintauro, now 39, is fondly remembered for his long run on the sitcom “Who’s the Boss” and for starring in the Stephen King penned chiller “Cujo”(1983). Then a rising star, Pintauro was perhaps the cutest kid in Hollywood. But Tinseltown doesn’t let people grow older. After “Who’s The Boss” ended, Pintauro found himself out of work. Danny Pintauro today is an out, proud gay man, living with his husband Will Tabares in Las Vegas. His Hollywood years may be behind him, but he lives a rich and full life. Many people were surprised last month when Pintauro, who came out as gay in 1997, revealed to Oprah that he was a former meth user who had been diagnosed as HIV positive twelve years ago. Pintauro now hopes to be a gay activist and to raise HIV awareness. “Each reveal felt like a little bit more weight had been lifted from my shoulders,” Pintauro told SFGN. “Less because the information was finally out there and more because I filmed the interview with Oprah in May. May! And I had to wait until mid-September to tell anyone about it. So I was happy that we finally reached that place.” Pintauro said that he has no regrets about coming out positive. “The response has been so much greater than I ever expected, and it’s a bit overwhelming right now,” he said. “It’s a good overwhelmed.” Pintauro also said that he would like to try to write back to all those he’s heard from, some of whom shared their own stories with him. “I had actually wanted to talk about these issues about six years ago but the timing just wasn’t right,” he said. “It was near the end of Oprah’s talk show and nearly everyone wanted to be on, so we weren’t really able to connect with her,” he said. “I wasn’t ready, though — I was using the activism as a way to hopefully make life’s problems go away.” When Oprah’s team contacted him, Pintauro knew the time was right. He has since appeared on “The View,” where he further discussed his

HIV status and his past meth use. Though his acting career stalled and he made some harmful choices in the past, Pintauro got his life back on track. He and Tabares are happy together. “I do very much say that I moved to Vegas to meet my husband,” he said. “I was looking to move out of LA and had a couple of options for places to move. Vegas ended up standing out, and I truly believe that its because the fates had meeting my husband in mind.” Like many, Pintauro is still amazed that they are able to live as a legally married couple. “When I first came out in 1997 there was barely a glimmer of hope when it came to gay rights, never mind the right to get married,” he said. “A glimmer of possibility was starting to shine as TV and film was starting to portray the LGBT community in a positive light.” He said that for a long time adhering to the traditions of marriage didn’t seem all that important to him. “Of course as I got older and realized all of the legal, medical and insurance kinds of reasons to have the right to marry it became much more important to me to make sure we secured that right,” he said. Pintauro said that he had good relationships with his co-stars, and recently reconnected with “Who’s The Boss” stars Tony Danza and Judith Light. “Tony has been a huge supporter of my husband and I, going so far as to send us a wedding gift,” he said. “And of course Judith is nothing but supportive of every endeavor.” He urges parents of child actors to prepare their kids for a life outside of showbiz, stressing the importance of education. “In between trying to be an actor again I spent a lot of time trying to find myself,” he recalls. “Talent agent, casting assistant, ticket taker, server. I worked at a pet store for awhile.” The service industry worked well for him. He got into restaurant management while his husband worked as a hotel manager. They hope to open a bed-and-breakfast together. And what’s next for husband, actor and AIDS activist Danny Pintauro? Time will tell.


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10.14.2015 •


Photo: Facebook.

a&e film

On The Heels of Inclusiveness Co-director of Transparent speaks at Southern Comfort Conference Brendon Lies


y now, most are more than familiar with the show “Transparent.” And if you’re not, you should be. Created by Jill Soloway for Amazon, actor Jeffrey Tambor has won a Golden Globe for his work in the lead role. The comedy-drama follows Tambor's character and the lives of his three grown children as he transitions from Mort to Maura. Speaking at the Southern Comfort Conference after attendees viewed the first two episodes, co-director of Transparent Zackary Drucker shared with conference members just how involved the production team was in being as inclusive as possible. Much of that reflected on the production team’s own lives, yet none more so than the show’s writer Jill Soloway, whose father came out as transgender. “Dealing with comedy, it’s sort of difficult to portray the reality of our own lives,” Drucker said, referencing the storyline that still managed to be accurate while winning five Emmy Awards and two Golden Globes. “We spent a lot of time with the original trans parent,” Drucker shared. “But she’s really stayed out of the limelight.” During the production of Transparent, Drucker spoke about the inclusiveness that has become mandatory for the show’s production to go on. “We hire as many trans people as possible,” she said, referencing a staff and cast ripe with dozens of transgender individuals. “Our goal is to have as many trans people as possible involved in our own stories.” The importance of accurately portraying the life and transition of a trans woman is critical for the transgender movement, as much of society has yet to meet a trans person who is out. Much of what the show’s producers are aware of is the prospective audience, most of whom are cisgender. “It’s always going to be this ‘othering’ perspective,” Drucker said, referring to those who view the show without any prior experience with the transgender community. “So we do our best to make it authentic.”


• 10.14.2015

One aspect of the community that the show has aimed to achieve is the diversity of the community. “I believe our community is the most diverse in the world,” Drucker said. “There’s no commonality, we all have different stories.” As guests of her seminar were allowed to speak, one attendee questioned the ethics of casting a non-trans actor for a transgender role. Drucker was more than happy to put it in perspective. “It’s been interesting to see the arc of conversation about cis playing trans actors,” she said, adding that there should be no more pressure on cis actors to stay away from transgender roles than there should be for trans actors to stay away from cisgender roles. The real problem, she said, was that transgender actors must be given more acting opportunities in general, regardless of the role. Drucker went on to speak about the relatability that that they've tried to infuse into the show. “One of my favorite moments,” she confessed, “is when Maura goes out with her family for the first time, and has to use the bathroom. While in there, another woman notices her but… an older woman steps in and tells this woman off.” That moment spoke about the relatability of the show, she explained. “No matter how comfortable you are, you still have that moment where you’re afraid someone will clock you.” Drucker shared how, while the show strives to be amusing, it helps shine light on a community that faces such criticism from society. That criticism had been felt by the show’s own cast, including herself as she even recalled the disparagement from others for keeping her birth name. “It’s so hard not to be defined by the outside world,” she said, mirroring the character Maura’s struggle in fitting in with her family. “It’s an uphill battle because things are so clearly stacked against us.”

a&e news

This etching from Picasso’s “La Tauromaquia” is one of 26 images of the bullfight on display at Miami’s Bakehouse Art Complex beginning Oct. 15. Photo Credit: Bank of America Art in our Communities Program.

Arts Beat Picasso, New Plays Make South Florida Debuts J.W. Arnold Picasso Exhibit Comes to Miami

Director Launches Theatre Lab at FAU

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Bakehouse Art Complex, in conjunction with Bank of America’s Art in our Communities Program, will unveil the Miami debut of Pablo Picasso’s landmark “La Tauromaquia” exhibition at the Bakehouse’s Audrey Love Gallery from Oct. 15 – 28. According to exhibit notes, the Barcelonabased publishing house Gustavo Gili commissioned Picasso in 1957 to illustrate an 18th century book, “The Art of the Bullfight” by José Delgado. Over a few weeks that summer, Picasso etched 26 plates for the book, each depicting different moments in the bullfight. Picasso created this portfolio with a technique that was unusual for him, the sugar-lift aquatint, which allowed him to paint directly on the copper plates with a brush. Picasso’s life-long fascination with bullfighting began during his childhood, when he would frequently accompany his father to the bullfights hosted in Málaga, his native city. Picasso’s preoccupation with the bullfight remained a recurring theme in his work. This series of aquatints sets out the sequence of steps in a bullfight, from the picture of the bulls lying down in a meadow to the bullfighter being gored in the bullring.

Louis Tyrrell, artistic director of the awardwinning former Florida Stage in Manalapan and the Theatre at Arts Garage in Delray Beach, is now bringing his magic touch to Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Tyrell, a champion of new works, will lead a professional theater company based at the university’s Parliament Hall and serve on the faculty as Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Arts. The program will also feature an outreach program to local schools led by prominent actor and new associate artistic director Matt Stabile. The inaugural season will primarily consist of staged and concert readings and workshops, including the song cycle,“Fugitive Songs” by Chris Miller and Nathan Tysen, Oct. 17 – 18, and featuring a five-piece band led by musical director Caryl Fantel, followed by “Vote for Me: A Musical Debate” by Drew Farnarola and Scott Elmegreen, Oct. 24 – 25. The fall series will be rounded out by a musical to be announced, Oct. 31 – Nov. 1, and “Shining Lives” by Jessica Thebus, Andre Pluess and Amanda Dehnert, Nov. 7 – 8. Admission for “Making Musicals” performances is $20 ($10 students). “Play Slam,” presented weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. beginning Oct. 21, will feature readings of new works followed by post-performance discussions with playwrights, directors and cast members. Admission is $10 ($5 students). Acclaimed playwright Israel Horowitz will be the first creative featured on Nov. 18 in “The Playwrights’ Forum” and Marsha Norman will be featured artist when the Theatre Lab kicks off its first new play festival at FAU, Dec. 7 – 13. Admission is $35 ($10 students).

The exhibit will be open to the public at the Bakehouse Art Complex, 561 NW 32nd St. in Miami, Oct. 15 – 28 and admission is free. For more information, go to BACFL.org.

For more information on Theatre Lab, call 561-297-4784 or email theatrelab@fau.edu.

10.14.2015 •


oCt. 14tH to 21st


Theater Christiana Lilly




The Naked Magic Show

Oct. 17 and 18 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. An R-rated magic show, where the magicians have nowhere to hide their tricks. Tickets $33 to $53. Call 954-4620222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.org.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Oct. 21 to Nov. 20 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. In honor of the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s beloved book, the company performs the fairy tale. Tickets $35. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

Come Blow Your Horn

Through Oct. 25 at Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW Ninth St. in Delray Beach. At 21, Buddy Baker decides to go out on his own and move out of his parents’ house and into his brother, Alan’s. Comedy ensues when he tries to live the playboy lifestyle, just like his big brother. Tickets $15 for students, $30 other. Call call 561-272-1281, ext. 4 or visit DelrayBeachPlayHouse.com.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county New Found Glory and Yellowcard

Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m.at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Rocking their heyday during the pop punk era, the bands hit the stage again. Tickets $24.50 in advance, $28 day of the show. Call 954-4491025 or visit JointheRevolution.net.

* Ballets with Latin Flavor

Oct. 17 to 18 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida performs “Tarde en la Siesta,” “Fuga con Pajarillo,” and excerpts from “Don Quixote” and “Laurencia.” Tickets $30. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.


Through Oct. 18 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A street musician in


• 10.14.2015

Dublin is about to give up on the craft, until he meets a woman who is enchanted by his songs. Tickets $35 to $125. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Big Fish

Oct. 22 to Nov. 8 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Will’s father is a traveling salesman with crazy stories, and he’s determined to find the truth behind them. Tickets $45. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Flying High

Through Oct. 25 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Seven 10-minute short plays that will have you in stitches. Tickets $30. Call 866-811-4111 or visit PigsDoFlyProductions.com.

The Rocking Dead

Through Nov. 1 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. The rock band, The Rocking Dead, goes into hiding in a cabin to escape an embarrassing live television event. However, they discover the next morning they’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Call 954-344-5990 or visit CoralSpringsCenterForTheArts.com.

palm beach county * Jerry Seinfeld Live

Oct. 16 and 17 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The New York funnyman made his first appearance in 1981 and has had America in stitches ever since. Tickets $60 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Samantha Russell

Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. at Canyon Amphitheatre, 8802 Boynton Beach Blvd. in Boynton Beach. Russell performs classic country and rock songs. Free. Visit Facebook.com/ CanyonAmphitheatre.

miami-dade county The Eve of Jackie

Oct. 14 to 25 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Jackie Wilson’s story is told by the performances of TheatreSouth Atlanta. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The orchestra of the traveling performance troupe tours solo for a unique look at traditional Chinese music. Tickets $39 to $99. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* KORN with Suicide Silence and Islander Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The band (“Freak on a Leash” and other hits) is joined by Suicide Silence and Islander. Tickets $29.50 to $40.50. Call 305673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

* Igor Butman Moscow Jazz Orchestra

Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m. at the South MiamiDade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. The orchestra is joined by special guest, Fantine. Tickets $35 in advance, $40 the day of the show. Call 786573-5300 or visit SMDCAC.org.

* Juan Gabriel

Oct. 16 at 9 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The Mexican crooner has sold 30 million albums around the world and has been nominated for six Grammy Awards. Tickets $65 to $256. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

* Sofia Rei Trio

Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. Hailing from Argentina, Rei puts

on a show of South American styles ranging from jazz to folk to electronic. Tickets $30 in advance, $35 the day of the show. Call 786-573-5300 or visit SMDCAC.org.

* With A Little Help From Our Friends

Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St. in Aventura. The Miamians of the Barbershop Harmony Society perform American classics. Tickets $20. Call 305-466-8002 or visit AventuraCenter.org.

The Pot

Through Oct. 18 at Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main St. in Miami Lakes. Tensions rise in a household when the biracial Nathan -- adopted into a white family -- wonders about his past. Then, his sister brings home an undocumented Mexican immigrant, stirring the pot on immigration and race. Tickets $18 to $25. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.


Through Nov. 1 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. #230 in Coral Gables. A Muslim-AMerican attorney living in New York City struggles to find his identity. Tickets $55. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.


Through Nov. 8 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. A drifter stumbles into a sleepy town into the arms of a group of lonely women. Tickets $64. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

The Igor Butman Moscow Jazz Orchestra will be at the South MiamiPhoto: Facebook. Dade Cultural Arts Center on Oct. 16.


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Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks The Monster Masquerade Oct. 16 from 8 p.m. to midnight at Zoo Miami, One Miami Zoo Blvd. in Miami. The zoo’s annual monster ball with open bar, beer garden, food from six restaurants, dancing, a haunted house -- hosted this year by DJ Laz! Tickets $65. Call 305-255-5551 or visit ZooMiami.org.

LGBT Senior Health Expo Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Fort Lauderdale. More than 60 LGBT medical, senior living, social services, insurance, legal, travel and other agencies will be participating in the expo. Free lunch will be given to the first 300 guests. Free. Visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

LGBT Business Expo Oct. 17 from noon to 3 p.m. at Compass Community Center, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Network with LGBT-friendly and owned businesses. Free. Call 561-5339699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

broward county Playground Build Community Day

Oct. 14 to 16 at the Pride Center, 2040 NE Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Help build the center’s playground -- 40 volunteers are needed for the prep days and 150 are needed for the build day. Register at TFAForms. com/384218.


Through Oct. 31 at Tedd ART Works, 2422 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A series of multi-media works by Robert H. Troy Lam Pimentels, on display through Oct. 31. Free. Call 703-269-8244 or visit Facebook.com/ TeddsARTWorks.

Pablo Picasso: Painted Ceramics and Works on Paper, 1931 to 1971

Through Nov. 1 at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The eccentric artist is mainly known for his paintings, but he also made art into rugs, sculptures, drawings, ceramics,


• 10.14.2015

Broward Support Services SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations. and other media. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

“The Indestructible Lee Miller”

Through Feb. 14, 2016 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. An exhibit showcasing the work of the first female combat photographer during World War II. Museum entry $8 to $12. Call 954-262-0204 or email moareservations@moafl.org to RSVP to the art talk. Visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Introduction to Modern Buddhism

Mondays 6 to 6:30 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 140 W. Prospect Road in Fort Lauderdale. Join a guided

oCt. 14tH to 21st meditation and instruction with Western Buddhist teacher, Jay Radin. Free. Visit MeditationinFortLauderdale.com.

Man2Man Discussion

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

Come on GET HAPPY!

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe North, 2312 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. It’s hard to keep a smile on your face sometimes, this group works on emotional balance and stability. Call 954-764-5150 or visit SunServe.org.

palm beach county HOA Board Certification Course

Oct. 14 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Kaye Bender Rembaum, 9121 N. Military Trail, Suite 200 in Palm Beach Gardens. Kaye Bender Rembaum will lead a course on HOA board certification. Free. RSVP trisha@KBRLegal. com or call 561-241-4462.

CAP Study of Gay Black Men

Through Dec. 1 at FoundCare, 2330 S. Congress Ave. in Palm Springs. The “Real Talk” study seeks black gay men ages 18 to 49 to provide input on a new Comprehensive AIDS Program (CAP) program geared towards the community. Participants are compensated for their time and the study is confidential. For more information, call 561-472-2466, ext 114 or 121 or visit foundcare.org.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Compass Entourage

Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Free. Gay and bisexual men ages 18 to 29 are invited to socialize and meet new people with different planned activities, such as movie nights, volleyball games, discussion groups, nights out, and more. Free. Call 561533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

miami-dade county * GALLA (Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association) Luncheon

Oct. 14 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at City Hall, The Restaurant, 2004 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce & GALLA invite attorneys, judges and legal professionals for a discussion of ethics by the general counsel of the CIA. Tickets $35 for MDGLCC members and $45 for potential members. RSVP to 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com, or gaybizmiami.com.

* MSM Technical Consultation

Oct. 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the University of Miami Diagnostic Treatment Center, 1080 NE 19th St. in Miami. Join the statewide meeting with local and national HIV experts for topics on prevention, treatment, and care outcomes of gay and bisexual men in Florida. Visit umiami.edu.

* Tropical Miami Night Gala

Oct. 17 from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Hilton Miami Airport Hotel, 5101 Blue Lagoon Drive in Miami. A night of Miami fun, from domino tables, cocktails, cigar, music, and food to benefit the Early Development of Global Education Charitable Foundation. Tickets $60 and up. Visit TheEdgeHelps.com.

* Support Our Cultural Arts Members Network Reception & Show

Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Actors’ Playhouse Miracle Theater, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce hosts a networking reception followed by a performance of “The Toxic Avenger.” Cost: $35, use promo code “LGBT”. Call 305-444-9293 or visit actorsplayhouse.org.

A Day in the Life of Coral

Through Jan. 18, 2016 at Museum Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. New York-based artist David Brooks presents billboards of coral around Miami and its changing atmosphere. Free. Visit FringeProjectsMiami.com

* Denotes New Listing

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10.14.2015 •


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• 10.14.2015

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House For Sale 2 Bedroom / 1 bath

EAST OAKLAND PARK 2BD/1 BA HOUSE CLOSE TO WILTON MANORS - Private yard/ pool/laundry room. New kitchen,DW/disp,Central A/C, GM renter(s)Cable T.V./internet split;Electric extra.water,yardcare incl.$1300.1st, l/last/security. security negotiable. Call 954-993-8830.

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954.530.4970 piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

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1 BD/1.5 BA CONDO FOR SALE-HOLLYWOOD - Nice 1 Bd./1.5 Bath.Porcelain-plank tile throughout, Garden view condo. Over 55-gated community. Incredible pool. Hollywood one mile west of HR Casino on Stirling Rd. $67,500 Call 954-961-3947 or 954-336-1816 VICTORIA PARK 1 BR/1 BA - Beautiful updated 1 BR/1 BA with private fenced patio;small complex; gorgeous open beamed ceilings;tile floor; next to Holiday Park tennis courts;W/D; small dog ok; $925/ month; 954-729-1936. 2 BR 2 BA REMODELED CONDO - Tile floors, kitchen has granite, stainless upgraded appliances, & cherry cabinets. Amenities include: secure building; elevator; laundry rooms; pool,clubhouse and ample parking. In Wilton Manors, near shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Condo financials good with fully funded reserves. Price $190k. Call 318-461-1634. POMPANO COTTAGE FOR SALE - Cozy 2/1 on a large lot E. of Dixie Hwy,mature trees, new kitchen/bath. Roof 7 years old. Needs finishing touches.$125k as is, owner (954) 254-7827.

SFGN.com rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $950 2/1 from $1150. Credit & Income RequirementsPets okay with restriction. Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533

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