local name global coverage October 25, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 43
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g a y
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Addison Mizner Was Gay History has ignored South Florida’s most famous architect’s sexuality Page 40
Wilton Manors Tops HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Report Page 14
stork's bakery celebrates 25th anniversary Page 25
NEWS highlight
Photo credit: Tucker Berardi.
October 25, 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 43
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
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Gainesville Gathers to Protest White Supremacist Richard Spencer Tucker Berardi
Senior Features Correspondents
elicopters overhead, limited campus access and blocked off roads were all suggestive of the lessons the University of Florida and the city of Gainesville learned from alt-right gatherings and their passionate opposition in cases like the Charlottesville riots. These preparations and more were put into place in anticipation of white nationalist Richard Spencer speaking on UF’s campus Thursday, October 19. After a failed attempt to speak on campus in September, Spencer and his alt-right National Policy Institute threatened to take UF to court if he was once again barred from appearing on campus. The University acquiesced and granted Spencer a new date to speak. The new date seemed to be a victory for Spencer at the time, but the community’s true thoughts became apparent once Spencer took the stage at the Phillips Performing Arts Center. As Spencer stepped on stage members of the crowd began chanting “Fuck you, Spencer” and “black lives matter,” attempting to drown out his words. What Spencer thought would be a furthering of his radical ideology became a verbal battle between his supporters and what his event organizer Cameron Padgett called, “the communist antifa.” “We are all allowed to voice our opinions,” an audience member told Spencer during his speech. “We can speak over you and tell you
that you are incorrect and tell you that these things that you are saying is harmful to other people.” Spencer said, “You are wrong in that. What you are all engaged in is what is known as the ‘heckler's veto’ and the Supreme Court has been very clear on this, that public institutions must protect me from people like you who want to shut down my speech.” He continued, “You know what I’m saying is going to change the world. We are stronger than you and you know it.” Padgett was frequently passed the microphone so that he could come to Spencer’s defense, as the questions and statements directed to Spencer were more often critical of his radical ideology than not. “Frankly free speech is an artifact of white culture … it comes from European philosophy” Padgett said. “The issue of harm ... has never been considered a reason to shut down speech. You're making someone angry, you’re hurting someone’s feelings, someone is threatened violence, those are not reasons to shut down free speech.” Spencer and his on-stage lackeys continued to battle the crowd throughout the entirety of the speech as the crowd booed and chanted against every statement. The protesting wasn’t limited to the crowd inside of the building. A muchM E Mlarger crowd BER gathered outside to march up and down the street in front of the Performing Arts Center MEMBER
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as police and riot security kept things under control. The protesters screamed a wealth of slogans such as, “Racists, sexists, anti gay, Nazi bigots go away” and “No nazis, no kkk, no fascist USA.” Signs ranged from black lives matter symbols to crossed out swastikas to messages of love for all identities. Some signs even called out UF president Kent Fuchs for allowing Spencer the chance to speak on campus. Students and citizens of Gainesville have been anticipating Spencer’s event for weeks, with messages about campus safety, inclusion for immigrants and minorities and general statements of love were disseminated to students and to the greater community, as well as messages to avoid violence and ignore Spencer’s presence. The community did not ignore him, however, and made sure that their voices were unified and heard in their opposition of his radical ideology. The crowds outside of Spencer’s event were populated with voices of love and unity, and though some seats in the auditorium were filled with supporters of altright ideology, the voices in opposing his hate overshadowed the support. Spencer may have fought for his opportunity to speak at the University of Florida in Gainesville, but the people of Gainesville made it clear that it will have none of Spencer’s hate.
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NLGJA Journalist of the Year South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
1 0 .25.2017
10.25.2017 •
NEWS coffee and conversations
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Wicked Manors, a breast cancer walk, and Cleve Jones among topics discussed This week’s ‘Coffee and Conversation’ at the Pride Center John McDonald
everal speakers pitched their products to attendees of Tuesday morning’s Coffee & Conversation group at the Pride Center at Equality Park. Here are the highlights: • Center Chief Executive Officer Robert Boo encouraged people to come to Huizenga Park in downtown Fort Lauderdale Saturday morning to help support a breast cancer walk. • Development Director Roger Roa asked attendees of next week’s Wicked Manors event to purchases drink tickets from the bars on Wilton Drive operating under white canopies. • A Celebration of Friends President Tom Pence reminded the group of Saturday’s coffee klatch starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Skolnick Center in Pompano Beach. • World AIDS Museum Operations Manager Ed Sparan informed the group of Cleve Jones upcoming arrival. Jones, a San Francisco activist, was part of the Harvey Milk movement. He is slated to participate in a question and answer program Nov. 10 at Sunshine Cathedral.
1 0 .25.2017
Peter Bisuito (left) with Bruce Williams. Photo credit: John McDonald.
• Comedian Peter Bisuito plugged his “Bat Shit Crazy!” show, Oct. 30 at Sunshine Cathedral. “Leave it to a bunch of gays to turn a church into a performing arts venue,” Bisuito quipped. • Florida Medical Center sponsored Tuesday’s program, introducing podiatrist Vyacheslav Makarov to the group. Representatives from SunServe, Shine Healthcare, AARP and John Knox Village also addressed the group. Next week is the annual Halloween costume contest sponsored by the Marrinsons Group. Best costume nets a $100 prize. For more information, contact Bruce Williams, Senior Services Coordinator at 954-463-9005, ext. 109
Pride Center’s Community Day on Saturday 7th annual event is all about families
Ryan Yousefi
his Saturday, October, 28, The Pride Broward Sheriff’s Office teamed up for an Center celebrates their 7th Annual event that celebrates the community as a Community Day event from 11:30 a.m. whole. “This is our seventh year collaborating until 2 p.m. The free family-friendly event at The Pride with Broward Sheriff’s Office and South Center promises activities for pets, kids, and Florida Family Pride. BSO looks forward to adults alike as The Pride Center once again this day to deepen relationships within the brings the community together to celebrate LGBTQ communities. They work to educate each other, and in the process, have a damn the community on their resource and build trust and healthy dialogue with families in good time. Pride Center’s Chief Operations Officer our community.” Fegenbush told SFGN. The Pride Center has a Kristofer Fegenbush tells reputation of supporting SFGN Community Day is one “Not to the community as a whole, of arguably one of The Pride lean into a not just the LGBT crowd. Center’s best events, but inarguably, one of the most fun. stereotype, but They’ve consistently made to bring together “Community Day is at the LGBTQ parents efforts families, regardless of sexual top of my favorite days at The really know orientation, color, or religion. Pride Center each year. Not how to go According to Fegenbush, their to lean into a stereotype, but LGBTQ parents really know over-the-top Community Day celebration is another example of The how to go over-the-top when it when it comes just Pride Center wanting to bring comes to Halloween costumes.” to Halloween together families, regardless of Fegenbush said. costumes.” what that family may look like “My favorites are those when or whoever they love. the whole family dresses in one - Kristofer “Community Day is all theme; I become acutely aware Fegenbush about connection. It’s a day of how much I lack in creativity Chief operations officer to celebrate your family and when I witness the fantastic welcome them. We all have artistry of our local families. The costume contests for kids and for pets are unique families—given or chosen. For some a blast and have some great prizes. The Pride that include partners or spouses. For some Center and South Florida Family Pride look that include kids.” Fegenbush said “For some forward every year to seeing all those kids that include pets. For some, it’s the chosen family of close friends. Whatever your family and pets in their Halloween finest.” A huge part of all our communities are the looks like, you’re welcome here. Whatever men and women that ensure we can live our your age or relationships status, you’re everyday lives safely, that’s why, according welcome here.” to Fegenbush, The Pride Center and The
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Wicked Manors is Back
Annual event returns to Wilton Manors to scare up some fun
fter an absence at last year’s Wicked Manors, the flash mob will return for this year’s Halloween festivities. The organizers of Wicked Manors, The Pride Center, are looking for volunteers for the event – Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 7 to 11 p.m. Wilton Drive, from Five Points to Northeast 21 Court, will be closed from 1 p.m. on Halloween and reopened at 2 a.m. on Nov. 1. Roger Roa, Pride Center’s director of development, joked that people should take Wednesday off to recover. This year’s theme is Heroicons, a combination of heroes and icons. The event is free and open to the public. Those who want to become part of the flash mob must attend at least two of the three remaining rehearsals at The Pride Center – Oct. 22 and 28 from 1 to 3 p.m., and Oct. 30 from 7 to 9 p.m. Participants are asked to bring their own costume for the performances, which will take place at all three locations – Progress Bar, Hunters, and the HITS 97.3 stage. To sign-up, visit wickedmanors.org/contact-us/flash-mob. There will also be four costume contests,
Michael d’Oliveira including one for children. Along with the contests and entertainment, there will be designated three clusters of event bar areas and Wilton Drive restaurants and bars will be open for the event. “It’s the largest Halloween event in the Southeast United States,” Roa said. About 20,000 people are expected to attend. Parking Parking will cost $10 on the day of the event and will be available starting at 5:01 p.m. at Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Hwy.; Northeast 26 Street, between Northeast 13 Avenue and Northeast 15 Avenue; and Fort Lauderdale High School [pending], 1600 NE 4 Ave.; Hagen Park, 2020 Wilton Drive; Richardson Park, 1937 Wilton Drive; Northeast 8 Terrace and Northeast 26 Street. Parking will be available at the Municipal Complex, 2100 N. Dixie Hwy., starting at 7 p.m. Visit WickedManors.org for more information.
10.25.2017 •
NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
Island of 2,000 People Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
By Smb1001 (Own work) [GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons
Ex-Neo-Nazi Comes Out as Gay and Jewish, Quits Movement
Photo: YouTube / Channel 4 News
Paraguay Bans Materials on Gender Identity in Public Schools
Pansexual Pro Wrestler Competes with Pride
Photo: Twitter / @TheJackSexsmith
Mother of Slain Genderfluid Teen Calls Out Feds Joining The Trial
Kedarie Johnson. Photo via Facebook.
6. ‘I’m Gay But I’m Not…’ BuzzFeed Video Erupts on Twitter Photo: Youtube.
7. California Adds Third Gender to State Identification Documents 8. Australian George Michael Mural Vandalized with Anti-LGBT Slurs Photo: Facebook / @Stereogamous
9. ‘Gay Purge’ Survivor Speaks Out Photo: Youtube / @novayagazeta
10. Charges Reduced for Gay Teen Who Killed His Bully Photo: Facebook / @angel.yona.5
Visit SFGN.com to stay up to date on all the news across the web! Twitter.com/SoFlaGayNews
1 0 .25.2017
NEWS local “Annie and Me” by Ken Slossberg.
ArtsUnited Exhibits at Bona Italian Restaurant Denise Royal
rt is on the menu at Wilton Manor’s Bona Italian Restaurant. The Italian eatery is teaming up with the LGBT non-profit organization ArtsUnited. Artists will showcase their artwork each month in the newly renovated Art Gallery. Opening receptions are the first Thursday of each month – the next one is Thursday, November 2, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is free. October’s featured artist is Ken Slossberg, who specializes in photorealism. His work will be on display until Oct. 29. “He intentionally manipulates space and color, light and shadow to create a subtle feeling of passive reflection in his work,” a press release states. November’s featured artist is Rosaria Vigorito. She is an Italian-American, lesbian, retired lawyer and law librarian professor, and an ovarian cancer survivor-– but her calling is that of an artist. Vigorito’s work incorporates the fusion of elements taken from these different media,
“The Triad” by Rosaria Vigorito.
both non-digital and digital, and their manipulation in computer post-production. She strives to stimulate and stir the senses, emotionally and psychologically provoke and draw in the viewer, and honestly address matters of the human spirit. Her artwork will be on display through November 30. Bona Italian Restaurant is located at 2468 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Portions of the art sales go to support ArtsUnited. ArtsUnited focuses on connecting artists with other artists and potential buyers as well as providing a cultural and artistic outlet to its members and supporters. ArtsUnited has become an art incubator for fledgling LGBT and allied artists, allowing them opportunities to showcase their art. The organization also connects them to the larger arts community in South Florida, introducing them to ArtServe, the Broward Art Guild, various art galleries and other arts organizations. You can learn more at www.ArtsUnitedFlorida.com.
“Shoes and Hearts” by Rosaria Vigorito.
“The Influencers” by Rosaria Vigorito. 10.25.2017 •
LGBTQIA bites Lesbian
Ellen DeGeneres Comes Out As Harassment Victim on Show
By Ryan Lynch
Bisexual Youtubers Provide Safe Sex Tips Melanie Murphy and Jessie B. Photo courtesy of Youtube.
Ellen DeGeneres has come out as another celebrity who has been a victim sexually harassed as part of a new viral movement. The television host spoke on Oct. 19 to her audience about her experience and about the “Me Too” movement according to The Hollywood Reporter. Speaking to the crowd, she mentioned how hard it was for many people to come forward. “From a young age, girls are taught to stay quiet and be nice while boys are stronger and somehow, [girls] are less than,” DeGeneres said. “That is why it is hard for us to speak
out. And even when we do speak out, people don't believe us.” The “Me Too” movement was started by actress Alyssa Milano, who tweeted out on Oct. 15 asking women to use the hashtag on social media to signify if they were sexually assaulted. The hashtag became especially popular in the wake of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s alleged assault of dozens of women. “As hard as this is to talk about, at least we are talking about it. It's not like this is a new thing; it has been going on forever.”
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1 0 .25.2017
A pair of bisexual sisters from Ireland are making the effort to educate more people about safe sex. Melanie Murphy and Jessie B, who both blog about fitness, beauty and lifestyle, took to YouTube together to talk about being sexually responsible as bisexuals. Talking about everything from contraceptive pills to testing options, they drew from their own personal experiences on the topic. “There’s so much stuff they don’t talk about in school, so I think this is sort of a
brilliant way to have a chat,” Murphy said in the video. “This is going to be very chatty, it’s not going to be a lecture.” The duo also spoke about protection while being single and while in a relationship, and the fact that a sexually transmitted infection test cost $106 and can be easily accessed. Murphy and Jessie B, who have over 52 and two million video views respectively, said they previously did not know sex between women could cause the transfer of STIs.
Playboy Features First Ever Transgender Playmate Ines Rau. Photo courtesy of Instagram.
Playboy made history this month by showcasing their first-ever transgender Playmate. Fashion model Ines Rau was selected as the November 2017 playmate, the first time a transgender person was selected for the centerfold role according to Pink News. Rau was previously shot in the May 2014 issue, but was not featured as a playmate. “I lived a long time without saying I was transgender,” she said. “I dated a lot and almost forgot. I was scared of never finding a boyfriend and being seen as weird.”
Rau is not the first model to ever pose in the magazine, though. Caroline Cossey was the first to appear in Playboy, making her appearances in 1981 and 1991. According to Pink News, Cossey said she nearly committed suicide after being outed by defunct tabloid News of the World. “I wanted to do it because I wanted to show all the jocks and heterosexual Playboy readers that transgender people could be sexy and attractive and help them lose the preconceived notions they had about us,” Cossey said.
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FAST and Courteous Service 10.25.2017 •
NEWS health Number of Hepatitis C Deaths per Year in Florida by Racial Group
SFAN update for Oct. 2017 Sean McShee The Ryan White Care (RWC) program requires its programs to have local advisory bodies. South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) acts as the advisory body for the RWC programs of the Florida Department of Health (FL-DOH) in Broward County. SFAN’s monthly meetings are open to the public.
hile most SFAN meetings occur on Friday mornings, several times a year SFAN schedules its meetings on Thursday evenings. These meetings focus on reports to the community at-large. On October 5, Dr. Jeffrey Beal, Dr. Noah Lee, and Dr. Mark Schweizer spoke to the SFAN meeting. Beal spoke about the state “Test and Treat” program, Lee spoke about Hepatitis C, and Schweitzer spoke about oral health. Dr. Beal reported that over half of Florida's county health departments are taking part in the “Test and Treat” program. This program can link people who test HIV positive to treatment within 24-hours. This program has linked 382 people to care this year. Of those 382 people, 200 had tested positive for HIV for the first time. The rest had previously dropped out of care. In Broward County, the following seven agencies take part in in Broward’s Test and Treat Program: AIDS Healthcare Foundation; Annie L. Weaver Center; Broward Comprehensive Care; Broward Health Specialty Care; Care Resource; Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center; and Memorial Healthcare South Broward Community Health. Hepatitis refers to infections of the liver. Several strains of hepatitis exist. Hep A, B, and C are the most common strains in the U.S. Between 2.7 to 3.9 million people in the US live with hepatitis C. Globally, 71 million people live with hepatitis C. Gay and bi men account for about 10 percent of all new hepatitis A cases and 20 percent of all new hepatitis B cases. Vaccines exist for hepatitis A and hepatitis B. While no vaccine exists for hepatitis C, effective treatments do exist.
People can transmit hepatitis A through rimming and fecal contamination. People can transmit hepatitis B in the same ways that they can transmit HIV. Hepatitis B, however, is 50 to 100 times easier to transmit than HIV is. Dr. Lee reported that anal sex could transmit Hepatitis C. As the virus lives in rectal tissue, tops have a greater risk than bottoms. The CDC identifies “rough sex” as high risk for hepatitis C transmission. People can also transmit hepatitis C by sharing needles, razors, and toothbrushes as well as through unsafe tattoo practices. The CDC recommends that all baby boomers take the Hepatitis C test. As with HIV infection, Hepatitis C infection takes years before symptoms develop. Unlike HIV, not everyone with Hepatitis C infection will develop serious health problems. Only some people living with hepatitis C will develop cirrhosis and liver cancer. About 20 percent of people living with HIV also have hepatitis C. Dr. Schweitzer spoke about oral health for people living with HIV. He said that 90 percent of people living with HIV (PLWH) will have one major dental problem. According to Schweitzer, the oral problems associated with HIV have changed with time. Now, patients seldom have candidiasis, Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions, or oral hairy leukoplakia. Currently, Schweitzer sees more cases of human papilloma virus (HPV) related oral cancers. One strain, HPV-16 causes anal, cervical, and oral cancers. People can transmit HPV sexually. Schweitzer argued that screening for oral cancer should be part of a regular dental exam. Note: Lesbians are also at risk for HPV-16 related cancers.
Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, November 3, 2017 at 9:30 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. SFAN welcomes newcomers. Follow Sean McShee on Twitter @SeanMcShee
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New Dates Chosen for Smart Ride Jason Parsley
The Oakland Park Grand Plaza. Photo: Oakland Park CRA, Facebook.
Photo courtesy of The Smart Ride.
he new date for the next Smart Ride will be January 19 and 20. The event had been originally scheduled to take place Nov. 17-18, but Hurricane Irma forced organizers to postpone the two-day 165-mile bicycle ride from Miami to Key West "We are excited about the new energy surrounding our new dates and the amazing response and support from our participants as well as our sponsors and partners,” said founder of the ride Glen Weinzimer. Irma also forced organizers to change some things up a bit. “Our overnight accommodations in Marathon at Hawks Cay was badly damaged. We have found housing at the Holiday Inn in Marathon and will use two overflow hotels.
Oakland Park Bans Conversion Therapy John McDonald Our plan is to run shuttles between the properties,” Weinzimer said. But regardless of the minor adjustments Weinzimer mostly wants the community to know this: “we are back.”
Visit TheSmartRide.org for more information.
Let’s Be Let’s Be Blunt.
Blunt. IF WE IF WE
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1 0.25.2017
he City of Oakland Park banned is wrong. Iliescu celebrated the ordinance’s conversion therapy at Wednesday passing in the lobby of city hall with a little evening’s commission meeting. over a dozen residents who attended the In a 4-0 vote, commissioners outlawed meeting. The group then moved down the the practice of changing a minor’s sexual street to the Funky Buddha Brewery to orientation. continue their celebration. “As far as I’m concerned this ordinance Oakland Park Mayor John Adornato III aims to discourage an unethical business thanked those who voiced their feelings practice by licensed professionals in our city to the commission, stating it was a “heart of Oakland Park and I think that’s well within wrenching” issue. our purview to do so,” said Commissioner “As a gay man who had not quite this Sara Guevrekian. level of challenge coming out Oakland Park joins Wilton I was lucky,” Adornato said. “I Manors as the two Broward count myself lucky that I didn’t County municipalities banning attempt or consider suicide and the practice of conversion had a family that was supportive therapy. Cities in Miami-Dade enough to allow me to explore and Palm Beach Counties and become comfortable with have similar laws forbidding who I am and what God made conversion therapy. Nine U.S. me.” states have statues barring Last week Boca Raton conversion therapy. banned the practice in their “This sends a message that city. Rand Hoch, president of our children are valued and the Palm Beach County Human respected for who they are,” Rights Council, dismissed - Justin Flippen said Justin Flippen, a Wilton the argument that these bans vice mayor of wilton manors Manors resident. intrude on the rights of parents. Flippen spoke to Oakland “Parents’ rights are not Park commissioners urging the ban. He said unfettered. We have laws that prevent he was a “survivor” of conversion therapy. parents from giving their children certain “Being gay is not a choice and not a prescription drugs because they have been preference,” said Flippen, a lawyer and proven harmful to children. We have laws Wilton Manors commissioner. that prevent parents from serving alcohol to Several people spoke in favor of the minors, because alcohol have been shown ordinance with one woman dissenting. to be harmful to children,” Hoch said. Karen Gorsch said the ordinance puts “Additionally, there are many other laws that parental rights “under attack.” The Margate must be adhered to regardless of the views woman said the ordinance denies the right of parents, such as compulsory education. to free speech and religious liberty. So, there is no merit to the arguments that Row Iliescu, development director for parents should be allowed to subject their Equality Florida, said the antiquated notion children to harmful conversion therapy.” that sexual orientation needs to be “fixed”
“This sends a message that our children are valued and respected for who they are.”
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NEWS miami-dade
Miami Beach Gay Pride Supports LGBT Students
Photo credit: J.R. Davis.
SFGN Staff Photo courtesy of the Point Foundation, Facebook.
Fit Expo Takes Over Fort Lauderdale Convention Center John McDonald
housands of fitness enthusiasts gathered at Fort Lauderdale Convention Center over the weekend to share their passion for working out. “People are shocked there’s a gay vendor here,” said Roger Roa, Development Director at the Pride Center. Roa stood behind a table inside the convention center offering condoms and lube to passers-by. The Pride Center was one of 141 exhibitors at the FitExpo. Claritza Valle, a marketing coordinator from Miami, was glad to see the Pride Center in attendance. “It’s very nice to see representation of the LGBT community at the FitExpo,” said Valle, who identifies as a lesbian. “I feel supported and am excited to see them at more events.” Valle worked for Betancourt Nutrition at the FitExpo. She offered amino acid samples to attendees and posed for pictures with fans. Valle has almost 14,000 followers on Instagram. “She’s great,” said Roa, who has just over 16,000 followers on Instagram. “It’s a lot of hard work,” Roa said of his social media following. “You have to post every day.” Between Roa and Valle on the expo’s exhibitor floor plan was Flex Comics. Owner Jeremy Flex, visiting from Phoenix, declared his presence as “the bridge between geekdom and fitness.” “A lot of us geeks like to lift,” Flex said. At the Flex Comics table, cleverly designed tank tops were available for purchase. Flex described his comic’s main character as an anti-hero along the lines of Wolverine and Deadpool. “He’s kind of like me, I’ll do the nice things but I’ll gripe about it the whole time,”
Flex said. Meanwhile, strength competitions were held across the convention center. The U.S. Air Force sponsored a power lifting demonstration and had staff on hand to recruit for special operations. Recruits, tour manager Shannon Ross said, must “have what it takes to pull someone out of a bad situation.” Ross said new recruits would learn how to safely execute a HALO (high altitude low opening) jump. Standing next to Ross under an Air Force tent was Taylor Thomas, a slim young man who made the trip from Central Florida to attend the FitExpo as a “brand ambassador.” “It’s lively,” Thomas said when asked about the expo. “It’s exciting to see all these people getting amped up on chemicals and having a really good time.” Thomas said he does yoga and enjoys calisthenics. Along with powerlifting and calisthenics sections, the expo contained space for kids, group training, model searches, celebrity meet and greets and health screenings. Cigna, a health services organization, offered expo attendees free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index. A representative for Cigna declined to be quoted by the press but said Cigna had a goal of saving 100,000 lives by getting 100,000 people tested through annual biometric screening. The FitExpo travels to Los Angeles for its next convening, Jan. 6-7, 2018. The expo’s schedule next year also includes stops in Philadelphia, Chicago, San Jose, Anaheim and San Diego. For more information, visit www.thefitexpo.com.
iami Beach Gay Pride donated $7,500 to the Point Foundation, the nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBT students. This is the second year Miami Beach Gay Pride has made a donation to the organization. “Miami Beach Gay Pride is all about celebrating community,” Mark Fernandes, chair of the Pride board of directors, said in a prepared statement. “In alignment with that mission is the commitment to give back to the community and we are proud to be able to do so by contributing to the scholarship program at Point Foundation. By fostering education, we help cultivate the next generation of LGBTQ individuals.” The Point Foundation has awarded more than 400 scholarships since 2002. Miami Beach Gay Pride will take place April 2-8. Visit MiamiBeachGayPride.com for more information. Visit PointFoundation.org to learn more about the Point Foundation.
10.25.2017 •
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NEWS state West Palm Beach. Photo credit: Themkook, Wiki.
Wilton Manors Tops HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Report Jason Parsley
ilton Manors is once again on top – Before bonus points were added in, Wilton again. Manors received a score of 94. But the city The city received a perfect score received additional points for providing of 100 in the Human Rights Campaign’s services to LGBT youth; LGBT homeless annual Municipal Equality Index’s report. people; LGBT elders; people living with HIV; Of the 18 official cities included in the and services for the transgender community. report only 4 received perfect “Wilton Manors’ continued scores including Orlando; St. perfect score on the HRC “... from Petersburg; Tallahassee and municipal equality index policies to Wilton Manors. The cities reflects that from policies to daily practices daily practices and operations with the lowest scores include and operations our community has an Hialeah (49), Cape Coral (39), our Port St. Lucie (31); and Daytona unparalleled commitment to Beach (30). equality and inclusiveness,” community Wilton Manors is the only said Wilton Manors Vice has an official city in South Florida to Mayor Justin S. Flippen. “We unparalleled receive a perfect score. And it’s don’t just talk the talk about commitment to equality in the Island City, done so since at least 2013. equality and But two other local we walk the walk and live up cities, West Palm Beach and inclusiveness.” it, striving to be an example Miami Beach, self-submitted community of neighbors and - Justin Flippen themselves to be scored. They businesses others look to vice mayor of also received perfect scores. as a model worth pursuing. wilton manors The other South Florida cities Whatever color of the featured in the official report include Coral rainbow you most identify with, whether Gables (61); Fort Lauderdale (87); Hialeah LGBT or ally, you are valued and welcomed (49); Hollywood (67); Miami (59); Miami in Wilton Manors. Our commitment to Shores (91); Oakland Park (99); Pembroke equality is one more reason why ‘Life’s Just Pines (78); Port St. Lucie (31). Better Here.’”
1 0.25.2017
HRC’s Municipal Report Snubs West Palm Beach & Miami Beach Jason Parsley
ighteen cities made the cut this year to be included in the Human Rights Campaign’s annual Municipal Equality Index, which measures how LGBT friendly a city is. But some activists feel the annual report has consistently snubbed two of the state’s most LGBT friendly cities – West Palm Beach and Miami Beach. “It would be wonderful if HRC would include West Palm Beach in the MEI. The City has been in the forefront of LGBT rights since 1992, when it became the first Florida municipality to offer domestic partner Benefits,” said Rand Hoch, President of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. “Just last year WPB became the second Florida municipality to prohibit conversion therapy. In between numerous LGBTinclusive ordinances and policies have been put into place in WPB and in a 1995 referendum to repeal a gay rights law, we defeated the repeal effort with 57 percent of the vote!” Even though neither city was included in HRC’s report both cities self-submitted and received a perfect score of 100. “HRC and the Equality Federation selects 98 municipalities, which do not otherwise meet the criteria for inclusion in the MEI, yet despite repeated requests over the years by WPB, HRC still refuses to include West Palm Beach,” Hoch said. “Hopefully, that will change in 2018, but I'm not banking on it. It would be great for HRC to be transparent about how those 98 are chosen, but…” SFGN reached out to HRC for clarification on how they choose those other 98 cities. “The 2017 Municipal Equality Index (MEI) rates the 50 state capitals, the 200 largest cities in the United States, the five
largest municipalities in each state, the cities home to the state’s two largest public universities, 75 cities & municipalities that have high proportions of same-sex couples, and 98 cities selected last year by HRC and Equality Federation state groups members and supporters through online voting,” said Xavier Persad, HRC Legislative Counsel and author of the MEI. “Significant overlap between these selection criteria lead to a total of 506 cities rated. Additionally, cities that do not fall within our general selection criteria can submit themselves to be rated by the MEI.” Rob Rosenwald, First Assistant City Attorney for Miami Beach, also expressed dismay at his city being left out of the report. “Miami Beach leads the state and the nation in protecting LGBT rights. From arguing in court for marriage equality to banning conversion, our City sets the standard that other cities aspire to reach. And when gay folks consider where to live or vacation, Miami Beach is always on any short list. We have self-submitted every year for the past four years and consistently scored highest in the nation, receiving perfect scores every single year,” he said. “Not ranking us in the same way all the other cities get scored doesn't make any sense. But we will continue to lead the fight no matter what because that's ultimately what counts." Of the 18 official cities included in the report only 4 received perfect scores including Orlando; St. Petersburg; Tallahassee and Wilton Manors. The cities with the lowest scores include Hialeah (49), Cape Coral (39), Port St. Lucie (31); and Daytona Beach (30).
NEWS national
California Adds Third Gender to State Identification Documents Ryan Lynch
alifornia Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Monday recognizing a third gender, becoming one of the first states to do so. The bill allows for people to identify as nonbinary on state issued documents like driver's licenses and birth certificates, according to Out Magazine. It will also make it easier for people to make gender changes, which previously required a person to be post-operation and get a doctor’s statement. “I want to thank Gov. Brown for recognizing how difficult it can be for our transgender, nonbinary, and intersex family members, friends, and neighbors when they don’t have an ID that matches their gender presentation,” bill co-sponsor and San Diego Senator Toni Atkins said to Out. “The Gender Recognition Act will eliminate unnecessary stress and anxiety for many Californians, and it exemplifies the leadership role that our state continues to take in LGBTQ civil rights.”
Those who ask can also have their birth certificate reissued with non-binary status. According to The Hill, Brown signed the measure on the last day possible to enact potential bills from the past year’s legislative session. Previously, New York City issued the second ever non-binary birth certificate at the end of 2016. Washington DC’s DMV also started issuing non-binary marks for driver’s licenses in June 2017, while Oregon also began issuing licenses with the third gender around the same time.
10.25.2017 •
NEWS national
Photo courtesy of DC Entertainment.
Snagglepuss Is Now A Closeted Gay Playwright Colton Wooten
C Entertainment is reviving HannaBarbera's classic Snagglepuss character in a series called "Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles." The comic will feature the iconic pink mountain lion as a gay playwright from the South living in New York City in 1953, leading "a double life," writer Mark Russell told the Hollywood Reporter. "The way I write him, he's kind of an avant-garde figure for the times — people kind of expect him to say things that are edgy and witty," Russell explained. "In a way, he's allowed to breach subjects and say things in 1953 in New York that other people simply could not." Earlier this year, Russell explained to HiLoBrow he drew inspiration for Snagglepuss from the tradition of Southern Gothic writers whose careers in one form or another took them to New York: “I envision him like a tragic Tennessee Williams figure," he said. "Huckleberry
Hound is sort of a William Faulkner guy, they’re in New York in the 1950s, Marlon Brando shows up, Dorothy Parker, these socialites of New York from that era come and go." Russell, who also authored an adaptation of the Flintstones this year, believes that comics offer fertile ground for social commentary. That Snagglepuss, an animal, should be the author's vehicle for such commentary is an irony not lost on Russell. "My political philosophy — my philosophy in general — is that I just want the human race to play nice with itself," he said.
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1 0.25.2017
NEWS community
Shedding Light On The Lies
Conversion therapy survivor exposes threats to LGBT youth After five years of conversion therapy and ten years of marriage, Jose Vega came out of the closet and is ready to share his story Jose Vega. Courtesy of Jose Vega.
Tucker Berardi
ose Vega was born in Puerto Rico and fine, it’s a temptation. So as long as you never raised in a strict Pentecostal home. He accept the fact that you’re gay you’ll be fine.” and his family went to church three, Vega said he has put in hundreds of hours sometimes four days a week. His family of praying, reading the bible, weekend moved to Gainesville and at 17 years of age retreats meant to cleanse him, and even Vega told his pastor he was gay, a disclosure multiple exorcism attempts. that resulted in five years of conversion After a mix of therapy from a religious therapy. therapist and a licensed professional — to “Being gay would have never been whom he paid $100 an hour to “fix” him — accepted in my house. My family was very Vega and his then-fiancè were finally assured devout — we went to church three to that he was cured of his homosexuality. four times a week,” Vega said. ”We didn’t Vega was married for ten years and had two socialize outside of the church; that was it” children before he finally came to terms with Conversion therapy, often called reparative his sexuality and decided to come out of the therapy, is the attempt to “fix” someone’s closet. sexual orientation or gender identity through “I just carried so much shame this entire the use of a number of therapeutic methods. life,” Vega said. “I’m not going to live like Many organizations, including the American that anymore. How am I going to teach my Psychological Association have denounced kids to love themselves, to live their dreams, the practice and many cities in if I can’t even love myself.” South Florida and states across For Vega, the song the US have banned licensed ‘Flawless’ by Beyonce brought “How am professionals from practicing him to tears. “I woke up like I going to the therapy on minors. this. This Jose is good enough, teach my Those bans do not affect right now. It took me years to unlicensed and religious finally admit that. I looked kids to love practitioners however — myself in the mirror and said, themselves, leaving children in a situation ‘you don’t have to change, like Vega’s unprotected. good enough.’” to live their you’re “I went to therapy from Rachel Needle, a licensed dreams, if I my church, [a ban] wouldn’t psychologist and member have helped me,” Vega said. “I of the Palm Beach County can’t even think conversion therapy is a Human Rights Council, said love myself.” that conversion therapy can very damaging practice but I feel that a lot of people don’t take a number of forms and - Jose Vega understand what the practice has been found to lead to a is, how damaging it can be, number of damages in minors and that it is happening here in Gainesville, including depression, issues with intimacy, right now.” drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. Vega spent his childhood in church “Any ethical mental health practitioner and could never escape the homophobic should not attempt to cure or repair gender sentiment. It was in his home and in all of identity or sexual orientation through these his social circles. Being gay was a taboo in his scientifically invalid techniques,” Needle congregation — in a religion that considers said. “Attempting to change someone’s all sins as “equal,” homosexuality seemed to sexual orientation or gender identity can be especially unforgivable. have a devastating impact on a minor.” “I genuinely believed that God would be For Vega, finally coming out after years of enough,” Vega said. “I hated being gay. They therapy and marriage was not a switch that equated it to being alcoholic … as long as he just turned on. It has been an arduous you weren’t near or consume alcohol you’re process, one that he said has led him
through the lowest points in his life. “When I separated from my ex wife I went through a huge depression,” He said. “I hated myself and was ashamed of who I was. I didn’t feel worthy of love. If God can only love me if I changed, and I couldn’t change, then God wouldn’t love me.” Vega continued, “It got to a point where I wanted to kill myself. The only reason, the only reason I did not commit suicide is because of my two kids. It was not fair to them.” Vega is now working with community leaders in Gainesville to enact a ban on conversion therapy for minors in the city. He said that when he was 17 he was easily impressionable: when his pastor told him he could be cured of his homosexuality, he believed him. Now that he is in his 30’s he said he would be much more skeptical. But he doesn’t believe a ban for licensed professionals is enough. When parents who truly believe that homosexuality or gender identity is an affliction that can be cured they will find someone who is offering a cure, even if they are initially turned down. Vega believes more should be done to educate the public, and more safe spaces need to be established for the kids who feel isolated. “Parents want what is best for their kids,
but they need to be aware of what these practices are having, what their implications are,” Vega said. He continued, “The amount of conversion therapy going on around here would astound people. There are so many churches who do not accept that being gay is ok and they are constantly reasserting those negative messages. That in itself is a form of conversion therapy, constant exposure to those messages can have an affect on people.” Vega, along with the Human Rights Council of North Central Florida and other community leaders, are working to enact the ban in Gainesville, and Vega is devoting himself to a platform of advocacy. He said that everyday is a struggle for him, but each time he shares his story he feels freer — he is shedding light and exposing the lies he has been telling himself. “In the beginning I was reluctant to share, but at the end of the day that’s the only way to bring change,” he said. “I hope this [ban] transcends into more than just minors in licensed offices. I went to therapy from my church, this wouldn’t have helped me. But if we educate parents and the community on what this practice actually is, that is a conversation we need to have.”
10.25.2017 •
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10.25.2017 •
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10.25.2017 •
1 0.25.2017
NEWS national
Expanding Inclusive Leadership Maven Leadership Collective
Lynare Robbins
Photo courtesy of the Maven Leadership Collective, Facebook.
he Maven Leadership Collective, co-founded by Corey Davis who serves as Executive Director and Daniel Anzueto who serves as Board Chair, is a leadership development institute for queer and transgender people of color and allies that focuses on closing the technical skills gap of social impact organizations. According to Davis, a study published Collective is implementing their goal for in early 2017 by the Building Movement inclusive leadership is through their Maven Project reported that the percentage of Leadership Cohort program. The 14-month nonprofit senior level representation of program is free and open to residents of people of color, has not changed in a decade Miami Dade and Broward counties who and that queer identity is a compounding have professional or volunteer experience barrier to advancement. in social entrepreneurship “There is an urgent need and community impact. to shift our culture to make The curriculum is based inclusive leadership the on a “Learn, Play, Share” norm,” Davis stated. model where leaders engage Davis said that he and in seven monthly learning Anzueto are long time sessions that focus on five volunteers in the community competencies of capacity, who saw the need for synthesis, wellness, cultural inclusive leadership and fluency and resilience. created Maven Leadership as Recently twelve local change their contribution to moving makers were selected for the the needle for this singular program. focus. Borrowing a quote “When we selected from Shirley Chisholm, the finalists, we were - Corey Davis the first African American looking for people who Executive Director woman to be elected to are resilient, willing to Congress in 1968, Davis said, learn, and have a clear “Ours is a very simple premise. ‘If they vision for how they want to foster greater don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a community engagement to become better folding chair.’ In 2017, we still need more equipped as nonprofit leaders and social folding chairs.” entrepreneurs,” Davis stated. One of the ways that Maven Leadership The twelve selected Mavens are a diverse
“There is an urgent need to shift our culture to make inclusive leadership the norm.”
group who are broadly identified, but are unified by their proven commitment to social impact and inclusive leadership. “Our Mavens impact issues related to the arts, housing, climate change, youth advocacy, equality and much more.” According to Davis, the selection process for the Maven Cohort program began in August 2017 with community partners participating in a group selection process to assist Maven Leadership in making determinations. Davis said that the program is transformational because necessary technical skills are taught to redefine the leadership narrative at a time when all hands are needed on deck. “We do not have the luxury of the status quo where meaningful inclusion and access to opportunity are not prioritized. Sustainable solutions will only come through innovation.” As South Florida has historically been a transient region, Maven Leadership Collective strives to give talented individuals a reason to stay. Their strategy is to help leaders strengthen their
professional networks, create paths to new career and volunteer opportunities, and discover new neighborhoods, institutions and people who make South Florida a great place to live. “We believe that Mavens will be more likely to deepen their connection to South Florida long term as a result of our program. Miami is on the rise and we are betting on it having a bright future,” Davis said. The application period for Maven Leadership Cohort program, Cohort 2, will open in April 2018, with the program set to start in July 2018. Those who are interested should follow Maven Leadership on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @mavenleaders or visit MavenLeaders.org. Also scheduled is Maven Leadership Collective’s popular salon series, #NotMyReality, that explores the highs and lows of queer people of color representation in film, pop culture and media. This is a free event scheduled to take place at O Cinema Wynwood, located at 90 NW 29th street, Miami on November 5th from 12 to 2 p.m.
10.25.2017 •
NEWS international
World’s Oldest Tortoise Has Younger Gay Lover Brittany Ferrendi
Maxim Lapunov. Photo courtesy of Youtube / @novayagazeta
Photo credit: D-Stanley, Flickr.
onathan the tortoise is really celebrating his golden years. The 186-year-old tortoise is a resident of British Overseas Territory St. Helena. He’s the world’s oldest tortoise and possibly the world’s oldest living creature. Jonathan was given to the territory as a gift to the governor — and is even honored on the Saint Helena five pence coin. According to Gay Star News, veterinarians recommended the tortoise get a mate in 1991. The mate was named “Frederica” at the time and they lived the last 26 years together and had mating sessions once a week. But they never produced offspring. Twenty-six years later, doctors finally understand why. When repairing a lesion on “Frederica,” they discovered he was a male all along. The Times reported they renamed him to Frederic. Same-sex marriage is not legal, but there
1 0.25.2017
were various anti-discrimination laws implemented in 2009. Same-sex acts in St. Helena were only legalized in 2001. It’s clear Jonathan the tortoise broke the law, but it’s unlikely he’ll serve prison time.
‘Gay Purge’ Survivor Speaks Out
Brittany Ferrendi
victim of the alleged “gay purge” in Chechnya has come forward. Maxim Lapunov led a press conference on Monday in Moscow to speak about the arrest, violent interrogation and torture he faced while in the Russian republic. The 30-year-old Siberian native was grabbed by officers on the night of March 16 and brought to a blood-soaked cell. There he was repeatedly yelled at, beaten and humiliated. Officers demanded he release names of other gay people in the republic. “They burst in every 10 or 15 minutes shouting that I was gay and they would kill me,” he told the audience as reported by the BBC. “Then they beat me with a stick for a long time: in the legs, ribs, buttocks and back. When I started to fall, they pulled me up and carried on.” They “assured” him they were going to kill him, and told him how — but 12 days later he was released under the conditions he sign a blank confession and tell no one of his incarceration. “The only charge they made was that I was gay,” he said. “I could hardly walk. I was sure they were going to kill me, I was preparing for that.” He stated he still has nightmares of the screams of other prisoners. “It should not be like this. We are all people. We all have rights,” he said. “If those rights can be violated [in Chechnya], it could happen in any region. And no-one knows whose son or daughter will be next.” Lapunov came to Chechnya in 2015. Since he was not a native, he would put no
family at risk by coming forward. This press conference comes six months after reports of alleged gay and bisexual men being persecuted in the republic. Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that over 100 assumed gay and bisexual men were detained and tortured with several reported murders. The Russian LGBT Network is evacuating dozens of Chechen men and their families. According to Gay Star News, the Network has already helped 79 people escape. Canada’s Rainbow Railroad is also aiding rescue efforts. Lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons are also at risk being in the republic. The first openly transgender woman to escape Chechnya came forward in May. The woman, who came forward on Russia’s Rain TV under the pseudonym “Leila,” reported death threats — and a stabbing in Moscow by someone who claimed to be Chechen. The person reportedly asked, “When will you stop disgracing your people?” Despite all of these claims of abuse, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has denied the persecutions and said there are no gay people in the republic. “This is nonsense,” Kadyrov said on HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.” “We don’t have these kinds of people here. We don’t have any gays. If there are any take them to Canada. Praise be to God. Take them far from us so we don’t have them at home. To purify our blood, if there are any here, take them.”
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Stork’s: A Cradle for the Manors
braham Lincoln once wrote that “I like to see a man who is proud of his community, but I also like to see a community that is proud of him.” Since taking over Stork’s Bakery and Coffee House in 2007 from the former Wilton Manors mayor whose namesake it still bears, Peter Dekaj, 48, has been making a name for himself and his establishment. Stork’s is celebrating its 20th anniversary this weekend, and you absolutely must stop by and engage in a self-indulgent delight of erotic oral chocolate fantasies. Last week, for my 4th birthday as a type 2 diabetic, Peter made me the most amazing bury-me-rightnow deep chocolate iced, creamy, layered cake covered with white chocolate icing and whipped cream, I just rubbed it on my thighs. It even had the Los Angeles Dodgers logo on it:
Stork’s, my friends, though, is more than just a corner bakery serving cakes and exotic coffees, and they do offer over 13 unique roasted exotic coffees daily. Stork’s is a venue where you can meet on the outdoor terrace
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to break up with your lover, or maybe sit with your pet ruminating about your future as an insurance agent for Joe Pallant. It’s our own little neighborhood bistro with fresh herbs, grains, vegetables and a touch of real life human drama going down on the patio. Stork’s is a wonderful, pleasant neighborhood-favorite cafe, preparing balanced and nutritious salads and lunches, which you can consume quickly but do not consume you financially. And they taste great too. All the foods, from the gourmet sandwiches to the wholesome wraps, are home made by Peter and his staff, and they are open seven days a week from 7 a.m. till midnight. Entrees, salads, pastas, and vegetarian dishes are freshly prepared daily, along with creative presentations for basics such as a meatloaf your mom might be jealous of: There should be lots of samples for this, their 20th anniversary weekend. Maybe Jim Stork will even show up in a bathing suit, and announce he is running for office again. One final thing, Peter’s bakery not only employs over two dozen men and women; he has been a terrific straight ally who has given back so much charitably to the LGBT community here. On his own dime and often at cost, he has underwritten events and parties, made donations and contributed foods, which have helped sustain those in need, from food banks to drug rehab programs. Peter Dekaj and Stork’s have demonstrated concern and commitment to all of us, so it’s great that he is celebrating 20 years on the corner of NE 15 Ave and NE 26th Street in the Manors. Check out his ad in this week’s SFGN and help celebrate there this weekend. I won’t tell your endocrinologist if you don’t tell mine.
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10.25.2017 •
Publisher's Editorial
The Line Drives in My Life
Norm Kent
Dodgers Stadium in L.A.
f life teaches us any lessons, it is that too many of the lessons come too late. Actually, that may not be true, but it sounds very brilliant and incisive. The truth is, as my mom used to say, you can change anything you want about your life on any day you choose to- just get the seat of your pants up off the seat of your chair. Of course, mom, there are limitations. I suspect now that I am collecting social security it is unlikely that the Los Angeles Dodgers will put me on their World Series roster. But I will be there anyway. Just in case. There are no passions that have driven my life more than the love of baseball. In many ways, baseball mirrors life. It is a sport where you have to be willing to endure failure in order to succeed. In fact, when he retired as the greatest home run hitter of all time in the 1940’s, Babe Ruth also led both leagues in strikeouts. Unlike football, where quarterbacks are expected to complete 75 percent of their passes, a good hitter in baseball only gets a hit about three times out of ten. Life is like that too. We don’t win every game, but you only get your chance if you enter the arena and compete. Anyway, the point is fundamentally simple. In life, like in sports, if you don’t succeed, try, try again. As for trying again, let’s give Dean Trantalis a hand for a second run for mayor of Fort
1 0.25.2017
Lauderdale. He won’t go down without a fight and this time he has some kick! The voice of the LGBT community is entitled to be heard. Having a gay mayor in South Florida sends a message to the rest of the world that we are metropolitan, not Neanderthal. Jack Seiler never saw that. He was too busy masturbating with the power brokers. If that offends Jack Seiler, I meant to. He offended me when he refused to support gay marriage. He had a chance to advance us a base, but he played it safe, thinking it will help him become attorney general or governor. It won’t. In baseball, you can’t steal second base and move up until you risk taking a lead off first. The batter tries to advance the runner any way he can. The idea is to score and bring home a run, but you can’t always hit a home run. We had to play nine innings. We were fortunate to have courageous pioneers in South Florida, like the Dolphin Democrats, move the needle forward for us. The Supreme Court validated gay marriages in America only last year, in June of 2016, but we did not knock it out of the park right
away. First came civil unions, then long-time companions, and then domestic partnerships. Now we have event planners hosting wedding ceremonies on the beach. Rainbows come only after the rain. Meanwhile, there are still no professional gay baseball players willing to come out of the closet, though there are ever so many playing the game. Once there were no men or women running for office willing to say they were gay. See the ads in SFGN at election time and you know that is no longer the case in our courts and our communities. Gays have a seat at the table. We will one day at home plate too. But in politics today, our paper may be more interested in what you say then who you sleep with. Being gay has not stymied major league owners, umpires or even a random pro soccer or basketball player from reaching success. That does not mean the road is not rocky. It’s always easier to come out in an individual sport, where 20 of your teammates are not around to make jokes about you being a ‘faggot.’ That’s the way it has been for a long time.
Gays have a seat at the table. We will one day at home plate too.
I can’t count how many times I heard the locker room rallying cry: “Beat these guys. They are fairies.” And what did you say? Nothing, so as not to rock the boat? It’s time to if you have not. Be silent no more. Today, pro sports has made it safer to be gay than Hollywood ever did for women starring in a Harvey Weinstein film. What a bastard he is. Slander a gay athlete in the NFL, NBA, NHL, or MLB and you yourself will face a stiff fine or suspension. Diversity matters. You want to know why Harvey Weinstein got away with his filth? Greed and gold governed over goodness and grace. The money was flowing, so everyone looked the other way. No one wanted to shake up the status quo. Promise me you won’t be one of those people. Like Tom Petty, don’t ever back down, and don’t let the battle discourage you. Make it celebratory and challenge the pitcher. America is the land of the second chances, and in baseball you get three strikes. Don’t worry if you foul a few off on the way home. We all do. I can’t tell you when your turn to bat will come, and I can’t tell you I will still be here when it does. But make it count. Get your swings in. Stand your ground and drive the ball. The line drive hit you get today may unearth the bases for another person tomorrow.
10.25.2017 •
history month state
Our History Matters • See more articles from this month at SFGN.com/2017Historymonth
Addison Mizner Was Gay History has ignored South Florida’s most famous architect’s sexuality Graham Brunk
SFGN Exclusive
ddison Mizner came to Palm Beach in 1918 to die. Instead he would change South Florida forever, especially Boca Raton, with his enduring signature Spanish revival architecture. Eighty-four years after his death that imprint is hard to miss.
While many in Palm Beach County know who Mizner was, few probably suspect he may have been gay. No one has written about Mizner’s suspected homosexuality and most of the evidence today amounts to innuendos but other authors give us clues such as Caroline Seebohm, who described Mizner in her book, “Boca Rococo: How Addison Mizner Invented Florida's Gold Coast,” as having “eccentricities” and a very flamboyant personality. Additionally at one point in his life Mizner declared himself to be a lifelong bachelor. Mizner ended up in Palm Beach County after World War I put a damper on the business he had drummed up as an apprentice draftsman in California. He was broke and sick with necrosis of the bone in his leg from a childhood injury. When he came to Palm Beach, Mizner found that society revolved largely around one man, Paris Singer. Singer was a wealthy socialite. His father had created a wildly successful sewing machine company. Mizner, on the other hand, was not even an architect. He never went to school for it, and the state of New York and California, where he came from, never officially recognized him as such. Yet somehow Mizner and Singer struck up an unlikely friendship. They met at Gus
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Baths (later known as the Lido Baths), a popular hang out in Palm Beach, at the time off of Worth Avenue around where the clock tower stands today. But don’t mistake those baths as necessarily a gay club, many straight men once frequented bathhouses as well. Autobiographies and memoirs written by both men describe the hunky nature of the men in the Gus Baths scene and both men seemed to be drawn to a frequent visitor at the time, Norman Selby, better known to the world as champion boxer, Kid McCoy (or where the term ‘Real McCoy' comes from). Both men subtly described McCoy as the physically handsome instructor. McCoy though was straight, and nothing suggests otherwise. Even so he would have been a gay man’s dream at the time. Mizner would come to be known for being the father of development in Boca Raton and has created some of the most notable architectural works throughout Palm Beach County including Villa Mizner on Worth Ave, The Everglades Club in Palm Beach, the Woman’s Club in Boynton Beach, and many private homes. Today he is regarded as an architectural mastermind. But few have discussed his sexuality. Singer might also have been a closeted gay man. Around the time Mizner
Kid McCoy.
Palm Beach Everglades Club. Photo by Ebyabe.
arrived, Singer had been involved with a female dancer, Isadora Duncan. In her autobiography, she described him as unapproachable, but a good companion nonetheless. The relationship was probably just one of companionship. Feeling what one might assume was likely sexual frustration she’d often cheat on him when he was not around. Upon returning from a trip abroad, Singer had realized McCoy had
been having a relationship with Duncan and he distanced himself from her. It was in the aftermath of this relationship that Mizner and Singer grew close. And in turn Singer launched Mizner’s career as the local society’s go to architect. As for Mizner, after having a few unsuccessful relationships with women in California and New York, he declared himself a lifelong bachelor, giving us
history month state Before coming to South Florida, Mizner befriended an openly gay man in New York – architect Stanford White. White would become a professional mentor to Mizner.
Addison Mizner. Photo courtesy of Graham Brunk.
another clue of his sexuality. fictionalized, it portrayed Addison Before coming to South Florida, Mizner Mizner as openly gay. While traveling to befriended an openly gay man in New Palm Beach for the first time, he meets York – architect Stanford White. White a young man named Hollis Bessemer would become a professional mentor to who comes from a wealthy family, but is Mizner. In Aline Saarinen’s unpublished estranged from them. Mizner is smitten biography of White she revealed him to be by the young man who claims to have a an open homosexual, something almost strong interest in the arts with an interest unheard in those days. in setting up an art colony in Palm Beach. His letters, while they never mention Bessemer and Mizner end up becoming Mizner by name, describe a circle lovers and together come up with the idea of bisexual and gay people he often of developing up Boca Raton. associated himself In early scripts of the with. Those people musical, the Bessemer included, according to character was named Paris After her; “[Augustus] Saint Singer, but for whatever having a few Gaudens, Joseph M. Wells, reason it was changed so unsuccessful Frank Millet, Whitney Singer does appear in the Warren, Thomas Hastings play. relationships and probably [William The musical most with women R.] Mead.” Nearly all, recently had a run in in California including Mizner, were Washington DC at the and New associated with White’s Kennedy Center in 2016. architectural firm, McKim, Gary Griffin directed York, he Mead & White. that run. When he first declared Seebohm’s book, “Boca contacted Sondheim himself a Rococo,” not only called about possibly bringing lifelong Mizner eccentric and it back he said Sondheim bachelor. flamboyant but referred told him “Nothing would to Singer as having those make me happier than to traits as well. see that production live While most histories that mention on, and ‘Road Show’ could be done big, if Mizner simply ignore his sexuality, someone wants to spend the money.” pop culture has taken notice. In 1999, Mizner will always have a legacy in Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman South Florida for jump starting the trend wrote a musical titled “Road Show.” The of Spanish revival architecture so many musical told the story of Addison Mizner others imitated throughout the region. He and his brother Wilson Mizner from also left the area with some of the most their adventures during the Alaskan Gold beautiful structures in the U.S. Rush, to the development of Palm Beach But his legacy as an early influential and Boca Raton. gay man in South Florida has gone largely While the play was completely unnoticed. Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGTBQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com. 10.25.2017 •
history month books
Charity and Sylvia The 200 Year Old Same-Sex Marriage
Rachel Hope Cleves, author of "Charity & Sylvia." Photo courtesy of Rachel Cleves.
Christiana Lilly
he legalization of same-sex marriage may be brand new to American history, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything unique.
Rachel Hope Cleves, a professor of history at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, has been studying the love story of two seemingly ordinary women: Charity Bryant and Sylvia Drake. After meeting in Vermont in the late 1700s, the women were “inseparable” and essentially lived as wife and wife for four decades. In 2014, at the cusp of the Defense of Marriage Act being overturned in the United States, Cleves published “Charity and Sylvia” — a reminder that LGBT people are nothing new to history. SFGN interviewed Cleves via email to discuss why she chose Bryant and Drake as the topic of her book. When did you first learn about Charity Bryant and Sylvia Drake? I first learned about Charity and Sylvia in the course of researching my first book, “The Reign of Terror in America.” I was reading the letters of Charity Bryant’s nephew, the poet William Cullen Bryant, and I came across his account of visiting his aunts in Weybridge, Vermont, where they lived.
What interested you about them? Bryant described his aunts' relationship in language that echoed the familiar marriage ceremony rites from the "Book of Common Prayer" — for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. I was immediately struck by Bryant’s description because I’d never heard of any relationships between same-sex partners during the first half of the 19th century that were so explicitly likened to a marriage. I immediately became curious about how Charity Bryant and Sylvia Drake's marriage worked: how did they meet, how did they form their relationship, what did their family and friends make of it? You wrote “Charity and Sylvia” in 2014, why was it important to you to tell their story? When I began working on the book, a lot of opponents to same-sex marriage were using history as a weapon against equal marriage rights. They argued that legitimizing same-sex marriage contravened countless millennia of history. I thought it was vital to challenge this false claim and show how same-sex couples found ways to marry in the past, and to be accepted and valued by their communities and families. What are people's reactions to hearing about a same-sex couple 200 years ago? A mix of surprise and affirmation. People are surprised because our myth of the past is that is was impossible to live in an open loving same-sex partnership until modern times. But, people also have a deep belief that there must have been people like themselves in the past, and that brings
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the sense of affirmation that many readers have expressed to me after learning about Charity and Sylvia. Why are stories like Bryant and Drake's important today? I think that claims about the newness of LGBTQ people and lives is an ideological instrument used by reactionaries to enforce a certain narrow vision of normal sex and gender. The truth is that the past
is filled with examples of people of diverse genders and sexualities, who oftentimes experienced persecution or hostility, but who also found ways to live and flourish. Excluding the stories of diverse genders and sexualities from the past is a way to silence such expressions in the present and future. It’s important that we tell a more inclusive story of the past in order to open and affirm possibilities for people living in the present and in the future.
Visit SFGN.com/2017HistoryMonth to look back on this year's History Month.
10.25.2017 •
history month national
Randy Wicker
Unsung Hero in LGBT-rights Movement
Randy Wicker on "The Les Crane Show." Photo courtesy of PGN.
Jeremy Rodriguez jeremy@epgn.com
“Randolph” a different way. It seemed to me that it could andy Wicker may not be a familiar name to those easily be spelled “R-a-n-d-o-l-f-e.” So I chose the unique familiar with LGBT history — but the 79-yearspelling of the name. old made his mark in the movement, beginning in the 1960s. PGN: In 1962, New York’s WBAI Radio broadcast a radio Many assume the first organized protest for gay rights program called “The Homosexual In America,” on which occurred on April 17, 1965, in front of the White House, psychiatrists talked about homosexuality as a disease. where demonstrators, including Frank Kameny, protested You marched in and confronted the station’s public-affairs the firing of gay and lesbian civil servants. director. What led you to doing that, and what transpired However, seven months earlier, Wicker organized his from that encounter? own gay-rights demonstration. On Sept. 19, 1964, Wicker and nine other members of the Sexual Freedom League RW: They [previously aired] these panels where picketed in front of the U.S. Army Induction Center to psychiatrists were talking about homosexuality as a protest the confidentiality violation of gay men’s draft disease and how they treated it. I went up and told them records. Wicker is also believed to have been the first this problem is illegitimate because homosexuals were openly gay person to appear on East Coast television the real authority on homosexuality. So the gentleman without a fake name or disguise earlier that same year. told me, “Get together a panel and I’ll come Philadelphia Gay News sat down with and interview them.” So I got together a Wicker to discuss these historic firsts, his panel and he did the interview and a week time as the roommate of trans activist "I had to before it was broadcast, Jack O’Brian, who Marsha P. Johnson, his thoughts on respect my was a right-wing columnist for the [New President Donald Trump and his advice father’s York] Journal American, said that WBAI on how the community can move forward. had announced this program because they wishes. I homosexuals had a right to be PGN: Your family asked you to change didn’t want to thought heard and the six-man panel would discuss your name from Charles Gervin Hayden, Jr. cause him any “the ease of living the gay life.” So I took this after you told them about your involvement little attack in the Journal American a week in the 1960s gay-rights movement. How did problems." before the broadcast and made the rounds you feel when they requested that of you? - Randy Wicker to Newsweek, Variety, the New York Times and told them about this show. When the RW: My father was very supportive. program was finally broadcast, it was written When he found out I was gay, he wanted up by the New York Times. It was a news story. It was me to be the best-adjusted gay person I could be because reviewed by Jack Gould from the Times. It got a full-page he wouldn’t always be there to support me. His name in Newsweek. It made Variety. It was the most-publicized was “Senior” and in those days, he worked for the same broadcast that the network ever did. corporation for about 27 years. So he just said to me, “I don’t think you’ll get far with this. Just do me one favor, will PGN: You appeared on “The Les Crane Show” and answered you?” I said, “What’s that?” And he said, “Don’t involve my questions about homosexuality, where you were believed to good name.” So I assumed the name Randolfe Wicker as a be the first gay person to appear openly on East Coast TV pseudonym very early in the movement because I had to without a disguise or a fake name. respect my father’s wishes. I didn’t want to cause him any problems. RW: They contacted me and Les Crane was the cuttingPGN: How did you choose your new name? edge new show, and homosexuality was one of the taboo topics. I had to answer call-in questions and some of them RW: I saw a movie with Randolph Scott and I thought it were pretty direct. I had one woman call in and say she had was very elegant. He got off a yacht and stood on a pier. a cousin or an uncle who she knew was gay. She worried I remember Donald Webster Cory, who had published about him being in contact with her children. I told her I “The Homosexual in America,” had to choose a middle thought the chances of any problems like that would be very name because they were afraid there would be a Donald minor, especially if she let him know that she knew he was Cory somewhere that would sue so I thought I’d spell gay, knew that he would not do anything nefarious.
Visit SFGN.com/2017HistoryMonth to read the rest. Visit Randy Wicker’s recent work on Youtube via YouTube.com/RandolfeWicker. Jeremy Rodriguez is a staff writer at Philadelphia Gay News. This piece is part of a national multi-newspaper LGBT history project that’s put together by the Philadelphia Gay News every year.
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Wicker and other activists at the 1964 Army Protest. Photo courtesy of PGN.
x. Photo credit: x
Randy Wicker. Photo courtesy of PGN.
10.25.2017 •
history month national
Stirring Up The Origin of The
Ray Simon
PGN Contributor
‘Alphabet Soup’
system, the attempt did not initially seem to benefit gay individuals.” In effect, gay men and lesbians went from being sinners or criminals to being sick. Unfortunately, the cures proffered by the medical profession included remedies as gruesome as castration, hysterectomy and lobotomy. It’s no wonder, then, that by the 1960s, gay men and lesbians were eager to shake off the word “homosexual” and replace it with a label of their own choosing. Author Edmund White traces the gradual replacement of the word “homosexual” with the word “gay” in his essay “The Political No Homo: How homosexual Vocabulary of Homosexuality.” As he notes, faded from use the pace of change was given added impetus Consider the word: “homosexual.” by Stonewall, but the experience of AfricanIts absence from the initialism LGBT is Americans struggling for civil rights was also conspicuous, because it was the label most important. According to White: Just as Negro had been rejected as frequently applied to gay men and lesbians for something contaminated because it had been several decades during the mid-20th century. Before then, same-sex behavior was either used by (supposedly hypocritical) liberals and condemned as a sin on religious grounds or the seemingly more neutral black was brought punished as a crime for legal reasons. But into currency, in the same way homosexual, well into the early modern era, there was with its medical textbook ring, was dismissed no commonly accepted word or phrase to in favor of the more informal and seemingly describe individuals with a physical attraction innocuous gay… By the 1970s, the word “gay” became more to, romantic feelings for or a sexual interest in common among both people of the same sex. gay men and lesbians, That began to change, In 1973, as well as the general gradually, during the 19th when the next public. Psychologists century. With medicine and and psychiatrists, psychology emerging as edition of however, needed a scientific disciplines, some the DSM was bit more convincing: began to think of so-called published, Homosexuality continued sodomites less as sinners to be listed as a “nonor criminals and more as the APA no psychotic mental disorder” patients. longer listed in the “Diagnostic and In 1869, Karl-Maria homosexuality Statistical Manual of Kertbeny, an early advocate of Mental Disorders.” gay rights, coined the German as a mental That finally changed, word “homosexualität.” illness. thanks to Dr. John Fryer. Roughly two decades At the APA’s annual later, English author John Addington Symonds included a discussion of meeting in 1972, Fryer donned a mask and “homosexual instincts” in his 1891 book, “A participated in a panel as “Dr. H. Anonymous.” Problem in Modern Ethics.” Scholars cite this His remarks began: “I am a homosexual. I am as the first use of the word “homosexual” in a psychiatrist.” In 1973, when the next edition of the DSM was published, the APA no longer English. By the early decades of the 20th century, listed homosexuality as a mental illness. “homosexual” had become common parlance It’s here, it’s queer! among medical doctors and psychologists, but to no avail. As the historian John D’Emilio notes in his book “Sexual Politics, Sexual The word “gay” may have positive Communities,” “Although the medical connotations, but the same can’t be said for profession strove from the 1880s onward to “queer,” which has enjoyed a resurgence wrest power over the fate of homosexuals recently. This is surprising because the epithet and lesbians away from the criminal-justice “queer” is an intensely hurtful pejorative, one
oday, references to the LGBT community are commonplace. One hears them in both the mainstream media and everyday conversation. What’s not generally discussed, though, is how this particular combination of words came to represent the LGBT community. Why were some words admitted to this “alphabet soup” while others were excluded? As it happens, the history behind the words and phrases used to identify LGBT people is both curious and revealing.
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that many older gays and lesbians revile. The initial meaning of queer is innocuous. Webster’s defines it as “differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal.” Its synonyms include “strange,” “eccentric” and “unconventional.” In the late 19th century, however, “queer” acquired a secondary meaning: male homosexual. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its first appearance in print is a letter from John Douglas, the Marquess of Queensberry, to Alfred Montgomery dated Nov. 1, 1894. Douglas’ oldest son, Francis, had died days before — probably a suicide. In this vituperative missive, Douglas excoriates many people, including “The Snob Queers like Roseberry.” His meaning was perfectly clear. The idea that anyone called such a loathsome curse would turn around and use it as a badge of honor, or a weapon, seems farfetched. And yet, by 1990, “queer” made that transition when four AIDS activists in New York City started Queer Nation. Angered by a spike in violence directed at gay men, they were determined to meet it with an aggressive, confrontational response. At that June’s Gay Pride March, they distributed an anonymously written pamphlet titled “Queers Read This.” It’s a blistering reproach directed at straights, the media, Sen. Jesse Helms and John Cardinal O’Connor, to name just a few targets. The pamphlet is a call to arms; its opening paragraph concludes, “You as an alive and functioning queer are a revolutionary.” For the authors, queerness isn’t about assimilation or
tolerance; it’s “about being on the margins.” Although they acknowledge that “queer” is a difficult word, they insist that it’s right for the times, because it’s inclusive and reflects the righteous anger many felt during the AIDS crisis. As they put it, “Yeah, QUEER can be a rough word but it is also a sly and ironic weapon we can steal from the homophobe’s hands and use against him.” Queer Nation eventually faded from the scene, but the word “queer” endured. From 2000-05, for example, Showtime aired the popular series “Queer as Folk.” Within academia, Queer Theory became a fruitful area of inquiry. Today, especially among some younger people, “queer” is a capacious term that encompasses anyone whose sexuality or gender falls outside the norm, whether they are asexual, gender-nonconforming, kinky, polyamorous or LGBT. Despite that, the word’s negative connotations can still provoke disgust among older gays. The Huffington Post initiated a flap over this in 2016 when it changed the name of its LGBT site from “Gay Voices” to “Queer Voices.” Among those who objected was Mark Segal, longtime publisher of the Philadelphia Gay News and winner of numerous LGBT journalism awards. Regarding “queer,” Segal wrote, “It’s popular with only one segment of our population, and that segment is overwhelmingly activistdriven.” The majority of LGBT people, he argued, “still feel hurt when they hear that word.”
history month national Trans*-former: The emergence of transgender
still significant. As K.J. Rawson and Cristan Williams note in their book, “Transgender*: The Rhetorical Landscape of a Term,” Oliven The history of LGBT labels isn’t just a didn’t use the word in the book’s 1955 edition; narrative of old words being dropped or it was added later, when the second edition was formerly shunned words being reclaimed. As revised and published. Gradually, some members of this the burgeoning transgender community shows, new LGBT vocabulary is being coined right now. marginalized community began to apply Throughout history, there have been the word “transgender” to themselves. For individuals who did not conform to the typical example, Virginia Charles Prince, publisher gender roles they were expected to take on. of the long-running periodical “Transvestia,” Joan of Arc is a well-known example, but occasionally used a variation of the word, there are others, including Deborah Sampson, “transgenderal.” who disguised herself as a man so that she By the 1990s, gay-rights groups began to could fight with the Continental Army during recognize transgender individuals and included the Revolutionary War. Today, them under the umbrella we’d most likely say they were term LGBT. More recently, “transgender.” the general public has These same During the early to mid-20th become more familiar with people were century, various labels were used “transgender,” sometimes generally to “name” these individuals, like thanks to positive role lumped “transvestite” and “transsexual.” models like Laverne Cox Unsurprisingly, these words and Chelsea Manning, but together generally originated in medicine also, unfortunately, because with gay and psychology. They were also, of debates over so-called men and bathroom bills. equally unsurprising, inadequate. lesbians, As the transgender Transvestite, for example, included community continues to both straight men who enjoyed even if they grow, it’s also enriching our dressing in women’s clothes and didn’t have vocabulary. “Cisgender,” for men who wore women’s clothes same-sex example, is often employed because it was a genuine expression desires. to denote those who are not of their true gender. To compound transgender. For some, even the problem, these same people the word “transgender” is were generally lumped together with gay men and lesbians, even if they didn’t inadequate; instead, they prefer to use “trans men,” “trans women” or even just “trans*.” have same-sex desires. Trans activist Leslie Feinberg summarized Conclusion: the situation in a 1992 pamphlet called A word to the wise “Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come.” Feinberg acknowledges This brief sketch of the history of three labels a growing community of “gender outlaws,” whose number includes “transvestites, referring to the LGBT community reveals a few transsexuals, drag queens and drag kings, broad themes. To begin with, language — like cross-dressers, stone butches, androgynes, gender and sexuality — is a complex, fluid phenomenon. Any attempt to circumscribe a diesel dykes or berdache.” As Feinberg’s title suggests, one word that word’s meaning or usage is foolhardy. Second, we must always be alert to the might actually describe this disparate group of people is “transgender.” According to context in which words are used. Is a label scholars, the word first appeared in print in used by LGBT people to define themselves, or John F. Oliven’s 1965 book, “Sexual Hygiene and is it being applied to them by someone else, perhaps someone openly hostile to them? The Pathology.” Oliven writes: Where the compulsive urge reaches beyond distinction is crucial. Finally, history is a record of change, so female vestments, and becomes an urge for gender (‘sex’) change, transvestism becomes LGBT people, however they refer to themselves ‘transsexualism.’ The term is misleading; today, would do well to remember that a new actually, ‘transgenderism’ is what is meant, generation of LGBT individuals might prefer because sexuality is not a major factor in other labels just two or three decades from now. As Feinberg wrote, “The language used in this primary transvestism. Although Oliven’s understanding of pamphlet may quickly become outdated as the “transgender” is not the same as our gender community coalesces and organizes — a understanding of it today, his use of it is wonderful problem.”
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Ray Simon is a writer and editor from Philadelphia. In addition to LGBT issues, he’s written about games, music and sustainability. You can follow him on Twitter at @raymondpsimon. This piece is part of a national multi-newspaper LGBT history project that’s put together by the Philadelphia Gay News every year. 10.25.2017 •
history month national
Is LGBT Support for Broad Social-Justice Issues
a New Thing? John Knoebel re American LGBT activists becoming more engaged in wider “social-justice” issues than they have been in many years? I am hearing more about this trend and applaud it strongly. From new groups like “Gays Against Guns” to the proud appearance of rainbow flags at anti-Nazi rallies following the incident in Charlottesville, LGBT activists are reaching out to support many progressive causes outside of traditional, narrowly defined core LGBT agendas. Certainly the widespread horrors of the Trump presidency have inspired many to broaden their activism. But I also sense a growing wave of moral maturity within a new generation of LGBT youth who have personally benefited from the progress of the last 50 years. They know they are people of value. Their feet are firmly planted in a belief in human justice and they want to reach out to improve the world. Today’s multi-issue activists will be pleased to learn that the modern LGBT movement began with much the same sense of involvement in a broad range of social-justice causes. Although spurred by the rebellion at Stonewall in June of 1969, the activists who founded the pioneering Gay Liberation Front in New York City only three weeks later came from a wide variety of that era’s progressive movements — women’s liberation, the anti-war movement, the new left and the black civil-rights movement, among others — and they gave vocal support to the Black Panthers, Young Lords and other radical organizations of those years. Like Gay Liberation itself, I was a child of the ’60s. When I joined GLF in New York in late 1969, I’d already been active in the anti-war movement at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I’d experienced more than my share of leafletting, street actions, tear gas and sit-ins. I’d protested the presidential campaign of Gov. George Wallace when he appeared in Wisconsin. I’d joined more than 10,000 UW students and faculty marching to the State Capital Building following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This was the same shared background of most of the young gay and lesbian activists I came to know so well in my two years as a core member of GLF. No surprise then that, when GLF sprang onto the New York scene as the first gay and lesbian organization of the modern LGBT-rights era, none of us abandoned our passion for the groups we came from. Yes, with our iconic slogan, “Out of the closets and into the streets,” GLF took immediate aim at the specific antigay forces that surrounded us. Within the first few months, GLF protested against police raids on mafia-owned bars, picketed negative media, railed against church and psychiatric bigotry and began publishing our pioneering radical newspaper, “Come Out!” And before the first year was out, we achieved what was probably our most important
John Knoebel at his first Gay Pride March. Photo courtesy of John Knoebel.
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accomplishment — creating an all-new “out and proud” gay members joined the socialist-inspired Venceremos Brigade, and lesbian community that had not existed before us. We and travelled to Cuba to help agricultural workers cut sugar did this through our continual protests and public presence, cane. We attended the first Earth Day celebration on April Sunday night meetings, all-gay and 22, 1970. women’s dances, consciousness-raising For my own part, in August 1970 I We defined groups, gay living collectives and through was among several GLF members who our central role in organizing the first Gay met with Huey Newton to discuss joint ourselves as Pride March in June of 1970. demonstrations between GLF and the part of the Nonetheless, from the very start, Black Panthers. Later that year, I joined progressive GLF also reached out to other causes. more than 100 GLF members and revolution We defined ourselves as part of the participated in sessions of the Black progressive revolution dedicated to Panther Party's “Revolutionary People’s dedicated to transforming American life in the 1960s Constitutional Convention” held in transforming and ’70s. Diversity was a hallmark of GLF Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., American life membership and from the beginning we where members of our black and thirdcounted among us male, female, white, world alliance group presented a multiin the 1960s black, Latino, Asian and trans members. point program of LGBT inclusiveness. and ’70s. We proudly carried our GLF banners at Subsequently, I joined several other many peace marches on the streets of gay men in the creation of the Effeminist Manhattan. We bussed to attend large anti-Vietnam War movement — dedicating several years to supporting moratorium events in Washington, D.C. In November 1969, feminist goals to oppose sexism and male supremacy GLF voted to donate meager organization cash to support summarized in our much-republished position document, the “Free the Black Panther 21” appeal. “The Effeminist Manifesto.” These alliances did not In May of 1970, lesbians from GLF pulled off the famous always lead to concrete achievements, but they effectively “Lavender Menace” action challenging the homophobia expressed the intentions of GLF members towards a just of the National Organization for Women. Groups of GLF and humanistic world vision.
Visit SFGN.com/2017HistoryMonth to read the rest. For over 45 years, John Knoebel made significant contributions to LGBT history, first as a pioneer gay activist in New York City from 1969-1976 and then during his 33-year career as a senior executive with The Advocate, OUT and other LGBT magazines from 1979-2012. Knoebel is currently writing a memoir of his lifelong involvement with LGBT politics and publishing. This piece is part of a national multi-newspaper LGBT history project that’s put together by the Philadelphia Gay News every year.
This week’s featured
By J.R. Davis
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10.25.2017 •
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n the past decade the number of South Americans living in Florida has more than doubled and Florida is home to more Peruvians than any other state, so it’s no surprise that there are quite a few Peruvian restaurants out there for you to try. The latest entry is Ceviche Street, which relocated from Hallandale Beach, taking over the Oakland Park space formerly occupied by D’Mar Seafood.
SFGN.com/FOOD to read the rest of this article.
There's a world of flavor waiting... step no further than your back yard! We know you have fine taste... so come treat yourself.
1 0.25.2017
10.25.2017 •
o c to b er
2 6
J.W. Arnold
o c to b er
3 1 ,
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W W W . S F G N . C O M
All That Glitters
theater The world of online dating takes a new twist in “GRNDR The Opera,” opening tonight at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. In this “unauthorized” parody by Erik Ransom, “Grindr” is a mythical siren who has been awakened from her slumber by technology. Powered by human lust, she manipulates her gay followers into hilarious situations, climaxing in a musical orgy. Tickets are $35 at TEP.Ticketleap.com.
television Last season’s Tony-nominated revival of “Falsettos” will be broadcast tonight on “Live from Lincoln Center” at 9 p.m. on PBS. The 1992 musical by William Finn and James Lapine explores the lives of a tight-knit family that seeks to redefine the meaning of “family.” The revival stars Tony winner Christian Borle (“Peter and the Star Catcher”) and Andrew Rannells (“Book of Mormon”) as the gay couple. Check local listings for channels and show times.
Saturday 10/28
Miami City Ballet opens its 2017-18 season this weekend at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale with George Balanchine’s epic ballet, “Jewels.” Set to music by Fauré, Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky, the three movement, full-length ballet is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and becoming a new part of the company’s repertoire. Performances tonight at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 29 at 2 p.m. Tickets at MiamiCityBallet.org. Photo courtesy of the Miami City Ballet.
10/28 SUN
10/29 MON
10/30 TUE
The award-winning Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd. in Jupiter, opens its season with “Born Yesterday,” an American comedy by Garson Kanin. Harry Brock, a hot-tempered and corrupt tycoon, is determined to make a name for himself in the power-driven city of Washington, But his ex-showgirl girlfriend isn’t quite cutting it in D.C. society. A brazen battle of “brains over blonde” results. Tickets at JupiterTheatre.org.
Do the “Monster Mash” tonight at 7 p.m. at the Pink Church, First Presbyterian Church of Pompano Beach, 2331 N.E. 26th Ave. The Phantom of the Opera and other ghastly guests will be performing on the church’s magnificent pipe organ. Hear Bach’s infamous Toccata and Fugue in d minor and other spooky selections at this fun concert, appropriate for music lovers of all ages. Suggested donation is $10. More info at PinkPres.org.
The Jan McArt New Play Readings series opens tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Lynn University in Boca Raton with a staged reading of Tony Finstrom’s “House of Gabor.” Glamorous actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and her entourage are celebrating New Year’s Eve 1953 in Las Vegas. The play, written especially for and starring McArt, offers a look at a bygone era of minks, champagne and men. Mia Matthews stars as Gabor. Tickets are $10 at Lynn.edu/Events.
More than 15,000 costumed ghosts and ghouls will be haunting Wilton Drive tonight when the gayborhood celebrates Wicked Manors. The fifth annual street festival, sponsored by the Pride Center, will feature live entertainment and costume contests hosted by Miss Misty Eyez on the HITS 97.3 main stage. Trick-or-treating begins at 5 p.m. but the party will go on well into the wee hours of the night. For more information, go to WickedManors.org.
1 0.25.2017
Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem Mass is often described as sublime, introspective and thrilling. Don’t miss this very special concert featuring guest organist Timothy Brumfield, Joshua Rist’s heart-stopping Invictus and the world premier of a new piece written for the Master Chorale by American composer James Kallembach.
Funding for this organization is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council, Funding Arts Broward (FAB!), and with the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.
10.25.2017 •
A&E D V D s
Queerly Digital LGBT cinema on DVD/Blu Ray, a monthly column
David-Elijah Nahmod
Lesbian vampires To usher in the Halloween season
elcome to Queerly Digital, a monthly column for cinema lovers from across the LGBT spectrum. All titles are available on DVD, Blu Ray, or both. This column will as the months progress, be sure to include titles which honor all LGBT experiences.
“The Vampire Lovers” (1970) Director: Roy Ward Baker 89 minutes • Hammer Films
"The Vampire Lovers" was an attempt by Hammer Films, then the premiere home for old fashioned, Gothic horror movies, to update their image. Since 1957 the company had produced lush, color remakes (and sequels) to classic horror tales like "Dracula," "Frankenstein" and "The Mummy." By 1970 the formula had begun to grown stale--the company was badly in need of "fresh blood." They found what they were looking for in J. Sheridan LeFanu's 1872 novel "Carmilla," a book that was considered quite shocking when it was first published. "Carmilla" recounted the tale of Countess Carmilla Karnstein, a buxom and horny female vampire who had a taste for young ladies. Polish born Holocaust survivor Ingrid Pitt enjoyed a brief brush with movie stardom when she was cast as Carmilla in "The Vampire Lovers," Hammer's adaptation of LeFanu's book—the film was a huge hit in its day and was faithful to LeFanu's story. As the "The Vampire Lovers" unfolds, Carmilla ingratiates herself into the homes of several wealthy families and promptly feasts upon the breasts of her teenaged victims. The telltale scars of the vampire's bite are found not on the girls' necks, but above their nipples. Pitt dives into her role with gusto. Though she wasn't a lesbian in real life, she had no qualms about shedding her clothes for the camera so she could seduce her young, nubile targets. Though not a porn film, "The Vampire Lovers" makes it clear that Carmilla and the young ladies are making love. The character's lesbianism notwithstanding, "The Vampire Lovers" is a traditional and straightforward chiller. Like most Hammer horror films, it's set in the past--the film's screenplay establishes the time frame as the 1790s.
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“Daughters of Darkness” (1971) Director: Harry Kumel 100 minutes • Blue Underground
One of the most unusual vampire films ever produced, "Daughters of Darkness" was filmed at a desolately creepy seaside hotel in Belgium. John Karlen ("Dark Shadows") and Danielle Ouimet co-star as Stefan and Valerie--they're a bisexual couple travelling across Europe on their honeymoon. They check into the hotel on the same night as a lesbian couple, both of whom are vampires. The two women immediately set their sights on the newlyweds as a game of sexual cat and mouse ensues. The older and more dominant of the lesbian couple turns out to be Countess Elizabeth Bathory, a 17th century noblewoman who bathed in virgin blood in order to stay young--Ingrid Pitt ironically played this same role in a 1972 Hammer film titled "Countess Dracula." In "Daughters of Darkness," Bathory is played by Delphine Seyrig, who was then a huge star in Europe. Seyrig plays Bathory as a sensual seductress, giving the film a mesmerizing erotic edge. She's wonderful in the role as she asserts control not only over her co-stars but over the audience. It's impossible to look away from her eyes, from her ruby red lips or from her flaming red nail polish. A vampire film unlike any other, "Daughters of Darkness" will pull you into its bizarre and haunting world. The costumes and settings are lush and beautiful. When a group of bereaved family members go in search of Carmilla's grave to exact their revenge, they find themselves in an ancient, fog shrouded cemetery--these scenes are genuinely eerie. If you enjoy old fashioned spook shows, then "The Vampire Lovers" is the film for you. The film's lesbian content is the icing on the cake, proving that LGBT people are indeed everywhere-even in the Crypt of the Living Dead.
Comedian Peter Bisuito takes the stage at the Sunshine Cathedral on Oct. 30 for a special Halloween show. Photo courtesy of Peter Bisuito.
Comedian is ‘Bat Shit Crazy’ in New Halloween Show J.W. Arnold
eter Bisuito, the world’s first gay muscle bear comedian, will return to the stage on Monday, Oct. 30 with a new Halloween show, “My Big Funny Peter: Bat Shit Crazy!” The show at Fort Lauderdale’s Sunshine Cathedral will feature all new material and, of course, a spooky Halloween theme. “It’s the night before Halloween, after all,” the burly comic said in a telephone interview. And he’s definitely not concerned about conjuring up an act inspired by ghosts and ghouls in a church. “Leave it up to a bunch of gays to turn a church into a performing arts center.” A portion of proceeds will benefit the church’s recent renovations, he pointed out, confident he won’t be punished with an eternal afterlife in someplace “very hot and sweaty,” no matter how much that might appeal to his gay sensibility. And, the sanctuary will be decorated appropriately for the occasion, taking on a very “Hallo-weenie” feel for the show, he promised. Bisuito, who recently wrapped up a run as the lead in “Muscle Bears the Musical” at Empire Stage, teased a musical performance from the entire cast during the show. Hilarious musical numbers have been a highlight of his recent acts. Other than that tip, he remained tightlipped about the rest of the show.
Bisuito said his recent experience in the musical was particularly challenging. “I had done musical theater for many years when I was younger, but literally hadn’t done another musical in 10 years. Fortunately, I took to it right away, but my singing was the tough part,” he said. “I’m not really a trained singer. I was coached and had some training to get warmed up.” He added, “When you do comedy, it’s just me on stage, there’s no fourth wall. With a musical or a play, you have a cast of characters and the fourth wall. I really loved creating a character and playing off other actors, but it’s an entirely different experience.” Since making his professional comedy debut just a couple of years ago, Bisuito has watched his career take off. He embarked on a successful European tour, amassed an international social media following and has been in talks with Hollywood producers about a reality series and a televised comedy special. While the reality series has hit a snag, the comedy special appears to be on track, he said, and producers have connected Bisuito with a team of A-list writers who have worked with Joan Rivers and Margaret Cho. These projects always proceed in fits and starts, he conceded optimistically. For now, Bisuito said, “I’ve been working hard and having fun.”
Comedian Peter Bisuito performs “My Big Funny Peter: Bat Shit Crazy!” on Monday, October 30 at 8 p.m. at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $18 – $60 at MyBigFunnyPeter.com/Halloween.
Music and Lyrics by Phil Collins Book by David Henry Hwang Directed and Choreographed by Patrick Fitzwater Adapted from the story “Tarzan of the Apes” by Edgar Rice Burroughs Originally Produced on Broadway by Disney Theatrical Productions TARZAN® owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
OCTOBER 19–NOVEMBER 5 Amaturo Theater
TICKETS at BrowardCenter.org • Ticketmaster | 954.462.0222 Broward Center’s AutoNation Box Office • Group Sales | 954.660.6307 Follow us:
10.25.2017 •
October 25 - October 31
Theater Christiana Lilly
Yo Yo Ma Plays Strauss
Oct. 28 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The famed cellist performs works by Schubert, Mendelssohn and Strauss. Call 305-9496722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
Tarzan the Stage Musical
Through Nov. 5 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Based on Disney’s rendition of the classic, the story of a boy raised in the jungle is told through music by Phil Collins. Tickets $47 to $60. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
LAST CHANCE: Bye Bye Birdie
Through Oct. 29 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s the ‘60s and Conrad is about to be drafted, but not before he gets a kiss on live television. Tickets $35 and up. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county * Miami City Ballet: Program One
Oct. 28 to 29 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Miami dance company begins its season with “Jewels,” with music by Balanchine, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, and more. Tickets $20 to $195. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
* So You Think You Can Dance
Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The season 14 tour with dancing by your favorite performers. Tickets $34.50 to $499. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county * Lobby Hero
Oct. 26 to Nov. 5 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. An unassuming security guard, Jeff, is dragged into a local murder investigation. Tickets $23. Call 561586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.
* Kings of Leon
Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. at the Perfect Vodka
Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Best known for their hits “Use Somebody,” “Sex on Fire,” and the new “Walls.” Tickets $30 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.
for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
* John Cleese: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
* Topdog/Underdog
Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The British comedic legend returns to South Florida to tell stories of his life and career, and of course the infamous Monty Python. Tickets $40 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis. org.
The Little Foxes
Through Nov. 12 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. It’s 1900 in Alabama and sisters Regina and Birdie are ruthless to get what they want. Tickets $30 and up. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week,
miami-dade county Nov. 2 to 19 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Two African American brothers, jokingly named Lincoln and Booth, must leave their past behind and conquer their future. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
South Florida Gay News
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Classic style... high tech platform. No room for a newspaper in your back pocket? Keep SFGN’s weekly paper on your phone. “South Florida Gay News”
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Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks
SAVE’s Halloween Ball: Inferno
Oct. 27 from 9 p.m. to Oct. 28 at 2 a.m. at Stage 305 at Magic City, 450 NW 37th Ave. in Miami. Get spooky at SAVE’s 23rd annual Halloween Ball, with performances by Tiffany Fantasia, Athena Dion, Fantasia Royale, and more, as well as a costume contest and $1,000 in cash and prizes! Tickets $25 to $500. Visit SAVE.lgbt.
GET INTO THE MOMENT Follow SFGN.com on Facebook and see all the places you’ve been. We post photos from events across South Florida. From business gatherings to political protests, we’re right there with you.
Wicked Manors Heroicons
Oct. 31 from 7 to 11 p.m. on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. The biggest party of the year, come out to the drive for a super-hero themed fete with costume contests, music, prizes, a flash mob, and performances by Miss Bryan, Misty Eyes, and Kimmy B. Free. Visit WickedManors. org.
Voices of Pride
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com for rehearsal details.
* Denotes New Listing
October 25 October 31 Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county * Broward House MEGA Group Series
Oct. 25 and Nov. 1 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Broward House Client Service, 2800 N. Andrews Ave. in Wilton Manors. Gay, bisexual, questioning and transgender men will meet and go over different topics. Free. Call 954-568-7373, ext. 2224 or visit Facebook.com/events/121621008515961.
* Stonewall Movie Series: “Pride”
Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Free to attend, suggested donation $5. In the summer of 1984, a London-based group
1 0.25.2017
of gay and lesbian activists raise money to support strikers' families. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
* 7th Annual Community Day
Oct. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie highway in Wilton Manors. Families are invited to a day of K9 demonstrations, fire trucks, food, playground, pet costume contest, and more. Free. Call 954-463-9006 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
* Film Screening: “The Death and Life of Marsha P Johnson”
Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. at ArtServe Auditorium, 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. A part of
October 25 - October 31 Stonewall’s special Transgender Awareness Month events, learn about the life of Marsha P. Johnson, known as the Rosa Parks of the LGBT equality movement. Free. Call 954763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
Hurricane Irma Relief
Nov. 2 at 7 p.m at the Galleria, 2414 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. A night of living art with Wrabel, Susanne Barstch, the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida, short films, art exhibits, and more. Tickets $100 to $150. Visit GLBX.org.
True Colors: In Our Own Words, Video Stories in Queer America
Through Nov. 5 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. View how LGBT activism has blossomed online, from the “It Gets Better” campaign, coming out, and online personalities. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and
palm beach county Through Nov. 30 at the Urban League of Palm Beach County, 1700 N. Australian Ave. in West Palm Beach. Were you impacted by Hurricane Irma and need help? Come to the league Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to receive assistance. Bring your SSN, address and description of the damage, phone number, a working address, insurance information, and banking information. Call 561-833-1461 or visit ULPBC.org
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.
Sober Sisters
Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.
Out of the Closet, Into the Light
Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.
Out of the Closet NA Group
Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.
miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice
lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.
Book Study
Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.
Yoga in the Garden
Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-6737256 or visit MBGarden.org.
key west Aqua Idol
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305-2940555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.
10.25.2017 •
Business Directory
attorney Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
attorney law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970
a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida 2040 North Dixie Hwy, #218, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
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SPECIAL HIRE NEEDED - Looking for strong males (must be able to hold up fall risk gentlemen, dementia, Parkinson's, stage 4 cancer, etc.) for LGBT seniors, must be gay-friendly, many have live-in senior partners (must enjoy the company of gay people and comfortable in gay settings, restaurants, etc.) Call 954-629-1377 and leave a message ONLY, include your contact info, name, and level of experience in senior care or your willingness to devote your time to senior care. Faxes welcome at 754-301-5802
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