10/28/15 V6i43

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October 28, 2015 vol. 6 // issue 43

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Impulse loss • page 13 Gay families • page 40 Gay Authors • Page 56

Wicked CITY 'Wicked Manors' gets spooky with 'Once Upon a Drive' SOUTHFLORIDAGAYNEWS


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ThE oPEning linE Photos: Facebook.

sarasota rep. Files religious Freedom Bill Would allow doctors to refuse gays

Ed garcia – You don't get to choose when you are in an ER. Imagine your partner is in an accident, you arrive and the doctor decides he wont treat him... would take time, precious time to get another doctor to take over. No thanks, reject this stupid law!

online outlets

Compiled by John McDonald

wilTon manors and oakland Park BaTTlE For Tri-rail sTaTion John Bata –

Cory mitchell – If your a gay person using a doctor that would refuse to treat gays I think your the one making the bad decision.

Comments from sFgn’s

I'd be happy if we could fix sidewalks that end before they should and have them on both sides of the street in more areas that are lacking. I think a tri rail station would be great. Maybe on 13th and Dixie, not at 26th because five points is already a mess. Paul orourke –

steven alan –

Wilton Manors would be my choice . . . with all the condos and new constructions going on it would help get the properties filled.

I feel like the Oakland Park location would be used by more people. And either bus or by foot. The locations are very close.

michael walters – Soon, you'll find the Republican Representative who authored this caught in a truck stop restroom servicing illegals thru glory holes.

anthony mike – My doctor is gay so guess I am good. BTW as an RN I can tell you that it would not matter if the bill passed because the Hippocratic Oath would take precedence and the doc could lose any board certifications and possibly their license.

lETTEr wriTEr dEFEnds PridE; aTTaCks aliBi EnTErTainErs & TroPiCs anthony Cicalese –

I was on your side until you started needlessly bashing my good friend and wonderful singer Jennifer McClain. Go fuck yourself.

david holmes –

"Pride" failed in the penultimate sentence ( "...take your sad and bitter self to Tropics with the rest of your moaning and groaning, near-dead contemporaries" ...). This statement echoes something I read the other day about asking young homosexuals to look at the more serious sides of their lives. I would imagine that having an interest in older gay people and their needs would reflect pride in ourselves. These "near-dead" are the gay "soldiers" who helped fight for the freedoms enjoyed by the gay community today. So as this article suggests, Gay Pride is all encompassing, or should be.

mons Floen –


The comments about Jennifer, Dame Edna, Tropics and the majority of its clientele are unwarranted, unneeded and untrue. Also, paying an entrance fee for a pride event is insulting, but that has more to do with the groups here that can't act together and fund raise enough to get everyone in without a charge. That said, pride is a super important event. It tells the world we're here, reminds each of us of what we each had to do to get where we are today, shines light on issues we have to overcome in the future and, most importantly, lets closeted or unknowing lgbtq's that they can come and join us. You don't have to go to pride, but you should respect what it means. Also, if you don't like it's evolved, M E how MBER then get involved and change it. We are attacked by so many different groups from all corners of the world, stop attacking each other. Disagree but try not to disparage.


• 10.28.2015

OCTOBER 28, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 43 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943






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1. Wicked Manors hits the drive on Saturday with Once Upon A Drive, the theme this year for the annual local Halloween festival. Photo: J.R. Davis.

2. In memory of Ryan K. Hughes, an ambitious young man and activist with Impulse Group.




Associated Press

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

news highlight

Bill For lgBT sEniors inTroduCEd John McDonald


.S. Congressmen Patrick E. Murphy and Ted Deutch have teamed up to introduce a bill recognizing a pioneering lesbian couple while establishing safeguards for elderly LGBT Americans. Murphy and Deutch, South Florida Democrats, joined with Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici to sponsor the Ruthie and Connie LGBT Elder Americans Act. The bill, introduced Oct. 21, intends to improve the Older Americans Act (OAA) by better serving LGBT seniors who studies show face higher rates of poverty, pronounced social isolation and restricted health care access due to past discrimination and barriers in the aging system. “I am humbled to introduce this legislation in honor of two of my constituents, Ruthie Berman and Connie Kurtz, who have been true champions for LGBT equality,” Murphy said in a news release. Berman and Kurtz began their love affair as neighbors in Brooklyn, N.Y. They had children with their husbands, divorced them and fell in love with each other. Berman and Kurtz made headlines when they successfully sued the New York City Board of Education for domestic partner benefits for city employees. The women have since moved to Palm Beach County to live out their golden years in the Florida sunshine. “I first met Ruthie and Connie while serving in

the Florida State Senate, and I was immediately inspired by their commitment to each other and to equality for all LGBT Americans,” Deutch stated. The bill has been endorsed by the Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders, better known as SAGE. “LGBT older adults face profound challenges that require unique services and supports, and this bill is a major step forward for elders in every part of the country. While it’s no secret that it’s difficult to move legislation through Congress in this polarized environment, the proposed act should be common sense for anybody interested in fairness for LGBT people,” said Michael Adams, SAGE Chief Executive Officer, in a news release.






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10.21.2015 •


news local Wicked Manors 2013.

hallowEEn TakEs ovEr ‘ThE drivE’ Michael d’Oliveira


Wicked Manors returns

This is one of the most popular ‘can’t miss’ events of the year

ilton Manors’ annual Wilton with The HITS 97.3 FM morning show. Adult Drive-closing Halloween event is costume contests, a pet costume contest, expected by organizers to be more kids costume contest and competitions packed than usual. amongst “South Florida’s Fiercest Drag In their third year in charge of Wicked Queens” will be part of the night’s festivities. Manors, Oct. 31 from 7 p.m. to midnight, Thousands in cash prizes are up for grabs. Pride Center executives But, added Roa, it will expect attendance be very much like to reach between Wicked Manors’ events “This year’s theme 25,000 and 30,000 – of the past. “Nothing is Once Upon A Drive. an increase from the will be extraordinarily estimated 18,000 to erent than the last Fairy tales both good diff 20,000 who attended two years.” and bad and whatever last year. Roa said the hope “It’s on a Saturday. is that proceeds from you’re feeling for No one works on a the event will increase that night.” Sunday. There’s nothing as well. “Last year stopping people from we raised more than coming out this year,” $30,000 after all - Roger Roa said Roger Roa, director expenses. We’re hoping Director of Development of development for to double that this Pride Center. “This year with the ten bars for the Pride Center year’s theme is Once that are going to be on Upon A Drive. Fairy Wilton Drive,” Roa said. tales both good and bad and whatever you’re That money is reinvested in the Pride feeling for that night.” Center, located in Wilton Manors. Besides Miss Misty Eyez will serve as the funding Pride Center’s programs and “Dragtastic” emcee on the mainstage along services, “We do it because it brings


• 10.28.2015

awareness to the entire South Florida community for who we are and what we do.” Wilton Drive will be closed from Five Points to Northeast 21 Court from 1 p.m. on Oct. 31 to 3 a.m. on Nov. 1. Parking is $10 and available at Hagen Park,

2020 Wilton Drive; Richardson Park, 1937 Wilton Drive; Municipal Complex, 2100 N Dixie Hwy.; the Center for Spiritual Living, 1550 NE 26 St. and the city owned lot at Northeast 26 Street and Northeast 8 Terrace across from Kids In Distress.

For more information, visit WickedManors.org.

politics out on the trail

Photo: Facebook.

Daniel Sohn, running for Commissioner of Dania Beach.

Bullard Endorses Sohn; Herman Throws Hat in Oakland Park Ring John McDonald


aniel Sohn brought in a heavy hitter The author of “Beanie & The Bully,” a for his campaign fundraiser on Oct. children’s book about bullying, Davis said 18 in Dania Beach. Sohn is in the race for all the right reasons. Florida Senator Dwight Bullard (D-Cutler “Daniel has such great charisma and a Bay) delivered a strong endorsement of heart of gold,” Davis said. Sohn, who is seeking a seat on the Dania Educational, environmental and small Beach City Commission. business issues are central themes of his “If you’ve met Daniel, campaign, Sohn said. you love Daniel,” Bullard Meanwhile, in Oakland said. “And I’m all in for Park, Republican-turnedDaniel.” Democrat Scott Herman has Speaking at the Land filed papers to campaign Crab Lounge, Bullard, also for the Oakland Park City the chair of the MiamiCommission. Herman, a Dade Democratic Party, disabled combat Iraq War said Sohn can make a veteran, is seeking to fill difference in Dania Beach. an open seat created by “If you don’t shake things the resignation of Shari up on occasion, you’ll McCartney. McCartney, a find yourself antiquated lesbian, participated in her and dusty,” Bullard said. last commission meeting, Oct. “Every community needs 21. She is reportedly moving an injection of new energy her family to Fort Lauderdale. and Daniel is a walking A native of North Carolina, - Dwight Bullard B-12 shot.” Herman campaigned D-Cutler Bay Sohn, a gay man, is for the Florida House of campaigning for one of Representatives in 2012 three commission seats up and 2014, losing to Perry for election in November of 2016. The top E. Thurston, Jr. and George Moraitis, voter getter in this citywide non-partisan respectively. As a Democrat in 2014, he election is named mayor of the first ever garnered more than 40 percent of the vote incorporated municipality in Broward despite low turnout in Broward County. County. The Oakland Park race will be a special “Together we will create a new beginning non-partisan election scheduled for March for the first city of Broward,” Sohn told 15, 2016. Herman tells SFGN he is focused on a room full of supporters gathered at the veterans' issues and establishing a citizen’s Land Crab Lounge. review commission with broad powers to One of those supporters, Deon Davis, is monitor police activity. Herman is married an outspoken advocate for safer schools. to Cale Choi, an airline pilot.

“If you’ve met Daniel, you love Daniel. And I’m all in for Daniel.”

10.21.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

isis kills 2 men accused of Being gay (EDGE) An Oct. 5 report from the website ARA News claims the Islamic militant group ISIS executed two men, who were accused of being gay. Sources from the city of Mosul, a city in northern Iraq that has been under ISIS rule since June 2014, told the website ISIS militants threw two young men off the roof of a building, accusing the victims of being in a relationship. "On Sunday afternoon, Daesh (ISIS) called on the people of Mosul to gather in the square of Bab al-Toub in order to witness the execution of the two allegedly (gay) men," an anonymous eyewitness told ARA News.


oming Out' in Russia Could Land You in Jail

(EDGE) The next wave of anti-gay legislation may be on its way in Russia as lawmakers prepare to draft a bill that would make coming out as LGBT publicly a criminal offense, Newsweek reports. The bill, which is being pushed under the guise of strengthening the nation's public morals, was drafted by Communist Party members Ivan Nikitchuk and Nikolay Arefiev. Nikitchuck believes the existing framework under Russia's current gay propaganda law is insufficient. "I believe that the problem we have raised is one of the most pressing and topical issues as it addresses the social ills of our society and deals with the moral education of the next generation," Nikitchuk told state-owned Izvestia on Friday. "In the biological sense, not reproducing is the same as death and in that sense homosexuality is a lethal threat for the whole of humankind."

"The victims were taken to the top of a building and were brutally thrown off the roof." Civil rights activist Raed Ahmed told to ARA News that ISIS "accuses people of being gay only on basis of some superficial information without any investigation." "Although the Islamic law bans homosexuality, the brutal punishment by Daesh (ISIS) has never been witnessed throughout history," he said. This isn't the first time ISIS militants accused men of being gay and killed them by throwing them off a roof. EDGE has reported on numerous similar incidents. Raja Razek/CNN.

The bill, which would function as an amendment to the gay propaganda law that was passed in 2013, would punish people who are defined as having "non-traditional sexual orientation" with a fine of 5,000 [rubles] ($80) for "demonstrating [their] own expressed preferences in public places." Letting anyone know you're LGBT in a school, cultural establishment or government building could land the offender in jail up to 15 days.


ndonesia To Punish Gay Sex with Caning

(AP) A law that makes gay sex punishable by public caning has taken effect in a conservative Indonesian province. The law took effect in Aceh province on Friday. It says anyone caught having homosexual sex can face up to 100 strokes of a cane, a fine of up to 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of gold (about $37,400) and imprisonment of up to 100 months. Adulterers are also subject to 100 lashes of a cane, but not to the fine or imprisonment. Aceh is considered more devout than other areas of Muslim-majority Indonesia. Indonesia's national criminal code doesn't regulate homosexuality, and the central government doesn't have the power to strike down provincial laws. Human rights groups have criticized the law, which applies to both Muslims and non-Muslims.


"This is 99% statement and 1% question," Shkreli replied. "I think that violates the terms of service." Shkreli said he "talked to many HIV and AIDS patients" and that "none of them are hurt or will be hurt by the higher price," according to the Raw Story. Shkreli admitted to being a "flippant jackass" instead of explaining the sharp increase of Daraprim, which has been on the market for 70 years. "I believe drugs should be priced relative to the value they confer," he said. But Shkreli was slammed by a doctor during the AMA session. "Medically speaking I haven't yet heard of why your drug's worth $749 more than my pyrimethamine," said a Reddit user identified themselves as Anandya, a doctor who works for a charity. "Does it improve on the nausea, vomiting and (diarrhea)? Does it have a folate sparing effect? Can it be used in pregnant women and in epileptics?" Anandya added: "No one's been able to tell me what your upgrade is or how it works or even if it is a cost saving upgrade." They then asked what changes or improvements Turing Pharmaceuticals made to the drug that would make the price hike reasonable.

(EDGE) The CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, who became one of the most hated men in America and dubbed the "pharma brat" and "pharma bro" after he increased the price of a drug used to treat AIDS patients from $13.50 to $750 per pill, thought it would be a wise decision to take part in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session, the Raw Story reports. Martin Shkreli, 32, said he and his public relations team handled the controversy "poorly." A Reddit user asked him if the "awful" AMA session was his PR team's idea or if he created the "train wreck" himself.


• 10.28.2015

Photo: Facebook.

harma Brat Slammed in 'Ask Me Anything' Session


(EDGE) Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders took aim at rival Hillary Clinton Sunday, challenging her reasoning as to why her husband, former President Bill Clinton, signed the Defense of Marriage Act, which banned the federal recognition of same-sex marriages. Sanders made his remarks after Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" Friday, Politico reports. On the program, she told out host Rachel Maddow she and her husband supported the controversial measure back in 1996 to prevent a harsher amendment to the Constitution. She added there was enough momentum 19 years ago to amend the Constitution and that DOMA was "a line that was drawn to prevent going further. But Sanders' isn't buying it, calling the move "homophobic." "I think the evidence is very, very clear that that legislation was anti-gay legislation," he said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "It was playing off the fears of a lot of Americans." Sanders voted against DOMA when he was a member of the House, which he said was "not an easy vote" because of the views on the LGBT community at the time, Politco reports. "I thought then - and I think now - that people have the right to love those folks that they want to love and get married because of their sexual orientation," the Vermont senator said. "We have become a far less discriminatory society," he said, later adding, "we should be very, very proud ... We've come a long way." Hillary Clinton's support for the LGBT community has been challenged since announcing her bid for the White House. It was reported in September that Bill Clinton reportedly said the former First Lady had a "discomfort" with gay people when she ran for Senate in the late 90s. More recently, the New York Times reported Hillary Clinton turned down the opportunity to give the keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign gala so she could appear on "Saturday Night Live."

Adam Rose/CNN.

anders Challenges the Clintons' 1996 DOMA Support



mfAR Awards $1.4M in Grants Toward HIV Cure

(EDGE) amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, on Thursday announced a new round of research grants totaling more than $1.4 million. The vast majority of the funding will support cure-focused research projects. Renewal funding of $850,000 will go to a consortium of European researchers that aims to replicate the case of the "Berlin patient," the first and only person known to have been cured of HIV. Diagnosed with leukemia, the patient was given a stem cell transplant with a twist: The cells he received were taken from a donor with a rare genetic mutation conferring resistance to HIV infection. He remains virus-free. Working within the amfAR Research Consortium on HIV Eradication (ARCHE), a research program launched in 2010 to explore potential strategies for eliminating HIV, the scientists will study the outcomes of HIV patients who undergo different types of stem cell transplants. Led by Javier Martinez-Picado, Ph.D., of IrsiCaixa in Spain and Annemarie Wensing, M.D., Ph.D., of University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, the consortium has already identified a group of patients who have undergone transplants, and continues to monitor their progress in the hope of generating new knowledge that can inform more widely applicable interventions. "We're very excited to continue our support of the scientists in the European consortium," said amfAR Chief Executive Officer Kevin Robert Frost. "They have made good progress since we began supporting their work last year, and they have real potential for significantly advancing the field of HIV cure research." In addition, amfAR awarded a total of $600,000 to four promising young scientists who will each receive $150,000 over two years. These Mathilde Krim Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Research, named in honor of amfAR's Founding Chairman Dr. Mathilde Krim, are awarded annually to nurture new talent within the HIV/AIDS research field.

Photo: Facebook.

News Briefs

10.21.2015 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

lgBT nondiscrimination across the us

a look at state laws addressing lgBT nondiscrimination (AP) In the absence of a federal law banning discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, there is a sharp split among the states, with some enacting such protections and a majority opting not to. According to LGBT-rights advocacy groups, here's the latest breakdown: – 28 states have no explicit statewide protections for sexual orientation and gender identity: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming. – 17 states and the District of Columbia prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey,


howdown in Houston over LGBT Nondiscrimination Ordinance

Photo: Facebook.

(AP) After a drawn-out showdown between Houston's popular lesbian mayor and a coalition of conservative pastors, voters in the nation's fourth-largest city will soon decide whether to establish nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people. Nationwide, there's interest in the Nov. 3 referendum: Confrontations over the same issue are flaring in many places, at the state and local level, now that nondiscrimination has replaced same-sex marriage as the No. 1 priority for the LGBTrights movement. "The vote in Houston will carry national significance," said Sarah Warbelow, legal director of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT-rights group. She noted that Houston, with 2.2 million residents, is more populous than 15 states. The contested Houston Equal Rights Ordinance is a broad measure that would consolidate existing bans on discrimination tied to race, sex, religion and other categories in employment, housing and public accommodations, and extend such protections to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people.


• 10.28.2015

New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington. – Three states prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in employment, housing and public accommodations: New Hampshire, New York, Wisconsin. The laws in these states don't encompass gender identity. However, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is issuing an executive order that will soon extend protections to transgender people. – Massachusetts prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment and housing and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in public accommodations. There's an effort underway to extend the public accommodation protections to transgender people. – Utah prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment and housing. Its law doesn't cover public accommodations.

The outcome is considered uncertain. Two recent polls commissioned by Houston TV stations showed supporters of the ordinance with a slight lead, but each poll indicated that about one-fifth of likely voters were undecided. Opponents contend the ordinance would infringe on their religious beliefs against homosexuality. Copying a tactic used elsewhere, they also have labeled it the "bathroom ordinance," alleging that it would open the door for sexual predators to go into women's restrooms. "Even registered sex offenders could follow women or young girls into the bathroom," says an ad produced by Campaign for Houston, which opposes the ordinance. The measure's supporters denounce these assertions as scare tactics, arguing that such problems with public bathrooms have been virtually nonexistent in the 17 states that have banned discrimination based on gender identity.


FL Owner Rescinds $10K Opposition to Nondiscrimination Law

(AP) Houston Texans owner Bob McNair on Friday rescinded a $10,000 donation to conservatives hoping to repeal nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgendered residents in the city, saying the campaign made "unauthorized statements" about his beliefs. McNair, a major Republican political donor, didn't specify what comments made by the Campaign for Houston caused him "great dismay." Nor did his statement, released through the Texans, denounce the aims of the group that has sought to rally voters with a "No Men in Women's Bathrooms" slogan. The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, known as HERO, makes no reference to public bathrooms and supporters say the claim is designed to mislead voters ahead of the Nov. 3 referendum. "Campaign for Houston made numerous unauthorized statements about my opposition to HERO in print, broadcast

Michael Cary/CNN.

and social media - including attributing certain statements of belief to me," McNair said. "Their actions and statements were never discussed with nor approved by me." Jared Woodfill, a spokesman for the campaign, said he did not know what the NFL owner was referencing but said the money would be returned. "We've never spoken for him. We don't speak for him. We are just thankful for the support he gave us," Woodfill said. Former Houston Astros star Lance Berkman also opposes the ordinance and has filmed an ad for the campaign. The ordinance, passed last year by the Houston City Council, bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the nation's fourth-largest city. It aims to protect gay and transgender people against discrimination in employment and public places. Conservative activists said voters, not councilmembers, should decide whether Houston has such an ordinance and succeeded in a petition drive to put the question on a ballot. Mayor Annise Parker and other defenders of the law say a repeal would damage the reputation of the city, which hosts the 2017 Super Bowl. McNair said he doesn't tolerate discrimination of any kind and believes the city could rewrite a stronger ordinance that would give protections for "all Houstonians."

News Briefs



la. 'Religious Freedom' Bill Could Deny Medical Services

(EDGE) As Republican-backed "religious freedom" bills continue to pop up in the nation's state legislatures, one such measure introduced in Florida last week may just be the most discriminatory yet. If passed into law, it would allow certain businesses, including medical agencies, to legally deny products and services. The bill (HB 401), introduced by Republican State Rep. Julio Gonzalez of Venice, does not specifically target individuals based on sexual orientation, but is viewed as a reaction by the religious rightwing to recent advances made in gay rights. Gonzalez's bill states that individuals, businesses with five or fewer owners, religious institutions and businesses operated by religious institutions are "not required to produce, create, or deliver a product or service" to a customer if they have a religious or moral objection.


Gonzalez's bill could also be used to deny medical services under the guise of "religious freedom." There is a section under the bill that protects healthcare agencies where a facility could refuse to "administer, recommend, or deliver a medical treatment" for religious or moral reasons, except when it would endanger someone's life or potentially lead to "serious bodily injury." Gonzalez is a physician whose campaign for State Representative was endorsed by 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio. "This is not about discriminating," said Gonzalez told the Herald Tribune. "This is making sure the state stops, at a narrowly crafted level, from intruding into somebody's liberties." Although Gonzalez is a Catholic, he said his personal religious beliefs were not the motivation for the legislation.

orfolk, Virginia Beach See Most of State's Gay Marriages

(AP) Norfolk and Virginia Beach have seen more gay marriages than anywhere else in the state since it became legal last year. According to the Associated Press, of the 3,600 gay marriage certificates filed between October of last year and August of this year, 320 of them were at the courthouse in Norfolk. Virginia Beach took second place with 298 certificates and

Richmond followed closely behind with 229. Figures were received from the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Vital Records. More than 90 percent of the circuit courts in Virginia have had at least one gay marriage certificate filed and more than 5 percent of all marriage certificates handed out in 2015 involve gay couples. 10.21.2015 •


lgbt bites

Compiled by Jillian Melero

Couple Who Sued Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Marry

Sonia Moghe/CNN.

(AP) April Miller and Karen Roberts stood before a minister Saturday night, hand-inhand, and said the two words they fought for months to exchange. "I will." The people packed into the room around them jumped into a standing ovation. They all wore matching rainbow buttons that read #LoveWins. The couple, the first denied a license by Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, celebrated their wedding Saturday, capping a monthslong saga that landed them in the middle of a national firestorm over religious freedom and civil rights. They laid out one rule for their guests: no one was to mention Davis. "This is about us and our wedding," Roberts said. When the Supreme Court effectively


• 10.28.2015

legalized same-sex marriage across the nation in June, Davis cited "God's authority" and stopped issuing marriage licenses. Miller and Roberts, along with three other couples, filed a lawsuit against her. Davis continued to refuse them, again and again, in defiance of a series of federal court orders. U.S. District Judge David Bunning held her in contempt on Sept. 3 and ordered her to jail. Miller and Roberts, a couple for 11 years caring for a disabled daughter together, got a license the next day, issued by a deputy clerk who agreed to sign them in Davis' absence. The couple, who still had to return the license to the clerk's office for recording, worried about what might happen once Davis got back to work. So they scrambled together a private wedding, alone at their home, the following Thursday. Roberts said it was not how she imagined her wedding would be. So they held a second ceremony Saturday in a reception hall at the Pines at Sheltowee in Morehead and invited 125: friends, family and dozens of people they met just four months ago, on the courthouse lawn outside Davis' office.

Gay Olympic Athlete Gus Kenworthy Comes Out (SFGN) Top-ranked free skier Gus Kenworthy won Olympic silver at Sochi, is the face of the X games, and is appearing on the cover of ESPN. But Kenworthy’s biggest obstacle to overcome was the fear he faced in coming out as gay last Thursday. "I never got to be proud of what I did 
in Sochi because I felt so horrible about what I didn't do," Kenworthy says. "I didn't want to come out as the silver medalist from Sochi. I wanted to come out as the best free skier in the world,” Kenworth tells ESPN. Kenworthy took to social media to elaborate on the revelation. "My sexuality has been something I’ve Photo: Facebook.


struggled to come to terms with. I’ve known I was gay since I was a kid but growing up in a town of 2,000 people, a class of 48 kids and then turning pro as an athlete when I was 16, it just wasn’t something I wanted to accept. I pushed my feelings away in the hopes that it was a passing phase but the thought of being found out kept me up at night. I constantly felt anxious, depressed and even suicidal. "Looking back, it’s crazy to see how far I’ve come. For so much of my life I’ve dreaded the day that people would find out I was gay. Now, I couldn’t be more excited to tell you all the truth. Maybe you’ve suspected that truth about me all along, or maybe it comes as a complete shock to you. Either way, it’s important for me to be open and honest with you all. Y’all have supported me through a lot of my highs and lows and I hope you'll stay by my side as I make this transformation into the genuine me - the me that I’ve always really been.”

lgbt bites



Bisexual daughTEr oF moviE lEgEnd vinCEnT PriCE says hE was Bi said to me, 'you know, I know just how you feel because I have had these deep, loving relationships with men in my life and all my wives were jealous.' In a funny way, and I think I'm going to cry, he understood me at 22 better than I understood myself then.”

Photo: Wiki user Rjmail.

(SFGN) Victoria Price, daughter of Vincent Price was interviewed by online LGBT outlet, Boom to promote the 50th anniversary re-release of her parents’ cookbook, “A Treasure of Great Recipes.” While it’s a subject Victoria has avoided in the past, she did open up during the exclusive. "Everybody asks me was your dad bisexual, was he bisexual," said Price. "And it was Roddy McDowall who said to me, you know, we didn't have any idea what bisexuality meant in that sense, and if we didn't know, then how can we know the answer to that question." The 53-year-old Price, and out member of the LGBT community went on to say, "I am as close to certain as I can be that my dad had physically intimate relationships with men. I know for 100 percent fact that my dad was completely loving and supportive of LGBT people." She describes coming out to her father in the 70’s. "The interesting thing for me,” she said, “is that when I came out to him and he

gov. Cuomo EXTEnds disCriminaTion ProTECTions To TransgEndEr nEw yorkErs (Equality Federation) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced at Empire State Pride Agenda’s gala that he will issue regulations to protect transgender people from discrimination in housing, employment, credit, education, and public accommodations. Governor Cuomo will direct the State Division of Human Rights to issue regulations that would extend existing protections against discrimination in New York’s Human Rights Law so that protections based on sex are defined to include gender identity, gender expression, and gender dysphoria. Nathan Schaefer, Executive Director of Empire State Pride Agenda said, “After years of tireless advocacy, we’ve won a tremendous victory for transgender civil rights with Governor Cuomo’s announcement tonight. We look forward to working with the Administration to quickly implement these regulations so transgender New Yorkers are protected from discrimination—a basic civil right that is long overdue.” After a 45 day comment period, people who have experienced discrimination based on their gender identity will be able to file complaints with the Division of Human


Rights, the state attorney general, or through the courts. Lambda Legal issued the following statement from M. Dru Levasseur, Director of Lambda Legal’s Transgender Rights Project: “This is very welcome step —these rules will provide guidance and help alleviate some of the very real problems transgender New Yorkers experience. We thank the Cuomo Administration for working so hard to make this step happen. There has been a long-standing gap in spelling out explicit protections that bar discrimination on the basis of gender identity. “Transgender people in New York experience high rates of discrimination and violence and are turned away from jobs, rejected by health care providers and are denied a range of services—these new regulations will make clear discrimination is unacceptable.” Lambda Legal’s Transgender Rights Project works to expand and defend protections for transgender people under federal, state and local laws and other policies. Learn more: http://www.lambdalegal.org/issues/ transgender-rights



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politics white house watch Photos: CNN.

Hillary Clinton (left) and Donald Trump.

Clinton Comes Back; Trump Stumbles Jason Parsley


f Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic frontrunner saying, "a weathervane shifts its positions in the wind, effective leaders do not.” nomination analysts will surely point to Meanwhile the latest poll in Iowa shows October as the month that sealed the deal. Clinton up 41 points over Sanders. But in New Yes October has been that good for her. It started out with strong third quarter Hampshire Sanders is up 15 points over Clinton. fundraising numbers with her bringing in more The Real Clear Politics national average has Clinton up 22.8 points over Sanders. than $29 million – the most of any candidate On the Republican front billionaire Donald of either party. Then the debate happened and analysts agreed she won hands down. Last Trump has had a bad week with polls in Iowa week two of her opponents, Jim Webb and showing neurosurgeon Ben Carson taking the Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race while lead, and on Tuesday the first national poll in months has Carson leading Vice President Joe Biden Trump by 4 points. Trump in decided against running. response to Carson’s rise has But it was her grueling 11attacked his opponent for being hour testimony in front of a Seventh-day Adventist saying the House Select Committee to a crowd in Jacksonville "I'm on Benghazi that changed Presbyterian. Boy, that's down the game. Even Republicans the middle of the road folks, in conceded that her all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day testimony and composure Adventist, I don't know about. I only helped her campaign, just don't know about." while the committee came Meanwhile the rest of the across as partisan and petty, Republican field is stagnant with admitting afterwards that no one getting more 10 percent nothing new was learned. in the Real Clear Politics national Her good month must average. Florida Senator Marco have gotten to her other Rubio comes close at 9 percent. two opponents Vermont – Martin O'Malley Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s Senator Bernie Sanders Democratic candidate campaign appears to be in and former Gov. Martin complete disarray coming just O’Malley. Sanders broke short of a freefell. They’ve had his pledge about going negative attacking Clinton for the first time to drastically cut their spending, including at the very important Democratic Jefferson- slashing payroll costs by 40 percent. It appears Bush has fallen into the same trap that Jackson dinner in Iowa. That was the same doomed Scott Walker’s campaign, building event that was largely seen a game changer for then Senator Barack Obama in his race the organization of a frontrunner but only fundraising like a second tier candidate. against Clinton. O’Malley also attacked the

“A weathervane shifts its positions in the wind, effective leaders do not.”


• 10.28.2015

Submitted Photos.

news local

Ryan Hughes will have a memorial at 7 p.m.on Wednesday in Wilton Manors at the Lofts of Wilton Manors.

Norm Kent

Impulse Group Founder Dies of Apparent Suicide

“Almost three years ago I started volunteering for a Impulse Ryan K. Hughes, 36, the Vice President of the local chapter of Group South Florida with Steve McAleer, A.j. Alegria, Gustavo Impulse Group, and its international creative director, died last Moran and others. Out of all the things I've done its meant the Saturday of a possible suicide. most. Until I met Adrian Vargas. I loved him from the moment I At the time of his death, he was living in Hollywood, in a saw him. There [are] few things I've held so dear domestic partnership with Adrian Vargas, with the exception of my two dogs, Briggs and presently the marketing director at Impulse. Stratton who gave me the kind of unconditional “Ryan K. Hughes no words can express the love I never thought I'd get. Thank you Pete sadness I feel in losing you,” Vargas wrote on Stevenson for taking care of them for me now, Facebook. “I loved you with all of my heart, the same way you took care of me for a while. and held you till your last breath. You will Thank you Impulse United, I'm sorry for the always and forever remain in my heart, as a summit where I embarrassed myself. I supposed part of my heart is eternally with you. You I had done more than I had for them. Jose Ramos, were my everything. Rest in peace my love. I you're a visionary. May the boys #ImpukseSOFL will always love my bae!” continue to thrive. I'm very sorry to Kyle, Tiko, Born and raised in Central Florida, Hughes Kevin, Asher and Sam for stealing your friend had been unashamedly HIV positive since from you. You can have him back now.” high school. A.J. Alegria, the Impulse Group president, An amazingly talented graphic artist and first met Hughes in 2010: “He helped us launch designer, whose templates were always domestic chapters of Impulse, and lent his cutting edge, Hughes had been employed - A.J. Alegria creative talents to our branding, marketing, and most recently last fall as the Associate public relations campaigns. But that is who he Publisher at Think Magazine. Previously, Impulse Group was as a professional.” he used his skills as the creative director for President “On a personal level. He had issues. We all do,” Fort Lauderdale Magazine, Go Riverwalk, and Alegria noted. “But it just seems like there was from 2008-2009, HotSpots! a perfect storm working against him this time, Hughes was found in his home on Saturday and not enough support to get him through this rough patch. evening unconscious, and while paramedics revived him briefly, Impulse was his support group, and we like to think we keep shortly after being removed from life support, he died at the each other going.” hospital, with six of his closest friends and family members by Alegria saluted Hughes for his passion and perseverance his side. Both parents and two siblings survive him. On the night of his death Hughes posted on Facebook what noting, “Ryan was all about trying to empower his friends. He was never apologetic about who he was and he tried to use appeared to be a goodbye to message to his friends.

Impulse was his support group, and we like to think we keep each other going.

the decisions he made about his life to help other people make better judgments for their own.” Hughes’ body will be cremated and his ashes will be returned to Central Florida for a family burial. Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation, will fly in from California for the memorial. “We are heartbroken about the loss of Ryan,” he said. “The young man was a very dedicated leader of Impulse. His creative genius greatly helped to enhance the Impulse brand not only in South Florida but across the country and the world. His legacy will live on in the logo and other graphic templates. Too many are gone too soon. We still have a lot of work to do.” AHF is the main funding source of Impulse. A memorial to celebrate Hughes’ life will take place 7 p.m. Wednesday in Wilton Manors at the Lofts of Wilton Manors 2748 NE 8th Ave. Organizers ask if you attend “Bring your well wishes, your remembrances, and expressions of love for our beloved colleague/mentor/brother Ryan Hughes.” The local Impulse Group that Hughes helped found also posted a message on their Facebook page sending their condolences. “Impulse Group South Florida lost one of its very special members today. Ryan Hughes was a man who always fought for others and what he believed in regardless of what anyone thought. He was the creator of a brand that is now visible across the globe. He was loved by so many and will be greatly missed,” the post reads. “Though Impulse Group South Florida will never be the same, we know he would not have left us if he didn't have the confidence that we will continue to forge ahead with our mission and in his memory, we will. Rest in peace Ryan. We love you.” 10.21.2015 •


H I STORY publisher´s editorial

South Florida Has Its Own LGBT History

Norm Kent



s October comes to a close, so does LGBT History month.

flag at city hall in Wilton Manors, and you think back to the day when gay bashing, not gay marriages, were the norm. But gather we did. When a national task force can hold a dinner in the Fontainebleau that attracts over a thousand We can only fully appreciate where we are today by people you can see how strong we have become. looking back and not forgetting about those who helped One of the first gay organizations in Broward, the Tuesday move the needle yesterday. Night Group met in Joe Campanella’s condominium Once again, SFGN partnered with the along A1A. This small network grew and creators of the national LGBT History grew, eventually forming associations like Project, populating our pages with rich and Americans for Equality, the United Citizens These gay men rewarding stories celebrating LGBT heroes, for Human Rights, and GUARD, Gays United people who have distinguished themselves and women Against Repression and Discrimination. It in a host of careers. was a young lawyer named Dean Trantalis were pioneers, These gay men and women were pioneers, who helped organize them. whose courage and conviction helped to whose courage The former president of the Log Cabin Club engineer the world of equality we move of Broward, Jack Majeske, made a good point and conviction closer to each day. last week. There were Republicans; there helped to There have been standard bearers that were Democrats, but all our voices spoke for carried our flag in decades past, from coast engineer the equality. They were open. They were out. to coast, bucking the tide and challenging the They had the courage of their convictions world of status quo. when it took guts and it counted the most. Our newspaper tries to celebrate some of equality we They were people like Charlie Bado, who the people in our own community who have went on the air with the first local weekly move closer to achieved much over the years. My business radio show, Queer Talk, on WFTL. They were partner, Pier Angelo, an angry old Italian, each day. lawyers like Alan Terl, who stood before the peppers our paper with a unique feature, county commission and fought for domestic ‘Homo History 101.’ partnership ordinances. One fundamental principle still holds today. Those who They were columnists like Marty Rubin, who brought stood up, back in the ‘day’, were united in the proposition his unique take on issues to Hot Spots Magazine weekly, that gays and lesbians should be treated equally. We knew and columnists like Jesse Monteagudo whose articles still in our hearts and souls that discrimination was evil and appear in SFGN today. Or an Andy Eddy, ever the voice for unjust. It is unacceptable now, and it was intolerable then. the Log Cabin Club. You read a piece about putting a permanent gay rights The Weekly News, TWN, under the guidance of Bill


• 10.28.2015

H I STORY publisher´s editorial

Watson, recorded South Florida’s gay history for years. Copies of them can be found in our own Stonewall Museum, along with early copies of David, the Blackbook, Scoop, 411, the Buzz, and a host of media entities that have come and gone. We feature some past covers beside my column today. They were bar owners like Lefty, who openly showed you could be gay, proud, and strong; a bear of a man who would go boar hunting on vacations in the mountains of New York State. And there were drag queens like Dana Manchester, who would be on stage for every charitable cause you could muster. They were activists like Tom Bradshaw, Brad Buchman and Gary Steinsmith, who became the community’s conscience on HIV and AIDS. It was a small group of people with that willpower and grit who gathered in 1984 on A1A in the Marlin Beach Hotel to form CenterOne, the agency that would become the county’s largest HIV advocacy group. There were the Tom Martins and Pedro Zamoras of this world, young activists, who would carry their torch as educators. Somewhere in the Stonewall Museum library, I assume you will find the late Alan Terl’s ‘History of Gay and Lesbian Rights’ in South Florida. One of South Florida’s earliest advocates for authenticating domestic partnership ordinances, he was an expert on the HIV virus, and educated ever so many. For years, Pride South Florida awarded the Karl Clark award, honoring one of our first civil rights leaders, who organized the earliest gay rights political action committees

and one of the people who helped bring the Dolphin Democrats Club together. No, there were not that many women as players, but still many worthy of mention. You can still see Robin Bodiford’s ads in our paper, and she was one of the leading ‘out’ lesbian lawyers fighting for your rights decades ago. So were Jamie Bloodworth and her partner, Bev Cothern, along with names you may have never heard of, like Lynn Mattingly. You can’t forget the gay bar owners who have fought for your rights, too, from Jack Campbell to John Castelli. There are some like Richard Fasenmeyer, who used their wealth to provide a legacy even today, sustaining HIV foundations 15 years after his death. I owe my activism to some of them, engaged by them to go to court to stand up for your rights. Based in greater Fort Lauderdale, SFGN’s primary focus is Broward County, but we strive to illuminate Palm Beach and Miami Dade weekly. Wherever you live, every community in every town and hamlet across America has its LGBT heroes. In rural places, some still stand up, often alone. Justice is on their side. We all played our part and many now first do. It takes a little longer for some people to get across the baselines. That’s OK. Welcome everyone to the game. When it is your time, it is your time. LGBT history month may celebrate some of our community’s more prominent persons, but the truth is new heroes are born every day. May you live your life in such a way today that you are one tomorrow.

Wherever you live, every community in every town and hamlet across America has its LGBT heroes.

10.21.2015 •


H I STORY profile

Joe Lobdell: Tragedy and Triumph of a 19th-century Transition By Ray Simon

PGN Contributor


hen Joseph Israel Lobdell passed away in 1912 at the Binghamton State Hospital, his death went largely unnoticed. Joe, as he was known, was 82 and had been con�ined to mental institutions since 1880. In the intervening decades, his siblings had predeceased him.

In his lifetime, Joe was a crack shot and a wonderful fiddle player. He opened a singing school and, for a while at least, found modest success with that business. There was some adventure in his life, too. Joe traveled west to Minnesota, where he guarded land on the frontier. Within the context of 19th-century American social history, experiences like these were not uncommon, but one aspect of Joe’s life is extraordinary: He was born in 1829 as a woman, Lucy Ann Lobdell. Although Joe Lobdell died in obscurity, he’s recently begun to attract attention. In 2011, for example, Dr. Bambi Lobdell, a distant cousin, published “A Strange Sort of Being: The Transgender Life of Lucy Ann/Joseph Israel Lobdell, 1829-1912.” And earlier this year, journalist William Klaber released a novel about Lucy/Joe, “The Rebellion of Miss Lucy Ann Lobdell.” It seems as if Joe’s time has come. Dr. Lobdell, who teaches gender studies and literature at SUNY Oneonta, certainly feels that way. Her book includes both an analysis of Joe’s life informed by queer theory and transgender studies, as well as primary documents about him. Dr. Lobdell regards Joe as a gender outlaw and argues


• 10.28.2015

that he is best understood as a transgender man. She life, whenever Joe ran into trouble, periodicals like The acknowledges that this category was unavailable to Joe, Stamford Mirror and The Jeffersonian mentioned the but she believes that it most closely approximates his “Female Hunter.” understanding of himself and restores a modicum of Copies of the narrative are rare. Fortunately, Dr. Lobdell dignity to him. includes it in its entirety in “A Strange Sort of Being.” “I use the word transgender, in its widest application, to That’s partly because Dr. Lobdell conceived of her work mean not cisgender and not gender-conforming,” she said. as an academic textbook that could be adopted for college For Dr. Lobdell, this isn’t simply an classes in gender studies and sexuality. “I academic exercise. She contends that many just packed it full of all sorts of gender theory of the issues confronting Joe, including and gender analysis and queer theory,” she “... She societal expectations and gender roles, are said when asked to sketch its contents. remembered still relevant LGBT people. Within Lucy’s narrative, there are a few Joe’s history is important, Dr. Lobdell agreed-upon facts worth noting. To begin, her explained, because “it tells a story of how his Lucy Ann Lobdell was born Dec. 2, 1829 just grandmother otherness was framed as deviance and how outside of Albany, N.Y. The family was poor, saying, ‘I his otherness was basically signaled by his but Lucy wanted an education. To pay for gender presentation, his refusal to conform.” schooling, she was given some chores. That can’t believe “So he crossed the boundaries of gender was how she learned to shoot, a skill she put roles and gender presentation and sexuality, that’s really a to use at various times later in life. though the people back then didn’t realize woman; he was Around 1852, the Lobdell family moved to that, because most people, including women the nicest boy I Long Eddy, N.Y. Roughly a year later, Lucy in the 19th century, thought that women married a man named George Washington ever dated’.” didn’t have any sexual desire.” Slater and gave birth to a daughter. Her Fortunately for scholars, there are account depicts an unhappy marriage. When - Dr. Lobdell contemporary, written accounts of Joe’s life. Slater abandoned them, Lucy returned to Chief among them is a book Lobdell published her family, left her daughter with them and in 1855: “Narrative of Lucy Ann Lobdell, the slipped away one evening in 1854. Female Hunter of Delaware and Sullivan Counties, N.Y.” In Shortly afterwards, Joseph Israel Lobdell appeared in a 2012 podcast with Susan Rich, Dr. Lobdell described it as Bethany, Pa., where he opened a singing school. From this part-melodrama, part-feminist manifesto. point forward, details of Joe’s life can be pieced together, One immediate result of the book’s publication was a if sketchily, from occasional newspaper accounts or court measure of notoriety for its author. The “Female Hunter” documents about him. became fodder for journalists. For the remainder of his In retrospect, it appears that the writing and publication

H I STORY profile of Lobdell’s narrative marks a significant transition. For the remainder of his life, more than five decades, he uses the name he’s chosen for himself and dresses as a man — except on those occasions when a sheriff or deputy tried forcing him to wear women’s clothes. The singing school attracted students, most of them the daughters of well-to-do farmers and businessmen from the provincial town. There is some evidence that Joe was well-liked by his pupils. According to Dr. Lobdell, someone once interviewed the descendant of a woman who had attended the school. “Apparently, a lot of women danced with Joe when he was a singing teacher,” Dr. Lobdell said. “And this one woman said she remembered her grandmother saying, ‘I can’t believe that’s really a woman; he was the nicest boy I ever dated’.” Problems arise, however, when Joe’s “identity” is revealed. He is chased out of Bethany by a mob threatening to tar and feather him. Undaunted, Joe heads west, arriving in Minnesota. Here he sometimes goes by the name La-Roi. In Minnesota, Joe works odd jobs and even guards land for its owners. Joe’s physical courage should be noted: Minnesota’s winters were harsh, he was living on the edge of the wilderness with only his rifle to protect him, and clashes with Native Americans were always a distinct possibility. Once again, however, Joe’s “identity” is revealed. After a trial, Joe is sent back sent back east to his parents’ home. Depressed and unable to find work, he enters the County Poor House in Delhi, N.Y., in 1860. It’s there, roughly a year later, that Joe meets Marie Louise Perry. Marie, who had been abandoned by her husband, arrived physically weakened and emotionally upset. Joe helps nurse Marie back to health, which restores his spirits, too. One night, the two escape from the Poor House and are married by a Justice of the Peace. Joe now has a bride, a woman about a decade younger than him. Joe and Marie are together for almost 20 years, but their life is not easy. They

eke out a living doing odd jobs or survive on whatever food Joe’s hunting provides. Often, they live outdoors in the thick woods of upstate Pennsylvania and New York. The couple is desperately poor and, consequently, always in imminent danger of being arrested for vagrancy. Joe’s life takes a turn for the worse around 1878. Shortly after receiving a Civil War pension (Slater was killed in the war), Joe’s brother has him declared insane. In 1879, he is taken away to the Willard Insane Asylum in Ovid, N.Y. While locked up, Joe becomes a patient of Dr. P.M. Wise, who publishes a brief article about Joe in 1883. In that account, entitled “A Case of Sexual Perversion,” Dr. Wise relates a telling statement from Joe. The patient, whom he insists on viewing as a woman, tells him that “she considered herself a man in all that the name implies.” Dr. Lobdell thinks we should take Joe at his word, something she views as paramount. “What I’m trying to do is give Joe back his voice, because — and this is another way it should resonate with people today — transgender people oftentimes are not allowed to tell their own story.” To learn more about Joe Lobdell, visit www.lucyjoe.com.

Ray Simon is an editor and writer based in Philadelphia, who contributes articles on arts and culture to Philadelphia Gay News and other publications.

10.21.2015 •


H I ST ORY tv No subject was taboo on the 1970's sitcom — not even homosexuality.

All in the Family Kicked Open Doors For LGBTs on Television David-Elijah Nahmod


This made the character accessible to mass as any television show pushed the audiences and allowed Archie to grow over envelope more than Norman Lear's the course of the twelve years during "All in the which Carroll O'Connor played him. Family?" Conceived in the “All in the Family” currently airs immediate aftermath of on two networks: Antenna TV and the 1960s counter-cultural Through FamilyNet. Even now the series revolution, "All in the envelope is often shocking, touching upon Family" was a sitcom about pushing humor, subject matter that "simply aren't a blue-collar family in discussed in polite society." Today's Queens, New York. Archie Lear, his younger "All in the Family" viewers Bunker (Carroll O'Connor) writers and might not realize just how shocking was a less-than-educated "All in the Family" actually was some gent who genuinely loved cast poked forty years ago--and yet audiences at his family. He also loved fun at various the time loved it. People talked about God and Country, and kinds of bigotry it--they also talked about the issues it didn't take kindly to those raised. "commie pinkos" who and exposed No subject was taboo on "All wanted to "take over". prejudice for in the Family," not even (gasp!) Archie often sparred with homosexuality. his liberal son-in-law what it was. Here are a few episodes of this Mike (Rob Reiner), as wife courageous series, which may have Edith (Jean Stapleton) and helped open doors for the visibility daughter Gloria (Sally and equality laws that we enjoy today. Struthers) struggled to keep the peace. Archie was a bigot. He hated blacks, Jews, gays, and just about everyone else who wasn't "Judging Books by Covers" what he considered a patriotic American--his Season 1, episode 5: aired February bigotry was at the center of "All in the Family" 9th, 1971. storylines. Through envelope pushing humor, Lear, his writers and cast poked fun at various Archie is appalled when Mike brings Roger kinds of bigotry and exposed prejudice for (Anthony Geary) a somewhat effeminate, what it was. bookwormish friend home for dinner – after The final stroke of genius was to give Archie all, isn't Roger gay? Maybe not. a warm and kind heart, which often shined At the local bar, Archie bemoans Roger to through his gruff exterior and many prejudices. drinking buddy Steve (Phil Carey). Burly and


• 10.28.2015

masculine, Steve is an ex-football player. As they arm wrestle, Steve asks Archie how long they've been drinking together. "And in all that time, have you ever heard me talk about a woman?" inquires Steve. The shocked look on Archie's face is priceless. "Cousin Liz" Season 8, episode 13: aired October 9, 1977 Edith is the only family member to attend the funeral of her Cousin Liz. There she meets Liz's "roommate" Veronica (K Callan). As they talk, Edith slowly comes to realize why no other relatives are in attendance: Veronica is Liz's "lover" (the vernacular of the period.) Though neither of them ever states the obvious, Edith insists that Veronica keep Liz's beautiful silver tea set, which Edith originally meant to take for herself. Though she was somewhat scatterbrained (Archie often called her "dingbat"), Edith was "All in the Family's" wisest and most compassionate character.

"Edith's Crisis of Faith" Season 8, episode 13: aired December 18, 1977 Real life drag performer Lori Shannon made the final of her three "All in the Family" appearances on this bittersweet Christmas episode. Shannon had been seen twice as drag queen Beverly LaSalle, who may have been trans. Beverly didn't always change into male attire after she exited the stage. Beverly was a friendly nemesis for Archie and a close friend of Edith's. After showing Edith the fabulous gown she's going to wear for her Carnegie Hall debut, Beverly dies in the aftermath of a Christmas Eve gay bashing. A heartbroken Edith decides not to attend Midnight Mass, claiming that going to church does no good. The episode continued the following week as Edith reconciled her crisis of faith. "All in the Family" may have been a sitcom, but it wasn't always funny. Sometimes it wasn't meant to be. It certainly took guts to put it on the air.

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

H I STORY music SFGN Expresses its Condolences to AHF, Impulse and the Hughes Family

Who Was Sugar Plum Fairy?

David-Elijah Nahmod


alk on the Wild Side” was a closeted Harvey Milk, who became his big hit for singer/songwriter first boyfriend. Milk, of course, went on to Lou Reed. Released on become a gay rights legend – he was the first November 8, 1972, the single was from Reed’s openly gay man in California to hold elective second album “Transformer.” Considered office. Milk served on the San Francisco quite shocking at the time, “Walk on the Board of Supervisors for less than a year Wild Side” made direct references to before being assassinated in November, homosexuality, transgenderism (then called 1978. transexuality), oral sex and Campbell and Milk were male prostitution. together in New York for The song was inspired by seven years. After they broke “Sugar Plum the people Reed met during up Campbell began hanging the time he spent in Andy with the Warhol Fairy came and around Warhol’s “factory.” Warhol “factory” crowd. In 1965 he hit the streets played a character called was a prominent artist and filmmaker who, during the “Sugar Plum Fairy” in the Looking for 1960s, hired various kinds Warhol film “My Hustler.” soul food and of fringe street people – Campbell was a decidedly hustlers, drag queens, and minor player in the Warhol a place to addicts – whom he dubbed filmography, and is more eat....” “superstars” when he filmed of interest to historians them for his no budget, shot because of his relationship – Lou Reed on grainy 16mm “epics.” with Milk and his late 1960s Walk on the Often improvised, these films relationship with Oliver explored the seedier side “Billy” Sipple. Sipple made Wild Side of New York underground headlines in 1975 when then life. “Superstars” like Holly President Gerald Ford was Woodlawn and Joe Dallesandro usually speaking in New York’s Union Square – it played characters based upon themselves. was Sipple who grabbed the gun away from Other “superstars” had no qualms about attempted Ford assassin Sarah Jane Moore, appearing on camera while strung out on thereby saving the President’s life. drugs. Audiences were mesmerized as films Campbell eventually left New York and like “Trash,” “Flesh” and “Women in Revolt” settled into a quiet life in Marin County, attracted a great deal of attention. California. In 1993 he donated some of the For over thirty years, one questioned letters he received from Harvey Milk to the remained about the “superstars” which Reed Gay and Lesbian Historical Society in San paid homage to in “Walk on the Wild Side.” Francisco. Some of those letters are now Who was “Sugar Plum Fairy?” He was the available for viewing at the San Francisco only character in the song not mentioned by Public Library website. name. Joe Campbell died on October 2, 2005. Sugar Plum Fairy was Joe Campbell (1936- Stanley Jensen, his partner of 29 years was 2005). In 1955, at age 19, he met a young, at his side.

Ryan K. Hughes (1979-2015)

on the loss of one of its leaders STORY ON PAGE 13

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10.21.2015 •


H I STORY profile PHoto: Youtube

Richard Inman: The Father of Florida’s LGBT Community

Jesse Monteagudo

An earlier version of this article appeared in “Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context,” edited by Vern L. Bullough, Harrington Park, 2002.


he State of Florida has had its share of outstanding LGBT leaders; people who worked against enormous odds to make life better for our community during the last half century. To a great degree, they were following in the footsteps of Richard A. Inman. The Sunshine State’s first queer activist, Inman dared to be openly and actively gay at a time when that was a dangerous thing to be. By challenging both a firmly antigay political establishment and a closeted gay community, Inman is rightly considered to be the Father of Florida’s LGBT Community. Who was Richard Inman? Since he dropped out of sight after 1969, Inman became largely unknown to a generation of activists who took up where he left off. Though I grew up in Miami, I was not aware of Inman or his achievements until I became an activist myself. Only recently did Inman begin to receive the recognition that he so richly deserved. James T. Sears, whose book “Lonely Hunters: An Oral History of Lesbian and Gay Southern Life,” 1948-1968 contributes so much to our knowledge of Inman, called him “a soldier of fortune turned taxi driver challenging the homophobia and ignorance of heterosexuals as well as apathy and timidity among homosexuals.” Others agree: Inman was “a voice in the wilderness in Miami” (John Loughery) and “a virtual one-man band for gay rights” (Eugene Patron). Foster Gunnison, Jr., who worked with Inman, called him “an unsung hero of the movement,” while Jack Nichols, who knew Inman as well as anyone, dubbed him “The South’s Pioneer.” “Inman was the first Southerner to challenge anti-gay laws in the courts, to write in mass circulation publications


• 10.28.2015

about gay men and lesbians and to appear on local television and radio programs,” Nichols said. Florida in the 1960’s was “the Mississippi of the homosexual;” and it took a lot of chutzpah to challenge the Sunshine State’s ingrained homophobia. Born in Tampa in 1926, Inman arrived in Miami in the 1940s. Like many others in his time and place, Inman was arrested at least twice, for “simply being in a gay bar” during a raid. Undaunted, Inman founded (1963) the Atheneum Society, which according to Sears, was “the first statechartered, explicitly homosexual organization in the South.” Created “to combat ... gross injustices affecting homosexual citizens which are perpetuated by certain heterosexuals who masquerade behind the guise of justice and decency,” the Society was basically a one-man operation. Even so, Inman benefitted from the secret but substantial financial assistance of an elderly, closeted millionaire who gave him much-needed pocket cash. With his Atheneum Society in tow, Inman soon became, in Sears’s words, “the lightning rod for Florida’s nonexistent homophile movement.” Claiming to represent “200,000” Florida homosexuals, Inman “privately engaged in correspondence and conversations with political leaders and kingmakers. He also engaged in a long-term battle with two powerful politicians: [State Senator] Charley Johns and [Dade County State Attorney] Richard Gerstein.” Inman soon caught the attention of activist Jack Nichols who, with Franklin Kameny, founded the Mattachine Society of Washington in 1961. Nichols and his partner Lige Clarke visited Inman in Miami and persuaded

him to change the Atheneum’s name to the Mattachine Society of Florida. Inman became President, Nichols Vice President, and Clarke editor of the group’s news letter. As head of the Mattachine Society of Florida, Inman adopted, in John D’Emilio’s words, “a Kameny-like tone in his dealings with public officials.” On April 19, 1966 Inman appeared on a television documentary “The Homosexual.” Hosted by WTVJ’s Ralph Renick, “The Homosexual” was dominated by antigay zealots like Detective John Sorenson of the Dade County Sheriff’s Department of Morals and Juvenile Squad. Inman’s appearance was a disaster. Loughery wrote that Inman’s “performance ... suggested gay men and lesbians would be better served by silence.” Uncomfortable on camera and looking as if he had suddenly realized that acknowledging his sexuality was tantamount to admitting a crime for which he might be arrested, Inman squirmed before his interviewer’s questions, ending with the claim that he had given up homosexuality four years earlier – “it’s not my cup of tea” - though he believed that gays deserved fair treatment. He giggled at the suggestion of gay marriage or gay adoption. “You weren’t exactly inspired to run out and join his organization,” a Fort Lauderdale gay man, then in his twenties, noted. “Actually, he scared me more than the cop they had telling the eighth-graders that

any one of them could become a deviant if they weren’t careful.” Inman was burned out. In March 1967 he abolished Florida Mattachine. In October the Miami Vice Squad raided Inman’s new business, the Atheneum Book Shop, charging Inman with possession of pornography (he was acquitted on a technicality). By August 1969, the Miami Herald could claim that “The Miami [gay] subculture shows few signs of the minority group syndrome. Since the demise of the Mattachine Society of Florida ... Miami has had neither homosexual organizations nor militants. A politically docile, socially invisible subculture, it attracts little attention, and less support.” It remained for a new generation of activists to take up where Inman left off. What happened to Richard Inman? According to Jack Nichols, “in 1970, Inman visited me in my New York offices at GAY [newspaper]. After that he disappeared.” In Rebels, Rubyfruit, and Rhinestones (2001), Sears finally revealed what happened to the Father of Florida’s LGBT Community: “Richard Inman never returned to the activist role that he once had in Florida. He settled in a working-class area in the outskirts of Long Beach - not far from the interstate highway where he lived in a Spanish-style duplex on the corner of Golden Avenue and Hill Street until his death on 3 February 1985.”

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida’s LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

HI STORY column

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A Special Day is a 1977 film set in 1938 Rome.

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Pier Angelo Seventy-seven years ago in Fascist italy, gay men were labeled "degenerate", expelled from their homes and interned on an island. The archipelago of the Tremiti Islands, in the Adriatic Sea, played a part, in the late 1930s, in the effort by Benito Mussolini's Fascists to suppress homosexuality. According to the regime they undermined the dictator’s idea of Italian machismo. So in 1938 forty-five men believed to be homosexuals were rounded up and consigned to internal exile on the island of San Domino. They arrived handcuffed, and then housed in large, spartan dormitories with no electricity or running water. They were held under a prison regime but some found life in the country's first openly gay community a liberating experience. In fact, the Fascists created a corner of Italy where you were openly gay. For the first time in their lives, the men were in a place where they could be themselves - free of the stigma that normally surrounded them in devoutly Catholic 1930s Italy. In a rare interview with a San Domino veteran, published many years ago in the gay magazine, Babilonia – a man named only as Giuseppe B - said that in a way the men were better off on the island. "In those days if you were a femminella [a slang Italian word for a gay man] you couldn't even leave your home, or make yourself noticed, on the island, on the other hand, we would celebrate our Saint's days or the arrival of someone new... We did theatre, and we could dress as women there and no-one would say anything." And he said that of course, there was romance, and even fights over lovers. The paradox is that in the Italy of that time, they could find a degree of freedom only on a prison island. San Domino will be a permanent

1946 Wilton Drive •Wilton Manors • FL 33305 reminder of Mussolini's persecution of homosexuals. In the 77 years since not much has changed in Italy, there is no real social stigma attached to homophobia, and the state doesn't extend legal rights of any kind to gay or lesbian couples. At Rome’s Gay center spokesman Fabrizio Marrazzo said that the slow progress on LGBT rights is in part, ironically, due to the fact that there are no anti-gay laws. In other countries homosexuality was criminalized. In Italy it was never illegal. Even under Mussolini the internment of homosexuals was only intended to cover up their existence as much as possible. In Italy back then as now it’s a case of turning a blind eye. Their struggle for equality goes on.

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a special day (Italian: Una giornata particolare) is a 1977 Italian film starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni set in Rome in 1938, its narrative follows a woman and her neighbor who stay home the day Hitler visits Mussolini. The film is an Italian-Canadian coproduction. It has received several nominations and awards, two Oscar nominations in 1977, and it is featured on the list of the 100 Italian films to be saved. On May 8, 1938, the day Hitler visited Mussolini in Rome, Antonietta, a native and sentimental homemaker stays home doing her usual domestic tasks, while her fascist husband and her six spoilt children take to the streets to follow the parade. The building is empty except for a neighbor across the complex (a charming man named Gabriele. Despite their differences, they warm to each other. He is a radio broadcaster who has been dismissed from his job and is about to be deported to Sardinia because of his anti-fascist stance and his homosexuality. 10.21.2015 •


HI STORY people

Historical Members of the LGBT Community LGBTHistoryMonth.com features a new profile everyday in October. Visit their website to see more. LGBTHistoryMonth.com

Tim’m T. West Evan Wolfson

William “Big Bill” Tilden II

Birth: February 4, 1957

Birth: February 10, 1893 Death: June 5, 1953

Marriage Equality Advocate

“I’m not in this just to change the law. It’s about changing society.” Evan Wolfson is the founder of Freedom to Marry, a group that advocates for same-sex marriage rights in the United States. He is one of the first attorneys to publicly champion marriage equality and the author of the book “Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality and Gay People’s Right to Marry.” Wolfson was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. As a lawyer, he argued Boy Scouts of America v. Dale before the Supreme Court. LGBT rights became an important part of Wolfson’s advocacy early in his career. He wrote his 1983 thesis at Harvard University on the legal question of samesex marriage. He also publicly debated the issue at Yale University. As a young lawyer, he wrote a Supreme Court amicus brief that helped win a nationwide ban on race discrimination in jury selection and helped eliminate the marital rape exemption. For many years, Wolfson worked for the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, where he directed the Marriage Project and coordinated the National Freedom to Marry Coalition. He argued the Hawaii Supreme Court case involving same-sex marriage as well as a Vermont case that eventually led to the creation of civil unions in the state. Wolfson launched Freedom to Marry in 2001, saying, “I want gay kids to grow up believing they can get married.” He wept reading Justice Kennedy’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges (the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in favor of nationwide marriage equality), remembering the years of struggle, strategy, arguments and previous cases that laid the groundwork for the landmark Obergefell decision. Wolfson is married to Cheng He. They live together in New York City.


• 10.28.2015

Tennis Champion

“Never change a winning game; always change a losing one.” Bill Tilden is considered one of the greatest men’s tennis champions in history. He was the No. 1 player in the world for six years, from 1920 to 1925. During that time, he became the first American to win Wimbledon. Born to privilege in Philadelphia, he first picked up a racket as a small child. By the time he was 22, he had lost both parents and his brother. Struggling with immense grief, he preoccupied himself with tennis, which became his primary means of recovery. He wrote about the game in several noteworthy books, including “Match Play and the Spin of the Ball.” By 27, he had attained championship status. Tilden’s countless wins include 14 major singles titles: a World Hard Court Championship, 10 Grand Slams and three Pro Slams. He also won a record seven U.S. Championships. His all-time tennis achievements include a career match-winning record and winning percentage at the U.S. National Championships. Tilden won his third and final Wimbledon in 1930 at age 37, before turning pro. He was the oldest man to win a Wimbledon singles title. He went on to tour and was notorious for holding his own against much younger players. When Tilden was 52, he and his longtime doubles partner, Vinnie Richards, won the professional doubles championship—the same title they had won 27 years earlier. Tilden was considered quite flamboyant. He dabbled in acting on stage and in film, and rumors about his homosexuality circulated. When he was arrested and imprisoned twice for sexual misbehavior with teenage boys, his world collapsed. He was shunned by his fans and fellow players and banned from teaching tennis at most clubs. Questions remain about whether he was targeted because of his sexuality. At the time, homosexual sex was illegal. In 1959, Tilden was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, Rhode Island.


Birth: July 6, 1972

“There are aspects of ourselves that we are encouraged never to reveal, but I’m not a unicorn.” Tim’m T. West, born Timothy Terrell West, is a hip-hop performance artist, poet, activist and educator. He has produced nine albums, written extensively about hip-hop culture and has been a spokesperson for a new generation of openly gay musicians. West was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He had a speech impediment as a child that caused him to stutter and repeat the “m” in his name, which led him to include it in his moniker. West was a respected student and athlete who became interested in music at a young age. He was interviewed by recruiters from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point while in high school, but was rejected when he told them he was gay. West was an active Boy Scout and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon). But when he came out to his bishop and was rejected, he struggled with depression and anxiety and even contemplated suicide. He admitted later that the experience influenced his youth outreach as an adult. West was a serious college student. He attended Duke and Howard Universities and later The New School for Social Research in New York, where he was exposed to the spoken word and poetry scene. While pursuing his master’s degree at Stanford University in 1999, West discovered he was HIV positive. The revelation inspired him to begin his youth advocacy work and to join with friends to launch the queer hip-hop group Deep Dickollective. West coined the term “homohop” to describe homophobia in the hip-hop community. As a solo artist, West has released music and published many books, including “Red Dirt Revival: a Poetic Memoir in 6 Breaths.” He performs, writes poetry and hosts “Front Porch,” a spoken word showcase that travels to colleges and universities. He also created a one-man show called “Ready, Set, Grow: A Coming of Age Story” about his life. He launched MyWritingProfessor.com and continues to advocate for youth with Teach for America, where he combines education and advocacy to improve the experience of LGBT students in public schools. West’s daughter, Shannon Rose Matesky, is also a spoken word artist. They both live in Chicago.

SFGN and LGBTHistoryMonth.com are media partners.

10.21.2015 •


H I ST ORY film

James Whale, the director of 1931 Frankenstein.

James Whale

David-Elijah Nahmod


rankenstein" (1931) remains the most famous creation of film director James Whale.

Gay in 1930s's Hollywood

roles with the kind of over-the-top abandon one usually associates with drag queens. The late Gloria Stuart (1910-2010), now best known for her portrayal of Old Rose in James Cameron's "Titanic," worked with James Whale in "The Old Dark House" and Like the frightened man-made child who was pieced "The Invisible Man." In late-in-life interviews, Stuart together from dead bodies, Whale (1889recalled Whale as a "perfect gentleman" who 1957) lived his life as an outcast. He was an she accompanied to the theater. "We didn't talk openly gay man in 1930s Hollywood, a time about such things then," Stuart said. Because of when being out was virtually unheard of. For many years, the late Forrest J. Ackerman Because of his candor regarding his sexuality, his candor edited Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine, which included a 23-year relationship with which often celebrated the work of James regarding his film producer David Lewis, film historians Whale. During Ackerman's final years, Joe sexuality... have theorized that a gay subtext can be Moe served as caregiver for "Uncle Forry," as film historians found in many of the films Whale directed. Ackerman was called by fans. Moe is now the Indeed, it's hard to see the flaming characters have theorized keeper of the Ackerman legacy. played by the late Ernest Thesiger in Whale's "To me, James Whale is that rare example of a that a gay "The Old Dark House" (1932) and "Bride of fine artist thriving in commercial media," Moe subtext can be Frankenstein" (1935) as anything other than told SFGN. "So skilled in the craft of storytelling gay. found in many that his own giant personality almost dissolves Some have also opined that through the into the shadow of the monumental work he of the fi lms Frankenstein Monster, as it was portrayed by But he's also that artist so consumed Whale directed. created. Boris Karloff, Whale expressed some of his with his own personal journey that he can't own frustrations regarding what it was like help but instill his work with intimate subtext to be gay in a straight, hostile world. In later that percolates up and through the surface of films, the Monster was seen as a hulking brute who killed on anything else he touches." instinct. But in "Frankenstein" and "Bride of Frankenstein," "So, I feel that James Whale celebrated his homosexuality the Monster was a heartbroken child, desperately longing in ways that remain shuttered to those who have no for love in a world that could neither accept nor understand relationship to it, but is a box of gourmet candies to those him. Whale films like "Bride," "The Old Dark House" and who recognize it," Moe added. "These elements were "The Invisible Man" (1933) are in fact filled with what inspiring markers for a gay audience who, in Whale's time, could easily be seen as a gay sensibility—actors play their


• 10.28.2015

had very little representation or voice in the media. And the influence of Whale's personal gay life experience has had a profound impact beyond his time. I believe the influential works of artist Kenneth Anger are heavily influenced by the specific lessons of Whale's art." There's no denying that James Whale was a serious artist. A painter most of his life, he brought to his films a stylish composition few directors could match. The dark, European landscapes of his horror films, or the brutal, racist American South of the 19th century that Whale recreated in his early version of the classic musical "Showboat" (1936) offer visual tapestries that seem otherworldly, even as they draw viewers into the lives and emotions of his characters. A partially fictionalized version of James Whale's final, lonely days in Hollywood can be seen in "Gods and Monsters," a 1998 film from director Bill Condon, himself openly gay. In the film Sir Ian McKellen, who is also openly gay, portrays Whale as broken, somewhat embittered and forgotten by an industry which had abandoned him. But as the film points out, Whale would be fondly remembered long after he was no longer alive to receive the accolades.

David-Elijah Nahmod is an American/ Israeli half-breed who has lived in New York City and Tel Aviv. Currently in San Francisco, his eclectic writing career includes LGBT publications, SF Weekly & monster magazines. A survivor of childhood gay conversion therapy, he lives with PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

10.21.2015 •


HI STORY aids Left: Congressman Ron Dellums, left, and Nancy Pelosi marched at the AIDS Vigil. Photo: Courtesy GLBT Historical Society.

Submitted photos.

Right: AIDS Vigil participant Bucky Stewart chained himself to the door of the federal building in this image from December 1985. Photo: Nick Aquilino.

Three Decades ago, AIDS Activists Set Up Camp in SF Plaza Matthew S. Bajko


Thirty years ago this month, two San AIDS-related discrimination. They also were calling for a "Manhattan Project"-type effort to Francisco men, fed up with government inaction as AIDS decimated the gay community, chained find an AIDS cure. "We need $500 million in federal money for themselves to a federal building within sight of research to find a cure for ARC/AIDS Related City Hall. Their act of civil disobedience would inspire Complex," read one flier handed out by vigil countless other activists to join them, and later, organizers. "We make a moral appeal to the local political leaders. The demonstration, American government to condemn AIDS which became known as the ARC/AIDS Vigil hysteria and bigotry through education." Numerous politicians joined the vigil and were (ARC standing for AIDS Related Complex), arrested, helping to revive the media's waning lasted a decade and was the city's longestinterest in the demonstration. According to old running protest. news clippings, gay former San It started on Oct. 27, 1985 when Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt Steve Russell and Frank Bert, and former Berkeley Mayor Loni who were both HIV-positive, “We make Hancock, now a state senator, handcuffed themselves to the both were arrested after chaining doors of 50 United Nations Plaza, a moral themselves to the building. a federal building in the city's appeal to One flier advertised a Civic Center district. Soon, a core "Breakfast with Nancy" at the group of volunteers joined them the American vigil one February, referring to to keep vigil 24 hours a day, seven Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi days a week. government (D-San Francisco), now the A tent kitchen was set up, to condemn House minority leader. In the staffed by volunteers, to feed the protesters, who took turns AIDS hysteria summer of 1987, two years into the vigil, Pelosi entered Congress sleeping on mattresses and tents and bigotry and her main objective at the in front of the building. Over time, time was to demand action on the vigil turned into a place where through AIDS. people, whether living with AIDS It was also a site to collect themselves or struggling to care education.” the names of those lost to for or grieve for a loved one, could AIDS, several of whom died find camaraderie and comfort. "When I am out here talking to people about while taking part in the vigil. Both Russell and my condition, about my health, it helps me. It Bert died prior to the vigil's end, said several helps me to talk to them because I was there. participants. In November 1985, the annual candlelight My family disowned me since I came down with AIDS," Wes North, who married Bucky Stewart march honoring former Supervisor Harvey Milk, the first gay person to win elective office at the vigil in December 1985, told a television in San Francisco, and former Mayor George news reporter at the time. "My family has not wanted to have anything to do with me since I Moscone, both of whom were assassinated in City Hall in 1978, ended at the federal building, came down with AIDS." where marchers attached placards bearing the According to archival materials about the vigil, the demonstrators listed six demands they names of those lost to AIDS on the facade. Longtime gay-rights activist Cleve Jones, wanted to see federal officials act on, including publicly recognizing AIDS and condemning who helped organize the march, conceived of


• 10.28.2015

the AIDS quilt that night, according to a history of the national HIV memorial, as "the wall of names looked like a patchwork quilt." More than just an encampment for demonstrators, the vigil also served as a clearinghouse for people to learn the latest news about AIDS. The volunteers also used bleach to clean injection drug users' needles and passed out condoms. "It was an educational experience for me, from the out-of-towners and those from other countries stopping by and thanking us for what we were doing, saying they were not even mentioning AIDS in their state/country, to the times I had to console someone whose partner was suffering from dementia," said Terrrie Frye. Starting in 1987, Frye spent three years working as an AIDS Vigil volunteer, after she happened to ride her bicycle through U.N Plaza and noticed the "mess tent." "I was not HIV-positive, and only HIV-positive folks could be members of the vigil, but I wanted to cook for them, and they had a rule that only members were allowed in the mess tent, so they made me an honorary member," recalled Frye. The outdoor protest came to an end 10 years after it started, when a severe rainstorm blew away the tent encampment. Just three demonstrators remained at that point, according to media accounts in December 1995. Since then, the AIDS Vigil has been mostly forgotten to the history books and the fading recollections of participants. During the 25th anniversary of the protest, Frye created an exhibit about it that she displayed during the city's 2010 Pride festival. Four years ago, an effort was launched to erect a plaque or monument at the location in order to

commemorate the protest and its participants, but nothing has come of it. And a local filmmaker — who as a graduate student in San Francisco State University's broadcasting program in the mid-1980s was part of a small crew who interviewed several vigil participants — had tried to pull together a documentary in time to screen on Oct. 27, 2015 to mark the 30th anniversary of the start of the vigil. But he has struggled to line up financing to make the film, titled “Not With Standing,” and is unsure if it will ever get made. "The reaction is always, ‘There is no AIDS crisis anymore.’ Nobody cares about AIDS," said Nick Aquilino, 61, who is gay and HIV-positive and now lives in Sausalito. With another film about the 1969 Stonewall protests held over two nights by patrons of the New York City bar released this fall, Aquilino remains dumbfounded as to why the years-long demonstration in San Francisco fails to spark similar interest. "The thing that sticks out for me is these guys were so determined to gain some kind of acceptance for a disease they didn't cause," said Aquilino. "Thirty years ago, this kind of thing wasn't very common. They weren't on the street for weeks; they weren't like the Occupy people and done with their protest and said, ‘Let's go back to our normal lives.’ These guys who were living there; they were there for 10 years." To see archival footage about the AIDS Vigil and interviews with several participants, visit the website for Aquilino's documentary at http://notwithstandingfilm.com.

Matthew S. Bajko is an assistant editor at the Bay Area Reporter. He can be reached at m.bajko@ebar.com. This article is a part of the national LGBT history project coordinated each year by the Philidelphia Gay News.


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events and outings

• fort lauderdale •SW Ranches/davie •coral springs •Gender Bender •Young adults group & more The Rainbow Room Drop In Center

“ we feel very fortunate to have found sunserve, now our son has a safe, non-judgemental place to be himself” -mother and father of a 13-year-old gay youth

Annual LGBTQA Youth Prom



www.sunserve.org • 954-764-5150 • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305 • 7

senior support Senior Education SilverServe Luncheon (2nd Friday Monthly at ArtServe)

Veterans Support Group

The Senior Care Management program specializes in the linkage of seniors to LGBTQ proficient services and care. Gay seniors deserve culturally relevant services to help them age in place, as well as face the issues all seniors experience in aging, e.g., loneliness, isolation, fear of outliving their savings, etc. LGBTQ seniors unable to

age in place should never have to fear being shamed back into the “closet” as an LGBTQ individual. SunServe’s Senior Care Management program addresses headon a community identified lack of social connection/ loneliness experienced by LGBTQ seniors and facilitates community access to housing and healthcare sensitive to this group’s unique needs.

8 • www.sunserve.org • 954-764-5150 • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305

After my accident Lisa was more like a daughter than my emergency contact. - Gay Male, 64

Lisa Peters,

DIrector of Senior Services

Get Connected

Come and be a part of the fun at the center.


Noble A. McArtor senior day care Center lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning & straight allies

youth group activities

events and outings

“My partner I saw such Check out what’sand going on in your a change since area Mom found • fort lauderdale friends at the center!” •SW Ranches/davie

This first Adult Day Care Center of its kind celebrates diversity while specializing in the care of LGBTQ seniors. We serve all seniors over 60 who need some assistance with day-to-day activities regardless of their gender, Race, religion, culture, income level or sexual orientation. Call 954-764-5055 to schedule a tour. See what the center can provide for you or a loved one!

The Rainbow Room

safe, non-judgemental place to be himself”

Michael Norfleet, Program Director

We can show you better than we can tell you!

Drop In Center

“At Noble A. McArtor we don’t engage seniors to socialize, our seniors socialize because we “ we feel very fortunate to have found sunserve, now our son has a are engaged with our seniors.”

•coral springs •Gender Bender •Young adults group & more

-mother and father of a 13-year-old gay youth Annual LGBTQA Youth Prom



Located at 1480 SW 9th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 on the campus of Sunshine Cathedral MCC / SouthFloridaGayNews / SFGN.com / 9.18.13 / www.sunserve.org • 954-764-5150soflagaynews • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305 • 799

senior supportBoard

of Directors After my accident Lisa was more like a daughter than my emergency contact. - Gay Male, 64

Senior Education SilverServe Luncheon (2nd Friday Monthly at ArtServe)

Veterans Support Group

age in place should never The Senior Care have to fear being shamed Management program back into the “closet” as an specializes in the linkage of LGBTQ individual. SunServe’s seniors to LGBTQ proficient J. Coleman Prewitt, Esq., President Victor Warren - Vice-President Senior Care Management services and care. Gay Chad Scott, - Treasurer Gregory program addresses head- W. Kabel, Esq., - Secretary seniors deserve culturally identified relevant services to help Gary Farmer Todd Fogelon a community Nikki Satlzburg Ken Keechl Rev. Durrell Watkins lack of social connection/ them age in place, as well loneliness experienced by as face the issues all seniors LGBTQ seniors and facilitates experience in aging, e.g., community access to housing loneliness, isolation, fear of and healthcare sensitive to outliving their savings, etc. Lisa Peters, this group’s unique needs. LGBTQ seniors unable to DIrector of Senior Services

Letter from Our Executive Director Dear South Florida Community Members,

Well another year has gone by and SunServe has grown so much. I try to stop every so often and just be thankful that I can be a part of all the help that SunServe gives youth, adults and seniors in South Florida. (Yes, even I have mushy moments!) Each of our programs from Transgender Case Management to our new Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentor Pairing partnership are great because SunServe staff members come to work everyday to live out their passion for bettering the lives of others. Creativity, energy, and resourcefulness in developing programs for the most vulnerable of our community is a requirement for employment at SunServe. It amazes me how we come together as a team to always find a way to help clients; all in one day we may find housing for a client AND get him/her into that gay-friendly counseling they have discussesd accessing for months. The other heroes with whom I get to work are our donors who continue to support SunServe year after year. I laud the volunteers who run our many youth and support groups and love hearing about

these friends of the community listening to and playing games with our seniors or assisting with our many special events. I thank our board for having faith in the staff and what we do. I thank the people of South Florida for letting us passionately help your loved ones. We promise to grow to face the ever growing needs facing you and the rest of our community, It’s what we love to do: Help People.

/ 9.18.2013 / SFGN.com / soflagaynews / SouthFloridaGayNews 810• www.sunserve.org • 954-764-5150 • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305 10

Sincerely, Mark Ketcham


Get Connected The SunServe Guardian Circle DIAMOND LEVEL ($12,000+)

AIDS Healthcare Foundation • D.C. Allen & Ken Flick No Gay Hate Fund/Our Fund • Broward County Children’s Services Board • Rick Case Auto Group @ Rickcase.com - Rita & Rick Case • Julian Cavazos • Children’s Services Council • Alvin and Gloria Ross Community Care Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward • Robert Coward • Drial Foundation • Howard Greenfield Charitable Foundation - Frank Guida, Jr., Representative • The Kenneth S. Hollander Charitable Foundation • Linda Heller Kamm Fund- Oliver Kamm • Our Fund, Inc. • Dick Schwarz & Tom Massey • Jim Stepp & Peter Zimmer Fun/Our Fund • United Way of Broward County • George Zuber & Anthony Snyder Charitable Fund/Our Fund

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning & straight allies

Check out what’s going on in your EMERALD LEVEL ($8,500+) area Bank of America Unrestricted Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward • Jay Holmes • Frederick W. Jaqua Fund of events and outings

• fort lauderdale PLATINUM LEVEL (Monthly Gift of $500+) •SW Ranches/davie June Davis • Fort Lauderdale Hospital • Coleman Prewitt & Mark Conaghan • Paul Smith & Gerald Kennedy • Dean Trantalis •coral springs GOLD LEVEL (Monthly Gift of $250+) •Gender Bender Broward Health • Justin Bullard & Tim Luznar • George Castrataro • Edward Czop • Gregory Kabel • Jared Leshner, P.A. • William Lewis & Manny Ravelo • Norwegian Air • Quade Fund for Charitable Giving • Rocky Slonaker & Don Friedman • South Florida Guardianship •Young adults group Program, Inc. • Mark Williams & John O’Connor & more SILVER LEVEL (Monthly Gift of $100+)

youth group activities

the Community Foundation of Broward • Mona Pittenger Giving Fund/Our Fund • South Florida Gay News

The Rainbow Room

Drop In Center

Bob Avian & Peter Pileski • Louis Benevento & Patrick Duffy • Carhart Capital Management • Ameriprise - Tracey Cramer • Arthur Crispino & Anthony Timiraos Charitable Fund/Our Fund • Lawrence Davanzo & Kenneth Mauldin • Joseph Dimino & Michael Guida • Chuck Dinsmore & Mark Gruber • Arthur Dochterman & Keith Neale • Paul Evans & Tyrone Blakely • Gary Farmer, Jr. • Dr. David Fawcett • Scott Simon Fehr • Dino Georgiou & Lou Malkin • Georgina Goyer • Tim Hart/R3 Accounting • Scott Herman & Cale Choi • David & Francie Horvitz Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward • Hot Flyers • Mike Kaplan • Ken Keechl & Ted Adcock • Anne Ketcham • Mark Ketcham & Werner Lutz • Maurice Langlois & Walter Zawislak • Jim Lopresti & Andrew Fabricant • Charles V. Loring Charitable Fund/Our Fund • Kent McIntyre & John Tambasco Charitable Fund/Our Fund • Memorial Healthcare System • Frederick Odom • Joe Pallant • Park Summit, A Five Star Senior Living Community • Lori Parrish • Andy Rogow & Lloyd Stevens • SBA Communications Corporation • Nicole & Mara Saltzburg • Senior Nannies • Kimberly Sorondo • The Grand Resort & Spa • Erwin M. Vasquez, M.D. and Elaine Vasquez Family Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward • Jorge Vega & Andrew Campbell-Smith • Victor Warren • Wells Fargo • Lynn Wetzel • B. Rodney White & Michael Williams • Bryan Wilson • Katy Yankie & Laura Coogler • Andy Zalman & Ray Mims

“ we feel very fortunate to have found sunserve, now our son has a

safe, non-judgemental place to be himself”

BRONZE LEVEL (Monthly Gift of $50+)

Tiffany Arieagus • Atlantic Properties Int’l • Bears of South Florida • Lang Baumgarten • Scott Bennett • Walter Boyd & David Santee • David Bromstad • Ken Crush & Larry Prasse • Philip Dearborn • Jim & Maria Dwyer • Joe Falk • Stuart Glazer & Barry Marcus • Marc Grossman • Gary Hensley & Bob Bernhardt • James A. Johnson Fund for Giving/Our Fund • Robert Kuhn & Steven Geyer • Marc Labossiere • Michael Norfleet • Ernest Olivas,

Jr.- Emerald Elite Senior Home Health • Thomas Sheaffer • Tim Singer • Terry Stone & Mike Bush • The Rotary Club of Oakland Park/Wilton Manors • The Chrysalis Center • The Recovery Place • Chris Truster

The SunServe Guardian Circle is a team of our most generous donors. Their generosity enables us to meet the monthly expenses necessary to continue to offer our vital programs and services to our community. We salute them and thank them for their ongoing support of SunServe and our community. The Guardian Circle makes it possible for us to say, “WE HELP PEOPLE”. All Guardian Circle donations are fully tax deductible.

-mother and father of a 13-year-old gay youth

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO CONTINUE SERVICES FOR YOUTH, SENIORS, HIV+ PERSONS, TRANSGENDER CLIENTS, & OTHERS! Name: __________________________________ Phone No.:_________________ Gift Amount: _________ Email: ________________________________ Annual LGBTQA Youth Prom Billing Address: __________________________________________________________________ Zip: _________ I am interested in:

giving monthly as a Guardian Circle Member


giving a one-time gift


Card Type: ________ Card #: ___________________________ Exp: _________ CCV Code: _____ (Checks payable to SunServe) Please mail completed form to: SunServe | Attn: Bryan Wilson | 2312 Wilton Drive | Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Questions: (954) 764-5150 ext.106 Visit http://guardiancircle.sunserve.org to give online! / SouthFloridaGayNews / SFGN.com / 9.18.13 / www.sunserve.org • 954-764-5150soflagaynews • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305 • 11 7 11

senior support SunServe

by the numbers... SunServe by the numbers...

After my Number of Clients Individually Served in 2015: 1,012 Senior Education accident Lisa Number of Clients Individually Served in 2015: 1,012 was more like a CASE MANAGEMENTSilverServe Luncheon daughter than (2nd Friday Monthly at ArtServe) Project AIDS Care Active Clients: 110 Clients 30% increase in clients served from 2014 CASE MANAGEMENT my emergency HOPWA Housing Case Management: 376 clients 52% identify as LGBTQ, 69% Male, Project AIDS Care Active Clients: 110 Clients 30% increase in clients served from 2014 contact. 28% Female, 3% Transgender HOPWA Housing Case Management: 376 clients 52% identify as LGBTQ, 69% Male, Veterans Support Ways To Success Etiquette Class for Haitians sees an average attendance of 7 clients monthly - Gay Male, 28% Female, 3% Transgender Group Ways To Success Etiquette Class for Haitians sees an average attendance of 7 clients monthly


YOUTH SERVICES Direct Service: 169 Individuals Reached by Youth Speaking and Training Engagements: 2,000+ YOUTH SERVICES 250 Youth Groups a Year (average weekly attendance of 15 youth)

age in place should never The Senior Care Individuals Reached by Youth Speaking and Training Engagements: 2,000+ Direct Service: 169 Events: 12 Birthday Parties,(average 3 Dances, 2 Holiday Events, 5 of Miscellaneous 250 Youth Groups a Year weekly attendance 15shamed youth) Social Activities (Summer outings, etc.) have to fear being Management program Demographics: Gender Identity43% 2Male (73)Events, -33% Female (55) -24% Identify in some other wayoutings, (41) Events: 12 Birthday Parties, 3 Dances, Holiday 5 Miscellaneous Social Activities (Summer etc.) Range of ages: 10-13 3.5% (6) 14-17 52.6% (88) 18-24 44.38% (75) into-33% theFemale “closet” as-24% an Identify in some other way (41) specializes in the linkage of 43% back Demographics: Gender IdentityMale (73) (55) Sexual Orientation: 20% Straight – (Note: Trans18-24 youth identify as straight) -11.83% Lesbian (20) Range of ages: 10-13 3.5% (6) (34) 14-17 52.6%many (88) 44.38% (75) LGBTQ individual. SunServe’s seniorsGay to LGBTQ proficient 26.04% (44) 13.61 Bisexual (23) 28.41 Identify some other way ( 48) -11.83% Lesbian (20) Sexual Orientation: 20% Straight (34) – (Note: many Trans youth identify as straight) Youth Receiving Counseling: 19 (nearly all identify asManagement transgender Senior CareIdentify services and 26.04% Gay (44)care. Gay 13.61 Bisexual (23) 28.41 some other way ( 48) Youth Receiving Counseling: 19 (nearly all identify as transgender program addresses headseniors deserve culturally

) )

NOBLE MCARTOR CENTERidentified onDAY a community relevant A. services to help SENIOR NOBLE A. MCARTOR SENIOR DAY CENTER

Senior day center clients helped this year: 41 Number of openly gay center volunteers: 12 lack of social connection/ them age in place, as well Senior day center clients helped this year: 41 Number of openly gay center volunteers: 12

loneliness experienced by as face the issues all seniors SENIOR SERVICES LGBTQ seniors and facilitates experience in aging, 76 e.g., Clients Served This Year: SENIOR SERVICES Food Stamps/Medicaid Applications: 17, In-Home Service Referrals (including Meals on Wheels): 48, Therapy

community access to housing loneliness, isolation, fear Clients Served This Year: 76 of Referrals: 9, Referrals to Project AIDS Care program:Service 3, Housing Assistance: 8, Private In-home48, Services: 8 Food Stamps/Medicaid Applications: 17, In-Home Referrals (including Meals Pay on Wheels): Therapy and healthcare sensitive to outliving their savings, etc. Average SilverServe Luncheon Attendance for 2015: Average attendance at NEW Veteran Drop in Group: 4 Lisa Peters, Referrals: 9, Referrals to Project AIDS Care program: 3,55Housing Assistance: 8, Private Pay In-home Services: 8 this group’s unique needs. LGBTQ seniors unable to DIrector of Senior Services Average SilverServe Luncheon Attendance for 2015: 55 Average attendance at NEW Veteran Drop in Group: 4

TRANSGENDER SERVICES 2015 Client Assists: 52SERVICES Name Changes, 8 Hormone Replacement Therapy Linkages, & 2 Employment TRANSGENDER Placements (since August) 2015 Client Assists: 52 Name Changes, 8 Hormone Replacement Therapy Linkages, & 2 Employment Placements (since August)

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Total Number of Behavioral Health Vlients seen on a sliding fee scale this year: 136 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES

Client Demographics: Nearly 1/3 are transgender, more than identify as African-American, biracial or Latino, Total Number of Behavioral Health Vlients seen on a sliding fee1/3 scale this year: 136 Sexual Orientation: nearly half of our clients identify as heterosexual (71), 52 as gay men, and 10 as lesbian Client Demographics: Nearly 1/3 are transgender, more than 1/3 identify as African-American, biracial or Latino, SunServe completesnearly between 30-40 of new as clients every month. Sexual Orientation: half of our intakes clients identify heterosexual (71), 52 as gay men, and 10 as lesbian NEW AIDS Healthcare Foundation/SunServe Program links 10+ clients monthly to Behavioral Health Services SunServe completes between 30-40 intakes of new clients every month. LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence Support Services helped almost 50 survivors via a weekly NEW AIDS Healthcare Foundation/SunServe Program links 10+ clients monthly to to date Behavioral Health support Servicesgroup and linkage services. Survivor Demographics: 43% HIV Positive, 100% identify as LGBTQ LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence Support Services helped almost 50 survivors to date via a weekly support group and linkage services. Survivor Demographics: 43% HIV Positive, 100% identify as LGBTQ 12

/ 9.18.2013 / SFGN.com /

soflagaynews /


/ 9.18.2013 / SFGN.com /• 954-764-5150 soflagaynews / SouthFloridaGayNews 8 12 • www.sunserve.org • 2312 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, FL 33305 12

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10.21.2015 •


HI STORY mombian

Photo: CNN

LGBTQ Families, Past, Present, and Future Dana Rudolph


love LGBTQ History Month almost more than I love Pride Month. Going to grad school in history will do that. Keeping in mind the truism “History is written by the victors” and philosopher George Santayana’s observation, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” I �ind there’s something about looking at our queer past that feels empowering and vital. A search for LGBTQ parents in history also leads us to some lessons that can help us better understand the full scope of what it means to be an LGBTQ family today. The history of clearly out LGBTQ parents goes back to just after World War II, when we find evidence that most lesbian and gay parents had their children within differentsex marriages, leading double lives or divorcing and almost always losing custody. The first collective and public activity on the part of LGBTQ parents are discussion groups on lesbian parenthood arranged in 1956 by the Daughters of Bilitis, the first national lesbian rights organization in the U.S. The history of bisexual and transgender parents at the time is still foggy. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that some of those labeled gay or lesbian might really have identified as bisexual; some who might now call themselves transgender may have been misidentified as gay or lesbian; and other bisexual and transgender parents have stories yet to be uncovered. If we leave aside modern definitions,


• 10.28.2015

however, our history goes back even further. The Greek poet Sappho, whose island home of Lesbos gave us the term “lesbian,” may have had a daughter named Cleis, which would put the earliest LGBTQ parent at around 600 BCE. Other, better documented queer personalities, like writers Oscar Wilde and Vita Sackville-West, comedian Jackie “Moms” Mabley, and poet Lord Byron were also parents. All of the above figures had partners of both sexes. This brings us to the important reminder that the history of LGBTQ parents is not solely a history of same-sex parents. It encompasses them, but includes a wide range of people, coupled and single, across the spectrum, who parented both within and outside of same-sex relationships. If we take a careful look at queer parents today, we find much the same. In fact, the majority of LGBTQ parents are not “samesex parents.” Dr. Gary Gates of UCLA’s Williams Institute, who has long studied the demographics of the LGBTQ community, noted in a recent paper, “While as many as 2 million to 3.7 million children under age 18 may have an LGBT parent, it’s likely that

only about 200,000 are being raised by a same-sex couple. Many are being raised by single LGBT parents, and many are being raised by different-sex couples where one parent is bisexual.” Among bisexual parents, only four percent are living with a samesex partner (In The Future of Children: Princeton-Brookings, Fall 2015). Not only that, but Gates adds that most of the children being raised by same-sex couples today “were born to different-sex parents, one of whom is now in the same-sex relationship.” Similarly, Gates says, several studies have shown that transgender people who transition or identify as transgender later in life are more likely to have had children than those who do so at younger ages, which “suggests that many transgender parents likely had their children before they identified as transgender or transitioned.” The reality of LGBTQ families, past and present, is thus far more varied than the usual media image (both news and fiction), which usually depicts samesex couples who started or want to start a family together. Because many of those with LGBTQ parents also have a non-LGBTQ parent, we need to acknowledge that the boundary between having an LGBTQ parent

The history of bisexual and transgender parents at the time is still foggy.

or parents and having a straight, cisgender parent or parents is not as clear as we might think. Many grow up with Venn diagrams of queer and non-queer parents, stepparents, birth parents, and/or donors. This is not to say that the experience of a child growing up with, say, a bisexual parent in a different-sex relationship is the same as that of a child growing up with same-sex parents, or that the experience of having cisgender parents is the same as having a transgender parent or parents. We need to recognize all of the distinct experiences of those with LGBTQ parents in order to gain a more complete picture of what it means to have them. Author Chimamanda Adichie, in a popular 2009 TED talk, spoke of “the danger of a single story.” She explained, “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” Once we recognize the full variety of stories within our community, we can better see into our past and understand ourselves today. This LGBTQ History Month, then, take a moment to reflect on the varied stories of our heritage, our present, and what promises to be a bright future. Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.

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10.21.2015 •


community announcement

PovErEllo Throws kiCkoFF ParTy For annual holiday Food drivE Poverello Posts On Thursday Nov. 5, Flash Fire Pizza will be hosting a kickoff fundraiser for Poverello’s Annual Holiday Food Drive. When customers make a purchase at Flash Fire Pizza, at any time that day, 20 percent of each purchase will go directly to Poverello to help provide food to our clients this holiday season. Our goal is to provide 2,600 nutritious holiday meals this year. There are a number of ways you can help. You can come to the Kickoff Party on Nov. 5. You can make a donation of $18.95 directly to Poverello to provide a traditional family meal for someone in need. Or you could host your own food drive. Over the last 25 years, Poverello has been having annual Holiday Food Drives. These drives allow us to provide our clients with chicken, stuffing, cranberries and other side items as part of a nutritious holiday meal. While the average cost of this meal would be approximately $35, Poverello is able to purchase each meal for significantly less from participating vendors for approximately $18.95. Lj McHugh, Poverello interim CEO said, “We encourage people to help us feed one or more families by making a donation; and we thank our generous supporters who recognize that we need their help now more than ever.” Many local businesses help Poverello to achieve our Holiday Food Drive goals. Last year over 47 businesses participated and made our drive a terrific success by hosting a food drive

box. The food drive is a great way for your business, employees and patrons to play a role in making the holidays bright for community members living with HIV/AIDS. It’s easy to help. Simply provide a space for a collection box. Poverello will drop the box off and pick it up when it is full. If you would like to participate, you can contact us at 954-561-3663 or go to www.Poverello.org and signup for this year’s event. According to Poverello’s founder Father Bill Collins, “For most, the holidays are about sharing, joy, about being thankful, and about faith. It’s easy to forget that there are tremendous unmet needs in our community. The people we serve here at Poverello are a good example. Many don’t know whether they will have enough to eat and some are even forced to choose between paying for medicine and paying for food. Won’t you help by giving a donation? Every dollar counts and makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.” We welcome Flash Fire Pizza to the family of businesses who so generously support Poverello. Jay Frese, owner of Flash Fire Pizza said, “We may be fast, but it's not fast food.” The restaurant features a menu that provides more customizable options than any other fast-food pizza chain. The restaurant has a number of diet-friendly and health-conscious options like gluten-free dough, hormone-free chicken, local organic vegetables, and GMOfree greens - as well as premium local and globally sourced cured meats.

Over the last 25 years, Poverello has been having annual Holiday Food Drives.

Come join us on Thursday, Nov. 5 and bring canned goods. International DJ/Producer Alex Ferbeyre will be spinning at the event from 6-9 p.m. Come join the party and help Poverello provide a holiday meal to each of our clients. Flash Fire Pizza is located at 2949 N Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306. We look forward to seeing you there! #foodismedicine #hungerfighters.


• 10.28.2015

10.21.2015 •


column speak out



As another history month wraps up is there anything over the course of the month that stuck out about this year's LGBT history month? Or name an event or person from LGBT history that we should all learn more about – especially LGBT youth. Mary L. Bonauto accepting the 2015 National Leadership Award at the National LGBTQ Task Force Gala.

Photo Credit: Facebook.

SFGN Staff

SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

For anyone wanting to learn about the K-12 school-based gaystraight alliance (GSA) movement and lesbian-gay history, I strongly recommend the documentary “Out of the Past.” It tells the story of Kelli Peterson in Utah, interspersed with mini-biographies of Barbara Gittings, Bayard Rustin, Henry Gerber, and other amazing s/heroes who influenced history.... Foremothers and forefathers we all should know. "

I was pleased to attend the National LGBTQ Task Force Gala on Saturday evening at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach where the 2015 National Leadership Award was presented to attorney Mary L. Bonauto. Mary was one of the three attorneys who argued Obergefell v. Hodges before the U.S. Supreme Court this past June. As a fellow attorney, I am proud of Mary’s work in presenting the winning oral arguments on behalf of the plaintiffs the Obergefell case. This winning case established the freedom to marry for same-sex couples nationwide." — Michael C. Gongora, former Vice Mayor of Miami Beach

There are many forgotten names in our struggle to feel safe and valued. Charlie Howard was a young, gay man murdered by three teenagers in Bangor, ME, in 1984. Despite his protest that he couldn't swim, they threw him over a bridge to his death by drowning. After getting out of juvenile detention, one of the bullies began a public speaking campaign against homophobia. In 2011, vandals spray-painted anti-gay slurs on Charlie's memorial. But the day of his death is now Diversity Day in Bangor. "

— Toni Armstrong Jr., Founder/Director of BLAST Women of WPB.

This month, I brought forward and sponsored an initiative supported by residents, professionals, and the business community to have Wilton Manors become one of the first cities to permanently display the pride flag on city property. The goal was to have a monument to the LGBT community, which has had and continues to have a positive economic and social impact to not just Wilton Manors, but the community at-large. Should the rest of the commission vote with me in favor of it, Wilton Manors would be making LGBT history during LGBT History Month. Now that would indeed be something to waive your colors about and celebrate." — Justin S. Flippen, J.D., Wilton Manors City Commissioner

— Brian McNaught, noted columnist, author and LGBT activist

In celebrating LGBT History Month 2015, I’ve had the opportunity to do several presentations to introduce people to our movement. I think it’s always fascinating how many people are unaware of the vast history that has brought us to this point. The Stonewall uprising was not the beginning, but it was significant. I hope that people are doing the work to learn all they can about where we’ve been so we can further move this community forward. "

I think a person that more LGBT youth should learn about is Christine Jorgensen, a World War II-era G.I. (and later Las Vegas entertainer) who became the first person widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery. That was in 1951, a time when the local Sheriff threatened to arrest Jorgensen if she appeared offstage in public wearing women’s clothing. Long before Jenner, there was Jorgensen." — Denise Spivak, Director of Member Relations and External Affairs for CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers


• 10.28.2015

— Meredith L Ockman, community activist and a director of NOW



Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.



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10.21.2015 •


column letters to the editor

lET your voiCE BE hEard Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com

Photo: Facebook.

Letters to the Editor

Rep. Bobby Dubrose

rEP. BoBBy duBosE is a hEro I am writing to you in response to the article SFGN recently published regarding Representative Bobby DuBose, not as an AHF employee, but as a constituent, who has worked with the representative on a number of issues. As always, I thank SFGN for its indepth reporting. However, I am sorely disappointed in my fellow LGBTAs at the Dolphin Democrats who chose to unfairly chastise Rep. DuBose of District 94. Bobby has always been a steadfast supporter of the LGBT community, especially around health disparities like HIV/AIDS that severely impact gay men and transgender women. As Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner, he voted in support of a resolution that called on Florida's leaders to pursue marriage equality despite facing fierce opposition among a strident anti-LGBT segment of his constituency because he knew it was the right thing to do. During his time as commissioner, he also supported a resolution calling on Florida’s congressional delegation to lead the charge on Ryan White reauthorization. He is my representative in the House, and I have had lengthy discussions with him about his frustration with conservatives and bigots who disparage and aim to oppress LGBTs. Bobby continues to have LGBTs at heart in every decision he makes as a Florida


• 10.28.2015

leader. He is unequivocally an ally of the LGBT community. It is very troublesome that certain members of the Dolphins would so quickly question Bobby's character and suggest he is not committed to his constituents all over a simple communication error that caused him to miss a meeting. It is also shameful that Mr. Basmajian, quoted in the SFGN article, would resort to a veiled threat to pressure Bobby into supporting an event he would have undoubtedly supported anyway. We LGBTAs should not be alienating our supporters by being militant and unforgiving. Instead, we ought to be focusing our attention and energy by combating actual opponents, like Republican Representative Julio Gonzalez, who recently filed a religious freedom bill, which would, among other things, allow healthcare facilities and providers to deny service to anyone based on religious reasons. He is the type of official we should be going after. That legislation is the kind of activity that LGBTAs should be criticizing. I laud the Dolphins for their good work, but they really got it wrong this time. Sincerely, Jason King

reader responds To “The sin of Pride” Controversy


ier Angelo, I love it! I thoroughly enjoyed your article. I often wonder where is the community going? Its trajectory has lost its momentum and focus. It is almost as if to maintain its existence, it must buy into an image that is laden with stereotypes. This identity has an imbalance where the human self and the gay self are concerned. There does not seem to be any self correcting or resetting. Consequently, the strength of the initial movement - Stonewall - has dissipated. How sad. How truly sad. They have a distorted view of reality. Unless they are being coddled or enabled, they are not comfortable. You forced them to think. You forced them to think beyond their immediate need. The epicenter of their existence has much to do with all that is gay. They simply do not have a global perspective of self nor of life. They lack hindsight. I am not homophobic. I am very gay proud. I relish the achievements I have made as an immigrant, as a so called

minority, as the child of a working class family, and as gay individual. I go to work to be productive. I do not go to work to be gay. You touched a nerve that needed to be touched. Life is not a party, nor is being gay. They need to tap into reality for the long term. Our collective actions and efforts should build a bridge — have our fun but stay on a productive and proud course. He totally missed the point. For the young ones, pride should have some substance. The core of it should not be the extreme personas or stereotypes of the gay community. Where is the educational or historical aspect of Pride? The author who wrote the rebuttal to your article has the privilege of writing such tart nonsense because of the foundation his predecessors laid as sensible and productive and well balanced human beings. Just sayin.' - mario BElgravE Fort Lauderdale

10.21.2015 •


lifestyle photos

PridE CEnTEr CommuniTy day J.R. Davis


• 10.28.2015

See more photos on SFGN's Facebook page.



Presented By

Liquor Sponsors

Please Drink Responsibly ©2015 Imported by Diageo, Norwalk, CT

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MAIN STAGE EMCEES: MISS MISTY EYES & MISS BRYAN & NIKKI RAMIREZ All proceeds of this event go to support the vital programs and services of The Pride Center. To pre-purchase drink tickets or to donate to the event visit: WICKEDMANORS.ORG





Media Sponsors


10.21.2015 •


lifestyle food Glimpses from Taste of the Island, returning on November 2.

Rick Karlin


hallowEEn haPPEnings

alloween isn’t all about the candy. cocktail, discount drinks and light bites A number of spots in the area are before 10 pm. There will be a costume contest, offering alternative options for tickets are available at www.eventbrite.com. celebrating Halloween. All these events take If you really want to be good to your trick place on Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31 unless or treaters, head over to J.P.’s Chocolates, otherwise noted. 2410 Wilton Drive, and pick up some of the At Mai-Kai, 3599 N. Federal in Fort caramel apples and pumpkin truffles they’re Lauderdale, the seventh annual “Hulaween” making for the holiday. returns on Friday, Oct. 30, for Cantina Laredo in “Night of the Zombie.” Rising the Village at Gulfstream from the ground at 5 p.m. and Park celebrates Dia de los Cantina Laredo lurching past midnight, the Muertos and Halloween ghoulish event will feature a with a Blue Moon in the Village at costume contest and the bar’s Pumpkin ‘Rita special. Gulfstream Park many deadly tropical drinks The drink, usually $12, will be half price until 7 p.m. will be $6 from Saturday, celebrates Dia This year’s top prize for the best Oct. 31 until Monday, Nov. de los Muertos costume is $300 cash plus a $50 2. gift certificate from The MaiThe witches are and Halloween Kai. Second place will receive brewing up a mischievous with a Blue $200 and third $100. For more night for annual information call 954-563-3272 or Halloween Block Moon Pumpkin go to www.MaiKai.com. Party on the 200 block ‘Rita special. On Friday, Oct. 30 the Atlantic of South Fort Lauderdale Hotel, 601 N Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard (A1A). Beach Blvd., will offer a threeThe event is the largest course full moon dinner on the fifth floor Halloween event on Fort Lauderdale Beach, oceanfront terrace at 7 p.m. followed by a with five Halloween-themed events including costume party at 9 p.m. Tickets are $39.95 per Spazio’s “Monster Mash” dinner & movie, person (plus tax and gratuity), call 954-567- Blondies hosting “The Devil’s Dungeon,” 8020 or go to www.atlantichotelfl.com. Tsukuro promising “No Trick/Just Treats” Max’s Social House gets in the “spirit” for its full moon party, Sangrias getting a of Halloween on Oct. 30 with drink specials jump start on Dia De Los Muertos and Rock all night. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at Bar holding “The Spider Ball” (I didn’t know the door and include a signature SocialWeen they had any!).


• 10.28.2015

The restaurants and bars lining Hollywood Blvd. in Downtown Hollywood present “Hollyweird” a Halloween block party. The Greek Joint, Mickey Byrnes and Whiskey Tango join forces to bring costume contests, live music and food and drink specials from 9 p.m. - 2a.m. There will be costume contests with $10,000 in prizes, live music from three bands. There is no cover and no entrance fee. Halloween’s going to the dogs as a number of places hold pet costume parades and contests. There’s always a cuteness factor in these things that I can’t resist. “Max’s Thrill”, a pet costume contest takes place on Thursday, Oct. 29 from 6-8 p.m. at Max’s Grille in Boca’s Mizner Park as it joins forces with TriCounty Humane. To pre-register your pup, call 561-368-0080. The canine costume contest at Harbourside Place at 200 N. Federal in Jupiter on Halloween at 6 p.m. is sponsored by Pucci & Catana Luxury Pet Boutique and the first 25 dogs to arrive in costume will receive a goodie bag and the first place winner will receive a $200 Pucci & Catana gift card. There will be complimentary drinks, live music and light bites for people and pooches alike. The “Dogs, Beaches and Brews” Halloween party on Friday, Oct. 30 begins at 5 p.m. Bring your pup to the dog beach at A1A and Sunrise anytime beginning at 5 p.m. Then head over to the Parrot Lounge at 911 Sunrise Lane for doggie happy hour. The doggie costume contest is at 8 p.m. and they’re asking for a $5 donation to benefit Everglades Angels Dog Rescue and Milo's Dog Rescue.

TasTE oF ThE island nov. 2 Even with Halloween hogging the column inches, I couldn’t let “Taste of the Island” on Nov. 2 slip by without a mention. Billed as “an evening of food and libation in the Island City,” it brings more than 30 area restaurants to historic Richardson Park on the south end of Wilton Drive for an evening that is a foodie’s delight. Expanding beyond Wilton Manors’ borders the event highlights restaurants and bars from across eastern Broward County, each offering a “taste” of their culinary and beverage specialties. The businesses participating as of my deadline are; Angelo Elia Pizza Bar Tapas, Another Perfect Party, Aruba Beach Café, Big Dog Station, Blue Martini, Bravo, Brew Café, Chima Brazilian Steakhouse, Courtyard Café, Dapur, Delacaseas, Edible Arrangements, The Filling Station, Funky Buddha, Gold Coast Coffee, Humpy's, Rumors’ HOBO's Grill, Joe's Seafood Shack, JP's Chocolate Shoppe, Kelly's Landing, New York Subs & Wings, Red's Bar, Southport Raw Bar, Spanx The Hog BBQ, Stork's Catering & Events, Thasos, Warsaw and Wilton Liquor. This is a good chance to enjoy some favorites and check out some new places, while benefitting the Wilton Manors Historical Society, Development Alliance and Kiwanis. They’re limiting ticket sales to 700 this year, so you won’t have to battle your way to the food tables. Tickets are $35 and available at, Wilton Manors City Hall, Wilton Manors Library, Hagen Park or on-line at www. TasteOfTheIsland.org.

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TickeTs also available aT These locaTions (cash or check only) Wilton Manors Library 500 NE 26 Street Wilton Manors

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Wilton Manors City Hall 2020 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

advance Tickets available september 15th $30 in Advance • $35 on Oct. 26th Tickets Limited to 700! For Tickets Online: www.tasteoftheisland.org Master Chef Sponsor: Marble of the World

Confirmed restaurants / establisments/ sponsors Another Perfect Party Aruba Beach Cafe BB Design + Printing Big Dog Station Blue Martini Ft. Lauderdale Bravo Ristorante Brew Urban Cafe Broward Health Chima Brazilian Steakhouse Conceptual Communications Courtyard Cafe Dapur Asian Tapas Delacaseas

Edible Arrangements Funky Buddha Brewery Genre Latino Gold Coast Coffee Guy Magazine HOBO’s Grill Hotspots Humpy’s Pizza Joe’s Crab Shack JP’s Chocolate Shoppe Kelly’s Landing Marble of the World Mark’s List

OutClique Poverello Red’s Bar & Package SFGN Southport Raw Bar Spanx the Hog BBQ Sterling Accounting The Filling Station & Garage Bar The Pride Center Warsaw Coffee Company Waste Management Wilton Discount Liquor Wood Trends

10.21.2015 •



• 10.28.2015



10.21.2015 •







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J.W. Arnold




theater It’s Halloween weekend and the Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Road in Jupiter, has chosen a thrilling mystery to open it’s 2015-16 season, “Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap.” Find out what happens when a group of strangers becomes stranded at a boarding house during a snowstorm only to discover a murderer is in their midst and any of them could be his—or her—next victim. Will the killer be unmasked in time? For show times and tickets, go to JupiterTheatre.org.



fundraiser Are you feeling lucky tonight? Join Voices of Pride, the Gay Men’s Chorus of the Palm Beaches, tonight at 7:30 p.m. for Halloween Drag Bingo at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 100 N. Palmway in Lake Worth. “Drag” out a costume and join Mrs. D., Roxi Deville, Anita Buffet, Rianna Petrone and the girls for a night of holiday-themed fun. Members of the chorus will also perform. Admission is $25 and includes eight rounds of bingo. Tickets are available at the door or VoicesOfPride.org.

Giant puppets and costumed marchers take part in the Florida Day of the Dead procession. This year’s celebration will take place Monday evening at Huizenga Plaza in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Credit: Submitted Photo.


10/31 SUN

11/1 MON

11/2 TUE






We know all the creatures of the night will converge on Wilton Drive tonight for Wicked Manors, but before the festivities stop by Christ Lutheran Church, 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., at 6 p.m. for “Ghosts, Ghouls & Ghastly Glee,” a fun Halloween organ concert. After the street festival, head down to the Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale, for “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” screening at 11:45 p.m. Get your tickets early for the movie at ClassicGateway.com.

Here’s another mystery for the Halloween weekend: “Dial ‘M’ for Murder,” opening this weekend and playing through Dec. 6 at Broward Stage Door Theatre, 8036 W. Sample Road in Margate. Deception, murder and passion complicate Frederick Knott’s darkly brilliant tale of jealousy and greed. With shocking twists galore, “Dial ‘M’ for Murder” has become a guilty pleasure and this production should not be missed. Tickets are $38 – 42. For show times and tickets, go to StageDoorTheatre.com.

Can’t get enough of the ghosts and ghouls? Traditional Halloween festivities take on an international twist at the 6th annual Florida Day of the Dead celebration. Join the procession of masked revelers and giant puppets at 6:30 p.m. beginning at Huizenga Plaza, 32 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale, and then stick around for the Muertos Street Festival, featuring vendors and entertainers. More than 11,000 participants are expected. The event is free. More information at DayOfTheDeadFlorida.com.

There’s no way to cap off the Halloween weekend than with a scary movie. “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” opens this weekend and promises to be lots of fun: Three scouts, on the eve of their last campout, discover the true meaning of friendship when they attempt to save their town from a zombie outbreak. We have a feeling these resourceful kids are going to need more than a few fancy knots to trip up the flesh eating monsters. Check local listings for theaters and show times.


• 10.28.2015


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10.21.2015 •


a&e theater

Play rEading sEriEs FEaTurEs gay auThors S

Opens with “The Vivian Vance Story” on Monday

outh Florida audiences get to experience the creative process in action thanks to Jan McArt’s New Play Reading Series at Lynn University in Boca Raton. In its fifth season, the series presents playwrights with the rare opportunity to rehearse and perform staged readings with a seasoned director and actors, culminating in performances that attract hundreds to the university’s Wold Performing Arts Center. The series has led to the critical and commercial success of Michael McKeever’s “Daniel’s Husband,” which was performed by Island City Stage last spring and will be revived in Boca Raton later this year. Zoetic Stage in Miami opens “Stripped” this weekend. The drama from Christopher Demos-Brown also got its start at Lynn. This year, the series offers four new works by gay playwrights: “The Vivian Vance Story” by Eric H. “I’ve always Weinberger, directed by been a big John Tolley, Nov. 2; “The Goldberg Variations” by fan of ‘I Love Stuart Meltzer, directed Lucy’ and was by Margaret Ledford, Jan. 11; “Wave Your Flag” by interested in Tony Finstrom, directed by Wayne Rudisell, Feb. 15; the backstories and “Middletown” by Dan Clancy, directed by Peter of the actors.” Pileski, March 7. Weinberger’s musical - Eric H. Weinberger biography of Vivian Vance Playwright will explore her origins in Kansas and New Mexico, early career as a starlet and the longtime personal and professional relationship with Lucille Ball. “I’ve always been a big fan of ‘I Love Lucy’ and was interested in the backstories of the actors,” explained Weinberger, who splits his time between New York City and Key West. “Her life was so different from Ethyl Mertz.” While drafting the play, he actually developed a relationship with Vance’s youngest sister, who is now 91 years old and gave the play her blessing. “We’ve become buddies,” Weinberger said. Stuart Meltzer, who will be premiering “The Goldberg Variations” is perhaps best known as a director and educator, guiding Zoetic Stage’s many award-winning productions and teaching students at the New World School for the Arts in Miami. Meltzer had been wanting to write the story of a family that must deal with a parent’s failing health for many years,


• 10.28.2015

a story inspired by his own Jan McArt’s New Play Reading Series at experiences. Lynn University will open on Monday, “It’s not something I do often Nov. 2 with a biographical play about and living with a playwright television icon Vivian Vance. (partner Michael McKeever), one of my goals was not to be competitive with the person you’re romantically involved with,” Meltzer said. “This gives me the opportunity to work on something that’s been inside me for a while.” While the play is not complete—he says a deadline is great for “propelling” projects along—he expects it to be poignant and funny, even though illness and death are heavy topics for any family. “My personal goal is to have the audience think while they’re laughing and I know we can get there,” elaborated Meltzer. Tony Finstrom is a true veteran of the series. He’s had works read every season and also serves as associate producer. More importantly, he’s an avid promoter through his email list of thousands of theater fans around the world, Tony’s Latest. Again, his new work, “Wave Jersey couples nostalgically reminisce about a friendship Your Flags” features producer Jan McArt, widely known as spanning 37 years, their marriages, their families, their joys “Florida’s First Lady of Theater.” The play with music is the and disappointments. story of Hollywood actors traveling on a cross country train One of the couples “grieves” over the life their gay child trip to both sell war bonds for the war effort and promote has had to endure. Clancy explores “the guilt that they their new film about Betsy Ross. Finstrom promises some feel—that their genes made life more difficult for their twists that are sure to intrigue audiences, too. kids.” Concluding the season is Dan Clancy’s “Middletown.” Like the others, Clancy is thankful for the opportunities South Florida audiences still talk about his play “The the series provides to hone their plays. Timekeepers,” a touching story of the relationship between “It’s not about the directors or the actors or the Jewish and gay prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp. playwrights. It’s all about the play. (This series) is a real Island City Stage’s production swept the 2014 Carbonell gift,” he said. Awards with a groundbreaking production. Jan McArt’s New Play Reading Series opens Monday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wold Like the other featured Performing Arts Center on the campus of Lynn University in Boca Raton. Tickets are $10 or playwrights, Clancy had $30 for the four play series at Lynn.edu/events. wanted to write his story for some time: Two suburban New

Photo Credit: Bio.com.

J.W. Arnold

a&e theater Photo Credit: Gemma Branham.

Slow Burn Theatre Co. makes its Broward Center debut with the Broadway musical, “Big Fish.”

Slow Burn Graduates with ‘Big Fish’ at Broward Center J.W. Arnold


low Burn Theatre, the plucky local troupe that got its start five years ago at West Boca High School, has graduated— with honors. The company made its much anticipated debut last weekend in the Broward Center’s Amaturo Theater with a laudable production of “Big Fish.” The company, founded by Patrick Fitzwater and Matthew Korinko, has made a name for itself particularly by tackling commercially challenged Broadway shows, many with cult followings. For the first show of the 2015-16 season, Slow Burn chose “Big Fish,” based on David Wallace’s 1998 novel and a 2003 film directed by Tim Burton. With mixed reviews, the 2013 Broadway adaptation from Andrew Lippa and John August closed after just 34 previews and 98 performances. The story revolves around the relationship between traveling salesman Edward Bloom and his son, Will. Throughout all of the boy’s life, he has been regaled with his mostly absent father’s tall tales—encountering mermaids, taming giants, traveling with the circus, fighting Nazi spies in the war, meeting his bride—but as Will prepares to marry and start a family, he yearns for the real story. It’s a sentimental tale and certainly one that is a challenge to stage, especially for a small regional company that has been known for fiscal restraint. But, in their new venue and an enthusiastic producing partner in the Broward Center, director/choreographer Patrick Fitzwater, the creative team and performers rose to the challenge of successfully producing a story that literally started bigger than life. Shane Tanner (Edward) is a natural leading man and will almost certainly garner

a Carbonell nomination for his complex portrayal of a man who lives in world where reality and fantasy are so easily blurred. He easily navigates the vocal score with his clear baritone voice, setting the tone early with “Be the Hero,” a musical instruction to Will about the art of storytelling. Ann Marie Olson, as Edward’s wife Sandra, makes the most of several musical highlights, including the touching ‘I Don’t Need a Roof,” while Justen Fox-Hall (adult Will) has the most challenging role, forced to reconcile his youthful skepticism with the unconditional love for his father. The trio are backed up by a large ensemble of 15 singers and dancers who run the gamut of roles from townspeople and carnival performers to witches. Wearing his choreographer’s hat, Fitzwater puts them through their paces with diverse numbers ranging from spastic Afro-jazz to dainty ballroom and spirited tap. Under the direction of Emmanuel Schvartzman, the six-piece pit orchestra handled the colorful score with ease. (In his curtain speech, Fitzwater poked at the other local, unnamed theaters that purchase digital tracks and do not employ live musicians.) The production is further accentuated by more than 500 dazzling costumes, all designed and sewn by Rick Pena, 30 to 40 wigs by Fitzwater and a beautifully painted set designed by Sean McClelland. Broadway Motion Design created the projections that provide much of the “magic.” The challenges with the show’s book remain, especially the ending, but Slow Burn gets an “A” for effort and more importantly, an “A” for execution.

Slow Burn Theatre Co. presents “Big Fish” in the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale Thursday – Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. through Nov. 8 Tickets are $45 at BrowardCenter.org.

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oCT. 28 To nov. 3

Datebook Christiana Lilly




Demetri Martin Live in Concert

Oct. 28 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Formerly a correspondent for "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart, Martin is known for his witty jokes. Tickets $26 to $36. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter. org.

Make Me Bad

Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 at FAU Theatre Lab, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. Daisy Harris is miserable in her small town until she falls in love with Max -- who turns out to be a serial killer. Tickets $20. Call 561-297-4784 or visit FAUEvents.com.

Margaret Cho

Oct. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The comedian is known for her jokes on being a Korean-American lesbian. Tickets $29.50 to $49.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county * Shelley Fisher: The Hebrew Hillbilly

Oct. 29 to Nov. 22 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A onewoman show, the story begins in Memphis, where a young Jewish girl has dreams to making it big in Hollywood. Tickets $30. Visit EmpireStage.com.

* Mark Knopfler

Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The former frontman for Dire Straits performs hits from the band, including “Sultans of Swing,” “Money for Nothing,” and “Walk of Life.” Tickets $59.50 to $139.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

The Rocking Dead

Through Nov. 1 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. The rock band, The Rocking Dead, goes into hiding in a cabin to escape an embarrassing live television event. However,


• 10.28.2015

Big Fish

Through Nov. 8 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Will’s father is a traveling salesman with crazy stories, and he’s determined to find the truth behind them. Tickets $45. Call 954462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

palm beach county * America’s Got Talent

Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Talented people of all kinds compete on the TV show, and standouts from season eight will be on stage. Tickets $20 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Young Frankenstein

Through Nov. 1 at the Crest Theatre, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Entr’Acte Theatrix brings Mel Brooks’ comedy to the stage, retelling the tale of Dr. Frankenstein attempting to bring a corpse back to life with the help of his assistant Igor and his troublesome fiancee Elizabeth. Tickets $30. Call 561-2437922 or visit DelrayCenterfortheArts.org.

Circle Mirror Transformation

Through Nov. 1 at the Lake Worth Playhouse’s Stonzek Theatre, 713 Lake Ave. Five strangers come together in a drama class for adults, bringing up emotions buried deep. Tickets $20. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

season 12 will put on a show that you’ll never forget. Tickets $175 to $325. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Chris Cornell

Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Cornell has served as the frontman for Soundgarden, Audioslave, and Temple of Dog. Now performing solo, he is joined by Hemming. Tickets $50 to $66. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Concert Band and Soldier’s Chorus of the US Army Field Band

Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. Enjoy a night of patriotic music from the prestigious band and chorus. Free. Call 786-573-5300 or visit SMDCAC.org.

* Twelfth Night

Oct. 30 at 8 p.m. at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211 St. in Cutler Bay. Twins Viola and Sebastian are separated after getting into a shipwreck. Viola is disguised as a boy, falling in love with Duke Orsino, who is in love with Countess Olivia, who falls in love with the disguised Viola. Tickets $15. Call 786-573-5300 or visit SMDCAC.org.


Through Nov. 1 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. #230 in Coral Gables. A Muslim-American attorney living in New York City struggles to find his identity. Tickets $55. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

* Stripped

Nov. 5 to 22 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Masha is an exotic dancer, and when her daughter is taken away from her, she must fight to get her back. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Toxic Avenger

Through Nov. 8 at the the Miracle Theater, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. The story a man fighting the evils of his city, all while falling in love. Tickets $15 to $53. Call 305-444-9293 or visit ActorsPlayhouse.org.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Through Nov. 20 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. In honor of the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s beloved book, the company performs the fairytale. Tickets $35. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

PAMM Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.


Through Nov. 8 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. A drifter stumbles into a sleepy town into the arms of a group of lonely women. Tickets $64. Call 561514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

Sex with Strangers

Through Nov. 15 at Arts Garage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. Olivia falls for a younger sex blogger and navigates dating in the digital age. Tickets $30 to $45. Call 561-450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.com.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts. org.

miami-dade county So You Think You Can Dance

Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The hit TV show has wowed America with its selection of competitive dangers, and performers from

Photo: Facebook.


they discover the next morning they’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Call 954-3445990 or visit CoralSpringsCenterForTheArts. com.

Mark Knopfler, the former frontman for Dire Straights, will be performing hits at 8 p.m. on Oct. 31 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts.

Hot ’n horny hookups.



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I’m gay. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

10.21.2015 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks Halloween Drag Bingo Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 100 N. Palmway in Lake Worth. Hosted by Voices of Pride, Mrs. D serves as MC of this hilarious bingo game. Tickets $25. Visit VoicesOfPride.org.

Spooky Zoo Nights Oct. 30 and 31 from 7 to 11 p.m. at Zoo Miami in Miami. For a night of screams and ghouls, head to the zoo for carousel rides, scare zones, performances, tram rides, characters, and Dr. Wilde’s Creepy House. Call 305-251-0400 or visit ZooMiami.org.

Wicked Manors: Once Upon a Drive Oct. 31 from 7 p.m. to midnight on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get dressed up and head to the drive for music, drinks, food, flash mobs, dancing, and costume contests. Miss Misty Eyez, Miss Bryan, and Nikki Ramirez will be MCing. Free. Visit WickedManors.org.

broward county * “Paris is Burning”

Oct. 27 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A documentary of queer people of color who competed in New York’s glamorous balls. Free. Call 954-213-0610 or email SF.MakalaniMahee@flhealth.gov.

* Halloween Party

Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. at PJ’s Cocktails, 2340 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get spooky in the neighborhood with food, drinks, and a costume contest. Free. Call 954-368-5516 or visit PJsCornerPocket.com.

* SAGE Story

Oct. 29, Nov. 5, and Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. SAGE and the Pride Center invites LGBT seniors to record their stories of discrimination and pride. Free. Call 954-463-9905 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.


• 10.28.2015

Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net

SunServe Youth Group Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

* Making Strides of Broward

Oct. 31 at 8:30 a.m. at Huizenga Plaza, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Walk to support breast cancer research at the American Cancer Society. Visit Cancer. org.


Through Oct. 31 at Tedd ART Works, 2422 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A series of multi-media works by Robert H. Troy Lam Pimentels, on display through Oct. 31. Free. Call 703-269-8244 or visit Facebook. com/TeddsARTWorks.

Pablo Picasso: Painted Ceramics

and Works on Paper, 1931 to 1971 Through Nov. 1 at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The eccentric artist is mainly known for his paintings, but he also made art into rugs, sculptures, drawings, ceramics, and other media. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

oCT. 28 To nov. 3 “The Indestructible Lee Miller”

Through Feb. 14, 2016 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. An exhibit showcasing the work of the first female combat photographer during World War II. Museum entry $8 to $12. Call 954-262-0204 or email moareservations@moafl.org to RSVP to the art talk. Visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Man2Man Discussion

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

palm beach county Pride Business Alliance

Oct. 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Benny’s on the Beach, 10 S. Ocean Blvd. in Lake Worth. The alliance is meeting for its monthly mixer with other business owners in the area. Free. Call or visit CompassGLCC.com/pba.html.

CAP Study of Gay Black Men

Through Dec. 1 at FoundCare, 2330 S. Congress Ave. in Palm Springs. The “Real Talk” study seeks black gay men ages 18 to 49 to provide input on a new Comprehensive AIDS Program (CAP) program geared towards the community. Participants are compensated for their time and the study is confidential. For more information, call 561-472-2466, ext 114 or 121 or visit foundcare.org.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

Out of the Closet NA Group

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for LGBT recovering addicts. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

miami-dade county *Integration Health Care




Oct. 29 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Sofitel Miami, 5800 Blue Lagoon in Miami. At this special networking event, panelists from Care Resource, Jackson Health System and Baptist Health South Florida will discuss the impact of technology in healthcare. Tickets $40 for members, potential members $50. RSVP to 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami. com, or gaybizmiami.com.

A Day in the Life of Coral

Through Jan. 18, 2016 at Museum Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. New York-based artist David Brooks presents billboards of coral around Miami and its changing atmosphere. Free. Visit FringeProjectsMiami. com

Mercado De San Miguel

Through Jan. 30, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Fridays and Saturdays will be transformed into La Feria del Mercada de San Miguel, a traditional market in Spain, fit with food-related activities every time. Free. Visit BayfrontParkMiami.com.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.

Rainbow Circle

Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.

* Denotes New Listing

porn pulse

Photo Credit: Ed Kavishe.

Marc Jacobs Busted For Hosting Orgy

Hunter Houston


arc Jacobs, the famed fashion designer, evidently enjoys the company of men. Lots of men. Jacobs, described in a recent New York Times profile as a shortish, muscular man who “looks 38 or 39 and is definitely Jewish, but maybe could also be Greek,” was outed on Monday as a gay orgy host. As reported by New York Post’s Page Six – the same tabloid that launched his glamorous career – Jacobs spent last weekend organizing a 10-man orgy. He accomplished this feat with, what else, the ultimate gay man’s hookup tool – Grindr. For his part, Jacobs refuses to be slut shamed. Taking to his Instagram account, Jacobs posted the following message: “Goodbye (for now) Grindr. It was fun for ‘group’ get togethers, but, what really excites me is my work.” Jacobs’ work includes designs for men, women and children in clothing, bags, watches and beauty creams and lotions. His products are far from what one would consider cheap. A new men’s classic leather messenger bag, for example, retails at $428.00. A native New Yorker, Jacobs was named Design Student of the Year at the prestigious Parsons School of Design.

As for his orgy skills, Jacobs writes on Instagram last weekend’s party was “MILD” adding, “And to whichever guest benefitted from calling this misinformation to the Post, I only wish you good health, happiness and a long life to enjoy taking advantage of the kindness of strangers and talking shit about others. #reallyqueen?”

10.21.2015 •


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• 10.28.2015

PART TIME-SHORT TERM HELP WANTED - HELP WANTED BY SENIOR, living in Wilton Manors, to set-up and operate a HOME FILING SYSTEM. Beginning to have some cognitive problems and need help getting organized. $15.00/ hour or you name reasonable compensation. Call (973) 202-6721


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10.21.2015 •


The facts can be alarming. For instance, heart disease is the number one killer among men in the U.S. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in American men. And 13 million men in this country have diabetes. That’s why we’re on a mission to improve the health of men in our community. Starting with a 15-30 minute men’s health screening that’s quick, painless and includes a variety of tests to evaluate an array of health conditions specific to men. You can get your screening at two easy locations: Broward Health Imperial Point or at our Man Van, a mobile screening van that makes it even more convenient by appearing at a variety of locations at different times. The sooner you get your screening, the better. Because your health couldn’t be more important to you. And us.

Men’s health couldn’t be more important to you. And us. To find out where the Man Van is next or to learn about Men’s Health Services call 954.279.7946 or visit BrowardHealth.org/BHIPmen

Whatever it takes.

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