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November 2, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 44
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Clinton pitches the Manors for LGBT vote teacher in boca alleges gay discrimination Pages 42 - 44
wicked manors: a political nightmare Page 50
SFGN.com 11.2.2016 • 1
The Opening Line Photos: Facebook, Twitter.
Porn Actor Voting For Trump Chaos Carl Szulczynski –
Comments from SFGN’s
online outlets
Compiled by John McDonald
Gay Whistleblower Teacher Fired From Boca Raton Christian School Tiffany Fandl –
I swear I look at people like him and it almost makes me ashamed to be a porn star.
Rick Murray –
Meth. It does nobody good.
Alex Keanchong –
I have worked within the St. Andrews community. They are christian, nice individuals, but part of the nuclear family network.(male & female raise youth) As a non-conformist to church norms, you’re doomed. They will never accept fully outside that belief. It’s foolish to expect them to. God’s children are children forever and can’t grow up. Move on. Topher Paul –
This guy has sniffed too many poppers! Ha!
Why is he shocked? He chose to work at a religious school filled with white people with money. What did he think was going to happen?
Rodolfo J Plancarte –
Why does SFGN put so much attention to porn stars?
November 2, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 44
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli
Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
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Senior Features Correspondents
Alan Dorfman –
This is sad - being fired for trying to protect vulnerable students from sexual abuse. How Christian is that - NOT.
Some Dixie Hwy. Property Owners Open To Paying Higher Taxes For Train Station Allen Barnowich –
But who can resist that slogan? “Get off in Wilton Manors”
Peter Meyerhoefer –
Unfortunately if this happens the mom and pop shops that make Dixie unique will be pushed out. MEMBER
Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams
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John Gianni Caminiti – MEMBER
As if Floridians would take trains. Very funny.
Printing by Sun Coast Press
SFGN Winner of & 3 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER
OUR Other Publications Get yours, on racks now! Issue 5 SEPTEMBER 2016 • Vol. 5
Your Compl Wilton Manor ete Guide to s, Fort Laude What’s Hot in rdale & Beyon d...
Associated Press
1 1 .2.2016
SouthFl oridaG
ayNew s.com
MEMBER Covers: 1. Hillary Clinton makes a stop at the Manor, located on Wilton Drive. Photo: J.R. Davis. 2. Controversy arises from a school’s alleged treatment towards its gay staff.
South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
NEWS highlight
Anti-Gay Hosts Will Be Booted From Airbnb
Brittany Ferrendi
n Tuesday Nov. 1, Airbnb will require all members to sign a “Community Commitment” to fight against discrimination. Any users that refuse to sign the commitment will be taken off the service. Their bookings will be cancelled and any rentals they have up will be removed. “We believe that no matter who you are, where you are from, or where you travel, you should be able to belong in the Airbnb community,” Airbnb cofounder and CEO Brain Chesky wrote in an open email to hosts, speaking on his short term rental website. “By joining this community, you commit to treat all fellow members of this community, regardless of race, religion, national origin, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age, with respect, and without judgment or bias.” Among their new policies is Open
Buy 2 Radiesse® 1.5 ml and get a Belotero FREE! (Savings of $550) Doors, which provides alternative accommodation in cases where guests feel discriminated against in violation of their policy. “Discrimination is the opposite of belonging, and its existence on our platform jeopardizes this core mission.,” he added. “Bias and discrimination have no place on Airbnb, and we have zero tolerance for them.”
Get $75 off 90 units or more of Dysport Nonsurgical Silk ButtLift: buy 6 vials get 2 Free Exp. 11/30/16
11.2.2016 •
NEWS state
Pulse nightclub massacre overshadows Fla. Senate race Rubio criticized over gun control, LGBT rights People visit the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on Oct. 9, 2016. Photo Credit: Michael K. Lavers, Washington Blade.
Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade
icardo Negron-Almodovar, who is originally from the Puerto Rican city of Yauco, was at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12 when he heard gunshots. He said in a Human Rights Campaign video that he initially thought the gunshots were part of a reggaeton song. Negron-Almodovar said the music stopped and clubgoers “got on the floor.” “People started screaming,” he said in the video that encourages LGBT people to vote. Negron-Almodovar and a woman who was asking people whether they spoke Spanish
“Rubio callously used the Pulse shooting to run for re-election and then once again turned his back on Florida families.” - Jason Rubin 4
1 1 .2.2016
survived the massacre that killed 49 people by running out of the nightclub. Federal law prevents residents of Puerto Rico, which is a U.S. commonwealth, from voting in presidential elections. Negron-Almodovar, who moved to Florida in 2015, told the Washington Blade on Tuesday during a telephone interview that he plans to vote for Hillary Clinton. He said he is also “inclined” to support Florida Congressman Patrick Murphy in his race against U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). “It’s exciting,” Negron-Almodovar told the Blade. “This election has been dirty for lack of a better term.”
Rubio accused of using Pulse to ‘re-launch’ career The Pulse nightclub massacre continues to overshadow the race between Murphy and Rubio that could determine whether Democrats regain control of the U.S. Senate. A poll that Bloomberg Politics released on Wednesday indicates Rubio is ahead of Murphy by a 51-41 percent margin. A second poll from a Tampa Bay area television station notes the Republican incumbent is ahead of his Democratic challenger by four points. Rubio said before he launched his failed
presidential campaign that he would not seek another term in the U.S. Senate. Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan and Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith are among those who have sharply criticized him for announcing his re-election campaign less than two weeks after the massacre. “Him using the Pulse massacre to relaunch his political career was beyond appalling,” Smith told the Blade on Tuesday in an email. Smith and other advocates have criticized Rubio for not supporting gun control measures in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre. The Cuban-American Republican in August reiterated his opposition to marriage rights for same-sex couples when he spoke at an anti-LGBT conference that took place at an Orlando hotel. “Rubio callously used the Pulse shooting to run for re-election and then once again turned his back on Florida families,” Jason Rubin, a spokesperson for Murphy’s campaign, told the Blade on Wednesday in a statement. “Floridians deserve better.” Murphy’s campaign last week released an ad in which Christine Leinonen, the mother of Christopher “Drew” Leinonen, who died inside the Pulse nightclub with his fiancé, Juan Guerrero, appears. Murphy said in a Sept. 26 press release that announced he
had received HRC’s endorsement that he supports the Equality Act, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to federal civil rights law. “After the tragic Pulse shooting, it is clear that much work remains to end discrimination and keep LGBT Americans safe,” said Murphy. “From marriage equality to employment nondiscrimination, Marco Rubio has opposed LGBT equality at every opportunity and has never stood with our LGBT community in Florida,” he added. “Our state deserves a senator who represents the voice of the LGBT community and all Floridians in the U.S. Senate.” The Pride Fund to End Gun Violence, a PAC that formed after the Pulse nightclub massacre, has also endorsed Murphy. “Patrick believes that we have a responsibility to the victims of the tragic Pulse shooting and Florida families throughout our state to act on gun violence and LGBT equality,” Rubin told the Blade. Rubin also noted Murphy has “stood with” Christine Leinonen and Brandon Wolf, who was inside the nightclub when the gunman opened fire. “Patrick will always fight for commonsense gun violence prevention that will help keep Florida families safe and is proud
NEWS state to sponsor the Equality Act to ban LGBT discrimination,” said Rubin. Rubio in July endorsed Donald Trump during the Republican National Convention. He continues to support the Republican billionaire in spite of his lewd comments against women and sexual assault allegations that have come to light in recent weeks. “His refusal to un-endorse Trump is exposing him as a political lightweight, a hollow man, pointing whichever way he thinks the wind is blowing,” Smith told the Blade.
Rubio, who has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, in June voted for proposals that sought to expand background checks and temporarily stop gun sales to suspected terrorists after a judge found “probable cause” to do so. He also voted for a measure that would have kept the Pulse nightclub gunman in the national background check system for five years. Rubio last month introduced the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, which would bolster efforts to combat terrorism and make it harder for suspected terrorists to purchase firearms. Police in July arrested an Equality Florida staffer and nine other gun control Pulse massacre survivor supporters who staged a sit-in in the lobby meets with Rubio in D.C. of Rubio’s office in downtown Orlando. Rubio and Nelson in June urged the U.S. Rubio was with President Obama and Vice President Biden when they traveled Small Business Administration to provide financial assistance to businesses around to Orlando on June 16 and the Pulse nightclub that were met with the families of the closed in the days after the victims, survivors and the massacre. Rubio last month Pulse nightclub’s owners introduced a bill that would and employees who were allow survivors of terrorist working when the gunman attacks to receive automatic opened fire. student loan deferments. Rubio in July met with Terry DeCarlo, executive Fred and Maria Wright, who director of the GLBT lost their son, Jerry Wright, Community Center of in the massacre. Angel Central Florida, said Rubio Colon, who was shot inside and his staff reached out to the Pulse nightclub, and his him and his colleagues after mother in September sat the massacre. down with Rubio in D.C. DeCarlo told the Blade on -Terry DeCarlo “I admire Angel’s Tuesday that this outreach courage and appreciate him did not continue. meeting with me to discuss “We haven’t heard a word preventing future terrorist attacks like the one he survived at Pulse from him since basically the first week,” he nightclub,” Rubio told an Orlando television said. Rubio’s campaign did not respond to the station after the meeting. Rubio’s office helped relatives of the Pulse Blade’s request for comment on criticisms nightclub massacre victims obtain visas that over his decision to run for re-election and his positions on gun control. allowed them to travel to Florida.
“We haven’t heard a word from him since basically the first week.”
Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith hugs GLBT Community Center for Central Florida Executive Director Terry DeCarlo during a press conference in Orlando, Fla., on June 12, 2016. Submitted Photo.
IT’S ALMOST ELECTION TIME. In order to prepare for our special election issue, SFGN will not hit stands next week until Thursday, Nov. 10
In the meantime, be sure to follow the election on SFGN.com! 11.2.2016 •
Compiled by Jillian Melero
Clinton Tells South Florida Crowd About Trump’s ‘Terrible’ Record on LGBT Rights (EDGE) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaigned in South Florida on Sunday where she warned a largely LGBT audience in Wilton Manors that her Republican challenger would pose a threat to the advances made in LGBT rights under the Obama administration. “Donald Trump has a terrible record on LGBT rights,” she said. “This election determines whether we continue the progress we made or let it be ripped away.” She went on to warn the crowd that her opponent would nominate Supreme Court justices who would overturn the legality of [same-sex] marriage. She further warned that the reality TV star turned politician would repeal President Obama’s executive
ome Florida Parents Claimed to be Armed During Trick-Or-Treating After Scary Clown Reports
(AP) Some residents said prior to trick-or-treating that they would be armed for Halloween in Florida communities where scary clown threats have been reported. After two Brevard County men were arrested last week for allegedly threatening people while dressed as clowns, Kimberly Kersey told Florida Today that she’d be carrying a gun while taking her sons trick-or-treating this past Monday in Palm Bay. Pam Metz said she’d carry a baseball bat while out for Halloween in Titusville. Brevard authorities say clown fears could endanger someone dressing as a clown as a joke. That’s why Cassandra Closson of West Melbourne had said she forbade her 15-year-old son from dressing as a clown because the costume was “just not worth any drama.” In South Florida, the Sun Sentinel reports that Broward County schools prohibited clown costumes for Halloween activities due to safety concerns.
1 1 .2.2016
Photo: J.R. Davis.
orders against LGBT discrimination should he be elected. Clinton then went on to tell the crowd that if elected, she would call upon the congress to pass The Equality Act. The currently stalled legislation has overwhelming Democratic support with less than a handful of GOP lawmakers backing the bill. “We will work together to achieve the AIDS-free generation,” she told the crowd. The Miami Herald (http://hrld.us/2f4ZqPf) reports that Clinton’s visit to South Florida comes as she is in a dead heat in the state with Trump. Clinton was ahead by only a fraction of a percentage point according to a Real Clear Politics average of the polls through Thursday.
politics GBT Law, Hurricane Jostle Close N. Carolina Governor’s Race
(AP) Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has been unable to quash the firestorm over his signing of a law limiting protections for LGBT people, while trying to focus his reelection bid on North Carolina’s economy, taxes, teacher pay and his recent response to historic flooding. That legislation has reinforced this election as a referendum on North Carolina’s conservative shift under McCrory and the Republican-led legislature. The gubernatorial contest is one of the nation’s most competitive, with several polls showing McCrory and Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper in a statistical tie. Cooper wants to repeal the law known as House Bill 2, which among other things directs transgender people to use bathrooms in schools and government buildings that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates. He also says he’ll work to restore the state’s progressive image if elected and has launched an ad blasting the LGBT law, saying it’s “trashed our brand” and cost thousands of jobs. “North Carolina is better than this. We always have been. We will be again,” Cooper, the state’s attorney general since 2001, told dozens of Democratic volunteers working for him in Greensboro. McCrory got a shot at resetting the campaign narrative this month when flooding spread following flooding triggered by Hurricane Matthew, as he made near-daily appearances on the news leading response and recovery efforts. One of his recent ads shows footage from the storm and the riots sparked by the fatal shooting of a black man by Charlotte police. “The last four years I’ve focused on my job as governor.
The campaign has always been secondary,” McCrory told The Associated Press in an interview, adding that with “any event that happens in a state ... you just do your job. But I assume if we didn’t do it right, there would be political ramifications.”
City Approves LGBT NDDiscrimination Resolution
(EDGE) City leaders in Bismarck have quietly approved a resolution condemning discrimination in housing, employment and services based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It has no force of law, but members of the LGBT community are still pleased with the move in the wake of the Legislature’s defeat last year of a resolution seeking the same rights statewide, The Bismarck Tribune (http://bit. ly/2e1a1vb ) reported. “The city commission doesn’t condone discrimination in any shape or form,” said Mayor Mike Seminary. Kevin Tengesdal, who served in a discussion on the issue in Bismarck, said he sees the resolution as a promising step for the city and that he hopes North Dakota pursues a nondiscriminatory effort statewide. “This moves the issue and conversation forward where sometime it will go statewide,” said Caitlin McDonald, program assistant at the North Dakota Women’s Network, an advocacy group. “Bismarck stands with protecting LGBT, and discrimination is not part of its values.” Mathew Leidholm, a board member of LGBT advocacy group Dakota Outright, said the resolution is one of the most important steps Bismarck could have taken in protecting its citizens and creating a culture of acceptance.
News Briefs
continued politics
lorida Congressman Ted Deutch Blasts Rubio in Pride Center Appearance
(SFGN) U.S. Congressman Ted Deutch blasted U.S. Senator Marco Rubio for “using the LGBT community to advance his own political interests.” Speaking to a packed room Tuesday morning inside Pride Center at Equality Park, Deutch said Rubio’s reaction to the Pulse Nightclub massacre was shameful. After years of supporting antiLGBT policies Rubio, Deutch said, attempted to recast himself as a savior to LGBT Floridians following the worst mass shooting in American history. “His actions need to be condemned,” Deutch said. “Using a community for political gain after a massacre like that is exactly what people hate about politics.” Rubio, a Republican, is in a tight race against Democrat Patrick Murphy for the Senate seat which could change the balance of power in Washington. A co-sponsor of the Equality Act, Deutch said he would continue to fight for LGBT rights on Capitol Hill. He said if Hillary Clinton is elected President, she will sign the Equality Act into law.
Among other things, the bill provides workplace protections for LGBT Americans. “In Florida, if you’re gay you can get married on the weekend and fired when you show up to your job on Monday, that just can’t stand,” Deutch said. Deutch was the featured speaker at the Pride Center’s weekly coffee and conversation program, a gathering geared towards seniors and boomers. Congressional redistricting has given Deutch more Broward County constituents. The three-term Congressman faces a Republican challenger, real estate agent Andrea McGee in the general election.
owa Justices Who Decided Gay Marriage Face Retention Vote Iowa Supreme Court.
(AP) Three Iowa Supreme Court justices who helped legalize gay marriage in the state seven years ago will face voters on Nov. 8 for the first time since the ruling, but they are refusing to campaign for their jobs because they argue the courts should remain above politics. The justices up for retention votes in next week’s election are taking the same approach as three judges who appeared to pay a price for their stands when voters in 2010 removed them from office after a costly campaign waged by gay marriage opponents. The judges now on the ballot have said little about the vote, but two of those removed from the court told The Associated Press they don’t regret their choice not to campaign even though they knew opponents were organizing a high-profile effort to oust them. “I think it’s dangerous when politics are injected into the courts and I think that is what happened in 2010,” former Chief Justice Marsha Ternus said. “If voters vote on judges or justices based on their views of issues rather than what the law requires, what they’re telling judges to do is to ignore the law when popular opinion wants them to do so. Then, we’re not a country based on the rule of law and that’s a dangerous path to go down.”
Ternus, along with justices Michael Streit and David Baker, failed to receive the majority vote needed to remain in office for another eight years. Each of them received less than 45 percent, marking the first time Supreme Court justices were removed from office by voters since the retention system was established in 1962. The three justices in 2009 had joined in a unanimous 7-0 ruling that found a ban on same-sex marriage violated the state constitution, making Iowa the third state to legalize the practice. At the time, 29 states had constitutional bans on gay marriage and the issue remained highly contentious throughout the country. 11.2.2016 •
What is TRUVADA for PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis)?
TRUVADA is a prescription medicine that can be used for PrEP to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection when used together with safer sex practices. This use is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This includes HIV-negative men who have sex with men and who are at high risk of getting infected with HIV-1 through sex, and male-female sex partners when one partner has HIV-1 infection and the other does not. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to prevent getting HIV-1. Always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids. Never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them.
What is the most important information I should know about TRUVADA for PrEP?
Before taking TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: uYou must be HIV-negative. You must get tested to make sure that you do not
already have HIV-1 infection. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-negative. uMany HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. If you have flu-like symptoms, you could have recently become infected with HIV-1. Tell your healthcare provider if you had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting TRUVADA for PrEP or at any time while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: uYou must continue using safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. uYou must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. uTo further help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1: • Know your HIV-1 status and the HIV-1 status of your partners. • Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months or when your healthcare provider tells you. • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV-1 to infect you. • Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior. • Have fewer sex partners. • Do not miss any doses of TRUVADA. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. uIf you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. TRUVADA can cause serious side effects: uToo much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious medical emergency. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, nausea, vomiting, stomach-area pain, cold or blue hands and feet, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and/or fast or abnormal heartbeats. uSerious liver problems. Your liver may become large and tender, and you may develop fat in your liver. Symptoms of liver problems include your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, and/or stomach-area pain.
uYou may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver problems if you
are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking TRUVADA for a long time. In some cases, these serious conditions have led to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any symptoms of these conditions. uWorsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. If you also have HBV and take TRUVADA, your hepatitis may become worse if you stop taking TRUVADA. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider. If your healthcare provider tells you to stop taking TRUVADA, they will need to watch you closely for several months to monitor your health. TRUVADA is not approved for the treatment of HBV.
Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP? Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you also take lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) or adefovir (HEPSERA).
What are the other possible side effects of TRUVADA for PrEP? Serious side effects of TRUVADA may also include: uKidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider may do
blood tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking TRUVADA for PrEP. uBone problems, including bone pain or bones getting soft or thin, may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. uChanges in body fat, which can happen in people taking TRUVADA or medicines like TRUVADA. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP are stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.
What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRUVADA for PrEP? uAll your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you have or
have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis virus infection.
uIf you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRUVADA can
harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking TRUVADA for PrEP, talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Pregnancy Registry: A pregnancy registry collects information about your health and the health of your baby. There is a pregnancy registry for women who take medicines to prevent HIV-1 during pregnancy. For more information about the registry and how it works, talk to your healthcare provider. uIf you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. The medicines in TRUVADA can pass to your baby in breast milk. If you become HIV-1 positive, HIV-1 can be passed to the baby in breast milk. uAll the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRUVADA may interact with other medicines. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. uIf you take certain other medicines with TRUVADA for PrEP, your healthcare provider may need to check you more often or change your dose. These medicines include ledipasvir with sofosbuvir (HARVONI). You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.FDA.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please see Important Facts about TRUVADA for PrEP including important warnings on the following page. 8
1 1 .2.2016
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The once-daily prescription medicine that can help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 when used with safer sex practices. • TRUVADA for PrEP is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV through sex. • You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA. Ask your doctor about your risk of getting HIV-1 infection and if TRUVADA for PrEP may be right for you.
visit start.truvada.com 11.2.2016 •
1 1.2.2016
News Briefs
omanian Man Asks Court to Recognize His Same-Sex Marriage
(AP) A Romanian man asked his country’s Constitutional Court on Thursday to recognize his marriage to an American man, in a case that has pitted the nation’s conservative majority against those who want to move into the European mainstream. Adrian Coman, a 45-year-old Romanian gay rights activist, wants the court to rule that his 2010 marriage in Belgium to U.S. citizen Claibourn Robert Hamilton, also 45, is legal in the way it would be if the couple was not the same sex. “Our values are no different from any other family in Romania,” Coman said. Romania and Belgium are both members of the European Union. Romanian law allows the family of a Romanian citizen to take up residence in Romania, regardless of their nationality. But as the law stands now, Coman could marry a woman in Romania and not be found guilty of bigamy, his lawyer, Iustina Ionescu, told the court. He and Hamilton, a graphic designer
and San Antonio native, live in New York City and took legal action to get their union recognized in Romania in 2012. In an unusual move, court president Valer Dorneanu on Thursday thanked Coman for his sincere remarks. Opposition to same-sex relationships is often fierce in Romania, where homosexuality was decriminalized in 2002. The Constitutional Court has postponed ruling on Coman’s case twice before. Religious groups want the national Constitution amended to define marriage as only the union of a man and a woman. Nearly 3 million people have signed a petition demanding a referendum to change the constitution, which currently states that marriage is a consensual act between spouses. President Klaus Iohannis recently voiced his support for same-sex couples and warned of “religious fanaticism.” Political leaders and some Romanians criticized his outspoken stance.
rlando Cruz, 1st Openly Gay Pro-Boxer, to Fight Terry Flanagan for WBO Lightweight Title
(AP) Puerto Rican boxer Orlando Cruz will fight Terry Flanagan for the Briton’s WBO lightweight title on Nov. 26. In 2012, Cruz became the first professional boxer to come out as openly gay while actively competing. In his first and only world title fight, Cruz was stopped in the seventh round by Orlando Solido for the vacant WBO featherweight belt in 2013 The 35-year-old Cruz will fight Flanagan in Cardiff, Wales, on the undercard of Billy Joe Saunders’ WBO middleweight defense against Artur Akavov.
ulse Victim’s Mom Says Calls’ Release Would Be Traumatizing
(AP) The mother of a patron who was gunned down at a gay nightclub in Orlando says in a letter to a judge that the release of audio recordings of 911 calls from the club during the massacre would be “traumatizing.” Rosetta Evans wrote the letter to an Orlando judge ahead of a hearing next Monday on whether the 911 calls should be made public. The city of Orlando and two dozen media
groups have been fighting over the release of more than 600 calls dealing with the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. The city made public around two-thirds of the calls. But the city says releasing the remaining calls would violate a law prohibiting the release of recordings that depict a killing.
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Hong Kong lesbian who shunned $65m man tops Financial Time’s LGBT executive ranking (SFGN) Gigi Chao is the executive vice chairman of Cheuk Nang Holdings Limited, a Hong Kong property developer run by her father, billionaire Cecil Chao. Gigi is also one of Asia’s most visible out lesbians, the Financial Times reports (http://on.ft. com/2dFslXb). In 2012, after Chao announced her civil union with her female partner Sean Eav, Chao’s father offered a $65 million reward to any man who could court and marry her. Chao’s father doubled the offer in 2014 prompting Gigi to write an open letter to the South China Morning Post stating men “are just not for me.” “In Europe, one can say being gay is cool. In Asia, we are far from that,” Chao said. In a separate interview Chao explained that in Chinese culture, coming out as homosexual is seen as “blatant disrespect to your parents.” Cecil Chao has since rescinded the offer,
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Gigi Chao (right) and her partner, Sean Eav. Photo: Facebook.
and believes Gigi simply hasn’t found the right man, an idea which she describes as “an interesting attitude,” telling the Financial Times “we will always have things we have different opinions on…that is something I came to terms with.” The Financial Times ranked Chao at #1 in its Top 100 LGBT Executives list.
Compiled by Jillian Melero Bisexual
British Study Says Bisexual Men Earn 30% Less than Gay Colleagues’ (SFGN) A study conducted by Professor Alex Bryson of University College London’s(UCL) Institute of Education examined the earnings data of 20,000 employees in nearly 2000 workplaces in Britain, the Guardian reports (http://bit. ly/2dWChiu). Bryson’s article in the journal Work, Employment & Society, published by the British Sociological Association, explains that the average gross hourly earnings for bisexual men were £9.39, compared with £12.30 for heterosexual men, a 31% difference. Average hourly earnings for gay men were £13.33, £1.03 more than for heterosexual men. The study examined Workplace Employment Relations Surveys conducted in 2011 and 2012. When comparing data for workers in similar occupations, the average hourly earnings for bisexual men
were 20% less than for heterosexual men, regardless of whether or not the workplace had an equal opportunities policy on sexual orientation. The difference was found across all workplaces and occupations, and applied in London as well as non-metropolitan areas. Bryson acknowledges that the study did not determine whether employers knew the sexuality of employees and could not speak to active discrimination.
continued Transgender
Supreme Court to Rule in Virginia Transgender Case (AP) The Supreme Court will take up transgender rights for the first time in the case of a Virginia school board that wants to prevent a transgender teenager from using the boys’ bathroom at his high school. The justices said Friday they will hear the appeal from the Gloucester County school board sometime next year. The high court’s order means that student Gavin Grimm will not be able to use the boys’ bathroom in the meantime. The court could use the case to resolve similar disputes across the country, said Shannon Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “Obviously, for transgender people, the stakes of this case are incredibly high. Whatever the court rules in Grimm may ensure that transgender people are accepted and included as equal members of our society, or it may relegate them to outsiders for decades to come,” Minter said.
Gavin Grimm. Photo: Facebook.
A lower court had ordered the school board to accommodate Grimm, but the justices in August put that order on hold while they considered whether to hear the appeal.
11.2.2016 •
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1 1.2.2016
Broward Judge Denies Marijuana Advocacy Group Request John McDonald
Broward County judge has ruled in favor of Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda Snipes in a case involving mail-in ballots that omitted Amendment 2. Snipes’ office was accused of leaving Amendment 2 off some of the absentee ballots. Four Broward County residents testified in court on Thursday that their ballots did not include Amendment 2. Amendment 2 asks Florida residents to approve marijuana for medical purposes. It needs 60 percent approval in order to become law. The plaintiff, the Florida chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), asked the court that Snipes’ office inform voters via signs or notices at polling places that Amendment 2 is indeed on the ballot. Broward Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips denied the plaintiff’s motion in decision just after noon on Friday. Phillips said NORML of Florida “failed to demonstrate irreparable harm or a violation of a clear civil right.” Phillips also noted Snipes had offered replacement ballots for people who requested them and directed election officials to look at ballots and determine if Amendment 2 was included. Norm Kent, Vice President of NORML Florida, said the court’s decision does not solve the ballot mystery. “The court’s decision regrettably focuses only on those defective ballots we know about, that the defendant had the opportunity to cure,” Kent said. “It fails to pro-actively address the unknown
number of potentially defective ballots, which the supervisor of elections admitted could still be out there and for which there may be no remedy.” Snipes testified in court that her office is taking the issue very seriously. This is not the first time this year, the Broward Elections Supervisor has been under scrutiny. In August it was revealed, Snipes office had released results of the primary election before polls had closed, prompting an investigation by the State Attorney’s Office. With the possibility of ballots in circulation that omit Amendment 2, NORML of Florida asked the court for more judicial oversight of the election process. Judge Phillips, however, denied that request. “Instead of providing a curative instruction for the future, it leaves open the possibility that we may have to renew legal options if the breadth of the problem continues to become greater and more expansive than the Supervisor of Elections admits,” Kent said. “We are grateful for the court’s generous demeanor and swift ruling, giving us an emergency, timely, and fair hearing, allowing NORML the opportunity to present our case to the public.” In the 2014 election, a similar marijuana amendment received 58 percent approval by Florida voters. Re-written to address exact ailments permissible for treatment by marijuana, the amendment has polled as high as 73 percent approval.
NEWS local
PAID content
Cops Arrest Suspect In Oakland Park Fatal Shooting John McDonald
omicide detectives for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office arrested a 40-year-old man on a first-degree murder charge. BSO released the name of the suspect, Jeremy Ensmenger, in a news release to the media Friday morning. Ensmenger is charged in the fatal shooting death of 45-year-old Kelvin Traylor. The homicide, cops say, occurred Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 25, at 3261 N.W. 6th Avenue in Oakland Park. BSO SWAT team and deputies, reportedly, found Traylor dead and Emsmenger suffering from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Emsmenger was transported by Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue to Broward Health Medical Center where he remains hospitalized. BSO is continuing to investigate what lead to the incident. Anyone with information can contact homicide detective Kevin Nitsch at 954-321-4210 or Broward Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477) or online at browardcrimestoppers.org
Morning Pain
hy am I having headaches, jaw pain and sometimes even shoulder pain when I wake up? If you wake up in the morning with an aching jaw or a pounding headache, it could be associated something commonly known as TMJ. This involves an area known as your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the surrounding muscles surrounding where your lower jaw connects to the temporal bone or side of the face. This area is associated with clenching and grinding and which has a strong relationship with setting off headaches. Damage to the TMJ, through trauma or daily wear and tear, can result in jaw pain and headaches and can include symptoms such as: • Pain in or around the ear • Jaw pain or soreness more prevalent in mornings or late afternoon • Sensitive teeth when no apparent dental problems found • A feeling of grating while chewing • Lessened range of motion when closing or opening the mouth • Clicking sounds with movement of the jaw • Difficulty with chewing, biting or yawning • Ear ache • Jaws tenderness or facial pain • Even fibromyalgia • Headaches or neck-aches, occurring at the back of the head where the neck skull attach, with pain that radiates into one or both shoulders. • Less frequent, but more severe symptoms can include stuffiness in one or both ears, ringing in the ears, piercing pain in one or both ears, difficulty hearing, light sensitivity in the eyes, dizziness or vertigo low back pain and pains in the stomach. If an individual is irritated, anxious, stressed or even just concentrating it can be a likely influence contributing to clenching of the teeth. Something as simple as chewing gum for too long can contribute to TMJ. Though often coupled with clicking in the joint, the pain within the joint may include, tenderness, swelling, locking of the jaw and/ or chewing difficulties, you may also develop pain in the ear, head, neck, and back. There are simple changes for basic causes of jaw pain that you can control; • Refrain from chewing on fingernails, pens, or other hard objects. • Don’t hold the phone between your head and shoulder. • Avoid extensive gum chewing or other sticky or crunchy foods. • Take smaller bites of your food to avoid opening your mouth too wide. • Practice relaxing your jaw while holding your face in a neutral position, upper and lower teeth apart. • There are also gentle jaw stretching exercises you can do to alleviate the pain. But when you sleep, you don’t have control over clenching. If you are prone to clenching when you are awake, you will also clench while asleep. Morning headaches coupled with serious jaw pain deserves attention because beyond just stress, there could be
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more serious conditions brought on by the clenching such as inflammation, joint degeneration, or arthritis, so treat the condition before it worsens. More than 15 percent of American adults suffer from chronic facial pain such as jaw pain, headaches or earaches. Due to genetics and hormones, women are more than twice as likely as men to have headaches and TMJ. Nearly 20 million Americans suffer from TMJ headaches, and often the least understood and most miss-diagnosed health problem. The reasons for it being undiagnosed or miss-diagnosed is that the symptoms extremely similar to sinus, tension, and migraine headaches. Regular physicians are not often trained in diagnosis and treatment of TMJ and is thought to fall under the realm of the dentist. Since jaw pain due to TMJ symptoms do not respond to typical headache treatments it must be treated in the same manner as traditional TMJ symptoms. Most conditions don’t require more aggressive therapy, and often all that is needed is gentle massage by an experienced TMJ physical therapists. Between 5 – 10% of the population suffers from TMJ symptoms that require some form of treatment, but the good news, if you are diagnosed with TMJ, the solution for this is stabilization appliances such as splints and night-guards. What are night guards or splints? It is a small covering made of soft plastic that fits over either your upper or lower teeth and is usually worn just at night that you dentist can custom make for you. It separates the upper and lower teeth allowing the jaw to find a comfortable position to prevent the habit of grinding your teeth and clenching the jaw. Over the counter products are not recommended as they often do not have a proper fit and can cause you to clench even more. We know that identifying and reducing your stress factors can help along with following relaxation techniques before bedtime, but for daytime, try to pay more attention to things such as your posture, keeping your jaw and neck relaxed and being aware of stressful triggers that may cause you to clench your jaw. Occasional discomfort in the jaw joint and chewing muscles is quite common and usually not a cause for concern, though it is still advisable to discuss any TMD symptoms with your dentist. If you are concerned with any of the symptoms mentioned above, please contact our staff at Premier Smile Center to book an assessment.
2717 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 11.2.2016 •
ELECTION • white house watch
Hillary Clinton. Photo: J.R. Davis.
Clinton Rallies The Faithful In Visit To Wilton Manors
John McDonald
isiting the largest concentration of LGBT Floridians protect LGBT people from discrimination.” on Sunday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Clinton went on to give examples of Trump’s unsavory assured supporters she would continue to fight for ways. She said one of Trump’s golf courses fired an equality. employee who had been harassed at work because they “Here’s what I will do as President,” Clinton told a packed were gay. Elsewhere, in New York City, Trump showed up crowd inside the Manor Complex in Wilton Manors. “We for a photo-op at a children’s HIV charity and left without will call upon Congress to pass the Equality Act.” offering a donation, Clinton said. The line received the biggest applause in a 20-minute “Who does that?,” Clinton asked the crowd. “Donald speech delivered to what Clinton likes to construct an image that he is acknowledged was her base of support. generous, but it’s a façade. He abuses “I know I’m speaking to the choir here,” his power and games the system.” she said. The line waiting to get in to see The Democratic nominee for the U.S. Clinton stretched far down Wilton Presidency made a surprise stop in Wilton Drive. Several elected officials Manors with just nine days remaining attended the event, including U.S. until the general election’s conclusion. Congresswomen Debbie Wasserman Polls have Clinton leading nationwide Schultz and Lois Frankel, Florida over her Republican challenger Donald Representative David Richardson and Trump, but Florida – and its 29 electoral Wilton Manors Commissioners Justin college votes -- is a battleground prize. Flippen, Julie Carson, Scott Newton and Democrats outnumber Republicans Tom Green. Wilton Manors Mayor Gary 2-to-1 in Broward County and turning out Resnick delivered brief remarks. - Hillary Clinton those Democratic votes is key to Clinton’s “We can’t take this election for strategy of winning Florida. The majority granted,” Resnick said. “The courts are of self-identified LGBT voters have long so important for our rights.” been aligned with the Democratic Party and Clinton Keeping with the spirit of the community, members reminded those voters of just what is at stake this election of the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida performed the cycle. national anthem and later Jennifer McClain, a popular “Donald Trump has a terrible record on LGBT rights,” performer at the nearby Alibi bar, entertained the crowd Clinton said. “This election will determine whether we with a special rendition of “Man! I Feel Like A Woman.” continue the progress we’ve made or let it be ripped away. “The best thing about being a woman, is our prerogative We know Trump has promised he’ll appoint Supreme to have a little fun,” sang McClain, dressed in a red, white Court justices who will overturn marriage equality and and blue outfit. that he will repeal President Obama’s executive actions to Police estimated the crowd to be a little over two
“We will call upon Congress to pass the Equality Act.”
1 1.2.2016
thousand inside the complex and another thousand who were re-routed into an overflow area outside. DJ Tracy Young provided the music, warming up attendees with songs such as “Holiday,” “Celebration,” “Dancing Queen” and “Respect.” “DJs speak through their music,” said Miik Martorell, a DJ himself and President of Pride Fort Lauderdale. Martorell said Clinton holding an event at a gay club speaks volumes as to how far the country has evolved on LGBT equality. “This is huge,” Martorell said. “I don’t know if there has ever been a Presidential candidate speak in a gay club.” Security was tight on Sunday in Wilton Manors just four months and three hours away from the Pulse Nightclub tragedy. “We are going to bring people together to reform our gun laws and keep guns from falling into the wrong hands so that what happened in Orlando will never happen again,” Clinton said. As for LGBT issues, Clinton said there is still much work to be done. “There is still no federal law that stops an employer from refusing to hire someone just because he or she is LGBT,” Clinton said. By passing the Equality Act, Clinton said, “we will then be able to protect LGBT Americans from discrimination in all aspects of our lives.” Also on her list is achieving an AIDS free generation, taking on homelessness, bullying and violence among LGBT youth and ending the “harmful practice of so-called conversion therapy.” “LGBT kids don’t need to be cured of anything, they just need to be accepted,” Clinton said to raucous cheers. The general election concludes Nov. 8.
ELECTION • editorial cartoon By Mike Luckovich
THE FIGHT CONTINUES While the LGBT community has seen many successes in the past decade, there are still many more milestones yet to come. Follow history as it happens by reading your weekly copy of SFGN.
11.2.2016 •
ELECTION • election guide
Donald Trump (left; POOL/CNN); Hillary Clinton (Adam Rose/CNN)
The Ultimate LGBT Election Night Guide By Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
olls were predicting Democrat Hillary Clinton various unidentified sources said the new emails were would almost certainly win the White House neither to nor from Clinton, but were to or from one of her November 8 -- up until a few days ago. But that closest aides, Huma Abedin, and her husband, former U.S. nearly unanimous consensus was Rep. Anthony Weiner. The “unrelated thrown into question October 28, after investigation” reportedly was one The news hit the a letter from FBI Director James Comey looking into his sending sexually presidential campaign to several Republican House leaders related emails or texts to a 15-year-old like an earthquake, became public. The letter said that, in girl. The likelihood of their having some making every poll working on an unrelated matter, FBI pertinence in the Clinton-server matter investigators had come across some seemed a relatively remote possibility. to date out-ofemails they believe were “pertinent” But Republicans, including presidential date, and sending to an investigation into Clinton’s use of candidate Donald Trump, seized on the pollsters scrambling a private server as Secretary of State. remote possibility in hopes of rescuing to gauge the impact Comey said his investigators would be their hopes for the White House. And of something that assessing these new emails to determine even the most casual observer could grasp whether they “may be significant,” but the possibility that Americans hearing Comey’s letter failed he gave no hint of when that might be. only the loudspeakers and not reading to define. The news hit the presidential the news reports with the important campaign like an earthquake, making every poll to date context and details could easily walk into the voting booth out-of-date, and sending pollsters scrambling to gauge the on November 8 and balk at voting for someone who they impact of something that Comey’s letter failed to define. thought might still be under investigation over her handling By Saturday, some news organizations were saying that of classified material.
What ‘results’ will be available?
Actual vote tallies in each state won’t be available Tuesday night. Instead, major media outlets will announce “projections” of who will win based on data they have gathered at exit polls and through telephone interviews with people who have voted early or with mail-in ballots.
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What specifically are the milestones?
For president, the winner must accumulate at least 270 electoral votes to win. For the Senate, the key question is which party will control. At a minimum, the controlling party must have 50 senators and the White House (with the vice president’s vote breaking any tie). For the current Senate to change party hands, Clinton must win and Democrats must pick up four new seats and not lose any existing seats. If Trump wins, Democrats would need to pick up five new seats. In the governors’ races, political observers will be eager to learn whether North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory will lose his job over his enthusiastic support for the anti-LGBT HB2 law this year.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, whose campaign has been crippled by a videotape of him bragging about his own sexually aggressive behaviors, hailed the release of Comey’s letter. Clinton demanded that Comey produce the evidence publicly that led to it. But the bottom line going into next week’s election is that nobody knows how much impact this late-hour development will have on the vote or what else might happen that could have a dramatic impact on the race. And it may take until late this week for polls to provide any hint. But the whole world will be watching November 8 as the American electorate weighs in on one of the most contentious and dramatic presidential campaigns in modern history. The Human Rights Campaign has estimated the LGBT voting bloc to be more than nine million strong. HRC endorsed Clinton, as did the Lesbian PAC. The Log Cabin Republicans group chose to withhold making an endorsement for president in this election. Much of the news next Tuesday night will have significant impact on LGBT people and the guide below will help readers know what to watch and when.
What’s the best channel to watch?
Any of the five major television networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, NBC) will have the latest news quickly because they, plus Associated Press, are participating in the exit poll data collection. Three networks have openly gay commentators who improve the chances that discussions of LGBT issues take place during the evening. CNN has two, possibly three: Anderson Cooper, Hilary Rosen, and Don Lemon. MSNBC has Rachel Maddow and possibly Thomas Roberts. And Fox News has Shepard Smith.
When’s the best time to watch?
Political junkies who don’t want to miss any part of this historic election will tune in by 7 p.m. EDT, when the first poll result predictions will come. Specifically, this is what will come in and when: (All times listed below are EDT.)
ELECTION • election guide
7:00 p.m.
States with polls closing: GA, IN, KY, SC, VA, VT Electoral votes on the line: 60 Presidential: Polls prior to Comey’s letter were indicating that Clinton would win VA and VT (16 electoral votes), Trump would win IN and SC (28 electoral votes), and GA was a toss-up. If the typically Republican Georgia swings to Clinton, commentators may start predicting a historic landslide for Clinton. Senate races to watch: IN and KY: Democrats are expected to pick up their first new Senate seat in Indiana, with former Senator Evan Bayh, who had Human Rights Campaign scores between 84 and 90 for his voting record on LGBT issues in Congress. If Clinton wins, Democrats will need to pick up three more new ones to take control of the Senate. And in Kentucky, openly gay candidate Jim Gray is making a tough bid to unseat incumbent Republican Rand Paul. Governors races: IN and VT: These are very tight races for the open seats in Indiana and Vermont. In Indiana, Democrat John Gregg has promised to issue an executive order prohibiting discrimination against state employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Republican Eric Holcomb says he doesn’t plan to focus on the issue. In Vermont, Republican Phil Scott spoke against civil unions when that was under consideration by the legislature in 2000 but, by 2009, he was voting for marriage equality. Democrat Sue Minter was a sponsor of the state’s marriage equality bill, added gender identity to the state’s transportation regulations, and promises to help fight bullying of LGBT youth.
7:30 p.m.
States with polls closing: NC, OH, WV Electoral votes on the line: 38 Presidential: West Virginia’s five electoral votes will go to Trump, but polls at deadline could not predict who would take Ohio’s 18 and North Carolina’s 15. Some number-crunchers believe Trump must win both to win the White House, but most believe he has to win Ohio. Senate races to watch: NC, OH: Democrats would really like to pick up the Senate seat in North Carolina with Deborah Ross, but Republican incumbent Richard Burr has hung onto a tiny lead at deadline. And in Ohio, Republican incumbent Rob Portman, endorsed by Log Cabin, holds a sizeable lead at deadline. Governors races: NC, WV: North Carolina’s Republican Governor Pat McGory has been in political hot water since he helped usher through the state’s HB2 law –restricting use of public restrooms by transgender people and prohibiting local governments from passing laws to prohibit discrimination against LGBT people. The controversial law has cost the state millions of dollars in lost revenue and jobs, as corporations and big sports tournaments have pulled out in protest. At deadline, polls showed him slightly behind Democratic challenger Roy Cooper, the state’s attorney general. Cooper has refused to defend the constitutionality of HB2 and has earned the endorsement of LGBT groups. In West Virginia, Democrat Jim Justice opposed a so-called “religious freedom” law; Republican Bill Cole voted for it.
Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine (Adam Rose/CNN)
8:00 p.m.
States with polls closing: CT, DE, DC, FL, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, PA, RI, AL, IL, MS, MO, OK, TN Electoral votes on the line: 172 Presidential: D.C. and 16 states hold the evening’s largest block of electoral votes: 172. All eyes will be on Florida, with 29 electoral votes, and Pennsylvania with 20. Once again, Trump needs both to have any chance of winning the White House. Before the Comey letter, Clinton had a five-point lead in Pennsylvania and less than a one-point lead in Florida. If Clinton does pick up Florida and Pennsylvania, she’ll take the lead, with at least 143 electoral votes and she will have enough electoral votes in the remaining true blue states to run well past the 270 she needs to secure the White House. But if she’s having a bad night, she’ll end the 8 o’clock hour with only 94 votes and will need to pick up either Texas (a long shot) or both Arizona and Nevada in the coming hours. Senate races to watch: FL, NH, PA, IL, MO: Democrats are poised to pick off a second Republican-held Senate seat in Illinois, with Rep. Tammy Duckworth. Duckworth got the backing of most LGBT groups, though the Human Rights campaign initially gave its endorsement to incumbent Mark Kirk as the lone Republican willing to endorse the Equality Act. But HRC announced Saturday that it was “revoking” its endorsement of Kirk due to the “deeply offensive and racist” remarks he made during his debate last Thursday. Kirk has apologized for saying to Duckworth, “I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington.” Democrats have a chance of picking up a third new seat in New Hampshire and/or Pennsylvania but polls are too close to call. New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, a strong supporter of LGBT equality, has been trading the lead with incumbent Kelly Ayotte, whose HRC scorecard has run from 15 to 60 to 80 in the past three sessions. In Pennsylvania, where the race is also very tight, Democrat Katie McGinty has been taking a high-profile pitch for the LGBT vote. Incumbent Pat Toomey’s last HRC score was a 16. House races to watch: CT, NH, OK, RI: Openly gay candidates are running for U.S. House seats in these states, though incumbent David Cicilline in Rhode Island is the only sure winner. Openly gay challengers are also running in Connecticut (Clay Cope), New Hampshire (Shawn O’Connor), and Oklahoma (Al McAffrey). Governors races: DE, NH, MO: New Hampshire’s long-time lesbian activist Mo Baxley endorsed Democrat Colin van Ostern early in the race, saying he is a “trusted ally in the fight for equality.” Republican Chris Sununu said he would have “a real problem” with businesses denying services to LGBT people based on the businesses’ religious beliefs, but he said, in a separate interview, that he’d be willing to take a look at a law that enabled that. Polls show a very tight race. Continued on next page
11.2.2016 •
ELECTION • election guide
9:00 p.m.:
States with polls closing: AR, NY, LA, MI, MN, WI, AZ, CO, KS, NE, NM, SD, TX, WY Electoral votes on the line: 158 Presidential: This is potentially the Waterloo hour. If Trump has been able to pull Ohio, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania into his column, the race will still be alive at 9 p.m. when results from another 14 states holding 159 electoral votes will become known. His best case scenario would be to win 280, so he can afford to lose 10 electoral votes along the way, but at 9 o’clock, he’ll still need to see Arizona (11 electorals) and Texas (38 electorals) in his column or the race is likely over. If Clinton has won Pennsylvania, Florida, and Minnesota, she’ll be at 235 and the race is all but over because she can reach the magic number of 270 by simply taking California –and that’s a given. But if Clinton’s having a bad night, she’ll need Texas or Arizona this hour. Senate races to watch: WI, AZ, CO: Democrats are expecting to keep their Democratic Senate seat from Colorado and pick up a new seat from Wisconsin. If they have already won Indiana, New Hampshire, and Illinois, then Russ Feingold, a strong LGBT equality supporter, makes four and –if Clinton wins the White House— Democrats will take over control of the Senate. If Trump wins, Democrats will still need to pick up one more Senate seat. But no celebration can begin until Democrats secure the existing Democratic seat in Nevada next hour. House races to watch: AZ, CO, MN, NY, WI: Watch for Minnesota’s 2d Congressional District: Voters are leaning towards openly gay businesswoman Angie Craig, and last week, the Minnesota Star Tribune endorsed her over the “outsized personality” radio talk show host running on the Republican side. Two other openly gay congressional candidates –both in Arizona (Paul Babeu and Matt Heinz) –have tough but possible chances of success. And in Colorado, newcomer Misty Plowright, is making a longshot Democratic bid to unseat a Republican incumbent for Colorado’s 5th district. Four incumbent gay/bisexual Democrats are expected to enjoy easy re-elections: Jared Polis in Colorado, Sean Patrick Maloney in New York, and Mark Pocan in Wisconsin, and Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona. Governors races: None
10:00 p.m.
11:00 p.m.
Presidential: Montana’s three electorals are going to Trump, but the other three states each have six electoral votes and polls prior to the Comey letter showed them each to be a tossup state. And each could become critical to reaching 270, depending on how the evening has been going so far.
Presidential: Most of the electoral votes this hour will go to Clinton (78 of the 85), California being the biggest prize of them all with 55 electoral votes.
States with polls closing: IA, MT, UT, NV Electoral votes on the line: 21
Senate races to watch: IA and NV: If Democrats haven’t won five new seats by now, Nevada is the last chance for a Democratic majority in the Senate. Plus Democrats have to retain this seat –currently held by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. The Democrat’s nominee, Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto has the endorsement of the Lesbian PAC and the Human Rights Campaign. The Republican Rep. Joe Heck has a zero score on LGBT issues in Congress. House races to watch: MT and UT: For Montana’s one at-large Congressional seat, lesbian Native American Denise Juneau has the backing of HRC and the Lesbian PAC but the Republican incumbent is expected to win. In Utah, transgender newcomer Democrat Misty Snow is running against incumbent Mike Lee who had a 35-point lead in the polls mid-October. Governors races: Montana’s Democratic Governor Steve Bullock signed an executive order in January, prohibiting discrimination against LGBT state employees. He’s urged support for programs that help homeless youth to include LGBT kids and he’s presided over a same-sex wedding. His Republican challenger, Greg Gianforte, is opposed to marriage equality and has given more than half a million dollars to the anti-gay group Focus on the Family. Polls show the race leaning toward the Democrat. In Utah, the Democratic challenger Mike Weinholtz is pro-LGBT but far behind the incumbent Republican Gary Herbert, who is opposed to legal protections for LGBT people.
States with polls closing: CA, HI, ID, ND, OR, WA Electoral votes on the line: 85
Senate races to watch: CA: The California U.S. Senate seat held by Barbara Boxer is not in danger of being taken by a Republican. In fact, only Democrats have survived to run in the general election: State Attorney General Kamala Harris and U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez. Both are strong supporters of equal rights for LGBT people, but Equality California and LPAC have endorsed Harris. House races to watch: CA: Incumbent openly gay Democrat Mark Takano is expected to win his re-election to California’s 41st Congressional district easily. Governors races: OR, WA, ND: Openly bisexual Governor Kate Brown is running for re-election in Oregon. She’s a Democrat in a blue state and a safe bet. Washington State’s Democratic Governor Jay Inslee is a safe bet there, too. He supports marriage equality; his Republican opponent does not. And in North Dakota, polls indicate a Republican win, but Republican candidate Doug Burgum bucks the common trend on LGBT issues. He’s said there should be no discrimination based on sexual orientation and that he would work with the legislature to address the problem. On the transgender bathroom issue, he’s said he’s for both religious liberty and tolerance. He’s also in support of marriage equality. Democrat Marvin Nelson has spoken out strongly against anti-LGBT discrimination and for the rights of transgender people to use public restrooms.
Results from Alaska, with three electoral votes, are not expected until after 1 a.m. EDT. All three are expected to go to Trump.
1 1.2.2016
11.2.2016 •
NEWS national Photo: Library of Congress
Science Clears ‘Patient Zero’ From Fathering AIDS Epidemic John McDonald
n a narrative changing announcement Wednesday, researchers exonerated Gaétan Dugas, a.k.a. Patient Zero, from starting the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Findings released in the journal of Nature concluded the strain of HIV responsible for almost all of the AIDS cases in the United States came from Zaire, Africa via Haiti in 1967. The virus was first contracted in New York in 1971, eventually spreading to San Francisco in 1976. The Patient Zero story came from a 1984 study of 40 gay men who had developed Kaposi’s sarcoma or other signs of latestage AIDS. Dugas, a French Canadian flight attendant, reported having around 250 sexual partners a year and gave investigators 72 names. He died in 1984 but his legend lived on in stories and tabloid headlines. The New York Post labeled Dugas as “The Man Who Gave Us AIDS.” Scientists at the University of Arizona were able to clear Dugas of such a dubious distinction by analyzing stored blood samples from health trials in the 1970s. By screening samples from New York and San Francisco, scientists were able to determine eight different HIV genetic codes. “We can place the most precise dates on the origins of the U.S. epidemic at about 1970 or 1971,” Dr. Michael Worobey, one of the researchers, told the BBC. In response to the analysis, the Gay Men’s Health Crisis applauded the correction, but acknowledged stigma is still a huge barrier in defeating the disease. GMHC Chief
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Executive Officer Kelsey Louie released the following statement: “The findings released today tell us that the strain of HIV responsible for almost all AIDS cases in the United States came to New York City around 1971, debunking the myth of ‘Patient Zero.’ Gay Men’s Health Crisis was formed as the effects of the deadly virus began to wreak havoc and take their toll. Society, and in particular the media, were all too eager to cast blame on a single person, rather than reflect on the stigma they were creating and the lack of political will to actually do something about the disease. The stigma created in the past is still strong today and prevents many from even getting tested for HIV for fear of being labeled a carrier. Were it not for Larry Kramer, Larry Moss, Edmund White and the other founders of GMHC, we would not be as close as we are now to ending the epidemic and someday finding a cure.” Meanwhile, at the World AIDS Museum in Wilton Manors, the news of Dugas’ exoneration was not a complete surprise. “Unfortunately people still think he’s the villain,” said Ed Sparan, WAM operations manager. “We just weren’t connecting the dots.” Sparan said when he gives tours of the museum he often cites cases of people having contracted HIV well before the 1980s. When he tells the story of an autopsy report showing an African man with HIV in his blood as far back as 1959, “people’s eyes get wide open,” Sparan said.
NEWS national
Photo: CNN.
Thiel Stands By Trump In DC Speech John McDonald
eter Thiel, the billionaire venture capitalist, reaffirmed his commitment to Donald Trump on Monday in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “What Donald Trump represents isn’t crazy and it’s not going away,” said Thiel. During his hour long appearance, Thiel blasted government incompetence and arrogance in Silicon Valley. The gay tech entrepreneur cited examples of growing income inequality as reasons why an outsider like Trump must be elected President. “We’re voting for Trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed,” Thiel said. “This judgement has been hard to accept for some of the country’s most fortunate, socially prominent people. It’s certainly been hard to accept for Silicon Valley where many people have learned to keep quiet if they dissent from the coastal bubble.” Thiel, who had a primetime speaking slot at this year’s Republican National Convention, slammed the Advocate Magazine for rejecting diversity in favor of political purity.
Struttin’ for Strays “A Walk wth your Pet before Doggy Fun Fest”
“The Advocate, a magazine which once praised me as a gay innovator even published an article saying that as of now I am ‘not a gay man’ because I don’t agree with their politics. The lie behind the buzzword of diversity could not be made more clear: If you don’t conform then you don’t count as diverse no matter what your personal background.” Thiel, 48, was outed by Gawker, a news organization he has since sued into bankruptcy. A San Francisco resident who emigrated from Germany, Thiel came in at No. 246 on Forbes Magazine’s annual list of America’s 400 Richest People with a net worth of $2.7 billion.
Check-in begins at 9:30am -- Walk Starts @ 10:00 a.m. T-Shirts Guaranteed if Pre-Registered by November 1st Go to www.firstgiving.com/Struttin4Strays/Struttin-for-Strays Set up your pack Or join Charlies Angels at www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/ charlie-holifield/struttin-for-strays Walk sponsored by
After the Walk come to Jaco Park for Doggy FunFest from 11 am-4 pm!!
DOGGY FUN FEST It’s a pet friendly event -- bring the dog, the kids, and if your family members are well behaved, bring them too! Well behaved dogs and their humans are welcome (no retratable leashes please---)
Free Admission to Event
Jaco Pastorius Park 4000 N Dixie Hwy, Oakland Park, FL 33334 Supporting Local Animal Rescue Groups & Rotary Community Projects Interested in being a sponsor or a vendor?
Contact Charlie at riditpest@aol.com or (954) 410- 3719
11.2.2016 •
feature smart ride
This year’s event will take place Nov. 18-19 Michael d’Oliveira
hen it comes to Glen Weinzimer, it seems like everything that wasn’t supposed to last long finds a way to keep going. Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS over 20 years ago, Weinzimer said he isn’t supposed to be alive. “I was one of those people who wasn’t supposed to live 10 days.” But more than 20 years later, he’s still going and in the midst of the 13th year of The SMART Ride, the two-day, 165-mile bike ride and HIV/AIDS fundraiser he founded. This year’s SMART Ride, Nov. 18 and 19, will start from Miami and end in Key West. The first day is 100 miles and the second is 65 miles. And like Weinzimer himself, The SMART Ride wasn’t supposed to last long – just once.
But, even with the progress made, HIV/AIDS is still going. And so, Weinzimer keeps The SMART Ride going. He’s worried that many people have become too comfortable, too complacent with the disease, and that lack of awareness and appreciation for the consequences will lead to sustained or increased infection rates. “I didn’t think AIDS was still a thing anymore” is an attitude Weinzimer is fighting just as much as the disease. “I don’t want just your money. I want you to have a conversation with your kids tonight. Even if they don’t act on it, there’s a conversation. If you say the word AIDS, it exists.” It’s a conversation that happens before and during the ride. “Every one of those towns [we ride through] sees us.” And by moving the start of this year’s ride to the University of Miami, Weinzimer wants to use the week leading up
to the ride as another opportunity to engage students and faculty with speakers, various groups and a display of the AIDS Quilt. “Moving it to UM allows us to raise the dialogue.” So far, $7.3 million has been raised for SMART Ride since it began over a decade ago. All of it benefiting HIV/AIDSrelated charities, including Broward House, Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Centers, Metro Wellness & Community Centers, Pridelines, AIDS Help, Compass Community Center, and Miracle of Love. And all of it because of Weinzimer, the riders and the support staff who assist the riders during the event by providing food, water, medical care (if necessary) and shelter. SFGN spoke to the five individuals, listed by Weinzimer, who have raised the most money over the last five years.
Read their stories below. Visit TheSmartRide.org for more information.
Jody Loche. ProfessionalImages.net.
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Jody Locke’s decision to join The SMART Ride came at 3:30 a.m. It was after a friend, who was biking the fundraiser, asked Locke to drive him back from Key West. Locke, who was diagnosed HIV positive 27 years ago, said he was so amazed by The Smart Ride he composed his donation request letter right in his hotel room at that early hour. “This has been such a powerful event. I saw riders lift their bikes over their head. I said, I’m never going to be standing on the outside again. To me, that was the most amazing experience.” And so Team YOLO [You Only Live Once] was born. By March of that year, he had raised about $40,000. “If they see how passionate and committed you are and see how much it means to you, it means a lot to them. I am consumed by that passion.” That passion is on full display through the AIDS flag Locke takes with him on the ride. He estimates he’s raised about $140,000 over the past five years, thanks, in part, to matching grants from his employer. To Locke, the ride is three things: “Coming to terms [with HIV/ AIDS] to make a difference. The challenge to be physically up to the ride. And you really have to learn how to work as a team.” Jody Locke is Rider #1.
11.2.2016 •
feature smart ride
Many midlife crises are answered with the purchase of a fast car. Tim Haymon’s answered his with a bike. Ten years ago Haymon, who “was kind of out of shape,” saw an advertisement for The Smart Ride and decided it was time for a healthier lifestyle. “I had just turned 40. I guess this is my midlife crisis,” joked Haymon, who lives in Fort Lauderdale. “I said, that was such a huge goal I could never actually achieve. 165 miles is so huge, but let me try. So here I am, riding 10 years later.” And he’s done it in multiple conditions and on multiple teams, including the cold that came when the ride was pushed back to January one year. “I’ve ridden when it was blowing rain and 30 degrees and high 90s in the 70s. Every year it’s a different challenge.” This year, he’s on the team representing the Worthington Guest House. And every year, he looks forward to his favorite leg of the ride. “My favorite part is always the Seven Mile Bridge. “I feel a connection to the Keys. Riding through the Keys on a bike is very empowering.” Over the last five years, he estimates he’s raised $65,000 to $70,000 with the help of matching funds from his employer. “And we raised another $10,000 for California AIDS ride. It was a combined effort. It wasn’t just me.” Tim Haymon is Rider #389.
Asked who raises more for The Smart Ride, him or his wife, Andrea Weinzimer, Gabe Hernandez smartly declines to answer the question. “I’m not going to answer that,” he said with a chuckle. “Let’s just say I have a pretty big network.” Each year, the couple fundraise for The Smart Ride, founded by Glen Weinzimer, Andrea’s brother. “We compete with each other on the funding,” he said. Hernandez, who has raised about $69,000 over the past five years, participates for two reasons. “It’s a cause near and dear to me because it’s my wife’s brother . . . and I believe in supporting the community. It’s worth supporting.” Like his wife, Hernandez also helps out with supporting the event as a crew member – setting up rest stops and supplies for the bikers and other logistical support. But he prefers being one of the bikers. Hernandez, who lives in New York, also rides frequently up there. Between the oak trees and views of the Hudson River and palm trees with views of the Atlantic Ocean, Hernandez said both views offer something beautiful. But this November, the ride to Key West will offer a little more than just views. “We want to see this epidemic go away and people live their lives as respectful citizens, as loving citizens. We will continue to support it.” Gabe Hernandez is crew for this year’s SMART Ride. 26
1 1.2.2016
Editorial Cartoon
By Andy Marlette
11.2.2016 •
feature smart ride
2016 Top Fundraisers 1. Joseph Locke $20,365 2. Eric Krause $13,076 3. Craig Heckenstaller $10,035 4. James Durhan $6,000 5. Donald Dotzauer $5,600
Andrea Weinzimer, Glen’s sister, isn’t a rider but she does fundraise and helps provide logistical support to riders during the event by preparing meals, setting up tents and more. “You name it, we did it. We just do what we need to do.” She estimates she’s raised about $64,000 in the last five years. A resident of New York, she comes down every year to assist her brother and sometimes her husband, who is often one of the riders. “It’s like a dog. You’re hanging your head out the window seeing if riders are okay,” she joked. She much prefers a car ride to 165 miles of roadway biking next to dangerous traffic. “[My husband’s] done both. I’m terrified.” Although she’s never done the ride, her brother is the connection she talks about to raise money. “I just basically say why I’m a part of this. I mention my brother and how he started this. I think it’s amazing we’ve been doing it for all these years. You connect with them. It’s kind of an amazing that every penny is going to be raised is going to these organizations. [HIV/AIDS] needs to stop.” Andrea Weinzimer is crew for this year’s SMART Ride.
Ed Pascoe completes each SMART Ride one pedal at a time. “You keep pushing and pushing and say ‘I’ve just got three more miles and I can have a nice cold drink and rest in the shade.’” This year’s SMART Ride will be his fifth. It’s a stretch of time and effort that has seen him raise over $40,000 for SMART Ride. “It’s very life reaffirming that I am doing this at 63 years old. It’s a testament to my good health, my stamina and my ability to put mind over matter. A lot of people can do that physically, but your mind stops you. There’s definitely a psychological component to it,” Pasco said. “I started cycling in my 60s and I really enjoyed it and wanted to do something a little more challenging that involves giving back to my community. I just found it gave me a lot of purpose.” That doesn’t make the long bike ride from Miami to Key West any easier though. “The way I approach it is it’s incremental. It’s hard but it’s something, when you see another rider, it moves you forward. Or there’s cheerleaders on the side of the road or you think of the people who are going to benefit.” A Miami Beach resident, Pascoe’s team is named after Miami – the Magic City Riders. He’s lived here since 1987 after moving there from Philadelphia. Ed Pascoe is Rider #3.
2016 Top Teams 1. Mile Markers $40,598 2. CDTC Cyclones $36,655 3. Palm Beach Bike Jockeys $29,144 4. Miracle of Love $28,860 5. Tampa Bay Area Cyclists $26,827 28
1 1.2.2016
Send us your every day photo & celebrate with us Dancing * Jogging * Laughing * Sleeping * Swimming * Tanning * Singing
Join SFGN on Saturday, Nov. 19 in capturing one day in the life of Gay South Floridians.
Submit your photos to Jason Parsley at Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com. Please include the time the photo was taken, complete names, city you live in and a short description of what’s taking place.
11.2.2016 •
1 1.2.2016
Wilton Manors Gazette
Volume 3 • Issue 21 November 2, 2016
Hillary Visits Wilton Manors
Humpy’s Pizza Closes
Owner cites increased rent; unsure if he will reopen By Michael d’Oliveira
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Wilton Manors on Sunday to make a direct plea to the LGBT community. This the first time a presidential candidate has made a public appearance in the city. Initially the campaign was to hold a rally and concert at Wilton Manors City Hall. The flier promoting the event read “Florida LGBT Votes Matter,” and “Your rights are at stake.” It was rumored that Democratic U.S. Senator Al Franken of Minnesota would appear at the event – but instead, on Saturday it was announced Clinton, herself, would drop in to speak. Because of possible inclement weather the campaign decided to move the event indoors at the Manor Complex on Wilton Drive. That decision though left hundreds of eager Clinton supporters out in the cold. WMG
As a native New Yorker, Angela Delgado proudly states that she knows what good pizza is. Which is why she was so shocked Tuesday afternoon when she found the door to Humpy’s Pizza locked and the windows covered. “I can’t believe it. I was just here last week. They really do have the best pizza in town, and I’m from New York. I’m very critical [when it comes to pizza].” Along with great slices, she expressed an affinity for the cupcakes and the rest of the menu. “I was so sad.” Don Croxton and Doug Pew, who have been married for 47 years, can’t believe it either. The two have been eating at Humpy’s for years. “What now [for lunch]?” asked Pew of Croxton as they got back into their car. Opened in February of 2007 in the Shoppes of Wilton Manors, Humpy’s was the recipient of multiple awards for its pizza, including being voted “Best Pizza” six times by SFGN readers. But it wasn’t a lack of business or satisfied customers that forced Humpy’s to close, said owner Steve DeJong. “Basically, they’re raising the rent to the point where it’s unmanageable and not feasible to stay in business. And they’re going to raise it every year
Photo: J. R. Davis.
for the next 10 years. They’re playing hardball. It just baffles me they’re not willing to negotiate. We have a third of the shopping center empty,” said Dejong. He added that the increase would have meant an increase to customers. Something he wasn’t willing to do. “They’re basically putting us out of business. We’re very disappointed and want to thank all our loyal customers and the community which have supported us for many years.” Dejong said right now he doesn’t know if or where he will reopen. Along with the rent increase, another factor was a lawsuit against Humpy’s for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Dejong said he fixed the problems, which were minor, but was still hit with a lawsuit. “It’s really just a shakedown of small businesses and we’re being bullied.” He said the lawsuit was dismissed, but only because he’s closing the business. It’s just too much potentially for us to bare.” Jonathan Gaines, a principal representing Rivercrest Realty, which owns the Shoppes of Wilton Manors, said he was disappointed he and Dejong couldn’t come to terms on the lease. WMG
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November 2, 2016
11.2.2016 •
The Election, the Commission Meeting and Other Ponderings
WMG November 2, 2016 • Volume 3 • Issue 21 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
By Sal Torre Last week I took a short vacation to visit a friend in the mountains of Puerto Rico. While it was a much-need break from my routine here in Wilton Manors, have had to work double shifts since my return to make up the time, and I’m still trying to catch up on everything I missed. With several topics swirling around in my head, I don’t want to focus on the elephant in the room—the upcoming Presidential election. I’m sure, like me, you have already had quite enough of all the nasty ads, mudslinging, unfounded accusations, and the Jerry-Springer-like “debates” and discussions. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I had to miss the wellattended rally for Hillary Clinton at The Manor on Sunday afternoon. As usual, the State of Florida is a major battleground for both campaigns, and the Democratic Party is making a big push to secure victory in South Florida. Locally the big question is who will win our two commission seats here in Wilton Manors. The race has four candidates, Paul Rolli, Tom Green, Julie Carson and Celeste Ellich. Our race for mayor looks to be another easy win for incumbent Mayor Gary Resnick. Seems I also missed several important topics at last week’s Commission meeting. One topic, the presentation by County officials to the City Commission on the CDBG Grant funding process, is a topic I’ve been interested in over the years. This grant from the federal government goes to Broward County, which then distributes funding to cities, with Wilton Manors receiving about $65,000 each year. Monies are to be used to assist low to moderate income residents of our community. In the past this funding was only available for the Highland Estates area, but this year includes areas west of Andrews Avenue. Due to limitations on the use of funds, most recent projects had to do with infrastructure and park improvements, especially at Island City Park Preserve. Many in our community have long advocated that this funding be used to improve the lives of low-income residents who are in need of a helping hand, perhaps to fix a leaking roof or other home improvements. CDBG grant funds can make a big difference in the daily lives of those truly in need and where other government funding sources are not available. City staff has long argued that certain programs are not utilized by residents, that such programs are hard to manage and that funds would be better used for projects that help the largest number of our community vs. the few. And therein lies the dilemma--helping the many vs. helping the few. Of course, the logical choice supports those in the city who look to use the funds to make park improvements which benefit many in our community. Unfortunately, the spiritual and moral side of humanity
Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com
Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Internet Assistant • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira
Natalya Jones • John McDonald • James Oaksun
does not always follow logical thought. Is helping a few low-income residents of our city, when we have the ability to do so, perhaps a better choice? Another important topic at the Commission meeting had to do with the ongoing discussion that the city offers broader levels of medical coverage for transgender employees. Having missed the discussion and votes taken by the city commission, I hold back from making any comments until I have the chance to find more information. However, I catch myself on the verge of hypocrisy, and must carefully contemplate my response. Having just stated the moral and spiritual argument of not accepting what is logically best for the many vs. helping the few amongst us who are in need, perhaps I need to apply the same argument here. Unfortunately, life gives us many hard choices, and one of them happens to be the debate on who and what conditions gets covered under our increasing very expensive health coverage. I will leave that question for all to ponder. Hopefully, we will begin to demand our elected officials make the tough choices, on a national, state and local level, for the healthcare we all deserve as a human right still not recognized here in the wealthy United States of America. By next edition of the Gazette in two weeks, we will finally be past Election Day and the results of our local election known by all. Unfortunately not everyone will be a winner and not every voter will be happy with the results. Thanks to all the candidates who put forth such get effort and interest in wanting to serve our city. Your participation in the process benefits us all. So, take a vacation, miss some meetings, play hooky, enjoy yourself… ‘cause it will only make life just better here… WMG
Staff Photographers
J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires
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Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER
Associated Press MEMBER
Volunteers Needed
Welcome Center still short
By Michael d’Oliveira adequate volunteers, we can’t expand the hours for the Welcome Center.” Once opened, the Welcome Center would be used to provide information about the city and local businesses to tourists and visitors. But the more important goal is for the Welcome Center to be used to expand the hours of the Art Gallery. “We needed to find a way to expand our hours and create as sustainable model over time,” said Ruppender. “But we need the volunteers to get [the Welcome
Center] off the ground.” Ruppender also plans to use the volunteer hours to get in-kind grant matches. “We will keep careful records. We’ll treat it as an investment.” “It’s a community project and I think its way better than a parking ticket office that was proposed [for that space] earlier this year.” WMG To volunteer, call Ruppender at 954-661-4740 or email artgallery21wcwm@gmail.com. Volunteer sheets are also on the city’s website WiltonManors.com.
Photo: J. R. Davis.
The plan is in place. The materials ready. All that’s needed now is a volunteer staff. In order to get the city’s Welcome Center up and running, Constance Ruppender needs volunteers. Ruppender, the founder of Art Gallery 21, located in The Woman’s Club of Wilton Manors, said she needs 32 volunteers to work two four-hour shifts a month for the next three or four months. “We’re particularly interested in gay and straight retired couples. Working people in pairs. Without
Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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November 2, 2016
Which Party in Washington is Better for Broward Real Estate?
Real Estate Geek
By James Oaksun I went to Wilton Manors City Hall last Saturday morning and voted early. Soon we will know the outcome – some will be pleased, many will be relieved that it is finally over. Last Friday we had the news of additional FBI investigations of some type (still as of this writing not sure what) regarding Secretary Clinton’s email or that of her close aide’s. On the announcement of that, the stock market dropped by one percent in one hour, suggesting that the market was already expecting a Clinton victory. That got me to thinking: if we look at historical price behavior of real estate here in Broward County, has having one party in power in Washington been better than another? Fortunately we have the data to perform that analysis. Previously I have shown what I call the “bubble chart” based on data from the Federal Housing Finance Authority, showing price history going back to 1975. We can also adjust that for inflation so that we can see real (inflation adjusted) returns. That chart is included here with the article. We also know who the various presidents were, and which parties controlled Congress (and the times when control of Congress was divided). My concern, of course, was what to say about the 2001-2006 bubble. Real prices more than doubled, and the Republicans were in full control in Washington (pretty much the only time they were). I’m concerned that might be so anomalous as to be misleading.
So what I’ve done is considered – separately – the issues of which party has the Presidency, and which party has the Congress. This gives many more observations, and when averaging the results produces a more credible and I think more significant result. First, consider the difference in real estate returns in times when we have had a Democratic President versus a Republican President. With a Democratic President, the average real (inflation adjusted) quarterly return in Broward real estate prices was 0.35%, with a standard deviation (a measure of variability) of 4.58%. When there was a Republican President (which included the time of the bubble and the start of the crash) the average real quarterly return was a bit lower – 0.28% – with slightly higher variability as the standard deviation was 5.06%. So in other words, looking at the experience of the last 41 years – and past performance cannot predict future results – having a Democratic President has been a little better for Broward real estate prices, both in total returns and in overall stability of prices. How about control of Congress? Here the situation is very different and much more clear-cut. Over the last 41 years, we have had 70 quarters (much more than just the bubble) with Republicans in control of Congress, 68 with Democrats in control, and 24 quarters of divided
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November 2, 2016
control. Having the Republicans in control of the Congress has been associated with far, far better real estate price performance here in Broward. The average real quarterly gain during periods of Republican control was 1.67%. That’s almost seven percent per year after inflation. Average real returns during periods of Democratic control of Congress, or divided control of Congress, were negative. I realize this news will not please some of my readers. Yes I know there is more to life than money. I just find these sorts of things interesting and share them with you for your information and education. And as I said, just because it happened before does not mean it will happen again. WMG James Oaksun, Broward’s Real Estate Geek(SM), is BrokerOwner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).
11.2.2016 •
Free Parking Returns to Courtyard Café Plaza
City Hall Car Charging Station Delayed
Parking plaza sold
By Michael d’Oliveira Drivers who were upset or just unhappy at having to pay to park at the shopping center where Courtyard Café and To The Moon are located, have a partial reprieve: parking is now free from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for customers who patronize one of the shopping center’s businesses. The parking meters had caused controversy because vehicles with handicapped stickers were not exempt from paying. Oakland Park Commission candidate Scott Herman said it was disrespectful to military veterans with disabilities to charge them to park. State law does not prohibit the owners of private parking lots from charging disabled individuals for parking. The Gazette was unable to reach the plaza’s new owner but Nick Berry, co-owner of Courtyard Café, said he’s received coupons allowing his customers to park for free. Berry and the owners of New York Grilled Cheese and Castelli Real
Estate are still trying to resolve the situation with the new owner. Up until recently, parking had been free. The change, said Berry, caused him to lose business because people were upset they had to start paying. Berry even received an anonymous angry letter from a group of customers who stated they wouldn’t eat as his restaurant anymore because they were being charged for parking. Berry said the issue was frustrating because he had nothing to do with the decision to charge for parking. According to the Broward Property Appraiser, the plaza was sold on Oct. 13 for $6 million. WMG
By Michael d’Oliveira Electric car drivers will have to wait a little longer to recharge at city hall. On Oct. 25, commissioners delayed a decision on allowing the installation of an electric car charging station in the city hall parking lot. The company installing the station, EVgo, wants a guarantee of five years to ensure it recoups its $40,000 investment. If installed, it would be a high voltage, fast charging station that could give 50 miles of charge in 15 minutes. But commissioners are worried that if they get a firm to enter into a public/ private partnership, to develop the city hall parking lot, the charging station could complicate the deal. Mayor Gary Resnick said the relocation clause of the agreement with EVgo was not strong enough and left the city liable for relocation costs if the charging station needed to be moved. “We don’t want to be hamstrung,” Resnick said. Jules Toraya, a representative for EVgo, said his company would be open to a
program that would reduce the cost of relocation the further into the contract the removal takes place. Commissioner Tom Green, who pointed to other cities that already have public charging stations, said he was glad Wilton Manors is finally catching up. “We’re certainly not on the forefront.” He added that he was disappointed the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization [MPO] didn’t go through with its plan to install charging meters at city hall but he was still hopeful they would do so at Mickel Park. The city will also work out whether or not drivers who use the space will have to pay the parking meter fees. Toraya said the company’s other stations don’t charge for parking because the additional cost makes the option less attractive to consumers. City staff estimated the spot generates about $500 per year. “500? Oh, my god,” said Green sarcastically. Green said he didn’t want to push EVgo away by being too demanding. WMG
Wilton Manors Vet Honored at Mayor’s Gala By Michael d’Oliveira Ruthanne Stadnick says her husband, Alexander “Skip” Stadnik, looked “quite handsome” in his tux at the annual United Way of Broward County’s Mayor’s Gala. But a tux doesn’t hold a candle to how Skip looked in his Army uniform, said Ruthanne. “Well, his uniform, my god,” she said when asked which one he looked better in. For his time wearing that uniform, Skip was honored at the Gala, which took place Oct. 25 at the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center. “We were all very proud of him,” Ruthanne said. “There were probably 500 people there. It was beautiful. It was a really nice affair. His son and daughter-in-law got to go and witness [him being honored].” She added that she and Skip were very appreciative of the table purchased by the city so that Skip’s family could attend. Also in attendance were Mayor Gary Resnick and Commissioner Tom Green. Every year, the United Way honors veterans from various Broward County municipalities. This year, 10 were honored with Stadnick, 82, being the second oldest behind a World War II
veteran. The $250 a plate dinner raises money for Mission United, a United Way program that assists veterans with employment services, legal assistance, education, financial services, health and housing support. Last year’s Gala raised $200,000. “I didn’t get there until the actual fighting was over. I had to spend three weeks over in Korea. Then, I came back and served my four years in the Reserve in South Florida. When the Cuban Missile Crisis happened, I had to put my uniform again and go back in. I trained a lot of medics.” He’s grateful for his time in the Army, 1952 to 1958 and four years in the Reserve, and appreciative of those who thanked him for his service. “Can you imagine being in front of 500 people applauding you? It was fantastic.” Now, he’s looking forward to honoring his fellow veterans at the city’s Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 11. “I’ve already written my speech. I’m going to have [veterans at the city’s ceremony] register so maybe one of them will be chosen for next year’s Gala.” WMG
Above: Skip Stadnik at the United Way of Broward County’s Mayor’s Gala. Right: Alexander “Skip” Stadnik during his time in service.
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Wilton Manors Compromises on Trans Healthcare Michael d’Oliveira Commissioner Julie Carson. Photo Credit: Facebook.
THE TIME IS NEAR! After at least two rejections by the city commission in past meetings, Wilton Manors will now offer employee health benefits related to gender reassignment surgery and procedures. The change came Tuesday after Commissioner Julie Carson, who had unsuccessfully proposed the measure in the past, suggested the funding should be taken out of the reserve fund. It passed 3-2, with Mayor Gary Resnick and Vice Mayor Scott Newton voting against. “I’ve been trying to find a way to make it work,” Carson said. She added that she understood the budget concerns but also wanted the benefits as a reflection of the city’s LGBT-friendly values. It was the fulfillment of a vow she made five months ago to not leave the T in LGBT behind. “I’ll make it work. I guarantee it,” she said in April. So, she took inspiration from the recent decision by the commission to set aside $50,000 from the reserve fund for a train station. That money was used to show the officials in charge of the Tri-Rail commuter rail extension that the city was serious about having one of the stations located here. The money will act as a placeholder. If a station is approved, commissioners say they will take the money from another part of the budget or possibly use grant funding. The ultimate hope by Carson and other commissioners is that federal law changes to make it mandatory for health insurance companies to cover the procedures. The cost of the transgender benefits to the city is $33,000 and includes procedures that are considered medically-necessary. Hormone-replacement therapy and gender
reassignment surgery, for instance, would be included. The transgender benefit is an add on to the city’s existing employee healthcare plan but officials don’t have to include it right away. “We can add this benefit anytime we want,” said Dio Sanchez, Human Resources director. Sanchez said that no city employees have requested the benefits yet. That lack of need was one of the reasons the benefits had been denied in the past. “If nobody’s asking for it, I don’t understand that,” Newton said. Carson said that an employee, either needing the procedures for themselves or for their child, might not have the courage to ask. Newton added that he was against spending $33,000 “for a maybe” and that even money taken from the reserve is money that can’t be used by taxpayers because it has been specifically set aside. Commissioner Tom Green said the city has other reserve money to use in case it’s needed. Commissioner Justin Flippen said using reserves was a way to get the benefits without taxing residents. Resnick said that the additional $33,000 would raise the cost of the insurance increase back to 15 percent after officials had worked to get it lowered. Resident Michael Rajner, who has spoken out in favor of the benefits on multiple occasions, criticized commissioners against the transgender benefits for having health insurance provided by the city even though they’re only part-time employees. He also said by not having transgender health benefits, the city is less inclusive and less attractive to talented transgender individuals looking to work for a municipality. WMG
On Nov. 16 and Nov. 23, see the voting results for who, what, and where our readers -- like you! -- have decided is the best of the best for the LGBT community in South Florida.
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November 2, 2016
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Taste of the Island
Around Town Check out what’s happening
By Michael d’Oliveira
Walk for Peace The 13th Annual Walk for Peace will be held on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 8 a.m. at Wilton Manors Elementary School. The cost is $10 for adults and children 18 and under are $8. The 3K Walk for Peace, which winds its way through the streets of Wilton Manors, is held to encourage students, families and members of the community to promote
Police survey The Community Affairs Advisory Board will discuss its police survey at its next meeting – tonight, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. at Hagen Park. The survey, which has not been released to the public yet, is designed to gauge public perception of the city’s police department. Members of the public are invited to attend and give their input. WMG
tolerance and self-confidence. Individuals who join the walk are encouraged to wear a shirt promoting their country of origin. Children who attend must be supervised by an adult. For a $100 donation, the Wilton Manors PTA will create specificallydesigned shirts. Visit WiltonManors.com for more information. WMG
Hawai’i Festival Hula performances, live island music, Polynesian vendors, Hawaiian food and games will be part of the Hawai’i Festival on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 2 to 6 p.m. at Mickel Park in Wilton Manors. Admission is free. Call 305-771-HULA or visit HulaFlorida.com. WMG
I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.
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da Fonseca Contemporânea, the newest art gallery on Wilton Drive, will hold its opening reception on Friday. Nov. 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the newly remodeled Zig Zag Building, 2201 Wilton Drive. “For its premier show, da Fonseca Contemporânea presents the works of its owner, Aster da Fonseca. Aster began working in 2012 on the Silver Series, presented in this show, which represents his interest in body forms and movement. In 2014, he began including geometric shapes, inspired by many of his contemporaries, eventually abandoning his curvy, sensual works and evolving in 2015 to more geometric work. The paintings
presented in this show represent the evolution of Aster’s works and his move to Florida in 2016, hence the show’s title ‘From One State to Another.’” For more information, email asterdf@icloud.com or call 202-494-1111. WMG
Wilton Manors on Track to Increase Early Voting Turnout Michael d’Oliveira Eric Reivik likes the convenience of early voting at Wilton Manors City Hall and the tradition of placing his ballot in the ballot box. “There’s something about the whole process which I think you miss when you do it by mail.” And apparently, a lot of people share Reivik’s preference for early voting. As of Oct. 30, 6,477 people have early voted at Wilton Manors City Hall. And with five days of early voting still left, it looks as if turnout will be higher than in 2012, which saw 8,459 voters cast an early ballot at City Hall. City Hall first became an early voting site in 2010. “[2012] was when it was 8 days instead of 14 days [in 2016],” said Tonya Edwards, spokesperson for the Broward Supervisor of Elections Office. The estimate in Broward was 31,400 on the first day of voting – Oct. 24. It was the highest number of early votes produced on a single day since early voting began in 2004. Officials say they’ve also received 86,000 mail ballots out of 173,000.
“These numbers are a good indication of a healthy democracy.” said Broward Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda Snipes. “We want to assure voters they can vote with confidence. We have more sites, longer hours of operation, and shorter wait times.” There are 21 early voting sites. Early voting is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at selected sites from now until Nov. 6. For a full list of sites, visit browardsoe.org or call the Broward County Supervisor of Elections at 954-357-7050. WMG
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The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.
New art gallery on Wilton Drive
I’m gay.
The 11th Annual Taste of the Island will be held Monday, Nov. 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Richardson Historic Park and Nature Preserve in Wilton Manors. More than 20 local restaurants will provide samples of their menus to attendees. Beverages will also be provided. All proceeds will benefit the Wilton Manors Historical Society, the Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors, the City of Wilton Manors Leisure Services Department, and the Wilton Manors Development Alliance. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased online at tasteoftheisland.org or at City Hall until Nov. 7. Participants include Angelo Elia The Bakery Bar/Angelo Elia Pizza Bar, Another Perfect Party, Aruba Beach Café, Bake Shop, Bar B Q Jack’s, Blue Martini Fort Lauderdale, Chef Ray, Delacaseas, Edible Arrangements, Fitlife Foods, Funky Buddha Brewery, Gym Sports Bar, Humpy’s Pizza, Kelly’s Landing, KRAVE Jerky, New York Grilled Cheese, Rumors Bar and Grill, Spanx The Hog BBQ, Tee Jay Thai Shushi, Trader Joes, Tropics Restaurant and Bar, Warsaw Coffee Company, Whole Foods and Wilton Discount Liquor. WMG
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Zig Zag Building Remodeled and Reopened Owner wants to fill the space with something not offered on the Drive Michael d’Oliveira Photo: Facebook.
In a city where blinking might make you miss the opening and closing of some restaurants, Anthony LoGrande wants to ensure his next tenant is more than just a flash in the pan. LoGrande, who recently purchased and remodeled the Zig Zag Building, located on Wilton Drive next to the city’s fire station, says he’s turned down multiple possible tenants because they wanted to open restaurants similar to those that already exist on Wilton Drive. “I’ve been more selective. I don’t want to see any cannibalization of existing business,” said LoGrande, a member of the Wilton Drive Improvement District and Economic Task Force. “I’m looking for synergy.” The available space is 1,245 sq. ft. on the corner of Wilton Drive and Northeast 22 Street. LoGrande wants a tenant in the mold of “What The Pho” and “Ethos,” two restaurants that serve cuisine that was lacking on Wilton Drive until they opened their doors. “I’ve actually turned down more people than I’ve entertained. I’d rather try to find somebody who wants to do something different, offer something different.” LoGrande has also kept much of the building for its traditional use:
professional office space. Previously, the building was owned and occupied by a marketing firm. And, aside from the art gallery, LoGrande has kept it that way. That daytime use is also something the city wants to encourage. “Encourage daytime and pedestrian traffic” is among the city’s stated goals for economic development. Previously, officials have also said they wanted to try and encourage more businesses that aren’t bars or restaurants. LoGrande, whose career has been focused on creating retail environments, has had his eye on The Zig Zag Building for a while. “I’ve always looked at that building and said ‘wow, what a coollooking building. It was meant to be.” LoGrande held an event Oct. 21 to celebrate the remodel of the Zig Zag Building. Community leaders, including the mayor and city commission, attended. Fort Lauderdale Commissioner Dean Trantalis, whose law firm is on Wilton Drive, also held an event the same night to celebrate the opening is his new office in the Island City Lofts. Trantalis’ old office was next to the Village Pub. “That’s the kind of thing I would love to see more of,” said Commissioner Tom Green about both openings. WMG
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ELECTION • endorsements
local Endorsements John McDonald
Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Endorsements: President - Hillary Clinton U.S. Senator Patrick E. Murphy U.S. Congressman (Dist. 18) Randy Perkins U.S. Congressman (Dist. 20) Alcee Hastings U.S. Congresswoman (Dist. 21) Lois Frankel U.S. Congressman (Dist. 22) Ted Deutch State Senator (Dist. 30) Bobby Powell State Senator (Dist. 31) Jeff Clemens State Representative (Dist 82) Mary W. Higgins State Representative (Dist. 85) Robert Simeone State Representative (Dist 86) Matt Willhite State Representative (Dist 90) Lori Berman County Commissioner (Dist. 1) CO-ENDORSEMENT - Tony Bennett and Hal R. Valeche County Commissioner (Dist. 3) David Kerner County Commissioner (Dist. 5) Mary Lou Berger School Board Member (Dist. 1) Barbara McQuinn Circuit Court Judge (Group 4) Gregory Tendrich County Court Judge (Group 11) Gregg Lerman Port of Palm Beach (Group 3) Jean L. Enright Palm Beach Soil & Water Conservation Group 3 Patricia “Pat” Edmonson Palm Beach Soil and Water Conservation (Group 4) Rob Long Amendment 2: Yes
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Equality Florida endorsements for the 2016 general election State Races: Rod Smith - Florida Senate District 8 Linda Stewart - Florida Senate District 13 Victor Torres, Jr. - Florida Senate District 15 Darryl Rouson - Florida Senate District 19 Frank Alcock III - Florida Senate District 23 Jeff Clemens - Florida Senate District 27 Bobby Powell - Florida Senate District 30 Gary Farmer - Florida Senate District 34 Dwight Bullard - Florida Senate District 40 Lorrane Ausley - Florida House District 9 Amanda Murphy - Florida House District 36 John Cortes - Florida House District 43 Beth Turra (LGBT) - Florida House District 47 Amy Mercado - Florida House District 48 Carlos Guillermo Smith (LGBT) - Florida House District 49 Rena Frazier - Florida House District 59 David Singer - Florida House District 60 Lisa Montelione - Florida House District 63 Ben Diamond - Florida House District 68 Jennifer Webb (LGBT) - Florida House District 69 Wengay Newton - Florida House District 70 Edward James - Florida House District 72 Robert Simeone - Florida House District 85 Matt Willhite - Florida House District 86 Lori Berman - Florida House District 90 Ken Keechl (LGBT) - Florida House District 93
Ivette Gonzales Petkovich - Florida House District 103 Richard Stark - Florida House District 104 David Richardson (LGBT) - Florida House District 113 Daisy Baez - Florida House District 114 Robert Asencio - Florida House District 118 Holly Raschein - Florida House District 120
Local Races: Mike Byerly - Alachua County Commission District 1 Robert Hutchinson - Alachua County Commission District 3 Michael Udine - Broward County Commission District 3 Steve Geller - Broward County Commission District 5 Cathy James (LGBT) - Hillsborough School Board 7 Pat Kemp - Hillsborough County Commission District 6 Eleanor Sobel - Mayor, City of Hollywood Jose Alvarez - Mayor, Kissimmee Angela Eady - Kissimmee City Commission, District 3 Frank Mann - Lee County Commission District 5 Richard Chervony - North Bay Island Commissioner, North Bay Village Andreana Jackson - Treasure Island Commissioner, North Bay Village David Hasilif - Okeechobee County Commission District 1 Peggy Choudry - Osceola County Commission District 1 Brandon Arrington - Osceola County Commission District 3 Daniel Wall-Desousa - Palm Bay City Council Seat Dave Kerner - Palm Beach County Commission District 3 Mary Lou Berger - Palm Beach County Commission District 5 Charlie Justice - Pinellas County Commission District 3 At-Large Ken Welch - Pinellas County Commission District 7, Single Member Dr. Matt Stewart (LGBT) - Pinellas County School Board 1 Gary Resnick (LGBT) - Mayor, Wilton Manors Tom Green (LGBT) - City Commission, Wilton Manors Julie Carson (LGBT) - City Commission, Wilton Manors
Below are the general election endorsements from SAVE’s Action Pac. Federal: Hillary Clinton, U.S. President, Patrick Murphy, U.S. Senate, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, U.S. Congress, (D-FL 23), Joe Garcia, U.S. Congress (D-FL26), U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL 27). State & Local (Broward): Ken Keechl, Florida House District 93, Senator Eleanor Sobel, Mayor of Hollywood, Maria Jackson, Hollywood, Commission Seat 2, Lea Krauss, Broward 17th Circuit Group 9, Mayor Gary Resnick, Mayor of Wilton Manors, Commissioner Julie Carson, Wilton Manors Commission, and Commissioner Tom Green, Wilton Manors Commission. State & Local (Miami-Dade): Mayor Carlos Gimenez, Miami-Dade County Mayor, Florida Senator Rene Garcia, District 36, Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla & Representative Jose Javier Rodriguez, Florida Senate 37, Phillip Brutus, FL Senate 38, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Florida 39, Senator Dwight Bullard, District 40, Ivette Gonzalez-Petkovich, FL House 103, Nicholas Duran,
Florida House 112, Representative David Richardson, Florida House 113, Daisy Baez, Florida House 114, Jeffrey “Doc” Solomon, Florida House 115, Representative Jose Felix Diaz, Florida House 116, Robert Asencio, Florida House 118, Representative Holly Raschein, Florida House 120, Modesto ‘Mo’ Abety, Miami-Dade School Board District 6, Carol “Jodi” Breece, Miami-Dade 11th Circuit Group 52, Harvey Ruvin, Clerk of Courts, Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps, Mayor of North Bay Village, Sandra Ruiz, Mayor of Doral. Amendment 1: No Amendment 2: Yes Retain Florida Supreme Court Justices Charles T. Canady, Jorge LaBarga and Ricky L. Polston. Founded in 1993, SAVE stands for Saveguarding American Values for Everyone. It is recognized as South Florida’s leading organization protecting LGBT people from discrimination.
POLITICS out on the trail Daniel P. Diaz. Photo Credit: Facebook.
Pompano Candidate Tries Trump Tactics
John McDonald
he Trump effect is trickling down ballot in Pompano Beach where a candidate for city commission has resorted to name calling. Daniel P. Diaz, who is challenging Commissioner Barry Moss for the district five seat, is referring to Moss as “Lazy Moss” in Facebook postings. “Lazy Moss supports taking the benediction — regardless of the faith represented —out of the Commission meeting agenda. If Lazy Moss won’t allow your faith to be represented, what else will he ignore?,” reads a posting on the Facebook page Daniel P. Diaz for City Commission. Moss, who is gay, was elected to Pompano Beach Commission in 2014, filling the seat of retiring commissioner George Brummer. District five covers western Pompano Beach, including the community of Palm Aire, where Moss serves on the executive board of Palm Aire United.
When reached for comment Tuesday afternoon by SFGN, Moss said Diaz’s campaign had reached a new low. “It’s kind of pathetic for him to go into the gutter like this,” Moss said. Referring to Moss as “Lazy Moss” is clearly a tactic from the Donald Trump playbook. During his Presidential campaign, Trump has called rivals, “Crooked Hillary,” “Lyin’ Ted,” “Little Marco,” and “Crazy Bernie.” Despite the name-calling, Diaz is endorsed by the Christian Family Association of Florida. In earning that endorsement, Diaz pledged to support marriage benefits as defined by one man and one woman. “I think he’s homophobic and out of his league,” said Moss. Moss worked for 23 years as a real estate appraiser in Washington, D.C. and served on the staffs of U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island and U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentson of Texas.
Despite the name-calling, Diaz is endorsed by the Christian Family Association of Florida. 11.2.2016 •
FEATURE st. andrew’s school
Gay Whistleblower Fired from St. Andrew’s School in Boca
Teacher describes a toxic environment filled with homophobia and racism Jason Parsley
have to tell you this is the most racist and homophobic place I’ve ever worked,” declared Scott Melton in April at a faculty meeting in front of dozens of teachers, administrators and the board of trustees of Saint Andrew’s private school in Boca Raton. One teacher who attended vividly recalled the meeting. “When Scott stood up his voice was trembling, you could see he was upset,” the teacher said. “He was forceful in saying this school is not welcoming to gay people and people of color and it has to stop.” The day after the meeting, he complained to the head of his department that certain administrators were attempting to cover up a possible sex abuse scandal, alleging that outside authorities were not being notified, as required by Florida law. The next day Melton, 52, was put on a paid leave of absence – never to return. Melton, who is an openly gay, black, Jewish man, doesn’t know if he was pushed out because of his sexuality, or because he was a whistleblower – or a combination of both. Regardless, he’s devastated and angry. Melton loved his job as an English, History and German teacher. He loved it so much that when he started six years ago he gave up his social life and backed away from his involvement with the gay community in Fort Lauderdale.
“Therefore, due to the hostile work environment and lack of information I have experienced … I am forced to give my resignation … and seek employment elsewhere.” - Scott Melton, pictured 42
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“Even being openly out and gay at Saint Andrews was not necessarily a safe thing,” he said. Even though Saint Andrew’s is a Christian school, they have a non-discrimination clause that covers sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Additionally, they have a policy protecting whistleblowers. Melton resigned from his position at the school on June 27, while still on his leave of absence. “Since being put on administrative leave with pay, I have been contacted only once. Saint Andrew’s School has been negligent and derelict in duty to communicate my status for not only this year but also for the 2016-2017 school year,” his letter of resignation reads. “Therefore, due to the hostile work environment and lack of information I have experienced … I am forced to give my resignation … and seek employment elsewhere.” Melton filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the school asking for back pay, lost fringe benefits, compensatory damages and reinstatement. The lawsuit alleges that the school violated state law by retaliating against Melton for being a whistleblower. In an earlier letter to the school from his lawyer he separately alleged discrimination based on his race and sexual orientation. After this story was published online SFGN obtained a copy of an email exchange between the school’s Human Resources department and a lawyer for the school. According to the exchange it appears the school debated whether to fire Melton or send him a letter of reprimand admonishing him for his cover up allegations and for accusing an administrator of being homophobic and racist. The school’s lawyer gives her thoughts on the school’s chances of winning a lawsuit if they chose to fire Melton. “This means it is highly unlikely that the school would get summary judgment on a claim that Scott might assert for either discrimination, retaliation, or whistleblower
FEATURE st. andrew’s school activities. The case would either students, who requested anonymity out of have to settle or go trial,” the email fear of retaliation. reads. “His class was amazing. It was my Melton contends that instead of favorite. He always listened. If we had a making a decision, the school took problem, we could always come to him. We no action at all, leaving him hanging. could always trust him,” she said. “For the SFGN interviewed five current school to treat him with so much disrespect teachers at the school, all of whom it’s really frustrating. He was trying to teach requested anonymity because us. To challenge us.” they feared retaliation from the As for the content of the class? administration. It also states in the “There were controversial themes but it employee handbook that teachers made you think about both sides, to help are not allowed to speak to the press. you understand,” she said. “At school if we “If anyone speaks to the press were so sensitive to everything we’d be so they’ll be immediately fired,” one sheltered and wouldn’t be prepared for the source said. “No one would dare real world.” speak out against the administration After this story was published online last - Annie Wilkin – it’s a retaliatory environment week another student came forward to tell without so much as a second SFGN his experience in Melton’s class. thought.” “My entire life I was just a homophobic All five had nothing but glowing things to say about person. I was never informed about it. I was never Melton and his teaching. All of them were heartbroken around gay people. I wanted to avoid it as much as at his treatment and sad that he’s no longer at the possible whenever the gay subject came up. I was school. And all of them want justice. scared I was going to be uncomfortable in his class,” the “Scott did the right thing, and they ruined him for student recalled. it,” one source said. Another: “Scott got the rawest deal He credits Melton for his change of heart. I’ve ever seen anywhere.” And yet another said Melton “He helped me break through that phase I guess,” he wasn’t the only one concerned about the sex abuse said. “It really upset me when I read that people said allegations. “A lot of people were asking about it. But he there was too much gay content in his class and that he was targeted. I believe it’s because he’s gay.” was teaching too gay. It’s just not true. He was openly Michael Feehan, an English teacher who retired this gay. He was honest about it. And I respected that a lot. If year, spoke to SFGN on the record. I ever needed advice I could go to him.” “I feel extremely sorry for Scott and do not believe he was treated justly. I respect and admire him. He related very well with students, especially gay students,” he Out And Proud At St. Andrew’s said. “And he was very active in providing safe spaces for LGBT students. He was a colleague whom I was proud “I felt for Scott,” said former teacher Annie Wilkin. of.” Wilkin, who identifies as a queer woman, only lasted Melton started at Saint Andrew’s in 2010 and for the a year at Saint Andrew’s. She left in June. first four years everything was relatively smooth. But last It was her first time working at a Christian school. year an administrator told him in private to tone down SFGN asked if she was being naïve about what she the gay content in his classroom. Sources confirmed to would experience there. SFGN that Melton mentioned those incidents to them “I don’t think so,” the 29-year-old said. “I got married around the time they occurred. in the Episcopal Church two months before I arrived. I In the fall of 2015 he was pulled into a meeting with was so pumped to be there. I went into the year feeling Sara Rubinstein, Head of the Upper School, where he very strongly about being out.” said she denied that she ever said there was “too much Wilkin said the Episcopal Church was more gay content” in his class, but then reprimanded him for welcoming than other Christian denominations so she showing a video that was pro-gay. Melton also claims didn’t think there would be a problem. She started a she accused him of being anti-Christian. QSA (queer straight alliance) with a handful of students The content in question was a Betty Bowers video, at the school. which apparently caused such a stir that a student She was impressed the students wanted to call it complained. Bowers is a character played by Deven a QSA instead of a gay straight alliance in order to be Green, a Canadian comedian, performer and musician. more inclusive. She’s known for video comedy parodies, including “To be queer on campus, you have to be a certain her performance as the satirical character Mrs. Betty type of queer. You had to do a particular performance. Bowers, "America's Best Christian.” You could be gay, but not that gay,” she explained. “A “The class was controversial,” Melton said of his few of the administrators felt the QSA was a feather Theory of Knowledge class. “It was about how do you in the school’s cap. Having a club is one thing. But know what you know. That’s the whole purpose of doing support consistently throughout the year is the class, to question belief structures and faith and another. This is a culture that denies diversity of any knowledge.” kind, so it’s very difficult to address. These kids are so SFGN also interviewed one of Melton’s former homogenous.”
“To be queer on campus, you have to be a certain type of queer.”
She explained further that the school really reinforced traditional gender roles so an effeminate gay man would not be as welcome there. And when two of the anonymous sources were asked about “gay content” they thought it was referencing Melton being too flamboyant. “His expressions, movement of his hands, the way he presented himself. He taught too gay,” one source said. “Here is a guy who is gay, but not involved with any students, blows a whistle on something that shouldn’t be happening. And he’s put on administrative leave.” Besides the QSA, Wilkin also launched the Positive Space Campaign. That idea, she said, proved to be too radical for the school and it received a chilly reception. Some students complained the project would attempt to shut down their religious beliefs. The project was started at the University of British Columbia and “aims to foster a welcoming atmosphere and inclusive, respectful dialogue on campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities by identifying spaces where sexual and gender diversity is supported and valued.” “It’s a movement of inclusivity,” Wilkin said.
Conitnued on Next Page.
11.2.2016 •
FEATURE st. andrew’s school “It’s about creating a space where queer people are welcome.” Wilkin can’t remember the exact words from one administrator but “the message that I got is that the school would never champion queer rights and never market itself as a school that would support LGBTQ kids.” Wilkin declined to identify the administrator in question. She understood the concerns of the students who complained, but also noted that the project would “make it impossible for them to discriminate against gay people. They want to have a worldwide view that excludes gay people. One student [against the project] in particular felt very strongly that it was shutting down the conversation.” Wilkin said the campaign was really meant to create a safe space for anyone who felt different in some way. “One of the biggest issues [at the school] was the sort of denial of diversity issues in general,” she noted. For the most part it was a feeling that she got on campus. She said it’s hard to articulate. This isn’t the first time Saint Andrew’s has been accused of being hostile toward a gay teacher either. In 2006 Dominick Giombetti, a newly hired English and drama teacher, resigned after only six weeks when the school learned he would play gay roles in local theaters. Here’s an exert from the now defunct Independent Gay News: “During the day he started to hear comments such as ‘faggot’ behind his back. Speaking with The Independent he said that ‘I threw up several times in the bathroom that day.’ He continued teaching until lunchtime. ‘The day was a blur. I felt that I had been hit by a baseball bat.’” Giombetti told the school he would not give up acting. He claimed he was told "the best case scenario is that the board will let you finish your year and then we'll part ways.” Instead he decided to resign. The school addressed the controversy with this statement: "It is important to note that any concern that members of the administration expressed to Dominick had nothing to do with sexual orientation. The concern was the idea of a Middle School drama teacher involving himself in theater productions with adult themes. Saint Andrew's School would have the same concern regardless of the teacher's sexual orientation or membership in any other protected category.” While Palm Beach County is generally seen as a progressive place in terms of LGBT
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rights, with more than 90 pro-LGBT laws on the books throughout the county and its municipalities, the same can’t be said for Boca Raton. It was only four years ago when the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council launched the “Boca Bigots Run City Hall” campaign and a city official compared the struggle for LGBT equality to pet lover’s rights. “What’s to keep other groups from wanting to be protected?” the city official told SFGN at the time. “How about me? I’m a pet lover. I think I should be included in your anti-discrimination law. Someone who has dogs should not be discriminated against either.”
Sara Rubinstein
Head of the Upper School
Private School Engulfed in Controversy This year Saint Andrew’s, which is a private day and boarding school on Jog Road near Glades, has been embroiled in one controversy after another with multiple top officials resigning including some board members. One of those controversies involved a House Parent accused of being overly friendly with some of the male students who lived on campus. He was caught in a long embrace with one student; a sick student spent 4 nights in a row at his house; and he was caught going to the beach with a student after midnight. These incidents were not reported to independent or external law enforcement agencies, as Florida law suggests they should have been. Instead, they were closed after an internal investigation concluded that while the teacher’s actions may have been deemed inappropriate, there was no showing of sexual abuse. The Department of Children and Family services and Boca Raton police department were not notified until April, six months after the school had parted ways with the teacher in question. An investigation by David Wolowitz, an attorney with McLane Middleton, a New England professional association hired to look into the school's problems, seemed to indicate that without Scott Melton’s attempts to bring attention to the matter it would have remained under wraps. “Without the cover up allegations in 2016 … this matter would not have been raised to the full Board of Trustee level or reported to the DCF and the child protection issues raised now would not have been put forth to be addressed to protect students at Saint Andrew’s in the future,” the investigation reads. Florida law requires school officials and employees to report suspicion of child abuse to law enforcement authorities or to a child
abuse hotline. Failure to do so could result in a third-degree felony charge. While the investigation did not find any instances of sexual abuse it did outline numerous failings among administrators on how they handled the situation. It also noted administrators were concerned about potential sex abuse. According to a news report published in the Sun Sentinel, the teacher in question was let go from the school, terminated with a two-month severance package requiring each side to agree to a neutral reference. The day before Melton was put on his leave of absence he confronted an administrator over the investigation saying the school was not following Florida law by not reporting the incidents to an outside agency. “While we appreciate your questions regarding specific individuals, please understand that matters related to personnel are confidential,” said St. Andrew’s spokesperson Carlos Barroso in reference to Melton’s employment at the school. SFGN also reached out to Rubinstein directly, but she was not able to publicly comment. The Wolowitz report backs up Melton’s claims. In fact, it says this, “I am deeply concerned that some administrators have asserted … that no students were harmed by the House Parent in question, because there was no sexual misconduct. There is likely no way to determine conclusively what occurred behind closed doors.
However, even assuming there was no sexual misconduct there was clearly misconduct. Despite their duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of students, there is no indication in the Jones Report that either [administrator] took any steps at this point to address the concerns raised about the House Parent’s behavior with these … students.” In a similar incident to Melton’s, another former teacher and counselor at the school, Theo Stephenson, is also claiming that she was forced out for being a whistleblower. She also happens to be a black woman. In a letter sent to the school’s board of trustees last week she said “[An administrator] has displayed prejudice against people of color, declaring that I am not ‘a good fit’ for St. Andrew’s despite my exemplary track record and credentials.” In the letter Stephenson goes into great detail how she repeatedly alerted the school of another incident where one male student groped a female student and it was never reported to any agency outside of the school. Stephenson’s accusatory email goes on to read that “[The administrator] has shown a pattern of behavior that is detrimental to the health and well-being of the students at St. Andrew’s School. She ignores legitimate concerns from trained mental health professionals, sweeps instances of sexual abuse under the rug, and is far more concerned with promoting her own career rather than watching out for the students under her care.”
If you have any information regarding this story Jason Parsley can be reached at 561-706-6646 or Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com.
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11.2.2016 •
Publisher's Editorial
20 Things You Won’t Ever See in Hillary’s Emails
Norm Kent
Accordingly, we stand by our endorsement s the campaign for the Presidency of the United States winds down, and when the of Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidency. If next issue of SFGN is published one day you have not voted yet, please do so. You know, later than usual, we will know whether or not our outside the speech at the Manor a protestor wore a mask and a shirt suggesting Hillary was nation has elected its first female president. Our paper will be published on Thursday, ‘crooked,’ ignorantly suggesting that the ‘emails not Wednesday, next week, so that we can prove it.’ No, the emails prove that a good and decent more comprehensively cover local and national elections, along with critical statewide servant may have inappropriately treated secure amendments, such as the petition to allow government information improperly. But after medical marijuana dispensaries in the State of numerous inquiries and investigations, the FBI Florida. Polling at a 71 percent favorability rating, concluded that the Secretary never had criminal we suspect that this amendment will prevail this intent and could and should not be prosecuted. However, since the emails have again become time around. We don’t know for sure that Hillary Rodham a tangential issue, SFGN will wrap up its editorial Clinton will win this election, and if you support coverage of this election by pointing out what the her, and have not voted, please do so. One thing emails will never include. In those emails, we will never see Secretary you learn in Florida is not to take votes for granted. In the year 2000, when SFGN’s predecessor, the Clinton bragging and boasting how she can step Express Gay News, debuted, South Florida voters into teenage Miss America pageants and see high became the focus of the nation’s attention. The school girls naked. We will never see Secretary Clinton bragging Presidency was decided by 537 votes. There were about grabbing the genitalia of men more than that many gay voters anytime she wants because she has unable to get into the Manor this title and stature and was a ‘star’, a past weekend to see Secretary In those emails, status her opponent showcased, Clinton. we will never boasted, and confessed to- openly It was no easy task to pull off and on tape. this event on 24 hours notice, and see Secretary We will never read in those we should applaud and thank the Clinton emails how Secretary Clinton spent management for doing so. It was bragging and years as a traitor, conspiratorially equally frustrating for the many and falsely accusing the President who could not get in, expecting boasting how of the United States as having been instead to attend an outdoor event she can step born in Kenya. open to all the public. But please into teenage We will never read any be tolerant of the circumstances. Miss America documents suggesting that First, the weather was foreboding, Secretary Clinton purposely and and the opportunity to host a future pageants and willfully discriminated against president in a local LGBT venue see high school African Americans in housing, as was unique. The presenters, the girls naked. her opponent was accused of doing HotSpots Media Group, and the 44 years ago. local Democratic Party, properly We will never read an email seized the moment. Consequently, last Sunday was a historic day suggesting that the generals serving our armed for Wilton Manors. It was not just that Secretary forces are ‘rubble’ and that our military is a Clinton spoke at a gay club. It was recognition ‘disaster,’ or that she presumes to know more that our community, the LGBT community, is a than they do about warfare. We will never read a document claiming she powerful force in the national political debate. Let’s face it; there are things we need to protect, needed a draft deferment in 1968 because she had starting with the Supreme Court’s ruling on ‘bad heels.’ Ironically, the same year Trump was draft-dodging Vietnam, he was claiming to be the marriage equality. The Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is ‘best baseball player in the history of New York.’ We will never see Secretary Clinton disgracing more than a flawed candidate. He is flatly an evil, angry person, interested more in advancing his the service Senator John McCain offered to the name than our country. He is a demagogue of the U.S., first as a soldier, then as a prisoner of war. worst kind. It is not just that he is personally toxic We won’t hear Secretary Clinton mocking his and poisoned the debate with ridicule and name- capture. We won’t hear Secretary Clinton mocking calling. His candidacy, like his persona, is mean and mendacious, boisterous and belligerent. He the mother of a soldier who lost her son in the Iraqi conflict, or denying that she voted for and has brought nastiness to a new level.
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supported that war when she thought it was the right thing to do. Her opponent, however, the liar that he is, goes on the air and admits support for the conflict. Then he denies the very words he published at a national debate. Pants on fire, Donald. We won’t ever see in those emails a call by Secretary Clinton to build a border wall because all Mexicans are rapists and criminals, and some murderers. We won’t ever see in those emails words from Secretary Clinton suggesting that all Muslims should be banned from the U.S. We won’t ever see from Clinton an email suggesting gays should be denied the right to marry, or that Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. Trump, divorced three times, wants to deny you the right to be married once. We won’t ever see a memo from Clinton that the late Justice Antonin Scalia is exactly the kind of jurist she wants to make the next Supreme Court nominee. Nor will she demean his dignity or disgrace his title by disparaging him personally. Rather, she will salute his stature and service, as a presidential candidate should. We won’t ever see an email where Secretary Clinton reduces her campaign to childish namecalling, referring to her adversaries as ‘Low Energy Jeb,’ ‘Little Marco’ or ‘Lying Ted.’ We won’t ever see an email where the Secretary mocks reporters with disabilities, or scoffs at those who are physically challenged. We won’t see emails, either, will we, referring to women as ‘flat chested’, ‘pigs’ or ‘bimbos’ because
they don’t measure up to some number or rating, the kind her opponent brags that he gives every female. We won’t see emails from a former Miss Universe degraded and demeaned for gaining weight. We won’t see any emails where Secretary Clinton brags about beating people up that disagree with her, or promising to kick the s**t out of them. We won’t see any emails where Secretary Clinton brags about how she refused to release her tax returns or ‘gamed’ the system by not paying her fair share of taxes. We won’t see the Secretary after a debate say the questions were too one-sided, the microphone not working, the moderators too biased. Clinton, like she did in a 12-hour congressional hearing earlier this year, rises to challenges, unlike her opponent who has an excuse for every failing. We won’t see any emails from the former Senator from New York declaring that she will not accept the results of this election, and that our entire system is ‘rigged,’ ‘corrupt’ or that the ‘fix is in against her.’ We won’t read in any of Secretary Clinton’s emails that the media is ‘crooked’, ‘dishonest,’ and not giving her enough attention, whining like a crybaby that she is not getting adequate coverage. This list could probably go on, but the message is the same. When Tuesday comes, America will be served best if we elect Hillary Rodham Clinton the next President of the United States.
11.2.2016 •
Jesses Journal Photo:Charles Pratt
Jesse Monteagudo
Alphabet Soup
he evolution of the way we describe ourselves took another turn recently when GLAAD recommended that media organizations add Q to the acronym LGBT. In the tenth edition of its Media Reference Guide, released October 26, GLAAD “encouraged journalists and other media content creators to adopt the use of ‘LGBTQ’ as the preferred acronym to most inclusively describe the community. … GLAAD today also renewed its commitment to working on behalf of queeridentified people, updating its mission to include ‘queer’ in the organization’s work to accelerate acceptance for LGBTQ people.” Though here the letter Q stands for “queer,” in some other places it might also stand for “questioning.” In either case, as GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis told the Advocate, “one of the biggest drivers toward adding the Q is we’re seeing more and more of the younger generation
adopting the Q,” finding the terms lesbian, gay or bisexual too limiting or loaded with cultural baggage. “This is our opportunity to look forward and reclaim the word in a very visible way.” In any case, the term “gay community” should be avoided, “as it does not accurately reflect the diversity of the [LGBTQ] community.” There was a time when we considered “gay community” to be a compliment. Before Stonewall, gay men were called homosexuals lesbians were already lesbians - when we were not called pansies, nancys, fairies, faggots, sodomites or sexual perverts as well as queers. Early activists called ourselves homophiles, though that term did not last. After Stonewall, we continued to use the term homosexual for a while until it was eventually replaced by “gay men and women.” This did not last long, as queer women rightly demanded an end to the
I am a gay man, though part of an LGBT or LGBTQ community. And I am also a queer man, though I came from a generation that thought queer was a dirty word.
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lesbian invisibility brought about by this all-inclusive term. “Gay men and women” became “gay men and lesbians” and, eventually, “lesbians and gay men.” By the 1980s bisexual people came forward on their behalf and our group title became “lesbian, gay and bisexual people,” LGB or LesBiGay. By the gay ‘90s our group acronym was changed again, this time reflecting transgender awareness, to GLBT or, more commonly, LGBT. (Some groups use the term LBGT, placing bisexuals after lesbians and before gay men.) LGBTQ is another step in our road to inclusion. Though LGBTQ is a step forward as far as we are concerned, it will not be the end of our efforts to expand our community’s alphabet soup. To LGBTQ we could add the letter I for Intersex, P for Pansexuals, 2S for Two-Spirit and A for Asexuals and/or Allies. That should cover everyone alive or dead except for those people who hate us. If I left
anyone out, please let me know. Though this ever-expanding acronym can be cumbersome, it is the right thing to do. All of us, regardless of our sexual orientation or our gender identity, have the right to name ourselves, even when we work together. I remember the first time I was called an “LGBT person.” Though I understood where the caller, a well-meaning ally, was coming from, I do not consider myself to be an “LGBT person.” I am a gay man, though part of an LGBT or LGBTQ community. And I am also a queer man, though I came from a generation that thought queer was a dirty word. Thus I am both a G and a Q - as well as a Cuban-American, a Jew, a Lefty, a Progressive Democrat, and a nudist. And though I am not lesbian, bisexual or transgender, I support their goals and their interests and commit myself to be part of our inclusive LGBTQ community. Working together we will eventually achieve our unique and common rights.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
Editorial Cartoon
By Andy Marlette
I’m Asking For Your Vote. If you have already Voted, THANK YOU! Proudly Endorsed by: Please Vote: Tuesday November 8, 2016
TIM LONERGAN for Oakland Park City Commission
More to Accomplish!
“Lonergan is an enthusiastic and informed commissioner who was first elected in 2013. He deserves another term.”
“We think he is an excellent choice for another four-year term.” “The affable Lonergan has ably represented the city at innumerable events. He’s seen at nearly every city-sponsored events and continues to volunteer on cleanups and as a member of the city’s Volunteer Corps. And he’s not just there for the photo op. He rolls up his sleeves and gets to work.”
Greater Fort Lauderdale Realtors
Metro-Broward Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 3080
The Hispanic Vote
The Dolphin Democrats
Broward County AFL-CIO
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Tim Lonergan, non-partisan for Oakland Park City Commission 11.2.2016 •
lifestyle photos
Wicked manors On Monday night, Oct. 31, the sun set just in time for the fun to begin on Wilton Drive! Take a look at ‘Political Nightmare – Scandals, Secrets & Sins,’ hosted by The Pride Center. J.R. Davis
To see many more photos, visit SFGN.com on Facebook.
1 1.2.2016
11.2.2016 •
lifestyle food
Submitted photos.
Raw Poke Bar
Poke House
Rick Karlin
ll right, I may be mixing up my islands with that headline; poke is Hawaiian, not Jamaican, but with poke being the latest food fad, I just couldn’t resist. I should amend that to say it’s trending on the mainland, because in Hawaii, it’s long been a standard dish, as ubiquitous at parties as spinach artichoke dip or potato salad. Poke (pronounced pohkeh) is a raw fish salad, usually served as an appetizer or over rice for a light lunch. The name comes from the Hawaiian word meaning to slice, cut or section. And that’s exactly what poke is; diced fish with a little bit of seasoning. Some say the dish began with fishermen chopping the leftover scraps from their catch to serve as a snack. The traditional dish uses aku, an oily variety of tuna, but on the mainland, most dishes feature readily available ahi tuna. For poke, fish is traditionally tossed with a few key seasoning ingredients just before serving. The key to poke is that it must be freshly made. If the dish sits too long, the fish will begin to marinate and become more like a ceviche. While a number of restaurants already offer poke on the menu, two restaurants specializing in poke have already opened in Fort Lauderdale, and if they’re successful, we’re certain to see more. As with any raw fish, make certain the product is fresh and conditions are sanitary. If you walk into a poke place and it smells like fish; turn around and walk out, fresh fish has almost no smell. Both of the new(ish) Fort Lauderdale poke restaurants have passed my smell test and if you’re looking to try Hawaii’s favorite meal, check them out.
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It’s Poke, Mon! Raw Poke Bar 1304 E. Las Olas, Fort Lauderdale 954-903-7752 RawPokeBar.com Poke here is made from either tuna or salmon, with marinated tofu subbing in a vegetarian version. Dishes are prepared atop rice or wrapped in a burrito and are priced from $12 to $16. There are a number of signature bowls and burritos, or you may create your own. The only other menu offering is a variety of gelati for dessert. The small storefront, restaurant located in the Las Olas Chabad Jewish Center (the restaurant is Kosher) offers limited seating.
Poke House 666 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale 754-200-4555 ThePokeHouse.com Located in a slightly larger storefront (formerly occupied by Primo Hoagies) Poke House offers a much more pleasant atmosphere, with lots of reclaimed wood and even a table made out of a surfboard! The menu is also more expansive. Poke here is made with a choice of tuna, salmon and hamachi, as well as a tofu version. In addition to build your own versions, there are specialty bowls, priced from $14-$16. The bowls feature a choice of white, green or black rice, quinoa or baby kale. Poke is also served in tacos, atop nachos or in steamed Asian baos for $9-$10. Side dishes include crab salad and seaweed salad.
Do the Hokey Poke Poke is a simple dish, made with five key ingredients.
Fish: if making poke at home, you must use fresh fish that has been 1. properly butchered, handled and stored. Since the term “sashimigrade” isn’t regulated, you might find fish labeled for sashimi that could be
questionable, while fresh (never frozen) fish at the supermarket might be a superior grade. The best way to be sure of the quality of the fish is to head to a specialty market with high enough turnover that you can be assured that the fish on display is fresh. If you’re using tuna to prepare poke, look for pieces that have relatively little connective tissue (the white membrane that separates muscles), it can make the fish tough and chewy. Look for a deep red color from the back or side of the fish. I always make certain my knife is sharp and I rub the blade with a piece of raw lemon before slicing. To cut the cubes for poke, first slice with the grain into strips, then cube each slice. The same technique applies to salmon and hamachi.
Onions: mince a sweet onion. Maui onions are traditional, but if 2. you can’t find them, Vidalia or Bermuda are good substitutes, even a shallot will do in a pinch. Some like to mix the sweet onion with a bit of scallions or, if available, spring ramps.
Seaweed: in Hawaii it’s always the variety known as limu. It’s hard 3. to find on the mainland and you can substitute strips of nori or furikake. Your best bet is to head to a Japanese grocery store and ask for hijiki. There may only be a dash of seaweed in the dish, but it is imperative.
Dressing: make your own with a little low-sodium soy sauce (about 4. ¼ cup), sesame oil (1 tsp.) and a touch of honey (1/2 tsp.). You don’t need much, just enough to lightly coat and flavor the fish.
Sesame seeds: a mixture of black and white is best, toast them for a few second in a hot pan and sprinkle over the dish.
If you plan on serving this for a party, prepare everything and place in bowls, cover and refrigerate the fish. Toss it all together at the table and serve over rice or spoon onto fried wonton skins.
11.2.2016 •
J.W. Arnold
n o v e m b er
n o v e m b er
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W W W . S F G N . C O M
Take It Off
celebrity “The Barefoot Contessa,” Food Network host Ina Garten, will discuss her career, food trends and her latest book, “Cooking for Jeffrey,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Garten and her husband have been married nearly 50 years. The audience will also have the opportunity to ask the beloved television personality questions. Tickets start at $37.26 at BrowardCenter.org.
Film Take a vacation from ordinary film. The 31st annual Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival kicks off tonight at Hard Rock Live and runs through Nov. 20. Enjoy 100 features, shorts and documentaries from more than 30 countries at venues across Broward County, including Savor Cinema in downtown Fort Lauderdale and Cinema Paradiso in Hollywood. For a complete schedule and tickets, go to FLIFF.com.
Admit it, you loved “Magic Mike.” Former dancer and big screen hunk Channing Tatum has formed a live dance troupe inspired by the film and its sequel, “Magic Mike XXL.” His high-energy review, “Magic Men Live,” comes to the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th St. in Fort Lauderdale, for two performances on Friday, Nov. 4 and Saturday, Nov. 5. Tickets start at $33.50 at ParkerPlayhouse.com. Photo Credit: Magnolia Pictures.
11/5 SUN
11/6 MON
11/7 TUE
Check out Art with Heart, an exhibit of works by both local and international artists that benefits the Poverello Center’s health and nutritional services. The exhibit will include a variety of media including pencil, paint, photography and sculpture, as well as live and silent auctions and a cash bar. Tonight at 6 p.m. at Artist Lofts, 1310 SW 22nd Court in Fort Lauderdale. Free admission. More information at Poverello.org.
Journey with Edith Piaf to the parks of Pigalle and Montmartre in the era of “La Vie en Rose,” in “Piaf! The Show,” this afternoon at 4 p.m. at the Wold Performing Arts Center at Lynn University, 3601 N. Military Trail in Boca Raton. Anne Carrere, a young singer from the village of Puget, captures the soul of France’s national chanteuse with songs that defined the romance of the City of Lights. Tickets at Events.Lynn.edu.
Monday is a great day to binge watch Netflix’s newest series, “The Crown.” The ambitious series, which reportedly cost $100 million to produce, chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Claire Foy portrays the respected monarch. John Lithgow co-stars as Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Six seasons are planned, each covering roughly a decade of history. Watch at Netflix.com.
The large-scale oil paintings of Francesco Clemente are currently on display at the NSU Art Museum, 1 Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The exhibition, “Dormiveglia,” features paintings conceived in 1998 by Clemente, a leading figure of the NeoExpressionist movement. Standing, elongated and statuesque forms in muted, pale colors suggest a dreamlike existence. More information at NSUArtMuseum.org
1 1.2.2016
11.2.2016 •
A&E film
FLIFF Highlights LGBT-Themed Features, Shorts J.W. Arnold
nce again, the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF), opening Nov. 4, will feature more than 100 screenings, including world, regional and Florida premieres of the best in indie, short and documentary films. The festival, led by president Gregory von Hausch, will present screenings at Cinema Paradiso Fort Lauderdale, recently renamed Savor Cinema, and Cinema Paradiso in downtown Hollywood. Celebrities will be in attendance at the many screenings and parties, including director Robert Schwartzman (“Dreamland”), actress Talia Shire (“Rocky,” “Godfather I, II, III”) and actor Martin Landau (“Ed Wood”). FLIFF also features several LGBT-themed features and shorts:
A holiday celebration hosted by a gay Swedish couple provides the setting for “A Holy Mess,” one of the featured films of the 2016 Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival. Submitted photo.
“Kiki, Love to Love” Spain, 2016, 102 min. Spanish w/English subtitles Nov. 6, 8:30 p.m., Savor Cinema; Nov. 18, 8:30 p.m., Savor Cinema Five stories of love and sex unfold over one hot summer in Madrid, when the protagonists discover strange and unusual sources of sexual indulgence with unpronounceable names: Dacryphilia, Eliphilia, Somnophilia, Polyamory, and Harpaxophilia. Taboos are broken one by one as our horny couples enter into a thrilling liberation in which no pleasure is denied, whatever form it takes. No one under 17 admitted. “California” Southeast Premiere Brazil, 2015, 85 min. Portuguese with English subtitles Nov. 9, 8:30 p.m., Cinema Paradiso; Nov. 10, 8 p.m., Savor Cinema The year is 1984 and São Paulo, Brazil, is on the brink of immense political change. Estela, enduring the troubled phase of adolescence, is preparing for her dream trip to California, where her Uncle Carlos, a pop-culture and music journalist, lives. But, Carlos suddenly returns to Brazil sickly thin and pale. The family assumes he has been stricken with AIDS, the deadly epidemic of the ’80s. “Women Who Kill” Florida Premiere USA, 2016, 90 min. Nov. 12, 7 p.m., Savor Cinema; Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m., Cinema Paradiso Two women, Morgan and Jean, former lovers, but still friends, host a crime thriller podcast from Jean’s apartment. They interview convicted killers, relatives of victims and coworkers in a Sherlock and Watson exercise to solve the unsolved. Into their dynamic enters the mysterious Simone, who seems to be connected to the mystery of a dead coworker at the food co-op. Comedy ensues when these two deadpan sleuths attempt to ensnarl Simone. The Nov.
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12 screening will be followed by a “killer” party in the John Mager Courtyard of Savor Cinema and is included with the film ticket. Individual tickets to the party only are also available for $15 for FLIFF members and $20 for non-members. “A Holy Mess” (“En Underbar Jävla Jul”)
Southeast Premiere Sweden, 2015, 108 min. Swedish with English subtitles Nov. 14, 6 p.m., Savor Cinema; Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., Cinema Paradiso A Holy Mess asks the question how tolerant the tolerant Swedes are, a warm comedy about the modern family and their continual struggle to “do things right.” When a gay couple invites their somewhat homophobic families to meet for the first time during the Christmas celebration, they have a special gift in store for them. A complete schedule and tickets are available at FLIFF.com.
11.2.2016 •
A&E theater
The cast of Naked Boys Singing! bare all in musical revue opening this weekend at Empire Stage. Photo Credit: William McLeod.
Singers Take It All Off at Empire Stage J.W. Arnold
t does take a special kind of performer to do the show,” explained Tim Evanicki, producer and director of “Naked Boys Singing!,” a musical revue opening this weekend at Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale. “They have to be comfortable, 100 percent.” Evanicki and executive producer Ronnie Larsen auditioned dozens of actors in New York City before settling on the six who would star in their revival of the 1999 Off Broadway hit. The company will launch a national tour from South Florida, with performances already booked in Atlanta and Savannah next year. “Obviously, the nudity hooks curious audiences into purchasing tickets,” said Evanicki, a Juilliard grad now based in Orlando. “But, after the first song, audiences become so charmed by the show and the songs, they quickly seem to forget the cast is performing naked.” Larsen, playwright of another Off Broadway hit, “Making Porn,” said the timing for the revival is appropriate, given the tense presidential campaign and endless barrage of nasty political ads on television: “This is one of those shows that allows both performers and audiences to cut loose just a little bit. At a time when we’re forced to take life too seriously, this show offers an opportunity to escape and have some fun at the theater.” The six-member cast sings such “cheeky” numbers as “Gratuitous Nudity,” “The Bliss of a Bris,” “Fight the Urge” and “Perky Little Porn Star.” The show is popular with both straight and LGBT audiences alike, as well as “naturists”
who bought out an entire performance of the show. “The songs really poke fun at the high points and low points of being a guy,” said Evanicki, who also is the managing producer of the Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House in Orlando. Evanicki will be mounting a second cast there in early December. The touring cast includes Quentin Bruno, Jonte Culpepper, Tim Garnham, Anthony Massarotto, Stephen Millett and Charles Walljasper Robinson. “Audiences are generally surprised to discover there is nothing overtly sexual about the show,” he added. “Nothing lewd at all. The performers just happen to be naked.” That doesn’t mean there aren’t special considerations for the director and local choreographer Andy Fiacco. The performers make creative use of props throughout the show and the choreographer must be sensitive to certain types of moves. “You won’t see them doing the splits on stage,” laughed Evanicki. Performer Anthony Massarotto certainly isn’t daunted by the challenge. “It has always been on my bucket list to be nude for a show! I imagined it to be a liberating and exciting experience that, if done for the right reasons, really could strengthen the plot or impact of the show…I think family and friends have more concerns about me performing in the nude than I do. Though supportive, I’ve heard at least a couple times, please, just don’t get into porn,” said Massarotto.
“Naked Boys Singing!” will be performed Nov. 3 through Dec. 4 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 and $50 at RonnieLarsen.com.
1 1.2.2016
NOVEMBER 10–20 Abdo New River Room
Broward Center for the Performing Arts Tickets at BrowardCenter.org
DECEMBER 1–4 Music and Lyrics by Robert Lopez & Jeff Marx Book by Jeff Whitty Based on an original concept by Robert Lopez & Jeff Marx Directed by Patrick Fitzwater
Aventura Arts & Cultural Center Tickets at aventuracenter.org Please note: Mature themes and adult situations. May not be suitable for children under 12.
Avenue Q has not been authorized or approved by the Jim Hensen Company or Sesame Workshop, which have no responsibility for its content. Follow us:
SHOULD BE AS DIVERSE AS EVER Whether you are in the bisexual or transgender communities, are asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, or maybe you still aren’t sure, SFGN is proudly here to connect you with the rest of our colorful community.
www.SFGN.com 11.2.2016 •
Nov. 3 to nov. 10
Theater Christiana Lilly
Naked Boys Singing
Nov. 3 to Dec. 4 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Eight naked men dance and sing about gay life, male nudity, circumcision, and love in this long-running revue. Visit RonnieLarsen. com or RSVP to jw@prdconline.com.
Tick, Tick, BOOM!
Nov. 4 to 11 at the Bhetty Waldron Theatre at Actor’s Rep, 1009 N. Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach. The autobiographical musical by Jonathan Larson, the composer of “Rent,” about his journey to making it in the theatre world. Tickets $25. Call 561339-4687 or visit KWPProductions.com.
Million Dollar Quartet
Through Jan. 1, 2017 at the Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Enter Dec. 4, 1956, the day that Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins got together for a recording session. Tickets $57. Call 305444-4181 or visit ActorsPlayhouse.org.
broward county Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo
Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Benatar is joined by her husband to perform classic hits like “Love is a Battlefield,” “Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” “We Belong,” and more. Tickets $45 to $117.50. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
The Pretty Reckless
Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Pretty Reckless returns for its third album, opening with the hit “Take Me Down.” Tickets $26 in advance, $28 the day of. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.
* Mike Lawrence
Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. at Hard Rock Improv, 5700 Seminole Way in Fort Lauderdale. Comedy Central’s 2016 Roast Battle champion performs in a benefit for Hands On Broward. Tickets $20. Visit HandsOnBroward.org/improvnight.
* Stevie Nicks
Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. Formerly of Fleetwood Mac, Nicks began her solo career in 1981 and is considered by Rolling Stone to be one of the
1 1.2.2016
best singers of all time. Call 954-835-7000 or visit The BBTCenter.com.
* Carrie Underwood
Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. Since “American Idol,” Underwood has become a country sensation with seven Grammy Awards. Tickets $45.25 to $75.25. Call 954-835-7000 or visit The BBTCenter.com.
* Fitz and the Tantrums
Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Summer’s hottest new band shot through the charts with its debut hit, “Out of My League.” Tickets $26 in advance, $28 the day of. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.
* Magic Men Live!
Nov. 4 to 5 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Did you love the movie? See the gyrating bodies of oiled-up sexy men for yourself now! Tickets $33.50 to $114. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayerhouse.com.
* Switchfoot and Relient K
Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Switchfoot came onto the scene in 2003, mixing religious and secular rock music. Tickets $31.50 in advance, $35 the day of. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.
* The Complete History of America (Abridged): Election Edition
Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. at Broward College Central Campus Bailey Hall, 3501 Davie Road in Davie. The Reduced Shakespeare Company crams 600 years of American history into one show just in time for the election. Tickets $20 to $38. Call 954-201-6884 or visit BaileyHall.org.
palm beach county Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo
Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Benatar is joined by her husband to perform classic hits like “Love is a Battlefield,” “Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” “We Belong,” and more. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* A’la Ella!
Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Ella Fitzgerald would have been 100 years old in 2017, and jazz crooner Yvette Norwood-Tiger performs a tribute to the music icon. Tickets $35 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.
* Daryl Hall and John Oates
Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. On the second leg of their tour, the duo perform favorites like “Maneater” and “I Can’t Go For That.” Tickets $47 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.
The Three Sisters of Weehawken
Through Nov. 6 at FAU’s Heckscher Stage, 777 Glades Road. Three sisters, Olga, Masha and Irina, have dreamed of returning to their childhood home in Manhattan, just a 15-minute ferry ride from their home in New Jersey. Tickets $35. Call 561-297-6124 or visit FAUEvents.com.
miami-dade county After
Through Nov. 13 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. A look into the lives of a grieving family and the one of the accused. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
Everybody Drinks the Same Water
Through Nov. 20 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. Three teens of different religious backgrounds come together to solve a murder caused by someone poisoning their water supply in Cordoba, Spain. Tickets $25. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
* Denotes New Listing
Seasons Greetings
Through Nov. 6 at Broward College Central Campus‘s Fine Arts Theatre, 3501 S.W. Davie Road in Davie. A collection of 80 plays in one, with works by Alan Ayckbourn. Tickets $10, $5 for students, faculty, and seniors Visit BaileyHall.org.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Through Nov. 6 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Based on the classic novel by Victor Hugo and performed with music from the Disney adaptation, Quasimodo is enamored by the beautiful gypsy, Esmeralda. Tickets $47 to $60. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves. com
#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.
PORN pulse
Porn Studio Goes Boldly Into The Final Frontier Hunter Houston
en.com knows no boundaries. The adult film studio is now going boldly where none have gone before. Yes, sci-fi geeks -- “Star Trek” porn is finally here. A trailer was released on Halloween showing the crew of the USS Enterprise participating in gay sex scenes. Actors portraying legendary “Star Trek” characters Capt. James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock shed their pants to give each other blow jobs and engage in anal sex. Men.com describes the action this way: “The USS Enterprise and her crew are on the brink of destruction. During the daring rescue mission, Scotty scrambles to beam up Chekov from the exploding planet while Spock and Captain Kirk bicker as usual. Once the ship hits warp speed and clears the planet’s orbit, the crew celebrates the best way they know how.” Men.com has a history of spoofing mainstream science fiction films. The studio previously did its own porn versions of
“Batman V. Superman,” “X-Men,” “The Flash,” and “Captain America.” Film director Paul Wagner told the Huffington Post the inspiration behind the Star Trek gay porn came from the recent kerfuffle over the Sulu character. Played by openly gay actor George Takei on television and in the movies, Sulu came out as gay in the newest edition of the franchise, “Star Trek Beyond.” “When we heard about Sulu’s big reveal as a gay character in this year’s ‘Star Trek Beyond’ we felt it was time to explore the idea of an all gay crew,” Wagner told the Post.
Please email tips (or more, if you desire) to PornPulseSFGN@gmail.com
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11.2.2016 •
Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks
LAST CHANCE: I Am Here: The Lesbian Portraits
Through Nov. 6 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. After photographer Robert Kalman’s lesbian’s sister passed away, he has paid tribute to her memory by photographing lesbians while asking them, “What’s life like for you now?” Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum. org.
Deck the Walls
Nov. 5 from 1 to 6 p.m. at Concrete Beach Brewery, 325 NW 24th St. in Miami. A block party with music by Electric Kif and Afrobeta, food by local restaurants, brewery tours, and a gallery of art. Call 305-796-2727 or visit ConcreteBeachBrewery.com.
Who Is Joan Quinn? A Life in Portraits
Nov. 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square, 51 N Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. A guided tour of the collection by Joan Agajanian Quinn, artist appearances, and cocktail reception. Call 561-243-7922, email museuminfo@ oldschool.org, or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.
virtual * Thinking of Buying a Home?
Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. online. Join the National Association of Gay & Lesbian Real Estate Professionals and the Virtual Counseling Network for an interactive, online workshop with housing experts to discuss buying a home and renting. Free. Call 800-826-1502 or register at http://virtualcounselornetwork.org/vcnworkshop-registration.
broward county * CLE Luncheon
Nov. 3 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Michael J. Higer, president-elect of the Florida Bar, discusses the Constitution Revision Commission over lunch. Cost $25 for members, $30 nonmembers. Contact tom@ runyanlawfirm.com.
Author Presentation: “Annie’s Plaid Shirt” by Stacy B. Davids
Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Annie loves her plaid shirt, but her mom tells her she has to wear a dress to her
1 1.2.2016
Broward Support Services Gender Bender Youth Group
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org. uncle’s wedding. Davids’ children’s book tackles gender norms, identity, tolerance, and other themes. Rescheduled from a previous date due to Hurricane Matthew. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
HIV Prenatal Classes
Nov. 10 and Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. at Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center, 1401 S. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Confidential and informative classes with lunch. Free. Contact Bisiola Fortune-Evans at 954-728-1056 or Yvette Gonzalez at 954-467-4700, ext. 5541.
* First Comes Love: Portraits of Enduring LGBTQ Relationships
Nov. 11 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Photography by B. Proud looks at the lives of couples who have been together for anywhere from 10 to 50 years. Free. Call 954-7638565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Belief + Doubt
Through Jan. 22, 2017 at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Contemporary art from more than 60 artists in the collection of Francie Bishop Good and David Horvitz. Closed Mondays. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.
Nov. 3 to nov. 10 * Gay Spiritual Warriors
First and third Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 4849 N. Dixie Highway in Oakland Park. A discussion and meet up group for gay men of faith. Free. Visit Facebook.com/UncommonGaySpiritualWarrior.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
palm beach county * Molecubar
Nov. 3 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the South Florida Science Center, 4801 Dreher Trail North in West Palm Beach. Cocktails takes a scientific turn with chemical reactions, bar tricks, karaoke, raffles, and bites from local restaurants. Tickets $20 to $50. Call 561-832-1988 or visit SFScienceCenter. org.
The Thrill of the Vote: Episodes in Democracy
Through Nov. 30 in the FAU’s Theatre Lab Gallery in Parliament Hall, 777 Glades Road in
Boca Raton. A exhibiting exploring voting rights over American history. Call 561-297-6124 or visit FAUEvents.com.
Question Bridge: Black Males
Through Dec. 18 at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. A look at the lives of African American men, more than 160 men in nine cities were interviewed for this visual art project. Free. Call 561-832-5196 or visit Norton.org.
Who is Joan Quinn? A Life in Portraits
Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. A collection of works created over 50 years by contemporary artists celebrating the legacy of Joan Agajanian Quinn. Suggested donation $5. Call 561-243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.
Fifteen Minutes
Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Andy Warhol once said, “Everyone will be worldfamous for 15 minutes.” This exhibit examines the culture of celebrity. Suggested donation $5. Call 561-243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth
support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.
Zumba Fitness
Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC. com.
miami-dade county * 22nd Annual InterContinental® Miami Make-A-Wish® Ball Nov. 12 at 8:30 p.m. at the InterContinental Miami, 100 Chopin Plaza in Miami. With the theme “La Nuit de l’Animal: A Fairy Tale,” enjoy an evening of speciality cocktails, gourmet food stations, silent auction, and entertainment by Grammy Award winner John Legend and Alisan Porter of “The Voice.” The event will be emceed by actress Gabrielle Anwar. Visit MakeAWishBall. com.
Ronaldo Peña: Black Gold
Through Nov. 13 at the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, 770 NE 125th St. in North Miami. A contemporary exploration of oil and its grasp on our everyday lives. Tickets $10. Call 305893-6211 or visit MOCAMiami.org.
* Denotes New Listing
Ethiopia Now!
Through Nov. 15 at the Miami Center for Architecture & Design, 100 NE First Ave. in Miami. An exhibit of contemporary architecture by 19 designers from the past decade. Call 305-448-7488 or visit miamicad. org.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
key west Aqua Idol
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305-294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.
Hot Naked Hump Days
Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com
11.2.2016 •
Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 framing
Island City Dental 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com
Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314
Coast Chiropractic Injury & Wellness Center 2608 NE 16th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33334 itt Small Ad Gay Publication :Newspaper Ad Cont. 954.463.3036 www.coast-chiropractic.com
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1:56 PM
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law office of Selzer & Weiss 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
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Business Directory To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 restaurants Storks Bakery 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com J. Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com
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GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailedoriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com
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WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.
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MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $990, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-1/1=$1090.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533 or miketherentalguy@aol.com
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1BD/1BA DUPLEX WILTON MANORS - Just west of Andrews Avenue, blocks from Wilton Drive. Very clean 700 sq ft, parking, central a/c, internet and cable included. $950/month. 1st, last, sec. Background/Credit check, $25 app fee. Contact Mike Trottier, Realtor. iHome Florida Real Estate 954-627-1222
tutoring/instruction HELP WANTED - I am living in Wilton Manors, and looking for someone who does tutoring/instruction. I need help learning Mac Book Pro, Mini I Pad, and I phone 6’s. Call Bob @ 973-202-6721. 11.2.2016 •