11/22/16 V7i47

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local name global coverage November 22, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 47

s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s

The age of deception Pages 11, 16

“When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. - Sinclair Lewis, 1935 Best of 2016: West Palm, Key West, and Miami-Dade! Insert in center


Stay warm at the hottest coffee shops Page 42


SFGN.com 11.22.2016 • 1

NEWS highlight


WPB Bans Conversion Therapy Donald Cavanaugh

November 22, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 47

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli


or a city recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Municipal Equality Index (MEI) for 2016, it was no surprise that the West Palm Beach City Commissioners unanimously approved “Ordinance No. 4666-16 Prohibiting the practice of conversion therapy efforts as to minors.” The second reading and final vote on the ordinance took place at the Nov. 7, City Commission Meeting and was introduced by Assistant City Attorney Zoe Panarites who announced that there had been no changes since the first reading on Oct. 24. She also told the Commissioners that the City’s expert, Dr. Rachel Needle was present for questions but did not plan to speak. Dr. Needle had previously provided detailed explanations about conversion

therapy and the dangers involved with coercing youth to undergo such programs. Mayor Muoio noted that there were speaker’s cards and she invited Julie Harren Hamilton, Craig Kerns and Rev. Jeremy McKeen, all of whom were opposed to the ordinance, expressing concern that it removed their freedom of speech and would reduce their options when treating young people who wish to be “rid of unwanted homosexual leanings.” Commissioner Cory Neering (Dist 2) asked for confirmation that the City wasn’t violating other legislation to which Attorney Panarites assured him that she had done extensive research of existing case law. She mentioned that there is permitted regulation of commercial speech and that’s what she followed

Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com


among other lines of inquiry. Commissioner Paula Ryan (Dist 3) expressed her belief that the City was in its rights to pass this legislation and has a duty to protect children from harm. The Mayor called for a vote and the City of West Palm Beach joined the South Florida ranks of City of Miami, Miami Beach and Wilton Manors, all of which have passed similar protections.

Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Editorial Assistant • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Webmaster • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com News Editor • John McDonald John.McDonald@sfgn.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael D'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com

Senior Features Correspondents Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams


NEWS local

Smith Ousted From Mosquito Control Board John McDonald

Dori Zinn • Andrea Richard • Donald Cavanaugh • Christiana Lilly • Denise Royal • Sean McShee • Alex Adams • Gary Kramer • David-Elijah Nahmod

Contributing Columnists

Brian McNaught • Dana Rudolph • Wayne Besen Ric Reily • Steve Siler • Bil Browning Tucker Berardi • Terri Schlichenmeyer

Associate Photographers Pompano Bill • Steven Shires


n an election that saw the establishment rocked to its core – no one was spared, not even on the Mosquito Control Board. Steve K. Smith, a longtime gay rights activist from Key West, was ousted from his seat on the Mosquito Control Board – a position he had held for 20 years. “I was privileged to serve this community for 20 years, scandal free and helped create the best mosquito program possible,” Smith said. “For four years the board has been a gang of three against two. Had I been returned to the board my hands would have been tied one against four.” Running for re-election as a Democrat, Smith lost the District 3 seat to his Republican challenger Brandon Pinder,

an information technician. Pinder, whose grandfather served on the Mosquito Control Board, collected 22,558 votes for 59 percent compared to 16,461 votes (42 percent) for Smith. “I overwhelmingly won the vote in Key West, some precincts four to one,” Smith said. “As the votes went up the Florida Keys it turned completely Republican. There is nothing any of the Democratic candidates could’ve done to change the sweep of red in the upper keys. This is certainly not a statement that my opponent was a better MEMBER candidate than I am.” In addition to his duties on the Mosquito Control Board, Smith has served in different capacities representing the Florida Keys MEMBER

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in tourism. He is a past president and treasurer of the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association. A native of Daytona Beach, Smith married Paul Murray in Massachusetts in 2004. The couple resides in Key West. “I am not going away,” said Smith. “I have had a great time serving our community over these 20 years. Look for my name on an upcoming ballot.”

Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Rocky Bowell National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping Printing by Sun Coast Press

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Associated Press



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Cover: The nation faces a new hurdle — seeing through the trojan horse of self interest.

NLGJA Journalist of the Year

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

NEWS national

The Trump Effect: Over 400 Reports of Harassment Since Election Brittany Ferrendi


or many minorities, the end of the recent presidential election became the beginning of increased harassment and intimidation. The Southern Poverty Law Center collected 437 reports of such incidents between Nov. 9 and 14. “My boyfriend and I were walking down the sidewalk in Raleigh, North Carolina,” an anonymous gay man explains. “It was 9:30 PM, and we were holding hands and walking to a restaurant for dinner. A white car passed us and a white male in the back passenger-side seat leaned out the window and yelled, ‘Fucking faggots!’ at us.” Cases like this sprouted across the United States following the victory of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. SPLC claims that a large number of incidents are directly connected to the Trump campaign in some way. “I was walking my baby at my neighborhood park and a truck drove by with a male driving and a female passenger,” said a Latinx woman in Texas. “The female yelled ‘white power’ at us as

they drove by and then sped away.” SPLC acquired reports through news and social media outlets as well as submissions to their own website. Many, but not all, reports were followed up to confirm. Reports show that the majority of the harassment and intimidation were antiimmigrant or anti-black in nature. Over 40 reported cases were confirmed to be anti-LGBT harassment and intimidation. Schools K-12, businesses and universities had the highest number of incidents. Reports also confirm that the incidents are dropping over time. California had the highest number of hateful harassment and intimidation at 51, followed by Texas at 30. Florida had 23 reported cases.

To report a hate incident, visit SPLCenter.org/ReportHate.

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FAST and Courteous Service 11.22.2016 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

Rabbi’s Remarks on Homosexuality Spark Protests in Jerusalem

Rabbi Shlomo Amar. Photo Credit: Itzik Edri.

(AP) Dozens of LGBT activists have protested in Jerusalem against comments reportedly made by the city’s chief rabbi disparaging the gay community. Rabbi Shlomo Amar told an Israeli newspaper last week that gay people were an “abomination” and homosexuality a “cult.” Protesters holding rainbow pride flags faced off outside the rabbinate in Jerusalem against ultra-Orthodox Jews supporting the rabbi. Police say a large pride flag was hung outside the building overnight. The protests highlight the deep divisions in Israel between its secular majority and increasingly powerful nationalist and ultra-Orthodox camps that have spoken out forcefully against the LGBT community. While liberal Tel Aviv is seen as gay friendly, the fault lines have been pronounced in Jerusalem, the ancient biblical city rich in religious history and tradition.




(AP) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says conservatives should make the work of the late Justice Antonin Scalia a “prologue” in the effort to limit the power of the courts and other branches of government. The Supreme Court has too often granted rights to people that are not found in the Constitution, Thomas said, citing the decision in 2015 that made same-sex marriage legal across the country. Both Scalia and Thomas dissented from that decision. “With such unchecked judicial power, we leave it for the least accountable branch to decide what newly discovered rights should be appended to our Constitution,” Thomas told 1,700 people at a Thursday night dinner to honor Scalia, who died in February. He paraphrased Lincoln’s Gettysburg address to exhort the audience to “be dedicated to the unfinished business for which Justice Scalia gave his last full measure of devotion.” Thomas said he and his longtime friend and colleague formed an “odd couple” of a white New Yorker and a black man from Georgia. “But together, we soon became our own band of brothers,” Thomas said. Thomas’ talk to the Federalist Society, along with one earlier Thursday by Justice Samuel Alito, came at an unexpectedly upbeat moment for the conservative legal organization. Many among its 40,000 members had resigned themselves to having Scalia’s seat filled by someone more liberal, expecting that Hillary Clinton would become president. President Barack Obama had nominated Judge Merrick Garland for the seat. “Then, on Nov. 8, Hurricane Trump hit. The future can be difficult to predict,” Federalist Society President Eugene Meyer said, referring to Donald Trump’s surprising victory. Now Thomas is more likely to acquire a new conservative ally. Indeed, nine state and federal judges on Trump’s list of possible Supreme Court nominees are taking part in the group’s conference, which runs through Saturday.

(EDGE) The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designated anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council today commended President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as the next Attorney General in the new administration. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement: “I offer my congratulations to Senator Sessions and commend President-Elect Trump for making another wise selection by choosing Senator Sessions as our nation’s next attorney general. This selection is, of course, is in addition to the other quality individuals that have been announced by the Trump administration. “Yet again, President-elect Trump has defied naysayers criticizing his transition team. President-elect Trump has surrounded himself with solid advisors, and his selection of Senator Sessions for attorney general increases my confidence that the Trump administration will be one that cherishes the Constitution and its protection of our freedom from government oppression. Senator Sessions understands the importance of all of our God-given rights, respects the rule of law, and will be a vital part of restoring our nation to its greatness. “I look forward to January when the nation again has an opportunity to make freedom mean something under President Trump’s leadership,” concluded Perkins.

(EDGE) A 75-year-old gay man said he was attacked outside his home Monday night in Sarasota, Fla. by a Donald Trump supporter, who apparently took issue over the victim’s rainbow marriage equality bumper sticker, ABC Action News reports. Chuck Redding said he was driving home when he noticed a car was driving very closely behind him. He initially thought it was a “jerk that was following too close” but quickly realized something was wrong. When he turned onto his street, Redding said the car came even closer to him and he knew “something was wrong.” He said he parked outside a neighbor’s house when the driver stopped his car, jumped out and ran toward Redding’s car. The man banged on Redding’s car window before forcing the door open, Redding says. The man then allegedly threw Redding to the ground. “He yanked the door open, dragged me out, ripped my shirt. I was on the pavement,” Redding told ABC Action News. The man fled the scene, leaving Redding with a bruised arm, cut hands, scrapped knees and a fractured toe. Redding says he was assaulted because he had a rainbow marriage equality bumper sticker on his car. “He kept saying, ‘You know my new president says we can kill all you faggots now,’” Redding said. “It’s absolutely horrendous.” Since Trump was a elected president last week, there have been a number of reported hate crime incidents related to the election results. A Florida LGBT church was vandalized with swastikas and Trump’s campaign motto “Make America Great Again” and New York state senator, who is Jewish and openly gay, found swastikas carved into his the building where he lives. Before Trump was elected, a trans woman from Tennessee said her truck was set on fire and vandalized with the word “Trump.”

Thomas Calls Conservatives to AG Pick Gets Ringing Endorsement Allegedly Tells FL. Senior: ‘My Justice Trump’s Attacker Continue Scalia’s Work from Anti-LGBT Hate Group President Says We Can Kill You Faggots’


1 1 .22.2016

NEWS state

John McDonald


Tampa woman has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for sex trafficking three minors. On Nov. 10, U.S. District Judge Susan C. Bucklew sentenced Alysia N. Algere, 29, of Tampa to 15 years in a federal prison for recruiting two minor boys and one minor girl to engage in commercial sex acts. The minors were between the ages of 14 and 16. Court documents show, Algere, aka “Coco,” took sexually explicit photographs of the minors and posted advertisements on the internet, selling them for sex. In April of 2013, the Temple Terrace Police Department received an anonymous tip of women luring men into a Ramada Inn hotel room and then robbing them, reports the Tampa Bay Times. The tip lead detectives to Algere who was housing underage girls and boys with the expressed intent of placing them into prostitution. Algere advertised the children in classified pages under “TS” for transsexual.

Alysia Algere. Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office.

Tampa Woman Gets 15 Year Prison Sentence For Sex Trafficking Minors

In the Times report, the boys told investigators they met as many as 30 clients a day. The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Stacie B. Harris. Algere was brought to justice as part of Project Safe Child, nationwide initiative started in 2006 to combat a growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Algere pleaded guilty on Feb. 3, 2016.

11.22.2016 •





Lesbian Recording Artist’s Upcoming Music Video Challenges Religious Right (EDGE) Lesbian recording artist Danielle LoPresti released her new music video, “Holy,” which features herself, with real-life wife Alicia Champion and actress Anna Khaja, who is best known for her roles on “Quantico” and “Silicon Valley.” In the video, Champion, whom viewers might remember from this summer’s pop/rock song and music video, “Bi,” asks Khaja “If God came to you tomorrow and asked you to become a lesbian, would you? An insinuation to demonstrate that who you love is not a choice.” Previous teasers have unveiled real life families and couples, one of which is actor John Barrowman (“Arrow,” “Torchwood”) and husband Scott Gill, who are all seemingly debating equal acknowledgment of their sexuality and relationships with a palpable undertone of religion. Between the teasers and the song title it would seem LoPresti, who was raised Catholic, is challenging the theory that religion and being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender cannot co-exist.


1 1 .22.2016

Danielle LoPresti

The debate between LGBT equality and Religious Freedoms has been a forefront issue during the heated Presidential race. The stakes for the LGBT community couldn’t be higher. All of the teasers can be found on the official website HolyMusicVideo.com and on LoPresti’s official YouTube channel. The song “Holy” is the leading favorite single on LoPresti’s new, “House of D,” available now on iTunes. For more information, follow Danielle LoPresti on Twitter at @DLPandTheMasses and @OfficialDanielleLopresti on Instagram.


Compiled by Jillian Melero Queer

Anti-LGBT Protesters Picket Queer Punk Band in Miss. (EDGE) A group of Christian anti-LGBT protesters, holding signs with Bible verses and gay slurs, picketed outside a concert in Jackson, Miss. for the queer punk band PWR BTTM, Pitchfork reports. The duo, from New York, documented the protest on social media. The musicians, Ben Hopkins and Liv Bruce, said they were eating dinner before their show at Big Sleepy’s when they noticed the disgruntled protesters. In a statement to Spin magazine, the band said they, “saw four men with giant signs walking up to [their] show. They posted up outside and proceeded to yell homophobic stuff at the crowd the entire night.” PWR BTTM then decided it was best if they “moved the entrance to the show to the back of the venue and blocked off the windows at the front. It was a freaky ass night, but the local police helped us keep things safe.” “They were like baiting us to hit them, they wanted to be able to sue us,” Hopkins


told Spin. “We haven’t ever received threats, but I have a feeling this isn’t the last time this will happen. It won’t deter us, nothing will.” PWR BTTM also posted pictures and video from the picket.


continued Transgender


GOP Sweep Heightens Anxiety for Many Transgender Americans (AP) Anxiety is high among many transgender Americans after the sweeping Republican election victory. They fear stronger resistance to their push for civilrights protections, including broader access to public restrooms, and wonder if their newly won right to serve openly in the military is in jeopardy. Transgender people “are concerned for their safety, survival and legal rights in the coming years,” said Chase Strangio, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who often works on transgender issues. Among the specific concerns:

saying schools should not be required to let such students use bathrooms or locker rooms based on their gender identity. • There are fears that more GOP-governed states will approve legislation limiting transgender rights and will reject proposals to expand such rights. • There’s uncertainty about the Pentagon’s recently adopted policy of allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military. Some conservative groups, including the Family Research Council and the Center for Military Readiness, have suggested a reversal of the policy. So has GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee.

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• Many transgender people expect that Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s administration will abandon or weaken the efforts by President Barack Obama’s administration to enable transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice at public schools. Republican officials in numerous states have opposed that campaign,

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11.22.2016 •



South Florida Gay News November Report From SFAN

The South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) is the networking and advisory body for the Florida-Department of Health, Ryan White Care (FL-DOH-RWC) grant in Broward County. Its monthly meetings are open to the public.

Sean McShee


he November SFAN meeting focused on four issues:

1. A report from the Florida HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Planning Network (FCPN) 2. ADAP eligibility 3. 2017 ACA Marketplace Insurance, and 4. The new antiretroviral, Odefsey.

SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews

SouthFloridaGayNews It’s about time. It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page.

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1 1 .22.2016

Kim Saiswick, SFAN’s delegate to FCPN, reported on the statewide FCPN meeting. This meeting draws FL-DOH-RWC workers, HIV service providers, advocates, and top FL-DOH management. Dr. Jeffrey Beal, FL-DOH HIV Section, described Florida’s aggressive new “Test and Treat” policy. This policy would link the newly HIV diagnosed to antiretroviral treatment (ART). Dr. Beal’s preference would be linkage within 24 hours. While Beal stressed this policy’s voluntary nature, he wants people to have this option. Beal would like this program to “go live” throughout Florida by Dec. 31. In most of Florida, this would involve calling the County Health Department Clinics to obtain ART. Miami-Dade and Broward, however, lack County Health Department Clinics, but have the highest HIV caseloads in Florida. Joshua Rodriguez and Justin Bell, FL-DOHRWC, explained that in Broward, a legal issue blocks this program. Florida buys antiretrovirals (ARVs) at reduced rates. The law that allows reduced-rate purchases also restricts who can prescribe them. Only a FL-DOH doctor can do so. According to Rodriguez, no current FL-DOHRWC physician can prescribe these ARVs. These already purchased ARVs will remain out-of-reach, pending this legal issue’s outcome. Miami-Dade County has joined with Jackson

Memorial Hospital to resolve this issue. This collaboration allows people who test positive to start treatment within seven days. After the meeting, Robert LaMendola of FLDOH said that FL-DOH-Broward would work with DOH HIV/AIDS Section and “community partners towards the goal of implementing the Test and Treat initiative.” Justin Bell, FL-DOH-RWC, reported that the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) will serve more people. ADAP will now cover premiums for people diagnosed with HIV and with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Bell also reported on RWC and ACA Marketplace plans. United Health Care (UHC) will withdraw from the Marketplace on Dec. 31. RWC clients with UHC plans will have to pick a new plan. ADAP will soon disclose which ACA Marketplace plans RWC will support. If people select a non-supported plan, RWC will be unable to pay their premiums. In order to avoid gaps in coverage, RWC clients will have to select a plan by Dec.15. People wanting help with ACA enrollment have three options: their RWC case managers; ACA Navigators (954-561-9681 ext. 1342); or 3) the Health Insurance Continuation Program (954566-1417). Ed Duda of Gilead discussed a new Gilead ARV, Odefsey. This has a version of tenofovir, less likely to result in bone and kidney problems in people older than 50. Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, December 2, 2016, at 10 a.m., the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Newcomers are encouraged to attend.

Announcements “The Florida HIV Needs Assessment Survey” will be open until Jan. 3. People can complete this anonymous survey online at www.floridaneeds.org or on paper, available at County Health Departments. World AIDS Day – Walk of No Shame – Keeping the Promise, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Dec. 1, starts at 545 NW 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, and ends at Esplanade Park, 400 SW 2nd Street. Keyshia Cole performs. For more information on Odefsey, please visit bit.ly/2epaOaS.

11.22.2016 •


NEWS national Photo Credit: Breitbart.com

Bannon Still On The Hot Seat John McDonald

Brokered by


1 1.22.2016


s President-Elect Donald J. Trump children to be “whiny brats.” begins to assemble his staff, one “It is a sad day when the man who presided appointment in particular is drawing over the premier website of the Alt Right, a more and more scrutiny by the day. loose knit group of white nationalists and Stephen K. Bannon, chief strategist to unabashed anti-Semites and racists – is slated Trump and leader of the Alt-right movement, to be a senior staff member in the ‘people’s is being roundly condemned by multiple house,’ said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, Chief organizations, activists and Executive Officer of the Antielected officials. Defamation League. “We call “As long as a “As long as a champion on President-elect Trump champion of racial to appoint and nominate of racial division is a step away from the Oval Office, Americans committed to division is a step it would be impossible to away from the Oval the well-being of all our take Trump’s efforts to country’s people and who Office, it would be heal the nation seriously,” exemplify the values and impossible to take said U.S. Senator Harry pluralism and tolerance that Trump’s efforts Reid of Nevada, in a speech makes our country great.” calling on Trump to rescind Meanwhile, Bannon does to heal the nation Bannon’s appointment. have his defenders, including seriously,” The 62-year-old Bannon, some who identify as gay. - Harry Reid a former U.S. Naval officer, Christopher R. Barron, coU.S. Senator is the driving force behind founder of GOProud, a now Breitbart News, a right wing defunct gay conservative media company that made group, is one of them. no bones about its support for Trump. The On Nov. 16, Barron tweeted: “Trump twice-divorced Bannon was accused by his shouldn’t cave on Bannon. If you negotiate first wife of anti-Semitic remarks. with terrorists they simply take more During divorced proceedings, Mary hostages.” Louise Piccard alleged Bannon did not Barron recently launched a Facebook want their daughters to attend a majority group “LGBTrump” and claims Trump will Jewish school because Jews raised their be the “most pro-LGBT President ever.”

NEWS local

Photo Credit: Michael d’Oliveira.

Protesters take to Wilton Drive after election of Trump Michael d’Oliveira


uring Saturday’s anti Donald Trump Trump to people in the rest of the world. protest, the signs were almost as “We’re a laughing stock.” numerous as the number of protesters Protester Edward Leuchs remembers antiwho came out to express their anger, fear Vietnam War protests from the ‘60s and and disappointment over the election of the ‘70s where the protesters chose between businessman as the next president of the violence and non-violence. In response United States. to Trump, Leuchs said people need to get The anti-Trump protesters more involved. “Don’t let your started at City Hall and made representatives off the hook.” “I’m scared their way down Wilton Drive, The protest remained peaceful Dixie Highway, Northeast but police took no chances. of his 6 Avenue and back down The Wilton Manors Police right-wing Department had a strong show of Wilton Drive to City Hall. After they returned to City appointments. force, including bicycle units and Hall, about half the protesters vehicles augmented by Broward Thank god marched down Wilton Drive Sheriff’s Office motorcycle units one more time. and a helicopter, to close off we live in As they waved American streets. an island of and Pride flags and chanted Chief Paul O’Connell, who “Not my president,” “We are was hoping for the best but tolerance.” preparing for the worst, said no the popular vote” and “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist incidents occurred except for - Charles Hurd USA” they hoisted signs that “the traffic nightmare” caused Protester expressed much of the same by the protesters. He added that sentiment. protesters did not cooperate with “It just makes me angry,” said protester police and his department only knew “they Charles Hurd. He sees the election of Trump were going to go mobile because of chatter” as proof that the country is intolerant. “I’m before the protest. scared of his right-wing appointments. One protester, who declined to give his Thank god we live in an island of tolerance. name, said that “the point of protesting is to We have to stand up and do something.” inconvenience people” as much as possible. Hurd added that he does a lot of travel and “We’ve got a scary four years ahead of us,” he doesn’t know how he’s going to explain said another protester.

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11.22.2016 •


NEWS local

Repurposing Begins On Vital Fort Lauderdale Street John McDonald


he cones are out on N.E. 13th Street as a long awaited project is coming to fruition. Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are advised to exercise caution as the City of Fort Lauderdale begins repurposing of N.E. 13th Street from N.E. 4th Avenue to N.E. 9th Avenue. When completed, the street will have wider sidewalks, bike lanes, public art, improved lighting and landscapes and onstreet parking. A roundabout at N.E. 13th Street and Dixie Highway will replace the current traffic light. “The area is well-situated between downtown and Wilton Manors, but needs help to reach its full potential since it has long been plagued by blight and crime,” writes Fort Lauderdale Vice Mayor Dean Trantalis, in his October newsletter. The city expects the project to be completed in the summer of 2017. Total cost of the project is $1,786,215.


1 1.22.2016

NEWS national

Gay Brietbart Editor Takes A Victory Lap John McDonald


Photo: POZ Magazine, Facebook.

Poz Magazine Recognizes South Floridians John McDonald

ilo Yiannopoulos emerged from his election celebration to pen a damning column against Democrats, celebrities and “clueless” leftists. Yiannopoulos, the 33-year-old tech editor for Brietbart News, began his latest column: “What Trump Means” with jubilation. “We Won! We now live in the Age of Daddy!,” Yiannopoulos writes. Donald J. Trump’s victory in the U.S. Presidential election was no surprise to the crew at Breitbart. Yiannopoulos, a gay British journalist, supported Trump throughout the Republican primaries and well into the general election. He was scheduled to speak in September at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, but the event was cancelled due to a bomb threat. In the election’s aftermath, Yiannopoulos did not hold back, blasting Democrats for failed campaign tactics. “The era you could call someone racist and get away with it is over,” Yiannopoulos writes.

“This is how they lost the election…but they still think branding their opponents racist is the way to damage them. It’s pathetic!” One celebrity in particular drew the venom of Yiannopoulos. Lena Dunham, a two-time Golden Globe award-winning actress, was labeled “electoral kryptonite” by the Breitbart editor. “Instead of saying, get off our tv screens you hideous man-hating dyke, liberal America worshipped Dunham, thrilled by her ‘edgy’ hatred of white people, with absolutely predictable results,” Yiannopoulos writes. In the column, Yiannopoulos goes on to predict Trump will take a $1 salary as President and restrict access to media organizations deemed too close to the DNC.


or its annual special issue highlighting Fallon and Rapkin are HIV negative. Fallon individuals making an impact in the runs Latinos Salud and Rapkin directs the fight against HIV/AIDS, Poz Magazine Campbell Foundation. sharpened its focus on a specific region of Lint works in the transgender community, the United States. Rajner serves on the Broward County Human The American South, while comprising Rights Board, Fawcett is a psychotherapist just 37 percent of the country’s population is and published author and Camacho is a peer home to 44 percent of people prevention case manager. living with an HIV diagnosis. “This year’s POZ 100 is In this year’s “Poz 100” issue, as diverse as the groups the magazine selected people affected by HIV in the from the 16 states designated South,” Gutierrez said. “From by the U.S. Census Bureau as advocates to educators “South” who are leading the to clinicians dealing with charge against the virus. overwhelming levels of “In this presidential stereotyping, stigma and lack election year, our choice of resources, our POZ 100 of a POZ 100 theme was honorees are in the trenches clear,” said Oriol Gutierrez, battling the epidemic in ways POZ’s editor-in-chief. “We many of their counterparts - Oriol Gutierrez can’t end the U.S. HIV/AIDS in the rest of the country are POZ Editor in Chief epidemic without addressing not. the impact of the virus in As always, so many of the the South, so we wanted this POZ 100 are living with HIV year’s list to spotlight the efforts of those and telling their stories to urge people to get who are already leading the way.” tested and help those with HIV overcome Six South Floridians made the list. They the fear, stigma and stereotypes they face. are: Angel Camacho, Miami, Stephen Fallon, We hope this issue of POZ moves that Wilton Manors, David Fawcett, Wilton conversation forward.” Manors, Arianna Lint, Fort Lauderdale, For the complete list, visit Michael Rajner, Wilton Manors and Ken www.poz.com/100 Rapkin, Fort Lauderdale.

“This year’s POZ 100 is as diverse as the groups affected by HIV in the South.”

11.22.2016 •


NEWS photos

Trans Day of Remembrance On Friday Nov. 18, the Compass GLCC in Lakeworth, FL hosted the annual remembrance ceremony to honor trans lives lost in the past year. Michael Cushman

To see many more photos, visit SFGN.com on Facebook.



1 1.22.2016

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Norm Kent

norm.kent@sfgn.com The Trump protest that took place in front of Wilton Manors City Hall this weekend on Saturday, Nov. 19. Credit: Youtube.


Publisher's Editorial

You owe Donald Trump nothing.

e bullied, lied, and cheated his way to the presidency with a smear campaign based on ugliness and untruths. He disgraced his opponents, demeaned the electoral process, and tore down the fabric of our democracy, in order to lease a seat he will be lucky to hold for four years. He appealed to racists, bigots, and haters, then embraced them wholeheartedly when they cheered his candidacy. He attacked the media ruthlessly and relentlessly, in an attempt to silence criticism and a free press. Whether it was Hillary Clinton last month or the cast of Hamilton this week, he has shown a tyrannical tendency to viciously threaten and intimidate anyone who dares to stand up to him. Trump, a man who refuses to apologize for anything he does, is constantly demanding an apology from anyone who challenges him. Hell, no! Get used to it Mr. Trump. The first amendment was here long before you, and will be standing long after. Therefore, I say this to our community today: you owe him and the Republican party nothing. The vast majority of those pricks are more interested in power then principle. And remember this – Clinton’s lead in the popular vote continues to grow. As of press time she’s leading him by 1.7 million votes. Donald Trump has no mandate. For years, the ‘party of Lincoln’ sabotaged Obama’s presidency, its leaders tolerating and emboldening racist


1 1.22.2016

rhetoric while undermining him every way they could, gets to hand pick the people, policies, and philosophies most recently not even giving his Supreme Court nominee he wants in place. He has that right. But so do you, as a hearing. You owe them nothing. citizens in a free country, have the corresponding right As we stand here today, you owe a to passionately protest, and voice your duty only to yourselves. Once again, opposition to those choices Sure, it would Our nation we are called upon to stand up and be be nicer to lie on the beach and know counted. Once again, we find out liberty, Obama was in the White House. But that’s has elected an our liberty, is more a continuing struggle not happening. unprincipled than a resting place for the laurels of past It’s Thanksgiving, and I am grateful to and weakvictories. be an American citizen, having been given skinned sexist, Our nation has elected an unprincipled an opportunity to spend a lifetime in a and weak-skinned sexist, who was OK free country as an advocate for personal who was OK with himself getting married three times liberty and individual rights. with himself but opposes you getting married once. I In my lifetime, I have seen our nation, getting married the melting pot that is America, embrace don’t have to wait around to next January three times to see his stance on LGBT values when diversity and expand the rights of so his choice for Vice President last summer many. I am not about to remain silent but opposes was arguably the most virulent anti gay while a charlatan and cheat occupies the you getting governor in the nation. Oval Office. Nor should you. married once. So yes, I am OK with protests in the Our community, regardless of who was street today. I don’t have to wait until I am in power, has met challenges before. It falls run over tomorrow. I have seen Chief Orange Hair’s list of upon us to do so again. Maybe it’s a good thing because we potential Supreme Court nominees. He wants to scalp you. have become complacent with too much comfort. Now we So, no, I don’t have to wait to give him a chance when are again challenged. Thank goodness we decriminalized two of his top cabinet selections are already white men pot. We are going to need it. with sordid pasts on ethnic and LGBT issues. Happy Thanksgiving. Rest up, you have work to do when Look, elections have consequences. Trump won, and he the year begins.


Editorial Cartoon

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11.22.2016 •


Transforming Gender


Rebecca Juro



The Nightmare Is Real

dmit it. Like me, you never really believed it was possible, America would come to its senses sooner or later and do the right thing once it was actually time to vote. Ok sure, many of us told ourselves, maybe Hillary Clinton isn’t the perfect presidential candidate, but everyone knows that she has to be better than that racist bigot misogynist Donald Trump, right? America is a country with no shortage of flaws, but surely we’re not so completely screwed up that we’d elect a cartoon supervillain to the highest office in the land? Apparently, not so much. The problem is that we, as Americans and more specifically as progressives, have only ourselves to blame. Our first key mistake was allowing the DNC to choose our candidate for us. We didn’t make enough noise when Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, was installed as the head of the DNC. The fix was in for Clinton from Day One and everyone knew it, but progressives barely objected at all. Even then, we knew this election would be a battle of liberal and conservative ideologies but instead of insisting on a true progressive agent of real change like Bernie Sanders as our candidate, we allowed the DNC to manipulate the primary process to ensure that a centrist corporatist who ran on a platform of maintaining the status quo got


1 1.22.2016

the nomination instead. Is it really any wonder that progressives failed to get excited about Clinton in the same way that Trump successfully fired up his base? Regardless of whether voters agreed with some or all of his policy positions, voters responded to Trump because he promised to shake things up, bring change and get stuff done, while all Hillary Clinton promised was basically more of the same. While Donald Trump was constantly and unflinchingly talking about big ideas that appealed to his base in front of the cameras, Hillary Clinton hid her light under a bushel, preferring instead to speak in slogans in the media while fleshing out the actual details of her policies on her campaign website. I mean seriously, did the Clinton campaign actually expect enough voters to take the time to go to her website and read all that stuff to make a real difference, especially when Trump was putting his positions out there and headlining news programs pretty much every day in the mainstream media? If so, then Clinton and her staff clearly weren’t enough in tune with how American voters get our information to run a successful presidential campaign. The internet is a wonderful tool, but it’s no replacement for a live television camera during a political campaign. Donald Trump told his followers what they wanted to hear, bluntly and without qualification. While Clinton presented herself

as a consummate politician and played by all of the traditional rules of politics, Trump did just the opposite, generating excitement about his candidacy and his policies precisely because he came across as a fearless loudmouth who was willing to give voice to what a large portion of the electorate was feeling. That’s why Trump won. Unlike Clinton, Trump gave his own base promises of real change to fight for and believe in, something Clinton proved herself unwilling to do. Clinton certainly didn’t help herself with the selection of Tim Kaine as her running mate either. She chose an inoffensive milquetoast senator who stands for basically nothing interesting while Trump chose Mike Pence, a rabidly anti-LGBT culture warrior whom the far right of his base absolutely love. Here’s the truth, whether we want to accept it or not: Clinton, of course, completely outclassed Trump in credible policy and administrative capability, but Trump played the mainstream media like a Stradivarius.

What’s more, the media eagerly let him do it because he made for good copy and great ratings. By shooting his mouth off on a neardaily basis, Trump probably got almost as much airtime on MSNBC as he did on FOX. With FBI Director Jim Comey’s last-minute letters to Congress added to the mix, Trump won the media battle easily and in so doing, won the election. You don’t need me to tell you that we’re heading into a rough time in this country as LGBT people, no matter what happens once Trump takes office. If, as some say to expect, Donald Trump manages to get himself impeached, Mike Pence will finish out his term, which for us is probably even worse. Trump is a racist misogynist bigot to be sure, but Mike Pence is a raging homophobe and transphobe who has made a successful political career of punishing LGBT people in every way he can. Of course, we have to fight back. What we need to do now is figure out how.

Rebecca Juro is a nationally-published freelance journalist and radio talk show host who is the Media Correspondent for The Advocate website. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, the Washington Blade, Gay City News, the Albany Times Union, and The Advocate magazine, among others. Rebecca lives in central New Jersey and shares her life with a somewhat antisocial cat.

find out inside who you picked as your favorites this year Read and share online! sfgn.com/bestof2016

Palm Beach, Miami & Key West edition

and the winners are... Best Bar Best Restaurant Best Drag Queen Best City Best Burger And More!

Best Of 2016

intro, Part II


SFGN’s 2016 Best Of

Best Of South Florida, Part II • 2016 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

And the winners are...


n September we asked you, our readers, to vote for your favorite restaurants, hangouts, and charities — from your favorite burgers and desserts to the Best Place to Meet a Guy, or Girl. We received more than 15,000 votes in more than 100 categories. This year the contest was a two-step process. In August you nominated your favorites and then in September you voted on the top 5 in each category. Some of the establishments continue to win year after year like Humpy’s for Best Pizza, Sebastian Beach for Best Beach and Wilton Manors for Best City — all three of whom have won six years in a row.

Others though are new to our list. This year we divided the contest up by county giving our readers in Palm Beach County, Miami-Dade, and Key West a chance to vote for their local favorites and to showcase LGBT friendly establishments outside of the Wilton Manors area. Remember folks these are your opinions — not ours. Don’t agree with the winners? Well then make sure to vote in next year’s contest. Only those votes that came with valid email addresses were counted and duplicates were discarded. So without any further ado here are this year’s winners… — Jason Parsley

Publisher • Norm Kent

Norm.Kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com


Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Editorial Assistant • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Webmaster • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold jw@prdconline.com

Sales & Marketing

Director of Sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier mike.trottier@sfgn.com Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Sales Assistant / Classifieds • Tim Higgins Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com Distribution Services • Rocky Bowell National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping Printing by Sun Coast Press Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

Thanks to all of our contributors for this special issue... Jason Parsley Dori Zinn Donald Cavanaugh Jillian Melero Denise Royal



Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM



Best Of 2016

Best Activist


Julie Seaver

Compass Center Operations Manager 201 N Dixie Highway CompassGLCC.com 561-533-9699

Best Bartender

“I know I’m prejudiced,” said Seaver, herself a 2015/2016 “Best of…” winner for activism. “But who would know Penny better than me?” “When she opened the bar three years ago people referred to it as ‘the lesbian bar,’” said Seaver. “But Penny has created a welcoming space for everyone and any night you stop in you’ll find a wide mix of people conversing and enjoying themselves because they all feel safe and welcome.” “People are people,” said Johnson. “We need to focus on what makes us the same, not what makes us different.

Penny Johnson 902 N Dixie Hwy Lantana Facebook.com/pennysattheduke 561-318-7359

Best Drag Queen Melissa St. John


Melissa St. John is an entertainer who knows how to multitask. Known as the First Lady of West Palm Beach, this fabulous drag queen is also the reigning Miss South Florida Illusions Classic 2016. Every Saturday, you can find her at Roosters, where she holds court as the Entertainment Director. Ms. St. John does not slow down for the holidays. In December, she can be seen at the Lake Worth Playhouse for the annual Christmas show. This is the show’s 10th year featuring the group of entertainers affectionately known as ‘The Palm Beach Drag Society.’ The show is a partiallyscripted comedy where the naughty and nice performers


– DC

– DC

3 Time Winner!


Julie Seaver.” Craig Glover, president of A Better Way Home Care, has been working with Julie using the SAGE Care program to educate his staff about issues faced by LGBT seniors. “Julie’s openness in sharing her life stories has enabled our staff to talk more freely about their own experiences,” said Glover, “Julie is a convincing proponent of equality for everyone and truly deserving of this recognition,” he said. Years ago SFGN gave her the epithet “Lake Worth Lesbian” and it’s still so true today.


Penny Johnson is the winner of Best Palm Beach Bartender for 2016, having won the same honor in 2015. Born and raised in Kokomo, IN, Penny came east to earn a degree at the Art Institute in Broward. Warm weather and a good job as an aerial photographer kept her here. A taste of the South Florida lifestyle didn’t hurt. It was quite a contrast to her Midwestern experiences. She moved to Palm Beach County because she met a girl. The girl didn’t last; the relocation did. She and her new partner, Julie Seaver, have been together for eleven years.

Julie Seaver, who has won SFGN’s Best Palm Beach Activist award for the second time, lives her lesbian life openly and deliberately. As Center Operations Manager at Compass, she’s constantly engaged with people who are going to judge the center and its employees, and all LGBT people based on their dealings with her. She doesn’t fail. She doesn’t pull punches. She represents us well. “Julie embodies the spirit of activism both in the office and out of the office,” said Ryanmarie Rice, Compass Chief of Staff. “She has certainly earned the Best Activist title for a second consecutive year. No one works harder for her community than

Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

actually imbibe on stage while singing and engaging in slapstick. If that’s not enough, she is also the MC for the annual PrideFest of the Palm Beaches. Her calendar is filled hosting various dinner shows and events throughout Palm Beach County. Ms. St. John is active on social media, you can follow her at: Twitter.com/divaboi2009?lang=en Facebook.com/melissa.s.john.7?fref=ts – DR

Palm Beach COunty

HG Roosters

3 Time Winner!


823 Belvedere Rd. RoostersWPB.com 561-832-9119

Best Burger For a neighborhood sports bar and seafood shack -- expect wood paneling, noise on game days, but some pretty neat fish motifs on the bar stools -- Dave’s Last Resort and Raw Bar in Lake Worth, can also make a mean burger. Six burgers are featured on the Last Resort menu, ranging from $8.99 to $11.99, and each one starts with an 8 oz. patty of Black Angus beef, which could explain how Dave’s, open since 1999, earned this year’s Best Burger in Palm Beach County. Beginning with the Inlet Burger for $8.99, you can get one unadulterated angus beef patty, seasoned, cooked to order. Or go completely the other way with a Hangover Burger topped with peanut butter and grilled onions for $9.69.

The California Burger comes with avocado and sprouts for $10.69. The Bayou Burger has bacon, gorgonzola and Tabasco onion straws for $11.69. And at the $11.99 end you can choose between the El Gordo, topped with pulled pork, remoulade, and onion straws or the Texas Burger topped with taco beef, cheddar and pepper jack cheeses. If you go for something besides burgers, the fish dip served with jalapeno and crackers ($8.29), the gator appetizer ($12.99) and the fried clam strips ($8.79)—gator and clam both served with key lime tartar sauce -- are recommended as well. Dave’s is open for business 11 a.m. to midnight, Sundays through Thursdays, and 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

Pizza Girls


- DC

Dave’s Last Resort & Raw Bar 632 Lake Ave. Lake Worth 561-588-5208 DavesLastResort.com

- JM

Best Pizza 2 Time Winner!

and more people are coming to know this.” Regular client James Timmerman loves the atmosphere at Roosters. “It’s a real neighbourhood bar,” he said. People know your name and are genuinely concerned about each other. This is true for both the bartenders and customers.” “We must be doing something right,” Hazen said. “We have very loyal employees and very little turnover.” “There’s also a sense of responsibility to the larger community,” Timmerman said. “We help raise money for good causes.” “We raised $14,000 for breast cancer,” Hazen said. Ten thousand dollars for Pulse Victims and we’re in 10th place in fund raising for The Ride.” “And,” said Timmerman. “There’s something different happening every night so you’re never bored.”


Best Bar & Atmosphere

Established in 1984, Roosters is the longest continually operating gay bar in Palm Beach County. Located on Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach, the bar is less than a quarter of a mile east of I95 so it’s a convenient location for customers from all of Palm Beach County and points north. Some months ago, SFGN ran an update on the bars in South Florida. At that time Rooster’s had just made some significant upgrades, painting, cleaning, and remodelling. They also initiated a no smoking policy. To accommodate their smoking clients, the bar remodelled the outdoor patios. According to Manager David Hazen the transition was swift and easy and improves the atmosphere tremendously. Besides winning Best Bar they also won the reader submitted category of Best Atmosphere. “We had a good air exchange system,” Hazen said. “But it wasn’t as good as completely eliminating the smoke. Smoking is bad for health

Best Of 2016

114 S. Clematis Street West Palm Beach 561- 833-4004 PizzaGirls.com

Two-time winner for Best Pizza in Palm Beach County, the Pizza Girls, Jennifer Morales and Phoebe Reckseit have been treating their Clematis Street customers to N.Y. style pizza since 1999. The Girls offer gourmet pies like the Tribeca Burger, a cheddar cheeseburger pizza; the Statue of Liberty, a bacon, ricotta and mozzarella pizza with fresh tomatoes instead of sauce; the Village Veggie or the Manhattan Meat for $22.95. A slice will run you between $4 and $4.50. Morales and Reckseit, both New York transplants, married in New York in 2013, but they’ve been partners for more than 20 years. “Twenty years ago when we started making pizza, if you didn’t have Baker’s Pride Brick ovens, people didn’t consider it being ‘real New York pizza’,” Morales told SFGN in a previous interview.

“People would look to see what type of ovens we were using before they judged our pizza. And being two women, they were very skeptical to begin with,” Morales said. “Things have changed so much in the pizza industry now, it’s amazing.” The restaurant sits next to a Sloan’s ice cream parlor, and across from World of Beer and Palm Beach Dramaworks, so dinner, date, drinks and dessert are all within walking distance of each other for a perfect park-and-stroll. Hours are Sunday, noon to 9 p.m., Monday through Wednesday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Thursday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights the shop stays open late serving slices and pies from 11 a.m. until 4 a.m. - JM

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Palm Beach COunty

Best Politician Lois Frankel


Congresswoman, 22nd District

For almost 30 years, Lois Frankel has served in many different roles, but all of them have been dedicated to public service in South Florida. After being a state representative in the late ‘80s and through the ‘90s, Frankel was elected Mayor of West Palm Beach and served from 20032011. She’s now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, where’s she’s been since 2013. As a long-time public servant, Frankel has stood up for human rights for decades. “As a young state legislator in the 1980s, our state was just learning about AIDS,” Frankel said. “At the time, the disease was fatal — irrational discrimination against HIV-infected people was rampant. I was assigned to Chair a special task force on HIV/AIDS which led to the first AIDS Omnibus Act in 1988 that protected LGBT individuals from workplace discrimination.” But success doesn’t come without a lot of work. “The most challenging part of my job is

Best Place to Workout Zoo Gym in downtown Lake Worth has received the award for Best Palm Beach Place to Workout for the 4th time. Founded six years ago by Dawn Malega and her wife, Sarah (Parr) Malega, the club boasts almost 800 members of which about 80 percent are LGBT. A small space (2,700 sq ft), the club is intimate in many ways more than just its dimension. General Manager Jacqueline Bish (Bodies by Bish) encourages everyone who joins to reach their potential. Members have keycode access to the club 24 hours a day and people can be seen exercising at all hours of the day and night.

cutting through all the red tape of government,” she said. “I’ve been able to draw on my years of experience at all levels to understand the art of how to get things done. Congress is made up of diverse people from all across this country and to move things forward, you have to find points of common interest in order to create change.” Frankel has a long history of serving South Florida, but sometimes it’s not always easy to stay on track. She’s got her own way of focusing her attention. “One thing people don’t know about me is that the way I keep focused attention during the many meetings I attend every day is by doodling,” she said. “Afterwards, I turn many of the doodles into large abstract acrylic paintings.” If she wasn’t in Congress, Frankel admits she’d be painting. Her offices in West Palm and DC have her transformed artwork on display. – DZ

3 Time Winner!

“As soon as I walked in the door I felt like I was home,” said Glenn Taylor, a club regular and member of the National Physique Committee ( NPC) where he is a physique competitor. “It was like the owner/operator gyms I remember from my youth,” he added. “Dawn and Sarah are wonderful friends and have sponsored some of my competitions,” he said. “And I’ve made a lot of new friends while working out.” “We are looking at possible expansion,” Malega said. “But we hesitate to lose our family-like atmosphere which makes us best.”

Zoo Health Club 824 Lake Ave Lake Worth ZooGym.com 561-547-6348 Facebook.

Best Of 2016

– DC

Best Non-Profit




3 Time Winner!

Best Of LGBT South Florida

Compass 201 N. Dixie Hwy. Lake Worth 561-533-9699 CompassGLCC.com

Fall 2016, Part II

This isn’t the first time Compass has been recognized as the best non-profit in Palm Beach County on our Best Of list. In fact, it’s not even the second time. In 2016, this is the third year in a row Compass has taken home this award. The gay and lesbian community center of Palm Beach County in its current form has been around for 24 years, but remnants of it started back in 1988 to fight the spread of HIV and the stigma of living with the disease. Today, HIV prevention is still a major

part of Compass’s mission, along with case management, LGBT-related support groups, and youth-centered programs for struggling LGBT youth as well as family groups. Currently, Compass has served more than 25,000 people in the largest LGBT community center in the Southeast U.S. With almost 30 years of education, advocacy, and community support, it’s no surprise that Compass has won this award three years in a row. – DZ

Palm Beach COunty

Best Restaurant Howley’s


3 Time Winner!

4700 S Dixie Hwy West Palm Beach Sub-Culture.org/Howleys 561-833-5691

Howley’s Restaurant isn’t gay in the sense of a Mad Hatter flying rainbow flags for all to see but it’s very gay in its sensitivity to the outré, from its menu of the plebian to the exotic, reasonable prices, quality preparation, presentation and efficient servers – many (most?) with extensive body art. A full bar is available to enjoy with a meal. The restaurant was opened as a diner in 1950 by Patrick Howley. The Subculture Group bought it in 2004, adding it to a stable of restaurants from Miami to West Palm Beach owned by Rodney Mayo. He restored a number of its historical features

Best Social Group About three years ago, Compass recognized that when youth group participants aged out of their programs at age 18, there was nothing available to provide support for the next phase of their lives. So Compass created Entourage. “It’s a real problem for many young people when they no longer have structured programs providing safe, healthy social outlets,” said Julie Seaver, Center Operations Manager at Compass. “This award recognizes the work Dylan Brooks has done to address these needs.” Meetings for the different programs are held weekly and monthly and usually attract twenty-five plus attendees.

Best Of 2016 like terrazzo floors and tin ceilings. Local artists are invited to display their work in the restaurant, and permanent murals by Amanda Valdez of cartoon wait staff are featured on the outside General Manager Nicole Nichols was thrilled to learn the restaurant had won the “Best of…” award. “Howley’s is just a fun place for all people to visit,” Nichols said. “We have regular LGBT diners as we have straight ones. Everyone is welcome. We once even had a gay couple hold their wedding luncheon here.” – DC


Entourage member Rex Barnes, 26, who found the group on Face Book, said, “Entourage has been a real eye-opener for me. It has introduced me to so many more aspects of LGBT life than just the bar scene and I have made friends who will be with me for the rest of my life.” Said Compass’ Brooks, “I love when I see the guys striving in a judgment free environment that I did not have when I was their age growing up in rural Northeast Georgia. They are full of life, helping each other with their struggles, and truly building a solid support system.”

Compass GLCC 201 No Dixie Highway, Lake Worth CompassGLCC.com 561-533-9699


– DC

Best Monthly Event Pride Business Alliance Monthly Mixer


Compass 201 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth CompassGLCC.com 561-533-9699

This recognition is particularly appropriate since the June 2016 meeting marked the 11th anniversary of the Pride Business Alliance (PBA) Monthly Mixer. It was held at Grandview Gardens Bed & Breakfast which hosted the first mixer in 2005 and many more since. “We wanted to create a way for LGBT and non-LGBT people to reach out to one another to market products and services and keep each other aware of new opportunities,” said Rick Rose, long-time Compass member and coowner of Grandview Gardens. “And it’s always a good time.” “I love the mixers,” said Adrienne

Percival, Compass Development Coordinator who manages the mixers and readily shares her enthusiasm for the program. “”Members host at their facilities and some of them are very different.” She particularly liked the Audi Palm Beach showroom and the Norton Museum. PBA Members attend the mixers for free; non members are asked for a $10 donation. Information on joining the PBA is available on the Compass website. – DC

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Palm Beach COunty 4 Time Winner for City!

Best City & Beach 2016 is Lake Worth’s fourth consecutive year as the SFGN Palm Beach Best City to Live in. And it’s the second for Lake Worth Beach beating out such locations as Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach and other municipal beaches up the coast to the border of Martin County. “It’s not that huge flocks of LGBT folk land on Lake Worth shores,” said openly gay commissioner, Andy Amoroso, who notes that the “gay beach” is just south of the pier. “It’s more a case of feeling safe being yourself while enjoying the accommodations available to all – Like Benny’s on the Beach or the Lake Worth Pier and the public park.” The sense of safety pervades the rest of the city as well. Lake Worth has led the pack in attracting gay organizations and events such as Compass and its annual PrideFest, gay-owned and operated businesses such as the Zoo Health Club and Amoroso’s own Studio 205, still the only

purveyor of LGBT paraphernalia in the county. The city also hosts Lambda North, a gay 12step clubhouse and Integrity, the LGBT branch of the Episcopal Church located at St. Andrew’s on Palmway. Amoroso pointed out the city’s efforts in supporting LGBT visibility and equality for employee benefits, marriage, and more. In 2000, then Mayor Rodney Romano raised the Pride Flag at city hall in honor of PrideFest becoming the first Florida municipality to do so. “We are truly honored by SFGN’s recognition of Lake Worth and the Lake Worth Beach as ‘best of’ Palm Beach cities and beaches,” continued Amoroso. “With the advent of federal marriage equality and newfound integration of LGBT issues into the fabric of society at large we are proud to have provided the shoulders on which generations of LGBT activists have been able to stand and will continue to stand in the future.” – DC



Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

Lake Worth/ Lake Worth Beach LakeWorth.org


Best Of 2016


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Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Best Of 2016


Best Bar & Place to Dance


3 Time Winner!


1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach 305-538-9478 TwistSoBe.com “Never a cover - Always a groove” is the mantra of Twist - a gay nightclub that is a staple and a “must go to” for South Beach’s vibrant nightlife and winner of this year’s Best LGBT Bar and Place to Dance Miami Dade County. With seven full bars and multiple rooms on two floors, customers can hit the dance floor, video bar, garden bar, bungalow, and enjoy the go-go dancers. DJs work the decks for different vibes throughout the complex, from hip-hop to Latin to EDM. For drinks, every day, Happy Hour is from 1 to 9 p.m. with two-for-one specials on everything, as well as two-for-one call and domestics from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Thursdays. But everyday there is something going on so check their website for more! - JP

Beaches. Boys. How could you not love Miami Beach Gay Pride? Going into its ninth year MBGP has become one of the hottest events around the state. In terms of history the PrideFest is relatively new compared to Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach County. But in terms of numbers the weekend event has quickly outpaced its northern neighbors attracting more than 130,000 people in 2015. And to top it off they’ve attracted big names like Gloria Estefan, Adam Lambert, and Mario Lopez to headline their festival generating a lot of buzz leading up to the event. “After just seven short years, it’s an



honor to have SFGN readers name Miami Beach Gay Pride their favorite event of the year. It takes an army of dedicated volunteers and staff, the support of the City of Miami Beach and the help of all our sponsors to produce a Pride of this magnitude and this honor is shared with all of them. Thanks to everyone who voted,” said Mark Fernandes, Chair, Miami Beach Gay Pride Board of Directors. Next year’s event is scheduled April 7-9. - JP

Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II


3 Time Winner!


Best Nonprofit and Best LGBT Event

Miami Beach Gay Pride

Best Beach 12th Street Beach (Miami-Dade)

Photo: Ted Eytan, Flickr.

3 Time Winner!

1200 Ocean Dr. Miami Beach

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Ripped up men in speedos? Check. Ripped up men rollerblading in speedos? Check. Ripped up men rollerblading in speedos while speaking Spanish? That’s a check too. Indeed, as Hank Azaria’s character from the Birdcage put it – it’s all about the “natural heat [insert overly dramatic Spanish Accent here].’ And the good news is that come rain or come shine, 12th St. Beach is packed with men from all walks of life – many of whom happen to be Latin, buff and donning speedos – yet others who, seek simply to blend in. Be careful, though, 12th Street beach isn’t really the place to blend in. If seeking solace is your idea of the perfect LGBT beach outing, you’re likely better off somewhere else, because this place is jumpin! Did we mention ripped, Latin men

Best Of 2016

wearing speedos and playing volleyball? Ya….when we said jumpin’ we weren’t kidding and neither were our readers, who overwhelmingly voted 12th. Street Beach the best locale to catch some rays, take a dip in the usually 80 degree sea water and, of course, frolic in the sands (with their choice of all kinds of men in Speedos…and not just Latinos – but definitely a lot, that’s for sure). Beaches, clubs, restaurants, regular gay themed events and even immortalization VIA film -- The Birdcage was shot only a half block away at the Carlyle hotel – making 12th Street beach in Miami an absolutely compulsory destination for the LGBT community as a whole. It’s no wonder this beach has won SFGN’s Best Of three times. - JP

Best Restaurant/ Best Regular Event “Performers like Noelle León and TLo Ivy make it so enjoyable to ignore the stresses of daily life and give you an escape into the artistic and fierce world of drag.” There are two Sunday Brunch show times, the first at 11:30 a.m., the second one is at 2 p.m. Other popular performers include Missy Meyakie LePaige, Daisy Deadpetals, Tiffany Fantasia and T.P. Lords. Whenever you go, you are guaranteed to see a show you won’t forget. The Palace is located at 1200, Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139.

The Palace South Beach 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach 305-531-7234 PalaceSouthBeach.com

– DR Facebook.

This palace is made for queens – drag queens. Palace is best known for its weekend drag shows, delicious drinks and mouthwatering entrees for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Performers come here to slay, not simply put on a show. Nothing is off limits during these funfilled, sometimes-raunchy performances. The stage is the entire area outside Ocean Drive, which sometimes includes passing cars and buses. Nothing is off limits and the queens always turn it up. “The best part about Palace is its drag brunch on Sundays,” says fan Victoria Moll.

Best Bartender Facebook.

Susie from Twist 1057 Washington Ave. Miami Beach 305-538-9478 TwistSoBe.com

The gays love Susie! We thought our readers would have picked a young ripped stud as their favorite bartender. Nope. We guess a sixpack can’t compare to the down home charm of Susie from Twist. “Her special relationship with the Beach’s gay community didn’t just happen because of her work venue. Susan is a people person,” her bio reads. “Her genuine interest in people is demonstrated by her friendliness, humor,

and a talent of knowing how to listen and when to talk.” Susie can be found at Twist most days between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. She also regularly works the Happy Hour BBQ on Friday and Saturday. And remember, you just won’t get a drink from Susie, you’re likely to get a new friend. - JP

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Best Of 2016


Best Community Outreach Facebook.

Latinos Salud

Latinos Salud means Latino health in English, but don’t let the name fool you. Latinos Salud offers HIV prevention, testing and linkage services to gay Latinos, all gay men living with HIV and anyone identifying as transgender. Latinos Salud was founded in 2008 to create a safe space for Latino gay guys and their partners to find friends, support, and resources. In addition to helping link guys to TasP and PrEP, the agency’s services include life coaching, social events, empowerment discussions and more at its office in Wilton Manors, a South Beach satellite and Kendall.

“Our staff are part of the community that we serve, so they are not reaching ‘out’ so much as reaching across to a peer in ways that we hope are colorful, engaging and memorable,” says Stephen Fallon, Executive Director of Latinos Salud. “Knowing that each conversation can have a positive health impact, our staff engage the community at bars, nightclubs, bathhouses, film festivals, art walks, conferences, and our own tent events and special events.” This category was a reader’s choice entry. – DR

Best Drag Queen TP Lords

until your sides split with TP Lords is on stage. If she looks familiar, you may recognize TP from the documentary South Beach on Heels. TP is the mother of the House of Lords when she’s not performing multiple times a week at places such as The Palace, Azucar and the Manor. You can follow TP Lords on social media at: Twitter.com/TPLORDS Instagram.com/tplords Facebook: http://bit.ly/2fDJB3O – DR Facebook.

TP Lords knows how to bring the heat – Miami style. Lords, nee Alex Velez, recently spent some time on Facebook live cleaning up her dressing room. It was an entire space dedicated to the awesomeness of her craft – a wall of wigs, rows of shoes and dresses, in a kaleidoscope of colors, for days. Lords is known for her mastery of makeup and creativity – her transformations are nothing short of amazing. Her chameleon-like looks range from fiery red hotness to pretty in pink and fierce animal print fabulousness to bold gold metallic. This former club kid is now a performing force to be reckoned with. You’ll sit back in awe and laugh

Best City to Live

Miami Beach

4 Time Winner!



Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

With over 80,000 residents packed into a seven-plus square mile area, the city of Miami Beach is not only jammed with people but boasts an equally robust cultural and recreational presence to its visitors and residents alike. Defined by its trademark ‘20s and ‘30s themed architecture and immortalized as a bonafide LGBT watering hole in films like the Robin Williams/Nathan Lane classic, The Birdcage, Miami Beach is everything it’s “cracked up to be” and then some. It’s a place where being LGBT is to be just another face in the crowd. On any given day, residents of this beachside haven can be seen soaking in the

sun on miles of pristine, world-renowned beaches (complete with pride flags adorning the vintage lifeguard towers), indulge in a meal of nearly any ethnic derivation, and top it all off with a trip to one of the cities innumerable LGBT clubs such as Twist and Score among them. Miami Beach is also home to the evergrowing Miami Beach Gay Pride event that’s going into its sixth year. In 2015 the event attracted more than 130,000 people and has quickly become one of the largest gay pride events in the state despite being much younger than the others. - JP


Best Of 2016

Best Burger

4 Time Winner!

Burger and Beer Joint


South Beach Location 1766 Bay Road Miami Beach 305-672-3287 BNBjoint.com

Best Pizza Pizza Rustica

At Burger and Beer Joint you can put ketchup on your burger. But with condiments like jalapeno relish, spicy garlic mayo, pesto tarragon remoulade and sour cream (literally just a small taste of what’s available), why would you? But condiments are just the icing on the cake of one of South Florida’s best burger menus, now four-time winner of Best Burger in Miami-Dade. At Burger and Beer Joint, the burgers make up the bulk of the menu – half pound bulk per most burgers. All – Thunder Road, Buck Nekid, Dear Prudence, Hey Jude, Sympathy for the Devil, Stairway to Heaven and more – named after classic rock tunes. And customers, on yelp, have a lot to say. “The quality meat is amazing, the

pairing of flavor was out of this world! The Stairway to Heaven, wagyu beef, foie gras and black truffle with garlic aioli along with the duck fat fries will have me in a hurry to come back to Miami again!,” said Annie M. Customers don’t even need to like beef to enjoy a burger at Burger and Beer Joint. The Turning Japanese is 5 ounces of seared rare ahi tuna, avocado, watercress, jalapeno relish, spicy garlic mayo, onion bun and jalapenocheddar sauce. Going one-step further, meatless lovers can try the Dear Prudence, a marinated portobello cap, roasted red peppers, fresh mozzarella, arugula, pesto, ciabatta bun, roasted garlic bulb and country ranch. – MD

3 Time Winner!

863 Washington Ave. Miami Beach 305-674-8244 Pizza-Rustica.com

Known for pizza and peoplewatching, Pizza Rustica has several Miami locations, but the one at 863 Washington Ave. is the original of the now global chain. Known for being a late-night lifesaver, Pizza Rustica is open 11:00 a.m. to 6 a.m. The oversized rectangular slices and budget friendly prices have bailed out many South Beach party goers since opening in 1996. Despite the humble pricing, Pizza Rustica gives back as well through charitable donations to organizations including the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,

Pridelines Youth Services and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Besides winning SFGN’s Best Pizza for the last three years, Pizza Rustica made Trip Adviser’s 2015 Hall of Fame as a five-time winner of their Mark of Excellence Award (2011 – 2015). And earlier this year, Zagat counted the restaurants spicy shrimp pizza, a pie topped with spicy smoked chipotle marinated shrimp and melted mozzarella – among their ”9 Chain dishes We Secretly Love in Miami.” (But a personal favorite is the eggplant and goat cheese.) - JM

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM



Best Of 2016

Best Activist Maybe you remember him from his 1986 Vietnam war film “Platoon.” Maybe you heard of his duties after that, serving as a United States Marine and then military technical adviser. Maybe you remember him from his 1996 New York Times magazine interview where he detailed his unsafe sexual encounters during the height of the AIDS epidemic (he found out after publication that he was HIV positive). Maybe you know him now as an HIV activist. Regardless of how you heard of him, you now know Mark Ebenhoch as one of the biggest local gay

Best Regular Event Nearly 10 years ago, the owner of Key West’s Bottle Cap was working the bar every Friday night. When she felt guilty about accepting tips as the proprietor, she asked a local nonprofit if they would accept her tips. They agreed, and when word got around town that the owner was donating tips, other local nonprofit organizations around town wanted to join in. Non-profit Fridays have been a huge thing ever since. While owner, Carolyn, donates the tips, she

pays her helpful staff extra by giving them a 20 percent bonus on sales for the night. There’s no requirement or minimum purchase to get in. In fact, you can show up, put a few bucks in the tip jar, and head out without even buying a drink. The small notion is simply patrons showing love to groups around town. And it’s been a huge success with visitors and locals alike for almost a decade. – DZ

and HIV activists in Key West. He’s now part of the Sacred Cloth Project, bringing a 1.25-mile rainbow flag — sewn together by Gilbert Baker — around the country to events like the April, 2015 ruling on gay marriage and the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Australia. He may no longer be a Hollywood actor, but Ebenhoch isn’t sitting still. He’s still creating change in Key West and across the world. – DZ

Non-Profit Fridays at Bottle Cap 1128 Simonton Street Key West, FL 305-296-2807 BottleCapKeyWest.com



Mark Ebenhoch

Best Drag Queen Sushi


For a quarter century, Sushi the Drag Queen has owned the Key West drag scene. Twenty years ago, Sushi — otherwise known as Gary Marion — got an offer to usher in the New Year with a literal shoe drop, and Marion has been doing it ever since. Last year before the big shoe drop, Marion married longtime partner Jeff Kusin in an elaborate ceremony and yes, the shoe was there. While her now-husband proposed a few years ago, Sushi didn’t want to leave the state to make it official, and held out until gay marriage was legal nationwide in 2015.



Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

But it’s not all about the shoe (although the shoe and the dress Marion makes every year is extravagant and glamorous naturally). Marion holds weekly shows at 801 Bourbon Bar and if you can’t catch her, there are more than a dozen other talented drag queens every single night, otherwise known as the 801 Girls. You can even book one of the girls for your private functions and events. – DZ

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Key West

Best Of 2016

Best Bar

Bourbon St. Pub


724 Duval St Key West, FL 33040 BourbonStPub.com

Best Annual Event Fantasy Fest

FantasyFest.com Every year for 10 days in October If you’ve ever wanted a raging party but didn’t want to leave the state for Mardi Gras, then you’ll fall in love with Fantasy Fest. The 10-day party has been going on since 1979 when a small group of locals wanted to show visitors a party during what would otherwise be a quiet time of the year. Every year since, Fantasy Fest has grown bigger than the last with extravagant street food, costumes, and a huge parade. This past year’s theme — “Political Voodoo & Ballot Box Barbarians” — celebrates just how crazy this year’s general election got with more than 50

events and parties. Party-goers ended the 10-day affair with the world-famous parade, where each year, floats are judged in theme, creativity, and costume. And speaking of costumes, if you’re ever planning to make the trip, don’t come in street clothes. If you do, however, there are plenty of places around town to pick up an outfit. Whether you show up for the costumes, the food, or the 10 days of parties, you may realize you’ll never want to leave. The good news is that it’ll be here again, around this time, next year. – DZ



Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

It’s winning “best bar” but it turns out Bourbon St. Pub is actually so much more than just one bar. In fact, in the main bar area, you’ll find three bars, music videos on flat screens, and male dancers all over. There’s also a garden bar — a men only bar — part of the New Orleans House: Key West’s all-male guesthouse. If you manage to get in, you’ll not only get access to the pool and Jacuzzi, but also a place to crash when the party has ended sometime around 4 a.m.

Bourbon St. Pub is known for their featuring the hottest men — some who travel across the world to perform at the bar. Catch the action every night at 10 p.m. at the hottest bar on Duval St. Stay for the resident VJ/DJ Gary Nolan, extravagant parties, and the famous New Year’s Eve partym featuring Sushi the drag queen lowered from a giant high heel at the stroke of midnight. – DZ

Key West

Best Of 2016

Best Water-Based Activity Danger Charters


245 Front Street Key West, FL 33040 305-304-7999 DangerCharters.com

Best Bartender On Jan. 6, 2015, Aaron Huntsman wasn’t in the news for his superb bartending skills, but rather, as one-half of the couple that was the first gay marriage in Monroe County. The fight for marriage in Florida began half a year earlier, when a Monroe County Circuit Court judge struck down the Florida ban on gay marriage, declaring it unconstitutional. Then just after midnight on that January morning, Huntsman and his now husband, William “Lee” Jones were the first couple in Monroe to marry

in front of 500 of their closest friends, family, neighbors, strangers, and media. Six months later, the Supreme Court granted that same right to every citizen across the country. Huntsman and his husband both work as bartenders at the Aqua Nightclub at 801 Bourbon Street. They were honored last year by Equality Florida with the Voice for Equality Award — the organization’s highest honor — for their fight for marriage equality in Florida.

Want to get away when no one else will go with you? Danger Charters leave the big crowds behind and heads out where other can’t go and with some of the best accommodations in the Keys. And that’s good news for you. Try the Wine & Wine Sunset Sail, where you and your group can sip on fine wine and high-end beers from around the world while noshing on snacks. Hop on a 65-ft schooner and watch the sunset with your friends, partner, or family in this secluded mini getaway. Or take a day trip with by sailing through the Key West National

Wildlife Refuge. You could even snorkel through corals and patch reefs through the clear waters with a morning, afternoon, or all-day tour. Don’t forget about the fishing options with 4, 6, and 8-hour options, depending on the excursion you’re looking for. Of course if you’re looking to go all out, Danger Charters offer a variety of different wedding packages, ranging from $500 to more than $3,800, depending on what you’re looking for in your special day. – DZ

Aaron Huntsman Aqua Nightclub 711 Duval St. Key West, FL. 305-294-0555 AquaKeyWest.com


– DZ

Best Non-profit AIDS Help Monroe Facebook.

1434 Kennedy Drive Key West, FL 33040 AHMonroe.org

It started in 1986, when a small but active group of Key West locals took on the fight against HIV and AIDS. With grassroots organization and fundraisers, AIDS Help brought 27 locals living with AIDS to relief by giving them guidance in healthcare and overall patient care, including hospice and end-of-life assistance. As Key West has a long history of being an open and accepting community, the growing gay population in the 1980s was hit hard by this pandemic. Soon, other organizations were looking to AIDS Help as a model of how to run a successful

organization in helping people survive this terrible disease. Now, 30 years later, the group has helped more than 3,000 individuals in and around the Florida Keys. Today, along with healthcare assistance, patients get counseling, housing, and other supportive services along with their own Medical Case Manager. Along with active fighting against HIV/AIDS, the group aims to build up prevention and research. Currently, it is still the only community-based HIV/AIDS service organization in the Keys. - DZ

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM


Best Of 2016

Key West

Best Burger Five Guys Burgers and Fries

The long-standing fast-casual burger debate already has a clear winner in Key West. And that winner is Five Guys Burgers and Fries. The Washington DC-based burger joint has been franchising stores since 2003 and has slowly made its way south, including the southernmost city in the nation. The freshnever-frozen burgers mantra isn’t a joke. Five Guys boasts that there aren’t actually any freezers in any of the 1,000 nationwide locations, just coolers. That’s how fresh every ingredient is.


Multiple Locations Key West

Best Pizza

other than pizza, don’t you worry. Get a stromboli (starting at $12), an Italian hoagie ($9) or the world-famous Philly cheesesteak ($8). And if that isn’t enough, grab the cheese fries — a huge portion of French fries served with melted American cheese ($4.50). It also helps that the restaurant is only closed for six hours every day. Opening at 10:30 and not closing its doors until 4 a.m., you can get your Philly fix almost any time you want!

- DZ

Mr. Zs Multiple locations Key West MrZsKeyWest.com


When you think of pizza, you naturally think of Philadelphia, right? Well don’t shrug it off just yet! You may think of cheesesteaks and cream cheese, but don’t doubt the power of Philly pizza, especially when it has migrated south indefinitely. Mr. Z’s has two Key West locations, operating in the Southernmost point for more than a decade. Get your fix by the slice ($3-$4) or whole pies (starting at $10). Everything is fresh and made to order, so if you’re looking for something

And with those ingredients, Five Guys boasts that there are 250,000 different ways to order your meal. With eight burger options, four hot dog choices, four sandwiches to choose from and fries, either regular or cajun. Don’t forget the 15 different toppings, everything from traditional mayo and mustard to jalapenos and hot sauce. Skip the line (because there will be one) and order online! No matter what you prefer, you’ll always find something to love at Five Guys.

– DZ


Best Kept Secret



Best Of LGBT South Florida

El Siboney

900 Catherine Street Key West, FL 33040 305-296-4184 ElSiboneyRestaurant.com

Fall 2016, Part II

Miami has some of the best Cuban food options in the entire state, and probably the entire country, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only place to find really delicious Cuban fare. In Key West, El Siboney serves up authentic Cuban dishes and has been since 1984. Get favorites like fried pork chunks ($10.95), ropa vieja ($11.95), and the traditional Cuban sandwich ($7.75). But the great options don’t just end there. Key West is known for serving up homestyle Conch Chowder, and El

Siboney isn’t going to let that one slip away. Get a bowl or a cup ($3.25-$4.25) of the traditional Bahamian dish, loaded with fresh conch, potatoes, and veggies. Don’t forget the drinks! Cafe con leche ($2.75) isn’t just a Miami thing; if done right, it can be found anywhere, including Key West (which, let’s be honest, is closer to Cuba than Miami is!). Of course, no Cuban joint is complete without flan ($3.95) and, naturally, Key Lime Pie ($3.95). – DZ

Key West

Best Of 2016

Best Restaurant Facebook.

Azur 425 Grinnell St Key West, FL 33040 305-292-2987 AzurKeyWest.com

If you’re looking for something to hate at Azur, you’ll be here awhile. With a solid mix of Mediterranean, Italian and Spanish-influenced items, the menu serves up breakfast, lunch and dinner. In-house specialties start as early as 8 a.m. and go through the day until 10 p.m., with a brief closing from 3-5:30 p.m. It’s no wonder they’ve been awarded the coveted Best Restaurant in Key West; the menu speaks for itself. If you’re around for breakfast, try the Key Lime Pie Stuffed French Toast with a wild berry compote ($10.75). For a more savory option, grab the

Carbonara Breakfast: pancetta, button mushrooms, caramelized onions with a dash of cream and Parmesan reggiano and poached eggs ($14.25). Don’t forget lunch, like the different variations of hand-made gnocchi ($13.25-$15.95). There’s easy lunch choices, too, like a crab cake BLT ($15.95), French dip ($14.95), and grilled angus rib-eye on ciabatta ($14.95). Come back for dinner, when later on you can choose from Petite Veal Osso Bucco ($27), Confit Duck ($16), or a slew of delicious appetizers and tasting plates: mussels ($15), little neck clams ($16), and octopus salad ($6). – DZ


Best Key Lime Pie

Multiple locations, Key West KeyLimeShop.com Lime Pies in town. You can grab the traditional pie or by the slice ($4.50) but many will opt for the chocolate-dipped version. Either way you slice it, you’ve got the best Key Lime Pie in the city (state? Country? The worldwide verdict is still out but we’ve got our favorite, for sure). There are plenty of other non-pie options, too, like Key Lime Pie cookies, candy, and and yes — salsa. – DZ


It’s something of a big deal down here. There are taste tests, there are competitions, there are friendships and breakups on the very heated subject matter. Key Lime Pie is no joke in Key West. When Kermit opened up shop more than two decades ago, he had a plan to make high-quality, delicious pies. In 2016, he’s still doing just that. Aside from the first store on Elizabeth Street, Kermit’s is now on Duval Street, where more visitors and locals alike can enjoy the best Key

Fall 2016, Part II Best Of LGBT South Florida // SFGN.COM




Best Of LGBT South Florida

Fall 2016, Part II

11.22.2016 •


lifestyle books

‘Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation’ by Jim Downs

Terri Schlichenmeyer


ou had no idea.



Whether you are in the bisexual or transgender communities, are asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, or maybe you still aren’t sure, SFGN is proudly here to connect you with the rest of our colorful community.

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1 1.22.2016

How could you know? No one ever told you, nobody sat you down to explain what was what. You were blissfully unaware, kept in the dark for far too long, but read “Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation” by Jim Downs, and you may see the light on a few things. Years ago, when he was a college student, Downs spent evenings with his best friend in a back room in the William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center in Philadelphia, poring through archives. Then, he had no idea of the value of the old newspapers and articles he’d found but after seeing a documentary on the 1970s and AIDS, he suddenly understood. Bothered by conclusions drawn in the movie – specifically, what he felt was a focus on promiscuous sex – he returned to the archives. It was there that he saw how much of LGBT history is unknown or misunderstood. His research led to this book. One of the more shocking things he discovered was “the largest massacre of gay people in American history.” It happened on June 23, 1973 in New Orleans: a group of 120 gay, lesbian, and straight worshippers were holding a church service on a Sunday night on the second floor of a building in the French Quarter. They were members of the Metropolitan Community Church, which had been established so that LGBT individuals had a safe, inclusive place to worship. On that night, they were raising their voices in song when a still-unknown person threw flammable liquid on the stairs, trapping the congregation. Thirty-two people died that night.

c.2016, Basic Books $27.99 / $36.50 Canada 262 pages Downs writes of a New Yorker with a “vision” of a bookstore-slash-gatheringplace for “homophiles” to mingle and share ideas, rather than their bodies. He explains how a soon-to-be-famous writer was relentless in his search for gay history in Nazi Germany. He examines how activism and gay politics spurred the creation of gay newspapers, and how LGBT publications affected “people of color” and domestic workers. Coming full-circle, he shows how gay churches and newspapers supported gay men in prison. In any history, there’ll always be surprises, facts, and tales that are forgotten or ignored until someone finds and reveals them anew. And that’s exactly what author Jim Downs has done here in “Stand by Me.” Starting with upset over what he perceived to be a simplistic premise for a documentary, Downs moves on to a story that was largely ignored by nationwide news outlets, then to activists and beginnings of an LGBT press. His narrative encompasses the years roughly prior to Stonewall through about the late 1970s, and it includes a number of coincidental connections that are nicely revealed. This book is informative, sometimes horrifying, interesting and, unlike your old high-school history books, it’s never dry. Older LGBT readers may not see anything new or shocking here, but younger gay men and lesbians will truly find some eyeopeners. If you don’t know what you don’t know, “Stand by Me” will give you some ideas.

11.22.2016 •


lifestyle food The Alchemist.

Java Boys.

Submitted photos.

Warsaw Coffee Co.

Rick Karlin

Java Jive

As Manhattan Transfer warbled in the song by Ben Oakland and Milton Drake, “I love coffee, I love tea I love the java jive and it loves me Coffee and tea and the java and me A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup (boy!)” Americans love our coffee, according to the Harvard School of Health, Americans drink an average of a quart of coffee a day with nearly one third of that consumption coming after breakfast. The amount of coffee we drink has remained fairly constant since the 1950s, however the way we consume it has changed. Nearly 70 percent of people get their coffee from outside the home, and nearly a third of those people get their coffee from premium coffee outlets. It’s a $40 billion industry; just take one look at the Starbucks on 26th for proof of that. I’ve often wondered if the folks go there for the coffee or the eye candy. Whatever the reason, there’s seldom a parking space in the lot. If you’d like an alternative to that corporate cup of Joe, check out these locally owned operations.

Switchbox 3446 NE 12TH Ave., Oakland Park 888-849-7269 SwitchBoxCoffee.com This small batch, specialty coffee roaster is housed in an attractively designed space near the Oakland Park Post Office. It specializes in smaller, single origin microlots of seasonal, current crop coffees. To say they are serious about the enjoyment and production of coffee would be an understatement. There are some pastries and snacks, but the focus is on java – so much so that they don’t even list a food menu on their website or Facebook page. There’s not much foot traffic around this


1 1.22.2016

space, making it a destination location. Open Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday - Sunday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Warsaw 815 NE 13th St., Ft Lauderdale 954-990-4189 WarsawCoffee.com This is the place that started the hipster coffee movement in Fort Lauderdale (and the rejuvenation of 13th Street). It’s so popular that they’ve had to expand the parking lot. (Psst! You can also park in the Pride Factory lot across the street.) On any given day it looks like the break room of a gay porn shoot –but that’s not the reason I

go there, honestly! Owners Scott Ojeda and Blaise McMackin care about preserving quality joe from seed to sip. The large room can get noisy at times (how about adding some soft surfaces to muffle the noise, guys?). Breakfast plates and sandwiches run $5-$8; salads and sandwiches average $12. All pastries are baked in-house and there’s a drive-thru window. Warsaw also serves more than 20 wine varietals and 25 craft beers, and on week days from 4-7 p.m., happy hour prices are in effect which means $3 off house wines; $2 off all beer. Open Monday-Saturday 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Sundays 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

addition to standard pastries, Alchemist offers a number of gluten free desserts. Open 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. daily. The Alchemist’s location makes parking difficult and there are rumors that the city wants to take over the property for the new commuter rail station. Perhaps, in preparation for such a possibility, the owners will soon open The Phoenix, in the mall on the northwest corner of 26th Street and Federal, in Fort Lauderdale.

The Alchemist 2430 NE 13th Ave., Wilton Manors 954-673-4614 TheAlchemist.Cafe.com

Call it the anti-hipster coffeehouse. The comfy spot features a few loungey chairs and a bank of tables along one wall, as well as a few tables outside. Service can be friendly or surly depending on the day, and mood of the staff. No matter the mood behind the counter, Java Boys welcomes customers to hang out, work, play games, socialize and even watch the occasional movie screening. It also serves as a place for business meetings and a gathering place for a number of groups (it’s hosted speed dating, biker Sundays, the Deaf Alliance group and Latinos Salud). Breakfast items are in the $4-6 range, sandwiches $7-9. There are also quiche, assorted pastries, cookies and to-die-for empanadas. Best of all, it’s open from early morning (7 a.m. daily) until late at night (Sunday –Thursday until 11 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays till midnight.)

It may be hard to find, but The Alchemist is worth the search. (It’s tucked away on a side street behind what used to be Old Florida Seafood House.) In some ways it’s a throwback to the 1970s, but with a hipster vibe. Despite the ingestion of caffeine, the atmosphere is laid-back and relaxed. The seating is entirely outdoors, which can be problematic if the weather doesn’t cooperate. The Alchemist uses a proprietary brewing process and pure water to produce its coffee, and you can taste the difference at first sip. The menu options include open-faced sandwiches called “Slicers,” priced at $7. Egg dishes run about $6 and salads are available for $9. In

Java Boys 2230 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors 954-564-8828

11.22.2016 •







J.W. Arnold





n o v e m b er

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n o v e m b er

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W W W . S F G N . C O M

Dance, Baby, Dance!

Turkey Day has finally arrived! After gorging yourselves with roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and all the trimmings, work off all those extra pounds by taking a stroll down Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. And, of course, all that exercise might lead you to work up a thirst, so why not stop in one of the many bars and clubs for a drink with friends? If you had to put up with family all day, you’ll need one, too.



theater It’s the holiday season, that time of the year when people suddenly find God. “Sister Act,” opening tonight at The Wick, 7901 N. Federal Highway in Boca Raton, offers a dose of religion, mixed in with Motown and pop rhythms and lots of laughs, too. Lounge singer Delores Van Cartier seeks refuge from the mob in a crumbling convent and helps the sisters find their voices in the process. Tickets start at $75 at TheWick.org.

Tuesday 11/29


The Broadway in Miami season heats up the Arsht Center with “Dirty Dancing,” opening tonight and playing through Sunday, Dec. 4. It’s 1963 and “Baby” Houseman discovers love on the dance floor at a stuffy Catskills resort. The score includes all the songs that made the movie a hit, along with stunning dance moves and onstage romance. You’ll have the time of your life. Tickets start at $29 at ArshtCenter.org. Photo Credit: Matthew Murphy.


11/26 SUN

11/27 MON

11/28 TUE






If you’re still nursing a holiday hangover, then tune in to one of these secret guilty pleasures. After years of activism from diehard fans, the Gilmore Girls are back on television. “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” the long-awaited conclusion to the sappy series premieres this week on Netflix. Get a case of diet soda, pop lots of popcorn and prepare to binge watch because closure is good. Watch at Netflix.com.

Before he was an Emmy-winning TV star on “Criminal Minds,” Mandy Patinkin was already a Tony-winning Broadway legend. “Mandy Patinkin in Concert,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, presents the acclaimed actor/singer/storyteller in his most electrifying role as a concert performer. He’ll sing works by Irving Berlin, Stephen Sondheim, Cole Porter and more. Tickets start at $25 at Kravis.org.

In a very special holiday show tonight at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, Grammy Award winner Melissa Etheridge performs festive favorites from her holiday album, “A New Thought for Christmas,” along with her huge hits, “Come to My Window,” “I Need to Wake Up” and “I’m the Only One.” Etheridge promises anything but a “Silent Night” for her diehard fans. Tickets start at $20 at Kravis.org.

Ring in the holiday season tonight in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The 54th annual Christmas on Las Olas celebration, beginning at 5 p.m., will feature carolers and musical performances, street vendors and even a manmade snow hill. After taking a sled ride, be sure to stop by the many stores to take advantage of the sales. It’s okay to buy some things for everyone on your Christmas list, too. More information at LasOlasBoulevard.com


1 1.22.2016

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lifestyle photos

14th Annual Broward Gala On November 13, Equality Florida hosted its 14th annual Broward Gala at the B Ocean Resort to help raise funds to continue their fight for equality across the Sunshine State. J.R. Davis

To see many more photos, visit SFGN.com on Facebook.



1 1.22.2016

11.22.2016 •



Theater Christiana Lilly




Dolly Parton

Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. Parton tours in support of her latest album, “Pure and Simple.” Tickets $45.25 to $125.25. Call 954835-7000 or visit The BBTCenter. com.

Melissa Etheridge’s Holiday Trio

Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Etheridge performs holiday favorites from her album, “A New Thought For Christmas” as well as her hits. Tickets $20 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Dirty Dancing

Nov. 29 to Dec. 4 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. While vacationing with her family in the Catskills, baby comes across a staff dance party and the resort’s dance instructor, Johnny Castle. Tickets $29 to $107. Call 305949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county

Nov. 23 - Nov. 31

Naked Boys Singing

Through Dec. 4 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Eight naked men dance and sing about gay life, male nudity, circumcision, and love in this long-running revue. Visit RonnieLarsen. com or RSVP to jw@prdconline.com.

Perfect Arrangement

Through Dec. 11 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Fort Lauderdale. It’s the Red Scare and Bob and Norma are assigned to find “sexual deviants” at the State Department. In reality, they’re both gay and have married each other’s partners! Tickets $35. Call 954-519-2533 or visit IslandCityStage.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

1 1.22.2016

miami-dade county * Maxwell and Mary J. Blige

Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The two RnB singers tour together for the first time in the King + Queen of Hearts World Tour. Tickets $35.50 to $175.50. Call 786777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

* An Act of God

Through Dec. 18 at GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. David Javerbaum “The Daily Show” fame transcribed a play by God, setting the record straight on all of life’s deepest questions. Tickets $45. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.

Million Dollar Quartet

Through Jan. 1, 2017 at the Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Enter Dec. 4, 1956, the day that Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins got together for a recording session. Tickets $57. Call 305444-4181 or visit ActorsPlayhouse.org.

* Mandy Patinkin in Concert: Dress Casual

* The Hip Hop Nutcracker

Through Dec. 11 at Arts Garage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. In this vampire drama, Eve has been locked away her entire life, protected by her sister Tabby. But, Eve has had enough. Tickets $40. Call 561-450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.org.

Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Two small town lovers are separated when one goes off to find their destiny. Tickets $85. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter. org.

Nov. 25 at noon block party and 5 p.m. concert at Sunset Cove Amphitheater, 20405 Amphitheater Circle in Boca Raton. Celebrate Black Friday with a multi-genre music concert with performances by DJ Khaled, Casey Veggies, Walshy Fire of Major Lazer, Ape Drums, DJ Irie, Purari, Mont, Liz Elias, Yung Simmie, and more. Tickets $25 to $250, parking $20. Visit BlackFridayMusicFest.com.

* The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey Dec. 2 to 4 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Written by and starring the co-founder of the Trevor Project, 14-year-old Leonard Pelkey goes missing from his small New Jersey town. Tickets $5 with code “Trevor.” Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.



* Kansas City Choir Boy

* My.Am.I Music Presents: Black Friday Music Fest

Bob Dylan and His Band

Nov. 29 to Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The classic Christmas play is revamped with a hip hop twice, DJ and electric violinist. Tickets $25 to $59. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

Through Dec. 4 at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. It’s 1932 and Edward Bennett’s play bombs, so he and his actress wife Sorel head to the countryside for a reprieve — until guests arrive nonstop and the night ends in a murder! Tickets $35 to $72. Call 561-586-6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

palm beach county

Nov 27 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. The Broadway-turnedtelevision-star performs with Adam BenDavid on the piano. Tickets $25 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A true Americana artist, Bob Dylan has been the poster boy for rock and roll for 50 years. Tickets $63.75 to $450. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter. org.

Death by Design

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

A&E music Saxophonist Dave Koz brings his Smooth Jazz Christmas Tour to the Arsht this holiday season. Photo Credit: Submitted photo.

Christmas Tour Brings Dave Koz Back to South Florida J.W. Arnold


axophonist Dave Koz may be Jewish, but he loves Christmas. “I grew up celebrating Hanukkah with my family, but I used to love to go to my friends’ houses help trim their trees, open presents and drink cider,” recalled the 53-yearold Californian who will be coming to Miami’s Arsht Center this weekend on his 19th annual Christmas concert tour. “The music also really drew me to the holiday. It’s also true many of the most beloved Christmas tunes were penned by Jewish songwriters: Irving Berlin, “White Christmas;” Mel Torme and Bob Wells, “The Christmas Song;” Buck Ram, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas;” Felix Bernard, “Winter Wonderland.” “The people who wrote those songs were the people who wrote the Great American Songbook. No matter how many times we hear ‘White Christmas’ it will never go out of style. That’s the way it affects people. It never goes out of style,” Koz said in a phone interview on the first day of rehearsals. This year, Koz will be joined on the road by Valerie Simpson of the famed duo Ashford & Simpson, singer Kenny Lattimore and South African talent Jonathan Butler, a veteran of many Christmas tours. Koz described Simpson, whose credits include “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and “I’m Every Woman,” as “Motown royalty and the “R&B Carole King.” She’ll be making her first tour since her partner Nick Ashford passed away five years ago. Lattimore, who has performed on Koz’s popular cruises, makes his first Christmas tour, and Koz considers Butler his “brother from a

different mother,” who brings an “incredible spirit” to the performances. For Koz, the tour is really about family. Since the first tour in 1997, he has seen fans return year after year. “I’ve seen kids grow up and the changes in families and every year they keep coming back,” Koz said. “It’s a great honor, as daunting a task as it is” to put together a new program. The Christmas tour and its message of peace on Earth can’t come soon enough, Koz admitted. While he’s not public with his political views, of the recent election he said, “I don’t think you could avoid it. Our country needs a whole lot of healing right now.” While on a recent international tour to Europe and Australia, he was regularly confronted about his political opinions. “It was interesting what the rest of the world was thinking about us. No matter where you fall on the ideological lines, we have to find a way to find a way to work together. We are one country and need to bridge this gap. It’s a big concern for me and I want to be on the solution side and, whatever way I can do that, I want to do that,” Koz said. Fortunately, music can bridge that gap— especially Christmas music. “We’re lucky that we have an outlet for our expression that can stand on its own. I’m certainly blessed to have that, otherwise I’d be frustrated,” he elaborated. “We have to do what we do best and apply some tools of the light. Keep that big tent philosophy. Let’s do this together, it’s a great time to be out there touring.”

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The Dave Koz Christmas Tour with special guests Jonathan Butler, Kenny Lattimore and Valerie Simpson comes to the Arsht Center in Miami on Saturday, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $45 at ArshtCenter.org.

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11.22.2016 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

Top Picks

LAST CHANCE: The Thrill of the Vote: Episodes in Democracy

Through Nov. 30 in the FAU’s Theatre Lab Gallery in Parliament Hall, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. A exhibiting exploring voting rights over American history. Call 561-297-6124 or visit FAUEvents.com.

“Coda” by Arthur J. Levy

Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Drive. Levy’s mystery thriller tells the story of composer Tchaikovsky’s hidden lover and the sheet music where he hid his secret -- music that others are trying to destroy. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Free Rapid HIV Testing

Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud, 555 Washington Ave. Suite 235 in Miami Beach. Receive the results of your free, confidential HIV test in minutes. Call 305-397-8967 or visit LatinosSalud.org

broward county * Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot

Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at D.C. Alexander Park in Fort Lauderdale. Before indulging in the best dinner of the year, participate in a 5K benefitting the iTRACE Foundation and the Leadership Broward Foundation. Registration $20 to $35, Kid’s Dash is $5. Visit TurkeyTrotFTL.com.

* Symphony of Lights

Nov. 25 to Dec. 31 from 6 to 11 p.m. at Gulfstream Park, 901 S. Federal Highway in Hallandale Beach. Enjoy the magic of the holidays with the park’s 50-foot Christmas tree, holoday music, selfies with Santa and Mrs. Claus, a light show, and train rides for the little ones on Fridays and Saturdays. Free. Call 954-454-7000 or visit GulfstreamPark.com.

* Transgender Award Ceremony

Nov. 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Thirteen, 2390 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. A night


1 1.22.2016

* Denotes New Listing

Broward Support Services

Gender Bender Youth Group

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org. celebrating those who have helped make advancements towards transgender equality. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 205 or visit PrideCenterFloorida.org.

* World AIDS Day Vigil and Remembrance Walk

Dec. 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Hagen Park, 2020 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Walk to the Pride Center for a vigil honoring those whose lives were lost to HIV/AIDS. Free. Call 954-463-9005 or visit PrideCenterFloorida. org.

* Kenny G: The Holiday Tour

Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St. in Fort Lauderdale. The renowned sax player performs holiday favorites from his Christmas album, “Miracles.” Tickets $57.50 to $77.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse.com.

HIV Prenatal Classes

Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. at Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center, 1401 S. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Confidential and informative classes with lunch. Free.

Nov. 23 - 31 Contact Bisiola Fortune-Evans at 954-7281056 or Yvette Gonzalez at 954-467-4700, ext. 5541.

First Comes Love: Portraits of Enduring LGBTQ Relationships

Through Dec. 11 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Photography by B. Proud looks at the lives of couples who have been together for anywhere from 10 to 50 years. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

palm beach county Question Bridge: Black Males

Through Dec. 18 at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. A look at the lives of African American men, more than 160 men in nine cities were interviewed for this visual art project. Free. Call 561-832-5196 or visit Norton.org.

Who is Joan Quinn? A Life in Portraits

Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in

Delray Beach. A collection of works created over 50 years by contemporary artists celebrating the legacy of Joan Agajanian Quinn. Suggested donation $5. Call 561243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

Fifteen Minutes

Through Jan. 15, 2017 at the Cornell Art Museum at Old Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Andy Warhol once said, “Everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” This exhibit examines the culture of celebrity. Suggested donation $5. Call 561-243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

miami-dade county TransSOCIAL Holiday Donation Drive

Through Dec. 21 at FIU’s MPAS Office, 11200 SW Eighth St. in Miami and Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. TransSOCIAL will be collecting toiletries and clothing for LGBTQ homeless youth. Visit TransSOCIAL.org.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter. org/en/Visit/Dining.

Zumba Fitness



Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

key west Aqua Idol

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.

Hot Naked Hump Days

Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com

Women’s Flag Football

Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Bernstein Park, 6751 Fifth St. on Stock Island. Practice and games once a week. Free. Call 305-8968678 or email IWFFA@IWFFA.com.

Gay Key West Trolley Tours

Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.

11.22.2016 •


Business Directory a&e Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org



To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 framing

Island City Dental 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com


Barton & Miller Cleaners 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314

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Business Directory To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 restaurants Storks Bakery 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com J. Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com

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HOME HEALTH CARE AID NEEDED - Private Residence - Part-time to Full-time. Patient is in his 90s suffering from mild dementia and incontinence issues. Care is provided in a beautiful downtown residence. HHA or CNA or retired RN would be great but not necessary. Must have clean driving record and pass a background check. Please send resume with cover letter including salary requirements and availability to: PO Box 2213 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303-2213 BUON APPETITO-APPLY IN PERSON - We are looking for experienced waitress/servers and BOH. Apply in person from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday. 1100 NE 4th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304. Ask for Alex.


HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more!It doesn’t cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

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HELP WANTED - with Apple products: Mac Book Pro, Mini I Pad, and Iphone 6’s. Call Bob in Manor Grove @ 973-202-6721.


MANSCAPING SERVICES WE OFFER - Treat yourself to a Full Body Hair Removal, Shaving, Trimming, and Waxing. European Facial, Oxy Hydro Treatment. No Chemicals used.Looking Good & Feeling Good Call Ebi at 561-502-3217 or www.euromanscaping.com

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GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailedoriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com


WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

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COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

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ALTERATIONS BY LUCAS JOHNSON - Quality, quick and affordable alterations. Call, text or email for more info. (407)-779-4716 lucasrangel25@ gmail.com

roommates oakland park WANT TO LIVE THE GOOD LIFE? - Let me be your concierge. Sm. B.R. available $300/mo plus expenses. Walled-in condo assoc. arm guard at gate. Fully furnished W/wi-fi, cable. 55+ only please. I have 35 years yrs. exp. providing a safe, clean, drama free environment for gay men. Brian @ 954-529-3490/gejejeffsubri@yahoo.com


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