local name global coverage december 5, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 49
Michelle obama’ pages 15, 22
New book a #1 best seller, and top present in sfgn’s
holiday gift guide Gift Guide: pages 22 - 28
Medical pot ● Page 20 SouthFloridaGayNews
George H.W. Bush ● Page 12
World AIDS Day ● Page 10, 14
NEWS highlight
SouthFloridaGayNews.com Photo via The Aqua Foundation for Women, Facebook.
December 5, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 49
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
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Aqua Foundation Grants $30,000 to Combat LGBT Youth Homelessness
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In Memorium
he Aqua Foundation for Women gave “This is an issue that is still large and that out a $30,000 grant Nov. 19 to support we care about very much,” Schwartz said. a Miami-based project that aims to Thanks to the grant, the alliance will help homeless LGBT youth. now be able to launch its Rapid Rehousing Each year, Aqua gives out Program which is made up of between one and 10 grants three parts, Green said. with this year’s recipient being First, the program will The Alliance for GLBTQ Youth help homeless LGBT youth Rapid Rehousing Program. The find somewhere that meets alliance’s new program is the first their living needs. It will of its kind in Miami-Dade county, then provide time-limited though other communities rental assistance followed by have seen success with similar case management that will programs, the Alliance for provide them with training GLBTQ Youth Executive Director in life skills and legal Pauline Green said. support, as well as anything Applications to apply else the participating youth - Pauline Green for Aqua’s grant opened in GLBTQ Youth Executive may need. Director September, according to its Around 40 percent of website. Aqua Managing Director homeless youth are LGBT, Robin Schwartz said they wanted to give the Green said, so the alliance is co-chairs of grant money to an organization that focused an initiative to end youth homelessness on LGBT youth homelessness. by 2020 along with Miami-Dade County
“We knew that this was a match made in heaven.”
Public Schools and Miami Homes for All. It also works intimately with the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust. As soon as it was announced that Aqua wanted its grant recipient to focus on LGBT youth homelessness, Green knew it would be a good opportunity to start the program. “We knew that this was a match made in heaven,” Green said. “I knew immediately that we would be applying for those funds.” With the money from the Aqua grant, the alliance is expecting to be able to help 25 to 30 young people find a place to live, Green said. Since this is a pilot program, she is hoping that the results that come out of the Rapid Rehousing Program’s first year will make them eligible for future grants to continue their work to end LGBT youth homelessness. “We’re thrilled and honored to be entrusted with these important funds in our community,” she said. “We’re really excited to bring this to our young people.”
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Cover 1: Compass GLCC in Palm Beach reaches its 30 year anniversary. Photo via Ccompass GLCC. Cover 2: Michelle Obama during the holiday season. Photo via the White House archives.
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12.5.2018 •
NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
Lesbian Couple’s Tree Stands In Rockefeller Center
Courtesy Of Flickr, CGP Grey
Grindr President Defends Same-Sex Marriage Comments Amid Backlash
Scott Chen. Photo via Linkedin.
Kansas Sees LGBT Milestones, Yet Big Change May Come Slowly
Troye Sivan Reveals What ‘Really Hot’ Boys Smell Like
Photo via GQ, Youtube.
Trans Woman Elected Stein Club President
6. Gay Trump Supporter Profiled In NYTimes Via Twitter, Bryan Eure.
7. Gay Porn Star Shane Cook Updates Fans On His Health Photo Via Twitter, @ShaneCookXXX
8. Trans Talk: Taking Care of Yourself As A Gender Minority 9. Howard Brown Editors Publish ‘Holistic’ Resource On TGNC Health 10. PrEP Access for Only $30? It’s Possible Thanks to Nurx
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1 2 .5.2018
12.5.2018 •
LGBTQIA bites Bisexual
Bisexual scene cut from ‘Thor: Ragnarok’
By Cameren Boatner
Parliament members draft resolution to protect intersex rights
‘Thor: Ragnarok.’ Photo via Youtube. European Parliament. Photo credit: David Iliff.
A scene in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ where a woman walks out of Valkyrie Tessa Thompson’s, room, suggesting they had sex, was cut. Thompson says the scene made reference to Valkyrie’s bisexuality, and was taken out because it distracted from the rest of the scene, according to Rolling Stone. “There were things that we talked about that we allowed to exist in the characterization, but maybe not be explicit in the film,” Thompson told Rolling Stone. “There’s a great shot of me
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falling back from one of my sisters who’s just been slain. In my mind, that was my lover.” She said in an interview with The Independent that the moment didn’t make sense with the rest of the scene. Thompson said she still played the Valkyrie as a queer woman, but she hopes to explore her bisexuality further. “I hope that we get to a space, in terms of the stories that we tell, where that’s something that gets to exist, and it doesn’t have to be noteworthy.”
Intersex children in the European Union still undergo surgeries altering their genitals, which has no evidence supporting the success of these treatments. So the Civil Liberties members of Parliament called for the full protection of intersex people’s rights. This includes condemning genital mutilation, making birth and identity documents more flexible, and donating to organizations fighting the stigmatization of intersex people, according to a European Parliament press release.
The resolution “denounces that surgeries are often performed on intersex children without their prior, personal, full and informed consent, and underlines that genital mutilations can cause lifelong consequences, such as psychological trauma and physical impairments,” the press release says. The members drafted a resolution that will be put to vote in the House in January. It also states that self determining one’s own gender is only possible in six EU countries.
Chicago aldermen denounce Trump administration’s anti-trans policy
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Rachel, the mother of a transgender 5th grader testified in front of the Chicago aldermen about Trump’s “blatant discrimination” against those that identify with a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth. “I’m 100 percent certain that my gender, your gender, and my child’s gender is for the person to decide,” Rachel said at the meeting on Nov. 28. The Chicago City Council’s Committee on Human Relations signed a resolution
demanding Trump stop the passing of a policy that would redefine gender as male or female designated by a person’s genitals at birth, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “To render trans people to the identity assigned at birth strips such individuals, including myself, the dignity, humanity and inherent right to self-determine and self-identify,” Channyn Lynne Parker, a transgender activist with the Broadway Youth Center said.
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12.5.2018 •
news international
By Cameren Boatner
Around the World
Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe
Pope ‘worries’ about gay people in the clergy
Taiwan legalizes gay marriage after anti-LGBT referendums
Pope Francis said he is concerned about gay people in the clergy in a new book. He said some societies consider homosexuality to be “fashionable.” The soon-to-be published book is in the form of an interview with Pope Francis about religious vocations, according to the Independent. He’s quoted responding to a clergyman who said gay people living in religious housing isn’t so bad because it’s “only an expression of affection.” Pope Francis said the argument “is in error. In consecrated life and priestly life, there is no place for this kind of affection.” Though Pope Francis still maintains that gay Catholics contribute to the church, saying, “they are persons who
will live in the service of the church, of the Christian community, of the people of God. Let’s never forget this perspective.”
Gay couples in Taiwan will be able to marry under a law separate from the one authorizing marriage between a man and a woman. After Taiwanese voters passed three conservative and anti-gay marriage referendums, the government decided to legalize gay marriage under a separate law, according to Quartz. Now, pro-LGBT groups are arguing that gay couples will not have the same legal protections as straight couples. “This result is a bitter blow and a step backwards for human rights in Taiwan. However, despite this setback, we remain confident that love and equality will ultimately prevail,” Amnesty International Director Annie Huang said in a statement. “The Taiwanese government needs to step up and take all
Photo: Marriage Equality Coalition via Facebook.
necessary measures to deliver equality and dignity for all, regardless of who people love.” The referendums that passed were a result of the May 2017 ruling that the current law covering marriage in Taiwan discriminated against same-sex couples. They gave a two-year deadline, which allowed time for conservatives to put anti-LGBT legislation into action.
South america
South Pacific
Brazil attempts to end gender and sexuality education in schools
Village in New Guinea offers refuge for LGBT people
President Jair Bolsonaro’s win was a grave day for Brazilian LGBT individuals. Not only did the former army captain actively come out against LGBT rights, but he’s now going after gender and sexuality education in schools. Bolsonaro is pushing against teachers talking about “gender ideology,” a term describing gender, sexual orientation, and political views, in schools, The Economist reported. Bolsonaro says that “liberal” teachers are too partisan, and the conservative administration wants to promote “pluralism.” But some critics of the movement say the goal is to end tolerance of feminism, gay people, and the left in general, according to The Economist. Bolsonaro and the movement, called Escola sem Partido (School without
Pope Francis.
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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.
Party, or ESP), are supposedly trying to promote objectivity in the classroom. But during his campaign, Bolsonaro accused the federal government of promoting “homosexuality and promiscuity” in schools.
Hanuabada, New Guinea, isn’t just a settlement built on stilts over the water, it’s a new-found haven for LGBT people who were discriminated against elsewhere. The settlement, in Port Moresby, is home to 50,000 people, and has become a community to LGBT individuals when they heard they would be safe there. It’s built over the water (locals believe) to protect the village from sorcery coming from the mountains. “I used to live in a place called Joyce Bay and I got abused. They threw bottles at me, stones at me. And then I heard about this place. I came here and the family brought me in and accepted me,” Kapera Katrick, 24, told AFP. Homosexuality is still a crime in Papua New Guinea, and activists say change
Hanuabada, New Guinea.
involving gay rights won’t come until it is decriminalized, but for now, they live in Hanuabada, where they’re accepted. The village even hosts small drag shows, which would be condemned in other sections of New Guinea.
NEWS international Richard Grenell at a past UN Security Council meeting. Photo via Richard Grenell, Flickr.
German Ambassador Says Labels Hurt Gays John McDonald
n remarks to commemorate World advocacy for abstinence-only approaches to AIDS Day, Richard Grenell, the U.S. HIV prevention over safe sex.” Ambassador to Germany, said rejecting In his speech, Grenell noted the Ryan White labels is the appropriate treatment. story — one of the first AIDS cases to receive “The fact is: labels increase stigmas for major media attention in the United States homosexuals. And stigmas have had serious that “didn’t involve anyone from the LGBT consequences on our public health,” said community or from Africa.” Grenell, in a speech Nov. 27 at the World AIDS White was a 13-year-old hemophiliac who Day Conference in Warsaw, Poland. Grenell died of AIDS in 1990. The Indiana boy’s death went on to declare he is a Christian and a pushed Congress to enact comprehensive gay man and “we must resist judging whole emergency health care coverage. groups of people on just one aspect of their “Diseases do not discriminate or fit neatly lives.” into labeled boxes – and neither “This problem also transcends should our policies,” Grenell demographics and geography,” said. Grenell said. “People in the Andy Eddy, a longtime United States and around the member of the Broward Log world often think of AIDS as Cabin Republicans and former a ‘gay disease’ or an ‘African board member of Poverello, an epidemic,’ when the fact is it HIV/AIDS service organization, is neither of those things. HIV disagreed with the messaging and AIDS are global human from Pence and Grenell. problems.” “Vice President Pence and Meanwhile in the U.S., Vice the Administration threw an President Mike Pence pledged ignorant-curve ball on their - Richard Grenell new funding for faith-based World AIDS Day messaging, U.S. Ambassador to organizations, claiming the subliminally or otherwise,” Germany groups to be on the “frontline Eddy said. “Backroom against HIV/AIDS.” innuendos no longer vigorously Bob Poe, who ran for Congress in Florida thrive and spread as rapidly as they once did during the 2016 election cycle as an openly on the fertility of ignorance. How sad it is gay HIV positive man, was none too pleased that some have forgotten the Two Greatest with Pence’s speech. Commandments most peace-loving women “Mike Pence failed to mention gay people in and men hold dear – not just one day of the his World AIDS Day speech,” Poe said. “Pence week but the remaining six. What activists failed to wear an AIDS ribbon for the speech in the early days of our hard-hit community and didn’t mention homophobia.” created through love, caring, and compassion Poe was also critical of the administration’s gave birth to much of what we see today, and support for faith-based organizations. much of which is made available worldwide, “Faith-based efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS while the odds and challenges they have been strongly criticized for failures to addressed and overcame were thought to be reach out to at-risk LGBT+ people and their insurmountable.”
“We must resist judging whole groups of people on just one aspect of their lives.”
12.5.2018 •
NEWS national
Wilton Manors Commemorates
World AIDS Day A look at the man who started World AIDS Day and why it’s still relevant Martin Gould
orld AIDS Day, one of the longest-running, most successful public awareness campaigns in modern history, was created by a local TV news reporter. But Jim Bunn was no ordinary reporter. He presented stories in such a compelling way, digging deeper to uncover the truth. He not only wanted you to listen to what he had to say; he challenged you to digest it and remember it. I know this beause Jim Bunn has been my friend for almost 40 years. We were reporters in Cleveland, Ohio in the early 1980’s, before there was such a thing as HIV. A year or two later, Bunn moved to San Francisco just as the AIDS crisis was turning into an epidemic. He became the first HIV/ AIDS reporter in the U.S. As the deaths mounted and the stories gained national and worldwide attention, Jim left television news to become the Public Information Officer at the Global Program on AIDS, part of the World Health Organization.
That’s where he and a colleague came up with the idea of bringing worldwide attention to the AIDS crisis all on the same day; Dec. 1, 1988. At that time, 65,780 cases had been reported since 1981 and 37,195 of those patients – more than 50 percent – had died. Jim Bunn was – and still is – a wonderful storyteller. He knew how to frame a controversial topic such as AIDS so anyone could understand what it meant and why it was important. In an NPR interview he did back in 2011 on how he came up with World AIDS Day, here’s how he framed it in his own clear-cut way: “The stigma that surrounded AIDS was actually twofold. One of it – you could easily argue – had to do with homophobia. But also
Speakers share their solidarity through words. Photo credit: J.R. Davis.
there was a stigma of fear. There was a lot Bunn’s thoughts from 30 years ago of that. People felt they did not know about still resonate today (again, from the NPR the epidemic and they were afraid. And they interview): were right to be afraid because “I think the stigma that of the things that they were surrounded it made it hearing.” something that people didn’t On Saturday night hundreds want to talk about. They of people gathered at Hagen didn’t know what to say if Park for the traditional silent it came into their lives. And candlelight march to the Pride people affected by it did Center. Much of their focus not want to bring up their was on the stigma of those experience with it because, who are living with HIV. in those days, people were “The first thing is to being fired from their jobs. remember where we’ve come They were being denied from,” said Stacey Hyde, Social Security benefits. They Executive Director of Broward were being ostracized by their House. “Sometimes we think families.” HIV has been resolved, but Mary Kinirons, Broward House Director of it’s not. It’s still an epidemic Community Engagement for us. We want people to talk thinks the subject of HIV isn’t about HIV in areas where they - Stacey Hyde being talked about as much don’t typically talk about it. Executive director of as it once was, even though We still have youth, black men Broward House it’s more important than ever and older people who are still to do so. “People wonder why afraid to walk through our doors because of stigma. If we eliminate it’s still needed. Stigma still exists because stigma from the LGBTQ community, we parents don’t want to talk about it with their kids, especially about not practicing safe sex eliminate disease.”
“Sometimes we think HIV has been resolved, but it’s not. It’s still an epidemic for us.”
Justin Flippen, mayor of Wilton Manors. Photo credit: J.R. Davis.
1 2.5.2018
NEWS national procedures. We continue to educate so they “Ignorance is still alive. Stigma is still know it still exists.” alive. Fear is still alive. Apathy is wide awake. Despite having all the resources necessary We have to do better. We have to do more. to treat HIV and related illnesses at little We have to support those living with HIV. or no cost to patients, Miami Clear Health We have to step up and hold our government Alliance Community Relations Manager Jose and leadership responsible for the ending of Camino said many people are still reluctant this epidemic.” to get help. World AIDS Museum Executive Director “Stigma is the biggest obstacle. It’s a Requel Lopes gave vigil-goers something to different population now; more people in remember the other 364 days of the year. Latino and African American “The theme is to know your communities who are difficult status. This epidemic has to reach.” been around for almost 40 And while the network years. We are a long way from of organizations and the daily deaths. Today people municipalities focused on HIV are living with HIV and are in South Florida is working to thriving. It’s not about only bring unified messages and the remembrance. It’s about information to those in need the living.” of education and assistance, There are those who have newly elected Wilton Manors wondered recently if World Mayor Justin Flippen said AIDS Day has become less it’s vital that agencies and important; more symbolic. Its government work together to creator, Jim Bunn, thinks it’s insure patients get necessary still relevant. - Christopher Bates medication and treatment “The symbolism is not Pride center board member without unduly burdening insignificant, and I think it’s them. “Whatever we can not without substance. The advocate, from a governmental standpoint, fact that conversation occurs on an annual whether for Ryan White funding or making basis on World AIDS Day is significant. The sure the health insurance offered to city fact that the president of the United States, employees covers everything they need, on an annual basis, now comments and making sure the average citizen has access discusses AIDS. A very concrete outcome to healthcare. It’s crucial that government from that ongoing discussion is the fact supports those segments.” that billions of dollars are directed towards As the candlelight marchers arrived at prevention and education efforts for the the Pride Center, a short program repeated United Nations. I don’t think any of that the message of continuing to confront the would’ve happened had it not been for challenges facing those with HIV. Pride World AIDS Day and other things that Center Board Member Christopher Bates had been done to keep the momentum addressed the crowd with plain-spoken going, to keep this item on the agenda.” clarity.
“Ignorance is still alive. Stigma is still alive. Fear is still alive. Apathy is wide awake.”
The procession through Wilton Manors. Photo credit: J.R. Davis.
12.5.2018 •
NEWS analysis
GEORGE H.W. BUSH: No Friend to gays as President The kinder, gentler Bush came after White House years
Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
hen the LGBT community thinks back on the life of President George H.W. Bush, its view of the decorated war hero gentleman politician who spent years in the service of the nation is obscured.
For the LGBT community, Bush left a mixed legacy. He did not do all he had the power to do to save the lives in a community ravaged by a deadly epidemic. But he did not obstruct the enactment of important legislation to bring some help to that community. And, like with so many others in public life, his feelings evolved over time from a place of hostility and disinterest in the LGBT community to a kinder, gentler place of acceptance. There will be many remembrances of former President Bush this week, as his national funeral takes place in Washington, D.C., and his remains are interred at his presidential museum in College Station, Texas. President Trump has declared Wednesday, Dec. 5, as a national day of mourning for Bush, who died Nov. 30 at the age of 94 from a form of Parkinson’s disease caused by strokes. During his years in power, first as vice president under President Reagan for two terms then as president himself for one term, Bush generally opposed equal rights for LGBT people and people with HIV.
“Change your behavior! If the behavior you’re using is prone to cause AIDS, change the behavior!” - George H.W. Bush
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George H.W. Bush in 2010. Photo credit: AJ Guel, via Flickr.
As president, from 1989 to 1992, Bush was accused by many civil rights activists of trying hard to appease such anti-LGBT figures as U.S. Senator Jesse Helms and other members of the far right religious base of the Republican Party. Urvashi Vaid, who headed up the LGBTQ Task Force during the same years Bush was in the White House, recalls Washington, D.C., as having a “very hostile climate politically for LGBT people.” “It was not as bad as the Reagan years,” said Vaid, “because we had a Democratic Congress we were able to work with legislatively. But the Bush administration was not our friend, it was not welcoming, and we did not have access, at least not at the front door.” And the Bush term “ended so badly,” recalled Vaid, with Bush “giving Pat Buchanan
a platform at the Republican National Convention –even Log Cabin didn’t endorse him.” Vaid and Jeff Levi, who was the first fulltime AIDS lobbyist during the Bush years, said some people give Bush too much credit for having signed the Ryan White CARE Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Hate Crimes Statistics Act. They note the legislation passed largely thanks to a Democratic Congress. “The CARE Act was totally driven by Congress and the AIDS community,” Levi said. “It’s good he signed it, but there was no initiative coming from his administration for it.” Congress, he noted, had to routinely increase the budget for AIDS that Bush proposed. This reporter recalls the Bush
administration touting an unusually high dollar amount as its “AIDS spending” proposal. But on further scrutiny, it became clear the proposal was inflated by counting funds spent through mandatory entitlement programs (for people on disability) as money spent on fighting AIDS. As the ADA was winding its way through Congress, Bush spoke in favor of the law prohibiting discrimination against people with HIV. “Once disease strikes,” he said, “we don’t blame those who are suffering….We try to love them and care for them and comfort them. We don’t fire them. We don’t evict them. We don’t cancel their insurance.” But two years later, during a re-election campaign debate, he blamed AIDS on “behavior.”
NEWS analysis “Change your behavior! If the behavior “I always felt he was an honorable person,” you’re using is prone to cause AIDS, change said Rich Tafel, who founded Log Cabin the behavior!” Republicans and still serves on its Board of In an interview with the New York Times Directors. that same year, Bush bluntly stated, “I can’t “In the early years of his administration, accept as normal life style people of the same I remember being hopeful as Bush signed sex being parents. I’m very sorry. I don’t the ADA which protected people with AIDS accept that as normal….I don’t approve of from discrimination. He also signed the Hate that.” Crimes Statistics Act. Also, Barbara showed However he did appoint a lesbian, Anne symbolic support when she lit a candle in the Radice, to a prominent, albeit temporary, White House window for PFLAG and held a position, as chair of the National Endowment baby with AIDS.” for the Arts. But the Republican Party’s embrace of such But during the re-election campaign, the right-wing figures as Pat Buchanan and Pat Bush campaign demoted a gay employee, Robertson during the re-election campaign Tyler Franz, after the employee criticized the triggered a significant “shift” for Tafel. Republican Party for its increasing hostility “Sadly, the last period of the Bush toward gay people. The campaign denied presidency was marred by his outreach demoting him for being gay. to hateful anti-gay forces,” said And while Franz specifically Tafel. While Log Cabin had did not blame Bush, he considered supporting said senior campaign President Bush for reofficials used crude election, it “instead anti-gay rhetoric and found ourselves in that he “overheard aggressive opposition anti-gay statements… to the Bush-Quayle throughout the campaign’s sell out to campaign.” the anti-gay forces in As Democratic the GOP.” challenger Bill Clinton “I believe he was a - Rich Tafel became more vocal in decent man who found Founder of the Log Cabin support of equal rights for these issues new and Republicans gay people, Bush became more challenging, but he sold out his vocal about “family issues,” a code principles by turning his campaign phrase at the time for opposition to gays. over to the Buchanan, [Jerry] Falwell, and Jon Meacham’s Bush biography “Destiny Roberson forces,” said Tafel. “Had he and Power” said Bush, in a 1988 audio diary remained a kindler, gentler president, I think entry, said he believed Americans “don’t he’d have been truer to himself. want homosexual marriages codified.” But in During his presidency, Bush appointed 2013, the former president actively solicited Vaughn Walker as a federal district court an invitation to the marriage ceremony of a judge. Many LGBT people and supporters lesbian couple in his summer residence town criticized the nomination at the time because of Kennebunkport, Maine. they believed Walker to be hostile to gays. Helen Thorgalsen told New England Walker famously presided over the trial Cable News, “When we were getting ready against Proposition 8, a ballot measure that to get married, he kept asking where his repealed the right of same-sex couples to invitation was. He was happy when he got his marry in California. Walker ultimately ruled invitation.” The couple not only sent Bush an the ballot measure to be unconstitutional. invitation but asked him to serve as one of He retired one year later, in 2011, and their official witnesses. acknowledged he was gay.
“Sadly, the last period of the Bush presidency was marred by his outreach to hateful anti-gay forces.”
George H.W. Bush campaigning in Melbourne, Florida in 1980. Credit: State Library and Archives of Florida. 12.5.2018 •
NEWS palm beach
Compass Commemorates
World AIDS Day The LGBT center started as the Stop AIDS Project 30 years ago
Kristen Grau
n 2001, Randall Gurewitz passed away from AIDS. Sixteen years later, his family gathered to see the personalized quilt for the first time in-person at Compass, the LGBT community center of the Palm Beaches.
lost a piece of our heart and soul,” Wasson said. “It didn’t matter what [anyone] looked like, he would make everyone feel welcomed and loved.” Brown’s quilt panel, like most, was smothered in thoughtful signatures, one being: “La la, thank you for always putting a smile on my face.” Compass had a full docket of events both “It was like we were back together as a solemn and celebratory in honor of the annual family,” Gurewitz’s mom, Anna, said. Compass commemorated the 30th event. There was a performance from Voices anniversary of World AIDS Day on Saturday of Pride, the gay men’s chorus of the Palm and remembered those across the world Beaches, as well as a moment of silence led by local Rev. Taylor Stevens. who have lost their battle to HIV, “There was a lot of like Randall. They proudly unveiled tears and a lot of joy,” panels from the AIDS Memorial Wasson said. “We are Quilt while celebrating the medical making a difference.” breakthroughs over the years. The AIDS Memorial The AIDS Memorial Quilt is a Quilt was created by collection of wall-covering quilts the NAMES Project that honor those who have lost Foundation one year their battles with HIV. Compass before World AIDS Day displayed this year’s knitted tributes was established. The while attendees participated in a foundation is based in candlelight vigil. Atlanta, but its impact is “World AIDS Day is a day of nationwide. education and unity…” Compass Since then, loved ones Executive Director Julie Seaver said. and volunteers have “As cuts in funding continue to happen assembled over 48,000 and our current administration does panels, according to not acknowledge us in this fight, we the foundation. Each won’t stop fighting until the end of year organizations from HIV/AIDS becomes a reality.” around the country Dec. 1 was first declared World display panels from the AIDS Day by the World Health - Julie Seaver Executive Director of quilt. Organization in 1988. Since then, it Compass “We’ve come a has been observed all over the world long way in our 30with a different theme each year. year journey,” said Lorenzo Lowe, the HIV This year’s theme was “Know Your Status.” Compass introduced a new addition to the Prevention and Education Director said. It was also noted throughout the day quilt this year that hit close to home for South Florida. It was in honor of a local bar owner that Compass also started 30 years ago. The organization was originally known as the Stop and activist, Michael “La La” Brown. One of Brown’s close friends, AJ Wasson, AIDS Project of South Florida. Funded both boasted to the crowd of Brown’s compassion federally and locally for all of its education and warmth that he spread through the efforts, the grassroots project later evolved into Compass in 1992. community. Compass now specializes in case “Ten and a half years ago, our community
“... We won’t stop fighting until the end of HIV/AIDS becomes a reality.”
1 2.5.2018
The AIDS Memorial Quilt at Compass. Credit: Kristen Grau.
management, HIV prevention and community outreach. They also offer youth programs for LGBT members to encourage social support. Their youth program includes a youth group and transgender youth group for ages 12-18 and a mentor program. Although World AIDS Day is over, Compass is still holding HIV-related events throughout the month to spread awareness. Over 36 million people are living with HIV, according to the World Health Organization. “It’s vital to continue to spread the message that HIV treatment works, that prevention
is preventable, that ‘U=U’ can change lives because undetectable = untransmittable,” Seaver said. “HIV is a diagnosis — a diagnosis that does not define us.” On Dec. 5, the center will hold a youth group World AIDS Day talk and another HIV talk the same day for the greater community. The Compass quilt is open to the public through Dec. 12. Panels like Michael Brown’s that are available at Compass have brought comfort for loved ones, like Wasson. “Thanks to Compass,” Wasson said, “Michael has come home.”
NEWS national
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Michelle Obama’s Book No. 1 ‘Becoming’ surpasses ‘Fire and Fury’ in book sales Brian Stelter CNN Business
ichelle Obama’s memoir “Becoming” Obama’s publisher, Penguin Random has become the best selling book House, said Friday that “Becoming” “sold of the year in the United States, more than 2 million units in all formats and surpassing Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” editions in the U.S. and Canada during the and others. first 15 days of its publication.” Wolff’s “Fire” was a publishing world Amazon’s sales charts back this up. The sensation when it came out in January. To website’s constantly-updated list of best date it has sold 1,008,088 hardcover copies, sellers of 2018 has “Becoming” at No. 1, “Fire according to NDP BookScan data. and Fury” at No. 2, “Girl, Wash Your Face” at All year long, it was the No. 3, and “Fear” at No. 4. year’s No. 1 political book. Its The hardcover edition According to closest competitor was “Fear,” of “Becoming” is now up to by Bob Woodward, which came six printings, meaning the the publishing out in September and has sold publisher has had to order house, the book 872,567 hardcover copies to more and more copies to keep has ranked date. up with demand. By the end No. 1 on the But “Becoming” outpaced of the sixth printing, there will them both in just a couple be 3.4 million copies in print in current bestof weeks. BookScan shows the U.S. and Canada, well-timed seller lists in the 1,122,618 hardcover copies of for the holiday book-buying U.K., Germany, Obama’s uplifting memoir have season. France, Italy, and sold since its November 13 Obama has been on a book release date. tour around the country. She numerous other That makes it No. 1 for the also has several stops outside countries. year. The year’s No. 2 book the U.S., where “Becoming” is in terms of hardcover sales is also a best-seller. She will be “Magnolia Table,” a cookbook by TV star speaking at a sold-out event in London on Joanna Gaines. “Fire and Fury” now ranks Monday. No. 3, followed by Rachel Hollis’ self help According to the publishing house, the book “Girl, Wash Your Face” at No. 4 and book has ranked No. 1 on the current best“Fear” at No. 5. seller lists in the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Hardcover sales, however, are just one and numerous other countries. measurement of a book’s success. Penguin Random House also has a deal “Becoming” has also been an ebook and to publish Barack Obama’s post-presidential audio book hit. memoir.
12.5.2018 •
The Maltz Jupiter Theatre Production of
Inspire Recovery Redefining Addiction and Mental Healthcare for Trans and Queer Individuals
Business SPOtlight
1001 East Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL33477
4390 Northlake Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410 www.K9SPA.us Voice: 561-622-5678 Text: 561-352-7808
1 2.5.2018
small, yet mighty treatment center based in West Palm Beach is redefining addiction and mental healthcare for Transgender and Queer individuals on a national scale. Inspire Recovery is the only LGBTQIA+ treatment center in the country that specializes in serving the Transgender and Queer community in recovery. Founded in 2015, Inspire Recovery’s clinical team is at the forefront of the treatment industry, providing traumainformed care for folks with Gender Dysphoria, co-occurring mental health concerns and addictions. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are 20-to-30 percent more likely to struggle with drug and alcohol addiction than the general population. This is usually due to a history of family rejection because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, bullying at school and in the workplace, and difficulty establishing long-term employment and securing safe, comfortable housing. These issues are compounded with Trans and Queer individuals. “We knew there was a need in the community,” says CEO Donna Weinberger.
“And over the last couple of years it’s evolved. We are now honing in on developing modalities that will improve Trans and Queer individuals’ experiences in treatment. In fact, Inspire Recovery’s expertise is becoming an in-demand commodity, providing educational programs for the behavioral healthcare industry across the country. “We teach other treatment centers how to effectively work with clients who are Gender Diverse,” says Weinberger. “The goal is to ensure that healthcare providers and addiction professionals affirm transgender and non-binary individuals, so they may become successful, visible members of society.” In addition to its Gender Diverse treatment and educational outreach program, Inspire Recovery founded Transpire Help, a not-for-profit 501(c)3, designed to serve the unmet housing, medical and mental health needs of Trans & Queer folks in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. “Transpire Help will assist in filling the gap in financial and medical resources experienced by Trans and Queer individuals due to their life circumstances,” says Weinberger.
For more information about Inspire Recovery, call (561) 899-6088 or visit inspirerecovery.com. To learn about Transpire Help, visit transpirehelp.org.
community announcement
Compass Celebrates 30 Years
Compass Points
Claudia Harrison
Chief Information Officer of Compass
lot can change in 30 years. Thirty years ago the Apple Florida heat, and it’s a cybercenter with computers available IIc computer went on sale for $1,295. Thirty years ago for work, school, and socializing. Compass is a resource to the first National Coming Out Day was recognized. find businesses and service providers in the area which are And 30 years ago, HIV/AIDS had already killed thousands LGBTQ-owned or -friendly, through our annual Pride Guide of Americans, yet most Americans knew very little about listing of Pride Business Alliance members. Most importantly, it. In response, 30 years ago, the Stop AIDS Project began in it is a place to get a free and confidential HIV test, and case South Florida, with the mission of educating people about management services for those who are living with the virus. the disease, how it is spread, and how to avoid Without Compass’ volunteers, none of this would infection. be possible. Our army of dedicated volunteers We’ve been Over the next four years, the Stop AIDS continue to be a vital part of the center’s events and celebrating our activities. They are the face of Compass at the front Project volunteers recognized the role that stigma, bias and discrimination against the 30th birthday desk, they keep our garden looking beautiful, they gay and lesbian community played in the mentor our youth, and they fill countless behindall year, transmission of HIV, and identified a critical the scenes roles at our community events and center need to provide a safe space for youth and gatherings throughout the year. starting with adults who were struggling with issues related We’ve been celebrating our 30th birthday all year, Palm Beach to sexual orientation and gender identity. The starting with Palm Beach Pride to the Stonewall Ball Pride to the organization re-focused to this purpose, and and beyond. We continue to grow, and have added changed its name to Compass Community and events such as the first ever Legacy Stonewall Ball programs Center to reflect its broader mission. Project, which connected our youth to our elders and beyond. Today, Compass means many things to in meaningful conversations which were presented many people: It’s a youth group, where through a mix of live performance and videos at friends are made for life. It’s a support system when you Palm Beach Dramaworks in October. Now we’re wrapping up need help through tough times. It’s a safe place to escape the this extraordinary year with two weeks of World AIDS Day
Photo via Facebook.
programming, with panels displayed not only in the center for the public to view, but also at various locations around the county, including the Flamingo Gallery in Lake Worth, Palm Beach State College, Lynn University, FAU College of Medicine, and Trinity Point Church in West Palm Beach. Compass’ staff and board of directors are proud of our long-standing relationship with the people of Palm Beach County, and are grateful to you all for your tireless support and involvement. Without the community, there would be no community center. Thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do - here’s to 30 more years of making a difference!
Would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season.
Best Business Best Bar Best Happy Hour 12.5.2018 •
NEWS national
Pence Praises Trump’s hiv programs while
president seeks to cut them Chris Johnson
Washington Blade
he White House recognized the occasion of World AIDS Day with an event hosted by Vice President Mike Pence, who during his remarks praised HIV/AIDS programs Trump sought to cut during his administration. Crediting President Trump with bringing a “renewed energy and focus” against HIV/ AIDS, Pence made faith-based organizations’ work a cornerstone of his remarks, saying those efforts have made the United States “closer today than ever before to ending the AIDS crisis in our time.” “Now, the credit for this achievement is widely shared, but faith-based organizations and faith communities like those represented here have played a preeminent role,” Pence added. “And the leaders in this room have inspired countless others to put hands and feet on their faith and bring hope and healing to literally millions of people around the world suffering with HIV/ AIDS.” Pence said the Trump administration will invest $100 million in new resources to expand engagement with faith-based organizations and communities of faith “on the frontlines of the fight against HIV/AIDS.” “This new investment of $100 million in faith-based organizations will increase the funding to those organizations by a full third,” Pence said. “And this will make a world of difference, we believe, in countless lives affected by this disease.” Pence acknowledged HIV/AIDS has infected more than 77 million people worldwide and claimed no less than 35 million lives, devastating countless families
and communities around the world. “In response to this health crisis, the American people did as we always do: We mobilized the resources of the nation to fight this epidemic, not just in our own nation, in our communities, but ultimately in every corner of the world,” Pence said. But nowhere during his speech did Pence mention the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on LGBT people, even though the LGBT community has endured the brunt of the epidemic. In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67 percent of the 40,324 new HIV diagnoses in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Pence’s omission is similar to the lack of mention of LGBT people in Trump’s World AIDS Day statement last year. Pence also touted the Ryan White CARE Act, a federal program that provides health coverage for lowincome people with HIV/ AIDS, asserting the program “continues to provide vital medical services to more than 1.1 million people in the United States living with HIV.” The vice president also praised PEPFAR, a U.S. initiative that seeks to distribute antiviral drugs globally, primarily in Africa. Pence recalled his support in 2003 as a U.S. House member for the program when then-President George W. Bush created the initiative.
Nowhere during his speech did Pence mention the disproportionate impact of HIV/ AIDS on LGBT people.
Mike Pence. Photo credit: CNN, POOL.
1 2.5.2018
NEWS national “Thanks to the generosity of the American this year, Smith faced intense scrutiny for a people and the efforts of the organizations Washington Blade report on his remarks at that are so well represented here today, a high school event in which he suggested it’s humbling to think, in just 15 years, this orphanages are better for children than American effort has helped save more than same-sex parents. 17 million lives and prevented millions more Pence faced criticism for speaking out on from contracting HIV/AIDS to begin with,” HIV/AIDS despite his record as a U.S. House Pence said. “And AIDS-related deaths have member and Indiana governor, when critics been cut in half since their peak in 2004.” say he backed policy that enabled the spread Touting the work of the Trump of the disease. administration, Pence pointed out the For example, as a result of foot dragging State Department last year on renewal of his state’s developed a PEPFAR Strategy needle exchange as Indiana for Accelerating HIV/AIDS governor, rural Scott County Epidemic Control and said in 2015 faced one of the Trump would soon sign biggest outbreaks of HIV in a bill reauthorizing the decades. More than 20 new program in the aftermath of cases were reported each congressional approval this week at the height of the week. outbreak. “We’ve made great progress, Chad Griffin, president of but our work is far from over,” the Human Rights Campaign, Pence said. “And as evidenced took to Twitter to criticize by the Congress’s action Pence’s speech as the “height and the president’s renewed of hypocrisy.” leadership, that work will Carl Schmid, deputy continue until we end the director of the AIDS scourge of HIV/AIDS once and Institute, thanked Pence for all.” for “recommitting our It should be noted Trump’s government’s goal to end HIV most recent budget proposal as a public health threat,” but for fiscal year 2019 called for a also said he made important - Carl Schmid drastic reduction of PEPFAR, omissions. Deputy Director of the down from $4.65 billion in “While we know that AIDS Institute FY-17 to $3.85 billion. That many parts of the federal would have been a 17 percent government work day in and reduction compared to existing funding day out on addressing HIV in the United levels. The budget request also sought a States, we wish he would have made mention decrease of $2.26 billion in funds for the of their work and those of the many states, Ryan White Care Act, which is a 2 percent cities, local organizations, and advocates reduction compared to existing funding that are fighting HIV throughout the U.S levels. within the communities most impacted, Present during the event and mentioned including gay men, people of color and in by Pence was Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), the South,” Schmid said. “If we’re going to whom the vice president credited with end HIV in the U.S. all communities and supporting PEPFAR in its early stages. Earlier populations must be prioritized.”
“If we’re going to end HIV in the U.S. all communities and populations must be prioritized.”
Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.
12.5.2018 •
Publisher's Editorial
medical pot is florida law Legislators belong in jail for obstructing intent
Norm Kent
riting from Key West this week, where I am addressing the 35th annual legal conference of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, I will be fishing not only for Blue Marlin, but justice. Two years ago, Florida citizens voted for and passed a constitutional amendment allowing our residents to use marijuana medicinally. The law passed overwhelmingly, with nearly 72 percent of the vote. No recount was required. In this hotly contested and partisan state, no candidate running for statewide office won with that much of a majority. Candidate “Cannabis” garnered more votes than every Tom, Dick, and Sally running for office. Two years later though, there are few, if any, dispensaries on your corner. Two years later, the city commissions are still passing moratoriums on them. They are negligently joined at the hip by irresponsible legislators failing to fulfill their legal duties. The will of the electorate is inexcusably and unjustifiably being denied. Governor-Elect Rick DeSantis has honorably stated that the legislature has a duty and obligation to implement a regulatory scheme, which carries out the will of the people. While DeSantis also said he does not support legalization, he has committed himself publicly to seeing Florida citizens be allowed access to medical marijuana. The incoming governor can take the first step by directing his new Attorney General to stop fighting a legal battle in the courts designed to prevent actual cannabis, the flowered plant, to be sold at dispensaries. Under the guidelines authored by Florida’s legislature, you can only buy cannabis oil and edibles. Folks, this ‘no smoke’ is a joke. Let’s be real. When you, me and nearly 72 percent of all voters cast your ballots to make medical marijuana available, we meant the flowered plant, not a stool sample. You
voted to enact a constitutional amendment, which provided for medical marijuana to be reasonably accessible to citizens of our state. You are entitled to make your vote matter. Unfortunately, the state legislature failed to enact your directive. It fraudulently fashioned rules forbidding dispensary owners from selling actual cannabis. Instead of partnering with a new industry wisely, it has created obstacles foolishly. The licensees empowered to open dispensaries have paid the state millions of dollars to cultivate cannabis lawfully. They have purchased large tracts of land to initiate outdoor grows. They have acquired enormous warehouse bays to produce high-grade, hydroponically grown marijuana. They are getting screwed, too. They can’t sell it and we can’t buy it. We are all tired of having to buy cannabis illegally on street corners. We are sick of watching our friends stupidly go to jail for purchasing a product we are now allowing the state to collect money from. Let’s get our act together. Let’s demand a change. Marijuana initiatives are passing all over the country. States are proactively enacting them, not foolishly postponing them. Seven more states joined the fold in November. In Florida, attorney John Morgan, out of Orlando, has led the battle to medicalize marijuana. With groups like the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws, People United for Medical Marijuana and Regulate Florida also championing this cause, the citizenry of our state has spoken powerfully for medical pot. It is sheer foolishness and remarkable stupidity for politicians to oppose what is clearly a green wave sweeping across America. Polling now suggests 65 percent of all Americans want pot legalized. Across America, 32 states have now decriminalized, medicalized, or legalized pot. It has taken nearly half a century, but now
We are sick of watching our friends stupidly go to jail for purchasing a product we are now allowing the state to collect money from.
1 2.5.2018
more than half of America is on our side. We have come a long way. If you stand your ground though, and there abide, the world will eventually come around to you. Marijuana use never should have been criminalized, and cannabis consumers never should have become criminals. Pot always was and still is a simple herb with medicinal uses and recreational qualities. It was never an evil which would end the world. To fulfill their own political agendas, our leaders lied to us. Surprise. The war against pot has been a waste of national resources, destroying lives, jailing good people, and diluting valuable law enforcement resources. It has been almost 50 years since the one-time governor of Pennsylvania, Raymond Schaefer, a Republican, released a report recommending that the federal government decriminalize the personal use of marijuana. Today, even the former speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, another Republican, works in the cannabis industry marketing legal marijuana for private entrepreneurs. In the United States Congress, we must once and for all end the legal farce that permits cannabis to be listed as a Schedule 1 drug with “no accepted medical uses.” This regulation is why 18-year-old kids in 18 states across this
country are still having to post bail for using pot. Reasonable access to medical marijuana is now the law of our state, and if our city commissioners and state legislators don’t enact ordinances to provide for it promptly, they are the ones who should be held accountable at the ballot box. The failure of our state to make medical cannabis easily accessible in 2018 has inspired a new initiative for 2020. The next ballot amendment will ask you to support statewide legalization. Until then, we have a right to mandate that the constitutional amendment of 2016 be implemented fairly. If you cannot acquire medicinal pot in our state today, the only ones who belong in jail are the legislators who are failing to carry out your directives, entered at voting booths across this state two years ago. Lock them up, not you. As for you, there is no doubt. If you are a patient, you should be able to go into a dispensary and acquire cannabis lawfully. We as a people have decreed it as our legal right. Fighting for legal marijuana has always been a civil rights cause, more now than ever. Your right. Your body. Your choice. No one can or should be allowed to stand in your way. Stand up and let your voice and votes be heard from South Florida to Tallahassee.
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Mike Luckovich
12.5.2018 •
Holiday shopping guide
2018 Staff
Holiday Shopping Guide Justin Wyse
We know the holidays are tough. Fortunately, SFGN is here to help you find the perfect gift! From books to gadgets, take a look at our recommendations for your shopping list this holiday season. Don’t worry, there’s something for everyone.
Airlines Miles: The Gift of Travel Edwin Neimann – Senior Sales Associate Price: Priceless
Book: “Becoming Michelle Obama”
Why I like it:
Pier Guidugli - CEO Where: Barnes & Noble Price: $19.50
This is the time of year when we South Floridians take a bit of pleasure in reminding our relatives that it will be in the mid-70s here on Christmas Day. Let’s face it, we live in paradise. So why not give someone you love the chance to visit you here in paradise. Not only can you buy miles for someone, you can also “gift” someone some of your own miles (like if you are one of those fancy frequent flyers who has achieved Million Miler status). Better yet, many airlines offer a bonus on purchased miles, so you don’t have to bust your budget to buy a mountain of miles. So, this holiday season give the gift that allows us all to spend time together during this special time of year.
In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work to her time spent at the world’s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it—in her own words and on her own terms. Warm, wise, and revelatory, “Becoming” is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.
Why I like it:
GE Philips Hue Justin Wyse – Sales Manager Where: Best Buy Price: $199 starter kit
Why I like it:
In today’s world, there is nothing better than technology and the many things it has to offer. This set of lightbulbs for indoor use are a great way to help the techy in your life begin to transform his/her home. The receiver of this gift is sure to impress almost anyone who enters their home. They also offer a variety of other styled lights to help meet the needs of your individual home. The starter pack includes four light bulbs and a home hub station.
1 2.5.2018
There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made. I never cut class. I loved getting A’s, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world. Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.
Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Film Camera Nick Adkins – Office Assistant Where: Best Buy Price: $59.99
Why I like it:
It doesn’t take long for this adorable clunky camera to make the rounds at a party, a get together, or just a getaway. Film stock included, the instant “polaroid” shots will fit in any wallet and overall the set makes making memories accomplishable, fast, and fun.
Holiday shopping guide
Kiehls Crème de Corpes Anthony Pennetti – Senior Sales Associate Where: Neiman Marcus Price: $75.00
Why I like it:
“Awesome product to soothe and nourish your skin whether it’s after a day at the beach or a long relaxing shower to help rehydrate the skin.” Moisturize dry skin with this elegant, non-greasy body lotion. Formulated with Cocoa Butter and Beta-Carotene, this hydrating body cream leaves skin feeling elegantly soft. For all skin types, particularly dry skin.
Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell Google Home Mini Brendon Lies – Art Director Where: Best Buy Price: $49.99
Why I like it:
Google Home is a voice assistant that can make a house into a home. For example, saying, “Hey Google, good night,” results in a friendly automated response that can tell you the weather, tomorrow’s plans, set your alarm, or can play your preference of sleep sounds – or all the above and more, if you desire. It connects seamlessly with Spotify, Nest home temperature control, and can even turn your GE-C Smart Lights on or off. You can pair it with a Chromecast to turn on your favorite TV show with a single command. The Google Home truly shines if you pair it with a Google Pixel, but regardless of the phone in you or your friend’s pocket, it’s sure to delight. Whether you want to make a phone call, order a pizza, or turn down the lights, you can do it all while your hands are hard at work doing whatever you need them to do. The Google Home Mini goes for a great price and is bound to be a gift that keeps on giving. And don’t worry… If you get one for yourself, we won’t tell Santa.
Star Wars Mighty Minis Boba Fett Portable Phone Battery Justin Musial - Webmaster Where: ThinkGeek (ThinkgGeek.com) Price: $3.94
Why I like it:
Emergency Power, enter Mighty Minis. They give you that extra juice when you need it, just enough to tide you over until you get back to a proper charger.
Clark Rogers – Senior Sales Associate Where: Amazon Price: $99.99
Why I like it:
The Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell works with Alexa to illuminate and send announcements to Echo devices when your doorbell is pressed, or motion is detected, allowing you to hear and speak to visitors with two-way talk. It lets you see, hear and speak to visitors from your phone, tablet and PC. This device sends alerts as soon as motion is detected or when visitors press the doorbell. It works on any home, with or without existing doorbell wires, to monitor your home in HD video with infrared night vision. It lets you check-in on your property at any time with live view on-demand video, and even includes lifetime theft protection: “If your Doorbell gets stolen, we’ll replace it for free.”
Classic Fedora Norm Kent - Publisher Where: Brooklyn Hats Price: $72
Why I like it:
Because I look good in one, that’s why! And because hats are dashing and debonair, stunning and striking, marvelous and magnificent, just like me, SFGN and you! Have a great holiday, and a man without a fedora, is like a fish without a bicycle.
Luxe Bidet Neo 120 Jason Parsley – Executive Editor Where: Amazon Price: $34.50
Why I like it:
Keep your bum fresh and clean! Ditch the wet wipes and replace your daily hygiene routine with the Luxe Bidet Neo 120. Now you can bring Europe to your bathroom. Why this European stable never caught on in America is beyond me. This is a product every gay man should own. It’s inexpensive and easy to install. By using less toilet paper and not having to buy wet wipes it eventually pays for itself.
12.5.2018 •
Holiday books
holiday shopping for
the book lovers Terry Schlichenmeyer
The mistletoe is hung, and so are the garlands, the ornaments, window decorations, and lights. You’d be ready for the holidays, too, if you weren’t hung up on a gift for that one certain person. Now what? Now head to the bookstore with this column in-hand, and look for one of these great books…
Dream Daughter” by Diane Chamberlain, a book about a mother’s first chances.
If your giftee is a lover of memoirs, “Woman at 1,000 Degrees” by Hallgrimur Helgason is a novel they may like, too. It’s told in the voice of 80-year-old Herra Björnsson, who is at the end of her life and she’s in the mood to share… Wrap it up with “The Clockmaker’s Daughter” by Kate Morton, a novel of an archivist, a very old manor, and a bit of a mystery that transcends time.
If you give “The Witch Elm” by Tana French to your suspense-novel lover, be prepared to be ignored for the rest of the day. Not on purpose, but because this is a story of an injured man, a decades-old mystery, and plenty of spine-tingles.
Your cat lovers will take to “Talk to the Paw” by Melinda Metz like catnip. It’s a little bit romance, a little bit angst, a theft, and a purr-fect ending. If it’s not too timely to be a good gift, look for “Only Child” by Rhiannon Navin. It’s a book about a school shooting and a mother’s actions when her son is injured in ways that can’t be bandaged. The short story fan will be glad to unwrap “Sweet & Low” by Nick White. This book is full of Southern fiction, characters you forget are not real, and situations that make a good yarn great. For true short-story fans, pair it with “Everyday People: The Color of Life – A Short Story Anthology” edited by Jennifer Baker. For the giftee who sometimes wishes for a life-rewind, “The Dinner List” by Rebecca Serle could be a good choice to give. It’s a story about one evening, one meal, a lot of loved ones (past and present) and a chance to make things right. Pair it up with “The
1 2.5.2018
For the historical fiction fan, look for “A Well-Behaved Woman” by Therese Anne Fowler. It’s a multi-generational tale of wealth and high-society (and the Vanderbilts), set in the years following the Civil War, and one woman’s desire – need? – to make it to the top of New York’s social scene.
GENERAL NON-FICTION For the person who can’t get enough of John, Paul, George, or Ringo, “Visualizing the Beatles” by John Pring and Rob Thomas is something they’ll want to hold in their hands. It’s a graphic history of the Fab Four, so lots of pictures, easy to browse, fun to have. Pair it with “The Cutting Edge” by Leslie Cavendish, who was the woman who cut and styled the Beatles’ hair. Yes, Earth is a pretty good place to live. Oxygen, water, trees… but what is our presence doing to the planet? “Darwin Comes to Town” by Menno Schilthuizen is one of those books that’ll answer your giftee’s questions while also inviting him to think. How is our world thriving and surviving? Pair it up with “The Simpol Solution” by John Bunzl and Nick Duffell, a book about fixing the global problems we face today and our children could face tomorrow. Consider more with
“The Disaster Survival Guide” by Marie D. Jones, a book that’s a good primer for coming out the other side of nature’s worst and mankind’s unthinkable. If your giftee would love something otherworldly, try “Sister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist” by R. H. Stavis with Sarah Durand. Yes, this book is for real. Yes, it could scare the Dickens out of someone. For the fashionista, you can’t go wrong when you give “Fierce: The History of Leopard Print” by Jo Weldon. Yes, that’s what this book is about – the evolution of a wild fad that shows no signs of slowing down. You know what kind of paper to wrap this book in, don’t you? Wrap it up for the perfect gift for the giftee who mourns the end of summer from October to May: “Hollywood Beach Beauties” by David Wills. It’s a large picture book full of starlets on the beach, circa 1930 into the 1970s. Not just fun for sun lovers, but for fashion followers, too. Another book to try: “An Atlas of Natural Beauty” by Victoire de Taillac and Ramdane Touhami. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a book of recipes for them to naturally enhance their gorgeous looks. So your giftee likes to have something to take while waiting for his or her part in the community theatre? “Shakespeare’s Ear” by Tim Rayborn couldn’t be a better book, then. It’s filled with interesting tales and little-known secrets from the world of theatre. For your favorite actor, it is to be.
Also look for “Messiah: The Composition and Afterlife of Handel’s Masterpiece” by Jonathan Keates. If there’s someone on your list who wonders what the future holds, wrap up “The Next American City” by Mick Cornett, a book about small cities and what the future holds for them and their citizens. Pair it with “Without a Net,” edited by Michelle Tea, an anthology about just getting by. So you say your giftee has been following politics closely? They read “Hillbilly Elegy.” So now give “What You are Getting Wrong about Appalachia” by Elizabeth Catte. This book nicely balances fact from fiction, and it’ll give your giftee more prospective. It could even be a mind-changer. Pair it with something your political watcher will like: “Type R” by Ama Marston and Stephanie Marston, a book about resilience and how to get more of it in today’s world. For the political animal in your family, “Hugs from Obama,” edited by M. Sweeney might be just the right gift. It’s filled with pictures and quotations from the Obama years in the White House, including the end. Pair it up with “The Watergate: Inside America’s Most Infamous Address” by Joseph Rodota, for
Holiday books a scandalous look back in history. More books for the current events fan: “Chosen Country: A Rebellion in the West” by James Pogue is a peek at the militia movement in America; and “My Brother Moochie” by Issac J. Bailey is a book on poverty and racism. The giftee who loves to laugh will love having “Laughter Totally Is the Best Medicine” by the Reader’s Digest folks. Filled with jokes, cartoons, and other funnies, it might also make a great stocking-stuffer. And if your giftee loves to laugh, look at “The Incomplete Book of Running” by Peter Sagal, for a fast chuckle. And for the cook on your list, “Buttermilk Graffiti” by Edward Lee would make a great gift. It’s part history, part memoir, part foodie paradise with recipes and it’s yummy. Pair it with a brand-new cookbook for a tasty 2019, or wrap up “Moonshine: A Celebration of America’s Original Rebel Spirit” by John Schlimm with it. See what your giftee can cook up now.
PETS AND ANIMALS Who doesn’t love a day at the beach? Your dog lover and the dog they love do, so they’ll want to unwrap “Dogs on the Beach” by Lara Jo Regan. It’s filled with photos of doggos in the surf & sand, enjoying warm weather and taking every advantage of summer there is. Here’s something you don’t have to tell an animal lover: animals have personalities. Even so, your giftee will enjoy “Mousy Cats and Sheepish Coyotes: The Science of Animal Personalities” by John A. Shivik. It’s all about the science, yes, but it’s also about the stories, you know? Wrap it up with “How to Be a Good Creature” by Sy Montgomery, illustrated by Rebecca Green. It’s a memoir that includes thirteen animals Montgomery knew and loved.
LGBT INTEREST Who doesn’t like a mystery? Your giftee sure does, and if there are chills inside it, all’s the better so wrap up “Sodom Road Exit” by Amber Dawn. It’s the story of a small but dying village that’s lost its last reason for tourists. Even so, one young woman lives there with her mother because she has nowhere else to go. She wishes she did, though, because her small
hometown holds terror… Wrap it up with “Ruin of Stars” by Linsey Miller, the second book in a fantasy series in which the main character is gender-fluid. For the reader who loves books that may make him think, look for “So Famous and So Gay” by Jeff Solomon. It’s a book about Truman Capote and Gertrude Stein and how their fame still lingers while so many other almost-celebrities barely get a nod today, no matter what they did for LGBT rights…. The person on your list who is thinking about transitioning (or who recently has) will love unwrapping “Trans Like Me” by CN Lester, a series of essays on gender diversity, being trans, and how to tackle tacky people whose questions are too nosy. Pair it with “Being Emily” by Rachel Gold, a book about a trans woman, now updated to include new material. For the traveler on your list, the person who also loves history, you can’t go wrong with “Riviera Dreaming” by Maureen Emerson. It’s the true story of an architect and an ex-officer in the British Army, how they teamed up to create a mansion that took society by storm, and who vied to hire these two men to decorate their Riviera mansions. Wrap it up with “Global Gay: How Gay Culture is Changing the World” by Frédéric Martel, for a very well-traveled gift.
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More fiction for the gay reader: “You Can’t Tell By Looking” by Russell J. Sanders, a romance about love between two high school boys, one of whom is also dealing with his anti-gay Islamic family; and “Aesop Lake” by Sarah Ward, a unique book based on three of Aesop’s Fables to tell a tale of a hate crime and its aftermath.
So there you are. A bunch of different ways to use that gift certificate for fun, learning, and winter reading anticipation. Remember: if none of these suggestions seem to fit that Special Someone on your list, ask your weary-but-smiling bookseller. She’s the one who has all the right answers. Happy reading!
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12.5.2018 •
Holiday shopping guide
Self-Tested Trending Hot Items This Holiday Season Justin Wyse
Each holiday season, we always wonder what to buy that oddball friend of ours or family member for the holidays. This year I personally worked with some vendors to bring to you a variety of items that have been personally tested. These products are highly recommended all over the Internet and once tested of course the consensus proved to be true.
Ecobee 4 with built in Alexa and smart sensor
BAKblade 2.0
Why they want it:
Why they want it:
Price: $249.99 Where: ecobee online
This thermostat comes complete with built in Wi-Fi and the Alexa smart home. Founder and creator Stuart Lombard worked to create a product to help reduce his family’s carbon footprint. Some of the greatest features are the ability to control the thermostat from anywhere through the app itself and the ease with which you can install the product. Although I have not used the product on a longterm basis, we have seen an improvement on how much our a/c unit is working which is remarkable compared to the standard old thermostats. Ecobee does claim that it will lower your expenses by 23 percent when used on a regular basis. This is a home run with me!
Men’s Daily Advance Routine & Ultimate Anti-Aging Price: $77 & $75 Where: Brickell Men’s Products Online
Why they want it:
When taking care of your skin, Brickell offers some of the best products for men in South Florida. While they can be purchased online, they are also available in select retail shops locally. Both products used together offer a great way to not only cleanse your skin on a regular basis but to also work towards looking a few years younger. The routine package offers three products that work together and provide immediate results to healthier looking skin. While the antiaging products work in a short time, together they smooth wrinkles and firm the skin around the eyes.
1 2.5.2018
Price: Starting at $29.95 Where: BAKblade Online What an amazing invention to remove that pesky back hair without shaving cream or the help of a friend. Nobody enjoys trimming or removing back hair and the BAKblade has made this easier for anyone to enjoy. It offers an easy to use curved handle and can be used both wet or dry. This technology offers a protected blade that practically keeps you from cutting yourself while handling your business in the shower. They also offer a variety of other unique products online and even a home trial kit or monthly subscription to help you to never forget to handle your back hair.
Price: $179.99 Where: Autoblow Online
Why they want it:
Now how about something a little naughty for the friend that’s promiscuous. A few years ago, we featured this original product with huge success and the makers have now released a new version of the Autoblow. The new version offers the user a tighter firmer grip creating a better result if you understand my drift. While you still must plug the product in to use it, it does offer great personal or group pleasure when used properly. It’s still the leading male masturbator in the world with over 200,000 men pleasuring themselves with it regularly.
That’s it this year folks. It’s a nice little variety of products with some twists and turns for those who need help along the way. If you’re still worried about what to buy someone, you can always rely on the trusty gift card or standard old candle gift. Spice things up and step out of your comfort zone this holiday season and bring smiles to your friend’s face.
12.5.2018 •
Holiday food
Finds for Foodies Some gift ideas that even the pickiest to please will enjoy Rick Karlin
One of the best things about having friends who are foodies is that it makes shopping for them so easy. Even if you think that they’re the person who has everything, there’s always a new gadget or food trend to pique their interest. All of the following can be found at Amazon and other online retailers.
For the Coffee Snob
1 2.5.2018
For Your Hipster Niece
This $40 Spanish paella gift set from Williams Sonoma has everything you need to make an authentic version of the traditional Spanish rice dish. All you need to do is provide the meat or seafood.
Surprise her with this kombucha brewing kit. The hottest trend is easy to make at home and kits and supplies can be found everywhere, from Etsy to Macy’s. The one pictured above goes for $47.
What’s not to like about the Krups electric spice and coffee grinder? It’s beautifully designed, compact enough to tuck away in even the most cramped kitchen and only $16. After they’ve ground the beans, they can use the $30 Secura stainless steel French press to brew a perfect cup of Joe.
Eye Opening
Do You Like Pina Coladas?
Spread a little love every morning and support the Human Rights Campaign with a set of these Love Is Love coffee mugs. A set of two is $18 at West Elm (limited supply).
For the Busy Bee
The Finishing Touch
What a microwave is to an oven, a pressure cooker is to a saucepan. Meals that usually take hours, such as stews, can be prepared quickly. The six-quart Instant Pot is an easy to use pressure-cooker that also functions as a slow-cooker, a sauté pan, a rice cooker and a steamer. The $90 price tag doesn’t hurt so much when you realize that it takes the place of numerous other appliances.
Good cooks know that almost every dish benefits from a sprinkle of finishing salt. The Jacobson Salt Company six vial salt sampler of gourmet infused salts is $35 and provides enough finishing salt for a year’s worth of cooking.
You might think that a pineapple slicer is just another gadget to clutter a kitchen drawer. I know I did before I got mine. Now, I’m surprised at how often I use it. Not only does it slice a pineapple with a minimum of mess, but it preserves the fruit’s shell as a serving vessel. It will be $20 well spent. Paper umbrellas available separately.
Chill & Grill
Yes, when it’s bourbon barrel aged maple syrup. You can pay up to $40 a bottle or get this bottle at Walmart for less than $10. NO ID required.
Even though here in Florida we can grill outdoors every day of the year, sometimes you just want to take care of everything in the kitchen. That’s when you really appreciate the Le Creuset cast iron square skillet grill. It prepares perfectly grilled steaks and fish, as only cast iron can do, but with the streamlined ceramic finish Le Creuset is famous for. It’s not cheap, $180, but it will last a lifetime.
So Authentic You’ll Lisp
Bourbon at Breakfast?
Shopping for a Cause I try to buy many of my holiday gifts at Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (BC/ EFA) for a variety of reasons. The agency provides support in a number of ways to the theater and dance community, many of whom don’t have adequate health insurance. (I have a lot of friends who are theater queens.) Check out BroadwayCares.com for everything from books and CDs to clothing, office supplies and useful items. Many of the items are reasonably priced, like this sleeve of 25 to-go coffee cups emblazoned with the logos of Broadway shows for $10. If you’re sending gift baskets to friends and loved ones in other cities, FlowerPetal.com donates a portion of the proceeds of all sales to BC/EFA. Place your order now at BroadwayCares.FlowerPetal.com.
WMG Volume 5 • Issue 22 December 5, 2018
Wilton Manors Gazette Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette
Businesses Have Mixed Feelings Over Wilton Drive Project Parking continues to be a source of frustration for some
By Sallie James
Photo via the Wilton Manors Police Department, Facebook.
The much-anticipated project to narrow Matt LaMariana gets annoyed every time he looks out the window of his Northeast Fourth Avenue/Wilton Drive business at 2365 Wilton Manors Drive from Sunrise Boulevard to Northeast 26th and sees the congestion caused by Street to two-lanes began in August. The Florida Department of construction crews. The section of Wilton Manors Drive Transportation project that will include outside Boomerangs thrift store is in 7-foot-wide bicycle lanes is progressing the midst of a road narrowing project, north to downtown Wilton Manors. The project will widen aimed at slowing traffic sidewalks, upgrade and making the area more “If people pedestrian signals and pedestrian-friendly. modify pedestrian curb LaMariana said the are going to ramps to meet ADA timing couldn’t be worse. avoid Wilton requirements, upgrade “I would love to know roadway and pedestrian the rocket scientist who Drive because lighting, install new decided this project needed of traffic and drainage structures and to be done at the height upgrade the existing of tourist and holiday construction, drainage system. season,” LaMariana said. that doesn’t do LaMariana is Someone from the Wilton any good.” concerned because Manors Improvement parking downtown is District recently contacted - Matt LaMariana already at a premium, him about promoting his Owner of boomerangs Thrift Store and the ongoing business on their website. construction eliminates But as far as LaMariana is some of the on-street parking as it concerned, it’s a moot point. “It’s a little too late to be asking for my progresses. He already has to chase after motorists input to promote my business that they have already started hurting. If people who park their cars in his business lot and are going to avoid Wilton Drive because leave for other businesses. “No parking forces me to become the of traffic and construction, that doesn’t parking Nazi. I spend far too much my time do any good,” he said.
worrying about people parking here and wandering off on the weekend,” LaMariana said. “There is nothing more frustrating than seeing the parking lot full and have someone drive by because there is nowhere to park.” His frustration has reached a boiling point: he is planning to move his business out of the city in the near future because of parking issues and high rent. Across the street at Gallery XO, co-owner Maciel Cantiero is aware of the coming construction but isn’t overly worried.
He’s heard the construction will last two to three weeks when it reaches his business at 2376 Wilton Drive and figures his customers will be able to park somewhere reasonably close. He isn’t worried that customers may have to walk a few blocks to get to his business. He is worried though that the parking meters they are required to feed will expire and they will get ticketed. Continued on page 4
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December 5, 2018
12.5.2018 •
Holiday Season… By Sal Torre
As 2018 races to the end, many of us are struggling just to Last year’s keep up with all the events that crowd our calendars this time of holiday lights on year. Before I had a chance to leisurely enjoy a few cold turkey Wilton Drive. Photo sandwiches from leftovers of our Thanksgiving feast, holiday via the City of Wilton lights and Christmas trees were popping up all around me. Manors, Facebook. Being no Scrooge, I quickly finished off the last of the cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie and got to work pulling out holiday decorations. The month of December kicks off early with my birthday celebration, races full speed ahead through community holiday gatherings, city events, holiday cheer, cookie production, dinner parties, Christmas, more birthday celebrations, all building to a crescendo as we end the month welcoming in the New Year. Once again, we enter into the holiday season wondering where all the fairies are here in the Island City. I am talking lights, fairy lights, that should be illuminating The Drive from one end to the other, turning our city center into a holiday wonderland. Strings of fairy lights all up and down, over and across, blinking and twinkling above our heads. Alas, looks like I’ll have to ask Santa for that Christmas wish again next year. Wait a minute, I figured out how to expedite my wish and not holiday festivities and decorations will be planned to “wow” wait until next year. I headed over to the City of Oakland Park’s children of all ages here in our Island City. Perhaps the Wilton Drive Improvement District will lead the 3rd Annual Holiday Village this past weekend for a taste of our sister city’s holiday merriment. Santa was there, so I grabbed my way once we get beyond the construction this year and begin to enjoy the new and improved city center. Still looking ahead with wish list and headed right over to see him in person. Oakland Park’s holiday spirit seems to be growing each year. No wishful hopes and excitement of the season, a whole list of new wonders might grace Santa’s return to our Island wonder Santa is over there greeting his believers City next year. and enjoying some cheer at the Funky Buddha. Maybe he will see the long overdue gateway Less adventurous residents not making it over We might signs welcoming visitors as they enter our to the Oakland Park Holiday Village might have wonderful city. Perhaps Andrews Avenue will caught a glimpse of a few of Santa’s elves out and not have our start taking on a new look once the drawn-out about later in the evening at Alibi’s and Hunters fairy lights redevelopment plans have finally been put into having a bit of merriment of their own before draped across place. Perhaps some long dormant parcels and heading back to the North Pole. vacant commercial properties will finally be We might not have our fairy lights draped across Wilton Drive developed into wonderful additions to our city’s Wilton Drive yet, but our island city has many yet, but our landscape. There are plenty of items on our city’s holiday festivities scheduled this season. The wish list that are currently in the works, but we annual Holiday Lighting Ceremony was held this island City has might want to pick up the pace on finally getting past week with the lighting of the city’s Christmas many holiday some of them checked off. Santa is looking Tree, Menorah, and Kinara. forward to seeing a few new things around town Our Wilton Manors Business Association, along festivities when he arrives back in South Florida next holiday with the city, will present “Holiday Spectacular in scheduled this season. the Park” Dec. 10 at Richardson Park. When Santa Our new Mayor and City Commission are now does come to town on Wednesday Dec. 12, he takes season. in place, and I have total confidence in their his entourage on a water sleigh around our Island commitment to move our city ahead in the years City waterways, greeting residents along the way. Local youngsters can have Breakfast with Santa at the Hagen Park to come. Residents can also play an active role in city government Community Center on Dec. 15, along with story time and pony by seeking appointment to a city board, advisory committee, or rides. Tickets are needed for the event at Richardson and for in so many other volunteer efforts. So, after we enjoy this holiday Breakfast with Santa. You can contact the city’s Leisure Services season, finish toasting in the New Year, and putting away the fairy Department for additional information on these wonderful lights until next year, take a moment to ponder what you can do to make life in our Island City even better here. events. Happy holidays to all! WMG As we move ahead with the new Wilton Drive, hopefully future
WMG December 5, 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 22 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington
Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com News Editor • Sallie James
Sal Torre • James Oaksun
Staff Photographers
J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires
Sales & Marketing For ad placement in the Wilton Manors Gazette, contact 954-530-4970
Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Clark Rogers clark.rogers@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER
Associated Press MEMBER
Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
Have you joined the Gazette’s Facebook group? Visit Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette to join the discussion. The Gazette welcomes feedback for its community initiative. Email Jason.Parsley@sfgn.comwith comments, suggestions, etc.
Several boats drifting through Hagen Park. Photo via the City of Wilton Manors, Facebook.
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1 2.5.2018
2 •
December 5, 2018
Real Estate
WilMa Sales: Have They Peaked, Too? By James Oaksun They might still be counting votes in California, and the Broward election supervisor doesn’t appear to have found those missing 2,000 ballots yet, but the numbers are all in on the real estate activity that’ll be part of my Yearbook this year. Every year I look at pricing, sales, and inventory trends across specific neighborhoods (not zip codes) of interest to me, to my clients, and to the community at large. It’s free and you can see the prior versions at www.issuu.com/JamesOaksun. Having addressed Island City price trends
in my last column, this time we shall look at sales volume. We’ll wrap up the review in my forthcoming column with a treatise on inventory. As I did with the pricing column, the table included here shows single family home sales trends for the three WilMa neighborhoods – West (meaning west of Andrews), Center (Andrews to Dixie), and East (east of Dixie). Also, when I look at sales here in south Florida, I always consider them on a rolling 12-month basis. Due to significant seasonality, you can’t make valid comparisons with the immediately-prior periods without doing that. Although I don’t show it here, aggregate single-family home sales in the Island City peaked in late 2015 and have been roughly flat ever since at roughly 200 homes (plus or minus a bit) per 12-month period. In volume, that’s about double what we saw at the market trough in 2011. Now, there has been a 10-percent drop in aggregate sales over the last two quarters – from the top end of the range to the bottom.
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It’s definitely a cautionary note of a sort as we head into season. Fourth-quarter data will be critical in further assessment. The data show some significant variability among the three neighborhoods. You can never predict exactly when homes will come onto the market, as that is a decision with many moving parts in it. But there can be instances where buyers who insist on living in WilMa might not be totally
December 5, 2018
committed to one neighborhood versus another, particularly if a home is available that meets their needs. Next time: inventory. WMG James Oaksun, Florida’s Real Estate Geek(SM), is Broker-Owner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).
12.5.2018 •
Have You Joined the Gazette’s Community Facebook Group?
Continued from page 1
By WMG Staff
The Wilton Manors Gazette launched a Facebook group six months ago to keep readers up to date with the latest happenings and news in the city and to distinguish itself from its parent company, South Florida Gay News. “What started out as a supplement to SFGN has really taken on a life of its own. Because of that we felt the Gazette needed a voice of its own, separate and apart from SFGN,” said Publisher Norm Kent. “We realize there is a community here in Wilton Manors that does not necessarily want all of SFGN’s news, from
around South Florida and the world, so the Gazette will focus on just hyper local news.” By targeting just the Wilton Manors community SFGN’s staff will be able to highlight even more relevant news, stories and events geared towards locals. The Facebook group gives the Gazette a place to highlight local events. “We hope this Facebook group will provide a new way for readers and residents to interact with our newspaper and their community,” Kent said. WMG
Visit Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette to join the discussion. The Gazette welcomes feedback for its new community initiative. Email Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com with comments, suggestions, etc.
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1 2.5.2018
Businesses Have Mixed Feelings Over Wilton Drive Project
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Photo via the Wilton Manors Police Department, Facebook.
Cantiero thinks the city should stop charging for the metered parking during the day when parking is usually widely available. Wilton Manors makes most of its parking revenue during the evening, when the bars and nightclubs are hopping and parking anywhere is tough to find, he said. “The only thing I would want them to change is the parking being charged from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Why don’t they give people a break?” Cantiero said. “I have had clients come in to the framing shop and all of a the area, the more pedestrian-friendly. There sudden they go out and they have a ticket - will be more pedestrian walks and more because we get busy and it takes longer than greenery. It will help the environment and 15 minutes to do the framing - most of the it will have curb appeal. The people who are busy part of it is during the weekends. They whining about having to pay $2 and walk shouldn’t have those meters running during a few blocks, so what. If you want to go to a business, you go to the business.” the day.” Wilton Manors Mayor Justin Flippen said Cantiero likes the idea of Wilton Manors being narrowed to one lane. He lives in a the narrowing project has been planned for condo above his business and said he has more than a decade. “Once FDOT is complete we will have seen many bad accidents due to speeding more of a viable main street where motorists right below his home. “I have seen nasty accidents — one guy won’t just race through the heart of the city lost control at 5 a.m. and hit a palm tree and while pedestrians have their hearts race as knocked down a lamp post. Another time they risk their safety getting from one side a guy flipped over on the corner of Wilton of the road to the other,” Flippen said. “We’ll Manors Drive and Ninth Avenue,” said have improved sidewalks and crosswalks for Cantiero, who’s been in business 11 years. pedestrians, better bicycle lanes, and more of a tree canopy - all to create “Making it one lane in each a more inviting business direction is not going to allow corridor to which residents people to go crazy and drive “Making it one can walk from their homes like maniacs.” lane in each and a destination to which He thinks a parking garage direction is not visitors will include in their would be a good solution to travel to come and spend time the city’s parking woes. going to allow shopping, dining, or exploring “Parking issues in the city people to go our nightlife, art galleries, and continue to get worse. It’s crazy and drive museums.” always been bad,” he said. The road reconfiguration Down the street at To the like maniacs.” is expected to take about a Moon vintage candy, gift and - Maciel Cantiero year. After completion, the novelty shop, owner Antonio Gallery XO co-owner landscape/streetscape phase Dums has been watching the of the project will commence. road narrowing project with The construction and landscaping phases interest. He thinks it is a great thing and can’t wait can’t be done simultaneously because state rules don’t permit two phases of the same for it to be complete. “I am for it because it is going to slow traffic, project to occur at the same time. The state of Florida and the Metropolitan save lives and make the businesses more visible,” said Dums, whose store has been at Planning Organization are paying for the 2205 Wilton Drive for 14 years. “It works on approximately $5-6 million project. The city of Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale and it works on Wilton Manors will pay for the streetscaping A1A in Lauderdale-By-the-Sea. The smaller in downtown Wilton Manors. WMG
Have you joined the Gazette’s Facebook group? Visit Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette to join the discussion. The Gazette welcomes feedback for its community initiative. Email Jason. Parsley@sfgn.comwith comments, suggestions, etc.
• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • •
December 5, 2018
Dog Obedience and Rally Training By J.R. Davis
On Thursday Nights from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. the Doberman Rescue League, inc. hosts its all breed obedience and Rally Training Classes at the basketball courts in hagen park. For more information, call 954-563-7061 or visit doberescue.net/all-breed-obedience-classes.
To see more photos and news from WMG, join us at Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette
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December 5, 2018
12.5.2018 •
Nown... Ope
The Grille on the Drive!
By J.R. Davis
The Grille, a budding new restaurant that has taken the place of Tropics, has already shown — with its range of flavor and sound — that it can easily stand on its own. Check it out for yourself at 2000 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors.
To see more photos and news from WMG, join us at Facebook.com/groups/ WMGazette
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34
1 2.5.2018
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December 5, 2018
Wilton Manors to Host Holiday Spectacular By Nick Adkins
Outside Richardson Park Manor House. Photo via Facebook.
A holiday concert on Dec. 10, 7 p.m., will help to herald in the season when the Wilton Manors Business Association (WMBA) in conjunction with the City of Wilton Manors, presents “Holiday Spectacular In The Park” with sensational international vocalist Jonathan Hawkins and friends. “This family friendly outdoor concert is the perfect way to celebrate the holidays! With all of your favorite holiday classics, performed under the stars in Wilton Manors’ own, Richardson Park!” according to the Eventbrite description. The Holiday Spectacular will be featuring “America’s Got Talent’s” Yoli Mayor, The Bombshell’s Heather Lundstedt, and internationally celebrated tenor Jonathan Hawkins, who will also direct the evening. In addition, there will be appearances from an array of local talent, including Tommy Paduano, LeNora Jaye, Antonio Edwards, as well as Jennifer McClain (2017 & 2018 SFGN Best Artist/Musician). The event will offer VIP tickets with guaranteed premium seating, admission to pre-event cocktail reception (from 6 until 7) and live entertainment, along with a meet & greet with the performers! VIP Table Sponsorship has premium seating directly in front of stage and can seat up to 8 guests, as well admission to the pre-event cocktail reception, as well has a meet and greet with the event’s performers. “‘America’s Got Talent’s’ Yoli Mayor, The Bombshell’s Heather Lundstedt, and internationally celebrated tenor Jonathan Hawkins, who will also direct the evening, will attend the Meet and Greet,” Peter Jackson said on behalf of the WMBA. “Local
performers Tommy Paduano, LeNora Jaye, Antonio Edwards, as well as Jennifer McClain are also expected to participate.” General Admission allows individuals and/or families to bring their own chairs, blankets, and even picnics to set up in the great lawn to enjoy the evening’s festivities. This is an open-air, family concert with adult seating as low as $15, kids under 12 free. Proceeds for the evening will benefit the Wilton Manors Children’s Fund. “The holidays are about children. The Wilton Manors Business Association chose the Wilton Manors Children’s Fund to be the beneficiary for this reason,” Peter Jackson said. Performer and director Jonathan Hawkins directed and performed around the world from the Cathedal of Notre Dame in Paris to the Lincoln Center in New York. Hawkins has become one of the most sought after crossover tenors with his “tour de force” voice. Hawkins last appeared in South Florida as the artistic director of Our Night Out, as well as performances at GLBX’s Artopia, El Tucán in Miami, and Andrea Bocelli’s- One Night in Central Park Revisited at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. “To produce what hopefully will become an annual tradition for the first time in Richardson Park, is a great honor. But what is even more exciting is the line up of talent I’ll be joined by,” Hawkins said. “This community is so lucky to have some remarkable local artists, and I am overjoyed to share the stage with them, for what is surely to be an incredible evening, filled with holiday spirit!” WMG
• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • 7 •
December 5, 2018
12.5.2018 •
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
SPIRITUAL LISTINGS Divine Mercy Chapel 2749 NE 10th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-567-1930 - DivineMercy.church Service Time: Mass, Sunday 10:30am
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@stnicholasfl.org Service Times: Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. 33306 (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am
Christ Lutheran Church 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 www.christlutheranfl.org
Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service
SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Read our Spirituality Section to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.
1 2.5.2018
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Not just a congregation…a family! Rev. Dr. Deborah L. Geweke
Saints Francis and Clare CACINA Catholic
Saturday 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:30 AM CHRISTMAS EVE MASS: 10 PM CHRISTMAS DAY MASS: 10:30 AM 2300 NW 9th Ave, Powerline Rd. Wilton Manors, FL 33311 www.stsfrancisandclare.org
row in Faith, Serve Those in Need, and Draw All People to Christ.” We are Christ Lutheran Church…and this is our Mission Statement. That we have a mission statement at all is to guarantee, or at least seek to be, all that our Mission as a church calls us to be. It is why we refer to it in this introduction to the community we serve. At the heart of who we are is a worshipping community. We worship according to the ancient liturgical forms of the church which have been handed down and continually enhanced by gifted writers and musicians. Therefore the liturgy, that is, our worship service, is both at the same time historical and contemporary, joining us with all the faithful who have gone before us and paving the way for those who follow. The liturgy is drawn from the living Word of God and seasoned by the needs and concerns of our day. The service is vibrant and authentic, drawing our attention at all times out of ourselves and into the presence of God. The message is always about God’s love for us all and Christ Jesus empowering us to go into all the world bearing this good news to the world around us. While who we are as a congregation is grounded in worship, it is that worship that enables us to be who we are in and with the community we serve—particularly Wilton Manors, Oakland Park, and greater Ft. Lauderdale. Most importantly, in this service and as an indispensable element to who we are—as a congregation grounded in Christ, and formed in the Lutheran faith tradition—
we are a community that is welcoming and open to all. Which is why, among the images that you will see upon first entering our church, is the symbol of Reconciling in Christ. “The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program is for congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, and other Lutheran organizations. Lutheran communities that publicly welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are accepted onto the Reconciling in Christ Roster which now exceeds 813 settings” (www. reconcilingworks.org). Christ Lutheran Church is one among these gathering places where all are welcome to worship, gather for fellowship, join for education (both children and adults), and participate in service to the community (in the collection of food for donation as well as our monthly bazaars). Christ Lutheran is also a place where relationships are formed and fostered. Not only are all welcome, but all are brought into relationship with one another. We worship, serve, and laugh together. We enjoy our time together deepening our relationship with God, and with one another and we share in each other’s joys and comfort one another in times of sorrow. We are not just a congregation, we are family… one which on this and all other years comes home for the holidays. For, at Christ Lutheran Church, we are a family that is borne of the Holy Family—Mary, Joseph and our Lord Jesus—and we gather in a home to which all are invited, to turn and return to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Come and join the Christ of Christmas.
12.5.2018 •
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality
sacred journey Interfaith Seminary Rev. Lori Cardona
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1 2.5.2018
Free Notary Services
f you feel a deep inner calling to go further on your spiritual journey and believe in the teaching that; “The Truth is One, but the wise call it by various names” (Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadantiRig Veda 1.164.46) Then perhaps.....Interfaith Ministry is for you!!! Sacred Journey Interfaith Seminary is the only Interfaith and InterSpiritual seminary of its kind in South Florida and the southeastern states. Sacred Journey Interfaith Seminary is a two year professional training program designed to prepare people to serve the spiritual needs and lives of others. We provide extensive guidance, direction, training, and education in the areas of introspection and spiritual growth by way of exposure to Mystery Schools, Eastern Religions, Western Religions, Earth Based Religions, Theological and Humanistic Perspectives, and Ministry as a Vocation. The Vision of Sacred Journey Interfaith Seminary is the education, graduation and ordination of students as Interfaith (Interspiritual/Inner-Faith) Clergy (Clerics/ Ministers) who are dedicated to a new world vision of spiritually-based living, in practice
and in service to others. The 2 Year Path to Sacred Service that leads to ordination as an Interfaith/InterSpiritual Minister is based on a four prong learning paradigm of WISDOM — First year students explore the major tenets and beliefs of various religions and faith path. ENERGY — All seminarians experience energetic and metaphorical elements of faith practices. RITUAL — Introduction to the rites, rituals, and symbology of religions REFLECTION — Process of introspection and contemplation on the sacred path of spiritual development and growth. We represent a new era in spirituality. Check us out today so that you can be a part of the spiritual leadership of tomorrow. www.sacredjourneyinerfaithseminary.org. Sacred Journey Interfaith Seminary has met all of the requirements through the Florida Department of Education, Commission for Independent Education under the Fl Statute 1005.06 (1) (f) and Rule 6E-5.001 pursuant to religious institutions.
Classes meet monthly, in person, starting in January For more information, call one of our founding Deans/Directors: Rev. Dr. Grace Telesco 917-579-3750
Rev. Dr. Lori Cardona 954-632-0605
Soup or Salad CHOICE OF ONE Fisherman's Chowder Caesar Salad Strawberry Fields.
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12.5.2018 •
Two Guys and a Dog
The Way We Were
Brian McNaught launches new column for SFGN Brian McNaught
wo guys and a dog started for us in 1976, when I drove from Detroit, with my Irish Setter, Jeremy, and met my husband, Ray, in Boston. I was 28, he was 25, Jeremy was 2. I’m now nearly 71, Ray will be 68 on his next birthday, and our Labradoodle, Lincoln, will be 2 on New Year’s Day. When we met, Ray and I had no sense of what aging for us might be like. It wasn’t even on our radar. Aging is what one’s parents and grandparents do, along with old TV and movie stars. We were vigorous, happy dancers and warriors in the gay movement, both poor but ecstatic. We cried 11 years later when we put Jeremy to sleep on Halloween, and buried him in our yard in Gloucester. We had stepped up in life, living in a mini-estate, furnished with some of the same treasures we had found in the rafters of antique shops, but adding to them such things as club chairs upholstered in high end designer fabrics. Ray worked for Lehman Brothers and I was the mayor of Boston’s Liaison to the Gay Community. We hosted dinners in our home for people with AIDS in 1983, as well as all of the gay Democratic luminaries in the state, and we purchased a yellow Lab puppy. Young Brit helped us continue to imagine ourselves as youthful, with walks in the woods, and Ray is retired, Brian McNaught (right) thrown balls on the beach, but we more holding his dog Lincoln next I’m semipreoccupied with the image of living to his partner Ray. well than we were more aware and retired, and Photo via Facebook. grateful for what we actually had. in our clearly It was so painful for us to put Brit down at 15 that Ray swore we’d never aging bodies, get another dog. By then, we had two Love, and then to the Universe. Raised Catholic, that nothing that happens outside of the present moment we’re very homes, one in Provincetown and the we’d probably be labeled today as Taoist. has significance, including all of the aforementioned other in New York, San Francisco, Ray hopes he dies before Lincoln, not because reasons for gratitude. aware of how Naples, and then Fort Lauderdale. We he hates life but because he loves Lincoln, and Ray now is significantly disabled by all the metal, wires, privileged sold the Provincetown place after 16 can’t bear the thought of watching another dog and battery packs in his back, all trying to relieve him of years, and bought in the Adirondacks of look him in the eyes as he’s given an injection, pain, but causing as much as they cured, if not more. We we’ve been in New York. Thirteen years after Brit was and then buried on a piece of property we keep don’t travel easily, nor dance, nor make love, the latter our lives. buried in our yard in Provincetown, Ray leaving. more to do with the medicinal drugs we take than the pain relented and we brought Lincoln into In the beginning, as mentioned, in our young we’re both in. our lives. bodies, we were grateful for the bounty of our Where did 42 years go? But, here we are, two guys and a We have a lot of nice stuff north and south, and Lincoln lives, starting with our mutual love, our close friends, dog, now focused on the final years of our lives, and of how is the first dog allowed to sit on it. He actually sits wherever the family members we were speaking to, recovery from possibly they will be our best. I like being my age, despite he wants, which is often where I sit. He sees me coming alcohol addiction, world travel, successful careers, and my awareness that I’ll probably grieve the deaths of Lincoln and up on the sofa or bed he leaps, not in defiance but to princely living. Now our gratitude is about becoming aware and Ray, before others grieve mine. get my attention and make me laugh. Ray is retired, I’m semi-retired, and in our clearly aging bodies, we’re very aware of how privileged we’ve been in our lives. For 42 years, as our friends will attest, Ray and Brian McNaught has been a leading educator on LGBTQ issues globally since 1974. He has I have held hands at dinner, and expressed gratitude for made his many books and DVDs available for free at Brian-McNaught.com. The New York what we had. When we first met, we prayed to God, then to
Times named him “The Godfather of gay diversity training.
1 2.5.2018
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12.5.2018 •
in memoriam
South Florida Gay News
Photos via Facebook.
SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews
Friends and Fans Mourn the Loss of
Deja Devonier
celebration of life for Deja Devonier is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 10 at Lips in Fort Lauderdale. The service is from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. To celebrate Deja this service should be vibrant, inspirational, funny, and fierce, just like Deja. Deja passed away last month. She is best known for her residences at Lips, Boardwalk, Boom, Bill’s Filling Station, Spiderweb, and Monkey Business – impressing countless fans with her out-ofthis- world Tina Turner routine. Deja will be missed for her kindness and humor. Throughout her long career, Deja won pageant titles such as Miss Stonewall, Miss Unite, Miss Florida Continental, Miss Boardwalk, Miss Torpedo, and several others. With all the sashes and crowns, Deja still lived with an attitude of gratitude—always quick to thank everyone who played a role in her success. That included her family, countless friends, and fellow drag queens including Velvet Lenore, Nikki Adams, and Champagne Bordeaux. Her friends supported her with love and kindness throughout her illness. Back in April, the ladies of Lips held an event to benefit Deja. Friends said they are heartbroken by her passing. “Deja was just the kind of person that lived to put a smile on people’s faces,” said friend Brian Suthers. “She was part of the original Lips family, and pretty much anywhere she worked she became family. She was always there for others, which
1 2.5.2018
Denise Royal
makes it hard that she was very private about her own battle. I think it’s because Deja wanted people to remember her in that sassy, upbeat performer sort of way.” Just like her Facebook said, “being me to the fullest” was one of her jobs. She wasn’t a drag queen or a female impersonator, she was an entertainer and lived “her life to her fullest.”
On Dec. 10, the doors at Lips will open at 7 p.m. Lips is located at 1421 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale.
Edwin Neimann
Business SPOtlight
We know Insurance, because We Insure Florida.
hances are by now you have noticed the new Title and Abstract Agency office in the Zig Zag building on Wilton Drive, or have come across one of their ubiquitous ads. Maybe you even stopped in to say hi to Ray Fennon and check out their beautiful space. Ray comes to Title & Abstract after more than 20 years serving our community at a Wilton Manors law firm. Ray is delighted to bring his talents to Title & Abstract Agency and looks forward to many more years of service to our community. If you are a realtor, real estate broker, mortgage broker, money lender or attorney, it will definitely be worth your time to go visit Ray. He guarantees he will be able to beat any other title insurance company’s transactional fee while still providing fantastic customer service to you and your clients! And if you are a buyer, tell your realtor to get title fee quotes from Ray as well. It could save you a lot of money. Have Ray provide food and beverage at your next ‘brokers open house’
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Chronic illnesses, and HRT. receive outstanding service and expertise. For more than 20 years clients have trusted Title and Abstract Agency to successfully process over 70,000 orders. The attorney owned and operated affiliated title agencies and law firms represent the most selective underwriters in 31 states. When in need of title services, that level of experience matters! A. Howard Howard A. A.A.A. Howard Howard Title and Abstract Agency takes pride in providing their clients with exceptional Grossman, MD customer service in all their business MD lines, including commercial and residential Grossman, MD an, Grossman, Grossman, MD MD transactions. As a full-service and bilingual title agency with locations throughout the NOW NOW state of Florida, Title and Abstract offers value, convenience and unparalleled expertise! NOW NOW ACCEPTING Give Ray a call or stop by anytime to talk with Ray about how he can save your clients ACCEPTING NG ACCEPTING ACCEPTING NEW money and make the experience of buying real estate stress free. It will be worth your NEWPATIENTS. PATIENTS. time! TIENTS. NEW PATIENTS. NEW PATIENTS. CALL TODAY!
Title & Abstract is also hiring all positions. Call Ray for details. 2201 Wilton Drive, Suite 11 Wilton Manors, FL 33305
office: 954-884-8555 direct: 954-529-0429
2500 954-530-8357 NE 15th Ave | Wilton Manors, FL 33305
954-530-8357 954-530-8357 2500 NE 15th Ave | Wilton Manors, FL 33305
33305 25002500 NE 15th NE Ave 15th Ave | Wilton | Wilton Manors, Manors, FL 33305 FL 33305 12.5.2018 •
lifestyle bata’s beats
Mariah Carey’s Comeback Album Her latest masterpiece is her best since ‘The Emancipation Of Mimi’ John Bata
ariah is currently immersed in yet another comeback with her compact and refreshingly experimental 15th studio album – “Caution.” It is her best since 2005’s Grammy nominated masterpiece, “The Emancipation Of Mimi.” Emancipation was also a return to greatness following some down years after her “breakdown” and widely panned film – “All That Glitters” accompanied by the soundtrack that happened to be released on Sept. 11. That album very recently hit number one on iTunes - 17 years after its release fueled by her loyal fan base (Lambs) with the hashtag #JusticeForGlitter. I mean, who does something like that? Mariah. Always the trailblazer. Vocally speaking, in her more recent live performances, the minuscule amount that Mariah may have lost in clarity and confidence, she has gained in grit and character. Is she as good as she was in say 1996, when she could step on stage and effortlessly and clear as a bell belt out her classics, “Emotions,” “Love Takes Time,” “Hero,” or “One Sweet Day?” That is up for debate. Does it matter though? She is still one of the best singers and songwriters alive and has nothing left to prove. When it comes to songwriting, it is like Mariah goes in once in a while and mines her mind and returns with precious gems. This year she was thankfully finally nominated for the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Recently, Mariah had been the brunt of a lot of negative press due to abruptly ending her performance on New Year’s Eve 2016 and before that there was the debacle that was “American Idol,” which probably wasn’t the best career choice. Many have questioned whether she
can still sing, because of a string of performances where she was accused of lip synching. But, she redeemed herself last New Year’s Eve by bravely returning to the scene of the “crime,” with no tea no less, and performed live in 9 degree weather proving that - yes she can still sing. One thing constant about Mariah is that she does not give up. On “Caution,” we have 10 new songs that by the end left me wanting more. On the bop “A No No” she informs an unfortunate that, “I ain’t even mad, no not like before. Off with your head, now slither out the door. Snakes in the grass it’s time to cut the lawn,” as her voice criss-crosses like a musical ninja, octave to octave, note to note. When it comes to “the voice,” if Mariah were a roller coaster, she would be the world’s tallest, and fastest and most thrilling. Personal favorites include the sensual mystery of “Caution,” the experimental darkness of “Giving Me Life” featuring Slick Rick and Blood Orange, the deepness of “The Distance” ft. Ty Dolla $ign/ produced by Skrillex and of course another downtempo bop - “With You.” The most introspective song on the album - “Portrait” - is the closing track and probably the best on the album and chord wise reminds of something that would fit in on Stevie Wonder’s classic album “Innervisions.” In it she asks longingly “Where do I go from here?” We can only hope there will be much more to come from this great artist. “Caution” is one of the best albums of the year.
When it comes to “the voice” if Mariah were a roller coaster, she would be the worlds tallest, and fastest and most thrilling.
1 2.5.2018
John Bata is a local DJ/music producer, writer, artist, photographer. He currently lives in Wilton Manors.
Mariah Carey. Photo via @MariahCarey, Twitter.
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equality in israel. Equality for Israel.
On Nov. 28, the organization A Wider Bridge, which works together to promote LGBT equality in Israel, hosted a house party in Fort Lauderdale with the courteous help of Drew Tabatchnick and Ira Baer. For more info, visit awiderbridge.org. J.R. Davis
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 46
1 2.5.2018
Edwin Neimann
f you have yet to start your shopping, you have just under three weeks to find something for everyone on your Holiday list (don’t panic). But why fight the crowds at all the usual places like malls and retail chains? Why not try to find some special novelty items that really show you put some thought into your gifts? If you like that idea, then go check out all the inventory at 420 East Consignment, located at 420 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ask Kara or Kevin to show you around. They will give you the grand tour around their 4700 square foot showroom. In addition to furniture and accessories, you will find many smaller items that make perfect gifts. They also sell high end couture clothing and hats (420 EAST recently accessorized Mayor Resnick and his husband for the mayors last walk at the Wicked Manors Halloween event). Artist PUMP was called in to create The Game
Business SPOtlight
theme hats. Pump is also the featured Artist for 420 EAST until Feb 1st. With a store like this so close to home you can do all your Holiday shopping right here in Wilton Manors!
561-654-8648 420eastconsignment@gmail.com
12.5.2018 •
lifestyle photos
Miami circuit festival On nov. 25, LaLeche Beach Party got lit at Lummus Park in Miami as a part of the Circuit Festival. J.R. Davis
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 48
1 2.5.2018
Feature pets
one of a Kind
After having a home his entire life, five-year-old Sonny (ID 602194) was given up because his family decided they had too many pets. Sonny is a plump fellow and weighs 18 pounds… he could benefit from losing a few pounds. This fellow is mellow, enjoys relaxing and gets along with well-mannered dogs, however other felines scare him. If you’re looking for a feline to hang on the couch with you and watch Netflix, Sonny could be the guy for you.
The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $100 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.
12.5.2018 •
F O R T H E W E E K O F D ece m ber 6 - D ece m ber 1 1 , 2 0 1 8 • W W W . S F G N . C O M J.W. Arnold
Christmas Belles
concert Iconic singer and songwriter Barry Manilow puts his personal touch on all your favorite holiday songs in “A Very Barry Christmas,” tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the American Airlines Arena in Miami. In addition to a visit from Santa, we hear Manilow will make it snow, also. When was the last time it snowed in Miami? Don’t miss this special holiday concert. Tickets start at $55.75 at Ticketmaster.com.
dance Miami City Ballet transports audiences to a dazzling winter wonderland in the new production of “George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker,” opening tonight at 7 p.m. at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Step into the magical world of toy soldiers, colorful characters, and the enchanting “Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy,” set to the music of Tchaikovsky performed by a live orchestra. Tickets at MiamiCityBallet.org.
Tune in to VH1 tonight for the one-hour “RuPaul’s Drag Race Holi-slay Spectacular.” Franchise favorites Eureka O’Hara, Jasmine Masters, Kim Chi, Latrice Royale, Mayhem Miller, Shangela, Sonique and Trixie Mattel will compete for the title of America’s first “Drag Race Christmas Queen.” Michelle Visage, Ross Mathews, and Todrick Hall will join RuPaul on the judging panel. Check local listings for channels and show times. Photo Credit: Viacom.
12/8 SUN
12/9 MON
12/10 TUE
The Arsht Center in Miami hosts the world premiere this weekend of “Sleeping Beauty Dreams,” a contemporary art exploration of the age-old fable, featuring global prima ballerina Diana Vishneva performing as Princess Aurora and Tony Award nominee Desmond Richardson as Prince Peter in an incredible fusion of dance, music, art, and revolutionary 3-D digital technology. Tickets at ArshtCenter.org.
Put on your Sunday best and get ready to party because singer and “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Erika Jayne brings her “Pretty Mess” tour to Revolution Live, 100 S.W. 3rd Ave. in Fort Lauderdale, tonight at 9 p.m. The singer, who last appeared in South Florida in 2017 at Pride Fort Lauderdale, promises an evening of “fantasy, love, escape, glitz, glamour and fun.” Tickets are $40 at Ticketmaster.com.
Welcome to Downton Abbey. If you were a fan of the soapy Masterpiece series about British aristocracy, then you can’t miss “Downton Abbey the Exhibition,” on display through April at CityPlace, 575 S. Rosemary in West Palm Beach. See the original costumes, sets and props, along with multimedia presentations and interactive encounters with the residents. Tickets are $35 at DowntonExhibition.com.
Charles Busch, the famed drag legend and writer and star of “Vampire Lesbians of Sodom,” “Psycho Beach Party” and “Die Mommie Die” comes to Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 W. Clematis St. in West Palm Beach today at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. for live interviews “with music.” The appearances are part of the company’s “Dramalogue: Talking Theatre!” program. Tickets are $25 at PalmBeachDramaworks.org.
1 2.5.2018
DECEMBER 7-31, 2018
The Super Soul Musical “The Wiz” is a glorious musical retelling of Frank Baum’s “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” set in the context of African-American culture. With an infectious funky soul score and lyrics by Charlie Smalls and winner of seven Tony Awards, The Wiz brings a renewed relevance to a timeless classic unlike anything Broadway has ever seen! Ticket Prices are $48 & $58 Buy three tickets and get one free. Promo code WIZB3G1F
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A&E theater
43rd Concert Season!
“Sordid Lives” creator Del Shores brings his new oneman show to Empire Stage this weekend. Photo Credit: Jason Grindle.
Gloria Vivaldi’s
Del Shores has More Sordid Tales to Tell Including Holiday Favorites: “Ding Dong! Merrily on High” “We Three Kings” “Silent Night” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” John Rutter’s “What Sweeter Music” and more!
NOVA SINGERS Under the Direction of Chuck Stanley and featuring the Dillard Chorale of Dillard Performing Arts High School PRESENTED BY
DECEMBER 7, 2018 FRIDAY • 8:00 pm SUNSHINE CATHEDRAL 1480 SW 9th Ave Fort Lauderdale 33315 $5/students; $15/advance tickets; $20/person at the door Advance discounted tickets available by credit card from our website nova.edu/novasingers and will be held at will call/front door. To pay by cash or check request tickets via email at NovaSingers@Nova.edu NOVA.EDU/NOVASINGERS
1 2.5.2018
J.W. Arnold
el Shores is best known as a writer, the creator of LGBT cult favorites “Sordid Lives” and “Southern Baptist Sissies.” But now, he’s also taking his turn on stage in a new show, “Six Characters in Search of a Play,” opening at Fort Lauderdale’s Empire Stage this weekend. “The hardest thing about this show— having turned 60 last year—was memorizing my own material!” Shores said in a phone interview. “Six Characters in Search of a Play” is a riff of sorts on Pirandello’s classic title, Shores explained, a one-man show that brings to life six one-of-a-kind characters he has met in real life, but haven’t already quite made it into one of his plays, films or TV shows. It was his friend Ann Walker, the actress who created the role of LaVonda for the “Sordid Lives” movie and series, who suggested he assemble the quirky characters into a show. “You’ve got to put them into something,” she urged him while the duo toured with Shores’ latest work, “A Very Sordid Wedding” with director Emerson Collins. In 90 minutes, the audience will learn the truth about these eccentrics as he portrays his hilarious, off-the-rails encounters with each. The audience will meet “Yvonne,” the antivegetarian Dallas waitress; “Sarah,” a Trumphating elderly actress with an inhaler in one hand and a cigarette in the other; “Jimmy Ray,” the evolving, Magic Mike-loving latent Georgia redneck; “Loraine,” the once-brilliant drama teacher who has lost her damn mind and is now obsessed with porn; “Marsha,” the
monkey-hating lesbian with COPD; and “Aunt Bobby Sue,” the racist Republican with a heart of gold. One character, Loraine, is particularly close to Shores. That crazy woman was modeled after his own mother, a brilliant drama teacher who also suffered from mental illness and descended into opioid addiction. While there are plenty of laughs to be had, he also tapped into the kinds of personal emotional experiences that made Ty one of the most popular characters in his “Sordid Lives” works. “I draw from the same well. I write what I know [and] I know what my fans like,” Shores admitted. “When I tell my stories, they’re sometimes people who are left behind, the waitress or the beautician in that small Texas town. I’ve been told over and over again, I know that person, that’s my mom, that’s my aunt.” With more than 50 performances under his belt, he’s becoming more comfortable with that whole “acting thing.” “It’s been a crazy busy year, but I’ve loved it. I started as an actor and this show really took me back full circle,” he said. “I was known as a writer and director and now I’ll be judged as a performer. L.A. was very daunting for me, being reviewed by the same people who gave me great reviews for my writing.” Shores is looking forward to his stage debut in Fort Lauderdale: “I love Fort Lauderdale. I was so excited when Empire Stage reached out to me…the shows are selling well and I want to thank everyone for supporting my sordid career.”
“Six Characters in Search of a Play” written by and starring Del Shores will be performed Dec. 6 – 16 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at DelShores.com.
12.5.2018 •
A&E music
Gay Choruses Spotlight Stars, Soloists J.W. Arnold
ocal gay men’s choruses will sing in the holiday season with special programs celebrating anniversaries and featuring big-name stars. Here are some highlights of the seasonal concerts ahead:
Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus
Miami Gay Men’s Chorus
The Original Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus continues its 30th anniversary celebration with, “Season’s Greetings from FTLGMC,” on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. at All Saint’s Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale. Founder and artistic director Dr. Gary Keating will lead the 30-voice chorus in a multi-cultural program including many beloved Christmas favorites, as well as new Hanukkah music. The chorus will offer the regional premiere of the moving “Bash Ha Nah Habah” and a rocking “Boogie Woogie Hanukkah.” “So many Hanukkah songs are written for children, so it’s great to find music written for adults,” Keating explained. As always, there will also be plenty of opportunities for theatrics and audience participation throughout the program, both chorus traditions. “We don’t do everything by the book,” Keating explained, noting the continued growth of the chorus (from 14 singers six years ago) and sold out concerts last season. “We have a wonderful group of men who appreciate being together AND making music.”
The Miami Gay Men’s Chorus will revisit many of the biggest hits from their previous holiday concerts in “Naughty and Nice: 20 Years of Holiday Favorites” on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. at Miami Shores Presbyterian Church and Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. at Coral Gables Congregational Church in Coral Gables. “We’ve compiled the chorus’s favorite songs, tidbits from all of our holiday concerts. We have the nice—classical and traditional pieces—and the naughty, like, ‘The Davey Dinkle Song,’ about the little boy who pees in the snow, but ultimately saves Christmas,” said artistic director Anthony Cabrera. Audiences can also expect a hilarious return appearance from the headmistress of “Miss Twinkleton’s School for Sensitive Boys,” and a nod to one of the most popular holiday programs in recent years, “The Nutcracker: Men in Tights.” “It’s a really fun program,” he said, “with something for everyone.”
Tickets for “Season’s Greetings from FTLGMC” are available at TheFtLGMC.org.
The Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus performing at the Galleria. Photo via Facebook.
1 2.5.2018
Tickets for “Naughty and Nice: 20 Years of Holiday Favorites” are available at MGMChorus.org. The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida returns to the Hard Rock for their big holiday concert featuring Broadway and television Matthew Morrison. Photo via Matthew-Morrison.net.
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida The 150-voice Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida welcomes Broadway and television star Matthew Morrison (“Glee,” “Finding Neverland”) to the stage of the Hard Rock Event Center at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. Artistic director Harold Dioquino is practically giddy about the opportunity to share the stage with Morrison. Long before planning for the concert formally began, Dioquino envisioned him as the perfect guest artist for that holiday event. “It’s sort of like a dream come true,” Dioquino admitted. “Matthew is such a talented performer and he has quite a
following from ‘Glee.’ I know the chorus is going to enjoy working with him. The audience will love him, too.” In addition to the Hard Rock performance, the chorus will present a similar program, “The Heart of the Holidays”—without Morrison—at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. Tickets for “Holidays at Hard Rock” and “The Heart of the Holidays” are available at GayMensChorusOfSouthFlorida.org.
The Gay Men’s Chorus of the Palm Beaches The Voices of Pride’s annual holiday show Voices of the Season takes place Dec. 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lake Worth. This year the chorus celebrates 15 years. Check their website VoicesOfPride.org for more information on tickets.
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Theater Tucker Berardi
Madrigal Dinner
Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 100 NE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton.Cocktails, dinner and a show! Eat a holiday feast in ye-olde dress. Following dinner, a concert of seasonal and madrigal music will entertain guests. Guests are encouraged to dress in renaissance costume. Tickets are $100. Visit fau.edu/madrigal
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
December 5 - December 11 broward county
Photo courtesy of Hamilton.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county Madrigal Dinner
Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 100 NE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton. Cocktails, dinner and a show! Eat a holiday feast in ye-olde dress. Following dinner, a concert of seasonal and madrigal music will entertain guests. Guests are encouraged to dress in renaissance costume. Tickets are $100. Visit fauf.edu/madrigal
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
HAMILTON Offers Public Lottery for Tickets Tickets for Hamilton are expected to be in high demand when the show opens at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts on Dec. 18. The award-winning production of the national tour will run through Jan. 20. The production has announced the procedure for acquiring tickets through a public lottery. Forty (40) tickets will be sold for every performance for $10 each. The digital lottery will open at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 16 for tickets to the Tuesday, Dec. 18 performance.
Subsequent digital lotteries will begin two days prior to each performance. To enter, use the official app for HAMILTON, now available for all iOS and Android devices in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. You can also visit HamiltonMusical.com/ Lottery to register. Read the details on line. No purchase or payment is necessary to enter or participate. Each winning entrant may purchase up to two (2) tickets.
miami-dade county Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-3753000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Full Charge Bookkeeping Services
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustThe-Funny.com.
* Denotes New Listing 56
1 2.5.2018
T: 954.678.1074 | F: 954.938.2127 AMERICANPAINEXPERTS.COM medicare & private insurance accepted 12.5.2018 •
PORN pulse
December 5 December 11
Tucker Berardi
Top Picks *GLLN Holiday Party
Thursday, December 6 at XES, 2309 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors. Enjoy food, drinks and friends at this holiday networking event! Tickets cost $20,
Zoo Lights Miami Bryan Deneumostier. Photo via the Miami-Dade Police.
Man Tricked Straight Guys; Posted Secret Sex Films Online Sentenced to 3 years in prison
Hunter Houston
South Florida man was sentenced a cisgender “heterosexual female” named to three years in prison Monday for “Susan,” and posted ads on Craigslist taping himself having sex with at least seeking no-strings-attached flings near the 80 unsuspecting men to produce Internet Homestead Reserve Air Base. porn videos, according to The Miami Herald. “When the men ask for assurances that Bryan Deneumostier, 33, had admitted there are no cameras, [Deneumostier] to engaging in sex with 150 men, over half assured them that ‘she’s’ married to of which were unaware of someone in the Army and she his production of the videos, would never photograph or according to his plea agreement. video them,’” according to a law “It’s quite unusual and I can’t enforcement document. The say I’ve ever had one like this encounters were then taped on before,” said U.S. District Judge video and audio. Cecilia Altonaga. Deneumostier was initially The images were distributed arrested in July on charges of on “StraightBoyz,” a website making unlawful recordings claiming to feature videos of of commercial sex acts for an straight men being conned into adult website. having sex with other men, all According to The United while blindfolded or wearing States Department of Justice, blacked-out goggles for the Deneumostier actively helped - Victim site’s $35-a-month subscribers. operate StraightBoyz.net, The concept of straight men which featured 619 hookup being tricked, or paid, to have sex with other videos that he produced, for over the past men is not new or novel. This time though four years. the gimmick was real. Although Straightboyz is no longer in “My parents started looking at me a lot operation, many of the videos can still be differently — they actually saw the videos,” a viewed on other porn sites. victim told the judge. “I was a laughing stock. The Spain-based company running ... When I saw those tapes, I even attempted Straightboyz paid $3,000 a month to to take my own life.” Deneumostier, who was known by the Investigators said Deneumostier posed as screen name “susanleon33326.”
“When I saw those tapes, I even attempted to take my own life.”
Please email tips (or more, if you desire) to PornPulseSFGN@gmail.com
1 2.5.2018
November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami. Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami.org.
*Dinner & Dancing in Downtown
December 31 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores. Bring in the new year with some bubbly and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a five course meal and wine pairing. When the night nears midnight, get ready for dancing, music, the ball drop and more! Tickets $175. Visit mtcmiami.org.
Broward Support Services PFLAG
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county *Art of Wine & Food Series
Thursday, December 6 at 6 p.m. at the NSU art Museum, One East Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale. A pairing of small bites and wine while touring the museum — a great way to expand all palettes. Tickets $40. Visit nsuartmuseum.org.
The Men of Hollywood
December 5 to December 7 at the Claudia Castillo ART Studio, 2215 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Come see works by featured artist Adolfo Montalvo. Details at claudiacastilloARTstudio.com.
Arts and Crafts Wednesday Happy Hour
Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a two-for-one ‘freestyle’ painting session with hands on assistance as needed. Tickets $20. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com
Man2Man Discussion
Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact Lewis Shena at klezmerman2@gmail.com.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Man-ors. Get one-onone life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
Lauderdale Bridge Club Lessons and Games
Mondays at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 401 SE 15th St. in Fort Lauderdale. Join the club for bridge lessons and try your
December 5 - December 11 hand at some games. Cost $4. Call 610-4016475 or visit MarpleBridge-Club.com.
Care Resource Recovery Group
Mondays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Care Resource, 3160 NW Ninth St. in Oakland Park. A weekly meeting with licensed behavioral clinical counselors on healing one’s entire being in the recovery process. Visit CareResource.org.
Rest Your Mind
Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.
Proud Speakers
Mondays from 7:15 to 9 p.m. at The Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Join the Toastmasters to work on your communication and leadership skills. Call 954-900-4075, email tedverdone@ gmail.com, or visit Facebook.com/ proudspeakers2266.
palm beach county
*‘The Ties That Bind’ PhotoFest 2018
by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the 30 works by sixteen artists comprise the first-ever comprehensive exhibition of contemporary Japanese lacquer sculpture. They have all been drawn from the Clark Collections at Mia, the only collection in the world to feature this extraordinary new form. Tickets $9 to $15. Visit morikami.org.
*Mike Cady Experience
Family Nights with Food Truck Invasion
Friday, November 30 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Rd, West Palm Beach. See photos in a series that explore bonds not only physical, but metaphorical ties that constrain existence. Visit www. TheBoxGallery.info. Friday, November 30 at 8 p.m. at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. Mike Cady pulls jazz inspiration from Eddie Jefferson to Teddy Harris Jr.’s Bebop Society Jazz Orchestra. Visit ArtsGarage.org.
Coffee Clatch at Compass
First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth. A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in community projects. Free to attend, email joekolb@compassglcc.com fir details.
Hard Bodies: Contemporary Japanese Sculpture
September 29 to March 31 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Organized
Zoo Lights Miami
November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami. Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami.org.
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sunset Cove Amphitheater, 8802 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach. The event features rotating entertainment activities and a large collection of food trucks on site! Admission is free.
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
miami-dade county
key west
*Dinner & Dancing in Downtown
December 31 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores. Bring in the new year with some bubbly and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a five course meal and wine pairing. When the night nears midnight, get ready for dancing, music, the ball drop and more! Tickets $175. Visit mtcmiami.org.
Aqua Idol
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.
* Denotes New Listing
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1 2.5.2018
SFGN Classified$ To place a Classified Ad, call us at 954.530.4970
accomodation wanted
LOOKING FOR Quiet Private Home/Apartment Single Gay Male, 70+, Looking For a 2 bedroom 1 bath. Close proximity to Wilton Manors or surrounding area. A/C, private entrance/cottage style home. Small Dog. I have excellent references. Call Doug 954.261.9073 or Email dtrncon@aol.com
WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.
HEADLIGHT RESTORATION - Headlights dull, cloudy or yellow? We make them clear again! Mobile Service. Call Joe for FREE ESTIMATE 954-494-0366
COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.
caregiver wanted Caregiver Needed for Elderly Gay Man - I'm an elderly gay man living with Parkinson looking for a friendly up beat individual to help me out with my daily activities. Requirements: Valid Drivers License • Flexible to work 10-16hr per week • Prepare meals • Laundry/House keeping • Assist with exercise - Ideal person must be strong to help with wheelchair transfers. Apply by letter outlining qualifications to taras1952@ outlook.com.
HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www. harryelectrician.com
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rental - miami Water Front Miami Shores Town House - 2 bed 2.5 bath. New renovation marble and wood flooring.... more than immaculate. Pool/tennis courts. $2,500 per month..2 occupant limit. Call Bobbie at 786-514-5075
rentals wilton manors Mike the rental guy - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park - 1/1 from $1090, 2/1 from $1250. Victoria Park - 1/1 from $1150, cable included. Credit & income Requirements - Pets okay with restrictions. Call for Details. Mike 561-703-5533 or miketherentalguy@aol.com
4390 Northlake Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410 www.K9SPA.us Voice: 561-622-5678 Text: 561-352-7808
employment wanted
SPECIAL HIRE NEEDED - Earn $45,000 per year. Experienced, self-motivated professional salesman needed. Work competitively in a highly flexible and relaxed LGBT-friendly environment. Fax resume to 954-530-7943.
employment positions wanted
Caregiver AVAILABLE - Serving our gay community for over 10 years. Respectful and caring. Excellent letters of recommendation. Antonio 954-599-3265
HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more! It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com GREGG’S PAINTING - Interior/Exterior. Free estimates, great rates! Detail-oriented, friendly, reliable, punctual and neat! No job too small. Broward & Palm Beach counties. 954-870-5972 | gmanbenn44@gmail.com
home improvement
Window Treatment - We offer a high-quality, modern window treatment solution for your home, whether manual or motorized, controlled with a simple remote. Hitech-shades will help and guide you to create a custom window treatment solution to your requirements. Our commercial division has been working with contractors, decorators, builders, architects and designers offering the best cost effective equation for them and their customers. We are your one-stop shop solution for roller shades and blinds. Web: www. Hitech-shades.com, email: Hitechshade@gmail.com Contact Haim- 954-398-3676
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scooter for sale 2015 Genuine Buddy - 49cc orange scooter, low mileage (1488) excellent condition. $1800. Rarely used. Text or call 954-336-1367. Clean Title.
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